Open your production. Food production shop how to open a business

  • 25.09.2019

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Business ideas in the field of production are characterized by large investments, but have ample opportunities for profit and turnover. In this compilation, we have collected 25 manufacturing businesses, as well as guides to them.

250 thousand rubles will be enough to open your own business in the production of cinder blocks. The entrepreneur will need a minimum set of equipment: a vibrating sieve for cleaning raw materials from impurities, a concrete mixer for preparing the mixture, and a vibrating machine for forming blocks. To place the equipment, a room with a flat concrete floor and an area of ​​​​100 to 150 square meters is suitable. meters.

Pelmeni is a traditionally popular product in Russia, which is always in demand and bought by middle-income people who do not have much time for cooking. To launch a small workshop for the production of semi-finished dumplings with a production capacity of 95 kg / hour, it will take about 705 thousand rubles, which can be paid back nine months after the start of the project.

A new and promising direction for Russian market- production and sale of cheese in the format of artisan cheese dairies. There are few competitors in this area, although the demand for “premium format” cheeses is gradually growing, and the population of large cities of the country is interested in gastronomic novelties and new catering establishments. It will take about 670 thousand rubles to open a mini-cheese factory with a capacity of 20-24 kg of cheese per day.

The business of manufacturing and selling change houses requires relatively small investments (from 150 thousand rubles), and the change houses themselves are quite simple to manufacture and require a minimum amount of materials. The downside of the business is that there is a lot of competition, because of which it has become much more difficult to earn on the margin.

Used tires can be recycled to produce crumb rubber, fuel oil or carbon black. The business technology consists in collecting tires, transporting them to a warehouse, pre-cleaning and cutting, processing on special equipment and organizing the storage and delivery of the resulting raw materials. It will take about 5.7 million rubles to open a line for processing tires into crumbs with a capacity of up to 400 kg / h.

Furniture production is a business, the profitability of which can reach 300%. The growth driver for furniture sales is the growth in housing construction and the number of purchase and sale transactions in the residential real estate market. To create a small production with a total area of ​​350 sq. meters (production shops + sales office) will require 1.13 million rubles. The payback period will be 8 months.

modular buildings can be used as change houses, mobile office buildings, trade pavilions, country houses, as well as full-fledged residential buildings, so the audience of buyers is quite wide. You can start such a business with an initial capital of 2.05 million rubles. Payback - from 6 months.

Alloy wheels popular today are divided into two types: cast and forged. Both the technology and the final product differ in price and quality. More cheap option- this is the production of alloy wheels, for which you will need to purchase an injection molding machine, lathe and equipment for painting products. Such models are cast in a pre-prepared special mold, and various aluminum or magnesium alloys serve as the material for them.

Manufacturing business garden figures gypsum attractive for its simplicity technological process and small investments - 228.5 thousand rubles will be enough to open your own workshop, which can be recouped in 5 months. work. On plaster figures, which are used to decorate gardens and household plots, you can set a large margin (about 250%).

Many people are seriously interested in edged weapons and are ready not only to buy old pieces of historical value, but also replicas of modern masters. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to open such a business and provide it with technological capacities.

Due to the low cost of production church candles(only a few kopecks per candle), the trade margin on them can reach 3000%. To open a workshop with equipment capable of producing 50 candles per hour, 756 thousand rubles will be enough. Another thing is that the production of church candles can hardly become manna from heaven and make the entrepreneur rich. The market, as they say, has been “divided” for a long time, and without connections with representatives of the church, it will be almost impossible to promote your products to churches.

Ready Ideas for your business

Most often, the production of cans is carried out directly by canned food manufacturers, however, given the growth rate of the industry, they need additional capacities. To open an enterprise for the production of solid metal cans for packing canned products with a capacity of 528,000 products per month, fish canning plants will need about 11.17 million rubles for sale, which can be paid back by the beginning of the second year of operation.

Due to the poor quality of roads and the need for their reconstruction, the need for asphalt concrete in many regions of Russia is beyond doubt. It will take about 26 million rubles to organize a plant with a capacity of up to 100 tons / hour.

