What can be baked diet. The best diets for fast weight loss at home

  • 01.12.2020

In anticipation of summer, many people want to lose weight in order to look beautiful and attractive on the beach. Some begin to diligently attend various kinds of workouts, others review their diet, and still others are looking for a suitable diet - so that it works effectively, but is also too heavy. For such persons, one of the easy diets is suitable.

What is a light diet

So what is an "easy" diet? This is usually the name of the technique for losing weight, which is based on the principles of adherence to the diet and the amount of food consumed. Such a diet does not foresee starvation and does not contain particularly strict food prohibitions, but despite this, it helps to lose weight.

Rations of light diets are presented in the form of a complex of products, which is dominated by the content of fruits and fresh vegetables. They give a person a feeling of saturation with the smallest content of kcal.

But light diets do not limit the range of human food, you can eat everything the same as before, but in smaller quantities. There are foods that nutritionists do not recommend eating during this diet, more on that later.

Quick weight loss rules

So, as mentioned earlier, the main rule for fast weight loss with a light diet is to reduce portions of food. Try to eat products of natural origin, containing a minimum of preservatives.
Strictly follow the diet. Make a schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And eat according to a set schedule.

Thus, the body will adapt better to absorb and process food, because it will know at what time it will need to process food.

The next rule is to refuse or reduce to a minimum the salt content in food. Salt, of course, gives taste to food, but it retains fluid in the body and contributes to its even greater accumulation. Therefore, eating salt, losing weight will be very problematic.

It can be easily replaced with other natural ingredients, such as: bay leaf (when cooked), onion, garlic, other herbal spices (only natural).

Each individual light diet may have a different menu, but they all have one thing in common - eating in small quantities. Even if you eat a little more often than usual, the main thing to remember is that each serving should not exceed 200 grams.

What foods are prohibited during the diet

As mentioned above, you can eat everything, but in smaller portions. The word "everything" should not be taken literally as "anything". There are products that dieticians strongly do not recommend for people who are overweight or on a diet.

Deny yourself the use of pickles and salty foods. Retaining water, salt causes not only an additional load on the human heart, but also provokes the deposition of fat cells.

Keep your sugar intake to a minimum. Sugar is actually very bad. Sugar-containing products (cakes, cakes, sweets, etc.) are absorbed very quickly inside the body and fatty tissues and deposits are formed from them. It also contributes to the growth of cholesterol in the blood and negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas.

Another component that is banned is starch. Try to avoid foods containing starch. Such food products include: potatoes, bread (from the highest grades of flour) and others.

Types of light diets

The variety of light diets is very large. Everyone who wants to go on a light diet should choose the most suitable diet for themselves. You need to focus on the general condition of your body, on diseases and their predisposition, on allergies to certain components of the diet.

Vegetarian diet

The basis of a vegetarian diet is food of non-animal origin. These are mainly vegetables, cereals and fruits. Such food is less caloric than meat products, and does not contain fat.

To give a small example, 100 grams of chicken has 250 calories and 29 grams of fat, while 100 grams of boiled beans has 150 calories and 2 grams of fat.
Vegetarian diet lasts for one month. Below are the menu options for the diet.

Option one.

  • Morning: brew Hercules oatmeal, drink green tea.
  • Lunch: prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, salad can be eaten with bran bread.
  • Dinner: eat a pear or an apple, drink juice after 30 minutes.

Second option.

  • Morning: bun with tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable cutlet, boiled rice, tangerine.
  • Dinner: two medium bananas.

Option number three.

  • Morning: make bread in the toaster, coffee/tea.
  • Lunch: vinaigrette, buckwheat porridge, salad.
  • Dinner: fruit and juice.

Options can be alternated, supplemented with your favorite vegetables and fruits. If possible, use less flour.

Diet on fruits and vegetables

A diet based on vegetables and fruits is also called a raw food diet. This method of nutrition involves the use of fruits and vegetables in food only in raw form. It is in this form that they have the most vitamins and useful elements.

These diet components do not have any fat value, so losing weight with them is very easy and fast. On average, a person loses one kilogram per day. Such a diet has a huge number of positive aspects. One of them is the taste of the products used.

All people just love vegetables and fruits. Now you can enjoy them! They contain all the vitamins and minerals our body needs. Therefore, if after such a diet you notice that your skin has rejuvenated, your hair has become strong and shiny, your nails are elastic and healthy - do not be surprised.

The basic principle of a diet based on vegetables and fruits is to eat as much as you want and do not count calories! In order to make up for the daily dose of calories, you will need to eat not one or two kilograms of vegetables and fruits. After all, they have practically no calories, with rare exceptions - mango is a fairly high-calorie fruit.

You do not need to stand at the stove all day to cook your own diet meals. And then the rest of the free time to wash dirty dishes. All you need to wash is fruits or vegetables. Remember to drink enough water these days. A person is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

Buckwheat diet

This diet is especially easy compared to other types of diets. After all, buckwheat perfectly saturates our body, gives a feeling of satiety after eating it. But, nevertheless, with its help you can lose up to ten extra pounds a week.

In addition to the nutritional properties of buckwheat, it also has a cleansing effect on the body, so being on a buckwheat diet, you can also get rid of dermatological problems of the body.

Cooking buckwheat porridge is very simple, for this you need to pour a glass of buckwheat with water overnight. In the morning, put the vessel on the fire, pouring fresh water. Buckwheat will cook very quickly. Excess water after cooking should be drained into the sink.

You need to eat porridge without spices and salt, while you can drink low-fat kefir. There are no restrictions on the amount of porridge eaten per day, but limit yourself to kefir at 1 liter per day.

Also remember to drink more water. Do not eat porridge at night, it is better to prepare yourself a glass of kefir and drink it before going to bed. Such a diet lasts one week, and you can repeat it no earlier than a month later.

The easiest and most effective diet

The easiest diet in terms of transition and saturation is buckwheat. After all, buckwheat is a very valuable and satisfying product that has many useful trace elements and vitamins, as well as fiber.

