Sample menu for a diet. Diet menu for the week

  • 01.12.2020

The uniqueness of this technique has been confirmed by European and American doctors, and fans of the Dukan diet live in 25 countries.

Following simple rules, you can lose up to 50 kg of excess weight!

The name of the diet comes from the name of its creator, the French nutritionist and expert on eating habits, Pierre Ducane. He began working on a fundamentally new diet back in 1977, which today has become one of the most popular and effective diets in the world.

The technique is based on the developments of nutritionists from around the world, as well as on the practical experience of Dukan himself. A clear structural approach helps to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters without disruptions and severe restrictions - judge for yourself!

The essence of the Dukan diet

What the world is accustomed to calling the Dukan diet is rather a complete nutrition system, which, with short interruptions, can be followed for at least a lifetime.

The basis of the diet is 100 permitted foods, among which 72 are the main protein (lean meats, offal, eggs, any dairy products with 0% fat content) and 28 are additional (various types of spices, seasonings, vegetables, etc.). The alternation of protein and vegetable days makes the diet safe for the body, because the weight goes off evenly, leaving no unpleasant memories like stretch marks and cellulite.

Basic rules of the Dukan diet

drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day (this can include tea, coffee, chicory, herbal decoctions);
cook food without adding fat and mayonnaise;
any heat treatment methods can be used;
reduce salt intake, but diversify food with seasonings and sauces based on permitted foods;
be sure to consume daily portion bran;
do not forget about daily exercises and walking.

It is important to add one more thing to these rules: regardless of the presence of chronic diseases, it is worth consulting with your doctor. Only after the examination and the appointment of a complex of vitamins, you can begin to fulfill all the conditions of this diet.


results are visible in the first week (an important motivational moment);
protein foods are allowed to eat without restrictions and without counting calories;
100 natural products approved by Dukan can be used to create a rich menu;
the presence of many recipes in free access (including recipes for desserts);
after losing weight, it is easy to maintain weight throughout life.


you must strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations, otherwise the expected effect will not be;
long duration;
you need to take a vitamin complex, otherwise there may be problems with nails and hair due to the ban on fruits during the first two stages;
any kind of alcohol is prohibited.

Phases of the Dukan Diet

In total, the diet consists of four stages - attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization. The first two are aimed at achieving the correct weight, and the second - on the body getting used to it.

Phase "Attack"

This stage is the shortest, but it is during the attack that the first kilograms go away, and the body is rebuilt into weight loss mode.

The duration of the stage depends on how many kilograms you have to lose during the diet. If the excess weight is up to 5 kg, you can limit yourself to two days of attack, if 5-10 - five, if the excess weight is 10-30 kg, you will have to adhere to a rather tough attack diet for 7-10 days.

The list of allowed products for the first stage includes 72 items that can be eaten in any quantity and in any combination. This includes lean meats (rabbit, chicken, veal, beef), eggs, fish, low-fat dairy, seafood and offal.

3 reasons to bet on proteins:

    1. they quickly saturate;
    1. protein digestion requires more calories than the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats;
    protein food allows you to burn exactly the fat mass without destroying the muscles.

Also during the attack, you can diversify the diet with sugar-free mustard, herbs, onions, synthetic sweeteners, low-fat cocoa, bouillon cubes and light cola. But you shouldn’t lean on these products - it’s enough just to “refresh” the diet a little so as not to interfere with the acceleration of metabolism.

Every day you should eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran and take a twenty-minute walk at a fast pace. Of course, no one forbids longer anaerobic loads.

Phase "Alternation"

When the metabolism has received a push in the form of an attack, you need to support the trend towards weight loss. This is why alternation exists - by the end of this stage you will come to your ideal weight, which can be calculated on a calculator.

The point is that for 15-160 days (depending on how many kilograms you need to lose) you should alternate protein days (WB) and protein-vegetables (BO) with 1/1, 3/3 or 5/5 sets.

The diet of purely protein days completely repeats the attack menu, but during protein and vegetable days, you need to diversify your diet with 28 types of plant foods, the environment of which is legumes, carrots, beets, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, mushrooms. Only potatoes, corn, avocados, peas and olives are strictly prohibited.

As before, the portion size is not limited, as well as the time of consumption of food. You should not go hungry, and even more so, fall asleep, otherwise, instead of burning fat, the body will begin to process muscle tissue.

During the alternation, the daily portion of bran increases to 2 tbsp. l., and physical exercises should take at least half an hour.

Phase "Consolidation"

By the beginning of the third stage, the weight should return to normal, but the Dukan diet only reaches the equator. The fact is that the body must get used to a new state for it and not start to sharply increase the fat layer "for a rainy day."

To do this, for 10 days for every kilogram spent, you must adhere to the alternation diet with some changes. In addition to the dishes of BO and BW days, it is allowed to eat 1 small fruit or a cup of berries and 50 grams of cheese up to 40% fat daily. You also need to divide the fastening into two parts, and once a week during the first and twice a week during the second, allow yourself a serving of starchy foods and one meal called "feast". During the "feast" you can eat any food, including sweets, fast food and any prohibited foods.

The mandatory norm of bran is 2.5 tbsp. l. daily, and physical activity - at least 30 minutes.

Phase "Stabilization"

This phase of the Dukan diet should last for the rest of your life. It does not provide for strict restrictions on food, but prescribes adherence to certain rules.

Firstly, no one cancels the mandatory physical activity, a daily portion of bran (3 tablespoons) and active drinking.

Secondly, only protein meals are allowed on Thursdays. This does not mean that on the rest of the days you need to overeat on fatty and sweet things, but once a week you should arrange for yourself a “correct” unloading day.

Dukan diet menu for every day

As you know, the menu for weight loss on the Dukan diet is based on protein nutrition, which is supplemented at different stages with other products. If at the first stage the main source of energy is exclusively protein, then in the following stages vegetables, fruits, bread, grain products and even potatoes and pasta are gradually introduced into the diet.

For each stage (and there are only four of them), a separate menu has been developed, while it is quite varied throughout the diet. For example, only at the first stage, the menu includes 72 protein products. Nutrition in the remaining three phases becomes even more complete, so this nutrition system, proposed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan, is very easily tolerated and can become the main one throughout life. Consider the menu of each stage separately.

Dukan diet attack phase menu for every day

The first and most effective stage of the Dukan Diet is "Attack", the menu of which every day consists exclusively of protein products. These are lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, 0% fat dairy products, eggs. In total, the menu includes 72 products. Given such a variety of products, even the first week of the diet is tolerated quite easily.

The body spends even more calories on digesting protein foods than is contained in the products themselves. The name "Attack" speaks for itself, because during this period it is as if an attack is being made on the body, but it is during this short period of time that weight is lost as much as possible. This is the shortest stage (3-10 days depending on the initial weight), but at the same time the most difficult.

The main rule of the first stage of the Dukan diet is the almost complete absence of fats and carbohydrates in the menu. Every day the body will experience a lack of glucose, which will lead to the active burning of its own fats as the energy it needs.

The duration of the "Attack" phase is from 3 to 10 days. On average, it lasts 5 days, which will be quite enough if the excess weight does not exceed 20 kg.

Allowed Foods in the "Attack" Phase of the Dukan Diet

any lean meat (except pork and lamb): turkey, rabbit, poultry, beef, veal, turkey or chicken ham;
seafood and fish, including fatty varieties and canned without tomato sauce and oil;
chicken and quail eggs (no more than two yolks per day);
low-fat dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu cheese, low-fat curd cheeses;
drinks (drinking and mineral water, tea, coffee, chicory).

You can eat without restrictions, at any time, but only protein foods.

Forbidden: sugar (except sweeteners), ketchup, any oil, alcohol and all other products containing carbohydrates and fats.

Allowed: add various seasonings and spices to dishes.

Necessarily: every day take 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran in its pure form or add to meals; drink 1.5-2 liters of water (tea and coffee do not count).

Cooking methods: all products included in the Dukan diet menu can be boiled, stewed, cooked in a slow cooker, baked, but without the use of oil.

Detailed attack phase menu for the week

The table below shows the menu of the "Attack" stage of the Dukan diet, designed for 7 days. Each day includes four meals, if desired, their number can be increased. You can stick to the diet for a week or less or longer. But keep in mind that you cannot stay in the Attack phase for more than 10 days.

Dukan diet menu table for the Attack phase
BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1st day
omelet from two eggs (2 whites + 1 yolk) and milk 1.5% fat2 steamed beef cutletshalf chicken breast, braised or oven-roasted chicken (second half for tomorrow)
2nd day
2 pieces of chicken or turkey ham and 1 boiled eggLeftover chicken breast half from yesterday1 glass of kefir with bran200 g baked fish
3rd day
200 g fat-free bran yogurt2 chicken cutlets1 glass of ryazhenka2 boiled eggs and 200 g fat-free cottage cheese
4th day
2 pieces of ham and 1 boiled egg200 g fat-free bran yogurtgrilled beef or turkey steak
5th day
scrambled eggs from two eggs2 beef cutlets1 glass of kefir or ryazhenka with branhalf chicken breast
6th day
150 g low-fat cottage cheese200 g boiled or stewed beef200 g low-fat bran yogurt200 g fish, baked in the oven or steamed
7th day
100 g of tofu or any other cheese with a fat content of not more than 4%2 skinless chicken drumsticks baked in the oven1 glass of ryazhenka with branveal (beef) steak

You can also choose from the table any allowed foods for the Dukan diet and create your varied menu for every day. But remember, only 72 types of protein products are allowed, vegetables are prohibited during the Attack phase.

Phase Menu Dukan Diet Alternation

So, the first step has been successfully completed, your body has noticeably changed, and the body gradually began to get used to the proper absorption of products. It's time to move on to the next phase of the Dukan Diet called "Alternation" or "Cruise", which now allows you to add vegetables to the menu.

During the second stage, in addition to protein foods, the menu includes vegetables, except for those that contain a lot of carbohydrates - peas, corn, potatoes, avocados. Now the list of allowed foods during the Dukan diet is expanding to 100. The menu of the “Alternation” phase (Cruise) consists of protein and protein-vegetable days, which alternate according to a certain pattern.

By the end of the second phase of the Dukan Diet, you should be at your ideal weight. It lasts much longer than the "Attack". It all depends on how many kilograms you plan to lose (usually this phase lasts at least two months).

Dr. Dukan offers a schedule for alternating protein and protein-vegetable days to choose at your discretion. The diet is most easily tolerated if one day there is only proteins, and the next - supplement with vegetables. You can also use the scheme 2/2, 3/3, 4/4.

Forbidden: fructose and sugar (except sweeteners), ketchup, any oil, alcohol and all other products except vegetables and protein foods.

Allowed: add salt, various seasonings, spices, herbs, ketchup and mustard to dishes (but only as a seasoning up to 1 tablespoon per day), vegetable oil (1 teaspoon).

Necessarily: drink two liters of water every day, increase bran intake to two tablespoons a day.

Cooking methods: all products included in the Dukan diet menu are allowed to cook, stew, cook in a slow cooker, bake, but it is forbidden to fry.

Allowed products in the "Alternation" phase

any lean meat, except pork and lamb;
offal: tongue, liver, kidneys;
Fish and seafood;
low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, milk, kefir, tofu cheese, cottage cheese curds;
chicken and quail eggs;
all vegetables except beans, beans, corn, peas, lentils, potatoes, avocados, olives and olives;
drinks: tea (green, black, herbal), coffee, chicory, cocoa (up to 1 tsp per day).

Detailed menu of the stage Dukan Diet Alternation

We will consider the diet for 7 days, each of which consists of four meals. You do not have to strictly adhere to the menu given in the table for the "Alternation" phase. You can swap the dishes of each day or add your own. But remember, only vegetables and protein foods are allowed during the "Alternation" stage.

Dukan diet menu table for the "Alternation" or "Cruise" phase
BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1st day
cottage cheese, warm drink (tea, cocoa or coffee)steamed fish, yogurtkefir (low-fat) with oat brantwo egg omelet, warm drink
2nd day
2 boiled eggs vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil, coffeechicken soup with herbsplain yogurt, curd pieseafood and vegetable salad, warm drink
3rd day
cottage cheese casserole with milk sauce and vanilla, teafish souplow-fat kefir with oat bransteamed chicken fillet, cream cheese, tea
4th day
quail egg scrambled eggs, vegetable salad, coffeezucchini soup puree with egg and dillcottage cheese or yogurtchicken steam cutlets, vegetable stew, tea
5th day
2 pieces of chicken ham, coffeeboiled chicken with yogurt sauce, fermented baked milk or milkfat-free cottage cheese, teameatballs baked in the oven, warm drink
6th day
cottage cheese with herbs and black pepper, tea or coffeelight seafood soup, salad of fresh vegetables and canned fish (without oil)tofu cheese, yogurteggplant cutlets, lightly salted salmon slices, vegetable salad
7th day
low-fat cottage cheese pancakes with yogurt sauce, tea or coffeebaked chicken fillet, teakefir or ryazhenkaboiled egg, cottage cheese

The above menu of the Dukan diet for each day for the "Alternation" phase is exemplary. Focusing on it, you can choose dishes at your discretion. The result will not be long in coming, the main thing is to adhere to certain dietary rules and use only products allowed from the table.

Phase Menu Consolidation of the Dukan Diet

The third step of the Dukan diet is the Consolidation phase. The result of all your efforts will depend on how you adhere to the recommended menu. At the third stage, you gradually return to a balanced diet, the main goal of which is to consolidate the results. But be careful, now your body is able to instantly turn every piece eaten in excess of the norm into extra pounds.

In addition to protein and vegetable products, the menu includes whole grain bread, hard cheese with a fat content of up to 40%, a portion of fruits (except bananas, grapes and figs), vegetable oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The range of meat is expanding (every 7 days you can afford fried pork or any other fatty meat). Also, in the “Consolidation” phase, a pleasant bonus awaits you in the form of a portion of potatoes or any product prohibited by the diet.

Despite the fact that the diet menu is becoming more diverse, the “Consolidation” phase is one of the most difficult psychologically and the longest in time. After all, you have already reached your goal, the extra pounds have been dropped, and now, it would seem, you can afford to enjoy a portion of something very tasty.

In order to easily pass the penultimate stage of the Dr. Dukan diet, your daily menu must be tasty and varied enough. The duration of the “Consolidation” phase depends on how many kilograms you have lost in the first two phases. It takes 10 days to fix each kilogram. For example, if you lost 10 kg, then the third stage "Consolidation" should be 100 days long.

The main rule of the Consolidation phase is to have a pure protein day once a week.

Now it is allowed to eat everything that was included in the menu during the "Attack" and "Alternate" stages. On this day, you eat the same way as in the first stage of the diet. According to Dr. Dukan, this measure is necessary to consolidate the lost weight.

Forbidden: fructose and sugar (except sweeteners); By this point, you should already be addicted to sweets.

Allowed: the use of various seasonings and spices in the preparation, as well as at this stage of the diet, Dr. Dukan allows the use of one glass of dry wine.

Necessarily: continue to drink two liters of water per day, bran intake remains the same - two tablespoons per day.

Allowed Products in the Consolidation Phase

At the stage "Fixing" to the previously allowed products, new ones are added to the menu:

fruits, except grapes, bananas, cherries, sweet cherries, dried fruits;
whole grain bread - 2 slices per day;
fatty meats: bacon, ham, pork, lamb (once a week);
cheese in the amount of 50 g per day (with a fat content of 50%, if less, then the portion can be increased);
individual starchy foods: rice, potatoes, lentils, legumes, durum wheat pasta (2 times a week);
any drinks without sugar, as well as a glass of dry wine.

Despite the fact that you are now on a diet, now you can arrange a “belly holiday” for yourself (eat what you want, but in moderation): in the first half of the stage - once a week, in the second - twice a week. Belly Feast does not last all day, so it can only be applied to one meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Detailed menu of the "Consolidation" phase for the week

To make it easy to stick to a diet, here is a table of the daily menu for the “Fixation” stage. You can swap dishes, add your own, and eat whatever you want, but once a week.

Dukan diet menu table for the Consolidation phase
BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1st day
cottage cheese casserole with berry sauce, unsweetened coffeesea ​​fish ear, a slice of whole grain bread with branpear or applevegetable casserole, boiled fish, green tea
2nd day
oatmeal with skimmed milk, coffee drinkdurum wheat pasta, cheese slicebaked chicken cutlets, vegetable saladcheesecakes, a glass of kefir with bran
3rd day
omelette with lean ham, bran tortilla, coffee with milkvegetable borsch, chicken breast (in the oven), a piece of charlotte with apples, teaany berries or fruits (no more than 200 g)cottage cheese soufflé, low-fat yogurt
4th day
cheesecakes, baked apple, green teapea soup, lean pork and vegetable stew, coffeeMimosa salad with light sauce, baked salmon filletkefir with bran
5th day
cottage cheese with yogurt, green teabran pancakes, coffeetwo egg omeletbaked fish, warm drink
6th day
boiled rice, steamed chicken cutlet, cocoaborscht, zucchini pancakes, teaseafood salad, fat-free kefir with branlemon soufflé, herbal tea
7th day
cheesecakes with blueberry sauce, black coffeechicken broth with egg, slice of whole grain bread, warm drinkmushroom puree soupkefir or bran yogurt

The third step of the Dukan diet, the Consolidation phase, is a necessary link on the path to returning to normal nutrition. Be sure to stick to the recommended menu, because the result of all your efforts will depend on it. And remember that increased physical activity is very important for maintaining an ideal weight and good health.

Menu of the "Stabilization" phase of the Dukan diet

Having successfully passed such a difficult path, consisting of three stages, you can easily stick to the menu of the “Stabilization” phase, which will now become the main one for life. Now your metabolism is restored and your lean body will extract every calorie.

The "Stabilization" phase is not a stage of the diet, but the rules of nutrition, which you have to stick with it for the rest of your life. Foods prohibited during the Dukan diet are minimized. Among them are sugar and other sweets. Fruit is allowed to eat everything, but not more than once a day and in limited quantities. Starchy foods are allowed no more than twice in 7 days. Once a week you can arrange a "holiday of the soul" - eat whatever you want, but in moderation. And have a protein day once a week.

The "Stabilization" phase of the diet involves maintaining an ideal weight for life. Now your menu for every day should consist of certain products.

Forbidden: consume sugar (sweeteners can be used).

