How and how to paint wooden doors with your own hands. How to paint and paint wooden products (fence, country house)

  • 29.08.2019

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Painting wood on the facade of the house - 3 stages for a quality transformation

Wooden facades are very popular due to their environmental friendliness, attractiveness and reliability. Sooner or later, the owners of houses with a similar coating face the question of painting the facade. Today I will tell you about how to do this, and what nuances should be taken into account in the process.

About the need to paint facades

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the need to paint facades is the decorative component. Nevertheless, painted surfaces look many times more spectacular than untreated ones. But in addition to aesthetic qualities, there is also an important practical point.

Painting wooden products and facades allows:

  • protect the tree from moisture, swelling and decay;
  • extend the service life;
  • prevent damage to surfaces due to insect pests.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to paint a house. But before proceeding to consider the features of the process, I propose to deal with the most popular types of wood used for the facade of the house:

Type of wood Peculiarities
Thermotree A practical material that allows not only finishing the facade of buildings, but can also serve as a material for creating ventilated facades.
Larch A non-decaying material, which, however, is subject to deformation over time.
Pine One of the most popular options, which is easy to process. The main disadvantage is that pine has a relatively short service life.
Oak Incredibly beautiful textured wood with high strength.
Ash material with beautiful pattern and very high strength. It is highly prone to spoilage, so its regular processing is very important.
Red tree It combines excellent technical performance and exquisite structure.

Facade painting in 3 stages

If you want the wooden facades of your home to not only look attractive, but also not deteriorate for a very long time, the process must be approached with all responsibility. Surface painting will go through several stages.

Stage 1. Paint selection

Today, the market offers a huge range of coloring compositions for wooden surfaces. They can be:

  • transparent or opaque;
  • matte or glossy.

The type of paint should be selected not only based on personal preferences, but also according to the instructions given for each type of coating. By chemical composition, dyes can be divided into the following groups:

Photo Coating type
acrylic paint

One of the most popular options for painting facades. Among its main advantages are:

  • no specific odor;
  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability. In comparison with other paints, acrylic dries quickly enough.


This type of wood coating has:

  • affordable price;
  • good water-repellent properties;
  • high strength;
  • the composition of the paint contains antifungal components, which allow you not to additionally treat the surface with special solutions.

Possesses the increased wear resistance, elasticity and thermal stability.

Oil paints

This type of coating is used for decoration less and less. The thing is that oil paints are toxic, they dry for at least a day. In addition, with inaccurate staining, they leave stains behind.


This type of paint can be divided into two groups:

  • Water-dispersion semi-gloss enamel. Perfectly protects wood from influence of sunshine and water. Dries quickly and adheres well to the surface.
  • Water dispersion azure. Often used for painting log cabins and window frames. Allows you to protect the facade from fungus and mold.

Regardless of how correctly you followed the rules of painting, and how much quality coating chosen, do not forget that the service life of the exterior design is limited. For transparent compositions, it is 5-7 years, for opaque 9-10.

Stage 2. Surface preparation

Having decided on the type of paint, it is worth thinking about preparing the facade. This is a very important stage, on which not only the appearance of your home will depend, but also the duration of the shelf life of the coating.

The technology of surface preparation before painting consists of several important nuances:

  • If the surface has already been painted with other compounds, the previous layer of paint must be removed. This can be done with a scraper or brush with metal bristles.

  • Be sure to sand the surface sandpaper, remove sawdust, dirt from the wood.
  • If resin came out on the tree, remove it with a solvent. The gaps between the bitches should be sealed with a special wood putty.

  • Treat the surface with wood primer. Most modern formulations contain antiseptic impurities that protect the tree from damage.
  • Leave the facade to dry. In dry weather, this will take approximately 5-7 days.

Stage 3. Painting

Painting is the final, and fairly simple step that does not require special skills. It is enough to follow a few rules.

Competently executed painting of the facade of the building can transform a nondescript wooden house ik in a beautiful "teremok", striking with its artistic style. To form the external appearance of a residential building, a wooden house is painted, the paint for which is selected in strict accordance with the type of material from which the structure was built, and the conditions of use - for painting the house from the outside or from the inside.

Even small country house changed after painting

You can paint a wooden house in various ways paintwork materials(hereinafter referred to as LMB), because performance characteristics paints for exterior and interior work are different. The attractiveness of the building and its durability depend on the quality of the painting of the facade of a wooden building.

Causes of wood aging in wooden houses

From time immemorial, wooden houses have been serving people, protecting them from cold, rain and wind. In this case, the building is subject to negative impacts. environment leading to wood aging and deterioration of its properties as a building material. The centuries-old practice of operation has determined the approximate period of wear of wooden residential buildings, not exceeding 80-85 years.

