The better to paint a wooden fence. How to paint a wooden fence? How to paint a picket fence front garden

  • 16.06.2019

Fencing - important element any area. The fence marks the boundaries between land plots owned. By their type and type of fences are different from wooden to concrete, sheet and forged. Fences built of stone and metal can stand for a long period.
Wooden fence weak and not resistant to various external natural factors. Under influence environment in a short period of time it can become unusable (lose its color, look askance). A wooden picket fence needs additional protection, with the help of which it can be protected from the penetration of moisture, temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet sunlight, under the influence of which the wood begins to fade, darken, and the fibers dry out and crack. In addition, additional protection from insects (bark beetle), putrefactive bacteria, due to which the wood also loses its strength and collapses, will also be required.

But what about lovers of old traditions, those who love a fence made of white pickets and not only. Of course, you should not refuse such a pretty fence as wooden picket fence.

The technology for the production of paint materials for wood today has enough good means protection of wood from external factors. But there are enough manufacturers of paints and it is difficult for an ordinary man in the street to make right choice.

Choosing paint for a wooden fence

Choosing paint for picket painting it is necessary to take into account the physical characteristics, its toxicity, how safe it is, its consumption, requirements for the surface of the material being painted.

Paints for a wooden fence are:

Oil paints used to be quite popular, but today they are no longer relevant, since it has its rather big disadvantages. At its core, it has an oil that is unable to penetrate into dry wood, but only forms a kind of shell on top. But the paint justified itself only for a short service life of a maximum of 2-3 years. Since it is unstable to environmental influences. Over time, the paint loses its bright color, becomes faded and cracked, which again requires re-staining.
Bituminous paints are intended for painting those places that may come into contact with the ground. For example, wooden poles that are dug into the ground, their lower part must be covered with such paint.
Generally for wooden fence covers There are two types of paint - these are covering and glazing. The difference between them is that the first completely hides the original color of the wood, while the second retains the texture and shade of the painted wood.
Very often used for painting wooden fences acrylic paints especially for wooden surfaces.
To preserve the natural color of the wood. Then fit building glaze, or wood varnish.
Antiseptics characterized by such ability as penetration into wood by several millimeters. According to their composition and physical characteristics, antiseptics perfectly protect the wooden picket fence from moisture and rot.

The most common coloring compositions are such as: Belinka Topazur, Pinotex Ultra, Tikkurila color, Olympus Omicron Maximum.

Preparing the surface of a wooden fence for painting

Before as paint wood fence, it is necessary to prepare its surface. When updating an old picket fence, it is important to remove dirt, dust, along with them and old paint. What can be done with a scraper, grinder and sandpaper. When installing a new fence, it is also recommended to go over its surface with a grinder or sandpaper to make the surface more even and smooth. If irregularities are detected on the surface, in order to hide them, you can apply putty after applying the primer, and sand again. At the end of the cleanup, wooden fence treated with an antiseptic, it penetrates the wood structure and protects against moisture and rot.

How best to paint a wooden picket fence

If wooden fence completely replaceable, then it is better to paint the picket fence before installation in place. Lying down paint pickets ready-to-install will be easier, ready-to-paint pickets can be placed on the trestle and paint can begin. paint a wooden fence with a brush made of natural hair, with such a brush the paint will lay down evenly without stripes, if you have a pulverizer or roller, you can use them. Paint the wooden picket fence better on all sides, so that during precipitation moisture does not penetrate into the wood. It is recommended to paint pickets in two layers. The first layer is applied with a primer having an alkyd-acrylic composition, and with a second layer of paint. With this method of painting, the picket fence will last at least 15 years.

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The main purpose of the fence is to protect the territory from strangers and prying eyes of neighbors. Therefore, it must be practical and durable. But besides this, such a structure also performs an aesthetic function. It allows you to make the site more attractive. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to paint a wooden fence in order to give it beauty and practicality.

Fence maintenance prior to construction

Practice shows that the fence has a long service life. But experts recommend starting caring for such a fence in the country even before it is built. When installing the structure, the places under the pillars must be cleared of vegetation and anthills. So you secure the fence reliable protection from damage by harmful insects.

