Overview of keyboard simulators for teaching touch typing. Blind speed typing experience

  • 11.10.2019

Both the blogger and the copywriter, and indeed any computer user, often uses the keyboard. Typing is a standard procedure when working with a PC, but you can type with two fingers (or even worse - with one), constantly looking at the keyboard, or you can master the touch typing method. How to learn to type blindly, and will be discussed.

In this article, you will find information about the basic rules for touch typing, common mistakes made by beginners, and how fast those who have mastered this typing technique type. At the end of the article, links will be given to one of the best books - "", author V.Yu. Kholkin.

I have been touch typing with ten fingers for over 6 years and my average typing speed is 300 characters per minute (no pressure). And by concentrating, I achieve and best values(up to 400 clicks!). You can also master touch typing if you devote at least an hour a day to this business for 2-3 weeks. Yes, at first you will type very slowly, thinking before pressing each key. But then you will type much faster and more accurately than when you peeped at the keyboard.

It is especially important to master blind printing for those for whom a side job or main job. But any blogger should be able to touch type because:

  • a huge advantage of touch typing is a high typing speed (up to 500 keyboard strokes per minute);
  • those who look at the keyboard while typing are ruining cervical vertebra and tire your eyes, constantly looking from the monitor to the buttons;
  • Internet users who type blindly get tired much more slowly.

1. Rules for the blind printing method

If you decide to master the blind printing method, then immediately remember two main rules:

  1. While typing can't look at the keyboard!
  2. Each finger must press only "own" keys!

Never violate these principles. Even if some key turns out to be “difficult” for you, still don’t peep. So you just remember the wrong algorithm (peeped - clicked), which will be deposited in your head, and it will be extremely difficult to relearn! Let your mistakes be easy to fix. Over time, the accuracy of the set will only increase.

2. Position of hands on the keyboard

2.1 Dial rules

The position of the hands with the ten-finger touch typing method is the same for typing in any language. We will consider a special case - the Russian keyboard.

So, on any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in six rows. The top one is auxiliary, it is not used when printing blindly, so you can forget about it altogether.

The bottommost (zero) is a row with the spacebar, Alt, Ctrl, and others.

The fourth row is a series of numbers, it is used quite rarely. Most often, when typing numbers, they resort to the numeric keypad located to the right of the main one, and the second row is again not used. This can be explained by the fact that the fingers have to stretch far - this slows down the typing speed. Yes, and the number of typos is increasing. Still, it’s worth mastering the second row, but you don’t need to focus on it.

There are different methods of hand position, but the main one is clearly visible in the figure:

The main position of the fingers on the keyboard - the key row of the keyboard: FYVA(little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger - fingers of the left hand) and OLJ(index, middle, ring, little finger - fingers right hand). At the beginning of training, the fingers should lie on "their" keys, but over time they will no longer rest on the keys, but will begin to hang above them at a distance of several millimeters. This will happen on its own as a result of switching to more high level professionalism. There is no need to artificially accelerate this process, except for harm, it will not bring anything.

To control the position of the hands on the keys [A] and [O], there are small protrusions. Feeling them with the index fingers of the right and left hands, you can control the correct position of the hands on the support row.

2.2 Auxiliary keys

To begin with, it is worth mastering the keys , , , , , and [Space].

[ keybackspace], used to delete characters to the left of the cursor, is in the fourth row, the number row, and is always pressed little finger of the right hand.

[ keyEnter] also pressed little finger of the right hand. In very rare cases (with large hands), it is permissible to press this key with the ring finger.

Key [ tab] pressed little finger of the left hand.

[ keyShift] used to change to uppercase (set of capital letters). There are two such buttons on the keyboard: one on the left, the second on the right. They are used as follows:

  • if you need to type an uppercase character with your right hand, then you press the left [ Shift] left little finger. For example, the keys "O", "Yu", "G", "T", etc.
  • if you need to type an uppercase character with your left hand, then you press the right [ Shift] with the right little finger. For example, the keys "A", "B", "I", "M", etc.

[ keyCtrl] can be used when changing the language (for example, from Russian to English). There are also two such buttons - on the right and on the left. They are pressed right and left little fingers respectively.

