Lunar gardener calendar for October table. Watermelon - agricultural technology, interesting facts about the plant and the best varieties

  • 29.08.2019

October ends the summer season even for the most diligent gardeners and gardeners. Therefore, there is always a lot of work on the site this month. In addition to harvesting and processing crops, carrying out, the main task is to prepare the house, garden, flower garden and vegetable garden for winter.

October is the last month of the late harvest. It is no longer possible to pull further with the collection, since in the very first frosts the fruits can be severely frozen and spoiled. In order not to miscalculate with the deadlines, it is better to carry out the work in accordance with the lunar calendar of the gardener, gardener and flower grower.

celery, parsley, perennial varieties onions can be transplanted into boxes for growing greens on the windowsill. To do this, choose large healthy plants.

Harvesting late varieties of cabbage grown for fermentation can be left until the first frosty day, then bitterness will disappear from it. If the cabbage has not yet had time to form into dense heads, it can be covered with a film greenhouse and left for another week.

Throughout October, you can collect fresh herbs from the garden: salads, spinach, dill, parsley, celery. But you need to keep in mind that parsley can freeze if you cut off all the tops.

If you didn't have time plant winter garlic in September, it can still be done at the beginning of this month. Don't forget to mulch the beds if the early cold sets in. At the end of the month, you can begin to carry out winter crops of other vegetable and green crops.

As the harvest clean up the area: wilted flowers are cut, leaves that begin to fall off are raked, tops and dry stems are removed.

The harvesting of fruits and berries in the garden is coming to an end. In order for the trees to prepare for wintering, in October it is necessary to remove all the fruits from them. Stamps need to be treated with whitewash to avoid burns on sunny winter days. Just before frost, the trees need to be well watered to ensure enhanced root growth.

In the first half of October, fruit seedlings are planted, mature trees are transplanted, and holes are dug for spring planting.

Before frost sets in, cover shrubs and perennials. Such work to protect plants from the cold in October will save a lot of time and effort in winter and early spring.

