How to choose a favorable day for planting tomatoes. Is it possible to plant on a waning moon

  • 12.06.2019

With tips for gardeners-gardeners on sowing and planting plants:

1. Sow the seeds of root crops should be on the waning moon for one week (during the fourth phase, a week before the new moon);

You need to plant beet seedlings, plant potatoes on the waning moon in phase III (immediately after the full moon);

2. Seeds of vegetables, greens, in which the aerial part is important, are sown with the growing moon in phase II (a week before the full moon);

It is necessary to plant seedlings with the moon in phase I (after the new moon).

Thus, we sow in the II and IV phases, and we plant in the I and III phases of the Moon.

So, first we select the most favorable phase of the moon (week) for planting and sowing crops, for work, and then correlate with favorable and not auspicious days.

How the moon affects plants and crops

1. During the new moon, all the vital juices of plants go into the roots.

2. With the growing moon, the movement of juices from the root to the top and leaves begins. During the growing moon, planting and transplanting plants are recommended, especially those that have a more developed aerial part - leaves and stems.

3. The closer to the full moon a plant is planted, the less its stem stretches. A little accidental damage to the roots at this time is not so dangerous, as the juices move up.

4 . During the full moon, fruits and herbs are at their most juicy.

5 . With the waning moon, the juices move from the top to the roots. The waning moon period is well suited for planting root crops. At this time, you can also schedule pruning of the plant.

6. It is important to remember that the new moon and full moon are times of crisis. At this time, plants are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to plan any work at this time.

Moon phases and gardening

In the 1st quarter (phase) of the growing moon successful planting of annuals, giving an above-ground crop in the form leafy greens, all those plants in which parts that do not contain seeds are consumed for food: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, celery, asparagus. You should also plant melons, cucumbers and sow cereals. Flowers are also best planted on the growing moon, then they are more fragrant and give a lot of seeds. It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers.

In the 2nd quarter (phase) of the growing moonannuals are planted, yielding a crop in the form of fleshy fruits with seeds inside: tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, beans and peas, all creeping, creeping crops. It is good to sow cereals at this time.

In the 3rd quarter (phase) of the waning moonbiennials and perennials are planted, as well as those annuals that yield a crop of tuberous and root crops: swede, carrots, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, beets, black radishes, asparagus and winter wheat. Potatoes for food are best planted a few days after the full moon. All autumn and winter plantings, as well as planting trees, shrubs, grapes, are best done in this quarter - the root system is developing well. It is recommended to trim trees and shrubs.

In the 4th quarter (phase) of the waning moon - auspicious time for planting plants and laying vegetables for storage, and unfavorable - for dividing roots and bulbs and their reproduction. Seeds planted on the waning moon are programmed for a more active development of the underground part: roots, root crops, tubers.

The position of the moon and the signs of the zodiac

Taurus- picking seedlings. Perfect for planting all types of root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), especially during the waning moon. With the growing moon - sowing legumes, greens, cabbage, asparagus. Formative pruning fruit trees and shrubs. As the most fertile sign, it is suitable for planting any garden plants. big harvest, stored for a long time.


Cancer- picking seedlings. One of the best signs for plants that require moisture (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peppers, asparagus, cauliflower, white and red cabbage) and leafy crops (lettuce, basil, tarragon, etc.), especially with the growing moon . Planting currants, raspberries and gooseberries. Grafting and formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs. With the waning moon - planting potatoes, beets, carrots. Harvest plentiful, but stored poorly.

Do not use for seed purposes.

Virgo - horticultural crops it is better not to plant, as the yield will be small. A suitable period for tillage, weeding, hilling, loosening, spraying against diseases and pests, forming pruning of trees and shrubs. With the growing moon, it is suitable for planting berry bushes, strawberries, perennial flowers and medicinal plants.

Plants planted at this time will be less sick.

Scales- picking seedlings. With the growing moon, a good time for planting legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), as well as cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage. Suitable for planting annual and perennial flowers, berry bushes, strawberries, as well as plums, cherries, apricots, pears and cherry plums. With a waning moon, you can plant root crops and onions on a turnip. Harvest good, well stored.

