The order of holding the uraza. How to fast in the month of Ramadan: general information, advice and recommendations for men, women, main prayers and traditions of Ramadan

  • 11.06.2021

During the holy month of the Muslim calendar, which is called Ramadan in Arabic, or Ramadan in Turkish, Muslims are required to observe a strict fast - limit yourself to drinking, eating and intimacy.

Following the rules of Ramadan, mature people give up their passions. This is how they get rid of negativity.

The post ends with the great holiday of Uraza-Bayram.

Features and Traditions of Ramadan Fasting - What Are Iftar and Suhoor?

fasting believers test the strength of the human spirit. Compliance with the rules of Ramadan makes a person comprehend his way of life, helps to determine the main values ​​in life.

During Ramadan, a Muslim must restrict yourself not only in food, but also carnal satisfaction of their needs, as well as other addictions - for example, smoking. He must learn control yourself, your emotions.

Observing simple fasting rules, every believing Muslim should feel poor and starving, since the available benefits are often perceived as ordinary.

It is forbidden to swear in Ramadan. There is an opportunity to help the needy, the sick and the poor. Muslims believe that prayers and monthly abstinence will enrich everyone who follows the tenets of Islam.

There are two main prescriptions for fasting:

  1. Follow the rules of fasting sincerely from dawn to dusk
  2. Completely refrain from your passions and needs

And here are a few conditions for what a fasting person should be:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Muslim
  • not insane
  • Healthy physically

There are those for whom fasting is contraindicated, and they have the right not to observe it. These are minor children, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as those women who are menstruating or going through the time of postpartum cleansing.

Fasting Ramadan has several traditions

We list the most important:


Throughout Ramadan Muslims eat early in the morning, even before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action.

During the traditional suhoor don't overeat but you should eat enough food. Suhoor gives strength for the whole day. It helps Muslims to stay sane and not be angry, as hunger often causes anger.

If a believer does not perform suhoor, then his day of fasting remains in force, but he does not receive any reward.


Iftar is evening meal, which is also performed during fasting. You need to start breaking the fast immediately after sunset, that is after the last day(or the fourth, penultimate prayer on that day). After Iftar follows Isha - night prayer of Muslims(the last of the five obligatory daily prayers).

What you can not eat in the post of Ramadan - all the rules and prohibitions

What to eat during Suhoor:

  • Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates in the morning - cereal dishes, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they are digested for a long time.
  • Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - are also suitable.

What not to eat during Suhoor

  • Avoid protein foods. It takes a long time to digest, but loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting.
  • Should not be used
  • You can not eat fried, smoked, fatty foods in the morning. They will cause unnecessary stress on the liver and kidneys.
  • Refrain from eating fish during Suhoor. After it you want to drink

What not to eat in the evening after adhan

  • Fatty and fried foods. It will harm health - cause heartburn, deposit extra pounds.
  • Eliminate from food fast food- various cereals in bags or noodles. You won’t get enough of them and literally in an hour or two you will want to have a meal again. In addition, such products will cause appetite even more, as they contain salt and other spices.
  • You can't eat sausage and sausages. It is better to exclude them from your diet during the fast of Ramadan. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and are also able to develop thirst.

Despite prohibitions and strict rules, there are benefits from fasting.:

  • Rejection of carnal passions
    A person must understand that he is not a slave of his body. Fasting is a serious reason to give up intimacy. Only by refraining from sinful things can a person preserve his purity of soul.
  • Self improvement
    By observing fasting, the believer is more attentive to himself. He gives birth to new character traits, such as humility, tolerance, obedience. Feeling poverty and deprivation, he becomes more resilient, gets rid of fear, more and more begins to believe and learn what was previously hidden.
  • Gratitude
    Having gone through the refusal of food, a Muslim becomes closer to his Creator. He realizes that the innumerable blessings that Allah sends are given to man for a reason. The believer gains a sense of gratitude for the gifts sent.
  • An Opportunity to Experience Mercy
    Fasting reminds people of the poor, and also calls to be merciful and help those in need. Having gone through this test, the believer remembers kindness and humanity, as well as the fact that everyone is equal before God.
  • frugality
    Fasting teaches people to be economical, limit themselves and curb their desires.
  • Strengthens health
    The benefit to the physical state of human health is manifested in the fact that the digestive system is resting. In a month, the intestines are completely cleansed of toxins, toxins and harmful substances.