Important! Experienced craftsmen advise filling these areas on the ground with colored gravel. Then the fence will be less susceptible negative influence moisture from the ground. And without fail, the protective structure must be properly impregnated with a special protective agent and painted.

The fence must be carefully processed. After all, this is a guarantee of its resistance to wear and long service life. And there is no need to postpone this procedure. After all, if the wood is not impregnated and painted in a timely manner, it will begin to deteriorate rather quickly. And how this is done, we will tell further.

Should I paint a wood fence?

Fencing structures made of wood can be an excellent decoration for any private area. Practice shows that wood is a very effective material. However, we will not hide that it also has its drawbacks: the wood is quite thin and has low resistance to negative environmental factors.

If you want to get a light and pretty fence in the country, you can as building material use a picket fence. That is why the relevance of finishing and painting such structures is obvious.

The construction of a mesh fence will be faster: it also weighs little, but has a less attractive appearance, and after a while.

Impregnation of the protective structure in the country with special protective equipment extremely important. But how to process a wooden fence? Experienced craftsmen advise choosing an antiseptic. It is quite affordable and very effective remedy for wooden surfaces. After all, a special antiseptic impregnation prevents such negative consequences as the formation of mold and fungus. And the subsequent painting of the picket fence eliminates the risk:

  • swelling due to high humidity;
  • attacks of bark beetles or ants;
  • changes in the color of wood due to shrinkage of the tree under the influence of sunlight, etc.

Advice! The picket fence should be treated with such a tool in advance, before it is installed in a complete structure. Then the ends of the planks will be carefully protected from the negative effects of precipitation, which is difficult to do in the case of an installed fence.

Fence paint selection

Processing a wooden fence is a very important step, but it is equally important to paint the structure correctly.

Before you buy paint, it is better to figure out what kind of paint will be optimal for your fence construction in the country. And besides, it is worth considering that the boards in certain places will be in contact with the ground. These areas need to be treated with a special bituminous composition. It will allow this surface to acquire water-repellent parameters, which in turn will significantly extend its life. And this must be done even before the installation of the picket fence structure on the ground. Thus, the building in the country will be provided best defense from negative external influences.

  1. The picket fence can be enameled if the planks have excessively pronounced flaws. It allows you to completely hide the original color and structure of a particular type of wood from which the fence was built. But in fairness, we note that in this case, dense layers of the coloring composition will completely hide the natural color of the wood.
  2. In addition, the picket fence in the country is painted with multi-component paint. It makes it possible to preserve the original texture and shade of wood. And what kind of such paint is best for your design, you must determine, depending on taste preferences and the requirements of the surrounding landscape.
  3. Another good option for picket fence is acrylic paint. But it is better to choose a composition that does not have a detrimental effect (due to the presence of a water base) on the tree when it is painted. Do not buy a product with a solvent, as it will quickly peel off the picket fence.
  4. It is best to choose a transparent building glaze or wood varnish if you want to preserve and even emphasize the original shade of natural wood.

The variety of paints is quite significant, and which one is best for your design, you must determine for yourself.

fence painting technique

The fence must first be cleaned and sanded with sandpaper. And it is better to have both coarse and fine paper. First, significant protrusions are removed, and the second - the surface is finally leveled.

Then the picket fence suburban area covered with primer for wood. Existing defects and damage will need to be primed, puttied, and after drying, also sanded. Next, the structure is again covered with a finishing layer of putty and treated with a protective coloring compound. Thus, your country fence will be provided with the best protection for many years.

In order for the wooden fence in the country house to be as resistant as possible to negative factors in the atmosphere (precipitation, sunlight, wind), it should certainly be covered with an antiseptic and then painted. This will increase its service life several times. Moreover, you can perform paint and varnish work with your own hands and without the help of professional builders.

The tree looks great on its own without any finishing, but if it is additionally coated with paint, the service life will be an order of magnitude longer. The fence with some period needs to be repainted, because the tree needs protection from the influences of the external environment. Covering the fence with paint is not a problem, having a brush and wood paint.

