How to arrange fasting days on kefir. Efficiency and rules for fasting days on kefir

  • 07.01.2021

Text: Olga Kim

In terms of popularity, a fasting day on kefir ranks second among all other one-day cleansing methods. On the first - a fasting day on buckwheat, on the third - the so-called protein day (most often on lean boiled meat). But for those who lead an active lifestyle, it is the kefir day for unloading that is the most optimal choice, because kefir can be drunk on the road, at work, and in fact - anywhere ...

The benefits of a fasting day on kefir

A fasting day on kefir is famous not only for its body-cleansing properties, but also as a very effective way to lose a couple of kilograms in a short time. True, it’s worth clarifying here - weight loss will not happen due to the loss of fat mass, but solely because kefir will help remove excess water and food debris “stuck” in the intestines from the body.

In addition, kefir contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, the work of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract and is effective in preventing the formation of tumors and atherosclerosis. Regular introduction of a fasting day on kefir into the usual diet will help cleanse and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

Only kefir and nothing else?

Fasting day on kefir is best done once a week. By and large, there are several options for spending a kefir day - one comes down to using kefir alone (like a rigid kefir mono-diet), all others - to a combination of kefir with several other products (for example, with honey, cottage cheese, vegetables, lean meat, etc.)

Naturally, if during the fasting day you use only kefir and nothing more, the effect will be greater. But you should not torture yourself - if there is not enough willpower, or the state of health dictates certain conditions - you can add a couple of other products to the kefir menu.

The regime of the most severe variant of the kefir fasting day is as follows: during the day (but no later than 20:00) every 2-3 hours you should drink 1-2 glasses of fat-free (!) kefir. If in the intervals between "kefir meals" a feeling of thirst arises, you can safely drink non-carbonated water, and if you begin to pursue the feeling of hunger, eat 1-2 tbsp. wheat bran.

Day on kefir in light mode

  • Unloading day on kefir and cottage cheese. For breakfast, eat 2-3 tbsp. cottage cheese with honey and drink a glass of kefir. For a second breakfast, also drink a glass of kefir. At lunch, stir 2-3 tbsp. cottage cheese in kefir, if desired, you can add 2-4 dried apricots or 1 tbsp. any berries. In the afternoon - a glass of kefir. For dinner, repeat the lunch diet. At 20:00, drink a glass of kefir.

  • Unloading day on kefir and oatmeal. In the morning - a glass of kefir, after 20-30 minutes - a cup of oatmeal (preferably not boiled, but steamed in the evening). After 2-3 hours - another 1 glass of kefir. For lunch - a cup of oatmeal, you can add berries or apple slices if desired. Dinner - 2 green apples and tea with oatmeal. At 20:00 - a glass of kefir.

  • Unloading day on kefir and vegetables. For breakfast - a glass of yogurt. After 20-30 minutes, you can eat a cucumber salad with herbs and fat-free soft cottage cheese. After 2-3 hours - another 1 glass of kefir. At lunch - a light vegetable soup (for example, celery, carrots, any cabbage, herbs, spices), after 2 hours - a glass of kefir. For dinner - 2 bell peppers stuffed with cabbage. At 20-00 - a glass of kefir.

And don't be scared! Of course, the menu of any fasting day, including kefir, bears little resemblance to a “full life”, but you definitely won’t fall into a hungry swoon. But having held out to the end, the very next morning you will feel for yourself that life can become truly easy and beautiful in just one day.

A fasting day on kefir helps not only lose weight, but also improve the functioning of the digestive tract - excess weight begins to go away faster. Learn how to use kefir to lose up to 2 kg in one day.

Kefir unloading day is second in popularity, perhaps, only to buckwheat, but in terms of efficiency it is difficult to find a worthy competitor for it. It has been proven that in one such day it takes up to 2 kilograms. In addition, kefir is an affordable product and you can drink it anywhere: on a walk, in a car, in an office.

Benefit and harm

Fasting days are not only a way to quickly and safely lose extra pounds, but also the prevention of many diseases. What is useful kefir? It contains bacteria necessary for the body. The product relieves heaviness in the abdomen, constipation, restores the intestinal microflora and in addition:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • has diuretic and laxative effects;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger.

