Why does the wife dream that she is pregnant. Find out why a man is worried that his wife is pregnant! Interpretation of the image of a pregnant woman in a dream book

  • 20.09.2019

Dream Interpretations most often end up in female hands, and this is logical - it is the fair sex that is more inclined to predict fate, look into the future and interpret the dream.

But there are special cases when a man has every reason to look into the interpreter to find the answer to his dream. Indeed, some dreams surprise and stupefy, and it is no secret that they are not always an empty continuation of our fantasies, thoughts and the game of the subconscious.

Some symbols are very important, and it is necessary to find their meaning in order to prevent trouble, avoid difficulties or conflicts, accept the right decision or prepare for change. It is especially important to find out what the wife is dreaming of - especially if she was pregnant in her dreams.

The first thing to understand is that if you dreamed that your spouse was “in position”, but in reality this is not so, do not panic (or do not rush to rejoice right away) - this does not have a direct connection with reality, this is just a sign. This does not at all promise a real pregnancy and replenishment of the family, but indicates other, but also important things.

To understand why a wife in a position is dreaming, it is worth considering whether she is pregnant in reality, what she dreamed about specifically (sleep details), and choose one (or more) of the options offered by the dream book. They are the following:

  • Dreaming of his own pregnant wife.
  • The wife in a dream gives birth.
  • Lying next to a pregnant wife in a dream.
  • In her dreams, contractions began.
  • To see a wife who is not pregnant in reality in a dream in a position.
  • Hug her.
  • She is naked in a dream.

The dream book will describe in detail and reveal the secrets of each such dream, but be careful when choosing your option, and in addition, analyze what you read in the interpreter. He gives advice possible options real events and the future. And how to treat it - you decide.

What portends?

Probably, for a man whose chosen one is not preparing to become a mother in reality, and even more so for the father of a large family, such a dream brought a big shake-up. But it is worth bringing the mind into a sober and cold state, and calmly find out from the dream book what the wife is dreaming of - is she pregnant, giving birth, and so on.

And after that, draw conclusions, deciding how to act in reality, in real life. Often such visions are not at all connected with the “soulmate” itself.

1. As the dream book says, the wife, who is actually pregnant in reality, in a dream foreshadows a man some changes in the family. If in your dreams you have not experienced any negative emotions, the dream was generally pleasant and calm, then positive changes should be expected - they will be for the better.

And if there was anxiety in the dream, any unpleasant visions or emotions, then, probably, in reality the changes will not bring joy or will simply be difficult. But this does not mean that the changes will be negative - it all depends on your perception only.

2. It is curious why a wife dreams of giving birth in her dreams. This is an important symbol - the dream book says that the case that you are working on now, in its very finale, will be associated with some difficulties.

It will not be easy to complete it, but perseverance will help you achieve well-deserved success, everything will work out, the main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and not build illusions that everything will work out by itself easily. Sometimes you have to work hard to get good results.

3. Lying next to a wife who is preparing to become a mother in a dream is good sign, which always promises pleasant life changes and good, joyful news. It is worth waiting for only good things, it will be justified.

4. As the dream book says, a wife who had prenatal contractions in her dreams is a symbol - perhaps you do not care enough about her in reality. Pay attention to this, start showing your chosen one more attention, this will be appreciated and will make your family more harmonious.

Even if in reality everything is not going smoothly in your family nest, you still have to take care of your spouse, protect her, sometimes listen, show interest. Even if it seems to you that she does not appreciate it, it is not so. Any woman will certainly appreciate this, and over time you will notice that your real family life is improving, and relationships are getting better.

5. If in reality the wife is not in a position, but in a dream she is pregnant - each interpreter says that this is very auspicious sign, and he promises great happiness in the family.

You are probably waiting for a new stage of relations, very harmonious and joyful. Both of you are ready to move on new level love, become wiser and make family life more harmonious and happier.

6. Hugging a pregnant wife in dreams is also great sign which portends great and unexpected luck. This may not even be connected with family life, but it will manifest itself in the business sphere, or anywhere.

But the sign is accurate - luck will smile at you and take your side, and you should take advantage of this! Do not be afraid to implement bold ideas and projects, you will be lucky!

7. And if the pregnant wife was naked in a dream, this means happiness for a man. The interpreter here is concise, but you can confidently expect the most pleasant changes, the fulfillment of everything planned, pleasant surprises from fate. A happy, white streak of life is coming!

Whatever the interpreter predicts, you should take your time and analyze what you read, apply it to real life and the state of affairs in reality. Think about why this particular dream was given to you, what a wise decision you should make to improve your fate and family life - and do the right thing. Author: Vasilina Serova

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH-YOU EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection.

