Open lesson "our helpers are the sense organs". Faithful helpers - sense organs

  • 30.09.2019

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3 named after. S. V. Isheeva, Yasnogorsk, Tula Region

Public lesson

around the world

"Our helpers are the sense organs"

Primary school teachers

Dorofeeva N.V.


The lesson of the world around

Grade 2 UMK " elementary School 21st century"

Program section:"Who are you?"

Lesson topic: "Our helpers are the sense organs."

Target: To give an idea of ​​the good functioning of the sense organs, as an indicator of human health. To identify the level of sensory development of students.

Tasks: educational - to form ideas about the human senses, their role in the perception of the world by a person;

Developing - to develop coherent speech and imagination of children, the ability to work in pairs, in a group. Develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize and compare, draw conclusions;

Educators - to bring up a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Teaching methods : observation, visual (illustrations, presentation), practical (experience), verbal (conversation, teacher's story, educational dialogue), game (didactic sensory games), group work, work in pairs.

Organization of educational space.



  • water in jars (sour, sweet, salty, bitter, tasteless),
  • granulated sugar, salt, mustard, onion, pepper, garlic, lemon, tomato
  • plastic boxes with various odorous substances.
  • Textbook for educational institutions "The World Around" 2 class ass - part one. Auth. N. F. Vinogradova - Ed. Ventana Graf-2014

Innovative equipment:

  • interactive board
  • Projector
  • A laptop

Forms of work:

  • frontal (F)
  • group (G)
  • individual (I)
  • in pairs

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.

Good afternoon!

Today we will continue to learn the mysteries of nature.

What mood will we take with us?

Then go ahead for knowledge.

2. Introductory conversation.

What season is it now? List the signs of autumn.

Do you want summer?

And let's conjure, close your eyes, start counting: one, two, three. Open your eyes. Imagine that you have quietly entered the forest.(Slide 1)

Stopped. We looked closely and saw a clearing with berries.(Slide 2) Ah, what a berry! Tell me which one? (Red, sweet, fragrant).

But near the river, they saw stones.(Slide 4) Tell us what they are? (Round, cold).

What helped you to give such answers? (Eyes, nose, hands, mouth).

3. Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What topic do you think we will be working on today? Together with the children, the topic of the lesson is formulated slide 5 “Our helpers are the sense organs” and goals.

So, what sense organs are we talking about?

How many?

What do we perceive the world– its beauty, smells, sounds? Give examples.

- Correctly! All the organs you have listed - eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue - are sense organs, we feel them, we feel everything around us, and therefore we call them our helpers. Let's get to know them better.

4. Statement of the educational problem

Teacher: Today our office will turn into a scientific laboratory, and you and I will turn into researchers. By the way, who are the researchers? (Children: Researcher - a person who contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge and extracts it himself)

What do you think will be the object of our research? Correct: eyes, nose, ears, skin, tongue.

5. Discovery of new knowledge by children

Students are divided into 5 groups, each of which conducts its own experience and prepares a short presentation about the senses. Before starting work, remember the rules of working in a group slide 6

Group work algorithm

1. What kind of experience did you have?

2. What conclusions did you come to?

3. What else did you learn about this sense organ?

5. Evaluate the work of the group

Group work.

Group 1-organ of taste - tongue

1.Experience . Purpose: to find out what and how the tongue feels

Group 1 determines the taste of water, sugar, lemon, pickles.

Target: Determine what tastes our tongue can distinguish.

(There are cups of water on the table. different taste(sweet, salty, sour, fresh, bitter). Children pour water from a jar into their glass and determine the taste of water).

The group determines the taste of different products.

Target. Establish how a person defines taste.

Children have different foods and spices on their tables: mustard, onion, pepper, garlic, lemon, tomato, salt, sugar.

Exercise. With your eyes closed, determine the taste of different foods.

After conducting the experiments, the children sum up and answer the question: With the help of what sense organ does a person determine taste?

Teacher: - The tongue is covered with a mucous membrane, on which special taste buds are located. Slide 7. When we take food into our mouth, it irritates the tongue and we taste the food. The tongue distinguishes between bitter, salty, sweet, sour food. We can also use it to determine the quality of food.

It must be remembered that a person cannot eat too hot food and be sure to wash his hands before sitting down at the table.

Group 2 - organ of touch - skin

1. Experience . Purpose: to find out what we feel with the help of the skin

2. Experience progress

The game "Guess what is in the basket" is being played. With their eyes closed, children take out objects: keys, paper, a wooden spoon, a fur toy, etc. Describe what item in terms of quality, size, determine the material, etc.

Group output:

With the help of the skin, we can determine whether an object is hard or soft, large or small, and also what material it is made of, whether it is cold or hot. slide 8.

Teacher: - And now I want to tell you one sad story, you think, why am I telling you it?

Once, during one holiday, they decided to make a living statue of the "Golden Boy" Slide 9 . For this, the boy was painted with gold paint from head to toe and placed on a pedestal. By the end of the holiday, the boy felt bad. The doctor ordered to wash off the paint from the boy's skin, but it did not wash off for a long time. The child got worse and soon died. Why? (children's answers, the boy's skin could not breathe, sweat through the paint).

slide 10. The skin also needs to be taken care of, taken care of and kept clean (children's comments on the content of the slide).

Group 3 - organ of smell - nose

Experience . Target: find out when the sense of smell occurs; what substances cause discomfort.

2.Progress of work

Before you are the cases in which they lie various substances. Can we by eye, without opening the case, determine which ones? What should we do? (sniff).

Define these substances.

Smell #1-garlic Smell #4-onion

Smell #2-coffee Smell #5-orange

Smell #3-Perfume Smell #6-Toothpaste

The conclusion of the group: with the help of the nose, we detect smells.

Teacher: When did you smell?

Children: When they took a breath.

Teacher. : That's right, the sense of smell occurs only when we take a breath. What smells did you like to smell? Which occupation requires a keen sense of smell? (Perfumers)

- Thanks to the olfactory organ, we smell flowers and delicious food. slide 11 . What we cannot see or hear, we can smell. And our nose helps us in this. The nose is very necessary for a person.

