Hyperactive child: signs and symptoms of hyperactivity in children under one year old. Hyperactive child - signs of hyperactivity in children and what parents should do

  • 21.10.2019

Hyperactivity is a syndrome characterized by a predominance of excitatory processes in a child over inhibition processes. Previously, there was a term "hyperdynamic", which literally means "too much movement." However, the problem is not only this. The speed and sharpness of mental reactions, violent expression of emotions (often negative), super-increased activity with a subsequent decline in strength - this is what children's hyperactivity is. It is better to start treating such a problem from a very early age, so that it does not bring negative consequences into adulthood.

ADHD - concept and definition

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition characterized by excessive excitability and inability to stay focused. The development of attention is closely interconnected with the development of will and arbitrariness of behavior, the ability to control one's behavior.

Is ADHD the result of bad parenting and stress, or is it a disease? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Most likely, there is a combination of factors - external and internal.

3 forms of ADHD:

  1. Attention deficit disorder without manifestations of hyperactivity. This pathology is most typical for girls. They seem to be on their own, in their fantasies and dreams, "hovering in the clouds."
  2. Hyperactivity syndrome without attention deficit phenomena. Rare form. It is often a symptom of an organic lesion of the central nervous system.
  3. The most common form is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Treatment of such a pathology is carried out in a complex manner by at least three specialists: a psychotherapist, a child psychologist and a neurologist.


Factors provoking the development of hyperactivity in a child:

  1. Complications during childbirth - fetal hypoxia, prolonged or very rapid labor, the threat of miscarriage, premature detachment of a normally located placenta.
  2. Family tactics in relation to raising a child are excessive strictness, many prohibitions, overprotection or ignoring.
  3. Concomitant pathologies - diseases of the sense organs, vegetovascular dystonia, diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. stress factors environment- Nervous environment in the children's team.
  5. Constant violation of the mode of wakefulness and sleep.

Signs of hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in children school age treatment is not as difficult as at an older age. Many parents and pediatricians mistakenly believe that while the child is small, ADHD is not a pathology: if he goes to school, he will become calm. But alas, at school, manifestations of hyperactivity do not stop, but only get worse.


Features of hyperactivity in children under 7 years of age:

  • Excessive excitability. The child "turns on" with half a turn, it is very difficult to calm him down.
  • Very strong and violent reaction to various manipulations. The kid does not like to dress, stubbornly does not want to go anywhere, and so on.
  • Excessive emotional lability. At any, even the most harmless, remark, crying immediately begins.
  • Acute reaction to external stimuli (light, sound) - screaming, screeching, sleep disturbance. Such children fall asleep very badly and wake up hard.
  • Defects in the development of speech. He speaks a lot and quickly, but incoherent, poorly distinguishable sounds are obtained - baby talk with defects in diction.

Of course, there can be a lot of reasons for whims in early childhood: from teething to failure to assimilate food components due to congenital enzymatic deficiency. Such pathologies should be excluded.


Hyperactivity in school-age children is more severe than in preschool children. During this period, socialization occurs, and hyperactivity interferes with it. Consequently, there may be problems with academic performance, disagreements in relationships with peers.. Teachers complain about such children: they believe that the parents have spoiled the child. And those, in turn, are sure that the teacher does not know how to “manage” children.

Typical symptoms of hyperactivity in a student:

  • Restlessness. The average student can productively study for 20-25 minutes, a hyperactive student - no more than 10 minutes. Further, he begins to misbehave, distracting classmates different ways(pulling pigtails, throwing papers).
  • Capriciousness.
  • Carelessness. You can say the same thing 10 times, but understanding is not achieved;
  • Disobedience. It seems that the child is programmed for bad behavior.
  • Short temper. A child can be rude to any remark.
  • Low self-esteem leading to depression. Due to the peculiarities of the child's behavior, others begin to perceive him badly. He feels like an outcast, and then takes out his complexes on others, proving that he is good and cool.

Behavioral manifestations of hyperactivity are often accompanied by neuropsychiatric symptoms: depression, headache and dizziness, nervous tics (against the background of stress, the eye begins to "twitch" or the hands tremble), phobias (sudden and unreasonable fears), enuresis.

Hyperactivity in school-age children without treatment can lead to disastrous consequences.

Manifestations of physical aggression in adolescent hyperactivity:

  • fights;
  • bullying of animals and peers (even atrocities);
  • suicidal tendencies.

