How to transplant ficus at home and when is the best time to do it? How to transplant a ficus - step by step instructions, useful tips Is it possible to transplant a large ficus.

  • 17.06.2019

ficus, evergreen, grows on the island of Java, Sumatra, in eastern India, in western Africa. Belongs to the Mulberry family.

Has the ability to purify indoor air from harmful substances, large leaves are used to treat arthritis, fibroids.

At home, it grows from 1.5 to 3 meters, but under ideal conditions it can reach 10 meters. In care, it is unpretentious, recommended for growing by novice growers.

plant with large dense leaves emerald color will decorate any interior. There are varieties of ficus with small and variegated leaves. The correct formation of the tree gives a fluffy and beautiful flower.

Observing simple rules of care, you can grow a chic handsome man.

Timing is paramount

When can and should a ficus be transplanted?

There is one main rule - until the young plant is 3 years old, it does not need to be transplanted.

Upon reaching this age, the plants are transplanted every year, large specimens, after 2-3 years. But the old specimen is transplanted once every 5-6 years.

The first signs of a necessary transplant are quickly drying earth in a pot, which is collected in clods. Roots appear from the drainage hole, the flower requires an immediate transplant.

It's important to know! The pot should not be taken very large, 3 cm more than before is enough. Ficus loves tightness. And until the roots entwine the news clod of earth, it will not grow upwards.

Why is this necessary?

If the ficus is not transplanted in time, it will slow down growth, the leaves will turn yellow and crumble. The clod of earth will begin to dry out quickly and with frequent watering, you can fill the plant. This leads to rotting of the roots and disease of the entire flower.

A weakened plant is not able to fight diseases and indoor pests. Therefore, at the first sign that the pot has become small, urgently start transplanting a flower.

During this procedure, all upward growing roots are removed after they have reached the bottom of the pot. This procedure is done infrequently once every 5 years. It rejuvenates the root system, making it powerful and healthy.

This plant is clearly in need of a large pot.

There is an immutable rule for removing roots. Only 1/3 part is removed, but no more. Otherwise, a large-leaved handsome man will get sick and lag behind in growth.

It's important to know! The pot must be taken with a hole and not even one. Water should flow through them into the pan. Otherwise, with improper watering, the roots will rot, and the pet will die.

Transplantation and time of year

By nature, ficus is a “preservative”. He does not like change, he reacts to everything new with leaf fall. In order for the transplant not to strongly affect it, it is advisable to do this in the spring, in March-April.

During the spring and summer, he will move away from stress and enter the winter as a strong and healthy handsome man.

It is not recommended to transplant ficus in winter, it is in dormant mode. Having disturbed it, you can encounter leaf fall, yellowing of foliage. The emerald handsome man will lose his beauty and, moreover, can be very ill. And all diseases stop growth.

If the plant is very large and difficult to transplant, it is enough to change upper layer earth. It is removed to a depth of 3-5 cm and fresh soil is added.

It's important to know! The soil should be loose and nutritious. But the bottom of the planting tank must be filled with a large layer of drainage.

Step by step guide for beginners

Transplanting ficus into a new another pot step by step:

  1. Water the plant the day before transplanting. The earth will not fall apart, and the roots will be less damaged.
  2. The bottom of the pot is covered with drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm. It can be purchased expanded clay, sea or river small shells, small pebbles. It all depends on the desire and ability.
  3. A small layer of earth is poured over the drainage. Soil can be bought specifically for deciduous or decorative flowers, or you can make your own. Optionally, perlite, vermiculite and river sand are added.
  4. Cover the table or floor with paper or oilcloth. Put a flower pot on it, tap it from all sides with your palm. Carefully remove the plant from the pot.
  5. Carefully inspect the roots for diseases and pests. Healthy ones are yellowish, white or coffee in color, while the diseased are dark brown, rusty and even dark gray. Remove diseased roots by cutting with a sharp knife, sprinkle the cut points with charcoal or fungicide.
  6. Install the tested and processed flower in the prepared pot, cover with soil, compacting the voids between the root system and the pot.
  7. Pour the transplanted ficus with settled water at room temperature.
  8. Put in a permanent place with diffused sunlight.
  9. When the soil dries, water the first time in a week.

Cleansing from the old earth

The plant is transplanted along with a clod of earth. This method is called transshipment. This option is good because the pet does not receive much stress and endures manipulations that are unpleasant for him much easier. He does not get sick, does not weaken, does not drop leaves.

Everything is ready for planting in a new pot

The downside of this procedure is the frequent transfer from one pot to another.

Since the green handsome man does not spend much energy to adapt, he is actively growing. The root system requires more space. So you have to replant it more often.

The new ficus pot is clearly to their liking ...

