Lunar horoscope of diets. The lunar diet is the best way to lose weight effortlessly

  • 16.10.2019

The influence of the natural satellite of the Earth on the human body is not grandmother's tales, but confirmed by thousands of years of observational experience. Studying the relationship of certain phases of the moon and various natural phenomena, a person coordinated with the lunar cycle not only the time of traditional celebrations, but also everyday activities.

Of course, everyone noted cyclical changes in well-being throughout the month, but few tried to analyze them using the lunar calendar. The position of the moon relative to the earth, its changes gravitational field and the area of ​​the reflecting surface are just a few of the reasons for the sensitivity of the human body to the phases of the night star. Whereas lunar day influence for the most part on the mood of people and their behavior, all physiological processes are subject to the lunar cycle.

Despite the fact that the interaction of the Moon and earthly inhabitants has not been perfectly studied, everyone who cares about their physical and mental health should listen to their own biorhythms. Nutrition, taking into account the body's reaction to the phases of the lunar cycle, will help improve well-being, restore hormonal balance and peace of mind.

Turning your eyes to the sky is also recommended for those who have problems with being overweight. The lunar diet for weight loss is considered one of the easiest ways to permanently lose a few kilograms, because on certain days it is worth making only a little effort to get rid of what depresses the soul and burdens the body.

Lunar food calendar

Before proceeding directly to losing weight with the help of the lunar diet, it is worth studying the features of nutrition in accordance with the lunar cycle. It was previously mentioned that many processes in the body are subject to the phases of the moon, including metabolism.

The lunar nutrition calendar was compiled on the basis of observations of metabolism throughout the lunar day and its reaction to food in general. It turned out that some products are easily digested on certain days, while at other times they can be completely contraindicated.

This is what the nutrition calendar looks like in accordance with the lunar cycle:

Lunar dayshownContraindicated
1 Vegetarian light food, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy productsAlcohol, strong, energy drinks. Heavy food, meat and animal fats. Spicy or salty foods, smoked meats, canned food
2 Simple light food and plenty of drink. Vegetables, fruits and, nuts and seeds. Possible diet or daily fastingOvereating, alcohol, strong coffee. unnatural products, confectionery, semi-finished products, fast food
3 Hot food and hot spices, and other meats from active animals or birdsFasting, diets, cleansing procedures
4 Vegetable dishes (any stewed vegetables and fresh salads), herbal decoctions and teas with a calming effectProducts that can cause allergies or are not natural, culinary delights, delicacies and innovations
5 More liquid and live food that has not undergone heat treatment. , and dairy productsStarvation, animal fats, meat, fried and spicy foods. Canned food, pickles, pickled and pickled vegetables, nuts and seeds
6 Meals at your own discretionDairy and sour-milk products, Lots of fluids and cleansing procedures
7 Any diet, herbal decoctions, fruits fruit trees and nutsMeat, eggs, high-calorie meals
8 Unloading or vegetarian day, fastingAlcohol and smoking
9 Whole grain cereals, fish and seafoodOvereating and culinary experiments. Mushrooms, meat, confectionery, soft drinks
10 Drinking plenty of water and liquid food, vegetable soups, stews, natural juicesLarge portions and lots of alcohol
11 Fasting, fasting day on juices and fruitsRough heavy food
12 Fruits and juices (except apple), nuts, seeds, natural oilsMeat products, poultry, fish, eggs, apples and , smoking and alcohol
13 Whole grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables, natural juices, any new recipes and dishesFasting and cleansing
14 Fresh food, fruits and juices,Yesterday's dishes are not the first freshness, sweets and confectionery
15 Quality meat products, fresh salads, warm cereals, herbal teas,Excessively cold or hot dishes, eggs, apples and their juice, onions, elongated vegetables
16 Soups, cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk with andMeat, mushrooms, beans, spirits, sweets
17 No restrictions, non-trivial holiday dishes, red wine, shellfish,Plentiful drink, non-natural products
18 Lean food, vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, some quality meatHeavy food, strong alcohol
19 Fast vegetarian diet, stewed vegetables and saladsFoods that can cause an allergic reaction
20 Any food, including exoticpoultry meat
21 Dishes from and, cranberries, herbal decoctionsFatty and fried foods
22 Sweets and sugary drinks, vegetable stews, vegetable casseroles and salads, fruit pies, milk and cerealsStarvation and overeating
23 Unloading day on fermented milk productsCoffee, alcohol, meat, fluids and overeating
24 A varied diet, nutritious meals, milk and any fermented milk products, wine and grapesStarvation
25 Diet and plenty of clean fluids, mushrooms and cabbage in any form, coarse heavy food, fruit juices
26 Fasting and cleansing the bodyMeat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, seafood
27 Light soup for lunch, spices and spices, dry red wine, meat only as a ritual dishAny alcohol other than wine
28 Citrus fruits, vegetables and fresh herbsPotato
29 Simple vegetarian meals, more fresh juices, fasting dayAlcoholic beverages, cigarettes, animal products, stale food, culinary delights
30 Light meals, sweet and sour fruits, vegetables, some sweetsOvereating, high-calorie meals

