How to properly putty walls for painting: professional advice. How to putty walls for painting Proper application of putty on the wall

  • 27.06.2020

Putty is one of the most affordable and quick ways, allowing to prepare the surface of the walls for wallpaper. With the help of puttying, you can perfectly level the wall with potholes, cracks and other defects, so many people want to know how to properly putty the walls under the wallpaper in order to achieve the maximum effect. It is much easier to glue wallpaper on even walls than on curved ones - the glue is evenly absorbed and the risk of wrinkling of the canvas is reduced. In addition, putty eliminates minor irregularities that will be clearly visible under the wallpaper, especially in sunlight. In order for repair work to be carried out quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to observe some important rules, including when choosing a material for puttying.

To putty the walls before pasting the wallpaper, you will need the following set of tools:

  1. Drill with a nozzle "mixer". The putty mixture is most often sold in dry form, and to bring it to the required consistency, it must be diluted with water. It is possible to ideally stir the composition to a homogeneous mass without lumps only with the help of such a nozzle. In the absence of a mixer, you can purchase ready-made putty, which does not require pre-mixing.
  2. Spatulas of various sizes. For corners and other hard-to-reach areas, a small spatula is used, and for the rest of the surface, a tool 40-50 cm wide is used.
  3. Brushes and foam rollers. These devices allow you to perform high-quality primer walls. This step is not recommended to be skipped, as a thin layer of primer ensures good adhesion between the wall and the wallpaper.
  4. Rule. This tool is necessary when working with uneven walls, when the putty is applied in a thick layer and the likelihood of uneven distribution of the material over the entire surface increases.
  5. Sandpaper. Used to eliminate transitions between layers, small bumps and depressions. Fine-grained paper and a manual skinner are best suited for these purposes, which facilitates the grinding process.

VIDEO LESSON: All about wall puttying

The choice of material for puttying work

Depends on the quality of the wallpaper general form interior, so the questions of how to putty the walls under the wallpaper and what material to choose will always be relevant.

Most often, the following grades of materials are used for puttying surfaces under wallpaper:

For those who first decided to carry out independent wall puttying, experts recommend using a ready-made water-polymer mixture, which is sold in plastic packages, has an optimal consistency and is easy to apply.

Primer as an important stage of puttying

A primer is a special composition that forms a waterproof film, so that the wallpaper adheres better to the surface.

There are the following types of primer solutions:

  • Acrylic. Suitable for all surfaces, including concrete, cement, wood, brick, plywood and plaster. The material does not have a specific smell, dries within 5 hours and is most often used for pasting wallpaper.
  • Alkyd. Used for decoration wooden walls in country houses. The drying time of this primer is no more than 15 hours.
  • Glyphthalic. Designed for finishing surfaces made of wood and metal in rooms with a low level of humidity, they dry out for about a day.
  • Perchlorovinyl. Suitable for concrete, metal, brick and plaster walls, drying time at room temperature is 1 hour.

Surface preparation for puttying

To successfully refresh the interior, you must clearly understand how to putty the walls under the wallpaper, otherwise all efforts will be reduced to zero.

Before you start puttying with your own hands, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the walls of grease, paint, dust, falling layers of plaster and wallpaper residues. When withdrawing paper wallpaper no difficulties arise, for this it is enough to moisten them well. But often situations arise when removing old wallpaper becomes a real problem, this applies to glass or canvases pasted on drywall. If the material fits snugly against the wall and does not form voids and bubbles, you can putty on old wallpaper, while the layer should not exceed 1 mm, otherwise the hardened putty may peel off along with the wallpaper.

Important! If fungal damage and mold are found on the walls, it is necessary to treat the surface with an antiseptic solution. Sharp protrusions and bumps should be cut off with a metal spatula, and large recesses should be pre-plastered.

The final stage of the preparatory work is the application of one thin layer of primer, after which it is necessary to wait for the solution to dry completely and proceed with puttying.

Starting putty

Even if at first glance the walls seem even and need only partial processing, at least two layers of putty should be applied. For plasterboard walls, one layer will suffice, and at the same time, the joints of the material should be carefully repaired.

Starting puttying is designed to eliminate significant wall differences, hide strobes and holes, the layer thickness in this case can reach 1.5 cm. For starting finishing, a special putty is used, which is designed to fill joints, seal breathing cracks and joints of floor slabs.

VIDEO: Starting wall puttying

Advice! In order to perform the starting putty as efficiently as possible, experts recommend installing a special paint grid on the wall and evenly distributing the mixture over it.

Each subsequent layer is applied after thorough drying and polishing of the previous one. If there are no significant defects on the walls, the stage of starting putty can be skipped.

Applying the final layer

If the wall is relatively flat, then one finishing layer will be enough; if the surface was previously plastered, then 2-3 layers of putty will have to be applied. The drying period of each layer can be up to 10-12 hours, after which the surface is polished to eliminate sagging and other irregularities. The final layer before pasting the wallpaper must be applied with a wide spatula, from 30 cm, moving crosswise with an overlap on the already treated area. In order for the layer to have an optimal thickness of 2-3 mm, and the putty does not leave bumps and uneven edges, it is necessary to hold the spatula at an angle of 25-30 degrees to the wall, while all movements must have the same pressing force. After each layer, it is necessary to check the surface for evenness with the help of a rule and a flashlight, and eliminate the identified defects with the next layer.

Another way to treat the corners is to apply a little more mixture on them, and after drying, remove the excess by grinding.

After the wall dries for about a day, until the material finally hardens, after which the entire surface must be treated with sandpaper or an abrasive planer.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself finishing putty for wallpaper

It should be noted that finishing putty is suitable for leveling old walls with significant irregularities and cracks, as well as before applying one-color paint, which makes wall defects more noticeable. In new houses, as a rule, such a need does not arise, and small irregularities are eliminated by repeated plastering. In addition, modern wallpapers are thick enough to independently hide existing flaws and level the walls.

