Pedagogical technique and pedagogical technology. Pedagogical technique in pedagogical activity

  • 10.10.2019

Pedagogical technique is a component of pedagogical skill. Is it appropriate to talk about technology when it comes to education, formation, touching the child's personality, i.e. about a process that proceeds differently, depending on the individuality of a person and the conditions of his life? However, A.S. Makarenko said that in pedagogical activity for him, “such “little things” became decisive: how to stand, how to sit, how to get up from a chair, from the table, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look.” “He educates everything,” he wrote, “people, things, phenomena, but, above all, and for the longest time, people.” Of these, parents and teachers come first. To indicate the teacher's ability to master the methods of organizing his behavior and influencing students, AS. Makarenko introduced the concept of "pedagogical technique", which reminds the teacher of the need to worry about the form of manifestation of his intentions, his spiritual potential.

A significant contribution to the development of both pedagogical skills and directly pedagogical technique was made by scientists-teachers Yu.Pazarov, V.A. Kan-Kalik, A.V. Mudrik, L.I. So, V.N. Grineva believes that pedagogical technique is a set of skills and behavioral characteristics of a teacher, which make it possible to form his pedagogical culture, which allows him to adequately influence students in order to form him as a diversified personality thanks to expediently chosen methods and forms of activity in accordance with with the characteristics of specific objective and subjective conditions.

In the modern "Pedagogical Encyclopedia" the concept pedagogical technique - is interpreted as a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a teacher in order to effectively apply in practice the methods of pedagogical influence he chooses, both on individual pupils and on the team as a whole. From the point of view of I.A. Zyazyun, pedagogical technique is a set of professional skills that contribute to the harmony of the internal content of the teacher's activity and its external manifestation. Proceeding from this, individual pedagogical technique determines the difference in the methods of teaching teachers.

What is the essence of pedagogical technology, what components are included in its composition? One of the first attempts to single out the components of pedagogical technique was carried out by A.S. Makarenko. Summarizing his experience and the experience of other teachers, we can distinguish the following components of pedagogical technique:

1. The ability to dress, take care of your appearance.

2. Culture of speech: orientation, logical literacy, pace and rhythm, intonation, diction, breathing.

3. Ability to control your body: walk, sit, stand.

4. Ability to master gestures and facial expressions.

5. Psychotechnical skills: understanding of one's mental state, the ability to manage it; understanding the mental state of the pupil and adequately influence him; the ability to choose the pace and rhythm in the work.

6. The ability of pedagogical communication

If we carefully analyze them, we can distinguish two groups of components. The first group is associated with the ability to manage one's behavior, the second - with the ability to influence the individual and the team.

Practice shows that in the process of professional activity, both young teachers and more experienced teachers allow a number of mistakes in teaching technique, which, ultimately, reduce the effectiveness of the educational process. The most typical of them include:

inability to talk with the student, his parents;

inability to restrain or, conversely, show anger;

inability to overcome uncertainty;

inability to take the appropriate posture, to select the necessary gesture;

speech deficiencies: monotony, colorlessness, inexpressiveness, poor diction, etc.

For example, let's take the beginning of the lesson: one teacher bursts into the classroom and does not notice the students, another cannot control his excitement and start the lesson, etc. Therefore, for the purpose of his own improvement, the teacher must have in his arsenal of means, forms and methods of work standard means of pedagogical technology, which have been tested and arise from pedagogical experience. This will enable the teacher to express himself deeper, brighter, more talented and achieve success in education. At the same time, “the presence of “hard” schemes, models in no way removes the need to think. But thinking based scientific knowledge and experience is significantly different from the endless throwing, shying away, which are the result of pedagogical helplessness, and often illiteracy "

The methods of formation of pedagogical technique include:

A system of training exercises for the formation of certain skills and abilities (psycho-physiological training);

A system of certain rules and requirements for future professional activities;

Pedagogical role training (inclusion in situations simulating professional activities) and improvement professional qualities and features that provide an increase in the level of pedagogical technology. Thus, every teacher must master pedagogical technique, know its components that ensure the success of its activities. Let us consider in more detail the main components of pedagogical technology.

