Regulatory requirements for the bakery. Documents for opening a bakery

  • 16.10.2019
    Annex 1 (mandatory). Instructions on daily medical examinations of employees of enterprises (workshops, brigades, sites) that produce confectionery products with cream before starting work Appendix 2 (mandatory). Journal of registration of the results of a medical examination of workers in a workshop that produces products with cream Appendix 3 (mandatory). Journal of accounting, issuance and delivery of jigging bags and small inventory Appendix 4 (reference). Calculation of the sugar content in the aqueous phase of the cream Appendix 5 (reference). Characteristics of detergents Appendix 6 (reference). Characteristics of disinfectants Appendix 7 (reference). General provisions for the use of germicidal lamps in food industry enterprises

Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN
"Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products"
(approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1996 N 20)

Production of bread, cakes and confectionaries

Date of introduction - from the moment of approval

1 area of ​​use

These Sanitary Rules and Norms have been developed and approved on the basis of the Law of the RSFSR "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Law Russian Federation"On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Law "On Certification of Products and Services" and the "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994, N 625 and establish requirements for enterprises producing bread, bakery and confectionery.

References to the following documents are used in these Sanitary Rules and Norms.

3.10.59. Enterprises producing confectionery products with cream (cakes, pastries, rolls) must have refrigeration units that ensure the storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in accordance with the current SanPiN "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products" and these sanitary rules.

3.10.60. Creams, pastries, cakes, rolls with cream should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6°C.

3.10.61. Cakes and cakes without cream finishing, waffle cakes and cakes with fat and praline finishing semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C and a relative humidity of 70-75%.

Chocolate-wafer cakes and cake "Slastena" should be stored at a temperature of (18+3)°C.

3.10.62. It is not allowed to store cakes, pastries and rolls together with non-food materials, as well as products with a specific smell.

3.10.63. Refrigerators must be provided with thermometers. To maintain the temperature at a given level, it is advisable to use a thermostat. Behind the mode of operation cold rooms constant monitoring must be established. Storage temperature test results food products should be recorded in a special journal.

3.10.64. Cakes and rolls before being sent to the distribution network are stacked on metal sheets or trays, which are pre-lined with parchment or parchment and placed in metal containers with tight-fitting lids.

3.10.65. Transportation or carrying of cakes and rolls outside the workshop on open sheets or trays is prohibited.

3.10.66. Cakes stacked in carton boxes lined with paper napkins made of parchment or parchment. Transportation and sale of cakes without packaging boxes is strictly prohibited.

3.10.67. On the outside of the lid (a box with a cake or a tray with cakes, rolls) there should be a marking indicating the date, hour of production, mode and shelf life.

3.11. Requirements for the implementation of the finished product

3.11.1. Bread and bakery products are sold in accordance with the "Rules for Retail Trade in Bread and Bakery Products" and GOST "Stacking, storage and transportation of bread and bakery products".

Confectionery products, including those with cream, are sold in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Norms "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products", these SanPiN and regulatory and technical documentation for finished products.

3.11.2. After manufacture and before sale, cream products must be cooled to a temperature of 4 + -2 ° C inside the products.

3.11.3. It is prohibited to approve regulatory and technical documentation for new types of bakery and confectionery products, put them into production, sale and use in production conditions without a hygienic assessment of their safety for human health; coordination of regulatory and technical documentation for these types of products with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of Russia; obtaining a hygiene certificate in accordance with the established requirements.

3.11.4. Each batch of bread, bakery, confectionery products must be provided with certificates, quality certificates.

3.11.5. Sale of bread and bakery products is carried out in specialized branded bakery and bakery shops, bakery departments of grocery stores and supermarkets, in consumer cooperation stores selling consumer goods, bread and food tents, pavilions, auto shops and from vending machines.

The confectionery products listed in clause 3.11.1 are sold in stores that have permission from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities to trade in confectionery products with cream.

The lists of stores are updated annually by the enterprise and approved by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

3.11.6. Bread, bakery and confectionery products must be transported in vehicles specially designated for the transportation of these products.

3.11.7. Bread, bakery and confectionery products during loading and unloading must be protected from the effects of precipitation.

3.11.8. Bread and bakery products can be on sale at trade enterprises after leaving the oven for no more than:

36 hours - bread made from rye and rye-wheat and rye peeled flour, as well as a mixture of wheat and rye varietal flour;

24 hours - bread from wheat-rye and wheat wholemeal flour, bread and bakery products weighing more than 200 g from high-quality wheat, rye flour;

16 hours - small items weighing 200 g or less (including bagels).

After these deadlines, the sale of bread and bakery products is prohibited, and they are subject to withdrawal from the trading floor and returned to the supplier as stale.

3.11.9. Laying bread and bakery products in trays should be carried out in accordance with the rules for laying, storing and transporting bread and bakery products in accordance with GOST "Stacking, storage and transportation of bread and bakery products".

3.11.10. Bread trays must be clean and checked by bakers when filling.

3.11.11. It is not allowed to ship bread and bakery products from bakery enterprises without the recipient presenting a vehicle permit issued by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

3.11.12. A permit to operate vehicles is issued for 6 months. After this period, the vehicles must be presented for inspection. Transportation of bread and bakery products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements is prohibited.

3.11.13. Vehicles used to transport bread and baked goods must be clearly marked "Bread".

3.11.14. It is not allowed to transport any goods in vehicles intended for the transport of bread and bakery products.

3.11.15. Vehicles, containers and tarpaulins intended for the transport of bread and bakery products must be kept clean.

Before loading, transport and packaging should be inspected and cleaned, and at the end of work thoroughly washed with hot water and disinfected at least once every 5 days at a motor transport company.

3.11.16. The head of the transport fleet and the administration of the transport enterprise are responsible for the sanitary condition of transport intended for the transport of bread and bakery products, as well as for the sanitary literacy of transport workers.

3.11.17. Persons accompanying bread must load and unload bread in sanitary clothing and have personal sanitary book with a mark on the medical examination, examinations and passing the exam on the sanitary minimum.

3.11.18. Loading and unloading of finished products should be carried out under a canopy to protect from rain and snow.

3.11.19. Officials of the bakery enterprise are responsible for compliance with sanitary standards when loading finished products, when transporting - a transport company, and when unloading - the administration of a trading enterprise.

If the loading of finished products is carried out by trading enterprises in their transport, then the administration of the trading enterprise is responsible for maintaining the sanitary condition.

3.11.20. Bread and bakery products returned from trade are processed at the manufacturing plant in the form of lobe. Uncontaminated products without signs of microbiological deterioration can enter the lobe. The lobe can only be used in the production of rye bread from wholemeal and peeled flour, bread from rye-wheat flour, bread from wheat flour of the highest, first and second grade.

It is prohibited to accept bread affected by "potato disease" from the distribution network for processing.

3.11.21. Storage in the production of waste and return of bread products to be washed for more than 4 days is not allowed.

3.11.22. Confectionery with cream can be returned to the company no later than 24 hours from the end of the sale period.

3.11.23. For processing, it is allowed to return products with mechanical damage or changes from the distribution network appearance and forms that have expired.

3.11.24. It is forbidden to return for processing confectionery products with a changed taste and smell, contaminated, containing foreign inclusions, infected with flour and other pests, affected by mold, as well as crumbs of flour products.

3.11.25. The conclusion on the return to processing of confectionery products from the distribution network is given on the basis of organoleptic indicators by the representative of the product quality inspection and, if necessary, samples are taken directly from the trading organization for laboratory research.

3.11.26. Return by trade enterprises for processing of confectionery products is allowed only in a clean, dry container that does not have any foreign smell. Packing of confectionery products into bags is not allowed.

3.11.27. Confectionery products returned for processing from the distribution network must be accompanied by the designation:

a) product name;

b) the weight or number of pieces of products;

c) release dates;

3.11.32. Confectionery products returned from the distribution network can go directly to processing only after the conclusion of the production laboratory on the conditions for their processing.

The conclusion is given on the basis of organoleptic data and, where necessary, a preliminary laboratory study of the product to be processed is carried out.

3.11.33. Confectionery products received for processing must be pre-screened and sorted in order to eliminate products that cannot be processed.

3.11.34. When sweets are returned for processing, wrappers are removed before candy processing. It is strictly forbidden to process sweets wrapped in candy wrappers.

3.11.35. Confectionery products that are not subject to processing must be collected in a special container and can be sent to feed livestock or poultry with the permission of veterinary supervision or be destroyed.

3.11.36. Cream confectionery can only be used to make baked confectionery.

3.11.37. Confectionery products made from returned products must meet the requirements of applicable standards or specifications.

3.11.38. Responsibility for the fulfillment of sanitary requirements for the processing of bread, bakery and confectionery products returned from the distribution network rests with the heads of the enterprise where they are processed.

3.12. Organization of laboratory control

3.12.1. Laboratory control consists in checking the quality of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products and compliance with the technological and sanitary and hygienic regimes for the production of bread, bakery and confectionery products and is carried out by an accredited laboratory of the enterprise, and in the absence of a laboratory, control can be carried out under an economic contract with bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision or laboratories , accredited bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Gosstandart.

3.12.2. The procedure for microbiological control of the production and quality of confectionery products is carried out in accordance with the current instructions for sanitary and microbiological control of the production of confectionery products and the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of confectionery products.

3.12.3. The enterprises develop a schedule for microbiological control of the sanitary state of production and the quality of confectionery products, which is agreed with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

3.12.4. The quality of sanitization of equipment is checked before starting work at least once a day.

3.12.5. Hand cleanliness is controlled by taking swabs before starting work and after using the toilet.

3.12.6. When organizing technological control, one should be guided by a collection of instructions for technological and chemical control of bakery and confectionery products.

