Synopsis of the construction-constructive game in the senior group “Road to the Emerald City. Methodological developments on the organization of constructive and building games with children of senior preschool age Completed by: educator mdou - Methodological developments

  • 30.09.2019

- an important component in the upbringing and education of children. Therefore, first you need to consider some questions about constructive. I hope that the material told by me will help you in your activities with children.

What questions will we consider:

  • What are constructive
  • What does a child need for constructive games
  • Stages of development of constructive play
  • Techniques for teaching constructive play

What it is? - this is the view , where children reflect their impressions about the surrounding objects, independently make various buildings, structures, buildings, roads, but do it in a schematic, generalized form. In constructive games, objects are replaced by other objects, that is, buildings are built from special constructors, building kits, natural materials. That is why constructive games referred to as creative games. In children 3-5 years old, constructive games often take place in the formrole-playing gamein which children play the role of construction workers.

What does a child need for constructive games

  1. The ability to create an image of an object in its spatial expression. This is how a sense of orientation in space develops, the ability to distinguish and establish the proportions and size of an object, its spatial relationships.
  2. The ability to evaluate and take into account the properties and qualities of the materials used in the construction, to anticipate and perform a sequence of actions. Therefore, constructive games teach children to set goals and plan their actions.
  3. Constructive games form in children the ability to compare and contrast the building they created with the real objects on the basis of which the building was built. This develops observation and attentiveness in children.

Stages of development of constructive play

  1. Children 3-5 years old depict single objects, small structures. The themes of their buildings are related to their role-playing games such as car garage, doll house. Their designs are very simple. Their buildings are arranged horizontally, like a drawing on paper. The same house for a doll is a kind of space that is fenced off by several cubes, and on top is some kind of plate or plank, called a roof. Children at this age build a building, then destroy it and start building it again. They are interested in the construction process itself, and not the result obtained at the end of this activity. It often happens that the construction is ahead of the plan: the child begins to build something, and only then recognizes some object in his construction.
  2. Children 5-7 years old gradually expand the themes of buildings. They have ships, roads, bridges, buildings, cars. In their designs, children try to convey the originality of a particular structure. For example, they build not just a house, but their own house in which they live or their own kindergarten. At this age, they begin to complicate the construction itself. Buildings grow up. Children decorate them with columns, towers, windows, using various ceilings.

Techniques for teaching constructive play

Adults (parents-educators in kindergarten) should teach children constructive skills and abilities. Because without this, the buildings of children will remain simple and primitive. There are several ways that adults can teach children the skills needed for constructive play.

  1. Examination of objects, structures, buildings. During the examination, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the purpose of the object, the features of its design, to the parts and their proportions. All this should be accompanied by a conversation with the children (namely, a conversation, and not a monologue of an adult). you can also consider additionally or drawings of similar objects.
  2. The indirect guidance of an adult is the enrichment and updating of children's knowledge about the objects and features of the materials from which they build their buildings.
  3. Direct guidance is the role-playing participation of an adult in the game, explanations, advice during the game.

Today we talked about constructive games, about the skills that the child needs for them, about the stages of constructive development and about the methods of managing them.

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Anastasia Galenko
Outline of the game with building material "Freight transport" (senior group)

Topic: "Freight transport"

Age: senior group (5-6 years old)

Tasks for the development of the game: to form in children the ability to convey the shape and details of the object; learn to select details, following the plan; to form the skills of consistent construction of work.

Developmental tasks: to teach children to build freight transport; develop fine and general motor skills, coordination of both hands.

Educational tasks: to cultivate the ability to value one's own work and the work of comrades; cultivate courtesy and communication skills when working together.

Type of construction: construction from small and large Lego-type construction sets.

Equipment: pictures and toys depicting trucks; constructor.

Preliminary work: a conversation about freight transport; observation of trucks on a walk; coloring coloring pages on the topic; topic drawing.

Game progress:

1. Introduction. Solving riddles about transport.

Guys, guess the riddle:

On a rubber track

I will bypass all roads.

I'm good at a construction site

I am not afraid of work.

All paths are open to me.

Are you on the wrong path with me?

2. Conversation about freight transport.

Do you remember what types of transport there are? (passenger, cargo, passenger, construction equipment, etc.).

Why does a person need transport? (children's answers about different types of transport).

Why is freight transport needed?

What kind of goods are transported on these machines?

Looking at pictures.