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Pedagogical technique? one of the most important elements of pedagogical skill

  • Introduction
    • 1. The concept of "pedagogical technique"
      • 2. The specificity of pedagogical technique in the activities of a sports teacher
      • 3. Pedagogical technique, its components
      • conclusions
      • List of used literature
      • Introduction
      • The professionalism of a teacher of physical culture and sports is determined by how skillfully he applies fundamental theoretical knowledge in the practice of physical education and upbringing of students, how sensitively he reacts to the changes that occur in the educational system, what are the results of creative search in educational and organizational work. Professionalism, first of all, is pedagogical skill, pedagogical technique, pedagogical culture and pedagogical tact of the teacher.
      • The pedagogical skill of a teacher is a synthesis of psychological and pedagogical thinking, professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities, emotional and volitional means, which, in conjunction with personality traits, allow him to successfully solve educational problems.
      • The teacher directly influences students with the help of various skills, in particular, the possession of pedagogical equipment. Pedagogical technique is the use by the teacher of personal qualities in the implementation of the pedagogical process, the ability to speak and listen, use logical techniques, empathy, involvement in the process of communication with students. An important component of pedagogical technology is the technique of using information and communication technologies.
      • It is known that the effectiveness of each of them largely depends on the methods and methods of application. Pedagogical technique is of particular importance in the process of communication. The ability to present the content of educational material at a level corresponding to the level of students' readiness for its perception and taking into account the personal characteristics of students in the process of communication are the most important indicators of a teacher's possession of not only knowledge, but also the basics of pedagogical technology.
      • Taking into account the above judgments, the topic was formulated
      • “Pedagogical technique? one of the most important elements of pedagogical skill"
      • The purpose of the work: The study of pedagogical technology as one of the most important elements of pedagogical skill "
      • Tasks of this work:
      • 1. To study the concept of "pedagogical technique"
      • 2. To reveal the specifics of pedagogical technique in the activities of a sports teacher
      • 3. Consider pedagogical technique and its components
      • 1. The concept of "pedagogical technique"
      • Back in the 20s of the XX century. the concept of “pedagogical technique” arose, and since then it has been studied by many teachers and psychologists (V.A. Kan-Kalik, Yu.I. Turchaninova, A.A. Krupenin, I.M. Krokhina, N.D. Nikandrov, A. A. Leontiev, L. I. Ruvinsky, A. V. Mudrik, S. S. Kondratiev, etc.). Pedagogical technique is included in pedagogical technology as its instrumental side. Those. in any pedagogical process, including those of a technological nature, there is always a pedagogical technique. The educator, influencing the pupils, seeks to convey to them his ideas, thoughts, feelings. And the channels of communication, the transmission of their intentions and, if necessary, orders, requirements for pupils, are the word, speech, expressive gesture, facial expressions. Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allows the educator to clearly express himself and successfully influence the pupils, to achieve an effective result. This is the ability to speak correctly and expressively (the general culture of speech, its emotional characteristics, expressiveness, intonation, impressiveness, semantic accents); the ability to use facial expressions and pantomime (expressive movements of the face and body) - with a gesture, look, posture to convey to others an assessment, attitude to something; the ability to manage one's mental state - feelings, mood, affects, stresses; the ability to see yourself from the outside. Psychologists call this social perception - it is also included in the pedagogical technique. This also includes the ability to reincarnate, the ability to play, neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Depending on the extent to which the educator owns the means and channels of interaction, one can also speak of pedagogical skill. A teacher's good command of pedagogical technique is a condition necessary for his effective work. Noting the role of pedagogical technology in the work of the educator, A.S. Makarenko said that a good teacher knows how to talk with a child, owns facial expressions, can restrain his mood, knows how to “organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry”, every movement of the teacher educates. In pedagogical universities, it is imperative to teach both the production of the voice, and the pose, and the possession of one's face. “All these are questions of educational technology.” What is the role of pedagogical technology in pedagogical technology? As already mentioned, pedagogical technology includes goal-setting, diagnostics, and the educational process. In striving to achieve the goal, good results are achieved by the educator who is fluent in various methods of pedagogical technology, uses humor, is sympathetic and at the same time persistent in communicating with students, reveals resourcefulness and the ability to improvise. All these are methods of pedagogical technology that are used in pedagogical technology.
      • 2. The specificity of pedagogical technique in the activities of a sports teacher
      • Pedagogical technique is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, self-control, friendly, optimistic attitude, elements of the skills of an actor and director (according to L. I. Ruvinsky)) .
      • Pedagogical technique involves a combination of two groups of skills:
      • The art of communicating with students among the most important skills that make up pedagogical technique can be put in first place. You should talk to students in the same way as with other people, regardless of their age, always trying to be simple, natural and understandable.
      • The correct style and tone of communication is determined by the position of the teacher in the team. He is a senior comrade, who, according to A. S. Makarenko, is always there and a little bit ahead.
      • Pedagogical technique - a set of skills and abilities necessary for the application of methods of pedagogical influence. This includes the ability to choose the right style and tone in communication, manage attention, the pace of activity, as well as the skills to demonstrate one's attitude to the actions of students.