Production asphalt mix can be organized in a cheaper way - on the basis of a mobile concrete plant with an investment of 6.8 million rubles. The clients of mobile factories are customers involved in landscaping, management companies of housing and communal services, homeowners associations, and manufacturing organizations. A mobile concrete plant is a high-profit business that can bring in about 20 million rubles in the first year of operation.

Polypropylene monofilament (aka fishing line) is characterized by relative simplicity and low cost of production, as well as a wide range of applications, which promises great prospects for starting a business. It will take about 3.89 million rubles to start its production, the net profit will be about 437 thousand rubles.

There is a factory in almost every city paving slabs, but far from everywhere there is a production of luminous paving slabs and finishing materials. Modern buyers are increasingly eager to decorate their homes and suburban areas Therefore, this type of business has wide prospects. Surprisingly, you can start in this area with a minimum capital of 60 thousand rubles and on a minimum area of ​​​​20 square meters. meters.

Busyboards are such entertaining and educational toys for children from 1 to 5 years old, which are boards, stands or modules on which various objects are fixed with which the child can interact (twist, knock, open, tie / untie, turn on / off etc). This thing today is very popular with all kinds of children's centers and clubs. The cost of bodyboards is quite low (you can make bodyboards yourself from improvised materials), so you can set a high markup of 300% or more on the finished product.

Cinder block is a building material made from volcanic ash, which has low thermal conductivity, is cheap in price and has higher strength compared to foam and gas blocks. Such production is most expedient near deposits of raw materials. To launch the production of ash blocks, 1.5 million rubles will be required.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Despite the fact that the bulk of animal feed is produced by the largest international players, small regional players still have a chance of developing in the low price segment through the use of inexpensive labor, locally produced raw materials, and inexpensive equipment focused on small volumes of production. The organization of the production of an enterprise for the production of dry granular food for dogs and cats will be capital-intensive, however, the dynamics of the dry food market indicates the prospects of this direction.

To start the production of metal plastic windows And door structures economy segment with a production capacity of 900-1000 sq. meters per month will require about 1.79 million rubles (when buying used equipment). You can recoup the investment in 7 months of work.

Consumers are increasingly interested in buying natural juices that do not contain additives and retain the maximum number of vitamins. Opening the production of natural juice (direct extraction) with a capacity of up to 8000 liters per shift (1000 l/h) for wholesale through distribution companies will require about 5.62 million rubles. Such production will be most relevant in the south of Russia, where there is a large number of fruit and vegetable suppliers.

Goat milk is a rare product on store shelves. There is no mass culture of goat milk consumption in Russia. However, trends in healthy eating can open a new avenue for business. Production goat milk and dairy products is most expedient near large sales markets and million-plus cities. Starting costs for a small but automated production will amount to about 1.38 million rubles.

Reinforcement is one of the most widely used materials in construction, which is used to reinforce concrete building parts and structures. Traditionally, this is used steel reinforcement, the production of which is very expensive, besides, it is unstable to corrosion, has a high mass and other disadvantages. Fiberglass reinforcement is a modern alternative, which is much lighter, not subject to negative influences environment and cheap to manufacture. To start production fiberglass reinforcement it will take about 3.3 million rubles, which can be paid back after 1.5 years of work. Sales are carried out to construction and installation organizations and wholesale bases of building materials.

In the context of the ban on expensive foreign delicacies due to anti-Russian sanctions, the production of premium-class dry-cured meat delicacies from pork and beef can become an interesting and profitable line of business. The production technology does not require the presence of specialized equipment, all operations are done manually, due to which investments in the launch of production are relatively low and amount to 909 thousand rubles. The payback of the project will be 6 months.

Soap with volcanic ash is very popular today. Volcanic ash has medicinal properties to fight acne on the face, and also relieves the skin of oily sheen. Today, such a product has virtually no analogues on the market. To launch such a project with a capacity of 1000 kg/h, it will take about 2.7 million rubles.

1230 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 399821 times.

In some types of business, the path is barred for women: they are run exclusively by men. In this selection you will find 35 types of business for real brutals.

Starting a business does not always require staff, premises and capital with a lot of zeros. In this collection you will find types of business with minimum investment and guides on how to get started.

