Indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system. Logistics efficiency: cost analysis and control

  • 10.10.2019

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on the topic: "Assessment of logistics systems"


Chapter 1. Existing criteria and methods for assessing logistics systems

1.1 Full cost analysis

1.2 Expert systems

1.3 Systems approach

1.4 ABC Analysis

1.5 XYZ Analysis

1.6 Assessment of natural indicators of the logistics efficiency of the system

Chapter 2. Justification and selection of criteria for evaluating logistics systems

2.1 Justification and synthesis of the method for assessing logistics systems




In the established market conditions the main direction of development and improvement of service, distribution and consumption of products at transport enterprises is logistics.

Logistics is a new direction of scientific and practical activity, the target function of which is the end-to-end organizational and analytical optimization of economic flows of processes.

Logistics as a science is still quite young and is becoming more and more popular in various industries. In the Russian Federation, enterprises of the oil and gas complex that transport oil and gas have become widespread in the field of methodology and application of logistics systems.

Usually, the efficiency of the logistics system, like that of an enterprise, is assessed by many particular indicators, and the changing value of each of them is very difficult to use in the practice of managing the system. A complex picture is formed for leaders and managers, consisting of many interrelated indicators. Its multidimensionality does not allow to obtain an objective general assessment of the efficiency of the logistics system and to choose solutions adequate to this assessment when managing flow processes. To assess the effectiveness of the functioning of the logistics system, depending on the objectives of the study, one of the following methods is usually used: 1) full cost analysis; 2) expert systems; 3) ABC analysis; 4) XYZ analysis; 5) assessment of the natural indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system, which do not take into account all the necessary technical and economic parameters of the logistics system.

During the development of the method, the existing assessment methods and the possibility of their application at the enterprises of the oil and gas complex, the most important criteria for assessing logistics systems, which allow you to get a clear idea of ​​the efficiency of the enterprise as a logistics center, were considered. On their basis, a method for assessing logistics systems was developed, based on an integral criterion, which takes into account the maximum correspondence of the performance indicators of the system to the ideal at the existing level of costs.

Based on the analysis of existing methods for assessing logistics systems, a system of criteria is proposed that characterizes the operation of an enterprise as a logistics center. An integral criterion method has been developed based on the above criteria, which will make it possible to make a decision on the advisability of revising the operating logistic system.

Chapter 1.Existing criteria and methods for assessing logistics systems

evaluation cost efficiency logistics system

When analyzing the performance of any enterprise, a certain system of indicators is needed, primarily indicators of profit and profitability, some separate component for the overall result, but to determine the effectiveness of an organization, it is necessary to develop and apply not only economic, but also technical, financial and other characteristics, the specific choice of which is based on all the information available to the company.

Measuring the results of an organization as a logistics system should reflect the following key factors:

customer satisfaction;

use of investments;

logistics costs;

quality of service;

cycle times;


Thus, in order to develop methods for assessing the effectiveness of work, the company, based on its capabilities and technical equipment, identifies a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators for which a full analysis is carried out. The results are recorded in a special reporting form.

To improve the accuracy and reliability of the analysis, a large number of various mathematical and economic-mathematical methods and models. Among the most common methods and techniques for analyzing activities are:

elementary methods (comparison, calculating differences, percentages);

methods of mathematical statistics (factorial, index, analysis of variance, correlation-regression models, etc.);

systematic assessment approaches;

methods of expert assessments or the use of expert systems;

functional cost analysis (full cost analysis);

econometric methods and models (ABC analysis, XYZ analysis);

method of assessing natural indicators.

The techniques used are typical for the general technical and economic analysis of production and economic activities. In order to obtain a complete and versatile assessment of the efficiency of logistics systems, when choosing the best methods and carrying out calculations, it is necessary to use such principles as scientific character, dynamism, a systematic approach, highlighting priority areas, complexity, completeness and reliability of the information base.

1.1 Full cost analysis

An effective method for assessing a logistics system in the field of transportation is a full cost analysis. Full cost analysis means taking into account all economic changes arising from any changes in the logistics system.

Applying full cost analysis means identifying all costs in the logistics system and regrouping them in such a way as to reduce material costs. It is assumed that the price can be varied when looking for a solution - an increase in costs in one area can lead to a decrease in costs in the system as a whole.

The total costs associated with a logistics system include not only the clearly visible price of the system, but also "hidden" costs. The main difficulties that arise when using this method and do not allow calculating the "hidden" cost of the logistics system are the need for special knowledge and the need to take into account the factors associated with indirect costs. However, a logistics system implemented without taking into account "hidden" costs is likely to be unprofitable, or at least unprofitable.

1.2 Expert systems

Expert systems are special computer programs developed using methods for solving unstructured problems that help specialists make decisions related to the management of information and cargo flows.

Expert systems are used at various stages of the creation of a logistics system and facilitate the assessment of systems that require significant experience and time-consuming. The use of these systems is effective when it is necessary to evaluate a large amount of various information.

The use of expert systems allows:

Make fast and high-quality decisions in the implementation and operation of logistics systems;

Train experienced professionals in a shorter period of time;

To preserve the "know-how" of the company, since the users of the expert system cannot transfer the experience and knowledge contained in this system outside the company;

Use the experience and knowledge of highly qualified specialists in low-prestige, dangerous, routine, low-paid jobs.

However, the analysis of the functioning of the logistics system includes many operations, processes with various participants, and it is problematic to take into account all these features in the expert program. Therefore, the user of the system must supplement it with his own heuristics, which leads to a loss of accuracy. In many cases, the user himself becomes an "expert" in areas in which he does not have sufficient knowledge, which leads to the unreliability of the result of the expert system.

1.3 Systems approach

In the concept of logistics, a systematic approach is put in the first place, which is the methodological basis for end-to-end management of material and information flows.

The systems approach is the direction of the methodology scientific knowledge, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems, which makes it possible to investigate the properties and relations of objects that are difficult to observe.

As part of a systematic approach:

Each system is an integrated whole, even when it consists of separate, disjointed subsystems.

The object under study is perceived as a complex of interconnected subsystems united by a common goal, which makes it possible to reveal its integrated properties, internal and external connections.

The functioning of real logistics systems is characterized by the presence of complex stochastic connections both within these systems and in relations with environment... To make private decisions, it is necessary to take into account the general goals of the system's functioning.

The systematic approach does not exist in the form of a strict methodological concept, however, the principles of the systemic approach in the formation of logistics systems can be distinguished:

The principle of the sequence of progress through the stages of creating a system: the system must first be investigated at the macro level, i.e. in relationship with the environment, and then at the micro level, i.e. within its structure;

The principle of coordination of information, resource and other characteristics of the designed systems;

The principle of the absence of conflicts between the goals of individual subsystems and the goals of the entire system.

In contrast to the classical approach, which means the transition from the particular to the general, the formation of a system by merging its components, developed separately, the systems approach involves a sequential transition from the general to the particular.

The sequence of formation and assessment of the logistics system with a systematic approach includes the following stages:

Stage 1: the goals of the system functioning are determined and formulated.

Stage 2: on the basis of the analysis of the purpose of the functioning of the system and the limitations of the external environment, the requirements that the system must satisfy are determined.

Stage 3: on the basis of these requirements, some subsystems are roughly formed.

Stage 4: the most difficult stage in the synthesis of the system is the analysis of various options and the choice of subsystems, organizing them into a single system. This uses selection criteria. In logistics, one of the main methods of systems synthesis is modeling.

This method is good for the design of logistics systems, where generalizing efficiency is important. However, the method does not allow us to concretize efficiency indicators and give a clear picture, does not allow obtaining an accurate representation in comparison of two systems, showing in specific numbers the work of an enterprise as a logistics center.

1.4 ABC analysis

The logistics system includes a large number of managed objects.

In the process of working with each object, a part of the intended result is obtained. At the same time, the contribution to the overall result is not equal.

In transport logistics, ABC analysis is used with the goal of reducing the amount of transportation costs, increasing the number of movements in the warehouse, increasing the overall profit of the enterprise, etc.

The idea of ​​the ABC method is to select the most significant from the point of view of the designated goal from the whole set of similar objects. In the future, it is on these objects that efforts are concentrated.

According to the Pareto method, only a fifth of all objects give about 80% of the results of a common cause. The contribution of the remaining 80% of objects is only 20% of the total result. For example, in trade, 20% of the names of goods give 80% of the company's profit, the remaining 80% of the names of goods are a mandatory assortment.

Thus, according to the Pareto method, it is most rational to divide the set of controlled objects into two unequal parts and pay attention to a number of objects that form the largest part of the contribution. The ABC method assumes a deeper division into three parts. Objects are divided according to the degree of this contribution to the result of the activity.

Let's look at an example.

We have 20 properties. The cost of managing one object is 5 conventional units. The total cost of management in conditions of equal distribution among all objects, regardless of their contributions, is 100 conventional units. Let us determine the degree of its contribution for each object and distribute them according to the decrease in this contribution. Let's say the first 10% of objects (group A) gave 75% of the result, the next 25% (group B) - 20%, the last 65% (group C) - 5% of the total result. Let's increase the cost of managing objects of group A by 2 times, group C - decrease by 2 times, and leave group B unchanged. The total cost of management will be 2 10 + 5 5 + 13 2.5 = 77.5 conventional unit... At the same time, a decrease in the costs of managing group C will not have a significant impact on the overall result, since the role of this group is insignificant. At the same time, improving the management of group A significantly improves the result.

