Inventory of attachments in a valuable letter of Russian post. How to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt

  • 20.10.2019

09/26/2018, Sasha Bukashka

Description of the attachment - legally significant confirmation of the contents of the letter.

Russian Post offers several ways to send a letter with various additional options. Attachment inventory form 107 allows you to legally certify the content.

Why do I need an inventory of attachments in a letter

The Russian Post provides an inventory form not only to collect money. This happens if parcels or parcels disappear. But the contents of the letters can also be described. It would seem, what kind of liability can we talk about?

But the responsibility is still there, only legal. As a rule, the form of the postal inventory f. 107 download try to send documents to government agencies or for the purpose of official correspondence with partners or debtors. This paper (mailing list of attachments) becomes confirmation that:

  • the email with the specified content was indeed sent;
  • it happened on the date stamped;
  • the sender was the claimed person.

Such a letter should not be sealed at home. The post office worker must inspect what is inside it and compare with what is listed in the inventory. After that, he will certify with his signature and seal the list prepared by the sender.

Therefore, an inventory of documents (the form of the Russian Post) can act, for example, as evidence in court. It is required in case of sending a pre-trial claim or notification of unilateral termination of the contract.

Inventory of attachments (Russian Post): form

If you need a postal inventory, you can fill out and print the form directly on the Russian Post website. FULL NAME. It is better to specify in full in order to avoid controversial points.

The tabular part consists of three columns. In these three columns of the investment inventory, you need to indicate the names of the items, their quantity and declared value. Here are the main recommendations for filling them out:

  1. You can list both the names of the documents sent by letter, and the names of valuable things, if we are talking about a parcel or parcel. In the first case, the value is difficult to determine. It is enough to put a conditional amount (for example, one ruble).
  2. The quantity can be specified in relation to both copies of documents and the sheets contained in them (if the latter are not stitched and numbered).
  3. To add lines, you need to click on the “+” icon under the table as many times as necessary.
  4. After form 107 (Russian Post) is filled out, the form can be downloaded in finished form. To do this, click the blue button below.

If you are more familiar with the classic postal inventory, the 2018 Word form is also possible. You can also fill out the list by hand. However, this will have to be done twice: the form must be in duplicate. One will remain with the sender, another employee will place it in an envelope.

How to send an email with an attachment description

The completed inventory form and an open envelope must be brought to the department. There is an employee:

  • check the list against the content;
  • sign and seal;
  • will assign a tracking number (such a letter is always registered);
  • will issue a check with all the data.

When the recipient comes to the office for a letter, he can open it only in the presence of an employee. Together they will make sure that the shipment is complete. If something is missing, you will need to draw up an act to conduct an investigation and search for the loss. It lasts up to two months.


Further, just above the "to" field there is an item "Show all fields". Click on it with the left mouse button. You will see additional fields to fill out. On the same line with the "file" button, you will see two more items: "important" and "with notification". Put a checkmark in the box with notification". And send a letter.

The addressee, having received the letter, will confirm receipt of the letter. And you will immediately see this confirmation in your mailbox. After that, you will know for sure that your letter has been received and read. By the same principle of writing with notification can be sent to other postal services.


  • how to send email notifications

Custom letter differs from simple theme that he is assigned an identification number by which you can track his movement to the addressee. This number is recorded at each postal point where the envelope arrives. In case of loss of a letter, you can always find out at what stage the loss occurred.


To send an order letter, you must contact any branch of the Russian Post. There, in a special window, you can issue this departure.

To order letter accepted, present your passport to the post office employee. His data is entered into the database, and if the envelope does not reach the addressee, it will be returned to the sender. In addition to a civil passport, the following are accepted as certificates: - a military ID;
- international passport;
- certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a Deputy of the State Duma;
- resident card;
- passport or ID card with visa stamp Russian Federation.

Depending on how important documents you need to send, choose the type of envelope. They are ordinary, thin paper, and heavy-duty envelopes. The sizes of envelopes are very different, suitable for any item.