Green buckwheat is even more useful. It can be easily prepared: just pour water over night and it will soften. So absolutely all useful properties remain in it, because there is no heat treatment.

Combining this valuable product with kefir, you get a hearty breakfast, and adding it to a diet soup - a full meal. It is the buckwheat nutrition system that will help you lose 5 or more kilograms in a week, which is a very good result for girls who want to lose weight. This diet is easy and effective, because with it you can lose 3 kilograms per week.

easy diet for a week

A simple diet for 7 days includes all known low-calorie foods full of vitamins and beneficial trace elements.


    • Breakfast: low-fat kefir 1 cup, a few dietary breads and 1-2 boiled eggs.

  • Lunch: vegetable salad: cabbage, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper and boiled chicken or fish, a few slices of rye bread.
  • Snack: peach, nectarine or a handful of dried fruit to choose from.
  • Dinner: a glass of fat-free yogurt and an orange or apple.
  • Breakfast: a plate of oatmeal cooked in water with nuts and dried fruits.
  • Lunch: light soup made from carrots, potatoes, onions and cabbage, boiled in water. Fat-free cheese salad, cabbage and 1 boiled egg.
  • Snack: an apple and a handful of peanuts with walnuts.
  • Dinner: a glass of milk or yogurt, diet bread or a few oatmeal cookies.
  • Breakfast: 150 grams of boiled fish or chicken, a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: Chinese cabbage, cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oil, bran bun.
  • Snack: 1 grapefruit or apple.
  • Dinner: Buckwheat, filled with kefir without salt and sugar.

  • Morning: a cup of low-fat milk or yogurt.
  • For lunch: a salad of fresh vegetables and two potatoes baked in their skins.
  • Snack: one apple.
  • We have dinner: some fruit and a glass of 1% kefir.
  • Breakfast: fruit salad of pineapple, grapefruit, orange and apple, filled with low-fat yogurt, 2 bran cookies or diet bread.
  • Lunch: Boiled fish and buckwheat porridge without oil, you can eat a piece of rye or bran bread.
  • Snack: tender salad of carrots and cabbage
  • Dinner: a glass of skimmed milk and a handful of dried apricots with prunes and raisins.
  • Breakfast: kefir with 2 tablespoons of bran.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth soup with vegetables and buckwheat, bran and rye flour bun.
  • Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice and 100 grams of nuts.
  • Dinner: Buckwheat without oil and cucumber or tomato.


  • Breakfast: apple or tomato juice, banana.
  • Lunch: Okroshka on fat-free kefir or whey.
  • Snack: two boiled eggs without salt and mayonnaise.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled chicken fillet and cucumber, tomato and cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Pros and cons of a light diet

A light diet is perfect for girls who have long dreamed of losing weight, but did not dare, as well as for those people who work in difficult jobs and cannot afford a too strict diet due to lack of energy.

Benefits of a light diet:

  • Feeling of satiety and calmness.
  • A balanced diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • The ability to often follow this kind of diet.
  • Chance to lose up to 3 kilograms in a week without much effort.

Disadvantages of the diet:

The only disadvantage of the diet is not too fast weight loss results. But on the one hand, this can be considered a plus, because the lighter the diet, the more useful it is and the faster the body adapts. In addition, after this kind of nutrition system, there is very little chance of regaining kilograms.

You can create a low-calorie menu in a variety of ways. Perfect for a diet are dishes baked in the oven, stewed in a slow cooker, steamed, fried in a dry frying pan without oil. The main secret of preparing dietary dishes for weight loss is not only in controlling the fat content of foods, but also in the proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

A well-designed menu will help you stay in shape!

When compiling a daily menu, for those who are on a diet, it is best to pay attention to dishes baked in the oven or steamed. Both methods of heat treatment make it possible to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the products used and only insignificantly increase their calorie content.

Oven Recipes

Roasting in the oven is the perfect way to cook meat or vegetables so that they are tasty, aromatic, but not greasy. Cook in the oven using foil or a special baking bag to keep all the juices in the dish.

Stuffed zucchini - 70 kcal

In a full-fledged diet, meat must be present as a source of animal protein, iron, and potassium.

The recipe is simple, the dish is simple, but very tasty.

When choosing meat, give preference to one that has more protein but less fat. The ideal option is a turkey, it contains 22% protein.

You can also take lean beef, veal, rabbit or chicken breast. Cook meat with various vegetables. For example, with zucchini.

For meat-stuffed zucchini, prepare in advance:

  • 500 grams of young zucchini;
  • 250 grams of lean beef;
  • 200 grams of tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of salad pepper;
  • 75 grams of onion;
  • 75 grams of carrots;
  • dill;
  • clove of garlic.

First, prepare the minced meat. Scroll meat, carrots, onions, tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and stir. Wash the zucchini and cut lengthwise, remove the seeds with a spoon. Put the minced meat in the resulting "boats" and send the zucchini to the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Lasagna with zucchini - 53 Kcal

Another secret that will help you prepare delicious diet meals for weight loss is the usual recipes loved by everyone, in which high-calorie ingredients can be replaced with more dietary counterparts. For example, make lasagne with zucchini as pasta sheets.

Very tender and tasty lasagna.

For this lasagna, take:

  • a couple of zucchini;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 100 grams of Mozzarella;
  • 40 grams of Parmesan;
  • a few basil leaves

Prepare Lasagna Light like this:

  1. Cut the zucchini with a vegetable peeler into thin long strips. Rinse them in salted water and pat dry on paper towels.
  2. Finely chop the basil, mix with cottage cheese and a raw egg.
  3. Grease a small baking dish with olive oil and lay out the first layer of zucchini leaves. Spread a little curd filling on top of them, pour over it with a small amount of sauce and place pieces of Mozzarella.
  4. Make 3 or 4 more such layers (as long as the products last). At the end, sprinkle the lasagna with Parmesan, grated on a fine grater, and bake the dish for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Diet dishes in a slow cooker

A faithful assistant to modern busy housewives is a slow cooker. You can cook a wide variety of dishes in it, including dietary ones.

Squids in sour cream - 87 kcal

Seafood is ideal for a diet table, as it has practically no calories, but it is very tasty and healthy.