[ keyAlt] practically not used for blind typing (the Ctrl + Shift keys are used to change the language). There are also two of them, which, if necessary, can be pressed thumbs.

[Space] key one of the most frequently clicked. She's dialed left or right thumb(as you prefer). If you're right-handed, you'll likely find it more comfortable to press the space bar with your right thumb.

2.3 Main keys

The correct position of the hands when typing blindly can be seen in the figure above. As you can see, the index fingers take the main load on themselves, as the most mobile fingers of the hand. It is they who have to press the most popular letters of the Russian language (“a”, “o”, “r”, “m”, “i”, “p” and others) - this is how the Russian-language keyboard works. The little finger of the right hand also has a hard time - such is the fate of Russians: there are more letters in our alphabet than in English.

Remember the location of the keyboard buttons in this order:

  • first, all “own” buttons are studied by the left index finger, after that - by the right one;
  • then the work of the middle finger of the left hand is worked out, after that - the right;
  • left ring finger, after it - right;
  • left little finger, after it - right.

3. Useful materials

You can learn how to type blindly yourself. To do this, simply open any book and start printing it. On the first pages, you will remember which finger presses which key. And a little later you will achieve automatism, the fingers themselves will begin to press the necessary buttons. But this method of teaching is very complex, it is not for everyone.

So I recommend two helpful resources to help you get started. They contain step-by-step exercises that make it easier to learn the ten-finger blind typing method. I ask you to pay special attention to the first source - the book of Kholkin Vladimir Yurievich Ten-finger blind typing on a computer . I studied it myself and am very grateful to the author for how simply and clearly the principle of touch typing is explained in the book.

3.1 The book of Kholkin V.Yu.

In general, the book is paid, it costs about 50 rubles. But I will give my readers and subscribers a link to download this material for free. Download a book Ten-finger blind typing on a computer can by this link. The .rar archive weighs 9.5 megabytes, it includes a scanned book in djvu format, a deja vu reader and a useful notepad that allows you to determine the printing speed. The book allows you to learn how to print in Russian and English blindly.

To open a book, you need to go to the djvureader_2_0_0_26 folder and run the DjVuReader.exe file

Once the reader starts, click File -> Open

And in the window that appears, you need to select Holkin's book, as in the screenshot below (the book is in the same place - in the downloaded archive):

If you do everything right, you can start learning touch typing.

3.2 Keyboard solo

If someone is uncomfortable using the book, then he can use the program Keyboard solo . The program is shareware, for access to full version it will have to be paid. You can download this simulator on this page . The program is considered one of the best programs, teaching touch typing, so I recommend downloading it and familiarizing yourself with it. Blind typing training is conducted in several languages ​​(in particular, in Russian).

But in general, both sources (book and simulator) are similar to each other.

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One of the most important tasks of a blogger, webmaster, and even more so a copywriter or rewriter is learn how to type fast on the keyboard. The high speed of typing can significantly reduce the working day of a person who spends most of his time typing. The sooner you learn to type quickly on the keyboard, the sooner you will realize the beauty of touch typing.

Training, as a rule, does not last long, however, in order to complete it, one must fully realize the need for fast printing and of course "gather all the willpower into a fist"! And, as it turns out, not everyone can do it. Therefore, if you are not ready to pull yourself together and spend a week or two on intense exercises, then it is generally better for you not to even start, as you will waste your time.

What can help us learn

To begin with, we recommend choosing the most convenient and effective program as an assistant. It can be the popular SOLO program (favorite by office workers), Stamina, TypingDr or VerseQ. Of course, there are other options, including online services, but we have listed the main ones. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a program, otherwise your desire to quickly type on the keyboard will fade away sooner than you will learn the basics of typing letters and numbers blindly. Speaking objectively, each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each of them must be downloaded, installed on your computer and try to work with it. But, as we have already said, not everyone has the patience to go through this path, and even more so to start it over 4 times in order to be able to evaluate each of the proposed programs - there certainly will not be enough strength here. Therefore, we decided to do otherwise, immediately choose the VerseQ product, although it will be somewhat subjective, but most of the people who tried this program liked it and even many of them learned how to quickly type on the keyboard, and for free!