Allowed: consume all the products included in the menu in the third stage. On the days when you arrange a “Feast of the Stomach” for yourself, everything is allowed, but in moderation.

Necessarily: drink enough water, increase the intake of oat bran to 3 tablespoons per day.

Be sure to arrange yourself a fasting day once a week.

Pierre Dukan recommends that in the middle of the week, namely on Thursday, only protein foods should be included in the menu. On this day, salt intake is best reduced to a minimum. Even if at some point you eat something extra and the arrows of the scales sway a little upwards, a protein day will help return the weight to its previous value.

Detailed menu of the “Stabilization” phase for the week

Here is a table of the daily diet for the last phase of the Dukan diet. You can take it as the basis of nutrition, or you can supplement or even come up with your own menu. But remember that once a week you should have a protein day.

Dukan diet menu table for the "Stabilization" phase
BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1st day
low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, coffee with milkchicken broth with durum wheat noodles, steamed chicken cutletscheesecakes with apples, kefir with branfish baked with vegetables and cheese
2nd day
omelet from two eggs and tomatoes, teamushroom puree soup with herbs, bread (grain)pancakes with cottage cheese and fruit sauce, kefir with branseafood salad, herbal tea
3rd day
oatmeal with prunesborscht with herbs, baked chicken breast, Greek salad, teaice cream or a slice of piemeatballs with ground beef rice, kefir with bran
4th day
cottage cheese casserole, coffee with milksteamed veal cutletskefir with bransteamed chicken soufflé, herbal tea
5th day
scrambled eggs with vegetables, cheese, teacabbage soup, chicken nuggets, fruitcottage cheese soufflé, kefir with branwhite fish steak with vegetables, ginger tea
6th day
cottage cheese with applesauce, coffeevegetable puree soup, steamed chicken cutlet, whole grain breadpancakes from zucchini, kefir with branseafood salad
7th day
chocolate lemon cake, cheese, green teachicken puree soup with egg and herbs, whole grain breadcheesecakes, kefir with branfish casserole, celery salad, tea

As you can see, the menu of the “Stabilization” phase is quite varied and appetizing. When choosing food, listen to your body. After all, after going through such a long way of the Dukan diet, you will know exactly which foods are good for you and which are better to exclude from your diet.

3 basic nutritional rules to follow at each stage of the diet:

    1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
    1. Every day, use 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran.
    Products can be boiled, baked, stewed, grilled, but without the use of oil.

It is this menu, developed by Dr. Dukan for each stage, that is considered optimal for both beginners and those who have tried many diets, but to no avail. This is not an express diet, but a proper balanced diet, which you should come to after a while. This is how a person should eat in order to maintain the usual rhythm of life and at the same time not gain weight after losing weight.

Dukan Diet Recipes

Of the hundred products allowed, you can make a very diverse diet - you just have to turn on your imagination.

Even during an attack, when only protein foods are allowed, you should not eat only chicken broth and crab sticks. From the list of products of animal and marine origin, you can cook a lot of soups, main courses and even snacks. Moreover, a variety of heat treatment methods allow you to cook dishes that are completely different in taste from identical ingredients.

Alternating expands your culinary possibilities. The presence of vegetables and herbs in the diet gives unimaginable scope for creativity in the form of salads, stews, borscht. Yes, and the usual soups and main dishes can be diversified with a light vegetable note. You can also add DOPs to the menu - additional products that you can eat no more than two servings per day. treat them corn starch, soy milk, low-fat sour cream, soy flour, yogurt with fruit pieces. Based on these ingredients, you can prepare good desserts.

At the third stage, the body is already getting used to the protein and vegetable diet, so the allowed fruits and cheese are perceived as an unimaginable treat. Recipes are becoming even more diverse: now you can even cook real pizza, pies, cakes, which do not differ in taste from more high-calorie counterparts. As a side dish, it is allowed to eat some rice, spaghetti, potatoes, but still protein foods should remain the basis of the diet.

During stabilization - the fourth stage of the Dukan diet - you can eat absolutely any food in moderate portions. Therefore, familiar recipes from the previous stages can be diversified with the help of previously prohibited avocados, pork, lentils, and any fruit. Sugar during the preparation of desserts is best replaced with honey or sweeteners.

Otherwise, your diet will no longer be very different from the diet of the rest of the family, with the exception of the obligatory protein Thursdays.

Results after the Dukan diet

All those who strictly adhered to all the rules agree that The Dukan diet is 100% effective. A rigorous calculation of the duration of each stage, the consumption of a specific list of products and constant physical activity allow you to get rid of excess weight even for people with a slow metabolism.

Since the pounds go away gradually, there are no stretch marks or cellulite left on the body. The problem of "saggy" skin also does not exist - it is tightened gradually throughout the diet.

It is important that people not only improve their figure and speed up their metabolism, but also change their eating habits and their attitude towards food. The myth that tasty food- it is high-calorie, it breaks down on diet desserts, casseroles, du-soups, meat dishes, which are to the taste even for those who have never been on a diet.

Why torture your body with heavy food, if you can please it with no less tasty natural products?

At the end of the diet, another stunning result awaits you - you will learn how to cook, even if you didn’t like to approach the stove before. It is impossible to eat one chicken breast for several months, and more complex (and to be honest, delicious dishes) require time. Therefore, the hostess will gradually wake up in you, who can easily cover the whole festive table with healthy dietary dishes.

By the way, another myth that proper nutrition is much more expensive than usual is dispelled literally as a result of several weeks of monitoring food costs.


you will refuse "junk food" like fast food, purchased snacks, sweets, chips, which quietly leave rather big sums.

a rich protein diet makes it possible to cover the need for calories in much smaller portions of food. And those who say that you can eat a kilogram of chicken in a day have simply never tried to do this!

Proper nutrition will help save a considerable amount on doctors - acne, migraines, liver problems are often caused by an unbalanced diet.

What is a therapeutic diet? This is primarily a developed system of therapeutic measures for the treatment of the disease. This concept includes not only sets of products for balanced nutrition, as well as correctly selected technologies and temperature of cooking. In the article we will consider diet (table) No. 1. There will also be a menu for the week.

General principles and description of the diet

This type of diet was developed by Pevzner Mikhail Isaakovich. It is prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, such as acute and chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach.

Diet "Table number 1" (we give the menu for the week below) contains many restrictions. Its use is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, normalization of secretory and motor function of the stomach, acceleration of the process of scarring of ulcers. However, the diet is chosen so that all the nutrients needed by the body come from food. The optimal number of calories, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats was calculated and selected.

In accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, dishes for the “Table No. 1” diet (we will repeat the menu for the week and recipes, we will describe in the following sections) are either boiled in boiling water or steamed. Some products are allowed to bake, but without the appearance of a crust. The allowable dose of salt for this diet is 6-8 grams. It is necessary to ensure that as few mechanical and chemical irritants of the gastrointestinal tract as possible enter the body. Before going to bed, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of milk or cream. From the diet of patients adhering to this system of nutrition, too hot and too cold dishes should be excluded. The total amount of food should be divided into five or six meals. Portions should be small. What else does the "Table #1" diet include? Now we will tell about it.

A weekly menu with recipes is best kept at hand. The daily ration should be approximately two and a half - three kilograms. If you translate this into calories, you get 2.8-3 thousand kcal per day. What else needs to be considered? The daily intake of proteins should be one hundred grams, fat - about ninety grams (and 25 grams should be vegetable fats), and carbohydrates - from three hundred to four hundred grams. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid.

Since the diet in question is aimed at eating food that does not irritate the gastric mucosa, most often these will be mashed dishes. But the menu will not only consist of them. It is acceptable to eat ordinary dishes that are not ground to a gruel state. However, in the acute stage of the disease, they will have to be abandoned.

Products that are allowed to be consumed

Below is a detailed list:

1. Bread for this diet is allowed to be baked from flour of the first or highest grade. However, it can only be eaten on the second day after preparation.

2. Cookies and dry biscuits.

3. Baked pies with boiled meat, apples, fish, cottage cheese or jam, lean buns. They are allowed to be used twice a week.

  • it is preferable to cook them on a potato or carrot broth with the addition of other vegetables;
  • milk soups are prepared with the addition of easily boiled cereals, semolina and non-acidic berries. Vermicelli stews with mashed vegetables are allowed for use;
  • puree soups can be cooked in meat broth (the meat should not be rough), adding mashed vegetables. Cream and an egg-milk mixture or a piece of butter are suitable for dressing the first course.

5. Meat and poultry.

For the “Table number 1” diet (a gastroenterologist or nutritionist can help make a menu for a week), low-fat varieties of poultry and meat prepared using a certain technology are suitable.

Boiled and steamed dishes of beef, trimmed pork, young and tender lamb, turkey and chicken are suitable for daily use. You can bake a piece of lean veal, rabbit or chicken meat in the oven. That's not all. It is also allowed to eat steamed zrazy, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs from minced meat or fish. From boiled meat, you can make a dish such as beef stroganoff. The tongue and liver are also included in the list of allowed foods for the "Table No. 1" diet. The menu for the week is quite varied.

Boil it, steam it or make cutlets. The main thing is to choose low-fat varieties of fish.

7. Dairy products.

A diet for gastritis of the stomach (menu "Table No. 1" below) allows you to use cream, milk, fresh non-acid kefir and cottage cheese, yogurt, a little fresh sour cream.

  • the products listed above can be whipped, pudding or soufflé can be prepared on their basis. We offer two more options - bake cheesecakes or make lazy dumplings;
  • the use of cheese is also allowed, but not spicy varieties (not too often, preferably grated).

We eat soft-boiled eggs or a steamed omelette made from them. No more than 3 times a day.

Almost any cereal is suitable for consumption. Porridges are prepared both in water and in milk. The most popular are semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge. You can also cook puddings, soufflés and cutlets from cereals.

10. Allowed the use of vermicelli and boiled pasta.

  • carrots, beets, green peas, potatoes, cauliflower. Vegetables are boiled or cooked in a double boiler, then mashed to a puree state. You can make puddings and soufflés out of them;
  • be sure to eat a young pumpkin and zucchini;
  • sweet ripe tomatoes. What else does the diet for stomach ulcers "Table No. 1" allow? The menu includes a variety of snacks. Their list is given below.

12. Snacks:

  • salads from meat, boiled vegetables and fish;
  • boiled tongue, liver pates, ham with a minimum of salt without fat, dairy sausage, dietary, doctor's;
  • sturgeon caviar.

13. Sweet Dishes:

  • mousses, jelly, jelly, puree;
  • pureed baked or boiled fruits and berries;
  • butter cream and milk jelly;
  • marshmallow, honey, marshmallow, non-sour jam, sugar.

12. Spices and sauces

  • not a large number of sour cream;
  • bechamel sauce not sautéed with butter;
  • parsley and dill;
  • fruit sauces, milk-fruit sauces;
  • cinnamon and vanilla.

A sample menu for the diet "Table No. 1" is given below.

13. Drinks:

  • coffee with milk, cocoa and tea;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices.
  • unsalted butter of the highest grade;
  • vegetable oil (refined).

What is forbidden to include in the menu for the week with the “Table No. 1” diet? Let's figure this out together.

Products prohibited for consumption

The minimum effect of the diet will be if the patient neglects the recommendations and eats the following foods:

  • rye bread, fresh pastries, rich and puff pastries;
  • fatty saturated broths on mushrooms, fish, meat, as well as borscht and sour cabbage soup, okroshka;
  • oily fish;
  • sinewy and fatty meat, duck, goose.
  • dairy products, which contain a large amount of acid;
  • spicy and salty cheese;
  • hard-boiled, fried eggs;

Dinner: boiled beef.

Fourth day

Breakfast: tea with milk, semolina pudding with baked pumpkin.

2 breakfast: apple and banana puree.

Lunch: compote, milk soup, steamed chicken fillet with apples.

Afternoon snack: baked apples.

Dinner: steamed zucchini and eggplant.

Day #5

What are the recipes for the diet "Table number 1"? The menu needs to be diversified, so options for the most delicious dishes will be given at the end of the article.

Breakfast: milk and cottage cheese casserole.

2nd breakfast: rosehip broth and crackers.

Lunch: cutlets made from liver pate and buckwheat, green tea.

Afternoon snack: stewed cauliflower.

Dinner: carrot and cheese salad, rice soup.

Day #6

Breakfast: tea with jam and crackers white bread.

2 breakfast: cottage cheese and berry dessert.

Lunch: fish pudding.

Afternoon snack: low-fat and non-acid kefir with cookies.

Dinner: mashed potatoes and boiled chicken.

Seventh day

Breakfast: steam omelette, banana milkshake.

2nd breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: boiled pasta, steam meat cutlets.

Lunch: baked pumpkin.

Dinner: beef stew with vegetables.

Now let's get the recipes.

Apples with cottage cheese and honey

Products: 2 pcs. sweet apples, 100 gr. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

Preparation: small apples need to be peeled, core removed, grated on a fine grater. Then combine with cottage cheese and grind the mixture until smooth. Add honey to the mixture and mix well.

Milk soup with semolina dumplings

Products: semolina 25 g, 250 g milk, 1/4 egg, 5 g butter, 5 g sugar, salt - 1 g.

Preparation: boil 100 ml of water, pour semolina and, stirring constantly, cook for 10 minutes, then cool. Add the egg to the chilled semolina. Mix well. In boiling water from the prepared semolina mixture with a teaspoon, lower the dumplings, bring to a boil, then add hot milk, sugar and salt. The soup is ready. Add oil to bowl before serving.

Baked carrot cutlets

Ingredients: carrots 140 g, milk 20 g, semolina 10 g, butter 5 g, wheat flour 5 g, sugar 5 g, eggs 1/5 pcs., sour cream 5 g. Output product - 130 g. Sour cream ready dish of 15

Preparation: Peel and wash carrots. Then cut into strips, pour milk, add butter, simmer in a saucepan until cooked with a covered lid. For 7-10 min. until ready, add semolina and cook, stirring for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mass, then add eggs and sugar, then mix well and make cutlets at the rate of 2 pcs. per portion, roll in flour. Grease a baking sheet with butter, and grease cutlets with sour cream and bake in the oven. Best served with sour cream.

Zucchini stuffed with rice and vegetables

Products: 250 g of zucchini, 4 g of rice, 75 g of carrots, 20 g of 20% sour cream, 5 g of butter.

Preparation: Rinse the zucchini, peel off the skin, remove the core. What's next? Zucchini divided into 2-3 parts, boil until half cooked. Wash the carrots, peel and finely chop. Then simmer in hot water until tender and add drain. oil. Rice is washed several times in warm water, then boiled until tender. Ready-made rice and carrots are mixed and zucchini is stuffed with minced meat. Then they are laid out on a baking sheet, which is greased with butter, poured with sour cream and baked in the oven. These dishes are the most relevant in the summer season with the "Table number 1" diet. The menu for the week with recipes often includes zucchini, as they spare the stomach.

Fish quenelles

Products: 80 g of fish, 9 g of wheat bread, 15 g of milk or water, 15 g of cream, egg white 3 g, salt 0.8 g. The output is 100 g. Butter or sauce 50 g.

Preparation: the fillet of low-fat fish (for example, pike perch), peeled, along with stale wheat bread soaked in milk, is scrolled in a meat grinder. In the resulting mass add the egg and chilled cream, salt. From the resulting mass, quenelles are formed in the form of dumplings. They are put in a saucepan greased with butter, poured with a small amount of boiling water and boiled until tender. To the table, fish dumplings are served with milk sauce or a piece of butter. As a side dish, grated buckwheat or oatmeal, as well as boiled vermicelli, are suitable for them.

Now you know what features the "Table No. 1" diet has. The menu for the week, recipes were also presented in the article.

Polina Gagarina and Ksenia Borodina know how to bring their weight closer to ideal in 7 days, and reveal their secrets. Learn from the article how to lose up to 10 kg in a week without giving up your favorite food.

Dieting is the most reliable measure for normalizing body weight, because only by adjusting your diet can you create a calorie deficit and force the body to burn its own fat reserves. This process must be lengthy, as extreme conditions can cause irreparable harm to health. But in life there are often times when you need to put in order a figure in just a few days, throwing off 5-7, or even 10 kilograms. And this happens quite often, so the diet for a week is in great demand.


Many of those who want to lose weight come up with own rules, confidently refusing harmful, in their opinion, products for the figure. However, it is much safer, more efficient and more rational to use nutrition systems created by nutritionists and time-tested, thanks to which you can get rid of the required number of kilograms in 7 days, minimizing the likelihood of harm to the body. After all, for weight loss, it is important not only to limit your diet, but also to follow the appropriate nutrition schedule, drinking regimen and many other rules. This is necessary for the normalization of metabolism, the qualitative removal of decay products, and the provision of the body with essential nutrients.

The general principles and rules of all 7-day diets for weight loss are as follows:

  1. Diet restrictions should be such that during the day there is no strong feeling of hunger.
  2. If the menu is too rigid, it is better to break its requirements and have a snack with a low-calorie product (for example, cucumber or herbs) than to subject the body and psyche to extreme stress.
  3. If you need to lose a large amount of weight in such a short time, then it is better to do this under the supervision of a nutritionist.

When choosing an individual diet for a week, it is very important to choose the right regimen, make a diet, and establish optimal nutrition. Rapid weight loss is especially dangerous for women, as it can lead to hormonal imbalances. In addition, a significant deterioration in appearance is possible - the chest falls, hair falls out, nails become brittle, the face looks tired.

A competent selection of a fast diet for 7 days should also be based on taste preferences, since it is much easier to endure a week on your favorite product, even with more dietary restrictions, than on one that is disgusting. So, lovers of a varied menu should avoid a mono-diet, fans of sweets are more suitable for fruit programs, etc. In general, the diet should be as close as possible to tastes, the specifics of occupations and lifestyle. Only then can you achieve the best result without harm to health and nervous breakdowns.

Diet menu for the week

Due to their universal duration, diets for a week can be very different and have the most options of all possible. After all, for 7 days you can safely withstand the most stringent nutrition system, as well as adapt the longest weight correction programs for this course. Since it is simply impossible to get acquainted with all the varieties of such techniques, we offer you the most popular of them.


Oranges have a low calorie content and a lot of useful substances in the composition, which makes them a very effective product for weight loss and recovery. Orange diet for a week - tasty, healthy, very effective. It helps to throw off 5-7 kg without load, stress, a strong feeling of hunger.