Squids in sour cream will be a delicious snack that will brighten up any dining table.

Squid is a great way to add protein to your diet.


  • half a kilo of squid;
  • bulb;
  • 50 grams of dill;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable vegetable oil;
  • 75 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt.

Prepare like this:

  1. Clean the squid, cut into strips. Chop the onion and dill.
  2. Set the “Stew” mode in the multicooker and sweat the onion in vegetable oil until transparent.
  3. Next, put the squid on the onion and cook the food together for another 5 minutes. You don’t need to simmer them for too long, otherwise the seafood will become “rubber”.
  4. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add sour cream to the bowl, salt its contents and sprinkle with dill. Mix everything and hold it under a closed lid for a couple of minutes.

Serve the squid with poached rice or couscous.

Lazy cabbage rolls - 112 kcal

You can cook ordinary cabbage rolls, but without adding sour cream and using lean meat. And it will be quite a dietary dish. However, we will prepare quick cabbage rolls with chicken.

Lazy cabbage rolls are much easier to cook than classic ones.

For them take:

  • 300 grams of cabbage;
  • half an onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 50 grams of rice;
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt;
  • 100 grams of minced chicken breast;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.

The cooking algorithm is almost primitive:

  1. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it up and put vegetables and minced meat into it. Stew them for 15 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
  3. Add chopped cabbage, washed rice, spices and yogurt, fill everything with water so that it covers the food.
  4. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 40 minutes.

Simple recipes on the stove

Be sure to include soups in your daily diet. Both traditional and puree soups. These dietary dishes are very tasty and, moreover, hearty and healthy for the digestive system.

To keep soups low in calories, don't cook in oil, don't cook thick and fatty meat broth, and don't put a lot of potatoes or beans.

Pumpkin puree soup - 65 Kcal

Pumpkin puree soup is a healthy, vitamin-rich dish.


  • 200 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 grams of cauliflower;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • salt, paprika, turmeric, Italian herbs.

Cooking like this:

  1. Throw pumpkin cubes and cabbage florets into boiling water. Boil the vegetables for 10 minutes, then chop them with a blender.
  2. Dilute the puree with vegetable broth to the desired consistency, salt and season with spices.
  3. Add the cream to the soup, return it to the stove and heat it up a little. At the end, you can add a pinch of grated cheese, but remember that cheese is a high-calorie product and will increase the number of kilocalories in each serving.

In addition to soups on the stove, you can cook any hot dishes for weight loss by stewing in a saucepan or quick frying in a wok. Such heat treatment avoids a large amount of fat in dishes.

Stewed fish - 110 kcal

The calorie content of the dish will depend on the selected fish. Take, for example, red. One steak is enough for one serving. You will also need half an onion, cut into rings, one tomato, a little olive oil and lemon juice, salt, white pepper.

Fish cooked according to this recipe always turns out appetizing and juicy.
  1. Pour the fish fillet with oil, lemon juice and season with spices. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes, or better, an hour.
  2. Send a little oil to a saucepan and place onion rings tightly in it.
  3. Spread tomato slices on top of the onion and cover the saucepan with a lid.
  4. Let the vegetables simmer for 5 minutes, and then place the fish on top. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer all the ingredients for another 15 minutes.

Diet dishes for weight loss for breakfast

The breakfast of any person who wants to eat right should be complete, correct, plentiful enough, but balanced.

Ideal for breakfast cereals, as they are rich in fiber, or eggs, as a source of protein.

Wheat-pumpkin porridge - 104 Kcal

Great option for morning breakfast!

Ingredients for three servings:

  • 375 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 100 grams of millet;
  • 35 grams of butter;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • glass of water.

When everything is ready, let's start:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes and chop with a blender until smooth. In a ladle or in a multicooker bowl, it should be fried in butter. You can immediately put half the sugar in the pumpkin mass so that it caramelizes.
  2. Then pour the washed millet into the bowl, pour in milk, water, put salt and the remaining sugar. Mix the ingredients and set to cook, setting the timer for 50 minutes. After that, let the porridge stand for another half hour on heating.

If the sugar in a recipe bothers you, then replace it with a sweetener based on stevia or another sweetener. You can also take cane sugar.

Stuffed omelet - 47 kcal

This hearty breakfast will energize you for the whole day.

To diversify egg dishes, prepare an unusual and tasty omelette from:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 300 grams of salad pepper;
  • green basil and parsley.

Heat the butter in a frying pan and lightly sweat the diced peppers in it. Mix eggs with milk and salt in a cup and pour over pepper. Chop the greens and put in the middle of the omelet. Raise the edge with a spatula and wrap it towards the center. Then do the same with the second edge and carefully turn the omelette over with the seam down. Fry for another minute.

Recipes for lunch for weight loss

At lunch, try to diversify your menu to the maximum. Cook fish, meat, poultry, offal. Don't forget vegetables, grains and legumes. Use root vegetables as well, but not just potatoes, although steamed or baked potatoes right in their skins are a great option for a diet lunch.

Complement your meals with fresh salads, but do not take mayonnaise or fatty sour cream as a dressing. Use good quality olive or flaxseed oil, Greek yogurt, unsalted soy sauce, lemon juice, rice vinegar.

Steam chicken cutlets - 145 Kcal

Steamed chicken cutlets are a great diet option.
  • 1 kilogram of minced chicken breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 celery;
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of white yogurt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • spices for chicken, salt.

On the smallest grater, grate the onion, celery and cheese. Mix everything with minced meat, salt, season. Add eggs and form into small patties. Cook them in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Serve with steamed rice or vegetable salad.

Okroshka - 200 kcal

This traditional summer dish is a great option for a diet menu, and not only in the warm season. If you don’t like the sharp taste of kvass, make okroshka with mineral water, kefir, whey or ayran – it’s both tastier and healthier. Also, do not put sausage in okroshka, but replace it with boiled meat or tongue. Or even cook a vegetable version of this cold soup by swapping heavy sour cream for Greek yogurt.

Okroshka is a breath of fresh air.