Differential Diagnosis

Before deciding what and how to treat hyperactivity, the doctor should differentiate this condition from other serious somatic diseases:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • chorea;
  • epilepsy;
  • visual/hearing impairment;
  • vegetovascular dystonia of hypertonic type;
  • early stages of autism.

With the diagnosis of "hyperactivity of the child", treatment should be preceded by an anamnesis: conversations, interviews, observation of behavior, questioning of parents.

Hyperactivity Treatment

Treatment hyperactive child It is carried out in two directions: drug and non-drug therapy.

Correction of behavior and lifestyle

Nonspecific (non-drug) therapy includes a whole range of measures

  • training according to a special plan (abbreviated lessons, a small number of people in the class, the corresponding profile of teachers);
  • full sleep;
  • compliance with the regime;
  • long walks;
  • physical activity(hyperactive children enjoy visiting the pool, gym; you can go jogging, cycling or roller skating).

How to treat a child with such mental characteristics? Adults themselves are an example for the child. They must be restrained, once again not raise their voice at the child and have emotional contact with him. When the child feels that he is understood and supported, he stops fighting, snapping and offending his peers. The pugnacity of children suggests that something is wrong in the family.

hyperactive child demands to himself heightened attention. He must be able to captivate, to give a delicate assessment of the results of his actions in time, to change activities. Calm activities should be combined with dynamic ones, such as drawing and dancing. All this should be done in a playful way.

It is necessary to be able to stimulate the child to activity. Encouragement and praise is not forbidden, but on the contrary, it is welcomed - such children need it like air.

Physical labor is also important. Walks with alternating calm activities (observation of nature) and outdoor games (ball, rope, roller skates, running competitions) have a very good effect.

In public places, you can often observe how mothers raise their voices at children, pull their hands, even give a slap on the back of the head. It seems that the parents are ashamed of them. Everyone looks at such mothers with sympathy. A hyperactive child must be “instructed” on how to behave in a store, in a cinema, in a pool, on a playground.

You need to practice reasonable prohibitions: you can’t say “no” to a child without explaining anything. You should patiently voice the reason for this or that taboo, offering an alternative. If the child managed to behave well, then in the evening a “reward” should await him - a joint game of his favorite toys, watching a movie, a treat.

The best thing for hyperactive children is treatment for early stages when you can do without drugs.

Specific treatment

In adolescence, a hyperactive child without treatment becomes very aggressive and even dangerous. There is no need for medicines.

  1. Autogenic training, psychotherapy (individual or group).
  2. Medicines:
  • Nootropic drugs to improve the blood supply to the brain - Piracetam, Phenibut, Encephabol, Cortexin (in tablets and injections).
  • Antidepressants. In pediatric practice, it is better to use serotonin uptake inhibitors (Maprotiline, Fluoxetine, Paxil, Deprim), which help to improve mood, reduce the frequency of suicidal thoughts, and also fight chronic fatigue.
  • Glycine is an amino acid, an "inhibitory" neurotransmitter in the brain.

Folk methods

Treatment of hyperactivity in children folk remedies is to use medicinal herbs individually (melissa, chamomile) or soothing herbal preparations.

Herbal remedies:

  • Leuzea extract is a tonic, mood-enhancing agent that improves performance.
  • Lemongrass tincture - tonic, antidepressant effect.
  • Ginseng tincture - reducing fatigue and increasing the ability to concentrate.
  • Persen - used for poor sleep and increased nervous excitability.

It is important to make an accurate diagnosis in time and choose the right therapeutic methods. Without treatment, childhood ADHD does not go away as we grow older.. Such people, even in adulthood, cannot concentrate and concentrate on something important, they do not have time for anything. They have trouble at work, which leads to depression and neurosis.

The concept of childhood hyperactivity still causes a lot of controversy and controversy among pediatricians.

It is difficult to determine which child really has behavioral problems that can negatively affect his future, and which simply has a bright temperament.

Often parents complain about their child because they cannot or do not want to find an approach to him. There are also cases when dangerous symptoms are ignored, and the child's real hyperactivity develops into more serious problems with his social adaptation in kindergarten, then at school and then in public life.

In this article, we will tell you how to recognize a hyperactive child from infancy and how to find the right approach to him. But first, let's understand the basic concepts.

Hyperactivity from a medical point of view

This term refers not only to excessive mobility, inattention and capriciousness of the baby, as many mothers think. This is mainly a special condition nervous system and the cerebral cortex, when its cells are too active in generating nerve impulses.

