Strengths and weaknesses of a person. What shortcomings can be indicated in a resume: recommendations and examples

  • 20.10.2019

It so happened that some employers, when surveying, and sometimes in the job description, ask you to indicate your shortcomings and weaknesses in resume. Thus, they want to simplify the selection of personnel, weed out unnecessary candidates, etc. In a word, HR managers solve their problems in a way that suits them.

Let's get to the point

Enough long time I help people write resumes and look for work and I want to say that the topic of shortcomings in a resume rarely pops up. But if it pops up, I tell everyone the same thing.

Weaknesses in the resume do not need to be indicated. Not at all. Under no circumstances. Even if it is written in a vacancy or a special questionnaire that you describe your shortcomings, it is still not. No no and one more time no. Never write bad things about yourself!

There are several reasons for this.

  • Pointing out the weaknesses of the character in the resume increases the likelihood that your resume will be thrown into the trash. Someone will definitely understand your words “wrong” and decide that such a candidate is not needed. Let them first invite you to an interview, and there you will answer the employer’s questions and tell about yourself in all details.
  • Second moment - don't judge yourself. You may be biased and most likely you will. Many people are demanding of themselves and self-critical, they make an elephant out of a fly and scold themselves out of the blue. Let others judge you. Let the employer look at you, talk to you and draw your own conclusions. For him, your minuses can be pluses (and vice versa).

    For example, shyness can be highly valued. She can be seen as a calm disposition and accommodating. Similarly, an active and energetic person can be called an upstart and a troublemaker.

  • If you indicate weaknesses and shortcomings in your resume, this show your low self-esteem. Low self-esteem = low salary. Therefore, you do not need to be extremely honest in your resume, show yourself from the best side.

If you still need to write something?

If you have a questionnaire or a form on the site where there is a special column “your shortcomings”, write a neutral phrase.

Examples of indicating weaknesses in a resume:

- "Ready to answer your questions in person"
“I prefer to talk about it in person.”
- Just put a dash

No disadvantages - only advantages

I want to say a few words about reverse side medals. If it is not necessary to indicate the weaknesses in the resume, then the strengths are necessary. This is really important. Focus on your strengths, strengths and skills. This will help the employer make the “right” choice.

When applying for a job, employers often require a resume. Some of them, in addition to work experience, general information and enumerations of virtues are asked to indicate the weaknesses of the character. And here a dilemma arises: how to correctly reveal your shortcomings in a resume? If you think that they do not need to be indicated at all and that it is enough just to put a dash in the corresponding column, then you are deeply mistaken. In order not to get into a mess when you find yourself in a similar situation, check out what HR specialists advise on this matter.

Features of writing a resume

On the one hand, writing a few words about yourself is an easy task and does not require special knowledge and skills. However, as practice shows, those who hold this point of view are often denied employment. Therefore, the more solid the company in which you want to get a job, the more important it is to write a resume correctly.

The length of the resume is not conducive to presentation a large number information. Usually it fits on 1-2 computer sheets. Therefore, it is especially important to briefly state the necessary information that will emphasize your individuality and attract the attention of a personnel specialist. When writing a text, weigh each word and correctly present your weaknesses.

For example, if you're worried about being in a certain age group, start by listing professional qualities or work experience. Move your date of birth to the bottom of your resume. Or if your future job involves frequent business trips, and your Small child, be sure to indicate that you can leave him in the care of relatives or a nanny.

To correctly reflect your weaknesses in your resume, adopt a few basic rules.

  • Take increased attention style of presenting information. The text must be written clearly and understandably. If during the interview you can convey information different ways, then what is written will be perceived unambiguously.
  • Never ignore the column in which you need to indicate your weaknesses and character traits. This can lead to the fact that you are either written down in the category of insecure and notorious people, or considered a person with too high self-esteem.
  • Don't be afraid to be honest. A true reflection of information, especially regarding your weaknesses, indicates how self-critical you are and adequately assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

Examples of Weaknesses

When filling in the column about the existing shortcomings, take your time, carefully consider each phrase. If you do not know what to indicate in it, look through the options below and choose the ones that characterize you. At the same time, try to select such character traits that, if desired, can be turned into virtues.

Among the weaknesses in the summary, indicate, for example, the habit of speaking everything directly and frankly; difficulties in establishing contacts with strangers; hyperactivity and restlessness; excessive emotionality, susceptibility and impressionability; a tendency to fatalism, etc.

Try to select such character traits that, if desired, can be wrapped in virtues.

