Hyperactive children: what to do with a restless child, how to educate and whether it is necessary to treat - psychologist's advice to parents. Hyperactivity in school-age children: treatment, symptoms, causes

  • 21.10.2019

Recently, you can often hear the phrase "My child is so hyperactive!" from mothers to their restless child. But few of them thought that ADHD (a syndrome and hyperactivity) is a diagnosis, and not empty words. Therefore, if you are really worried about the excessive activity of your child, if you think that there are too many of them, and your friends joke about the fact that you have twins at all - your baby is so smart, you should think about going to the doctor. After all, it is the specialist who can accurately determine whether your child is suffering from this syndrome, or you are sounding a false alarm.

Still, let's look at the main child, in order to either confirm your fears, or completely refute them. However, we strongly recommend that you seek help from a doctor if you still have such experiences.

Main Symptoms

First of all, it is worth determining why you need it. You must understand that if such a child is not dealt with, the syndrome can develop into big problems. When your offspring goes to school, his lack of concentration and the need for constant movement will interfere not only with him, but also with his classmates. Thus, if no action is taken, hyperactive child at school will experience some difficulties.

If it is difficult for your child to concentrate in a noisy environment, and even in a quiet place he succeeds with difficulty if he does not respond to your words, although from the outside it seems that he is listening to you, if he quits what he started halfway, then perhaps him ADHD. can also be expressed in poor organization, absent-mindedness. Such a baby is often distracted by external stimuli. You may also notice that the child constantly climbs on cabinets, chairs, bedside tables. He really never rests, he is in constant motion and action: he draws, sculpts, does anything, just not to sit still. Symptoms at school hyperactive child are that the student cannot concentrate on the words of the teacher, it is difficult for him to switch from leisure to work.

He constantly swings on a chair, scratches desks, rushes around the class. This happens not because he is harmful, but because he cannot and does not know how to do otherwise. Plus, it does not work properly for him. If you are the parent of such a child or school teacher, and there are such children in your class, then do not waste your nerves and efforts on trying to verbally calm the fidget. Your prohibition phrases do not reach him. Tactile requests can be a way out for you: when you tell your child to stop making noise or indulging, stroke him on the shoulder or on the head - this way the information will be absorbed better.

Do not worry

It is worth noting that preliminary conclusions can be drawn only when the above described symptoms of a hyperactive child were manifested constantly from birth to school age your child. If this began to happen to him in adolescence, then this is also a reason to worry, but not about the presence of ADHD, but about the possibility that he is taking drugs. Also remember that ADHD is not a death sentence. Our inattentive ones actually have many talents and great intellectual potential. The main thing is not to scare the child with eternal prohibitions, but also not to indulge his whims all the time. Find a balance between discipline and creative freedom, and a worthy person will definitely grow out of your child.

Nowadays, more and more people are talking about hyperactivity in children. Many people do not fully understand what this term means and apply it to all mobile and active children. However, hyperactivity is not just an increased activity of the baby, it is a violation of the child's behavioral reactions associated with impaired brain function.

What kind of hyperactive child is he? What should the parents of such a child do? After all, they have to face a lot of problems, learn how to correct the behavior of their child, help him adapt at school, and this is usually very difficult.

The term "hyperactivity" itself means a highly increased activity and excitability of a person. Hyperactivity is most common in children, as they have less control over their emotions.

With hyperactivity, the nervous system is usually not balanced. The child develops behavioral disorders that require correction. AT modern world more and more children suffer from this disorder.

Typically, a hyperactive child has the following disorders:

  • Cannot concentrate on any activity for a long time. This especially often brings problems at school.

After all, it is difficult for a child to sit through a lesson, listen to a teacher, and complete assignments. Such children are forgetful, scattered. Even sitting in front of the TV for a long time is problematic for such children.

  • Increased emotionality and impulsivity.

Hyperactive children often cannot control their emotions, splashing them out on others, making unexpected impulsive actions.

  • Motor activity beyond measure.

Many children, especially in preschool and primary school age, are quite mobile. However, hyperactive children stand out even against their background. They cannot sit still, they literally dance if they are seated. Their hands and feet are in motion, their eyes are running, their facial expressions are changing.

If a child has one or two of the above violations, then most likely these are just age-related behavioral characteristics. With age, the child will learn to better control his emotions, his behavior will even out. However, if the baby has all of the above violations, then this is an occasion to consult with a specialist.