These processes do not allow the baby to sit still, interfere with focusing, switching from tantrums, calming down, and falling asleep.

True hyperactivity can only be seen or suspected by a neurologist, so do not try to make such diagnoses for your baby on your own.

And it is also important that a hyperactive baby can be not only at such a difficult age as 3-4 years old, but also from infancy.

The sooner you recognize these features of the child's nervous system and begin to take action, the less difficulties you will have in the future.

7 signs of a hyperactive child

Hyperactivity is also called motor disinhibition, but should not be confused with the healthy activity of normal children. Quite healthy baby can also be very mobile, shouting and talking loudly, thus expressing their emotions. He can even often be capricious and insistently demand his own.

How to distinguish individual characteristics your child from a neurological problem? Here are 7 signs that should alert you to the behavior of an infant:

1 Hyperactive babies are well developed physically, they begin to roll over, sit down, crawl and walk faster than their peers. Because of this, they cause a lot of admiration from their parents and relatives.

But often such unexpected and rapid developmental leaps lead to falls from sofas and other troubles, for which even the most vigilant parents are simply not ready.

They don’t know whether to rejoice at him or cry when the child is already crawling and naughty with might and main, while his peers, meanwhile, lie peacefully in the crib.

There can still be two options here: either your child is just developing very quickly, or this is one of the signs of hyperactivity. In the second case, the problem will still make itself felt in the future and will manifest itself in other signs.

2 Children often act up when their strength is running out and it's time for them to sleep. They seem to become even more active, their excitability increases, and only mother's hands or motion sickness can, after much torment, help put him to sleep.

3 Hyperactive babies sleep surprisingly little, even in their first months of life. While their peers are sleeping more than they are awake, these children may also play for periods cry for about 4-5 hours straight.

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4 The child cannot fall asleep for a long time, requires motion sickness, and his sleep is very sensitive. The kid is sensitive to every rustle, he can suddenly wake up and fall asleep heavily again.

5 The baby reacts very violently to a change of scenery, new faces and loud noises. All this can lead him to a real delight, and, at the same time, makes him even more capricious and attract your attention.

The more people in the room with the child, the more capricious he becomes.

6 Children do not know how to focus their attention on something for a long time. This can be seen even at a very early age: it is easy to lure a baby with a new toy, but he quickly gets bored with it. He seems to shift his attention from one subject to another even faster.

7 A characteristic feature of hyperactive children, in total with all of the above, is their attachment to their mother and at the same time fear of strangers. They find it difficult to get along with the guests, reluctantly go into their arms and, as it were, hide behind their mother. They can also be jealous of their mother for other people's children, take away their toys and turn any conflict into a tantrum.

We have not listed the unconditional signs of hyperactive children, but only those distinctive features, which can alert you and make you go to an appointment with a pediatric neurologist.

But in order not to be mistaken and not to worry in vain, we will describe the behavior of a healthy normal child who may have some of the above characteristics due to his innate temperament.

Temperamentally healthy children differ from their hyperactive peers in the following ways:

1 They like to run or otherwise be active, but after that they come to lie down or sit quietly, for example, watching cartoons. Thus, they are able to calm down on their own. But here we are talking about older children, closer to the age of one.

2 They have little to no sleep problems, falling asleep quickly and sleeping for their age.

3 Night sleep is usually long and restful. If we talk about babies 2-3 months of life, then they can wake up for night feedings, but they also fall asleep easily and do not cry in the middle of the night.

4 Children quickly understand where the danger is and may experience a sense of fear. Subsequently, they do not seek to climb into a dangerous place again.

5 Easily master the word "no", which allows you to quickly communicate with the child in the future.

6 Children are easily distracted from the tantrum by a new object or story, they are able to switch and immediately stop crying.

7 They are almost never aggressive towards you or other children. They let me play with their toys, sometimes after my mother's persuasion.

8 Of course, the character of the parents is passed on to their child. It is possible that the mother or father of an active child has a bright temperament and was the same fidget in childhood. But remember that such features could be transmitted not only from parents, but also from grandparents, as well as from other relatives, great-grandparents.

Causes of hyperactivity

Changes in brain cells that cause hyperactivity do not remain for life if parents choose the right tactics for behavior and upbringing of their baby. Therefore, this condition cannot be called a disease and cannot be cured, but can only contribute to the speedy "outgrowth" of childhood hyperactivity.