What rules must be observed in order to preserve the organ of smell? (Beware of colds, do not smoke, do not push foreign objects into the nose)

Unpleasant odors warn of danger. The smell of what can warn of danger? (The smell of gas, spoiled food, the smell of smoke). Pleasant smells bring joy: the smell of flowers, forests. Unpleasant ones warn of danger - gas leaks, spoiled food, etc. Thus the nose works as a watchman.

Let's take a break and get some air.

Breathing exercises. Fizkultminutka.

Put your hands behind your back

And easy - easy to breathe.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Breathe through the right nostril...

Breathe through the left nostril...

Inhale through the right nostril, hold your breath,

Exhale through the left nostril...alternating breathing)

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three nods of the head

Four arms wider

Five - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly at the desk.

Group 4-organ of hearing - ears

1.Experience. Purpose: to learn what we hear with our ears.

2 Experience progress

Children are invited to play the game "Whose voice?" (animal voices) and "Guess musical instrument”,“ Find out by the sound ”(children guess sounds by ear: a bell sounds, a bird sings, the wind rustles, thunder rumbles).

Conclusion: With the help of ears, we distinguish between human speech, animal voices, sounds, noises and rustles.

slide 12

Teacher - So that the ears do not hurt, and the hearing is good, you need to follow the rules. What do you think? (children's answers).

We discuss the rules of hearing protection (a screen with pictures: wear a hat in the cold, clean your ears, no loud sounds). slide 13.

5 group-organ of vision-eyes

1 experience. Purpose: to find out what we see with our eyes

2 Experience progress

Children are given geometric shapes. Task: Divide them into groups.

Teacher: - On what basis did you break the figures? (By shape, flowers, size)

What sense organ helped to complete this task?

Conclusion: Thanks to vision, we see the objects around us, their color, shape, size, we can read, watch TV. Through the eyes we perceive the beauty of the world around us.

Teacher :- Take a mirror and examine your eye. How did nature take care of its protection?

Children: - Eyebrows stop the sweat flowing from the forehead; eyelashes protect eyes from dust and damage.

The human eye is spherical in shape. What can be found in the eye by examining it? (This is the iris or iris. The color of our eyes depends on it.)

Teacher:-. How do you understand the proverb? "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times". (You can talk to a person for a long time about an object that he has never seen.)

Slide 14

Eyes were considered amulets and amulets, therefore they were depicted to protect a person from trouble. For example, the Greeks painted eyes on the bows of ships to protect them from shipwrecks, and the Egyptians painted eyes on the pyramids.

Teacher:-. Do you need to protect your eyesight? How to save your eyesight???

Vision must be protected, a lost eye cannot be replaced by anything. What safety rules do you know? The teacher completes the children's answers: You should watch TV at a distance of no closer than 2–3 m. When writing, the light should fall from the left.

Teacher:-. What professions need good eyesight?

Teacher:-. What is the importance of vision in human life?

The game "What is useful and what is harmful to the eyes."

The teacher names different situations. If it is good for the eyes, we get up; if it is harmful, we sit down.

There is a carrot;

We monitor the lighting when performing tasks;

We lean strongly when writing;

Three eyes with hands;

We watch TV no closer than 3 meters from the screen;

In order for the vision not to deteriorate, and the eyes not to get tired, it is necessary to doeye gymnastics.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

This set of exercises effectively trains the eye muscles and, thanks to this, allows you to slightly improve your vision.

  1. Horizontal eye movements: right-left.
  2. Movement of the eyeballs vertically up and down.
  3. Circular eye movements: clockwise and in the opposite direction.
  4. Intense squeezing and unclenching the eyes at a fast pace.
  5. Frequent blinking of the eyes.

6. Generalization. Primary fastening.

- So, we got acquainted with the 5 human senses. Why do we call the sense organs our helpers?

It is necessary to connect the sense organ with the object of the surrounding world, which it can perceive.

Slide 15 Check yourself.

Ears Organ of touch

Eyes Organ of smell

skin organ of vision

Tongue Organ of hearing

Nose organ of taste

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

7. Reflection. Summary of the lesson.

What difficulties did you experience while studying this topic?

What have you learned?

Students answer as follows: slide 16

I found out)…

It was difficult for me...

I learned…

If you think that the lesson was useful for you, and you learned a lot of new and interesting things, raise the blue circle. Well, if you don’t take away anything new for yourself from the lesson, raise the yellow circle.

8. Homework.Prepare a message: What is the meaning of the senses for a person?

Children, thanks for the lesson. I am very satisfied with you. You did a good job. slide 17.

Plot - didactic lesson on familiarization with the environment

"Our helpers are the sense organs"

in senior group compensatory orientation for children with severe speech disorders.

Target: development of children's cognitive activity in the process of research activities using personal sensations.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify the idea of ​​the basic functions of the human senses;

Clarify what significance the sense organs have for a person when he perceives the world around him;

Show that they can help each other to some extent and even sometimes replace each other;

Continue the formation of interest in knowing your body;


Develop the ability to speak in full answers, express personal opinion and put forward a hypothesis, draw conclusions and compare with the results obtained;

Develop personal tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations.

Activate thinking, imagination; develop curiosity, initiative, independence, the ability to make their own decisions in the process of experimental activities.

Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to work in pairs and subgroups, interact with peers;

To educate children's respect for the senses, their culture

Cultivate the ability to be healthy, take care of your health.

Methods and techniques:

    Visual (show, demonstration);

    verbal (conversation, question-answer);

    Gaming (didactic games);

    Practical (exercises, experiments).

    Health-saving technologies: breathing exercises, dynamic pause, eye exercises.

Preliminary work: reading fiction In Dragunsky “What I love and what I don’t like”, I. Semenova “Neboleika”, S.A. Kozlova “Me and my body”, reviewing the “Children's Encyclopedia”, the educational manual “Human Organs and Systems”, joint activities with parents on creating a collage of safety rules for the senses.

