Why concrete floors are so good and how to make them yourself. Installation of concrete floors for a warehouse How the floor is arranged in a refrigerated warehouse

  • 15.06.2019

Warehouse floors are one of the most important elements warehouse complex. They experience enormous loads, harsh abrasive, mechanical, impact, constantly influenced by chemical elements and temperature extremes.

Warehouse floor requirements

Warehouse floors are subject to increased requirements. Such coatings must be:

  • Resistant to abrasion - one of the main factors in the destruction of warehouse floors.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress. Warehouses often move traffic, so the flooring must have improved characteristics to withstand shear stresses. The floors in garages should also have the same property.
  • Impact resistant. Heavy objects may fall on the floors. In this case, the monolithicity of the coating should not be violated.
  • With chemical resistance. Warehouse floors in chemical industry exposed to aggressive liquids: solvents, paints, acids, etc.
  • insensitive to temperature changes. Industrial floors in industries where elevated temperatures are used with frequent changes are often violated prematurely. Particularly relevant additional strengthening of the base is for warehouses with access to the street, freezing and cold rooms;
  • impervious to liquids. To ensure that floors in warehouses are not adversely affected by frequent wet cleaning, and substances harmful to the environment did not get into the soil through them, the coating should not let liquid through.
  • Non-slip, both dry and wet, to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.

Fireproof and durable to ensure the safety of the goods or raw materials stored in the warehouse. That is why, when installing industrial floors for a warehouse, it is necessary to take into account operational requirements, load distribution parameters and other factors. Do not miss any of these nuances and pick up the best option arrangement of warehouse floors will be helped by the specialists of Prom-Flor.

Selection of floor coverings in stock

The choice of coverage is carried out taking into account the above requirements.

Among the most reliable modern coatings are self-leveling floors for a warehouse made of polymeric materials.

Polymer floors can be applied as a thin-layer reinforcing impregnation, as a coloring coating or as full-fledged thick-layer polymer floors filled with reinforcing mixtures, such as quartz.

In the warehouse, a concrete floor reinforced with topping or impregnations can also be used. The main thing is that the floor covering meets all operational requirements.

Polymer floors for a warehouse

Polymer floors are increasingly being used in production and storage facilities. Perfect option- bulk floors for a warehouse. This is a thick-layer coating that is practically not subjected to abrasive influences, withstands significant loads, and does not allow excessive dust formation.

When the installation of self-leveling floors for a warehouse is impractical or preferable a budget option, you can paint the floor with polyurethane enamel. It will not replace 100% self-leveling floors, but will give the flooring additional elasticity, resistance to deformation, abrasion and abrasive effects.

Instead of a self-leveling floor for warehouses, impregnation on a polyurethane or epoxy basis can be used. As you know, epoxy floors are one of the most resistant types of polymer coatings, so this impregnation provides compressive or tensile strength, impact resistance.

In addition, the use of polymer coatings is relevant where, according to operating conditions, only polymer floors can be used - in food production e.g. to provide additional hygiene and storage safety food products. Self-leveling floors in workshops and warehouses of the chemical industry will become indispensable, since they have increased fire safety.

Warehouse concrete floors

Concrete floors are most in demand for arranging warehouses, regardless of whether a self-leveling floor is being laid or the concrete layer will be the finish. Concrete is indispensable at the stage of preparing the base for any floor covering.

The optimal solution for a warehouse is concrete floors with quartz topping, and for rooms with heavy loads - using metallized topping. They are resistant to abrasion, shock, dynamic loads. Such floors are cheaper than polymeric ones. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to give concrete flooring an attractive look. appearance if required by the purpose of the room.

As an underlying base, concrete floors for a warehouse must be arranged using reinforcement and fillers from expanded clay and crushed stone. Such a foundation will be reliable and durable.

Warehouse floors are the most used, loaded elements of complexes and terminals where various goods are stored, stored and moved (including heavy loads, large-sized equipment and spare parts, aggressive chemicals).