And this condition occurs, as a rule, as a result of one of the following reasons:

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Raising a hyperactive toddler

The upbringing and daily routine of such a child should be given special attention if you do not want his condition to worsen. Leaving the problem unattended can lead to many problems in the future, when the child grows up and he will have to adapt to society on his own.

Since the baby's nervous system is very vulnerable, it cannot be tested again.

This means that any whim and hysteria must be stopped at the very beginning, not trying to punish the child as an educational moment. At the same time, try not to indulge these whims and not follow the child's lead on every occasion, but discreetly distract him and switch attention. Yes, this may require a lot of patience and resourcefulness from parents, but it will not allow you to spoil the little tomboy too much. After all, he is already at a very early age smart enough to understand how to achieve his goal. Explain to the baby the meaning of the word "no", gently and persistently.

In all these endeavors, you will need to curb your own character and exclude all negative emotions from communication with the child.

During the day, try not to expose the baby to unnecessarily vivid impressions and exclude unexpected situations.

Noisy companies, unexpected and numerous guests, crowds of people on the street should not disturb your baby and loosen his nervous system.

But the most the best way rest for him will be a trip to nature in a narrow circle of the family, where he can throw out his energy. After such a rest, your baby will peacefully and easily fall asleep soundly.

Recently, you can often hear the phrase "My child is so hyperactive!" from mothers to their restless child. But few of them thought that ADHD (a syndrome and hyperactivity) is a diagnosis, and not empty words. Therefore, if you are really worried about the excessive activity of your child, if you think that there are too many of them, and your friends joke about the fact that you have twins at all - your baby is so smart, you should think about going to the doctor. After all, it is the specialist who can accurately determine whether your child is suffering from this syndrome, or you are sounding a false alarm.

Still, let's look at the main child, in order to either confirm your fears, or completely refute them. However, we strongly recommend that you seek help from a doctor if you still have such experiences.

Main symptoms

First of all, it is worth determining why you need it. You must understand that if such a child is not dealt with, the syndrome can develop into big problems. When your offspring goes to school, his lack of concentration and the need for constant movement will interfere not only with him, but also with his classmates. Thus, if no action is taken, a hyperactive child at school will experience certain difficulties.

If it is difficult for your child to concentrate in a noisy environment, and even in a quiet place he succeeds with difficulty if he does not respond to your words, although from the outside it seems that he is listening to you, if he quits what he started halfway, then perhaps him ADHD. can also be expressed in poor organization, absent-mindedness. Such a baby is often distracted by external stimuli. You may also notice that the child constantly climbs on cabinets, chairs, bedside tables. He really never rests, he is in constant motion and action: he draws, sculpts, does anything, just not to sit still. At school, the symptoms of a hyperactive child are that the student cannot concentrate on the words of the teacher, it is difficult for him to switch from leisure to work.

He constantly swings on a chair, scratches desks, rushes around the class. This happens not because he is harmful, but because he cannot and does not know how to do otherwise. Plus, it does not work properly for him. If you are the parent of such a child or school teacher, and there are such children in your class, then do not waste your nerves and efforts on trying to verbally calm the fidget. Your prohibition phrases do not reach him. Tactile requests can be a way out for you: when you tell your child to stop making noise or indulging, stroke him on the shoulder or on the head - this way the information will be absorbed better.

Do not worry

It is worth noting that preliminary conclusions can be drawn only when the above symptoms of a hyperactive child have been manifested constantly from birth to the school age of your child. If this began to happen to him in adolescence, then this is also a reason to worry, but not about the presence of ADHD, but about the possibility that he is taking drugs. Also remember that ADHD is not a death sentence. Our inattentive ones actually have many talents and great intellectual potential. The main thing is not to scare the child with eternal prohibitions, but also not to indulge his whims all the time. Find a balance between discipline and creative freedom, and a worthy person will definitely grow out of your child.

Every mother needs to know the signs of hyperactivity in children under 3 years old. Contrary to popular belief, hyperactivity is not just the inability to sit still, inattention, excessive noise and mobility of the baby. This is a diagnosis that should be given to you by the treating neurologist who knows your child and observes him for some time.

The brain generates nerve impulses too quickly. These processes prevent a small person from concentrating on some business, switching from active games to relaxing, falling asleep. Hyperactivity can begin in a child not in the “difficult” three years, but much earlier. Some symptoms can be recognized already in infancy. And the sooner you do this, the better it will be for you and your baby.