High quality seeds.

Scorpion- picking seedlings. With a growing moon, it is suitable for planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbages and other moisture-loving plants, as well as peppers, eggplants, herbs, grafting fruit trees and shrubs. With the waning moon - planting garlic, radishes, radishes, onion sets, potatoes, bulbous flowers, rejuvenating pruning of old trees. The harvest is good. Long stored. High quality seeds.

Sagittarius- Don't plant anything. Recommended weeding, spraying from diseases and pests.

Capricorn- picking seedlings. Good sign for planting before winter, as well as for planting perennials, trees, shrubs. With the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, onions on turnips, radishes, parsley, celery (root), bulbous flowers. With the growing moon - greens, cabbage, legumes. Suitable for grafting fruit trees, pruning branches. Harvest good, well stored.

High quality seeds.

Aquarius- Don't plant anything. Recommended weeding, spraying from diseases and pests.

Fish- planting and pruning of trees is not recommended. With the growing moon, a good time for planting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, horseradish, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, herbs, and raspberries. With the waning moon, it is good to plant onions on turnips, radishes, carrots, bulbous flowers.

Harvest plentiful, stored poorly.Do not use for seed purposes.

Favorable days for planting a tomato are determined not only by the characteristics of the variety, but also by the phase of the moon. According to gardeners, the right date affects the quality of seedlings and the formation of a bountiful harvest.

Many gardeners believe that there are favorable days for planting tomatoes. This applies not only to sowing seeds, but also to the transfer of grown plants to a permanent place. The choice of date is largely determined by the phase of the moon. For this, developed moon calendar, which shows a favorable and unfavorable period for summer cottage work.

The time for planting tomatoes is determined taking into account the signs of the zodiac and the phases of the moon that it passes on certain days of the month.

According to experts, seedlings grow safely and give the maximum result when the night luminary is in the signs:

  • Libra;
  • Taurus;
  • Capricorn;
  • Cancer;
  • Scorpio.

The days for planting seedlings when the satellite is in the constellation of Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Leo are barren.

According to the lunar calendar, the days when the moon is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces are suitable for feeding tomato seedlings. This period is considered wet. Harvest during the dry period. It begins when the moon is in its waning phase and passes through the constellations of Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius, or Gemini.

For planting seeds, as well as transplanting plants or picking them, the first two days after the new moon or full moon are considered unfavorable. During this period, the planted plants are weeded, the soil is loosened, and other necessary work in the allotment.

Influence on yield and duration of seed storage

The night star affects not only the volume of the crop, but also the quality of the tomato seeds, which are harvested for later use. It is suitable for not hybrid varieties, which are regularly grown in household plots.

  1. The growing moon is suitable for landing work. It is considered the most favorable and contributes to obtaining the maximum yield.
  2. If the calendar days are considered favorable, but the moon is waning, the seeds are sown on the last day of the suitable period.
  3. If a favorable time falls on the sign of Pisces or Cancer, then the harvest is expected to be plentiful, but the seeds of such tomatoes are of poor quality. They are not suitable for long-term storage and subsequent use.
  4. If favorable days fall on Capricorn, Scorpio or Libra, then not only tomatoes will give excellent harvest, and the seeds obtained from them will be of high quality and suitable for storage.
  5. If it is necessary to obtain seeds for subsequent breeding, tomatoes are sown in the sign of Sagittarius. The crop is not fertile, but the seed is of high quality.

Determining the timing of sowing seeds according to the lunar calendar

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the last decade of February and ends by mid-March. Late-ripening varieties, as well as tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions, are sown earlier. If it is supposed to grow early ripe species in open ground, then they are sown in the middle or end of March.

In this case, it is important to take into account two factors: the state of the moon and the sign of the zodiac in which it is located. If it is in a growing phase, then the best day will be in the first decade. It is important that the satellite passes the constellations of Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Taurus or Capricorn.

