How to lose weight pregnant without harm. How to lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby: diet and exercise

  • 02.07.2020

What is the danger of being overweight during pregnancy and how to avoid it

Excess weight during pregnancy is one of the most common problems for expectant mothers. Normally, each woman should gain 8-12 kilograms of weight during the time of bearing a child (for 9 months). Moreover, a considerable part of them is directly occupied by the weight of the child, placenta, amniotic fluid. There is more weight and due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood. As for your own fat deposits, they are deposited in small amounts, mainly on the buttocks, abdominal wall, and forearms. If the weight gain during pregnancy was no more than 12 kilograms, after childbirth the woman will very quickly return to her shape.

But okay figure. Why do doctors carefully monitor the weight of patients - at each visit to the antenatal clinic, they are asked to weigh themselves, write down all the values ​​​​in the dispensary book of the pregnant woman, calculate how much the increase was, is this the norm or pathology. Of course, the figure of their patients is of little interest to doctors. With rapid weight gain, fluid retention in the body can be suspected. And this is the first sign of poor kidney function, dropsy - an early symptom of preeclampsia. In addition, being overweight during pregnancy, resulting from the consumption of high amounts of carbohydrates, can contribute to the onset of diabetes. Excess weight has a very bad effect on the veins of the lower extremities - a large load leads to varicose veins, to which all expectant mothers are already prone. Your back may start to hurt. So, you need to watch your weight.

What are the rates of weight gain? Excess weight during pregnancy usually appears in the last trimester, when the baby begins to actively grow. And the same period is very dangerous in terms of the development of preeclampsia and other pathologies. On average, weekly weight gain should be 350 grams. Deviations from this norm can be in the case of multiple pregnancies, if the woman initially had a lack of weight (she can gain a little more) or vice versa is overweight (then it is not harmful to lose weight in a week). If the doctor notices that a woman is gaining weight very quickly, swelling is detected during the examination, and the patient complains that they happen in the morning, and not only on her legs, but also on her face, it is recommended to take a urine test. And if a protein is found there, inpatient treatment is mandatory. Modern doctors do not recommend reducing the amount of fluid you drink.

If no pathologies are identified, the question may arise how to reset excess weight during pregnancy. Of course, setting yourself the task of losing a few pounds is not worth it. Just like you should not follow newfangled diets. It will be enough to discover not too healthy foods in your diet that interfere with weight loss. Usually these are sources of carbohydrates - sweet and starchy foods. Of course, you can’t completely exclude carbohydrates from your diet, but it’s better to get them from vegetables and fruits than from cakes. You should not refuse meat, fish - they are necessary for the harmonious development of the child and his mental abilities (as for seafood). With good nutrition and the intake of vitamins and microelements, no one is needed, with the exception of iron (according to indications), folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy and potassium iodide.

As for the meal plan. It is recommended to eat small meals, at least 5 times a day. With all this, the daily calorie content of food should not exceed 2800 kcal. This is the diet for overweight pregnant women, recommended by experts. As for fasting days - when it is only recommended to drink kefir for a day, for example, or eat apples, then the opinions of doctors differ. The fact that they often cannot be carried out is for sure. And their benefits are clearly exaggerated ... Many women arrange for themselves a fasting day before visiting a doctor so that there is no excess of the "norm" on the scales. But for this it is quite enough not to drink a lot of fluids in the coming days before visiting the doctor and be sure to make sure that before visiting the gynecologist there is a chair and the bladder is emptied.

Here are the basic things you need to know about weight gain during pregnancy. Don't get hung up on numbers, but keep your appetite under control.

Excess body weight during pregnancy negatively affects both the health of the woman and the fetus. However, you need to reduce weight gradually, strictly adhering to the recommendations of experts.

The dangers of being overweight

If a woman during pregnancy is faced with a sharp increase in volume, this can lead to the development of heart disease. This process negatively affects the state of the nervous system. Overweight pregnant women often experience varicose veins. Fat deposits impair the functioning of the endocrine system, which causes hormonal disruptions.

With an increase in body weight, the load on the organs of the musculoskeletal system increases. Also, fullness can complicate the process of childbirth, increase bleeding. Often, overweight women experience threats of termination of pregnancy, premature birth. Negatively extra pounds affect the intrauterine development of the fetus, there may be a delay. harder overweight women undergo a recovery period after childbirth.

Weekly weight gain rates

A woman can gain weight during pregnancy by 12-18 kg. The weight is greatly increased last dates, which indicates the body's readiness for the upcoming resolution. Changes in weight should be closely monitored. If deviations from the norm are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Up to 12-14 weeks, a woman's weight may not change, remaining at the same level. However, from 15 to 34 there will be a gradual increase in mass. At week 16, the expectant mother can add 3-4 kg, 18 - 4-5, and 20 - 5-6 kg, etc.