Lunar sowing calendar for October 2018

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

October 1 2018, mon, waning moon in Gemini, III quarter, in Cancer from 21:02 Flower Days infertile, but favorable for planting climbing plants and vines. Mulching in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, digging, preparation of beds. Pruning grapes. Protective measures against pests and diseases. Digging up root crops and harvesting them for long-term storage. Do not repot indoor plants these days.
2 October 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Cancer, IV quarter from 12:47 Although Cancer is fertile, but when the Moon changes a quarter, it is better to refrain from working with plants. You and other things in the country are full. In the garden, you can prepare beds for both winter and spring crops, remove foliage and other debris from the site. And in the southern latitudes - it's time to pick mushrooms. But if the work in the garden and garden cannot be postponed for another time, then check the plan for the next day.
October 3 2018, wed, waning moon in Cancer, IV quarter Liszt days. Spend time planting, sowing and caring for plants - on these days of the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener, all your actions will bring maximum benefit. Cancer is the most fertile sign that will reward planted plants with a bountiful harvest and beautiful flowering. But it is not convenient for planting large-sized trees, especially since it is better for tree seedlings to wait until spring in order to take their permanent place in the garden. But for planting berry bushes, the ideal day is currants, gooseberries, raspberries and others. Plant and sow everything that is planned in the apartment on the windowsill, in the greenhouse and in the heated greenhouse. Spend all winter crops of vegetables, planting onions and arrowhead garlic. In the flower garden - planting bulbs. Harvesting fruits and berries. Refrain from harvesting root crops for storage and from using pesticides on the days of the water sign.
The 4th of October 2018, Thu, Old Moon, IV quarter, in Leo from 00:13 Fetal days. Leo's unproductive days, it is better to postpone sowing and planting for more auspicious time. In the garden - whitewashing, pest and disease control measures, harvesting the bottom crop. In the garden and in the garden - harvesting fruits, berries and vegetables. Digging, loosening, mulching and preparing a garden for autumn and spring crops. Pruning perennial flowers and ornamental shrubs. The main thing is to cut off all the inflorescences that have faded from hydrangeas. Mulching all plantings. Watering and top dressing is better to postpone for other days.
October 5 2018, Fri, Waning Moon in Leo, IV quarter
October 6 2018, Sat, Old Moon, IV quarter, in Virgo from 02:20 Root Days. Virgo is an infertile sign, but good for sowing and planting ornamental plants, especially annual flowers. The lunar calendar recommends planting bulbous flowers, ornamental shrubs, cover the plants for the winter. Make time for flower beds, flower beds and houseplants - any flower care work is favorable. Abundant watering is not desirable.
October 7th 2018, Sun, Waning Moon in Virgo, IV quarter
October 8 2018, mon, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Libra from 04:11 Flower Days. The gardener's and gardener's calendar strongly recommends giving the plants a break from your worries. Take out the trash on suburban area, especially around water bodies, check the safety of the crop in the cellar, insulate the house for winter.
October 9 2018, tue, New moon at 06:47, Moon in Libra
October 10 2018, wed, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Scorpio from 07:10 Liszt days. The gardener's lunar calendar advises you to devote as much time as possible to plants. Scorpio is a very fertile sign, and any planted crops will give an excellent harvest. Last dates planting winter garlic, bulbous flowers and perennial seeds that need stratification. Planting parsley, chives and other plants in winter forcing containers. You can plant cucumbers and other vegetable and green crops in the apartment on the windowsill, or in the greenhouse. If autumn is cold, and you have a northern region, then you can start winter crops. You can not use chemistry both in the country and in everyday life.
October 11 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, I quarter
October 12 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Sagittarius from 12:54 Fetal days. Excellent days for harvesting fruits, berries, cabbage and root crops and bookmarking for long-term storage. Sagittarius is an infertile sign, not good for winter forcing greens and flowers at home. In the garden, harvesting, laying in cellars for long-term storage. The last dates for planting bulbous flowers in the northern and central regions. Planting perennial flowers that require stratification. Care of indoor and forcing plants.
October 13 2018, Sat, Growing Moon in Sagittarius, I quarter,
October 14 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Capricorn from 22:18
October 15 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, I quarter Root Days. The lunar calendar says that any work in the garden and garden these days will be favorable for plants. Carry out winter crops of vegetables, including carrots and beets, wild garlic, spicy, fragrant crops, seeds of perennial flowers, planting garlic and onions. The garden is planted with trees and shrubs. Trim all the flowers in the flower beds after you have collected the seeds. Tidy up the flower beds and prepare the plants for the winter. On the windowsill you can plant green and spicy crops. Prepare cuttings for winter vaccinations.
October 16 2018, Tue, Growing Moon in Capricorn, II quarter from 21:03 Flower Days. Although the Days of the Root continue on the 16th, the positive impact of the Moon is reduced by the fact that it changes the quarter. She has no time for helping gardeners)) I don’t know how this is explained, but it has long been noted that it is better to leave the plants alone on this day.
And in the days of Aquarius, the Lunar calendar does not recommend planting and sowing.
Collection of pears and apples of late varieties. Mulching the garden.
In the garden, cut out all diseased and broken branches of trees and shrubs, as well as all shoots of remontant raspberries. Prepare planting holes for spring plantings plants. Collection of flower seeds.
17 October 2018, wed, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Aquarius from 10:37
October 18 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon in Aquarius, II quarter
October 19 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Pisces from 23:22
The 20th of October 2018, Sat, Growing Moon in Pisces, II quarter Liszt days. Fish will provide a bountiful harvest of plants planted these days. Sowing and planting any crops in greenhouses, greenhouses and on the windowsill. In the garden - winter crops of spicy, medicinal crops. In the garden and flower garden - the introduction of dry complex fertilizers, mulching beds and flower beds. In the garden, also fertilize and mulch the tree trunks. Feed your houseplants the same way. Prepare the soil for spring sowing seedlings. Planting onions on a feather at home. Any pruning of plants and the use of pesticides is not recommended.
October 21 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon in Pisces, II quarter
22 of October 2018, mon, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Aries from 09:59 fetal days. Ideal days of the Calendar for harvesting and harvesting, bookmarking it for storage. But sowing and planting postpone for more favorable days. The maximum that can be sown is greens and spices on the windowsill. Feed your wards, but don't transplant or prune them.
October 23 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon in Aries, II quarter
October 24 2018, wed, Full moon at 19:46, Moon in Taurus from 17:34 On Full Moon Days, let the plants rest. You can prepare beds for winter crops of greens and vegetables - dig and fertilize. stock up fertile soil for spring seedlings. Carry out the treatment of greenhouses from diseases and pests. It's time to make bird feeders for the winter.
the 25th of October 2018, Thu, Waning Moon in Taurus, III quarter
October 26 2018, Fri, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Gemini from 22:42 Root Days. Taurus is a very fertile sign. The lunar calendar advises to devote time to working with plants - one of the most auspicious days for sowing, planting and care. Plant in winter greenhouses and in the apartment everything that is planned for cultivation in the cold season. Spend winter crops and plantings of green, spicy and vegetable crops. In the garden - autumn digging of the vacated beds with the application of fertilizers, in the garden - loosening of tree trunks. Plant seedlings of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, if your region allows it. Whitewash the trunks fruit trees. Transplants and transfers indoor plants. In the greenhouse, pest and disease control and soil preparation for spring crops. Moisture-charging watering if the autumn turned out to be dry.
27th October 2018, Sat, Old Moon in Gemini, III quarter Flower Days. Spend time hanging and climbing indoor plants, as well as preparing grapes for wintering. A good idea is to plant peas on the windowsill. Cover plants for the winter - roses, rhododendrons, hydrangeas. You can carry out all the planned work on caring for plants in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, refrain only from transplants.
28 of October 2018, sun, waning moon in Gemini, third quarter
29th of October 2018, mon, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Cancer from 02:28 Liszt days. Excellent days of the lunar calendar for winter crops, especially root crops, and planting various crops in greenhouses and on the windowsill. In the garden, planting low-growing and creeping shrubs, ground cover plants. Whitewashing and sanitary pruning of fruit trees. Shelter for the winter of perennials and other work to prepare the garden for winter. Transplantation, transshipment, pruning of indoor plants. Pest control, but refrain from using pesticides.
October 30 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Cancer, III quarter
October 31 2018, Wed, Waning Moon, IV quarter from 19:41, in Leo from 05:43 fetal days. Late harvest. Sheltering plants for the winter, preparing the garden and vegetable garden for winter, mulching plantings and near-stem circles of trees and shrubs, whitewashing trees in the garden. If the greenhouses are empty, then carry out disinfection measures. It is better not to engage in sowing and planting - the Lion is infertile.