It is fermented milk products that contain a lot of calcium, which regulates energy metabolism, and also strengthens bones, so kefir day will give a luxurious figure and beautiful teeth, nails and hair. Kefir is considered the most powerful antidepressant. Such unloading should also be practiced by hypertensive patients and people suffering from atherosclerosis.

According to the reviews of those who regularly practice kefir unloading, the plumb line per day ranges from 500 grams to 3 kilograms. Kefir removes excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body, keep in mind that excess fluid leaves first, but not fat, therefore, in order to consolidate the effect of such days, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat right.


Despite the excellent results of kefir unloading, experts still do not recommend changing your diet to a similar one:

  • suffering from anorexia and obesity;
  • patients with gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • teenagers.

The classic kefir fasting day (on kefir and water) should not be carried out by pregnant women and during lactation. On critical days, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also do not need to limit themselves to food.
Often, women complain of dizziness, mood deterioration, weakness after kefir unloading. As a rule, such symptoms occur in the unprepared. Therefore, before changing your usual menu, think and consult with your doctor.

Rules for holding

The best results of unloading are noted by women who know how to do it correctly and how much to drink kefir and liquids during the day. Here are a few rules that will help you achieve a great effect.

  1. Use a product with a minimum percentage of fat content, the shelf life of which does not exceed 5 days.
  2. Observe the drinking regime - on a fasting day, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid. Choose unsweetened and non-carbonated drinks such as mineral water, green tea, herbal teas.
  3. Eat 5-6 times a day, take equal breaks between meals.
  4. Eliminate sugar and salt from the menu - the first does not allow the fermented milk product to work fully, the latter prevents the liquid from escaping.
  5. Avoid physical exertion, give up intensive mental work, but walking in the park will only benefit.
  6. Do not overeat the day before, eat light meals - vegetables, low-fat meat broths, drink plenty of fluids. The next day after unloading, you should also not lean on food. To maintain the result of unloading, include steamed vegetables, lean meats, natural juices, green tea in the nutrition program.

The basic version of a fasting day on kefir

The nutrition program of traditional kefir unloading involves the use of only a fermented milk drink with a minimum percentage of fat and water. How much kefir can you drink? 1.5 liters for the whole day. Water must be drunk in unlimited quantities throughout the day.

How to conduct

Divide the indicated volume of kefir into portions of 200 ml and take them every 2 hours. The last appointment is no later than 20:00. During breaks, and when thirsty, drink mineral water, green or herbal tea without sugar or other sweeteners.

Sparing options

The classic menu of a kefir fasting day, when only water and a fermented milk drink is allowed, gives the maximum result. But due to the scarcity of food, not everyone manages to withstand the prescribed 24 hours. If for some reason the hard option does not suit you, you can choose a more gentle diet.

On kefir and cottage cheese

Kefir-curd unloading is suitable for lovers of dairy products who want to lose weight. During the day, it is permissible to eat 400 grams of cottage cheese, drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink and the same amount of water, mineral water or green tea.

Sample menu for the day

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 3 tablespoons, you can add a little natural honey to it;
  • 1 glass of kefir.
  • curd-kefir "cocktail".

To prepare it, mix 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a glass of kefir. To improve the taste characteristics of the dish, add a tablespoon of your favorite berries or dried apricots to it.

  • 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 1 glass of kefir.

Snacks between meals:

And buckwheat

Buckwheat in combination with kefir gives an amazing effect, while you do not have to starve. The menu of buckwheat-kefir fasting day may be different.

Option number 1

  1. Before going to bed, pour 160 grams of buckwheat 120 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and wrap with a towel.
  2. In the morning, divide the porridge into 5 servings.
  3. Eat during the day at regular intervals, drinking kefir. Drink water or herbal tea between meals.

Option number 2

  1. The night before, pour 330 grams of buckwheat kernels with half a liter of fat-free kefir.
  2. In the morning, divide the resulting mass into 5-6 parts. It is this porridge that you should eat throughout the day.
  3. During breaks, arrange snacks - drink a glass of fermented milk drink. Do not forget also that you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid.