One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family.

To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as a compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in appearance or frequency and character. sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative WILL-BEING, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Pregnancy is a time of waiting for a miracle. But what if you had a dream about a pregnant wife? What could this dream mean? What they say about this topic various dream books and interpreters of dreams? Is there a reflection of reality in this dream? Does it affect life?

Pregnancy seen in a dream is a symbol of creativity, puberty and wealth. If the dream of a pregnant wife is a dream for a man whose spouse is actually expecting a child, then this dream suggests that childbirth will be easy and without complications. The dream also shows the husband's passionate desire to have children from his life partner.

The dream interpretation of the 21st century interprets a dream involving a pregnant woman as a symbol of change in financial matters. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov says that, having seen a pregnant woman in a dream, a man can safely change something in life. Dream Interpretation Longo believes that seeing a pregnant wife in a dream is a good sign that all ideas will soon be implemented and bring success.

Lying in a dream near a pregnant woman means that long-cherished dreams will soon come true. But not all dream books evaluate sleep with a pregnant wife positively. So, the Italian dream book portends trouble and illness if a pregnant wife dreams in a dream. The Wanderer's dream book also claims the same.

The esoteric dream book deciphers a dream with a pregnant woman as a warning: either such a dream promises failure in financial affairs, or you will have to lend someone a large amount of money. If in a dream a pregnant woman gives birth, then in reality there will be reasons for concern for relatives.

In a dream, you should pay attention to the size of the belly of a pregnant woman. If the stomach is small, then the future of the one who had the dream is in question. A big belly usually dreams of caring for your children or the children of relatives.

The interpretation of sleep also depends on which of the relatives appeared in a dream about pregnancy. A pregnant mother dreams of failures, a daughter in a position - to quarrels and abuse. A pregnant close friend is a dream of trouble.

For an aged person, a dream about a pregnant woman - bad sign, which can talk about a serious illness or death. A thin pregnant wife dreams of easy wealth, an ugly one portends intrigues in life, and a beautiful one promises profit.

There may be different interpretations similar dreams if they dream of a woman. According to Loff's dream book, a woman who wants to have children, but does not take any action to fulfill her dream, should perceive the dream of pregnancy as a stage of transition to a new level of introspection. If in a dream a pregnant woman is engaged important things, this symbolizes the transition from the childhood stage to the adult. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti interprets the dream of pregnancy as a symbol of the fact that the sleeping person in the depths of his soul is carrying something. It may be a disease or a hidden influence of other people on the psyche.

A dream about pregnancy for a young unmarried girl may be a signal that she will soon be deceived and disappointed in her chosen one. After such a dream, she should be wary of men and not plan any dates or meetings with them in the near future. She can also expect notoriety and the birth of children without a father.

A dream about pregnancy suggests that a person was overcome by some important issues which he has to hide from others. The dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome is the assertion of the parent's own archetype, according to Jung's archetypes.

Sometimes men see themselves pregnant in a dream. Freud's dream book interprets such dreams as a passionate desire to have children from his beloved wife. But for an unmarried man, this means difficulties in communicating with women in the future.

Loff's dream book deciphers a dream about male pregnancy as an experience that sometimes the masculinity of the dreamer is in question. In this case, the dream is a kind of compensation. Italian dream book indicates that such dreams in a man are a manifestation of illness or excessive exposure to other people's influence.

But noble dream book Grishina, on the contrary, says that a male pregnancy in a dream is a sign of bearing a courageous plan or act within oneself. Psychoanalysts explain such dreams by the predominance of a feminine principle in a man or a period of doubt in his masculine strength.

In a dream, anyone can become pregnant, regardless of gender. This does not mean that pregnancy will actually occur. Dreams are a reflection of thoughts, experiences, hidden desires and unresolved tasks. So say many psychologists and psychotherapists familiar with somnology. Some dream promises profit, and some - losses. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze all possible interpretations of sleep about pregnancy in order to understand its innermost meaning in the most accurate and detailed way.

A dream about pregnancy can be interpreted in different ways. He dreams of both men and women, family and single people. Dreams of this kind can be both good and bad. Therefore, it is important to consider the interpretation of such dreams.

Dream Interpretation Pregnant Wife

If you dreamed of a pregnant wife, do not rush to rejoice, or lament. Fate can give such a sign in a dream when the family is on the verge of significant changes. Perhaps you are considering buying a new home or starting your own family business. Seeing your wife's pregnancy in a dream means getting the green light for taking action to bring an important event to life.