It's important to know! In some cases, after transplanting, the ficus will begin to drop some of the foliage or stop growing. This is a natural response to stress. But after 3-4 weeks everything will be restored.

Ficus Benjamin transplant - step by step video guide:

Plants from the store

For young plants from the store, only transplanting is applied, and not transshipment. Although it is considered an aggressive method, it cannot be otherwise. And it's all about the soil in which young plants grow.

The fact is that it is not intended for growth, but only for transportation. And all the nutrients that are added there have long been used up by children. It is subject to removal.

In this case, you should:

  • do everything as described above from No. 1 to No. 4;
  • carefully remove part of the coconut or peat substrate;
  • inspect the roots for rot or pests, try not to damage the young roots;
  • if there is damage or rotten roots, remove, treat with a fungicide;
  • put the flower in a new container and gradually pour the earth until the container is completely filled;
  • the plant should be planted at the same height as it was in the old pot.
  • water, put in a permanent place.

It's important to know! When planting a purchased ficus, strictly ensure that the roots are not in a bent position. Falling asleep with soil mixture, they must be leveled, not bent down. Otherwise, the young pet will die.

Little tricks

  1. home soil is made from equal parts of such components: turf land, leafy, peat land, washed river sand. Putting it all together, we get a nutritious, loose, permeable soil mixture.
  2. For better adaptation after transplanting, the ficus can be put in a plastic bag, making it a mini greenhouse. In such an environment, he tolerates stress better. You can remove the package after the flower starts to grow. Don't forget to ventilate once a day.
  3. Cardinal flushing of the root system water is needed only if you suspect that there are rotten and sick. In all other cases, this should not be done, the flower will recover from such a procedure for a long time.
  4. The plant does not like to change habitat, drafts, temperature changes. It reacts to unfavorable conditions by dropping foliage.
  5. All types of plants in autumn and winter (October-February) are at rest. They slow down growth, can drop leaves. This is due to the lack of light and low temperature.
  6. Fertilize them with milk, water after meat is not worth it.. This can lead to acidification of the soil.
  7. Periodically it is necessary to wipe large leaves with a damp cloth. On the clean leaves pests don't start.

How to quickly transplant ficus Belize:

Despite the apparent capriciousness of the ficus, this is an unpretentious plant that does not require close care.

By devoting a little time to a green pet, following simple care rules, you can grow a wonderful specimen.

It is especially worth starting it for beginner growers or those who, for some reason, do not have enough time to carefully care for flowers.

Any home plant needs care, without which it will not be able to grow normally. The transplant is part of this care. To approach the matter responsibly, you need to study the features of a particular flower, its requirements for the volume and composition of the soil. Let's talk about transplanting homemade ficuses.

Transplanting houseplants is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, over time, the flower becomes crowded in an old pot. The root system grows simultaneously with the growth of the plant itself. The appearance of roots from the drainage hole can serve as a signal for the need for a ficus transplant.

It is also necessary to transplant the plant due to the fact that over time the soil is depleted, there are no nutrients left in it at all and the flower stops growing. In the water with which we water our ficuses, there are various impurities and salts, which after a certain time spoil the substrate and begin to harm the roots.

The transfer may be forced. The plant must be urgently freed from the old soil if:

  • the pot suddenly broke;
  • the earth acquired an unpleasant musty smell;
  • there is a suspicion of root rot or the appearance of pests.

Important! If urgent measures are not taken, the ficus may die.

The best time to transplant ficuses is early spring. Even if the plant does not require winter time rest period, all the processes of its vital activity slow down, it receives little light and therefore hardly vegetates. In the spring, the phase of active growth begins and it is necessary to transplant the ficus even before the start of these processes, then the transplant will be the least traumatic.

You can transplant a flower in the fall, while there are warm sunny days. Then the injured roots will be able to recover before the start of the difficult winter period. Autumn transplantation is most often resorted to because of an urgent need. The plant may grow too large over the summer, or the soil in the pot may become compacted and caked and needs to be replaced immediately.

How often should ficuses be transplanted?

  • Young specimens of large species grow rapidly, so they require an annual transplant.
  • Adult plants are transplanted less often - once every 2-3 years or even less often.

Experts advise once again not to disturb adult ficuses, the roots do not like it when they are injured by a transplant. If the plant is sitting in a huge pot or tub, you can simply replace the topsoil.

Ficus is a tropical plant, so it is important for it that the root system does not overcool. Given this, it is better to choose a plastic pot for your green pet. Glass and ceramic containers are not suitable; in winter, their walls on the windowsill become too cold and the roots will freeze.

If you are confused by the unpresentable appearance of a plastic pot, you can pick up a beautiful glass planter for it - then the flower will also serve as an interior decoration. The advantage of this approach is that a boring planter can be replaced with another at any time.