And bran

Kefir-bran unloading is suitable for those who are not ready to drink only kefir. Such a diet makes the digestive tract work properly, rids the body of toxins and toxins, and, as a result, the unfortunate kilograms go away for a long time. Please note that it is better to stay at home on a fasting day, as these products are laxative.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat 2 tablespoons of bran and drink them with a glass of kefir, drink water and a fermented milk drink in between. The daily norm of kefir is 1.5 liters, water is a little less.

And oatmeal

Oatmeal is great for unloading. It contains vitamins and elements necessary for life, and if you combine it with sour-milk drinks, then the result can be completely surprising.

To make oatmeal

  1. The night before, pour 200 grams of whole grain oatmeal with three cups of boiling water.
  2. Wrap the container with a blanket and leave overnight.
  3. Divide into 3 servings in the morning. This is your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Drink the first glass of kefir half an hour before breakfast, such snacks should be arranged between main meals, the last 200 ml should be taken no later than 20:00. Remember that in addition to this, you should drink one and a half liters of unsweetened and non-carbonated liquids.

And apples

Apples contain a lot of useful elements and vitamins, they also contain fiber, which maintains a feeling of satiety. That is why the apple-kefir diet is so popular among dreamers of a luxurious figure. The results of such a day are excellent - often the plumb line reaches 1.5 kg.

For unloading, prepare 5 medium apples of unsweetened varieties (Granny Smith, Simirenko, Pear, Antonovka, etc. are suitable) and 1.5 liters of fermented milk product. Divide the provisions into 5 equal portions and consume during the day, taking equal breaks between meals.

An interesting dish for an apple-kefir day

  1. Cut the apple into small slices, remembering to remove the seeds and seed pods.
  2. Pour 200 ml of kefir. Stir. Delicious and very healthy salad is ready!

And bananas

Many talk about the high calorie content of bananas, in fact, this tropical fruit is considered an ideal product for unloading. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, which speeds up the process of digestion of food and improves intestinal motility, and the fructose that is part of them kills cravings for sweets.

You need to eat 3 bananas per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and drink up to one and a half liters of a drink with a minimum percentage of fat content, divided into 5-6 servings. At the same time, you can not only eat fruit and drink a sour-milk drink, but also prepare interesting cocktails and salads from the ingredients.

banana salad


  • 1 banana;
  • 200 ml of kefir.
  1. Cut the fruit into small cubes.
  2. Pour in drink and stir well.

Banana kefir cocktail

All you need is the same:

  • 1 banana;
  • 200 ml of kefir.
  1. Peel the banana, send it to a blender.
  2. Pour in the fermented milk product and beat well.

The results of such a day make up for all the difficulties experienced - according to reviews, it takes up to 1.5 kg.

Grapefruit contains pectins, which are able to "deceive" the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. That is why the fruit is recommended to be included in the diet of those who dream of getting rid of a couple of kilograms. Remember that citrus is contraindicated in hyperacidity, hepatitis, cystitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Avoid it if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

During the day, after 2-3 hours, drink 200 ml of kefir, eat a slice of grapefruit in between, do not forget about drinking plenty of water. The last meal is no later than 19:00.

And strawberries

There is another delicious variation of kefir unloading that allows for the use of strawberries. The berry contains a lot of vitamin C, elements necessary for the body, fiber. Strawberries improve intestinal motility and cleanse the blood, so a fasting day will benefit not only the figure, but also the skin (it will help get rid of acne). If you are allergic to red foods or berries, then unfortunately you will have to look elsewhere.

For a day you will need 400 grams of strawberries and 1.5 liters of drink, divide the ingredients into 5-6 parts and consume during the day. It is desirable to eat strawberries whole, but if desired, you can prepare a strawberry-kefir cocktail by grinding the ingredients in a blender.

And cucumbers

The best unloading for the summer, you can’t think of. For the day, prepare a liter of low-fat fermented milk drink and 1 kilogram of cucumbers, it is better, of course, if they are grown on their own plot.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of cucumbers and kefir. It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the separate use of these products, show your imagination and prepare salads, cocktails from them, it is not forbidden to even add greens, fresh bell peppers, carrots, cottage cheese and cheese to them. As snacks, drink 150-200 ml of kefir.

And fiber

- an essential ingredient in the diet of those who adhere to proper nutrition. It gives strength and at the same time normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which means it is considered an excellent prevention of excess weight. Even an interesting variation of unloading is known, involving the use of fiber.