For dietary okroshka, take:

  • 2 liters of fat-free kefir;
  • 2 boiled chicken breasts;
  • greenery;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt.

Cut all the ingredients into cubes, salt and pour kefir. Serve with a spoonful of chopped greens.

Also a great option is okroshka in Turkish. For her, grate the cucumber, mix with chopped mint, basil, squeezed garlic and herbs.

What to cook for dinner for weight loss

In a properly designed menu for weight loss, dinner should always be light. Vegetables, kefir, low-fat fish are the best ingredients for organizing an evening meal.

Hummus - 166 kcal

If you've never tried hummus, fix it now. This is not too high-calorie, but very tasty and healthy snack option, which can be an alternative to a salad or even completely replace dinner.

The hummus recipe will delight lovers of the exotic and vegetarians.

For hummus, take:

  • dry chickpeas 300 grams;
  • 100 grams of sesame;
  • half tsp zira;
  • lemon juice - 5 tablespoons;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Prepare your meal like this:

  1. Rinse the chickpeas and soak in water for 12 hours. Drain the water, fill it with fresh water and cook for 2 hours.
  2. In a dry frying pan, roast the cumin grains and grind them in a coffee grinder.
  3. In the same pan you need to fry the sesame seeds and chop them in the same way.
  4. In a blender, mix sesame powder, garlic, salt and olive oil until smooth. Add chickpeas and grind again.
  5. By adding a decoction of chickpeas to the blender bowl, you can adjust the density of hummus. Also, in the process of grinding the ingredients, lemon juice and oil should be introduced.

Serve ready-made chickpeas with vegetables, cut into strips, or diet bread.

Ratatouille - 90 kcal

Ratatouille is a classic of the world vegetarian menu.

For vegetable stew baked in the oven, take:

  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • a head of garlic;
  • sprig of rosemary.

Cut all vegetables except tomatoes into slices. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil and place the vegetable washers one after the other. Peel and chop the tomatoes, add salt, pepper, garlic and pour over the vegetables with this mass. Pour a little water on top, put a sprig of rosemary and bake the dish in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Lenten diet meals for those who are losing weight

Fasting is a time when not so much the body is cleansed as the soul. But nevertheless, this is a great time for losing weight, since the diet during this period mostly consists of vegetable and low-fat dishes.

Onion soup - 32 kcal

Onion soup for the French is like borscht for us.

For a variation of the French soup, take:

  • 3 onions;
  • half a head of cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomato;
  • spices and herbs to taste.

Cut all the vegetables very finely and put to boil in water. After 10 minutes of active boiling, reduce the heat, cover the soup with a lid and simmer it for about half an hour. You can serve the soup with melted cheese dissolved in it.

Vegetable spring rolls - 172 kcal

This is a classic variation of traditional spring rolls, only without deep frying.

Oriental culinary specialists have a signature dish - spring rolls.

For them take:

  • 8 sheets of rice paper;
  • 50 grams of funchose;
  • half a carrot;
  • half a cucumber;
  • 4 lettuce leaves;
  • greenery;
  • Sesame oil.

Cut the vegetables into strips, boil the funchose with boiling water, moisten the sheets of rice paper with water and put on a towel to remove excess moisture. Mix the noodles with vegetables and oil, salt a little and put on a piece of paper. Roll up the rolls and serve with soy sauce.

Diet Options for Children

A dietary menu can also be very useful for children, as the problem of childhood obesity is very acute today. And in principle, light, not too high-calorie dishes are more useful for a growing body.

However, it is worth remembering that diet menu options for adults are not suitable for children. They need more calories to grow and develop.

Meat soufflé - 196 Kcal

Delicate and very tasty delicacy.
  • boiled beef - 500 grams;
  • low-fat cream - 300 grams;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt pepper.

Boiled beef must be chopped in a blender, mixed with eggs, cream and spices. Put the resulting mass in a baking dish and put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until done.

  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 grams of minced chicken;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • dill;
  • salt pepper;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • Peas must first be soaked for 2 hours in cold water. Then put it in a saucepan, pour two liters of fresh cold water and cook until half cooked.

    1. Grate carrots. Cut the onion. Fry vegetables in butter.
    2. Boil rice separately, also until half cooked and mix with minced meat. Salt and pepper, form meatballs.
    3. Put them together with onions and carrots in a pan with peas and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end, salt, pepper and serve with chopped dill.

    low calorie salads

    To make boring diet meals more interesting, add spices to them. Their varied flavors will make the food bright and interesting. In addition, spicy spices improve digestion and in themselves speed up metabolism.

    So, a spicy dressing will become an excellent decoration for any, even a standard salad.

    Spicy salad with vegetables and rice - 190 kcal

    It's simple, short and affordable.
    • 200 grams of rice;
    • 100 grams of tomatoes;
    • 90 grams of olives;
    • 50 grams of carrots, bell peppers, canned peas;
    • 15 grams of chili pepper;
    • spices, herbs, olive oil.

    Boil rice, preferably steamed. Finely chop all vegetables. Mix everything well and serve as a side dish or an independent dish.

    Vegetable salad with eggs - 75 kcal

    The basis of most dietary salads is hard-boiled chicken eggs.
    • 400 grams of broccoli;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 100 grams of tomatoes;
    • a couple of cloves of garlic;
    • for dressing olive oil, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar;
    • greenery;
    • salt, spices.

    Boil the cabbage in salted water for 5 minutes, hard boil the eggs. Cut eggs and tomatoes into slices and combine in a bowl with cabbage. Mix dressing ingredients and pour over salad. Season it with salt and spices.

    Dietary dishes from cottage cheese

    Cottage cheese, especially fat-free, is an indispensable attribute of any diet menu. It is rich in protein, calcium, and can be eaten plain with Greek yogurt or fruit, or as a filling for desserts and pastries. You can also prepare dietary dishes from cottage cheese, adding herbs, garlic and cheese to it. Spread bread with such cottage cheese and you will get the perfect breakfast.

    Stuffed apples with cottage cheese and raisins - 85 kcal

    A very tasty treat for the whole family.
    • 1 kilogram of apples;
    • 500 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • sugar to taste.