The main natural factors that age the natural wood of the facade of buildings are:

    direct sunlight, mercilessly drying wood fibers. Dry fibers lose their elasticity and strength, change their position, become sharp. The surface becomes rough, begins to actively absorb sedimentary moisture, burns out and becomes covered with dark spots;

    sedimentary moisture, provoking deformation and swelling of the material;

That's what will happen if you don't take care of how to beautifully paint the wooden house outside, the photo below is not the worst option.

An unprotected wooden surface quickly begins to deteriorate.

    temperature fluctuations - worst enemy any building material. With a sharp cooling, the moisture that fills the pores of a damp tree freezes, turning into a crystalline state. Ice crystals expand the fibrous structure of the tree until the individual fibers break. When drying, the fibers narrow, which, with repeated cyclic repetition, leads to cracks;

    wood that is not protected from moist air is prone to rotting, mold and fungal deposits;

    wood-boring insects such as bark beetles, which grind wood and destroy the integrity of the tree structure.

Additional protection of a wooden house when painting

There are plenty of factors that cause wood aging and premature wear at home. To preserve wood in its original natural state, it is necessary to comprehensively protect the surface of wooden walls with special chemical compounds:

    flame retardants - to protect against fire;

    moisture-repellent agents - to protect against moisture;

    antiseptics - to combat fungi, mold and other biological pests;

    insecticidal preparations - to combat the invasion of carpenter insects.

Similar formulations are usually sold in standard containers.

A worthy and convenient alternative to the use of protective chemical compounds is painting for the facade of a wooden house, which achieves the same effect, similar to the use of a whole complex of different preparations. At the same time, painting a wooden house from the outside performs a wider range of tasks compared to the monofunctions of each protective solution separately, since, along with maintaining the quality of the wooden facade, the paintwork coating pursues decorative purposes. Using a variety of options for painting a house, you can significantly transform the look of the old facade and the entire wooden structure.

Requirements for paints for a wooden facade

Distinguish paints for internal and external works. Coatings for outdoor use have a wider temperature range of use, they are more moisture resistant. Compositions for painting interiors must be safe for people and pets, not have unpleasant odors, high resistance to abrasion.

Initially, the facade of a wooden house was painted with paints for outdoor use. When the improvement of the facade by painting became popular, paint manufacturers instead of “outer” often began to write “facade” on the packaging. Over time, the second name stuck and began to be used even more often than the original.

Paint "Facade" and "For outdoor work" is one and the same

For facade paints wooden houses the following requirements apply:

    High adhesive qualities in relation to wooden surfaces.

    Increased impact resistance and resistance to scratching and chipping, providing mechanical strength of the coating. The presence of increased mechanical wear resistance and resistance to abrasive wear from exposure to wind with dust.

    Weather resistance, which consists in the ability of a paintwork coating to resist the destructive effects of bad weather and the environment. Here you can also add the requirement for the chemical inertness of paintwork materials in relation to alkalis and acids formed in areas with a high concentration of exhaust gases.

    Hydrophobicity, providing water-repellent properties to protect wood from decay.

    Resistant to sudden temperature changes of a cyclic nature.

    Light fastness (resistance to ultraviolet radiation).

    Good vapor permeability.

    Preservation of elasticity after drying, compensating for microdeformations of facade materials during temperature changes.

    Low dirt retention, resistance to repeated washing.

    The ability to maintain color brightness for a long time.

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In the video, what the paint looks like after 5 years of operation at home:

Varieties of paints for painting a wooden facade

When choosing what paint to paint a wooden house on the outside, the following types of coatings are worthy of attention:

Antiseptic formulations

Able to impregnate the outer layer of wood to a depth of 4-7 mm for full protection against the negative effects of the environment, rot, mold and fungus. The industry produces two types of antiseptics:

    coating antiseptics - opaque coatings that completely hide the texture of wood, while maintaining the surface topography;

    glazing antiseptics - transparent coatings that preserve the natural pattern of the texture.

Acrylate coatings

They have excellent weather resistance and allow the wood to "breathe". Acrylate coatings do not interfere with natural air exchange through wooden walls. Acrylate paints have high elasticity, which allows the painted layer not to crack when the facade is deformed. In European countries, more than 80% of residential buildings are painted with acrylate coatings. Acrylic paints of different colors are mixed into homogeneous compositions, which makes it possible to obtain a color scheme of any desired color.

Oil paints

    prolonged drying of oil coatings, exceeding 24 hours;

    after coating with oil paint, the wooden surface becomes matte.

Oil paints are offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers

Alkyd coatings

Endowed with water-repellent properties. However, due to the rapid drying (20-30 minutes), the coating penetrates into the wood layers to a shallow depth, so alkyd coatings are short-lived. A distinctive feature of alkyd coatings is the ability to withstand low temperatures below 30 degrees below zero.