Essence and rules

The useful property of an orange in normalizing body weight is due to its ability to saturate for a long time due to the presence of fiber and complex carbohydrates, as well as cleanse the body and have an antidepressant effect. In addition, the high content of vitamin C makes it an excellent antioxidant that actively removes free radicals, preventing the occurrence of serious diseases, early aging, and metabolic disorders.

As a result of the orange diet:

  • provides rapid weight loss;
  • the tone of the body is maintained;
  • skin condition improves.

To get the maximum result within 7 days, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Eat oranges as the basis of the diet, without limiting the amount of other foods too much (according to the menu).
  2. Drink enough (from 2 liters) amount of healthy liquid.
  3. Provide moderate exercise.

Before choosing this method of losing weight, you should make sure that you are not allergic to citrus fruits.

sample menu

There are many options for the orange diet menu for a week. The most popular ones are listed below.

Option 1

In this sample breakfast menu, eat 1 orange daily and drink 1 cup of unsweetened green or herbal tea.

  • lunch - 1 tomato, greens, 50-70 g of rye bread, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon;
  • dinner - 1 tomato, 1 orange, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon.
  • lunch - 1 tomato, greens, 1 egg, 50–70 g of rye bread, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon;
  • dinner - 1 tomato, 1 egg, 1 orange, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon;
  • lunch - 1 tomato, greens, 100 g of dietary veal, 50–70 g of rye bread, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon;
  • dinner - 1 tomato, 1 egg, 100 g of dietary veal, 1 orange, 250 ml of kefir drink with cinnamon.

Days 5, 6 - during each day you can eat 400 g of fat-free cottage cheese and 3 oranges.

Day 7 - the diet consists only of dietary fish and 3 oranges.

Option 2

In this diet for breakfast, you need to eat 1 orange and a dish of 2 eggs daily.

  • for dinner - 200 g of dietary meat (beef or chicken).
  • for dinner - raw vegetables (you can salad), 1 rye cracker, 1 orange.
  • for lunch - 2 tomatoes, 150 g of low-fat cheese, 1 toast, 1 orange;
  • for lunch - 1 orange, 200 g of any other, but not starchy fruits of the same type;
  • for dinner - 200 g of dietary meat.
  • for lunch - 200 g of dietary meat;
  • for dinner - 2 eggs, boiled vegetables, 1 orange.
  • for lunch - 1 orange, 200 g of any other, but not starchy fruits of the same type;
  • for dinner - 200 g of dietary meat, grilled vegetables.
  • for lunch - 200 g of dietary meat, boiled vegetables, fresh tomato juice, 1 orange;
  • for dinner - boiled non-starchy vegetables, 1 orange.

Option 3

This diet is the most rigid and involves eating every day according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning - 1 sandwich with 80 g of cheese, 2 apples, tea;
  • snack - 250 ml fresh oranges or 2 whole citrus fruits, 1 apple;
  • in the afternoon - apple-orange salad dressed with yogurt, 1 cracker;
  • snack - 1 orange;
  • in the evening - 1 sandwich with 80 g of cheese, 2 apples, tea.

Drink plenty of water between meals to ensure active cleansing.

Option 4

This is a kefir-orange diet, which is also quite tough and effective. The menu for all 7 days will also be the same:

  • in the morning - 200 ml of 0% kefir, 1 citrus;
  • lunch - 200 ml of 0% kefir;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of dietary fish or meat, 200 ml of 0% kefir, 2 citrus fruits;
  • snack - 200 ml of 0% kefir, 1 citrus;
  • in the evening - 200 ml of 0% kefir, 1 citrus.

During the day, you need to drink clean water and green tea in large quantities.

In addition to these options, there is the simplest and most strict. It involves mono-nutrition - only 2 products are allowed daily:

  • oranges in the amount of 1 kg;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of mineral water without gas per day.

Almost any version of the orange diet for 7 days is only allowed to be used by completely healthy people. Therefore, before starting the course, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


The "atomic" diet is a special diet based on carbohydrate-protein alternation and does not require too strong dietary restrictions. You can eat as usual, but only certain foods. You can adhere to this technique from 1 week and as long as it will be necessary to obtain the desired result. In 7 days, you can get rid of 2-5 extra pounds.

Essence and rules

The "atomic" diet is chosen in such a way that it accelerates the metabolism and activates the burning of fats. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to clearly separate protein and carbohydrate days without the slightest mixing of food.

In addition, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Completely eliminate confectionery and sugar from the diet.
  2. From vegetables, you can not eat potatoes, from fruits - bananas and grapes.
  3. Eat dinner 3 hours before bed.

On carbohydrate days, between meals, it is allowed to use fresh juices, on protein days - kefir.

sample menu

The protein diet is made up of dietary meat and fish, eggs, skim milk and lactic acid products. The basis of carbohydrate days is plant foods.

Examples of menus for each day might be as follows:

Protein diet:

  • breakfast - boiled breast, 2 eggs;
  • lunch - meat casserole, cottage cheese;
  • dinner - baked fish fillet, kefir.

Carbohydrate Diet:

  • breakfast - oatmeal, apples;
  • lunch - vegetable stew;
  • dinner - vinaigrette without potatoes.

The menu is very simple, does not require special products and complex dishes. The main condition for losing weight is the complete exclusion of carbohydrates on protein days and proteins on carbohydrate days. This is the essence of this technique.

The "atomic" method of weight loss is devoid of several of the main drawbacks of most diets - hunger, deficiency of essential nutrients and nutrients, as well as the plateau effect when weight stops.

Moreover, the “atomic” program works even in the absence of great physical exertion, but walking and an active lifestyle can significantly increase its effectiveness.


One of the most controversial diets for the week is protein for the abdomen. On the one hand, it is quite effective, because it allows you not only to quickly get rid of fat, especially on the waist and hips, but also with sufficient physical activity, it makes the body toned, increasing muscle mass. However, protein nutrition has a number of disadvantages, since the absence of carbohydrates can be harmful to health, and especially to brain activity. Therefore, it is not recommended to stick to such a nutrition system for too long. The best option is 7 days.

Essence and rules

The secret to losing weight on protein foods lies in the fact that the body spends more energy than comes with food. At the same time, preference is given to proteins of animal origin, which are similar in composition to human protein and ensure the preservation of muscle mass.

When following a protein diet for a week, you must abandon unhealthy fats and simple carbohydrates in favor of protein products of animal origin. Such a diet will provide a quick disposal of body fat, elimination of cellulite and prevention of sagging skin after reducing body volume.

To get the most out of the diet, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  1. Do not completely exclude carbohydrates and fats from the diet.
  2. Eat vegetables - sources of fiber.
  3. Eat 4 times a day, limiting the amount of servings.
  4. Eat dinner at least 2 hours before bed.
  5. Observe the water regime, drinking 1.5–2.5 liters of pure water per day.
  6. Do not exceed the daily energy value of the diet more than 1500 kcal.
  7. Eat only high-quality natural products.
  8. The “correct” (complex) carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning.

You should also take multivitamins to make up for their deficiency and reduce stress for the body.

sample menu

The basis of the daily diet are foods high in protein. Completely excluded: sweets, flour products, fruits, starchy vegetables, semi-finished products, canned food, alcohol. Dishes need to be boiled, baked or steamed.

An approximate weekly protein menu should look like this:


  • 7:00-8:00 - cottage cheese, tea;
  • 13:00–14:00 - dietary meat, cabbage salad with peas and olive oil;
  • 17:00-18:00 - dietary fish, lactic acid drink.
  • 7:00-8:00 - eggs, cucumber salad with celery and olive oil;
  • 10:00-11:00 - cottage cheese, tea;
  • 13:00–14:00 - dietary fish fillet, broccoli;
  • 17:00-18:00 - chicken breast, hard cheese.
  • 7:00-8:00 - cucumber-tomato salad with yogurt, eggs;
  • 10:00-11:00 - hazelnuts;
  • 13:00-14:00 - chicken with herbs;
  • 17:00-18:00 - dietary meat, lentils.
  • 7:00-8:00 - scrambled eggs, lactic acid drink;
  • 10:00-11:00 - zucchini stewed in olive oil, chicken;
  • 13:00–14:00 - dietary meat, fresh tomato;
  • 17:00-18:00 - cottage cheese.
  • 7:00-8:00 - oatmeal with milk;
  • 10:00-11:00 - eggs, hard cheese;
  • 13:00-14:00 - chicken breast with beans;
  • 7:00-8:00 - dietary meat with green beans;
  • 10:00-11:00 - egg-curd casserole;
  • 13:00–14:00 - dietary meat, vegetable salad with yogurt dressing;
  • 17:00-18:00 - dietary fish with herbs.


  • 7:00-8:00 - scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • 10:00-11:00 - cottage cheese with cashew nuts;
  • 13:00-14:00 - dietary fish, boiled vegetables;
  • 17:00-18:00 - chicken breast with leaf lettuce.

The diet turns out to be quite satisfying, but a significant restriction of carbohydrates is felt quite strongly. But as a result of a protein diet for a week, you can not only put your figure in order, but also develop healthy eating habits that must be followed in the future.


The joint development of psychotherapists and nutritionists called the Bormental diet is recognized as one of the best methods for normalizing weight. Its main principle is weight loss without restrictions, prohibitions and physical activity.

Essence and rules

The basis of the Bormental diet is counting calories and eliminating the cause that caused the increase in body weight. Such reasons may be:

  • nervous stress;
  • lack of diet;
  • high-calorie late dinners;
  • overeating in general.

According to Bormental's rules, the daily calorie content of the menu should be 1000 kcal, and with increased physical activity - 1200 kcal.

For nutrition, it is recommended to choose low-calorie foods, although there is no ban on anything. It is important that every day there are proteins in the diet - meat, fish, eggs, as well as complex carbohydrates and vegetable oil. At the same time, it is advisable to abandon fast food, fried foods and other high-calorie foods that are harmful to the figure.

  1. Eat food warm and drink hot tea.
  2. Increase the amount of food intake up to 7 times a day, and reduce portions to 200 g.
  3. The last time you can consume anything is 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. 2 days a week to do unloading on kefir or vegetables.

sample menu

According to the Bormental method, it is necessary to eat dietary meat, low-fat varieties of fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits for a week. An approximate menu made up of the indicated products may be as follows (the energy value of the dish in kcal is indicated in brackets):

  • breakfast - 100 g of seaweed (16), 2 eggs (130), 50 g of cake (155), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 1/6 part (1 strip) of chocolate bar (70), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 200 ml of mushroom soup (50), 200 g of cabbage salad with vegetable oil (85), 100 g of mashed potatoes with butter (128), 50 g of fish fillet (35), hot unsweetened tea;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of vinaigrette (128), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 30 g of beef stew with 100 g of buckwheat porridge (257), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • second dinner - 250 ml of 0% kefir (60).
  • breakfast - 100 g barley (135), 1 egg (65), 1 apple (45), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 150 g of cherries (75), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable puree soup (30), 100 g of boiled rice (150), 50 g of beef (90), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • afternoon snack - 50 g of fish fillet (70), 50 g of cucumber (8), 1 slice of Borodino bread (8), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • dinner - 100 g of stewed cabbage (90), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • the second dinner - 200 ml of curdled milk (118).
  • breakfast - 200 g omelet with mushrooms (250), 30 g marshmallows (100), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 100 g of chicken (135), 50 g of cucumber (8), 1 slice of Borodino bread (8), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 250 ml of pea soup (120), 100 g of rice with vegetables (150), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • afternoon snack - 1 medium apple (45), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 100 g potatoes with tomato sauce (90), 50 g beetroot salad (35), 200 ml hot sweet tea (30);
  • breakfast - 100 g of millet porridge (168), 50 g of dietary meat (75), 50 g of carrot and onion salad (30), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 20 g of hard cheese, 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 200 ml of fish soup (90), 50 g of vinaigrette (65), 2 slices of Borodino bread (16), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • afternoon snack - 100 g cucumber salad with low-fat sour cream (35), 50 g fish fillet (35), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 100 g of pilaf with mushrooms (120), 100 g of cabbage salad with olive oil (65), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • second dinner - 200 ml of fermented baked milk (175).
  • breakfast - 100 g of oatmeal (175), 1 apple (45), 1/6 part (1 strip) of a chocolate bar (70), hot unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - 100 g of cucumber and tomato salad (35), 50 g of chicken (75), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 250 ml of vegetarian pickle (135), 50 g of seaweed (8), 50 g of boiled rice (55), 30 g of marshmallows (100), hot unsweetened tea;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of fruit salad (100), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 50 g of dietary meat, 100 g of stewed zucchini (105), 75 g of cucumber salad with low-fat sour cream (25), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • second dinner - 200 ml of 0% kefir (60).
  • breakfast - 100 g of omelette (125), 100 g of tomato salad with onions and olive oil (100), 2 slices of white bread (18), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - a sandwich of 1 loaf with 50 g of chicken breast and 50 g of cucumber (100), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 200 g of chicken broth soup (170), 2 slices of white bread (18), 50 g of Chinese cabbage with olive oil (40), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream (130), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 75 g of barley porridge with zucchini (110), 50 g of liver (100), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • breakfast - 100 g of buckwheat with veal chop (250), 1 tomato (18), hot unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - 50 g of muffin (135), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetarian soup, 50 g of potatoes in sour cream (60), 50 g of sauerkraut (35), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese pancakes (200), hot unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - 100 g of rice with tomato sauce (115), 50 g of veal (90), 200 ml of hot sweet tea (30);
  • second dinner - 200 ml of 0% kefir (60 kcal).

In between meals, you need to drink only clean water - 2 liters per day.

It is also recommended to keep a food diary, writing down all the food you eat with calculated calories. In addition, dietary adjustments should be made periodically to improve weight loss.

Bormental's diet is designed for the average person who cannot afford special meals and visits to the gym. It is recognized as one of the most effective, because after the end of positive results, everyone without exception achieves, and the lost weight does not return.


Many people who want to lose weight do not have enough willpower to go in for sports, and even more so limit themselves in nutrition. In such a situation, the Gavrilov diet is perfect, which does not provide for starvation and enhanced training. Dr. Gavrilov has developed a special system based on proper nutrition and maintaining a positive psychological attitude of a person who is losing weight. In seven days of such a course, you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​with little or no effort.

Essence and rules

Dr. Gavrilov believes that fasting is very harmful to the body, so he recommends taking just a few simple measures:

  1. Slightly limit the consumption of certain foods.
  2. Try to eat at the same time.
  3. Monitor your food desires, avoiding excessive fasting or overeating.
  4. Develop strong motivation and set yourself a clear goal - to lose weight.

Minor activity, such as a daily walk, is sufficient as physical activity.

The list of prohibited foods is relatively small and includes only those that are harmful to health and at the same time contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds. Therefore, Dr. Gavrilov recommends abandoning them not only during the diet for 7 days, but for life. These include:

  • canned food;
  • sweets, muffins, fried pies;
  • fast food;
  • potato;
  • sugar, salt;
  • butter.

It is proposed to make a diet from such products:

  • vegetables (excluding potatoes);
  • fruits (without bananas);
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products.

In fact, Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique is not so much a diet for a week as recommendations for proper nutrition. The author advises to pre-compile a menu for each day, so that it is easier to follow a diet and not eat excess food.

sample menu

Dr. Gavrilov does not give clear recommendations regarding the menu. The diet can be planned independently, taking into account the above principles and rules. To understand what a daily diet should look like, you can use the following example:

  • breakfast - a portion of oatmeal with dried fruits or slices of fresh fruits and berries, tea or coffee without sugar, but it is possible with milk;
  • snack - a little hard cheese, the same tea or coffee as in the morning;
  • lunch - a large portion of vegetable soup, baked vegetables with cottage cheese and herbs;
  • afternoon snack - fresh or fruit salad;
  • dinner - steamed fish fillet, vegetable stew;
  • the second dinner is a low-fat lactic acid drink.

The weight loss system according to Gavrilov is suitable only for those people who are able to think positively, and will also be able to comply with its basic principles:

  1. Completely give up the desire to consume calories.
  2. Give yourself a firm statement about the inadmissibility of being overweight.

Thus, to obtain a successful result, a combination of dietary restriction and psychological attitude is necessary.


A hypoallergenic diet is a special nutrition system that helps allergy sufferers lose weight and at the same time get rid of food allergies. With its help, you can lose up to 4 kg, while stopping attacks, getting rid of various manifestations (redness, rash, cough, rhinitis), and also develop resistance to highly allergenic products.

Essence and rules

The mechanism of action of the hypoallergenic nutrition system is that during the week it is necessary to follow a special diet, in the diet of which there are no products that can cause allergies. Then you need to gradually introduce them into the daily menu in small portions. After each meal of such food, you need to monitor the reaction - if everything is fine, continue to add other ingredients.

The following products are allowed:

  • boiled rice and oatmeal on the water;
  • green plant foods (zucchini, cucumbers, herbs, apples, etc.);
  • vegetable soups;
  • veal, turkey, fish;
  • kefir, natural yogurt.

sample menu

The hypoallergenic menu is compiled according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning - cottage cheese with sour cream, buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • in the afternoon - veal, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, currant compote;
  • in the evening - cucumber salad with low-fat sour cream, rice porridge, a piece of turkey.
  • in the morning - oatmeal with dried fruits, tea;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable stew, turkey, dried fruit compote;
  • in the evening - steamed veal cutlet, rice, cucumber salad.
  • in the morning - sandwiches with cheese, natural yogurt with bran;
  • in the afternoon - stewed cabbage, turkey, cabbage salad;
  • in the evening - mashed potatoes, steamed veal cutlet, 1 green apple.
  • in the morning - pasta with grated cheese, tea;
  • in the afternoon - pickle, steamed fish fillet, 1 green apple;
  • in the evening - vegetable stew, kefir.
  • in the morning - corn porridge, fruit salad, tea;
  • in the afternoon - rice porridge, veal, currant jelly;
  • in the evening - buckwheat porridge, crackers, fermented baked milk.
  • in the morning - cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • in the afternoon - stewed vegetables, turkey, compote from green apples and rose hips;
  • in the evening - rice porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream and banana.
  • in the morning - oatmeal on the water with dried fruits;
  • in the afternoon - steamed veal cutlet with rice garnish;
  • in the evening - buckwheat porridge, fruit salad, kefir.

