A small sleeping child is dreaming. Esoteric dream book If you dream of Sleeping

  • 21.09.2019

Since ancient times, people have been trying to unravel their dreams, to find answers to questions of interest in them. Previously, dreams were considered a message from the gods, now psychologists call them a channel of communication between a person and his own subconscious. A child in spiritual culture is considered a symbol of purity and purity. Representatives wanted to unravel what the baby was dreaming of different cultures. The consequence of this was the presence of different opinions in books on astrology and dream books. The following are the most popular and interesting of them.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor, a person who dreamed of a baby should reconsider his views on life, try to find his place in it. Chinese philosophy notes that a newborn does not have its own rhythms of life, it has not developed its own habits and preferences. The child lives unconsciously, guided by the rhythms of the Cosmos. All five essential elements(metal, fire, water, wood, earth) have a more tangible effect on the child than on adults. Over the years, a person has his own principles and views on life, so it becomes more difficult for primary elements, energies from outside to influence him. If a baby is dreaming, the sleeping person needs to mentally return to the state of infancy, imagine himself as this baby, listen to the Cosmos and the forces of nature.

Italian psychoanalytic dream books they answer the question of what the baby is dreaming of in a different way. Children dream of people who are afraid of something, who are dependent on circumstances and on the opinions of others. No wonder a person who is in a state of severe stress, fear, begins, as in childhood, to bite his nails and lips, twist his fingers. The state of infancy is the state of maximum security. A newborn is always under the supervision of his mother, he does not need to make strong-willed decisions. If you think about your hidden fears and try to overcome them.

With the question of what the baby is dreaming of, women often turn to warns: if a sleeping newborn is dreaming, it means that the person is too trusting, so "blind" that he does not notice important circumstances. If the baby is dreamed of by a business person, then the business may soon collapse. This interpretation does not apply to cases when a person happened to see in which he really knows, for example, his own crumb. If you dreamed of a crawling baby, you urgently need to make some important decision.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a healthy and beautiful baby dreams of happiness. But if a child was bitten by a beast in a dream, then you are in serious danger. If you then in the future you expect health problems. The newborn at Nostradamus symbolizes the future. What state is the child in, such a state awaits the sleeping person in the near future. Nostradamus puts forward two versions that, according to the first of them, the sleeper will soon find a way out of difficult situation, as if enlightenment descends on him. According to the second version, the sleeper, on the contrary, has not been able to solve the problem for a long time, he is trying to hide from the situation, to get away from the choice, but to no avail.

If you dreamed of a child or you yourself seemed to be in a dream in the body of a newborn, do not rush to turn to dream books and make predictions. As you can see, today neither traditional science nor esotericism gives a single answer to the question of what a baby is dreaming of. According to the stories of women, many see a child before conception or in the first days of pregnancy. So, it is likely that the baby came to you in a dream not to teach you about life, but to inform you about the imminent replenishment in the family.

according to Loff's dream book

As the object of your dreams, the child is something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or it is imposed from outside. A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

child in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The child is a symbol of hope, the future. If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple. See in a dream pregnant man- a sign that in the future, what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without intervention. dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help. To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease. If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of Environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders. To see a healthy smiling child in a dream - lucky sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children. To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity. A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life. To see a crying child is to jeopardize your future. To look for your child in a dream is to try to find lost hope. Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment. To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Dreamed of a child

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing crying children in a dream is a sign of poor health and disappointment. A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disdain for unworthy opinions. If a woman sees in a dream that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most. A bad sign is to see in a dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Why is the baby dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

much to my surprise; naked - to trouble; very beautiful - completion in the personal.

Dreamed of children

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beautiful children in a dream portends extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good. For a mother to see her child in a dream as easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him. Seeing how children work or study portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise. See in a dream dead child- to anxiety and disappointment in the near future. Grieved by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious forebodings, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends. Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve the goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Why do children dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

kiss - calmness; hitting children is success; fooling around - happiness in the personal, in the family; own - can mean the dreamer's eyes; others - new opportunities.

See children in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys the true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to objects of both adoration and hatred. Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it's just a projection of your desire. If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you are connected with this child. If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is the usual embodiment of desire. However, this may also be an indication that relationships with your parents or other important people are not going well. In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone close to you is out of control and you want to get everything back to normal. And since most of us have experienced parental dominance, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults. One more possible variant- this is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others show their authoritarianism towards you and try to control you. For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress-up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

Why dream about children

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you behave not in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you. To see crying children in a dream - a dream portends a world danger. There will come a time when the men will go to war, the women will be busy with things that are unusual for them, and the children will shed many tears. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or children of close relatives. If you dreamed of disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies ecological catastrophe on the planet. If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in dealing with your family. It is possible that by your actions and words you greatly offend them. Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles. Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your searches, you will have to spend some more time on the old unloved job, which deprives you of the last forces.