Photo 1 - Fence painting from a picket fence

Paint selection

The first question that appears after the installation of the picket fence has taken place: how is it preferable to cover it with paint? When choosing paint, you need to look at the following specifics:

  • the paint should fit perfectly on the surface of the tree;
  • Good paint should not leave streaks;
  • Look at the consistency of the paint, it shouldn't be too runny. This paint is very uncomfortable to use. It will flow from the surface of the fence, will not give a light coating;
  • The paint should last a very long time.

For a juicy coating, you need to apply a couple of layers of paint. There are also translucent oil paints, they give the wood a light shade, shine. Such paints will remarkably highlight the texture of the tree and preserve it for a long time.

Photo 2 - Picket fence painted in light colors

Which paint to give priority

Oil based paints

Very popular and affordable picket painting are oil based paints. It should be noted that such paints are not well suited for such work. Moisture accumulates under oil-based paint, which does not work well for wood, but creates an ideal environment for microorganisms. Likewise, the picket fence will collapse faster. Good oil based paints will require changes after 4-5 years, and coated with an antiseptic after 5-6 years.


Enamel is used to apply a layer of protection to all surfaces to protect against the effects of the atmosphere. Enamel is affordable and quite economical to use, because it is not absorbed into the wood structure. This paint leaves a strong film on the surface, which reliably protects the wood. A serious disadvantage of enamel is that it is vulnerable to direct sunlight and temperature changes.

Latex or water-based paints based on polyacrylate

The best choice for picket painting will become acrylic or latex paint. Dispersion paint will provide a good indicator of reliability and strength of the coating. Paints of this group do not emit toxic substances when dried, they can also hide even small cracks. In order to receive good coverage in most cases, the fence is covered with paint in 2 or more layers. The advantage of these paints is also considered their flexibility. Water-based paints based on water-based polyacrylate perfectly tolerate humidity, sunlight, and are resistant to sudden changes in temperature. If applied acrylic based paint primer mixtures on top, then you can increase the operating time from 7 to ten years. The price is not high enough acrylic based paint great option for picket painting.

How to paint a picket fence

Fence painting works are carried out on a fine, dry day. Clean the surface before painting from outdated paint, dirt.

  1. Before applying the paint, it must be impregnated with a water-repellent compound. Wood that will be exposed to outdoor conditions can quickly deteriorate if dampened regularly. A multifunctional and proven tool will be an acrylic primer mixture;
  2. Any layer must be perfectly dry before applying the next. Fence painting from a picket fence takes two to three days, taking into account drying.

You can also paint some of the boards before installing the picket fence. Likewise, you won't waste time painting an already installed fence. Also, painted boards are more preferable to be preserved under the influence of moisture.

What to cover with paint

The ideal tool for picket painting brush is considered. With a brush, the process of coating with paint is more accurate and convenient than with a roller. This option uses more paint, but this way you can carefully paint over hard-to-reach places.

$ Painting price

A can of enamel costs around 41 rubles, oil paint - 36 rubles, acrylic - 88 rubles. The price of painting a picket fence depends on the length of the fence and the cost of materials.

Photo 4 - Fence painting brush

Painting a fence does not require much effort, but the result will please you for a very long time. The main thing is to choose a high-quality paint, it is suitable for working with wood, resistant to weather conditions and precipitation.

In recent years, the fashion for wooden buildings has led to the fact that more and more developers are thinking that a metal fence may not be the most best solution. In terms of durability, maybe yes, but in terms of aesthetics, it is inferior to wood. The wooden fence has somewhat lost its popularity due to its short life: wood, with constant exposure to the sun and water, quickly collapses. To increase the service life, the protective coating in the form of paint has to be constantly updated. With a large length, it takes a lot of time and requires a considerable amount of paint. This problem has become less acute, since the new antiseptics that have recently appeared can extend the life of the fence, and also guarantee the durability of staining for several years. The term is different - from 2-3 years, to 5-7. It depends on the type of antiseptic impregnation and the manufacturer, but finding "long-playing" ones is not difficult: in any more or less large store.

Moreover, these impregnations do not paint over the texture of the tree: all the veins are visible. They just change color, usually to a darker one. Such a fence made of wood looks solid and rich. Even a simple picket fence, and even a difficult one, even more so.