How to use a small space of several squares with the greatest benefit: the most popular business ideas on the sites shopping centers in the form of islands.

Section about production: business ideas, instructions on how to start from scratch and types of goods, profitability, equipment and manufacturing technologies, risks in small business, analytics and advice in this industry. Details about what and how to open, what you need to start your own business.

It is worth noting that modern production includes not only the material, but also the non-material sphere - the production of intangible goods and (new scientific discoveries, inventions, education, art and culture, healthcare, consumer services, management, financing and lending, sports, etc. .). But the development of non-material production and the service sector largely depends on the material one.

Business ideas for production

Articles are published here not only on how to start and open your own business, but also various current ideas that can be implemented in your existing business.

Continuation of the business idea

About business in this industry

Often the word "production", as a rule, evokes associations with factories, large workshops, the most complex machines and conveyors, a wide market and a large number of labor. Therefore, thinking about our business, we rarely turn the vector of our thoughts in this direction. But in vain, because very often you can stumble upon just great ideas for small business production that do not require large initial investments and the involvement of a significant workforce. Every day, if you wish, you can find your own business ideas, for which production is the main one. Yes, if you are good at something or you just have a thorough knowledge of how you can do something better or cheaper than others, and are looking for new business ideas, small production is just what you need.

Working for yourself is a very responsible decision. But, despite this, many people with an entrepreneurial streak have always leaned towards such a choice. After all, you can not only earn money by working for yourself, but also be useful to others by choosing among the many ideas your business in this production area.

In this section you will find many business ideas that are relevant today and you will definitely be able to pick up something that suits you in spirit and material possibilities.


The range of directions for mini-production is quite wide.

This may be the production of building materials: silicate bricks, foam blocks, paving, marble tiles, expanded polystyrene and others.

Food industry: breweries, bakeries, mills, distilleries, cultivation, production of herbal tea, breakfast cereals.

Service sector: laundries, dry cleaners.

Other activities: production of plastic packaging, plastic windows, furniture.

Choose what kind of small business you would like to start.

If you have a garage, it will be more profitable for you to produce Construction Materials, the equipment necessary for this has minimal dimensions, so it may well fit in.

You can also grow mushrooms, with the condition of constantly maintaining a certain temperature.

Mini-production in the food industry implies the presence of specially equipped workshops, in compliance with SES standards.

The production of windows and furniture requires special bulky equipment, so they need a large area.

Develop a business plan, decide on the amount of initial capital. Check out the business plans for small businesses that are offered online. Consult with people who are experienced in this matter, they may know about some of the pitfalls that you may not take into account when drawing up a business plan.

Find funds to start production. If the required amount is already available, this is a huge plus, and the solution to the issue of financing is no longer necessary.

When there is no initial capital at all, borrow money from friends, relatives or a bank loan.

Banks are very reluctant to give loans to open a new business, so if you take money from the bank, do not voice the fact that they are needed specifically for opening a mini-production. It is better to take several consumer loans - it will be more realistic. Adequately assess your solvency for further repayment of these loans.

Register your business as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (company with limited liability). Evaluate how safer and more profitable it is for you to register an organization, which taxation system is more suitable, how it will be more convenient to keep accounts.

Purchase necessary equipment, raw materials and materials for the selected business. Organize production in accordance with the requirements of fire and technical safety.

Get the approval of the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station), fire services.

Hire employees with appropriate qualifications (preferably experienced) and get to work.

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The organization of own production for the production of any product takes place in several stages and involves the complication of the process of opening and registration. To create your own production, you must have production equipment and premises. The process of organization of production can be conditionally designated by several stages.


Finding the right idea. Not every idea turns out to be successful in the process of its implementation. The choice of ideas is huge - from, to the business of nails. It is best to choose the industry in which you are well versed - you had to deal with the type of activity, there is a positive one or this is a cherished dream.

Finding a room. If you are planning to manufacture

Not every able-bodied person in our country comes to the idea of ​​organizing own production. At the same time, it is their own production that can provide a person with the much-desired freedom from the employer and allow him to do what he loves.