Holy Ramadan timetable until 2020 - when does Ramadan fast start and end?

V 2015 Ramadan will begin on June 18 and end on July 17.

Here are the dates of Holy Ramadan:

2016– from June 6 to July 5.
2017– from May 26 to June 25.
2018- from May 17 to June 16.
2019- from May 6 to June 5.
2020 from April 23rd to May 22nd.

Breaking the Ramadan Fast - Actions Breaking the Muslim Ramadan Fast and Punishments

It is worth noting that the rules of fasting Ramadan are valid only during the daytime. Some acts committed during fasting are considered forbidden.

Actions that interrupt the Muslim Ramadan include:

  • Special or intentional meal
  • Unspoken intention to fast
  • Masturbation or intercourse
  • Smoking
  • Spontaneous vomiting
  • Administration of rectal or vaginal medications

but condescension towards similar actions. Despite their similarities, they do not break the fast.

They include:

  • Unintentional meal
  • Administration of drugs through injections
  • kisses
  • Petting, if they do not lead to ejaculation
  • Teeth cleaning
  • blood donation
  • Period
  • involuntary vomiting
  • Failure to perform prayers

Punishments for breaking the Ramadan fast:

Those who unintentionally who broke the fast due to illness, must on any other day spend the missed day of fasting.

For sexual intercourse performed during daylight hours, the believer is obliged to defend another 60 days of fasting, or to feed 60 needy.

If skipping the fast is allowed by shariah need to do repentance.

The head of the department of the dagwat, Niyaz hazrat Sabirov, visited the journalist of the site "Islamic portal" about the month of Ramadan and informed about the conditions of fasting, what actions are prohibited and allowed during uraza, and what should be the intention of Muslims after breaking the fast

-Niyaz hazrat, what does the month of Ramadan mean?

The month of Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and mercy, mutual help and support, abundance and prosperity, and more rewards are given for worship performed in this month than for worship performed in any other month of the year.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : "If people knew all the virtues of the month of Ramadan, they would wish that it lasted a whole year"(Imam Tabarani, Baykhaki).

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, i.e. one of the duties assigned to every Muslim by Allah Almighty. The Noble Quran says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who were before you, maybe you will be God-fearing ”(Sura Bakara, 183 verses).

Fasting (saum) in Arabic means "abstinence". Fasting is not only abstaining from food and drink, but also abstaining from sins committed by the tongue and other parts of the body. You should not speak badly about anyone, do bad deeds, but, on the contrary, this month you should try to do as much good as possible.

The venerable Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If one of you is fasting, then let him not swear or make noise. And if someone offends him, then let him say: “Truly, I fast” (Muslim). “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with sincere faith and hope to achieve the reward of Allah, then all his past sins will be forgiven” (Bukhari, Muslim).

When will this Holy month begin?

Based on the decision of the Ulema Council of the DUM RT, the start of the holy month of Ramadan in 2018 falls on May 16, and the first tarawih prayer will be performed on May 15, this prayer will be performed in the mosques of Tatarstan in the amount of 20 rak'ahs.

-What is the amount of sadaqah set for this year?

– For the payment of zakat, the Ulema Council set the amount of nisab - 210,000 rubles (for gold). For the payment of fitr-sadaqa, the size of nisab is set at 18,000 rubles (for silver), the size of fitr-sadaqa (zakat al-fitr - almsgiving of breaking the fast) is 100 rubles for barley, and 600 rubles for raisins. The choice of the size of the sadaqa remains with the payer.