Cleansing procedures and a fasting day are best done on a new moon, when the body seeks to get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins. On the full moon, it is recommended to limit yourself to liquids, keep fasting, give up alcohol, coffee, strong tea and energy drinks. Heavy physical exercise and protein nutrition for mass gain is suitable for the period of the growing moon. During the third and fourth phases, it is easier to lose weight than on other days, since the waning moon reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism.

The signs of the Zodiac, in which the night luminary is located at the moment, also affect the metabolism, as well as the phases of the lunar cycle:

Zodiac signsNutrition Features
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (fire)Highly digestible protein, recommended with meat, fish, eggs, seafood, non-starchy vegetables and fruits
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (earth)You can eat salty food, because in the days of the earth, salt manifests its best qualities; you need to abandon fatty meat, lard, fish, smoked meats, processed cheeses and other products that have undergone industrial processing
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (air)A period favorable for the endocrine system, codes are well absorbed; it is recommended to include in the diet natural vegetable oils, nuts, seeds
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (water)The body perceives well; preference should be given to dishes from whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and complete ones - to limit sweets and starchy foods

The moon wanes when its crescent resembles the letter "C" and waxes when the crescent is turned in the opposite direction. To accurately determine the current lunar day and the sign of the zodiac in which the luminary is located, you must refer to lunar calendar.

Foods that can not be consumed during the diet, regardless of the phase of the lunar cycle:

  • fatty meat, smoked meats, sausages, pates;
  • trans fats, processed foods, fast food;
  • flour products, sweets, pastries;
  • white sugar;
  • alcohol, packaged juices, drinks with sweeteners.

Those who want to get rid of hated kilograms need to remember that the lunar diet is not a miraculous method of losing weight and not a panacea for excess weight. If you look at the lunar calendar with hope and continue to eat junk food, the dream figure will remain as inaccessible as the luminary in the night sky.

New moon diet

The days when the moon is not visible in the sky are considered the most difficult period for the human body. At this time, immunity weakens, and people feel weakness, drowsiness and susceptibility to external influences.

On the new moon, it is recommended to give preference to light, low-calorie foods, since excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract can adversely affect human health. The best option would be to spend a fasting day on fermented milk products, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.

This version of the new moon menu will help get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight and cleanse the body of toxins:

  • a glass and some low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast;
  • snacking on a sweet and sour apple or citrus fruit;
  • light vegetable soup with whole grain bread for lunch;
  • a glass of kefir with an afternoon snack;
  • steamed vegetables or a fresh salad for dinner.

Start a one-day diet should be the night before, having dinner with a light vegetable dish. Then the fasting day on the new moon is transferred without difficulty. It is advisable to drink low-fat kefir, green tea or decoction during a fasting day.