Puttying and leveling walls - mandatory measure preparation of surfaces for final finishing. The operation is designed to remove various irregularities, create a smooth and even, without deviations, coating that provides strong adhesion of paint or wallpaper to the wall. In order to properly putty the walls, it is necessary to choose the appropriate composition and follow the technology of the work.

Putty is a plastic material used for leveling surfaces (filling cracks, chips, potholes) and preparing them for applying a finishing material: paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster. The composition is a mixture of a binder base and filler, some types also contain plasticizers and hardeners that improve the properties of the product.

Can be supplied dry or ready to use.

Types of putties

Putty is divided into types according to:

  • appointment;
  • composition;
  • readiness.

By appointment

By appointment, solutions can be divided into three main groups:

  • starting;
  • finishing;
  • universal.

To find out which putty is better to putty walls, you should study the properties and scope of each type.


Leveling putty for walls is intended for primary surface preparation. The composition contains fractions big size, eliminates large defects (cracks, potholes, chips), used for leveling. It has good adhesion to the base. The starting putty is applied in a layer up to 30 mm thick.

Suitable for concrete and masonry. The starting layer can be applied directly to the surface to be leveled or to the reinforced mesh. When leveling the walls with putty, the composition is applied in several layers.


  • filling voids between window frames or door jambs and the opening;
  • sealing of gate channels;
  • slope alignment;
  • sealing joints between reinforced concrete panels.


This wall putty is used to prepare the surface for applying the finishing material. It is designed to create a base of perfect smoothness for paint, fabric wallpaper or other demanding materials.

The plastic composition fills the smallest cracks, thanks to fractions small size creates a thin even layer. As a result of applying the finishing putty, the wall is smooth surface that does not require additional processing (polishing).


Mixtures of this type perform the functions of starting and finishing compositions: they are used to level the wall and create a flat surface. It is convenient to work with a universal solution: with one mixture you can eliminate all irregularities and prepare the surface for applying a finishing material. However, to create a well-leveled surface, it is recommended to use special formulations- puttying walls with universal mixtures brings the worst result.


Intended for internal works putties for walls are divided into 4 types.

Composition Purpose Peculiarities
Gypsum Used for application on walls or ceilings in rooms with moderate humidity (living rooms, corridor) Advantages: fast drying, perfectly smooth surface, fire resistance, no smell, low price and ease of use. Suitable as a base for paint, thin delicate materials. Does not shrink and does not form cracks after drying.

Disadvantages: when used indoors with high humidity changes its properties - begins to swell, lags behind the surface. Does not tolerate mechanical stress

Oil-glue Designed to putty walls made of concrete or wood, as well as plastered surfaces. Used as a base for water-dispersion, enamel and oil paints Plastic quick-drying mass. It has the lowest price, but has significant disadvantages: instability to mechanical stress, poor tolerance of contact with water. Not recommended for finishing residential premises due to the presence of harmful components
Polymer Suitable for gypsum, cement, polyurethane and other types of substrates The composition with high plasticity and forming a durable coating. Puttying the walls with polymer compounds increases the sound insulation of the wall, creates a vapor and moisture-proof layer that protects the treated surface from mold. Suitable for rooms with high humidity. Due to the high cost, it is not advisable to use for processing large area walls.
Cement The application of this type of putty is recommended in rooms with high humidity and in unheated rooms. Cement plaster is inexpensive, resistant to water and low temperatures. The layer is very durable. Among the minuses: shrinks, cracks may appear after drying

By readiness

Putty for ceilings and walls is available in finished form and dry.


The dry mixture is diluted with water immediately before the walls are puttied.

The advantages of such compositions:

  • less weight;
  • ease of preparation;
  • the ability to independently choose the desired degree of density;
  • low price compared to ready-made solutions.


  1. The need to prepare the solution yourself. It is required to thoroughly mix the solution to a homogeneous state, which is impossible without a construction mixer.
  2. Limited shelf life of the prepared mixture. After a short time (from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the composition), it begins to harden and loses its properties. It is necessary to prepare it in small portions, apply the putty immediately.


Plastic mixtures supplied in plastic containers of different volumes do not require dilution with water and are ready to use.

The advantages of this type of solutions include:

  • better plasticity compared to dry mixes;
  • long shelf life (even after opening the container, they do not freeze immediately).

The main disadvantage is the high cost.

How to choose putty?

In order for puttying the walls with your own hands to bring the desired result, you need to choose the right mixture.

It is necessary to take into account:

  1. Compatibility. It is advisable to use materials from the same manufacturer: primer, putty, paint or wallpaper paste. In this case, there is no risk of undesirable changes in building compositions in contact with each other.
  2. Appointment. When looking for putty, it is important to consider the conditions in which it will be used (inside or outside the room, with high or moderate humidity, and more).
  3. Finish type. To create a base for paint, it is recommended to use ready-made compositions - they are more plastic, form a high-quality, even surface without flaws. Puttying the walls with dry mixes is permissible if wallpapering is planned.

Putty application technology

Before applying putty on the wall, you need to prepare everything for work:

  1. Drill or construction mixer. It will be needed if the choice is made in favor of a dry mixture. Manually mixing the composition qualitatively to a homogeneous structure will not work.
  2. Plane. Required to remove protrusions and bumps in the process of preparing the surface for applying putty on the walls.
  3. Spatulas. It is advisable to purchase a set of accessories different size- wide is used for processing even open areas, in hard-to-reach or at corners, a small one is used.
  4. Spatulas for forming the outer and inner corners.
  5. Building rule. They check the evenness of the surface obtained after leveling.
  6. Roller and paint tray. Tools are needed for applying the primer. The use of a primer increases the adhesion strength of the putty to the wall, protects the latter from mold.
  7. Grater or abrasive mesh. The device is used to clean the surface. The leveling putty layer is treated with a coarse-grained abrasive, the finishing layer is cleaned with a fine-grained one.
  8. Primer.
  9. Container for mixing the composition.
  10. Broom and brush to remove dust from the cleaned surface.

All tools and containers should be thoroughly washed with liquid soap and wiped dry with a clean rag to get rid of dust and residues of other construction mixtures.

