Planting potatoes auspicious days of the year. Potato planting calendar

  • 15.06.2019

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Small-fruited undersized tomatoes suitable for growing in low greenhouses:



​11, 17, 19​

April 4-5, April 23; May 1-2, 5, 29-30; June 2-3, 25-26;​
auspicious days for planting potatoes according to the Lunar sowing calendar of 2016: April 4-5, 8-9, April 23; 1-2, 5, 19-20, 29-30 May; June 2-3, June 25-26.​

  • Descending
  • These days, you can plant the seeds of almost all garden plants, for example: eggplant, bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes. Be sure to plant zucchini and squash. Also, gourds and legumes will have excellent germination.
  • Fast walker - only 50 cm high, therefore ideal for growing in low greenhouses, plentiful and unpretentious,


​11, 25​

When to plant pepper seedlings in 2016

  • Conditionally favorable days: The potato is more than a vegetable, it is a cult. Let it grow on suburban area now it is not a necessity, it is still so nice to harvest your own harvest at the end of summer and remember that very taste...​
  • These days, devote your time to grafting fruit trees, as well as planting beets, turnips, potatoes. But it is not advisable to sow flowers in flower beds, in pots and tubs. But, as on other days, you can cultivate and fertilize the land, water the plants on the site​14​
  • Descending Biotechnics offers good varieties of tomatoes for growing in modern polycarbonate greenhouses - these are Lollipop, Gem Emerald, Non-Stepson - 105, Raisins,
  • ​24​ ​5​
  • ​8, 9, 11, 12, 21​ When to plant cabbage for seedlings
  • ​17, 30​ April 8-9; May 19-20;​

It is very important to correctly determine the landing time. If potatoes are planted too early, then when frosts are below -3 ° C, the potatoes die. Most often they write that potatoes are planted when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to a temperature of +6 ... + 10 ° C. But who will walk around with a thermometer and measure the temperature of the soil? Most often, when planting potatoes, they are guided by air temperature (about + 15 ° C), calendar days, and experienced gardeners - by flowering birch and bird cherry. ​29​

Lunar landing calendar for 2016. When to plant vegetables.

Growing First Quarter

On this day, it is better to refuse to plant flowers on the ground and sow them, especially since it's time to plant potatoes and other tubers, as well as beets, turnips and radishes