Despite the fact that the melon is a "purebred southerner", summer residents grow it not only in the south. And all because this culture is exceptionally tasty and very healthy. And varieties “for the market” do not always have high taste qualities, not like fruits from their own garden or greenhouse. True, the melon has its own "secrets", but they are not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you have not yet grown a melon on your hundred square meters, you must definitely try it, at least once!

Salad "Red Sea" with squid, crab sticks and red caviar - a light and healthy snack that is suitable for a pescatarian menu, it can also be prepared on fasting days when fish and seafood are allowed on the menu. The salad is simply extremely tasty and it is prepared easily. Buy frozen squids. I do not advise you to cook a dish with giant squid fillet, although it looks appetizing and tempting, it has a sharp ammonia flavor that is difficult to get rid of.

From ordinary fruit trees columnar are distinguished by a compact crown, low height, and the absence of lateral branching. With a slight habitus, these miracle trees are distinguished by their ability to form large crops of large, tasty and beautiful fruits. On 1-2 acres, you can place up to 20-25 columnar trees - varieties of apple trees, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and other crops of different maturity. Our article will tell about the features of creating a columnar garden.

August can be a little sad - the autumn that will follow long winter already on the doorstep. But the flower beds are still full of multicolor, and their colors create an atmosphere of warmth and joy. The rich palette of August flower beds mainly consists of yellows, oranges, and crimson tones. And it seems as if the garden has become warmer and the color of the sun has increased. What flowers should definitely be planted in flower beds so that they brighten up the inevitable departure of summer with flowering?

Peach jam with bananas is fragrant, thick, healthy and, most importantly, it has half as much sugar as ordinary jam. This is a quick jam with pectin, and pectin powder is known to reduce the sugar content in jam, or even make it without sugar. Sugar-free jams are fashionable sweets nowadays, they are very popular among supporters healthy lifestyle life. Peaches for harvesting can be of any degree of maturity, bananas too.