Pots with automatic watering have become an innovation in home floriculture. They are quite expensive, but allow you to forget about watering for 2-3 weeks. A special indicator shows the liquid level at the bottom. All that is required from the plant owner is to add 1-2 glasses of water to the tank in a timely manner. This is very convenient for those who have a lot of plants in the house or when the owner of the apartment often goes on vacation and business trips.

The size of a ficus pot depends on the volume of its root system. The new container should be 2-3 cm wider and 3 cm higher than the previous one. Ficuses definitely need a drainage layer, so the pot should be quite high.

The soil should be nutritious and loose at the same time. According to the composition for ficuses, the following mixture is recommended:

  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

Expanded clay or brick chips are used as drainage.

Note: instead of sand, agroperlite can be added to the soil, it absorbs excess moisture, and then slowly gives it to the roots of the plant. Agroperlite also increases the air permeability of the soil. It is inexpensive and is sold in any flower shop.

You can also purchase ready-made soil for ficuses. It takes into account all the needs of this particular type of plant.

  1. It is better not to water the plant before transplanting, as it is easier to remove it from the old pot. The walls of a plastic or shipping container should be lightly crushed so that the soil falls behind them more easily.
  2. It is better to cover the place for work with old newspapers or film - this will facilitate subsequent cleaning.
  3. The next step is to prepare the soil, a new pot, a watering can with water, a small spatula or a scoop.
  4. A layer of drainage 3-5 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the container, depending on the size of the pot.
  5. About 1/3 of the soil is poured onto the drainage layer, leveled with a spatula.
  6. The ficus is carefully removed from the pot, keeping the earthen ball, and placed in a new pot.
  7. The voids along the edges of the pot are covered with fresh soil, after which the soil is lightly tamped.
  8. The newly planted ficus is abundantly watered with settled warm water. After the first watering, be sure to arrange a light drying.

On a note! If the root system has been damaged as a result of improper care, it is cleaned from the ground as much as possible, inspected and removed all damaged areas. After this, the places of the cuts are powdered with charcoal.

Reproduction of ficus by a shoot can be combined with spring pruning. This procedure will help to perform two tasks at once: to give the necessary shape to the crown of the mother plant and to obtain planting material. A spring cutting is more likely to take root well before the onset of autumn.

Only mature, semi-lignified shoots are suitable for propagation by a shoot. A shoot taken from the crown of the ficus will be stronger and more viable, since in the upper part of the crown all metabolic processes are more active. You also need to pay attention to the presence of a healthy leaf bud at the top of the shoot.

For self-planting, shoots are taken 12-15 cm long with two or three internodes. The stalk is cut off only with a sharp tool so as not to crumple the tissue of the tree (cambium). The cut is made 5 mm below the internode at an angle of 45 °, the wound on the tree is sprinkled with crushed coal.

Then the cuttings are washed under running water or soaked for a short time to get rid of the milky juice. If this is not done, a film may form on the cut, which will prevent the growth of roots. The leaves are treated differently, depending on the type of ficus.

In varieties with small leaves, the lower part of the cutting is bare, leaving only a few upper leaves. If the shoot is large-leaved, part of the leaf is cut off, and the remaining share of the leaf plate is twisted into a tube and secured with an elastic band to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

To stimulate root growth, cuttings can be treated with special preparations for root formation and cross-shaped notches can be made on the cut. Rooting is carried out in two ways: in water and substrate. Everyone chooses the most convenient way for himself.

When the cutting is placed in a glass of water for rooting, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves remain in the air, otherwise they will quickly rot. From above, you can cover the stalk with a bag to reduce the evaporation of moisture. When the water level decreases, it is gradually added.

After about a week, the appearance of callus can be observed on the cut. It looks like the appearance of a light growth at the end of the cutting. Soon the roots will grow. When their size reaches 2-3 centimeters, the shoot is planted in its own pot. At first, you can keep it in a greenhouse to facilitate the rooting process.

A small plastic cup or small pot is suitable for rooting a ficus shoot in the substrate. The substrate is best disinfected. After calcining it in the oven or spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. For rooting, a mixture of 2 parts of peat, 2 parts of washed sand and 1 part of vermiculite is most suitable. It is better to mix the components in advance so that the soil can acquire the necessary structure in 2-3 days.

The milky juice is washed off the cuttings and the cut is powdered with "Kornevin" or crushed coal. The cutting is planted in the ground so that the lower node remains above the surface. Rooting is possible only at high humidity and a temperature of 28-30 ° C, so for the ficus it is necessary to build a greenhouse.

The shelter is raised twice a day for ventilation. Required temperature conditions can provide a special heated mat designed for plants or a nearby battery. On average, it will take a month for the roots to appear.

Please note that the rooted shoot is not planted in too much land. The size of the pot at each stage of growth should correspond to the volume of the ficus root system.