However, there is no need to be too frank. Add to one or two professional features and a few that do not play an important role in work activities. For example, indicate that you are afraid of flying or have excess weight. You can also point out such shortcomings as excessive gullibility, a tendency to reflection, or frequent self-digging and self-criticism.

From social weaknesses, you can write that you do not fit well into the work team, because you do not like gossip, or you cannot fight back in response to boorish behavior. With a skillful approach, each flaw can really be turned into a virtue. And if among the weak character traits you indicate reliability, then this is only in the hands of the employer himself, since he will see in you a person who can be entrusted with overtime tasks.

How to present the weaknesses of the character

Some weak traits can be directly correlated with the characteristics of the profession. So, for example, for an accountant or storekeeper, such shortcomings as distrust, pedantry, inability to lie, an increased sense of responsibility, lack of diplomacy and flexibility in labor matters, can become positive in work activities. But it is better for a manager or a realtor to indicate hyperactivity, self-confidence, impulsiveness, inability to take a word and a desire to double-check the information themselves.

It should be noted that often job seekers go to the trick and present their merits in the resume under the guise of shortcomings. Before doing so, it is worth carefully weighing the consequences of such actions. Of course, you can point out the desire for perfectionism or excessive hard work among the weaknesses, but keep in mind that the employer can easily suspect you of insincerity.

Important nuances

Honesty is good. However, some negative traits still not worth pointing out. In no case do not write that you like to be lazy, afraid to take responsibility or unable to make decisions, not punctual, often distracted, etc. There is no need to get too carried away when listing weaknesses. It is enough to name 2-3 negative qualities. Do not use vague language and do not indicate those features that will go against the requirements of the position.

A good resume structure necessarily includes a list of professional skills and strengths. Every job site or template has a similar section to fill out.

Why write strengths on a resume

This is to show the employer that you are the right fit. All in all.

If you correctly show your character strengths in your resume, your chances of getting an interview will increase.

What aspects of character to indicate

Firstly, proceed from the requirements of the vacancy.

Appreciated in different positions different qualities. Accounting requires patience and perseverance, management - activity and leadership skills, work as a driver - sobriety. Etc.

Secondly, be honest with yourself.

If you are calm and reasonable, do not write about leadership qualities. If you are a creative person and it is difficult for you to work under tight deadlines, do not write about discipline and punctuality.

Most common resume mistake

I write resumes for people of different job levels and before work I ask them to send their current resume. In almost everyone, I see a list of office superman.

  • A responsibility.
  • Mandatory.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Discipline.
  • Work for results.
  • Learnability.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Etc.

I constantly read and edit this nonsensical set of phrases. A good, "selling" resume should not be superfluous. Everything must be reasonable.

Fixing the error

In order not to be like everyone else, learn to stand out from the crowd. There are two great ways to list strengths on a resume.

First option- remove all these qualities from the resume. It’s very simple.

Second option. Choose one (maximum two!) of your character traits and write about each of them in a sentence. Detailed and specific.

An example of indicating strengths in a resume:

  • Sociable (worked in sales, as well as in journalism, interviewed artists).
  • I prefer to work for the result - I know how to start and finish things, I make decisions quickly, I am straightforward and active in communication.

Think about what is your strongest quality and what will be especially needed in your future work. Find this character trait and describe it deliciously and in detail. This will work much better than a banal list of meaningless words.

Are you looking for a job and want to find a great place? Then a well-written resume is indispensable. A smart approach is needed here. From the resume, the employer must find out all the useful information about the candidate, and the applicant is simply obliged to stand out from the general mass of competitors applying for a similar position. The qualities indicated in the resume are one of the steps to success, they play a decisive, one might say, decisive role. If you do not know what qualities to indicate, we will help with this, we will give helpful tips, recommendations.

The article will discuss what qualities to indicate in a resume, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate for a position, what is worth mentioning and what is silent.

So, we read carefully, remember and draw up a unique resume, having studied which, the employer simply will not be able to refuse the candidate and will definitely hire him.

What qualities to indicate in the resume of the applicant

Of course, it is necessary to praise yourself, but it is advisable to write the truth about yourself, otherwise misunderstandings may arise in the process of work, and you will have to blush and make excuses.

So, what the employer may like and what he will first of all pay attention to:

  • Increased sense of responsibility.
  • Discipline.
  • Punctuality.
  • Perseverance.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Sociability.
  • Perseverance.
  • performance.

Remember, your task is to reveal as much as possible positive qualities about yourself to help you achieve your goals. If you wish, you can try to somehow tell about yourself in an original way, but you should not go too far (see). Otherwise, the employer may not believe that the specified information about himself is true.