Decide if you need an inventory of the letter attachment. This is important when sending multiple documents. When filling out an inventory, contact the postal worker - he will tell you if this is correct, or he will fill out the inventory on his own, for an additional fee.

Be careful when writing the address. Do not forget the recipient's zip code and last name - these are the most common mistakes when sending. If your letter is sent abroad, keep in mind that other countries may have different address formats. Carefully rewrite streets and cities in a foreign language - the employee is unlikely to be able to check their correctness. Remember - letters with incorrectly written addresses are returned to the sender.

Consider whether you need a letter receipt notice. This is important if you need to know the exact date and time of receipt.

Once again check the completeness of the attachments, the correctness of the address and give the envelope and the letter itself to the postal worker. He will seal the envelope, weigh the letter and tell you the amount you have to pay for postage and additional services, if any.


Please note that the rules prohibit accepting especially valuable documents, money, credit cards for sending. All these valuables are sent by express delivery - for example, DHL.


  • Official site of the company "Post of Russia"

In order to send a letter or parcel by mail, you need to compose inventory investments. To do this, you must fill out a standard form that can be handwritten, printed on a computer or received by mail form 107. The inventory should include the name of the items, as well as their quantity and estimated value.

You will need

  • - inventory form 107;
  • - pen.


In order to compose inventory investments That's right, you need to fill out two forms. In the inventory, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee, postal code and postal address. Then, in a list, enter the names of the items or documents to be sent. In addition, be sure to indicate the quantity of each item and the amount of its assessment. When evaluating items, please note that the estimated value affects the amount of compensation that the sender receives in the event of the loss of the postal item accompanied by inventory Yu investments. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the amount of the assessment affects the amount of the insurance fee.

Each copy of the inventory form must be certified by the signature of the sender. If there are items in the inventory that are not valued by the sender, in the column "declared value" in front of these items, put a dash in both forms. If you wish, you may choose not to indicate the estimated value of items on the form intended for investments in the mail.

Further, both copies of the inventory are transferred to the postal worker, who must finalize the inventory. investments. The postal employee compares the entries in both forms of the inventory, then compares the correspondence between the address and the last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee indicated by the sender in the inventory and on the address label (on reverse side shells). After that, a comparison is made between the items included in the message and the entries in the inventory. investments. After that, the postal employee must verify the identity of the total amount investments and the declared value.

For each instance of the description investments an imprint of a calendar stamp, certified by the signature of the postal employee, is put. The first copy of the inventory is enclosed in the postal item, which is immediately sealed. The second copy together with the receipt is issued to the sender.


Postal inventory of the attachment: sample and form Form 107 is a document that describes all the items included in the shipment by name, quantity and value. This form is standardized and can be completed by hand or on a computer.

The option of such a design for sending is quite well in demand today. It is not difficult to fill out the inventory form; if necessary, you can additionally consult with a postal employee.

It is convenient to use this forwarding option to confirm the legal fact of sending or receiving any documents or material values. With the help of such a design, you can insure the shipment of items from material damage due to damage or complete loss of valuables.

In our today's review, we will consider in detail how to draw up such a document, how it works in practice, what rules it obeys and how to use it correctly.

Appointment of the inventory

The inventory of attachments makes it possible to clearly characterize the shipment, as it indicates the name of the attachments, their number and estimated value. Filling out the inventory, the sender lists the contents of the letter or parcel, clearly characterizing the items that he sends by mail. Then the postal employee, accepting the open shipment, checks the contents with the inventory, and, having controlled the sending of the contents, confirms this with his signature and postal stamp. Thus, the post office assumes responsibility for sending.

Further, the Russian Post is already financially responsible for the integrity and safety of the shipment along the entire route of the letter or parcel to the addressee. And in the event of opening or damage to the item along the way, the post office will have to pay compensation to the sender for the damage caused during the delivery of the item.