Materials and equipment of the "Scientific Laboratory"

scarves for blindfolding (for each child);

containers with small items;

a screen with materials for experimentation (paper, 2 cups (one of them with water), a teaspoon, a bell, a piece of easily torn fabric;

small pieces of food (sweets, cookies, bread, sugar, carrots, apples, pickles) according to the number of children;

stripes polyethylene film, tied in a knot, each of which contains smelling objects: garlic, onions, a piece of smoked fish, zest of any citrus, dill or dill seeds, dry tea leaves, cotton wool moistened with perfume;

strong-smelling flowers (marigolds).

GCD progress:

1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's play scientists today. As if we are working at the Institute of Health.

Why do you think our institute has such a name?

You are right, it studies human health. What does our health depend on?

And health depends on how the various organs of our body work.

We're going to the lab.

2. Guessing riddles about the senses:

Guys, since we are scientists, it means that we know a lot about our body. Let's remember, and help on riddles.

See dad, see mom
See the sky and forests

Help us ... eyes

Why do we need eyes? (eyes are our organ of vision, they are the most amazing, mysterious and perfect organs in our body).

What do we learn with your eyes? ( thanks to the eyes we see what is happening around us, we distinguish colors, shapes, sizes of objects, their location).

Two brothers live on the same head.
Everyone hears, but they don't see each other
What are our ears for? (the ear is the organ of hearing, the second most important sense organ in humans).

What do we hear with our ears? (we hear the speech of other people, the sounds of nature, music, the sounds of transport).

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

Air roams in these burrows:

It comes in, it goes out. (nose)

What is the nose for? ( the nose is the organ of smell, the guardian of the air gates of our body).

What do we feel with our nose?

Take one flower (marigold), bring it to your nose, inhale. What do you feel? Now hold your breath for a moment. What's happening? You no longer smell, although the flower is under your nose. We smell only when we inhale through the nose.

What are the smells?

Can we smell delicious food?

Is it bad when the nose is stuffed up during an illness? Why?

Always in your mouth
And you won't swallow
. What is it?

Why does a person need a language? (tongue is the organ of taste in humans, determines the taste of food, helps to speak)

3. Didactic game"Determine the taste"

The surface of the tongue has areas, each of which perceives a certain taste. What are these tastes you will tell me yourself after we play a game with you.

(they close their eyes in turn, give each other a taste of foods that have a pronounced taste - lemon, cucumber, salt. Cracker, candy).

Soft and hard, sharp, blunt,
Hot, cold, wet, dry:
It's hard to figure this out.
Our ... .. skin will help us

Is skin important to us? (the skin is an organ of touch, with the skin a person feels the roughness or smoothness of the surface that he touches, with the skin we feel heat and cold, wind and heat, the skin can help us decide what is good for us and what is bad, the skin is another guardian of our organism).

You all know about the sense organs, you are real scientists.

Here we are in the science lab.

4. Science lab

Experiment 1 - Why do we need two eyes and two ears?

Guys, have you ever wondered why we
two eyes and two ears?

Let's cover one ear with our hand (hit the spoon lightly on the table). Did you hear anything? Now close one eye with your hand. Can you see anything?

Then why should we two ear and two eyes? After all, you just made sure that everything is well heard with one ear and clearly seen with one eye.

Let's close one eye again. Now open this eye and close the other. Is it visible again? Guess why we need two eyes? (to help each other)

So you think that two eyes help each other and two ears do the same.

Experiment 2 - Instead of eyes, ears and hands can work?

And if for some reason one organ cannot work, can other organs replace it? For example, it’s completely dark, you can’t see anything. Can any other organ replace the eyes?

This is what we will now check. Let's divide into subgroups, so it will be more convenient for us to conduct an experiment. (for 3 subgroups)

Cover your eyes with scarves. Try not to let a single ray of light penetrate under the scarf. Guys, help those who find it difficult to blindfold themselves.

I will put a box in front of you, and what you have to determine in it yourself. determine them by touch).

Untie your eyes and see if you have identified the objects correctly? (analyze the situation, how you can determine the object without the help of the eyes)

Understood nothing. You said that no organ can replace the eye, but you yourself correctly named objects, even though you did not see them. How so? Maybe some organ worked instead of the eyes? (fingers, hands, skin)

So fingers can sometimes work instead of eyes?

And so that our eyes never get tired, let's do gymnastics for the eyes: "Squirrel"

The woodpecker squirrel was waiting (Sharply move your eyes to the right - to the left)

The guest was treated deliciously:

Come on dude, look (Move your eyes up and down)

Here are the nuts: one, two, three!

Woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel (Blink eyes)

And went to play burners. (Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index fingers)
Experiment 3 - Can ears work instead of eyes?

Let's choose the head of the laboratory. Now let's set up another experiment. The manager goes behind the screen. Our task guys is to find out what he is doing? (successively: paper is wrinkled, water is poured from one cup to another, “tea” is stirred with a spoon, a bell rings, a piece of fabric is torn) (children identify and name actions)

I again did not understand anything. You didn't see what he did. Who replaced your eyes?

So that our ears always help us well, we will do ear massage:

We really need ears (stroke)

And they are important to everyone.

The bunny has ears (knead with fingers, moving from bottom to top)

with Raika's friend

At the puppy Keshka (pull up with fingers)

At the kitten Steshka

To hear everything and know (strongly squeeze the earlobe with the index and

ears must be guarded with the thumbs)

Do not shout very loudly (we gently pull the ear forward, slightly bending)

Protect from frost

Experiment 4 - Can the nose be replaced by a mouth?

Let's show how we breathe. What if you have a runny nose and can't breathe through your nose? Let's conduct an experiment: hold your nose with your hand and breathe. Who replaced the nose? Do you think mouth breathing is good for you?

Experiment 5 - Tongue and nose replace each other?

For the next experiment, we need to split into pairs. In a couple, one child blindfolds the other. A child who is not blindfolded puts a bag of a strong-smelling substance in the hand of a friend.

Determine without the help of the eyes what it is. (children should figure out how to determine what it is)

What organ worked instead of the eyes? (language.)

Swap with a friend, blindfold the other guys in a pair.

The guys will give you something edible, but now identify this "something" without the help of the tongue: do not take it into your mouth. Untie the knot.

Untie your eyes. Check if you named the items correctly? Did it work for you?