In addition to the above qualities, if necessary, include in the resume a number of non-standard, but attractive character traits.

What character strengths to include in the list of qualities attractive to the employer:

  • Initiative;
  • Creative mindset;
  • Speed, mobility, activity;
  • Increased resistance to stressful situations;
  • Grammatically correct speech;
  • Good diction;
  • Confidence in your strength.

If you have at least a couple of these qualities, be sure to include them in your resume. With such a list, the candidate has a very real chance of getting Good work and draw the attention of management (see). A successful presentation of oneself never hurts, because the competition for prestigious positions is always high.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume so that you are hired

Ideal people do not exist, therefore, in the resume, the applicant for a vacancy must certainly have shortcomings. It is important for management that a person is able to look at himself critically and evaluate himself quite adequately.

Let's take a look at several options weak qualities, which will not be able to spoil the reputation of the candidate.

  1. Reliability.
  2. Inability to sit in one place for a long time.
  3. straightness.
  4. Fear of air travel.
  5. Excessive craving for formalism.
  6. Inability to deceive.
  7. Increased activity.
  8. Distrust.
  9. Unwillingness to compromise on controversial issues.
  10. Principle.
  11. Modesty.
  12. Demanding for oneself and others.

These examples can be taken as a basis, and at the interview, the main thing is to show that you are ready to work and do everything possible for the benefit of the company.

Men and women, what is the difference between their qualities in a resume

As it has already become clear, a resume is in some way a visiting card of a candidate for workplace, so it must be written concisely, to the point, but at the same time capaciously and informatively.

Basically, the resumes of men and women are no different, but still there are nuances. Let's talk about the strengths and some weaknesses of applicants of the opposite sex, which it is desirable to indicate in a resume.

Strong male sides:

  • Activity.
  • Strength of will.
  • The ability to find mutual language with people.
  • Bringing what has been started to its logical end.
  • Perseverance.
  • Conscientiousness.
  • Developed intellect.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume of a strong male applicant:

  • Arrogance.
  • Selfishness.
  • Hotness.
  • Optional.
  • Disorder, carelessness.

Personal strengths of a woman:

  • Patience.
  • Determination.
  • Loyalty.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Willingness to find a compromise.

Weaknesses in a resume for women:

  • Nervousness.
  • Sharpness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Restlessness.
  • Emotionality.

We found out what qualities indicated in the resume will surely attract the attention of the employer. Now let's talk about little tricks, or rather about how and what not to do when compiling a characterization about yourself.

Minor nuances when writing a resume

  1. Information must be clear and not blurry. That is, the applicant talks about everything and nothing. Try to present information concisely. And most importantly, indicate why you should be hired, how you compare favorably with the rest.
  2. Speak the truth. If the lie is revealed immediately, it will deprive the candidate of the opportunity to get a job. If the deception is revealed after the person has been hired, this will be an excellent reason to fire him.
  3. Literacy. If the candidate indicated among his strengths attention to detail and the ability to write without errors, but at the same time make them in the resume, this will definitely cause bewilderment. Mistakes made indicate negligence, as well as inattention and disinterest in the workplace.

Now you know how to write a resume, and what qualities to indicate in it in order to become the first applicant for a tidbit, that is, for an attractive position.

A well-written resume will serve a person well when applying for a job.. This document should be written in such a way that it intrigues a potential employer. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities in a resume are very important. Examples and life experience show that it is this information that managers and personnel officers are seriously interested in.

Before indicating personal qualities in a resume, you must carefully study the samples and examples in order to fill in the required section in accordance with all the rules:

  • The information must be truthful and reliable, since the deception will be revealed sooner or later anyway, so there is no need to "philosophize slyly."
  • Personal qualities should be stated clearly and briefly, but you should not use only common hackneyed phrases that will not give a potential employer full information about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • This section must be written correctly, without colloquial vocabulary and errors.
  • As a rule, it is required to indicate the most important personal qualities (5 options), so you should not be too zealous in indicating everything in a row. It is necessary to analyze everything and enter only those character traits that will really be useful for a vacant position or profession. For example, a salesperson will need the ability to resolve conflict situations, but it is not necessary for an economist.

Groups and templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups that have their own specific templates.

First job

If labor activity is just starting and the resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work effectively in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Ease of learning.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options personal qualities- depending on the proposed position and profession.