No matter how carefully you transplant, it is still a traumatic operation for the plant. In ficus, growth may stop, the leaves will partially fly around. This is normal and you shouldn't panic. It is better to reduce watering in the first days after transplantation, but spray the crown more often. After a slight drying, the plant is watered again.

Feeding is temporarily suspended for two reasons. First, there are enough nutrients in fresh soil. The stock of microelements in the soil is enough for the plant for 1.5-2 months. Secondly, it is necessary that the wounds on the roots completely heal before fertilizers begin to flow to the root system. After 2 months, you can return to the usual feeding regime - 1 time in two weeks.

  1. Ficus requirements for soil composition are not taken into account. Each type of plant has its own needs, determined by nature. It is imperative to select soil with the correct acidity (neutral or slightly acidic soil is necessary for ficuses), a certain combination of components. Some flowers like heavier soil, others need light and breathable soil. If you doubt that you can properly compose the soil mixture, it is better to buy a special substrate specifically for ficuses.
  2. When planting, some neglect the laying of the drainage layer. and completely in vain. Drainage will allow the roots to not sit "in the swamp" in case of accidental overflow. The roots of many plants, including ficuses, are sensitive to excess moisture and easily rot in damp soil.
  3. The wrong pot. Don't try to take the pot right away big size in order to avoid transplants for a long time. The soil not mastered by the roots easily turns sour, acquires bad smell, the plant does not feel well in such conditions. As a result, you still have to make a transplant.
  4. Transfer at the wrong time. Experienced flower growers always coordinate their plantings with lunar calendar. It is believed that if a plant is transplanted on a growing moon, it will grow faster and get sick less.

Ficus transplant: video

If you do everything according to the rules, the ficus will delight you with a lush green crown and decorate your home with its presence. Possessing a large green mass, these plants actively enrich the air with oxygen and purify it from harmful impurities. Signs say that a well-groomed ficus in the house will bring prosperity, prosperity and comfort to its owners.

Indoor ficus is a favorite plant of flower growers and is associated with home warmth and comfort. Its bright, shiny foliage adorns apartments, is used to decorate offices, shopping centers and public places. In addition to aesthetic value, the flower has useful property fill the room with oxygen and purify the air.

For a luxurious look and good growth, ficus requires care, an important component of which is the correct and timely transplant. A variety of varieties and forms makes it necessary to understand the needs of individual plants in more detail. To successfully transplant a culture, you do not need to have special knowledge, it is enough to take into account some features of a tropical culture and use the tips that have been tested in practice.

Why transplant ficus?

The first reason to transplant a ficus is to buy it. The containers in which the plants are stored in the store are not intended for permanent maintenance and development, they do a good job of protecting the roots during transportation and remain convenient for a very short time. Bringing a flower home, I want to immediately move it into a large pot. Especially from drainage holes, most often, the roots are visible and it becomes clear that the container is clearly small, and the substrate is depleted.

Still, it’s not worth rushing with the first ficus transplant - a tender plant needs to get used to a new habitat. The bush is left in a purchased pot for at least a week to adapt. It will not be difficult to remove the roots from the ground - the store packaging is fragile, if necessary, you can simply cut it.

A lump of earth removed from the container should be carefully crushed or removed by lightly tapping on it. Carefully inspect the roots, cutting off dry and damaged areas. Ficus juice has a bactericidal effect, so you can not process the sections with anything, but immediately transplant the bush into a new, spacious pot.

Why re-transplant? Here are some great reasons:

  1. 1. Most of the ficuses are growing rapidly, increasing their green mass, and therefore, the roots become cramped in the old pot.
  2. 2. Even with constant top dressing, the substrate gradually loses its nutritional value and needs to be replaced or at least topped up.
  3. 3. Salts and harmful impurities from irrigation water are deposited in the soil, which over time makes it unsuitable and even dangerous for plants.

All these reasons inhibit the growth of ficus and can lead to its withering and even death. Therefore, regular transplantation is one of the main methods for caring for it. There are several more factors to urgently replace the soil and transfer the plant to a new pot:

  • the old container is damaged or broken;
  • pests have appeared or root rot is suspected;
  • the soil "soured": acquired an unpleasant odor, covered with bloom.

However, the process is not rushed. Proper transfer to a new container requires preparation. It is worth considering carefully all the stages of transplantation, based on the recommendations of experienced flower growers.

Choosing the right time

From the end of October until early spring, ficuses are in a state of relative dormancy. Even with normal temperature regime plants react to the reduction of daylight hours, their vegetation slows down noticeably. At this time, transplantation is most traumatic. A long recovery may follow, the bushes begin to hurt.

Early spring - best time to carry out the procedure. Transplanted before the active growth phase, ficuses easily adapt and quickly master the fresh substrate. This gives them an impetus to the development and growth of young greenery.