    To prepare such a dessert, follow this algorithm:

    1. Cut off the top of the apples, remove the partitions and seeds. Remove some of the pulp from the center with a spoon.
    2. Cottage cheese should be rubbed with a blender or through a sieve, mixed with raisins, eggs and sugar. You can also rub the middle of the apple here so as not to throw it away.
    3. Put the resulting mass in the center of the apples and bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Cottage cheese casserole - 95 Kcal

    A great option for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner.
    • one percent cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • bran spoon;
    • a spoonful of fat-free unsweetened yogurt;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 apple;
    • vanillin, cinnamon, sugar to taste.

    Even a child can cook this dish. Mash the cottage cheese, mix with the rest of the ingredients, put in a baking dish and put in the oven (160 degrees) for 45 minutes.

    In addition to properly prepared low-calorie foods, there are a number of other recommendations that need to be followed for a complete diet. The main ones are not to eat much and better more often, but in small portions. It is also very important to drink enough fluids - pure water, green tea with mint or a drop of honey. It is then that you will achieve that expected ease that all nutritionists endlessly talk about.

    Most of those who, as a result of hard work, have achieved success in losing weight and returned attractiveness and harmony to their figure, think about the question of how to maintain the achieved result. It's no secret that healthy and dietary nutrition is the best way to keep weight off.

    Today our attention will be focused on low-calorie recipes for every day. You can make sure that you can stay in shape without even denying yourself the pleasure of a delicious meal. You can be sure that diet meals will appeal to your entire family. A variety of recipes allows you not to waste time on competent menu preparation. Preparing most dishes will not take much time and will not require you to have any special skills. The main thing - always remember that healthy and properly cooked food is the key not only to harmony, but also to health.

    Recipes for every day: for breakfast

    The key is usually a healthy breakfast. According to experts, morning meals should include slow carbohydrates. They provide the human body with energy for a long time.

    Oatmeal for the Perfect Morning

    To prepare this most valuable dish, we need:

    • oatmeal - 50 g;
    • milk - 2/3 cup;
    • water - 2/3 cup;
    • low-fat yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
    • honey - 1 one tablespoon;
    • salt.

    First you need to mix water and milk. This should be done in a saucepan. Then add a small pinch of salt and bring the Porridge to a boil and leave to simmer for 10-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Please note that large and coarse flakes are cooked longer than small ones, but they are richer in fiber. Porridge is laid out on plates and served with honey and yogurt.

    Also, oatmeal goes well with bananas, any berries and apples. You can always add them to your meal if you like.

    Appetizing Greek omelette

    If you use our recipes for every day, diet food will quickly become an integral part of your life. Eating this affordable egg dish for breakfast will provide your body with not only slow carbohydrates and proteins, but also important vitamins and minerals. For cooking we need:

    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • small tomatoes dried in the sun - 2 pcs.;
    • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • feta cheese or cheese - 25 g;
    • a slice of grain bread.

    Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a skillet. Beat eggs in any container with a whisk. Cheese should be cut into cubes, tomatoes - into small pieces. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan, lifting the edges slightly. Fry the omelet until the middle is almost ready. Put cheese and tomatoes on half of the semi-finished dish. Cover the filling with the other half. Transfer the finished omelet to a plate. Serve with a slice of bread.

    All nutritionists unanimously argue that people who are prone to excess weight should not sit on. You just need to switch to diet food. Recipes for every day, proposed by us, will help you with this. Such food should become a way of life for a person. In this case, the figure will not suffer from constant fluctuations in weight, and the cardiovascular and digestive systems will also remain healthy. We continue to get acquainted with the low-calorie menu. It is noteworthy that it can be varied and very tasty.

    What to cook for lunch?

    Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

    To make lazy dumplings, we need the following ingredients:

    • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
    • one egg;
    • two tablespoons of flour;
    • low-calorie yogurt;
    • dill and parsley.

    Low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with the protein of one egg, flour and finely chopped dill and parsley. On a cutting board sprinkled with flour, lay out the resulting mass and roll out the flagella. Each of them should be about 2 cm in diameter. Cut the bundles into pieces 4 cm long. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Cook lazy dumplings for 5 minutes. Take them out after they float. The dish can be served with natural yoghurt.

    Light soup with rice and cauliflower

    Let's continue with the diet. Recipes for every day necessarily include the preparation of hot dishes. For this low calorie soup you will need:

    • cauliflower - 100 g of inflorescences;
    • white rice - one tablespoon;
    • potatoes - 2 pieces;
    • onions - ½ pieces;
    • carrot;
    • dill and parsley.

    Boil rice in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add diced potatoes, finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Now you should add small cauliflower inflorescences to the soup. Then leave the dish to cook for another 5 minutes. It is recommended to serve the soup with finely chopped dill and parsley.

    Steamed fish cakes

    Recipes with photos can be found today in many culinary magazines, as well as on various portals. To prepare the following dish, you need the following products:

    • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
    • crushed crackers - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • milk or water - 125 ml;
    • onions - ½ pcs.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • nutmeg.

    Grind fish fillet and onion in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add milk or water, egg and chopped nutmeg to the mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Stir the mince thoroughly. Wet hands with cold water and form oblong patties. You can stew the dish in a double boiler or in a pan in a small amount of water. Cooking time - 15 minutes.

    We continue to consider popular dietary dishes. Recipes for every day with photos, suitable for a healthy lunch, will help hostesses replenish their cookbook.

    Oriental noodle snack

    To prepare this delicious appetizer, we need:

    • rice noodles - 200 g;
    • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
    • fish sauce - 1 tablespoon;
    • juice of one lime;
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
    • grapefruit - 2 pcs.;
    • cucumber - ½ pc.;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • green onion feathers - 3 pcs.;
    • shrimp - 400 g;
    • cilantro and mint greens - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    Boil the noodles in plenty of water for 7-10 minutes. Rinse it under running cold running water. Put the noodles on a plate. Add tomatoes, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice to it. Now it's time for the chili peppers. Cut off the stalk of the vegetable and clean it from the seeds. Cut the pepper into cubes and add to the mixture. Peel the grapefruit and add the pulp to the salad. Cut the carrots into strips, and green onion feathers into thin rings. At the end, add shrimp, finely chopped mint and cilantro to the appetizer. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and serve.