Introductory part of the article

Possible factors of external influence on the floor for the warehouse primarily depend on:

  • from warehouse destination(for example, industrial or production, universal or specialized);
  • on the type of construction: open or closed from atmospheric phenomena;
  • on the degree of intensity of its operation.

Note! When choosing floors for warehouses, last but not least, it is necessary to take into account their degree of fire resistance, especially if it is planned to place combustible goods, flammable liquids and explosive substances in them.

Related Documents

To get acquainted with problem-oriented information on the subject under consideration, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following documents, norms and rules for construction:

  • SNiP 2.03.13 - 88 "Floors", (updating SP 29.13330.2011);
  • Manual to SNiP 3.04.01 - 87 "Recommendations for flooring."
  • SNiP II - V.8 - 71 “Floors. Design standards".
  • SNiP III - B.11 "Finishing work".
  • SNiP 2.11.01 - 85 "Warehouse buildings".
  • SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures".
  • SNiP 2.11.03 - 93 “Warehouses for oil and oil products. Fire regulations”, paragraph 4 (Storage buildings and facilities for the storage of petroleum products in containers).
  • SNiP 21-03 - 2003 "Warehouses of timber materials. Fire regulations.
  • Methodological documentation for construction: MDS 31 - 1.98 "Recommendations for the design of floors."
  • SNiP 2.01.07 - 85 "Loads and impacts".

Note! In connection with international cooperation in the economy (trade), in addition to domestic standards, special attention, when arranging the foundations and top coats floors of modern warehouse terminals, their compliance with international (foreign) construction standards, for example, DIN 1045, 18202, 18560, 15161, 51953 and others.

Basic requirements for warehouse floors

Attention! When choosing building materials for floor installation, keep in mind that storage facilities are divided into classes: "A", "B", "C", "D". Depending on the category of the warehouse, the recommendations are different, for example, for class “A” - polyurethane, polished concrete floor, for “C” - you can use ordinary asphalt, and for “D” - there are no regulations at all.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of warehouse logistics facilities, some of which are used "all hours of the day, and all days of the year", a number of stringent requirements are imposed on such industrial floors and their design:

  1. A special coating or a widely used self-leveling (epoxy, polymer, polyurethane) concrete floor in a warehouse must be even, flat and free of cracks, pits, protrusions and drops.

Note! An exception is fuel and lubricants warehouses, where a “soft” slope of the floor surface is necessary to drain spilled fuels and lubricants, or drain dirt when warehouse workers clean it with their own hands using water (special liquids).

  1. All technological grooves, drain holes must be mounted outside the route of movement of the loading equipment and not near the rack supports.
  2. For large areas, when there is a need for the arrangement of temperature-shrinkage joints, in the case of installation of self-leveling (concrete) floors, they should be designed so that their number is minimal in areas of heavy traffic.
  3. The base and finish coating must correspond to the designed strength, wear resistance (usually high or medium), not be subject to plastic deformation from the expected (calculated) loads during their long-term operation. A suitable floor covering is selected only after the planned mechanical load on the warehouse floor and the specifics of its further use are calculated.

Note! Materials used as a floor covering for a warehouse must also have increased characteristics to the so-called abrasive effect on them (for example, in the places where forklifts turn). The destructive effects of abrasion cannot be ignored at the stage of design, justification and formulation of TOR.

  1. The flooring should not dust over time, as it is used, and with any degree of traffic on it.
  2. Warehouse floor surfaces must be waterproof, resistant to chemicals and corrosion in terms of their properties and characteristics.
  3. Depending on the specifics of storage, for example, low-temperature chambers for storing food, pharmaceutical raw materials and medicines, sometimes additional structures are required when installing the floor.

  1. In buildings where explosive, flammable substances, some types of instruments and electrical equipment are stored, it is necessary to lay non-sparking, non-conductive coatings that do not accumulate a static electric charge.
  2. For the purpose of safe use and maintenance of storage facilities, a general requirement is imposed on their floor coverings - they must have an anti-slip effect, both in a dry and wet state.
  3. Not the last place is occupied by the attractive appearance of the warehouse flooring, especially since it occupies a significant observable area of ​​​​the entire storage room.
  4. The price, labor costs, time spent on installation and commissioning of a particular type of floor also matter, especially when repairing existing, huge logistics terminals that operate in a continuous mode.