It is important to suspect and diagnose this violation in time, than to reap the fruits of misunderstanding of your child later.

From a medical point of view, hyperactivity - hyperdynamic syndrome - is a diagnosis. It can be established by a neurologist or a neuropathologist. Most often, this diagnosis is associated with minimal brain dysfunction and CNS dysfunction.

In the following video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about what hyperactivity is:

When it appears

It is believed that the syndrome of hyperdynamic activity is most pronounced in preschool (4-5 years) and primary school age (6-8 years). The child enters children's team and can not withstand the modern pace of learning.

All the signs of his hyperactivity immediately appear: the educator or teacher cannot cope with the child, he does not learn the training program and other problems of his behavioral disorders.

However, the first signs of hyperdynamic syndrome can be detected even in infancy. Such children are very mobile and emotional: they get out of diapers, fall, it is only necessary to turn away for a moment, they do not sleep well, their sleep is superficial, restless, and they can scream all night for no reason.

As they grow older, the behavior of hyperactive children continues to “please” parents: they get out of playpens and strollers, often fall, climb everywhere, overturn everything.

Babies are already active and overly mobile at 1-2 years old, mothers can barely keep up with them. They are not interested in games where you need to think, add, build. It is difficult for a hyperactive kid to listen to a fairy tale, to watch a cartoon, he cannot sit still.

What should parents do if they suspect a hyperactivity disorder in a child?

Norm or pathology. false hyperactivity

Very often, hyperactivity is confused with the normal behavior of a child, because most children aged 3-7 years are quite active and impulsive, it is difficult to control emotions. If a child is restless, often distracted, then they say that he is hyperactive. However, for elementary school children, a lack of concentration and the inability to sit still for a long time is usually the norm. Therefore, hyperdynamic syndrome can be difficult to diagnose.

If a child, in addition to a deficit of attention and increased activity has problems establishing relationships with peers, is inattentive to the feelings of others, does not learn from his mistakes, does not know how to adapt to the situation, then these signs indicate a pathology - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

From the point of view of neurology, this diagnosis is quite serious and the child needs treatment, the sooner the better.


If parents suspect that their child has ADHD, then it is necessary to seek advice from a pediatric neurologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate examination, which must be passed. Indeed, under the symptoms of hyperdynamic syndrome, more serious pathologies can be hidden.
Diagnostics includes three stages:

  1. The doctor collects data on the behavior and reactions of the child, about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, past diseases, hereditary pathologies of family members.
  2. Conducts special tests and evaluates the results and the amount of time spent, as well as the reaction and behavior of the child at the same time. Typically, such tests are carried out for children 5-6 years old.
  3. Electroencephalogram. This examination allows you to assess the state of the child's brain. It is painless and harmless.

After receiving all the results, the neurologist makes a diagnosis and gives his opinion.


The main signs that help recognize a child's hyperactivity:

  1. The child has increased unreasonable physical activity. He spins all the time, jumps, runs, climbs everywhere, even if he knows that it is impossible. It lacks the process of inhibition in the central nervous system. He just can't contain himself.
  2. Can't sit still, if he is seated, then he spins, gets up, fidgets, cannot sit still.
  3. When talking, often interrupts the interlocutor, does not listen to the question to the end, speaks off topic, does not think.
  4. Can't sit still. Even when playing, he makes noise, squeaks, makes unconscious movements.
  5. Can't stand the queue, is naughty, nervous.
  6. Has trouble communicating with peers. He interferes in other people's games, sticks to children, does not know how to make friends.
  7. Does not take into account the feelings and needs of other people.
  8. The child is very emotional, has no ability to control either positive or negative emotions. Often arranges scandals and tantrums.
  9. The child's sleep is restless, during the day often does not sleep at all. In a dream, he tosses and turns, curls up.
  10. Loses interest in activities quickly, jumping from one to another and not completing it.
  11. The child is distracted and inattentive, cannot concentrate, often makes mistakes because of this.

Parents of hyperactive children face difficulties from an early age. The child does not obey his parents, it is necessary to control him all the time, he is constantly nearby.

You can learn more about the signs of this syndrome by watching the video:


The main reasons that can cause a violation of the functions of the nervous system of the child, and, consequently, the hyperactivity syndrome, experts consider the following situations:

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition)
  • Damage to brain cells in the prenatal period or during labor.