    Your family will love this appetizer and diversify your diet. Recipes for every day should not be too simple and boring.

    diet soup

    To cook a delicious soup, we need the following ingredients:

    • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
    • onions - 2 heads;
    • curry powder - 2 teaspoons;
    • apple - 1 pc.;
    • lime juice;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • a small ginger root;
    • sweet potatoes - 800 g;
    • vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
    • red lentils - 100 g;
    • milk - 300 ml;
    • coriander.

    Soup made from these products is used as a source of protein, fiber and antioxidants, even in a vegetarian diet. Let's continue to consider The best recipes will help diversify a boring menu.

    In the pre-boiled vegetable broth, add the diced sweet potatoes and lentils. We cook for about 20 minutes. Add chopped green apple. Pour milk into the broth. Bring the soup to a boil again. At this time, fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown. Add garlic to it. We rub the ginger root on a fine grater and add it to the soup along with the frying. At the very end, the juice of one lime is added to the dish. It is recommended to puree the soup with a hand blender. Serve with finely chopped coriander leaves.

    Diet dinner

    In order for dietary nutrition (we are now considering recipes for every day) to be correct, you should follow the recommendations of experts. Vegetables, lean poultry and fish are ideal for an excellent low-calorie dinner.

    Sea bass in the oven

    In order to surprise and delight your household during the evening meal, you should cook sea bass with fennel. This wonderful dish is rich in protein, vitamin C, iron.

    For cooking you will need:

    • sea ​​bass - about 300 g;
    • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • turmeric - half a teaspoon;
    • fennel - one head;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • olive oil;
    • coriander greens.

    The perch will be baked in the oven at 220°C. Chili peppers must be cut into small cubes. Mix it with cumin, fennel, turmeric and mustard. Grease a small piece of foil with olive oil. We spread 1/3 of the spice mixture on it. Rub the rest of the spices on the fish and put it on the foil. Place a sliced ​​lemon on top of the perch. Wrap the fish in foil and seal the edges. Put the workpiece on a baking sheet. The total baking time is 15 minutes. Serve the fish with coriander greens.

    As you can see, diet food for every day is not a problem. Cooking delicious dishes does not take much time, but very soon it will bear fruit.

    Dietary nutrition helps to lose extra pounds and get in shape. It does not have to be monotonous and insipid - you can cook delicious and quick diet meals, and enjoy them. You don’t need to eat only cottage cheese, low-fat kefir and vegetables, there are many other foods that help you lose weight, but at the same time add variety to your diet.

    Basic principles of nutrition

    In order to lose weight, you need to eat low-fat, low-carb foods. It can be fish, chicken, turkey, veal, eggs, vegetables (except potatoes), citrus fruits, apples, berries, low-fat dairy products. Such a menu will not get bored, it is less likely to “break loose” from it.

    An important aspect of dietary nutrition is fragmentation, that is, you need to eat often, but little by little. The ideal serving size is your palm. In this case, it will not be fast, but heaviness in the stomach will not appear either.

    At the same time, it is better to abandon carbohydrate side dishes, forget about fried potatoes (and boiled ones too), heavy cereals. It is better to eat steamed or baked in the oven, buckwheat, light casseroles.

    Important! Eat carbohydrates in the morning, and in the afternoon it is better to eat proteins - low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, mushrooms, vegetables.

    Cooking technologies

    Proper nutrition involves eating wholesome homemade food, but not everyone has enough time to spend several hours every day cooking. Quick diet recipes will help you eat right and not resort to fast food or unhealthy snacks. You can take such dishes with you to work, and the ingredients for them are almost always found in any refrigerator.

    Divide food into portioned containers for two to three days and label them, for example, "Monday, No. 1", "Monday, No. 2" and so on. So you will not get confused and you can just get portion No. 2 from the refrigerator in the afternoon, warm it up and eat it.

    Teriyaki chicken

    A photo of a dish prepared according to this simple diet recipe is presented below. One serving contains 200 calories, for 2 servings you will need:

    • 1 chicken breast;
    • 1 tablespoon soy sauce;
    • 1 tablespoon of honey;
    • 0.5 tbsp natural tomato paste;
    • 0.5 tsp sesame seeds.

    Step 1. Rinse the breast under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Separate the fillet from the bones and skin.

    Step 2 Put honey, tomato paste and soy sauce in a separate dish. Mix everything well, put in the microwave for a minute, so that the mass boils.

    Step 3 Dip the chicken fillet on all sides in a cup with the resulting sauce, put the meat on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    Step 4 Check the chicken after about half an hour. When done, take the meat out and sprinkle the sesame seeds on top. This simple dish can be eaten any time of the day.

    Chicken breast in kefir

    This dish is very quick to prepare, 100 grams contains only 85 calories, but it is better to marinate the chicken in advance.

    You will need:

    • 500 g chicken fillet;
    • 1 st. kefir with a fat content of 1%;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • salt and spices.

    Step 1. Rinse the fillet, divide into medium pieces.

    Step 2 Thinly cut the garlic across, put it on the meat, rub the pieces with spices and salt.

    Step 3 Pour everything with kefir, mix well, send to the refrigerator to marinate for an hour and a half.

    Step 4 Place the marinated meat in a small saucepan and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for about 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.

    Soup with celery

    Hot meals should be eaten even on a diet, they normalize metabolism and are quickly digested by the body.

    For a quick-cooking diet recipe you will need:

    • 250 g celery;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 3 medium tomatoes;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 200 g of white cabbage;
    • peppercorns;
    • salt and spices.

    Step 1. Peel the celery and cut into cubes, do the same with the onion. Grate the carrots, chop the cabbage, chop the tomatoes.

    Step 2 Pour the vegetables with cold water, put the bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, salt and cook for about 30 minutes until tender. Ready soup can be sprinkled with fresh herbs.