Here are some distinguishing features of hyperactive children:

  • The child physically develops faster than their peers. Such babies sit down early, get up, start walking and crawling. They often fall off sofas and drive their parents crazy with this, while their peers are still peacefully lying in cradles. By itself, this symptom does not mean anything, if there is real hyperactivity, it will manifest itself somehow else.
  • These children cannot simply fall asleep or rest if they are very tired. Instead of sitting down, a hyperactive baby will begin to “cut” circles around the apartment, screaming at breakneck speed, and then. It is difficult to put a child with such a diagnosis to sleep even in infancy, often a mother has to swing and carry her child in her arms for a long time before sleep finally comes.
  • From the very beginning of life, hyperactive children sleep less than others. Newborns sleep most of the day, but not those who are hyperactive. These babies can stay awake for 5 hours, cry for a long time, but not fall asleep.
  • Another manifestation of ADHD is light sleep. The child wakes up from every rustle, shudders from any slight noise. It is very difficult to put him back to sleep, you have to rock him for a long time and carry him in your arms
  • A change of scenery, guests, new faces - all this is a real test for a hyperactive child. It is difficult for him to withstand such an active lifestyle of his mother, he can fall into hysterics from a large number of impressions, he recovers for a long time and comes to his senses after a day full of emotions. From stormy delight, he turns into a long cry, then falls asleep, exhausted from tears. The more people in the room, the more tired the child.
  • A symptom of ADHD, that is, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a strong attachment to the mother. The kid is afraid of other adults, does not make contact, hides behind his mother. Such children are jealous of their mother for strangers and turn every conflict into a tantrum.
  • A girl or boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder cannot do one thing for a long time. Any toy quickly gets bored, the baby either takes one and throws it, then takes another and also throws it.
  • Frequent mood swings are an important symptom of ADHD. Just now the child was laughing, and now he is screaming and destroying everything from anger. If this happens often, it is worth taking him to a neurologist for examination.
  • Not only impulsivity and irritability signal problems of the nervous system. If a child often floats away somewhere in dreams, thinks and does not hear what is being addressed to him and does not pay attention to what is happening around, this is also a reason to ask a neurologist a question.
  • ADHD is often accompanied by a child's depressive mood and fears. You may notice that the baby has become withdrawn, looks sad and tired. He seemed to have lost interest in games and hobbies. Fears can make a child unnecessarily touchy and anxious.
  • Hyperactive children often twitch their arms and legs, and fidget in their chair when they need to be quiet. When standing in line for a game, they may jump up and down with impatience. If you play a quiz with such a baby, there is a chance that he will shout out the answer even before you say the full question.
  • Losing things, making mistakes due to inattention, switching to things that are irrelevant are the eternal companions of patients diagnosed with ADHD.

All these signs do not mean that your child is necessarily diagnosed with hyperactivity. It should be placed by a neurologist. Similar behavior occurs in healthy children and is a consequence of their healthy temperament. In order not to panic ahead of time and not heal healthy child, you need to take a very responsible approach to the issue of diagnosis and not judge by a few symptoms “by eye”.

A healthy child can also run, jump and stand on his head, but he will not fall into hysterics, but will come to sit quietly, watch cartoons. Another difference is that it is easy to distract a healthy child from hysteria with a toy, a song, a bird outside the window. Good long sleep and fast falling asleep are also a sign of a healthy nervous system.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not really a disease. With the right approach and behavior of adults, the child will “outgrow” this condition, and in the future the peculiarity of the brain will not cause him any problems.

The causes of a child's hyperactivity may be hidden during the mother's pregnancy. If she suffered from toxicosis and high blood pressure throughout her pregnancy, and the child suffered from intrauterine hypoxia, then the risk is 3 times higher than usual that the child will be born with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Stress, hard work or smoking during pregnancy can also affect the health of the nervous system of the unborn baby. In addition to perinatal factors, the course of childbirth can also influence the brain. At risk are births by caesarean section, prolonged labor with fetal hypoxia, a long anhydrous period and the imposition of forceps, and, on the contrary, very rapid labor.

The doctor asks the mother about the family history, whether there were people with such a diagnosis in the family, asks to give a description of the baby. It is important to tell the neurologist about anything that raises suspicions, whether bad dream or extreme arousal. There are certain diagnostic criteria approved by the American Psychiatric Organization, it is with them that the neurologist will correlate the stories of the parents.

