What documents are needed for the privatization of an apartment. A package of additional documents for the privatization of an apartment - important forms and certificates

  • 16.12.2020

Absolutely all citizens have been talking about the end of the privatization program for many years. Someone was in a hurry to carry out the operation, others weighed all the pros and cons, and in the meantime the President signed a Decree extending the program for an unlimited time. This is good news for forgetful tenants. They can also privatize an apartment in 2018 by collecting a full set of necessary documents and applying to government agencies.

Which housing will be privatized and which will not?

In accordance with the current legislation, citizens have the right to privatize the municipal housing in which they live on the basis of a move-in order or a social tenancy agreement.

However, there is a list of objects that can not be registered in the property. This:

  • Apartments in disrepair in houses that are subject to demolition;
  • Housing received for work and owned by the employer;
  • In cities of a closed type for the military;
  • in protected areas.

Video 1. Free housing privatization extended until March 1, 2018

The privatization procedure should be started by clarifying these points, if housing is not included in this list, you can safely collect documents - you should not be refused. If civil servants do not agree to privatize the apartment, and there are no objective reasons for this, one should go to court to resolve disputed issues. This situation rarely occurs in practice.

List of documents for privatization

The list of documents is very impressive, the fees will take more than one day, but you should be patient - at the end of the procedure you will become the full owner of the property. So, what papers are required?

  • Social tenancy agreement (previously - an order to move in). This document is between the citizen and the city administration. If the paper is lost, it can be restored in the same place by providing utility bills, extracts from the home book;
  • A technical passport for an apartment is issued at the BTI, where the owner must apply with a rental agreement. If redevelopment was carried out, the procedure must be legalized - this is done by an on-site team that takes measurements in the house;
  • The cadastral passport is another document drawn up at the BTI. It will indicate the area of ​​​​the apartment and other important details;
  • An extract from the home book (from a personal account) - it contains information about all registered citizens, you can get it at the Passport Office;
  • Certificate from the USRR - serves as proof that the real estate is owned by the municipality;
  • Certificate from BTI stating that the applicant has not previously participated in privatization. By law, this can only be done once in a lifetime;
  • Refusal to participate in privatization, certified by a notary - in case the registered family members do not want to participate in the procedure. By the way, they will still be able to live in an apartment, regardless of their participation in the program.

Video 2. Officials benefit from free privatization of housing in 2018

This is a general list of papers that are needed to privatize an apartment in all cases. Additionally, you need to submit personal documents: passports, birth and marriage certificates, as well as death certificates of persons previously registered in the apartment.

Step-by-step execution of all documents

In order to privatize housing as soon as possible and avoid mistakes, it is recommended to collect papers and permits from government agencies in the following sequence:

  • A statement of desire to take part in the privatization program is drawn up;
  • A contract of employment is drawn up in its absence;
  • A cadastral and technical passport is being prepared at the BTI - the longest stage, since on-site inspection of specialists is required;
  • An extract is made from the personal account;
  • An agreement is concluded on the transfer of housing ownership;
  • An application is being written for a certificate in Rosreestr.

The papers will be ready in 5 working days - the specialists will enter the changed data into a single database and issue a certificate of ownership.

Of course, the instructions are advisory in nature. This should include obtaining other documents for special cases - for example, permission from the guardianship authorities when a child refuses to participate in the program. We must not forget that most papers have a validity period - from 10 days to a month, if the time expires, privatization will not be carried out - it is necessary to pay the state duty again and receive certificates.

Video 3. PRIVATIZATION IN RUSSIA 2018 who benefits?

You can clarify the list of documents required for participation in the program at the MFC or the District Administration. It takes about 8 weeks to collect all the papers and carry out the procedure - provided there are no queues. In 2018, the list of required documents did not change, but the terms for conducting transactions with state bodies were slightly reduced.

Privatization of housing is considered a primary transaction in the real estate market, as a result of which the apartment becomes the full property of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Moreover, all subsequent steps related to various transactions for the purchase / sale of real estate depend on the main procedure - the privatization of housing.

The law on was adopted in Russia back in 1991 (“On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation”), and since that time the privatization of apartments into private ownership has been actively continuing.

It is difficult for an ordinary person who first encountered questions about the privatization of apartments and is far from the nuances of Russian legal legislation to understand all the intricacies of the process, so detailed explanations are needed: where to start privatization, what documents to collect, etc. Consider the main stages of privatization in Russia.