      • A special place in the range of skills and abilities of pedagogical technology is occupied by the development of the teacher's speech as one of the most important educational means - correct diction, "set voice", rhythmic breathing and reasonable addition of facial expressions and gestures to speech.
      • In addition to those mentioned above, the skills of pedagogical technology include the following skills:
      • * win over the interlocutor, figuratively convey information, if necessary, change the subtext load;
      • * mobilize creative well-being before the upcoming communication;
      • * manage your body, relieve muscle tension in the process of performing pedagogical actions;
      • * regulate their mental states; evoke feelings of surprise, joy, anger and others “on order”.
      • Pedagogical technique can also be represented by the following skills:
      • * choosing the right tone and style in dealing with students;
      • * managing their attention;
      • * sense of pace;
      • * possession of a word, diction, breathing, facial expressions and gestures;
      • * Possession of figurative, colorful speech, technique of intonation and expression of various emotions.
      • In the conditions of physical education, pedagogical technique is expressed in the organization and conduct of training sessions, trainings and competitions in sports at a high sports level.
      • An important component of the pedagogical skill of the teacher is his methodological skill, it manifests itself in knowledge and skills:
      • * apply the most effective teaching methods in the classroom;
      • * combine the educational process with educational;
      • * organize self-training students;
      • * use technical training aids;
      • * keep records and control progress;
      • * develop and use in practice the methodological support of the educational process.
      • An indicator of the methodological skill of the teacher is the correct definition of the didactic and educational goals of the lesson, planning the levels of assimilation of knowledge of the educational material based on the goals and objectives of training.
      • An important indicator of the teacher's methodological skill is the development of author's training programs based on the fulfillment of the requirements of the State Educational Standard and taking into account local conditions for the organization and implementation of the educational process.
      • The methodological mastery of the teacher finds its expression in the use of various methods and forms of organizing training sessions that arouse interest in learning.
      • To increase students' interest in training sessions, the teaching methodology uses such a form of organization as a discussion. During the discussion, the teacher gives answers to critical questions, teaches to reason, build arguments, defend one's positions, which is especially important in the dispute, the formation of sportsmanship of students.
      • The organization of training sessions in the form of business and role playing, the use of project methods in teaching and other ways of intensifying the educational process.
      • teacher pedagogical communication training
      • 3 . Pedagogical technique, its components
      • An outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The educator must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry ... behave in such a way that every movement educates him.”
      • Yu.P. Azarov argued that, firstly, a developed pedagogical technique helps the teacher to express himself deeper and brighter in pedagogical activity, to reveal in interaction with students all the best, professionally significant in his personality. A perfect pedagogical technique frees up the teacher's time and energy for creative work, allows in the process of pedagogical interaction not to be distracted from communicating with children in search of the right word or explanation of unsuccessful intonation.
      • Mastering pedagogical technique, allowing you to quickly and accurately find the right word, intonation, look, gesture, as well as maintaining calmness and the ability to think clearly, analyze in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations, leads to an increase in teacher satisfaction with their professional activities.
      • Secondly, pedagogical technique has a developing effect on the qualities of the individual. An important feature of pedagogical techniques is that they all have a pronounced individual-personal character, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. Individual pedagogical technique significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, health status, anatomical and physiological characteristics.
      • So, work on expressiveness, purity, literacy disciplines thinking. Mastering the methods of self-regulation of mental activity leads to the development of emotional balance as a character trait, etc. In addition, in real pedagogical interaction, all the teacher's skills in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. And self-observation makes it possible to successfully correct the selection of expressive means.
      • Thirdly, in the process of mastering pedagogical technique, the moral and aesthetic positions of the teacher are most fully revealed, reflecting the level of general and professional culture, the potential of his personality.
      • All of the above emphasizes that pedagogical technique is the most important tool of the teacher.
      • Components of pedagogical technology.
      • It is customary to include two groups of components in the concept of "pedagogical technique".
      • The first group of components is associated with the ability of the teacher to control their behavior:
      • - possession of one's body (facial expressions, pantomimics);
      • - management of emotions, mood (removal of excessive mental stress, creation of creative well-being);
      • - socially - perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination);
      • - speech technique (breathing, voice setting, diction, speech rate).
      • The second group of components of pedagogical technique is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and training:
      • - didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills;
      • - technological methods of presenting requirements, managing pedagogical communication, etc.
      • Mimicry is the art of expressing one's thoughts, feelings, moods, states by the movement of the muscles of the face. Often, facial expressions and gazes have a stronger effect on students than words. Gestures and facial expressions, increasing the emotional significance of information, contribute to its better assimilation.
      • Listeners "read" the face of the teacher, guessing his attitude, mood, so it should not only express, but also hide feelings. The most expressive on a person's face are the eyes - the mirror of the soul. The teacher should carefully study the possibilities of his face, the ability to use an expressive look. The teacher's gaze should be turned to the children, creating eye contact.