As a possible algorithm for dividing the entire set of objects into groups A, B and C, the following can be used (consider, using the example of types of cargo, allocated into conditional groups according to tariff and time characteristics):

the total number of applications received for a certain period is calculated;

the average number of orders P is calculated for one conditional group of goods - the total number of orders is divided by the total number of groups of goods;

group A includes all groups of goods, the number of applications for which exceeds P by 6 times or more;

group C includes cargo groups, the number of applications for which is 2 or more times less than P;

5) group B is made up of all other groups of goods. Graphically, the ABC method can be represented in the form of Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Graphic representation of the ABC method

General algorithm for the analysis of ABC:

the formation of the purpose of the analysis;

identification of control objects analyzed by the ABC method;

selection of a feature, on the basis of which the classification of control objects will be carried out;

assessment of management objects according to the selected classification criterion;

grouping of control objects in descending order of the attribute value;

dividing the set of control objects into three groups: A, B and C;

construction of the ABC curve. The ABC method is good for small businesses in making current management

solutions and for a short time.

1.5 AnalysisXYZ

In the XYZ analysis process, the entire list of conditional groups (nomenclature of resources, range of services), as in the analysis of ABC, is divided into three groups, but the criterion is the dependence on the degree of uniformity of demand and the accuracy of forecasting.

Group X includes transport services, the demand for which is uniform or subject to slight fluctuations. The scope of services for this group is well predictable.

Group Y includes transport services that are performed in fluctuating volumes, for example, services with a seasonal nature of demand. The forecasting ability in this case is average.

Group Z includes transport services, the demand for which arises sporadically. It is difficult to forecast sales volumes.

The distribution of types of transport services by conditional groups is carried out based on the coefficient of variation of demand v... If the assessment is made for the period n, x c - the average value of demand for the estimated position for this period, x i -- i-th value of demand for the estimated position:

The value of the coefficient of variation varies from zero to infinity. Division into groups can be carried out according to the following principle:

The XYZ method makes it possible to assess only a group of specific transport services, similar to the ABC method, but in general it does not give a picture of the efficiency of the logistics system, which includes this list of services. The method is good for analyzing the range of services and determining the decrease or increase in a certain type of transport services. However, it does not allow us to assess the costs and net profit of the logistics system and show how effective it is.

1.6 Assessment of natural indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system

Natural indicators of the efficiency of logistics, in particular transport logistics, are:

Inventory level and reduction of the need for warehouse storage;

Time of passage of material flows in the logistics system;

Duration of the order service cycle, quality and level of service;

The quality of transport services for delivery and customs clearance;

Sizes of consignments (degree of discretization of material flows);

The level of utilization of production facilities;

Performance, adaptability, reliability and stability of work.

The most significant costs in the logistics system (which, according to foreign experience, range from 10 to 30%) are transportation by long-distance modes of transport (20-48%); warehouse, reloading operations and storage of goods (25-46%); packaging (5-18%); management (4-15%); others, including order processing (5-17%).

Consider the methodology for calculating the components of economic efficiency for transport and logistics systems. In the general case, the effect is defined as the saving of money obtained as a result of achieving the specified values ​​of the listed natural indicators in the logistics system.

1.Saving costs (discounted or discounted) for the construction of warehouses for supply, sales, assembly, etc. as a result of a reduction in stock levels:

where P - the number of warehouses in the logistics system; ? E t - reduction of the level of stocks by i-th warehouse, Ki is the specific area required for storing a cargo unit (container, package, ton of cargo) at the i-th warehouse; K t - the cost of building 1 sq. m of the area of ​​the i -th warehouse, taking into account the technical equipment; s t - the coefficient of discounting costs or the coefficient of efficiency of capital investments.

2. Savings by reducing the cost of storage and inventory accounting:

where T - the number of delays, delays in the delivery (departure) of goods and the supply of rolling stock, as well as the number of deliveries (cleanings) ahead of the established schedule; N xi - the specific cost of storing cargo in the i-th warehouse; q t - the intensity of consumption or replenishment of stocks at the i-th warehouse; ? t ri- value j-th delay(advancing) the supply (cleaning) of goods or rolling stock for loading at the i-th warehouse.

3.Effect by reducing the volume of loading and unloading operations when raw materials and materials arrive for processing directly "from the wheels" during the planning period:

where N ai - the cost (costs) of performing one cargo operation at the i-th warehouse; n ai - a decrease in the number of cargo operations at the i-th warehouse as a result of timely delivery and cleaning of cargo or rolling stock for loading.

4. The effect of reducing the loss of goods due to a decrease in the time for their transportation and storage (the amount of these losses, especially for perishable goods, as a rule, nonlinearly depends on the time of transportation and requires additional research):

where N ni - losses associated with an increase in the time of transportation of cargo stored in the i-th warehouse. These losses are a function of transit time.

5. Since the implementation of the just-in-time delivery principle is accompanied by an increase in the speed of movement of material flows, the economic effect as a result of the acceleration of the rolling stock turnover contributes to a reduction in the time of its servicing at all phases of transportation. The concrete result of the acceleration of the rolling stock turnover is the receipt of profit or income by the transport element in the development of additional traffic volume during the planning period, if there is a shortage of rolling stock:

where t 1 i is the average turnover time of a unit of rolling stock upon delivery of goods from the i-th warehouse on the "just in time" principle; t 2 i - average turnaround time of a unit of rolling stock when delivering cargo to the i-th warehouse using traditional technology; With di - profitable rates for the carriage of goods from the i-th warehouse; With pi - expense rates for the carriage of goods from the i-th warehouse.

Consideration and analysis of existing performance criteria and methods for assessing logistics systems made it possible to identify their shortcomings and bottlenecks and determine the direction of synthesis of the method for assessing logistics systems. Each considered method in isolation does not provide a full-fledged assessment picture for transport logistics systems. To obtain the most reliable information about the further functioning of the logistics system, its managerial, economic efficiency, it is necessary to evaluate it according to the maximum possible number of parameters, which cannot be done by any of the existing assessment methods.

Chapter 2. Justification and selection of criteria for evaluating logistics systems

The effectiveness of the functioning of the system of transport and logistics services largely depends on the ability to outline potential results at the early stages of the service process.

To date, a large number of examples of the negative consequences of applying the system of indicators given in the above methods have been accumulated. They are associated with the possibility of local suboptimization of the functioning of individual logistic elements to the detriment of the efficiency of the system as a whole. This led to attempts to find alternative approaches, such as direct costing, transaction costs accounting system. Significant, qualitative progress towards the development of a system of indicators that allow for system optimization was achieved in the works of I. Goldratt. He proposed to abandon the use of the cost indicator, replacing it with a system of global operating criteria.

The existing methods analyze cargo transportation systems well, but do not pay attention to the process of customs clearance of goods. To obtain a specific indicator that is convenient for comparison and comprehensive, it is necessary to evaluate all the components of the logistics system. It is necessary to focus on the performance indicators of the cargo clearance subsystem, which can be well coordinated and adjusted, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

We will form an optimal system of criteria that allow us to characterize the largest number of indicators of the logistics system. For convenience, we denote them TO 1 TO 2 , TO 3 , TO 4 etc.

Profit generation rate:

TO 1 = S- M- ES,

where S -- the volume of services provided for transportation (customs clearance) in value terms for a certain calendar period of time; M- the cost of fixed costs in the services rendered; ES - other components of the price, which are paid in proportion to the unit of services provided (commission costs, fees for services provided outside the enterprise, etc.)

Operating expenses are defined as the sum of all types of expenses associated with converting investments into profits:

where N- the number of all types of expenses of the logistics system in the considered business cycle BS.

This category includes all costs incurred by the logistics system for a calendar period of time ( wage, taxes, payment for energy carriers, etc.) in connection with the processing process and the promotion of material and information flow.

Average level of capital tied in the system during the BS business cycle:

where ( I V (t) + I F (t))dt - time-dependent components of the inventory, characterizing, respectively, fixed and circulating assets. Tied capital, inventory I, is defined as the amount of funds tied as a result of the purchase of equipment, materials, construction industrial premises etc. The concept of "inventory" largely coincides with the concept of "asset" widely used in financial analysis.

Operating criteria reviewed TO 1 , TO 2 , TO 3 are associated with integral criteria of economic efficiency - net profit (P = TO 4) and return on invested capital (RK = TO 5):

They can also be used to assess another widespread pair of generalized criteria of economic efficiency - PR (K 6) - the productivity of the logistics system and OB ( TO 7) - turnover of funds: TO 6 =TO 1 / TO 2,; K 7 = K 2 / K 3.

Time criteria play an important role in the modern world. The throughput of the logistics system, i.e. the number of completed technological (production) processes per unit of time t (day, week, month, quarter, etc.),

where k fn - time spent on n-th definite stage of the technological process.

Here are a number of generalized criteria determined by expert means.

The flexibility of the K 9 logistics system is determined on the basis of the components contained in it, their adaptability to changes at the micro level (reorganization of an enterprise, merger of departments, changes in functional loads on a certain workplace). Determined in the range from 1 to 10 in ascending order, i.e. 10 is the maximum score.

System reconfigurability TO 10 - the ability to efficiently and in a short time to establish work when making changes at the macro level: changes in legislation, taxation, tariff plan etc. Determined by an expert similar to flexibility.

System reliability TO 11 - a criterion characterizing the level of information security, confidentiality of data transmission, security of commercial secrets, security from outside intrusions (system hacks). Determined by a group of experts on a twenty-point scale, the final result is given as the arithmetic sum of the assessments of all experts.

Technical reliability TO 12 - is determined by the ratio of the number of failures that occurred during the full service cycles, and the number of these cycles. For convenience, it is recommended to take the number of cycles equal to 100, and multiply the result by 100%, which makes it possible to obtain this criterion as a percentage.