Thus, the inventory is a kind of document guaranteeing the receipt of compensation by the sender in case of loss or damage to the item. However, in order to compensate for the damage, in addition to the inventory, you will also need to attach the cash receipt of the departure, present your passport and fill out a special postal application for compensation.

The inventory can be used for the following types of shipments:

  • Letter
  • Parcel
  • Package.

When filling out the inventory, it must be taken into account that the indicated cost of investments affects:

  • on the amount of postage that will need to be paid when sending the item
  • the amount of compensation that can be claimed in case of loss or damage to the item.

The inventory is not so much of value. In addition, the inventory is of great legal importance, especially when it comes to sending letters. Sending letters with an inventory is an important legal fact that fixes the sending legally important documents on a specific date. Such fixation of an action already has a legal dimension, which is important for legal procedures (judicial, executive, etc.).

This method has already existed for a long time and, despite informatization, has not undergone any changes, it is the simplest and most accessible to absolutely everyone.

For example, tax code it is envisaged that taxpayers/tax agents send declarations to the Federal Tax Service in the form of a letter, with an inventory of the documents contained in it.

It is important to note that the attachment inventory service is valid only for shipments within Russia.

You can fill out the inventory either in the usual way by hand, or in a more convenient way - on a computer and then print 2 copies at once. Consider in detail the procedure for filling out the description of attachments:

  • First you need to specify the type of departure - letter, parcel, parcel
  • In the "To" line, the surname, full name and patronymic of the addressee, or the name of the organization or state department or institution are indicated
  • In the line "Where", as usual, the full postal address of the recipient of the shipment is indicated
  • Next, you need to fill out a table that describes the contents of the shipment. In the appropriate columns No. p / p and the name we indicate the names of the contents of the shipment and their numbers in order. In the quantity column, we put down the quantity of each item in the shipment. Care must be taken when filling out the cost column. Since the specified declared value of the item directly affects the receipt of the amount of compensation in case of loss or damage to the shipment. However, this cost also affects the amount of postage.

When specifying the value of attachments, it should be taken into account that the higher the value of each of the items, the higher the insurance postage fee, but also the higher the compensation for the loss of the item.

The insurance postal fee for a particular item can be calculated using postal calculators, which are available on the official postal website or on other information resources. Generally speaking, the postage fee will be approximately: 50 rubles for the assessment of the shipment, plus 4% of your total assessment of the shipment.

If the assessment of investments is not provided, dashes are put in the corresponding columns for indicating the price.

  • Having filled in all the required lines, you need to sum up the total quantitative results of the enclosed items, indicate their total cost in the line provided for this, at the bottom of the mail form. General results are written in numbers, for example: “6 sheets, 46 rubles” or just numbers opposite the corresponding columns.

If full list does not fit on one sheet of the inventory form, you need to take another form, fill in the upper part of the next form in the same way, continue filling out the table. In this case, on each sheet it is necessary to indicate the number of the inventory sheet and the total number of sheets: “Sheet 1 of 2”, “Sheet 2 of 2”.

  • At the bottom of the inventory, in the line “Sender” reserved for the signature of the sender, you must put your signature.

The postal inventory forms are filled out in 2 copies, one is then enclosed in the shipment, and the other, after being certified by the mail employee, remains with the sender.

Empty rows of the table can be crossed out with the symbol "Z".

For investments without evaluation, a dash is placed in the final line opposite the corresponding column.

Important: Corrections to the postal description are not allowed.

Regulations for sending a shipment with an inventory

Postal regulations require postal employees to verify the following:

  • The item with the description must be submitted to open form;
  • The sender must provide an inventory in 2 copies and corrections are not allowed;
  • The postal employee compares both copies of the inventory;
  • The addressee's data must completely match in the inventory and on the postal package;
  • The postal employee checks the items being sent and their names in the inventory. The name of the items, their quantity and assessment should not raise questions;

It is generally considered that the name must be legally significant, and the assessment "plausible". If the item is not graded, then a dash should be put in the corresponding column of the inventory.