      • Pantomime is the movement of the body, arms, legs. It helps to highlight the main thing, draws an image.
      • The teacher needs to develop a manner to properly stand in front of the students in the classroom. All movements and postures should attract listeners with their elegance and simplicity. The aesthetics of the posture does not tolerate bad habits: shifting from foot to foot, leaning on the back of a chair, turning foreign objects in the hands, scratching the head, etc.
      • The gesture of the teacher should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide strokes and open corners.
      • For communication to be active, you should have an open posture, do not cross your arms, turn to face the audience, reduce the distance, which creates an effect of trust. It is recommended to move forward and backward through the class, not to the sides. Stepping forward reinforces the meaning of the message, helping to focus the attention of the audience. Stepping back, the speaker, as it were, gives the listeners a rest.
      • Managing the emotional state involves mastering the ways of self-regulation, which include: fostering goodwill and optimism; control of one's behavior (regulation of muscle tension, tempo of movements, speech, breathing); self-hypnosis, etc.
      • Speech technique. The process of perception and understanding of the teacher's speech by students is closely related to the complex process of educational listening, which, according to scientists, accounts for approximately? - ? the entire study time. Therefore, the process of students' correct perception of educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher's speech.
      • No matter how interesting and informative speech is, I.R. Kalmykov, it will not be perceived by the audience if the speaker pronounces it inarticulate, hoarse, weak, inexpressive voice. The voice in a speech is just as important as the content of the speech, appearance, manners of the speaker. He delivers his message to the audience with his voice. The human voice is a powerful means of influencing the public. Thanks to a beautiful, sonorous voice, a speaker can attract the attention of listeners from the first minutes, win their sympathy and trust.
      • In addition, the voice can contribute to a person's professional career, or it can hinder it.
      • The voice is able to express the thoughts and feelings of a person. In pedagogical activity, it is extremely important to speak expressively and simply, giving a lecture, a report, reciting poetry and prose; own intonation and voice power, thinking through each phrase, sentence, emphasizing significant words and expressions competently using them in various situations. The voice is the main expressive means of the teacher's oral speech, which he must be able to use perfectly. P. Soper believes that “nothing affects people's attitude towards us as much as the impression of our voice. But nothing is so neglected, and nothing so needs constant attention. Possession of the voice is directly related to the development of phonation (sound), the so-called speech breathing. This, in turn, makes it possible to convey the aesthetic and emotional richness of the teacher's speech, not only helping in communication, but also influencing the feelings, thoughts, behavior and actions of students.
      • Mastering the technique of speech means having speech breathing, voice, good diction and orthoepic pronunciation. The teacher needs to constantly work on diction, breathing and voice.
      • Breathing ensures the vital activity of the organism, the physiological function. At the same time, it also acts as the energy base of speech. Speech breathing is called phonation (from the Greek phono - sound). V Everyday life When our speech is predominantly dialogical, breathing does not cause difficulties. The difference between phonation breathing and physiological breathing is that inhalation and exhalation of normal breathing are carried out through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of normal physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause. Normal physiological breathing is not enough for speech. Speech and reading require more air, its economical use and its timely renewal. Another and the sequence of breathing. After a short breath - a pause, and then a long sound exhalation.
      • There are special exercises aimed at developing breathing. The purpose of breathing exercises is not to develop the ability to inhale the maximum amount of air, but to train in the ability to rationally use a normal supply of air. Since sounds are created during exhalation, its organization is the basis for setting the breath, which should be complete, calm and imperceptible.
      • Diction is the distinctness and correctness of pronunciation, efficient sounds, which are ensured by the correct functioning of the organs of speech. The articulatory apparatus should work actively, without unnecessary tension. All sounds and their combinations must be pronounced clearly, easily and freely at any pace.
      • All diction speech and voice disorders are divided into organic (speech therapists are involved in their correction) and inorganic (they can be corrected through exercises), associated with lethargy of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, jaw), fuzzy pronunciation of consonants (“porridge in the mouth”).
      • Among the teachers there are people whose voice is set by nature itself, but this does not happen often. Yes, and a good voice, in the absence of special training, wears out over the years.
      • Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that pedagogical technology, which is a complex of skills, abilities and knowledge that allows the teacher to see, hear and feel his pupils, is a necessary component of professional pedagogical skills.
      • conclusions
      • 1. Pedagogical technique is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, self-control, friendly, optimistic attitude, elements of the skills of an actor and director).
      • 2. The specifics of pedagogical technique in the activities of a sports teacher consists of a set of skills, abilities and knowledge that allow the teacher to see, hear and feel his pupils, is a necessary component of professional pedagogical skills.
      • 3. It is customary to include two groups of components in the concept of "pedagogical technique".
      • a) the first group is associated with controlling one's behavior - facial expressions, pantomime, emotions, mood, attention, imagination, voice, diction;
      • b) the second, the group is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team (didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills, communication management techniques).
      • List of used literature