It is important! Any paint and varnish covering needs to be updated periodically. Having decided how to paint a wooden house outside, you should know the maximum period during which the applied coating may lose its original appearance and quality:

    for antiseptics, the service life is from 5 years for glazing compositions and up to 7 years for coating antiseptics;

    for acrylate materials - no more than 8-10 years;

    for oil paints - up to 6 years;

    for alkyd coatings - up to 7 years.

Optimum selection of coloring composition for the facade

Acquisition of facade paint from leading manufacturers does not yet guarantee high-quality painting of a wooden house. Paint for a wooden house on the outside must comply with the operating conditions of the building and the condition of the surface to be painted. For example, paints made in Spain or Italy are more adapted to the mild climate characteristic of these countries, while paints from Finnish or Swedish brands are designed for harsh winters.

"Southern" colors even look more "summery"

Oil paints are more appropriate when painting the outside of a wooden house over old paintwork, as wooden buildings used to be painted with oil paints, on which modern compositions do not fit well. It should be clearly understood that the determining factor in choosing paintwork materials for repair and restoration work is the type of binder, but not the solvent. Therefore, oil or acrylate paints can be applied to old oil paints or alkyd coatings without problems, however, only acrylate paints can be applied to old acrylic-based coatings.

Alkyd coating options are characterized by high frost resistance, they continue to perform their functions at frosts below -30 ° C.

Properly selected paint retains its properties in heat and cold

Acrylic paints are popular due to their ease of use, they can be diluted with water and applied in any way. When painting, you can get the shade of the desired color yourself. It is enough to purchase white paint as the base composition and special colorants, combining which, they get the desired color shade.

Manufacturers of facade paints for wooden houses

To the leading brands among the manufacturers of facade paints on Russian market LKM include:

    Tikkurila (Finland) is a name that has become a kind of synonym for quality for any paint. The main consumer characteristic of coatings produced by Tikkurila is considered to be excellent hiding power. Tikkurila feels great on wooden surfaces of any configuration.

    Alpina (Germany) is one of the leaders in the production of coatings, successfully competing with other "promoted" brands. The compositions have increased resistance to abrasion, temperature extremes. Clients are offered individual computer tinting to create an exclusive facade.

Video description

In the video, a comparison of popular brands of paint and varnish coatings:

    Dufa (Germany) specializes in the production of coatings that are optimally suited for harsh climatic conditions with cold winters.

    Dulux (Netherlands) produces paint in accordance with strict European standards for quality and safety of use. Is over winning option in terms of price / quality compared to other coatings.

    Marshall (Turkey) - a very popular paint in private housing construction, capable of covering a dark base coat. The paint dries quickly, does not drip from brushes or rollers when painting.

High-quality paint for exterior painting of wooden surfaces is produced by many Russian enterprises, among which are:



  • Yaroslavl colors.

Russian-made coatings successfully compete with European brands when developers choose reliable facade coatings for budget suburban buildings and middle-class quality houses.

Domestic manufacturers of facade paints

The general progress of the painting of the wooden facade

Painting a wooden house from the outside conditionally takes place in two main stages: preparing a wooden surface for applying paintwork materials and directly applying a paint and varnish coating.

Surface preparation

This important point, which determines how to paint a wooden house with the maximum protective effect. Applying paint to the unprepared wooden surface highly undesirable, since conditions for good adhesion of paintwork materials will not be provided and the rules for processing wood from negative biological influences will not be observed. Preparation of the surface for painting consists in carrying out the following activities:

    if the building is new, then it is enough to clean the wooden surface from dust and dirt with any improvised means.

    if it is required to paint the facade of an old building, then the remnants of the old paint and varnish coating are first removed and traces of mold are destroyed;

Old paint is cleaned as thoroughly as possible

    damaged areas of the wooden surface are repaired, all irregularities are cleaned, cracks are puttied;

    nail heads, metal inclusions are coated with a metal primer;

    it is desirable to carry out finishing alignment with a primer.

It is important! Upon completion preparatory activities it is recommended to leave the treated surface for several days until completely dry with high-quality ventilation.

Application of coatings on the prepared facade surface

It is carried out in the following sequence:

    wood is impregnated with a primer antiseptic in order to enhance its protective qualities and improve adhesive ability;

    a topcoat is applied, consisting of a layer of primer on wood and several layers of paint, with a time interval that guarantees complete drying of each previous layer.

Painting a new and old surface is carried out in the same sequence, but several nuances should be taken into account:

    the facade surface of the old building must be painted with the same type of paintwork that was originally used;

Video description

Visually the process of painting a house on the video:

When painting the exterior wooden surfaces of a residential building, it is recommended to “listen” to some advice from experienced craftsmen.

    Paint is applied only on a dry surface. When staining in several layers, an interlayer exposure is observed, which is for alkyd compounds- 24 hours, and for water-based - from 2 to 12 hours.

    LKM is applied in a direction longitudinal with respect to the fibers.

    Exterior paint consumption will noticeably decrease if the surface is primed.