Weight gain will depend on the initial body mass index. It is calculated as follows: the weight indicator is divided by the height squared. If it is in the range from 19 to 25, then the indicator is normal. For example, with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 1.7 m, the index will be 21. A lower number indicates a shortage of kilograms, a high one indicates a surplus.

How less woman weighed, the higher the likelihood of more body fat. With thinness, she can get fat during pregnancy up to 16 kg. If obesity was observed, then the increase will be 6 kg while following the diet.

How to lose weight pregnant without harm to the child?

In order for the process of losing weight not to affect the development of the fetus, it is necessary to consume foods containing protein. Its amount should increase by 10%. It is necessary to minimize fast carbohydrates in the diet, consuming them only in the morning. Will be useful pasta from durum wheat. Sweet juices will be harmful, because. fructose promotes weight gain. Products are best cooked or baked in the oven.

First trimester

Losing weight during pregnancy in the first trimester is not a big problem. Many women during this period suffer from toxicosis. To keep the indicators normal, it is necessary to follow the principles of proper nutrition. You need to eat 3-5 times a day. This will keep your stomach from stretching. It is necessary to exclude the use of spicy or salty foods, as this can aggravate toxicosis.

Second trimester

If in the second trimester a woman began to quickly gain weight (more than 1 kg per week), it is necessary to arrange a fasting day every week. There are a number of recommendations that will help to avoid gaining excess weight. They are as follows:

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
  • chocolate, dried fruits and coffee are consumed 1-2 times a week;
  • you can replace sweets with marmalade or halvah in small quantities;
  • reduce the content of wheat bread in the diet, eat black, rye or cooked with oatmeal;
  • minimize the consumption of onions and garlic;
  • when cooking, do not use spices;
  • reduce the consumption of foods that increase cholesterol, such as sausage, butter, etc.

Weight loss during pregnancy in the second trimester should not be abrupt, as this can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

third trimester

Meals in the last trimester should be frequent (5-7 times a day). If the expectant mother adheres to a vegetarian menu, this will positively affect both her health and the condition of the child. Fresh fruits and vegetables normalize the work of the intestines, with which women often have problems during this period. Meat can be eaten, but in small quantities.

The amount of dairy products consumed is reduced 3-4 weeks before childbirth. This is due to the fact that an excess of calcium can cause the deposition of salts in the fetal skull, which can lead to congenital pathologies.

Nutrition in the last month of pregnancy should exclude the use of meat and mushroom broths, since the extractives contained in them pose a danger to the health of a mother suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Just before childbirth, you need to consume less fluid. The minimum amount of salt is added to dishes. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.

In the last weeks, light physical exercises are allowed, but they should be carried out only under the supervision of an instructor. During the classes, special attention is paid to stretching and working out the muscles of the back. The pace of training should be measured, Kegel exercises, fitball exercises, etc. are recommended. You can not do exercises that require a prone position, as this can lead to strong pressure of the uterus on other organs.

Properly selected physical activity contributes not only to weight loss, but also to bearing the fetus without complications.

If a pregnant woman has any diseases, pathological processes, physical activity is contraindicated for her.

You can not reduce weight, provided that it has not reached the norm. Attempts to get rid of extra pounds without the advice of a doctor can lead to negative consequences for the health of the mother and unborn child.

diet during pregnancy for weight loss

When deciding how to lose weight during pregnancy with a diet, a woman should remember some important rules. The main ones are:

  1. You can not eat in cafes and canteens. The dishes prepared there are high in fat, flavorings and other components that are harmful to health.
  2. The day should start with a full breakfast.
  3. As a snack, you can use low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, an apple or a pear.
  4. Avoid eating sausages, sausages, fast food, spicy cheeses, etc. Meals should be cooked in a double boiler.
  5. Starving is unacceptable. If you really want to eat before going to bed, they prefer food that will give a feeling of satiety, for example, nuts or bran.
  6. manifest physical activity. Hiking, special aerobics classes, etc. will bring great benefits.

The diet should not be monotonous. The menu should include cereals, salads, pasta dishes, soups, juices, herbal teas, etc. Food should be chewed thoroughly.

For breakfast, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, scrambled eggs or cottage cheese with the addition of dried apricots. You can eat pancakes, light salads. For lunch, pregnant women should eat vegetable soups, stews, boiled rice or potatoes, meatballs, vegetable cutlets etc.

An afternoon snack may consist of cheesecakes, biscuits, buns, bananas or other fruits. For dinner, it is allowed to eat stew, vinaigrette, stewed vegetables, steamed cutlets, etc.

Herbal decoctions and teas of various types should be used with caution. This is due to the fact that they may contain components that can increase the tone of the uterus, which can be dangerous to the fetus.

Diet Recipes

Exists a large number of diet food for pregnant women. Among them are many different salads. For example, you can prepare a snack from the following ingredients: 100 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, 4 tbsp. sour cream and 2 small plums. The cheese is ground on a grater with large cells, mixed with a part of sour cream and laid out in a slide. It is sprinkled with grated apple on top, poured with the rest of sour cream and decorated with plums.