As an atonement for the impossibility of fasting for health reasons and if it is impossible to make up for it on another day, a fidia was established - for each missed day at least 200 rubles. In case of inability to pay this amount, its obligation decreases

-Tell me, please, what are the conditions for the obligatory conditions of fasting?

-The first and most basic condition of fasting is that every Muslim must observe it from the beginning to the end of the month. Second, the fasting person must be of legal age and of sound mind. And thirdly, to be able to fast and be at home.

Who can not fast during the month of Ramadan?

- It is not necessary for a child, an insane person, and a person who has lost consciousness to fast, since these persons are not able to comply with the instructions. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “From three people a pen was raised (deeds are not recorded): from a child who has not reached the age of majority; from the one who lost his mind until he comes to his senses; from the sleeper until he wakes up” (Bukhari).

For the sick and travelers, fasting is not fard, but if they fast, their fast is considered valid. In case of non-observance of fasting, they need to compensate all these days in the future.

Also, fasting is not fard for the elderly who, due to their age, cannot fast, women in the state of haida and nifaas, pregnant women and nursing mothers, if they fear that fasting may harm them or the child. The elderly must pay fidia, and the rest must make up the missed days. In order for a traveler to be able to take advantage of the permission not to fast, his journey must be at least 100 km., At which a reduction in prayer is allowed.

What conditions break the fast?

– Swallowing a pea-sized food or medicine, swallowing one drop of water or medicine, sexual intercourse.

What is sunnah for a fasting person?

- Eating before dawn. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Eat food before dawn, for there is grace in the suhoor” (Bukhari).

A treat for those who fasted, a treat for the poor and needy. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever feeds a fasting person will receive the same rewards. At the same time, the reward of a fasting person will not decrease ”(Bukhari).

Reading the Noble Qur'an, dhikrs and salavats. During Ramadan, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) met the angel Jibril (peace be upon him) every night and recited the Qur'an (Bukhari) with him.

Immediately after sunset, start breaking the fast.

Are there any actions that are condemned during fasting?

- No profanity or profanity is allowed. It is not allowed to dive and swim in the water. Tasting or chewing anything, as this may break the fast. You can’t kiss on the lips, hold an uraza without breaking the fast for 2 days in a row and fast, knowing that this will lead to a complication of the disease.

What actions are allowed?

You can taste the purchased product (the main thing is to make sure that nothing is swallowed). It is allowed to chew food for a child, put antimony on the eyes, grease a mustache or beard with oil, and brush your teeth with a sivak. It is permissible and the procedure of bloodletting, and treatment with leeches. It is permissible to perform a full ablution.

What else is needed for fasting to be accepted by Allah?

“The most important thing is the right intention. If a fasting person, without uttering the appropriate words, intends to fast in his heart the next day, his fast will be correct.

It is encouraged to pronounce the intention in the following Arabic words:

Neuetu an esuuma sauma shehri ramedaana minel fejri ilal meghribi haalisan lillahi te "aalya.

Translation: “For the sake of Allah Almighty, I sincerely intended to observe the fast of the month of Ramadan from dawn to dusk.”

Breaking the fast after sunset with salt, a piece of food or water is sunnah. It is also encouraged to break the fast with fruits such as dates.

After breaking the fast, the following prayer is read:

Allahumma laka sumtu wa bika ementu wa "alayka tawakkaltu wa" ala rizkykya aftartu fagfirli yee gaffeeru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu.

Translation: “O Allah, only for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You and broke my fast with Your food. O Forgiver, forgive my past and future sins."

Material prepared: Elvira Malikova

Number of impressions: 1737

Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims of the obligatory fasting of Oraza, it was at this time that the Koran was sent down to people. During this month, millions of people around the world refuse to eat, read the Koran and pay obligatory alms (zakat al-fitr). Iftar is an evening meal that begins just after sunset. According to the 2009 census, 70 percent of the population in Kazakhstan is Muslim. Iskander Salikhodzhaev decided to tell how Oraza is kept in Kazakhstan, what they eat for iftar (an evening meal that starts right after sunset), and also about how best to fast.