On our website you can find companies specializing in paintwork materials, among the houses presented at the exhibition Low-rise Country.


The facade of the building is the face of the building. By the appearance of the facade, they judge not only the quality of a residential building, but also the tastes of its owner. Therefore, the coloring of the facade should be attributed to one of the main measures for shaping the appearance of the building and ensuring its readiness for long-term operation.

Houses made of wood are popular to this day. They are environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive, and thanks to modern protective compounds, they are also durable. It doesn't matter what kind building materials a building has been erected - timber, log or glued laminated timber, external facades require a protective coating and treatment with antiseptics. This applies not only to new houses, but also to old ones that require renovation. The article will discuss how to properly paint a wooden house outside.

Next, we will consider in detail the reasons due to which it is necessary to restore the paintwork of a wooden house from the outside, the types of compositions that are suitable for outdoor woodwork and the technology for painting a wooden house from the outside with your own hands.

Causes of wood aging

Wood is a material with a living structure. Even a growing tree ages and becomes rotten over time, while a cut down tree, these processes occur much faster. Raw material loses its original gloss in one season, turning gray. Therefore, to maintain an aesthetic appearance and to protect the wood itself, such houses require regular processing.

  • atmospheric influence. This is the sun, rain and temperature changes. They make the structure of the wooden façade rougher, reducing its elasticity and changing its color from yellow to grey. Due to the frequent expansion and contraction with changes in humidity, cracks appear, exacerbating the aging process.
  • Rot and mold. They occur in places where the largest number moisture - in cracks, over time, passing to the entire surface. Mold is easy to notice even in the initial stages, since most often it is a different formation of a gray-blue color, sometimes black. These stains do not greatly affect the quality of the wood structure, but are harmful to health. But the further decay caused by them is already dangerous and requires immediate intervention in the form of staining with special compounds.

  • bark beetles. They can appear even in new houses if the wane was not properly removed during construction or material was used. low quality(for example, for roof lathing). They can spoil the wood imperceptibly for many years. It is very difficult to get rid of them.

Tip: it is especially important to take care of the quality protection of the facade of a wooden house if it is located near a large body of water or near highways with heavy traffic.

Choosing paint colors for your home outside

This is an important question, because the chosen color will affect the mood and satisfaction from the work done. The most convenient way to do this is directly in the store, where samples of wood painted in different shades are presented. When ordering paint over the Internet, the monitor may distort the real color.

Looking through the color options for wooden buildings in a magazine, there is often a feeling of delight, however, when choosing a color for their home, most come to a standstill, not knowing what to choose. Here are a few tips to help:

  • first, it is worth deciding whether the whole house will be repainted or only its individual elements. In the latter case, the color of the dye should be in harmony with the existing tone;
  • some cottage settlements require that the houses be similar in appearance, which means that the coloring should be combined with adjacent houses;
  • the color of the composition applied to the wood can be very different under the artificial lighting of the store and in the street light. Therefore, many consultants recommend purchasing a small jar of dye (often, upon request, I can tint a very small amount especially for the customer) and paint some element on the facade. This will allow you to accurately determine the option.

When choosing a shade for the house, you need to build on the environment. For example, in a pine forest, houses with warm shades of wood facades look beautiful, and for a light birch grove, it is better to choose gray tones in the Scandinavian style.

Of the basic rules, it is worth remembering the main thing - light shades, and in particular White color, visually increase the size of a wooden cottage, but dark colors on the contrary, they decrease.

The choice of paint for painting the house

Despite the fact that the modern construction market is filled with all kinds of paint and varnish products for wood, its choice in terms of characteristics is rather meager. Despite the fact that some compositions are widely advertised, while others are practically unknown, their components are similar. Over the past decades, no fundamentally new coloring compositions have appeared, for example, classic oil paint famous brand Tikkurila has been produced without significant changes for more than 70 years. This indicates that, despite the promising advertising of new dyes with unprecedented longevity, should not be taken at face value.

  • Oil paints for wood. Most often it is more a budget option for painting the wooden facade of the house. Their main advantage is that they are able to penetrate quite deeply into the wood structure, making it resistant to negative influence atmospheric conditions. But in order for the house to always look aesthetically pleasing, this coating requires renewal every 5 years or more often, depending on the conditions of the region. Another disadvantage is the low resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This means that the south side of the building will lose color saturation faster (of course, this only applies to bright colors). Compositions based on drying oil dry for a rather long time. Even in sunny and warm weather, it takes several hours. Therefore, in order to prevent dust from sticking to the new facades, it is necessary to choose calm weather for work.
  • Acrylic paints for wood. This is the best dye option for the wooden facade of the house. This is primarily due to their ability to create a reliable vapor-permeable coating. That is, after application, a layer is formed that can breathe, like a tree. In addition, even after hardening, alkyd paints remain flexible enough not to crack when the wood dries out seasonally. All this allows you to extend the performance up to 8-10 years without the need for new repairs.