What organ has replaced both your eyes and tongue? (nose.)

In order for your noses to breathe well, I propose to perform breathing exercises:

One, two, three, four, five!

We can also rest

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy - easy to breathe.

Guys, our sense organs are great workers, they do not stop their work for a minute, and we must take good care of them. Who will tell what he learned with his parents, about what is harmful and what is useful for them.

5. Individual stories children using collages created together with parents.

6. Final part

Guys, what did you learn in our laboratory today? What was the most interesting for you? What else do you want to know about the senses?

I really liked the collages that you created with your parents.

You and I know that scientists describe all their experiences and experiments in books. Let's create a book of our discoveries. And it will include everything that we learned today in our laboratory, and what you learned with your parents about safety rules for each of the senses.

Summary of classes for older children preschool age

"Our helpers are the sense organs"

Target : to form in children the ability to consciously relate to the observance of cultural and hygienic requirements; form an idea of ​​the rolesense organsin the perception of the environment.

Tasks : To acquaint children with the sense organs and their significance for a person. Learn to draw simple conclusions.

Develop tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations. Develop the ability to conduct simple experiments and experiments; develop friendly relationships in everyday life.

Cultivate respect for your health.

Equipment : illustration of a person, felt-tip pens, scheme« sense organs » , blindfold, bell, paper, glass of water, empty glass; 3 identical boxes with holes in whichare : orange peel, garlic clove, cotton wool moistened with perfume; 4 transparent glasses with different waterflavors : sweet, salty, sour and simple; "magic box", in which there is a piece of cotton wool, a pebble, a rubber ball, a ball of woolen threads, etc.

preliminary work :

Conversations from the series"Get to know your body" , educational situation"Why does a person need a nose" , a game"Draw a picture" , reading a poem by V. O. Sviridov"What are the eyes for?" , guessing riddles on this topic.

Methods and techniques :

Visual(show, demonstration)

verbal(artistic word, conversation)

Gaming(didactic game, surprise moment)

Practical(entertaining exercises, gymnastics, experiments) .

Lesson progress

Circle of joy "Hello, day!"

- I invite you all to our “circle of joy”. Let's all stand together in a circle, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. And now let's join hands and start our lesson with a wonderful song called "Hello" (words by V. Kostrov, music by L. Quint).Hello day, hello friend

Hello, generous circle of songs,

Hello world, hello century,

Hello, kind person!

When people say hello, what do they wish each other? (Health, hello)

Guys, what is the most important thing for a person?(Health)

Guys, a package from a cheerful artist was sent to our kindergarten today.

(shows pictures of people)

caregiver(AT) : Guys, look carefully at these pictures? What's wrong with them? What did the artist forget to draw?

Children : The artist did not draw the boy's eyes, the girl's mouth, the woman's nose and palms.

Educator: That's right, the artist wants to see how attentive, smart you are, what you know about the human structure.

caregiver : And what can you call all theseorgans in a nutshell? And why are they called that?

Children : All theseorgans are called sense organs. So they were called because all theseorgans help us to feel.

AT : Let's help them get backsense organs? Do you agree?

In order to get to know theseauthoritieswe will go to the training laboratory. Do you want to become scientists? And who are scientists? If you cope with all the tasks, you will be in for a surprise!

Let's become scientists! Wear robes!

They sit on chairs near the first laboratory.

AT : Guys, what do you think, which ofsense organs are the most important?

Children express their assumptions, including the mainorgan of the eye.

AT : Yes, that's right, scientists believe that we receive most of the information about the objects around us through vision, that is, with the help oforgan of vision - eye.

Here we are in the first laboratory.

Guess the riddle :

Two windows at night
Close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open themselves.

What is the scientific name?( organ of vision )

Experience #1 : Now let's check how your eyes can work together. Close your eyes.(showing doll)

What have I done? (don't know)

And nowopen your eyes. That's what I did(showing doll)

Your eyes were closed and you could not know what was happening around.

Conclusion : Eyes can see.

What is the name of the figure?(Circle, square)

Conclusion : The eyes are able to determine the shape. What color is the circle? Square?

Conclusion : Eyes can detect color.

Tell me, which figure is larger, smaller, which one is farther from you? Closer?

Conclusion : The eyes can determine the distance from the subject.

- which is bigger : apple or orange?

Conclusion : The eyes can tell the size.

Summarize : the eyes can determine the color, shape of an object, distance, size.

And what should be done so that our eyes never get tired and always remain healthy?(Answers children )

How should you take care of your eyes?

rules :

    Keep away from objects, dirt.

    Do not rub with dirty hands.

    Sit properly at the table.

    Long and close not to watch TV.

    Do not play for a long time on a computer, tablet

Gymnastics for the eyes.

The head does not turn, only the eyes move

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left

And we'll go around in circles.

Fast - fast blinking

And rub a little !

The teacher offers one ofchildren draw"man" eyes.

AT : That's right, the eyes play a big role in our lives.

Q: And with the help of what other senses can we learn about the objects around us?

Now we will find out for you.

Experience No. 2 . The teacher ties one ofchildreneyes and offers to guess what kind of sounds the child will hear. Another child produces the followingactions : crumples paper, pours water, rings a bell.

Conclusion : Our ears can hear and distinguish sounds.

AT : With whichbody we were able to recognize, What are these sounds? Do we need eyes for this?

Children : We learned these sounds with the help oforgan of hearing - ears. And the eyes did not help us to recognize it.

AT : Do you think ears are importantorgan? It means that not only the eyes are important for a person. Let's remember how to take care of your ears.(Answers children ) .

Ears-girlfriends want to hear everything.

Ears-girlfriends ask the guys:

My us more often, make friends with water.

Don't be lazy to wash your girlfriend's ears!

rules : wear a hat in cold weather, nasal hygiene, do not insert objects into the ear, wash the ears.

Ear massage

To keep your ears from hurting

Let's break them down first (Fingers gently knead the auricle)

We all bend, let go

And we repeat everything again (Fingers bend the ear and release it)

We lead by the ear with a finger (Run your index finger along the edge of the ear)

And press them with the palm of your hand ,

Strongly, strongly rub . (Palms vigorously rub ears)

The teacher offers to finish the person's ears.