Having prepared necessary tools, move on to puttying the walls with their own hands.

Surface preparation

The walls are cleaned of dirt and old finishing material: paint, wallpaper or plaster remains are removed. Apply a rule to the wall, bring a flashlight to it. Having found the protrusions, remove them with a planer.

After priming and thoroughly drying the surface (this may take a day).

Mixing the solution

Do-it-yourself wall putty is prepared as follows:

  1. A quarter of a bucket is filled with clean water.
  2. Putty is poured with a thin stream in such an amount that a small hill forms above the surface of the water.
  3. Wait a few seconds for the powder to swell.
  4. Immerse the nozzle of the construction mixer into the container, intensively mix the composition for two minutes.
  5. Stop working for 1 minute, turn on the mixer again for 2 minutes.

Important! After preparing the mixture, it must not be re-diluted with water. If the result is too liquid or, on the contrary, too thick mass, work with it. After drying, the surface can be leveled using a grater.

Applying the starting putty

Notches, chips and cracks are recommended to be slightly widened before applying the filling mortar, and internal surfaces scratch with a knife so that the putty grabs better. Then, using a brush, apply a primer. When it dries, they begin to cover the defect: they take a small amount of the solution on a medium-sized spatula, apply it to the wall next to the problem area and smear it over the entire area of ​​the pothole. Grouting is carried out with crosswise movements. In this case, do not hesitate or press the spatula too hard.

When the surface is leveled, putty the entire wall. You can do this in several ways:

  • to obtain a thick layer, a spatula with a solution is applied almost parallel to the wall;
  • to create a thin, millimeter layer - tilt at an angle of 60-70 °;
  • ideally flat surfaces putty, holding the spatula at a right angle - so the solution fills only scratches, small cracks and chips.

Plastered walls are puttyed in the same way - as a rule, all flaws have already been eliminated with plaster, and it remains only to apply a thin layer of leveling mortar. The only important condition is to wait for the mixture to dry completely: cement gains strength in 4 weeks, and gypsum hardens in 7 days.

After the first layer is completely dry, it is processed with a grater, removing stripes from the spatula, bumps and other irregularities. Then large pieces of putty are swept away with a broom, and the dust is removed with a brush.

If necessary, a second layer is applied and again cleaned with a coarse abrasive.

Application of finishing putty

The technology of puttying walls with finishing putty is almost the same as the starting one. The layer is applied to even sections of the wall with a wide spatula. The thickness of the layer is made no more than a few mm. It is important to carefully level the solution, trying to form a flat surface without bumps and protrusions.

After drying the first layer, the wall is treated with fine-grained sandpaper, grinding the surface to perfect smoothness. Next, a second and, if required, subsequent layers are applied.

Having understood how to properly putty a flat wall, you should learn how to process difficult sections: corners, slopes.

Corner processing

Wall putty technology at the corners:

  1. First method. Carried out in 2 stages. First, the solution is applied to one wall at the junction, leveled in the usual way. After solidification, the same operation is performed with the other wall.
  2. The second way. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to use a special tool - spatulas for forming internal or external corners. A putty is applied to the junction and a spatula is drawn over it, removing excess mortar and creating an even line.

Applying putty to drywall

Separately, it is worth considering how to putty a plasterboard wall:

  1. Training. At the first stage of the wall’s work, it is necessary to carefully examine and eliminate all flaws: tighten the screws (but do not sink them so that depressions do not form), cut off all the delamination of the material at the joints and clean these areas.
  2. Padding. Before plasterboard walls are plastered, they should be treated with a water-based primer. You should not use deep penetration compounds, as well as ignore this stage. Otherwise, mortar, paint, or wallpaper paste can penetrate deep into the drywall and cause the sheet to warp. The primer is poured into the paint tray, applied with a special roller. The layer thickness is not less than 0.03 mm.
  3. Applying a leveling solution. A fiberglass mesh is glued to the corners and joints so that the junction of the two elements is located exactly in the center of the tape. The putty is applied with two spatulas about 15 and 30 cm wide. The solution is scooped up narrowly, applied to the seam. Distribute it wide along the entire joint line. Areas with self-tapping screws are closed with strokes crosswise.

Having learned how to properly apply putty on the walls on your own, you can prepare the room for finishing with your own hands - the process of leveling surfaces is not very difficult. Did you do this work, did you have any difficulties while doing it?

Requires the most careful attention. I always really want to finish it as soon as possible, sometimes even without even starting. But you still have to plunge into the process with your head, while often solving the problem of irregularities on the walls, of which there are usually always a huge number. Therefore, in order for the wallpaper to lay flat, it’s worth studying together with the HomeMyHome editors what wall putty for wallpaper is, and understanding that you can perfectly align the walls with your own hands.

The ideal interior is impossible with flaws in the repair

When people find out how much it costs, many want to bypass this process, because these are superfluous financial expenses and labor. But neglecting the repair conditions will not work if you need perfectly smooth walls.

The starting putty will hide major defects, and the finishing putty will prepare the leveled surface for, and even the ceiling, if necessary.

What putty to choose for walls under wallpaper: polymer, cement, gypsum

Construction and hardware stores offer a large selection of different putties. Now we will not delve into brands and brands. Our task is more global: to determine what is the difference between the compositions of different types, because they are all finishing.

Polymer putty

The composition of this putty includes polymers, which is reflected in the name of the material. The surface dries very quickly and does not crack, which is an excellent property.

Polymers allow you to combine the features of the cement and gypsum mixture in the material, collecting only positive traits. And you have to pay for this, so wall putty for wallpaper has a considerable price.

High air permeability is considered good quality, mold does not threaten such walls - it is a natural antiseptic.

Related article:

What is the best putty for walls under wallpaper: we are not mistaken with the choice

Whatever you choose, you must purchase materials from the same manufacturer and the same line. In this case, a good result and full compliance with all declared product qualities will be guaranteed.