  • Covering antiseptic for wood. They are based on an acrylate-alkyd composition. This is a relatively recent type of product, but with a number of advantages due to which it is gaining popularity. This composition is able to give cheap wood the look of an expensive material. This allows you to save money during construction, when you want to achieve a respectable result inexpensively. In addition, such antiseptics without tinting retain their appearance for more than 10 years.
  • Varnishes, stains, azures. If expensive materials were chosen for the construction of a wooden house, then you should opt for a colorless and durable coating. They will give the surface a gloss, while not distorting the color, but only slightly changing the shade and fully showing the beautiful texture. natural material. If desired, they can be tinted, in which case the color saturation will depend on the number of applied layers.

When asking the question, what is the best way to paint a house, most rely on a combination of price / quality. So you can make an approximate overview of the most famous manufacturers:

  • Budget colors. These include economy options, the cost of which does not exceed 100-150 rubles / kg. These are Senezh, Aquatex, Texturol.
  • Average price category. Their price ranges from 250-350 rubles / kg. The most famous are Tikkurila and Belinka.
  • Premium paint- from 400 rubles/kg and more. These are foreign manufacturers such as Woodwork and Johnestones.

  • If painted new house, then the choice of paint is not limited by anything and depends only on the preferences of the owner. Another thing, if produced repair work previously painted wooden facade. In this case, it is necessary to paint with the same composition that was applied before. But there is a small nuance, if the wall was painted with oil paint, then with pre-treatment it is allowed to apply acrylic on it.
  • If before this work was carried out by other owners, then first you need to determine the type of paint. With a sharp clerical knife, cut off a piece of the composition or make an incision and look: if it breaks and crumbles easily, then it is oil paint, if it has elasticity sufficient to twist it into a roll, it is acrylate.
  • It is better to paint on a cloudy day, when there is no bright sun, but rain is not planned either. This is due to the fact that when direct sunlight hits a freshly painted wooden facade, the paint can dry unevenly, forming stains.

  • You should beware of purchasing products that have appeared on the construction market recently. Even if the manufacturer indicates a warranty period of up to 15-20 years, it has not yet been possible to verify this in practice. But in any case, the manufacturer indicates it, taking into account the fact that the wood was previously treated with antiseptic and preparations and primed. Without this, the service life is drastically reduced.
  • When buying, it is also important to pay attention to covering indicators. That is, the consumption of the composition per m2, therefore, often a bank with a smaller volume can cover a larger area than a cheaper analogue. This means that it is not always worth focusing on the price parameter "ruble/l."

Coloring of wooden houses. Preparatory work

  • Before you start painting a wooden house from the outside, you need to pre-prepare the walls. For a new home, they consist in applying an antiseptic and a primer. But when repairing an old building, there will be much more work: grinding to good wood and processing cracks. These procedures will protect possible irregularities or peeling of old and new paint from each other.
  • The problem with most wooden houses is their seasonal “movement”, which leads to cracking of the paint if it does not have sufficient elasticity. Moisture freely penetrates into the resulting cracks, which leads to further destruction of the paintwork and the wood itself. In addition, the mold that forms in such places adversely affects human health, causing lung diseases. The only exceptions are houses made of glued laminated timber, thanks to the production technology they do not form gaps and they need painting only for aesthetic purposes.
  • Therefore, first, with a metal spatula, all exfoliated places and those that are easy to clean are roughly removed. After that, using a grinder with a special disk, the surface is cleaned to light and clean wood. This guarantees the durability of the repair.

  • It is most convenient and cheapest to treat mold cracks from a spray gun with ordinary whiteness, which is sold at any hardware store. The concentration is taken 100%, that is, without dilution with water. Due to the pungent odor, even outdoors, work must be carried out in a respirator, goggles and gloves.

How to paint an old wooden house outside

  • Sometimes, after complete sanding, the surface of the wood has many notches and irregularities. It is advisable to smooth them with sandpaper with a large grain. Again, these cleaning discs are sold for angle grinders, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the process. As a result, it turns out to achieve a fairly smooth surface.
  • The next step is to apply a primer. To date, on sale you can find special primers for wood, which already have antiseptic additives. Thus, the work is halved. To do this with a brush for a very long time, it is much more convenient to use an airbrush. In order not to buy for a one-time job, you can rent it. It is recommended to apply it in two layers.

Tip: for a more saturated color as a result of staining, the right amount of color is added to the primer so that it is as close as possible in color to the paint itself. So, if the house is painted gray, then the primer should be gray. It is best to do this in the store where the composition was purchased.

  • They begin to paint only when the wood is completely dry. Having opened a new jar, the composition is thoroughly mixed for a couple of minutes so that it becomes homogeneous. For work, choose a wide brush with small villi. It is best to buy a brush for varnish, it will allow you to apply the paint most evenly. Work begins to be done from top to bottom, carefully making sure that smudges do not form. Strokes are made horizontally, along the grain of the wood.