After that, the children sit on chairs in the next laboratory.

AT : let's call another onesense organ? Nose. What is the scientific name?( olfactory organ) . Sense of smell is a human abilitysmell.

How does the sense of smell help us in life?(with its help smells are distinguished)


T. Kersten

Dad asked me a question: - Why do we need nose ?
I found different answers -

Not one, but ten at once!
Need a nose for beauty
To sneeze when you have a cold
To breathe spring flowers
To bury my mother in the shoulder.
Nose - to snore at night.
Nose - Wipe Ilyushka.
And he's got glasses on.
Scarves live for him,
Freckles on the nose
And the flies are visiting in their own way.
I answered the question
And he turned up his nose in happiness.

What are the smells?(strong, weak, pleasant, sharp)

Can the smell warn of danger?(spoiled food, in case of fire, burnt food on the stove) . A product or object can be recognized by smell without seeing it.

Experience No. 3 : "Identification of objects and products by smell". Children sit around the table.

Let's do an experiment. You need to identify the object by smell.

(A blindfolded child identifies by smell an orange, onion, garlic, lemon, chocolate, perfume). Then we check -open the boxes.

Conclusion : OrganThe sense of smell helps us distinguish smells.

AT : What isbody was right: eyes or nose?

rules : do not put small objects in the nose, beware of colds.

Let's check how the nose breathes.(In turn, close the nostril and breathe) . And someone's nose is not breathing well - so you need to do a nose massage. Let's rub near the nose and click on the dots.

After this experience, the nose is drawn in the figure.

AT : Guessriddle :

Always in your mouth

And you won't swallow it.(Language)

What is the scientific name?( organ of taste )

We taste food with our tongue. What is the taste like?(bitter, sweet, sour, salty)

Experience number 4. There are 4 identical glasses of clear water on the table.

AT : What do our eyes see?(4 glasses of water) .Whatfeels the nose? (nose not feels no smell ) . To prove that the glasses have different tastes of water, we will use ....(language) .

Guys, what should be done?

4 children are called in turn to determine the taste of water in glasses

Conclusion : organtaste is needed to determine the taste of food.

The teacher offers to finish the mouth(language) .

Fizminutka . We kick top-top, we clap-clap with our hands,
And then jump-jump. And one more time.
And then squatting
and then squatting
And then squatting, and again - in order.
We will run along the path one, two, three!
And clap your hands one, two, three!
And turn our heads one, two, three!
Everyone dance with us one, two, three!

The teacher reads a poem

What a miracle - miracles! One hand and two hand

Here left hand , Here palm right ,

And I'll tell you, not melting, Everyone needs hands, friends !

Guys, what do we need hands for?

Let's checksensitivityyour fingers with different objects.

Experience number 6. "Magic Box" .

We can touch what is in the box and try to determine what it is.

Running an experiment : Children put their hand into the box and determine which object feels to the touch(hard, soft, smooth, rough) .

After the experience, the children draw to the person« palms » .

AT : The skin protects ourorganism, so it needs to be protected. What do you think is bad for the skin?(Scratches, bruises, burns, frostbite.) What is useful?(Water, soap, washcloth, cream. rules : Keep your hands clean.) .

AT : Now let's try again to answer thequestion : Whichorgan is more important?

Children : Allorgans are important. They complement each other, help each other work. We must protect them and take care of them.

surprise moment : The Artist appears.

He examines the drawings on which the children completed the sense organs, praises the children for their knowledge, for the fact that they did an excellent job with his task, and for this the artist gives

You coped with all the tasks and for this the artist gives the childrenfruit bowl .

And now we smile

Let's hold hands tightly.

And goodbye

Let's all say goodbye.

MAOU Lyceum №34, Tyumen

Kakoulina Olga Anatolievnaprimary school teacher.

Lesson of the world around in grade 1 on the topic: “How do we know the world. Our helpers are the sense organs.”


- to show the role and specificity of different sense organs;

- show the connection between your sensations and those sense organs that provide them;

- instill a caring attitude towards your body;

- to learn to compare the signs of objects and the sense organs with which they are recognized.

Planned results: to teach children to distinguish, characterize the senses, to experiment, to reason, to draw conclusions, to promote the development of interest in knowing oneself.

Personal UUD: to form educational and cognitive interest in a new academic subject, the ability for self-esteem.

Regulatory UUD: independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of the action.

Cognitive UUD: to carry out the analysis of objects with allocation of essential signs, to carry out comparison, grouping, generalization.

Communicative UUD: form your own opinion, come to a common decision in joint activities (when working in a group)

Equipment: Presentation "Sense Organs"; recording the sounds of nature; ball; perfume; 2 glasses of water - simple, sweet; a bag, a mitten, a ball, an apple, an orange, a ball, an image of a man without a face, separate images of eyes, ears, a nose, a mouth, a hand (for the lesson plan), as well as images of parts of the face for a man, the inscription "sense organs", cards with assignments for work in pairs, a projector.

During the classes

Org. moment

Guys, today guests came to our lesson. Say hello to them. Sit down.

Look at each other, smile and share your good mood.

Ι. Knowledge update

Today we have an unusual lesson in the world around us. We will be explorers.

Who are researchers? (People who receive through research discover new knowledge) There is a poster on the board with the image of a person, but without a face (slide number 1)

But first I would like to introduce you to a strange little man.

(Children, together with the teacher, consider a drawing of a man without a face)

What is strange about it?

(This little man has no face. He has no ears, eyes, mouth, nose,)

ΙΙ. Statement of the educational problem.

He thinks he doesn't need them. Why extra worries: wash your face every morning, clean your ears?

Do you agree with him?

Why do we need them? (If it wasn't eye we wouldn't be able to see. A person could have been hit by a car. We wouldn't come to school nose(If we didn't have a nose, we would die because we couldn't breathe)- mouth(We need a mouth for food, so as not to die of hunger) - ears(A person needs ears, otherwise he would not hear anything)

But in order to prove all this to a person, we have to conduct a real study.