Carrot salad is prepared as follows: 100 g of fresh carrots and the same amount of apples are ground on a grater, 1/2 cup of sour cream, 1 tbsp are added to the mixture. crushed nuts and honey.

Corn salad is prepared from 150 g of canned corn, 1 onion, 100 g of boiled chicken meat, 80 g of kernels walnuts, 100 g boiled potatoes and 1/4 cup mayonnaise or sour cream. Chopped onions are mixed with corn, chopped nuts, ball pieces and potato cubes are added. All components are poured with sour cream and salted.

Pregnant women will benefit chicken bouillon. Take 600 g of chicken with bones and boil it in 2 liters of water. 200 g of diced potatoes, 50 g of grated carrots, 400 g of chopped cabbage and 1 chopped onion are added to the broth. Seasoned with salt and herbs.

Exercises for weight loss for pregnant women

Pregnant women will especially benefit from fitness, but with gentle types of movements. This will help improve blood circulation, serve as a prophylaxis for anemia. Classes are best done in the hall. But there are exercises that you can work out with a trainer, and then repeat them at home. It is unacceptable to show strong activity, pump the press or do strength exercises.


This movement is aimed at relaxing the body, reducing the load on the spine. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, legs wide apart. Then the body is tilted forward a little, trying to relax the back. The head and arms should be lowered and begin to slowly, smoothly make movements to the right and left. Such swinging should not bring discomfort. If they appear, then the exercises are performed incorrectly, and the work must be stopped.


Thanks to this exercise, you can activate the circulatory system, get rid of tension in the legs, and reduce swelling of the limbs. To perform it, you should sit on a chair, set your feet on glass bottle. Then they begin to roll the container in this way, imitating the movements of a rolling pin when working with dough. After 3-4 minutes, the movement is continued without a bottle, i.e., they make rolls from toe to heel and back.

"Cat back"

The movement allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, relieve tension from the spine. The woman needs to get on all fours and, spreading her knees, spread her legs. The head and neck are kept in line, after which the back is arched in a semicircle, lowering the head down.

It should be remembered that not all exercises can be performed during pregnancy. Seek guidance from an experienced instructor.

Reviews: personal experience

Nadezhda, 29 years old, Yaroslavl: “Before pregnancy, I was fat. I started gaining weight quickly around 15 weeks. I immediately went to the doctor with this problem, he sent me to a nutritionist. He developed a program for me that I followed until the birth. At first it was difficult to give up sweets, to get used to boiled food, because it seemed tasteless. But it was important for me to keep the child healthy. I tried not to feel hungry. Maintaining a stable weight during pregnancy is not easy, but it is possible. The birth went well."

Olga, 24 years old, St. Petersburg: “I didn’t notice how I gained an extra 8 kg during pregnancy. The doctor said that this could complicate the birth process. I had to drop it. The basis was a special diet for pregnant women. The diet included a lot of fruits, vegetables, cereals and soups. Went to special aerobics for pregnant women. Thanks to such efforts, we managed to lose 5 kg. ”

Before you start losing weight, you need to really assess the figure. It is important to consider that after giving birth you will lose about 12 kg., This includes the placenta, amniotic fluid, a certain percentage of blood flow and a newborn baby. When you definitely decide that excess weight is present, change the diet. Otherwise, there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, an increase in the body weight of the child, an increase in blood pressure and excessive swelling of the extremities. Weight loss must be correct so as not to harm the baby.

Restrictions on certain foods

  1. Completely exclude peppered, smoked and salty dishes.
  2. Steam food. It is not forbidden to fry meat or eggs, but it is necessary to do this in a Teflon pan without the use of vegetable oil.
  3. Refuse carbonated drinks, packaged juices with an unknown composition. Fresh juices should be diluted with mineral water without gas in a ratio of 1:1. Black coffee prefer chicory, which does not increase blood pressure.
  4. Of the sausages, you can eat only bacon in limited quantities.
  5. Sweet and starchy foods are allowed, but within reason. For desserts, opt for homemade yogurt cakes, dark chocolate, and fruit salad with a little cream. You can drink milkshakes, but only with a natural sweetener ("Stevia"). With regards to baking, it should contain the maximum amount of cereals.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty meat. If you really want to, choose the pulp of pork or lamb.
  7. From natural oils, olive and corn are suitable for pregnant women. They can be seasoned with salads or greased the pan with a thin layer when frying.
  8. The number of yolks in the diet should not exceed allowable norms. The optimal quantity is 2 pcs. per day, while the use of proteins is not limited.
  9. Give up homemade "delicacies" such as pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, adjika, jam, and more.
  10. Do not eat meat sauces, which are accompanied by frying or the use of tomato paste.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to snack on snacks (crackers, salted nuts, chips, cookies, etc.). Eliminate food fast food(fast food), semi-finished products and canned food.

What products should you focus on?