Let's look at the pictures that show the freight transport. What parts do these machines have? (children's answers). What do you think, what are the wheels, engine, cabin, body for?

What parts of the designer will we need to build a truck? (children's answers).

3. Parsing with children of the scheme for building a car.

How do we start building a truck? (we start building with wheels. We need 4 wheels of the same size.)

What will we attach the wheels to? (we need a support. A plate that will be the base of the car).

The car won't start without the engine. (we need a small cube that will be the motor. And a larger cube is the driver's cab).

How will we drive at night? (we need headlights)

We will be able to transport goods in the body. (choose details for building a body)

Here is our truck and ready.

4. Fizminutka - a finger game.

Which device is the main assistant on the road?

Traffic lights

Helping for a long time

Our faithful friend is a traffic light.

He has three big eyes

They don't all burn at the same time. showing three fingers

If the red light is on,

raise their hands up and “draw” a circle in the air

That can't be crossed

Gotta wait on the sidewalk

shake their heads

And skip cars. simulate steering wheel

If yellow lights up

So we'll be leaving soon.

raise their hands up and “draw” a second circle in the air

The green eye lit up -

Stop, cars, we're coming! raise their hands up and "draw" in the air the third circle under the second

We crossed the road

They went about their business.

marching around the room

Helping for a long time

Our faithful friend is a traffic light. clap your hands three times, for each syllable of the word "traffic light"

5. Game progress.

Children build trucks. The teacher observes, prompts and helps if necessary.

Those children who finished earlier can be offered to complete the game, build trees, traffic lights, etc.

What are we building today?

Why do we need freight transport?

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Plan-outline of OOD on the world around (senior group). "Wintering Birds" Integration educational areas: "Social and communicative", Artistic and aesthetic" Types of children's activities:.


1. Introduce children to the area of ​​building and constructive games in the group and on the site.
Build: The tracks are long and short.
2. Introduce the properties of sand (dry, wet).
3. Introduce the properties of water (water can overflow, seethe, murmur, be light, transparent or cloudy).

1. Introduce children to new toys, look at books, paintings, build with the teacher: railway, fences for animals, fences.
2. Modeling from raw sand using molds.
3. Games with water (transfusion of water).

1. Construction of fences different types, gates, laying out patterns and paths from colored bricks.
2. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of sand (pass through a funnel, fill them with jars, bubbles).
3. Games with water (taste sensations).

1. Acquaintance with a new set of building material.
2.Build a fence for nesting dolls.
3. Games with water (some items are washed, others are allowed to swim, others are poured with water and poured out).

1. Observation of the process of preparing colored ice floes, the work of the children of the senior group in the construction of buildings from snow.
2. Decorating them with colored ice floes.
3. Consideration of the slide on the site.
4.Build slides with ladders for dolls.

1. Construction of roads and bridges (according to the model), aircraft, cars. 2. Construction of a slide for dolls from snow.
3. Games with water (water from liquid can become solid and vice versa).

1. Construction of roads, bridges, transport.
2. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water (warm, cold). 3. Observation of what happens to objects (fabric, paper).

1. Construction of furniture for dolls.
2. Games with water.
3. Production of buildings from sand.

1. Consideration of building plans.
2. Construction of houses with living room decorations.
3. Making treats for dolls from sand, decorating them.
4. Bathing dolls, washing clothes, playing with water.



  1. Introduce children to the "workshop" in the group.
  2. Build according to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"Buildings for toys."
  3. Sand games on the site: "Hill", modeling with molds.
  4. Construction from natural material "Flowers from shells".
  1. To acquaint children with different types of constructors (plastic, wooden), with toys for playing around.
  2. To introduce children to graphic substitutes for objects, to teach how to make and “read” drawings. Game "What is it?".
  3. Learn to transform composition by dimensions. Sand games.

1. Introduce children to a graphic representation of the subject, with an analysis plan to build cars, houses "City Street".
2. Games with a plastic constructor like "Lego".
3. Construction of slides and ladders from snow.