3.13. Measures to combat rodents and insects

3.13.1. In the premises of the enterprise, the presence of rodents and insects (flies, cockroaches, barn pests) is not allowed.

3.13.2. To prevent the appearance of rodents and insects, a sanitary regime must be observed on the territory, in production, storage and amenity premises.

3.13.3. All openings in the warm season should be protected from insects by removable metal mesh.

3.13.4. To prevent the appearance of rodents, holes in the floor, ceilings, walls, gaps around technical inputs must be sealed with cement, brick or iron.

Ventilation openings and channels must be covered with metal mesh.

In the event of the appearance of rodents, apply mechanical methods their destruction (traps, tops).

3.13.5. If cockroaches are found, the premises are thoroughly cleaned and special treatment (disinfestation) is carried out.

3.13.6. Application chemicals for the destruction of rodents (deratization) and insects (disinfestation) is allowed only when these activities are carried out by specialists of disinfection enterprises.

3.13.7. To carry out disinfestation and deratization works, the administration of the enterprise must have agreements with the disinfection station or with the state unitary enterprise of the disinfection profile, the renewal of which is carried out in a timely manner.

3.13.8. Deratization and disinfestation should be carried out on sanitary days in conditions that guarantee the impossibility of getting drugs on raw materials and finished products.

3.14. Occupational and personal hygiene

3.14.1. The microclimate of bakery and confectionery enterprises must comply with the requirements of the "Sanitary Standards for the Microclimate of Industrial Premises".

3.14.2. Temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in industrial premises, chambers and warehouses must comply with the standards process design enterprises producing confectionery and bakery products, as well as the standards for the production and storage of finished products.

3.14.3. Noise levels in industrial premises must be within the current sanitary standards. In all rooms with noisy equipment, measures must be taken to reduce noise in accordance with SNiP "Noise Protection" and be no more than 80 dB.

3.14.4. Machine tools, machines, devices must have vibration damping devices, and the vibration level must not exceed sanitary standards.

3.14.5. The illumination of working surfaces at workplaces must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting" and range from 200 to 400 lux, depending on the purpose of the premises.

3.14.6. The floors of industrial premises located above unheated or artificially cooled premises must be insulated in such a way that the temperature difference between the room and the floor surface does not exceed 2.5 ° C, and a ventilated air gap must also be provided.

3.14.7. In the implementation of natural ventilation, drafts and sudden cooling of the air in the workplace are not allowed.

3.14.8. In workshops with significant heat generation, air conditioning should be provided.

3.14.9. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area should not exceed the MPC for specific substances.

3.14.10. Employees before starting work and working at the enterprise must undergo a medical examination in accordance with the Instructions for conducting mandatory, preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical examinations of drivers of individual vehicles.

In connection with the epidemiological situation, the bodies of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision may conduct an unscheduled bacteriological examination of workers.

3.14.11. All newly hired workers must undergo training on a sanitary minimum and pass exams. In the future, exams under the sanitary minimum program after classes are taken every two years.

3.14.12. Newly hired workers are allowed to work only after familiarization with the rules of personal hygiene and instructions to prevent foreign objects from entering the finished product.

3.14.13. At enterprises producing confectionery products with cream, before admission to work in each shift, a mandatory examination by a medical worker of a medical institution of all shift workers without exception should be organized.

Inspections are carried out in accordance with the Instructions on every shift before the start of work inspections of employees of enterprises that produce confectionery products with cream (Appendix 1).

3.14.14. The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal (Appendix 2).

It is forbidden to conduct an inspection by shift supervisors, site foremen and other employees of the enterprise.

3.14.15. All workers in production shops are required to comply with the following rules of personal hygiene:

a) come to work in clean personal clothes and shoes.

Thoroughly clean clothing upon entering the facility;

b) before starting work, take a shower, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or scarf. Sanitary clothing must be tied. The use of buttons, hooks, etc. is strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to fasten sanitary clothes with pins, needles, keep cigarettes, pins, money and other things in the pockets of dressing gowns, as well as wear beads, earrings, clips, brooches, rings and other jewelry at the workplace. Only a neatly hemmed handkerchief may be stored in the pockets of sanitary clothing;

c) keep hands and face clean, cut nails short;

d) do not eat or smoke in production areas. Eating and smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.

Before visiting the toilet, sanitary clothes are left in a specially designated place. After using the toilet, wash your hands with soap and disinfect with any approved disinfectant.

3.14.16. It is strictly forbidden to store first-aid kits in technological workshops. First-aid kits should be placed in vestibules of technological shops and sites, in amenity premises. It is not recommended to keep strong-smelling and coloring drugs in first-aid kits (for example, instead of iodine, have hydrogen peroxide).

3.14.17. Workers employed repair work in the company are required to:

Follow the rules of personal hygiene set out in paragraphs 3.14.15;

Store tools, spare parts in a special cabinet and carry them in special boxes with handles;

When carrying out work, take measures to ensure that foreign objects do not enter raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

3.14.18. The heads of workshops (sections), shift foremen must exercise strict control over the implementation of personal hygiene rules by the workers of the workshop, especially with regard to washing hands before work, after breaks in work and using the toilet.

3.14.19. In accordance with the instructions for sanitary and microbiological control of the production of confectionery products, the microbiologist of the enterprise should carry out microbiological control over the cleanliness of sanitary clothing, the quality of washing and disinfecting the hands of workers in production shops (sections).

3.14.20. All employees of the enterprise are obliged to immediately inform the administration about this if there are signs of gastrointestinal diseases, fever, suppuration and symptoms of other diseases and contact the health center of the enterprise or other medical institution for medical assistance.

3.15. Sanitary protection of human habitat

3.15.1. In the production of bread, bakery and confectionery products, environmental measures must be carried out in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On the Protection of the Environment".

3.15.2. When designing enterprises, the maximum permissible loads on the environment should be taken into account and reliable and reliable effective measures prevention and elimination of environmental pollution by hazardous waste, their neutralization and utilization, the introduction of resource-saving, low-waste and waste-free technologies and industries.

3.15.3. The construction and reconstruction of enterprises, structures and other facilities must be carried out according to approved projects, agreed with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, in strict accordance with the current environmental, sanitary, and building codes and regulations.

3.15.4. During the construction and reconstruction of enterprises located within the boundaries of settlements, the size of the sanitary protection zone should be established in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

3.15.5. Free areas and the territory of the enterprise along the fence should be planted with shrubs and trees.

It is not allowed to plant trees and shrubs that give pubescent seeds.

3.15.6. Industrial, domestic, storm drains from bakery and confectionery enterprises should be discharged into the sewer and treated at city (village) or local facilities. Local projects treatment facilities and discharge sites must be agreed with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. Discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater into water bodies without proper treatment and disinfection is prohibited.

3.15.7. Ventilation systems should not be a source of pollution air environment vapors and harmful gases.

3.16. The duties and responsibilities of the administration for compliance with these rules

3.16.1. The administration is obliged to provide:

Each employee with sanitary clothing in accordance with approved standards;

Daily change of sanitary clothing and individual towels for workers in the production of confectionery products with cream;

Regular washing and repair of sanitary clothing and issuing it to employees for wear only during work;

Availability of a sufficient number of cleaning equipment, detergents and disinfectants for cleaners;

Systematic carrying out of disinfection, disinfestation, deratization works according to the schedule agreed with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies;

Passing classes and passing exams on the sanitary minimum by all employees of production workshops and departments upon admission to work, and then once every two years with entering the results of classes in a personal sanitary book and a special sanitary journal;

Carrying out once every two years certification on sanitary knowledge of the managerial and engineering personnel (heads of workshops, engineers, workers and heads of departments) of enterprises;

Required amount medical books for employees subject to medical examinations and examinations, in accordance with the established form;

Submission to the polyclinic and other medical institutions where medical examinations are carried out, lists of employees for marking the results and the date of the examination.

3.16.2. The administration is obliged to monitor the timely passage of medical examinations by employees of enterprises and the passing of exams according to the sanitary minimum.

3.16.3. Each employee of the enterprise must be familiar with these Sanitary Rules with the subsequent passing of the test for the sanitary minimum.

3.16.4. The director of the enterprise is responsible for the sanitary condition of the enterprise and for the implementation of these sanitary rules at the enterprise.

3.16.5. Responsibility for the sanitary condition of production shops, departments, warehouses, amenity areas, etc., is borne by the heads of the relevant departments.

3.16.6. The employee serving it is responsible for the sanitary condition of the equipment and the workplace.

3.16.7. The administration is obliged to allocate special personnel for cleaning the territory and premises.

3.16.8. Control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules at enterprises is assigned to the administration of the enterprise.

Wondering how to open a mini baker? Implementation process this business is divided into several stages, each of which is discussed in detail in this article.

♦ Initial investment: 475,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 18-24 months
♦ Level of profitability of the project: 45-60%

A mini-bakery is a small-scale enterprise in which an exceptionally varied pastry is produced and sold.

Most often they are found as part of a large organization: in a supermarket, etc.

But for a novice entrepreneur, an option will be considered, how to open a mini bakery in a separate room.

The business implementation process is divided into several stages, each of which will be discussed in detail in this article.

Mini-bakery business plan: planning

Historical fact:
Bread was invented by mistake over 7,500 years ago. The first loaf was made by an ancient Egyptian who accidentally left a mixture of flour and water in a warm oven overnight. When he returned, he found a soft dough, much more appetizing than the hard cakes he was trying to make.

Mini Bakery Project Summary

More recently, any bakery products were produced in special factories on an industrial scale.