  • Firm "Poisk" - Yellow delicacy (non-stepchildren, with fleshy fruits), Picket.
  • The lunar landing calendar was created by people thousands of years ago. The change in the phases of the celestial body clearly showed the passage of time. The cyclic nature of the event and the knowledge that the Moon has a (gravitational and magnetic) effect on the surface of the Earth and all living things made it possible to think about the dependence of the crop on lunar days- this is how the landing calendar appeared vegetable crops, with the help of which the planting and sowing season was organized, on which, in turn, the survival of people depended in those days. Thus, the lunar calendar for planting has gained centuries of experience and is still in demand, helping to quickly figure out when and what to plant in the garden.
​2, 11, 17, 18​ ​18​ ​13, 14, 15​ watering So, in the south, potatoes can be planted starting from mid-March, in Moscow and the Moscow region - around May 10, in Yekaterinburg it is worth focusing on May 5, and in Voronezh, Tambov and Saratov - at the end of April - beginning of May.
Descending ​02, 03​ Tomato Sanka produced by Felit - ultra-early, ultra-determinant (fruiting on stepchildren). Gardeners-gardeners are well aware that the key to a good harvest lies not only in fertilizers, watering and proper care behind plants, but also in preparatory work that continue throughout the year. Therefore, immediately after the celebration of the new year, you can open the vegetable planting calendar for 2016 and plan your actions. Each month of such a calendar brings its own preferences and limitations in working with the earth and plants, in addition, the lunar influence of each day changes and also makes adjustments. We will consider what months, what events are held.​ ​18​
Annual flowers ​16​ ​13​ ​on any day except: 15-16, 25-26 February; March 14-15, 23 and 24; 10-11 and 19-21 April; 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30 May; 4-5, 13-14, 25-26 June; 1-2, 22-23, 28-29 July; 6-8, 18-19, 25-26 August;​ Read more:
​15, 16​ Descending Even today, when all the most modern developments and the achievements of agricultural technology, it would be very unreasonable to neglect natural rhythms. Of course, temperature indicators, precipitation regime and other weather conditions play a huge, if not the most important role in any horticultural work, be it sowing, planting seedlings or harvesting. However, we will not talk about them now. January - in the first half of the month, it is recommended to plant greenery on the windowsill, as well as plowing the earth and fertilizing; in the middle of the month - sowing seeds in a winter greenhouse for growing vegetables; in the second half of the month - transplantation of domestic bulbous plants and fertilization; Detailed landing calendar for January by day Radish ​22, 26, 30​
​8, 9​ ​8, 9​ introduction of complex top dressing Potato ​30​ ​Growing​
It is undesirable to engage in planting and sowing, but good results will be given by the fight against weeds, pests and diseases of garden and ornamental plants. You can cut dry and diseased branches from trees, not forgetting to burn them. Mankind has long noticed that the Moon has a considerable influence on all biological processes occurring on our planet, including the growth and development of all living organisms and, above all, plants. It was on the basis of such observations that all kinds of lunar calendars were compiled and, in particular, the lunar calendar of a gardener and gardener. February - with the exception of a few days, the month is good for growing greens on the windowsill and vegetables in greenhouses; recommended cultivation of bulbous flowers in the greenhouse; planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables; ​5​ ​9, 18, 23, 26​
​ 7, 11, 17, 25​ ​ 11, 17, 25​ ​: February 4, 5-10, 14, 22-24; March 1-4, 6, 28-31; April 1, 6, 24-30; 3-5, May 22-26; 4-5, 23-24, 27-28 June; July 3-4, 26-27; 1, 2, 4, 5, 11-13, 21-31 August;​
Potatoes: how to choose a good potato to eat Descending Third Quarter We plant trees and bushes on the site, but it is better to refrain from sowing other plants. Engage in tillage in the beds and in the flower garden, loosening it for the upcoming sowing of horticultural crops, you can also sprinkle the hilled rows of mulch. Pest control recommended ​04, 05​ When planting, the lunar calendar can really be of great help, because the future harvest largely depends on the day of planting. In the plant world, there are their own canons, adhering to which, any gardener and gardener will be able to significantly simplify his work and greatly increase its effectiveness.
Planting days in February.​ ​26​ ​14​ Squash When to plant eggplant in 2016 top dressing with dry fertilizer:
Potatoes: unusual ways of planting Organized fight against diseases and pests in the garden and in the garden, fumigating and spraying. It is also useful to give battle to weeds. Trees and shrubs are allowed to be cut, getting rid of excess shoots and dry branches. It is highly undesirable to plant any plants ​17, 18​ Descending So, it is necessary to sow or plant all terrestrial plants with a young moon, but planting potatoes on lunar calendar, as well as planting vegetables that can go as arrows, are an exception to general rule. So the last plants are planted with a debilitating moon. Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar is also carried out with a defective or, which is not so desirable, with a rising moon. March - the first half of the month is reserved for pruning trees and bushes, spraying them; planting seeds for vegetable seedlings; cleaning areas under the lawn - planting it, mulching; the middle of the month already involves sowing dill, parsley, lettuce in open ground; from the middle to the end of the month, planting tuberous and planting vegetable seedlings is already possible; Calendar of gardeners for March by day
​1​ ​8​ ​8, 9, 20, 24​ ​17, 30​ February 25-26; March 14 and 15; April 10-11; May 7-8; June 4-5; July 28-30; August 25-26;​ ​In middle lane after May 25, it is too late to plant potatoes. If you are late with planting for a couple of weeks, then this can lead to a sharp decrease in yield. In addition, potatoes cannot be planted where plants of the Solanaceae family used to grow - these are the potatoes themselves, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. The best predecessors for potatoes: beets, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, beans, greens and, of course, green manure.
Nov 13 ​Growing​ We plant bulbous crops on the ground, it is also possible to transfer already grown seedlings to open soil. We sow celery and radishes, it is also recommended to provide care for berry bushes and fruit-bearing trees, by pruning and grafting. It is useful to do the processing and fertilization of the soil in the garden
​A lot of tasks have already been completed in March, including the first tillage by harrowing to close the moisture in the lower soil layers. However, the warmer the days get, the more things to do - both in the garden and in the garden. And in order not to grab dozens of tasks at once, remembering one or the other, you need to stop in time, look around (even briefly) and draw up a plan of action. Moreover, the lunar calendar for April comes into its own every year, and it has never happened that May began after March, which means that memory itself will tell you all the areas where there is something to do.​ April - opens a more active planting time: climbing plants (legumes, roses, grapes, etc.) are planted; all vegetable crops are sown in open ground; pest control and pruning of trees and bushes continues; planted in the middle of the month fruit trees, vaccinate them; planting tuberous crops (except potatoes); sowing seeds for seedlings of flowers; What to plant in April by day ​7​ ​14, 15​ ​ 18​
​13, 14, 15​ potato harvest: Since potatoes are propagated mainly by tubers, the main share of success depends on the quality of the planting material. Choosing planting material, pay attention not only to taste, color, yield, but also to where the varieties are zoned, as well as to the ripening time: early, medium, late. Potato tuber These days are best devoted to tillage. Also mulch the garden and vegetable garden by watering beds with perennial crops. Postpone landings for another time. You can do pest control ​06​
​Pruning ornamental trees and shrubs May - the time of loosening, fertilizing, weeding and planting everything that has not yet been planted in April; sowing flowers; Radish Petunia
Root crops (beets, carrots, etc.) ​13​ July 24-25; August 21-24; September 17-20.​ The characteristics of the variety are also important, for example, resistance to fungal diseases and nematodes. It is better to choose large tubers for sowing (50-100 g), only from them strong plants can grow that can give big harvest. Read more: The most popular early and medium early varieties potatoes What could be easier than planting potatoes? Unfortunately, it happens that harvested crop less planted. One of the reasons is improper planting of potatoes ..
​19-21​ Descending ​Seedbed cultivation with harrowing​ Planting days in May ​5​
​9​ ​1, 5​ ​ 8, 9​ Read more:
Potato varieties are divided depending on how many days after planting you can start digging tubers: Most people plant potatoes during the May holidays. However, this is not always correct solution. Only with the correct calculation of the planting time and sufficient care of the crop can the maximum result be achieved. If you plant potatoes earlier, its tubers germinate poorly due to cold soil. In the case of high humidity, diseases can affect the potatoes or they will begin to rot, as a result of which the bush will not grow at all. With early planting, there is a chance that the seedling will be affected by frost. ​Growing​ On this day, refuse to plant any plants on the ground or in containers. It is better to take care of aerating the beds with plantings or loosening rows for upcoming plantings, as well as watering. Good time for pest control
We recommend you check out Excessive watering of seedlings can lead to such a dangerous disease as black leg, which leads to the death of plants. Therefore, watering should be regular (it is advisable to install an automatic drip irrigation system).​ ​26​

Lunar landing calendar for 2016. When to plant vegetables.