With an interval of 3-3.5 hours, you need to drink 200 ml of kefir with the addition of 2 teaspoons of fiber to it. During breaks, drink water, green tea or herbal teas.

And chicken

Fasting days on meat and kefir are well tolerated. This mix promotes digestion, therefore, without tormenting yourself with hunger, you can lose a few kilograms.
For a fasting day, you will need 250 grams of boiled chicken fillet. Divide the meat into 3 portions and eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink a glass of drink with every meal, it is also suitable as a snack. Nutritionists do not insist on the mandatory use of 2 liters of fluid per day, but, nevertheless, it is not necessary to neglect water, green tea and herbal decoctions.

And chocolate

Even chocoholics can not refuse their favorite treat and at the same time spend a fasting day. The maximum daily serving is 15 pieces of natural dark chocolate, in which cocoa beans account for at least 72%.

For breakfast, eat 7 pieces of chocolate and drink a glass of kefir, the lunch menu is similar, but for dinner and during snacks, it is better to get by with only a sour-milk drink. Don't forget water and green tea.

And okroshka

You can arrange a fasting day even on okroshka, but not on kvass, but on kefir. This dish contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, besides, it perfectly cools on a hot day and most importantly:

  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • cleans from toxins;
  • gives a feeling of lightness;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • relieves constipation.

Secrets of creating dietary okroshka

  1. For cooking, use only vegetables with a minimum starch content - radishes, turnips, cucumbers, herbs, but it is advisable to refuse potatoes.
  2. Sausage should be replaced with boiled beef or chicken breast.
  3. Buy a fermented milk drink fat-free and further dilute it with water.
  4. It is better to refuse salt.
  5. Sour cream and mayonnaise cannot be added to dietary okroshka, but you have the right to replace them with natural yogurt.

How to cook okroshka for a fasting day

You will need:

  • boiled meat - 300 grams;
  • fresh cucumbers - 250 grams;
  • radish - 150 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • greens (parsley, dill) - to taste.
  1. Wash greens. Finely chop.
  2. Meat cut into cubes.
  3. Chop hard boiled eggs.
  4. Grate cucumbers.
  5. Cut the radish in the same way.
  6. Dilute kefir with water and season with okroshka. Stir.

The prepared portion of okroshka should be eaten in 4 doses. With bouts of hunger, it is not forbidden to drink a little kefir. Do not forget to also observe the drinking regimen.


Kefir with a pinch of cinnamon is an effective fat-burning cocktail. It has been proven that spices speed up metabolism, stimulate the breakdown of fat cells, cleanse the body and give a boost of vigor and strength. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, try this fasting day option.

5-6 times a day at regular intervals, drink a glass of drink mixed in a blender with 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Do not forget about the drinking regime.

with ginger

Kefir, as well as ginger, activate metabolic processes, therefore they are excellent as products for unloading.

You will need 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink and 3 teaspoons of ground ginger, if you wish, you can literally take a pinch of black pepper. Prepare a cocktail from these ingredients, divide into 5-6 servings and drink throughout the day. In addition to a cocktail, quench your thirst with ordinary or mineral water, tea, but not black.

During pregnancy

It is not forbidden for women in position to arrange fasting days, however, before they are carried out, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby. Often, gynecologists themselves offer future mothers to include kefir days in their schedule.

Indications for unloading on kefir for pregnant women are:

  • excessive weight gain;
  • preeclampsia;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Kefir days are aimed at cleansing the intestines, they also contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body, thereby preventing swelling.
Despite the effectiveness of such unloading, it is not recommended to carry it out before the 28th week of pregnancy, since only by this time all the organs of the crumbs have been formed, and any restriction in food will no longer harm him. Even in the absence of contraindications, it is undesirable to practice mono-nutrition more than once a week. And in any case, be sure to consult your doctor before making changes to your usual diet.

Unloading day on low-fat kefir a great way to cleanse the body of unnecessary substances and fluid accumulated in the tissues. In addition, kefir will help "push" weight loss off the ground.