So who will be the subject of our study? (human)

That's right, the subject of our today's study will be a person, or rather, his body (you probably already heard this word). Eyes, mouth, nose, ears - these are all parts of the body - its organs.

(The word appears on the board "Sense organs»

Slide #3- Read the topic of our lesson. (Our helpers are the senses.)

Why are the sense organs called helpers? So, what do we need to prove to a person? (We need to prove to him that without our assistants - the sense organs, we will not be able to fully exist.)

What will be the purpose of our lesson?

Get to know ...... (sense organs)

Discover…. (what are they needed for)

Let's start researching.

ΙΙΙ.. "Discovery" of new knowledge by children

1. Study of the organ of hearing. Let's start researching.

(Turn on sounds of nature. Children listen ( Slide №5,6)

– What did you hear? (The noise of trees, the murmur of water ...)

What organ helped you hear sounds? (Ears)

- Guys, help me choose a scientific definition. The ears are an organ of what? (hearing )

- Hearing is a great value for a person. And we need ears. Let's get them back man.

Write on the board: sense organs

ears - the organ of hearing

Take care of your ears 1. You should regularly wash your ears with soap and clean with a tightly rolled cotton swab.

2. Never pick your ears with matches, pins and other sharp objects. So you can damage the eardrum and completely lose your hearing.

3. Strong noise, harsh sounds, loud music spoil the hearing, have a bad effect on the whole body. Rest more often in the forest, in the meadow, by the river, in the midst of silence.

4. If you feel pain in your ear or a mote (bead, insect) gets there, consult a doctor!


(massage of the auricles - activation of brain activity)

2. Study of the organ of vision.

- Guess the riddle: “Two brothers live across the road, but they don’t see each other.” (eyes)

a) - Guys, close your eyes. With your eyes closed, tell me what object appeared in my hands? (ball is placed on the table) Open your eyes. Why couldn't you answer my question?

So, thanks to the eyes, we can see and distinguish objects.

We continue our research.

What can we say about the ball? What is he? (color, shape, size, roll)

Thanks to the eyes, we can determine the signs of objects.

What else can we see, observe with our eyes?

Thanks to vision, we see the objects around us, their color, shape, size, we can read, watch TV. Through the eyes we perceive the beauty of the world around us.

After the study, we need to find a scientific definition.

Eyes are an integral part of the body - i.e. organ. Maybe you guessed the organ of what?

The eyes are the organ of vision. With their help, we get the most information about the world around us. No wonder they say: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Vision must be protected, a lost eye cannot be replaced by anything.

sense organs

ears - the organ of hearing

eyes are the organ of vision.

We have proven that we really need eyes. Let's return the eyes to the little man.

- Now our little man can see. (Eyes appear on the little man's face)

An ophthalmologist will tell us about the rules for protecting eyesight ...? (student performance) Slide number 7

I am adding to the answers of the children:

- Watch TV at a distance of at least 2-3 meters,

-While writing, the light should fall from the left.

Eye charger Slide number 8-12

1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds.

Open your eyes and blink for 3-5 seconds (do 6-8 times).

2. Without moving your head, look up, down, right, left.

3. Place the tip of your index finger on the tip of your nose. Look at him. Now slowly extend your hand in front of you, without taking your eyes off the tip of your fingers. Slowly return your hand to its original position.

3. Research of the olfactory organ.

- Close your nose. Breathe through your mouth. Do you smell? spraying air freshener

(When the nose is closed, we cannot tell what it smells like.)

“Now breathe in and smell it.” What do you feel?

When did you smell? (When taking a breath).

- That's right, the sense of smell arises only when we breathe in through the nose.

Which organ helps us smell? (We smell through our nose)

And the ability of a person to distinguish smells is called the sense of smell. The nose is an organ of .... (smell).

What smells can we smell through the sense of smell? (We smell flowers, delicious food. A person can feel and remember thousands of different smells. The smell of burning can warn of danger, of a fire. What we do not see or hear, we can distinguish by smell).

Now our little man can smell (the little man has a nose) .

sense organs

ears - the organ of hearing

The eyes are the organ of sight The nose is the organ of smell

Breathing exercises. Fizkultminutka.

4. Study of the organ of taste.

There are glasses on the table in front of you. They are filled with salty and sweet water. Can you use the organs of sight or hearing, smell to determine what kind of water is in each glass?

– What needs to be done for this?

So, we need another study - on the taste. Try it. What do you feel? (Children determine by taste: in which glass is sweet water, salty, plain)

What organ helped you taste the liquid? (language)

– What conclusion can be drawn? (With the help of the tongue, a person determines the taste)

Language- it is an integral part of the body - i.e. organ. Maybe you guessed the organ of what?

Give a scientific definition to this organ. (The tongue is the organ of taste.)

The tongue, the organ of taste, helps us distinguish bitter from sweet, sour from salty, tasty from tasteless, and this is done by small papillae located on the surface of the tongue.

The organ of taste helps us to get acquainted with the property of an object, when the organs of sight, smell, and hearing cannot help us. The tongue lives in our mouth.

We have proved that we really need language. Let's return the language to the little man. Let's attach the mouth to our little man.

sense organs:

ears - the organ of hearing

eyes are the organ of vision

nose - organ of smell

tongue is the organ of taste

We have one more study to do.

5. Study of the organ of touch

Game "Find out what's in the bag"

Students are asked to identify the item in the basket by touch. All items are matched by size (rubber ball, tomato, ball, orange, apple, etc.).

Try to identify the object in the bag by touch. (Students put on a mitten and try to identify the object) (rubber ball, ball, orange, apple) Are all objects the same to the touch? - What do you feel? Can you identify the subject? (Children describe the object, say that it has the shape of a ball, but they cannot name it exactly).

“Now take off your mitten and try to identify the object. (Children guess the item and take it out of the basket)

- Guys, how did you manage to guess the objects? With the help of what? (With the help of hands)

- But at first you used your hand, however, in a mitten, and could not guess the object. (With the help of the skin, there is skin on the hand.)

So the skin is also our helper?

What do we feel with it?