Why is the son dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

died - a joyful event; to see dead is the end of anxiety; to good things in business; to see how he dies - to a quarrel, litigation; resurrects - the return of old troubles; for a woman - a relationship with his father, husband; if childless and not married - feeling, connection; for a man - the resumption of relationships, affairs, the sleeping man himself; died and is buried, or lost (left) - a break with a loved one or misfortune in the family.

Dreamed of a son

according to Miller's dream book

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors. If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, it means that you should be afraid of some kind of misfortune. If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of the well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that she will have a lot of grief. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream must be taken as an incentive to prudence.

I dreamed about pregnancy

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful resolution of the burden and an early recovery of strength.

Why dream of pregnancy

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); see a pregnant woman - trouble; if she gave birth (for a girl) - a fun life; mother's grief; for a man to give birth is the completion of affairs; son - quick profit, gain; girl - a new unexpected relationship to happiness.

Dream about pregnancy

according to Loff's dream book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a “push event” and sets its certain content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct for the preservation of the family. To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the stage of a child and the transition to an adult level. If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, anxieties of the “what if” type may arise, which require reflection and resolution. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world. The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may be related to adultery, the death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, as well as increased fertility, where conceptions and gestation occurs more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in appearance or frequency and character. sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative volition, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position. Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of mother. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

The meaning of sleep about pregnancy

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming. For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Why is the toy dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

deception; buy - lead.

Why is the doll dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strange addiction; strange relationship.

Why is the child dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

you know whose - big surprise; you do not know whose - a strange concern; chest - well-being; beautiful - joy; naked and dirty, ugly - litigation, unexpected worries.

The meaning of sleep about the embryo

according to Freud's dream book

A dreaming embryo is a symbol for women that pregnancy is possible. If it is undesirable, then in the near future it is necessary to do everything possible for protection. When a man saw such a dream, it means that a message about imminent paternity awaits him.

Why is the daughter dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

for a father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the behavior of his daughter in a dream; for the mother - hope; for a man - unexpected things; for a woman - a surprise in the personal, sleeping herself; see give birth.

Dreamed of a daughter

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your daughter in a dream means that some unpleasant events will open the way for you to pleasure and harmony. If in a dream you feel her negligence towards yourself and a lack of care, then in reality you will be in trouble.

Seeing an orphanage in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

As a rule, such a dream symbolizes neglect, the search for a place in life, the opportunity to apply the power of one's charity in practice. In most cases, the meaning depends on your position in the shelter dream scenario. If you, an orphanage worker, want to adopt a child from an orphanage or simply visit this institution, then you are the bearer of world justice, and this situation requires a detailed understanding. Perhaps you are trying to rise up and fight against injustice, want to compensate for the injustice of the actions that you have committed in real life. If you are playing the role of an institutionalized child, you should analyze and examine the nature of your relationships with people in real life. Do you feel you belong to this world or are you in constant search your place in it?

The meaning of sleep about getting pregnant

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed that she became pregnant, in real life this promises her an acquaintance with a new admirer, relations with whom will be much more productive than those that connected her with a previous partner. If a man suddenly had such a dream, then he promises trouble in relations with women. Your current union may be complicated by undesirable consequences.

Dreamed of a rattle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream how a child plays with his rattle is a good sign that promises peace and harmony in the family, as well as honest and profitable business. This dream promises a girl an early marriage, marked by tender care for her. To give a child a rattle means an unsuccessful investment of capital.

Why dream of a rattle

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a child plays - marriage and quick children; notice containing consent to marriage, wedding.

I dreamed of adopting

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your adopted child or one of the adoptive parents in a dream means that you will be accompanied by great luck and the help of strangers. To dream that you or someone else is adopting a child means that you will have an unsuccessful change of residence.

Dreamed of a cradle

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a cradle with a beautiful child in it portends the prosperity and affection of wonderful children for you. Rocking your child in the cradle means a serious illness of one of the family members. For a young woman to dream that she is rocking the cradle is an ominous sign of falling, death. She should beware of gossip.