What is important is that you can put up a wooden fence with your own hands alone, if necessary, even without the involvement of assistants. Another important thing: a significant part of the work - the preparation of wood - can be carried out not on the spot, but, say, in a garage or workshop. And start it long before the start of construction. For example, from autumn to spring, and the construction itself should be started already when the weather is warm.

Wood is a very plastic material and the simplest thing can be done so that it looks like a work of art. This is true for fences as well. If you wish, you can make such a “candy”, which is a pleasure to look at. There are several designs of wooden fences.


The simplest is the picket fence. This is a set of edged boards or strips of the same, as a rule, width, which are nailed vertically to two or more transverse rails.

Scheme of a wooden fence made of vertically nailed boards - picket fence

The shape of the top may differ. A 90° floor cut is the easiest option, but far from the best, and not only in terms of aesthetics. The top of such a fence, even painted, is exposed to intense moisture, as a result, the coating in this place is destroyed first. And the wood pores in the perpendicular cut remain open. Rain, fog, melting snow / ice are absorbed by them, which leads to the destruction of wood. To avoid this, cut the tops not at 90 degrees, but at 45 degrees. If you look at such a board in profile, then the top will be beveled (see the figure below).

The distance between two adjacent fences is chosen according to your desire. You can make a solid fence, fitting one close to the other, you can make it translucent, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm, or you can make it completely transparent - with a large distance equal to the width of the boards or even more. Such options are popular for internal fences, which are more designed to separate zones and mark boundaries than to protect from something. For outdoor fences facing the street, they usually choose a solid installation, maybe with a very small distance so that the boards do not “swell” in wet weather.

Sawn tops add variety. They can be sharpened in different ways - with a rounded top, in the form of peaks, triangles, trapezoids. All this in different options and combinations.

Rounded top - the most popular This is more of an openwork fence, but decorative - for sure Tops in the form of lilies - the fence will be beautiful Peaks and triangles - in combination and independently

Some even make truly works of art: a carved fence requires a lot of perseverance. The work is painstaking, but the result is worth it.

Carved fence slats - beauty Beauty - carved wooden fence

Make curly tops faster and easier with a template. Cut out a sample from a sheet of plywood, bring it to perfect condition. Then cut out all the rest according to this pattern. You can cut with a jigsaw or on a milling machine.

A jigsaw for such a case can be bought. All the same, even taking into account this expense item, it will turn out cheaper than buying ready-made carved pickets. The downside here is that it takes a lot of time, and the pickets turn out to be unequal: either the file will go a little to the right, then a little to the left. The edges then still have to be processed with sandpaper.

Buying a milling machine, if you don’t plan to use it later, is unprofitable. And those who already have one can buy cutters with a floating head and make a figured picket fence with it. The height of the cutting part of the cutter is equal to the thickness of the board that you will be processing, and the head rests against the template.

In both cases, you will have to somehow fix the template on the workpiece. This can be done with thin nails or by sticking double-sided tape on the template.

But if you approach the process creatively, then even from even thin planks you can make a beautiful wooden fence: nailing it at different angles.

Even easier made the authors of this wooden picket fence: they only made the height non-linear, emphasizing the relief with a bar nailed on top. This, by the way, is the second way to significantly increase the life of a wooden fence - the plank blocks access for water to the most vulnerable open cross sections). Also, non-linearity is given by planks nailed to the surface in the form of frames, and the wood inside is painted in a lighter color. Agree, original.

Wooden fence "checkerboard" or "chess"

In fact, this is one of the subspecies of the picket fence. The boards are stuffed alternately on one side, then on the other side of the crossbar. It turns out an interesting three-dimensional view.

The principle of installing shtaketin in the fence "checkerboard" or "chess"

If you look at such a fence exactly opposite, it looks like a deaf one, if to the side, then at a certain angle some part of the yard will be visible through the gap. The degree of transparency is regulated by the entry of one bar after another. You can make it so that the visibility will be zero. For example, with a plank width of 10 cm, make the distance between them no more than 6 cm. Here, no matter how you look, nothing is visible. The disadvantage is the high consumption of wood. But the fences are very beautiful, especially in combination with brick or stone pillars and figuratively made tops.