    When choosing cheese for this salad, see the calorie content on the package. The lower this figure, the better.


    • 1 pack of arugula and radicchio salad mix;
    • 1 tsp lemon juice;
    • 1 tsp French mustard with grains;
    • 50 g of Mozzarella cheese;
    • 1 tbsp olive oil;
    • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.

    Step 1. Wash the greens in water and dry with paper towels, tear large sheets into small pieces and arrange on a plate.

    Step 2 Cut the cheese into cubes and arrange on top of the greens.

    Step 3 In a separate bowl, mix the mustard, vinegar, lemon juice and oil, mix everything well and pour over the salad. Eat immediately.

    Greek omelette

    It is best eaten for breakfast, it will provide the body with slow carbohydrates and proteins, saturate it and allow you not to feel hungry for a long time.


    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 tsp olive oil;
    • cheese - 25 g.

    Step 1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, while whisking the eggs with a whisk or fork. Cut cheese and tomatoes into cubes.

    Step 2 Pour the eggs into the pan, slightly lifting the edges. Cook until the middle starts to brown.

    Step 3 Put cheese and tomatoes on half of the omelette, cover the filling on top with the other half. Bake until done.

    Important! If you need to lose weight faster, separate the whites from the yolks and take three eggs instead of two, but without the yolk.

    If you want to stick to a diet, include the following foods in your diet:

    1. Apples. They are full of vitamin C, dietary fiber and antioxidants, they allow you to not feel hungry for a long time.
    2. Asparagus. It is best to steam it. It is rich in minerals and vitamins and helps lower cholesterol levels.
    3. Broccoli. There are only 34 calories per 100 grams of this product. in this case, it reduces the risk of cancer.
    4. Chicken breast. It is best to buy it from farmers, in such products there are more healthy proteins and less chemical additives and fats.
    5. Eggs. They're high in protein, they're cheap, and they're easy to prepare.
    6. Fish. Don't fry it in oil. Cook in foil in the oven or steam.
    7. Ginger. Improves the taste of dishes, cleanses the blood and speeds up metabolism.
    8. Mushrooms. They have almost no fat and a lot of proteins.
    9. Nuts. They contain the right fats, useful substances, but you should not overdo it. It is better to eat about 30 g of nuts per day in the first half.
    10. Olive oil. The fats contained in it are suitable for weight loss. They regulate cholesterol levels and improve metabolism.
    11. Green salad. It stimulates digestion and contains very few calories.
    12. Tea. Better green.
    13. Tofu. It contains plant proteins that are very useful for women - they regulate the release of estrogen.

    1. To lose weight and improve your health, cook fast food for a couple of diets.
    2. If you cook, cook it for no longer than 20 minutes - this will preserve all the beneficial properties.
    3. Snack on fat-free cottage cheese. A sweetener and pieces of fruit will help make it tastier, for example, you can mix cottage cheese with grated apples and a sweetener and eat it as a dessert.
    4. Always carry a pack of cereal with you - you can have a snack with them if you really want to, this will save you from buying pies in the transition.
    5. Drink plenty of water - about 2 liters per day.
    6. Give up fatty meat, forget about pork, goose, beef broths. Give preference to turkey, rabbit, tender veal.
    7. Love . It contains very few calories, but it contains a lot of iodine and other useful substances. She can be snacked on.


    Diet food doesn't have to be boring. It does not require much effort and time. There are many quick and tasty diet recipes that allow you to whip up low-calorie meals. Products for weight loss are best used low-fat, low in carbohydrates, always fresh.

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    A light diet will be an ideal way to correct the figure in an easy way and without much suffering for the body and nervous system. The technique is simple, does not provide for any strict prohibitions, but also requires compliance with certain rules that will help achieve a good result and lose a few extra pounds.

    Diet requirements, its essence and rules

    Many people think that a diet is food restriction, constant hunger pangs and a certain psychological attitude, allowing you to endure the entire fasting period. But this is not at all the case, because you can make your figure beautiful and attractive simply by following the most popular light diet options. This technique will help you lose weight quickly, because the result can be enjoyed in a week.

    You can try a simple technique, lasting from up to 7 days. With good health, you can continue to diet for up to a month. It all depends on how much you need to lose weight and tighten the body.

    Many losing weight note that a light diet helps to get rid of 2 extra pounds, sometimes more. The effect will be most noticeable if you play sports.

    If losing weight decides on this diet to transform the body, you should know that the size of one serving of food should not exceed the capacity of the palm of your hand. Small meals are recommended. You need to eat often, but not enough. You should make a diet and stick to the diet, which will include breakfast, snacks, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Each meal should be with a time interval of 2-2.5 hours.

    • Limit your salt intake. If losing weight decided to go on a diet (for 3 days or a week), then it is best to completely abandon salt. And with a longer duration, it is imperative to salt the dishes, since a complete failure can lead to problems. But do not salt everything, it is better to add salt to foods that seem insipid and tasteless. Do not add salt to dishes at the time of their preparation, this should be done directly when the product is ready for consumption. Instead of salt, to improve the taste, it is recommended to use garlic and lemon juice, soy sauce also has a slightly salty taste, which can be added to dishes. If you neglect this rule and continue to consume salt, this will become an obstacle to removing excess fluid from the body, so the process of losing weight is unlikely to be started.
    • Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water daily. This rule is mandatory. And in the summer or when playing sports, it is desirable to increase the volume.
    • Keep grains in your diet. It is best to eat buckwheat, barley and oatmeal. And the rest of the cereals are recommended to be excluded for a while.
    • Do not consume sugary fruits and starchy vegetables. You need to give up potatoes, grapes, bananas and some desserts.
    • Refuse flour products. If this is very difficult to do, the technique allows the consumption of rye bread in a minimal amount.
    • Do not eat after 19:00. The last meal should not be later than 7 pm, even if the end is at 00-00.
    • Reduce the amount of eggs and dairy products. During the diet, the consumption of these products is allowed, but in minimal doses.
    • Refrain from harmful drinks and food. During the diet, it is worth abandoning the consumption of carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Don't indulge in fatty and sugary foods.
    • Leave the rest of the products. In general, the rest of the foods in the diet can be eaten, but it is recommended to choose healthy options as often as possible in order not only to reduce body weight, but also to have a positive effect on the body.
    • Proteins. It is known that protein foods are easily digested and quickly digested by the body, leaving a feeling of satiety, contributing to weight loss. Preference should be given to lean beef, fish, rabbit and poultry meat, seafood.
    • Fiber and vitamin C. These elements are found in vegetables and fruits - they help to properly absorb the nutrients found in proteins.
    • Bifidobacteria. They are found in kefir and natural yogurt. Contribute to the soft cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins, improve digestion, provide easy and effective weight loss.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the methodology