According to the Gregorian calendar, there are 365 days in a year, according to the Hijri (Islamic lunar calendar) - 354, so Ramadan goes through all cycles in 33 years, shifting every year by ten days. It is easiest to keep Oraza in winter when the days are shorter. In the hot summer, when the time from dawn to dusk is approximately 18-19 hours, only the most devoted keep fasting. During the fast, you should completely abandon the daily intake of water and food, as well as intimate relationships.

Ramadan, branch manager of the bank:

– In my school and student years, I kept Oraza, but recently, due to various circumstances, it was not possible to observe the fast. It is believed that it is most difficult to fast in the summer - the time between meals is 18 hours. And although I had health problems (high blood pressure), this year I decided that I would keep the fast.

Aigerim, the wife of Ramadan, cooked manti for iftar. These are special manti, practically fat-free, dietary. And although Aigerim does not keep Orazu herself, she wakes up every night to cook saresi for her husband - a meal before dawn. According to the prophet, a fasting person must necessarily take saresi, if not with food, then at least with a glass of water, for there is grace in him.

Traditionally, the evening meal begins with water and dates.

“The most important thing is the right attitude,” Ramadan shares his secrets. - I recommend not to drink anything sweet, it is advisable to give preference to water, dried fruit compote. I also advise you to eat dates, they give a lot of energy. Fresh salads are also good, which are high in fiber.

– There is a misconception that iftar is a must-eat meal. But this is not so, you should not eat too much, eat in the usual quantities. Consider that you just changed your meal schedule from day to night.

Meylan, shop manager:

– I have been holding Oraza for 19 years. I started fasting as a child, it was not difficult, besides it was in winter and only 12 hours - from 6 to 18.00. In summer, of course, it is much more difficult in terms of water and heat. But with my current job, there are no particular difficulties, since I work in an air-conditioned office.

Sister Meilana cooked khinkali today.

Before the meal, Meylan reads the evening prayer. Muslims believe that in this holy month, genies and devils are bound and the gates of paradise open. This helps the believer overcome his own passion and morally educate himself.

Then the eldest daughter Ayat brings him dinner.

- I don’t make any special restrictions in food, what I cook is what I eat. I try, of course, not to lean on salty and fish, - says Meylan.

Orazu is not difficult to hold, it is important to tune in correctly and cast aside all doubts. And most importantly, every day you need to say niyat (intention) that you are going to fast, sincerely, for the sake of Allah. Niyat is pronounced between the night and morning prayers.

Aini, worker:

- I came here from Tajikistan, we have unemployment in our country, and therefore many of our citizens are forced to work on construction sites in Kazakhstan and Russia.

- Oraza in Tajik will be Rose. I have been posting for several years in a row, now I don’t even remember when I started.

- Food is usually prepared for us by the mistress of the house, in which we are doing repairs. But today we have prepared ourselves.

“For iftar we have fried potatoes, tortillas and watermelon. Watermelon is very juicy, but not as tasty as in our homeland.

- In Tajikistan, I have a large family - parents, wife and three children. The youngest daughter was born a month ago, I haven't even seen her yet. If I were at home on Orazu, my mother would have prepared delicious pilaf and green tea with baklava for me. But here we have to eat right at the construction site. This is the test we must pass.

– We work for a long time under the scorching sun, and therefore it is very difficult to fast: you sweat a lot and you feel thirsty. But I found a way out - two or three times a day I douse myself with water right in my clothes. It is not forbidden, the main thing is not to drink water. And clothes dry quickly.

Bauyrzhan, salesman in the store:

“I tried several times to hold Orazu, but it didn’t work. The last time in 2010 I started to hold a post, but then I worked in a carpentry shop and was very tired, as there were heavy loads. One day I fainted and was told to stop fasting or I would cause harm to my health.

This time, I think I can do it. I was skeptical at first, but after the first week I got used to it.

Bauyrzhan's mother cooked pilaf today and bought tandoor samsa.