Checkerboard on the plinth - such a fence looks gorgeous

They make horizontal fences from chessboards. But here you need to keep in mind that it is very convenient to climb on such a fence: boards are like steps. True, any fence is not such a serious obstacle. Rather, it is a protection from prying eyes than from serious assassination attempts.

Wooden fence - horizontal checkerboard

Such "chess" looks decent and solid. Pillars can be anything: metal, wood, stone, concrete. If metal poles are installed, they are made from a profiled thick-walled pipe (3 mm). Above ground level, from the front and back, they are sewn up with boards (to the pillars with bolts or self-tapping screws), which are larger than the width of the profile: they should protrude on the sides by 3-6 cm. Thus, we get guides into which the boards are inserted. The boards are then fastened from the inside to the sheathing of the pillars.

Fence "Herringbone"

Another type of horizontal fence is called a herringbone. It is named so because the boards are stacked close to one another, and with an overlap on the one below. In profile, it looks like a Christmas tree, as children draw it.

Wooden fences "herringbone" create a continuous covering

It is more difficult to climb up such a fence. Please note that there is a protective visor on top. It protects the most vulnerable part of the fence, greatly extending its life and also delaying the next painting. After all, usually the top and bottom of the coating is the most damaged. From below, this fence is protected by a plinth, from above - by a visor.

Wooden fences "blinds"

They differ from those described above in that the boards do not adjoin one another. They are fixed at an angle, but with some clearance. This type of fence does not create a solid wall and the yard can be viewed, although this will require you to sit down or even lie down - depending on the angle of inclination.

A fence called "blinds" - looking at its device, you will understand why

This type of fence is very uneconomical - wood consumption is usually high. The assembly is also difficult: fasten a bar (corner) under each board or cut a notch in the post.

But with such a construction, it is provided good ventilation site. This is important if the climate or terrain is humid. You can’t install a solid fence: there will be a puddle under it and the dirt in the yard will never dry out.

Wicker from the board - a beautiful fence

The fence made of boards bent between the pillars looks unusual. They are intertwined between the pillars like a traditional wattle fence. They only make it from long boards.

Fence "braid" from the board

Most often they are found in a horizontal version. There are fewer joints and bending long spans is easier.

There are also vertical braids. To give them a finished look, planks are nailed at the top and bottom - they both hold the edges of the boards and protect them from bad weather.

How to make such beauty, see the video. It's really easy, but it takes a lot of strength.

lattice fences

A wide variety of gratings are made from thin, and not so thin, slats: with different angles, frequency of slats, etc. These fences play a rather decorative role and are used either for indoor fencing - the waters of the thief, in the garden - or for the main entrance - to mark the borders, but not cover the beauty.

Fence made of wooden planks lattice “in a cage” Lattice fence made of boards - looks serious Double planks - such a lattice fence looks interesting

Photo of beautiful fences

You just wonder what beauty people can make from a piece of wood. Really beautiful. And some, while not very complex.

Maybe someone will be inspired by these photos of old wooden fences, they can be repeated ...

Disappearing beauty...

A wooden picket fence is an environmentally friendly, aesthetically attractive design, but without proper processing it is quite weak and short-lived. How to paint a wooden picket fence so that it serves for a long time, is functional and pleasing to the eye? This question will be answered in detail by LesoBirzha technologists - specialists with deep knowledge of theory and extensive practical experience.

Why does a tree need to be coated with protective compounds?

Despite the numerous advantages of wood, it also has disadvantages. Lumber is exposed to negative natural factors (snow, rain, sun, wind), which makes it covered with mold, fungi, loses its original attractiveness, rots and collapses. To avoid such troubles and extend the service life, wooden structures are treated with deep penetration primers before painting (for example, primer from Teknos).

Photo 1. Shield painting without antiseptic

Primers for outdoor use are made on an alkyd basis. Alkyds have a small molecule, due to which they are able to penetrate deep into the structure of the tree, enveloping the fibers and fastening them when hardened. A few days after processing, the lumber acquires high strength, but it can be covered with a new layer of paintwork materials the very next day. As a result of processing, the picket fence or any construct acquires the following properties:

  • durability;
  • weather resistance;
  • its absorbency decreases;
  • natural texture stands out;
  • the consumption of finishing coatings is reduced.

antiseptic- this is the first means of preventing fungal infections, mold and blue wood. A high-quality antiseptic will destroy pest beetles and their offspring in the form of larvae that cause wooden structures significant destruction.