Planting calendar for 2016 for gardeners and flower growers

​ 11, 17, 25​

How to dig and store potatoes

early - after 50-65 days;

During the delay in planting, the potato will fall into parched soil, which will also reduce its potential yield.

We plant leguminous garden plants, including legumes, on the ground. It's time to start planting seedlings of fruit drupe trees. We sow flower beds and flower beds

In the early days, it is quite possible to start sowing flower seeds, as well as cabbage for seedlings, focusing on the grower's lunar calendar for April. At the same time, it is recommended to lay out the potatoes set aside for planting for vernalization (adaptation of root crops to cool temperatures). ​

In order for the seedlings not to stretch and be more prepared for the conditions open ground, you should monitor the illumination of the room in which it is located. Lack of light leads to fragility of the processes. To do this, put all the seedlings on the southeast side. If in your apartment, all the windows face the north side, and there is no sun, then you need to additionally illuminate the seedlings early in the morning and in the evening. Using fluorescent lamps to illuminate seedlings is extremely impractical in cramped conditions. There are powerful LEDs designed specifically for plants.​

Strawberries, including remontant

​1, 23, 27​

Planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2016

In January, February and March, the most important task is to plant vegetables for seedlings on time, so that by the time the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse, hotbed or soil is opened, we have full-fledged, healthy plants that will give good harvest. The lunar landing calendar for 2016 helps in this. The table shows the planting dates for the main vegetable crops - peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, for growing in a garden greenhouse.​

Mid-early - after 65-80 days;

  • ​According to yield statistics, a deviation from the optimal planting date 10 days later or earlier in any case reduces the yield by 15-20%.​
  • New Moon
  • To make it easier to fight weeds, it is better to accelerate their growth by covering the beds with a film and fixing its edges with stones or pegs

The use of LEDs makes possible cultivation seedlings not on the windowsill ( a large number of you can’t plant seedlings of vegetables and flowers on the windowsill), but in a separate rack, home mini-greenhouse, greenhouse. Lamps are installed on each tier of the rack, and LEDs do not consume much electricity.​

  • ​13, 21, 29​
  • ​17, 30​

Lunar calendar of the gardener. Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar

Mid-season - after 80-95 days;

Shoots have appeared!

Full moon

Lunar calendar for April 2016 - we draw up a work plan on the land plot

Lunar calendar for April - remember what you can do

We do not sow or plant any garden or ornamental crops. On this day, you can water the garden and garden, check inventory or just relax.

  • . Weeds will grow quickly, and you can clear the soil of them by the time you need to sow vegetables. The calendar of gardeners-gardeners for April still allows pruning of trees and shrubs at the beginning of the month. You can start removing winter shelters from perennials, but gradually.
  • How to speed up the germination of tomato seeds.

Celery root

​17​Onion, garlic​13, 14, 15​

We use the calendar for the gardener for April 2016

plant peppers and eggplants as early as possible to get an early harvest,

mid-late - after 95-110 days;

How to use the lunar planting calendar for gardening for April

As long-term practice shows, the optimal planting time comes when the soil warms up at a depth of 10-12 cm to +7 .. + 8 ° С, when the frosts have already passed (they are the most destructive for the crop). Such time can be determined in several ways - analytical and folk:

On this day, we do everything that does not affect plants, that is, we aerate the soil, perform watering, mulching. Good time to kill pests. You can sharpen garden tools or even relax in nature.