2.1 Justification and synthesis of the method for assessing logistics systems

The desire to ensure efficient management of the logistics system usually conflicts with the desire to ensure the reliability of the system and to minimize overall costs.

Reducing the dimension of the analytical model of the functioning of the system in order to increase the visibility of the result obtained is possible by integrating particular criteria into one generalizing criterion. The forecast of the values ​​it takes is determined on the basis of varying the values ​​of particular criteria. After that, each of the existing and predicted values ​​of the generalizing indicator is evaluated according to the criterion "effect / cost". The effect is understood as the value of the generalizing indicator, and the cost is the costs required to achieve this value.

The final decision should be made according to the maximum value of the criterion under consideration. In other words, specific solutions to optimize the management of the logistics system should be aimed at achieving this value. It is necessary to strive to ensure the constant compliance of the decisions made with the maximum value of the criterion. Below are the basic requirements for the generalizing criterion.

It should reflect in itself all the variety of parameters and variables that characterize the strategic and tactical goals of creating a logistics system, resource provision of its flow subsystems, factors of variability of the external environment.

The value of the criterion should respond to changes in the internal and external environment and reflect the degree to which the logistic system has achieved its intended goal.

All particular primary criteria used in the formation of a generalizing criterion must be quantifiable.

In the generalizing criterion, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of liquidity, business activity and profitability of the enterprise.

The most important condition for optimization is compliance with the organizational, technological, economic and informational unity of streaming processes.

All interconnected flow processes forming a logistic system should be analyzed and synthesized.

Management of streaming processes occurs in conditions of indistinctness of the initial information, when some particular criteria are determined only approximately.

The proposed synthesis of existing assessment methods based on the aggregate analysis of particular criteria makes it possible not only to take into account the basic requirements for the generalizing indicator, to avoid these disadvantages, but also to improve the accuracy of the analysis of transport logistics systems. The studies carried out have shown that the obtained analytical integral criterion makes it possible to assess the profitability of the systems, comparing the costs of their creation with the effect of implementation with the highest accuracy in comparison with existing methods.

Integral criterion calculation:

where K - a common criterion for the efficiency of the logistics system, Z - costs, n - the number of private indicators adopted for the calculation, i -the name of transport operations that form logistic flows, j - the name of the criterion, virtual (normative) and actual values ​​of the criteria adopted in the calculations.

In fact, the generalizing criterion is a kind of coefficient of the adequacy of local logistics flows to the given virtual values ​​of the efficiency of the logistics system.

On the basis of the developed method with the use of an integral criterion, an information system for analyzing the effectiveness of logistics systems was created.


A detailed consideration of logistic methods allows you to analyze the existing systems for organizing cargo transportation at the enterprise and makes it possible to find possible ways to improve them. Consideration and analysis of efficiency criteria and methods for assessing logistics systems made it possible to identify their shortcomings and bottlenecks, as well as the direction of synthesis of the method for assessing logistics systems. Each considered method separately does not provide a full-fledged assessment picture for transport logistics systems. To obtain the most reliable information about the further functioning of the logistics system, its managerial, economic efficiency, it is necessary to evaluate it according to the maximum possible number of criteria, which does not allow any of the existing assessment methods. The economic situation in the Russian market does not allow the transport company to make incorrect management decisions, therefore, any logistics system that is introduced again, or an improved old one must be assessed with maximum accuracy. Only the synthesis of existing assessment methods made it possible to develop for further application a methodology for the most reliable analysis of transport logistics systems.


1. Logistics: management in freight transport and logistics systems: Tutorial/ Ed. prof. L. B. Mirotina. M., 2002.

2. Elovoy I.A. The efficiency of logistics systems (theory and calculation methods). At 2 pm Gomel, 2000.

3. Transport logistics: Textbook / Ed. prof. L. B. Mirotina. M., 2002.

4. Kurganov V.M. Logistic traffic flows. M., 2003.

5. Integrated logistics. M., 2003

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In today's world, the topic of assessing the effectiveness of logistics activities is relevant because in logistics, the activities of each economic entity are the subject of attention of a wide range of market participants (organizations and individuals) interested in the results of its functioning. To assess the financial position of an organization, an assessment of the effectiveness of logistics activities based on available information is used. With the help of which it is possible to objectively evaluate the internal and external relations of the analyzed object: to characterize its solvency, efficiency and profitability of activities, development prospects, and then, based on its results, make informed decisions.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that effective management in modern market conditions is a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of business, organization, development and implementation of the competitive advantages of an enterprise.

The purpose of this work is to study the assessment of the effectiveness of the logistics activities of JSC "GTL". The object of study is JSC "GTL"

The subject of the research was theoretical and methodological issues of organizing logistics activities at an enterprise and ways to improve the efficiency of logistics activities of an enterprise.

In the process of performing the work, the methods of observation and correlation, the method of organizing logistics activities at the enterprise were used.

The important role of evaluating the performance indicators of the organization in the preparation of information for planning, assessing the quality and validity of planned indicators, in checking and objectively assessing the implementation of plans. Assessment of indicators is a means of not only substantiating plans, but also monitoring their implementation. Planning begins and ends with an assessment of the performance indicators of the enterprise. Evaluation of indicators allows you to increase the level of planning, to make it accurate in detail. An important role is assigned to evaluation in the determination and use of reserves for increasing production efficiency.

The set goal determines the solution of the following tasks:

1. Consider methods for assessing the effectiveness of logistics activities.

2. Consider methods for analyzing the effectiveness of zoning.

3. Analyze the costs of warehouse routing

Chapter 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of logistics activities

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of logistics activities.

Any company has a logistics system. Even if the company does not have its own logistics department or transport department, it carries out logistics activities. The main task of logistics activities is to ensure timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of customers at the lowest cost.

For any company, the level of logistics costs is quite high. The efficiency of the company's logistics system will be determined by such important aspects as timely replenishment of stocks, as well as timely and complete satisfaction of customers' needs. Some of the most common reasons for customer order disruption include:

· Late delivery of products (with a delay of 1 day or more);

· Delivery of an incomplete batch of goods;

· Delivery of goods in incomplete configuration;

Delivery of goods inadequate quality or damage to the quality of the goods during transportation.

Thus, the effectiveness of logistics activities should be determined not only by cost criteria. Considering the many aspects that affect the efficiency of the company's logistics activities, a number of criteria for its assessment can be distinguished:

1. General logistics costs . These include the costs of transportation, warehousing, handling, inventory management, order management, etc. Quite often, due to ineffective logistics activities, a company can incur forced financial losses. For example, a theft occurred during transportation; non-observance of fastening rules oversized cargo resulted in a significant loss of quality. Such costs should also be attributed to the costs of logistics activities, since their value negatively affects the profitability and overall results of the company.

The following actions will help to resolve the issue of high logistics costs:

· Implementation of progressive methods of control over the movement of transport (GPS-navigation);

Optimal placement of products in the warehouse, further development tiered storage racks;

· Transition to systems of address storage of goods in a warehouse;

· Training and rationing of labor in transport and storage;

2. The quality of logistics service is perhaps the most difficult criterion to evaluate. It is not always possible to determine exactly whether you have provided a quality service to a client. Value judgments of the work of the company's management are also possible, which do not reflect the actual quality of services. Therefore, we can refer to this criterion:

· Product quality.

· Perfect order.

A completed order can be considered the most versatile indicator of a logistics service. It determines how smoothly, smoothly and on time the buyer's order was fulfilled at all stages of logistics activities. Indirect criteria for the quality of a completed order can be the complete delivery of all products for all ordered headings, delivery at the time required by consumers, compliance with the agreed delivery conditions, as well as high-quality documentation of the delivered batch of goods.

· Customer satisfaction. The degree of customer satisfaction, together with the above indicators (product quality and high-quality order fulfillment), is also influenced by high-quality service at all stages of work.

3. The duration of the logistics cycle. The logistics cycle refers to the total length of time for the purchase of goods, delivery to the supplier's warehouse, sale and delivery of goods to the consumer. In simplified terms, this duration can be called the total service time of the customer's order.

This criterion for evaluating logistics activities is very important for any company. In a competitive environment, the key factors for any supplier are price, quality and adherence to the delivery schedule. Moreover, if the supplier systematically disrupts the contractual delivery dates, then this threatens him not only with fines, but with a complete rupture of relations. The speed of the customer's order fulfillment serves to strengthen the competitiveness in the market.

4. Performance. It is an indicator of the effectiveness of logistics activities. He determines the number of provided logistics services using the available technical means, transport and equipment. Performance can be measured using a number of metrics:

1. the number of satisfied customer orders per unit of time;

2. the average level of loading of vehicles that deliver goods to consumers;

3. the ratio of logistics costs to the total volume of products sold;

4.the ratio of logistics costs to total investment in logistics (transport, equipment, technical means etc.).

5. Return on investment in logistics. The main areas of investment in enterprise logistics include:

6. storage facilities (this includes all existing warehouses for long-term and temporary storage of goods);

7. transport;

8. transport infrastructure (includes railway and road access roads, units for the repair and maintenance of transport);

9. telecommunications facilities (these include GPS systems, operators and transport analysts).

The more developed the logistics system in the company, the lower the unit costs of logistics. And this is its effectiveness. However, if investments in transport, transport and warehouse infrastructure do not allow to reduce logistics costs, then there is no point in investing. Therefore, it is important to assess the level of logistics costs before and after investment. If you feel the difference (in the form of lower logistics costs), then the invested funds are profitable.

An important stage in the development of any logistics activity of a company is the assessment of its effectiveness. Only after evaluating the work of the logistics system according to all criteria (costs, quality of service, the duration of the logistics cycle, as well as the return on investment), you can choose the right direction for its improvement. This will allow you to get an indisputable advantage in the market in the form of efficiently operating logistics.