  1. During this period, you need to eat more foods rich in fiber. These include figs, almonds, whole wheat, dried fruit, sesame, rye and wheat bran. Do not forget about cereals and legumes, rye, whole grain bread, carrots, spinach, potatoes, brown rice, lentils, broccoli, apples and citrus fruits.
  2. As for proteins, they are found in white meat, lean fish, dairy products, seaweed, eggs, hard cheese, beef and pork meat. Important! The fat content of dairy products should not exceed 1% for kefir, 1.8% for cottage cheese, 1.5% for milk, 20% for cottage cheese.
  3. The correct carbohydrates that do not harm a pregnant woman include the following: black whole grain bread, tomatoes, cabbage, greens, zucchini, grapes, dried fruits, cereals, bell peppers and beans.
  4. Drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day, of which 2 liters should be pure mineral water. Do not abuse green tea, it leaches calcium from bones. Of the components for freshly squeezed juice, give preference to apples with celery, pears with peaches, apricots, grapefruits, oranges, grapes. It is advisable to add greens (parsley, dill) to the fresh.
  5. Make sure you always have on hand fresh vegetables and fruits. Put them in a basket and put them in a conspicuous place. Remove cookies, sweets and purchased cakes from view on the top shelf of the cabinet.

Basic rules for losing weight

  1. Cook meals in your own juice by brushing them with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Get a sleeve, foil or baking bags, use the oven. Well, if there is a slow cooker, it allows you to cook food without using oil and saves beneficial features products.
  2. Visit a doctor who guides you throughout your pregnancy. Warn that you are going to go on a diet, ask for a course of multivitamins.
  3. You probably know, but it’s worth reminding you: do not drink alcohol under any pretext. Many do not shy away from drinking a glass of red wine; when losing weight, you cannot afford this.
  4. Observe food hygiene. After eating, do not lie down to rest, take a seated position or go for a walk. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  5. While eating, focus on the movement of the tongue, palate and cheekbones. Chew carefully, don't rush. Eat fractionally every 2.5-3 hours. Portion should not be more than 450 gr.
  6. Pregnant women need to take a comprehensive approach to losing weight, since the diet is quite free. Sign up for special gymnastics for pregnant women, attend classes 2-3 times a week. Go to yoga, Pilates, stretching, water aerobics or just start swimming in the pool.

You can't go on a diet for weeks or months, because the body is not ready for this. Specialists have developed a technique that consists of a two-day interval unloading. Every week on Mondays and Thursdays, switch to the diet below.

Do not skip meals so that the body does not make up for losses twice. Unloading days are suitable for girls throughout pregnancy, with the exception of the last 2 months.


  1. Start the day with a 3 egg omelette (2 yolks, 3 whites), 300 ml. whole milk and fruit salad (apple, kiwi, grapefruit).
  2. After 3 hours, drink freshly squeezed juice from 1 apple, 1 pear and celery. Eat vegetable salad with the addition of 300 gr. boiled chicken breast.
  3. For lunch, cook a light soup, meatballs with buckwheat. Fill your dishes with sour cream. Make a salad with 1 boiled potato bell pepper, cabbage and carrots.
  4. After 2 hours, eat 250 gr. fish baked in the oven, 300 gr. low-fat natural yogurt, drink herbal tea.
  5. In the evening, cook stewed vegetables with meat (zucchini or eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, herbs, chicken or turkey). 20 minutes after eating, drink 200 ml. kefir or ryazhenka.
  6. A few hours before bed, make carrot or cabbage juice with dill. Drink 200 ml.


  1. After waking up in the morning, prepare 170 gr. flaxseed porridge with the addition of 20 gr. oat bran. Eat 1 muesli bar or a salmon sandwich with butter and cheese. Wash down with fruit juice diluted 50:50 with water.
  2. After a few hours, eat 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese with sesame seeds and dried fruits (raisins, dried banana, kiwi, dried apricots). After 25 minutes after eating, drink a decoction of wild rose.
  3. 1 hour before lunch, prepare a milkshake with strawberries, currants and blackberries, sweeten it with Stevia.
  4. For lunch, cook soup with meatballs, potatoes and durum wheat pasta. As a main course, eat brown rice with 1 slice of bacon and a slice of whole grain bread, 300 gr. vinaigrette, lemon tea without sweeteners.
  5. After 1.5 hours, eat the cheese mass with one handful of almonds. Drink 300 ml. rosehip decoction.
  6. For dinner, eat a salad of a variety of vegetables, add 3 boiled eggs, 100 gr. boiled beef and 10 ml. lemon juice. Drink 270 ml. grape juice.
  7. 2 hours before bedtime, prepare a mixture of 300 ml. kefir and chopped dill. Drink in several doses with an interval of 10 minutes.