In addition to the conversation, there are hardware diagnostic methods, such as an electroencephalographic study or a study using magnetic resonance imaging. These are completely painless methods that can give a complete picture of the state of the child's nervous system.

How to raise a child with hyperactivity

If you are a mother of a hyperactive child, try not to overload his psyche with excessive vivid impressions and noise. Think carefully about visiting and family holidays, visits to parks and cultural events. Do not turn on the TV in the background, watch cartoons for a long time. After watching cartoons, children are often very tired, without realizing it.

Some tips for dealing with hyperactive children:

  • Be clear about your requests and requirements. Do not speak in long sentences and florid language, do not load the request to remove the toys with additional morality and meaning. A baby with hyperactivity has poorly developed logical and abstract thinking, it will be difficult for him to understand you.
  • Formulate the restrictions correctly. Try to limit the use of negatives and the word "no", instead of "do not run in the club" say "run on the sidewalk". Any prohibition should have a reason, clearly and briefly explain it to the child. Suggest an alternative. For example, you can’t beat a cat, but you can pet it. You can’t pour water from a mug onto the floor, but you can into the bath.
  • Don't forget the sequence. No need to set the child several tasks at once. “Put away your toys, wash your hands and go eat”, he most likely will not understand. At some stage, he will be distracted, forget what was required of him, play too much. Voice each request separately, first about toys, when the toys are removed, it’s time to wash your hands, and only then invite them to the table.
  • Help to navigate the time. Instead of dragging your child home from a walk right away, warn him in advance that it’s time to go home soon - 20 minutes before the right time, for example. After 10 minutes, remind again, after five - again. By the time of the training camp, the child will already be mentally prepared for the fact that you need to switch from the game. The same applies to "time to go to bed" and "time to turn off the cartoons".
  • Provide a choice. Invite the child to choose from two toys, items of clothing, two or three dishes. This setting of the usual “get dressed” and “go eat” gives the child the feeling that he himself can make some decisions, which means that his mother trusts him.

If you clearly see that the child is overexcited and cannot cope with emotions, take him to a quiet place, for example, to another room, offer him water. Hugs and pats on the head will help. The child should feel that the mother is calm and that she loves him. Before going to bed, observing rituals, a bath with an extract of hop cones or needles, reading a book helps a lot. You can do a light massage, sing a quiet song. It is not recommended to watch cartoons before going to bed, a maximum of one short cartoon lasting 10-15 minutes.

Rules for Parents

Follow a clear daily routine. This is essential for a child with ADHD. , sleeping and bathing - everything should happen at the same time. This will help your beloved child to tune in in advance and give him a sense of calm and solid ground under his feet. In nutrition, it is worth limiting the consumption of food additives and dyes, the use of chocolate and large amounts of sugar and salt.

In the baby's room there should not be a lot of bright distracting pictures, a large number of scattered toys lying on the floor and scattering his attention. At all little child give out toys one or two at a time, put them away as soon as he loses interest. A 2-year-old can already take part in the cleaning himself.

Every time the child coped with himself, overcame the tantrum and was able to calm down in time, praise and encourage him. Positive reinforcement will help him regulate his behavior. Your relationship must be trusting. Believe me, it’s already hard for him, you shouldn’t aggravate the matter with swearing and quarrels.

Permissiveness creates an intuitive fear in children and leads to neuroses. For yourself, clearly define what exactly is impossible and why, do not deviate from the accepted framework. It is important not to overdo it with prohibitions. You can celebrate the success of the child with stars, and when they accumulate 5 or 10, reward the baby with a cute present.

Remember, the baby behaves this way not to spite you, it is difficult for him to cope with himself. He draws attention to himself, asking for your help. Be an ally of your child in conflicts on the playground, do not listen to relatives who say that you do not need to take the child in your arms and reassure, and advisers with the eternal “let him roar”. In a difficult moment, a little person needs a loving and calm mother nearby, her support and understanding.

Drug therapy for the treatment of ADHD

A child with ADHD may benefit from taking a multivitamin and mineral supplements, it is worth enriching the diet with omega-3 fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are particularly important and are often deficient in the blood of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 is very useful for the nervous system. Patients experience a decrease in aggressiveness and an improvement in attention, after. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe mild sedatives such as valerian and motherwort.

Russian doctors often prescribe nootropic drugs (piracetam, glycine, phenibut, pantogam) to improve metabolic processes in the brain and increase cortical tone in patients with ADHD. Clinically, their effectiveness has not been proven, but neuropathologists often note in practice an improvement in the condition of children with hyperactivity and a decrease in the severity of symptoms of attention deficit disorder.