Special conditions for the privatization of apartments in the Russian Federation

According to statistics, today about 20% of the population of the Russian Federation have not yet privatized their housing. Therefore, the State Duma decided to extend the privatization period until March 1, 2013, and then until 2015. Until this deadline, citizens can register their property rights to housing and, in particular, to apartments free of charge. Further, as the authorities point out, the terms for the privatization of apartments will not be extended.

The right to privatize housing those owners of apartments and members of their families who live in the occupied living space under the contract and have not participated in the process of privatization of other housing until now. Those citizens who live in apartments under contracts for the gratuitous use of housing cannot obtain the right to privatization.

Also for apartments there are restrictions on the right to privatize. For example, Russian law only allows privatization of those apartments that are part of the municipal or state housing stock. Such categories of housing are not subject to privatization, such as: rooms in dormitories, apartments in disrepair located in military camps, or those apartments that are considered service and belong to the housing stock of an organization or enterprise.

The procedure for privatizing an apartment: where to start the first steps in privatization?

First of all, an application is submitted to the local city or district authorities engaged in the privatization of housing. For example, to privatize an apartment in Moscow, residents of the capital must apply to the district office at the place of residence, to the department of the Department for Housing.

The application is accompanied by a set of required documents.. If several adult family members wish to take part in the privatization of the apartment at once, then the power of attorney for the collection and execution of documents is notarized for one person acting on behalf of all claiming the right to own housing.

Currently, many private agencies provide assistance in matters of privatization, if a person himself does not have time to draw up documents and go to the authorities. This is especially true if the apartment being privatized was re-planned, if the owners of the apartment want to urgently sell or change the living space, and in other non-standard situations.

What documents are required to provide for the privatization of an apartment?

Documents required for the privatization of an apartment:

  • Passport, birth certificate (for children under the age of 14) or other documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • A certificate from the BTI (technical passport for an apartment with a floor plan and explication).
  • Extract from the house book.
  • Financial personal account.
  • A contract for social employment, which is drawn up in a department of the Department of Housing.
  • A warrant for an apartment or a certificate with a permit for privatization, which is issued by the district housing commission in the absence of a warrant for housing for any reason.
  • A power of attorney for the issuer of documents on the privatization of an apartment, signed by other family members participating in the privatization. The power of attorney for the privatization of the apartment must be certified by a notary.
  • State duty tax receipt.

Additional may be required: extracts from the house book on the applicant's previous places of residence, certificates with information about children who are registered in this housing area, but now do not live at the place of residence due to departure to the place of study, etc.

The main stages of registration of an apartment in the property in case of urgent and non-urgent privatization

According to Russian law, citizens have the right only once to participate in the process of privatization of housing.

By terms, the privatization of an apartment is divided into urgent and non-urgent. Both in the first and in the second case, all documents are collected in the organizations of the EIRC, ZhEK, DEZ and other departments of municipal and state bodies. But urgent privatization usually takes no more than one month, while ordinary (non-urgent) privatization can last up to 3-4 months.

Conditionally the whole process of privatization of an apartment can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Time to collect documents.
  2. Time to submit the collected documents to the department of the Department of Housing and review this package of documents.
  3. Payment of duties and fees for state privatization.
  4. Registration of ownership of an apartment in the Federal Registration Service (UFRS).

The main advantages of the apartment privatization process:

  • After privatization, citizens become full owners of the apartment with the right to sell, donate, rent or exchange it at their own discretion.
  • Privatization is the acquisition of housing ownership for free, which is much more profitable than buying an apartment for a lot of money.
  • Own privatized housing can be put up as collateral real estate when receiving a bank loan.
  • In case of rent arrears, homeowners do not have the right to evict from the occupied housing, while the state has the right to evict the tenant of a non-privatized apartment in case of non-payment of the debt.
  • If the apartment was privatized by the spouse before marriage, then in the event of a divorce, the property remains entirely with the citizen for whom the privatization documents are drawn up.

The disadvantages of privatizing an apartment include only one significant minus. In case of non-payment of debts in case of non-repayment of loans, non-privatized housing cannot be confiscated from residents, as it is the property of the state or municipal fund. If housing is privatized, then it can be confiscated in various legislative and legal situations when the tenant violates the terms of the contracts.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that at this stage of state power and the structure of our society privatization of an apartment is a necessary process for all citizens. The most important thing is that you need to think over your steps correctly and choose the right time to register the apartment as a property. For example, if a person lives in an apartment located in an emergency building, planned for quick demolition, then it is better to wait and get free housing from the state after resettling the house.