But time runs, and modern private entrepreneurs are happy to push the giants with their mini-bakeries.

Why not, if this business idea helps not only to realize your creative inclinations, but also to receive an impressive income?

To achieve this, it is necessary to invest time, effort and money in the development of a mini-bakery. The process of implementing a business is relatively simple and even beginners in this field can do it.

Mini-bakery advertising campaign

Opening a mini-bakery, as well as any other type of bakery business, requires advertising promotion.

Competitive advantages of a mini-bakery

The best way to advertise for a mini-bakery is word of mouth.

But in order for reviews about your business to be exclusively positive and passed from mouth to mouth, the company must have a number of competitive advantages.

Among them may be such options:

  1. Lower price than other mini bakeries.
    Achieve this with good quality production is almost impossible.
    After all, each of us daily encounters in supermarkets on the shelves with cheap, but tasteless bread.
  2. A wide range or the introduction of special items on the list can become a feature of a mini-bakery.
    As mentioned above, there is a lot of simple cheap bread.
    But unusual pastries will attract to your business those who often “want something tasty, but it’s not clear what exactly.”
  3. High quality will set you apart from the wholesalers.

Image advertising mini-bakery

Expenses are included in the financial section of the firm's business plan.

And you should get ready for impressive prices.

Possible options for promoting a mini-bakery include:

  • Billboards.
    They help to increase the recognition of the name of the mini-bakery.
    To do this, it should be simple, but memorable, original and capacious.
  • Leaflets.
    They should be distributed to the mailboxes of the nearest houses.
    This will attract customers to the business on a territorial basis - lovers of delicious fresh pastries.
  • Stickers.
    A rather controversial advertising option is to distribute stickers with the name and logo of a mini-bakery around the city with the note “here you can buy fresh pastries.”
    Although the idea is quite budgetary, mini-bakeries are not exactly the type of business that needs to be promoted in this way.
  • Showcase.
    The bright and pleasant design of the facade of the mini-bakery will attract casual visitors.
    This is especially important if the business premises are located near crowded places.
    If they are nearby, clear signs will also work that will lead visitors to the entrance.

Target audience analysis for a mini-bakery

It is not possible to single out a separate category of visitors to the mini-bakery.

After all, everyone loves baked goods. It's just that each category has its own special preferences.

Based on them, you can create an assortment for the company.

Dividing customers, for example, by age, we get the following results:

  1. Children.
    They love sweet pastries, buns, gingerbread, stuffed bagels.
  2. Middle aged people.
    As a rule, they buy classic types of bread and pastries for tea.
  3. Elderly people.
    For them, the price is in the first place, so many introduce a separate category of “social bread”. But they also value quality.
    Therefore, in products for pensioners, it is important to combine both of these parameters.

Room for a mini-bakery

Like many other options for organizing a business selling services or products to customers, a mini-bakery should be placed in a building with high traffic.

The best location is near underground passages, metro stations, railway stations, in business centers.

After all, the ultimate goal of a mini-bakery is the sale of baked goods. And these places will provide increased demand.

For a novice entrepreneur, the option of buying a room for a mini-bakery is usually completely inaccessible, therefore a lease agreement is concluded.

If you are confident in the success of your business, you can agree on the possibility of purchasing the premises definitively in the future.

And if you are not sure, then is it worth taking on its implementation at all?

For the operation of a mini-bakery, a room of 150m 2 in size is quite enough. The cost of renting such a territory will greatly depend on the city and location in it.

Specific figures are displayed in the financial section of the business plan when calculating the costs and profits of the business.

Requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery

It is impossible to open a mini-bakery without obtaining an activity permit from the SES.

Approval of activities can only be achieved if the premises meet the following requirements:

  1. Sewerage must be provided in the premises.
    Hot and cold water is also required.
  2. The ceilings of the mini-bakery are finished with whitewash, and the walls need to be covered with tiles.
  3. Ventilation must be in all rooms and function properly.
  4. The location of the business in the basement of the building is excluded.
  5. In addition to the main premises, additional premises are required (pantry / warehouse, toilet).

How to open a mini-bakery at home?

Interesting fact:
The world's largest bread was baked in a bakery in Acapulco, Mexico. A loaf 9200 meters long was baked in January 1996.

Theoretically, the option of opening a full-fledged mini-bakery at home is only possible if you live in a private house that is large enough in area and meets all the requirements of the relevant authorities.

IN apartment building the business of baking and selling "out of the window" is being questioned not only because of the insufficient size, but also due to the smells that will accompany the production.

However, no one interferes with simply baking any products at home and selling in small volumes.

A lot of people have turned their passion for cooking into an additional source of income (the business of making cupcakes, muffins, cakes to order).

But most often this is just an opportunity to work "for the soul", and the income from such activities is small.

Staff for mini-bakery

A mini-bakery requires a small staff to run.

The key figure in business, the search for which must be approached with special attention, is the technologist.

But the services of an accountant are not required on a permanent basis, therefore it is easier to resort to outsourcing companies.

Another suitable option is to hire a person for a part-time job with hourly pay.

How many people to hire for a business is a personal matter for every entrepreneur. But the optimal number is indicated in the table below.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Technologist1 44 000 44 000
Baker4 27 000 108 000
Cashier2 24 000 48 000
Cleaning woman1 20 000 20 000

The specified number of employees of the mini-bakery is selected based on the shift work schedule.

How many cleaners are needed depends on the amount of work in the mini-bakery. Your business may need two people. Or, on the contrary, one employee will be hired on an hourly basis.

It is worth noting that each employee must have a health book to work in such an institution as a mini-bakery.

All necessary analyzes and procedures must be passed in it, and the absence of problems is confirmed by seals.

Financial calculations for opening a mini-bakery

Although the mini-bakery will pay off for a rather long time, which is considered a disadvantage for entrepreneurs, the size of the initial investment in the business is quite modest.

To open a company, it is not always necessary to attract investors or seek help from a bank.

Often the entrepreneur is ready to cover the costs from his own budget.

The cost of opening a mini-bakery

NameCost (in rubles)
Total:RUB 475,000
Business documentation preparation25 000
Purchase of commercial equipment150 000
Purchase of production equipment100 000
Buying furniture30 000
Repair and finishing works100 000
Running ads50 000
other expenses20 000

To open a mini-bakery of a small size, a novice entrepreneur needs to have a starting capital of 475,000 rubles.

Of course, someone manages to start a business with 100,000 in his pocket. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

The amount can be covered from your own funds or take a loan from a bank, or attract investors.

Monthly expenses

Thus, maintaining the operation of a mini-bakery costs the owner at least 470,000 rubles a month.

Revenue from starting a business

Despite the relatively low profitability of a mini-bakery, in fact, this type of business will bring a lot of profit to its owner.

After all, bakery products are a product of prime necessity. The need has always been and always will be.

The amount of money invested in advertising, product quality, and production volumes affect how much your establishment will bring.

This business is characterized by low seasonality. The peak of sales is observed in autumn (September-November) and spring (March-April).

But this difference is not as significant as, for example, in the car wash business.

When calculating the expected profit from a business, it is also important to foresee potential risks and solutions.

Among them are the following options:

  • The emergence in the city or nearby (in the case of megacities) of similar firms and direct competitors for business.
  • Seasonal decrease in the number of sales.
  • Change in the cost of raw materials needed for production in a mini-bakery.
  • Revision by government agencies of regulations for such business and requirements regarding the operation of the bakery.

Download ready-made bakery business plan with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

For inspiration, we invite you to watch a video about

start-up entrepreneurs and their mini-bakery.

You will succeed too!

  1. Despite how much advertising promotion of a business costs, it needs to be funded monthly.
    Otherwise, the performance will fall, as a result, the level of sales will decrease.
  2. In order to save money, many aspiring entrepreneurs purchase equipment for a mini-bakery from domestic manufacturers.
    This is the case. when the low price is reflected in the quality.
    If it suddenly fails, you will lose much more.
    Therefore, it is better to save on something else, but to buy good imported equipment. It is possible to purchase used equipment.
    Despite the fact that it was in use, the functionality will still be higher than that of domestic samples.
  3. The format of the organization allows you to adjust the business to the demand of the population and trends.
    Do not ignore this and constantly work on expanding the range, introducing new positions and experimenting with the recipe.
  4. Do not hire specialists in a mini-bakery without experience.
    At a minimum, the technologist and bakers should have a broad knowledge base and the skills necessary for the business.
    Otherwise, the technological process may suffer.
    This will lead to a deterioration in the quality of work, a decrease in production volumes and, accordingly, a decrease in sales volumes.
  5. It is worth working on wholesale business products.
    Establish contacts with large marketplaces to be able to expand the mini-bakery.

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Profitability of confectionery and bakery production directly depends on the cost of performing production operations, the literacy of the use of resources, as well as on the stability of the quality of products and consumer demand for it. A company can increase profitability by either increasing prices for higher quality products or by lowering the cost of producing an existing one. Pavel Sergeevich Golyakov, Director of the Department of Integrated Equipment for Bakery Production in Russia and the CIS countries of the Russian Trapeza holding, spoke about how to competently increase the profitability of an enterprise, taking into account the payback period of investments for 2-3 years.

— Pavel Sergeevich, what should be the focus of attention for enterprises seeking to increase profitability?

– The company should focus on reducing the impact of unforeseen factors. When we talk about external risks, we mean dependence on: large wholesale buyers, which account for more than 10% of the total production volume; from contracts for the supply and maintenance of equipment concluded in foreign currency; from the price stability of raw material suppliers.

Only by protecting itself from the influence of external and internal risks, the manufacturer can concentrate on modernizing the technical component and improving the stability of the quality of products.