General view of formulas for evaluating effectiveness:

Table 1.

(3) Share of expenses for the purchase of material resources in the total cost of material resources (4) Share of transportation costs in the structure of total costs for the purchase of material resources (5) The share of costs for the acquisition of material resources in the structure of supply costs or in the structure of total logistics costs or (6) Coefficient of the ratio of the growth rates of costs for the acquisition of material resources (7)

According to these formulas, you can most accurately assess the efficiency of logistics activities.

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2.3 Ways to Improve the Efficiency of the Transport and Logistics System at DHL




Logistics management significantly affects the state of financial, economic and legal support in market conditions of diverse economic ties. This, first of all, applies to the market of transport services, the organization and functioning of warehouse facilities, to the development of transport services in intermediary organizations and enterprises.

The efficiency of a logistics system is characterized by a set of performance indicators of this system at a given level of logistics costs. Any business organization, introducing logistics and forming a logistics system corresponding to its goals, first of all seeks to assess its actual or potential efficiency. Under the key performance indicators of logistics activities, we mean a necessary and sufficient number of relatively easily applicable performance indicators (productivity), which make it possible to link the implementation of the logistics plan with the main functions and results of managing the flow of goods (marketing / sales, production and logistics) and thus determine the need for corrective actions. The quality of the logistics system depends on many factors. But at a certain level of costs that do not change for the same logistic scheme, it is possible to assess the effectiveness of a given logistic system. The indicator of the efficiency of the logistics system determines how likely the success of the implementation of logistics operations with the established criterion of optimality. For the consumer, as the final link in the logistics chain, two indicators are most important: the price of service and the quality of service.

Competent organization of the logistics operation from the purchase of raw materials, materials, components to delivery to the buyer finished products allows you to get a very noticeable savings in working capital and in this sense is an important tool in the management of production and commercial activities of the enterprise.

The advancement of material flows is carried out by qualified personnel using a variety of equipment: vehicles, loading and unloading devices, etc. Various buildings and structures are involved in the logistics process, the course of the process significantly depends on the degree of preparedness for it, the goods themselves moving and periodically accumulated in stocks ... The aggregate of the productive forces that ensure the passage of goods, better or worse, but always somehow organized. Essentially, if there are material flows, then there is always some kind of material-conducting system. Traditionally, these systems are not specially designed, but arise as a result of the activities of individual elements.

Logistics poses and solves the problem of designing harmonious, coordinated material-conducting (logistics) systems, with given parameters of material flows at the output. These systems are distinguished by a high degree of consistency of the productive forces included in them in order to manage end-to-end material flows.

The concept of a logistics system is one of the basic concepts of logistics. There are various systems that ensure the functioning of the economic mechanism. In this set, it is necessary to single out precisely the logistics systems in order to analyze and improve them.

A logistics system is an adaptive feedback system that performs certain logistics functions. As a rule, it consists of several subsystems and has developed connections with the external environment.

A distinctive characteristic of a logistics system is the presence of a streaming process.

The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the logistic system is a very complex and well-functioning organism, assembled from separate organs (elements). The uninterrupted operation of such a system is largely determined by the verified work of each of its elements, the guarantee of which, in turn, is the perfection of the technologies and techniques used.

The main purpose of the study is to study logistics systems, their practical use, efficiency, development prospects and their importance in a large company.

In accordance with this goal, the study set the following tasks:

· Consider the efficiency of functioning and the prospects for the development of logistics systems;

· Assess the current state of functioning of the logistics systems of a large transport company - DHL;

· Suggest ways to improve the efficiency of logistics systems at DHL.

The transport company DHL was chosen as the object of the study; the subject of the study in this case is the logistics systems that are used in this organization.

The aim of the course work is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of logistics systems used in a large company on the example of the transport company DHL and make recommendations for its improvement.


1.1 Efficiency of logistics systems

The logistics system forms the basis of the economic strategy of firms, when the logistics process is used as a tool in competition and is considered as the management logic for the implementation of planning, placement and control over financial and human resources. This approach allows for close coordination of the market logistics and production strategy. If this coordination can be achieved, then the result is the necessary assortment of stocks in the right place, at the right time; coordination of warehousing and packaging requirements with transport requirements, which allows you to minimize the consumption of raw materials, reduce stocks in production and finished products; and finally, the synchronization of orders and transport. In the 80s. the logistics concept developed rapidly. One of the main reasons for this, according to American economists, was the process of deregulating the economy. This process especially affected the transport sector.

Management of logistics systems is based on the method of involving individual interrelated elements in an integrated business process in order to prevent irrational losses of material, financial, labor resources... Most of the firms are organized according to the traditional functional principle, not adapted to extract additional effect from logistics.

Considering the problems of assessing the efficiency of logistics systems, we will proceed from the condition that it can be presented as an organizational and management system aimed at achieving an optimal balance between costs (resources) and the level of quality of customer service.

Thus, the circuit of any drug can be represented as a block diagram with feedback.

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Figure 1 Block - Scheme of the logistics system

The desire to ensure efficient management of logistics systems usually conflicts with the desire to ensure system reliability in order to minimize overall costs. The proposed approach allows for the systemic interaction of the firm's relations with the external environment - resources - business processes - results. The logistics system is able to adequately respond to market changes while optimizing the structure of resource potential into competitive potential. Through this mechanism, sustainable and long-term competitive development of the company is ensured on the basis of making compromise decisions.

In the field of logistics, theoretical and methodological achievements are very important, and the search for the main principles for evaluating the effectiveness of promoting the material flow is an important task.

American economists believe that a universal model for assessing the effectiveness of a logistics system that can take into account all variables, all situations and all possible scenarios does not yet exist.

However, there is one criterion that can link the entire logistics system, taking into account all variables, situations and scenarios; this criterion is profit. If we build a chain of promotion of the material flow, then those firms that will make a profit will participate in it. These firms are not created by will, their creation is caused by the current economic situation.

For example, if it is profitable for consumers to receive products through direct deliveries, then no one will ever be able to create a warehouse economy (there are no economic conditions). However, if consumers are interested in receiving products through a warehouse, then new economic conditions will arise and conditions for creating a warehouse economy will appear. The main thing will be that the divisions will be able to make a profit.

Considering all of the above, the question remains how to determine profit. It remains with the company from the sale of the material flow after deducting the total costs associated with it, i.e.

Total profit = Total income (revenue) - Total costs.

The analysis begins with the cost side. It includes:



General (gross);

Marginal cost.

Fixed costs (Spost) - costs that do not change depending on changes in the level of material flow in the short term. An example of a fixed cost would be an employee's salary, the amount of which is negotiated when a contract is signed for a certain period.

Variable costs (Var) - costs that vary depending on changes in the level of material flow in the short term. An example is the cost of raw materials, electricity.

Total (gross) costs (Ob) is the sum of fixed and variable costs.

Calculating average costs is relatively straightforward. They are obtained by dividing constant (Cpost), variables (Cper) and total costs (Cb) by the level of material flow (O):

Marginal cost (MC) is the additional cost associated with producing another unit of material flow:

where Sob is the change in total (gross) costs;

О - change in the volume of the material flow.

We have considered the costly part of managing when making a profit. Another part of it is profitable, i.e. expressing the income that the firm receives to cover the expenditure side.

Let's analyze income and indicators that relate to it:

Gross income (revenue);

Average income;

Marginal income.

Gross income (revenue) of a company is the total amount of funds received from the sale of any volume of material flow:

Total income = Volume of material flow x Tariff (Price) per unit of transport product

When calculating average gross income, the goal is to determine the average income from each unit of material flow:

Average gross income = Total income / Total material flow

Marginal revenue is in addition to the total revenue from the sale of another unit of material flow.

Knowing the revenue and cost parts, it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of the logistics system. In economic theory, there are two options for assessing:

1. Principles of comparing the gross income TR with the gross costs of the vehicle.

2. The principle of comparing marginal revenue MR and marginal costs MC.

1) By comparing the gross income TR and the gross costs of the vehicle, the maximum profit can be calculated:

In addition, using this principle, you can find out at what minimum losses a logistics company can operate, and at which it is necessary to close.

2) (marginal income and marginal costs are compared).

This principle is applied because the dynamics of average gross costs, which characterizes the market position, does not always determine the point of the optimal volume of material flow.

Also, to realize the efficiency of logistics systems, Functional Cost Analysis (FSA) is used.

Functional Value Analysis (FSA) is a method for a comprehensive systemic study of the function of objects (processes, flows, structures, etc.), aimed at ensuring socially necessary consumer properties of objects and minimum costs for their manifestation at all stages of their life cycle.

The FSA method used in logistics is characterized by the following principles:

1.Functional principle. It is the main methodological element of the FSA, which significantly distinguishes it from other research and rationalization methods. This principle promotes creative problem solving. The functional principle is that an object that must be improved or newly created is understood not as a specific real set of elements located in a certain structure, but as a set of functions that this object performs or should perform.

And from the same positions at the stage of creative synthesis in the course of FSA, the search for a way to implement this complex of functions in the most effective way is carried out. A specific manifestation of the operation of the functional principle as a tool for improving an object (LS) is, for example, solving the problem of not how to make a product cheaper, but how to most effectively provide a set of functions that the manufactured products perform or should perform.

The principle of the planned conduct of the VAS means its use as a daily instrument of performance management, that is, one of the means of the planned provision of high end results of production and commercial activities.

The principle of an integrated approach, which involves the study of factors that determine quality and costs in a complex:

· All types of objects - structures, technologies, organization of production;

· All types of resources - simultaneously at all stages of the object's life cycle - pre-design, design, production development, delivery to the consumer, production itself, operation (consumption, use), disposal.