If we talk about the new summer season, then in February and March there will be a sufficient number auspicious days.

In February, we grow seedlings for greenhouses. If you rely on the state of the moon, then the favorable period begins on February 17. The satellite enters the growing phase. It continues until February 28th. In March, the moon grows on the 1st, then from the 18th to the 30th. These dates are considered conditionally favorable for planting seeds for seedlings.

If you take into account the signs of the zodiacs, then in February it is better to land:

  • 17th-18th, located in the constellation Pisces;
  • 21-22 numbers, is in the first growing phase and passes the constellation Taurus;
  • On the 25th-26th, the second growing phase begins, the transition from the constellation of Gemini to Cancer is carried out.

For March, favorable days according to the constellations are coming:

  • 1, the growing phase ends, the moon leaves the constellation Leo;
  • 20-21, passes the first growing phase in the constellation of Taurus;
  • 24-26, is in the second growing phase in the constellation of Cancer.

For the northern regions, where the last frosts are late, planting tomato seedlings can be shifted to early April.

In April, favorable days come after the 17th, when the moon enters the growing phase. It is optimal to sow seeds on the 17-18, 21-22, and also 27-28.

The most unlucky days in February are the 2nd-3rd, 9th-10th and 15th. In March, the unfavorable period begins from the 8th to the 10th, then from the 13th to the 15th and 17th.

Choosing a date for planting seedlings in the ground

Which days to choose for planting seedlings in a permanent place depends not only on the phase of the moon, but also on the condition of the plants, as well as climatic conditions in the region. Therefore, in addition to the phase of the moon and the choice of favorable days key value has the state of plants.

Before landing in a permanent location, it is important that:

  • the age of seedlings ranged from 45 to 50 days from the moment of germination;
  • plants had 5-7 real leaves, a powerful stem and a height of about 30 centimeters;
  • plants had a formed root system;
  • seedlings have passed the stage of hardening;
  • there were no night frosts;
  • daytime temperatures reached 20 degrees;
  • night temperature did not fall below 15-16 degrees

In film greenhouses, plant plants from late April to mid-May. For those who grow vegetables in the open field, the planting period begins in mid-May. In middle and northern latitudes, this period shifts to the end of May and lasts until mid-June.

According to the lunar calendar, the best period for landing in closed greenhouses and open ground in May comes the 18th-19th, and also from the 24th to the 28th of May. May 15 is considered an unfavorable day. In June, the moon enters the growing phase from the 14th. It continues until June 27th.

Benefits of planting tomatoes on auspicious days

The right time for planting seeds and plants in the ground is of great importance. Along with proper care, it affects the development of plants during growth and formation of the ovary.

  1. Fast germination. If you sow the seeds in the growing phase, then the plants germinate in a shorter time. The first sprouts appear after 5-6 days.
  2. Powerful root system. Plants planted on favorable days for sowing have a more powerful and well-formed root system.
  3. Picking and diseases. Plants tolerate picking better, do not get sick during the picking period, better perceive the transfer to a permanent place.
  4. Tomato development. The choice of favorable days for planting contributes to the active growth of bushes and the formation of a uniform crown.
  5. Flowering and fruit formation. Tomatoes planted in the growing phase on the correct dates give a friendly ovary, abundant flowering and harvest. It ripens according to the terms indicated by the breeders. Also, these plants are more resistant to pests and diseases.

Depending on the method of cultivation, sowing tomato seeds for seedlings begins at the end of February. The date is determined by the variety, the rate of maturation of the crop, as well as the methods of cultivation. For this reason, experienced gardeners recommend pre-calculating favorable days for planting selected varieties. This will allow you to get strong plants and a bountiful harvest in the season.

With the help of the lunar calendar, even a novice gardener will be able to grow healthy fruit-bearing bushes from seedlings. The lunar calendar for planting a tomato for 2019 is useful in that it contains a list of favorable and unfavorable days for performing certain actions.

The lunar calendar for planting tomatoes is a table that shows favorable and unfavorable days for each month in relation to the implementation of certain agricultural practices. Based on this table, you can calculate the best time in order to plant tomato seeds for seedlings.