Firstly, spring is a lot of earthwork, so if you have auxiliary equipment, even an ordinary cultivator, do not neglect it, because every lost day will then turn into crop losses. It is in April that the last snow melts in the lowlands and in the shaded areas of the allotment. But do not rush to immediately start digging, for a start it is enough to slightly loosen with a rake or special forks, the gardener's lunar calendar for April will tell you the right day. If you start turning over layers of soil supersaturated with moisture, large clods are formed, which will subsequently be very difficult to split. In order for tomato seeds to germinate better, they need to be soaked for a day in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they should be transferred to a cloth moistened with warm water cover the top with a damp cloth. When the seeds swell, a rudiment of growth appears, you need to place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for three days at night, leaving them at room temperature during the day. ​13, 14, 27​
​8​ ​8​ ​13, 16​
Plant tall tomatoes first; low-growing tomatoes can be planted for seedlings at the end of March directly in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Late - after 110 or more days. ​You can view the weather forecast for the next period from several sources.​
​23​ ​Growing​ In those days when the earth literally swelled from water, having absorbed it like a sponge, it’s not even worth walking around the site once again so as not to compact the soil. But it is also undesirable to miss the moment, otherwise the soil will dry out and crumble almost like sand, there will be a lot of dust in such a land, and little fertility. The time for loosening comes when the lump of soil does not crumple in the hand, but crumbles into small moistened pieces. Without a sowing calendar, April can bring a lot of surprises, and you should pay attention to signs. Particular care must be taken when loosening near perennials on the waning moon, at this time the roots are very sensitive to damage.
Interesting varieties of tomatoes for growing in garden greenhouses. ​25​ ​3, 29, 30​
​3, 6, 27​ ​8, 9, 14​ Planting days in 2016 for vegetables in the table:
Early ripe potato varieties are less productive, not as resistant to diseases, their tubers gain less starch, but these shortcomings are compensated by earlier ripening. In the Central region, mainly early, mid-early and mid-ripening varieties of potatoes are grown - the rest simply do not have time to ripen. Bird cherry, dandelions begin to bloom, and leaves from the buds begin to erupt at the birch. To be precise, the flowering of the bird cherry begins 10 days after the cutting of the birch leaves and indicates the beginning of the planting marathon.​ Descending
For these numbers, prepare seeds for planting cabbage and lettuce. You can clean the garden, cut the branches of bushes and trees, fumigate plantings from diseases In the garden there is always work for a diligent owner, especially in spring. As mentioned above, at the very beginning of the month you can still cut trees and bushes, but you should not be especially zealous. Carefully remove dried branches and black ends on the rest. It is best to pay close attention to blackcurrants and gooseberries. With regard to red and white currants, it is recommended to remove the forks facing the inside of the crown, as well as old branches, without touching the rest. But experienced owners often do without a lunar-sowing calendar for April. They know that apples, plums, and cherries are best pruned in autumn or spring, but only after the damage caused by frost appears. Large-fruited low-growing tomatoes suitable for growing in low greenhouses and greenhouses in the country:
​1​ Peas, beans ​3, 27, 30,31​
​ 11, 17, 25​ January Read more:
Soil warming up is largely a random process, which big influence has a geographic location. For post-Soviet countries with temperate climate(Ukraine, Belarus, the western part of Russia) it was found that, on average, up to the required temperature of 7 ° C and a soil depth of 10 cm, 70% of the fields warm up in the third decade of April. In more northern regions, this period is shifted to the first decade of May.​ We plant tuberous plants, making an exception only for potatoes. Planting other plants and, especially, trees is not desirable. But pruning and grafting shrub and tree crops on this day will give good results. Engage in the cultivation of the land and its fertilizer, also do not forget about watering. Pest control will be useful ​10, 11​
At the beginning of April, you can cut off the grafting cuttings, laying them in some places in the preserved snow in a package of newspapers and polyethylene, and at the end of the month you can already start grafting. Paradise - height 1.2 m, fruitful: 6-8 large tomatoes ripen in each brush, weighing up to 200g, pumpkin
​21​ ​1, 23, 27​ Planting parthenocapic cucumbers
February Potatoes: planting and growing Potato bush
​24-26​ ​Growing​ The processing of the garden in April is very important, because it is in this month that the buds appear and begin to burst, releasing leaves twisted into tight rolls. These "scrolls" are chosen by many pests as shelters for breeding offspring, and they must be dealt with in advance, before eggs are laid inside the bursting buds. It is best to disorient the insects altogether and keep them out of the trees in your garden, for which strong-smelling decoctions are used, for example, from tansy or lemon peels. The days for processing will be prompted by the lunar sowing calendar for April.
Raja - undersized, early, dark red, large-fruited (up to 300 g), ​16​ ​11​
​17, 18​ ​17, 30​ March
Auspicious days for planting potatoes and caring for them according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016 When planted at the optimal time, potato seedlings will appear in 3-4 weeks, during this period the probability of frost is negligible, which will allow the root crop to germinate well. The very first to start planting sprouted tubers and potatoes prepared for seeds. Then plant late and late-ripening varieties. Do not forget that with late planting, the tubers lose a large amount of moisture, and also germinate strongly. Breaking off the sprouts will lead to poor harvest. Descending
The right time for cultivating the land for future beds and flower beds, weed control. Along the way, cut off any excess shoots on the trees. You can mulch already formed rows in the garden. Sowing at this time is allowed only for various climbing crops and legumes.​ ​Day of the month​ Ermitage variety suitable for growing in the North-West region, early, abundant variety, fruit weight 100 g,

Potatoes are grown by all summer residents without exception. This vegetable has long earned itself the fame of a cult, and it is given the largest territories in Russian gardens. The crop yield and the quality of the tubers depend on the time of planting, and the time when you need to plant potatoes is determined not only by the temperature of the air and soil, but also by the lunar cycles.

When to plant potatoes in 2018

No matter how trite it may sound, you need to plant potatoes in 2018 on time. How to determine the very moment when the soil is ready, and the lunar cycle favors a record harvest? To do this, you need to remember in what conditions the potato prefers to grow:

  • The soil temperature should be at a level of 6-10 degrees above 0, and not on the surface, but at a depth of about 10 cm.
  • The air temperature should be above -3, since it is this indicator that is detrimental to seedlings.
  • Soil moisture should be moderately moist when, compressed into a ball and thrown to the ground, it crumbles into 2-3 parts.

When all the conditions are the same as those given, the prepared tubers can be safely planted in the soil prepared in advance.

IN different regions In Russia, such conditions correspond to the following periods:

  • in the Moscow region and Moscow - in the first decade of May;
  • in the Urals - the first and second ten days of May;
  • in the southern regions of Russia - the first, second and third ten days of April and the first ten days of May;
  • in Siberia - the second and third decade of May, the first decade of June;
  • in the Far East - the second decade of May.

It is important to remember that a late planting of potatoes can also lead to a yield loss of about half. Even if the air temperature does not correspond to the norm, the soil is warm enough, and it is better to plant potatoes despite the piercing wind, cold rains and other adverse weather conditions.

How to prepare potatoes for planting (video)

Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar 2018

Experienced summer residents know that even the most favorable weather conditions cannot guarantee a good harvest if potatoes are planted on days that are unfavorable according to the lunar calendar. To believe such a fact or not is everyone's business, but already more than 80% of gardeners and gardeners most often focus on the lunar calendar.