4. The principle of the systems approach requires the study of an object, on the one hand, as a whole, that is, within the framework of the logistic system, and on the other, as part of another system (metasystem) of a higher level, in which the analyzed object (link, aspect ) interacts with the rest of the subsystems. Every whole has some features characteristic of its components. At the same time, it has additional properties inherent in it as a system - emergent properties. It follows from this that in the individual components of the logistic system, the optimization of the ratio "quality - costs" cannot be carried out separately. This kind of optimization must necessarily take into account the impact it will have on the state of other components of a given system, and, as a result, on the state of the system of a higher level. Thus, the result of the FSA in logistics must necessarily be a more effective technical, economic, production and commercial balance of the drug under consideration, ensuring its competitiveness and high profitability.

5. The principle of effectiveness is a purposeful action aimed at obtaining specific benefits with minimal cost. It is recognized that the maximum value of the FSA is manifested in the fact that, both at the analytical stage and at the stage of synthesis, it is aimed primarily at finding the optimal solution of the object's functions at the lowest cost for their provision. This principle is a development of the functional approach and consists specifically in the fact that each function is investigated in a hierarchical structure in terms of its significance in relation to other functions of the analyzed object.

The principle of compliance of a real parameter (resource) with the required one consists in the need to constantly compare the actual quantitative resource of the function or the required resource provided for by the normative and technical documentation. Such a comparison makes it possible to identify functions with excessive (redundant) or insufficient resources and to determine ways of optimizing the projected resources (parameters) of functions on this basis.

The principle of creativity. It is expressed primarily in the use of fundamentally new methods of research and decision-making regarding the structures of objects (LS) that embody the required functions. The principle of a creative approach concerns, first of all, the method and forms of carrying out the value analysis itself. The principle is used to find new, more progressive solutions.

The principle of collective labor and an interdisciplinary approach is due to the fact that FSA requires knowledge of many scientific disciplines, including technology, economics, management, psychology. The analysis is carried out by a group of logisticians - specialists of different professions, which makes it possible to carry out a multifaceted study, more efficiently due to the synthesis of the abilities, knowledge and experience of employees who are well acquainted with technology, economics, organization of production, management, materials science, supply, sales (marketing) and other processes related to

Depending on the sphere, area or link (aspect) in the logistics system, the FSA is determined by the following indicators of the relative effective cost:

· Efficiency of the designed functions;

· Efficiency of production and commercial functions;

· The effectiveness of structural functions;

· The effectiveness of primary functions - a macro indicator, which takes into account the efficiency of both the manufacturer and the consumer, as well as public criteria for evaluating products (the ratio of the degree of performance of all primary functions and social costs for the evaluated product - drugs).

In particular, when assessing the effectiveness of managerial activity in a drug in a broad sense, the influence of managerial activity on the final results achieved by a managed object (PC) is taken into account.

The search method is understood as a method for solving a given task in logistics (in drugs), including a set of methods of mental activity, as well as operations for collecting, analyzing, processing and storing information. Methods for finding new solutions in drugs are used when it is necessary to find as many solutions as possible:

1) for the implementation of useful functions of the drug or its elements;

2) elimination or weakening of the negative effect of unnecessary and unnecessary functions;

3) when there is a need for solutions that help the effective synthesis of new or improved (logistic) systems.

The more functionally interchangeable options it is possible to obtain, the greater the opportunity to implement really effective solutions that meet the current level of development of science and technology, and, therefore, come closer to the minimum, functionally justified costs.

1.2 Prospects for the development of logistics systems

In the process of the development of scientific and technological progress, the formation of the buyer's market, the change in priorities in the motivations of consumers and the aggravation of all forms of competition, the dynamism of the market environment increases. At the same time, striving to preserve the advantages of mass production, but obeying the trend of individualization, entrepreneurs are increasingly convinced of the need to organize production according to the type of flexible logistics systems. In the field of circulation, services, management - flexible reconfigurable logistics systems.

A flexible logistics system is a combination of various combinations of numerically controlled equipment, robotic technological complexes, individual units of technological equipment, systems for ensuring the functioning of flexible reconfigurable systems in an automatic mode for a given time interval.

Flexible logistics systems have the property of automated readjustment in the process of manufacturing products of an arbitrary nomenclature or rendering services of a production nature. They make it possible to almost completely eliminate manual labor during loading and unloading and transport and warehouse operations, and to make the transition to a low-manned technology.

Organization of production by the type of flexible logistics systems is almost impossible without the use of logistic approaches in the management of material and information flows. The trend of creating flexible logistics systems is progressing very quickly, so the widespread dissemination of the concept of logistics in the field of main production is promising and unambiguous. The modular principle of the functioning of logistics systems integrates the two leading forms of organizing production and economic activities.

Flexibility is the ability of a logistics system to quickly adapt to changing operating conditions with minimal cost and no loss. Flexibility is one of the most effective means of ensuring the sustainability of the production process.

Machine system flexibility (equipment flexibility). It reflects the duration and cost of the transition to the manufacture of the next name of parts (semi-finished products) within the range assigned to the flexible logistics system. An indicator of this flexibility is considered to be the number of names of parts produced in the intervals between adjustments.

Assortment flexibility. It reflects the ability of the logistics system to update products. Its main characteristics are the timing and cost of preparing the production of a new name for parts (semi-finished products) or a new complex of logistics operations.

An indicator of assortment flexibility is the maximum rate of renewal of a product or a complex of logistics operations, at which the functioning of the logistics system remains cost-effective.

Technological flexibility. This is structural and organizational flexibility, which reflects the ability of the logistics system to use different workflow options to smooth out possible deviations from the previously developed production schedule.

Flexibility in production volumes. It manifests itself in the ability of the logistics system to rationally manufacture parts (semi-finished products) in the context of the dynamism of the sizes of the launch lots.

The main indicator of the flexibility of production volumes is the minimum batch size (material flows) at which the operation of the system remains cost-effective.

Flexibility to expand the system. Otherwise, it is called the constructive flexibility of the logistics system. It reflects the possibilities of modulating this system, its subsequent development (expansion). With the help of constructive flexibility, the possibilities of combining several subsystems into a single complex are realized.

An indicator of constructive flexibility is the maximum number of pieces of equipment that can be used in a flexible logistics system while maintaining the basic design solutions for the logistics (transport and warehouse) system and management system.

System versatility. This type of flexibility is characterized by a multitude of parts (semi-finished products) that can potentially be processed in flexible logistics systems.

An assessment of the system versatility is the predicted number of modifications of parts (semi-finished products) that will be processed in a flexible logistics system for the entire period of its operation.

Each logistics system is designed to meet the needs and strategies of a particular enterprise. Therefore, it is specialized not only for its technological purpose, but also for the entire range of production and economic tasks.

The most important integrating logistics system in the main production area is the automated transport and storage system. In essence, thanks to it, the functioning of flexible logistics systems is ensured.

1.3 Transport and logistics system as one of the varieties of logistics systems

The logistics approach to managing the economy and transport has changed dramatically over the past decade.

Integrated logistics and supply chain management (SCM) have become highly developed areas of the industry, including the transportation complex.

Comprehensive cooperation, typical for the modern global transport industry, implies extensive cooperation between various organizations in the field of sales, service, as well as the integration of processes based on information technology and uniform standards.

The need to take into account the interests of consumers of transport products, on the one hand, and the desire to increase the competitiveness of transport and logistics systems, on the other, require the application of the principles of logistics.

The main result of the development and implementation of technological innovations, which include modeling and logistics reengineering, is the released economic potential not only of an individual organization, but of the entire transport market, which in the most revolutionary way pushes the boundaries of our traditional understanding of performance management using engineering approaches.

The transport system, and its special case - the transport and logistics system, covers and combines with the help of management into a single process such types of logistics activities as information exchange, transportation, inventory management, warehouse management, cargo handling and packaging.

In addition to the information and resource aspects of vehicle management, an important place is occupied by the consideration of the problem of adaptation and self-regulation of business processes based on their improvement.

The key competencies of the supply chain (work) in the systems under consideration, their integration and various combinations presented below, affect the movement of goods, information, financial flows, make effective interaction between elements possible, considering TLS as a single, living and self-organizing economic organism.

From these positions, the achievement of high stability of the system based on the inclusion of risk management mechanisms and the reliability of processes is considered as the main organizational and technical task.

Key competencies, united in the TLS, reflect the resource-process capabilities of the system for delivering goods to the consumer in a strategic and tactical perspective.

Key competencies, as noted above, include infrastructure, inventory and warehouse management, cargo handling and packaging, and information exchange. They are able to be sustainable over a long period of time and create additional competitive advantages in the supply (work) chain.

The main goal of core competencies is to add value to the system by making loads useful in shape, ownership, location and appearance. The links form the structure of the TLS, which is considered as a set of elements that make up this system and their interactions with each other, manifested in the relationship "transport organization-consumer".

The organizational and technological structure of a link is a set of key competencies, processes, system factors, results and connections between them, which are formed in the TLS.

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This structure is hierarchical and adaptive. The main property of a link, as a structural element, is the ability to self-regulation and interaction based on the use of common, primarily information, resources. Thus, the analysis of the properties of TLS elements makes it possible to highlight the emergence of new properties of the system components when creating a synergistic effect.

The essence of the approach under consideration is to strengthen the role of self-regulatory interaction on the principles of cooperation, communication, competence and the creation of an effective system for managing business processes in TLS. To increase their competitiveness, modern TLS are interested in developing closer relations with shippers and consignees, despite the fact that their interests often do not coincide. For example, the interests of shippers are in rhythmic deliveries, timely payments, as well as in ensuring a high level of economic ties when concluding contracts, purchasing, delivering goods and providing services.