In order to correctly determine the landing date by the phase of the moon, it is necessary not to blindly navigate the calendar, but to correlate the data given in it with the following points:

  • varietal features of the culture. To date, breeders have bred a variety of varieties that have different lengths of the period of growth and ripening of the crop. Each package of seeds provides information on when is the best time to sow;
  • option of growing plants: in open ground or in a greenhouse. In the first case, the time of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings and the further planting of young bushes in open ground should primarily be based on the climatic features of the growing region.

When you determine the time suitable for planting a particular variety, you need to look into the lunar calendar and find the favorable days closest to this date. To the resulting number, you need to add 6 days, during which the seeds will germinate, and 12 days for the appearance of the first shoots.

According to the lunar calendar, the following days are suitable for sowing tomato seedlings in 2019:

  • January: 1-3, 16-18, 30-31;
  • February: 14–16;
  • March: 1–3, 4–6 pm, 30–31 pm;
  • April: 1–3, 4–6 pm, 30–31 pm;
  • May: 14–16, 28–30;
  • June: 14-16, 28-30;
  • July: 12–14, 27–29;
  • August: 10–12, 25–27;
  • September: 8–10, 24–26;
  • October: 8–10, 23–25;
  • November: 6–8, 22–24;
  • December: 6–8, 21–23

As you can see, in 2019, tomato seeds can be planted every month. Therefore, astrologers have additionally developed the following recommendations that can help in determining the best period for this operation:

  • sowing of planting material can be carried out on the days when the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, provided that the earth is minimally moistened;
  • it is forbidden to carry out this manipulation on the new moon, since at this time the energy of the moon is reduced. This statement also applies to the period when heavenly body is at its peak (full moon);
  • you can fertilize the plantings when the moon goes waning or starts to grow. Also, this procedure should be carried out when the Earth satellite is under the influence of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn;
  • with a waning moon, the seeds of this crop germinate much worse.

After the terms have been determined, it is necessary to find out how to properly plant tomato seeds for seedlings.

Video "Planting a tomato in the ground"

In this video you will learn how to grow strong tomato bushes.

So, we found out when to plant tomatoes according to the lunar calendar, now we need to decide on the correct execution of this procedure. First you need to prepare the soil. Land can be purchased at any garden store. However, many cook it on their own.

You need to plant tomato seeds in a soil mixture consisting of the following components: sand, mineral fertilizers, ash and peat. Ash can be replaced with dolomite or chalk. Instead of peat, the use of coconut substrate is allowed.

You also need to prepare the seeds themselves. It is recommended to buy seed only from trusted and well-known manufacturers or harvest it yourself. Buying planting material you need to pay attention to its expiration date.

To obtain good seedlings, the seeds must be subjected to selection, choosing only the best. To do this, they are placed in a glass of water. Those that pop up should not be planted. This check is carried out only when self-harvesting seeds.

Then the seeds should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Soak them in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, processing with microelements is performed. Seeds are soaked in a special solution for two hours.

Now they are ready for sprouting. They are laid out on a moistened paper layer. Polyethylene is put on top. After that, the paper is sent to a warm place. Seeds should germinate at a temperature of + 22–25 ° C. For pipping seed 4 days is enough.

All of the above manipulations must be performed taking into account the favorable days given in the lunar calendar. After preparing the soil and seeds, you can start planting. When this operation should be carried out was given in the previous section. It is worth noting that all subsequent actions (picking, seating, etc.) must be carried out on a suitable day for this. Otherwise, all your efforts may fail.

Planting seeds is carried out in cups, in which the soil was previously placed. Seeds should be planted with tweezers. A distance of no more than 1 cm should be observed between adjacent seeds. From above, the material is covered with earth.

Watering is carried out using a spray gun. Watering future seedlings is necessary not with plain water, but with a nutrient solution. It is prepared from liquid and mineral dressings.