Do not confuse and. When we completely refuse food, metabolic processes are inhibited, the body begins to save calories and retains fat cells in itself. Therefore, hunger is used very carefully by people who want to lose weight. The benefits of kefir, on the contrary, will not keep you waiting - the metabolism speeds up, and we get rid of the hated fat cells. The positive effects of a fasting day can hardly be overestimated:

  1. Removes waste fluid from cells and tissues. Visual swelling of the skin disappears. How much can you drop this way? Easily go 2 kg of weight. But it must be remembered that such a sharp decrease is due to the withdrawal of fluid;
  2. The body discards all unnecessary, harmful substances: slags and toxins, and the remnants of feces accumulated in the intestines liquefy and come out;
  3. The gastrointestinal tract rests, becomes cleaner, and subsequently the metabolism functions better. Which does not allow us to quickly return the mass;
  4. The stomach becomes smaller, and after a fasting day it is much easier to start eating a little, but often. But it is precisely this requirement that is one of the key in a huge number of diets;

Unloading principles

To lose weight, first of all, self-discipline is necessary, you must follow the rules of a fasting day on kefir. Otherwise, you can forget about impressive results. In addition, there are many cases where people harm themselves with all sorts of diets and fasting days. In order not to hurt yourself with kefir unloading, do not forget about the following general rules:

  1. Kefir day is permissible only once a week, 2 is already too much stress for the body. Thus, in a month we get no more than 4 unloading days;
  2. It is necessary to divide the normal dose of kefir for you into six parts. We drink these doses in an equal number of hours;
  3. in large quantities to cleanse the body. In addition to the yogurt itself, you need to drink at least two liters, you can drink more. After waking up, before the first meal, it is also necessary to drink water;
  4. We prepare our digestive system for unloading the day before. We have dinner easily, and before going to bed we drink the same glass of kefir;
  5. The next day after unloading, we do not attack heavy food. The gastrointestinal tract should smoothly wean from the light version of the work. Over the next day, we drink half a liter of kefir. We eat lightly - -, lean meat (preferably chicken), cereals. Otherwise, we will harm the body, and the effect of losing weight will be minimal;
  6. On a fasting day, refrain from any exertion, both physical and mental. The body will simply not have enough calories to cope with the stress, say, during sports exercises. And if there is a psychological burden, for example, exam testing, the brain will not have enough food either.

In all recipes for such fasting days, the main ingredient is kefir. Author's methods suggest diversifying the diet on this day with cereals, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes even lean meat and seafood are possible. Almost always, certain spices and peppers are allowed. The easier the complementary product is to digest, the stronger the effect of unloading will be. Typically, the complementary product is present in only a single amount. And the more content at the lowest calories it will have, the more preferable.

It is worth making sure that kefir, which is bought for fasting days, contains less than one percent fat.

It also has to be fresh. It is partly permissible to replace kefir or yogurt, but you need to make sure that they also have a minimum of fat. When the task of a fasting day is, and not to lose weight, we choose foods with 2% fat.

Only kefir is the simplest and most correct option. Among the shortcomings - sometimes it is difficult to sit on it for people who are not used to diets. And in some cases, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a fasting day will be harmful - consult your doctor or nutritionist.

During these 24 hours, you should not eat anything, only drink kefir with a low fat content and clean water. One and a half liters of kefir should be consumed. Not everyone will find such unloading easy, but with its help, people easily lose even 2 kg of body weight. In addition to kefir, you can treat yourself a little with herbs, spices (cinnamon, hot pepper), if you are completely unbearable, mix kefir with sweeteners.

What you can not eat for weight loss is salt. Sodium retains water in cells and tissues, and thus the whole point of a fasting day is lost. In no case should you overdo it with greens. Spices - preferably spicy, they activate the metabolism.

With Apples

Kefir day is a gentle, convenient and very effective option for how to spend a fasting day. After all, apple fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins. In order to have a strong dietary effect, you need to eat only green fruits. It is better to make an effort on yourself and choose the most tasteless variety. We eat a kilo of apples and a liter of fermented milk drink per day. We also supplement this picture with 2 liters of clean water. We divide the total mass of food into five receptions. We drink water separately from meals. After a few hours, a strong diuretic effect will be noticeable.

with buckwheat

The fasting day method does not only help to get rid of annoying kilograms, but also to clean the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, we do not cook buckwheat, but “insist” in the evening in a full thermos of boiling water. For 300 g of buckwheat - 500 ml of boiling water. Thus, we will save for ourselves the entire vitamin and mineral potential of cereals. We also take food in a span of visits, each time washing down a spoonful of porridge with a sip of a fermented milk product. Or vice versa, we completely share the consumption of buckwheat and kefir. You can use any spices, but salt is still completely excluded.