The emphasis, from a communication point of view, is on the processes that take place outside one organization. Each organization is viewed in the context of the overall goal of the various value-creating activities, as an integral part of that goal in the system. The use of information links with TLS participants is a key idea underlying the efficiency and safety of transportation management. We are talking about the formation of a unified information environment in which information about the transportation process, the provision of services, etc. is structured. Top management begins to realize the degree of impact of information technology solutions on the business process itself and corporate culture. Increasingly, a part of its own IT personnel is transferred to the disposal of subsidiaries or outsourcing companies created with TLS partners for special information processing. The parent company retains a small group of specialists and logisticians who are responsible for the IT function.

To make informed decisions and manage processes in TLS, not only a large array of information is needed that adequately describes their state and the risks of the market environment, but also the presence of key competencies balanced with each other. Taking into account the fact that information adequately describes (“reflects”) their movement and interaction, it is considered as the most important resource in the general structure of the organization's economic resources.

Thus, the decisive factor in the successful implementation of operations in the process of transporting goods in an integrated TLS is information and the knowledge formed on its basis. For these purposes, for a complete and adequate reflection of information at all hierarchical levels, an efficient and proactive information system is created. With its help, real-time control of processes covering the movement of goods from the conclusion of a contract with suppliers to their delivery to the consignee is provided.

At the same time, the possibility of building up (“expanding”) the traditional model of process management presupposes the inclusion of mechanisms of security, cooperation and self-regulation, which contributes to organizational adaptation and the reduction of inter-functional conflicts. The role of self-regulatory mechanisms in integrated supply chains is not fully understood. The commonality of commercial interests of the participants in the logistics transport chain for the delivery of goods provides the possibility of their functional integration. The formation of transport and logistics centers or transport and logistics complexes ultimately allows you to maximize profits and minimize the costs of all types of resources of each participant in the process of commodity circulation.

The essence of logistics integration lies in the possibility of effective cooperation between individual subjects of the transport market in order to achieve specific general and private goals.

New management structures should have inherent goals for the functioning of transport and logistics systems, which include:

* financial goals, which are expressed in the form of profit with profitability and liquidity;

* production and technical goals, which are expressed by the overall productivity and productivity of individual departments, minimizing individual periods of time in the production process;

* technical efficiency, i.e. technical parameters and resource intensity of production, etc.

In this case, we are talking about a hierarchical organizational structure. It is obvious that each level of management of transport and logistics systems solves its own tasks (strategic, operational and tactical). It is assumed that the subdivisions of the TLC have a certain degree of independence. It is advisable to consider the relationship between the independence and dependence of subdivisions from the point of view of synergy, i.e. the total effect of the system. In this case, it becomes possible to effectively combine combinations of individual units or subsystems of transport and logistics systems (terminal complexes, elements of the logistics transport chain) in order to obtain a higher effect for the entire system. The elements of the logistic transport chain can be cargo owners, railway and other types of transport that provide the process of delivery of goods. In this case, terminal systems are of particular importance.

When creating transport and logistics systems, it is advisable to use a functional approach. In its implementation, the development chain of the enterprise under consideration has the following form: the needs of cargo owners - the functions of transport and logistics systems - the goals of the functioning of transport and logistics systems - the synthesis of the organizational structure of transport and logistics systems. The implementation of the functional approach allows you to apply new solutions in the field of the organizational structure of the enterprise, in particular based on the ideas of reengineering, as well as take into account one of the principles of logistics - customer orientation.

In an unstable environment, a transition from strategic management to more effective in this case, strategic entrepreneurship, which is the main tool for achieving synergy in multi-level transport and logistics systems. At the same time, a strategic orientation and synchronization of plans for elements of transport and logistics systems and a logistics transport chain are achieved, ensuring the implementation of logistics goals for transport and forwarding services to cargo owners. Obviously, the transport and logistics systems should have units that conduct marketing surveys, which provide information for decision-making (marketing and tariff policy sector).

The presence of a management structure of this kind can become an effective tool for finding compromises between the interests of various modes of transport (potential competitors) in order to achieve the best balance between costs and results obtained and to ensure the optimal proportions of the elements of the logistics transport chain included in transport and logistics systems.

The task of determining an effective combination of the use of two or more modes of transport in the logistics transport chain can be reduced to a multi-criteria one. Depending on the level of decision-making, the main tasks of transport and logistics systems are the design and selection of the optimal logistics transport chain for the delivery of goods from the point of view of logistic synergy. Design tasks should be solved at the federal level, and circuit selection at the level of supporting subsystems. It is obvious that the problem of finding financial resources (investments) is associated with the design problem. Therefore, at the level of strategic planning, issues related to project financing, the procedure for attracting investors, etc. are resolved.

The methodology for assessing the efficiency of the functioning of the transport and logistics system is built as follows.

Taking into account the principles of building transport and logistics systems, their structure, it is advisable to use multilevel models for their formalized description.

The creation of transport and logistics systems presupposes the development of integration ties with potential partners, including competitors (various types of transport, forwarding structures, etc.).

To increase the stability of the functioning of railway transport, it is currently necessary to solve the problems of reducing costs, improving the management of the transportation process, justifying the standards of labor, financial and material resources. Of particular importance in a competitive environment is the search for new forms of integration of railway and other types of transport, customs authorities, forwarders, cargo owners and other participants in the logistics chain for the delivery of goods.

Self-regulation is understood as the presence in the TLS of independent (autonomous) elements possessing the properties of adaptation and hierarchy, capable of establishing an effective mode of functioning without external influence, based on feedbacks, providing a spatio-temporal concentration of resources on

economically profitable directions. Self-regulation ensures the coordination of the economic interests of the system's processes to optimize profits with benefits for consumers in the delivery of goods. Self-regulation is achieved through a feedback mechanism that includes risk and reliability management processes.

Adaptation is considered as the ability of TLS and its processes to detect purposeful adaptation in a changing environment. In the course of adaptation, the transport chain is able to change its structure and choose new options for effective functioning. Adaptation is focused on maintaining the homeostasis of the transport and logistics system in the face of disturbances and acceptable risks. Using the principle of adaptation ensures an effective trade-off between expansion and sustainability.

Transport and logistics system - these are transport links (elements) interacting on the principles of safety and self-regulation with common resources, ensuring highly effective interaction of shippers, forwarders, transport companies and consignees on the basis of a distributed computer network and uniform process management standards. TLS has the ability to adapt in a constantly changing external environment and create a cooperative economic result of greater value than the value of a separate result of the functioning of a link.

In socio-economic systems, the three-phase process of changing the states of the subject of labor is their primary, then indivisible element or link. Moreover, this element is universal for the organization of any kind of activity, in any area of ​​its application, be it production, management, supply, sales, training or something else. In addition, he plays in TLS, uniting the consignor, carrier, consignee into one whole.

The value of transforming the subject of labor can be a change:

Kind (conversion of chemical energy of gasoline into thermal energy in an automobile engine.);

Shapes (converting a workpiece to a part);

Places (transportation of goods from point A to point B);

Possessions (shipper-consignee).

For the implementation of TLS competencies, the application of the process controlling method is of great importance.

The functions of controlling within the framework of transport and logistics systems include, first of all, support of the acceptance process and presentation of system management information. In particular, strategic controlling allows the governing body of transport and logistics systems to determine what changes in activities should be made (for example, this concerns the implementation of the principles of global quality management or reengineering of business processes). Information support for decision-making processes on the implementation of resource-saving technologies within the framework of the functioning of transport and logistics systems is carried out on the basis of the capabilities of dynamic expert systems. When building information systems, it is necessary to use object-oriented technology, simulation methods, etc.

The result of the activity of this system in the future depends on the effectiveness of the formation of a portfolio of transport and logistics systems. At the same time, given the limited financial resources, special attention should be paid to leasing operations.


2.1 general characteristics transport - logistics company Dhl

The company was founded in 1969 to transport documents between San Francisco and Honolulu, but DHL soon expanded its operations worldwide. First of all, the company was interested in international delivery, however, opening offices in various countries of the world, gradually entered the domestic markets (for example, the opening of a delivery service within the borders of America in 1983). DHL has aggressively expanded, providing its services in countries where its competitors have not yet entered, including the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, Iraq, Iran, China, Vietnam and North Korea.

DHL Express delivers urgent shipments and documents to over 120,000 cities in 220 countries and regions. The company has more than 5,000 offices and about 76,000 vehicles for the delivery of documents and goods. Four subsidiaries operate under the DHL brand:

1. DHL Supply Chain - supply chain management;

2. DHL Global Mail - postal services, direct mail;

3. DHL Global Forwarding - air transportation, sea freight, multimodal transportation;

4. DHL Freight - land transportation.

The total number of personnel is 275 thousand people (2011).

1. DHL's Supply Chain Division, as the world's largest contract logistics specialist, prioritizes the following:

Significantly increase the competitiveness of customers through faster and more efficient delivery of their products to the market

Companies of all sizes can rely on local market knowledge and global reach to help them improve the efficiency of all parts of the supply chain

Creation of a variety of industry solutions to organize all parts of the supply chain

· The company offers reliable solutions for various industries, operating conditions and requirements - from planning, sourcing and sourcing, production, storage, preparation and dispatch of products to after-sales support.

By leveraging its industry-specific supply chain expertise, DHL creates flexible solutions that meet customer requirements

The company is aware of the challenges its customers face and can anticipate their logistics needs in an ever-changing marketplace, so customers can rely on the expertise and experience of DHL to operate globally, regionally and locally.