The second factor of choice is the material of the treated surface: for brick, cement or concrete wall select the appropriate putty, therefore, cement. Gypsum is suitable for, polymers - universal remedy.

The packaging of the material is also important: there is less fuss with ready-made mixtures, take it and use it, but its price is always higher. You can save just on dry powder.

Putty "Vetonit LR"

This is a white finishing product under the Weber Vetonit LR+ brand: an excellent fraction for perfectly leveling the surface before wallpapering, as well as for painting and or tiles.

The material is superplastic, which is convenient in work, and is economically consumed. The composition dries for 12 hours, and does not shrink.

Finishing putty "Knauf"

The Knauf company has a large selection of putty compounds. For example, Rotband-Finish is a dry mixture of gypsum and polymers. It is a quick-drying material that does not shrink or crack. The layer varies from 0.2 to 5 mm.

How to putty the walls under the wallpaper with your own hands: the nuances of work

So, it's time to start puttying the walls with your own hands. We study the nuances of work.

What to cook: tools and supplies

Prepare a container in which you will knead the mixture and what you will stir the composition with. A drill with a mixing attachment is best suited for this purpose. To apply the material, spatulas are needed: one size is 10-15 cm, the second is 40-60 cm. They also prepare a trowel, graters for grinding.

Surface preparation

The surface must be prepared, otherwise the composition will not hold well. The walls are treated with a primer. It is better to select compounds that prevent the appearance of mold, which do not allow pathogenic bacteria to appear.

Alignment of walls with starting putty

First you have to remove the old wall covering, no matter if it's paint or wallpaper. Usually under this layer a lot of irregularities and defects are hidden. To eliminate them, they take a starting putty with a large fraction.

Advice! To determine exactly where the irregularities are, the building rule will help. It is applied in different directions.

Irregularities are best noted with a pencil. The spatula is operated vertically or horizontally: in the case when the protrusions are vertical, then the movements of the tool must be appropriate.

In this case, physical force must be applied to firmly hold the tool in the hand.

The smears are applied overlapping. After the square meter is puttied, they take the rule and apply it to the wall: the tool is pulled down, removing the excess layer.

If necessary, after the layer has dried, another one is applied. The whole process is completed only after two days.

Application of finishing putty under the wallpaper

To work, we take a narrow spatula and apply plaster to it on a large one, with which the composition is already applied to the wall, distributing the contents over the surface at a certain angle.

When applying the composition, it is better to run the spatula over the same place several times, gradually increasing the coverage area.

Irregularities formed during operation are subsequently eliminated by grinding.

There is another way to finish: apply clear strokes of a small size. This will make the surface perfectly flat and smooth.

For 1 m2, about 1 kg of composition will be needed if the layer thickness is 1 mm.

Related article:

: how to choose a putty mixture, what tools you need for work, putty application technology from preparation to the finish layer, videos and photos with recommendations from professionals.

Video: how to putty the walls under the wallpaper with your own hands

Do-it-yourself wall putty for wallpaper: how to process different surfaces

You already know which putty is better to putty the walls under the wallpaper, now let's look at the nuances of applying the composition to different surfaces.

concrete walls

Due to the specifics of the concrete surface, it is very difficult to achieve: the material does not have sufficient hygroscopicity. Putty needs pores where it can penetrate, and there are very few of them in concrete. Therefore, the application result may not be as expected.

The process takes place in several stages: removing the old coating, degreasing oil stains, cleaning the surface, expanding cracks on the plane, sealing defects with cement mortar.

A construction vacuum cleaner will remove dust, after which the surface is primed twice.

Advice! The primer is best applied with a long-haired roller, but a wide brush will also work.

Now you can mix the putty mortar in proportions of 1:5. The composition is applied by throwing and subsequent distribution with a spatula. Well, if fiberglass or reinforcing mesh is used. This will prevent cracking of the dried coating.

Dry surfaces must be sanded.

brick surfaces

The brick surface also needs preparation: old upholstery removed, like cracked plaster, then proceed to the primer.

The mesh is nailed to the upper and lower corners with dowels or self-tapping screws, not reaching 3 cm to the wall itself. This will allow you to set the desired distance of the grid map from all ends.

Putty first with the starting composition with a two-handed trowel and a large spatula. The trowel is held horizontally, and the spatula vertically. Alignment is made by a trapezoidal rule.

After that, they work with the finishing composition, bringing the coating to perfection.

wooden walls

The process of puttying wooden surfaces is not particularly different from other types. But a tree, although a porous material, does not enter into adhesion well, so you have to use a fixing crate or shingles.

For shingles, narrow slats are used, 3-5 mm thick and 15-20 mm wide. The length of the rails is 1-2 m.

Advice! Heat-insulating material impregnated with an antiseptic like 3% sodium fluoride should be introduced under the crate.

Two layers of sheathing (at 45º) with cells of 45 × 45 cm² are sufficient. The second layer of shingles is stuffed with planks with a width of 15-20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. As an easier way to crate, a chain-link mesh is suitable.

Putty plasterboard under the wallpaper

We analyze how putty for drywall is applied. Puttying smooth material is necessary because of its joints and attachment points. Therefore, it is required to apply an even layer of finishing putty, and then primer the wall.

The screws are puttied with a cruciform method, the corners are pre-fixed to avoid chipping.

After drying a layer of 1-2 mm, the walls are sanded and worked with a finishing solution of the consistency of liquid sour cream. Now you can sand and dust the surface.

Puttying corners

It remains to clarify how to putty the corners of the walls. The task is not difficult if the plaster layer is even. If there are irregularities in the starting layer, then they act like this.

  1. First, the corners are plastered with a decent layer of mortar, then they are puttied with a wide spatula. A wide spatula is attached to the corner, the mixture is removed from it and the spatula is removed. Movements are carried out either from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
  2. First of all, they work with one side of the corner, and when it dries up, they move on to the second. Here it is necessary to grind the surfaces before puttying. But if the joints are poorly sealed, or the work was carried out with plaster grade 150-200, then this method is not suitable.
  3. The corners are leveled with a finishing solution, but not at once. You have to do this 3-5 times.

