A stray guest in your garden: a do-it-yourself parrot from a tire. Crafts from tires: flower beds, flower beds, figures, garden furniture How to make a parrot from a tire with your own hands

  • 29.08.2019

D This master class will allow you not only to breathe a second life into old tires, but also to decorate your garden plot. Today we will make flower pots from old tires with our own hands.

So, for work we need:

  • An old tire with a small radial tread, without steel cord;
  • For a collar - a strip of iron;
  • Large sharp knife;
  • Two M8 washers, nut and bolt;
  • Brush and paints;
  • Spanners;
  • Drill diameter 10 and drill.

The process of creating flower pots from old tires with your own hands:

1. We take a large sharp knife and, constantly wetting it with water, make symmetrical cutouts on the tire 2/3 (240 degrees) along the bead ring, as shown in the figure. We cut the protector and side part at a distance of 1/3. In the larger side, using a triangular cutout, we separate the side part.

2. In we get such a cut piece of tire.

3. We turn it out.

4. Cut out the beak from the trim side.

5. Cut the smaller side of the tire lengthwise. The cut should be slightly larger than the beak.

6. We insert the beak and with the help of a clamp we compress the halves.

7. We drill a hole with a drill and with the help of two washers, a nut and a bolt we tighten the halves of the head.

8. To make the head narrower, cut off part of the tire on both sides. It should turn out like this:

9. On the larger side of the tire, mark with chalk and cut out the tail.

10. This is how our workpiece looks like. It remains to paint it.

11. We make a clamp from a strip of iron, with which we tighten the side parts of the pots. If there is no iron strip at hand, you can use a strong rope.

12. Now let's start painting the parrot. We use blue, yellow, black and white paints.

13. We color the parrot inside and out. We paint the side rings with black paint. If there is no black paint, you can leave them unpainted.

14. We carefully paint the head, trying to achieve maximum similarity with the original. We make black stripes and eyes with a black outline.

15. Do-it-yourself ready-made planters from a tire must be hung with a strong rope or wire to a horizontal structure. And inside you can place a flowerpot with a beautiful plant.

Thanks to Oleg Vashchenko for the master class!

How to make a swan

For this we take old tire- the older it is, the better, since the worn tread is easier to cover with an even layer of paint and give our craft a more natural look.

You will also need paint and a sharp knife, some also use a jigsaw and a grinder to cut rubber - but certain skills are required when using them, and you should also take into account that when heated, the tire may begin to melt.

Before you start cutting out the swan of their tire, you need to draw contours on it, along which you will cut out the details. You can think over your own pattern of a swan, the main flying of which is a neck with a head and wings. We offer you the following scheme, which is relatively simple, but can be further supplemented with decorative details or additional cutouts, slots, jagged edges.

Having made the necessary cuts on the tire, it must be washed well and preferably degreased, and then proceed to painting - then it will last longer and withstand any weather.

After that, you need to bend the wings of the swan, giving them the final shape, you can also cut out the jagged edges of the wings and tail to make your swan very believable.

Also, before painting, it is necessary to fix the neck of the swan and give it the desired bend with the help of a thick wire, which you will mask with paint.

And the final step in making the swan is to paint its head and beak. You can also use other materials, for example, using the attached foam cut out in the shape of a swan's head, you can get a pretty pretty swan, more like a real one.

Well, now your garden, flower garden will be decorated with a wonderful swan. If you have a pond, then undoubtedly the swan will be an excellent addition to the design and decoration of your pond and recreation area near it. And also, of course, a swan from a tire can become an excellent flower bed - for this, it is enough to place a planter with flowers in its center.

If you have an old unnecessary tire in your garage, then if you have the desire and diligence, it’s really possible to make a beautiful craft in the form of some animal or bird. Such a craft will not only decorate your cottage or household plot, but can also serve summer time a stand for flower pots or an impromptu shelf for all sorts of little things. Consider the possibility of converting a tire into an exotic parrot with your own hands.

Preparation for work, marking and cutting

We already have a tire and first we need to stock up on tools and materials that will be useful in our work:

  • spicy big knife with a large blade (although a jigsaw is quite suitable instead);
  • a trough with water in which a small amount of detergent must be diluted;
  • locksmith tools - keys, vise, pliers, screwdrivers;
  • electric drill;
  • hardware products for M8 thread - a bolt, a nut and two washers;
  • waterproof paints and brushes for coloring the product;
  • metal clamp or wire.

Using a marker, we mark the tire - two lines must be drawn from the central axis, the angle between which should be about 120 degrees, after which the markup is carried out, as shown in Figure 1. After the sketch is ready, it must be duplicated symmetrically on the other side of the tire.

Next, with a knife, carefully cut along the intended contour. In order for the knife to cut a thick layer of rubber more evenly, it should be moistened from time to time in soapy water. The part of the tire, which is limited by the red lines in the figure, is cut out completely. The end result should be as shown in Figure 2.

After cutting out the pattern, it is necessary to turn the tire inside out, as shown in Figure 3. It is worth noting that the tail of the future “bird” is located on the right, and its head, respectively, on the left. From the side of the head, you need to make a small longitudinal incision in the middle - there will be a “beak” of the structure, which is made from scraps of the same tire with your own hands to the taste and discretion of the manufacturer.