Nutrition on the growing moon

The first and second lunar quarters are the period when the body actively accumulates energy and nutrients. At this time, it is very important to eat quality protein foods and include more non-starchy vegetables and fruits in the diet. Useful physical activity and strength training for mass gain. It is highly undesirable to get involved in "bad" carbohydrates, sweets and overeat during the day.

The full moon menu should consist of simple meatless dishes It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee and strong tea. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid during the full moon, otherwise the next day you can wake up with swelling. The full moon has an exciting effect on the body, so on this day it is better to refrain from active actions and making rash decisions, relax and drink a cup of tea from or before bedtime.

Diet on the waning moon

The days of the waning moon are a real gift for those who want to lose weight with minimal harm to health. At this time, the body actively gets rid of everything superfluous: toxins, toxins, decomposition products and fluid accumulated in the tissues. Losing weight is only required to assist your body with the help of fractional dietary nutrition.

This is how the menu for weight loss on the waning moon might look like:

  • oatmeal with dried fruits and green tea in the morning;
  • a snack with a small amount of cottage cheese or a piece of cheese;
  • stewed vegetables with baked chicken fillet for lunch;
  • unsweetened fruit and a glass of kefir for an afternoon snack;
  • for dinner, fresh vegetable salad with, a piece of boiled fish or stewed mushrooms.

To lose weight faster, you need to eat healthy and balanced on the waning moon. Mandatory presence in the daily diet of low-fat, sour-milk products, non-starchy vegetables, fruits and compliance with the drinking regimen.

Lunar Diet Results

During the new moon, after a one-day diet, you can get rid of a maximum of 1-2 kg of weight, and together with the waning moon, 5-6 extra kilos are guaranteed to go away. The result of the diet depends on the initial indicators and the efforts made.

Benefits of the Lunar Diet:

  • one of the most safe ways weight loss;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • decreased appetite and comparison of nutrition with body biorhythms;
  • absence side effects and contraindications;
  • simple menu and affordable products.

With the waning moon, you can not only lose weight, cleansing and wellness procedures, carrying out cosmetic manipulations, visiting a massage room and a dentist. The waning moon will help get rid of not only excess weight, but also toxic thoughts and memories, so it is important to spend this time for the benefit of the soul and body.

It is worth noting that no matter how effective the diet is, you cannot lose weight in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and urinary tract. Dieting during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated, weight loss is a danger to the young and the elderly. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before starting the lunar diet.

Much has been written about this in the literature. different peoples world, and over the past few years this assumption has received scientific confirmation. If you know the basics of the phenomena that occur in a certain phase of the moon, then you can easily learn how to control the physiological and psychological processes of your own body. Based on this, the lunar calendar diet for many overweight people can help get rid of extra pounds. Not everyone has heard about this new technique, and those who know its existence are in a hurry to find out when it is better to start a diet according to the lunar calendar, because its result depends on it.

Lunar Diet Periods: The Best Time to Start

The essence of this technique for weight loss, which has been widespread recently, is that the diet is compiled according to the lunar calendar. It consists of 4 phases of 7 days each. The entire lunar cycle is 28 days. Scientists argue that on each of these days of the lunar calendar, different physiological processes occur at the level of cells, tissues, organs and the body as a whole. Thus, it turns out that with the help of a certain diet, you can influence the change in your own weight.

The diet for weight loss according to the lunar calendar is divided into 4 periods:

1. Full moon. During this period, the moon in the sky has the shape of a bright round ball. Experts say that during this period the cellular and intercellular space of the body is filled with fluids. In nature, tides occur during the full moon.

2. Waning moon. This is the period of the lunar calendar, when the moon in the sky takes the form of an inverted letter "C". The phase of the waning moon is characterized by the rapid removal of fluids and all metabolic products from the body, including toxins and slags.