  1. Building a ship, bridges, using diagrams, drawings.
  2. Games with a mosaic, a plastic designer.
  3. Construction of the town, labyrinths of snow.
  1. Continue to learn how to use the schemes in the construction of the buildings "Fences", "Garage", "Transport".
  2. Games with a small designer by design.
  1. "Different Houses" Learn to decorate the facade with a decorative wall.
  2. Construction of a fortress from snow, decorate it with colored ice floes, moldings.
  3. Making toys from natural material by design.
  1. The construction of a "locomotive with wagons", "Plant" collectively (according to the schemes).
  2. Games with mosaics, constructors by design.
  3. Paper construction "Car", "House".
  1. Children's buildings according to the plan "Children's Town" (with drawing up a diagram).
  2. Paper construction "Book", "Accordion", etc.
  1. Making paper crafts like "Origami".
  2. Production of toys of animals, birds from natural material.
  3. Sand games "Room for dolls".



"City of masters".
1. Continue to teach children to distinguish and name building details, to independently transform buildings, depending on the purpose.
2. Playing out the scene “Somehow the Cube went into the forest” (L. Kutsakova).
3. Continue to teach how to build buildings out of sand.

"Furniture for gnomes."
1. Learn to build furniture, consolidate knowledge about the main parts and details of furniture.
2. To consolidate knowledge and skills to replace construction details with their planar graphic images.
3. Construction from natural material on the theme: "Gnomes" using schemes (for playing with buildings).

Stations, Metro.
1. Construction of elementary structures according to the finished drawing. Learn to read drawings, recognize the same details in different projection images. Exercise in self-selection of parts, build together with partners.
2. "Snow fortresses". Learn how to build buildings out of snow. To consolidate the ability to plan activities for drawing up a diagram and reproducing it in a building.

"Houses for guests from another planet."

1. To consolidate the ability to reflect in the construction the relationship between the purpose of the object and the features of the structure. Learn to build objects with free interior space.
2. Designing paper houses. Learn to fold paper, smooth fold lines, cut according to the pattern.
3. Learn to build buildings from snow (slides, ladders).

"Multi-storey houses".
1. To teach children to navigate in planar schematic images and the ability to convey structural features in the construction, to supplement the design with the construction of a ladder, and other additions.
2. Designing paper houses. To teach simple paper crafts, to learn how to make folds, cuts (triz).
3. Snow buildings. To consolidate the ability to build buildings from snow for games.

"Theatres", "Fairy-tale palaces".
1. Stimulate independent search by children constructive solution buildings for the characters of fairy tales. To consolidate the ability to use graphic modeling in the process of developing a design concept.
2. Learn how to make fairy-tale characters from paper.
3. Learn how to make fairy-tale characters, animals from snow, to activate motor activity using diagrams, drawings.

1. Learn to establish the dependence of the machine on it functional purpose. To consolidate the ability to draw up a graphic model, the ability to dismember general scheme into parts.
2. Learn how to design paper trees (twisting, gluing, cutting).
3.Design from metal parts(cart, truck), learn to analyze diagrams, connect parts.

"War Machines".

1. Learn to create machine designs according to an independently compiled and supplemented scheme, learn to distinguish common functional parts in a group of objects.
2. Construction from different types of constructors. Learn how to join parts different ways, learn to build according to the scheme.

"Passenger transport".

1. Continue to teach the compilation and use of schematic representations of objects in different planar projections in the design process. To promote the desire to make additions to the scheme of the subject, depicting the features of a particular sample.
2. Design by design from paper, waste material.



1. "Our neighborhood." (by design)
Building buildings out of sand. Continue to learn how to build various buildings from building materials. Develop the ability to think about the purpose and structure of a future building, learn to use graphic sketches of a building (kindergarten, shop, school).

1. "Fairy Palace".
Continue to learn how to build together, using a graphic sketch.
2. "Animals".
Construction from natural material (using diagrams).

1. "Transport".
To consolidate the ability to analyze an object, highlighting the main functional parts and structural features in it, to learn to recognize the type of projection image of an object in the drawings.
2. Learn to build objects according to your own idea of ​​both purpose and structure.

1. "Fabulous transport."
To develop the ability of children to create their own design concept on the proposed topic, using a schematic drawing of the building.
2. "Construction from snow."
To teach the construction of buildings from snow according to the drawn up drawing (“Snow Train”, “Aerosled”, “Boots-walkers”).
3. Designing from paper ("flying carpet" - weaving).

1. "Lunar City".
Develop the ability to design unusual buildings, use the drawing up of a building drawing.
2. "Designing a "lunar rover" from metal constructor(using schema).
3. "Aliens".
Construction from waste material from paper of toys of ordinary construction.