Coriander is one of the most popular spices in the world, and its greens are called cilantro or cilantro. Interestingly, cilantro leaves no one indifferent. Some people adore it and are happy to use it in any salads and sandwiches, and they love Borodino bread for the special flavor of coriander seeds. Others, referring to the smell that evokes associations with forest bugs, hate coriander and flatly refuse to approach bunches of cilantro even in the market, let alone plant it in their garden.

Saintpaulias are making a comeback and redefining the cute blooming violets that love to live on any windowsill. Trends in the "market" for uzambara violets indicate a rapid increase in interest in plants with unusual leaves. More and more admiring glances are attracted not by unusual colors of flowers, but by exotic variegated colors of leaves. Variegated saintpaulias are almost no different in cultivation from all the others.

Sweet and sour pickled cherry tomatoes with red onion and basil marinated with balsamic vinegar and mustard. Such pickled vegetables will decorate any festive table They are very tasty and fragrant. Marinade filling is a completely different story: it turns out a delicious brine, the only drawback of which is not a large number of. Onions choose sweet, red. Cherry - strong, slightly unripe, the smallest. Fresh basil is suitable for both green and purple.

My first acquaintance with hydrogel took place a very long time ago. Back in the nineties, my husband brought funny multi-colored balls from Japan, which greatly increased in size if they were filled with water. They were supposed to put bouquets or use them for some other decorative purposes. Of course, at first it was funny, but then I played enough and abandoned them, I don’t even remember where they went. But I recently returned to the use of hydrogel. I will share my experience in this article.

Watermelon and summer are inseparable concepts. However, not in every area you will find melons. And all because this African plant takes up a lot of space, is quite demanding on both heat and the sun, and also on competent watering. But still, watermelon is so loved that today not only southerners, but much more northern summer residents have learned to grow it. It turns out that you can find an approach to such a capricious plant, and if you want, you can get a decent harvest.

You can cook red gooseberry jam in 10 minutes. However, it should be borne in mind that this is the time required for cooking jam without preparing berries. It takes a lot of time to harvest and prepare berries for processing. Cruel thorns discourage any desire to harvest, but you still have to cut off your noses and tails. But the result is worth it, the jam turns out to be excellent, one of the most fragrant, in my opinion, and the taste is such that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the jar.

Monsters, anthuriums, caladiums, dieffenbachia ... Representatives of the Aroid family are considered one of the most popular categories of indoor plants. And not the last factor of their wide distribution is diversity. Aroids are represented by aquatic plants, epiphytes, semi-epiphytes, tuberous and vines. But despite such a diversity, because of which it is sometimes difficult to guess the relationship of plants, aroids are very similar to each other and require the same care.

Salad "Donskoy" for the winter - a savory snack from fresh vegetables in sweet and sour marinade olive oil and balsamic vinegar. AT original recipe regular or apple cider vinegar, but with a combination of wine vinegar and light Balsamico, it turns out much tastier. Salad can be prepared without sterilization - bring the vegetables to a boil, put them in sterile jars and wrap them warmly. You can also pasteurize blanks at a temperature of 85 degrees, then cool quickly.

The main collected mushrooms: porcini, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, russula, milk mushrooms, volnushki, saffron mushrooms, honey mushrooms. Other mushrooms are collected depending on the region. And their name (other mushrooms) is legion. As well as mushroom pickers, which are becoming more and more every year. Therefore, there may not be enough for all known mushrooms. And I know for sure that among the little-known come across very worthy representatives. I will tell you about little-known, but tasty and healthy mushrooms in this article.

The word "ampel" comes from the German word "ampel", meaning a hanging container for flowers. Fashion for hanging flower beds came to us from Europe. And today it is very difficult to imagine a garden where at least one hanging basket was not found. In response to the growing popularity of container floriculture, a large number of ampelous plants, whose shoots easily fall outside the pots. Let's talk about those that are valued for their beautiful flowers.

October is a very important month in the lunar calendar, although most of the harvest is done, the plants need to be prepared for winter. Well-groomed plants, sheltered from the cold, treated for pests - a pledge excellent harvest next year.

It is necessary to do everything in time according to the phases of the moon, so as not to damage the sleeping roots. Transplanting greens into a pot, digging up the remains of the crop and bulbous flowers will help the calendar of the movement of the earth's satellite.