It can be fetal hypoxia, infections, birth trauma.

  • Violations caused as a result of an unfavorable family environment, abnormal living conditions, improper educational process, diseases and injuries after birth.

According to statistics, male children are more likely to suffer from hyperactivity. For five boys, only one girl is diagnosed with such a diagnosis.

Classification of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

There are different types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

  1. Hyperdynamic syndrome without attention deficit.
  2. Attention deficit disorder is present, but without hyperactivity (usually occurs in female children - these girls are calm, absent-minded, quiet).
  3. Combination of attention deficit disorder and hyperdynamism.

ADHD can be primary, occurring in utero, and secondary (acquired), acquired after birth as a result of injury or illness.

Also distinguish simple form diseases and complications. In a complicated form of ADHD, other signs are added to the symptoms: nervous tic, stuttering, enuresis, headaches.


Treatment for ADHD requires a holistic approach. Some procedures, medicines, diets are used, but the main emphasis is on psychological correction and the right approach in raising a hyperactive child.

In Europe and the United States, psychostimulant drugs are widely used to treat ADHD. They are quite effective, but have many side effects. The main ones are digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia, growth retardation. In Russia, ADHD is treated with nootropic drugs that have a positive effect on brain function (Cholitilin, Encephabol, Cortexin).

These remedies are more effective for attention deficit.
When focusing on hyperdynamic syndrome, drugs are used that affect the inhibitory reactions of the central nervous system (Fentibut, Pantogam).

Assign medications only a doctor can! Medications are taken under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, it is possible to use procedures related to brain stimulation with weak impulses of electric current.

The nutrition of the child is also important. So with an unbalanced diet, the metabolism of children is disturbed, which can provoke irritability and capriciousness. A growing body requires protein, vitamins and minerals. The diet should contain foods with high level Omega 3 fats useful action on the CNS. But the amount of sweets and carbohydrates is better to reduce. It is better to give the child berries and fruits. You can leave a little dark chocolate in the diet.

Mandatory in the treatment of psychological correction of the child's behavior. The psychologist helps the child to better understand their actions, as well as give advice to parents on building relationships with such a child and methods of raising and teaching him.

Most children outgrow the disease if they do not have complications and receive timely treatment. In some cases, ADHD passes into adulthood, especially if timely adequate assistance is not provided to the child.

You can learn more about the treatment of the syndrome from the video:

Features of communication with such children

Raising a hyperactive child is not easy. Even with strong love to their child, parents can not always withstand all his tricks, often break down and scream. And it happens that they generally stop educating him, having decided "what will grow, will grow."

Not infrequently, parents try to instill strict discipline in such a baby, cruelly suppressing all his antics and disobedience. The child is punished for the slightest offense. However, such upbringing only exacerbates the child's behavioral problems. He becomes more withdrawn, insecure, disobedient.

It is impossible to go too far in relation to children with ADHD, so as not to add new problems to existing violations(stuttering, urinary incontinence, etc.). Each child with ADHD needs to find its own approach, taking into account its neurological characteristics.

What should parents, caregivers and teachers do?

A child with hyperdynamic syndrome needs a lot of parental attention. It is necessary to try to listen to him, help him complete tasks, develop his perseverance and interaction with the outside world. He needs praise and rewards, approval and support, more parental love.. Parents, before punishing a child, should take into account that he is quite normal in terms of intelligence, but he has problems with the regulation of his motor activity. Therefore, he does not specifically do what he was forbidden, but simply cannot stop himself.

It is necessary to properly organize the daily routine. Create your own rituals. Walk outside more. It is advisable to enroll the child in the sports section. Swimming, gymnastics, running, horseback riding, sports dancing are well suited. It is also necessary to arrange a sports corner at home so that the child has where to throw out energy.

When sending a child to a kindergarten, it is necessary to choose in advance the appropriate one, where there are groups with the opportunity to play, children actively move, complete tasks and respond at will. Talk to the caregiver about your child's needs.

If a conflict arises in the garden due to the child's behavior, then it is better to take him out of there. You can’t blame the baby that he is to blame for this, say that this group just didn’t suit him.