The top of the glass must be covered with glass or film. It must be placed in a warm and dark place. The container is exposed to light and freed from glass after the first shoots appear. When tomato seedling will get stronger, it can be planted in a greenhouse or open ground.

When to plant seedlings in open ground or greenhouse

Planting a tomato according to the lunar calendar in 2019 in unprotected or protected should be carried out on favorable days for this. This will minimize the risk of death of tomatoes and accelerate their rooting in a new place.

The time for transferring seedlings to the ground depends on which bed the plant will grow on - open or greenhouse. So, when growing a crop in an open garden, suitable days for planting in May will be 18–19 and 31, and in June - 1–3, 10–12. Usually, planting is carried out 60-70 days after the first shoots hatch.

If the cultivation of a tomato will be carried out in a greenhouse, then the favorable days for such a planting in April will be 20–22, 24–27, and in May - 9–11, 18–19. According to the classical scheme, it is necessary to plant grown seedlings in closed ground 50-60 days after the first shoots have appeared. At the same time, the temperature indicator inside the greenhouse for two days should be kept at +20 ° C during the day, and +18 ° C at night.

Two days before the transfer of seedlings, watering should be stopped. Before the procedure itself, the plants are watered abundantly until the earth acquires a uniform consistency. This will protect the delicate root system of young bushes from injury during the transfer from the cup to the ground.

Unfavorable period for landing in 2019

Do not forget that 2019, in addition to favorable days for planting, also contains frankly unsuitable numbers for this action. This year, you can not plant tomato seedlings on March 12 and 28, April 11 and 26, and May 11 and 23. Also, such an operation is not carried out during the periods of the new moon and full moon.

Knowing when to plant tomatoes according to the lunar calendar, any gardener will be able to quickly determine the time of sowing seedlings, which will allow him to grow healthy and strong young sprouts.

Every person involved in agriculture wants only one thing - to get good harvest. And it's natural. After all, no matter how hard you do, you don’t want to waste your energy. And gardeners try to achieve good results in a variety of ways: they cherish and cherish the land so that it becomes as fertile as possible, shovel a lot of information about, looking for the best, look closely at the weather, trying to predict what the season will be this year. And, of course, they try to determine the most best timing landing. It has become popular to focus on the phases of the moon and its passage through the zodiac circle. seedling tomato lunar calendar should also be planted at certain periods.

It is believed that the Moon affects fluids, including those in a living organism. The most obvious manifestation of the influence of the moon is the ebb and flow. Within a month, we can see how the appearance of our night luminary changes from a thin crescent of a new moon to a full disk of a full moon and back. When moving towards the full moon, the moon is considered to be growing.

If at this time you mentally add a wand to a sickle, you get the letter "P" - growing, and the waning moon looks like the letter "C" - aging. It is believed that vegetables that produce crops above the soil surface should be planted on a growing moon, and root crops on a waning one. On this basis, it should be planted on the growing moon.

Days of phase change - new moon and full moon - should be avoided when planting and do not plant anything. Some recommend avoiding both the day before and after the phase change. The moon, when moving across the sky during the month, passes through twelve zodiac constellations: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

These constellations are subject to the four elements: air, water, earth and fire. The signs that obey water and earth are considered fertile, while the signs of fire and most of the air signs are infertile. The sign of Capricorn is not considered fertile, although it belongs to the earth. Thus, tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar should be planted when the Moon passes through fertile signs, when the Moon is waxing. The signs of Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio are considered fertile with certain reservations. The sign of Aquarius is considered absolutely infertile. I am not a fan of astrology, but I was convinced of this a couple of times when I found out after the landings, without looking in advance that the day was unfavorable. Potatoes have grown, even load them in a gun, but they stood with chic tops, but without tomatoes. It is best to do weeding on such a day so that they grow more slowly.

But even if tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar will be planted on suitable days, this does not guarantee you a high yield. Be sure to consider the best seed planting dates for your area. Many gardeners know the feeling when their hands itch to plant at least something. Usually it comes after the New Year, when little by little the day begins to increase.