Note! Today, they most fully meet all the above listed requirements for warehouses general purpose universal varieties of self-leveling and concrete floors for industrial use.

For more information on the topic of the article, it is recommended to watch the following video in this article at the links:

Conclusions on the article

The choice of floors for warehouse buildings, premises and sites directly depends on its purpose, specificity, category (class).

When designing a warehouse floor, with open and semi-open structures, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions region, as well as the state of soils (level ground water) on the "building spot". If necessary, according to SNiP 2.03.13 - 88, the land under future buildings is “ennobled”, the water level drops, heaving types of soil are removed and replaced by another.

All requirements for the safe operation of floors, for their fire safety, both at all stages of construction and during operation and care for them, must be strictly observed.

Concrete pavements are widely used due to their high wear resistance at a relatively low price. Their manufacture is usually combined in one technological process with the installation of a supporting monolith. Depending on the purpose and characteristics of the premises, the design of the concrete floor is determined.

When constructing a concrete pavement, it is necessary to strictly take into account the features of the base, focusing on independent laboratory studies of its characteristics. For achievement high performance wear resistance concrete pavement apply modern technological processes surface hardening of the floor using liquid and dry mixes, cement-polymer compositions, which are laid on top of still uncured or "old" concrete with a layer of 5 to 12 mm.

The sequence of technological operations in the construction of concrete pavements with an upper hardened layer.

1. Surface leveling.
With the help of shooting, they find the most high point floor bases. Refine the thickness concrete slab: usually from 100 mm (on concrete monolith) to 150-250 mm (on compacted soil). It should be emphasized that concrete floors of lesser thickness, with undoubted savings in concrete, are not advisable, because. more prone to cracking and subsequent failure.

2. Breaking down the floor into maps.
The edges of the cards (captures) should be located between the planned storage racks, because it is at the edges of the grips that the most significant number of irregularities can form, which is especially undesirable in high-rise storage. The width of the grips is allowed no more than 4 m, and the length depends on the productivity of concrete laying work per shift.

3. Installation of guides.
With the help of optical and laser levels, guides are installed, which are often used as metal forms, hollow profiles or channels. For so-called "super-flat" floors, it is advisable to use special forms with a high degree of rigidity and a flat top edge. Paving machines used in Western countries have a telescopic device with a vibrator and a laser emitter that performs constant automatic level control during paving. concrete mix. The high productivity of these complexes (up to 5,000 sq. m. per shift) makes it possible to abandon the use of guides.

4. Reinforcement.
Reinforcement of the concrete floor is carried out using a mesh of reinforcement A-III. To reduce the formation of cracks, combined reinforcement is used, adding steel fiber to concrete in addition to reinforcement. When installing reinforcing meshes, it is important to control their position in order to prevent cracking of the surface. When using dispersed reinforcement of concrete with metal fiber (consumption is 25-40 kg per 1 m3 of concrete), installation of a frame mesh is not required. In this case, labor costs are significantly reduced, because. it is possible to use concrete-laying complexes. However, in this option, special attention should be paid to compliance with the concrete mix formulation and the quality of soil compaction.

5. The device of sedimentary seams.
To prevent the formation of cracks in the bulk concrete floor due to shrinkage of the building elements, sedimentary seams are arranged that separate the coating from the walls of the building and the existing columns. To do this, along all walls (external and internal) and around the columns, polyethylene foam tapes are laid (tape thickness 3-5 mm).

6. Delivery of the concrete mixture and its distribution by squares.
Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the technological stage - timely and uninterrupted delivery of the concrete mixture, its distribution on the maps, compaction with deep vibrators and vibrating screeds. Interruptions in the delivery of concrete, violations in its composition, different degrees of plasticity of the delivered mixture are unacceptable. they will adversely affect the quality of the floors. Therefore, the responsibility of the supplier of the mixture and its equipment with modern concrete mixing equipment is very important.