Schooling also has its challenges. Discuss what the teacher should do in order not to injure the hyperactive child, to help him adapt in the classroom. When doing homework, you should prepare in advance, do not be distracted. Classes should be short, but effective so that the child does not lose attention. AT

It is important to do the lessons regularly, at the same time. It is necessary to observe the child and determine the most appropriate time: after meals or after physical activity.
When punishing a hyperactive child, you should not choose those that do not allow him to move: put him in a corner, put him on a special chair.

Positive qualities of hyperactive children

Despite all the unpleasant behavioral characteristics of children with hyperdynamic syndrome, they also have many positive qualities which parents should pay special attention to.

  • A hyperactive child has creative creative thinking.

It can put out a lot interesting ideas, and if you have enough patience, then engage in creativity. Such a child is easily distracted, but has a peculiar look at the world.

  • Hyperactive children are usually enthusiastic. They are not boring.

They are interested in many things and are, as a rule, bright personalities.

  • Such children are energetic and active, but often unpredictable.

If they have a motive, then they do everything faster than ordinary children.

  • A child with ADHD is very flexible, quirky, and can find a way out where others do not notice, solve a problem in an unusual way.

The intelligence of children with ADHD is not impaired in any way. Very often they have high artistic and intellectual abilities.

Specific ways to communicate and interact with these children are given in the following video:

Psychologists note that if a child has signs of hyperactivity, then they should be eliminated, the sooner the better. This approach helps to avoid the difficulties arising from the behavioral disorders of the child, stress and disappointment on the part of his parents and people around him, and the baby himself. Therefore, with an established diagnosis of ADHD, one should not neglect the help of a specialist doctor and psychologist, so as not to lose time.

Psychologists note that a properly organized daily routine, a favorable family environment helps the child in the treatment of ADHD. In addition, the advice of a psychologist is as follows:

  1. Provide a calm, stable, non-irritating environment for your child. This will help reduce the accumulation and release of strong emotions.
  2. He should form the necessary reflexes that will help to clearly follow the daily routine. For example, go to bed after mom reads a fairy tale or sings a song.
  3. To relieve excess physical activity, it is necessary to organize classes for the child in sports sections.
  4. Do not force a hyperactive child to do tedious work for a long time, to sit in one place. Periodically allow active actions to release excess energy.

Eliminating the problems associated with hyperactivity in children is quite a doable task. The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to throw out excess energy, to interest the learning process, to develop creative abilities, and most importantly, take into account the characteristics of the child when evaluating his actions.

Cartoons for the prevention of hyperactivity.

The following cartoons will help your child understand more about their condition, discussing the plot and characters with your child can help him deal with this problem.

So the list of cartoons:

  • "Fidget, Crumb and Netak"
  • "Masha is no longer lazy"
  • "That's how absent-minded"
  • "Wings, Legs, and Tails"
  • "Petya Pyatochkin"
  • "Monkeys"
  • "Naughty Bear"
  • "Nehochuha"
  • "Octopussy"
  • "Naughty Kitten"
  • "Fidget"

Every child is active and inquisitive - this is the norm, because the baby is actively learning about the world around him, and everything that happens around him is of genuine interest. If the activity of the child is excessive, this can be considered a pathology.

Therefore, parents should carefully note any changes in the condition of the baby, because they may indicate abnormalities, such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

What symptoms and signs indicate the presence of hyperactivity in infants and children under one year old? Let's tell you more.

Characteristics of the pathology

Hyperactivity - a deviation in the work of the nervous system, in which all processes in the brain responsible for excitation occur more intensively than in children of a particular age group.

Brain cells constantly produce nerve impulses which are responsible for all vital processes in the body.

In hyperactive children, this happens more intensely: they are restless, inattentive, disobedient.

And this is not a feature of character or temperament, which the baby has not yet formed.

Manifestations of pathology occur in 5-7% of newborns under the age of 1 year, and boys face the problem much more often.

A hyperactive child is distinguished by good physical development, quickly masters motor skills (the ability to roll over, sit, crawl).

Etiology of the disease

Syndrome in infants can develop due to numerous reasons.

Adverse factors are usually divided into 3 groups: intrauterine, that is, developing in the process of gestation, generic (arising during childbirth), other risk factors.

Intrauterine causes include fetal hypoxia, malnutrition of the expectant mother, the presence of bad habits susceptibility to stress and depression.