3. New moon. In this phase of the lunar calendar, it is impossible to see the disk of the moon in the sky. This is the most favorable period for the renewal of the whole organism and the restoration of its damaged systems.

4. Waxing Crescent. With the beginning of this phase, the moon appears in the sky in the form of the letter "C". During the growing moon, the human body is able to absorb all the nutrients from food and responds quite well to physical activity. During this period, all metabolic processes improve, wounds heal faster, and the overall tone of the body increases.

It is desirable that the beginning of the diet according to the lunar calendar falls on a waning moon, and it should be completed at the moment when a new phase arrives. It turns out that the diet can last 7, 14, 21 or 28 days. To accurately determine exactly when the waning moon begins, you should use the lunar calendar.

When is it better to start a diet according to the lunar calendar and nutritional principles

Taking into account the peculiarities of the physiology of the human body, the diet should be designed in such a way that it does not interfere with their natural flow. In this case, harmony will be achieved between natural phenomena and human eating behavior, as a result of which all useful substances will be absorbed, and not retained in the body, deposited in the form of fat. In addition, fat deposits are not formed in problem areas human body, there is a natural and uniform weight loss.

To become a slender person with a fit and beautiful figure, it’s not enough to know when to go on a diet according to the lunar calendar, because you still need to have information about what food to eat in different phases. With the advent of the full moon, the diet should include unsalted foods that have a minimum calorie content, while it is important that the products are quickly excreted from the body. The diet of a losing weight person during the full moon according to this method should consist of products such as:

  • whole grain cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • green and herbal teas.

It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, smoked meats, pickles, marinades, sweets, confectionery. Throughout the full moon phase, a person's daily diet should be 400–500 kcal less than the daily allowance. The waning moon is the most the best time for a diet according to the lunar calendar, so during this period you can noticeably lose weight and become slimmer.

With the onset of the waning moon phase, 5-6 meals a day should be strictly observed, completely eliminating salt and sugar from the diet. The entire period of the diet, regardless of the phase of the lunar calendar, you should not eat foods containing fast carbohydrates. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The diet during the waning moon should be as balanced as possible and consist of all food groups, the daily rate should be at least 1200 kcal. For more fast weight loss should be engaged.

When to go on a diet according to the lunar calendar and what is better to eat

The new moon is the time when the diet should mainly be built on protein foods. What is better to eat during this period lunar phase? The main emphasis should be on meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and seafood. Vegetables and vegetable salads- too right choice a person who wants to lose weight.

In the phase of the growing moon, many people are faced with such a problem as increased appetite. It is at this time that there is often a set of excess weight, which is not easy to get rid of. To prevent this, it is necessary to reduce the daily calorie content to 1000–1200 kcal. This can be done by changing the diet, with the beginning of the phase of the growing moon, protein foods, as well as vegetables and fruits, should become its basis. Physical activity can be engaged, as before, however, they should be moderate. On the last day of the diet according to the lunar calendar, experts recommend organizing unloading for the body, drinking 2.5-3 liters per day.

Now you know when to start the lunar diet and how it can help you lose weight. Adhere to all the rules in the preparation of the diet and take into account the basics of the technique in an effort to become the owner healthy body and slender figure.

In the fight against excess weight, all means are good ... even the moon! Lunar diet - the easiest and perhaps the most effective way keep your appetite in check, and weight - in a decent framework. This is one of the few diets with a proven long-term effect. In addition, it helps to remove from the body all the harmful substances accumulated in it. And, importantly, it awakens the senses and clarifies the mind.

The essence of the lunar diet is to coordinate your nutrition with the phases of the cold star. And there is something to try for: in a month, 2-3 kilograms of useless weight disappear forever. Losses per year can be 24-36 kg!

How to lose weight on the moon diet

  • New moon. The moon is almost invisible in the sky.
  • Growing (phases 1 and 2) - if you mentally put a wand to the sickle of the Moon, you get the letter "P" - growing. Full moon. Bright round pancake in the night sky? Everything is clear - it's a full moon.
  • Defective (3 and 4 phases) - the sickle resembles the letter "C" - the aging Moon.