Finishing and starting putty - overview of prices for material and work

Before starting work, you should ask what is the price of wall putty per square meter. This will help you calculate how much material to prepare. The answer to the question of how much putty costs depends on its type and manufacturer.

Putty has always been one of the most popular options for interior decoration. In addition, this is not only a way to decorate it, but also to protect the walls, level them and improve the heat and sound insulation qualities. Puttying the walls is necessary as with cosmetic repairs, and with capital. At the same time, puttying can be carried out for painting, wallpapering or be a separate decorative layer.

To reduce the cost repair work, you can not hire workers, but putty the walls with your own hands. It's not the most hard work, therefore, having instructions and recommendations, even a beginner can cope with the task. It remains to learn how to putty, and how to do it.

Putty, what is it and why is it needed

There are two names, some say putty, others putty. Both options are correct. The word comes from the tool with which all work is performed - a spatula. The mixture is a plastic finishing material. It is applied to the wall in one or more layers. A reliable and solid foundation is created for the subsequent finishing of the room. That's what putty is for.

With the help of the mixture, both the ceiling and the walls are processed. The process consists of several preparatory works. For each of the stages you need your own putty. For example, there are ready-made and dry mixes. Ready putty for walls is good because it is enough to open the container and start working. And dry ones are sold in the form of a powder, which, according to the instructions, must be diluted with water.

By destination, there are 3 types of materials:

  1. Starter putty.
  2. Finishing.
  3. Universal.

The starting layer is the base. It allows you to hide surface defects, make it smooth and clean. It can be applied in several layers from 3 to 12 mm. The final layer is decorative. They putty the walls on top of the base layer. The material allows you to make the wall perfectly flat, smooth and beautiful. Layer thickness from 0.5 to 1 mm. Universal compositions have a high price, but they allow you to hide defects and act as a decorative layer.

The main components in the composition:

  • plasticizers;
  • gypsum;
  • fillers of various types;
  • hardeners and thickeners.

Types of putty

Before puttying the walls, you need to familiarize yourself with the available materials for processing, their characteristics and features. After all, for different kind works have their own putty. Differences is the main component in the composition.


One of the most popular mixes among beginners and masters. It can be used exclusively for indoor work, because it is afraid of moisture. Application is possible on different types of surfaces: brick, concrete or plasterboard. It is not suitable for the kitchen, corridor or bathroom.


  1. Good adhesion quality.
  2. Dries quickly.
  3. Does not shrink.
  4. Safe, no harmful substances, environmentally friendly.
  5. Has an affordable price.

You need to putty the walls in a room where a stable temperature is maintained, no drops. This is the lack of material along with insufficient protection against moisture.


Another versatile and popular material for puttying work. Unlike the previous version, it is used for finishing the facade (outside) and rooms inside. Even in damp rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor) it is acceptable, as it is well protected from moisture.

  1. High adhesion, applied to any surface.
  2. The layer is smooth and beautiful. It is flexible and easy to work with.
  3. It is not necessary to knead it before work, as it is sold ready-made.
  4. Dries quickly.
  5. Does not shrink.
  6. Not harmful to health.
  7. Good sound- and heat-insulating qualities.
  8. After drying, it will not crack.


It is made on the basis of cement with the addition of lime. Everything depends on the needs. Cheap, strong and reliable. It is not afraid of moisture, can be used for internal and external work. Hides minor imperfections well. The starting lineups are rough, they allow you to hide the flaws. The finish is fine and creates a perfect surface.

It is most often used for garages, change houses, warehouses, as it has a minimum cost and an unremarkable appearance.

There are other types of putties: polymer, latex, adhesive, water-dispersion. However, the above are the most commonly used.

The better to level the walls

Why putty walls? This is the base layer for subsequent finishing. It allows you to level the walls and improve the adhesion between the material and the wall. After all, gluing wallpaper over brick does not work. It happens that the walls have small irregularities. How to level the walls with putty and which one is better to choose?

If we talk about wet rooms, it is best to choose cement mixture. After drying, it becomes strong and durable. Finishing work is best done with gypsum mixtures in dry rooms. They don't sag. Otherwise, most often they prefer to use acrylic putty.

How to putty

Before you putty the walls, it is important to choose the right tool. The work comes down not only to the processing of even walls, but also the corners, of which there are 4 in the room. For each type of work there is a tool for puttying walls. Let's take a look at the features of each of them.

  1. Paint spatula. It is narrow, allowing you to correct defects after the starting layer of material has been applied. It is also suitable for sealing defects, cracks and seams. He also transfers the putty from the container to a large spatula (facade). Trapezoidal shape with wooden handle. The blade is flexible, the thickness is small.
  2. Wide (front). Designed for basic types of work. The blade is wide, so the wall putty is carried out quickly and efficiently. It is to them that the mixture is transferred to the surface. The blade can reach from 30 to 60 cm.
  3. Spatula for putty angular type. The main task is to create an ideal angle, even and without defects. Internal and external corners are processed. This is a metal plate bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Has a handle.

And in the work you can not do without such an arsenal:

  • basic putty (it is also starting) and finishing;
  • roller and paint brush;
  • mesh for putty;
  • plastic bucket for mixing the composition;
  • construction mixer;
  • a plastic bath for a roller;
  • primer for walls;
  • a rule that checks the evenness of the walls;
  • mounting knife;
  • sandpaper or grater for grinding walls.