  • If everything is fully consistent, the employee puts his signature, writes his position and puts a postal stamp with an index and date;
  • One copy of the inventory is placed in the registered item on top of the items it contains;
  • Next, the employee seals the shipment and formalizes its dispatch in the mail database.
  • The second copy of the inventory is given to the sender in his hands, also with the signature of the employee and a postal stamp.

An additional postage fee is charged from citizens for checking the inventories included in the parcels. For verification of inventories and registered valuable postal items, legal entities are charged a fee.

The poisoning has been collected, the inventory has been completed, now we need to send our letter, parcel or parcel by mail. When receiving a shipment in an open form, the postal employee, first of all, compares its contents with the inventory. If everything exactly matches and there are no complaints about the completed inventory in two copies, then both copies of the inventory are certified by a postal stamp with an imprint of the date and postal code, and the signature of a postal employee. If the postal employee has no complaints about the contents of the item and the design of the inventory, then he signs the inventory indicating his position, stamps his post office.

Then the inventory is enclosed in the shipment and the postal packaging is sealed. And the second copy of the inventory remains with the sender. Further, the shipment is accepted for shipment and goes through the standard postal clearance for shipment to the specified address.

When reconciling the inventory of attachments and the contents of the item, the postal employee confirms the presence of the contents of the items by name, quantity, approximate cost estimate, as well as the correspondence of the addressee in the inventory and on the postal packaging of the item. The fact of certification, inventory, by a postal employee with his signature and postal stamp has legal force. From this moment on, the postal service begins to bear material responsibility for the delivery and safety of the shipment.

The procedure for receiving a shipment with an inventory

Such a shipment must be handed over to the addressee personally against signature, or to the addressee's representative by proxy. When handing over the item to the addressee, the postal employee opens it himself and compares the presence of all items with the inventory. In this case, if a shortage of items is detected, the postal employee is obliged to draw up an act of shortage. Then this act is sent to a higher unit for verification. The verification must be completed within 2 months. After checking, the postal service must reimburse the sender or recipient for the cost of items lost during the shipment.

If any disputes arose upon receipt of the shipment, then their resolution is fully regulated in the rules of the postal service, we will talk about them in more detail in the next section of our review.

For shipments with an inventory, the following regulations apply:

  1. Such items are opened before delivery to the addressee.
  2. Nested items are compared with the inventory.
  3. If, during the check, the presence of items in the shipment corresponds to the inventory, then an act for opening the shipment is not drawn up. The dispatch is issued to the addressee in the usual established order.
  4. If, upon opening, the presence of items in the item corresponds to the inventory, but the addressee refuses to receive the item, then the postal service employee must draw up an act on opening the item in 2 copies, as prescribed by the Procedure for processing defective items. In the act being drawn up, the employee indicates that the addressee refused to receive the shipment, and that the shipment will be resealed and sent back to the sender. Such a shipment is sent back to the sender with this act of refusal of the addressee, the second copy of the act is filed with the current internal postal reporting and verification is not provided for in this case.
  5. If during the opening and comparison of items with the inventory, their shortage or at least partial damage to the contents of the items is found, then the act of opening the defective item is drawn up in 3 copies and an internal audit is carried out.
  6. If, upon receipt, the addressee refuses to open the item by the mail employee to compare the contents with the inventory, then on postal notice, filled out upon delivery of the shipment, he must write that he refused to open it and has no claims against the postal service. It is believed that the postal service has fulfilled its functions, and no claims can be made.
  7. For valuable items with an inventory and cash on delivery, there is a similar issuance procedure, but they are issued only after the recipient pays the cost of cash on delivery and forwarding services. But before making payment, the recipient of the shipment has the right to find out the address information about the sender. Payment of cash on delivery is processed in the usual manner, as for other shipments with cash on delivery. After payment of the required amount, the recipient is issued a check-receipt of payment and the item addressed to him is handed over. The act of opening the departure is not drawn up.
  8. If, when the mail employee opens the item with an inventory and cash on delivery, items are found in a defective condition, then an act is drawn up on opening the defective item and the amount of cash on delivery before opening is not paid. If the recipient refuses to receive such a shipment after the employee opens the mail, then a return of the postal item is issued.
  9. For items with an inventory and declared value and cash on delivery, if the recipient refuses to open and check such a item, he puts his signature and certifies his consent on the postal notice to issue the item that he has no claims.
  10. If, when the mail employee opens the item with a list of attachments and cash on delivery, its integrity is confirmed, but the recipient refuses to pay the full cost of cash on delivery and forwarding services, then the postal employee must draw up an act on the defective postal item in 2 copies. The act indicates that the recipient refused to send and the shipment is resealed in the presence of the addressee and sent back to the sender with a copy of the act. And the second copy of the act is filed with the current internal reporting mail. In this case, internal audit is not carried out.
  11. For valuable items with an inventory and cash on delivery, if a mail employee detects, at the time of opening a partial or complete shortage, damage or replacement of the described items, an act on defective items is drawn up in 3 copies. Then an internal audit is carried out.
  12. For valuable items with an inventory and cash on delivery, if the addressee refuses to receive the item after the employee opens the mail, the return of the postal item is issued.
  13. After issuing a valuable item to the addressee with an inventory and cash on delivery, the item is not accepted back and the money paid by it is not returned.
  14. Partial issuance of items from shipments is prohibited.


Postal items with a list of attachments are a fairly common option for sending letters, parcels and parcels. Such items can be issued at any post office in the country. The description is easy to fill out by hand. If you have any questions during registration, you can contact the postal employee for help. The regulations of the postal service clearly prescribe the procedure for forwarding all items and resolving disputes.

In everything supervisory authorities letters must be sent with a description of the attachment, evaluating the documents that you send. These can be reports, applications to regulatory authorities, applications and lawsuits to judicial authorities, etc. And to evaluate these documents, an inventory of investments in valuable letter.

To date, the inventory of the attachment of form 107 is relevant. It is used not only for processing the postal item of a valuable letter, but also for sending a valuable parcel or valuable parcel. In our publication today, we will tell readers about what the F-107 investment inventory is and how it is filled out. And at the bottom of the publication there is a button by which you can download the inventory of the attachment to the valuable letter of the Russian Post.


When you are going to send a valuable letter with a list of attachments, you must bring the documents to be sent unsealed in an envelope to the post office.

  • the name and postal address of the addressee;
  • name, number of items and the amount of their assessment, put your signature on each form.

In the case when the list of documents to be sent does not fit into one sheet of the form, it is continued on the next sheet. In this case, each sheet of the inventory is numbered, and their total number is indicated. For example, "Sheet 1 of 2", "Sheet 2 of 2".

At the request of the sender, the cost of evaluation on the copy that is enclosed in the letter (packet, parcel) may not be affixed. It is enough to put the amount of the assessment in one copy, which remains with the sender. The assessment amount for sending reports (to the IFTS, PFR) is usually 1 ruble, since the reports do not represent a certain value.

Then, you need to transfer to the postal worker:

  • two copies of the assessment inventory;
  • sent items or documents.

The postal worker must check:

  • entries in both copies of the inventory;
  • correspondence of the address and the name of the addressee indicated in the inventory and on the address side of the shell (address label) of the registered postal item (RPO);
  • sent items with records in the inventory;
  • compliance of the total cost of investments indicated in the inventory with the amount of the declared value of the RPO. The amount of the declared value of the RPO must be equal to the total value of all investments indicated in the inventory;
  • affix an imprint of a calendar stamp on both copies of the inventory and sign them;
  • put the first copy of the inventory on top of the attachment in the RPO and pack it, give the second copy to the sender along with the receipt.