A lot of questions in the consultation come about the privatization of an apartment: terms, documents, what nuances may lie in wait, as well as the pros and cons of privatization...

In this article, we will clarify all these questions and try to answer all your comments.

Pros and cons of privatization.
The cost of privatization.
Terms of privatization according to the law, how quickly everything is processed?
Required documents.
Privatization: the order of actions step by step!
○ Video Tips.

Privatization of housing is a procedure for the transfer of apartments and other residential premises into the ownership of persons legally residing in them. The right of free privatization has been granted to Russian citizens since 1992 and has been maintained for more than 20 years. This layer of law is quite extensive and is presented on our website most widely in.

In fact, privatization is a chain of successive actions: collecting documents for real estate, sending an application to the relevant department of the executive authority of the subject, concluding an agreement on obtaining housing in the property in the order of privatization and registering the acquired property right with the bodies of Rosreestr. However, the scheme seems simple only at first glance.

○ Pros and cons of privatization


[Once] The first and main plus is that such an apartment costs the owners a meager amount - only the cost of all paperwork. If you were given housing under a social contract and the required period of its ownership has passed - feel free to privatize the apartment, without hesitation.

[Two] The legal owner of the privatized property has the right to carry out any actions with the living space: sell, donate, bequeath or lease. In contrast to social rental housing, which can only be exchanged, and then only with the permission of the municipal authorities that provided it.

[Three] homeowner is almost impossible. Theoretically, the state has the right to sell an apartment for utility bills, however, cases of such practice are rare and are caused by excessively gross violations of payments. Other persons who did not have the legally established right to exercise it also do not have the right to challenge privatization.

[Four] Freedom of action for registration and discharge of tenants. The owner, at his discretion, can prescribe the number of people that is required by law. In detail, the issues of registration, registration and discharge were considered by us.


[ Once] The key disadvantage of privatization is the constant increase in utility bills. The owner of the apartment is obliged to pay more for the repair of residential premises. The overhaul of a residential building is added to the cost in the future, while housing does not become the property of all improvements, in fact, go to the state.

[ Two] Payment of property tax. The rate depends on the cost of housing and is determined by the regional authorities.

[ Three] The impossibility of disposing of social housing for rent in full.

[ Four] At the moment, the privatization of apartments is free, this law was extended by the President of the Russian Federation until 2015 (and most likely will be extended further). It is known that this is the last extension of the free privatization procedure, however, such statements have already been made more than once, and each time the terms of the privatization were extended.

[ Five] The terms of registration of privatization depend on the specific case and, according to established practice, the process takes from 2 months.

Some nuances of privatization

The first thing to be clarified before carrying out privatization is to find out whether it is possible to carry out this procedure for the occupied apartment.

So, the apartment must be owned by the municipality or federal property, and the basis for its use is a social tenancy agreement. Service housing owned by a legal entity, premises of a specialized housing stock will not be subject to acquisition into ownership through privatization.

In addition to the mode of ownership of the apartment, its suitability for living also matters. According to the norms of the law, it will be impossible to privatize an apartment in a house recognized as emergency and unsuitable for habitation.

It should be borne in mind that the privatization procedure requires a significant amount of time. As a rule, a considerable period will be needed to collect technical documentation for an apartment, draw up a technical plan and other documents.

There is another important nuance: privatization must be carried out in strict accordance with the procedure established by law, with the content of reliable information in all submitted documents.

Any information that does not correspond to reality or a procedural violation during the procedure will allow the municipality or other public authority challenge the privatization, terminate and invalidate the contract and obtain a court decision to evict the persons involved in the privatization.

○ Terms of privatization according to the law, how quickly everything is processed?

Free privatization at the initiative of the deputies of the Russian parliament has been extended until March 1, 2015. Accordingly, documents for obtaining an apartment in the ownership in the order of privatization will be accepted in the relevant departments of the municipality until February 28, 2015.

The question was repeatedly raised about the subsequent extension of free privatization. Thus, it is possible that the above date will not be the limit.

As for the duration of the procedure itself, the average duration of registration, consideration and issuance of all documents, including registration of property rights in the bodies of Rosreestr - 2 months.

When collecting documents, it is also worth considering that some papers have their own validity period:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a real estate object - no more than 30 days.
  • Statement of the personal account (on payment of housing and communal payments) - no more than 30 days.
  • Extract from the house book - no more 14 days.

At the expiration date of the above documents, they should be issued again. Presenting an expired document may result in a refusal to conduct privatization.