Observe food hygiene, do not skip meals. Replace products with similar proportions. Rearrange the components in places or combine them with each other, alternate days in a different order every week. Avoid prohibited foods.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

Knowing about pregnancy, women are afraid of harming the fetus and mistakenly think that now they have to eat for two, without denying themselves anything. But this is not entirely true, since an interesting situation should be an occasion to reconsider your lifestyle, habits and, if necessary, reduce excess weight. In order not to look later for how a pregnant woman can lose weight, it is necessary to balance the diet, make it as useful as possible, for the most part, eat food that is steamed and without adding fat. About what methods to use to lose weight, and whether it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy, further.

Is it possible to lose weight

Most expectant mothers are afraid to gain a lot of weight, not knowing that there is a possible weight that should increase over the entire period. For pregnancy with one child, this figure is from 9 to 14 kg, with multiple pregnancy - from 15 to 21 kg.

Weight control is important

Important! All indicators are averages and may vary, depending on the features female body, lifestyle and even nutrition.

At the same time, for the first trimester, the expectant mother can add a maximum of 2 kilograms in weight. Further, weight gain per kilogram per month is considered normal. Starting from the 7th month, the desired weight gain is no more than 400 grams. in 7 days.

In the normal course of pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat at least 2300 calories per day. The initial weight should not increase or decrease sharply, it is best that the indicators increase steadily.

Do I need to lose weight early

You need to understand that obesity during the period of bearing a child is undesirable, but you should not deliberately try to lose weight if your personal indicator is above average, because the child suffers from this. During pregnancy, it is better to forget about problems with the figure and make every effort to bear the fetus. Move more, eat more, avoid overeating - this is the first rule of how to lose weight during pregnancy.

On a note. Adhering to a strict diet for the sake of losing weight during pregnancy is strictly prohibited by gynecologists. It is especially dangerous to torture the body, looking for ways to lose weight during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, since the body needs additional strength to prepare for childbirth.

The answer of gynecologists to the question: is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy on early dates, unambiguously not, regardless of the timing. Therefore, you should not even think about whether it is possible for pregnant women to lose weight, it is better to focus on the unborn child and know that during lactation, when the hormonal background normalizes, most of the weight gained will disappear by itself.

Is it possible to lose weight with excess weight

Only in some cases, as an exception, doctors can strongly recommend expectant mothers to get rid of excess body weight if obesity is harmful to the unborn child. Most often, the gynecologist makes such a decision in cases where there is a danger to the future life of the crumbs. Also, mothers can be forced to lose a few kilograms in the following situations:

  • If the excess body weight of the mother causes premature birth of the baby in the last stages of pregnancy;
  • When the first seven days of pregnancy are accompanied by attempts by the body to reject the fetus through spontaneous abortion;
  • When excess weight can cause severe blood loss during childbirth;
  • If there is a risk postpartum complications in the form of a long and problematic recovery.

Due to the presence of a strong fat layer during pregnancy, doctors cannot reliably determine the condition and development of the child. As a result, the following problems may develop:

Possibly overweight

  • the presence of severe varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • hypertension;
  • increased activity of blood clotting;
  • problems with the urinary system;
  • increased load on the spine;
  • the threat of spontaneous rejection of the child increases;
  • the need for surgical intervention at the birth of a child;
  • carrying a child longer than the due date;
  • premature birth.

Healthy diet

Proper food intake is to enrich the diet with useful trace elements and vitamins. For this, the diet must be planned - this is the main condition for the proper development of the baby. Initially, you need to limit the consumption of fried, sweets, smoked and salty. It is also undesirable to have a late snack just before bedtime.

On a note. It is necessary to diversify the diet with fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Proper nutrition requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. You need to eat in small portions, but more often and preferably at the same time;
  2. Nutrition should include vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, all these substances should be of high quality;
  3. You can not eat immediately after sleep and shortly before sleep. It is necessary that at least a few hours pass between these events;
  1. The diet should not be very strict, if you want something, it is better to eat, but control the amount.

On a note. No matter how much you want, weight loss during pregnancy is strictly prohibited by gynecologists, so any action should be discussed with a specialist. You can also specify the possibility of prescribing an additional complex of vitamins and minerals.

How to lose weight at home

Sports are one of right ways how to lose weight during pregnancy and just keep fit. Such preparation for childbirth will reduce the stress of the body at the time of the birth of the baby, because physical education helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region and perineum. Exercises for pregnant women for weight loss not only tighten the body, but also pump the abdominal and pelvic muscles. After such classes, girls give birth without problems and do not feel the significant consequences of childbirth, such as a sagging belly.

Sport during the period of bearing a baby not only has a positive effect on the mother, but is also necessary. So you can avoid edema, which often accompanies the third trimester, there was a significant decrease in dilated veins on the legs of sports moms.

On a note. Also, scientists have proven that sports help to reduce the duration of childbirth in girls who have given preference not to food, but to an active lifestyle.

Physical activities

Physical activities

Before starting any kind of sport at home, you need to get the approval of a gynecologist and listen to all the recommendations. At the moment, there is more than one course of gymnastic exercises for practicing at home. Among them, there are also those that are strictly forbidden to be performed independently, they require the presence of specialists.