1. Introduction to the theory of physical culture / Ed. L.P. Matveeva. - M., 2004.-106s.

2. Vulfov B.3., Ivanov V.D. Fundamentals of Pedagogy in Lectures, Situations, Primary Sources: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house of URAO, 2006.-288s.

3. Degtyarev I.P. Physical development. Kiev 2007. - S.23-48.

4. Korotov V.M. Introduction to Pedagogy. - M.: Publishing house of URAO, 2003.-256 p.

5. Krutsevich T.Yu., Petrovsky V.V. Management of the process of physical education // Theory and methods of physical education / Ed. T.Yu. Krutsevich. Kiev: Olympic Literature, 2003. T. 1. - S. 348.

6. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical culture: A textbook for technical schools of physics. culture. / Ed. A.A. Guzhalovsky. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2006. - 352 p.

7. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical culture: A textbook for technical schools of physics. culture. / Ed. A.A. Guzhalovsky. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2006. - 352 p.

8. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies:

9. Stefanovskaya T.A. Pedagogy: science and art. Lecture course. Proc. allowance for students. lecturer, graduate students - M.: Publishing House "Perfection", 2008. - 368 p.

10. Proc. allowance for students / S.A. Smirnov and others - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 20079. - 544 p.

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Pedagogical technique is the most important tool of pedagogical technology, since it provides the teacher and educator with the opportunity to achieve harmony between the content of professional activity and its external manifestation. Possession of pedagogical technique allows the teacher and educator to more effectively solve the problems of training, education, and interact with students. With the help of specific techniques and means, the teacher can clearly, figuratively and expressively convey to schoolchildren and students their thoughts, feelings, civic and professional values.

Technique in the reference literature is characterized as “a set of techniques used in any business, skill” (Dictionary of the Russian Language; under the general editorship of Prof. L.I. Skvortsov. M .: Oniks, 2007. P. 559). In pedagogical dictionaries, pedagogical technique is defined as a set of general pedagogical and psychological skills of a teacher that help him achieve optimal results in work (Zagvyazinsky V.I.), as a set of techniques and tools aimed at a clear and effective organization of training sessions (Rapatsevich E.S.) , as a set of skills that ensure the optimal behavior of the teacher and his effective interaction with children in various pedagogical situations (Kodzhaspirova G.M.).