Consistently high quality and efficient solutions

We provide solutions to our customers with advanced technology and a systematic approach to evaluating results, quality control, project management, process improvement and environmental compliance.

2. Global Express DHL is DHL's global expert in providing customized solutions for mail, hybrid mail and parcels. With the help of solutions developed personally, taking into account the needs of the company's customers, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the country on the basis of a regional presence around the world. Customers will gain a competitive advantage by entrusting DHL to deliver their mail and parcels while the customers are doing their core business. "

3. 4. The Freight Forwarding, Sea and Air Heavy Cargo Division and the Land Transport Division operate under similar business models. They manage infrastructure facilities, organize the delivery of heavy cargo by land, sea or air in the interests of the customer, and are very flexible in responding to changes in individual customer needs, adjusting their work standards to them. The scope of these divisions includes the management of both supply chains and specially developed logistics schemes.


DHL Global Forwarding is the market leader in its sector. The company transports goods to the destination at the agreed price and by the time specified by the client, offers logistics schemes developed for large-scale and complex projects, fully provides customs clearance of goods.

DHL Global Forwarding is able to operate scheduled and charter flights with a wide variety of airlines, as well as competitive services through our own carrier, allowing us to be flexible enough to serve a wide range of clients - from just starting out to shippers. carrying out regular import and export of goods.

DHL Global Forwarding's extensive network enables it to provide a wide range of shipping services, including door-to-door services.

DHL its work with a detailed analysis of the assigned transport problem in order to determine the most efficient and optimal type of cargo transportation and, on this basis, offers services for the transportation of cargo in full containers or as part of a groupage container. Strong agency relationships with the leading shipping lines allow us to deliver on time required by the client and offer the most profitable option for cargo transportation.

FREIGHT division

DHL Freight is the largest transport company in the European market segment, offering flexible and customized logistics solutions. We provide the possibility of multimodal transportation, services for domestic and international land transportation, transportation of groupage cargo. The company also takes over the customs clearance of goods, making the process of international transportation of goods fast and convenient for the client.

In March 2007, DHL opened its Innovation Center near Bonn Airport to the public. Clients and partners of the company got the opportunity to get acquainted with the ongoing research. One of the center's tasks is to develop innovative, environmentally friendly, flexible and marketable products that will help solve the logistics problem of the future. DHL's research team collaborates with scientists and engineers from other companies and academia.

This "laboratory of the future" is a key element corporate strategy Deutsche Post DHL, which is to transform the corporation into the most innovative transport and logistics company in the world. Every day, the research community emphasizes the importance of developing innovative solutions for this sector of the economy, citing the DHL Innovation Center as the focus of research activities.

The DHL Innovation Center has everything you need: research laboratories, meeting and presentation facilities, an observation room to showcase the latest developments in the field of logistics. Demonstration of achievements in a specially equipped hall using radio frequency identification devices turns into a vivid life experience for visitors. Laboratories are the backbone of research and development, and in the conference room, in the course of meetings with customers, partners and colleagues, solutions are sought for the logistics challenges of the future.

2.2 Review and assessment of the transport and logistics system on DHL

DHL works with more companies in different countries than any other logistics company.

There are several basic strategies by which DHL operates.


Door-to-door concept;

JIT concept;

Provision of cross-docking services;

Customs brokerage.

The company also offers its customers a wide range of services for the delivery of goods to their destination. Typical services for road and rail transport are as follows:

1. Rail transportation

Rail transportation is an excellent solution when you need to transport cargo by a separate wagon, a group of wagons or a full train. DHL Freight organizes forwarding railroad from the departure station to the destination station, as well as with the possibility of picking up cargo from the sender's warehouse to the consignee's warehouse.


High level in identifying business needs, allowing you to speed up the process and offer the best way most suitable for the client's business;

· Excellent quality when delivering goods on time and in excellent condition;

· A wide range of equipment for organizing the best service;

· High level of cargo safety;

· Organization of customs clearance.

2. Cold Chain Trucking

DHL COLDCHAIN ​​is a special service for the transportation of goods in small quantities (LTL) with control and maintenance of the required temperature regime. The service is available throughout Europe and is designed to meet the health, safety and handling requirements of healthcare companies. DHL COLDCHAIN ​​services include transportation of refrigerated (2-8 ° C) and non-special storage (15-25 ° C) products.

DHL COLDCHAIN ​​services include:

Consolidation of small shipments (LTL) services

Services for the transportation of refrigerated (2-8 ° C) and not requiring special storage conditions (15-25 ° C) products

High quality cargo handling and high level security

Security and temperature control via GPS systems

Shipment and delivery as scheduled

Short lead times

Centralized accounting and management

Tracking the movement of goods online

· Recording temperature data.

As for the services for the transportation of specific goods, the company delivers:

Groupage cargo (LCL);

Container Freight (FCL);

General and oversized - heavy cargo;

Groupage cargo is a joint shipment of a consignment along a common route, but addressed to different recipients. In most cases, groupage cargo is transported by one vehicle. Suppose several companies plan to send some goods at the same time, for example, to Yekaterinburg. Each company individually may not be able to financially support ordinary cargo transportation, which means that groupage cargo will be an economically rational solution for the customer. Delivery of groupage cargo usually consists of the following stages. First, the cargo is transported to the warehouse of the forwarding company. Then it is combined with similar consignments of goods belonging to different consignors. And later, after a thorough inspection, packaging and preparation of documents required for the transportation of goods, the groupage cargo can be sent to the consignee. Groupage cargo will be delivered to different consignees within a strictly agreed time frame, and the sender, as a result, will significantly save on transportation. During the travels of trade caravans to different countries, the delivery of retail goods to different people was commonplace. Thus, the delivery of groupage cargo was widely used long before the advent of rail and road transport.


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The effectiveness of the logistics system largely affects the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, where this logistics system is organized.

Any enterprise, creating a logistics structure, must necessarily evaluate the effectiveness of its work.

The indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system should reflect the extent to which the main goals and objectives of the enterprise are being met. The indicators should be clear and transparent and should not only record the result of the functioning of the logistics system, but also determine the need for corrective actions.


There are several methods for assessing effectiveness. At the heart of any of these is comparing actual results against previously set cost, productivity, or service goals.

Comparing the results of work with the set targets, we determine the degree of deviation. The presence of a deviation is a signal of the need to make changes in the operation of the system.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Cost method

Based on the fact that the enterprise determines the standard cost of each logistics function. The criterion can be set for a commodity unit, delivery, shipment, order, etc.

Productivity method

Valuation using this method is quantitative and measured in physical units: for example, delivery of products in tons; number of delivery orders, number of shipments, etc.

Service assessment method

This method is based on assessing the quality of services provided to the consumer. The estimated parameters can be: completeness of customer satisfaction; time of order execution (speed); the quality of the supplied products (complaints), the availability of additional services for the consumer (organization of delivery, frequency of deliveries, etc.)

Each enterprise uses its own set of system performance indicators and sets its own standards, the implementation of which is monitored and achieved.

Here is an example of the standards according to which enterprises evaluate the activities of the logistics system:

  • Assessment of current stocks of products and the possibility of their optimization. To assess the reserves, such indicators can be used as:
Average stock- the average level of stocks of the enterprise for the period. Stock circulation time- shows how long it will take to realize the average stock. Stock turnover Is the ratio of the speed of sales to the average commodity stock over a period. It is determined by dividing the turnover for a period by the average stock for this period.
  • Service level for consumers. The indicator determines the availability of the company's products for customers and the willingness to fulfill a customer's order within a specified time from the moment of its receipt.
  • The level of accuracy of order execution in terms of time and the required set of goods.
  • The level of costs for the activities of the logistics structure. Most often, the standard level of logistics costs (% of annual turnover) is determined and its compliance with the fact is assessed.
  • Share of transportation costs from sales.
  • The proportion of damage to goods during processing at the warehouse and during storage.


Enterprises seek to improve the efficiency of logistics management by various means.

The main methods that can be used to improve the efficiency of the system:

  • Focus on achieving the intended goals. The method assumes the use technical systems engineering for project planning and control of the results of decisions made.
  • Use of analytical tools. The method allows you to simulate processes - imitation (situations that may arise in the future, and options for getting out of these situations), economic (that happened earlier at the enterprise, as well as the experience of other companies).
  • Increased employee engagement. The method is based on motivation for performance. It is important to create a comfortable microclimate in teams, which is greatly facilitated by job satisfaction, rewards for conscientious work and dedication to the company.

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One of the fundamental concepts in logistic analysis is the category of efficiency of systems of any type and level. It is efficiency that is usually meant when it comes to the optimality of the made and implemented management decisions. An optimal solution is understood as a solution that, in a certain sense, is the most effective for a particular situation. The effectiveness of any production and commercial activity is largely determined by the effectiveness of decisions made on a daily basis by managers of different levels. In this regard, the requirements for improving (optimizing) the processes of making logistics decisions are extremely relevant, the successful implementation of which, as a rule, is possible on the basis of the "Operations Research" (BUT) methodology.

Briefly, it can be defined as a methodology for applying mathematical quantitative methods to justify decisions in all areas of purposeful human activity. It is not by chance that the word "justification" is used, not "acceptance" - the fact is that not all essential aspects (parameters) of logistics systems are quantitative in nature and, accordingly, can be taken into account in the decisions generated by the IO apparatus. Consequently, these decisions are, to one degree or another, incomplete, which is compensated by informal methods of their correction.