– I know that in some Islamic countries, a special schedule has been introduced for workers during the month of Ramadan – they work half a day or do not work at all. But we have a secular state, so this is impossible - they will immediately fire you.

Vyacheslav (Mahmud), a gas-electric welder, has been holding Orazu for the fifth year:

- In one of the hadiths, the prophet Muhammad said: "There are two joys in this world. The first is when a person is in a hurry to make iftar, and the second is a reward for holding Oraza." Oraza in everything is good, it is the mercy of the Almighty, the forgiveness of sins. And it's very good for health too.

- Iftar, I start with water and dates, preferably melted water. After freezing, it has a special taste, softer and fresher, it is like new. It is also desirable to eat talkan (crushed millet), it is very well absorbed by the body, and it is easy for a person to tolerate Oraza.

“The most important thing is with what intention a person holds Oraza. He must understand that he is doing this not because his father or everyone around him did it, but in order to win the mercy of the Almighty. When this awareness comes, then it will be easy to hold Oraza.

Dinara, journalist. Orazu keeps more than 10 years:

– Many are mistaken in thinking that fasting consists only in not eating food. It seems to me that this has a deeper meaning - it is spiritual purification, summing up and rethinking the results of the year, fighting one's weaknesses and vices. And most importantly, the fast is kept for the sake of Allah. If a person performs Hajj or Namaz for his own sake, then he keeps Oraza for the sake of the Almighty.

During Ramadan, after meals and night prayers, an additional tarawih prayer is performed, consisting of 8 or 20 rak'ahs.

- For me, the beginning of the month of Ramadan is a holiday that you look forward to. It is encouraging to see many young people in the mosques who come for taraweeh (prayer). It is especially pleasing that conditions for women have now been created in almost all mosques, there are separate places for performing prayers.

Today, relatives invited Dinara to the Auyzashar. During the month of Ramadan, people who do not even observe Oraza arrange an auyzashar at home and invite friends and neighbors.

Despite the fact that 70% of the population are Muslims, most people are poorly versed in the intricacies of Sharia. Together with those who are fasting, those who are not fasting are called, which is erroneous.

It is a widespread practice in Kazakhstan to give ayzashar on behalf of businessmen, akims and even the president. It is believed that the giver of the auyzashar receives a reward equal to that received by the holder of Oraza. Fasting is of great social importance, because at this time wealthy people remember people in need and help them. In many mosques, tables are set with free refreshments.

Ramadan ends with the three-day holiday Oraza-Bayram. Muslims, along with their families, go to the mosque for the holiday prayer. All three days in each house, guests are greeted with generously laid tables. These days, alms are distributed and all Muslims ask each other for forgiveness for past offenses.

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- every Monday and Thursday. It was narrated from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The affairs (of people) are presented (to Allah) on Monday and Thursday, and I want my affairs to be presented at that time, when I fast" (at-Tirmidhi)

It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, always fasted on Mondays and Thursdays.” (at-Tirmidhi)

- three days in each lunar month– 1st day, full moon days (13, 14 and 15); 28th, 29th, 30th

It is best to observe this fast on white days, which are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days (of each lunar month). They also say (that we are talking about) the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth days of the month, but the first is correct and generally accepted.

It is reported that Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said: “In white days, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, always fasted both at home and on the way” (an-Nasai)

It is reported that Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “My beloved friend gave me an order regarding three (things): observe (additional) fasting for three days every month, perform an additional morning (dua) prayer of two rak'ahs in the morning and perform witr before going to sleep" (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)

It is narrated from the words of Abdullah bin Amr bin al-As, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Fasting three days a month (like) a constant fast” (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)

Mu "Aza al-" Adawiyya narrated that (once) she asked Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Did the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, observe the monthly three-day fast?” She said yes. (Mu'aza said): I asked: “From what (day) of the month did he (begin) to fast?” She said: He did not attach importance to what (day) of the month (to start this) fasting ”(Muslim)