Preparatory stage

Without careful surface preparation, it cannot be argued that the putty will last a long time and its quality will be highest level. This step cannot be neglected. But how to prepare the walls for putty?
Sequence of work:

  1. If this is an old room, then the previous finish has remained on it: wallpaper, plaster, putty, paint. All this needs to be eliminated and the wall cleaned. You can remove old wallpaper by wetting it and tearing it off with a spatula. The same goes for plaster. It will be more difficult with paint, mechanical cleaning or special formulations are needed.
  2. The wall after removal may show its defects: bumps, cracks, dirt and stains. They are also eliminated. Cracks do not close immediately. They need to be expanded a little so that in the future they will not go further again.
  3. After the wall must be cleaned of dirt, dust and debris. A small brush will do for this. Cleaned cracks are first primed to increase adhesion, and only then, after drying, they are sealed with a starting putty or sealant. The composition is well pressed inside, and is leveled on the surface. After drying, the area is treated with a grater.
  4. If the surface is treated with drywall, the sequence is slightly different. The surface is even, the starting layer is not needed. The main thing is to seal the joints between the sheets and the caps from the screws. For this, a starting putty is used.
  5. The final stage of work is a primer for puttying the walls. It is recommended to choose a composition with antiseptic properties so that mold and fungus do not form on the surface over time.

This completes the preparation of the walls for puttying.

Why prime the walls

The compositions can be bought at the store, the priming process is long, you need to wait for drying. Therefore, many people think, is it necessary to prime the walls before puttying? Yes, this is a mandatory process, as it allows you to achieve several goals. For example, priming walls improves the adhesion between the wall and the putty. This means that it will not fall off as quickly and will last much longer.

Secondly, a film is formed on the surface, due to which the putty consumption is reduced. This is important, especially if the material is expensive and the amount of work is large. Moisture from the solution will not penetrate the structure like that. Therefore, the primer of the walls before putty is simply necessary.

What is the best primer for plastered walls? Most often today, mixtures containing cementing components are used. This allows you to make a smooth wall rough, due to which adhesion increases, and after the putty it will not peel off. Acrylic and polystyrene products are also in demand.

How to prime? To do this, you need a bath with a roller and a paint brush. The surface of the wall without gaps is treated with a roller. Hard-to-reach areas are worked out with a brush. After you need to wait for the drying of the first layer and apply the second.

The drying time is indicated on the package.

Preparation of putty

If you have to work not with finished products, then you need to cook it yourself. The main requirement is to make a homogeneous and plastic mass. The package contains instructions on how to do it correctly. For work, you will need a plastic bucket and a construction mixer. For a bag of mixture of 25 kg, about 10 liters of water will suffice. The exact figures are on the packaging.

When working with gypsum mixtures, you need to remember that the shelf life after kneading is short, it begins to lose its properties. Therefore, beginners should not knead too much at one time. The kneading sequence is as follows: first, water is poured, and then dry putty is poured in and everything is mixed. You cannot change the sequence. After kneading, it gets the desired consistency, reminiscent of thick sour cream.

Advice! After using the first batch, the bucket and tool are thoroughly rinsed so that subsequent portions are perfect and do not deteriorate.

Application of the starting layer

Now putty is applied to the walls. This is the main work process, which is performed using a wide and narrow spatula. The base layer allows you to prepare the surface for subsequent work. It is necessary to collect putty with a narrow spatula and transfer it to a wide spatula. After the mixture is transferred to the wall.

All work starts from one corner, moving from the bottom up. The movements are smooth, you do not need to press hard on the spatula. It is held at an angle of 45°. Thanks to this, the material will be applied evenly, and there will be no traces on the surface from the tool.

Each subsequent strip is applied with an overlap of 7–8 cm. Having processed a certain area, you can check the evenness with a rule. You can't press too hard. Excess composition will collect on the tool, and pits on the surface will appear.

Advice! To see all the irregularities, on the wall, at an angle, you need to direct the light source.

All differences are eliminated. Particular attention is paid to the corners. Often this is a weak point in alignment. An angled spatula will help here. Not always the starting layer is perfectly even. Minor flaws are allowed, as we will eliminate them with finishing putty. When the work is done, it remains to wait for drying. You can find out how much the putty on the walls dries on the packaging from the manufacturer. When it is dry, start grouting.

How to sand the walls after puttying? The work will be done much faster with a grinder than by hand with a grater. But, not everyone has the opportunity to buy the unit. Both in the first and in the second case, grinding the walls will help eliminate protrusions and irregularities. Rub the surface with spiral movements. Passes cannot be left. However, overdoing it is also not necessary so as not to erase the surface.

If, after applying the base layer, the unevenness reaches more than 2.5 mm, you need to apply another starting layer.

Attention! Why do you need a paint grid for putty? Its main task is to prevent the formation of cracks. This is especially true for surfaces where the layer is large. The putty mesh is recessed into the layer applied to the wall and hidden under the second layer.

Finishing layer

To create it, you need more effort and accuracy. The layer is thin and will perform a decorative function. Before applying the finishing putty to the wall, you need to check whether the starting putty has dried. The principle of application is no different, all the same movements from the bottom up. The only thing to create a thin layer is to stretch the mixture. The pressure is small, the layer is made no more than 2 mm thick. The excess is stretched by re-treatment of the surface.

Good lighting will help to immediately detect and eliminate irregularities and defects. Finishing putty is usually applied in two layers, it all depends on the quality of the starting surface. Next, the walls are grouted after puttying. Without it, applying a second layer is not recommended. The corners of the room are processed with special care, since the flaws on them will be best seen. At the end, the final sanding of the walls after puttying is performed.

Now everything is ready to apply the selected decorative material. Some prefer to leave everything as it is, just painting the surface. In any case, re-priming is necessary before applying the decorative layer. The mesh for puttying the walls is not needed for the finishing layer.
It remains only to wash the used puttying tools and dry them, so they can be used again.

Puttying technology

The basics have been given above. But now let's focus on how to properly apply putty on the wall, as well as on the sequence of work. She is as follows:

  1. Wall preparation.
  2. Mixing putty. There should be no lumps. Immediately after kneading, the mixture must be left for 10 minutes so that it reaches, and then mix again and get to work.
  3. Application of the starting layer. Large irregularities (3 mm or more) are processed in places with the starting mixture. If there are differences along all the walls, the surface is completely finished. In order to avoid cracks in the wall, the layer is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh. With more or less smooth walls, the starting layer can be omitted. However, the consumption of the finishing mixture will increase. This is not profitable, since it is more expensive than the starting one.
  4. Then the first layer is leveled by grinding.
  5. Application of finishing putty. Performed on a cleaned surface. Thickness, no more than 2 m, is made perfectly even. Drying putty is indicated on the package.
  6. Final polishing.