To protect the body from the accumulation of possible allergens, it is recommended to change dishes more often, without eating the same foods more than 2 times per course. It is also important after the end of the diet to gradually introduce new foods that are not included in the list of allowed. With this diet, the body will be able to get used to them and will not give a negative reaction.


The unchanging classic of the “diet genre” is the buckwheat diet for a week. Eating buckwheat porridge in unlimited quantities, you can get rid of excess pounds without severe hunger, remove toxins and toxins, as well as restore metabolic processes and improve skin condition.

Essence and rules

The 7-day buckwheat diet is a strict mono-diet, although there are several varieties that allow the use of other foods, most often fruits or lactic acid products. In any case, the basis of the diet is steamed buckwheat, which is not boiled, but is poured with boiling water overnight (1: 2). This method of cooking allows you to save the unique nutritional composition of buckwheat, which makes it a full-fledged alternative to protein foods.

With any variant of the buckwheat diet, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Complete exclusion from the diet of all products that are not listed on the menu.
  2. Fractional meals 5-6 times a day, but if such a regimen is not possible, 3 meals a day are acceptable.
  3. Drinking 1 glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach an hour before the first serving of buckwheat.
  4. Compliance with the volume of a single portion of buckwheat - no more than 200 g with 5-6 meals a day or up to 400 g with 3 meals a day.
  5. Reception of a multivitamin complex.

The diet is designed for a week, but can be continued for no more than 2 weeks. Light exercise is recommended along with the diet.

All the rules listed in the list must be strictly observed, otherwise the result of the diet will be reduced. In general, in 7 days of a buckwheat diet, you can lose:

  • on the classic menu - 6–12 kg;
  • on buckwheat-kefir - 7-10 kg;
  • on fruit and buckwheat - 4–6 kg;
  • on medical - about 3 kg.

The result depends on the severity of the restrictions and the characteristics of the organism.

sample menu

The most difficult and difficult to follow is the classic buckwheat diet for a week - on one porridge.

Classic menu

In this diet option, it is supposed to use only steamed cereals and a large amount of pure water with the addition of green tea or herbal decoctions for 7 days. The menu for the entire duration should be as follows:

  • breakfast (1 hour after water) - 200 g of steamed buckwheat without any additives, 200 ml of green tea;
  • lunch - 200 g of the same steamed buckwheat, 200 ml of herbal infusion;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • dinner - 200 g of buckwheat, herbal or green tea;

Buckwheat must be cooked by steaming. To do this, 1-2 cups of cereals are poured with 2-4 cups of boiling water and wrapped up overnight. If necessary, you can use a thermos, then the cooking time will be reduced to 2 hours. As a rule, porridge made from a glass of dry cereal is enough for the whole day. Despite the fact that porridge is allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities (the menu is given as an example), it is usually not possible to eat too much of it due to the monotony of nutrition.

Buckwheat-kefir menu

With this nutrition scheme, 1–1.5 liters of kefir is added to the above diet, depending on the fat content - you can drink 1.5 liters of fat-free, low-fat (1%) - only 1 liter. You can use porridge and lactic acid drink in different ways:

  • use kefir in the preparation of buckwheat instead of boiling water, pouring cereal over it overnight (without wrapping);
  • drink kefir with each serving of porridge;
  • take food in turn.

Water and teas should be drunk in the same way as in the classic version of the diet for 7 days.

Buckwheat and fruit menu

In this menu option, in addition to steamed buckwheat, the use of unsweetened raw fruits and dried fruits is assumed. Apples, pears, plums, dried apricots, prunes are best suited for this. To diversify the menu, fruits can be changed every day or throughout the day. This will help psychologically easier to endure dietary restrictions, as well as facilitate the work of the digestive tract.

A buckwheat-fruit diet for a week is the easiest to tolerate compared to other weight loss options on buckwheat. An example menu might look like this:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach - 200 ml of warm water;
  • breakfast (1 hour after water) - 200 g of steamed buckwheat with the addition of 50 g of dried fruits, 200 ml of green tea;
  • lunch - 2-3 fruits;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • lunch - 200 g of steamed buckwheat, 200 ml of fresh fruit;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • dinner - 200 g of buckwheat, herbal or green tea;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water.

A prerequisite is the use of at least 2 liters of fluid per day, and fruit juices are not included in this volume, since they are perceived by the body as food.

Treatment menu

The therapeutic buckwheat diet is less strict than all those described above, and acts more gently, so it is classified as sparing. In addition, judging by the name and action, the menu below has a beneficial effect on the body, promoting cleansing and healing.

Daily meals can be compiled according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach - 200 ml of warm water;
  • breakfast - 100 g of steamed buckwheat, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese (or 30 g of hard cheese), green tea;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • lunch - 100 g of steamed buckwheat, 100 g of dietary meat, raw vegetables, tea;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • afternoon snack - 1 fruit;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water;
  • dinner - 100 g of buckwheat, 100 g of any boiled cabbage, 200 ml of tomato fresh;
  • every hour - 200 ml of water.

The main drawback of all variants of the buckwheat diet is the sharp exclusion of sugar, salt, proteins and fats, which negatively affects the general and mental state. Therefore, such diets are rather difficult to tolerate, despite the absence of hunger. In addition, losing weight using such methods is contraindicated in the presence of any health problems.


Pierre Ducane has created a unique 4-stage nutrition system designed for a fairly long period and giving incredible results. In addition, he offers an interesting express version of his diet for a week, called "Nutrition Ladder". It is intended primarily for people who have normalized weight according to the traditional Ducan method, but who have not managed to keep it. In addition, this weekly course is ideal for those who want to slightly improve their figure without completely giving up their favorite products. Weight loss will be quite insignificant - in 7 days you can get rid of about 700 g. But if the achieved result is not enough, then the menu can be repeated as many times (weeks) as necessary.

Essence and rules

The Dukan Express Method is the same protein diet, but more balanced and versatile than the classic version. The prerequisites for each day remain the same:

  • the presence of oat bran in the diet;
  • drinking plenty of water - about 2 liters of water;
  • regular 30-minute walk.

The idea of ​​​​the diet is to divide the weekly diet into 7 steps (days). Every day, you need to include new products in the menu, as if rising one step. It turns out a kind of nutrition ladder - hence the name of this light version of the Dukan diet.

sample menu

Pierre Dukan offers a very sparing diet, which gives a low, but guaranteed result without harm to health. The accumulated reserves of fat are gradually wasted through the use of healthy natural products.

The weekly menu by day should be like this:

  1. th: pure protein. Protein foods can be consumed throughout the day unlimited in time and quantity. Plus necessarily 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran. Any additional products are prohibited.
  2. oh: protein-vegetable. Vegetables are added to proteins (except potatoes), which are also taken in any quantity.
  3. th: protein-vegetable. The diet and rules of the previous protein and vegetable day remain unchanged, but fruits are added to the menu (without bananas and grapes).
  4. th: in the menu for proteins, vegetables, fruits and bran, 50 g of whole grain bread is introduced.
  5. -th: 40 g of hard cheese (no more than 20% fat content) are added to the previous diet.
  6. th: in addition to the menu, it is allowed to use 220 g of starchy foods to choose from - legumes, cereals, potatoes, durum wheat pasta.
  7. -oy: the diet of the sixth day is repeated, but at one of the meals you can allow your favorite dishes, that is, arrange a so-called feast, including dessert and wine.

We should not forget that the norm of bran (1.5 tablespoons) and water (2 liters) remains mandatory for each day.

The menu is quite varied and has a few restrictions. In addition, the feeling of hunger and the need to count calories are completely absent. This light version of the Dukan diet is absolutely safe, easy and simple to follow, suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight gradually or consolidate the results achieved.

Elena Malysheva

Famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva is a certified nutritionist. She is credited with a large number of different diets, among which it is almost impossible to determine the unique author's methods of losing weight. However, they are all based on the same rules and principles of proper nutrition, but require different diets and duration of compliance. The diet of Elena Malysheva for a week allows you to get rid of 4–6 kg in such a short time, remove your stomach and significantly reduce your waist.

Essence and rules

  1. Do not starve - you need to eat every 2-3 hours.
  2. Observe the volume of the serving - each should be 1 cup or 250 g in size.
  3. Do not exceed the daily calorie intake of 1200 kcal.
  4. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water every day and be sure to drink 1 cup of green tea.
  5. Chew any food thoroughly so that it begins to break down already in the oral cavity.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that contribute to weight gain - flour, sweet products, alcoholic beverages, as well as potatoes, beets, carrots. The basis of nutrition should be low-calorie foods:

  • lean meats;
  • grain cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat);
  • non-starchy vegetables, greens;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • natural low-fat dairy products.

sample menu

Malysheva does not require strict adherence to a specific menu. You can develop it yourself, guided by the above rules and the list of products. For example, you can use the following recommendations regarding the main meals.

Breakfast options by day:

  1. Buckwheat porridge, cabbage salad, 1 apple.
  2. Oatmeal, berries.
  3. Steam omelette with vegetables, 1 apple.
  4. Chicken breast with green peas.
  5. Barley porridge, squash caviar.
  6. Millet porridge with dried fruits.
  7. Vegetable casserole.

Lunch options:

  1. Cottage cheese casserole, dried fruits.
  2. Hard cheese, tomatoes, whole grain bread.
  3. Grapefruit.
  4. Greek salad, whole grain bread.
  5. Vegetable salad with cottage cheese and greens
  6. Fruit curd.
  7. Eggs in any form.

Lunch options:

  1. Dietary meat, cucumber and cabbage salad.
  2. Chicken breast, vegetable salad with herbs.
  3. Chicken or veal zrazy, stewed zucchini.
  4. Baked fish, vegetable stew.
  5. Braised cabbage with meat.
  6. Boiled brown rice with dried fruits.
  7. Chicken soup, fresh vegetables.

Afternoon options:

  1. Apples.
  2. Curd with yogurt.
  3. Curd with raisins.
  4. Orange.
  5. Kefir with pieces of dried fruit.
  6. Any nuts.
  7. Pomegranate.

Dinner options:

  1. Braised cabbage, baked apple, yogurt.
  2. Baked fish, green beans.
  3. Chicken breast, vegetable stew.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.
  5. Fish fillet with broccoli.
  6. Stewed vegetables with mushrooms.
  7. Chicken rolls with cauliflower.

The sizes of each serving are not indicated in the examples given, but it should be remembered that Malysheva recommends limiting its volume to 1 glass or 250 g.

There is also a more simplified diet for a week, created by a famous television nutritionist. It is also designed for seven days, but is based on the alternation of two menus - protein and carbohydrate:

  1. The protein day diet consists of 1 egg with green vegetables for breakfast, as well as boiled chicken distributed over the remaining 4 meals.
  2. In carbohydrate - it is allowed to use only the vegetable salad "Brush", for the preparation of which grated vegetables are mixed - 1 beetroot, 1 carrot, ½ head of cabbage, and seasoned with lemon juice.

Such a diet begins and ends with a protein day.

There is also another Malysheva express diet for a week with the following nutrition schedule:

  • days 1, 5 - 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • 2, 6th - 1 liter of kefir, 300 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of berries;
  • 3, 7th - 800 g of boiled fish;
  • 4th - 500 g of boiled chicken breast.

Additionally, any amount of greens can be consumed on any day. The calorie content of each diet is about 600 kcal, which is extremely small. Therefore, you can not continue the diet for more than 7 days.

Elena Malysheva advises - count calories, but do not become addicted to them. Having reached the daily limit, do not give up food. The body and mind must develop, and for this they need energy and "fuel". In order not to harm the figure, the nutritionist recommends giving preference to vegetables, eggs, lean meat, dairy products, but consuming everything in moderation.

fat burning

Many people dream of losing weight without limiting themselves in nutrition. But almost all diets are based on a drastic reduction in the diet, which invariably leads to constant feeling hunger. The exception is the fat-burning diet, which does not have to starve, but in a week you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight, and even more when combined with moderate physical activity. This method of weight loss is often used by athletes to quickly gain the desired shape.

Essence and rules

The action of a fat-burning diet for a week is based on improving metabolism, normalizing glucose and insulin levels, accelerating the breakdown of fat and preventing the appearance of new deposits. The rules of this weight loss technique allow you to choose products of your choice from the list of permitted ones, so such a diet is tolerated quite easily.

To ensure high-quality and timely removal of decay products (fat breakdown), it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The drinking regimen should be as follows:

  • 200 ml of water immediately after waking up;
  • other water intakes - in the same amount 30 minutes before meals.

It is also important that eating should be stopped 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The daily menu includes a large number of proteins that alternate and combine with plant foods. Thanks to this diet, a fat-burning effect and weight loss are achieved while maintaining muscle mass.

The products allowed during the fat-burning diet for 7 days are divided into categories, indicating the permissible amount of consumption per day.

Protein sources:

  • 60 g of low-fat hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g of any nuts (except peanuts);
  • 100 g of cottage cheese (up to 3%);
  • 170 g lean fish fillet or seafood;
  • 120 ml low-fat (up to 1.5%) milk or natural lactic acid drink;
  • 100 g of dietary meat.

Sources of carbohydrates:

  • 1 slice of dietary bread (black, bran, whole grain);
  • 100 g of any porridge on the water;
  • 100 g pasta from durum wheat.

Vegetables and fruits:

  • 300 g of non-starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets, corn are prohibited);
  • 150 g green peas (canned);
  • 200 g unsweetened fruits;
  • 60 g dried fruits.

Vegetables are recommended to be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed or grilled without using fat. Of fruits, it is best to give preference to grapefruit, which is considered one of the best natural fat burners, as well as other citrus fruits.

Every day you can choose which product to use for breakfast, lunch, dinner. During this program, you should not skip meals, as this will not give the necessary acceleration of metabolic processes and, accordingly, the expected result.

sample menu

During the week, you need to eat 4 times a day according to the following principle:

  • breakfast - proteins and vegetables or fruits (per serving from the above lists);
  • lunch - a portion of proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates;
  • afternoon snack - a serving of proteins, vegetables or carbohydrates (one to choose from);
  • dinner - a serving of proteins and vegetables or fruits.

When compiling the menu, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics. So, if fruits increase appetite, then in the afternoon it is better to eat only vegetables.

An example menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - 2 eggs, 300 g of vegetable salad;
  • lunch - boiled veal with stewed vegetables, bread;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - fish fillet with vegetables.

At the end of the diet, it is advisable to continue to adhere to its basic principles, eat fractionally and drink enough water. This will make it easy to lose weight and in the future without much effort to maintain it in the norm.


The most effective and relatively safe is weight loss, based on the restriction, but not the complete exclusion of carbohydrate intake. It is this principle of nutrition that is used in the so-called "Kremlin" diet. In its classic version, this is a rather long-term protein weight loss system, which is recommended to be followed for several months or even years. However, even its 7-day version gives pretty good results - in just a week you can lose 3-5 kg, while improving the silhouette of the figure and tightening the skin well.

Essence and rules

The Kremlin diet for a week does not require a significant change in diet, but only imposes restrictions on certain foods. The rules of the "Kremlin" weight loss for seven days differ from the requirements of the traditional "Kremlin" and are as follows:

  1. Complete rejection of all flour, sweet, rice, potatoes.
  2. Reducing the amount of purchased products - sausages, packaged juices, sweet fruits and starchy vegetables.
  3. Careful calculation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed (points - according to the terminology of this technique) and the daily calorie content of the diet.
  4. Eat dinner 4 hours before bed.

In the Kremlin diet, all products are evaluated by the presence of carbohydrates in them, and their amount is calculated in points, or carbohydrate units (c.u.). This indicator depends on the glycemic index of the product, that is, on the content of glucose in it.

Based on this, it is necessary to plan your daily diet so as not to gain more than 40 points, and preferably even a little less, then the loss of extra pounds will be as effective as possible.

To determine the amount of e. a special table is used in each product or dish. In this case, the average indicators of the “carbohydrate content” of the main products (in 100 g) should be taken into account:

  • natural meat, eggs, fish, seafood, mushrooms - 0–1 point;
  • dairy products - 3-5 points;
  • vegetables and fruits - 2–10 points;
  • flour and confectionery products - 40–99 points.

In general, the minimum number of e. is found in animal proteins and fats, and the maximum is in carbohydrate foods, especially those rich in simple carbohydrates.

sample menu

To draw up a daily nutrition schedule on the Kremlin diet, it is recommended to use foods with a minimum content of carbohydrates and sugar. This will allow you to throw off the maximum possible number of kilograms in a week. An example is the following diet (in brackets the amount of each dish is indicated):

Day #1 (for 38 points):

  • breakfast: 4 eggs with ham pieces (2), 100 g of cheese (1), tea without additives (0);
  • lunch - seafood with olives (3), baked fish fillet with mushrooms (1), tea (0);
  • afternoon tea - an apple (18);
  • dinner - chicken (0), 1 raw tomato (6), 200 ml yogurt (7);

No. 2 (for 25 points):

  • breakfast - 2 boiled sausages (3), 50 g of peas (6), leaf lettuce (2), coffee without additives (0);
  • lunch - 200 ml vegetable soup (4), grilled pork (0), mineral water (0);
  • afternoon snack - 30 g of nuts (5);
  • dinner - boiled squid with 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise (1), 200 g seaweed (4), tea (0).

No. 3 (for 32 points):

  • breakfast - a salad of 2 eggs and mushrooms (1), 150 g of cottage cheese (4), coffee (0);
  • lunch - lamb (0), 100 g vegetable salad with vegetable oil (6), mineral water (0);
  • afternoon snack - 100 g grapefruit (8);
  • dinner - 200 g of steak with egg (1), tomatoes with olives and lettuce (10), 200 ml of dry red wine (2).

No. 4 (for 26 points):

  • breakfast - 100 g of cheese, 200 g of cottage cheese with herbs (2), tea (0);
  • lunch - fried egg with pork loin (1), tomatoes with olives (6), mineral water (0);
  • afternoon snack - 30 g of nuts (4);
  • dinner - 200 g boiled pork (0), 200 g vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise (5), 200 ml natural yogurt (7).

No. 5 (for 30 points):

  • breakfast - mushroom caviar (3), meatloaf (2), tea (0);
  • lunch - 200 ml borscht with sorrel (2), barbecue (0);
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of berries (8);
  • dinner - 100 g beetroot salad with cheese and garlic (7), 100 g squash caviar(7), mineral water (0).