Generic factors include:

  • Complications during childbirth (use of aids for successful delivery).
  • Protracted or rapid childbirth.
  • Injuries received while passing through the birth canal.
  • Delivery ahead of schedule.

The risk of developing pathology is increased by aggravated heredity, severe intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman or fetus.

Main features

It is difficult to identify pathology in infants, because the character of the child, his temperament and behavior model have not yet been fully determined. He still cannot express emotions, characterize his condition.

What may indicate the presence of deviations:

  • Sleep disturbance, when a child can wake up several times, reacting to even the smallest noise. Often such children confuse the daily routine, that is, they sleep almost all the time during the day, and are awake at night.
  • Increased motor activity. The limbs are constantly moving, and there is little activity during periods of sleep.
  • Strong and prolonged crying. The baby screams even when he does not feel hunger, pain or discomfort.
  • Excessive muscle tension, hypertonicity.
  • Abundant regurgitation, turning into vomiting, which are observed both immediately after feeding and after a while.
  • Increased excitability. Any irritants, for example, bright light, sounds, can unbalance the child.
  • It is very difficult to swaddle a baby: he actively resists.
  • He pays attention to toys, however, such attention is short-term.
  • He reacts negatively to the presence of strangers, unfamiliar people.

These symptoms can also appear in healthy babies, however, this happens periodically, for example, if something bothers them (colic, hunger, wet diapers).

In hyperactive children, such manifestations are permanent.

Should the child be treated?

It happens that the presence of the symptoms mentioned above is not a pathology. The child does not require specific treatment.

You should not worry if:

  • The kid actively moves during the day, but when tired, he prefers quieter activities (hyperactive children practically do not get tired).
  • He sleeps normally during the day and hardly wakes up at night (depending on age).
  • During a tantrum, the baby is easy to calm down, distract with something interesting for him.
  • The baby does not show excessive aggression; at the end of the first year of life, it begins to adequately respond to prohibitions.

In all other situations, medical attention will be required.

Do you have a hyperactive child? How can you help such a child? We have a lot of tips and advice on this subject. Read these articles:

Therapy for hyperactivity can be drug or non-drug..

For infants, drugs are rarely used, more often - non-drug methods of treatment.

Eliminate unpleasant manifestations of pathology:

Excessive activity, mobility are not always signs of pathology. Perhaps these are the first manifestations of the stormy temperament of the child.

Several Yet interesting facts Learn about hyperactivity in children from this video:

If the symptoms of the problem occur regularly, You can't ignore these warning signs..

Over time, the problem will only get worse. It is important to seek medical attention in a timely manner.

In contact with

Currently, the syndrome is gaining "popularity" hyperactive behavior found in both children and adults.

It means excessive human activity, restlessness, hyperexcitability, choleric.

At an early age, this behavior often goes unnoticed. Many parents believe that their beloved child should not sit still and be passive, besides, he still does not know how to control his temperament.

But. meanwhile. should correctly distinguish between the idea of ​​ordinary activity and hyperactivity . Having carefully studied the manifestations, the causes - only the doctor will prescribe the ways of correction after a long examination. If the first will pass by itself with age, then the second is a neurological disorder that cannot be treated superficially.

As a rule, hyperactivity is accompanied by a closely related problem - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD). This is a neurological-behavioral developmental disorder in which the child is distracted by absolutely everything, hard to learn educational material, has difficulty communicating with peers, he has impaired coordination of movements, there is minimal brain dysfunction and mental retardation.

Reasons for the appearance

The primary causes of hyperactivity can be:

intrauterine or acquired infectious diseases;
Early or late childbirth, severe labor activity;
excessive physical exercise during the mother's pregnancy;
Severe poisoning;
Malnutrition and disturbed daily routine;
Hereditary factor (congenital abnormalities of some brain systems);
Immaturity of the nervous system of a newborn baby;
Bad ecology.

Hyperactivity is more common in boys than girls. ADHD is often accompanied by sleep disturbance, enuresis, and cardiac disorders.

Manifestations of the disease

How to recognize the disease on the most early stage its development? In young children, symptoms up to a year lives are manifested in an overreaction to light, sound, toys, relatives and strangers. The baby is very active in the cradle, he is restless, sleeps poorly, often cries, bright toys captivate his attention for a very short time.

Hyperactive child signs at 2 years old has the following:

distraction of attention;
disobedience to elders;
difficulty in mastering speech;
constant talkativeness;
big number movements;
motor awkwardness.