On the skin of our body there are many sensitive cells that perceive the action of heat, cold, the shape, size of the object. The skin is the organ of touch. Skin is very big organ. It covers our entire body.

sense organs:

ears - the organ of hearing

eyes are the organ of vision

nose - organ of smell

tongue is the organ of taste

skin is the organ of touch

Fizminutka. The game "Helpful - Harmful".

If it is useful, you need to get up, and if it is harmful, you need to sit down.

2. Do gymnastics for the eyes (useful).

3. Watch TV close (harmful).

5. Picking in the ears (harmful).

6. Protect your ears from loud noise (useful).

7. Daily clean your nose in the morning when you wash your face (useful).

8. Protect the skin from burns, cuts, bruises (useful).

“That is the end of our research. It was a pleasure to work with smart, observant researchers.

Remember what goal we set at the beginning of the lesson?

What did you explore in today's lesson?

What sense organs do you know?

How many sense organs does a person have?

Can we call the sense organs our assistants?

The sense organs are our helpers. (They help to find out what is happening in the world around us, show us different signs and properties.)

And now let's compare our conclusion with the conclusion in the textbook.

ΙV. Application of new knowledge

1. Work according to the textbook.

Let's look at the illustrations in the textbook on p. 55.

1) Top drawing. Completion of textbook questions.

2) Who do we see in the second picture?

- What are they doing?

- Tell us what their senses “tell” Misha and Lena. (in pairs)

2. Work in groups.

Group rules

1. We work quietly, together.

2. We speak in turn, without interrupting each other.

3. We clearly express our opinion, we respect the opinion of the interlocutor.

Exercise: Connect the pictures of objects and the sense organs with an arrow that will help to recognize them.

3. Work in notebooks 22. Tasks 1-2.

The task will be completed by each individual.

- Who guessed what needs to be done in task 1.

Now swap notebooks and check each other's work. Pair check. The teacher gives the correct answer

V. Lesson summary: Continue saying:

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I was surprised...


And finally, I want to say:

There are five assistants in your service.

Without noticing them, you always use:

Eyes are given to you to see

And ears serve to hear

Tongue in the mouth to understand the taste

Hands to caress, to work,

And the nose - to distinguish the smell.

And your anxiety is useless

They will always help you.

Connect pictures of objects and sense organs with an arrow that will help to recognize them.

Lesson summary

"Our helpers are the sense organs"

Target : Consolidation of children's knowledge about the sense organs, their role in a person's perception of the world around him.

Tasks :

Educational :

Consolidate children's knowledge about the brain, about the senses(hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch) .

Clarify how important the sense organs are for a person when he perceives the world around him.

Educational : develop tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations.

Educational : to educate the careful attitude of children to the senses, the culture of their protection.

Methods and techniques :

Visual(show, demonstration) ;

verbal(conversation, question-answer) ;

Gaming(didactic games, surprise moment);

Practical(exercises, experiments) .

Pedagogical technologies : personality-oriented, research, game.

Health-saving technologies : dynamic pause, change of activities.

Means of education:

Demonstration material, ICT, experiment kits.


Guys, a package from a cheerful artist was sent to our school today. Let's unpack and take a look. (There is a letter in the coloring package).


Dear guys, I am a cheerful artist. I am sending you these drawings and I think that a person does not need eyes, mouth, nose, ears, because there are so many problems with them. The main thing in a person is the head, because in the head there is a brain that is responsible for everything. Guys please help me figure this out.

(Shows drawings of people) - Guys, look carefully at these drawings? What's wrong with them? What did the artist forget to draw?

The artist did not draw the eyes, mouth, nose, ears. The artist wants to see how attentive, smart you are, what you know about the structure of a person, today we will check all this for the lesson, and at the end of the lesson we should have all the missing organs in these drawings. Now I will distribute these drawings to you and throughout the lesson we will finish them.

Do you want to gain new knowledge about your organs and your body?(Yes) .Then let's start working and the topic of our unusual lesson is "Our helpers are the sense organs."

Today you will explore and through various practical experiences, survey, individual work and various games, you will learn which organs are sense organs, why a person needs them and how to take care of them.We need to prove to the artist that without our assistants - the sense organs, we will not be able to fully exist and feel the world around us.

At the end of the lesson, we will summarize, and you will evaluate yourself as you see fit, according to your work for the lesson. To do this, you have little men on your desks, and a ladder of success is drawn on the board, and you attach your little men to the appropriate step.

Tell me whosuch a commander of our body?(children's answers)

Yes, that's right, it's the brain, look at Slide #1.

Why do we call the brain a commander?

And you know, children, our brain has a secret, if you want, I'll give it to ?

Yes, indeed, the brain controls the entire body and it contains a lot of different information. Our brain has a memory to remember sounds, smells, colors, objects, and what organs help it in this?

What do you think, whatorgans help brain to remember it all(Eyes, ears, nose, fingers.)

That's right, these are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands. They arehelp us to know the world around us and feel everything around, and therefore we call themour assistants sense organs.

As you already understood, to explore today you will wake up the senses.

1. In order for you to understand which first sense organ you will study, guess the riddle: “Two brothers live across the road, but do not see each other.” (eyes)

Let's conduct the first study with you: close your eyes, what object have I just taken out? You don't know why? That's right, because you can't see. Open your eyes and see what I have in my hands. Describe this item. It turns out that with the help of the eyes you can see what is happening around you, what objects are in front of you, you can describe the color, size, shape, material.

Now close your eyes again and try to find a pencil on your desks. Tell me was it easy? Vision also helps to navigate in space.

After these studies, who will tell me why we need eyes?

Yes, the eye is the organ of vision.

Look at SLIDE number 2 this is the structure of the eye. How many of you know anything about the structure of the eye? Tell me, what do you think why we need eyebrows and eyelashes? Why is the eye sometimes called the eyeball?

Vision must be protected, a lost eye cannot be replaced by anything. Who knows how to take care of your eyesight?

Now we will play a game of attention: if it is dangerous for our eyes, you close your eyes with your hands, and if it is useful and necessary, then show like this (thumbs up).

    piercing and cutting objects;

    Rubbing eyes with dirty hands;

    There are vegetables;

    Play for a long time in the computer;

    Protect your eyes from the sun;

    Watch TV closely;

    Wash your face with soap;

    To walk outside;

No wonder they say: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We have proven that we need eyes to see. Let's draw our people's eyes.