Let's start from the beginning - with the New Moon

These days, the body is in decline of vitality, the immune system is weakened, chronic diseases may worsen. On the other hand, there is a renewal and release from the burden accumulated over the past moon month.It's time to start a new life. Help your body, because it is tuned for maximum cleansing. But excess food can slow down or interrupt this important process.

Therefore, fasting during this period is very beneficial for health, is easily tolerated, prevents many diseases and contributes to weight loss. A good alternative to fasting is a fasting day (apple, kefir).

At this time, it is very important to drink a lot - decoctions of herbs, clean water, freshly squeezed juices. Thus, you will accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

On the new moon, a strict taboo is imposed on sugar and salt.(be careful of store bought juices that may contain both, just don't buy them).

Waxing Crescent

The 1st and 2nd phases of the moon are an excellent time for general strengthening procedures, vitamin and drug therapy. No wonder naturopathic doctors recommend immediately after the new moon to start any wellness course, for example, to introduce fasting days on Fridays. There is a high probability that such undertakings on the growing moon will become a good habit.

But physical activity is recommended to be reduced (precisely reduced, and not excluded) so as not to waste energy potential. Lack of physical activity can be compensated breathing exercises- the benefits for the figure from them are significant.

And the best part: in the days of the growing moon, you can, with a clear conscience, afford ... the real gluttony!

New moon

The full moon is a difficult period for the body. It is at this time that he moves from the accumulation of strength and energy to their active consumption. Energy is in full swing and can become unmanageable. And all because the body experiences stress at the most subtle levels. Your task is not to succumb to moon tricks and keep calm. Do not fuss, put off all the things that require nervous costs, tune in to a pleasant wave and ... one more unloading day.

In the diet, “dry food” should be excluded, that is, all kinds of chips, crackers, crackers, dryers and bagels. And at the same time everything is salty, spicy and smoked. In general, everything that retains water, because on the full moon the water “leaks” from the body, and with it the extra pounds “float away”.

Yes, and appetite is on your side - usually on a full moon, it decreases by itself. On the days of the full moon, everything is useful "moon" vegetables - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. If you urgently need to part with 2 kg, then it is better to limit yourself to these vegetables.

Waning moon

Make it a rule to cut back on your usual portion as the moon wanes. It’s not at all difficult to do this, for example, instead of a whole chocolate bar, eat three-quarters, then smoothly switch to a half dose, and after another week limit yourself to a couple of slices. Perhaps by the next new moon you will learn to do without chocolate at all!

When the Moon is at a loss, lean on vegetables(except potatoes) fruit(except bananas) and porridge(excluding manna).

Allowed meat dishes and dairy products. Sea delicacies are desirable, especially cabbage, i.e. kelp. In general, the diet is normal, but in half the dose. Having tasted such a lightweight menu, you will certainly feel a pleasant lightness in your body: you will want to run and jump.

Don't hold back! In addition, physical activity is essential for your thin body. The most unpretentious exercises will consolidate the result achieved over the entire lunar cycle.

Visit the beautician on the flawed moon, because the period is important for health and rejuvenation procedures. It is noticed that at this time cosmetic manipulations almost never leave scars.

Just before the new moon, make an appointment with your psychologist (if there is a current one), because these days are conducive to intimate conversation, “digging” in yourself and solving psychological problems.

Immortelle, rosehip, sage and nettle, brewed as a tea, improve fat metabolism and speed up metabolism. Drink tea for 2 weeks on the growing moon - and the result will not keep you waiting.published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

It has long been no secret to anyone that the moon affects our well-being. Surely you have noticed more than once that on some days you can eat sweets with complete impunity - that is, it will not affect your well-being in any way, and on others - a harmless chocolate bar turns out to be superfluous. All this can be corrected if you follow a special nutrition scheme compiled according to the lunar calendar. The advice is simple: it is on the days of the waning month that the weight loss diet will be very effective. Keep your own lunar calendar: following it, you will not only lose weight, but you can always maintain normal weight.