With cottage cheese

won't make anyone starve. For breakfast we eat 250 ml of fermented milk drink and 3 tbsp. cottage cheese. We have lunch with cottage cheese mixture with homemade fruits and drink kefir. After a couple of hours, we drink another 250 ml of kefir. Evening meal - 3 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1 tsp honey, 250 ml of kefir.

with cucumbers

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- it is primarily a liquid, and their smell gives a good combination with fermented milk products. The feeling of hunger makes itself felt minimally, and in addition, the combination of a vegetable with fermented milk products helps to stop the symptoms of back pain, sore joints and hypertension.

We buy a liter of kefir and a kilo of cucumbers for the day. Those cucumbers that have grown near your place of residence are best suited. As always, you can spice up the table a little with dill or parsley. You can drink vegetables with kefir, or you can first eat one, and then drink another. In addition, you can try the dietary delights of cooking - make kefir okroshka, the only filler of which will be cucumbers. Add hot spices, cilantro to taste. If there is not enough taste, you can drop lemon juice into our okroshka.

Cleanse your body. Bran is filled with fiber, and together with sour-milk drinks, they will help. Unloading on bran with kefir is one of the most powerful. Just remember that this recipe has a strong laxative effect.

To cleanse the body, natural cereal bran is used without any extra ingredients. What are they needed for? Their fiber will accelerate the static of the intestinal walls, allow the body to throw off excess toxins and toxins. Cholesterol levels will decrease, and thanks to carbohydrates, you can forget about the feeling of hunger on a fasting day. Before leaving the body, bran will absorb excess fluid, and we will get rid of puffiness as much as possible. Why is it recommended to strengthen the drinking regimen, to use not 2, but 3 liters of water.

For a day for weight loss, you need to eat in the amount of 30 grams of bran and one and a half liters of fermented milk drink. The day before, soak the bran in hot water. In the morning, add the infused bran to kefir, mix well and drink until the evening in six visits. Before eating, you need to vigorously shake the bottle with a mixture of bran and kefir every time. Another option is to divide the infused bran into 2 tablespoons, and eat them between drinking kefir at equal time intervals. True, such unloading also has side effects associated with effects on the intestines. The formation of gases may increase, it will begin to “twist the intestines”. If problems with the gastrointestinal tract are noted, you should not choose this particular version of the day for weight loss.

Using a fruit day on kefir, you can give free rein to your imagination and indulge yourself with fruit and berry pleasures.

It is not always possible to spend hard fasting days. And extra pounds are always a disaster for the body and the mental state of a person. For such a day, you can buy strawberries, currants, peaches. It is desirable that everything be fresh. In the morning, we first drink a glass of water, then, after a while, the prescribed share of a fermented milk drink. The second meal is as much fruit as we want, but still we do not overeat.

In two hours we will eat a couple of apples. After another two hours, we will prepare a salad of berries and fruits, for which kefir will be an excellent dressing. Shortly before dinner, you can eat fruit with a sour-milk drink. We dine on the fruits of the apple tree.

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Kefir is not always an ideal option for a fasting day. If you do not want weight loss to cause negative effects, please note that such cleansing days are unacceptable if:

  1. There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. There is a lack of subcutaneous fat or the patient suffers

The idea of ​​fasting days belongs to the first Soviet nutritionist, Professor Manuil Pevzner: initially, such days were only part of a comprehensive diet program for obese people. All week long, patients had to eat a variety of low-calorie foods, and spend one day on a certain product: 1.5 kg of apples, 2 kg of vegetables, 1.5 liters of kefir or 800 g of cottage cheese - the main thing is that the energy value of the daily diet should not exceed 500-600 kcal. Over the years, many approaches to nutrition have changed, but fasting days are firmly rooted. One of the most popular is the unloading day on.

The benefits of a fasting day on kefir

A fasting day on kefir is the perfect way to get rid of the feeling of heaviness after a festive feast. For a day, 0.5 - 1.5 kg easily leaves. True, this is not excess fat, but basically a liquid “stuck” inside with an excess of salty, spicy, sweet: 10 g of salt or sugar hold a whole liter of water.