○ Required Documents

A complete list of documents required for registration of an apartment as a property in the order of privatization is established by the relevant executive authority of the region or municipality, which is entrusted with these powers.

The standard package consists of the following documents:

1. Consent (power of attorney) or refusal of persons living in the apartment to participate in the privatization procedure. made in writing and subject to notarization. It is also possible to refuse a share in the right to a privatized apartment in favor of any of the family members.

2. Permission for the privatization of guardianship and guardianship authorities is necessary if minor children are registered in the apartment. In addition, children over 14 years of age can also give consent or refusal to participate in privatization. Many before the procedure, however, you should not do this - if the child was discharged from the apartment less than six months before the submission of documents for privatization, it will be refused.

3. Originals of personal documents of persons living in the apartment: passports, birth certificates, marriage or divorce certificates, and for family members who died earlier - death certificates;

4. Social tenancy agreement - a document confirming the right to use an apartment subject to privatization. If such an agreement has not been concluded, it is necessary to contact the department for municipal property affairs, having a warrant in hand;

5. Extract from the personal account - a document confirming the presence or absence of debt on housing and communal payments. An extract can be obtained from the management or other housing maintenance company.

6. Extract from the house book. Such a document must be obtained at the department of the Federal Migration Service or the passport office of the service organization.

7. A document confirming the fact that the persons participating in the privatization have not used this right before. Such a certificate is issued by the BTI (until 2000) and the Rosreestr authorities (since 2001), depending on the date of registration in the apartment being privatized.

8. Technical passport of the apartment. If there is no such document, then it should be issued at the BTI. A new passport must also be obtained if the apartment was re-planned or re-arranged and such a document with the changes made was not issued, or the re-planning was not agreed upon (we talked about redevelopment in more detail in our article: ). Among other things, when carrying out an uncoordinated redevelopment, the responsible tenant can be fined.

9. A document confirming that the apartment has not been privatized before. In this case, you may need an extract from the USRR in relation to the property.

10. Application for privatization - a document of the established form, as a rule, drawn up on the letterhead of the public authority, which is entrusted with the authority to conduct privatization.

○ Privatization: step by step procedure!

The theory is certainly good, but we decided to paint step by step what you need to do in order to privatize your living space.

The privatization procedure itself is a chain of the following sequential actions:

Step 1

Collection of all necessary documents for privatization. It is recommended to start with a technical plan or explication. As a rule, such documents are issued by the BTI about one month. Then you should proceed to obtain a certificate stating that the apartment was not previously privatized and an extract from their USRR.

Step 2

Appeal to the executive body of public authority (municipality) to write an application for participation in privatization. All persons participating in privatization should appear to write an application. At the same stage, notarized documents (if any) must be provided. Along with the application, you will need all the documents listed above;

Step 3

Conclusion of an agreement on the transfer of an apartment in the order of privatization. This document is usually prepared by municipality specialists within 10-14 days. Such a document, signed and executed properly, will be the basis for registration of ownership.

Step 4

Registration of ownership in the bodies of Rosreestr and obtaining a certificate of ownership.

○ Cost of privatization

It is clear that privatization is relatively free. Regarding the cost of the housing itself... In general, the cost of privatization consists of the amount of state fees paid during the preparation of all documents. The approximate cost is:

  • 500 rubles - registration of a refusal to participate in privatization at a notary;
  • 500 rubles - state duty for registration of the right of common ownership in the bodies of Rosreestr;
  • 984 rubles - the cost of preparing a technical passport;
  • from 2000 - a fine for illegal redevelopment;
  • about 100-200 rubles per person (the price is set by each region independently) - the cost of a certificate of non-participation in privatization;
  • 500 rubles - the cost of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a property.

Total - about 3-5 thousand rubles.

You see, the privatization of an apartment is not such a complicated and expensive procedure. At the same time, in order to conduct it correctly, and in order to avoid lawsuits and claims in the future, all the subtleties and nuances described above, as well as the sequence of actions established by law, should be observed.

VIDEO: The leading lawyer of the Legal Expert company, Mikhail Skigin, in an accessible form, talks about the privatization process and the problems that you may encounter.

If you have questions, be sure to use or comment.

Question, what documents are needed for the privatization of an apartment is still of interest to many. The allotted time is about to expire, and in order to decide, what documents are needed for the privatization of an apartment, there is less and less time left. In this article, we will try to at least roughly outline the list of actions that a citizen will need to transfer a municipal or state apartment to his property.

What is needed for the privatization of a municipal apartment? List of documents.