The difference between this system and others is that weather conditions and soil temperature, as well as regional affiliation, are not taken into account at all. The lunar cycle comes first, which, according to astrologers, affects the strength of growth and the future harvest of potatoes even more than humidity and temperature.

The essence of the system consists in the following postulates:

  • root crops give the maximum yield when planted on a waning moon;
  • you need to plant potatoes on days when the moon is in zodiac constellations belonging to the elements of the Earth.

This is what astrologers are looking for. Compiling tables of sowing certain crops, and potatoes in particular. In 2018, the sowing lunar calendar advises planting it from the beginning of April to the last ten days of June, and the most favorable days for this are as follows:

  • in April - 4, 5 and 25;
  • in May - 1 and 2, 5, 29 and 30;
  • in June - 2, 3, 25 and 26.

Conditionally favorable days for planting potatoes are also indicated in the lunar sowing calendar: April 8 and 9, May 19 and 20. During this period, potatoes will not be exposed to negative influence planets and stars, however, it will not give record harvests.

When to germinate potatoes in 2018

It is not enough to choose the right planting dates for potatoes, since it is important to start germinating the tubers in advance so that at the time of sowing they have already acquired strong sprouts. You can calculate the time when you need to start this procedure, based on the lunar calendar or on climatic conditions region.

Optimal timing for this, they are selected based on the timing of planting, taking into account the fact that it takes 30-40 days to awaken the eyes and the appearance of strong sprouts. In different regions of Russia, they begin to germinate in next days:

  • in Moscow and the Moscow region - starting from the last decade of March;
  • in the Urals - in the last decade of March and early April;
  • in the southern regions - starting from the last ten days of February;
  • in Siberia - the second decade of March;
  • in the Far East - the second decade of March.

How to germinate potatoes: the best and unusual ways

There are several ways to germinate potatoes. Some of them have already been recognized as classics, while others have just come into wide use. The most common of them are the following:

  • germination "loose" in the light;
  • germination in bags;
  • germination in polyethylene;
  • germination in boxes.

When implementing any of these methods, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature for germination (between 10 and 15 degrees above 0) and humidity at the level of 60-80%. It is important to keep the tubers out of direct sunlight and not to water them, even if they look wilted. It is allowed to place a container with water next to them or cover the boxes or bags with a damp cloth on a short time.

It is worth adding to this and a few not entirely conventional ways germination. So, You can stimulate the awakening of the eyes with microelements:

  • boron;
  • manganese;
  • copper sulfate.

The method consists in spraying tubers prepared for planting with a 1% solution of these substances a month before the intended planting in the ground. For uniform application of the solution, it is recommended to spread the tubers on flat surface in one layer, spray them, then let dry. After that, the tubers are turned over to the other side and sprayed again.

When and how to plant potatoes (video)

An equally interesting way to quickly germinate potatoes is to cut tubers. This method also stimulates the awakening of potato eyes. The procedure is as follows: each potato is cut along its "equator" to a depth of about 0.5-1 cm so that its core remains intact. Then the tubers are scattered on a flat surface. After about 2 weeks, many sprouts appear on it. After that, the potatoes are collected in boxes.

Compliance with the terms of germination and planting is a fundamental point in growing potatoes on personal plot. Subject to all the rules, a summer resident can get a harvest several times higher than in the absence of any agrotechnical growing system.

When growing potatoes, it is important to correctly determine the timing of planting. It is impossible to give this date in advance with an accuracy of one day, because auspicious time changes every year. For a particular site, the optimal time is selected taking into account the climatic zone, weather and soil characteristics. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, gardeners use the recommendations of agronomists and folk omens, resulting from centuries of observation of nature.

Now, lunar calendars are constantly published on the Internet, in which favorable days are marked for planting potatoes and other crops, weeding and watering seedlings, and harvesting. The compilers are guided by theories that the life cycles of plants are directly related to the phases of the Earth's satellite planet. Supporters of these theories calculate the dates of planting potatoes and other agricultural work based on astrological data on the Moon's stay in the zodiac constellations, as well as phases (the degree of illumination by the Sun).

Modern science does not confirm, but does not completely refute the correctness of this approach. Therefore, to believe or not to lunar calendars is a personal matter for everyone. But relying on them completely is still not worth it: the theory has not yet been proven, and practice is not always confirmed.

Why You Shouldn't Trust Lunar Calendars

If we compare lunar calendars compiled by different authors for the same year with each other, it will certainly turn out that the days recommended for planting potatoes do not match at all. Such differences are explained by the fact that there are several theories about the influence of the phases of the moon on the development of plants. According to one hypothesis, it is better to plant root crops during the growth of the moon, but adherents of another argue that this should be done in the waning phase.

A mistake when sowing radishes will not be fatal for family budget. But planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar, if the date is chosen incorrectly and the weather fails, will cost much more. The result will be a partial or complete loss of the crop, possibly the need to purchase new seed material if the planted potatoes freeze or rot in insufficiently heated or too wet soil.

When choosing a day for planting tubers, it is better to focus on temperature, relative humidity of air and soil, study the forecast for the next few days and take advantage of many years of experience in growing potatoes in a particular area.

Optimal weather conditions:

  • the average daily air temperature for several days is above +8°C;
  • the soil at a depth of 10–12 cm warmed up to 7–8°C;
  • soil moisture is not higher than 75%. With such humidity, the earth does not stick to the shovel, and if you squeeze a handful into a lump and throw it, falling, the earth crumbles (but not into dust).

In most of the territory of Russia, such weather sets in at the end of April or in the first decade of May. People have long believed that the time to plant potatoes has come if:

  • birch leaves reach the size of a penny coin;
  • cherry blossoms;
  • dandelions bloom.