No. 6 (for 34 points):

  • breakfast - 100 g cottage cheese casserole (12), 100 g kiwi (10), tea (0);
  • lunch - baked chicken with cheese (1), 100 g of fresh cucumbers (3);
  • afternoon snack - 150 g of strawberries (7.5);
  • dinner - boiled pork (0), 1 egg (0.5), tea (0).

No. 7 (for 26 points):

  • breakfast - 200 g of omelette with cheese (2), vegetable salad with herbs (5), coffee (0);
  • lunch - 200 g vegetable stew (8), grilled chicken (0);
  • afternoon tea - olives with tomatoes (6);
  • dinner - fish fillet (0), 100 g eggplant caviar (5), tea (0).

The menu turns out to be quite satisfying, but limited in number of points. Thanks to this, you can get rid of extra pounds without hunger and extra effort.

Xenia Borodina

Borodina's diet "We lose weight in a week" is reliable way lose weight quickly and get in shape. This method of losing weight is based on the use of predominantly plant foods and, first of all, cucumbers - products with a negative calorie content. As a result, in just 7 days you can lose up to 5-7 extra pounds.

Essence and rules

Ksenia Borodina suggests using a fairly limited diet, which is simple and low cost. In addition, weight loss is guaranteed only if the following rules are observed:

  1. Refusal of fried, fatty, sweet and other too nutritious food.
  2. Eating low-calorie foods, including proteins.
  3. Moderate portions without overeating.
  4. Plentiful drink - at least 2 liters of liquid.
  5. Sufficient exercise.

If desired, the course can be increased to 2 weeks, then weight loss can be 6-10 kg. It is recommended to repeat the diet after at least 1.5–2 months.

The most suitable time to use the diet of Ksenia Borodina for 7 days is summer, when the season of ground cucumbers begins. It is these vegetables, ripened in open beds, and low-calorie protein that will be most useful for weight loss and the body as a whole.

The advantages of this weight loss technique are its short duration, efficiency, lack of large material costs, as well as a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. But since the diet is not complete enough, during the diet period it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins and minerals.

sample menu

The peculiarity and simplicity of the diet from Ksenia Borodina is that throughout the week all meals, except for lunch, will be the same:

  • breakfast - cucumbers, 1 slice of rye or bran bread;
  • lunch - to choose from: cucumbers, apples, pears or any citrus fruits.
  • afternoon snack - also a choice: cucumbers, apples, pears or any citrus fruits.
  • dinner - cucumber salad with olive oil, lemon juice and herbs.

For light snacks between meals, you can eat cucumbers in any quantity.

Lunches by day should be as follows:

  1. Portion of dietary meat, cucumber salad.
  2. Boiled fish with rice, cucumbers.
  3. Rice with grated cheese, cucumbers.
  4. Vegetable okroshka with egg, 1 fruit.
  5. Portion of dietary meat, vegetable salad with cucumbers, 1 piece of fruit.
  6. Cold cucumber soup with radish and carrots, 1 apple.

A prerequisite for the Borodina diet for 7 days is the use of a large number of fresh cucumbers - at least 1 kg per day. At the same time, it is necessary to refuse salt or reduce its amount to a minimum, using lemon juice as a salad dressing.

According to Ksenia Borodina, a weekly diet based on cucumbers is the best way to gain harmony, improve skin condition, get rid of edema and improve the body.


The main reason that many people cannot get rid of excess weight is banal laziness and lack of desire to change their usual way of life. For such cases, a special diet for the lazy for 7 days is recommended, with which you can almost effortlessly get rid of 4-6 extra pounds in a week.

Essence and rules

Most diets require the rejection of many familiar foods, careful calorie counting, increased physical activity or any other event. The lazy diet is a slightly different approach to losing weight, which, despite the name, is no less effective.

The essence of the diet for a week for the lazy is that before each meal you need to drink a certain amount of water, without changing the composition and volume of food consumed. This technique is quite simple to implement and is recommended not only to reduce body weight, but also to further maintain it in the norm. The intake of a large amount of water in the body contributes to the normal course of all physiological processes, stimulates the intestines and the excretion of decay products.

Thus, if you follow a weekly diet for the lazy, the following results are achieved:

  1. Incoming fats and accumulated body fat are burned more efficiently.
  2. The feeling of hunger is eliminated, the feeling of satiety comes faster.
  3. The stomach gets used to smaller portions, because before its consumption it is filled with water.
  4. The number of calories consumed is reduced.

To maximize the effectiveness of the "lazy" diet for 7 days, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Completely refuse or reduce to a minimum the consumption of fatty, fried, flour and sweet foods.
  2. Drink water in small sips with short pauses.
  3. Increase physical activity - perform simple physical exercises or take leisurely walks.
  4. Give enough time to sleep and rest, because lack of sleep disrupts metabolism.

During the day, you need to drink about 3 liters of plain water. It is very important that the water is clean and without gas. It is not recommended to use boiled water, which does not contain valuable minerals. You need to drink 20 minutes before any meal, including light snacks, and at least 2 glasses. Such a large daily volume of fluid puts a serious strain on the kidneys, liver and digestive organs. Therefore, before a diet, be sure to consult a doctor.

sample menu

Sticking to a lazy diet menu for a week is easy. For this you need:

  1. Eat any food in the required amount, but 20 minutes after drinking water.
  2. Do not drink anything during and for 2 hours after eating.

Thus, immediately after sleeping on an empty stomach, you need to drink 2 glasses of water. You can have breakfast as usual, but not earlier than after 20 minutes, without drinking any drinks. Tea or coffee is allowed to drink only after 2 hours. The same should be done during lunch, dinner and all other meals.

The diet for each day should look something like this:

  • 8:00 - 2 glasses of water;
  • 8:20 a.m. - breakfast of your choice, but without drinks;
  • 11:20 - you can drink tea, coffee, cocoa, chicory;
  • 13:00 - 2 glasses of water;
  • 13:20 - lunch of your choice, also without drinks;
  • 16:20 - you can drink tea, coffee, cocoa, chicory;
  • 18:00 - 2 glasses of water;
  • 18:20 - any dinner, without drinking drinks;
  • 20:20 - if you wish, you can drink tea, coffee, cocoa, chicory.

Compliance with a "lazy" diet for seven days is a fairly simple process, it has practically no restrictions. At the same time, such a diet causes a long-term surge of energy, a noticeable increase in vigor and the need for active movement, which significantly increases the effectiveness of losing weight.


The “Lose Weight in a Week” nutrition system, developed by the well-known manufacturer of dietary products, Leovit Nutrio, is a low-calorie complex of bags with instant food, which you only need to pour boiling water over. Such a menu is quite balanced, does not require time for cooking and is convenient to use even outside the home. In addition, the use of Leovit products eliminates the need to count calories or measure portions. Everything is already prepared and calculated. This nutrition program teaches you to eat small portions, wean you from overeating and allows you to lose 1-5 kg ​​of excess weight in 7 days.

Essence and rules

The Lose Weight in a Week complex consists of concentrates packaged in portioned sachets. To prepare the dish, the contents are poured into a cup and poured with boiling water. The daily diet contains 400-500 kcal, but if you wish, you can use additional products from the list of permitted.

This Leovit product has passed clinical trials at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. As a result, the high efficiency of the “Lose Weight in a Week” diet was confirmed, and a number of positive characteristics were also noted:

  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • fast but tasty food;
  • gradual weight loss without harm to health;
  • the absence of harmful components in the composition;
  • the possibility of long-term use.

Despite the minimum calorie content, the diet is balanced, includes all the necessary substances, minerals and trace elements. In addition, the menu is quite varied and consists of soups, side dishes, cereals, drinks.

Products are dried by vacuum sublimation before being packaged in bags, which allows preserving the texture, taste and aroma of the dish, as well as all useful substances. Thanks to this processing, freeze-dried foods are considered better than canned ones. In addition, all Leovit products do not contain dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives, so the prepared dishes are absolutely safe and can be used without restrictions.

The undoubted advantage of the Leovit diet for 7 days is the possibility of combining a sublimated menu with traditional products. This allows you to make dietary nutrition more complete.

Special importance in the complex is given to drinks. Due to their special composition, they are able to reduce appetite, activate metabolism, accelerate the burning of fats and the elimination of toxins, and improve intestinal motility.

sample menu

In the Leovit diet, 4 types of menus are offered for a week - basic, traditional, Mediterranean, vegetarian.


This complex is the most versatile and is suitable for everyone, with the exception of vegetarians (there is a separate option for them).

Menu includes:

  • for the first - vegetable soups, meat soups, borscht;
  • on the second - meat, fish and vegetable dishes, mushrooms, cereals, pasta, mushrooms;

The program allows you to get rid of 2-4 extra pounds.


This diet is similar to the usual menu for many and consists mainly of dishes of Slavic cuisine:

  • for the first - borscht, cabbage soup, chicken soup, Caucasian soup;
  • on the second - mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, pasta, noodles;
  • on the third - tea and "Cappuccino" with fat-burning properties, jelly, compote, coffee.

On this diet, you can throw off 2-4 kg of excess weight.


All nutritionists in the world recognize the Mediterranean food system as the most useful. The Leovit complex with the same name is no exception and is also enriched with a large number of trace elements and vitamins. It includes dishes of French, Italian, Spanish cuisine.

In the bags you can find:

  • for the first - all kinds of puree soups;
  • on the second - polenta and other cereals, paella, pasta, puddings;
  • on the third - tea, jelly, coffee.

Weight loss in 7 days averages 1-3 kg.


This kit will help all supporters of plant foods to lose weight easily and quickly. Of all the menu options, this one has the best effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

As main dishes are offered:

  • for the first - vegetable and cheese soups with mushrooms and cereals;
  • on the second - vegetables, cereals, pasta;
  • on the third - tea for weight loss, fruit and berry jelly and compote.

The effectiveness of this menu is the highest - minus 3-5 kg ​​per week.

In any case, the ratio can be as follows:

  • breakfast - a sweet fruit compote that relieves cravings for treats, saturates with vitamins and energy, or Cappuccino coffee (on the Mediterranean menu), and if desired, you can add 200 ml of low-fat natural yogurt or 1 egg;
  • lunch - different in each set and consists of the first (soup), the second (porridge or mashed potatoes, to which you can add a piece of steamed fish) and the third (tea, coffee or compote);
  • dinner - cream soup, porridge or mashed potatoes and sweet jelly;
  • before going to bed - 200 ml of fat-free kefir.

Thus, the total calorie content of the daily diet, together with these supplements, is usually 1000 kcal. For weight loss to be as effective as possible, it is recommended not to disturb the diet. At the same time, it is not necessary to go in for sports - the diet itself is quite enough to lose up to 5 extra pounds. Restrictions on the use of the Leovit diet can be chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, and childhood.


Diet Magi is a method of losing weight on eggs, which is ideal for lovers of this product. The full course is designed for 4 weeks, but can be very effective if followed for 7 days. The duration is determined by the amount of excess weight that you need to get rid of - you can lose 10–15 kg in a month, and 3–5 kg in a week. With the correct completion of the process, the achieved result is stored for a long time.

Essence and rules

The first and main requirement of this technique is the strict observance of the proposed menu. Any deviation, skipping meals or other violations lead to the fact that the diet must be started again from the first day. Nothing may be interchanged or replaced with similar products. The system can only work if all the components are used and in the specified order.

The second important rule is the drinking regime, and the amount of liquid consumed should be 2.5-3 liters per day. This volume includes not only pure water, but also tea and coffee without any additives.

There are no lists of permitted and prohibited foods in the diet, since only what is indicated on the menu is allowed, and everything else is prohibited. It should be noted that meat broths are not allowed here, although meat is consumed regularly. Salt and spices are allowed in any quantity.

Exact menu

Products and dishes indicated in the menu are used in strict accordance with the given order and quantity. If the serving size is not prescribed, you can eat unlimitedly.

Breakfast throughout the week is the same - 2 hard boiled eggs and ½ citrus to choose from - orange or grapefruit. The rest of the meals of the day should be as follows:

  1. Boiled breast without skin.
  2. 1 toast, low-fat hard cheese, tomatoes.
  3. Fruits of one kind, to choose from - apple, orange, pear, kiwi, melon, watermelon, apricots.
  4. 2 soft-boiled eggs with boiled vegetables or stewed zucchini with beans.
  5. Permitted fruits of one type, to choose from - apple, orange, pear, kiwi, melon, watermelon, apricots.
  6. Boiled breast without skin, boiled carrots with peas, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit.
  1. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 citrus, 1 toast, fresh vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers) without dressing.
  2. Dietary meat (except lamb).
  3. 1 citrus, fish fillet, fresh vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers) without dressing.
  4. Fresh vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers) without dressing, dietary meat (except lamb).
  5. Boiled vegetables.

Drink plenty of fluids between meals.

A significant increase in physical activity on the Magi diet for a week is not required. But even long walks can significantly improve the result.

"Minus 60"

Diet "Minus 60" is a very flexible and effective weight loss program in which there are no strict restrictions and the need to count calories. It was developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova personally for herself, but, convinced of the incredible performance, she decided to help everyone who is worried about the problem of excess weight. The number 60 in the name of the diet is the number of kilograms that the author of the technique managed to lose, however, over a rather long period. If you need to get rid of 2-4 kg, then it will be enough to stick to such a diet for only a week.

Essence and rules

Diet 60 is suitable for those who cannot withstand strict diets or bland and tasteless food, often breaks down and gains weight again. The most severe limitation of this technique is the last meal strictly at 18:00. If this time is missed, then you need to give up dinner altogether. There are no more cons. But there are many advantages:

  1. No strict calorie or portion counting required.
  2. The list of products prohibited for consumption is minimal, and until 12:00 you can eat everything without restriction.
  3. Sufficient supply of all nutrients is provided.
  4. There is no harm to health, weakness, nervous tension, apathy or depression.
  5. The diet does not contradict medical guidelines.
  6. Liquids are used as much as you want, and not through force.

Food consumed before noon, according to the author of the technique, is not deposited in fat accumulation. Therefore, up to 12 hours you can eat even those forbidden by other diets - sweets, flour, fatty foods.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Breakfast is a must, and hearty and complete.
  2. Lunch is made according to the principles separate power supply- meat and fish are not combined with potatoes, pasta and bakery products, but combined with vegetables, rice, buckwheat, berries or fruits are also allowed for dessert.
  3. Dinner - to choose from: meat or fish without a side dish, vegetables or cereals without meat, or lactic acid products and fruits, but in any case strictly until 18:00 - after this time, eating is prohibited.

In the afternoon, legumes, potatoes, pasta, mushrooms, sugar, and other fast carbohydrates are excluded.

sample menu

There is no exact menu in Mirimanova's diet. It is necessary to observe the specified mode and correctly combine products. Options for the main meals can be as follows.


  1. Any porridge in milk with butter, sugar or honey, a sandwich with butter or cheese, coffee.
  2. Fried potatoes, coffee with sugar and milk.
  3. Meat casserole with pasta, tea with lemon.
  4. Pork cutlets with mashed potatoes, cocoa.
  5. Pancakes with any filling or sausage sandwich, cookies or sweets, fruit, tea.
  6. Cottage cheese with sour cream and herbs, a piece of cake, coffee.
  7. Pie (lavash) with any filling, sandwich with cheese, caviar, boiled pork or ham, compote.
  8. Vareniki or casserole with cottage cheese, a bun with butter, tea or yogurt.

The list of products and dishes shows that breakfast is not limited to anything. However, portions should be reasonable.

  1. Vegetable soup or borsch with meat, but without potatoes, stewed liver with buckwheat porridge, rye bread.
  2. Potatoes stewed with vegetables, but without meat, tomatoes stuffed with cheese, rye bread.
  3. Fish baked with vegetables, grated boiled beets with sour cream and garlic.
  4. Peppers stuffed with meat, fresh vegetables.
  5. Macaroni with grated cheese, boiled eggs, cucumber salad.
  6. Grilled chicken, vegetable salad with cheese.
  7. Vegetarian borscht or soup with potatoes, vegetable stew with rice, eggplant rolls with spicy cheese, rye bread.

The main rule of dinner is not to combine potatoes and pasta with meat or fish. In addition to these dishes, it is recommended to add fruit for dessert. From drinks, water without gas, fresh juices, coffee, tea, lactic acid products and even dry red wine are suitable.

  1. Boiled meat - beef or lamb.
  2. Baked fish or chicken.
  3. Aspic of meat, fish or seafood.
  4. Vegetable stew with rice or potatoes.
  5. Meatballs or cutlets from fish or meat.
  6. Any dairy products.

The main rule of dinner is that it should be one-component. It is preferable to eat protein foods that provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

The "Minus 60" diet is easily tolerated and does not require a special exit. At any time, the program can be ended, interrupted or restarted, and continued for the rest of your life. Therefore, having lost weight in a week, it is recommended not to stop there, but to continue to maintain good shape in the future.

low calorie

To lose weight in seven days by 3-8 kg without nerves, breakdowns and harm is a completely feasible task if you stick to a low-calorie diet for the entire period. A low-calorie diet for a week is the most common way to naturally normalize body weight, most often recommended by nutritionists. Its observance requires the calculation of daily calories and a balanced combination of products.

Essence and rules

The mechanism of action of a low-calorie diet is to create an energy deficit by reducing calorie intake. With such nutrition, the body begins to use its own energy reserves, that is, it breaks down body fat.

There are many options for low-calorie diets. The best choice would be an individual program designed taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. But in any case, you must adhere to the following basic principles of low-calorie nutrition:

  1. Reducing the calorie content of the daily diet by 20-30% by reducing fat intake (up to 80 g / day).
  2. Refusal of simple (fast) carbohydrates contained in sugar, confectionery and flour products.
  3. Increasing the proportion of protein foods, vegetables and fruits, which will burn body fat while maintaining muscle mass.
  4. Reducing the consumption of salt, spices, spices.
  5. Fractional nutrition (portions of 200-300 g 5-6 times / day).
  6. Dinner - before 19:00 or 3 hours before bedtime.
  7. Plentiful drink (from 2 liters of water).

The menu of a low-calorie diet is not strictly regulated and can be compiled according to your own taste, but given these recommendations and using a calorie calculator.

sample menu

Low-calorie diets, depending on the calorie content of the daily menu, are divided into 3 types:

  • maximally limited (500–900 kcal/day);
  • moderately limited (1000–1200 kcal/day);
  • basic balanced (1300-1600 kcal / day).