It is not always necessary to indicate your weaknesses in a resume. But if, nevertheless, it is required to indicate the weaknesses of the character in the summary, their examples may not be so fatal. Therefore, you should not be afraid to describe them.

Everyone has their shortcomings, but it is important for the employer to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. Therefore, try to choose such traits of your character that in everyday life can be considered a disadvantage, and for the performance of the proposed work, these qualities will be a virtue, for example:

  • Fear of air travel.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Slowness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Love for formalism.
  • Excessive emotionality, irascibility.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Reliability.
  • Inability to be flexible.
  • Too direct.

All these weaknesses can be looked at from a different angle, and then they can turn into advantages for the employer. For example, restlessness for an active manager or sales representative is more of a plus than a minus. Or reliability, which will give the manager a reason to think that you can always be trusted with overtime work.

Weaknesses and professional qualities

Each applicant must correctly orient his weaknesses to the profession in which he wants to work. For example, a design engineer or future accountant might write the following:

Although such a list is not at all suitable for a person who, in the process of work, must constantly communicate with people. For example, a future sales manager can provide the following negative qualities for a resume:

  • Excessive sociability.
  • Workaholism.
  • straightness.
  • Distrust.
  • The need for external motivation.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Overconfidence.
  • Hyperactivity.

An applicant for a managerial position needs to prepare more carefully before filling out a column that will indicate his weaknesses. He can write about the following traits of his character:

Little tricks

To prevent an employer from immediately sending your resume to the trash after reading about your shortcomings, do not be too frank. Neutral qualities that can in no way affect future work are quite suitable. The following personal qualities (disadvantages) are suitable for almost any job:

  • Fear of airplanes.
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).
  • Vespertiliophobia (fear of bats).
  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
  • Sweet love.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Love for shopping.
  • Excess weight.

This information is quite transparent and will not pose any “danger” to the applicant in the employment process.

You can also write:

  • I am overly fond of analyzing past mistakes.
  • prone to reflection.
  • Too trusting.
  • I can't always accurately express my thoughts.

These are negative qualities for a resume, but they rarely affect the workflow.

You can specify the following:

  • When I have to lie, I noticeably worry.
  • I can't swear.
  • I take everything to heart.
  • I don't like gossip.
  • Too carried away by nature, so I forget to take breaks.

Some nuances

There are some items that should not be included in a resume. For example, you should not write:

  • I love office romances.
  • I am often distracted.
  • Not punctual.
  • I don't like making my own decisions.
  • I'm afraid of responsibility.
  • I don't like getting up early.
  • Sometimes laziness prevails.

For example, after reading about laziness, the employer will decide that you are not eager to work.

Strengths in resume

To get a decent job, you must provide an excellent reference and profile. Indicating in your resume positive sides, you need to adequately evaluate yourself professionally and enter only the most best qualities which, no doubt, will be appreciated by the employer. A sample list of strengths is as follows:

You should also indicate your business characteristics, which must be described in one sentence, for example: "Seven years as a chief accountant." It is important at the same time to ensure that personal and business qualities do not conflict with each other.

Some examples of job descriptions


Mandatory qualities: responsibility, learning, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, conflict-free, stress resistance.

Sales Manager

Necessary qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

well appreciated: competent speech, out-of-the-box thinking, stress resistance.


Mandatory qualities: diligence, accuracy, stress resistance, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, grooming, pleasant appearance.

Universal positive qualities

  • No bad habits.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Honesty.
  • Fast learner.

Be sure to include the personal qualities that your future employer wants to see. To do this, put yourself in his place and think about who you would like to take on your team.

Checking the veracity of what is written

Most job seekers tend to embellish their resumes, so employers invite applicants for an interview and ask additional questions that help to better reveal a person.

For example, they want to know your opinion about a particular conflict, and based on the answers they receive, they conclude how true the answers in the resume regarding squabbles and scandals are.

One should remember a number simple rules things to keep in mind when interviewing:

Focusing on following tips professional personnel officers, you can quite easily please your future bosses:

  1. The summary should be composed in a restrained manner, and humor is inappropriate here. However, creative and creative positions may suggest this.
  2. Copied, template resumes will not bring success, since personnel officers see such tricks right away.
  3. Five professional characteristics will be enough. Among them, stress resistance is always highly valued.
  4. You should indicate only the necessary qualities for the desired position.
  5. Questions should only be answered to the point. Chatting the personnel officer will not work, but the impression of the applicant will be spoiled.

In order to attract the attention of the employer, it is very important to think over all the points of the resume that relate to the personal qualities of the applicant. Correct filling this document will become the guarantor of your employment.

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