    The advantage is the fact that a light diet provides several options, so you can choose the most optimal one without limiting yourself, without suffering from hunger. In addition, psychological and physical discomfort will not be experienced, and therefore it will be easier to lose weight. Also, this technique allows you to supply the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients, which reduces the risk of any health problems.

    The disadvantage of the technique is that a light diet is not suitable for everyone, since it does not provide quick weight loss, and therefore it will not help to significantly modernize the figure.

    Diet menu

    There are several options for an easy diet, so you can choose the one that is more to your liking and allows you to lose weight for your pleasure. All diets have a certain duration, but with good health, the technique can be extended.

    Light diet: comfortable weight loss

    The options of dishes that should be consumed within 3 days are presented. This technique can be continued for a month.


    1 boiled quail egg, 100 g of spinach, 2 dried apricots, 200 ml of orange juice;

    150 g of oatmeal on water, 30 g of hard cheese with a minimum% fat content, 30 g of rye bread;

    100 g of boiled chicken breast, 100 g of ready-made buckwheat porridge, 150 ml of green tea.


    1 orange;

    1 apple;

    2 plums;

    half a banana and half a grapefruit.

    200 g of light vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled or baked chicken breast;

    150 g boiled or baked fish, 2 cucumbers;

    200 g of vegetable soup-puree from zucchini, carrots, celery; 150 g vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.

    afternoon tea

    200 ml of natural yogurt without additives;

    · 200 ml fat-free kefir and 20 g rye bread;

    · 150 g vegetable salad of carrots, white cabbage and herbs, seasoned with a drop of olive oil.

    100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 200 ml kefir;

    150 g of cottage cheese;

    100 g of baked fish, 100 g of stewed cabbage.

    Delicious easy diet

    Another effective diet for weight loss is a technique, the principles of which are the ability to have breakfast and lunch with familiar dishes, but in small quantities. A prerequisite is the rejection of high-calorie and fatty foods. Dinner should be exclusively fat-free kefir with bran.

    Many losing weight claim that, oddly enough, such a dinner turns out to be very satisfying, thanks to bran. Therefore, you won’t have to fall asleep with the pangs of hunger when the body gets used to such nutrition.

    Sample menu for each meal:

    • Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs; 1 sandwich from a slice of rye bread and low-calorie hard cheese; 200 ml tea without sugar.
    • Snack: 200 ml tea with 1 marshmallow or 50 g marshmallow/any fruit and 200 ml natural yoghurt.
    • Dinner: 150 g of rice porridge, 1 steam cutlet, 150 g of non-starchy vegetable salad / 150 g of buckwheat porridge, 50 g of boiled chicken fillet, 150 g of cucumber and tomato salad.
    • Afternoon snack: 200 g vegetable salad dressed with 1 tsp. olive oil / 200 g fruit.
    • Dinner: 200 ml fat-free kefir with 30 g bran.

    You can follow this diet for as long as you like until the desired result is obtained. To improve the effect, it is recommended to go in for sports: go to the gym, run in the morning, do exercises at home or walk more often.

    Refusal of harmful: an effective easy diet

    No less popular among easy methods is this diet, based on the rejection of harmful foods. You can adhere to this regime for any time, since it is absolutely harmless to the body. According to the requirements of the diet, it is ideal to eat 5 times a day, but not less than 3. You should refuse to consume fast food, sweets and starchy foods, carbonated drinks and sweet juices. You can replace sweets with a small amount of marshmallows or jelly, and preferably cottage cheese. You should also limit your intake of starchy vegetables.

    The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. It is very important to adhere to these recommendations and the process of losing weight will be, albeit insignificant, but smooth.

    Sample menu for 1 day:

    Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal boiled in low-fat milk with dried fruits; 200 ml tea without sugar.

    Snack: 2 marshmallows, 200 ml fat-free kefir.

    Dinner: 200 g of baked or boiled fish fillet, 150 g of vegetable salad, 200 ml of tea or 110 ml of coffee without sugar.

    Afternoon snack: 1 large apple or orange

    Dinner: 150 g of stewed cabbage and 50 g of baked fillet, 200 ml of tea without sugar.

    Weight loss and raw food

    No less easy diet is a technique designed for 7 days. Over the entire period, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds. The most optimal time of the year to follow the diet will be summer, but you can stick to it in another season. Diet requirements are based on the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. That is, under the ban food products that have been cooked.

    It is not recommended to drink hot liquids. Be sure to drink up to 2.5 liters of purified non-carbonated water during the day. So it will be possible to warn yourself against poor health and dehydration. If there are no health problems, it is allowed to extend the diet, but by adding up to 50 g of nuts to the daily menu.

    Sample menu for 1 day:

    Breakfast: 2 oranges or 150 g apple and citrus salad.

    Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce or white cabbage and carrots.

    Dinner: 200 g fruit salad from any fruit except banana and grapes.

    You can have a snack if you wish. Between main meals, you can consume 1 vegetable or fruit.


    Most diet options are suitable for almost all people. But the observance of the technique is prohibited for people who suffer from individual intolerance to any products included in the diet of a certain technique. It is also undesirable to adhere to a diet for people with exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

    A light diet will allow you to easily get rid of extra pounds, correct your figure and tighten your body. When combining the technique with sports, you can achieve good results and greater weight loss. The main thing is to follow all the requirements of the diet and then the process of weight loss will be launched.