Important! Girls in position are prohibited from performing exercises aimed at pumping the press. It is also forbidden to run during pregnancy. During classes, it is imperative to monitor the pulse, which should not be more than 150 beats per minute.

Doctors are sure that walking on fresh air and light walking can also be considered a kind of physical activity. From professional sports, the best activities for pregnant women are:

  • Swimming - helps to increase blood flow during pregnancy, strengthens all muscle groups. Suitable for preparation respiratory system to childbirth. The most useful is in the last months, before childbirth. Helps relieve stress on the spine;
  • Aerobics - this sport helps to saturate the mother and baby with oxygen. Such activities help increase blood flow and enrich the baby with a large amount of substances that did not reach him before. Physical education helps to normalize hemoglobin, which is important for expectant mothers. It also reduces pressure on the spine and back, and more calories are burned;
  • Yoga - helps to become more flexible, relieve stress. Such activity contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after the birth of a child;
  • Pilates - classes that develop most of the muscles, help to reduce the tone of the uterus. Classes are suitable for both pregnant women and mothers after birth to bring the body back to its former state after childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences stress due to many changes. First of all, the chest increases, it becomes heavy, the shoulders involuntarily fall forward. Together with the child, the belly grows, and the load on the spine increases. All this invariably leads to the appearance of pain in the neck and lower back. Therefore, it is important to relieve the load that brings discomfort. For this, simple exercises that are enough to do daily are suitable.

Important! Mandatory part physical activity is a warm-up that should not be skipped. If you warm up the muscles before exercise, blood circulation is accelerated. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the pulse. Daily workout future mother may begin while still in bed and should last no more than 20 minutes.

Diet for pregnant women

Dietitian - specialist in proper nutrition, which will help build a diet for pregnant women so as to lose extra pounds. In addition, usually a nutritionist not only talks about healthy food, but also paints an individual menu, and is also in touch around the clock. A pregnant woman is forbidden to lose weight using independent methods, since this can harm the baby.

First of all, the expectant mother should teach herself and the baby to eat according to the schedule. According to experts, in order to switch to food strictly on time, it will take more than one week until it becomes a habit. At first, you can set a reminder that will help you not to skip meals.

On a note. You can’t overeat, it’s better to get up from the table with a feeling of light satiety, since the feeling of hunger will pass no earlier than 15 minutes after eating.

There are several diets that are designed specifically for women who are losing weight during the period of bearing a baby. Dietary nutrition is determined individually for each girl, based on the condition of the fetus and her personal health. Every diet is based on balanced diet which controls the weight.

protein diet

protein diet

The basis of such nutrition is a recipe containing a lot of protein products. The diet is recommended for expectant mothers who quickly and uncontrollably increase body weight. Such food allows you to eat dairy and meat products, eggs. The body should receive at least 120 grams of protein and 400 grams of carbohydrates per day.

It is forbidden to eat sugar, condensed milk, sweets, fresh pastries and chocolate products. The diet involves breaks between meals no more than 3 hours.

The advantages of such nutrition are:

  • There are no strong restrictions in products;
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • The body burns its own store of fat;
  • There is a strengthening of the uterus and placenta;
  • The nutritional content of permitted products allows you to fully saturate the body with the necessary elements.

Diet without salt

Maintaining normal health on a daily basis is not an easy task. For this, the human body needs no more than 5 grams of salt. At the same time, many people eat much more, which ultimately leads to a strong accumulation of fluids in the body. As a result, there are overweight, problems with the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. All this during pregnancy is undesirable.

On a note. So, the amount of salt in the diet of pregnant women can be reduced. Such a diet is recommended for girls in the last trimester, when they are less active and accumulate extra calories.

The diet includes:

  • fruits;
  • Greens;
  • Of bread;
  • Butter oils;
  • beef;
  • Fishes;
  • dairy products;
  • jam;

At the same time, food is strictly prohibited:

Diet without salt

  • fried;
  • Acute;
  • smoked;
  • Oily;
  • Sour;
  • Various pickles, marinades;
  • Pork and lamb;
  • Sweets.

Anemia is a phenomenon that every second pregnant woman faces. A decrease in hemoglobin levels during this period can be caused by a variety of reasons, while a lack of iron can be dangerous for the unborn child and the mother herself.

On a note. To improve the state of health, pregnant women are recommended a special diet food, the essence of which is precisely to compensate for the lack of vitamins and various elements in the body.

The diet must include:

  • Almond;
  • Apricot in any form;
  • Pork or veal liver;
  • Turkey;
  • Veal;
  • Spinach;
  • Stale bread;
  • Yolk;
  • Cocoa.

Products that increase hemoglobin

  • citruses;
  • Sea products;
  • Raspberries and strawberries;
  • Chocolate products;
  • Mushrooms.