On the days of the month Rajab

On the days of the month Shaban, but not one or two days before the month of Ramadan

It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “In no month did the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) fast more than in Sha'ban, and it happened that he fasted during the entire Sha'ban. In another version of this hadeeth, it is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “... and he usually fasted during the entire Sha"ban, with the exception of a small (its part)" (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)

6 days of the month Shawwal. One who supplements his Ramadan fast with six days in the month of Shawwal will receive a reward equal to the daily fast for a year

In the month Muharram: on the day of Ashura, as well as on the previous and subsequent days (9-11 numbers)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “After Ramadan, the best for fasting is the month of Allah, Muharram, and the best prayer after the obligatory is the night prayer” (Muslim)

First 10 days Zul-Hijja

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “On whatever days righteous deeds are done, Allah loves (doing them) most of all on these days,” referring to the (first) ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (Al-Bukhari )

V day of Araf(9 dhul-hiji).

It is reported from the words of Abu Qatada, may Allah be pleased with him, that when the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was asked about fasting on the day of Araf, he said that fasting on this day serves as an atonement for the sins of the past and next year (Muslim)

It is narrated from the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, himself observed the fast on the day of Ashura and commanded to do this (everyone else) (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)

It is narrated from the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that (one day) the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Truly, if I live to see the next (year), then I will definitely fast on the ninth (month)” ( Muslim)

You can't fast on the holidays of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha and on Fridays (outside the month of Ramadan). Sunnat fasts that exhaust the body and can be harmful to health are not recommended.

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Do not single out Friday night among (other) nights for prayers and do not single out Friday day among (other) days for (keeping) fasting unless the day of Friday falls on the usual day of fasting of any of you.” (Muslim)

Allah Almighty knows best

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was sent down - the right guidance for the people, clear evidence of the right guidance and discrimination. Whoever of you finds this month should fast” (Quran, 2:185)

If possible, take a vacation for this period so that nothing distracts you from worshiping the Almighty. It is important to be diligent in worship: read the Holy Quran, spend more time in the mosque, with family and relatives, do good deeds, give alms, etc. "To the one who fasts in Ramadan with faith and hope for a reward, all his past sins are forgiven" (Al-Bukhari, Fath, 37). During this period, the punishment for slander, lies, useless disputes increases.

Who is exempt from fasting in Ramadan?

Elderly and sick Muslims, pregnant and lactating women, and small children are exempted from fasting. Old people who are unable to fast must make a donation (a certain amount of food or their value). Fasting is not prescribed for children, but it is recommended.

Who is temporarily exempt from fasting?

These are those believers who cannot observe it for objective reasons (for example, pilgrims, women during menstruation and postpartum cleansing). They will have to make up for the missed days of fasting or make a donation to poor Muslims (fidya).

Can you fast if you don't pray?

Yes, you can, if you are ready to comply with all the requirements of the post. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Ask Allah for your fast to be accepted. InshaAllah

What days of fasting are reimbursed as a debt?

Only days disturbed by involuntary actions, for example, in the case of taking suhoor or iftar later or earlier, if the person made a mistake in time; due to swallowing snowflakes and drops of rain or water that got into the mouth when performing ablution (ghusul, wudu, etc.), when medicines (etc.) enter the body through the mouth, nose, ears or in an enema; and etc.

How is a conscious (deliberate) violation of the fast in Ramadan compensated?

This is a grave sin. In this case, a Muslim is obliged not only to compensate for the days of fasting as a debt (qada), but also to pay expiatory alms (kaffarat).

What to do if, before the start of fasting in Ramadan, some days of fasting that were missed last Ramadan were not made up?

It is necessary to repent to Allah for such an act, since it is not allowed to delay debts from the past Ramadan to the next without having reasons. And after the coming Ramadan, it is necessary to make up for all the missed days.

Smoking is known to break the fast. Will the fast be broken if you were in a room where you smoked and inadvertently inhaled smoke (through your nose or mouth)?