We cannot recommend the famous “Solo”, since, in our personal opinion, it has already become obsolete, today there are already much more effective ways learn to type on a computer. The main drawback of this program relative to VerseQ, again in our opinion, is that it is mainly focused on office workers who literally have to learn the computer keyboard anyway. But for an ordinary user who just wants to quickly communicate in ICQ, Skype or the social network "VKontakte" (for example) - the program will be absolutely useless! The fact is that training should take place in an easy and relaxed way. It should not last for hours and not drag on for months, as happens with classes in Solo.

VerseQ, on the other hand, helps to memorize whole chords (letter combinations) rather than individual letters on the keyboard, which makes it possible to apply skills immediately after the first lessons. You won't have to go crazy with multiple taps of the same letters. In addition, the visual design of the program will help create a rather pleasant atmosphere when studying a set of letters with all fingers of both hands.

Principles of operation of the simulator for fast blind dialing

The essence of the VerseQ simulator is quite simple - a line of letters or alphabetic phrases (chords) appears on the screen in front of you, which you need to repeat from the keyboard. By pressing the first letter or key, the program will begin to keep statistics, fixing your typing speed, rhythm and the number of mistakes made.

After typing the entire line, you will be shown statistics (skill, pace, rhythm and number of errors). After studying it, you can continue to study further - print the next line. However, it will already be different, since it is generated automatically, but it takes into account your past mistakes, that is, if you make mistakes in certain letters or combinations, the system will put the letter row in such a way that you learn well and manage to correct your own mistakes. When the shortcomings in your printing are eliminated, the program will continue to complicate the learning levels for you in accordance with the language features.

Now let's move on to direct recommendations for high-speed typing on the keyboard.

What to do when you can’t learn how to type blindly on the keyboard?

Often, people trying to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard have a problem with the fact that they cannot learn anything from the training: they forget where to put their fingers, which keys are assigned to one or another finger, get tired quickly and generally cannot withstand the minimum load from learning . If you have similar symptoms and consider yourself a relatively healthy person, with a good memory and no serious problems in your life stressful situations, then in this case you need to urgently turn your attention to sleep. Since it is he who is responsible for the efficiency of the brain, and also (which is no less important) for the work nervous system.

Therefore, if you want to get a quick effect from classes, then first of all you must enter into a normal daily routine, namely, sleep for as long as your body requires. It is most correct to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, because after this time biological rhythms enter into completely different phrases, and a person's temperature drops by an average of 0.6 degrees, which the body needs for a deep phase of sleep. If you miss this moment - going to bed later, you thereby do not have time to enter this phase, which provides the brain and nervous system better quality rest, in connection with which your sleep will last longer, and you will sleep worse.

And if you think this is a joke, you are deeply mistaken! This advice can greatly not only help you learn to type faster on the keyboard, but also achieve success in other matters.

So, you yourself have already understood that there are no difficulties as such on the way to learning how to type quickly and blindly on the keyboard. It is enough to run the virtual simulator several times a day and type all the letters that the program shows us according to the rules. But we would like to add that in addition to this, you also need to remember to practice, because it’s not enough just to print those letter combinations that the program offers, we still need to print whole sentences - with punctuation marks, capital letters, paragraphs, etc. . Of course, we could advise you simply to reprint any article from a newspaper into a Word document, but we will not do this, because we ourselves know that this is as boring as working out day after day on any virtual simulator for fingers. Instead, we recommend that you do otherwise: start communicating intensively on your favorite forums, in ICQ, Skype, social networks etc. In other words, combine the useful with the pleasant. After all, communication, as a rule, is short messages that need to be written at an active pace. Thus, you will quickly develop the habit of writing faster, and, of course, correctly, otherwise you will not be understood.

At first, this practice will seem a little difficult for you, because writing quickly and according to the rules is difficult, but in the future you will be very grateful to this particular practice. We do not recommend practicing on documents or abstracts, where speed, the absence of errors and time are really important.