  • When working with an airbrush follow all the same requirements. But with it, the paint lays down more evenly, and the consumption is reduced.
  • As a rule, having applied one layer, it is impossible to avoid noticeable smudges, and the coating itself is not strong enough. For exterior work, in addition to the primer coat, it is recommended to apply at least three coats of paint.

How to paint a wooden house outside video

Acrylic paints were introduced to the market half a century ago. It is safe to say that this is a real breakthrough in the construction and repair industry. Today, this type of coating is preferred by most consumers.

The composition of this material is simple. It consists of three elements: resin (binder), water and coloring pigments. Those who are not yet familiar with this coating are interested in whether it is possible to paint wood with it? The answer is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, this option has a lot of advantages among similar compositions. How to paint a tree with acrylic paint and how to choose the right product?

Features of acrylic paints

It is ideal for painting wooden surfaces. Thanks to a huge selection of color palettes, everyone will be able to bring their design ideas to life. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can be applied to furniture, doors and windows, even in children's rooms.

After application, the coating does not emit toxic elements. In addition, the paint does not have a strong odor. Therefore, you can work with it in public places.

Another advantage of this material is fast drying (1-2 hours). This is an absolute plus for those who want to do the job quickly and at the same time with high quality.

In addition, it is not necessary to clean the tools used in the staining process with solvents and other odorous compounds. It is enough to rinse them under running water.

Another important feature of acrylic is its long service life, which varies between 10-12 years (depending on the manufacturer). The coating is sufficiently stable, which makes it possible to use cleaning products on the painted surface.

Acrylic paint protects the wooden product from ultraviolet rays (due to the resins contained in the composition), mechanical damage. It is water-repellent, breathable, resistant to temperature, high and low humidity.

Acrylic coatings resist the formation of cracks and bubbles on the surface, have a high degree of hiding power, which allows you to apply a minimum of layers.

One more distinctive feature is the possibility of removing the paint before it has set on the wooden surface. After drying, the painted products form protective film which can only be removed by using special solvents.

Important: After processing products with acrylic paint, it literally breathes. At the same time, protection of wooden products from pests is ensured.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite the many advantages, acrylic also has disadvantages:

  1. The price for a quality product is very high.
  2. If you store the paint for a long time, then it can exfoliate.
  3. Too cheap acrylic paints can lose their color, especially under the influence of ultraviolet light.

As you can see, the number of minuses is very small and they relate mainly to product quality. However, the existing disadvantages should still be taken into account if you want to paint wood with acrylic paint.

Selection rules

Choice quality composition depends on what product you plan to paint. If its location is indoors, then it is recommended to select a coating intended for indoor use. Such compositions create a smooth coating on furniture, interior doors and other decorative elements.

They do not lose color for a long time and are considered absolutely harmless. Moreover, acrylic coating for interiors dries quickly, is easy to apply, does not have a strong odor.

Another thing is if it is necessary to paint outdoor objects - external doors, windows, facades, etc. For this, it is recommended to choose a special coating made for external work. Both options differ in composition. The latter includes special elements that resist atmospheric changes (consists of coloring pigments, fillers, fixers).

This composition provides reliability and durability of the coating, elasticity, protection from moisture and the sun, quick drying and a high degree of vapor permeability.

This composition can be applied both to a new product and to old structures made of wood (only before this, the surface must be carefully sanded).

Store acrylic paint preferably at a temperature not lower than 0 ͦ and not higher than 30 ͦ C.

Important! Before use, it should be mixed and diluted.

How to apply acrylic on a wooden surface?

Before using this material, wooden products should be prepared for the process. Especially when it comes to old surfaces. If the facade, window, door, furniture are new, then there is no need for pre-treatment. Acrylic can be applied immediately.

So, if the product has cracks, indentations, irregularities, then they should be repaired with a putty designed for wood. If you plan to use a light-colored coating, then it is preferable to select the appropriate shade of putty, otherwise you will have to apply several layers of paint to mask the contrast.

After it dries, carefully sand the surface with a grinder or sandpaper. It is worth noting that in this case, you should be careful not to disturb the position of the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to grind along their direction.

Next, the product should be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge. Then you need to apply the soil. This will ensure low paint consumption and good adhesion of the surface and the base layer.

Important: Do not use a water-based primer on outdoor products. It is better to purchase an oil-based material for these purposes.

After the primer dries, a decorative layer of acrylic paint is applied. If you plan to paint a door, furniture or window, it is better to use a natural-based brush. For bulk work, it is recommended to purchase a roller.

It is important that outdoor structures be painted quickly after applying the primer. This is due to the fact that some types of soil are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures (you can read about this in the instructions for using the primer).

Painting wooden products with acrylic paint is the best option. And this applies not only to those that are indoors, but also located on the street. The main thing here is to choose the appropriate and high-quality material.