Regular fasting days (once every 1-2 weeks) train the body: when the volume of food is reduced, the stomach also shrinks slightly. So, the tendency to overeat can gradually come to naught, and sticking will become easier.

Fasting day on kefir is useful not only for obesity. Indications for kefir fasting day are the following diseases: atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, metabolic syndrome, circulatory failure, nephritis, liver and biliary tract diseases, gout, nephrolithiasis without phosphaturia.

It doesn’t hurt to arrange a kefir fasting day once a month if on other days a person does not sit on some kind of mono-diet, for example, a protein one that excludes carbohydrates

Mikhail Gavrilov

A fasting day on kefir is suitable for those who work in the office or lead an active lifestyle: you can always take a bottle of the drink with you or buy it at any store.

Fasting day rules on kefir

On kefir fasting day, you need to drink 200-250 ml of low-fat kefir 6 times a day, about 1.2-1.5 liters in total. Kefir is better to buy fresh - not older than 3 days (older - strengthens). Such kefir has more beneficial bacteria and yeast, which, by the way, are a source of B vitamins. As for the fat content of the drink, you need to choose not too fatty - 0-2.5%.

Today, prices for kefir vary from 40 to 120 rubles per liter. Manufacturers “decorate” their labels with the words “BIO”, “natural”, “traditional”, “made according to GOST”. But as laboratory tests have shown, a quality product is not necessarily the most expensive. All samples passed the quality test

Union of consumers "Roskontrol"

Ideally, the day before the fasting day, you should switch to a lighter diet - include more vegetables and soups from them, fruits, lean protein and cereals in the menu, but it is better to exclude bread and convenience foods, fatty and fried foods. The day after the kefir day should go according to a similar plan.

In order to minimize illusory weight loss, it is very important to drink besides kefir on a fasting day (as, indeed, on any other).

You should not arrange a kefir day with complete intolerance to dairy products, stomach ulcers, gastritis and other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage. It is better not to spend fasting days on kefir during menstruation, as well as for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Kefir fasting day is contraindicated for people with lactose and casein intolerance. This is not only about complete intolerance to dairy products, but also about the hidden one, which today 30% of Europeans have.

Mikhail Gavrilov

psychotherapist, Ph.D., author of a patented method for normalizing eating behavior and weight loss, member of the US Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM)

You can diversify the fasting day on kefir by adding some other product to it, for example, apples. For a day you will need 1 liter of kefir and 0.5 kg of apples.

One of the most popular means of getting rid of extra pounds and general improvement of the body is a fasting day on kefir. What is so remarkable about this method, what results it gives and what needs to be considered when conducting it, is described in this article.

To make it clearer why unload on kefir, you need to have an understanding of what such procedures are in general, because they can be carried out not only when using fermented milk products.

A fasting day is the most effective diet to date, the undoubted advantages of which are a minimum of restrictions and a very positive result. Such days are a kind of day off for the digestive organs and the human body as a whole. The chaotic unbalanced use of products that cause harm and clog the intestines will not lead to good, but if small oases of purification begin to appear among this constant lifestyle, then this can be safely called the first step towards proper nutrition.


The essence of unloading days is to reduce the calories received per day and start a “reserve diet”, which acts by splitting previously stored fats.

Continuing from 24 to 36 hours, such nutrition does not harm the body, but allows it to work in a gentle mode and at the same time cleanse it of toxins and toxins.

The total number of calories per day of unloading should not exceed 1000 kcal. In this case, the main (more than 55%) amount should be carbohydrates.

Don't count on the "magic wand" effect. Such diets involve maintaining a healthy lifestyle and observing at least the minimum basics of proper nutrition. If, however, having “suffered” a day on kefir, with a sense of accomplishment, the next day, dine with rich borscht, and cook fried potatoes with herring for dinner ... is there any point in suffering? And the regularity of fasting days also matters. A one-time "action" will not bring much sense, although it will undoubtedly help to bounce back after a stormy feast.

Is it worth downloading?

Does it make sense to watch how the whole family absorbs a variety of goodies and at this time proudly consume kefir? The answer is unequivocal - yes! In just one day, you can lose from 1 to 4 kg, and this is with a parallel improvement of the whole organism.