Bird cherry blossomed - it's time to plant potatoes

There is very little time for sowing, it is advisable to complete planting work within two weeks, before the bird cherry sheds its color.

Features of planting early potatoes

In order to harvest the first crop of young potatoes early, early-ripening varieties are used, which are planted at least a few weeks before mid-season and late ones. Cold-resistant varieties have time to ripen before the awakening of viral and fungal infections living in the soil, and the mass appearance of pests: the Colorado potato beetle, bear, wireworm, etc.

Early ripe potatoes must be germinated so that when planted, the tubers already have strong, well-formed sprouts. In case of frost, seedlings are covered with agrofiber or polyethylene.

Planting dates for potatoes in different climatic zones

The timing of planting seed material depends not only on the weather, but also on the characteristics of specific varieties. Practice shows that potatoes of zoned varieties traditionally grown in this region, less sick, more easily endures the vagaries of the weather and gives good harvests.

South of Russia

Planting of early ripe varieties in these areas begins after March 20. Mid-season plants are planted in early April, when the soil warms up and dries a little, but there is still moisture left. In this climatic zone, planting dates are selected in such a way that the potatoes have time to ripen before the soil heats up due to the heat and the tubers stop growing.

In arid steppe regions, growing late potatoes is not very profitable. But if it is possible to organize watering, then in the Kuban and in the Crimea, vegetable growers get two crops each. early potato for the season.

Central Russia

The middle lane is characterized by a temperate climate. As a rule, by the beginning of May, spring frosts stop here. Potatoes of early and medium early varieties are planted mainly in the first decade of May, and in the south of the middle lane - in the last days of April.

In the North-Western region, the climate is colder, so it is advisable to plant potatoes later - in the second decade of May. Late varieties are guaranteed to ripen only in the southern regions of the middle lane. In the northern part, autumn frosts begin already in the third decade of September, therefore, mainly early, mid-ripening and mid-late varieties are grown here.

Already germinated potatoes are more cold-hardy than dormant ones, they can be planted earlier, after April 20, in soil warmed up only to 3–5 ° C. Seedlings will appear a little later than tubers planted in soil with a temperature of +8 ° C, but such bushes have a well-developed root system, strong tops and give a high yield.

Ural and Siberia

These places are the last to get warm. Potatoes are planted at the end of May (from about the 20th to the 25th): only by this time is the weather suitable. The climate in the region is changeable, there are often droughts in summer, and autumn frosts come early. Under such conditions, it is advisable to grow only zoned varieties that are simultaneously resistant to lack of moisture and cold. Potatoes of late varieties, as a rule, do not ripen.

There are no fixed dates for the start of the sowing season. It is much more important to observe the weather than the phases of the moon. In order for the potato to be born, the tubers are planted when the most favorable climatic and weather conditions develop, regardless of the location of the celestial bodies.

For summer residents, such a definition is familiar as favorable days for planting crops on the site. Some gardeners carry out all activities related to caring for the garden strictly in accordance with the location of the moon. It doesn't matter if they grow carrots or onions. Is it worth trusting the lunar calendar when growing potatoes, let's try to figure it out in the article.

The yield of a crop depends to a large extent from climatic and weather conditions, soil quality, seedlings, soil care and fertilizers, as well as many other factors.

The priority should be weather conditions, not the state of the moon

Among these factors is the position of the moon. However, given such a calendar, there are few favorable days.

When to plant in May

In almost all regions, except south, planting potatoes is done in May. The soil is already warm enough, and warm days allow you to calmly plant a crop without the likelihood of freezing.

However, in May there are not many favorable days, based on the lunar calendar, on which potatoes can be planted:

In the first decade May 4, 7, 8, 9
In the second decade the most successful day - May 19
In the third decade two days May 24 and 31

If you follow the recommendations of astrologers, then you need to pre-plan the landing day and prepare the material. To do this, it should be removed from the cellar or storage place in advance, dried, and given time to warm up in the air.

When the tubers sprout, then you can start planting. By following all the rules, you can significantly increase the yield.

When can seeds be sown?

Potato seeds can be purchased at specialized stores or collected in your garden in the fall.

Purchased seeds are much easier to obtain than collect yourself

In the still green potatoes, which resemble green berries, there are seeds. It is these seeds that are suitable for the biological propagation of potatoes.

If you sow the seeds in a container, seedlings will appear in a week. It is necessary to prepare seedlings for transplanting into the soil for further cultivation.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the garden at a time when the weather has stabilized on the street and the air temperature is around 15 degrees. Best time planting seedlings from seeds in open ground at the end of May.

If you focus on the lunar calendar, then you should choose the dates in the waning moon.

Planting dates in different climatic zones

Ural gardeners should take into account that the further north their city is on the map, the later the soil warms up. You need to make sure that the night frosts end. Since Siberia is quite large, each locality has its own time for potatoes.

In most places it will be possible to sow only in mid-May. In Irkutsk, it is recommended to plant a plant after May 20. Under the conditions of Karelia, planting medium-late and late varieties is not advisable.

In central Russia best time to land potatoes 6, 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 28 May. In the South, it is good to plant early ripe varieties in April. In the southern regions, you can get twice the harvest per season.

Early April is suitable for planting mid-season varieties in the south.

Common planting dates for potatoes

Most, according to an established tradition, plant potatoes in early May. But generally accepted norms are not suitable for every region.