Acrylic paint is the most popular among facade paints. And this is not surprising: it fits perfectly on any surface: concrete, wood, plaster, fiber cement. It can be used to paint previously painted walls without removing the old, but still firmly adhering, finish coat.

Acrylic-based coloring compositions are water-soluble. This is their undoubted advantage, since working with such paints is not only easy, but also safe. In their composition there is not a single substance that can harm the respiratory system or the skin.

At correct application these paints do not form smudges and sagging. The painted surface is smooth and uniform. One of the best properties acrylic paints- excellent covering ability. However, when working with complex surfaces, it is recommended to apply two coats. This will provide greater color saturation and durability of the coating. All acrylic paint manufacturers guarantee that when correct execution preparation and painting of surfaces, their products will last at least 10-15 years.

When choosing a paint color, keep in mind that lighter tones can reflect heat and ultraviolet light. Therefore, such compositions are optimal for houses in regions with a warm climate. Light walls will suffer less from overheating, and the finishing layer on them will last longer. The situation is reversed with recommendations for the northern regions. Here it is better to choose colors of saturated and brighter tones.

The composition of acrylic paints is very simple. It includes:

  • water;
  • acrylic emulsion based on polyacrylates and copolymers;
  • pigment (gives the emulsion a certain color).

Characteristics of paints based on acrylic

Preparing the facade for painting

Preparing the walls for paint application is an extremely important step that should not be ignored. First of all, carefully examine the surface of the facade. If the house has been previously painted, take a spatula with a metal blade and check how firmly the old finishing layer holds.

If the paint comes off easily, remove it. Depending on the thickness of the coating, choose a tool for work. If the layer is thin and easily detached from the walls, a spatula and a metal-bristled brush will suffice.

A thick layer, which in some places firmly adheres to the walls, will require the use of an angle grinder (grinder) with a special nozzle: a cord brush for rough wood processing. She (brush) is able to remove not only the old finishing layer, but also level the wooden surface. Sandpaper discs will not help in this work.

If the old paint is easy to remove, you can use sanding discs grit 80-120 GRIT. It is recommended to take into account that when removing the finishing layer, a significant amount of dust will form, containing small fragments of the old coating. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator or a cloth bandage.

Sanding is a very hard and unpleasant job, as the sandpaper is constantly clogged with paint.

Before cleaning the façade mechanically, it is necessary to remove all nails, if any. If it is not possible to remove them, hammer them with a hammer. If the nail heads are rusty, unsightly stains will appear on the new finishing layer over time. Therefore, the metal is treated with red mercury or special anti-corrosion washes. The latter are preferable, since they, unlike mercury, are not poisonous.

If the walls are built of logs, mechanical restoration excluded. In this case, other methods are used to prepare the facade for painting. First of all, you need to check the tightness of the space between the logs. It is usually filled with tow, moss or hemp. These materials must be compacted where required. After that, dirt and dust are removed from the surface of the logs with a rag or broom.

Priming wooden walls

The process of preparing the facade for painting includes the stage of priming. In order not to make mistakes in this matter, you need to remember one rule: external wooden walls cannot be coated with a water-based primer. Only on oil.

As a rule, all high-quality primers are also antiseptics. Before starting work, you need to carefully read the instructions on the package. The conditions under which priming with this agent can be performed, and the manufacturer's recommendations for application, will become known.

Valtti Akvabase (Valtti Aquabase) and BIOFA are considered to be the best primers for wood. These oil-based compounds can be used on any wood: fresh planed, pressure impregnated, heat treated, old. When working with Valtti Akvabase, personal protective equipment must be used.

How to apply primer to wood

With a small amount of work for applying a primer, you can use paint brush with natural or artificial pile. This tool is especially handy when processing log facades. If the walls are even (plank or timber), you can apply the primer with a roller. It's easy to do.

Step 1. Pour enough primer into a paint tray or any other suitable container so that 1/3 of the volume of the roller roller can be immersed in it.

Step 2 The roller is lowered into the solution and rolled 2-3 times along the relief horizontal part of the paint bath. This removes excess primer, and when applied, it will not drain from the wall.

A foam roller is a great tool for applying primer.

Step 3 Moisten a section of the wall by rolling a roller over it. Each next strip should overlap the previous one by 5-7 cm.

Step 4 The roller is again immersed in the primer and squeezed out. Further, work is continued according to a given algorithm until the entire area of ​​​​the facade is processed.

It should be remembered that as little time as possible should elapse between the processes of priming and painting. Not all primers are resistant to light and UV. Therefore, they need to be covered with a layer of paint in a timely manner.

Mechanical painting of wooden walls

The mechanical method of painting wooden facades involves the use of special tools. But regardless of the chosen method finishing works, during their implementation, several rules must be observed.