1. "Ancient castles".
Continue to acquaint children with the designs of ancient castles and monasteries, teach them to analyze the graphic image of the building, discuss with children the purpose of castles, towers, entrances; learn to plan their actions, to act together. Continue to introduce the elements of architecture.
2. Designing castles from snow and paper (according to the scheme).

1. "Old city".
Continue to introduce children to the elements of architecture. Develop the ability to analyze the design scheme of a Gothic building, learn to build various buildings: cathedrals, residential buildings, city towers, use various architectural decorations (statues, towers, ornaments) during construction; to develop the ability of children to participate in the planning of the course of buildings, to analyze the schemes of buildings.
2. "Town".
Paper construction. To teach the design of buildings from paper, the design of a building from a plastic and metal constructor.

April May.

1.Design by design various materials. To teach the independent choice of details, the development of an idea-image of the design of an object, the drawing up of diagrams, the creation of buildings.
2. Develop interest in architectural structures. To teach the analysis of illustrations and the definition of architectural style.
3.Sand construction by design.

Building games for children of the younger group

1. Arrange by color.

Material: Lego bricks of all colors.

Target: Fix the color of the Lego pieces.

Rule: children, at the command of the leader, lay out Lego bricks in boxes.

2. Pass the Lego brick.

Material: 1 large Lego brick.

Target : the development of movement coordination.

Rule: the leader closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle at the leader's command: "Pass." Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the host says: "Stop." He opens his eyes which of the children has a brick, he becomes the leader.

Construction games for children of the middle group

1. Find a building.

Material: cards, buildings, box

Target: develop attention, observation, the ability to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings.

Rule: children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, carefully look at it, name what is shown and look for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.

2. Who is faster.

Material: 4 boxes, Lego pieces, 2 for each player.

Target: develop speed, attention, coordination of movement.

Rule: players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own detail. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players one at a time transfer bricks from one table to another. Whose team is faster, she won.

3 . Lego head.

Material: Lego brick.

Target: development of dexterity, coordination of movement.

Rule: A child puts a Lego brick on his head. The rest of the children give him tasks. For instance: Walk two steps, sit down, lift one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If the child completed three tasks and the brick did not fall from his head, then he won and receives a prize.

Building games for older children

1. Whose team will build faster.

Material: LEGO constructor set, sample building.

Target: We learn to build in a team, to help each other. Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills of hands.

rule : Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building. For instance: house, car with the same number of parts. Each child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, picking up the desired part and attaching it to the building. The team that completes the building the fastest wins.

2. Find the part that is the same as on the card.

Material: cards, LEGO parts, plate.

Target : fix the names of the parts of the LEGO constructor.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a LEGO constructor part. And they find the same part and attach it to the plate. At the end of the game, the children come up with what happened.

3. Mysterious pouch.

Material: constructive LEGO set, bag.

Target: learn to guess the details of the designer by touch.

rule : The leader is holding a bag of Lego pieces. Children take turns taking one detail and guessing. Then they take it out of the bag and show it to everyone.

4. Lay out the parts in their places.

Material: boxes, Lego details, beak, paw, oval, semicircle.

Target: fix the names of the Lego constructor.

Rules: children are given boxes and a designer, parts are distributed for each child, two. Children must a short time collect the entire constructor. Whoever collects everything without errors wins.

Construction games for the preparatory group

1. Name and build.

Material : Lego set

Target : To fix the names of the Lego constructor, learns to work in a team.

Rules : the leader gives each child in turn a part of the designer. The child calls and keeps. When each child has two details. The host gives the task to build one building from all the details and come up with what they built. When built, one child tells what they built.

2. Lego gifts.

Material : playing field, little men for the number of players, dice, Lego - gifts.

Target: develop interest in the game, develop attention.

Rule: children distribute little men among themselves. They put them on the playing field. Roll the dice in turn and move clockwise. When the first little man passes the whole circle. Then he wins and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts have been sorted.

Cube: one side with the number one, the second with the number two, the third with the number three, the fourth cross skip the move.

3. Remember the location.

Material: Lego set, plates for all players.

Target: development of attention, memory.

Rules: the leader builds some building no more than eight parts. For a short time, the children memorize the structure, then the building is closed, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it right wins and becomes the leader.

4. Build without opening your eyes.

Material : plate, constructive set.

Target: we learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills of hands, endurance.

Rule: in front of the children plate and constructor. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Whoever will be more interesting to build is encouraged.