Regular fasting days on kefir will help:

  • normalize weight;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • dissolve and gently remove feces (and there are at least 15!!! kg in an adult human body);
  • restore skin elasticity;
  • rid the face and neck of impurities and wrinkles;
  • give hair health and volume, etc .;
  • solve many health problems.

Nutritionists recommend fasting days on kefir at least 2 times a month, but it is better if this procedure is carried out once a week. The undoubted advantage of such a diet is the complete absence of hunger, because, despite the fact that kefir is a low-calorie product, it can saturate for a long time.

Which kefir to choose

Having decided to use kefir for weight loss, many choose a product of any brand in the store, often paying attention only to its fat content. In fact, this is a fundamentally wrong decision. Only a natural product that is prepared from milk and live bacteria can bring benefits. Of course, you can buy one in the store, but given that preservatives are added to such kefir, it’s still better to cook it yourself, especially since it’s very easy to do. It is enough to add a few pieces of bread to fresh milk and leave for a couple of days.

Indications and contraindications

Kefir is a very useful product. It can be used by both adults and children, and even pregnant and lactating women, but the specifics of the product should be taken into account. With caution, it is necessary to spend fasting days on kefir and with the help of other components for people with digestive system disorders, diseases of the stomach and liver. It is necessary to immediately stop taking it if bloating, painful colic, excessive gas, diarrhea, etc. appear.

Rules for holding

Kefir is the best and most useful product of all that helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, and if it is possible to drink only it throughout the day, it is excellent, but sometimes this is impossible.

The constant use of this fermented milk product can cause a persistent aversion to it. To avoid this, you can make your own diet by supplementing kefir with fruits, vegetables, cereals, bran, etc. Mandatory supplements should be water, herbal decoctions, green tea, etc. The fact is that kefir removes not only toxins and toxins, but also excess fluid, so you have to take care of replenishing its supply.

It is necessary to completely exclude salt and sugar from the diet (at least for this day). A spoonful of honey is allowed, but it is better to try not to give slack.

When planning a fasting day, you should not treat it as a punishment. Go for a walk, go rollerblading, finally watch your favorite movie. Remember, this is a holiday for the body and for you, and the more positively you spend it, the better the result will be.

The essence of a fasting day on kefir is the use of this product alone. It is believed that you can drink 2.5 liters, but if there is a need, this obviously will not be worse. The main thing is not to feel hungry.

You can dilute kefir with fresh berries. It is permissible to prepare a cocktail by mixing the components in a blender, or you can simply alternate the intake of a fermented milk product and a snack with an apple (for example). But keep in mind. If you have chosen an apple, then you can only eat it that day (the same applies to other fruits). And don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.
A fasting day on kefir, fruits and oatmeal is very satisfying and practically no different from a full-fledged diet.

Menu option for a fasting day on kefir:

  • in the morning a glass of kefir and half a glass of oatmeal steamed in the evening without salt and sugar;
  • after an hour, you can drink another glass of kefir;

If you consume fermented milk products in small sips, the feeling of fullness will appear faster and last longer.

  • for lunch, or, not earlier than two hours later, you can eat two green apples and drink them with a glass of kefir;
  • an afternoon snack will be presented in the form of kefir and two rye crackers;
  • dinner repeats the first breakfast, and at night you can drink water with lemon.

A fasting day on kefir with beets or with some kind of juice is quite popular. Its essence is simple. You just need to alternate taking a glass of fermented milk product with the same amount of juice, but there is one condition: juice, like kefir, must be prepared on your own, and not bought in a store. So stock up on fresh fruit and get your juicer ready.

In summer, the properties of kefir will perfectly complement the watermelon. At one meal, you must eat at least 1/3 of the average size of the fetus and write down with a glass of kefir. There is another option. You can beat the indicated components in equal proportions in a blender and just drink very tasty and healthy yogurt all day long. By the way, don't forget beauty. Watermelon face and hair masks are highly effective and have a lasting result, and you can use not only juicy pulp for their self-preparation, but also seeds and peel, which are most often simply thrown away.

Bran, muesli, potatoes, cucumbers and many other products are perfect as an addition to kefir. Their combined effect on the body is incredibly effective and provides a reliable result.