Full moon - fast day

The best time to start a diet is the full moon. This will be the starting point in your weight loss schedule. After all, after the full moon, a young month is born, that is, the waning phase of the moon begins. As the moon will decrease every day, so will your extra pounds melt.

The ideal time to say goodbye to extra pounds is the period from the full moon to the young month.

Some nutritionists believe that the full moon is the best day to fast. During this period of the moon phase, you will be indifferent to any culinary temptations, which means that this day is the best suited for cleansing and preparing the body for a weight loss diet.

  • How to eat?
  1. Eat only fruits and vegetables. Raw is best, because heat treatment many vitamins and minerals are lost. In addition, raw vegetables and fruits improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Give up meat and baked goods.
  3. Prepare a diet soup on a vegetable broth. It is best with those vegetables that improve intestinal motility and stomach function, such as cabbage, carrots, beets.
  4. Drink a lot. Prepare freshly squeezed juices, tea - green or mint, but without sugar. Carry a bottle of mineral water with you and drink throughout the day.

Waning moon diet for weight loss

The waning moon is the period of using all the forces and capabilities of the body, and hence its greatest activity. During this period, you usually have a desire to do something, start new projects, make plans for the future, in other words, you are in constant motion. Use this time to diet as well.

  • How to eat:
  1. Eat more vegetables, cereals (especially oatmeal), whole grain bread. The fiber contained in these products stimulates the intestines, and, therefore, cleanses the body.
  2. Give up butter. Replace it with vegetable: olive or corn.
  3. Eat dinner before 6 pm - thanks to this, all the food eaten is completely absorbed and processed by the body.

Young month - cleansing

During this period, your body is more weakened and vulnerable than on other days. And right now he is launching his natural mechanism for self-purification. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, on this day it is easy to give up starchy foods and sweets. Use this phase of the moon to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.

  • How to eat:
  1. Eat uncooked food whenever possible. It is best if it is vegetable or fruit salads. Give up the usual and obligatory food for you.
  2. Before eating, drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water or a cup of green tea. This contributes to the beginning of the cleansing processes in the body.
  3. Drink more. In general, you should drink at least 3 liters of fluid. It should be freshly squeezed juices or herbal teas. Juices from cabbage, carrots, beets, cherries, raspberries, apples will purify the blood and strengthen the immune system. You can mix them in whatever proportions you like best.

Growing month - weight control

In the period after the young month, nature and all living things are gaining strength. Likewise, your body. After exhaustion - a period of activity - the phase of replenishment of forces follows. Your body begins to look for ways to stock up on energy for the next grueling period - it begins to store fat reserves. That is why during this period, dieting does not make much sense, even if you peck like sparrows, you still won’t be able to lose weight. But during this period, you need to control your weight.

  • How to eat:
  1. Reduce the portion size. Eat less, but more often. So you will be able to deceive hunger, food will be absorbed faster and better, which means that you are not afraid of extra pounds.
  2. Skip the supplement. If you really want to eat a little more, keep yourself busy with something. You look, and you will forget about the additive.
  3. Eat early. Do not skip meals, eat regularly, and you can avoid bouts of wild hunger.