October 1-2, 2016

The new moon in the sign of Libra does not portend large harvests, it is better not to touch the earth. Collect the remains of root crops, remove fallen fruit fruits. You can prepare seeds for planting.

The growing moon passes into the sign of scorpio, but in the days of Hekate moon calendar gardener for October does not advise transplanting, the roots may be damaged. It is advisable to prune berry and fruit bushes, fertilize the soil (liming can be carried out), loosen it, treat plants from pests.

The day is favorable for harvesting and canning.

Week 3 to 9 October 2016

A great day for planting plants, they form a strong root system. You can plant winter garlic, tulip bulbs, sorrel. On the windowsill you can sow greens: celery, parsley, green onion. The application of organic fertilizers will be excellent, so that the first root crops in the spring will please you.

The satellite of the earth is still growing in the sign of Scorpio, the day is good for loosening the soil, dig in fruit and berry plants so that they survive in the winter. You can lay compost on the beds, fertilize the plants. Can be harvested.

The satellite of the earth passes into the sign of Sagittarius, which gives a lot of greenery, not fruits. You can plant cold-resistant varieties of greens: sorrel, shallots, watercress, cumin, dill, fennel, sage. They will delight you with their harvest.

You should not touch the branches and carry out pruning, it is better to continue collecting fruit and berry fruits, cut flowers, and prepare seeds. But working with house plants is very favorable, you can plant them, feed them. You will get an excellent result when drying fruits and mushrooms.

Read also:

Lunar calendar gardener-gardener for July 2016

You can loosen the soil, fertilize it with phosphorus bait. Favorable work on laying strawberries and strawberries for the winter, cut off the antennae and dry leaves, cover it with spruce branches, remove old flowers. Drying of fruits is favorable. Good for pest control.

The Moon has moved into Capricorn and all transplant work will be successful. It's time to move the fruit and berry bushes, finish harvesting and you can quite successfully change the location of the garden. It is also favorable to work with the earth, loosening and fertilizing the soil. Work will go well in the flower garden.

The gardener's lunar calendar for October 2016 advises not to work with plants on this day. Clear the area of ​​fallen leaves, collect seeds, prepare medicinal plants. Preservation on this day will be excellent.

Week from 10 to 16 October 2016

The growing moon in Aquarius is not conducive to planting, it is better to do soil hilling, pest control, and seed harvesting.

Take care of weeding, decorate the crown of shrubs, take care of pest control. Crops and transplants are not recommended.

The gardener's lunar calendar for October 2016, with the growing Moon in the sign of Pisces, suggests devoting time to pest control, haymaking and medicinal plants, insulate berry bushes, prepare cuttings for propagation.

An unfavorable day for working with the earth, sort out the crop, put it in storage or a cellar.

Finish clearing the area of ​​weeds and fallen leaves. The day is perfect for preserving vegetables and fruits.

Week of 17 to 23 October 2016

A good day for planting winter crops such as onions or garlic. It will be useful to cut shrubs and crowns of fruit trees. You can pick mushrooms, they will keep well.

The gardener's lunar calendar for October 2016 believes that during this period it is better to loosen the soil, prepare perennial plants for winter. Good for conservation.

AT sowing lunar calendar for October 2016 You will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to harvest a great harvest!

Planting days for October 2016

Before frost

As a rule, the majority horticultural crops removed in the bins until the first frost. So for beets, you should choose dry weather. And removing the roots from the ground, you need to carefully cut the leaves so as not to damage the top.

Beetroot with an injured "crown" may lose some of the juice, discolor and lose taste. And it won't be able to keep for a long time.

Protecting young trees

Young trees in autumn need special attention. At the end of October, it is useful to tie their crowns so that the young branches do not break in winter under the weight of snow.

Trunks should be tied with spruce or pine spruce branches (needles down), you can wrap it with burlap. Do not forget to spud the base of the harness with soil to a height of 10-15 cm so that mice and other rodents do not get to the trunk.

Beds hibernate

Fertilizers are not applied to the soil of narrow beds for the winter. The beds are thoroughly cleaned of post-harvest residues and dug up. It is better to do this closer to the cold weather, when the pests wintering in the soil will get comfortable there. So there is a higher probability that all this living creature, turned out to the surface, will die from frost.