And sometimes it happens even earlier. And people plant tomato seedlings in January, confident that they will get the earliest harvest. But that doesn't happen. The seeds will germinate, but the daylight hours are still short. And even if you provide your seedlings with full illumination, you are unlikely to achieve good luck.

If a plant has a fruiting period of about 100 days from the moment of germination, this means that there is a chance to get a crop after such a time if this plant receives the necessary amount of light energy, temperatures and nutrients by this time, which is unlikely to be provided to him in the room . Even a bucket-sized container will not allow every variety to grow the proper amount of fruit. Look at the winter greenhouse vegetables and their quality, and they have better conditions than in the room.

And if you really want to tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar was planted as early as possible, choose a small number of plants that will fit on your windowsill and plant plants that can bear fruit in the room. For example, tomato varieties Duck or Micron. The first variety, by the way, is able to please you with a harvest in late April-May when planted in early January.

And plant the main seedlings later, so that, taking into account the timing of planting in your area, plant it at the age of 60-65 days for tall varieties and 45-50 days for low-growing early ripening varieties. Often, seedlings planted in March are in no way inferior to February, because the sun managed to get more and grew more actively.

Tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar it will succeed better if it is planted under the sign of Cancer or Scorpio on a growing moon. In this case, the day should not fall on a new moon or a full moon. And by by and large, the sign is more important than the phase of the moon. It is better to plant on a good day on a waning moon than on a bad day on a growing one. In addition, your own condition is of no small importance. If you are tired, sick, you do not want to do anything, do not plant. The mood when landing should be upbeat so that you want to do it. Our grandmothers categorically forbade planting plants on the so-called twelfth holidays, which in the spring include the Annunciation on April 7 and Easter, which is celebrated differently every year.

planted in the ground tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar should be on the same principle: in the days of fertile signs on the growing moon. Although the decreasing one is not bad - the roots will take root better. And if you are limited in choice, as you go to the country on weekends, then at least avoid Aquarius. But no astrology will help you if you do not follow the usual rules of agricultural technology, if the seedlings are elongated and not hardened, and the soil on the site is not properly prepared. Love your plants like children and raise them like children with love and you will succeed.

In the section on the question How does the full moon affect seedlings - plant tomatoes or wait and how much ???? given by the author Like this....... The best answer is I don’t know how exactly the full moon affects, but I know that there is a special lunar calendar, and it says what and when it is favorable to plant.

Answer from get through[newbie]
There is not a single site on the Internet "tied" to planting and processing crops, where the so-called "lunar calendar" would be mentioned. They necessarily indicate the effect of the moon on plants, its phases by the days of the month, when it is possible or better to sow, and when it is undesirable to do so. What is the "phases of the moon"? Yes, just a reflection of the light of the Sun from the lunar surface and is clearly visible at night in clear weather and poorly visible on a clear day. Depending on from which side and at what angle the light from the Sun hits the surface of the moon, respectively, from the Earth some part of the illuminated Moon will be visible, larger or smaller. And of course, the Moon does not radiate its glow, but only reflects the light from the Sun falling on its surface. So how can this reflected light affect plants "by the phases of the moon"? No way. Both the Moon, and the Sun, and the Earth are interconnected by gravitational forces, acting constantly, not disappearing for a second, affecting all living things, and plants, but taking into account the interaction of gravitational forces, it is impossible to give recommendations on the timing of planting or processing plants . And it is absolutely unrealistic to follow the advice of "experts" along with the "phases of the moon", to take into account the impact on crops of "astrological signs of the Zodiac".

Answer from Evgeniya Taratutina[guru]
Agree with Golda. As long as you wait for the moon, you will be left without a harvest.

Answer from Caucasian[expert]
How many people, so many opinions. Personally, I plant on the moon. Tomatoes should be planted on the growing moon, my favorite sign is "Capricorn", although it is not very prolific, but it is planted for a long time and is perfectly stored (potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini and tomatoes right up to the New Year).

Answer from adaptability[guru]
Plant according to the weather, with this moon you can stay without a crop,!

Answer from Yatiana Smorodova[guru]