"Pitfalls" of own production

Why is it that such a small percentage of entrepreneurs decide to start production? There are several answers to this question:

  • One of the reasons for the low productivity among private entrepreneurs is the laborious and lengthy registration of their own production;
  • In addition to bureaucratic difficulties, small producers are hindered by competition. It is extremely difficult for a small manufacturer to achieve the location of the audience when the shelves are filled with goods of famous world brands.

These are far from all the reasons why entrepreneurs do not dare to organize production. But in fairness it should be noted that there are cases when small entrepreneurs decide to establish their own production, no matter what. And for this reason, it is worth considering how exactly production should be organized.

Stages of production organization

  1. The most important thing in the process of establishing production is to choose the right direction of activity. When choosing what you will do, you should understand what products will be in demand in the market.
  2. Once you have decided on the type of activity, perhaps even supported your decision with the results of market research, you can start writing a business plan.
  3. Now let's move on to funding issues. Production can be based on your own savings, a bank loan, the shares of depositors, etc.
  4. When the coveted amount is in your hands, you can proceed to register your future case with state bodies and authorities.
  5. Next, concrete actions begin on the organization of production. It is better to start by looking for a room. It is important to understand that the requirements for premises for different kind production will be different. And you need to think about everything in advance. It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​​​the territory, but also the possibility of conducting all communications, organizing an additional fire exit if necessary, ensuring that the premises comply with sanitary control standards, etc. On the site you can find specific regulations concerning production in various fields. You will need to obtain approval from a number of government agencies before you can proceed directly to production.
  6. The next very important stage is the purchase of equipment. It will depend on the performance of your enterprise. You can buy new equipment or choose one that has already been used, as long as it does not harm the production process. The network has special resources where people sell and buy production equipment, for example: or, etc.
  7. When there is a production site and all the necessary equipment, you can start recruiting. The labor force can be cheap and low-skilled (for example, students, guest workers) or expensive and highly skilled (graduates, specialists, etc.). The choice will depend on the complexity of production and specific tasks.
  8. Now that you have your own production and the people who will work on it, you can start a business and wait for profit. It is only necessary to take into account that the manufacturing business is the longest paying off. Therefore, in order to come to more or less stable income, will have to be patient.

Another useful article on the same topic is presented in the material.

Chelyabinsk entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov - that now is the time when small firms can declare themselves

Not everyone can be engaged in production - in the current economic situation, many novice entrepreneurs do not risk investing in such a difficult business. However, the crisis brings not only difficulties, but also new opportunities - it all depends on how you look at it. Entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov from Chelyabinsk, who opened a business for the production of metal structures, showed by his own example that when there is a goal, all obstacles can be overcome. This story told leading Chelyabinsk portal

Denis Vidyakov | Photo: Oleg Kargapolov

I started doing metalwork last year. My father is a welder, and at some point he had difficulties at work. I did not waste time in vain - I registered an LLC, rented a room, bought some equipment and started working. I already had experience in business - before that I opened a paintball club, which is still successfully operating today. But metal structures are a completely new direction for me, I had to study the subject already in the course of work.

Room 80 sq. m was filmed together with a partner in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk. At the very beginning, the equipment consisted of grinders from the garage, drills from home, jigsaws from work. All advertising took place exclusively through free sites, the first orders slowly appeared. We opened at the beginning of last summer, and it was very difficult because the season was already over. They grabbed literally everything that was connected with metal structures: sheds, change houses, horizontal bars, benches, trash cans. From the first order we bought a pipe bender, compressor, welders.

To be honest, the first time was enough only for rent and salary. So it was until mid-autumn, and there orders ceased to arrive at all. They pulled out little things, mostly to their own acquaintances - to make a stove for someone, a fence or a table for someone. Once they worked in the negative - I incorrectly calculated the change house. But a contract is a contract - I had to make and give it back.

In the fall, real problems with money began, because the rent had to be paid every month. The debt accumulated until December and amounted to 70 thousand rubles at the beginning of this year. As a result, I had to move out of the rented workshop, write a receipt on my own behalf that I would personally give the money back.

"Competition in this business is fierce, it's hard to survive. But on the other hand, now everything large companies in this area have slowed down due to the economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can make themselves known."