If the plant residues (stems and lashes of vegetables, leaves of fruit trees) are healthy, they can be laid out in the garden in low heaps with a diameter of 1.8 m and sprinkled on top with a small layer of compost or garden soil. Over the winter, the leftovers will rot, and in the spring, pumpkins, zucchini, or melons can be planted in these compost heaps.

Without a heart

In October, it is already possible to cover rows of plants in strawberry beds with peat or humus. But the "hearts" of the bushes should remain free.

Rose processing

Ash is added under the rose bushes in autumn. They do this so that the plants that have received potassium have lignified shoots. In this case, they will be much easier to endure frost.

Considering that black spot spores are present not only on the leaves, but throughout the ground, it is useful to use the ash as a means of sanitizing the soil around rose bushes. She (two handfuls per bush) is usually brought in September or when the rose goes to rest.

In the bins

In mid-October, late storage should be removed white cabbage and winter radish. It is advisable to leave the best root crops and heads of cabbage for seeds. In this case, they should be stored in the same cellar as the other stock, but in boxes with dry river sand.

It's time to clean up the cauliflower too. If the heads did not have time to form, you will have to dig up a plant with a clod of earth and transplant it into a heated greenhouse - maybe it will grow.

half rotted

For autumn fertilization of the soil, it is desirable to use semi-rotted manure: it will almost ripen during the winter. On the square meter a garden regularly enriched with fertilizers is quite enough 3-4 kg of horse or 5-8 kg of cow "good".

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of October in 2016

Unfavorable days for landing: 1, 10 (from 9:35), 11.12 (until 15:46), 16, 23, 24, 30, 31.

October 1. Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra, new moon - We collect all the waste of the garden and garden in a compacted pile and cover it with a small layer of earth

2 October. Sunday. The moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Libra / Scorpio (22:45) - We put things in order on the site, sow green manure, feed berry bushes

October 3 and 4. Monday and Tuesday. The moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio - Garlic before winter, harvesting cuttings of fruit and berry crops, if necessary, feeding berry bushes

October 5. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (11:29) - From 11:29 - forcing parsley, perennial onions, carrots

October 6 and 7. Thursday and Friday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius / Capricorn (from 23:41 on the 7th) - Forcing parsley, perennial onions, carrots, celery

October 8 and 9. Saturday and Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Sowing for greenery Chinese cabbage, watercress, sorrel

October 10. Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn / Aquarius (from 9:35) - From 9:35 - spraying indoor plants from aphids and whiteflies with herbal preparations

October 11. Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius - Inspection in the basement of stored vegetables and fruits, measures against mice

October 12. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius/Pisces (15:46) - Until 15:46 - wrapping seedlings and young trees thick paper, roofing against rodents

October 13. Thursday. The moon in the zodiac sign Pisces - Sowing on greens for the winter of arugula, watercress, Chinese cabbage

October 14 - Pokrov Holy Mother of God . Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces / Aries (9:54) - Sowing greens on the window and in the greenhouse - for the winter table

October 15. Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries - Planting onions, parsley roots, celery for greenery, sowing spinach

October 16. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries/Taurus (18:09), full moon - We cover trees, roses, strawberries from impending frosts, we fight rodents

17 October. Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus - Tying trees, mulching shrubs with humus or compost, spruce branches, planting garlic

October 18 and 19. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus / Gemini (from 17:35 on the 18th) - We cover climbing roses and others ornamental plants, including spruce branches

The 20th of October. Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Gemini / Cancer (18:30) - We cover climbing ornamental plants

October 21 and 22. Friday and Saturday. The moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Cancer / Leo (from 22:14 on the 22nd) - For growing on the windowsill in winter, sowing cucumbers early varieties, for greens - onions, watercress

October 23 and 24. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Leo - Inspection and tidying up the storehouses and the vegetables, fruits and cuttings of plants located in them for winter and spring vaccinations

the 25th of October. Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo / Virgo (6:17) - Tree tying, if not already done

October 26. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo - Check if strawberries are well covered, perennial flowers. If required, add leaves, spruce branches

27th October. Thursday. The Moon is in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo/Libra (16:52) - Remove pipes and containers from the site, freeing them from residual water

October 28 and 29. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra - We bet on distillation onion, parsley, lettuce chicory

October 30 and 31. Sunday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Libra / Scorpio (from 5:02 on the 30th), new moon - Houseplant care