SanPiN Sanitary rules and regulations for mini-bakery

Competent modernization of the technical component of production entails a reduction in the cost of manual labor, energy resources, loss of raw materials and other factors that negatively affect the economic efficiency of production.

- How to increase the economic efficiency of production due to technical re-equipment?

– Often, most of the financial losses in the confectionery and bakery industries are due to marriage, spraying, loss of raw materials due to non-compliance with storage and transportation conditions, as well as inappropriate use of human resources. In order to understand what exactly affects economic efficiency to a greater extent, we conduct a technical and technological audit and identify the weakest and unprofitable places of production. In other words, we are looking for where the profit is “lost”. Based on the results of the audit, we draw up recommendations and develop a plan for further technical re-equipment, broken down by quarters.

It happens that a company has large expenses for renting or maintaining warehouses for storing raw materials. The solution is to implement systems for bulk storage of flour and bulk raw materials (BHM). The payback period of such re-equipment, as a rule, does not exceed several years, after which the company's profitability increases significantly. Another, no less rare situation is when a company spends too much time and labor resources on transporting raw materials from one workshop to another in small production containers. In this case, we recommend implementing automatic conveying systems. If a company is losing profits due to scrap or high product returns, then the problem can be solved by creating waste processing site to reuse returns or create additional lines of production that positively affect the success of the company.

– Give examples demonstrating the impact of technical modernization on profitability.

- Not so long ago, for one of the Russian enterprises for the production of granulated sugar, our holding developed, manufactured and implemented an automated transportation system, which forced bagging and manual labor out of the production chain.

Prior to the technical re-equipment, the company had 15 employees who were involved in the process of sewing bags for transporting granulated sugar to remote production sites. Thanks to the re-equipment, it was possible to abandon unnecessary costs for payroll, reduce losses by minimizing product dispersion, and increase production volumes. Together, this led to a reduction in production costs and, as a result, to an increase in the profitability of production. Every year we implement dozens of major projects related to the technical re-equipment of food and non-food industries. With more detailed information about them, everyone can find on the official website of our holding.

Opening a mini bakery

Today we will tell you about what SES requirements for a mini-bakery are presented today by the supervisory authorities, and we will also talk about General requirements to start this type of business.

Opening your own bakery is not difficult these days. You will need an initial investment and a desire to start making money on the production of bread. When opening a bakery, you will need to make sure that all of its production parts meet certain SES requirements. The following is a list of the main requirements of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

  1. In a mini-bakery, it is necessary to have a water supply from a centralized network or a device of its own internal water supply from artesian wells specially designed for this.
  2. The quality of water used in the production of bakery products must comply with the requirements of GOST.
  3. If water is taken from an artesian well, it is necessary to equip a zone around it sanitary protection at least 25 meters. It is also necessary to establish constant systematic control not only of water quality, but also of the sanitary and technical condition of the water intake area for production.
  4. If the production uses water tanks for spare water, then the premises in which they are located must be kept clean and isolated from the production premises.
  5. Storage areas in a mini-bakery must be dry and clean, they must also be heated and ventilated. Regarding humidity, we add that its level here should not exceed 75%.
  6. Warehouses need equipment with special equipment for loading raw materials and shipping finished products.
  7. It is necessary to equip warehouses with separate forklifts.
  8. IN warehouses it is necessary that the floor be without cracks and cemented, the walls - smooth.
  9. In industrial premises it is necessary to make the wiring of hot and cold water of drinking quality. Flush taps are installed at the rate of 1 tap for every 500 meters of the production hall area.
  10. If in a mini-bakery, which must comply with the requirements of the SES, there will be no hot water, it is necessary to provide for the presence of boilers or water heaters so that there is always hot water in the workshops.

Requirements for a mini-bakery - SES requirements for products and raw materials

  1. All raw materials supplied to the production of bread, finished products and packaging materials must comply with applicable standards and specifications, as well as have the necessary hygienic certificates and quality certificates.
  2. The hygienic certificate is issued for all types of products. The manufacturer is obliged to confirm the conformity of the batch of manufactured and supplied products with the established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the goods).
  3. Raw materials and materials for production are allowed for use if there is a laboratory conclusion.
  4. If a mini-bakery uses imported raw materials, then the manufacturer must have a certificate and specification for this raw material, as well as a hygiene certificate or permission from the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  5. All raw materials entering the production of bread must be prepared for production in a special way. For example, the unloading of raw materials and semi-finished products should take place only in separate storage facilities or in the preparatory department.
  6. All raw materials, finished products and auxiliary materials should be stored in warehouses only on racks at a height of 15 cm from the floor and at a distance of 70 cm from the walls.

In our next articles, we will take a closer look at the requirements for a SES mini-bakery applicable to flour and flour raw materials.

How to start a confectionery business?

Dedicated to all sweet tooth...

And not only for those with a sweet tooth: pastry chefs, businessmen and just curious readers, because the confectionery business is interesting for almost any person.

Cakes and sweets will not leave anyone indifferent. The confectionery business is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, because it requires a special approach and some knowledge. Confectionery is easy to eat, but difficult to produce, but the profit from everyone's favorite sweets can be very large.

The profitability of the confectionery business is 20-30%. The disadvantage of the confectionery business is its long payback: about 2.5 - 3 years. But if during this time you can adequately recommend yourself, then you will always have buyers at any time of the year. But in winter, confectionery products are bought much more than in summer.

Types of confectionery business

All confectionery products are divided into flour and sugar. The former include cakes, pastries, gingerbread, cookies, rolls, waffles, etc. And the second includes sweets, chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, lollipops, soufflé, caramel and more. To open a "sugar" business, you will need to invest from 700 thousand dollars, to open a "flour" business you need a little less: 270-300 thousand dollars. On the other hand, there is less import competition in the sugar business than in the flour business.

To begin with, decide in which of these areas you are going to work, what you like best and within your means. The easiest way to start and build your business is to have some original or unusual idea.

First, let's break the entire confectionery business into two categories:
- Confectionary shop;
- Candy store.

Confectionery production as a business

Since the flour business is easier to open, and it is mainly focused on small and medium business then let's talk about it. To do this, you will need to rent a room of about 1000 square meters. meters. You need to equip the squares with a dough mixer, a cream beater, an electric stove, a sectional oven, industrial refrigerators, small inventory and furniture. All you need is about 30 thousand dollars.

After that, you need to collect all Required documents, which will be required to work with edible products. You will also need working personnel who will produce products and transport finished products.

Finding good confectioners is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Many young people graduate from culinary colleges as a pastry chef, but only a few can really work in this business. If you yourself will deliver your products to customers, then you will need 5-12 units of vehicles equipped with refrigerators.

The location of the confectionery shop is very important, because it produces a perishable product that requires immediate sale. There is no need to talk about exporting to other countries, it will be quite problematic to deliver your goods even to other cities of the country. You should focus only on a large city and its nearest satellite cities. It is best to open a pastry shop in a large city, where there are many more potential customers than in small towns.

For starters, you should look for customers in various small stores where they sell confectionery products. If you manage to get a large store or supermarket as a customer, then this can be done by moving to positive side. At this time, you may want to think about increasing production volumes.

Additionally, you can carry out one-time private orders, such as baking wedding cakes. Such products are considered individual and their selling price is much higher than the cost price, so you can also make good money on such orders. Private orders are unstable and the main focus still needs to be on regular customers.

In your confectionery shop you can produce various products from cakes to rolls and muffins. Or you can focus on any one type of product: remember the famous Tula gingerbread. But for such production, your products must be special. The second type is only suitable for an exclusive product that can compete with another of the same kind. But the easiest way to start is with the sale of various products: somewhere you will win on cakes, somewhere on gingerbread.

If you still decide to organize a "sugar" business, then you will need special flow-mechanical equipment for this. Such production is much larger and almost completely mechanized. It is much easier to find personnel to work on mechanized equipment than to make cakes.

You will also need a large area to accommodate all the equipment and a warehouse for finished products. Your product can be stored a little longer, so there is less chance of burnout. But there is a lot of competition, both among local producers and foreign ones. It is more difficult to break into this business, but there is more stability in it than in the "flour".

If you manage to create your own brand, then you can consider opening a company store or department from which you will receive additional income.

Competition in this business big enough and requires special preparation to get people to like your product and buy it at the prices you set. Remember that the cost of confectionery is very high, as both adults and children love them.

Confectionery sales peak around the holidays, so don't forget about themed products (if you're into cakes, pastries, and rolls). For example, on New Year's holidays, decorate your products with fir trees, snowflakes and Santa Claus, on Valentine's Day, focus on hearts. Don't miss out on opportunities to make money doing what you do.

Confectionery as a business

If you don't want to mess with production and you might consider opening a candy store. To begin with, analyze the market: study the territory of the city where similar stores are located, look at their range and find a product that is in short supply or not at all. Think over the concept of your store, make an assortment of what you will sell.

Find a room in a place where you can most profitably and quickly sell your goods.

SES requirements for a mini bakery

Look for the most affluent areas where people with high purchasing power live. It is also good to locate confectionery shops in places of mass recreation of people. Agree, it’s nice to eat a cake or candy while walking. Interest the buyer with a beautiful sign, a pleasant warm interior.

Make your store convenient for customers, where they will have a desire to buy. Or make a bias for the children's audience, turn your store into a fairy tale. After all, children love sweets most of all, and it is the child who will not be able to calmly pass by a bright pastry shop.

First of all, a candy store must sell cakes, because no holiday is complete without this delicacy and this is the most expensive product of all confectionery products. Cakes are in second place. For some customers, the cake may be too big and they will consider buying cakes that are much smaller and more convenient. Sweets and chocolates are also popular, as are cakes and pastries.