When choosing the appropriate option, one should be guided not only by the goals set, but also by one's own capabilities, primarily by willpower.

Rigid, maximally limited

Weight loss according to this scheme involves:

  • eating boiled vegetables or dietary meat;
  • reduction of the daily intake of fats to 4–5 g.

If you follow a strict diet for a week, even for 7 days, you must definitely take vitamin-mineral complexes.

moderately limited

This diet is characterized by an increased content of protein foods of plant origin. The menu based on the alternation of mono-diets on the following products is considered to be the most effective in this case:

  • vegetable salads dressed with linseed or olive oil or natural yogurt;
  • apples or cucumbers;
  • skim dairy products;
  • dietary meat or fish;
  • fruit or vegetable juices.

These products can be alternated not only by day, but also by meals, be sure to take into account the daily calorie content.

Basic balanced

This option of a low-calorie diet for 7 days allows you not only to safely reduce weight, but also to get rid of overeating, learn to be saturated in small portions, and develop the right eating habits.

The diet is based on 5 meals a day according to the following scheme:

  • lunch - 1 fruit of your choice;
  • breakfast - 150 g of buckwheat, tea with lemon;
  • lunch - 100 ml of kefir, 1 slice of whole grain bread;
  • lunch - 200 ml of lean borscht, 100 g of dietary meat, 150 g of green vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack - 1 fruit of your choice;
  • dinner - 200 g fish fillet, greens.
  • breakfast - 1 egg, 1 grapefruit, 200 ml dried fruit compote;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese with berries;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable soup, 150 g of breast, vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - 150 g of berries;
  • dinner - 100 g of vegetable stew, 200 ml of yogurt.
  • breakfast - 200 g of millet porridge, 200 ml of orange fresh;
  • lunch - 1 fruit of your choice;
  • lunch - 100 g of dietary meat, 250 g of cabbage and carrot salad, tea;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of dried fruits;
  • dinner - 250 g of cottage cheese with pieces of fruit.
  • breakfast - 200 g of barley porridge, 1 apple, tea;
  • lunch - 150 ml of natural yogurt;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable broth, 150 g of fish fillet;
  • afternoon snack - 200 ml of tomato fresh juice or 50 ml of fruit puree;
  • dinner - 150 g of dietary meat, 200 g of vegetable salad.
  • breakfast - 1 egg, 2 slices of whole grain bread, tea;
  • lunch - 1 fruit of your choice;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable soup with cereals, 100 g of breast;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of omelet with tomato and herbs;
  • dinner - 150 g fish fillet, 200 g vinaigrette.

The main balanced version of the low-calorie menu contributes not only to natural weight loss, but also to the improvement of the body. The advantages of this diet are the diversity of the diet and the possibility of its self-compilation, the absence of an exhausting feeling of hunger, improving well-being, mild cleansing of the body and maintaining the result.

low carb

Excess weight is mainly the cause of the consumption of excessive amounts of carbohydrates, which are deposited in fat reserves. Therefore, a low-carb diet with a significant reduction in carbohydrates in food leads to the breakdown of fat and rapid weight loss.

Essence and rules

A low-carbohydrate diet is based on a protein diet with a small amount of complex carbohydrates. In this mode, the body, not receiving enough energy, begins to use its fat reserves. As a result, fat is burned, and weight is reduced at an accelerated rate.

During a low-carb diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods to 40-100 g per day - it is best if these are vegetables, fruits, berries.
  2. Make a menu for 50% of protein foods.
  3. Give preference to low-fat or fat-free foods, and use vegetable oils, oily sea fish, and egg yolks as sources of fat.
  4. Refrain from alcoholic beverages.
  5. Reduce the amount of salt to 2-3 g per day, but do not give it up completely.

During a low-carb diet, there is no strong feeling of hunger and cravings for sweet foods. Such nutrition provides rapid weight loss, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems, and improves metabolism.

sample menu

The diet of a low-carb diet for a week can be made independently, following these rules. An example menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, cucumber salad, coffee;
  • lunch - dietary meat, vegetables, tea;
  • afternoon snack - milk;
  • dinner - mushroom soup, kefir.
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, yogurt;
  • lunch - dietary meat, stewed cabbage, tea;
  • afternoon snack - kefir;
  • dinner - fish fillet, cabbage salad, tea.
  • breakfast - omelet with mushrooms, tea;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, baked fish, lettuce;
  • afternoon snack - 1 citrus;
  • dinner - seafood with vegetables, tea.
  • breakfast - oatmeal with an apple, coffee;
  • lunch - vegetable stew with chicken, tea;
  • afternoon snack - 2 apples;
  • dinner - buckwheat, kefir.
  • breakfast - vegetables baked with cheese, coffee;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, chicken fillet, tea;
  • afternoon snack - 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner - boiled brown rice, milk.
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, hard cheese, coffee;
  • lunch - veal, vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - kefir;
  • dinner - seafood, tea.
  • breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, coffee;
  • lunch - dietary meat, cheese, cabbage salad, tea;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese pudding;
  • dinner - baked fish, tea.

After such nutrition, it is extremely important to properly consolidate the result. To do this, you need to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet and the amount of carbohydrate products, reducing fat intake.


The oatmeal diet is well-deservedly popular because it allows you to lose 3-5 extra pounds in a week and normalize the digestive tract. Oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances, including fiber, complex carbohydrates, a rich vitamin and mineral complex.

Essence and rules

Despite the presence of some additional products, the oatmeal weight loss technique refers to mono-diets. The main product of the menu is oatmeal porridge boiled in water or milk without any additives. In addition to this dish, it is allowed to use:

  • unsweetened fruits (apples, cherries, plums, pears) and non-starchy vegetables;
  • nuts, dried fruits, but in small quantities and only before lunch.

You should also drink a lot (from 2 liters) of water and green tea, but 30 minutes before and 1.5 hours after eating.

sample menu

Weekly course oatmeal diet includes 2 stages:

  • 2 days of cleansing;
  • 5 days of direct weight loss.

At the cleansing stage, you need to switch to plant foods, do not overeat, and stop eating any food and even water 5 hours before bedtime. The last meal should be a special decoction designed to cleanse the intestines. For its preparation:

  1. In 1 liter of water pour 4 tbsp. l. washed rice.
  2. Leave to infuse overnight.
  3. In the morning, bring to a boil and boil at a slow boil for 1 hour.

The resulting jelly-like broth is drunk instead of dinner and nothing is taken after it.

During the second stage, you need to eat oatmeal for all meals, supplementing it with the above products. Oatmeal is allowed to be consumed in any quantities throughout the day. But, as in the cleansing stage, the last meal should be 5 hours before bedtime.

The menu for 5 days of the second stage may be as follows:

  • lunch - oatmeal, fruit;
  • breakfast - oatmeal with vegetables;
  • lunch - a handful of dried fruits, tea;
  • lunch - oatmeal with milk, stewed cabbage;
  • afternoon snack - oatmeal, 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner - oatmeal, vegetable salad without dressing.
  • breakfast - oatmeal in milk with dried fruits;
  • lunch - oatmeal with nuts;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, oatmeal;
  • afternoon snack - oatmeal, 1 orange;
  • dinner - oatmeal, 1 apple.
  • breakfast - oatmeal, dried fruit compote;
  • lunch - oatmeal, a handful of nuts;
  • lunch - oatmeal, boiled vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - oatmeal, fruit;
  • dinner - oatmeal, 1 pear.
  • breakfast - oatmeal in milk with dried fruits;
  • lunch - a handful of nuts, green tea;
  • lunch - oatmeal, fruit;
  • afternoon snack - cucumber salad with radishes and herbs, oatmeal;
  • dinner - oatmeal, a handful of fresh berries.

Such a diet is not very easily tolerated due to the monotony of the diet, but without a strong feeling of hunger, since oatmeal can be consumed unlimitedly. But the specified amount of nuts and dried fruits cannot be exceeded.


Drinking a 7-day diet is not so much about losing weight as it is about cleansing the body. As a result of removing all harmful and excess weight, it goes away involuntarily, and its loss can be 6-8 kg per week. In addition, this method of nutrition allows you to reduce the stomach, pacify the appetite and begin to be saturated in small portions.

Essence and rules

The main difficulty of the drinking diet for a week is that all food must be liquid. Under the ban are:

  • all solid foods;
  • sugar, honey, salt (2-3 g can be used), spices, seasonings;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • from drinks - alcohol, jelly, packaged juices, sweet soda;

In some versions of the drinking method of losing weight, it is allowed to eat some solid food, in particular, pureed vegetables and fruits or liquid porridge. There are no such concessions in the original menu.

sample menu

The menu is compiled independently from the following set of liquid products:

  • the main everyday dish is meat, fish or vegetable broth with a small amount of salt, but without spices and spices;
  • freshly made juices from unsweetened fruits, preferably grapefruit or orange;
  • lactic acid drinks with a fat content of up to 2% - yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir;
  • compote, any tea, coffee (possible with the addition of lemon or milk);
  • clean water - at least 1.5–2 liters.

It is also allowed to cook soup-puree from different vegetables, grated to a liquid state.

The volume of any meal should not exceed 200 ml. When compiling the menu, it is recommended to use juices in the morning, broths or soups in the afternoon, and lactic acid drinks in the evening.

In addition, you can alternate different drinks using 7 drinking mono days:

  1. on juices;
  2. in meat broth;
  3. in vegetable broth;
  4. on kefir;
  5. on compotes;
  6. in fish broth;
  7. on tea with milk.

All liquid meals can be consumed in unlimited quantities, which helps to prevent the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. It is advisable to eat puree soup for one meal on each of the mono-days so that the stomach does not lose the habit of digesting solid food.

Polina Gagarina

Polina Gagarina, who has not been distinguished by a slender figure since childhood and who additionally gained weight after the birth of a child, radically changed her lifestyle and nutrition system, which helped her significantly lose weight in quite a few years. a short time. The program, developed by Gagarina on her own, is not really a diet, but a lifelong type of nutrition, which involves healthy eating habits and general strengthening of the body. To understand how suitable such a nutrition system is in each case, it is enough to use it for 1 week. During this time, you can lose 3-4 kg of excess weight and determine how the body reacts to the new regimen.

Essence and rules

Gagarina highlighted the basic principles of her diet:

  1. Dinner - until 18:00 and sleep on an empty stomach.
  2. Fractional nutrition and a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats.
  3. Minimum heat treatment of products that does not allow frying.
  4. Refusal of harmful products - flour, fatty, sweet, etc.
  5. Regular physical activity.

The basis of the singer's menu is made up of healthy products - primarily fresh vegetables and fruits of bright saturated color. It is these fruits that contain photonutrients that can qualitatively cleanse the body and slow down aging.

When cooking, only cooking in water or steam is used. Soups and broths are of particular importance, since warm liquid food saturates well, increases the production of gastric juice, and normalizes bowel function.

sample menu

The daily diet of Gagarina is built according to the following scheme:

  • carbohydrate breakfast - porridge with honey or dried fruits;
  • protein lunch - soups, broths, meat or fish of low-fat varieties;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese, fruits, nuts;
  • light dinner - seafood, kefir.

Moreover, each portion by volume is about 200-300 g, which does not allow overeating.

The singer's menu always contains a large number of fresh fruits, especially apples. They are rich in fiber and vitamins, thanks to which they contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

An approximate version of Polina Gagarina's menu for 7 days is as follows:

  • in the morning - boiled brown rice with dried apricots and prunes;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable soup;
  • snack - apples, kefir;
  • in the evening - seafood, vegetables.
  • in the morning - oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • in the afternoon - baked chicken without skin, vegetable salad;
  • snack - grapefruit;
  • in the evening - yogurt.
  • in the morning - barley porridge with honey;
  • in the afternoon - soup with celery, chicken breast, rye bread;
  • snack - natural yogurt with berries;
  • in the evening - cabbage salad, seafood.
  • in the morning - millet porridge, fresh fruit;
  • in the afternoon - fish fillet with vegetables;
  • snack - cottage cheese with nuts;
  • in the evening - vegetable salad, kefir.
  • in the morning - barley porridge with raisins;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable stew with veal, fresh fruit;
  • snack - oranges;
  • in the evening - broccoli, kefir.
  • in the morning - wheat porridge, fruits;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable soup, steamed fish;
  • snack - apples;
  • in the evening - seafood with vegetables.
  • in the morning - boiled brown rice with honey;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable soup, chicken breast;
  • snack - apples, kefir;
  • in the evening - seafood, fresh tomato juice.

Compliance with this menu will teach you to control your appetite, acquire the right eating habits, and change your attitude to food.

According to Gagarina, the diet should not be a difficult test and stress for the body. Therefore, her author's method of losing weight is universal way normalization of body weight, balanced in terms of a set of nutrients and in line with the principles of a healthy diet.


A rice diet in just a week can significantly reduce body volume and reduce its weight by 7-10 kg, while clearing accumulated toxins and excess fluid. The rice diet for 7 days compares favorably with other weight loss methods in that it completely covers the need for carbohydrates and is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger.

Essence and rules

Main condition effective weight loss- the use of brown rice in raw or undercooked form, supplementing it with permitted products. In unprocessed rice grains with a shell, vegetable fibers and useful components are completely preserved.

It is also mandatory to observe the drinking regimen, drinking at least 2.5 liters of useful liquid per day. In addition to pure water, this volume includes green tea, herbal infusions, apple juice diluted with water.

The third rule of rice weight loss is the minimum amount of salt. At the same time, it should not be added to dishes during cooking, but directly salt the food before consumption.

sample menu

There are several options for the rice diet menu for a week, with their own list of allowed dishes and products. But in any case, the prohibited ones include:

  • fast food, canned food;
  • nuts, legumes;
  • bakery products;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • coffee.

The best results are obtained by a rigid method of losing weight on rice - minus 10 kg in 7 days. But to withstand the proposed diet, consisting of one rice, is quite difficult. Therefore, pain-free weight loss programs based on rice have been created.


This weight loss system is very extreme. It is recommended to use it only in cases where it is urgent to lose 10 kg, for example, for a vacation or an important event. To do this, you must strictly follow the proposed diet.

Rice mono-diet involves the use throughout the day:

  • steamed brown rice, for the preparation of which 1 glass of cereal is poured overnight with a glass of boiling water, and in the morning the resulting amount of porridge is divided into 5-6 equal portions;
  • 2.5 liters of water and unsweetened green tea.

If you feel too strong a feeling of hunger, you can eat an apple, but not more than 2 pieces per day. Physical activity with such a limited diet is contraindicated.


A sparing version of the rice diet provides a wider range of products. The daily diet includes:

  • 500 g brown rice;
  • 200 g lean meat or fish;
  • 300 g green vegetables.

Rice porridge is prepared from these products according to a special recipe:

  1. Groats are soaked overnight in apple juice, diluted in half with water.
  2. In the morning, the liquid is drained, vegetables and meat or fish cut into pieces are added to the rice.
  3. A little water is added and the dish is cooked until tender.

The resulting dish is consumed in 5-6 receptions. In addition, you can eat unsweetened fruits, but not more than 500 g per day.

It should be borne in mind that a rigid mono-diet gives an excellent result - in the first 4 days it takes 3-4 kg, and on the fifth day more intensive weight loss begins - about 6 kg is lost in the remaining 3 days. Thus, in general, in a week you can get rid of 10 extra pounds. It is not recommended to observe such a mono-diet for more than 7 days, otherwise health problems may appear. Another option - a light diet on rice - is less effective in terms of losing weight and allows you to lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week, but at the same time it helps to remove toxins and get rid of edema without feeling hungry.

When choosing a certain diet, it is necessary to take into account the state of health, the amount of excess weight and willpower. It is better to prefer a more sparing menu option than to constantly break down on a strict diet.


The Mediterranean method of losing weight is not a diet in its conventional sense, but a nutrition system based on the traditional cuisine of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. In its classic version, the Mediterranean diet is one of the longest, but its diet is designed in such a way that when you switch to it, you can lose weight well even in one week. True, weight loss in such a short period of time will not be very large - about 4 kg, but without hunger, stress and harm.

Essence and rules

Slimming the Mediterranean way doesn't require counting calories, weighing portions, or restrictive food choices. The menu is varied and balanced, therefore it is recognized as useful by all experts in the field of health and nutrition.

The Mediterranean diet is based on eating lots of fresh fruits, red, orange and dark green vegetables, as well as fish and seafood. Such a diet benefits not only the figure, but also health in general.

The rules of the Mediterranean diet are quite simple:

  1. Most of the diet should be plant-based foods - vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts.
  2. Red meat is excluded, a moderate amount of poultry and lean fish is allowed.
  3. All fats are replaced with extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Instead of salt, spices and herbs are used.
  5. Natural honey is used instead of sugar.
  6. The daily norm of clean water is at least 1.5 liters.
  7. All products must be fresh.
  8. Everything that can be eaten raw.
  9. Grains are soaked for a day before cooking.
  10. Meat, fish and vegetables are steamed or grilled.

A big plus of the Mediterranean weight loss system is the possibility of drinking dry red wine for one of the meals (lunch or dinner).

All products harmful to the figure and health are prohibited:

  • fast food;
  • refined products, semi-finished products;
  • shop sauces;
  • products with dyes, preservatives;
  • sweets, drinks containing sugar, fruit juices;
  • coffee, tea - allowed only for breakfast.

The diet is made up of foods containing fiber, protein, starch, vitamins and minerals:

  • cereals, bread;
  • potatoes, beans;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • spices, herbs;
  • red wine (2 glasses a day for women, 3 for men).

At the same time, cereals should be consumed for breakfast, vegetables, fruits, pasta, rice for lunch, proteins with vegetables for dinner. You also need to follow the 5-single meal regimen at regular intervals so that calories are received and burned evenly.

sample menu

The daily diet should be built so that its composition is as follows:

  • 50% - carbohydrates (cereals, bread, fruits, vegetables);
  • 30% - fats (olive oil);
  • 20% - proteins (meat, fish, eggs, legumes).

Menu options for a weekly Mediterranean diet can be many. To properly compose your diet, you can use the following recommendations for each meal.

For breakfast you can cook:

  • oatmeal in milk or water with pieces of fruit;
  • cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole;
  • fruit salad seasoned with unsweetened yogurt or kefir;
  • omelet with 2 slices of whole grain bread.