Dream about adoption

according to Loff's dream book

The topic of adoption often comes up at times of major life changes or crises. Adoption speaks of an acute shortage of human communication or the need for additional communication. similar dreams dream on the eve of moving, change of job, before the wedding or during periods of uncertainty. Moreover, it is important who adopts / adopts you and what kind of relationship you have with foster parents, whether you feel joy, anxiety or uncertainty about this. Here is an example of a dream that a twenty-four-year-old young man had on the eve of his own wedding: “Surrounded by strangers I'm sitting at a card table and playing a game whose rules I don't understand. They try to teach me but they can't speak English. I get up to leave, but they treat me like their own son and take me home.” Due to the inconsistency of traditions, you may feel uncomfortable in new family, but at the same time feel sincere affection from the adoptive parents, which helps you overcome the barrier of a new relationship. Adopt / Adopt someone. In the interpretation of such a dream, the gender of the dreamer plays an important role. As clinical studies show, men and women treat infertility with the same degree of responsibility. However, women tend to be more concerned about the upbringing of children, therefore, in critical situations, they try to fulfill their destiny as the successor of the family by adopting a child. It is important for a woman to understand the role of external circumstances and the status of her Self in the life cycle. Have there been cases of infertility in your family? Maybe you are going to get pregnant, but you are afraid that you will not succeed. The fact of adoption / adoption for both women and men may indicate that you see yourself as a breadwinner, guardian. People more and more often see their destiny in changing the life of another person for the better, so the search for justice is transformed into an attempt to help the disadvantaged. If a man has doubts about adoption / adoption, then this is an alarm about male maturity and compliance with generally accepted ideas about a real man. Who are you adopting/adopting and why? Perhaps a new relationship or separation makes you feel insecure - and that's exactly what is hidden behind your emotions. Do you need emotional support? How badly do you miss her? Or do you feel that new horizons are opening up before you?

As the dream book says, the baby is very a good sign which portends positive events. However, for an accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its circumstances.

Miller's dream book: baby

If a person saw a newborn baby in a dream, then in reality this means that a pleasant surprise awaits him very soon. If a young lady sees herself in a dream as a small child, then she will be accused of indulging the immoral lifestyle and pastime of certain individuals. If the sleeper sees in a dream how a baby is being bathed, this is a sign that he will safely get out of a difficult situation.

Denise Lynn dream book

A baby in a dream is a sign that something new is being born in a person. It can be new beginnings, a worldview, or spiritual consciousness. The newborn is a symbol of potential development. For a woman, this dream predicts pregnancy. If she does not want this, then she must take appropriate measures. Constant dreams about small children may be a subconscious desire to have a baby. Before pregnancy, many ladies generally begin to notice small children often. This usually applies to unplanned pregnancies. This dream may also be a sign that a woman has a need for care. She wants to be cared for like a small child and shown sincere constant attention. A newborn in a dream can also symbolize a new idea.

Winter dream book: baby

A newborn in a dream is a symbol of newness. If it is clean and well-groomed, then some wonderful event will soon please the sleeper. If a person in a dream shows tenderness to the baby and takes care of him, then this portends the beginning of a new business that will require patience, but its fruits will be very good. If a newborn sucks on the mother's breast, this is a wonderful sign. All the plans of the sleeper will be accompanied by constant luck. Dirty suffering newborn children are a symbol of dangerous and bad thoughts which should be disposed of as soon as possible. Otherwise, the soul can be destroyed by aggressive feelings and thoughts. Bathing a baby is a quick moral relief. Seeing yourself as a baby in a dream is a feeling of helplessness in real life. A person may not be able to defend himself against accusations. And they will be unfair.

Gypsy dream book: baby

If a person dreams of a sleeping newborn, then this indicates that he is by nature very shy and trusting. If the baby is crawling, the sleeping person needs to think very quickly and make decisions with lightning speed. Crying - to a lot of minor troubles and problems that will need to be solved. Breastfeeding the baby or watching it - the sleeper should be wary of trusting people who are not too close.

French dream book

Holding a baby by the hand in a dream is a sign of the successful completion of some risky event. As the dream book says, a baby in the arms of a mother in a dream - to well-being in reality. dead child- a sign that the sleeper will improve his financial situation or receive good news.

Kananita dream book: interpretation of dreams - baby

A healthy baby dreams of happiness in love relationships and joy. If he is sick - to family troubles.

If you dreamed of a sleeping child, this means that there are circumstances in your life that do not give you peace and make you defenseless. Like it or not, and full interpretation what a dozing baby dreams of, you can find in dream books. Remember what gender the baby was, and whether he slept peacefully in a dream, and you will understand what to expect from the near future.

Miller's dream book

According to the collection of dreams compiled by Gustav Miller, a sleeping child in a dream symbolizes a dangerous situation that can make you vulnerable to trouble. Also, a vision can mean some circumstances beyond your control, which you cannot cope with.

Did you dream that you were waking up a sleeping baby? Such a dream means the solution of all problems. It is especially good if you see in a dream that the child, waking up, smiles.