The term "pedagogical technique" was coined pedagogical science and practice by the famous domestic teacher A.S. Makarenko in the 20s of the last century. A.S. Makarenko emphasized that “Pedagogical skill can be brought to a greater degree of perfection, almost to the degree of technology” (Makarenko A.S. From work experience // Ped. cit. in 8 vols. T.4. M., 1984. S. 368-369). Developing this idea, the teacher emphasized that such “trifles”: how to stand, how to sit, how to get up from a chair, from the table, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look became decisive in his professional activity. The art of voice production, the art of tone, glances, turns - all this is necessary, and without this there can be no real educator.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky paid great attention to pedagogical technique in the professional activity of a teacher. The outstanding humanist teacher emphasized that the ability to control oneself, control oneself, set oneself up for a sincere conversation with pupils contributes to the effective organization of the educational process. V.A. Sukhomlinsky paid special attention to the ability to communicate with students. “I am firmly convinced,” the teacher wrote, “that many conflicts, often ending in big trouble, have as their source the inability of the teacher to speak with the student” (Sukhomlinsky V.A. Etudes on communist education // National education. 1967. No. 2. P. 42).

In modern Russian pedagogy, issues of pedagogical technology were developed in the works of A. Gin, V.A. Kan-Kalika, A.A. Leontiev, L.I. Ruvinsky, N.E. Shchurkova. Specialists distinguish two main groups of skills in pedagogical technique. The first group is associated with the ability to manage oneself, the second - with the ability to manage other people, primarily students, pupils. Teachers-theorists refer to the ability to control themselves the technique and culture of speech, including the setting of breathing and voice, diction, logicality and expressiveness of speech. The teacher-master is distinguished by the ability to speak competently, beautifully and clearly, while using non-verbal, in particular, paralinguistic means: expressively intotone his speech, accurately express thoughts and feelings in a word. Another element of pedagogical technique is plastic. Plasticity includes body control, including the ability to pedagogically, it is advisable to use facial expressions, gestures, posture, posture, movements in communication with pupils. An expressive look, an encouraging or ironic smile, a precise gesture, a benevolent posture often turn out to be more effective means of communication in pedagogical interaction than verbose explanations or remarks.

An important role in the pedagogical process is played by the teacher's ability to manage his emotional (mental) state, maintain an optimal level of emotional (creative) tension and an optimistic, friendly attitude, organize emotional rest for himself. These skills provide the teacher and educator with professional self-control, help to maintain a healthy nervous system for many years, avoid nervous breakdowns, emotional and intellectual overload.

In order to organize effective pedagogical interaction, the teacher also needs to master some elements of acting and directing skills that will help him, in communicating with pupils, influence not only their minds, but also feelings, and most fully convey to them the experience of an emotional and valuable attitude to the world.

Self-management skills are associated with social-perceptual abilities, which include attention, observation, imagination, control of emotions, mood. It is important for a teacher to be able to relieve excessive psychological tension by engaging in self-regulation, to be able to create creative well-being. And, finally, an important component in the described group of skills is the teacher's ability to dress in accordance with professional ethics.

The second group of components of pedagogical technique is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team. These skills reveal the technological side of the process of education and training. These include didactic, organizational, communication skills, the ability to make pedagogically appropriate decisions (Pedagogical skills and pedagogical technologies: a textbook; edited by L.K. Grebenkina, L.A. Baykova. M., 2001. P. 73). These issues are considered in more detail in textbooks on pedagogy and on the theory and methods of educational activity. In this manual, we will focus on the characteristics of the skills, techniques and means that a future teacher-educator needs to effectively manage himself.

It should be noted that in interaction with students, all the skills of a teacher, university teacher in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. Speech is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, movement. Continuous self-observation makes it possible to successfully correct the selection of expressive means, etc. It is quite difficult for a novice teacher to manage himself in the pedagogical process. In class, he resembles a person who first got on a bicycle or behind the wheel of a car: he is not sure what needs to be done first, and what then, forgets to perform this or that operation, gets lost, nervous, makes mistakes. Although in theory, it would seem, he knows everything quite well. Over time, this confusion passes, but on the condition that the knowledge and skills received by the teacher at the university are constantly being improved.

A feature of pedagogical technology is that all technical skills are of a pronounced individual-personal character, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. The choice of certain methods and means of pedagogical technology significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, the level of his pedagogical culture, as well as on his state of health and anatomical and physiological characteristics. However, despite the personal originality in the pedagogical process, the teacher and the teacher perform certain professional functions, therefore, in the application of the skills of pedagogical technology, all teachers have much in common. All of them are aimed at training, education and development of the personality of a maturing person.