Your zodiac sign

  • If the moon passes through fire signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - draws on warm dishes with a spicy taste. Your body needs protein, because recovery processes take place during this period. Replace animal protein with vegetable protein. Cook vegetable soups from beans, eat more red-colored vegetables.
  • If the moon is in the constellation of earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - you consume more salt than usual. And, as you know, salt retains water in the body, which contributes to weight gain and stimulates appetite. On such days, it is better to exclude excessively salty foods from the diet. Replace salt with herbs - dill, parsley, basil.
  • If the moon is in the constellation of air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - it pulls on very fatty and high-calorie dishes. Eat more salads with fresh vegetables dressed olive oil. This is the same fat, but useful. In addition, you will add only a few drops of oil to the salad, which will not appear on your figure in any way.
  • If the moon is in the constellation of one of the signs of the water element - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - you want something starchy - it draws on carbohydrate food. Cookies, pasta, sweets - it's delicious, but bad for the figure. Moreover, by absorbing them in large numbers, you run the risk of falling into dependence on them, because carbohydrates cheer you up. Eat whole grain bread, oatmeal cookies, durum wheat pasta. Include in the diet and protein (for example, fish), which contributes to the faster burning of carbohydrates in the body.

Photo in text: Shutterstock, Pixabay

We lose weight without harm to health, taking into account the lunar cycles. Moon phase calendar for 2019.

Since ancient times, people have noted the influence of lunar cycles on the human body. Today it has been scientifically proven: the Moon really affects our body, our physical and emotional state.

IMPORTANT: The body's need for certain nutrients also depends on the lunar phase. Thanks to this, it is possible to “adjust” your diet to the lunar calendar in such a way as to dispose the body to burn calories quickly.

This technique is called the Lunar Diet.

Lunar calendar for weight loss

All physiological processes occurring in the human body have certain features that regularly change depending on the current lunar phase.

The essence of the Lunar diet is just to optimally calculate your diet and physical activity in accordance with the four phases of the moon:

Full Moon Weight Loss Diet: Rules

This period is characterized by heavy digestion of any food. During this period, the body is filled with the largest amount of fluid, organs with blood, and therefore a salt-free low-calorie carbohydrate diet is recommended, a fasting day is better.
Strictly prohibited: smoked products, meat and pickles, pickled foods, sweets, flour and alcohol.
Allowed: cereals from whole grains (for example, buckwheat, rice or pearl barley), light vegetable dishes, greens, any dairy products, green or herbal teas (melissa and mint are especially recommended) without sugar. At the same time, the total calorie content of the meals eaten should be 400-500 kcal “not up to” your usual daily intake. It is allowed to starve on this day.

On this day, men feel especially bad. Advice to men: refrain from meat on this day, eat greens (parsley, dill, cilantro). You can fast on this day.

On the full moon, you should not take medicines, because the effect of side effects increases.

Weight loss diet on a waning ("aging") Moon: rules

On the waning moon, excess fluid leaves the body, removing all toxins from the body, fats are split, appetite decreases, the body does not retain anything that is not needed.
A person feels a breakdown, so reduce physical activity to a moderate level. Although in the last 3 days of the waning moon, we recommend that you shake the press. The effect will be 10 times.
In nutrition, focus on cleansing, drink a lot pure water. It is useful to consume laxatives, make cleansing enemas, take a steam bath, take fiber.
Strictly prohibited: alcohol and any "fast carbohydrates" (especially sweets).
Allowed: without exception, all dishes that fit into the concept of " healthy eating ". Make sure that your diet is balanced, and the total calorie content of foods eaten per day does not exceed 1200 kcal. During this period, it is easy to control calories. You can allow during this period to eat a little something fatty. Fats will not accumulate.

New Moon Weight Loss Diet: Rules

This period is extremely unfavorable for active physical activity. The person is depressed, there is no appetite, there is a minimum amount of fluid in the body.
A protein diet and plenty of fluids are recommended (at least 2 liters of plain non-mineral water). It is useful to fast on this day, to make a fasting day, to starve. This will pass easily, because there will not be much appetite.
Strictly prohibited: any foods high in carbohydrates (sweets, alcohol, starchy foods).
Allowed: all types of meat and seafood, cottage cheese, cheeses, eggs (in other words, any food with a high protein content) and vegetables - steamed or in the form of salads.

Weight Loss Diet on the Growing Moon: Rules

This period, characterized by an unprecedented surge of energy, is ideal for starting a diet or active sports. Recommended fractional meals (5-6 times a day) and plenty of fluids (at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water daily).