Important! With low hemoglobin, a woman may eat poorly, have no appetite and skip meals. In such cases, the diet must necessarily contain vegetable, meat or fish soups.

The main meal must contain sauce and table salt. Also, the presence of 50 grams of butter or vegetable oils will not be superfluous, no more than 50 grams of sugar is allowed. You should not experiment with products intended for the nutrition of the expectant mother and baby.

Often expectant mothers have a question: how to lose weight during pregnancy. Sometimes this is justified, and sometimes not. Next, the following topics will be considered: the norm of weight gain, what are the dangers of extra pounds, what can not be done to lose weight, and what is possible and necessary.

Norm of weight gain

The desire to lose weight is not always justified. To accurately assess whether there is increased mass gain, refer to this table: it shows the average weight gain by week. If the values ​​are close, then there is nothing to be afraid of, because everything goes according to plan, and the figure changes only under the influence of the development of the baby. In this case, you should not worry about your body, but rather enjoy your pregnancy calmly, walk more and choose healthy food.


Normal weight gain by the end of pregnancy, taking into account changes in the body, is 13 kg. With this value, it will be easy to return to its previous form, because all the weight gained was needed to carry the child.

Values ​​may deviate up or down. Weight gain will depend on the initial body weight, height, age. To make sure that the weight is increasing within the normal range, use online calculators. Usually they enter the week of pregnancy, the current and initial weight, some basic information about yourself.

The mass increases not only because of the child himself: by the end of pregnancy, his weight is only about 3.5 kg. Where, then, do the remaining 10 kg come from? This is not excess weight during pregnancy, but necessary. It includes:

  • changes in the uterus and breast enlargement;
  • increase in the volume of blood and intercellular substance: tissue fluid;
  • development of the necessary fat layer for the safety of the baby;
  • the occurrence of amniotic fluid and membranes, placenta, umbilical cord binder.

By original weight

The rate of gaining kilograms is highly dependent on the initial weight. By calculating your body mass index (BMI), you can expect what increase will follow. To do this, simply divide your pre-pregnancy weight by your height squared. The greatest increase will be in women with insufficient body weight, and the smallest - with excess.

It is especially important for obese women to control their diet so as not to gain more than 6-7 kilograms. Otherwise, it will have a bad effect on her well-being and the health of the child. This is especially true for women with chronic diseases that developed before pregnancy: how to lose extra pounds in this case? Thin people should not be afraid of a strong weight gain: in their situation, this is absolutely normal.

The weight of the child changes according to other rules. At first, active growth follows, which slows down in the second trimester. Starting from the third trimester, it accelerates again and intensive development takes place.

By trimester

It is important to take into account the dynamics: the smallest weight gain is observed at the very beginning and end of pregnancy. It gradually rises towards the middle and reaches a maximum, after which it gradually decreases. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the baby in the womb of a pregnant woman. Here are some weight gain rates for every three months.

  1. First trimester. This gap is the most unpredictable in terms of weight. Both its set and loss are considered normal (often this is caused by toxicosis). Also, a woman may not gain weight at all: this is due to a genetic predisposition and is the norm.
  2. Second trimester. At this stage, there is an active development of the fetus, so there must be an increase in body weight. For slender women, it will be higher than for full ones. If in the first trimester there was the possibility of losing weight or standing still, now it must increase smoothly and noticeably.
  3. Third trimester. The final stage in a pregnant woman is characterized by the same gradual weight gain, only now it will not be so intense. The body of a woman gradually begins to prepare for childbirth.

Consult your doctor if your weight drops or increases sharply in the second or third trimester. Any sudden fluctuations can indicate a problem. Increases should be smooth.

What are the dangers of extra pounds

Based on all the above information, you can most likely determine if you are overweight. If it really is, then you should think about how to get rid of it. In many ways, it's not about appearance, but about the danger that excess body weight carries. This leads to the development of diseases that will worsen the condition of the woman and may cause complications during childbirth.

During pregnancy, as side effect off too speed dial weight, preeclampsia may occur. Usually the disease manifests itself in the later stages.

Gestosis (late toxicosis)

With this disease, many systems and organs of the mother are affected, and in a severe form, harm can also be done to the child. With special attention, you need to control weight in the third trimester of pregnancy: this is exactly the time when preeclampsia appears. Below are the symptoms to watch out for:

  1. Weight gain more than 500 g per week. This usually indicates a violation in the removal of fluid from the body.
  2. Edema of the face and limbs.

Signs indicate the presence of dropsy. If no action is taken, the next stage will develop: nephropathy:

  • in urine tests, the presence of protein is noted;
  • the volume of urine decreases;
  • pressure rises;
  • edema becomes stronger.

As preeclampsia develops, the organs are affected, and there is a serious danger to the child. In addition to the kidneys, it is affected nervous system, resulting in headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision. It is important for expectant mothers to be aware of the warning signs of pregnancy and seek immediate medical attention if they develop. After stabilization of the condition, you should consult a doctor and, perhaps, think about how to lose weight.