The boy, as a symbol of worries and troubles

Those who dreamed of a small sleeping male child should be wary of everything unknown and unverified. A little boy dozing in a dream is a symbol of worries that can be a heavy burden on your shoulders, the interpreter suggests.

According to another interpreter - Eastern dream book- a resting little boy promises the troubles associated with the dreamer's own children. Especially if the real kids are still quite tiny.

The girl is a sign of joy and surprises

And here is what a sleeping female child dreams of, according to pastor Loff's dream book. If you dreamed of a girl sleeping peacefully in your arms, then be prepared for the fact that loved ones will prepare a pleasant surprise for you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea gives its own interpretation of the dream in which the baby was dozing in your arms: you will be greatly surprised by something, fortunately, pleasantly. Did the girl in your arms cry without waking up? Don't try to find secrets native person- the time will come, he himself will tell you everything, making an amazing and pleasant discovery for you.

Two or more children, or From fun to sadness

For those dreamers who want to find out why two or three children are sleeping at once, it is necessary to clarify exactly how and where they slept, suggests Miss Hasse's dream book.

To see that the kids are resting in beds - expect the pleasure of realizing your own importance in the workplace, the interpreter of the White Magician broadcasts. And if they were in the same bed, then you will feel uncomfortable. You will feel like you are taking someone else's place.

Another point: the children slept in bed calmly and quietly - to joy and good luck; sobbed or cried loudly in a dream - sadness and grief await you.

People pay special attention to the dream in which, one way or another, their own children take part. Quite often there is such a vision in a dream when sleeping people dream.

So, why is a sleeping child dreaming? The essence of this dream can be characterized in such a way that a person who sees a dream has worries about the child. And when he sees a baby in a dream, while he still smiles sweetly in a dream, then bad forebodings and fears immediately fade into the background. However, if you had such a dream, you should not always relax, because in some cases, on the contrary, a dream can warn of danger.

If a sleeping boy is dreaming, where in a dream he does not cause feelings of anxiety, then in reality this person, by his nature and character, is very shy and trusting. In some cases, a dream warns that because of his gullibility and modesty, he may be deceived. Therefore, it is worth being more vigilant.

If in a dream a little girl dreamed, who also slept peacefully, then in reality, the dreamer can be described as a responsible person. Therefore, if a sleeping baby dreamed, then he should be prepared for the fact that soon he will receive a very important assignment, which, in turn, will fulfill it clearly and on time.

If we consider in general a sleeping baby, then a dream symbolizes the spiritual state of the dreamer. Therefore, most often such a vision is interpreted as a collapse of hopes, pipe dreams.

If we talk about what a sleeping, adult person dreams of, then in this case you need to pay attention to the events that surrounded the person who has a dream. So, for example, if you see a group of sleeping people in a dream, while watching them sleep, then this dream becomes a harbinger of impending problems. Most often, the whole family can get sick with some kind of viral disease. If a woman sees her husband sleeping, and at the same time cannot wake him up, then this is a good sign. In reality, she can be calm for her family, as a moderate family life awaits her in the near future.

If, on the contrary, a man sees his soul mate sleeping, then the dream tells him that not everything is going smoothly in his family, and he himself will have to decide how to set up family relationships in a good way. It happens that after such dreams, men made decisions and left the family. But according to some reports, such departures were erroneous. If a young girl dreams of a sleeping stranger, then she will successfully marry.

At the sight of how his wife sleeps, a man should think for himself and try to save the family hearth. It is important to pay attention to the behavior of a woman in a dream. If she behaved calmly, then this is a good sign.

Often, many young and unmarried girls wonder why a sleeping person is dreaming, whom they do not know at all and have never seen him in reality. Then such a dream is considered favorable for young individuals. As practice shows modern dream books, then this is a legend from above that soon the girl will meet a young man who will be her betrothed. And given the fact that the stranger slept peacefully, then her fate is determined, or rather, she will marry and live happily.

If you see yourself sleeping, then the dream warns and speaks of impending trouble. Therefore, to this dream should be treated with special attention. Since it can be interpreted as getting into trouble or getting injured in a traffic accident. If in a dream a person is awake, while others are sleeping, then we can conclude that the dreamer's misfortune will bypass, and others will suffer.

The main thing to note is that if a lot of sleeping people dreamed in a dream, then danger should be expected. If you see a sleeping spouse, then in family life everything will proceed evenly. To see a sleeping wife in a dream, the dream says that the dreamer will have to solve family conflicts himself.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if a sleeping child is dreaming, then this can be interpreted as a collapse of plans, unrealizable dreams and hopes. But do not worry, because you can make new plans.