Therefore, when opening a confectionery store, first of all, you need to focus on these products. "Floury" sweets should be purchased from local suppliers. Conclude a purchase agreement with one or several pastry shops at once to expand your assortment. "Sugar" sweets can be purchased from both local and foreign suppliers.

Before concluding an agreement with a particular company, make sure that they have all the sanitary and hygienic documents in order. The reputation of your store directly depends on the quality of the products supplied. Therefore, look for partners only among proven and well-established companies.

When buying this or that product, pay attention to the speed of its purchase: everything in your store should always be fresh. Confectionery products immediately give out their expiration date without any stamps. Therefore, in order not to burn out, it is necessary to minimize losses on lost products.

Starting a confectionery business think carefully if it's worth it or not. After all, it’s easier to go grocery shopping or making pens than jewelry sweets like cakes and sweets. But if you get down to business, do not drop your face in the dirt, always take care of the quality and freshness of the products. Such a sweet thing needs to be approached with all your heart and love, without this your sweets will always be with a bit of bitterness, which people do not like much.

Video with experts about the confectionery business in Russia

How to open a mini-bakery?

A mini-bakery is one of the types of businesses that are not affected by the economic crisis.

Documents for opening a bakery in St. Petersburg

Whatever the situation in the country and even in the world, people willingly give money for homemade cakes.

Opening a mini-bakery is a sequential and multi-stage process. It all starts as standard, with the registration of a business. And it would be quite useful to draw up a business plan for a mini-bakery in advance with calculations in order to understand what the business is waiting for ahead.

Registration and registration of a mini-bakery

Anyone for whom a mini-bakery as a business from personal experience will immediately say that there are two possible options:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurship (IP);
  • registration of a limited liability company (LLC).

Other forms of entrepreneurship will not suit such a type of business as a mini-bakery due to its small scale. If the founder does not plan to enter large volumes and generally opens his own business for the first time, then the option with an individual entrepreneur is much better suited.

When registering a mini-bakery in the form of an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to indicate the type of activity of the enterprise in the documentation. In this case, you should select classifier 15.81, indicating that the organization is engaged in the production of bread and flour confectionery products with a short shelf life.

You can find out about all types of economic activity in a special all-Russian classifier - OKVED.

A mandatory step is to create a current account for the future bakery. Most of the customers of such an enterprise are owners of retail grocery stores and supermarkets, and for them, transferring funds to a current account will be the most acceptable method of payment.

After the registration procedure, you need to decide on the taxation of the mini-bakery.

How to open a mini-bakery - regulations and acts

The mandatory list includes 5 documents. You need to be prepared to spend a few days going around all these organizations and getting permission from them for a bread and confectionery business:

  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • certificate of conformity issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production - issued by the sanitary epidemiological station, this permit gives the right to start manufacturing products in a mini-bakery;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products - also issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station, this permit gives the right to sell products made in a mini-bakery;
  • permission document from environmental expertise.

After passing through all the formal procedures in the mentioned instances, you can proceed directly to opening a business. Start by choosing the right space.

Choosing the right space to open a mini-bakery

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station presents an extensive list of restrictions on the parameters of the premises in which it is planned to open a bakery. Therefore, it is important that the selected location meets all of the following requirements:

  • placing a bakery is not allowed in the basement of houses;
  • the use of semi-basements is also prohibited for such enterprises;
  • the presence of an air conditioner in the room is mandatory;
  • walls up to a level of 175 centimeters from the floor should be made of porcelain stoneware or, at least, painted in light colors. Above the specified level, whitewashing should be applied, the same applies to the ceiling;
  • the floor of the bakery must be water resistant, porcelain stoneware is an excellent durable material with this property, its rough texture contributes to this;
  • personnel should have a separate dressing room, as well as a toilet and sink;
  • in the premises of the bakery, it is imperative to establish water supply and sanitation;
  • a separate room is required for the storage of raw materials used in production (butter, sugar, flour, etc.)

You can opt for a room that is not suitable for a number of points and subsequently bring it up to accepted standards, however, in this case, additional time and cost should be taken into account. After determining the place where the mini-bakery will be opened, it is necessary to equip it properly.

Mini bakery staff

At the initial stage, a mini-bakery will only need 4 workers:

  • technologist;
  • baker;
  • assistant baker;
  • cleaner.

A mini-bakery is often a family business, so at first all these duties can be performed by members of the same family, which will save money. Later, with an increase in sales, you can find hired workers and, if necessary, increase their number.

Equipment for a mini-bakery

When buying equipment for a mini-bakery, you should rely on a number of key factors:

  • the cost of technology;
  • production capacity of the proposed equipment;
  • parameters and dimensions of the previously selected room.

If the organizer of the enterprise is limited in funds, then the most suitable equipment at an affordable price should be sought among domestic manufacturers. With the proper approach, it is possible to choose equipment that is not inferior to imported counterparts, while saving on cost from 3 to 5 times.

As for used equipment, it is not worth taking risks and purchasing used equipment so as not to spend extra money on its repair or not to look for a new one if this one becomes completely unusable in a short time.

The price of mini-bakery equipment will directly depend on its production capacity. It is necessary to pre-calculate the scale of production in order to select the appropriate equipment. On average, the optimal production for a mini-bakery is about 50 kg of bread per hour. Equipment of such power will cost about 350 thousand rubles.

Mini-bakery product range

The variety of products depends on the choice of equipment for the bakery, the parameters of which will determine what products can be made in it:

  • bread is the main type of product due to which the mini-bakery exists;
  • bakery products - if technology allows, you can produce a wide range of different buns and cheesecakes with fillings;
  • bread with additives - there is a category of gourmets who are happy to buy bread with seeds, bran and other fillers.

Having chosen the premises and equipment, you can proceed to the selection of personnel.

Sales and advertising of mini-bakery products

Since the business plan of the mini-bakery was previously drawn up with calculations, the costs for advertising and development were already included in it. The first step is to build a showcase in the bakery and put up a sign so that people know what you can buy here. fresh bread. Many buyers want to purchase bakery products from the oven.

The next step is to arrange delivery with food stores. It is necessary to seek contact with the owners of outlets, arrange a meeting in order to demonstrate all available certificates and, preferably, give products for testing.

At first, you need to be ready to give the goods for sale in order to achieve loyalty and trust from the client and provide conditions better than those of competitors. It is necessary to offer buyers something that other participants in this market cannot do.

Mini-bakery taxation system

At the initial stage, a simplified taxation system (STS) is best suited for such an enterprise. The principle of calculating the simplified tax system is transparent and simple - the amount of expenses is deducted from the income from activities, and the amount received (profit) is taxed. The rate under the simplified system is 15%.

As for the formal part, after registering and choosing a taxation system, it remains to receive a number of regulatory documents and acts necessary to move to the opening stage. All this will be understood and made even easier if there is a person who already has a mini-bakery as a business from personal experience, and who can prompt and advise.

Income and expenses of a mini-bakery

Income will depend on the size of the initial investment in this business. In the presence of large volumes of production and a wide range of goods, the profit will be higher and more tangible.

It is necessary to spend about 800 thousand rubles to open a bakery from scratch. It should also be taken into account that the first 2-3 months, while the establishment of production and relations with consumers, can be unprofitable.

also interesting:

Good day! I continue to reveal the mini-bakery business plan, because without the right business plan it is quite difficult to build a business, and today we will talk about how to choose the right room for a mini-bakery.

  1. Purchase a property;
  2. Rent a space for your bakery.

Since my site was created for beginner businessmen, I will skip the first option, the cost of acquiring a premises is quite high and beginners simply do not have money for such a significant investment, although whatever you say, the option of acquiring premises for a mini-bakery has quite a lot of advantages.

We will focus on the second option, namely how to rent a room for a mini-bakery.

Rental of premises for a mini-bakery

Perhaps the best option for starting a bakery business is to rent a room. Small rental costs, as well as the ability to change the place of activity are just the main trump cards for choosing such a room.

Where to rent a place for a mini-bakery:

  1. Near large business centers;
  2. Near the subway;
  3. Near a large shopping complex.

SES requirements for a room for a mini-bakery

  1. Availability of plumbing, hot and cold water;
  2. The presence of a sewer system;
  3. A ventilation system is required;
  4. The room must comply with all SNiPs (it is forbidden to place a mini-bakery in the basement and semi-basement, special repairs must be made in the room;
  5. Depending on the capacity of the mini-bakery equipment, all power consumption standards must be observed.

    The power of the electrical network should be from 40 kW, in general, the more the better - this will subsequently expand and increase the productivity of your mini-bakery.

It is also imperative that the mini-bakery must have premises for staff, for storing consumables and, of course, a toilet for workers.

In general, organizing a business is a troublesome and responsible business, almost 50% of the success of the entire enterprise is decided at the stage of creating a business.

I would recommend taking a list of requirements for the premises for a mini-bakery, nevertheless, to take it in the SES itself at the place of business (the fact is that in some regions they may differ slightly) and let's say, turn a blind eye to some points of the SES (I myself personally saw a mini -bakery in the basement).

When renting a room, you can agree with the landlord so that in the future this room can be redeemed.

Also considering the leased premises, pay attention to the possibility of further expansion of production.

This is perhaps all that concerns the premises for a mini-bakery. If you want to get answers to your questions, you can ask them in the special VK group “Business Secrets for a Beginner”, knowledgeable entrepreneurs will help, and of course I also give my recommendations.

That's all! Successful business!