Diet in the treatment of hyperactivity

Many parents report improvements in their children's condition when following a gluten-free diet. Others benefit from a diet that eliminates sucrose and starch. For patients with hyperactivity, everything that is good for brain tissue is useful: a large number of protein from meat, nuts and legumes, carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, olive oil. Exclude sweets and snacks with preservatives and flavor enhancers, dyes from the child's diet.

Experts advise moms and dads to find those foods to which the baby may have an individual intolerance. To do this, rotate products, keep a food diary. Eliminate one product at a time from the child's diet and monitor his condition.

If the child goes to Kindergarten, talk to the teacher, tell about the problem. Hyperactive children need special approach and attention. Teachers working with a child should know his diagnosis and features. The same applies to relatives and family friends who often visit your home. Hyperactivity is a diagnosis that your baby will definitely outgrow if you learn about it in time and provide the child proper care and help. There is nothing terrible in it, mostly adults who suffered from ADHD in childhood forget about their condition and live the same way as all healthy men and women. There is a chance that after a year or two of proper treatment you will get rid of any manifestations of hyperactivity.

is a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), neurological and behavioral disorders that develop in childhood. The behavior of a hyperactive child is characterized by restlessness, distractibility, difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, increased motor activity, etc. A hyperactive child requires a neuropsychological and neurological (EEG, MRI) examination. Helping a hyperactive child involves individual psychological and pedagogical support, psychotherapy, non-drug and drug therapy.

According to the criteria developed by the DSM in 1994, ADHD can be recognized if the child has at least 6 signs of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity for six months. Therefore, during the initial visit to specialists, the diagnosis of ADHD is not made, but the observation and examination of the child is carried out. In the process of clinical and psychological examination of a hyperactive child, methods of interview, conversation, direct observation are used; obtaining information from teachers and parents using diagnostic questionnaires, neuropsychological testing.

The need for a basic pediatric and neurological examination is due to the fact that various somatic and neurological disorders (hyperthyroidism, anemia, epilepsy, chorea, hearing and visual impairment, etc.) can be hidden behind an ADHD-like syndrome. For the purpose of clarifying the diagnosis of a hyperactive child, consultations of narrow children's specialists (children's endocrinologist, pediatric otolaryngologist, pediatric ophthalmologist, epileptologist), EEG, MRI of the brain, general and biochemical blood tests, etc. writing and outline a plan for corrective work with a hyperactive child.

Hyperactivity in children should be differentiated from fetal alcohol syndrome, post-traumatic CNS damage, chronic lead poisoning, manifestations of individual temperament characteristics, pedagogical neglect, mental retardation, etc.

ADHD correction

A hyperactive child needs complex individualized support, including psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy, non-drug and drug correction.

A hyperactive child is recommended a sparing training regimen (small class, reduced lessons, dosed tasks), sufficient sleep, good nutrition, long walks, sufficient physical activity. Due to increased excitability, the participation of hyperactive children in mass events should be limited. Under the guidance of a child psychologist and psychotherapist, autogenic training, individual, group, family and behavioral psychotherapy, body-oriented therapy, biofeedback technologies are carried out. In the correction of ADHD, the entire environment of a hyperactive child should be actively involved: parents, educators, school teachers.

Pharmacotherapy is an auxiliary method of ADHD correction. It involves the appointment of atomoxetine hydrochloride, which blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and improves synaptic transmission in various brain structures; nootropic drugs (pyritinol, cortexin, choline alfoscerate, phenibut, hopantenic acid); micronutrients (magnesium, pyridoxine), etc. In some cases, a good effect is achieved using kinesiotherapy, massage cervical spine, manual therapy.

The elimination of violations of written speech is carried out within the framework of targeted speech therapy classes for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Forecast and prevention of ADHD

Timely and comprehensive corrective work allows a hyperactive child to learn how to build relationships with peers and adults, control their own behavior, and prevent difficulties. social adaptation. Psychological and pedagogical support of a hyperactive child contributes to the formation of socially acceptable behavior. In the absence of attention to the problems of ADHD in adolescence and adulthood, the risk of social exclusion, alcoholism and drug addiction increases.

Prevention of hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit should begin long before the birth of a child and provide for the provision of conditions for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, care for the health of children, and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the family and children's team.