During this period, you can feel a significant increase in appetite, which, if you approach the diet incorrectly, threatens to overeat. It is recommended to cut your daily diet to 1000-1200 kcal and strictly control carbohydrates.
Strictly prohibited: alcohol, pickles, sweets, flour, "heavy" and fatty foods.
Allowed: any fruits and vegetables (raw, in salads or steamed), a small amount of low-calorie protein foods without salt, eating fiber.

During this period, the body is saturated with liquid and absorbs nutrients, vitamins, and microelements well. Therefore, try to eat only healthy, otherwise all the harmful things that you have eaten will accumulate as toxins, toxins and excess fat.

Important: the last day of each final phase of the lunar cycle is recommended to be unloading. During this period, refrain from any solid food and drink more pure water without gas (ideally - 2.5-3 liters). Green and herbal teas and light vegetable broths are also allowed.

Lunar calendar for the lunar diet for 2019: photo

The lunar diet is very sparing and, thanks to this, extremely easy to follow. The only difficulty is that for successful weight loss you will have to focus on a special lunar calendar, which is very different from what we are used to. Each month in such a calendar clearly corresponds to the lunar cycle and lasts exactly 28 days. Lunar calendar 2019 will help you correctly calculate your diet in accordance with the phases of the moon this year:

Lunar diet: menu for every day

There is a stricter version of the Lunar Diet, designed for those who want to quickly lose weight, but can hardly withstand long-term food restrictions. Weight loss on a strict Lunar Mono diet is about 3-6 kg.
Begin a six-day Lunar diet on the growing moon 3 days before the onset of the full moon. Four meals a day are recommended.
Here sample menu for these days:

  • The first day. Any raw or steamed vegetables (with the exception of "heavy" ones, such as potatoes).
  • Second day. Fresh pineapples (never replace with canned ones!).
  • Day three. Any boiled mushrooms.
  • Day four(falls on the full moon), “drinkable”. Freshly squeezed juices (not nectars!) of any fruits and vegetables, ordinary (not mineral) water, green tea without sugar are allowed.
  • Day five. Pineapples (similar to the second day).
  • Day six. Mushrooms (similar to the third day).

IMPORTANT: It should be borne in mind that the diet proposed in this version of the diet is far from balanced. It is strictly contraindicated for people with metabolic diseases and disturbed blood sugar levels!

Therefore, before starting the six-day Lunar diet, be sure to consult your doctor and follow his instructions. Ideally, “play it safe” and together choose the right course of vitamins and minerals to support the body in the process of following a strict diet.

The Strict Lunar Diet is good not only for its effectiveness, but also for its beneficial effects on health in general. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and normalize water-salt metabolism. Therefore, for those who do not plan to lose weight, but only want to “cleanse” their body and improve their well-being, it is recommended to repeat the unloading “drinking” day of the diet every full moon and new moon and follow the recommendations in the diet rules for the phases of the moon described above.

Mode and approximate menu of the lunar diet for every day:

8-00 - first breakfast
Green tea with honey
10-00 - second breakfast
2 eggs or 1 egg and 100g lean fish
14-00 - lunch
200 gr chicken breast or turkeys
16-00 - afternoon snack
1 cup low-fat kefir
18-00 dinner
1 apple or orange
1 glass of any juice
1 glass of ayran

Lunar diet: reviews

The classic Lunar diet does not imply a strict adherence to a specific menu for every day, so it is well suited for beginners who are just starting to lose weight and are not ready to radically change their eating habits. This fact is mainly due to the large number of positive feedback about this food system.

Supporters of more intensive weight loss, as a rule, consider this diet to be ineffective (the total weight loss for a full lunar cycle of 28 days usually does not exceed 8 kg).

The video below will help you compare all the pros and cons of the Lunar Diet and decide whether the lunar cycle nutrition system is right for you.