For the installation of "super-flat" floors, special high-quality vibrating screeds are used with strict control and adjustment of their geometry. Constant testing of the ductility of the concrete delivered to the job site will prevent degradation of the floor.

7. Alignment of the compacted concrete mix manually.
The quality of concrete floors, arranged according to traditional technology, using guides and vibrating rails, to a large extent depends on the professionalism and coherence of the work of the team of workers - concrete layers. When laying floors in narrow aisles without manual labor not enough. Here aluminum and wooden slats rectangular section, special profiles with telescopic handles for smoothing the surface.

8. Exposure of the laid concrete.
The temperature and humidity of the subfloor and the surrounding air, the quality characteristics of the cement determine the curing time of the freshly laid concrete pavement. Usually this period is about 3-5 hours. When applied modern technology vacuuming the concrete mixture, the holding time can be as little as 1-2 hours.

Leading foreign firms- manufacturers offer a non-formalized method for determining the degree of readiness of the concrete pavement for further processing. They recommend starting the next steps only when the shoes leave an imprint on fresh concrete no more than 0.4-0.5 cm deep.

9. Applying and grouting the hardening compound.
First, two thirds of the total amount of dry hardening composition of wear-resistant fillers, which are used as fractionated quartz, metal, corundum, silicon carbide, are applied manually to freshly laid hardening concrete. Portland cement, water-retaining and polymer additives, giving the coating plasticity and water resistance. Depending on the mechanical and other loads provided for during the operation of the floors, the type of hardening mixture is selected.

If carts with monolithic wheels made of polyurethane will be used in warehouses, then it is advisable to use quartz and corundum filler (consumption - 4-5 kg ​​/ sq.m). If it is possible to use trolleys with metal wheels, then metal-filled reinforcing mixtures should be preferred (consumption - 8-12 kg / sq.m). Colored fillers are also used, which, however, give a non-uniform color scheme. Only within one to three months (depending on the thickness of the concrete layer and the conditions in which it hardens) the color of the floor is evened out.

The applied layer of dry hardener is rubbed (smoothed) manually using special rails, which are aluminum profiles with a rectangular section of 5x10 cm or 5x15 cm, equipped with a rotary knob. Trowels are also used at minimum disc speeds. Discs with a diameter of 600, 900 or 1200 mm are used. 2-3 passes are made over the entire surface of the floor. Then the remaining third of the mass of the dry hardener is applied and the final smoothing (troweling) is carried out, first with discs, then with the surfaces of the blades of the trowel. In the process of grouting, it is necessary to gradually increase the angle of inclination and the speed of rotation of the blades.

10. Applying a protective varnish.
To prevent the formation of deep cracks on the surface of the finished concrete floor, resulting from the shrinkage of the hardening concrete, it is necessary to reduce the rate of evaporation of the moisture contained in it. To do this, immediately, immediately after grouting, using rollers or a pneumatic sprayer, apply special water-retaining varnishes based on acrylic copolymers and organic solvents to the floor surface. Varnish consumption is 150-200 g/sq.m. In this case, a film with a thickness of 0.07-0.12 cm is formed, which wears out as the floor is used.

11. Cutting shrinkage seams.
Shrink joints are cut to a depth of at least 2.5 cm using special machines equipped with corundum or diamond discs. The cutting step is approximately 30-40 times the thickness of the concrete layer. The seams are located depending on the location of the columns, the distances between them, the configuration of the room. The operation must be carried out no later than 6 - 8 hours after grouting, until shrinkage cracks begin to form.

12. Filling shrinkage and expansion joints.
As the concrete shrinks for a long time, shrinkage joints are formed, which must be filled with sealants. The most appropriate way to fill the joints is to fill them with polyurethane or epoxy sealant to the entire depth of the crack, because. often used polyethylene foam cords are destroyed when used in heavy traffic.

Certain inconveniences arise due to the fact that the filling of the seams can be carried out only after the required time has passed, often at least 3 months. During this time, the warehouse is already put into operation, and it is necessary to repair the seams already in the existing warehouse.