Oleg KHODYAKOV: "All our products are handmade and of high quality"

When buying bread, a person thinks little about how and by whom it is made. Perhaps because many are sure: now only machines work in the process of baking, and people only control this process. Is this really so, what is the “highlight” of products made in mini-bakeries, how to bake belyashi, which tastes indistinguishable from homemade ones, and about many other things, we asked the owner of the KhleBBery chain Oleg KHODYAKOV.

Oleg Olegovich, baking production is hard work.

Not everyone can master this craft, and random people, as a rule, do not stay here. Judging by the fact that the people of Syzran appreciated the products of the KhleBBery bakery, you have found your calling. Tell us why you chose this particular area and how long ago the KhleBBery network was created.

No wonder they say that bread is the head of everything. People always need bread, regardless of the economic situation in the world.

I wanted to contribute to the production of high-quality bakery products. The first KhleBBery bakery at the Obraztsovskaya Ploshchadka opened in June 2017, five months later, in the area of ​​the SVVAUL military camp. Currently, there are five outlets in Syzran, plus four more in the cities of Tolyatti, Smolensk, Cherepovets, and Kirov.

Now people have the opportunity to choose where exactly to buy products, including bread. How can KhleBBery bakeries attract customers, what is their “highlight”?

It's very simple: quality products and excellent service. In addition, when a person buys bread that was not delivered to the store across the city (or even from another city!), but was baked two steps away from home, it is impossible not to taste it. All our products are handmade. And since everything is reflected in the quality of bread - even the mood of the baker, we have a friendly, cheerful, young team of like-minded people.

Could you please clarify what exactly is meant by the concept of "quality products"?

First, we have a reliable, well-established logistics system supply of quality products for production. Products are carefully selected. And secondly, secondary production is excluded in the KhleBBery network. That is, all products that are not sold on time are written off, and not recycled. We live in a small town, and a good reputation for us is not empty words. For example, take the same belyashi. We do not buy ready-made minced meat from someone, but we make it ourselves, which is why we guarantee excellent taste and the highest quality.

Separately, I want to say about our new product - "Sourdough Rye Bread" - yeast-free bread baked on natural sourdough. We grow this yeast ourselves. The process is long, but then the bread turns out to be real - tasty, fragrant, healthy.

What is the assortment in KhleBBery bakeries?

Now in the nomenclature - more than a hundred items of products. But this is not the limit. So, recently we have created a novelty that has come to the taste of many customers - julienne with mushrooms. Confectionery production began to expand: Napoleon cake, muffins, as well as favorite Soviet-era cakes: Potato, ring, eclairs, etc.

What difficulties do you face at work?

Probably, not only in this business, but everywhere - the personnel issue is the most difficult to solve. Sometimes it is easier to take a turner and teach baking than to retrain specialized specialists from other industries.

What plans do you have for the future?

In the very near future we plan to launch a franchise in Russia. This is a completely different, much higher level.

What promotions are held in KhleBBery bakeries?

Permanent 10% discounts for factory workers - employees of Tyazhmash and SNPZ, as well as for pensioners. In the morning, before 11.00, a 30% discount is provided for products, and after 19.00 - 20%.

Interviewed by Elena OZINSKAYA: “Thank you, Oleg Olegovich, for an interesting conversation. Good luck in your work!

Addresses where KhleBBeri bakeries are located:

  • st. Lazo, d.28
  • Ulyanovsk highway, 17
  • st. Lyudinovskaya, 29
  • st. 50 years of October, 44
  • Shopping center "Obraztsovsky"
  • st. Mira, 64

What is good about the business in the form of opening a bakery is its simplicity and demand. Indeed, in any, even a small city, bread is needed every day and for everyone. True, in order to engage in baking, one must love it, only in this way baking bread will become a profitable business and bring a stable income. Although the bakery will not bring very large incomes, especially at the beginning, it will allow you to “stand firmly on your feet”. Therefore, the best candidates for opening their own mini-bakery will be bakers with entrepreneurial inclinations.

In most mini-bakeries, there is simply no end to customers, this business is in great demand, as they say: kalach will become boring, but bread will never. In this review, we will draw up a bakery business plan “from A to Z” together (calculations for 2018).

It is not necessary to be a professional baker, but being able and loving to bake pies, bread, muffins and other goodies will be very desirable. Indeed, in this case, even before the opening of the mini-bakery, you will be able to develop a unique recipe and test it on friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors and choose the most delicious and successful options, and get your first customers. And then, in the process of work, you will always be able to respond very flexibly to changes in market conditions, to the appearance of competitors, adjusting and changing the range or method of sale, so as to remain the most “delicious” bakery on the market.

In this article, we will consider the features of the bakery, analyze an approximate business plan, sources of funding, which will help you make a conscious decision about the scale, equipment, assortment and format of work.

Bakery assortment

The first thing to do at the stage of the bakery business plan is to decide on the direction. To do this, it is not necessary to order complex marketing research, you can simply go around shops, kiosks, mini-bakeries and other points where bakery products are sold and find out which types are more in demand. What is scattered, and what lies for a long time. Why so is a question of quality or price. The products of which factories and bakeries are represented there.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to compete with the so-called social varieties of bread of large bakeries and combines. But by focusing on taste and health benefits in a business plan, it is quite possible to occupy a stable niche in a higher price range. It can be varieties of bread with bran; with the addition of sesame seeds, sunflower; combined bread - from wheat, rye, corn flour; bread with cumin, malt, even dried fruits.

Do not forget about the confectionery direction in the bakery - sweet buns, muffins, cookies, etc. And since you will probably buy sesame, sunflower, nuts, sugar and fructose grains in bulk, then organize the production of gozinaki and other nut and grain goodies, would also be very helpful.

the main objective this study for a business plan, find out what types of popular bakery products are in short supply, so that you can then offer them at an affordable price.

As already mentioned, this work can be done independently, or you can order a marketing research. In the first case, you will spend your time and save some money, but there is a risk that you will miss some important point, which may be key, and as a result, sales and profitability may be lower than expected. In the second case, the picture will be more complete, but the article of investments in opening a business based on a mini-bakery will be replenished with another amount, not the fact that it is mandatory.

Start-up capital

How much money to consider for starting production in a business plan directly depends on how much bread and other products you plan to bake.

If you start small, 200-400 kg of bakery products per day, then for a couple of electric ovens, medium dough mixers, racks and tables, 350-400,000 rubles may well be enough. If you are planning a larger business, then you will need several million. The exact amount will be determined by a specific business plan, or rather its estimated part.

The source of funding in the business plan estimate can be:

  1. own funds;
  2. Bank loan;
  3. money from a private investor.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the first case, you risk only your own money, but for start-up entrepreneurs, the amount of more than 500,000 rubles, which you need to invest and get the first profit only after a few months, often turns out to be unbearable.

The second and most common way is a bank loan. This is money borrowed at interest. The option is obvious, the risk is high, but getting money for a bakery and paying back loans is real.

And the third is to find a private investor who has free funds, and he may be interested in business development, but in this case a competent business plan is already important. For example, this may be the owner of a grocery supermarket chain, and / or a cafe, which is interested in as many customers as possible go to it, and they remain regular customers. And you, with your fresh and tasty buns, will help him with this. Your unbearable amount for him may not be so significant. But here it is important to immediately agree on the conditions under which you will receive the money. After all, there is a risk that after you establish a profitable bakery, a stronger and more experienced partner can take over your business. The decency of the investor is also important here, as well as their own quickness and “toothiness”.

Regulatory and permitting documents

When starting your own mini-bakery, you need to take care of obtaining all the necessary permits.

The sphere of production and marketing of food products has clear requirements from the SES. Before the business starts, it is mandatory to obtain 2 conclusions - for the production and products of the bakery.

In addition, a mini-bakery will require a certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The final stage will be the issuance of a document from the environmental expertise service, as well as the coordination of all standards with the fire inspection at the factory.

Without all of the above documents, it is impossible to open a bakery. Keep in mind in the business plan that the cost of obtaining opinions and permits from all instances will be about 50,000 rubles.

Premises for rent

A very important and responsible step, since not every room is suitable for a bakery. As one of the most desired options, this is part of the free space of shops, enterprises Food Industry, Catering. Such premises initially comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire service, or it is quite easy to bring them into line with such requirements. To rent such premises, you need to conclude an agreement on a joint type of activity. But not every business owner will let someone else under his “roof”, because the tenant can cause trouble, and both will have to answer.

In any case, it is quite possible to find suitable premises which is leased for long term. And you need to take care of this in advance.

For a mini-bakery, a room of 60-120 m², a separate storage room and a dressing room will be enough.

When searching, it is important to take into account the location, the availability of convenient entrances for the shipment of products, as well as low competition or - the best option - its absence.

The premises of the bakery must comply with the requirements of the SES, study the issue thoroughly on the official website.

If the room is not equipped with any of the above systems, then you need to make repairs, taking into account the estimate, or look for another option.

An interesting idea: organizing a mini-bakery in your own apartment

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

The quantity and quality of equipment for a mini-bakery is determined by the budget possibilities of the business plan, as well as the chosen scale of the bakery. Imported European equipment has excellent performance and energy-saving characteristics, but the cost of such equipment is often several times higher than domestic counterparts. Therefore, you need to look at the specific situation and consider all options. Foreign, domestic, new and used samples. Carefully study the specifications, reviews. It will be very good to visit the operating production, where the equipment you are interested in is installed.

You will definitely need:

  1. A bakery oven of the KhPE-500 type or an analogue - preferably two small ones, because in the event of a failure, production will stop, and a disruption in the supply of products, especially at the beginning of a business, is extremely negative.
  2. Proofer - there the shaped dough is suitable before serving in the oven.
  3. One or more small dough mixers if a wide range is expected.
  4. Forms for bread.
  5. Bottom sheets.
  6. Tables, racks.
  7. Portion scales.
  8. Other auxiliary utensils, metal containers, bowls, knives, spatulas, etc.