Photo 2. Protruding mold on a planed board

Modern industry produces a huge number of various coatings for wood with different formulations and consistency. In such a variety, it is difficult to get lost even for an experienced person, let alone the layman who decided to paint the fence for the first time in his life.

The better to paint a wooden picket fence

Proven fact - wrong painting can make financial expenses meaningless and reduce the efforts of the master to "no". Before buying an antiseptic primer, decide on a staining scheme. Perhaps you decide to paint the fence with a covering paint, natural or hydro-oil, glazing varnish, or simply preserve the fence, leaving it without a top coat.

Photo 3. Fence under covering paint

Using edged board you should be prepared for the fact that the paintwork consumption will be twice as much as when processing a planed board. You can reduce consumption by using compounds for outdoor work, which you can buy on the website of the LesoBirzha online store:

  • quick-drying alkyd antiseptic AQUA PRIMER 3130;
  • for pine and larch, we recommend primer Renner YM M034, which provides high adhesion;
  • for painting with glazing compounds, buy transparent oil with an antiseptic Gnature 870 Schutz Grund-Öl;
  • under transparent and translucent varnish, apply tinting primer AQUA PRIMER 2900-02;
  • to impregnate the planken without painting, it is recommended to use the indelible antiseptic Neomid 430 of domestic production, the price of which is minimal compared to products of foreign brands, and the efficiency is high;
  • under the Nordika EKO covering paint, you should buy an inexpensive Teknol 1881 primer;
  • If you want to save money and time, do not finishing layer, but use the budget Visasol antiseptic, which can be tinted in any color and give the wood an original shade while maintaining a natural pattern.

Use Renner YS M300 or YS M46 oils to stain planken planken. They are applied over Renner YM M101 primer. With this painting scheme, the M300 wood fence paint will last up to 10 years, and M46 at least 6 years. Advantage oil paints in that the restoration of the structure in places of abrasion can be carried out locally, in contrast to covering paint, the renewal of which will require regrinding of the shtaketin.

Photo 4. Fence section painted with oil

Photo 5. Decorative fence for giving

How to paint a wooden picket fence - application technique

First, consider painting a new picket fence. If a planed board is used for the construction of the fence, the sealed pores are opened by grinding with a grain of 80. Only after that, deep penetration soil is applied to the boards, which does not remain on the surface and does not dry out with a crust, but is absorbed into the fibers and hardens in the body of the tree at a depth of 1, 5-2 cm. Forming a solid root with the wood, the impregnation provides good adhesion to the next layer of paintwork materials. Only with this application scheme, the service life of the paint will correspond to that indicated by the manufacturer on the product label.

Photo 6. Antiseptic board in the workshop

The antiseptic is applied with a roller, brush, spray or dipping method. The concentrated composition must be diluted in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. The drying time of the primer is from several hours to a day and depends on the composition. After the primer has completely dried, paint or varnish can be applied. For this, the same rollers are used, paint brushes, pneumatic sprayers. When painting with a brush, the movements are carried out from above / down and from below / up. They begin to paint from above, gradually moving down and smearing streaks.

In order not to stain the brush with earth when passing through the lower sections, an oilcloth is laid close to the fence or a piece of plywood is placed, which is gradually moved forward. More it is better to paint the pickets before they are installed. With this option, it is much easier to process the ends, longitudinal logs, and there are no non-paints on them.

Photo 7. Antiseptic board in the workshop

Painting an old wooden picket fence- the procedure is laborious and requires patience. It is necessary to completely remove the old paint, clean the boards from debris, dust and burrs. Damaged pickets should be replaced with new ones, although cracks can also be filled with wood putty.

The rearing paint is removed with a spatula or a metal brush. In places where the paint holds firmly, you will have to use a grinder. The old coating is removed to the base, and then they act according to the same scheme that is provided for the fence from the new picket fence.