At the age of 2-3 years a hyperactive child is very difficult to interest in anything. He cannot play children's games (he is constantly distracted), often cries, is restless, it is difficult to learn rhymes with him, he does not listen to his mother's songs, makes noise, "does not accept" comments addressed to him.

Hyperactivity preschooler 3-6 years old the teacher may notice kindergarten. The teacher cannot keep him busy, the reaction to the instructions of the elders is too impulsive, the child cannot sleep at nap-hour, does not delve into educational process, in the classroom he is passionate about his affairs, he lives "in his own, invented by him little world." At the same age, the first selfish traits appear, the child tries to dominate his peers in games, provokes conflict situations, interferes with everyone, interferes in adult conversations, violently expresses his emotions in the most inappropriate environment, ignores and does not perceive criticism.

Preventive and corrective work with hyperactive children in kindergarten is carried out by psychologists. Parents are advised to listen to their advice and, if necessary, visit a neurologist for advice.

Schoolchildren hyperactivity and ADHD are on the rise. Strict school regulations of behavior and requirements for students are a real test for children and adolescents, their nervous system cannot cope with mental and physical overload.

During this period, symptoms predominate:

Lack of concentration;
Inability to sit in class (a child can sit quietly at a desk for no more than 15 minutes);
Nervous tic;
Low self-esteem;
Difficulty in digestion educational material;
The development of all kinds of phobias;
Frequent loss of personal items.

A hyperactive child often has high intelligence, but low concentration does not allow them to take full advantage. Increased emotional excitability does not allow the student to fully communicate with classmates: he tries to attract attention, teases, fights, not realizing the consequences of such behavior.

Hyperactive children have practically no sense of fear: they jump from any height, they can jump out onto the road right in front of a speeding car, not knowing how to swim, they can jump into the water to a depth.

Hyperactive teenagers do not want to attend school test papers and homework. Often they drop out of school before completing their secondary education.

Corrective Therapy

Parents need to learn how to interact with the child. Both in adolescents and children preschool age drug treatment should be associated with psychological correction.

To improve memory, you need to take vitamin complexes;

medical preparations for the treatment of hyperactivity, they reduce impulsivity, promote the assimilation of educational material and working capacity, but do not treat the disease itself;

Required sports(according to age and physical abilities);

A hyperactive child needs constant control on the part of parents, they are obliged to ensure the safety of the child in the house, good nutrition, hourly daily routine, observe perfect order in the apartment;

children should not be physically punished, often scold, make rude remarks, especially in front of strangers;

Not worth anything forbid without explaining the reason for the ban;

It is forbidden to demand exemplary behavior and only excellent grades at school.

Hyperactive child: what should parents do? Psychologist's advice

1. First, do not neglect the help of a qualified neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist. Go for a consultation with a specialist and enlist his support.

2. The daily routine of the child must be clearly organized. You should not change it, this will give impetus to the development of the necessary reflexes (for example, go to bed at a certain time or after reading a fairy tale, get up with the first alarm).
3. There should be no irritants in the house, the atmosphere should be calm and friendly.
4. No need to limit the activity of the child, this will enable the release of accumulated energy.
5. A "problem" child does not need to be forced into tedious activities and long sitting in one place.

Hyperactive children need rewards and encouragement, great love from parents and approval of undertakings. Without the help of specialists, the formation of a psychopathic type of personality is possible. Early diagnosis of the disease, proper therapy, love of relatives and competent education are the key to improving the quality of life of a hyperactive child.


There is probably no other condition that would cause so much controversy and doubt among doctors, parents and psychologists as hyperactivity. Some argue that the problem is far-fetched and does not really exist, while others believe that hyperactivity that is undiagnosed and uncorrected in childhood threatens career growth, social adaptation, personal relationships of a person in the future.

Which of them is right, what kind of hyperactive child he is, what to do if the doctor made such a conclusion to your baby, we'll talk in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Most parents who have ever heard about childhood hyperactivity are actually quite vague about what is at stake, sometimes putting into this concept not a medical, but an everyday meaning. Therefore, first of all, let's deal with the terms.

Hyperactivity, or motor disinhibition- this is a state of the child's nervous system, in which the processes of excitation in the brain occur more actively than in ordinary children. In other words, brain cells are constantly generating nerve impulses that simply do not allow the baby to sit still.