This section will form the most significant capital cost item for a bakery business plan. Depending on the chosen type and class of equipment, the amount can range from $60,000 to $200,000. At the first stage, it would be best to get by with the essentials, and buy the rest as the output grows and as needed.

You also need to find and conclude contracts for the supply of all necessary raw materials and ingredients for the bakery in advance. For the smooth operation of the bakery, you should maintain at least a week's supply in your own warehouse. With the majority of large suppliers, it is possible to agree on the regular delivery of the required amount by their transport, which will also remove the need to maintain their own vehicles.

Even the most carefully crafted business plan will not give you the true cost of production before the first loaves are out of the oven. Therefore, the first few batches will be the most important in pricing, technology development and the final recipe.

To help in the calculations, we give data according to GOST, for 1,000 kg. white bread needs 740 kg. flour, 9.6 kg. salt, 1.2 kg. sunflower oil, 7.4 kg. yeast. It is not difficult to find out the price of these ingredients from suppliers, and for the rest too, if the recipe is more complex. To the amount received, you should add staff salaries, electricity fees, rent, taxes, etc. Further, elementary arithmetic for a business plan: the selling price of products must cover the sum of all costs and contain at least a minimum profit, otherwise the bakery will have to close.

For the smooth and profitable operation of the bakery, conscientious and skilled workers are needed. Otherwise, all efforts can be crossed out by one batch of low-quality bread. Therefore, the selection of people must be taken very responsibly and carefully.

Sales organization

In parallel with the order and installation of the production line, you should deal with the conclusion of contracts with shops or wholesalers. This is where the information collected in the first paragraph of our list may come in handy. In addition, by this time it is good to have prototypes of the products that you are going to offer, so that the owner or manager can be convinced of the quality and good commercial characteristics of the products.

It is best to organize the delivery of mini-bakery products at the expense of the wholesaler's company, or conclude an agreement with a private carrier. In the latter case, he would pick up finished products every morning and deliver them to retail outlets. In both options, there is no need to buy and maintain your own vehicles.

It should be remembered when drawing up a business plan that for a stable and profitable operation of the bakery, it is necessary to find the ratio of price and quality of the product that would suit you as a manufacturer, but also a buyer, as a consumer. The best guarantee of business stability is a satisfied customer who becomes a regular customer.

We hope that the information provided in this article will help you start a business, run your own mini-bakery and earn your first million.

Roman Agarkov specially for Intellectis

Mini bakery: profitable or not? Profitability of a mini bakery

You can hardly argue with the fact that a business that is built on the production of any food products, especially bread, will always be in demand. In the realities of our country, the production of bread is in demand - our people have eaten bread and will always eat it. Today we wanted to talk about how profitable it is to open your own mini-bakery, and also talk about the profitability of such production.

The business of producing bread in relatively small quantities has many advantages. So, in particular, it is easy to change it to the needs of the market and for a mini-bakery you will not need a large number of staff. Your products will always be in demand, as it is quite easy to supply them fresh and hot. According to experts, the profitability of a mini-bakery averages from 20% to 50%. To a greater extent, it depends on the chosen niche of products and on its range.

Economic feasibility of a mini bakery, profitability

To answer the question of whether it is profitable or not to open a mini-bakery, you will need to analyze the situation on the market and make an analysis of already operating bakeries in the big cities of our country. If you start to analyze the work of all successful mini-bakeries in large cities, you can easily make an approximate accounting of the most basic indicators of the economic significance of this business. We will give some average data that was obtained in the course of correspondence and consultations with many mini-bakery owners.

Annual expenses for ensuring the operation of a mini-bakery:

  1. Approximate rent per year for a bread making facility is about $29,000
  2. Purchase of equipment at the initial stage of opening a business - about $ 35,000
  3. Repair of the premises to comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection - about $ 4,000
  4. Purchase and installation of all necessary furniture for a mini bakery - about $ 1,500
  5. Costs for public Utilities for 12 months - about 6,000 dollars
  6. Salaries of employees for a 12-month period of operation of a mini-bakery - about $ 50,000

These are approximate costs for the first year of providing a mini-bakery.

When planning to reach the self-sufficiency of the enterprise within 1-2 years, it is necessary first of all to focus on the production and production of rich pastries, which on average gives 60% profitability. This is due to the fact that the mini-bakery is capable of processing about 1 ton of flour per day. With such volumes of production, your products will be easy enough to buy and will not stagnate in stores. Thus, you will reduce the waste of your production. On average, such volumes will allow you to receive a net profit: $ 351 thousand (STS 6%) or $ 357 thousand (STS 15%), BASIC - $ 298 thousand.

If you focus only on the production of bread, then the profitability of a mini-bakery will be about 20-25%, which will allow you to reach self-sufficiency a little later - 3 years after the opening of a mini-bakery.

How much does a mini bakery cost?

The benefit of a mini-bakery depends entirely on its cost at the initial stage of starting a business. Here are some data regarding the cost of equipment:

  1. Roasting cabinets. The cost of equipment starts from 19,000 rubles.
  2. Bakery ovens.

    The cost of equipment starts from 20,000 rubles.

  3. Roasting ovens. The cost of equipment starts from 35,000 rubles.
  4. Bottom ovens. The cost of equipment starts from 400,000 rubles.

You will need to get a refrigerator, cutting tables and tools, equipment for storing finished products, as well as display cases with the function of cooling the placed goods. The approximate cost of all this equipment will be about $300,000.

As additional equipment, if you sell products at the checkout, you will need a cash register. Price simple models is now about 23,000 rubles.

The approximate cost of a mini-bakery is about 3-4 million rubles.

A mini bakery is beneficial if you approach the matter as thoughtfully as possible and having some experience in the confectionery business behind you.


Chapter 1 Organization Research

      General characteristics of the organization

      Mission, goals and functions of the organization

      Interaction of the organization with the external environment

      Organizational structure and powers of departments

      Organizational processes and management system

      SWOT - organization analysis

      Personnel policy and communications in the organization

      Characteristics of the type of organizational culture

Chapter 2. Diagnosis of organizational problems and justification of innovative proposals

Chapter 3

      Innovative project for the modernization of the main equipment at the enterprise

      1. Goals and objectives of the innovation project

      2. Strategies, methods and resources

        Economic efficiency of innovations


Bibliographic list


The study of an organization using design technology is relevant, as it makes it possible not only to study the organization and determine its main problems, but also to offer possible solutions to one of the problems.

The purpose of the course work is to master the basic provisions of the theory of organization through the study of a particular organization.

Work tasks:

1) acquire the ability to analyze and understand the basic organizational structures and processes, to see the shortcomings of the organization and development reserves;

2) master the skills of the project approach to the implementation of effective changes (innovations) in the organization;

3) master the skills of designing project work, participating in public defense and examination of projects in accordance with the requirements for project development.

The object of the study is the municipal unitary enterprise "Bakery" in the settlement of Svetly, Saratov region.

The subject of the study is the organizational and managerial structure of the enterprise, as well as the level of innovative activity of the enterprise.

In the work on the project, methods such as participant observation, acquaintance with the documents of the organization, questionnaires, interviews, audit, design, special methods for studying individual aspects of the organization (OCAI) will be used. Such research methods allow the most complete study of the organization in this case. For work, there are such information resources as: the opportunity to get acquainted with the documentation of the institution, the possibility of interviewing, questioning, the possibility of participant observation,

Chapter 1 Organization Research

      General characteristics of the organization

The municipal unitary enterprise "Bakery" ZATO settlement Svetly (hereinafter MUP "Bakery") was established in accordance with the order No. 2-R dated 03.01.02 of the head of the municipality ZATO settlement Svetly Kashirina T.N.

The founder of the Enterprise is the administration of the municipality ZATO, Svetly village, Saratov region (Certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the enterprise No. 38)

The enterprise is legal entity, has a separate property, an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in bank institutions, a seal with its name, a stamp, forms, a company name, a trademark.

The enterprise is liable under the current legislation of the Russian Federation for the results of its production, economic and financial activities and the fulfillment of obligations to the owner of the property, suppliers, consumers, the budget, banks and other legal and individuals with all his property. The Enterprise shall not be liable for the obligations of the administration of the MD ZATO of Svetly, and the administration of the MD ZATO of the settlement of Svetly shall not be liable for the obligations of the Enterprise, except as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Location of the enterprise MUP "Bakery": Russia, Saratov region, ZATO p. Svetly, st. Kovalenko 1, "a".

The enterprise was created in order to meet social needs in the results of its activities and make a profit.

To achieve the goals of MUP "Bakery" carries out the following activities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (subject of activity of the enterprise):

    purchase of raw materials and necessary materials for the production of products;

    production of bakery and confectionery products, incl. with cream;

    sale of products through your store;

    wholesale and retail trade in related products;

    sale of over-purchased raw materials;

    rental of premises for the creation of retail outlets;

    sale of products under contracts through other trade enterprises;

    carrying out other activities that do not contradict the current legislation.

To carry out activities subject to licensing. The enterprise is obliged to obtain a permit (license) in the manner prescribed by applicable law

      Mission, goals and functions of the organization

Mission Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Bakery" - providing the population of the village of Svetly and nearby settlements with high-quality bakery and confectionery products at the level of world standards through the introduction of the latest technologies in production and management.

Our long-term goal is to be the leader in the production of high-quality high-quality bakery and confectionery products.