A distinction should be made between the inhalation of aromas and the inhalation of smoke or steam. During fasting, it is allowed to inhale the aromas of flowers, incense, etc. Fasting is broken if the believer intentionally inhaled incense or cigarette smoke (or any other smoke). It doesn't matter what kind of smoke it was. If the smoke gets into the nose or mouth by accident, against the will, then the fast is valid. For example, if you find yourself in a room where they smoke, cover your mouth and nose with your palm, but the smoke still gets into your throat, the fast is not violated.

Does inhaling the scents of flowers, perfumes, or incense break the fast?

During fasting, it is permissible to inhale the aromas of flowers, incense, etc. The fast will be broken if you intentionally inhale smoke or steam of incense, cigarettes, etc.

How to start a post? What should you say before your morning meal?

It is necessary to pronounce the intention of fasting (niyat): "I intend to fast the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Almighty."

Is it possible not to fast on the road if the intention to fast was made the previous night?

It is allowed not to fast if the distance is at least 81 km one way and the traveler leaves the city before dawn.

Can a traveler stop fasting?

Allah has permitted the traveler to stop fasting, even if he does not experience any difficulties during the journey. At the end of the uraza, it is necessary to make up for the missed days. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “This is a permission (relaxation) from Allah, and whoever takes advantage of it, he will do well, and whoever wants to fast, there is no sin on him” (Muslim No. 1891)

Should those who are on the road fast during the month of Ramadan?

It is advisable for travelers to refrain from fasting if it can cause harm; if it is harmless, then it is better to fast. The Almighty said: “And if someone is sick or on the way, then let him fast for the same number of days at another time. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire hardship for you.” (Quran 2:185)

Is it necessary to continue fasting if for some reason your fast has become invalid on that day?

If a believer has committed actions that violate the fast, then he must spend the rest of the day in fasting, even if filling the fast for that day has already become obligatory for him.

Is it permissible to fast not from the beginning of the day?

If you had a good reason not to fast, but before the end of the day of fasting, this reason disappeared, then you are obliged to fast the rest of the day, thereby expressing your respect for the month of Ramadan.

Is it permissible to break the fast if the believer feels unwell?

It is allowed to break the fast due to poor health. It may even be mandatory if fasting causes significant harm and / or there is a doctor's recommendation. If the fast is interrupted due to poor health, the believer is obliged to make up for the missed days after he feels better. Allah Almighty has not made any difficulty for us in religion (Quran 22:78)

How should weak people fast during the month of Ramadan?

Those who are unable to fast due to old age or an incurable disease have the right not to fast. However, they must feed one poor person for each missed day. “And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor in expiation” (Quran 2:184)

Is it obligatory to distribute muddas to thirty needy Muslims, or can everything be given to one?

Mudd and sa are Islamic units of volume and weight of products with which weak believers compensate for the missed days of Ramadan fasting. There is no strict rule on who to distribute mudds to: thirty Muslims can be, one can be.

Who needs to pay fidyah?

If it is contraindicated for a person to fast because of the deterioration of his physical condition, then he does not fast. After recovery, he must make up the missed days of fasting one by one. In the case when the disease has become chronic and it is unlikely that a person will be able to make up for the missed fast, then he pays “fidy-sadaqah”: for each missed day, it is necessary to satiate one destitute so that approximately as much money is spent on him as it takes on average for man's lunch.

How does a recovering sick person or an elderly person who has gained the strength to observe the fast compensate for the fast?

These believers repay the fast as a debt (qada'a). The fidyah paid earlier will be counted as sadaqah by him.

Should a believer near death fast in Ramadan?

It will be better if the dying person can keep track of missed days of fasting and leave a will for the heirs to pay the fidya.

From what property do the heirs pay the fidya for the deceased?

Fidya for the days of fasting missed by the deceased is paid by the heirs from his property. The heirs of the deceased can pay fidyah on his behalf from their personal savings.

When do niyat fast?

This niyat is performed before dawn or immediately after sunset, recitation is not necessary. “I intend to fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan this year in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.”