The “beak” part is inserted into the previously made cut of the tire, after which all three layers of rubber are pulled together with a clamp, and in the place where the real parrot should have an eye, a hole is made with a drill with a diameter of 9 millimeters, through which the entire system is twisted with an M8 threaded bolt. faces" of a parrot. It turns out something like the one shown in Figure 4, where the next incision operation is shown with a red line - this is how the neck of the future creation is formed with your own hands.

The long part of the cut out template, at your discretion, can be marked and cut out for the future tail. It is worth using the entire length of the cut - a parakeet will look more spectacular. As a result, the preparation of decoration for land plot takes the form as in Figure 5. Now the transformed tire is ready for painting.

Painting and use

With the help of brushes and yellow, blue, black and white paints, the parrot is painted inside and out. When painting the bird's head, you should try to make it as similar as possible to the real prototype, since this part of the product will receive the most attention. The end result should be something similar to Figure 6.

The parrot is hung on a rope on some convenient horizontal structure, it is just right to put a pot with a plant in it, but you can just watch how the “bird” sways in the wind. For greater beauty, it’s a good idea to create several of these designs with unusual beak and tail shapes, and then paint them in different colors with your own hands.

Gardeners love car tires because they can be used for arranging flower beds, low fences, and in general for solving so many problems. From a tire, if desired, you can make, including a hanging flower bed, and not just a wheel suspended on a tree, but a very beautiful landscape element in the form of a parrot. Such flowerbeds made of tires are not just original, they are exclusive and very beautiful.

So, if you need a parrot from a tire, first prepare a tire from a car, a brush, paint, chalk and a sharp knife.

Initially, take care of the cutting of the parrot. Everything is simple here. Remove half of the tire, leaving the rings intact. And then cut out from what is left, on one side the head of a parrot, and on the other its tail.

After turning what turned out inside out and paint. By the way, so that the tire does not take its original shape, tie the rings with wire.

As for painting, you need to paint a parrot in several colors. In general, the task is to paint the tire exactly like a parrot. The more there will be different colors, the better.

Of course, the parrot can not be used as a flower bed. By the way, a lot of creatures can be made from a tire, below you will see a shark.

And to make the rubber easier to cut, pour water on the cut. As for hanging such flower beds, then you yourself will figure it out.

Various kinds of crafts can be created from almost nothing - from the old car tire, and today we will dwell on the parrot in more detail. Such an amazing bird of paradise will become the main attraction of your garden, especially if it combines a few more hand-made elements, for example,. If we place a flowerpot with curly summer flowers on the parrot, there will be no limit to the surprise of your guests!

Tire Parrot

So, let's make a parrot from a tire with our own hands. Here is what we need for this:

  1. automobile tire without steel cord, preferably fine, radial tread; of course, crafts of this kind are not made from new tires, but still try to keep it not too shabby, or at least the main part was in good condition;
  2. one bolt, one nut and two washers size M8;
  3. a strip of metal for a clamp, but in principle you can do without it;
  4. paints and brushes - we choose paints that are reliable, waterproof, so that our parrot is not afraid of rain, it is better to take two brushes, one regular paint, one very thin for drawing fine details;
  5. sharp large knife;
  6. drill with a drill at number 10;
  7. set of wrenches.

If everything is ready, we can get to work.

Tire parrot - master class

  1. First of all, we divide the tire into 3 equal parts with markings, make marks. Now, from the starting point, we begin to cut the tire from the bottom, as shown in the image, to a point at an angle of 240 °. Next, we cut from above from the same reference point to a point located under 120 °. We do the same on the other side, focusing on the image.
  2. As a result, we got just such a blank for a parrot from a car tire.
  3. Next, we turn the workpiece inside out, and this is what happened - from afar it resembles the finished product.
  4. Now we will work with cuts. Cut out the shape of the parrot's beak.
  5. Now take the edge of the tire, as shown in the image, cut it in half, make the cutout a little more than the size of the beak.
  6. Then we insert the beak between the two resulting parts, tightly clamp it with a vise (do not forget that the rubber used for tires is a rather elastic material, plus we also turned the tire inside out).
  7. Next, we take a drill with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm and drill a hole in the place where the eye of our bird should be approximately located. Next, we take a bolt, put a washer on it, then thread the bolt into the hole, then another washer, and firmly, remembering the elasticity of the material, we fix this entire structure with a nut. At this stage, many may have a question - why do we need washers? The answer is simple: although tires use a hard, durable material, it is still rubber, and yet over time it can stretch, as a result of which the head of the bolt can slip into the hole and the whole structure will fall apart. Having fixed the position, we can remove the vise.
  8. Next, we perform the final touch - a cut, and the head of our amazing bird is ready.
  9. Let's take care of the tail. On the larger side of the workpiece, he will sketch the contour of the tail.
  10. Now we cut out the tail of the parrot from the tire along the contour.
  11. Next, take the clamp and pull the side rings of our parrot. But if there is no clamp, you can use wire, rope or other improvised means. On this, the technical part of our work can be considered finished.
  12. Now let's get to the fun part - coloring. We liked the amazing coloring of the yellow and blue Macaw parrot.
  13. We paint the side rings in glossy black, but you can simply varnish it.
  14. At the end of the work, we paint the head, and our do-it-yourself parrot, made from a tire, is ready to become the main attraction of your garden.