This is the whole technology of puttying walls. It remains only to practice to achieve the best possible result.

Attention! If after putty on the wall will be applied decorative plaster, wallpaper or other material, then small defects are not so terrible. But for painting, the walls are processed with special care. Otherwise, minor imperfections will be clearly visible.

How to putty wall corners

No wonder this is the most important stage of work. Experienced craftsmen can do this even with an ordinary spatula. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to process the inner and outer corners of the walls without an angled trowel. It has an ideal angle, so after applying the mixture, it is enough to run over the surface, remove excess and create a perfectly even angle.

We looked at how to putty the wall with our own hands. This is not a difficult task, but it requires care and compliance with all recommendations. So you can save on repairs and spend this money wisely. The main thing is to choose the right putty, do everything preparatory work and start working on the walls. And instructional videos will help you better understand this issue.

Anyone who has ever encountered, knows perfectly well what "ideal" walls are in our homes. These are solid pits, tubercles and cracks. If the defects are very large, then you can’t do without it, and to correct minor surface flaws, you can use a special putty. In today's article, we will look at what kind of composition it is, its types, in what cases it is used and how to properly putty walls and ceilings.

Read in the article

What is putty, and why is it needed

Putty or, more correctly, putty (from the name of the tool "trowel") is a fairly plastic finishing material that is used to eliminate surface defects, as well as create a durable and strong base under or. The preparation of walls or ceilings consists of several stages, and each of them requires its own type of this building and finishing composition.

Dry or ready-made putty mixture, which can be starting, finishing and universal, consists of the following main ingredients:

  • gypsum;
  • various fillers;
  • plasticizers;
  • thickeners and hardeners.

Types of putty

As we have already mentioned, finishing work using puttying is carried out in several stages, and each of them needs its own type of special mixture, namely:

  • starting putty designed to eliminate surface defects and is the basis for decorative finishes walls and ceilings;
  • finishing mix used to create the final decorative layer;
  • universal putty Can be used as a starter and finisher at the same time.

Putty Perfekta Start Glide

Putty Weber KR

Putty Perfekta Ecocraft

What spatulas are needed for puttying walls and leveling corners

Spatulas are used in many types of construction and finishing works, and each needs its own tool. They differ in size and shape. The table shows the main types of spatulas with an indication of their purpose.

Spatula type Work in progress Type and features of the tool

  • correction of defects after applying the primary layer of starting putty;
  • sealing cracks and small depressions;
  • decoration of structures of complex shape;
  • sealing of joints (GKL).
  • The spatula is trapezoidal and usually has a wooden handle.
  • Differs in small thickness of a working plate, has an elastic and flexible edge from stainless steel.

The spatula is used to carry out, interior decoration as an auxiliary tool.
  • trapezoidal shape of the working surface;
  • the blade is inflexible, as it is made of carbon steel;
  • working surface width - 300−600 mm.

The tool is used for puttying external and internal corners.It is a metal plate bent at a right angle and equipped with a handle.

What wall putty is best to use when leveling surfaces

In addition to the fact that putty is starting, finishing and universal, it also differs in composition. So, putty mixtures are:

  • acrylic - used for interior finishing work. This type of putty is highly moisture resistant and versatile, protects walls from dampness, and is also used to create a decorative finish layer and is suitable for working with wooden surfaces;
  • water-dispersion - has high elasticity, good adhesion, resistance to cracks and shrinkage, and is also durable;
  • oil-glue mixture. The putty composition is made on the basis of drying oil and is ideal for creating a finishing layer before painting the surface with oil paints;
  • cement putty great for working with, stone and surfaces in rooms with high;
  • gypsum mixture used for work in rooms with a low level of humidity .

Why putty is needed - different for each layer

It is inefficient to apply any putty in several thin or one thick layers, since the material is expensive, and drying will take a lot of working time. Therefore, to eliminate significant defects and level the surface, they are used, after puttying, a starting (1–3 mm) and finishing (up to 0.5 mm) layer is applied. To create a high-quality and more durable finish, it is necessary to use materials from one manufacturer.

Starting putty (plaster) helps to create a solid base for subsequent finishing

Plaster KNAUF Rotband

Apply only one finishing layer possible only on a quality surface. Before puttying a wall or ceiling, it is necessary to use the starting putty composition. After drying, it is sanded, dust is removed and covered with a finishing layer.

Putty DANOGIPS Dano Top 5

The surface that will be subsequently painted must be brought to a perfectly even and smooth state. If the wall is finished for subsequent pasting, then it is enough to use the starting putty.

Wall and ceiling plastering technology

Puttying - the process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. To perform the work qualitatively, you need a certain experience, which can be acquired over time. In order to independently learn how to putty walls and ceilings, you must follow the instructions that will be presented below.

Surface preparation and priming

Before you start finishing the walls and ceiling with putty, you need to clean the surface of the old coating, grease stains, dirt and dust. After that, the surface must be treated with a special primer, which will create a good adhesion of the finishing material and the wall. Priming is carried out with a roller, avoiding gaps, and the wall is left to dry for at least 24 hours.

How to cook putty

To get a high-quality finished putty, you must follow the instructions that are indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer of the finishing material. To prepare the solution, you need a clean plastic container of the appropriate volume. You will also need an electric drill with a special metal whisk for high-quality mixing of the dry mixture with water.

The putty solution is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Pour ¼ part into the container clean water room temperature.
  2. Gradually pour the required amount of dry mixture.
  3. Using an electric mixer, stir the putty until a homogeneous mass.
  4. Leave the finished composition for 10 minutes for proofing.
  5. Mix the solution thoroughly again.
  6. The consistency of the finished putty should be similar to thick sour cream. If the solution is thicker, then it will adhere worse to the surface, and the liquid composition flows off the spatula and forms sagging on the treated surface.