What documents are needed for the privatization of a municipal apartment, is determined by its location, since the exact one is determined not only by federal, but also by local legislation. but documents for privatization, which will be needed in any subject of the Russian Federation, you can list:

Certificate of non-participation in privatization must be included in the package documents for the privatization of an apartment if the applicant comes from another region. The complete list of What do you need to buy an apartment, determine the circumstances, so list of documents for the privatization of an apartment v 2015 year may approach two dozen items.

Where can I get the documents necessary for the privatization of an apartment?

If some documents are needed for privatization, but they are missing, it is better to worry about this in advance. A social contract of employment or a warrant for moving in must be in the possession of a citizen. If they are lost, then you can get duplicates in the appropriate department of the local administration.

A technical and cadastral passport for housing can be obtained from the technical inventory bureau. Since the BTI can be both municipal and state, you will first have to clarify which of them contains information on the desired apartment. If the registration certificate for the apartment has not yet been issued, then you will first have to call a specialist to measure the premises and draw up a plan. The term for obtaining these documents according to the law is 5 days.

The certificate of registration (form 3) is issued by the departments of the FMS at the place of residence of the citizen. However, sometimes they can also be obtained through utility organizations serving the building in which the apartment is located. Therefore, even before the visit of the FMS, you should contact the house management at the place of residence.

Certificate of non-participation in privatization. Since before the creation of Rosreestr, BTI was involved in registering rights to real estate, then in order to obtain a certificate from 1991 (the beginning of privatization), you will have to apply there.

Don't know your rights?

An extract from the house book is issued in the house management - according to the law, the remote control is obliged to keep records of all residents in its house. As a rule, it takes about 5 days to receive an extract.

An extract from the personal account can also be obtained at the house management or at the EIRC, if such an institution already operates in the city. The EIRC network is constantly expanding, so, most likely, you will have to apply there.

Additional documents for the privatization of an apartment

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The privatization process can take place in different ways, and in addition to the list above, other necessary for apartment privatizationdocumentation. Moreover, two situations occur quite often.

The first of them is the presence of registered minor children in the apartment. In this case, they should participate in privatization on an equal basis with their parents. If, in the course of privatization, the child is discharged and registered in another apartment (say, with relatives), permission from the guardianship authorities may be required, confirming that the rights of the child have not been violated. Otherwise, the registration authorities may suspend the privatization procedure.

The second situation is the refusal of one of the tenants of the apartment to participate in privatization. Such a refusal must be notarized by all means.

Where to apply with the list of documents for the privatization of an apartment?

After everything is assembled, the question arises of whether where to apply for the privatization of an apartment.

The privatization agreement itself is drawn up in the housing management department of the municipal district administration. This is where you need to apply with the application and the necessary documents. The decision on privatization is made at the request of a citizen within two months.

If all the documents are in order, then according to the law, the local authorities have no reason to refuse. Administration employees draw up an agreement on the privatization of housing, and with this agreement a citizen applies to the registration service of Rosreestr. There, entries are made in the USRR (Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It), a certificate of ownership of the apartment is issued - and this is where privatization ends.

How to make life easier for yourself during privatization?

The specific procedure for privatization and paperwork varies quite a lot from city to city, depending on local regulations. But many cities already have one-stop service centers. These organizations make it possible to carry out privatization in 1-2 visits. Thanks to communication systems between institutions, the registration procedure is accelerated.

In addition, you can use the Internet and go to the official website of public services. It is not yet possible to receive documents over the network, but it is quite possible to speed up their execution using an electronic record.

What documents are needed to privatize an apartment in 2015?

Most recently, the end date for free privatization of housing was March 1, 2015, but once again this date was postponed. Indeed, about 30% of housing remains in municipal ownership, which citizens are in no hurry to transfer to private ownership. As a result, the deadline for free privatization was postponed to March 1, 2016.

Will it change list of documents for the privatization of an apartment in 2015 year? In general, legislative changes did not affect this list, but for a quick and easy procedure documents for the privatization of an apartment in 2015 still worth collecting, only specifying the requirements of the local administration.

Hello. Since 2015, I have helped 18 clients to privatize their municipal apartments - I have experience in this matter. Before proceeding to the list of documents, I strongly advise you to read.

I divided the documents into 2 sections - and. All of them are needed to draw up a privatization agreement and then register an apartment as a property. I have written about this in my instructions for the privatization of a municipal apartment.