Card file of games with building material for senior to school age

group 3

  1. "Let's build a house"

Target: Composition of houses different sizes. To teach children to select doors, windows, roofs corresponding to the size of this house.

Material: Parts of houses of different sizes to make up 5 buildings that differ in size.

Stroke: Kits of parts are laid out in a mess. The child selects the appropriate parts. The number of houses made up depends on the capabilities of the child.

  1. "Collect and Build"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to recognize and name geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval). Lay out various objects from geometric shapes.

Material: a cube with glued geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of cardboard; contour samples of buildings.


Option 1.

The child throws a die, names the figure he sees on the top face and takes the same cardboard of any color. From the figures collected in several moves, the child makes up any image.

Option 2.

The child chooses a figure by color. Form, in this case, can be any. For example: A green triangle fell on the top face of the die. The child is invited to choose any green figure. The building is also made up of the collected figures.

  1. "Which building collapsed?"

Target: Development of attention; logical thinking. Ability to recognize and name geometric shapes.

Material: Cards with buildings made up of geometric shapes (slide, house, gate, etc.); and the same geometric shapes, but placed in a chaotic manner.

Game progress:

An adult shows the child a card with geometric figures scattered across the field (the figures are pasted) and offers to find a card with a building of the same figures. First, two cards with buildings are given a choice, then, when the children begin to easily cope with the task, the number of cards increases.

  1. "Form Workshop"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of geometric shapes. Lay out geometric shapes and objects according to the conditions.

Material: Counting sticks, geometric shapes.


Option 1.

Children are invited to lay out geometric shapes from sticks according to samples. Samples are various rectangles, squares, triangles.

Option 2

Children are invited to lay out various objects from sticks according to the conditions. For example: a triangle of 3 sticks, 5, 6; rectangle of 6, 8; house of 6, 11, etc.

  1. "Architect"

Target: Develop the ability to compose a serial series. Exercise the child in the ability to create a building plan.

Material: Strips of different lengths (up to 10 gradations); a sheet of paper, a simple pencil.


Option 1 .

Lay out the strips in a mess. Invite the children to arrange them in order: from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest.

Option 2.

Lay out the strips in a mess. Invite the children to draw a plan of the stairs without touching the stripes. Then, offer to take the strips and build the stairs according to the plan.

  1. "Happy Island"

Target: The development of the imagination. Skill to work in team. Fixing the names of geometric shapes.

Material: Multi-colored geometric shapes and their parts.

Stroke: The teacher determines the topic. Children create a building together. The building must correspond to the nature of the theme.

  1. "Different Houses"

Target: To teach children to compare a drawing and a drawing (diagram) of an object.

Material: Cards with contour images of buildings of complex shape (houses with different roofs, outbuildings). Children are offered 4 schemes. Three detailed pictures for each scheme. In each picture there is a slight discrepancy with the scheme: the difference is in the shape of the roof of one of the extensions, in the location of the extensions, in their height, etc.

Stroke: An adult tells the children that once the builders built a house according to the drawing and made small mistakes. And although the houses turned out beautiful, they were still slightly different from the drawing. Offers to consider each building and find inaccuracies. The teacher shows the children the first diagram and a picture for it. Children find a mistake. Then the teacher shows the next picture to the same scheme, then the third. Then they move on to the second scheme and consider three more pictures in sequence. If the children cannot find the correct answer, the teacher helps them. The rest of the drawings and drawings are considered in the same way.

In this game, you can use a variety of drawings and drawings.

  1. "We construct from sticks"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes,development of logical thinking of children.

Material: outline cardsobjects, sticks of different lengths.

The purpose of the game. Offer the children sticks of different lengths,ask to select the longest, shorter and shortest. Lay out some figure from the sticks at the suggestion of the child. Then give the child a card, examine the contours of objects with him, let him recognize them, name them. Then offer to lay out any figure. In the process of work, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will appear in the process of laying out. Ask to lay out the figurines with sticks according to your own plan.

  1. "Build according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game: teach children to do elementarybuildings based on diagrams.

Material: building plans, building set.

Game progress. Recall building details with children,which they know, show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is shown on it, offer to consider, and say from what details of the building. Ask to build the same buildings from building parts. It is important that the details are depicted in actual size.

  1. "Putting Details"

Purpose of the game: teach children to post picturesoverlay method.

Material: outline cards,construction set or planar geometric figures.