In case of urgent need, you can transplant a flower in the fall. In this case, you should be in time before a significant reduction in sunny days, which will give the plant the necessary time to recover before a calm winter phase.

A few tricks that can help a flower easily endure a traumatic procedure in the fall:

  • ficus roots are sensitive to temperature: soil, drainage, pot and water for irrigation should not be cold;
  • it is useful to remove sluggish, dry, stretched and unripened shoots, which will reduce the load on the root system;
  • any draft is harmful to a plant in a new pot. If you have to keep it on the windowsill, it is better to use a special heating pad for it.

When landing on a drainage layer, you can put a few tea bags, previously brewed in boiling water. This technique not only additionally nourishes the roots in winter, but also prevents soil from washing out.

Features of the procedure for different types

The ficus family has more than 1000 species, many of which are not similar to each other. Outdoor cultivated hybrids range from small-leaved creeping vines to indoor trees above 2 meters in height. Therefore, the transplant rules for some of the ficuses may differ significantly.

A typical and familiar representative of the family is the rubber-bearing ficus. Using his example, it is easiest to describe the basic rules for the transplantation of most of his relatives.

Ficus transplant principles:

  1. 1. Young, fast-growing plants with a significant amount of green mass need to be replaced with a larger pot once a year.
  2. 2. After reaching the age of 5, transplantation is performed once every two years.
  3. 3. With significant growth and weight, plants are recommended to do without transplantation, only to replace the upper part of the soil with a fresh substrate.

When growing a fast-growing ficus, there is a temptation to take a larger pot in order to transplant less often and give the tree room to develop. This technique can harm the plant. The soil that is not mastered by the roots tends to deteriorate, and an increased increase in root mass can slow down the development of the crown.

Dwarf home forms of ficuses are extremely popular. They are decorative in themselves, they are grown in the bonsai style or form entire sculptures. Ficus Benjamin belongs to low plants (up to 40 cm), its most popular varieties - Natasha, Anastasia, Starlight, Kinky - are distinguished by flexible, pliable trunks for shaping. This determines the peculiarity in the transplantation of this variety.

To create tree sculptures, the branches and trunks of plants are bent, intertwined and fastened with wire, adhesive tape or adhesive tape. The main thing when transplanting such groups is to try not to damage the fixed trunks and prevent injury to the bark. The rest of the procedure is carried out according to the general rules.

Another popular type has noticeable differences. Ficus Microcarpa is grown as a bonsai. The microtree develops very slowly, and in the adult state it practically stops growing. This property is especially appreciated in the art of bonsai and there is no need to stimulate the development of the plant. Such a culture needs a transplant only to renew the soil.

The pot can be used the same by washing and disinfecting it. An adult ficus-bonsai is not transplanted, but only the top layer of soil is replaced with a fresh one.

Soil composition requirements

In preparation for transplantation, special attention is paid to the quality of the soil. Ficuses prefer light, permeable compositions with neutral acidity. Clay soil and black earth are not suitable for this culture, the roots in such conditions tend to rot. How younger plant, the more loose the substrate should be.

Options for the composition of the soil mixture for ficus:

  • for a young flower - leaf humus, peat and sand in equal parts;
  • for an adult plant - humus, peat, sod land, sand in equal proportions;
  • the second version of the soil mixture for ficus older than 3 years - humus and sod are taken in equal amounts, sand is added no more than 20%.

A self-composed substrate must be disinfected to destroy infections, pests, and pathogens.

The main methods of disinfection at home:

  1. 1. Calcination: in an oven at a temperature not lower than 100 ° C for 30 minutes.
  2. 2. Freezing: in natural conditions in winter or in the freezer for 24 hours.
  3. 3. Processing with potassium permanganate: a substrate is shed with a strong hot solution and infused under the film for about 1 hour. You can use the soil for planting after 10-12 hours.

Ready-made soil mixtures for ficuses purchased at the store usually meet all the requirements, but it is better to additionally check them for acidity. If necessary, lighten the composition - mix sand.

In addition to the soil, you need to prepare drainage materials for laying on the bottom of the pot. Small stones, expanded clay, river and sea shells, broken brick, charcoal, polystyrene are used as drainage. For large plants with a developed crown, heavy materials are chosen to ensure the stability of the container.

Choosing a planting pot

For transplantation choose plastic or ceramic products. Experienced flower growers advise using plastic containers for ficus. The roots of tropical plants do not tolerate cooling well, and the walls of ceramic vessels can become very cold in winter. For aesthetic appeal plastic container with a flower can be placed in any pot suitable for the interior.