Another way to practice is to participate in various services such as klavogonki.ru. Here you can organize virtual, group competitions in the form of a speed typing of letters using the blind method. However, instead of a character, a racing car appears, which moves at the same speed with which you can type. That is, on the one hand, it is a game, and on the other hand, it is a quite effective online simulator that helps you learn how to type letters very quickly.

If you cannot get rid of the habit of looking at the keyboard, then take an opaque adhesive tape and seal all the keys on your keyboard, this situation will simply force you to remember all the rules and tips that you received from this article and on the virtual simulator.

So, after you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, your work (if it is related to texts) will largely move up, because now you will be able to perform much larger amounts of typing, and therefore get much more for them. more money! By the way, I advise freelancers and webmasters to read our articles on “How to learn how to rewrite” and “for SDL”.

Now I would like to ask the readers of the blog a question: Do you know how to type blindly and quickly? If yes, how did you learn it? Please share your "recipes" and tricks.

How to quickly learn touch typing with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and on-line keyboard simulators for teaching blind and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West this is one of the subjects in general education schools.

The main advantages of the blind typing method:

1. When typing with all fingers, the number of errors is reduced.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is unmistakably struck by the finger with which it is learned to hit it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and putting it into practice, people will save their health. They will not have to look dozens of times from the keyboard to the monitor and back, their eyes will not get tired, their vision will not deteriorate. Learners will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will perform more work.

5. Using the ten-finger blind method, anyone can achieve a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account the work team, where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balance sheets, reports, notes, documents are processed faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is not focused on the fact of typing, but only on how to express your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best possible way.

How to learn?

There are many resources, and the touch typing courses already mentioned, and online classes, and special programs. We will not stop at the courses, but we will consider programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the “student” studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to learn how to type certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to “stir up” the ring finger and, especially, the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the upper and lower rows are added. Learning can be accompanied by irritation due to the fact that the fingers are pressing the wrong keys, that there are many mistakes, etc. - it cannot be avoided. But you don’t need to be very upset either - this is a fairly serious skill, and in order to acquire it, you need to work hard, don’t expect an easy “victory”.

SOLO on the keyboard

The most famous program in Runet for mastering the blind ten-finger typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard simulator in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an advanced training course. In addition to simply typing certain letters in SOLO, the keyboard contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials to help you cope with the annoyance of mistakes, and help you not to stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. After passing all 100, you are guaranteed to be typing with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - verified. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises, you will need to repeat one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise, there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you relax a bit. There are also numerous letters from people who have already gone through SOLO, in which they describe the problems they faced and what was the most difficult for them. In them you will find something of your own, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you will be graded on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free typing trainer with a simple yet "fun" interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program's interface. Training is based on step-by-step execution of tasks with increasing complexity. For example, in the first task, you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L are added, and so on. Tasks are performed to pleasant music. Also, various events in the program are accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when the program closes, Arnold Schwarzenegger's phrase “I`ll be back” sounds. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, does not apply to learning, but you can play.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English layouts. It has an attractive, friendly interface. Class statistics are kept, which helps to navigate the learning process. Below, as usual, shows the layout of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard trainer. The authors of the program talk about the extraordinary effectiveness of their method of mastering the blind typing method. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of practice, you will be able to type blindly at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really different from the standard. Here you are immediately invited to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the proposed strings for dialing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic associated character sequences.

However, I think that this approach will be very difficult for beginners. Explanations on how to hold hands, which fingers to press, etc. are in the help of the program, and are described quite clearly, but it is not easy to switch from two-finger “poking” into the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this business until better times.

Speed ​​Printing School

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step-by-step study of the keyboard "muscle memory";
2. the game "falling letters" helps to distract from studying the keyboard and develop a reaction;
3. typing - skills development;
4. touch typing - imitation of work on a typewriter, enhances and consolidates the skill of touch typing;
5. sound dictation - just like in school, the voice dictates the story and you need to type without errors for speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I do not think that they are fundamentally different or better than those that we have considered. This is quite enough.

Keyboard online simulators

Here we look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering touch typing.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to ErgoSOLO LLC in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same as their SOLO on the keyboard program costs). The process and methodology of training does not differ from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the rating with other "online soloists", which, by the way, are already quite a few. Users who have paid for the course have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO program on the keyboard and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project that promises to rid us of the habit of poking two fingers on the "clave". At the beginning you will have to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available - Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing assignments.