Plant potato necessary into warm soil if planted earlier, the fruit will grow poorly or even freeze. It is also impossible to delay the planting of potatoes. Drying out of the soil can occur and this will also affect the yield.

According to statistics, the deviation from the deadlines should not be more than 10 days in one direction or another.

Unheated soil will negatively affect the success of planting

The influence of the moon on productivity

Not everyone follows the recommendations for gardening in phases. Therefore, the harvest is obtained by someone better, and someone worse. Although it could be neighbors. The lunar location has a direct effect on all living beings, as well as on all plants.

Based on this, it is possible provide for the lunar factor before the dacha works. Referring to the lunar calendar is a non-standard approach to obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest.

Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar

Among experienced gardeners, there has always been the concept of "an auspicious day for planting." The influence of the moon on the planet Earth is taken into account first. The state of the entire living organism of the planet depends on these influences.

The lunar calendar for sowing is based on certain long-studied patterns. Namely - effects of phases on growth vegetable crops.

The basic rule of the calendar is to pay attention to the aging and growing moon. If it is decreasing, then it is desirable to plant root crops that bear fruit deep in the ground.

It is not possible to scientifically prove the dependence of garden success on the lunar calendar

If there is a new moon or a waxing moon in the sky, it is recommended to plant terrestrial plants that grow on an open surface.

Such factors are explained by the fact that during the waning moon strengthens the root system. But the bush itself is not developing very well. And vice versa happens in the mirror period - terrestrial plants develop and the growth of root systems is poorly carried out.

Potatoes are among the crops that grow down. Therefore, the waning period is most suitable for planting and caring for the plant. The best days should be chosen by carefully tracking the calendar.

Why You Shouldn't Trust These Calendars

The influence of the moon on life processes has long been proven, but you need to obey the requirements of this calendar only if it is confirmed by common sense.

If the calendar recommends planting potatoes in early May, and the weather says otherwise, then it is better to reschedule the planting. When the weather conditions match from " auspicious days”by the moon, then you can plan to plant a root crop on that day.

What time to plant without a calendar

The most important thing when landing is compliance early dates seeding. Due to the observance of the deadlines, the root system develops, which leads to a good harvest.

Potatoes are planted based on the following principles:

  • tubers begin to grow at a soil temperature of +5 at a depth of 10 cm;
  • when landing, it is very important to determine exact time sowing culture. Sowing is calculated based on the variety: early ripening, mid-early, mid-season or late.

The second month of spring, as you know, is devoted to very diverse and exciting processes: pruning and processing trees, cleaning flower beds and lawns, special care for seedlings and preparing a place for their future planting. The lunar calendar for the gardener for April 2016 is a real lifeline for all gardeners. It makes it easy to determine better days for transplanting, tying bushes, carrying out the prevention of diseases and pests, feeding and removing all shelters from heat-loving plants.

But even the information from sowing calendars is far from unambiguous. Of great importance is the stay of the Moon in one constellation or another. After all, each sign of the zodiac is considered suitable and unfavorable for certain types of work in the garden:

  1. Sagittarius - tillage, watering and fertilizing
  2. Capricorn - planting grain and root crops, harvesting
  3. Aquarius - picking vegetables, berries, fruits, a ban on planting and transplanting
  4. Fish - planting plants, harvesting conservation for the winter
  5. Aries - caring for the garden and garden, cleaning the backyard area
  6. Taurus - planting shrubs, flowers and vegetables from seedlings
  7. Gemini - planting legumes, harvesting
  8. Cancer - planting any crops without restrictions
  9. Lion - it is forbidden to plant, you can make any manipulations to care for plants
  10. Virgo - cleaning the territory, caring for inventory
  11. Scales - maximum planting of any crops
  12. Scorpio - pruning, transplanting, tying, weeding, etc.

For seedlings

Throughout April, you can sow vegetable seeds for seedlings in warm greenhouses in order to later plant them in open ground. These can be tomatoes, early varieties of white and cauliflower, kohlrabi, black onions of sweet varieties.

This is the requirement

If you decide to grow radishes, you will have to take into account its “weaknesses”.

The main one is that it has an underdeveloped root system. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly monitor the soil moisture, especially during the formation of root crops. It is necessary to water the radishes in two or three days, and in dry hot weather - every day, at the rate of 5-8 liters of water per square meter.

Let's add lime

If the soil in the area is acidic, and it is necessary to plant crops on it that do not like such acidity, you can add slaked lime - no more than a quarter of the required amount. This should be done two weeks before sowing or planting.

The rest of the lime will need to be applied in the fall.

We feed

At the very beginning of the growing season, it is advisable to feed urea (5-6 g per square meter) on sorrel and onion. Rhubarb, along with this fertilizer, is embedded in the soil and humus. They also mulch the bed around the plants.

Hurry without haste

In the first half of April, as soon as the soil warms up, you can sow carrots, parsley, scorzonera, parsnips, turnips, early beets in bunches, as well as summer radishes, peas, beans, sunflowers. It's time for greens: dill, cilantro, various salads, leafy mustard.

If the beds are ready, you can plant seeds in them. Chinese cabbage, radish.

We protect the gooseberry

Spring processing will not damage gooseberry bushes, especially those affected by powdery mildew. Immediately after flowering, they should be sprayed with a solution baking soda(50 g of soda and 50 g of laundry soap per bucket of water) or mullein infusion (part of manure, three parts of water, stand for three days, then dilute with three parts of water and strain).

And then this treatment must be repeated two or three more times with an interval of a week and a half.