Therefore, a hyperactive child is not just a very mobile, naughty, capricious or inattentive bully, as many mothers used to think, but a baby in whose behavior a neuropathologist (and only he!) saw deviations. The presence of hyperactivity in a child can be established at any age.

Hyperactivity in infants should not be confused with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which is a developmental disorder that may not be diagnosed until 3 or 4 years of age.

Hyperactive vs Active: What's the Difference?

A healthy baby by nature is always full of energy, mobile, stubborn and even capricious. These qualities help him to know the world around him and his place in it. That is why it is so difficult to distinguish motor disinhibition from character traits. However, there are some starting points which may encourage parents to take a closer look at the behavior of their child.

Hyperactive babies - what are they?

Most often, these babies are well developed physically. They learn to sit, crawl, and walk earlier than their peers. It is difficult for them to sit still, their day passes in motion. Babies are tireless and fearless so much that they often fall off furniture, changing tables, open windows.

They don't seem to be able to get tired. Even when the strength is running out, the hyperactive child will continue to move, accompanying him with crying, tantrums, whims. Only mommy can stop him, picking him up in time.

Such children sleep very little, which amaze relatives and friends. 2-3 month old babies can stay awake for 4-5 hours in a row, while their peers divide the day between mother's breasts and sleep.

They are very sensitive sleepers, waking up at the slightest noise, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. Easy to get used to motion sickness.

An environment full of sounds, unfamiliar faces, bright lights (the arrival of guests or a trip to the clinic) leads hyperactive kids to real euphoria, forcing them to double their antics.

Such babies love toys, but rarely play with them for a long time. They are easy to get interested in, but hard to captivate. Interest in a new toy or game disappears after a few minutes.

Hyperactive children are very attached to their mother and rarely get along well with strangers. They are prone to fits of anger, throwing toys, biting, fighting. In addition, kids are jealous, conflict situations are resolved with the help of tears and roars.

How not to make a mistake?

Since children of the first year of life have not yet developed speech and other ways of communication, parents often worry in vain, mistaking age-related cheerfulness for hyperactivity. There are several distinctive features mobile healthy baby from hyperactive. Temperamentally healthy children, as a rule:

  • move a lot, but tired, prefer to lie down or sit;
  • fall asleep well, the duration of daytime and nighttime sleep corresponds to age;
  • sleep peacefully at night;
  • a well-developed sense of fear, they remember dangerous actions and situations and try to avoid them;
  • easily distracted during whims and tantrums;
  • early begin to realize the word "no";
  • during whims are non-aggressive;
  • have a temperamental mom or dad.

I would especially like to dwell on the last point. Unlike others, it must be skillfully applied. Very often, mothers and fathers who do not have a fiery temperament “suspect” their baby in hyperactivity. A logical connection works: calm parents cannot have a naughty child. The situation is aggravated by grandparents on both sides, who say in surprise: “who was he born into,” “my children have always been lower than grass, quieter than water.”

This is the wrong approach. Genetics - complex science, and genes that did not manifest themselves in mom and dad can “play” in the child.

Therefore, I would like to advise all calm mothers again: before turning to a neurologist for help, analyze why the baby “worries” you. He is unbearable, annoying with his mobility, curiosity and completely unlike you in character, or he is really unstoppable with all your understanding of childish nature.

Who is guilty?

The child's hyperactivity always has a basis physical reason, that is, changes in the functioning of nerve cells in the brain. This may occur if:

  • the baby was born through a caesarean section;
  • childbirth was difficult, prolonged, accompanied by the imposition of obstetric forceps;
  • the child was born severely premature or underweight;
  • there was a failure in the laying of the nervous system in the prenatal period due to the flu, colds, under the influence adverse factors environment, bad habits;
  • there is a hereditary predisposition, that is, the closest relatives suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

Can't be cured, can be helped

If you have a hyperactive child, what can you do to help him? Most importantly, you need to understand that hyperactivity is not a disease, but a type of behavior that depends on the characteristics of the nervous system of your baby. That is, it cannot be cured in the broadest sense of the word, but it can be taken under control in such a way that this condition successfully “overgrows” and does not pass into adulthood.

Treatment of hyperactivity consists in the sequential mastering of the following steps:

  • Psychological preparation of parents;
  • Educational approaches to the baby;
  • Daily regime.