Game progress. Children are taught to post imagesway of superimposing volumetric details of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a map and ask them to create beautiful pictures(Show on the example of installing one part).

  1. Building a fence game

The teacher says to the children playing with building material: “Is this a construction site? What are you building? Sasha, what do you have? House. What about you, Gena? Also a house? I see. There is a good one at the construction site construction material. For your houses you can build nice fence. We are starting a new building. Let's see what the fences will be.

We decided to build a house

For your animals.

The house is built and now

We need a fence.

The boards were trimmed

They nailed it hard.

Knock - knock, knock,

The boards were trimmed

Knock - knock, knock

They nailed it hard.

  1. "Laying out figures"

Purpose of the game: exercise children in laying outimages from geometric shapes using diagrams.

Material: image diagrams, building set.

Game progress. Children are offered schemes and geometricshapes for posting images. After completing the task, they ask: "What figures did you make up this car from? How many figures did you need for this cancer? How many identical figures are there?"

  1. "Match"

Purpose of the game: development of logical thinking preschoolers.

Material: drawings depicting geometricfigures and real objects familiar to preschoolers.

Game progress. Children are offered two drawings, on one geometric bodies are depicted (a cube, a cylinder, a ball, a cone, etc.), on the other, real objects that are well known to preschoolers are asked to name which geometric body this or that object looks like. Invite the children to play the game "What does it look like?" - to find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Ask the children to show and name round, square, shapes in one and the other picture.

  1. "Calculate and Design"

Purpose of the game: Development of logical thinking preschoolers.

Material: robot picture cardsgeometric shapes, building kits or planar geometric shapes.

Game progress. Children are shown a picture ofrobots from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robots of men, asks how many robotic dogs. He asks to choose any robot, to tell what figures it is made of, how many identical figures-details went into it. Then the children are given geometric shapes and asked to lay out their favorite images.

  1. Game "Let's build a tower for the princess"

The teacher brings a princess doll to the group, puts her on a chair and tells her: “Princess, your house will be built soon. Gotta choose a good place. I'll call the builders. Who will build a house for the princess? Lena and Lisa, do you know where the construction site will be? Then find us a suitable place where there will be a home for the princess. (The girls find a place to stay at home.) Now we need building materials. Gena and Sasha, help us, please, choose everything you need for the construction. What do we need? (children name materials: bricks, boards, stones, sand.) Children, you will be builders. Build good house tower-like.

Children, together with the teacher, build a tower using

building kit and improvised material. In the end

game tutor shows new house princess and

says: “This is your new home - the tower. You are satisfied

Princess? Our builders did a great job! They

can build other beautiful houses.”

  1. "Build by model"

Purpose of the game: teach children to build structures according to the finished models.

Material: volume models, building designer.

Game progress. Build with building materialsimple designs and glue them with paper or cloth, you get three-dimensional models. There is a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design, but you have to guess what parts it is assembled from. Invite the children to build buildings according to these models. (Children of the preparatory group construct more complex structures according to the depicted undivided three-dimensional models.)

  1. "Scheme Modeling"

Purpose of the game: Teaching children how to model according to the scheme.

Material: geometric cardsfigures and diagrams of structures, construction details.

Game progress. Children are offered two cards: on one geometric figures are depicted, on the other - schemes of structures. The task is given - to select the necessary figures according to the scheme and start modeling. The task can be complicated by offering construction details instead of geometric shapes.

  1. "Let's build a shop for dolls"

Target : Strengthen the ability to build a store from cubes, bricks, bring things to the end, cultivate friendships in the game.

The game: The teacher introduces small dolls into the group. Each has a handbag. He asks: “Why did our dolls take bags?”. Together they decide that the dolls are going to the store, but they cannot find it. Children are invited to help dolls and build a store out of cubes and bricks. The guys build: some - according to the model given by the educator, some - on their own.

  1. Zoo for wild animals.

Target: To consolidate the skills of joint activities with the educator (to build cages for animals); continue to learn to beat your building.

The game: The teacher shows toys - figurines of wild animals, specifies where they live, and together with the children decides to build a zoo for them.

  1. "Zoo".

Target: To consolidate the ability to build houses from cubes for different animals; develop respect for animals.

The game: The teacher reminds that animals in the zoo have houses where they hide from the rain, and causes a desire to build houses for them. On the table is a set of figurines of wild animals. After the construction is completed, they are played with.

  1. "Let's build a house for animals."