What is juz and hizb of the Qur'an? How to determine the right juz?

Juz is one of the 30 approximately equal parts of the Qur'an, read one at a time every night of the month of Ramadan. Each juz consists of two hizbs.

To calculate the page where this or that juz begins, there are 2 formulas:

1) First you need to calculate (n-1)*2 , where n is the number of the desired juz. And then write a deuce to the right of the resulting number.

But there are exceptions for juzas 7 and 11 instead of 2, we write 1.

For example, 14 juz: (14-1)*2=13*2=26. We add a deuce to 26 at the end and get 262

Thus, page 14 of juz is 282.

2) (n-1)*20+2 , where n is the number of the desired juz.

For example, 8 juz: (8-1)*20+2=142

But there are exceptions - juz 7 and 11, instead of 2 we add 1.

What can you do while fasting? Can you brush your teeth while fasting?

According to the sunnah, miswak (sivak) can be used for brushing teeth during fasting: throughout the day (hanafites), only in the morning (shafiites).

Is it possible to brush your teeth with toothpaste during fasting, if you do not swallow saliva?

The use of toothpaste is allowed, but it is classified as makruh (undesirable). When using toothpaste, saliva is not swallowed until the taste has passed. It is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly: getting toothpaste into the stomach breaks the fast. It is Sunnah to use miswak.

Can you swallow saliva while fasting?

Swallowing saliva does not violate the fast, however, it is impossible to specifically “store” saliva and swallow it, as this spoils the fast.

Can you chew gum while fasting?

No, you can’t, because chewing gum contains sugar (or its substitute). In addition, when chewing on an empty stomach, chewing gum stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to the development of gastritis or exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Is it possible to rinse your mouth and rinse your nose during fasting?

Rinsing the mouth and nose, even if it is not done during wudu, is allowed, but it is important to observe moderation. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Rinse your nose well (deeply), except when you are fasting” (At-Tirmidhi, 788)

Can medicines be instilled into the nose?

It is possible, but if the drops fall into the cartilaginous septum, then the fast is broken.

Can a woman taste the food she prepares for the whole family during fasting?

If the husband has a bad temper and is picky about food, then it is permissible for a woman to taste what she cooks. But she must not swallow this food. It is not makrooh to taste food, for example, for salt, if there is no other woman nearby who is in a state of haida, that is, she is not fasting. A woman is also allowed to chew food in order to give it to a child later.

Can I swim or take a shower during fasting?

During fasting, showering or wrapping in a wet sheet is allowed. The permissibility of this is indicated by the hadiths about how, during fasting, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) poured water on his head to reduce the feeling of thirst, and Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) wrapped himself in a wet sheet. These actions are not makruh, because they help a person to fast, especially during the heat.

Can you wear perfume while fasting?

During fasting, it is not forbidden to: inhale floral and similar aromas and smells, as well as use perfume.

Is it possible to use antimony during fasting?

It is not prohibited.

Can creams be used while fasting?

Yes, you can. The main thing is not to use them inside, including on the mucous membrane of the lips or nose.

Can I donate blood during fasting?

Theoretically, a blood test does not violate the fast, however, if a lot of blood is taken from a person, he may weaken, it will be difficult to keep the fast.

Is it possible to do bloodletting (hijama) during fasting?

Theoretically, the hijama does not break the fast, but a person may weaken and his health condition will worsen.

Can I exercise while fasting?

Yes, you can, but do not forget that during fasting the body is already hard, try to avoid overload.

Is it possible to celebrate a wedding during fasting?

Yes, but in this case, the festive treat is transferred to the evening (after breaking the fast).

Is it possible to hug, kiss your wife (husband) during fasting?

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “During the fast, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, often hugged and kissed (his wives, however), he controlled himself better than any of you” (Al Bukhari No. 1927)

Can you be circumcised while fasting?

Yes, you can.

Is it possible to cut nails, hair during fasting?

You can trim your nails and hair. It is best to do this before a full ablution.