  1. The paint is applied at a positive temperature: from +5 to +30°C.
  2. Relative humidity should not exceed 80%.
  3. Do not paint parts of the facade exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. Do not apply paint on wet surfaces.
  5. For tinting acrylic paints, it is necessary to use water-soluble dyes with good light fastness. For example, Ceresit tinting pastes are an excellent choice.

Painting the facade mechanically is convenient in every respect. Spraying paint allows it to penetrate into the smallest cracks and pores of the tree. This method is the most beneficial when painting log walls. With the help of an airbrush, all places that are hard to reach even for brushes will be covered with a finishing layer.

Tool selection

For applying paint, two types of tools are used: air and soulless spray guns. Otherwise they are called "sprayers".

How paint spray tools work

ToolTool typesPrinciple of operation

Pneumatic and electric. The latter are of three types: with a lower and upper tank, with a pump for supplying paint.Spraying paint is carried out under the influence of air flow, which is supplied by a pump or pressure (up to 8 atm) created in the tank.

Membrane, piston, hydropiston.The supply of paint is carried out by compressing it without the use of air supply. The spray gun is equipped with an elliptical nozzle with a small cross section. Due to the difference between the pressure inside and outside the machine, there is an effect of spraying paint at the moment it exits the nozzle.

Airless spray method is the most economical. But devices of this type are more expensive, therefore they are mainly used for painting large areas. However, this method also has its drawbacks. One of them is that a significant part of small drops hangs in the surrounding workplace air, and gradually settles. Therefore, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. Another drawback of the airless method is that it requires the highest quality protection of all nearby objects and elements of the facade: windows, doors, trim, etc.

For painting the facade of a private house, air-type electric spray guns are most convenient. These tools have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among the minuses is the formation of rather large drops that fall to the ground without reaching the wall. The advantage is that this method of application does not form a dust cloud with fine paint particles.

Manual electric air type spray guns are the easiest to use. They are a pistol-type handle, at one end of which a hollow rod with a nozzle is fixed, at the other - a reservoir for paint. A hose from a pump equipped with a control unit and an electric motor is connected to this container.

These tools are inexpensive and easy to use. During operation, they do not make sounds characteristic of large machines and do not vibrate much. Using such a spray gun, you can paint the facade at least twice as fast as with a roller or brush.

The tank capacity of such tools does not exceed 1.5 liters. Household models apply paint at a speed of 0.5-0.7 l / min. Airless-type household spray guns work a little faster: up to 1 l / min. The most popular brands: Wagner, Bosch, BORT, STURM, Spets.

  • 0.5-1.3 mm for acrylic paints;
  • 2.5-2.8 for primers.

More powerful tools are painting stations. They are significantly more productive than their manual counterparts. The stations are equipped with powerful electric motors and have a wider range of adjustments.

The technique of applying acrylic paint with a spray gun

Step 1. At this stage of work, all elements of the facade that are not intended for painting are protected. They are being sheltered plastic wrap, which is fixed with staples and a construction stapler.

Step 2 Dilute acrylic paint with water. Each household spray gun is equipped with special device(watering can) to determine the viscosity of the composition. How to define it?

  1. Diluted paint is poured into a watering can, the outlet of which is previously closed.
  2. Mix the paint.
  3. After that, they arm themselves with a stopwatch (or use the appropriate gadget on a mobile phone), open the outlet of the watering can and count the number of seconds from the beginning to the complete outflow of paint.

For acrylic paints, the average flow time should be 26-28 seconds. For primers - 24-25 sec. In order to achieve this indicator, they begin to dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part of water and 10 parts of paint). Check the viscosity. If not diluted enough, add another 10% water. Thus, they find the optimal proportions and achieve the desired density of the composition.

Step 3 Pour the diluted paint into the container of the spray gun.

Step 4 The paint supply is adjusted using a special regulator, which is equipped with any apparatus of this type. On the body of the spray gun or on the regulator, gradations should be applied: maximum, medium, minimum. If you plan to paint a large area in one go, set the maximum paint supply speed. If you want to paint a small section of the facade, set the minimum or medium.

Step 5 Connect the cord of the device to the mains.

Step 6 Bring the spray gun to the facade at a distance of 40-50 cm and press the power button of the tool (located on the handle).

Step 7 Do a trial staining and observe if there are any strong smudges of paint. If they are, reduce the amount of feed using the regulator.

Step 8 Apply paint to the facade so that the surface is evenly painted.

Step 9 When the paint in the tank runs out, refill it and continue working.

When painting log walls, special attention is paid to the places of recesses. It is not recommended to fill the spray gun container more than 800 ml. Otherwise, the device will be difficult to hold on weight. It should also be taken into account that any electric spray gun vibrates. Therefore, in the work you need to take breaks in order to give your hands a chance to rest. But in any case, with the help of a well-tuned sprayer, you can paint the facade with acrylic paint as quickly as possible.

Video - Electric spray gun. How to paint!