The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type exactly. As fast as possible. When you successfully type, your typewriter (it's always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it or there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made. The results of each race are stored in your personal statistics. For each text passed, you are awarded a number of points, depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the "Time Speed ​​Keyboard Simulator" project is to enable the widest range of computer users to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger typing). We offer a series of touch typing training courses as well as typing speed development.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard trainer, but, unlike its offline counterpart, it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, participate in competitions, and share your progress with friends and acquaintances. You need the service if you want to quickly, easily and naturally learn touch typing. And if you're already a typing pro, then show off your skills to others!

More online keyboard trainers

http://urikor.net - the first typing championship in Cyrillic


To all of the above, you can add the following. Everyone who works at a computer, and especially if you have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate, because the keys for each hand are separated in it. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows not to bend the hand at the wrist when placing the hands in the initial position of FYVA-OLJ. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely get less tired, and this will increase the average typing speed and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that you should not hope for an easy "conquest" of the blind printing method. It's quite difficult, especially in the beginning. To pass, for example, SOLO on the keyboard completely, you will need to make a lot of effort and patience. In addition, you will need to allocate special time for this. However, you should not be afraid of this, everyone who wants to undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

Fast and error-free typing is an extremely useful skill, and it will be useful to a lot of people. And mom small child keeping an online diary during a child's daytime nap. And a part-time student who prefers modern technologies familiar to us pen and notebook. And for which the speed of order fulfillment plays an important role. And a beginner or "experienced" blogger. So, today we will talk with you about how to quickly type on the keyboard using the touch typing method.

What is the touch typing method? talking plain language, is a way to let you type on the keyboard without looking at it. Why is it important to learn touch typing? Remember the last time you typed some text, not necessarily a big one. If, in order to type the next sentence or even a word, you were forced to constantly look at the keyboard, the typing speed left much to be desired, your eyes quickly got tired from constant strain ... Do you remember how tired your eyes were in just thirty minutes of working at a computer? Here, and to prevent this from happening in the future, you, in fact, need to learn how to type blindly.

How to learn the ten-finger touch typing method

There are a great many methods of doing it blindly. The most common of these is perhaps the so-called ten-finger method. What is its essence?

Each finger on the hand has its own key:

  • for the little fingers it is "F" and "F",
  • for the ring fingers - "Y" and "D",
  • for medium - "B", "L",
  • for the index fingers - the keys "A" and "O",
  • thumbs should be on the "gap".

So, place your fingers on the keyboard, according to this diagram. Try typing a short word like "mom". Important: your hands must remain motionless, only your fingers move!

It helps a lot to make it easier this method drawn keyboard. Take landscape sheet and move the key layout there. Don't forget about the layout of your fingers. Attach the sheet close to the monitor. As soon as you have the desire to see if you are typing correctly, look not at the keyboard, but at a piece of paper. So you will master the method of touch typing even faster by forming a picture of the keyboard in your memory. A few weeks of intensive training, and the question of how to learn touch typing will never arise again!

How to learn touch typing using various simulators

Of course, in order to increase the speed of typing, it is not at all necessary to go through any simulator programs with lessons. You can do nothing at all - just type text. Over time, your speed will increase, and errors will become much less. But you, for sure, would like to speed things up?

For these purposes, training programs are used. They will be yours faithful helpers in the process of learning touch typing.

One of the most famous simulators is Shakhidzhanyan's Keyboard Solo. However, this program has already somewhat outlived its usefulness. A significant drawback is the organization of the learning process - it becomes boring after the first lesson.

If not the best, then at least one of the best is the VSE10 simulator. It has a nice and simple interface, suitable for both beginners and those who have already begun to learn touch typing. Among other things, "ALL10" is absolutely free program which makes it even more in demand.

A good simulator is "Stamina", the only drawback of which is the content of texts for training. For this reason, this program cannot be recommended for teaching touch typing to your child. However, this problem can also be fixed with a special patch, which can be found on the offsite of the program developers.