Adult forms of rubber-bearing ficuses, about 2 meters high, are often grown in wooden barrels up to 20 liters in volume. For optimal development of young plants, each next pot is chosen 3 cm wider and as much deeper than the previous one. The height and diameter of the pot should be approximately the same, taking into account the need to lay drainage in a layer up to 1/3 of the container.

Transplant step by step instructions

Watering is stopped a few days before the procedure, so it is easier to keep the root ball. If the material of the container allows, the pot is crushed. If necessary, carry out with a long blade of a knife between the walls and the substrate. By tilting the container and tapping on the bottom, they take out the plant by pulling the stem.

Ficus transplant process step by step:

  1. 1. A drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the landing tank.
  2. 2. Fill the pot with prepared soil up to 1/3 of the volume.
  3. 3. An earthen ball with roots is placed on top, aligning the plant in the center.
  4. 4. Fill all the voids with the substrate, tamping the soil is not very tight.
  5. 5. Plentifully spill the surface with warm settled water, leave the pot until the soil settles.

After some time, you may need to add soil. To improve survival, it is permissible to spray with one of the adaptogens: a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Post transplant care tips:

  • a few days after the procedure, it is not advisable to water the soil, and the deciduous part should be sprayed as often as possible;
  • top dressing is stopped for up to 2 months, and when the roots recover from possible injuries, they resume the normal mode of fertilization;
  • after a traumatic transplant, the plant may partially shed its foliage, which will be restored at the end of the adaptation period.

It is worth monitoring the health of the ficus for several weeks after planting in a new substrate. If a mistake is made, the plant will definitely let you know about it. Sluggish stems, yellowed leaf plates are a normal reaction to the procedure. You should only be alarmed if all the leaves have crumbled or the stems have begun to dry. Until full recovery, a weakened plant is vulnerable to diseases and pests. It is necessary to monitor any signs of infection in order to provide timely assistance and cure the disease at the very beginning.

Attentive approach to needs and compliance simple rules guarantee a successful ficus transplant even for a beginner grower. Both a young and an adult plant will gratefully respond to care and will surely please with its rapid growth, bright foliage and luxurious form.

Ficus belongs to the Mulberry family. In nature, there are more than 100 varieties. Before growing a plant, you should familiarize yourself with what a ficus transplant is at home and when to transplant a ficus. It is considered one of the most popular indoor plants. It is perfect for decorating country houses and apartments.

There are a lot of varieties of culture, but in room conditions grow no more than 20 species. Some of them are often grown in spring and summer on outdoors. Among them there are varieties that differ from each other in size, shape and color of the leaves. In more detail, all varieties can be viewed in the photo or video. This is not the most whimsical plant, and proper care consists in timely transplantation and watering.

A suitable substrate should consist of the following components:

  • sod land,
  • leaf land,
  • river sand,
  • vermiculite.

All components must be taken in equal parts. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from pebbles or small shells is laid in the first layer, and then the finished soil. If it is not possible to compose the soil on your own, then you can buy ready-made soil for decorative and deciduous crops. Such land is sold in any flower and garden stores. The earth must pass water well. Any soil needs to be prepared: for this, the substrate must be frozen. In winter, 1 month before the flower is transplanted, the earth is exposed to the cold and kept like this for several hours. Thus, all bacteria die.

Transplant preparation

20 hours before the procedure, water the soil. Such a measure will help the soil not crumble, and the roots are much less injured. To make it easier to get the culture, you should knock on all sides of the pot, then turn the pot over and remove the flower correctly. Be sure to step by step inspect the leaves and roots: if there are rotten ones among them, then they must be removed.

Yellow and spotted leaves are a sign of disease. Healthy roots can be white, yellowish or light brown, while diseased roots can be gray and brown. If damaged roots are found, they should be removed, and the cut site should be treated with crushed coal.

The finished flower is placed in a new pot in the middle, covered with soil from above and rammed. After transplanting, the flowerpot should be watered a little. The second time it is recommended to water not earlier than after 7-10 days. If the earth has settled after watering, it can be added. To make it easier for the plant to adapt, it can be put in a sunny and warm place. After the culture has acclimatized, it will be cared for as an adult specimen.


How to optimally transplant ficus at home? The first transplant is best done in the 3rd year of life. After that, the young specimen needs to be transplanted every year. If the plant is already an adult, then the transplant is carried out 1 time in 3 years. When you need to transplant a ficus, this will be seen from the state of the plant. The main differences are dry earth in the form of lumps and protruding roots from holes in the pot.

When to transplant home ficus so that the flower grows comfortably? It is recommended to transplant the plant in the spring.

A pot for transplanting should be taken a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. The transplanted specimen will grow slowly at first, because it likes cramped pots, and then the plant will entwine the entire pot with roots, and growth will go up.