Upon receipt of a postal item with a list of attachments addressed to you, it can be opened upon receipt in the presence of a Postal employee and checked against the list. If you find that you have not received a letter or package in full, then the post office employee is required to draw up an appropriate act, which will be sent to a higher organization for investigation. The service investigation period is 2 months. Then, based on the results of the check, you are required to reimburse the cost of the missing items.

A sample of filling out an inventory in a valuable letter f 107

Entrepreneurial activity involves the submission of reports to the tax authorities. To avoid queues, but to submit a declaration or other document on time, you can use the services of the Russian Post. To do this, you need to send tax documents by letter with a description of the attachment. Let's talk about the description in more detail.

Inventory form for attaching documents to a valuable letter

Attached to this block is an attachment inventory form with the possibility of individual filling directly from the file. Also, an inventory of the attachment can be prepared manually, for this, print out the empty form and fill it out with the usual ballpoint pen. An example of such a filling is shown in the figure below.


What is a description?

inventory is the list of contents enclosed in the envelope. An inventory is filled out on a special form of form 107, which was approved by the Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p “On approval of the procedure” with the appendix “The procedure for receiving and delivering internal registered mail”.
In general, the description is embedded in

  • parcels,
  • parcels,
  • valuable letters.

We are interested in the last point.

What is the advantage of such postage?

When accepting a letter, an employee of the operating room of the branch of the Russian Post will put a stamp with the current date on the inventory form.

Important! The date of acceptance of a valuable letter with an inventory will be equal to the date of submission of reports.

Thus, even if for some reason you do not have time to submit the report on time and the last day is left, you can send documents by letter with a list of attachments, thereby avoiding pennies and fines for late tax returns.

How to fill out Form 107 correctly?

Attention! The inventory form is filled in two copies! One form will be sent in an envelope along with the letter, and the second, with a date stamp, will be given to the sender.

In form 107, the lines are filled in:

  1. table nested documents:
    • serial number,
    • Name,
    • amount,
    • declared value (in rubles);
  2. The overall result(in pieces) items and declared value amount;
  3. sender(full name or name of the legal entity);
  4. signature sender.

So, attachment description example will look like this:

If there are blank cells left, it is allowed to put a dash. And if, on the contrary, there was not enough space to fill out, then it is allowed to continue on the second sheet of the form and make notes, for example, “Sheet 1 of N”, “Sheet 2 of N”, etc. The total of the quantity and amount must be given in total, for all documents enclosed in the envelope. Again, such a chain of forms must be completed in duplicate.

Important! Corrections on the form of the inventory of attachments to a valuable letter are not allowed!

What is declared value?

Since the inventory is needed as a fact of reporting, and according to the rules it is invested in a valuable letter, our shipment needs to be evaluated. Each nested unit is evaluated separately, and the evaluation amount is assigned to the entire letter. You can not assign value, but put a dash.

It should be written on the envelope: “With an inventory, the value of XX rubles.”

If suddenly the letter is lost, then the mail must return to the sender or recipient the amount of the declared value.
For forwarding the letter, the operator of the mail room will take an additional + 4% of the amount of the declared value.

How to send an email with an attachment description?

You need to contact the operator of the operating room of the Russian Post with:

  • unsealed envelope,
  • documents included in it
  • two completed inventory forms,
  • the amount of money in the wallet for the transfer.

The operator will check the data entered in the form with the envelope, the correctness of filling out the inventory and the envelope, put a stamp on each sheet of the inventory with the date of acceptance, sign on each and give one copy to the sender along with a receipt for payment.

Speaking of which! For example, you can send a tax return in only one copy, your copy remains with you with the inventory form attached to it with the date the letter was sent.

Where can I get Form 107 inventory forms?

Inventory forms are always freely available at every post office in Russia. You can take them home with you and better with a margin, in case you have to refill the form due to a mistake.
Also, form f.107 is available for download on the Russian Post website and on our page.