Suitable for lunch:

  • unsweetened fruits;
  • lactic acid products;
  • oatmeal cookies or muffins with tea.
  • tuna sandwich, tomatoes, 1 fruit;
  • vegetable stew with rice, cheese;
  • steamed fish with vegetables.

Possible lunch options:

  • 30 g of any nuts;
  • whole grain bread with cheese and tomatoes;
  • 30 g dried fruits;
  • fruits of your choice.

For dinner you can allow:

  • avocado salad with cheese, tomatoes;
  • fish baked with cheese;
  • seafood pasta.

A sample menu for each day might be as follows:

  • breakfast - muesli with pieces of fruit;
  • lunch - yogurt with banana;
  • lunch - baked vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad with lemon juice;
  • dinner - tomatoes with cheese.
  • breakfast - curd paste with chopped cucumber and herbs, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast;
  • lunch - 1 loaf, cheese, tomatoes;
  • lunch - barbecue with rice, vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - rice porridge, 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner - pepper stuffed with meat, 1 slice of white bread.
  • lunch - vegetable stew, cheese;
  • lunch - cheese, fruit;
  • breakfast - cheese sandwich, vegetable salad;
  • lunch - fruits to choose from;
  • lunch - fish fillet with sour cream and herbs, rice;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad with lemon;
  • dinner - tomato soup, veal chop.
  • breakfast - fruit salad, tea;
  • lunch - ham, sandwich with butter;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, cheese;
  • afternoon snack - grated carrots with honey and olive oil;
  • dinner - seafood, toast with cheese.
  • breakfast - sandwich with ham and tomatoes;
  • lunch - cheese, fruit;
  • lunch - pasta with meat, zucchini baked with tomatoes;
  • afternoon snack - grilled vegetables;
  • dinner - vegetable mix, fish fillet, 1 slice of bread.

As you can see from the menu, the Mediterranean diet is tasty, satisfying, and easy to tolerate. However, in order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in order for the body to use its fat. This can be achieved by limiting portion sizes to the recommended amount:

  • fresh vegetables - 1 cup;
  • cooked vegetables - ½ cup;
  • pasta, porridge - ½ cup;
  • boiled beans - 1 cup;
  • milk, lactic acid drinks - 1 cup;
  • potatoes - 1 cup;
  • fruits - 1 piece;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • nuts - 30 g;
  • meat or fish dishes - 100 g.

In addition, such a nutritious diet must be combined with increased physical activity. Then, even in such a short time, you can noticeably build, rejuvenate and improve your health.


Cottage cheese diet is a great weight loss option for lovers of fermented milk products. Unlike most fast diets, the weekly weight loss method based on cottage cheese does not create stress and is not harmful to health. For 7 days of such a nutrition system, 4–10 kg of excess weight is burned.

Essence and rules

Cottage cheese is one of the indispensable components of many effective weight loss programs based on a healthy diet. This is a useful protein product that gives a quick feeling of satiety and puts the digestive tract in order.

There are no special rules to follow when carrying out a curd diet. It is necessary to strictly follow the proposed menu, refusing all other products. It is also important to drink enough clean water (at least 1.5-2 liters) and to ensure moderate physical activity.

sample menu

There are many varieties of a diet menu based on cottage cheese - from a cottage cheese mono-diet to options with eggs, vegetables, fruits and other products that are useful for the figure. All of them differ in the severity of restrictions and their effectiveness.

mono diet

This menu option is suitable in cases where you need to throw off the maximum possible number of kilograms in a week.

Nutrition principles:

  1. Every day you can eat only 500 g of 0% fat cottage cheese.
  2. Nothing else can be consumed, except for pure water, green tea or rosehip infusion.

The specified amount of cottage cheese should be divided into 5-6 equal portions and taken at regular intervals in order to prevent the appearance of an excessive feeling of hunger.

If you strictly follow the diet, then in seven days you can lose up to 10 kg. It should be borne in mind that the stress for the body will be quite strong. Therefore, it is better to use more gentle curd weight loss methods.


In this version of the curd diet for a week, you need to eat not only cottage cheese, but also kefir. Both products must be fat free.

Nutrition principles:

  1. During the day, it is allowed to consume 300 g of cottage cheese and 500 ml of a lactic acid drink.
  2. Products can be consumed separately or together.
  3. In between meals of fermented milk products, you should drink clean water.

For 7 days of such nutrition, you can also throw off, as on a mono-diet, up to 8-10 extra pounds.

Vegetable and curd

When compiling the menu of this option, some vegetables are added to low-fat cottage cheese.

Nutrition principles:

  1. Products for every day - 300 g of 0% fat cottage cheese and 500 g of light vegetables.
  2. There are also requirements for drinking plenty of water - at least 1.5 liters per day.

When choosing vegetables, you should give preference to cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and all types of cabbage. It is not recommended to use other vegetables, as this can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the technique. On such a weekly diet, you can lose 5-8 kg.

Fruit and curd

A diet for a week, the diet of which includes cottage cheese and fruits, is ideal for lovers of sweets. Although it is also quite tough, since restrictions on the number of products consumed remain.

Nutrition principles:

  1. To 300 g of cottage cheese, traditional for all diets under consideration, 300 g of fruits are added in this menu (this weight corresponds to 1-2 apples or the same number of pears).
  2. The amount of water also remains at the level of 1.5–2 liters.

Fruits can not be consumed all in a row, but only permitted. The list of those includes: apples, pears, plums, grapefruits and grapes unloved by all nutritionists.

Egg-curd diet

This version of weight loss on cottage cheese is one of the sparing. In addition to cottage cheese, it is allowed to eat not only eggs, but also vegetables, bran or rye bread and honey. The action of the technique is based on reducing the caloric content of the diet by reducing portions. An example menu looks like this:

  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • breakfast - 2 raw eggs, whipped with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • breakfast - 1 raw egg, beaten with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 1 raw egg, beaten with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 150 g of chicken, tomato salad with cottage cheese and herbs.
  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • breakfast - 2 raw eggs, beaten with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - vegetable broth, 100 g of cottage cheese, tea;
  • dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 loaf.
  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • breakfast - 2 raw eggs, beaten with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese, vegetable salad with olive oil, 1 slice of bread with bran;
  • dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg.
  • on an empty stomach - 1 glass of warm water;
  • breakfast - 2 raw eggs, beaten with 1 tsp. honey and mixed with 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - vegetable broth, 100 g of cottage cheese, tea;
  • dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 loaf.

Between meals to suppress hunger, it is allowed to eat 1 apple and 1 grapefruit throughout the day.

The diet, of course, is more varied and easier to tolerate than the previous ones. At the same time, its effectiveness does not decrease - minus 5-10 kg per week.


If all the above diets seem too tough, you can use the most sparing curd menu, also designed for 7 days.

  • breakfast - 30 g of muesli with 100 ml of milk, 200 ml of orange juice;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - cottage cheese casserole, 50 grams of ham, watercress;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 50 g of seafood, bran bread sandwich with a thin layer of butter.
  • breakfast - 30 g of corn flakes with 100 ml of milk, 200 ml of grapefruit fresh;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 100 g of fish fillet, 2 potatoes, 100 g of cottage cheese grated with herbs, cucumber and egg;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - vegetable soup, 1 slice of rye bread.
  • breakfast - 2 sandwiches with butter and jam;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - cottage cheese and vegetable casserole with egg and spices;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 50 g of dietary meat, a sandwich with butter.
  • breakfast - 30 g of dietary meat, cucumber, 1 slice of bread;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 200 g of curd mass with onions, sweet peppers and herbs, bread;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - berry-curd casserole.
  • breakfast - 30 g of breast, sandwich with butter, 200 ml of grapefruit fresh;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 250 g of cottage cheese with strawberries and honey;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese with cucumber and herbs.
  • breakfast - 30 g of muesli with milk, 200 ml of orange fresh;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - cottage cheese mannik with raspberries, rhubarb compote;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 150 g fish fillet with vegetables.
  • breakfast - 2 sandwiches with butter and honey;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 200 g of curd mass with slices of cucumber and herbs;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 200 ml vegetable puree soup, bread.

Such a varied menu with a predominance of cottage cheese gives very high weight loss results. At the same time, between meals, you can additionally drink rosehip broth or green tea, and also eat 1 fruit each (apple, orange, grapefruit).

All of the above varieties of cottage cheese diet for a week are very popular. This method of losing weight allows you to quickly lose extra pounds and bring your body into shape.

Osama Hamdiy (chemical)

The diet of an American professor of nutrition is considered a revolutionary method of losing weight. The author himself called his system chemical, since its action is based on biochemical processes caused in the body with a certain diet. The diet was originally intended to reduce the weight of people with diabetes. But due to its high efficiency, it has become widely known and popular with everyone who wants to lose weight.

Essence and rules

The rules of the chemical diet are as follows:

  1. Evenly during the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
  2. Follow the menu instructions carefully.
  3. If the exact size of the serving is not indicated, you can eat as much as you want, but without overeating.
  4. Keep a weight loss diary, where you can mark the weight achieved daily, weighing yourself in the morning immediately after sleeping and going to the toilet.
  5. Cook dishes without adding fat with a minimum amount of salt, vegetables - only raw or boiled.
  6. Fruits can be consumed selectively - apples, plums, citrus fruits, kiwi are allowed.
  7. Meat and fish should be lean varieties, with no visible layer of fat.
  8. Between meals there should be breaks of at least 2 hours, dinner - 2 hours before bedtime.
  9. In the event of a breakdown, you need to start all over again, it makes no sense to continue.

On the Osama Hamdiy diet, you can eat almost any raw or boiled vegetables, but you can only eat one vegetable dish at a time. The professor especially recommends using boiled zucchini, eggplant, carrots, beans, peas. In raw form, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, lettuce are desirable. Although you can eat other vegetables, since a strict ban is imposed only on potatoes.

sample menu

In general, the diet of the chemical diet for a week is based on the use of a large amount of protein-containing foods - eggs, meat, fish. At the same time, the percentage of carbohydrates is significantly reduced. This diet allows you to quickly lose weight, breaking down excess fat and strengthening muscle mass. Therefore, even after a weekly course of nutrition according to the method of Osama Hamdiy, you can get not only a slender figure, but also an attractive toned body.

An example menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (preferably orange, grapefruit);
  • dinner - boiled dietary meat.
  • lunch - chicken, 1 tomato, 1 citrus (choice, as for breakfast);
  • dinner - vegetables in any form and quantity, 2 eggs, 1 citrus (choice, as for breakfast).
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit);
  • lunch - 1 rye cracker, 40 g of cheese, 1 tomato;
  • dinner - dietary meat.
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit);
  • lunch - any fruit unlimited;
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit);
  • lunch - 2 eggs, boiled vegetables;
  • dinner - seafood, 1 citrus.
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit);
  • lunch - any fruit unlimited;
  • dinner - boiled dietary meat, vegetable salad.
  • breakfast - 2 eggs, ½ citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit);
  • lunch - chicken, boiled vegetables, 1 citrus;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables.

The Osama Hamdiy program shows the greatest effectiveness with a high body mass index. So, if the weight exceeds 100 kg, then in 7 days you can lose 10 extra pounds. With a slight excess of weight, the result for women is usually minus 5 kg.


Weight loss on fruit is deservedly considered one of the most delicious and healthy. Fruit contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates, which make the process of weight normalization more enjoyable and not too stressful for the body, even with a very rigid diet. There are a large number of varieties of fruit diets for a week and almost each of them allows you to get rid of 7-10 kg.

Essence and rules

In addition to these advantages, fruit diets have a number of other advantages:

  1. They do not impose restrictions on the amount of fruit consumed - you can eat unlimitedly at any time of the day, which eliminates the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger.
  2. Do not require the preparation of special dishes.
  3. Provide high-quality removal of slags, toxins, decay products.
  4. They give lightness to the body.
  5. Eliminate cellulite, improve complexion.

In order to lose the maximum possible number of kilograms in seven days, you must carefully follow the basic rules and follow the principles, which include:

  1. Positive mental attitude, strong incentive.
  2. Feeding in small portions from a small dish.
  3. Drinking plenty of pure water, green tea.
  4. Refusal of all flavor enhancers, alcohol, products harmful to the figure.
  5. Strict adherence to diet and diet.

Fitness or increased physical activity is not mandatory, but can significantly increase the result of losing weight.

The uniqueness of fruit diets lies in the fact that, despite their severity, they are useful because they saturate the body with many of the substances it needs. At the same time, a wide variety of menu options makes it easy to choose the one that suits your taste preferences.

sample menu

Another big plus of fruit diets is that, having started to sit on one diet, it is not necessary to consume fruits prescribed by the rules all week. At any time, you can switch from apples to bananas or add additional products to the menu. However, the most strict and effective in any case will be a mono-diet.

mono diet

In this option, the nutrition schedule is the simplest - during the day you need to eat fruits of the same type in unlimited quantities. In addition, you need to drink plenty of water - the amount of healthy liquid drunk per day (pure water, green tea, juices or decoctions from the fruit used) should not be less than 3 liters.

If desired, the mono-diet diet can be diversified by using a different fruit every day, but always of the same type. For example, the daily menu might look like this:

  • 1st day: apples;
  • 2nd: citruses;
  • 3rd: pears;
  • 4th: bananas;
  • 5th: plums;
  • 6th: kiwi;
  • 7th: pineapple.

Days can be swapped, spend 2-3 days on one fruit, or change the diet in other ways at your discretion. The main thing is that only one type of fruit is consumed during the day.


In this version of the fruit menu, you need to eat daily according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - fruit and berry, fruit or berry salad seasoned with natural yogurt;
  • lunch - fruit and berry, fruit or berry fresh;
  • lunch - steamed vegetables, dietary meat, fruit and berry, fruit or berry salad;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and berry, fruit or berry salad;
  • dinner - boiled fish, raw vegetables;
  • at night - low-fat lactic acid drink.

Fruits and berries can be used any, combining them throughout the day.


Throughout the week, the dietary multi-fruit menu can also be compiled at your discretion. An example diet might look like this:

  • breakfast - strawberry-banana smoothie based on natural yogurt, green tea;
  • lunch - compote of berries or dried fruits;
  • lunch - fruit and berry salad with lemon juice, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - fresh from any combination of fruits and berries;
  • dinner - apples, lactic acid drink 0% fat.

Such a scheme is rather conditional, since it allows you to use fruits and berries of your choice and in any combination.


The apple diet is one of the most common not only among fruit, but also among all other weight loss methods. Most often, 2 options for such a menu are used:

  • consumption throughout the day only apples in the amount of 1.5–2 kg and pure water (2–2.5 l);
  • a combination of apples in the same amount and 1-1.5 liters of kefir, depending on the fat content.

In the second case, fruit and a fermented milk drink can be consumed together or separately, alternating between meals or days. Both apple and apple-kefir weight loss methods are very effective. This fruit perfectly cleanses the intestines, and in the variant with kefir, its effect is greatly enhanced, which ensures a high result of the diet.


The watermelon weight loss technique is a rigid mono-diet, which is recommended to be followed during the ripening season of these berries. The principles of nutrition here are different from all other fruit diets, since the required amount of watermelon pulp is determined depending on the initial weight and is calculated according to the formula - 1 kg of the product for every 10 kg of its own body weight.

The mechanism of losing weight on watermelons is based on the removal of excess fluid and the breakdown of fats. The power plan should be as follows:

The total amount of the daily norm of watermelon pulp is divided into 6-7 doses and is evenly consumed throughout the day.

In between taking watermelon, drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water throughout the day.

All other food and drink must be discarded.


Bananas are a tasty and highly nutritious product, so a banana mono-diet is tolerated quite easily without a strong feeling of hunger. For dietary purposes, ripe fruits should be chosen, since the insoluble starch contained in unripe bananas contributes to increased gas formation.

The rules of the banana diet for a week are as follows:

  1. The daily diet consists of 1.5 kg of peeled bananas.
  2. They are used in 6 doses, the last time - 3 hours before bedtime.

The indicated amount of bananas provides a daily caloric intake of 1300 kcal, which ensures quite comfortable weight loss.

With vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the basis of most effective diets. Therefore, losing weight on this combination brings very high results. The daily diet in this case consists of fruits and vegetables. different types. They are used in several ways:

  • jointly or by the method of alternation;
  • whole, by preparing juices or salads;
  • mostly raw, but can also be boiled or baked.

Despite the fact that the diet is almost completely devoid of protein, moderate physical activity is allowed during the course.


Eating protein foods and fruits is one of the best ways to lose weight. The body receives the required amount of all nutrients, but at the same time actively gets rid of excess weight without negative consequences.

The main rule is that the intake of protein and vitamin foods must be necessarily separate. So the menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - 2 eggs, yogurt;
  • lunch - fruit salad;
  • lunch - breast, green peas;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - kefir;
  • before going to bed - fruit juice.

With dairy products

This kind of fruit diet for a week exists in two versions - fruit-milk and fruit-kefir. The method of losing weight on fruits and milk suggests the following daily nutrition schedule:

  • Day 1: fruits, 0.5 l of milk;
  • 2nd: fruit, 1 liter of milk;
  • 3rd: fruits, 1.5 liters of milk;
  • 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th: fruits, 2 liters of milk.

You can drink milk with fruit or make smoothies, as well as throughout the day.

A fruit diet on kefir is similar to a fruit and milk diet, but for all 7 days you should drink 1.5 liters of kefir. Fruits in both cases should be chosen unsweetened and not starchy, consuming no more than 2 kg per day.

When choosing a diet option for fruits, it should be borne in mind that some of them are quite allergenic. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided not only by taste preferences, but also by the state of health.


Eggs are an exceptional dietary product, on the basis of which you can lose 6–10 kg in a week. The main thing is that weight loss will come from burning fat while maintaining muscle mass, without severe hunger and stress.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of the weekly egg diet is due to the following properties and actions:

  1. Eggs are slowly digested in the stomach, which ensures long-term satiety.
  2. The main products of the diet are available, have a low cost.
  3. Dishes are prepared quite simply and are suitable for eating outside the home.
  4. Eating a large number of eggs can improve the condition of muscle tissue and skin elasticity, remove water and relieve swelling.
  5. The presence of other useful products on the menu makes it not only safe, but also beneficial to health.

The main drawback of the egg diet for 7 days is the high allergenicity of the main product. Therefore, this technique is not suitable for those who are prone to increased manifestations of allergic reactions.