In connection with the above, we can conclude that laying a high-quality and durable concrete floor depends not only on the qualifications and experience of the installers, but also on objective factors - the temperature and humidity of the air in the room without drafts, good lighting, the absence of moisture leaks and others. It is necessary to plan all work in advance so as not to create unfavorable conditions for laying the concrete floor.

Warehouse floors are one of the busiest parts of it. At modern warehouse terminals, they sometimes experience enormous loads associated with abrasive and mechanical wear, thermal shocks, temperature changes, chemical, shock and other effects.

It should be understood that the permissible load on the floor of the warehouse should not exceed the functionality of the floor covering. A wrong decision or untimely repair, as a rule, leads warehouse floors to a deplorable state and entails financial costs. For example, for loading equipment you need flat floors in the warehouse. The quality and accuracy of its work, as well as the frequency of repairs, depends on this.

The most stringent requirements are imposed on floors in warehouse complexes where stackers with three-way cargo handling are used, working in aisles 1600-1900 mm wide and more than 6 m high, where the deviation at 2 meters should not exceed 2.0 mm. Thus, the device warehouse floor repair must always comply with the conditions of use.

The floor in the warehouse can be subjected to different loads. Their range is very wide, in this regard, when choosing floors for a warehouse, you need to clearly understand what the operating conditions will be, and in no case save on the quality of materials and the qualifications of performers. Ignorance of technology, lack of sufficient experience or replacement of flooring with a cheap analogue quite often end up with new expenses for repairs.

That is why, offering warehouse floors, we recommend complex solutions, taking responsibility for the result.

Our new customers quite often doubt and cannot correctly determine how to fill the floor in the warehouse, how to choose mixtures for warehouse floors and what are the requirements for floors in warehouses. Find the right decision not always easy.

At the stages of design and construction, all possible loads, including the impact of aggressive environments. Quite often, when building new facilitiesconcrete floors in warehouseshardened with topping, which is rubbed into concrete and creates a low-dust, sufficiently strong and wear-resistant top layer. This is a reliable, practical and relatively inexpensive solution, often ordered by our customers. However, topping-reinforced concrete floors are not always suitable. In rooms with special requirements for cleanliness, dust-free storage floors are required. These can be storage areas for food, electronics, medical supplies, etc. Such a coating is usually made of polymer (epoxy, polyurethane, polymethyl methacrylate) resin.

Polymer screed floors for a warehousein high demand for renovations. The fact is that the repair of a concrete floor in a warehouse in case of intense dusting or the appearance of multiple defects is not possible with the help of topping, since this material is rubbed only on fresh concrete. Therefore, the device of a concrete surface with a hardened top layer only possible with an additional screed on top of the existing base. As a rule, during repairs, such a solution loses economically and most customers choose a self-leveling floor for warehouses, whose price, coupled with performance characteristics and curing speed, look very attractive.

When choosing high-quality materials, following the technology, as well as taking into account all the expected loads, polymer self-leveling dust-free floors for a warehouse serve for a long time and have a whole list of useful qualities and advantages. Among them: waterproof, non-absorbent, high wear resistance, good maintainability, easy cleaning, etc.

Warehouse floors from GalaktikStroy have high wear resistance and are non-slip. Our range of solutions includes coatings that can withstand temperature extremes, impact, abrasive and other loads.

When ordering floors for a turnkey warehouse from us, you get:

  • Individual approach
  • Quality materials
  • Free visit of a specialist to the object
  • Solutions to choose from
  • Warranty maintenance of warehouse floors
If you need to make or repair bulk, epoxy, polyurethane, polymethyl methacrylate, cement, polyurethane-cement, epoxy-cement, epoxy-polyurethane or concrete floors for a warehouse, you have come to the right place.
The GalaktikStroy company carries out the device and repair of floors of warehouse in all territory of Russia.

Call now on the phone +7 495 971-05-58 or fill out application form and our specialists will visit your facility as soon as possible in order to assess the current condition of the coating and offer the best option for installing or repairing warehouse floors.