Is it possible to transplant a ficus directly into a deep pot? No, transplanting the plant should only be done in a pot that matches the size of the root system. For transplanting, you need to pick up a pot, at the bottom of which there are several drainage holes. excess water when watering will come out through such holes. If this is not done, then, most likely, the roots of the plant will rot over time.

Any kind of ficus is very capricious. The plant does not tolerate transplanting well. With any "discontent" the leaves begin to fall off. This happens especially often in summer or early spring, when the flower is taken out into the street or left overnight on the balcony. So that the transplant does not negatively affect the plant, it should be carried out in March, as the flower will have time to adapt and get stronger before the summer. Transplantation is not carried out in autumn and winter, because during this period the dormant phase begins.

Rubbing the leaves

Transplantation must be combined with pruning. They do this so that the plant does not slow down in growth, otherwise caring for it will become quite difficult. In case of untimely transplantation or pruning, the flower can get sick, since the immunity of such plants is greatly weakened. During transplantation, apical shoots should be cut to activate the growth of lateral buds. The desired process (large) can then not be thrown away. Reproduction by such a process gives good results. When propagation is carried out with small shoots, the flower may not take root.

If the transplant is not carried out in a timely manner, then during irrigation the soil does not completely absorb moisture, the roots rot. A perennial substrate may not provide all the vitamins and minerals found in fresh soil. A wilting flower may be susceptible to pest attacks. At the first symptoms that the pot has become small, the plant should be transplanted.


The transshipment method is used when the home ficus is severely weakened and cannot survive the transplant. This method is very good, the flower will not receive additional stress. The plant is simply transferred with an old clod of earth into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. From above, the earth is changed to a new one.

Sometimes, after transshipment, the ficus can shed some of the leaves and stop growing. This reaction is indicative of natural process, nothing can be done about it. A month later, the flower itself will return to normal, and care for it will be like an adult plant.

How to transplant ficus only after purchase?

After the purchase, the ficus is still very young and weakened for transplantation, but the soil in which the plant is sold is not intended for full-fledged cultivation. Over time, the flower begins to shed its leaves. When can a ficus be transplanted after purchase? The main condition is not to transplant immediately, but after 15-20 days, so that the flower gets used to the new environment.

To make the flower easier to bear stressful situation, should be covered after transplantation plastic wrap. The plant is ventilated daily and, if necessary, moistened; at this stage of transplantation, such care is necessary. As soon as you notice active growth, it is better to remove the film.

Immediately after transplanting, do not place the flower near heat sources, as the battery can scorch the leaves. Over time, the leaf plate stops growing. First, the leaves begin to dry, and then fall off. All this can be seen in detail in the photo.

Pay attention to the fact that the plant does not have bent roots. When the plant is placed in a pot, the roots should be straightened out. Caring for such a flower is not difficult, the main thing is to transplant, cut, propagate and water the plant in time.

Ficus is an original and unusual plant that anyone can grow. Another thing is that you need to know when you can transplant ficus, and how to do it correctly. Considering that the flower is sold in a temporary substrate, which is devoid of all useful substances, it will not be possible to bypass the manipulation, because otherwise the plant will simply die.

Principles of growing ficus

Of course, it would probably be much easier to start transplanting ficus Benjamin or some other species from the very basic: choosing a pot, filling the soil and planting itself. However, everything is not so simple.

Important! Before transplantation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory stage, otherwise the flower may begin to die immediately after manipulation.

As for the preparation process, it consists of several nuances.


  • in the selection and preparation of the pot;
  • in the purchase or preparation of soil;
  • in the correct manipulation of the transplant.

Rules for the selection and preparation of containers

Before you learn how to properly transplant a ficus, you should dwell on the pot. It is very important that the diameter of the new container is a couple of centimeters larger than the "native" pot. The same point applies to the height of the tank. Only flowerpots are suitable for planting, at the bottom of which there are holes for aeration and drainage of excess liquid.

The day before the transplantation procedure, disinfection with a formalin solution should be carried out. After that, a “drainage cushion” consisting of broken bricks or drainage expanded clay can be laid out on the bottom. True, these elements should not be very much. Ideally, no more than 15% of the total amount of soil. The latter can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently.

Soil preparation rules

There is no secret in the preparation of the substrate. It is enough to mix leafy soil and soddy soil in equal amounts, and then add a little river sand.

Upon completion of the manipulation, it will be necessary to shed the soil mixture with a solution of potassium permanganate or simply hot water. This will destroy all microorganisms that should not be in the soil. In addition, the substrate will be slightly saturated, which will allow the roots to “settle down” to new conditions faster.

Important! Each grower should know not only how often to transplant ficus, but also what reasons should be for this.

The latter is just the same in the soil mixture. Given that the flower is very sensitive to the acidity of the soil, it should always remain between 5.5 and 6.5 pH. If you do not pay attention to this nuance during transplantation or when preparing the substrate, then the plant will not absorb nutrients, therefore, it will begin to fade and may even die.