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“At one time you need to prepare the amount of solution that the master can use up in about 40 minutes.”

Primary leveling of walls with putty

Before leveling the walls with putty, you need to check them using a rule that will allow you to identify bumps and depressions. Having identified significant defects in the form of protrusions, you can cut them down with an ax or a puncher with a chisel. Next, you need to prime the walls and only after that prepare the putty composition.

First you need to make a small amount of putty in order to determine the speed of work. Using a narrow spatula, evenly apply the prepared mortar to a wider one, which is applied to the wall at an angle of approximately 60˚, and stretch it over the surface to be treated. The tool must be held firmly, but without excessive force. Over time, you can learn to control the pressure on the spatula.

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Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“Putting walls should start from the corner of the room. For this, a special angle spatula is used.

After the walls are plastered, you need to let them dry for 2 days. After drying, the quality of the work will be visible and where additional finishing is required. Irregularities are detected by the same rule. After that, the elimination of defects is performed in two ways:

  1. If there are depressions on the surface, then they are filled with another layer of putty.
  2. If there are bumps, they can be removed with special grater with abrasive and achieve a perfectly flat surface.

After the surface has dried and the imperfections have been eliminated, the walls are primed, and you can start applying the finishing putty or gluing.

Puttying the surface with beacons

The better the base, the less finishing putty will go away and, accordingly, the repair will cost less. To obtain the perfect surface, special perforated profiles are used - “beacons”, which allow you to quickly and accurately align the walls, which is perfect for beginners.

The metal profile is installed on a sand-cement mortar, focusing on a plumb line or building level and achieving the perfect vertical. The distance between the beacons should be 100-150 mm less than the length of the used building rule. After installing the beacons, you need to let the solution dry so that they do not go astray during the subsequent finishing with putty.

Prepare putty (described above) and fill the gap between the beacons with it, and the maximum layer thickness does not matter. Relying on the profiles, stretch from the bottom up, cutting off the excess solution and, if necessary, filling the cavities with it. The operation is performed several times until the desired result is obtained. Depending on the temperature, humidity in the room and the thickness of the layer, it sometimes takes more than a week for the putty to dry.

How to putty on the wall for the finishing layer

After the walls are prepared accordingly, you can proceed to finishing the surface with finishing putty. To do this, use compositions, dry or ready-made, which, after processing, acquire a flat and perfectly smooth surface. Finishing putty it is applied in a thin layer, and the smoother the base, the less the consumption of the solution will be. The technology of puttying and sanding is practically the same as working with starting mixtures.

We bring to your attention a video on how to apply finishing putty on the wall:

Drying, sanding and sanding plastered walls

The final stage of finishing work with putty requires a serious attitude and consists of several stages. One of them is sanding, which is often overlooked by inexperienced finishers, but first things first. So, after applying the finishing layer of putty, you need to let it dry well, because it is after this that the smallest defects become noticeable, namely cracks, which, if they occur, must be repaired.

Advice! To detect defects during puttying, it is necessary to use lighting devices with a powerful bright lamp and directed at a slight angle to the wall to be treated.

After the putty has dried, you need to sand the surface to remove small bumps and sagging, and also to make the wall perfectly flat. If it is supposed to paste over the wall, then it will be enough to sand it well, and in case of painting, additional grinding will be required. To bring the surface to a perfectly smooth state, you can use sandpaper with a fine (almost zero) fraction or an abrasive mesh.

You need to start grinding from any upper corner and, making circular movements, process the wall, highlighting with a powerful bright one. It is undesirable to exert strong pressure on the grater so as not to damage the finish layer.

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Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“Since sanding and sanding are very dirty and dusty stages of finishing work, it is worth using a respirator, goggles and gloves, and the room is well ventilated. In addition, these protective measures required by the safety instructions.

How to do-it-yourself wall putty under wallpaper

The technology of puttying walls under practically does not differ from surface finishing under:

  1. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  2. The work is carried out with two spatulas - one with a width of 150 mm and the second - at least 300 mm.
  3. One section is processed, after the second, with an overlap of about 50 mm, etc.
  4. After the wall is completely puttied, it is allowed to dry, and only then they begin to level the wall by sanding.
  5. Clean the surface of dust, reapply putty, and then everything is repeated from the beginning until a perfectly flat surface is achieved.

When the wall is completely plastered, it is primed and pasted over. The application of a primer prevents the occurrence of fungus, mold and dampness, and also improves adhesion between various finishing materials. The video shows how to properly putty the walls under the wallpaper:

Do-it-yourself wall putty for painting

A photo Process description

First of all, with a wide spatula, like a scraper, we remove minor defects in the form of tubercles and sagging from the wall.

The rule is to check the evenness of the wall.

We pay special attention to the corners.

If there are bumps, we remove them with a puncher with a chisel.

We prime the wall with a roller or spray gun.

We apply a cement-sand mortar in the corners along the entire vertical.

Draw the solution as a rule.

We get such an almost perfect and even angle.

For puttying, we will use a polymer dry putty and a ready-made paste-like solution.

We glue an angle-forming tape on the putty, which will help to avoid the formation of cracks.

We remove excess putty on perforations.

Putty removes the minimum differences between the flight and the wall.

The result should be such a perfectly even angle.

Now we are preparing a putty mortar from a dry polymer mixture.

We apply putty on the wall.

Putty is applied in a thin layer.

After the first layer has dried, with a spatula we scrape off the slightest tubercles and sagging.

We apply the second layer of putty by installing a spotlight on the side, which helps to identify surface defects.

After the second layer has dried, sand the wall with a grater and a portable lamp.

After sanding and removing dust, we apply glue for fiberglass with a spray gun, adding gray pigment to it. By the way, on a gray surface, when applying a white putty, it will be clearly visible where the solution is applied in insufficient quantities.

We stick fiberglass on the wall and smooth it with a spatula.

We apply a thin layer of the finished superfinish putty mixture on the fiberglass with a thin layer.

After the putty has dried, we grind the wall, primer and apply