Psychological preparation of parents

Probably the most important step. After all, how smoothly the next will go depends on its success.

Parents need to be aware of:

  • hyperactivity is NOT a DISEASE, but a personal quality of the baby;
  • the child does not consciously misbehave and cause them anxiety, it’s just that this is how his nervous system works;
  • there is no fault in what happened;
  • it is necessary to accept the child for who he is - a mischievous, "zhivchik", capricious and jealous, but passionately loving mom and dad;
  • hyperactivity in infants, with the right approach, does not adversely affect physical and mental development in the future;
  • the baby is not obliged to be similar in his behavior to the son of Maria Ivanovna or the daughter of Elena Sergeevna, no matter how good they may be. He can also act very differently than mom and dad at his age. A small person is a big person and has the right to individuality, even if through hyperactivity.

Some of these items are not easy to complete. But if the parents accept them, then we can assume that the child's hyperactivity is half under control.

I would like to say a special word to moms and dads who have a "hyperactive" character. If your temperament is hot like an Arabian stallion, then it's time to take him under the bridle. Calmness, a pre-planned program for the day, the absence of surprises will help not only create a favorable environment for a hyperactive baby, but improve the overall emotional background in the family.

Educational approaches to the child

A hyperactive child, like no other, needs the support of mom and dad. After all, his nervous system is very vulnerable and easily depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the child does not often get upset. This does not mean indulging all whims. You just need to protect the baby from negative emotions: do not leave him to cry for a long time, do not lock him in a room as a punishment, interrupt his roar and tantrum as soon as they begin. It is best to distract the baby with a toy, pick it up, go out onto the balcony or go to the window.

Do not scold the child and blame him, he is still so small that he cannot justify himself and say that he loves you.

Praise, kiss and encourage your baby at any age. infant may not understand the words, but an approving tone will be his best reward.

Find golden mean between severity and condescension. The kid should gradually begin to understand the word "no".

It is necessary to protect the child from too noisy environment. For example, unfamiliar guests, crowds, public transport. This does not mean to keep him in isolation, but it should be remembered that shopping center and a party with friends is not the right place for a hyperactive naughty. But a walk in the park, on the playground, a family picnic trip is a good reason to throw out energy without harming yourself and others.

Always be ready to help the baby when something goes wrong. Hyperactive children are very sensitive to failure and immediately get upset if the goal is not achieved the first time. Achieve it together, calmly and wisely support the baby in his exploits.

Daily regime

The best way to cope with the manifestations of hyperactivity in a child daily regime. It not only balances the nervous processes, but also disciplines the parents.

It is best if the hours of morning awakening and going to bed are the same every day. This will allow you to train nervous system baby and develop your own rhythm.

An important role in the formation of restful sleep is played by the “evening ritual”, which is repeated every day and consists of the same actions. This will teach the baby's body to prepare for sleep. It can be, for example, such as “bath-lullaby-sleep at the breast-transition to the crib” or, if you are not used to bathing your baby every day or the bath, on the contrary, is exciting, then “dressing in pajamas-lullaby-breastfeeding or a bottle with a mixture-sleep in your own crib.

You should limit outdoor games 1 hour before going to bed.

It is better to have a baby bed up to a year in the same room where the parents sleep. Hyperactive children often wake up at night, tormented by disturbing dreams. The gentle voice of the mother, who is nearby, is enough to calm down.

In the room in which the baby spends most of the time, the TV or radio should not be turned on. Bright colors, music, constantly changing pictures on the screen unwind the nervous system. If the children's room is decorated with bright pictures - stickers, posters, large toys, they should be removed. A baby still does not understand their meaning, and bright spots act excitingly on the nervous system.

The chandelier and lamps in the children's room should be made of frosted glass, which gently scatters light and does not give disturbing reflections.

Hyperactive kids need to expend energy . This will help gymnastics, massage, outdoor games. You should strictly monitor the duration of active games. Hyperactive children do not feel tired and cannot stop themselves. Therefore, depending on age, periods of outdoor games must be alternated with calm ones.

Final word

Dear parents, your baby is a miracle, whatever it may be. Therefore, instead of asking the question “I have a hyperactive child, what should I do now and how to live with these further”, try to calmly and wisely go through this difficult period of the formation of a small personality with him.