When to transplant ficuses

Ideally, a ficus transplant at home should be carried out either at the very end of winter (as an option, the last days of January), or at the very beginning of spring.

That is why the plant is desirable to acquire during this period. If the flower was bought at another time of the year, then as an exception, manipulation can be carried out.

Some gardeners insist that this should not be done. However, in reality it is not so. The flower needs elements and trace elements that it extracts from the soil mixture. IN store soil this is not there, so leaving the old substrate means allowing the bush to gradually begin to fade. A ficus transplant after purchase is almost an optional condition.

It should also be remembered that young plants require an annual transplant. As for the old bushes, it is enough for them to carry out rare procedures - once every few years. If the flower feels great, grows and develops, then you can wait a little with the manipulation.

Considering that ficuses do not really like spacious flowerpots, they are not worth transplanting into huge pots bought for the future, because they can “get lost” in this container and simply stop developing.

You need to understand that Benjamin's ficus transplant is a transshipment method, but at the same time, such a procedure cannot be done if the plant has grown in diameter by several tens of centimeters. In this case, it will be necessary to carefully remove several centimeters of the substrate from the pot every year. Ideally, this should be 50% of the total mass, add organic fertilizers and fill up with new soil mixture. In this case, the flower will grow and delight its owner.

In late autumn and summer, the plant is not transplanted, however, if the grower noticed that the soil dries up very quickly, although irrigation is carried out properly, the roots have braided the entire substrate and even show up from the drainage holes, it is impossible to hesitate in this case. Perhaps the flower will hurt after that, but after a while it will fully recover and even begin to grow.

Ficus transplant - how it happens

After being picked desired flowerpot, all the relevant manipulations described above have been carried out, you can finally transplant the ficus into another pot. To do this, put a little expanded clay on the bottom of the flowerpot, add a substrate and plant a flower. It would seem that everything is so simple, but you should not rush. Before placing the roots in a container, you need to carefully examine them.

Given that the flower must have been in another pot before, the roots are “closed” completely with earth. Therefore, you will need to take paper, put a plant on it and tap the whole earth from the bottom.

Important! The “tapping” procedure must be carried out very carefully, because the root system can be damaged.

The roots that appear will need to be carefully checked. If they do not become limp in their hands, they have different color shades(yellowish, whitish, flesh-colored or brownish), then everything is fine with the root system. Otherwise, you will need to remove rotten or diseased roots, then dry the remaining ones and treat them well with fungicidal agents.

Next, you will need to directly place the plant in a new pot. It is very important to ensure that the roots do not press against the bottom of the container. Many inexperienced flower growers try to compact the root system as much as possible, fearing that individual roots will begin to “dangle”. This will not happen if the substrate is correctly and accurately distributed over the pot, and then crushed a little. After the flower is placed, you can add the soil mixture, pressing it down a little so that the flower begins to hold well.

Having successfully transplanted a rubber-bearing ficus or another variety of this plant, it will be possible to water the flower a little. It is not worth pouring it, because the earthen lump located around the rhizome may begin to rot. Regardless of which pot the handsome man "moved" into, he will still need to be transplanted from time to time. Best of all, of course, the transshipment method is suitable, when “wound” soil remains on the ficus roots. In this case, it is much easier for him to transfer the procedure.

However, experienced flower growers say that this does not happen very often. In recent years, plants have been getting sick more and more often, therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it would not be superfluous to carry out large-scale manipulation (with the replacement of the entire soil), especially since it was described above how to transplant Benjamin's ficus.

Often, after the procedure, the flower begins to turn yellow or drop leaves. You should not be afraid of this, because it is absolutely normal. In a couple of weeks everything will be back to normal.

If this does not happen, then the transplantation of rubber ficus was carried out incorrectly or some problems arose with the substrate. In order to prevent the appearance of trouble, it will not be superfluous to learn about some tricks.

Simple tricks for transplanting ficus

Experienced gardeners say that it is not enough to know how to transplant ficus at home, you still need to have some knowledge.


  1. It is better to do the soil mixture with your own hands. This will ensure the reliability and quality of the substrate.
  2. After the transplant, you need to make a special greenhouse for the flower, which will allow you to quickly go through the adaptation period. To do this, you need to arrange a “dushik” for the plant, and then put it in a bag for a couple of days.
  3. Unnecessarily, the root system is better not to touch.
  4. After transplanting, it is recommended to put the flower in a warm, but not hot place where there are no drafts, but at the same time the air is always humid and fresh.

Having created all the conditions for the growth of a flower, next time you won’t have to wonder how to transplant a ficus at home. Moreover, it will even be possible to independently tell acquaintances and friends who decide to acquire a flower about the correctness of the procedure.