Since ancient times, guests in Russia have been greeted with bread and salt - products that symbolize peace, friendliness and hospitality.

Our company serves a noble purpose - we feed people with bread.

The development strategy of MUP "Bakery" consists of the following key components.

    Concentration of efforts on satisfaction of needs of buyers. We are increasing the production of the most popular types of bread in order to achieve effective growth of the company.

    Application of the most advanced achievements. We identify and implement the most effective production and sales innovations that help us reduce costs, improve bread quality, and increase sales.

    Investments in new technologies.

      Interaction of the organization with the external environment

The main task facing the bakery is to expand the sales market for products and strengthen the won positions by expanding the range of manufactured goods.

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Baking bread and buns is one of the few "eternal" businesses. Bread was, bread is, bread will be eaten. Despite the prospects of this business, opening your own bakery is not an easy task: it will take time, investment of finances and effort. At the zero stage, a businessman will not only have to establish production, but rather look for a suitable premises, break through administrative barriers, coordinate and obtain permits. What does an entrepreneur need to know to start a bread baking business?


The formula for the success of the bakery is an original, not banal high quality product, well-established production and customers. Many clients.

It would seem that starting is simple: find a suitable premises, hire qualified bakers and technologists, come up with your own unique assortment, buy a production line and - go ahead! However, bread is a food product. Its composition, process and production technologies are controlled by the state. For an entrepreneur, this means that in addition to dealing with the usual organizational issues of launching, he must study the vast legal and regulatory environment of the bakery business. Where to start, how to open your own bakery from scratch in 2016?

1 Planning, choosing a bakery option

Calculate several opening options. Choose the most profitable one. The subsequent elections will depend on the format in which production is organized: the area of ​​​​the premises, the necessary equipment, and personnel. Bakeries can be full and part cycle.

In the first case, everything from start to finish is done at the enterprise itself, from dough production to baking products. This option is complex and costly, but more profitable - the profitability is higher.

The second format involves baking from semi-finished products. The essence of such production is: defrosting dough or blanks of products purchased from suppliers, subsequent molding (if necessary) and baking. A combined option is possible: the enterprise is equipped with a complete production line for baking bakery products, while selling its own and third-party, “cooked” products.

Immediately it is worth considering implementation schemes. Decide whether you will be limited to wholesale deliveries to stores and/or organize your own retail sale.

It is not worth relying only on wholesalers - it is much more profitable to develop your own network of outlets.

2 Registration

The organizational and legal forms of an individual entrepreneur or LLC are suitable for a bakery, each has pros and cons. Of the tax regimes, it is better to choose one of the special ones designed for small businesses. The optimal tax system for a bakery is the simplified tax system of 15% (“income minus expenses”): the costs of the bakery are significant, therefore, the tax base will be low. OKVED codes: 15.81, 15.82, 52.24, 55.30 (the specifics depend on the range and implementation options).

At this stage, it should be taken into account that both registration and doing business as part of an IP are cheaper and easier. In addition, in 2015-2016 in many regions, tax holidays for small businesses will start: IP registered for the first time, who have chosen the simplified tax system or a patent, and are engaged in social, industrial or scientific activities, are exempt from tax payments.

3 We study regulatory documents

Bakery products are related to the life and health of people - the state comprehensively regulates and controls this activity. We recommend that you first of all study the regulations in the part that relates to baking activities (prepare for many days of reading, there are more than a dozen of them).

General documents on the legal side of the bakery business:

  • Law N52-FZ dated March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population";
  • fast. government N438 dated 05.06.08 "On the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation";
  • fast. government N1036 of 08/15/97 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of catering services";
  • fast. Government N883 dated 22.11.00 "On the organization and monitoring of quality, food safety and public health";
  • GOST 31985-2013 “Interstate standard. Catering Services".

Fire safety regulations:

  • Law N69-FZ of December 21, 1994 "On Fire Safety";
  • Law N123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 "Technical regulation on fire safety requirements";
  • fast. Government No. 390 dated April 25, 2012 “On the fire regime” with the “Rules for the fire regime”.

With regard to product quality, the following applies:

  • "Temporary procedure for the development and approval of technical and technological maps for dishes and culinary products" (approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 06.07.97);
  • fast. government N982 dated 01.12.09 "On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification, and a single list of products, confirmation of conformity of which is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity";
  • Technical regulations of the Customs Union: TR TS 021/2011 and 022/2011 (“On food safety” and “Food products in terms of their labeling”);
  • Law N184-FZ of December 27, 2002 "On Technical Regulation".

Basic sanitary rules for bakeries:

  • SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" together with SanPiN;
  • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them of food products and food raw materials";
  • SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products";
  • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises";
  • SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations for the production of bread, bakery and confectionery products."

Please note that the last document issued instead of the canceled SanPiN is no longer valid - it was introduced temporarily, from 03/07/15 to 09/06/15. Thus, at the time of writing, there is a gap in the legislation. You still need to focus on this joint venture - there is no other.

4 Looking for suitable premises, equipment, suppliers and technologist

The required area depends on the chosen format of the bakery. The more operations are performed directly at the enterprise, the wider the range of pastries, the more space will be required. A full production cycle bakery will fit in an area of ​​50-150 sq. m, incomplete - 10-50 sq. m.

Pay special attention to the power supply - its power should be enough to operate the equipment.

The required equipment depends on the format of the bakery, production volumes and assortment. For example, for a full-cycle bakery, a full-fledged production line is needed, and for baking products from frozen semi-finished products, you can limit yourself to a proofer and a combi steamer.

Bakery equipment must be certified in Russia.

An experienced production technologist is half the success of a bakery. In his charge: the selection of equipment and the formation of an assortment, setting and chronometers of all technological processes. There is a technologist - there are no problems, therefore, at the time of launch, a specialist is needed, even if it is temporarily hired.

5 We notify, agree, certify

What do you need from the documents to open a bakery? The activity of baking bread is not subject to licensing. According to Law No. 52-FZ, obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor (FEZ) for products and compliance of premises/equipment with sanitary standards is not required.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are required to be guided by the norms of sanitary and fire legislation. State control bodies (SES, State Fire Supervision Service (MChS), Rospotrebnadzor) are not asleep - you should play by their rules.

Procedure after registration:

franchise bakeries

Do you want to bake bread, and there are fewer risks for business? Take a closer look at such an option as opening a bakery franchise. The founders of the business have already collected all the bumps, developed a unique assortment and pricing policy, and determined the target audience. They all came together: an assortment with an audience, and at the right price. By following the standards set by the franchisor, you can start your business quickly and successfully. If the franchise business option suits you, choose offers from the most popular brands and start!

Cinnabon Franchise

  • Investments: 3,000,000 - 6,000,000 rubles
  • Payback period: 6-12 months
  • 120
  • Royalty: 6% of revenue + 1.5% advertising fee per month
  • Lump sum:$18,000 - for establishments less than 46 sq. m, $28,000 - for an area exceeding 46 sq. m.
  • Peculiarities:

    well-known international "bakery" brand;

    a unique product according to original recipes;

    requirements for the premises: area 40-120 sq. m in places with maximum traffic; electrified (network not less than 35 kW*h), with water supply;

    constant support of the franchisor in the opening and operation of the business.

BONAPE Franchise

  • Investments: from 300 000 rub.
  • Payback period: from 12 months
  • Number of franchise outlets in Russia: 8
  • Royalty: No
  • Lump sum: 25 000 rub.
  • Peculiarities:

    a bakery-bakery of an incomplete cycle can be organized on a minimum area;

    180 items of popular pastries;

    requirements for the premises: heated, area 12-25 sq. m, electrified (network not less than 7 kWh), with running water supply.

Belgian Bakery Franchise

  • Investments: 26 000 - 30 000 $
  • Payback period: from 3.5 months
  • Number of franchise outlets in Russia: 51
  • Royalty: monthly 1% of revenue + 1% contribution to the advertising fund
  • Lump sum: 4 000 $.
  • Peculiarities:

    brand from the regional company "Karavai" (Irkutsk region);

    mini-bakery of an incomplete cycle - baking from frozen semi-finished products;

    17 types of bread and 25 types of muffins;

    requirements for the premises: area from 12 sq. m, electrified, with cold water supply.

Franchise "Baltic Bread"

  • Investments: from 20 000 c.u. e.
  • Payback period: 18-24 months
  • Number of franchise outlets in Russia: 2
  • Royalty: monthly 3-4% of turnover + 2% deductions to the advertising fund (from the 3rd month)
  • Lump sum: from 115 000 c.u. e.
  • Peculiarities:

    well-known St. Petersburg brand (former British Bakery);

    several opening formats: bakery, bakery-confectionery of a full or incomplete production cycle;

    requirements for the premises: area 50-250 sq. m, with a separate entrance, electrified, with cold water supply.

Franchise "Breadbox"

  • Investments: 1,500,000 - 2,200,000 rubles
  • Payback period: 7-12 months
  • Number of franchise outlets in Russia: over 10
  • Royalty: No
  • Lump sum: RUB 500,000
  • Peculiarities:

    brand from the regional company of the same name (Tolyatti);

    refundable lump-sum: invested in the opening of subsequent outlets;

    equity joint management of a franchised enterprise (51% - franchisor, 49% - franchisee);

    two formats: bakery-bakery and bakery-confectionery;

    multi-franchise - opening at least 2 bakeries at the first stage;

    wide range, unique varieties unleavened bread;

    requirements for the premises: area 25-60 sq. m, electrified, with cold water supply.

Watch a video about the successful Bulka business project. The guys were not afraid to open a full cycle bakery and cafe on their own, they make only natural bread without additives.

How the bakery "Bulka" works