In the garden, we not only work, but also relax, spend fresh air a lot of time, we invite friends, children, grandchildren to barbecue and berries. I want to please them with something, surprise them, create a cozy corner for themselves and loved ones. And why not make a big and bright parrot for this, which will soar, for example, under the crown of your spreading apple tree?

What you need to make a parrot from a tire

The parrot is made from an old car tire. If you have a choice, take the one with a polymer or fabric cord, it will be difficult to cut a metal one. You will have to use a jigsaw or a drill, and in the process of work, several disks may be erased.

In addition to the tire, you will need:

  • cutting tool - a strong and sharp knife or jigsaw, drill, steel cord discs;
  • chalk or marker for marking a color contrasting with the tire (white, yellow, red);
  • M8 bolt, washer, two nuts and wrench for their connection;
  • clamp for fixing;
  • tool for creating holes: drill with a 10 mm drill;
  • wire or clamp for connecting parts;
  • paint on rubber and a brush for drawing details, large surfaces can be coated with enamel from a spray can (sold in car dealerships).

Step by step instructions with photo

Put the tire on flat surface flat and mark as shown in the photo below. To do this, the entire circle is divided into three segments. Please note that the upper right segment is bounded by a line at a right angle on one edge, and a 45 ° bevel is drawn at the bottom. This is already looming a feather at the base of the tail of our parrot.

The tire was divided into three segments, in the upper right segment, the end is cut along the red lines

Do exactly the same markup with reverse side tires in a mirror image. Cut off the ends limited by the red lines. To the left of the markup (1/3 is written in the photo in this place) we see a red line going down about 20–30 cm. Cuts must be made along this line, also from two sides. Here will be the head and neck of the parrot. When you complete all the cuts, it should turn out as in the photo. Don't forget to cut the tire where you drew the feather.

As a result, we already have a tail on the right and a neck on the left.

The photo shows that the tail has become suspiciously shorter. Indeed, a piece for the beak was cut off from him, but more on that later. In the meantime, we turn the tire inside out, only in this case the tail and neck will acquire natural beautiful curves, and the surface of the product will become smooth and neat.

We turn our workpiece inside out

Now we see the real dimensions and proportions, so it's easier to understand: how much you need to cut off from the tail to make a beak - about 15–20 cm. Only a beak with an allowance for bolting should be obtained from a piece. The head will be in another part of the workpiece.

The beak is one solid piece, cut it out of a piece borrowed from the tail

We take the blank of the bird's body, put it on the end and in the part where the head will be, we make a longitudinal incision in the middle to a depth equal to the height of the beak, plus a little more to make a forehead.

In the upper part of the workpiece, where the head will be, we make a longitudinal incision in the middle

We insert the beak into the cut, clamp the details of the head and beak with a clamp to mark a place for the eye and drill through hole immediately in three layers of rubber (beak and two sides of the head).

We inserted the beak and clamp the parts with a clamp to mark the level of the eyes and make a through hole

We mark where the eye will be, and drill a hole with a drill. We connect the parts with a bolt and nut, having previously attached a washer on both sides of the head. In this case, the sharp edges of the fasteners will not cut into the rubber and will not lead to cracking or other damage.

They connected the parts with a bolt, and at the same time they made an eye

As already shown in the photo above, it remains to cut off all the excess to give the head and neck a natural look. The final touch is the tail. You can make it curly, as in the photo, or cut into separate feathers along the entire length, as in the video below.

The final touch - cut out the tail

Connect the rims-handles at the parrot over the back.

Connect the rims over the parrot's back

Video: parrot making workshop

parrot decorating, garden decorating ideas

We got a parrot, which you can color at your discretion.

Color the parrot's head and beak

Do not forget to paint the inner surfaces as well, because this handsome man will turn to you from different sides.

Paint the bird on all sides

To prevent water from accumulating inside, drill 2-3 holes at the lowest point.

You can hang such a bird from a tree branch; on a hook driven into the wall; under the ceiling of verandas, terraces, gazebos. In addition, the bird can “sit down” on a railing, a flower bed by the path, a fence, etc. A pot with a decorative leafy flower, for example, a fern, will fit inside the body. It will perfectly complement the figure of a bird with openwork wings.

Photo gallery: tire parrots in the garden

One parrot is good, but two is better Not a parrot, but also a good idea for a terrace or gazebo The parrots were given a beautiful column with a symbol on top The parrot was hung on a hook near the house Our parrot lacked wings, here they are It looks like this parrot has found its own native home- tire nest

A very beautiful, strong and durable parrot is obtained from the tire. He will decorate your garden for many years, with his bright view cheer up, as well as win approval and compliments in your honor from guests and neighbors. This beauty is done quickly, simply and cheaply.