Repetition: the eyes are the organ of vision

2. Can you guess what the next study will be devoted to if you carefully listen to the poem?

At the watch dog

To better hear the thief.

Cat - to hear the mouse

And a boy on the street.

Hare - ears on top

Know about the wolf at the edge.

Earflaps - warm in winter

Us when we run home.

Well, big brother on the ears

He hangs noodles for Katyusha.

Bird S.

Yes, well done, you guessed it right, these are the ears. Do you think that without seeing, but only listening with your ears, you can guess what is happening around?

Let's do another experiment: now you will listen to various sounds, you should listen carefully and remember what you heard, and then you will tell what you learned.

Let's start:

    the first audio recording of the sounds of nature.

    second recording of musical instruments.

Tell us what you heard and understood.

What organ helped you hear sounds? (Ears)

Guys, help me find a scientific definition. The ears are an organ of what? (hearing)

Let's look at SLIDE number 3 how our ears look outside and inside. Who knows why they say the auricle? It determines where, i.e. from which direction the sound or sounds are coming from.

The eardrum is located in the ear canal, if you clean your ears carelessly and deeply with a cotton swab, you can damage it.

Remember what rules for caring for your ears do you know?

Let's repeat all the rules again.

1. You should regularly wash your ears with soap and clean only with cotton swabs.

2. Never pick your ears with matches, pins and other sharp objects. This can damage the eardrum and completely lose your hearing.

3. Strong noise, harsh sounds, loud music spoil the hearing, have a bad effect on the whole body. Rest more often in the forest, in the meadow, by the river, in the midst of silence.

4. Protect your ears from cold and strong winds.

5. If you feel pain in your ear or if a bead or an insect gets in there, see a doctor!

Everyone remembers how to take care of the ears?

Let's now check what your hearing is and play the game "Recognize by voice". One person comes out to the board and stands with his back to everyone, I point to the student, he says the name of the person standing, and he must find out who said it.

Well done, your hearing is excellent and your ears are in perfect order, and our people in the pictures were left without ears, let's draw their ears.

Again, the ears are the organ of hearing.

3. Solve the following riddle:

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

Air roams in these burrows:

It comes in, it goes out. (Nose)

Yes, you guessed it right, another sense organ is the nose.

Who will say why we need a nose?

The nose actually smells. Let's do a little research with you. Now you will take turns coming up to me and determine by the smell what it is. (garlic, orange, washing powder, coffee, soap, salt, water, perfume, medicine).What we do not see or hear, we can distinguish by smell, but if this object has a smell. For example, water and salt do not smell of anything.

The ability of a person to distinguish smells is called the sense of smell. The nose is the organ of smell.

What else do you think the nose is for? Of course, to breathe, and also to talk.

The next experiment: hold your nose and say something, speech has become fuzzy, nasal and unpleasant, so the nose is needed for correct and understandable speech and a good voice.

Let's look at the structure of the nose, SLIDE number 4. You can see that the nose is connected to the oral cavity and in order to protect us from dust, germs and cold air, there are hairs in the nose that trap dust, and while the air goes through the nose, it also heats up.

Let the people in the pictures also have this important organ of smell - the nose.

Again, the nose is the organ of smell.

Phys. minute

4. There are glasses on the table in front of you. They are filled with salty and sweet water. Can you use the organs of sight or hearing, smell to determine what kind of water is in each glass?

What needs to be done for this?

So, we need another study - on the taste. Try it. What do you feel? (Children determine by taste: in which glass is sweet water, salty, plain)

What organ do you think helped you taste the liquid? (language)

What conclusion can be drawn? (With the help of the tongue, a person determines the taste)

Language - it is an integral part of the body - i.e. organ. Maybe you guessed the organ of what?

The tongue is the organ of taste.

The tongue, the organ of taste, helps us distinguish bitter from sweet, sour from salty, tasty from tasteless, and this is done by small papillae located on the surface of the tongue. The organ of taste helps us to get acquainted with the property of an object, when the organs of sight, smell, and hearing cannot help us.

We have proved that a person needs a tongue, otherwise we would not feel the taste of food. The tongue is protected and is in the mouth. Let's draw mouths for our people.

Let's repeat what sense organs we learned:

eyes are the organ of vision

ears - the organ of hearing

nose - organ of smell

tongue is the organ of taste

5. Study of the organ of touch

Game "Find out what's in the bag"

Students are asked to identify the item in the box by touch. All items are matched by size (rubber ball, tomato, ball, orange, apple, etc.).

Try to identify the object in the bag by touch. (Students put on a mitten and try to identify the object) (rubber ball, ball, orange, apple) Are all objects the same to the touch? - What do you feel? Can you identify the subject? (Children describe the object, say that it has the shape of a ball, but they cannot name it exactly).

Now take off your mitten and try to identify the object. (Children guess the item and take it out of the box)

Guys, how did you manage to guess the objects? With the help of what? (With the help of hands)

But after all, at first you used your hand, however, in a mitten, and could not guess the object. (With the help of the skin, there is skin on the hand.)

So the skin is also our helper?

What do we feel with it?

On the skin of our body there are many sensitive cells that perceive the action of heat, cold, the shape, size of the object. The skin is the organ of touch. The skin is a very large organ. It covers our entire body.

6. Summary of the lesson

This is where our research ends. It was a pleasure to work with smart, observant and diligent researchers.

What did you research today?

What are these organs called?

What sense organs do you recognize?

How many sense organs does a person have?

Why do people need them?

Have we helped the cheerful artist figure it out?

Can we call the sense organs our assistants?

How do the sense organs help us?

The sense organs are our helpers. (They help to find out what is happening in the world around us and make our life easier, show us different signs and properties.)

7. Application of new knowledge

Now we will check how well you understood today's lesson.

Task: Connect the pictures of objects and the sense organs with an arrow that will help to recognize them. Application No. 1.

8. Reflection

The ladder of success is drawn on the board:

    the first stage - I did not understand anything and did not remember anything for the lesson

    the second step - I understood everything, but I did not remember everything