Varicose veins

Preeclampsia is not the only problem provoked by extra pounds. With varicose veins, the circulatory system of the expectant mother suffers. From increased loads, the veins begin to expand, normal blood circulation is disturbed. If a woman already had varicose veins before pregnancy, then most likely it will begin to progress. Even if it was not there, then it is likely to begin to develop, especially with excess weight gain and low physical activity. These small steps can help reduce your risk of getting sick.

  • long walks will keep the legs healthy and blood circulation normal (varicose veins usually occur in the lower half of the body);
  • swimming will be an excellent load and prevention of varicose veins;
  • comfortable shoes and no heels higher than 5 cm;
  • contrast shower with comfortable temperature differences;
  • sleep on the left side to reduce pressure on the vena cava;
  • alternation of rest and movement.

You will feel much more comfortable and take care of your baby's health by following these recommendations. Now is the time to move on to how to get rid of excess weight.

Weight can increase even more than in the tables if a woman carries twins under her heart. With one child, you should ensure that the dynamics are within the normal range.

How to lose weight absolutely impossible

The basic rule of weight loss for a pregnant woman is no starvation and a sharp reduction in the calorie content of the diet. This will lead to nothing but poor health, poor health and an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Losing excess weight should be gradual so that it contributes to good health and well-being.

Harm of fasting for the health of mother and child

It has been proven that there is a connection between maternal malnutrition in the early stages and a tendency to cardiovascular disease and obesity in the child. In the first trimester, the fetus is actively developing, and for this you simply need enough energy, vitamins, and minerals that the mother receives from food. Cutting down on the diet or switching to starvation, a woman deprives her baby.

As a result, there may be problems with its development from a lack of nutrients, or the child will "pull" the necessary from the mother. This will lead to additional weakness, deterioration of well-being and appearance, accelerated aging. Teeth and bones will become weaker, hair and nails will flake and break.

When is fasting justified?

Weight loss during pregnancy through fasting (diet, fasting days and any dietary restrictions) is allowed in these cases.

  1. Second trimester of pregnancy. At this stage, there is an increased weight gain, while the baby itself develops slowly. In order to somehow control body weight, it is allowed to cut the caloric content of the diet, but only with the permission of the doctor and, in case of urgent need, to normalize weight.
  2. Bad appetite. The importance of regular good nutrition does not mean that a woman should force herself to eat. Sometimes it’s worth listening to the body and limiting the number of doses if you feel the need for it.
  3. Short period. Even if there are medical indications, calorie reduction should be short-term so as not to lead to unpleasant consequences. A long-term calorie deficit will adversely affect health.

Increased physical activity

Weight loss also depends on sports. Pregnant women shouldn't get too carried away diet food or strenuous exercise. If this will bring a decrease in extra pounds, it will require a lot of strength, which a woman now already spends on the development of the fetus.

This can be followed by undermined health and complete exhaustion. While carrying a child, you need to monitor nutrition and include physical activity, but it is equally important to rest more and take care of yourself. How to properly lose weight - will be known in the next section!

How to lose weight correctly

From the article, you learned about how not to lose weight: eat too much or not enough, exhaust yourself with training and activity, or neglect them. But what should you do to lose weight? Establish nutrition, make it varied and useful!

Overweight is often the result of bad eating habits, so you need to start with them. You will be surprised how easy it will be to leave everything superfluous and how wonderful you will feel! Follow these simple guidelines.

  1. Try to eat as little fried food as possible. If you like such food and you are not ready to give it up completely, then use non-stick pans or distribute vegetable oil with a brush or even a spray: this will help reduce the calorie content of dishes.
  2. Drink more clean water. If you drink enough water, it will be difficult for you to overeat, because this often occurs when people confuse thirst and hunger. The stomach will also be full, which will help maintain satiety.
  3. Choose foods with a low glycemic index. Such food allows you to feel full longer and control blood sugar levels. As a result, the jumps in appetite characteristic of pregnant women will be less disturbing. There are a lot of such products: durum pasta, brown rice, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish.
  4. Salinity and smoked products are banned. Due to their high salt content, these foods retain fluid and contribute to weight gain. Try to reduce their use as much as possible: the negative effect that they give is useless now.

Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and starchy foods. Choose complex carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, vegetables, greens), consume enough healthy fats and proteins.

Essential Vitamins

In the diet of the expectant mother, there must be all the necessary vitamins in the right amount. Among them are vitamin A, D, E, C and group B. Eat more cottage cheese, carrots, eggs, legumes, oatmeal, cereals, meat, nuts will be useful. Citrus fruits and rose hips will help maintain normal levels vitamin C, a D- vegetable oil, yolks and oily fish.

Add to all this moderate physical activity, such as yoga, Pilates, walking, swimming, and you will feel great without gaining unnecessary pounds. Try to do everything that will allow the pregnancy to proceed easier and more pleasant, which will have a good effect on your health and the child.