The egg diet is a low-carb, protein-based weight loss method that breaks down fat stores almost immediately. This is due to the fact that the body does not have enough energy to digest protein, and it takes it from its own body fat.

In addition, egg yolk contains a special substance - biotin (vitamin H). This component actively works on the breakdown of fat, starting fat-burning processes, and also speeds up carbohydrate metabolism, preventing the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Another useful component of the egg diet is citrus fruits, which are present in large quantities and, in combination with proteins, accelerate energy metabolism.

The rules of the 7-day egg diet are quite simple:

  1. Be sure to drink plenty of alkaline mineral water throughout the day, which will reduce the acidity of citrus fruits.
  2. You should stop eating fats - all foods should be low-fat, you can not even use vegetable oils for dressing salads.
  3. It is allowed to use a moderate amount of salt, spices, spices.
  4. The menu must be followed exactly, without interchanging meals or diet days.
  5. The diet should be 3 times a day without snacks, dinner - until 18:00.
  6. Eggs should be soft-boiled and eaten without salt.
  7. The portion size indicated in the menu cannot be increased, if the amount of the product is not specified, it must be eaten until slightly saturated.
  8. When a strong feeling of hunger appears, you can eat carrots or cucumbers, but only 2 hours after the planned meal.
  9. All week you need to take multivitamins.

During the course, it is desirable to increase physical activity in order to speed up the process of fat burning.

In case of failure, the diet should be started from the first day.

Exact menu

The above schedule and diet requires very strict adherence. Therefore, before the diet, it is recommended to buy everything you need in advance. In addition, dishes and foods should be consumed exactly in the order in which they are indicated. At the same time, citrus fruits are always used at the beginning of the meal, and not for dessert. You can use oranges or grapefruits.

  • breakfast - the pulp of 1 citrus, 2 eggs, green tea;
  • lunch - the pulp of 1 citrus, 1 egg, 150 g of chicken breast;
  • dinner - 200 g of breast, 200 ml of kefir.
  • breakfast - 200 ml of citrus fresh, 2 eggs;
  • lunch - the pulp of 2 citrus fruits, 150 g of chicken breast, 200 ml of mineral alkaline water;
  • dinner - the pulp of 1 citrus, 2 eggs, 200 ml of milk.
  • breakfast - 200 ml of warm water with 1 tbsp. l. lemon pulp, 1 egg;
  • dinner - 2 eggs, 200 ml of mineral alkaline water.
  • breakfast - the pulp of 1 citrus, scrambled eggs (3 eggs, milk, greens);
  • lunch - 300 g of chicken, leaf lettuce;
  • dinner - the pulp of 2 citrus fruits, 1 egg, 200 ml of alkaline mineral water.
  • breakfast - the pulp of 1 citrus, a salad of 1 boiled carrots, 2 eggs, greens with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • lunch - 200 ml fresh citrus fruits, raw carrots 2 pcs.;
  • dinner - baked fish fillet sprinkled with lemon juice, 1 egg, 200 ml of alkaline mineral water.
  • breakfast - 200 ml of citrus fresh, 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - the pulp of 2 citrus fruits, 2 eggs;
  • for dinner, you can drink only alkaline mineral water, with a strong feeling of hunger - eat a cucumber.
  • breakfast - the pulp of half a citrus, 2 eggs;
  • lunch - the pulp of 1 citrus, 200 g of dietary meat;
  • for dinner, you can again drink only alkaline mineral water, with a strong feeling of hunger - eat a cucumber.

The proposed egg diet is characterized by a rather limited diet. But due to the presence of eggs and citrus fruits, it is relatively easy to tolerate. The body also does not receive special stress due to the short duration of the course. During the exit for 2 weeks, you need to leave the main components in the diet - eggs and citrus fruits.

In general, any of the considered diets for a week requires the right output. If, after the end of the week of food restrictions, you immediately switch to high-calorie foods, then the weight will definitely return.

The right way out of the diet

The exit from the diet, which lasted a week, should last at least 14 days. The severity of the diet during this period directly depends on how tough the diet was. Some of the considered methods of weight loss, which are considered as gentle as possible, do not require an exit at all, since they are recommended to be followed throughout the rest of your life.

If the restrictions were quite serious, then for the next 2 weeks the following rules must be observed:

  1. Add only 1 product to the menu daily to allow the body to gradually adapt (return) to the previous menu.
  2. You need to start expanding the diet with healthy foods and healthy dishes, and fatty and sweet can be introduced only after the end of the exit period, but it is better to completely abandon them.
  3. You can not abruptly refuse those products on which the diet was based - if, for example, eggs and citrus fruits prevailed on the menu, you need to leave them on the menu for all 2 weeks, but gradually reduce the amount.
  4. You should also continue to follow the rules of the diet regarding water regimen, physical activity, meal schedule, etc.

It should be remembered that if you sharply pounce on all the foods that were absent from the diet during the week, then it will not be possible to avoid the return of the lost weight. Even the result is possible when the kilograms return with a “weight”, and the body weight exceeds the figures that were before losing weight.

Table 1 is a medical diet developed by the Soviet nutritionist M.I. Pevzner. To fully restore the functioning of the digestive system, adhere to diet food table 1 is recommended for six months to a year.

Gastroenterologists prescribe this therapeutic diet for the following pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • gastric ulcer during the period of remission and after exacerbation;
  • gastritis with high acidity (acute and chronic course);
  • rehabilitation period after gastric surgery;
  • esophageal burns.

The foundation of the diet for gastritis table 1 is based on the basic principles of treating this pathology: providing good nutrition, a balanced diet, thermal, chemical and mechanical sparing of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, rejection of products that cause increased production of hydrochloric acid, i.e. gastric juice.

Diet No. 1 was introduced in hospitals, and is also provided for in the sanatorium treatment of patients with the listed problems. A rich selection of products and simple cooking principles make it easy to follow a diet at home for a long period of time.

The main characteristics of the diet table number 1

The amount of proteins - up to 100 g, lipids - up to 100 g, carbohydrates - up to 400 g. The daily rate of free liquid is 1.5-1.6 liters, salt - up to 12 grams.

The total calorie content of the daily menu is up to 3000 kcal. Eating in small portions - 5-6 times a day, the entire amount of food is distributed evenly, so that the total weight of a single meal does not exceed 350 g.

Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer involves strict adherence to diet. Overeating is categorically contraindicated, especially at night, since during sleep the digestive tract organs must be provided with proper rest.

The last meal is no later than 2.5 hours before going to bed.

It is useful after consultation with a gastroenterologist observing you to daily use of medicinal mineral waters with the following indicators: mineralization level from 2 to 6 grams per liter, high content of carbonates and sulfates.

The intake of mineral and medicinal table waters, especially in the conditions of a sanatorium, where the springs are located in close proximity to the territory of the institution, leads to a natural decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

Based on these indicators, as well as taking into account the permitted products, experienced nutritionists make up an approximate diet for the day, week, month, etc.

Diet 1 table - food table

What can you eat What not to eat
Dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and fish - grated, steamed or boiled (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings, rolls, minced meat casseroles, mashed potatoes, soufflé). 1. Dishes from fatty, sinewy meat and fish, smoked meats, canned food, pickled and dried dishes. Skin from poultry and subcutaneous fat must be removed.
Milk soups with cereals (oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, egg) or pasta, including homemade noodles. 2. Pearl barley, millet, legumes, whole corn, egg noodles. These foods are slowly digested and poorly absorbed by the body.
Mucous cereal soups on the water. 3. Uncooked cereals.
Vegetable soups (without cabbage) - mashed, with the addition of root vegetables, seasoned with butter or a milk-egg mixture.
Steam omelettes - protein, on water, with the addition of milk, soft-boiled eggs or "in a bag". 4. Meat, fish, strong vegetable broths and soups based on them. All hot dishes with the addition of unmashed fruits and cabbage (shchi, borscht, okroshka).
Dishes from vegetables and fruits baked, grated, pureed after heat treatment, except for those prohibited. Especially useful: pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini. It is acceptable to use cauliflower and broccoli. 5. Fried eggs, hard boiled eggs, any fried foods.
Dairy products: whole milk, cream, fresh or calcined cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casserole, steam cheesecakes, dumplings), non-acidic sour cream, butter (up to 10 g per day).
From sauces it is permissible to use milk (bechamel), creamy, fruit. Salt, cinnamon and vanillin are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities. 6. Cabbage (all types except cauliflower and broccoli), sorrel, spinach, onions, garlic, cucumbers, sour unripe fruits, sour berries and fruits. Dill and parsley should be used sparingly. Mushrooms are strictly contraindicated. It is unacceptable to introduce salted, pickled and canned vegetables and mushrooms into the diet.
Desserts: marshmallow, marmalade, jam, confiture, jam, marshmallow, honey, jelly and mousses from sweet berries and fruits. 7. Hard cheeses, fermented milk drinks, margarine.
Drinks: still mineral water, wheat bran decoction, oatmeal jelly, rosehip infusion with honey, fruit compotes and jelly, sweet fruit and berry juices, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (except cabbage), weak tea with cream or milk, chicory root powder drink , herbal teas.
Crackers from white breads, daily bread or slices dried in a toaster, biscuit cookies, lean dough in the form of pies, pies (limited). 8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
9. Cocoa, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and cakes with cream, butter and puff pastry, biscuit, margarine-based cookies.
10. Lemonades and any carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, energy drinks, sour drinks, kvass, brine.
11. Fresh bread, black bread (rye).

A table of what you can and cannot eat with a diet table 1 is convenient to print and hang in the kitchen, then the list of products will always be at hand. Below is a menu for the week, which you can easily make varied thanks to the options for each day.

Table 1 diet - menu for the week

(composed of the options below for each meal)


  • Steam omelette on the water and oatmeal porridge on skimmed milk with a teaspoon of butter, mate tea (weak).
  • Soft-boiled egg and rice milk porridge rubbed through a sieve, chicory drink.
  • Cottage cheese and banana puree, grated beetroot salad dressed with corn oil, a slice of dried white bread with butter, green tea.
  • Buckwheat porridge on the water, protein omelette, chicory drink with milk.
  • Mashed potatoes and carrots, scrambled eggs in milk, chamomile tea with bee honey.


  • Apple baked with honey.
  • Pear-mango puree.
  • Banana mashed with a fork and drizzled with rosehip syrup.
  • Creamy jelly in milk.
  • 150 g of cottage cheese with raspberries grated with sugar.


First course:

  • Puree potato soup with grated cauliflower and zucchini.
  • Carrot-zucchini pasta on the water with croutons of white bread.
  • Slimy barley soup with whipped cream and egg dressing.
  • Soup of pureed oatmeal with potatoes and cream.
  • Buckwheat puree soup with mashed carrots.

Second course:

  • Zucchini-potato puree with boiled pike-perch meatballs.
  • Liquid mashed potatoes with turkey fillet soufflé.
  • Boiled wheat porridge with vegetable oil, chicken dumplings.
  • Pureed rice porridge and lean veal steam cutlets.
  • Buckwheat porridge grated with butter and boiled hake fillet with carrots.


  • Compote of prunes and raisins.
  • Compote of dried apples and pears.
  • Kissel raspberry.
  • Rosehip decoction.
  • Melissa tea with honey.

Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of baked milk.
  • Fruit mousse (peaches, plums, apricots, persimmons).
  • Freshly squeezed juice from sweet apples and grapes.
  • Biscuit cookies with weak sweet tea.
  • Curd cream with blueberries.


  • Vermicelli casserole, fish dumplings.
  • Pasta with cottage cheese and butter, fish casserole with egg.
  • Stewed pollock with carrots and beets (ground vegetables).
  • Mashed potatoes with meatballs.
  • Chicken zrazy steamed with grated buckwheat porridge.

Before bedtime: a glass of whole or baked milk.

Compliance with table 1 diet after surgery allows the patient to recover as soon as possible and normalize the work of all internal organs.

A balanced diet, varied and tasty, provides the body with all the bionutrients necessary to maintain the health of all systems. Adhering to this diet is not difficult.

The main thing is not to be lazy to use a variety of products and their combinations daily. Thus, even for children, table 1 will not be a burden.

Stay healthy and enjoy your meals!

All girls, without exception, dream of a beautiful figure, a slender and toned body, but the thought of terrible diets, sitting on which, you have to die of hunger drives you crazy. These are all your prejudices. It has long been known that a diet is not necessarily a hunger strike, or rather not a hunger strike at all. Proper nutrition in proper combination with physical activity will give a more noticeable and better effect. In this article, your attention will be offered a food system with a menu for every day.

Often, women quit what they started at the very first stages, and thereby only aggravate their situation, this should not be done in any case, it is very important to reach the end, and how to do it much easier for yourself and the body, you will learn from this article.

Nutrition should be balanced, you need to eat foods that contain many substances useful for the body and health, such as minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and so on. If you choose the right nutrition system, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also improve the condition of your skin, hair, nails, and well-being in general, but for this, the food you eat should be healthy, no chips, crackers, etc. in your daily diet should not be, not only during the diet, but also after.

In order for the weight loss process to be more effective, you must spend more calories than you consume, so the menu we proposed will indicate how many calories you consume on each day of the week. We will name the days in order, because it doesn’t matter if you start from Monday or Wednesday, the result will not change from this. Naturally, no other products can be added to the menu.

Diet for every day

The first meal should be done no later than 9 o'clock in the morning. The second is at about 12 noon, the third is between 14:00 and 15:00, the fourth is between 16:00 and 17:00, and the last meal is at 19:00. As you can see, we will eat quite often, you will not have to starve, but at the same time you will get a sufficient amount of the substances necessary for the body, and no extra calories. So, we offer a meal plan with a detailed menu for every day.

First day (1170 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of oatmeal, preferably with water or low-fat milk, you can add 50 grams of berries, a glass of green tea without sugar.
  • The second breakfast is a glass of fat-free kefir with a cracker.
  • Lunch - a little buckwheat porridge, a salad of cucumber, bell pepper and celery.
  • Snack - 100 ml of water or green tea without sugar, pear or orange.
  • Dinner - boiled turkey fillet, cabbage and lettuce salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

Second day (1450 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one fourth of a banana, unsweetened coffee and no doping (cream, milk).
  • Second breakfast - 2 carrots, grated, one grapefruit.
  • Lunch - a small amount of rice, steamed lean fish, cucumber and celery salad.
  • Snack - a sandwich of bread and low-fat cottage cheese, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • Dinner - vegetable omelette, vegetable salad (200 grams)

Third day (1250 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of oatmeal, one green apple.
  • Afternoon snack - smoothies: add cottage cheese (100 grams), a glass of low-fat milk and half a glass of berries to a blender.
  • Dinner - a casserole without added sugar, a glass of fat-free kefir.

Fourth day (1560 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of muesli with low-fat milk, one grapefruit, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup in broth, but without meat.
  • Snack - a sandwich: bread, cottage cheese, tomato.
  • Dinner - boiled chicken breast, stewed vegetables (300 grams).

Fifth day (1330 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - a piece of rye bread, a boiled egg, green tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast - two fresh carrots.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup in broth, but without meat.
  • Snack - two slices of dark chocolate, orange juice.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, boiled chicken or turkey breast.

Sixth day (1150 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of buckwheat porridge, green tea without sugar, green apple.
  • The second breakfast is 150 grams of fat-free natural yogurt.
  • Lunch - 150 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of boiled beef, lettuce salad.
  • Snack - smoothie: grind celery, green apple and 100 ml of water in a blender.
  • Dinner - low-fat steamed fish, a glass of tomato juice, one loaf.

Seventh day (1550 kcal)

  • Early breakfast - 200 grams of bran seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt, one grapefruit, green tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast - half a grapefruit, a handful of walnuts.
  • Lunch - 100 grams of rice, steamed fish, steamed Brussels sprouts.
  • Snack - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, green apple.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, scrambled eggs.

Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water, and a glass of water twenty minutes before the first meal. As a snack, you can eat rye bread, once a day you can drink a "cocktail" for the figure: a glass of fat-free kefir, one teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of ground ginger. Such a drink dulls the feeling of hunger and speeds up the metabolic process.

The right way out of the diet

After completing the diet, you should follow a proper diet, because if you immediately start overeating on cakes and pizzas, the result will not be fixed, on the contrary, the lost kilograms will return in an even larger size. It is also not recommended to eat heavy food right away, the stomach may not be able to cope with such a large load, and, of course, in no case should you overeat, in which case the stomach will stretch to eat you will need more food, and you will start to get better again.

For weight loss, it is very important to follow some rules and advice from experienced nutritionists, otherwise you can cause great harm to the body.

  • Eating every day should be done at about the same time, then your body will get used to it and the feeling of hunger will not attack you at inopportune moments.
  • The goals you set for yourself must be realistic. Naturally, it is impossible to lose 20 kilograms in three days, the process of losing weight is hard work, which you need to work hard and not turn off the road towards the goal.
  • It is worth praising yourself for the successes achieved, because even a small result is already a good result.
  • The portion size should be small so that your stomach does not stretch, it is better to eat more often, but in very small portions.
  • One of the most important things is the right motivation. Find a photo of a girl with a beautiful figure, hang it on the refrigerator, or even better, take a photo of yourself where you are in good shape. The motivation can be a beautiful dress, which has already become small for you, and you are no longer so attractive in it.
  • An ideal result can only be achieved by combining physical activity and proper nutrition, but you also need to be careful with sports, do not overdo it.
  • Alcohol should be excluded from your life for good, why do you need these extra calories, besides, alcohol is harmful to the whole body, not only for the figure, but also for health.
  • If you want something sweet, you should not replace sweets with dates, as many articles advise, they also contain a lot of sugar and kilocalories. Better just eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate, it will be much more useful.
  • Replace white bread with rye, and even better with rye bread.
  • You can not take long breaks between meals, this will give a completely opposite result.
  • You should not constantly wait for any strong changes on the scales, you need to judge the result by decreasing volumes, not numbers. And do not expect that after two days of the diet you will notice a sharp weight loss, this is a gradual process.

It is important to remember the diet with a menu for every day

A diet is not a sentence to suffering and fainting from hunger, it is very important to follow the correct regimen, if you have a breakdown, just arrange a fasting day for yourself and start the diet from the very beginning. You need to properly set yourself up before starting a diet and then the process will go easier and more interesting, treat weight loss as your hobby, and not as hard labor, especially since this is not so.