We found a new shop with good conditions, the minimum rent. There was one condition - we must teach the students of this institution. The students never appeared, as a result, the rent was increased, but, fortunately, at that moment we already had orders. First from free sites, and later I began to slowly invest in advertising. The calls started to come in, the enthusiasm also began to grow. Plus, in two months I made a website with advertising, and word of mouth works great. The site helped to make a friend, so here we saved. In a certain business, everything always revolves in the same circle - everyone knows each other, and people begin to give our contacts.

It should be noted that the competition in this business is fierce, it is hard to survive. But on the other hand, now all large companies in this area have reduced their turnover due to economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can declare themselves. I understood this in practice - if you do everything right, then you can rise even better in a crisis. You have to compete on price, quality and your own developments.

For some time in the winter we tried to make woodsheds, chimney scoops, a poker for stoves - it didn’t work. Then I realized that I need to concentrate on one thing, and not be scattered in different directions. This year, I was approached by a company that deals with children's playgrounds. It has been on the market for a long time, but now its suppliers have stopped meeting deadlines. They came out to me, we worked together, and I wedged precisely into small forms - these are swings, carousels, benches, horizontal bars, and so on. That is, I am now engaged in ennoblement of children's play areas.

Another activity that I have chosen is entrance groups according to the project - flights of stairs and railings. My partner went out of business because he did not have enough time, now I am developing on my own. Orders also came from other firms: I had to sit on the phone calls to establish the necessary connections. In general, people do not refuse, there is excitement, despite the fact that this year the construction season is generally wrong. It started at the beginning of the summer, and now it is only gaining momentum, although usually the momentum is gained earlier.

Initially, I didn’t think about big money at all, I needed to borrow my father, hence the idea was born. I made some mistakes, but not without it. For example, initially I didn’t understand the details very well, because I didn’t study the subject thoroughly, I learned everything in practice. Now I can confidently say that I know my business.

Enough work. In the state, besides me, there are five employees: a manager, three welders and an assistant. Found painting partners. For metal, the volumes have also grown, and we are already getting discounts.

I order metal from Chelyabinsk resellers. Earned a good discount from one supplier, delivers with delivery, all inclusive. Volumes do not yet allow ordering from factories, and I have all sorts of metal. I mainly take consumables from ads, since it makes no sense to buy them in a store - it turns out to be too expensive. And it's easier to negotiate with private individuals.

The equipment paid off in full today, new machines have already been purchased. Some we do on our own - we order spare parts, engines for turners. Today, everything is automated, the shop is ready to produce certain volumes of products. Now the catalog is being prepared, in the future I also want to make an online store. We will also undergo certification, since this is required by all schools and kindergartens with which we plan to work.

"In fact, you can make money on anything, if there is a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing."

Of course, good equipment is expensive. I want to buy laser cutting, so that there is a full range of metalworking services, but so far, unfortunately, there is no such possibility, it costs about five million. But the main thing is that we are on the right track. Turnovers have gained, all employees receive their salaries on time. Now we have reached a stable working schedule, all processes have been adjusted and automated. The workshop used to be 80 sq. m, and now 150 sq. m. But even this is not enough. When an order for 30-40 shops comes in, you simply can’t turn around in the room.

I was recently contacted by the leaders of the philanthropic movement. They proposed to ennoble the yards: put sandboxes for children, swings, horizontal bars. The first yard has already been chosen, I think we will continue to work in a similar format.

What can I advise aspiring entrepreneurs - to believe in their business and not be afraid of the crisis. In fact, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing.

Costs for starting a business (rub.):

  • LLC registration - 4000;
  • rent - 16,500;
  • electricity - 2500;
  • salary - 25,000;
  • accounting services - 2000;
  • authorized capital - 10,000;
  • expendable materials – 7000.
One-time expenses (rub.):
  • equipment - about 160,000;
  • website development - 5000.
  • hosting - 3000.
Monthly expenses (rub.):
  • employee salary - 140,000;
  • hosting - 3000;
  • accounting services – 4000;
  • rent - 15,000;
  • electricity - 4000;
  • consumables - 10,000;
  • website advertising - 5000.