Target: Develop memory, speech; encourage children to create design options by adding other details.

The game: Children are invited to choose one or two pets and build a house for them using building parts.

  1. "Garage".

Target: To consolidate the ability to build from the details of a large builder; beat the building.

The game: Game situation:small cars are in different places, and it's hard to find the one you need. The teacher clarifies where the cars “live” and leads the children to the idea that it is necessary to build garages. The guys choose a car for themselves and independently build a garage for it. If desired, complete additional structures. Then, if they want, they beat the buildings.

  1. "Let's build a house for a bunny."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, the ability to build on display simple designs, enjoy the results; fix in speech the names of details, verb forms; develop motor skills, the ability to correlate movements with words.

The game: The snow bunny came running, but he has nowhere to live ...

  1. "Let's build a house for the bear."

Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, to learn to correlate the size of the building with the size of the object; consolidate knowledge of building details; develop the planning function of speech.

The game: Three bears from a fairy tale come to visit the children and ask them to build a house for them, each separately.

  1. "Terem for animals".

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, learn to measure buildings with the size of an object, learn to pronounce a sequence of actions in speech.

The game: The bear ruined the Teremok of animals, they have nowhere to live.

  1. "At the request of the children."

Target: Improve the skills of children when working with the designer, learn how to decorate the structure, beat it; enjoy the game,collective activities.

  1. "Garages for cars".

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the names of building materials; nurture the desire to build together, amicably.

Main content:children are invited to build garages, different in size and shape.

  1. "Home for Gnomes"

Target: To consolidate the ability to design objects (houses) in accordance with certain conditions.

Main content:children build houses of different designs.

  1. Doll Furniture.

Target: To form the constructive abilities of children, the ability to create the simplest buildings; consolidate knowledge about furniture, its purpose.

  1. "Construction of houses for kittens of different sizes."

Target: To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "big - small"; develop constructive skills, speech.

The game: The doll draws attention to the fact that the kittens meow plaintively, because they have no houses, they are cold. Asks the children to build houses for the kittens with building material to fit the kittens in the house.

  1. "Trucks".

Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, fine motor skills of fingers, learn to build cars from the LEGO constructor; learn to play without conflict, together.

  1. "Garages for transport".


  1. "Autumn in the Forest"

Target: Mastering the ways of constructing a landscape composition.

The game: from geometric shapes different color, size, shape to make a picture - a landscape.

  1. "Home for Thumbelina".

Target: To consolidate the skills of working with paper, cardboard; develop accuracy of movements, attention, perseverance, interest in activities, speech.

The game: Thumbelina has nowhere to live and the children, using colored paper, matchboxes, glue, brushes, scissors, napkins, make furniture and arrange a home for Thumbelina in a box.

  1. "Gifts for kids".

Target: Increase children's self-esteem; practice manual skills; bring joy from crafts made with your own hands.

The game: Samodelkin invites children to make gifts for kids, in the New Year's week everyone should receive gifts. So that the children do not feel sorry for giving away, Samodelkin offers to make two crafts.

  1. "In the world of fantasy".

Target: Invite the children to dream up, dream of building a fantastic city on another planet, come up with a name for it and what the inhabitants will be called. To teach children to collectively build buildings, jointly plan future work, and jointly carry out their plans.

  1. "Builders".

Target: To develop children's creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game using a constructor, building material.

  1. "Children's Choice"

Target: To teach children to build buildings and unite in one group, together come up with a plot and beat it. Learn to play together, not to quarrel, to give in to each other.

  1. "Beautiful buildings".

Target: To teach children to build, unite in groups, come up with stories and beat them. To teach how to make buildings sustainable, diverse, to coordinate an individual plan with a common one.

  1. "My city".

Target: To teach how to creatively realize the idea, develop imagination, consult with peers when performing work, distribute responsibilities.

  1. Garages and cars.

Target: To teach children to organize themselves in groups and unite with a common plot, to learn to play without conflict, together. Offer small toys to play with.

  1. "Playground".

Target: To activate the ability to create subject structures from building material according to the condition. Improve constructive skills.

The game: children are offered wooden building material, with attributes for playing around - cars, trees, figures of people, etc.

  1. "Let's build a house in the village."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, ingenuity, imagination, the ability to navigate in space; activate the verb dictionary.

The game: offer to build the kind of house they would like to have; propose to first draw it schematically, and then build, using the builder, elements of decorations.