Warehouse floors offered by our company are high quality, long-term operation, attractive appearance and warranty.

By placing an order with us, you get a comprehensive solution that includes delivery building materials and performance of the entire scope of work on the installation or repair of warehouse floors.

ATTENTION! In this section, not all solutions for the installation and repair of floors in a warehouse offered by GalaktikStroy are presented. Call and our experts will offer options floor coverings that meet your requirements and operating conditions of the facility.

These are highly loaded and highly exploited floors. Due to their high load, they need a reliable and durable concrete base floors and in a durable finish. Floors in warehouses must meet special requirements in order to last long and reliably.

Types of coatings


Cost, 1 m² / rub.

Installation of a concrete floor reinforced with a road mesh 150 * 150 * 5 mm, h 80 mm with processing by concrete finishing machines under the disk

Installation of a concrete floor reinforced with a road mesh 150 * 150 * 5 mm, h 100 mm with processing by concrete finishing machines under the disk

Concrete subfloor. Floor leveling.

Installation of a concrete floor reinforced with a reinforcing cage (reinforcement AIII d12 200 * 200), h 150 mm with processing by concrete finishing machines under the disk

Concrete subfloor. Floor leveling.

The device of an epoxy self-leveling floor with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm

Decorative finishing and protection of concrete floors under conditions of high intensity mechanical (abrasive) loads and exposure to aggressive chemicals

The device of a polyurethane self-leveling floor with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm

Decorative finishing and protection of concrete floors under conditions of high intensity mechanical (impact, vibration and abrasion) loads and exposure to aggressive chemicals

The most basic requirements for warehouse floors are:

  • High structural strength capable of withstanding large static and dynamic loads
  • High flatness required for installation of high-rise racking equipment and lifting and loading equipment
  • Resistant to temperature fluctuations in unheated storage facilities and entry areas
  • Resistance to falling heavy objects
  • Absolute dust-free and abrasion-resistant finish

The main types of warehouse floors

The optimal solution for storage floors are concrete floors with reinforced top layer (concrete floors with topping). These warehouse floors are more often arranged during the construction of new warehouse complexes and hangars. The main advantage of these floors is their relatively inexpensive price and quick commissioning (the production of concrete floors with a hardened top layer takes place in one working cycle). Such warehouse floors are very popular today, as they meet the basic requirements for floors in warehouses.

Reinforced concrete floors in a warehouse

However, concrete floors with a hardened top layer do not have high chemical resistance and cannot withstand exposure to acids. Therefore, in cases where warehouse floors must be chemical resistant or must meet high hygiene requirements, materials based on polymer resins are used for the construction of warehouse floors. Polymer floors is the ideal solution for floors in warehouses with chemical resistance and high hygiene requirements.

The main advantages of polymer floors are:

  • Absolute dustlessness
  • Durability
  • Chemical resistance
  • High wear resistance to abrasion, impact and dynamic loads
  • moisture resistance

Polymer floors for warehouse premises

Increasingly, we also use materials based on magnesite to level the old base in warehouses and install warehouse floors on the old base. magnesian floors capable of withstanding enormous loads, therefore they are designed for high-intensity operating modes. These floors are able to withstand the movement of loading carts and vehicles on metal wheels.

Benefits of magnesian floors:

  • High strength (magnesian cement grades start where traditional Portland cement grades end, i.e. from M500 and above)
  • High adhesion to existing substrate (concrete, ceramic tile, asphalt)
  • Application in thin layers of 1-3 cm or more allows you to level the existing base and at the same time produce a strong and durable floor covering in the warehouse.

Magnesium floors in a warehouse complex

Reliable storage floors- a guarantee of long-term and uninterrupted operation of small and large warehouse complexes and terminals!!!

You can get advice on the installation and repair of warehouse floors, as well as advice on the cost, by calling our phones!!! Also in the shortest possible time we produce an estimated calculation according to your terms of reference. If the terms of reference are not available, we will help you choose the right floor covering for your warehouse based on your performance characteristics and features of your warehouse, and we will make a working estimate for you!!!