Almost any popular dream book can explain what a pregnant wife is dreaming of. This is a sign of bearing an important idea, in which the wife is not the last. The family develops, and relationships reach a higher level of spiritual intimacy.

To get the most correct interpretation of the wife’s pregnancy in a dream, you need to pay attention to such details:

  • this is the pregnancy of the current spouse or ex;
  • the child of the dreamer or another man (for example, a lover or ex-husband).

Parent identification

If a man dreams that his current wife is pregnant, then the family will undergo changes.

The interesting position of the former may mean a common cause or meeting, which will affect the dreamer's later life (perhaps the woman will tell important information about a new promising position).

Spouse's pregnancy

If the wife is pregnant

Seeing your wife pregnant in a dream means the beginning of a new life stage. He can be much more responsible than the previous one. It is possible to change the place of work or even residence, up to the change of the country of residence. A radical change in lifestyle (if you led a night club life, you will become ardent healthy lifestyles) or the type of activity.

To see that the wife gave birth to a baby means that a long-planned project will bring its positive results very quickly, despite the fact that there will be a lot of obstacles to its implementation. But all of them will be smoothed out by an incredible combination of circumstances, and you will receive moral satisfaction and financial profit.

If a man dreams that she lost a child in a dream, this is a bad sign. An important deal may fall through, or a new business will almost immediately become unviable. Pregnancy represents the nurturing of important ideas, long-term planning, experiencing all the sensitive moments about change. Termination of pregnancy in a dream means the collapse of all plans and hopes.

Child by lover or ex-husband

Seeing in a dream how a wife is carrying someone else's child (for example, from a lover) means a change in the type of activity of the spouse. She will have to change jobs, and she will give her all the time, not just working hours. This will make you very angry and upset, but the material compensation for this state of affairs will be significant.

  • If a husband dreams that his wife has been pregnant for a long time, and you just found out that this is a lover’s child, it means that some family secret will soon be revealed. She will be connected with the family of your missus, but you will be shaken to the core.
  • An alarming dream in which the wife lost her lover's child, and you rejoice at this state of affairs, is a bad sign. You will become an obstacle in realizing its capabilities as a specialist. At the moment, she is ready to move mountains for an important position, and if she is prevented from doing this, the relationship will be seriously damaged.
  • Pregnancy from an ex-husband means unfinished business. But this is your subconscious speaking, not the real state of affairs. You are afraid that the past relationship has not ended, and she may return them. But these are only your fears that you are embarrassed to speak out loud with your spouse. Ask her a direct question about the ex - and you will immediately calm down.

Ex-wife waiting for baby

If the ex was pregnant

Waking up in horror, realizing that the former is pregnant, does not happen every night. But in fact it is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Such a vision may mean that you will have a conversation or a meeting where you will receive important information.

Perhaps you still have some feelings. After all, the fact that you see her in a dream may mean that the connection has not yet been completely broken. But her pregnancy indicates that you will soon forget her.

If you see that the ex has already given birth, and you understand that this is a child from your past relationship, you should not worry. The dream only says that her new love is echoes past life with you. If in reality she is pregnant, then such a dream is a reflection of reality, and the child has nothing to do with you.

Ex passes off lover's child as yours

If such an unpleasant story happened in a dream, then this woman is ready to go to meanness for the sake of financial gain. She will offer you a very profitable, at first glance, project that you should refuse. She has everything thought out to the smallest detail, and you are only needed to solve her problems. All the benefits offered are illusory, beware of the deals that the ex offers.

A woman gave birth to a child from her lover and says that this is yours - a bad sign. She will try by hook or by crook to get you to solve all her problems, passing them off as yours and causing a strong sense of guilt. Ask her a few direct questions about what kind of business and who should be responsible for what they have done - then a lot will fall into place.

Symbolic interpretation

Freud said about dreams with pregnancy that the dreamer either longs for the birth of his own children, or is very afraid of fatherhood - answer honestly to yourself what you want from life, and act on the basis of your own interests. This is what his dream book says: a pregnant wife can mean good sexual health and the ability to quickly conceive a baby. It remains only to listen to your true desires.

In general, dreams in which the husband saw pregnancy carry an important message that you can start implementing new projects and try to realize old dreams.

Nurturing life in a dream can also be due to the fact that you have not fully found yourself, and you are trying to turn back time so that you can return the lost time. In this case, the dream will not be filled with hope and joyful expectation, but will be saturated with anxiety and anxiety.

In this case, you need to pull yourself together and look at life directly - the past cannot be returned, but the future life can be corrected.