Documents for a municipal apartment

  1. Order or contract of social employment;

    These documents confirm the right of citizens to use the apartment and live in it. Until 03/01/2005, if an apartment was issued to citizens for social rent, then an order was issued. After this date - a contract of social employment. In some regions/cities, it is not necessary to provide a social employment contract (Moscow and Samara), while in others it is mandatory (Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg).

    In some regions, if the apartment was issued by order, then before privatization they require to draw up a social tenancy agreement. In others, it is enough to have an order or just a personal account. Therefore, before submitting documents, consult in advance.

  2. Technical passport for the apartment;
  3. Extract from the personal account;

    This extract can be obtained from the accounting department of the management company (ZHEU, housing and communal services, HOA) or at the MFC. But the problem is that the management company will give it only when paying all utility bills for the apartment, although this is illegal and is arbitrariness. It's just additional pressure on the payment of debts for a communal apartment.

After privatization, the apartment can be sold. My colleague Elena Grushina compiled a list of documents for the sale of an apartment. Elena is a realtor with a legal background

Documents for participants in privatization

  1. Russian passports citizens who will participate or not participate in privatization;

    If the child is under 14 years old, then it will be required birth certificate and passports of both parents (guardian, trustee). If the child is between 14 and 18 years old, then his passport and the passports of both parents (guardian, trustee).

  2. Certificate in form No. 2 on participation / non-participation in privatization;

    According to Article 11 of the Law on Privatization, a citizen after 18 years of age can participate in it only once. If a citizen participated in privatization before the age of 18, then he can participate in it again after 18 years.

    This certificate proves whether a citizen has lost his right to privatization or not. It is taken at the BTI or MFC for each person who will participate in privatization. If a person registered in an apartment after June 1991 or changed his residence permit since 1991 (registered in another city, village), then he will additionally need a certificate of participation / non-participation with the BTI of this city.

    Example 1: Alexander received a municipal apartment in Moscow as a social worker, which he wants to privatize. He registered in it in 2000, and before that he was registered in Yekaterinburg. Privatization began in 1991 and a person can participate in it once. Therefore, in order to prove that he did not participate in privatization either in Yekaterinburg or in Moscow, he needs to provide a certificate of non-participation, which must be obtained from the BTI and Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

    Example 2: Irina got a municipal apartment in Moscow for social rent, which she wants to privatize. She registered in it in 1995, then changed her place of registration several times due to work (service). From 2005 to 2007 she was registered in Samara, then came and registered again in a Moscow apartment. Irina will need a certificate of non-participation from the BTI and Moscow and Samara.

  3. Archival extract from the house book from the former places of registration(certificate of registered persons in the apartment according to Form No. 9, containing archival information);

    The same as with help #2. If a citizen registered in a privatized apartment after June 1991 and (or) changed his place of registration, then he will be required to provide an archival extract from the house book from the previous and other places of registration for this period. How to get an archival extract from the house book.

    Example 1: Artem registered in a Moscow municipal apartment in 2001. Prior to that, since 1995, he was registered in Samara. He will need an archival extract from the house book in Samara for the period from 1995 to 2001.

    Example 2: Vladimir registered in Samara in a municipal apartment in 1990. Because of his studies (work, service), he worked from 2002 to 2006. was registered in Yekaterinburg. He will need an archival extract from the house book in Yekaterinburg for this period.

  4. Refusal to participate in privatization.

    Those who decide not to participate in the privatization of the apartment and become the future owners of the apartment must issue a refusal. In Samara and Krasnodar, only a notarized refusal is required. In other cities, it is not necessary to certify the refusal with a notary - it will be compiled by the employees of the institution that accepts documents for privatization. It will only be necessary to sign it when submitting documents. Read in detail.

  5. If parents (guardians, trustees) want a minor child not to participate in privatization (refuse to participate), then they need to obtain and provide permission from the guardianship and guardianship authority. Both parents apply for this permission, even if they are divorced.
  6. Notarized power of attorney, if the participant has an authorized person (representative);
  7. If an incapacitated / partially incapacitated citizen participates in privatization: a court decision on declaring incapacitated / partially incapacitated + permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities to participate. This citizen is represented by a guardian, therefore, a guardianship order and a Russian passport will be required from the guardian.
  8. If the old surname is indicated in the submitted documents, then a marriage or divorce certificate.
  9. If a citizen who is serving a sentence in prison participates in privatization, then a court verdict and a certificate of serving a sentence will be required. If this citizen does not participate, then he must write a written refusal to participate. Further, the refusal must be certified by the head of the correctional institution. If a citizen is released from prison, then a certificate of release.