Will be early

Sowing cucumbers in a film greenhouse, find a place there for a couple of bushes of long Chinese cucumbers. They are picky and bear fruit from spring until autumn - just have time to pluck greens in time.

Will become bitter

You should not plant carrots near an apple tree, and melons next to cucumbers - all fruits will become bitter. It is better for melon to grow next to radishes, and carrots interspersed with onions or garlic. You can mix with it when sowing and oat root.

cruciferous fleas

These insects damage young leaves of radishes, lettuce, spinach, beets, cabbage. To protect plants from cruciferous fleas, you should, firstly, weed the beds from weeds in time - the pest multiplies and feeds on it. And secondly, it is necessary to sprinkle the young leaves with ash or a mixture of ash and chopped tobacco (1: 1). This processing is carried out twice.

Water on time

Vegetables growing outdoors should be watered in the afternoon to avoid excessive loss of moisture through evaporation.

In film and glazed greenhouses, watering should be carried out in morning hours and avoid watering in the evening, so as not to create excess moisture and the formation of water drops at night on plants, which is especially dangerous for crops at low night temperatures.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of April in 2016

Unfavorable days for landing: 2, 3, 4 (till 8:49), 7, 14 (from 16:55), 15, 16, 22, 29 (from 11:50), 30.

April 1. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke, beets and other root crops, flowers

April 2. Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (4:42) - Care of seedlings, garden and vegetable garden

April, 4. Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius / Pisces (8:49) - Rhubarb, onions, dill, sorrel, spinach and other greens

April 6. Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces / Aries (3:53) - Sowing radishes, carrots, Chinese radish and other root crops

April 7 - Annunciation. Thursday. Moon in zodiac sign Aries new moon - Care of the garden and vegetable garden

April 8 and 9. Friday and Saturday. The moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aries / Taurus (from 9:11 on the 8th) - Tomatoes, peppers, all types of cabbage, eggplant, planting seedlings of flowers, rhubarb rhizomes

April 10 and 11. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus / Gemini (from 9:00 on the 10th) - Sowing and planting legumes and ornamental climbing plants, flowers. Sowing watercress and spinach for greens

April 12 and 13. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Gemini / Cancer (from 11:09 on the 12th) - Planting seedlings of cauliflower and broccoli, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, sunflowers, sowing greens, beans, corn, melons. Vaccinations, top dressing of trees and shrubs

14th of April. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer / Leo (16:55) - From 16:55 - seedling care

15 and 16 April. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo - Care of the garden and vegetable garden

17 and 18 April. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Leo / Virgo (from 2:24 on the 17th) - Dill, sorrel, head lettuce and other greens, seedlings of trees and shrubs, flowers

April 19. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo / Libra (14:23) - Until 14:23 - green, seedlings of trees and shrubs, flowers

20 April. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Libra - Onions for greens, planting seedlings of cauliflower and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, squash

April 21. Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Libra - Onions for greens, planting seedlings of cauliflower and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, squash

April 22. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra/Scorpio (3:18), full moon - Care of the garden and vegetable garden

April 23 and 24 - Palm Sunday. Saturday and Sunday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (from 15:48 on the 24th) - Planting seedlings of broccoli and cauliflower, eggplant, sweet peppers, squash, zucchini, sunflowers, sowing greens, beans, beans, corn, alfalfa. Planting seedlings of raspberries, currants, wild roses, rooting strawberry whiskers

25 and 26 April. Monday and Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius - Radishes, onions, cauliflower and red cabbage, planting rooted mustaches of strawberries

April 27. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius / Capricorn (2:55) - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, beets, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke and other root crops, flowers

April 28. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, beets, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke and other root crops, ornamental plants

April 29. Friday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn/Aquarius (11:50) - From 11:50 - care of seedlings and garden

Lunar calendar of the gardener for April 2016 for Belarus and Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, from the beginning of April, the time comes for mass sowing of seedlings for open ground and greenhouses. The green plants available at this time in the greenhouses begin to be removed to make room for seedlings intended for beds in the garden. Also in the middle of spring, you can start sowing radishes, carrots, peas and beans. If the soil has warmed up sufficiently in the garden, it is worth starting planting sprouted potatoes. Prevention of the occurrence of diseases and the appearance of pests is carried out until the appearance of buds on bushes and trees.

The exact work schedule for summer residents of Ukraine and Belarus for April 2016 is compiled in the lunar calendar:

  • 01.04 - 02.04 - sowing radishes, parsley and lettuce in a greenhouse
  • 03.04 - 04.04 - loosening the soil, watering plants
  • 04/05 - 04/06 - sowing cabbage, fertilizing
  • 07.04 - composting and preparation
  • 08.04 - 09.04 - planting seedlings of cucumbers, sowing early ripening tomatoes
  • 10.04 - redevelopment of landings
  • 11.04 - 12.04 - cleaning the site from weeds, picking seedlings
  • 13.04 - 14.04 - seedling care, fertilization, watering
  • 15.04 - 16.04 - preparation of seedlings for planting in the ground
  • 17.04 - 18.04 - loosening the soil, preparing a site for planting seedlings
  • 19.04 - 20.04 - sowing flowers, lettuce, asparagus
  • 21.04 - sowing of medium-ripe varieties of cabbage
  • 22.04 - unfavorable day for manipulations with plants
  • 23.04 - 24.04 - watering seedlings and indoor plants
  • 25.04 - 26.04 - preparation of the site for planting potatoes
  • 27.04 - 28.04 - sowing of onions, spinach, parsley, start of planting potatoes
  • 29.04 - 30.04 - thinning of sunrises, removal of weeds