The essence of the IO methodology is to model future (possible) actions of a logistic system, for example, an organization, using a variety of mathematical apparatus (the owner of the corresponding competence is a professional applied mathematician), but the initial base is a meaningfully posed task or problem. This statement should come from a specialist or manager engaged in the field of logistics, who has sufficient theoretical training and experience, in particular, who is familiar with the methodology of the systems approach. The latter condition follows from the genetic connection between operations research and the systemic approach; it is one of the leading directions of its implementation.

After the analysis and synthesis of the object of research and development is carried out on the basis of the systematic approach (using its categories and concepts), i.e., the logistic system is synthesized, its internal structure, the nature of connections, properties and parameters of both individual subsystems and elements, and and the properties of the system as a whole, urgent problems have been identified and the corresponding tasks have been set, a cybernetic, i.e. information and management approach to ensuring the effective behavior of the system should be implemented. It involves modeling its state, structure and dynamics, forming a real set of alternatives to be considered, solving the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the system, its subsystems and elements.

In this manual, we will only touch on the methodology for researching operations in logistics, that is, the classification of problems, approaches to their solution, etc.

The decision-making process is the key and, as a rule, the most complex subsystem in the logistics management system. In order for him to go in the right direction, first of all, it is necessary to correctly understand the task at hand. Like any process in which a person participates, he has an objective and subjective side. The objective side is the initial set of circumstances that determined this process: the task at hand, external conditions, available resources of all kinds. The subjective side is the reflection of the above circumstances in the mind of the person making the decision, the features of his intellect and psyche, manifested in the course of this process. The correct one can be considered a solution that, in its main features, correctly reflects the situation and corresponds to the task at hand. Therefore, to make the right decision, it is necessary that the objective parameters of the process are perceived as adequately as possible to reality. Since the decision-making process involves specific forms of thinking - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, abstraction and concretization, its effectiveness also depends on the level of knowledge of these methods by decision-makers (DM).

The development of any solution in the general case involves the following sequence of stages:

  • statement of the problem (essence of the problem, the need for a solution, restrictions on the parameters of the solution);
  • understanding the task (goal and means of achieving it);
  • assessment of the state of the controlled object (conditions for solving the problem);
  • selection (or construction) of a mathematical model of an object;
  • computational implementation of the model (obtaining a "preliminary" optimal version);
  • qualitative assessment of factors not taken into account by the mathematical model;
  • analysis and synthesis of the results of quantitative and qualitative assessments;
  • making a "complete" decision.

When implementing this process, first of all, the goal of the optimization process must be correctly understood and formulated, otherwise it is fundamentally impossible to make the right decision. The formulation should satisfy the requirement of a minimum of information, sufficient for a reliable comparison of the target (specified) state of the object being optimized with the initial or intermediate one. Based on the analysis of constraints (for example, on allocated resources), taking into account the permissible degree of independence in decision-making and the requirements of the normal course of the process, an admissible set of decision options is formed. From it, the optimal (most effective) solution is selected, that is, one that maximizes (or minimizes, depending on the nature of the goal) the indicator (criterion) of the quality of the logistics process. In the final development of a solution, in addition to maximizing or minimizing the main indicator of the process, it is often necessary to additionally take into account many different circumstances (legal, social, economic, etc.) that cannot be described mathematically and expressed in the form of the main indicator of the process or constraints. Therefore, the final phase of decision making in the general case cannot be formalized and is the prerogative of the decision maker (manager or entrepreneur).

According to the research objectives, logistic models are divided into rational distribution and resource saving models, ordering models, inventory management models, queuing models, optimal route selection models, adversarial problem models, etc.

The systematization of many years of experience in logistics entrepreneurship in a competitive environment has led to the development of practically complete system criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of logistics systems of all types, called "System 6" or "6 rules of logistics". In a utilitarian sense, this name symbolizes six conditions for ensuring the necessary competitiveness of logistics operators (organizations). They have a clearly expressed marketing focus (a view from the recipient of the corresponding product or service), which is quite natural, given the service nature of the modern (post-industrial) economy and logistics in particular. Below are the names and a brief interpretation of each of them.

  • 1. Cargo- the consumer must be delivered exactly the product that he needs, taking into account its completeness, dimensions, assembly level, container nature, etc. The rule imposes on the logistics operator the requirement for high versatility and flexibility of the logistics technologies used by him.
  • 2. Quality- it is supposed to preserve the quality (consumer) characteristics accepted for the delivery of values ​​(goods) and to bring its readiness for consumption to the level declared by the consumer in the process of delivery.
  • 3. Quantity - products should be delivered in batches of the size that is most convenient (economical) for the recipient. As you know, the batch size to a greater or lesser extent affects both the cost of delivery of consumed products in general, and the costs in individual links of supply chains, in particular for consumers ", therefore they tend to optimize according to their own criteria (differentiated by individual purchased items) This is an important parameter of the incoming flow. Consequently, logistics operators must adapt the type of delivered batches to those requested by consumers. In general, it is about adaptation (finding a compromise), and not about duplicating optimal consumer decisions, since the latter may contradict the capabilities and interests of the operators. ...
  • 4. Time- the cargo must be delivered at the required time. The rule presupposes taking into account the consumption schedules of incoming products by its recipients. Here, as in the case of other rules, the researcher is faced with the task of finding the optimal compromise solution when determining the time or schedule for the arrival of goods to the recipient. The latter, proceeding from the operational plans of its own production or commercial process, makes up the optimal schedule for the arrival of shipments of cargoes to it. The more precisely this schedule is observed, the more profitable, all other things being equal, cooperation with the relevant logistics operator. However, its adoption without some correction in most cases is unacceptable for operators, since it significantly increases their costs and prevents the execution of the same rule in relation to other consumers, since usually operators serve a fairly wide range of recipient clients, any coordination of modes consumption of which is impossible.
  • 5. Place - delivery is carried out from the point specified by the cargo owner to another point specified by him. And again, the limiting implementation of the rule in a number of cases is either technologically difficult, for example, it requires the use of off-road vehicles, multimodal transport (rail-road, road-air, etc.), special equipment for loading and unloading operations, or increases the cost of delivery. Consequently, each logistics operator must determine for itself the optimal degree and boundaries of the implementation of this rule.
  • 6. Expenses- it is assumed that any logistic process within the framework of the conditions specified by other rules should be carried out with minimal costs. This rule is implemented by optimizing a set of organizational and technical decisions made by operators. Examples of such solutions are the optimal choice of logistics partners and entire supply chains, the type and type of vehicles, packaging, optimization of traffic schedules, rational management of stocks and their placement in warehouse facilities, etc. There is an almost limitless field of activity for professional logisticians.

The goal of logistic services to consumers is considered achieved if these six conditions are met to the extent that they are relevant for each specific case.

Regarding all these criteria, except for the last one, it should be noted that in their original form they are clearly informal, of a qualitative nature, that is, they cannot be directly used in optimization problems. Therefore, for each individual case of the implementation of the corresponding rule, it must be transformed into a mathematical expression adequate to the problem under consideration, which performs the function of a private measure of the degree of its fulfillment. This meter, depending on the circumstances, can be used as an optimality criterion or as a limitation. In the general case, each rule should be understood not in the sense of "do this and the fuller, the better", but as a statement of the problem of finding the optimal degree of implementation of a given rule in a particular situation. This task should be aimed at finding the best compromise option for the interaction of all participants in the logistics process, implementing the rules (including consumers), bearing the corresponding costs and receiving the corresponding effects, including those that cannot be clearly estimated.

No less difficult tasks are associated with the need for a systematic implementation of these rules. The point is not only that it is practically very rare situations when the decision maker is interested in only one rule (let us assume that it is an order of magnitude more significant than all the others), but in their mutual influence, which is specific in each situation and for each pair of rules. The common place is only a contradiction between the rule "costs" and all others - the higher the degree of implementation of any of the rules 1-5, the higher the associated costs for the operator implementing them. As for the mutual influence within the set of rules 1-5, then pair relations of any type are possible here (no mutual influence, positive connection - favored, negative connection - opposition). Since at least 2-3 criterion rules are usually relevant, we are dealing with a multi-criteria optimization problem, in the general case of a two-level type (the 1st level corresponds to partial optimization but separate criteria, the 2nd - integral over the entire set of rules). The strict formal formulation and solution of such problems requires the participation of specialists in the field of mathematical programming and the availability of appropriate software. If this “maximalist” approach is impossible for some reason, then one can try to obtain a suboptimal solution using the professional potential of logistic experts, but subject to the same logic and sequence of solution stages.

We emphasize once again that these six rules, with all their relevance, are purely local criteria for the efficiency of logistics systems, any of their configuration is focused only on ensuring the required quality of logistics services and its competitiveness in the respective target markets. If the financial and economic, innovative and other aspects of the activity of logistics systems are considered, then they correspond to other sets of criterion indicators, which are, in particular, at other levels of the hierarchy of the goals of the system.

In conclusion, note that practical implementation"6 rules of logistics" is possible if a completed system of supporting measures has been previously implemented, in particular:

  • a comprehensive analysis of material and information flows was carried out;
  • appropriate communication intra- and intersystem links have been established;
  • integrated systems for processing orders, picking goods and delivering products with production management systems, created a unified system of end-to-end planning and control of order execution;
  • an efficient system of warehousing and disposition of inventories was introduced;
  • optimized order quantities, as well as the structure and levels of stocks;
  • rationalized transport and storage operations at all warehouses controlled by the organization;
  • rationalization of packaging was carried out and cargo units were unified;
  • the optimal routes of transportation by transport have been selected;
  • The costs of the recipient for acceptance, warehouse processing, intra-plant transportation, etc. are also taken into account.
  • The optimization model reflects the interests of the recipient.
  • The area of ​​applied mathematics, associated with the search for extreme values ​​of objective functions of mathematical models of objects of any nature, can be considered as a special section of operations research.