In this regard, it is important to emphasize that the level of formation of the skills of pedagogical technology largely reflects the level of the general culture of the teacher, the pedagogical potential of his personality. If the teacher’s speech is poor and slovenly, if he gives free rein to his emotions on every occasion, is distinguished by bad taste, aesthetic deafness, then the most “correct” words and the most “necessary” measures will not affect either the mind or the feelings of the pupils.

All of the above gives reason to believe that pedagogical technology is a set of professional techniques, skills and tools that allow a teacher to effectively manage himself, have an optimal impact on schoolchildren, students in the course of the educational process, contribute to the productive solution of the problems of education, upbringing and personality development.

The connection of pedagogical technique with acting skills. Shchurkova considers pedagogical technique to be the most important component of pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologists: Without pedagogical technique, there is no point in pedagogical technology. Without pedagogical technology, pedagogical equipment is an unnecessary acquisition.

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Lecture No. 3 (1 hour)


The pupil perceives your soul and your thoughts not because he knows what is going on in your soul, but because he sees you, listens to you.

AS. Makarenko

Pedagogical technique.

1. Pedagogical technique.

Professor N.E. Shchurkova considers pedagogical technique to be the most important component of pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologists: "Without pedagogical technique, there is no point in pedagogical technology. Without pedagogical technology, pedagogical technique is an unnecessary acquisition."

In the context of pedagogical activity, pedagogical technique is one of the main components of the teacher's successful creative work, his skill.

Pedagogical technique- a set of skills and techniques used by the teacher to most fully achieve the goals of their activities.

The concept of pedagogical technology includes three groups of components. The first group is associated with the teacher's ability to manage himself, the second and third - with the ability to manage others. The first group includes: social-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination); managing your emotions, mood (removing excessive psychological stress, creating creative well-being); possession of the body (expediency and expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures); technique and culture of speech (breathing, voice setting, diction, orthoepy, logic and expressiveness of speech). The second group of components of pedagogical technique is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team. It reveals the technological side of the process of education and training. It includes didactic, organizational, communication skills, time management, and the ability to make decisions.

Pedagogical technique is a set of practical skills necessary for organizing the creative activity of a teacher-educator, a component of pedagogical skill. So, the following skills characterize the educational and educational transfer: love for children and the ability to correctly perceive the phenomena that occur in the world of children and each individual child in various pedagogical situations; the ability to set realistic goals and organize the education and life of children accordingly; demand and trust; quickly navigate and switch attention; play with children, assess the situation from different angles; to single out the main thing from the variety of pedagogical facts, to see the essential in an accidental fact; in the same situation, use a variety of methods and techniques, accurately convey your mood, feelings and thoughts with words, facial expressions, movements; ability to interact.

The connection of pedagogical technique with acting skills.

For pedagogical activity, not only a variety of abilities and skills are important, but also the knowledge of the system of K.S. Stanislavsky as a whole, since it helps to understand the essence of educational interaction, at-. kind of creative impact on an individual group of people, explains the creative well-being of the individual and ways to manage it, helps a person in self-expression and development. In particular, the concept of the system K .WITH. Stanislavsky points out the need to train imagination, attention, the ability to control one's body, speech technique, etc.

Imagination. The actor needs imagination in order to be able to imagine himself in the circumstances proposed by the author, to imagine himself as a person, perhaps living in another century, with other character traits, a fate completely different from his own.

And why is imagination necessary for a teacher? Imagination will help to create something new, your own: to come up with a lesson and keep it fresh for a long time, to be able to interest students, to encourage them to take active action. A rich imagination will help to understand the student, adequately perceive his thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotionally identify himself with the child, predict the results of a particular situation and find the best her decision.

Attention. Good developed attention allows the actor to be focused, authentic, free.

Pedagogical attention is akin to the attention of an artist: it helps to capture the finest nuances of the surrounding reality. The teacher, by the smallest signs, is able to predict the pedagogical situation and the possibility of difficulties for his student. Pedagogical attention will also be required in order to be able to manage the audience. With untrained attention, as a rule, there is confusion, helplessness, tightness. In such a state, it is difficult to count on a creative approach to business.

The ability to control one's body, the expediency and expressiveness of plasticity.For a teacher, as well as for an actor, it is extremely necessary to learn how to control your body, your muscles. “You can’t imagine,” wrote K.S. Stanislavsky, “how evil muscle cramps and bodily clamps are for the creative process. When they are created in the vocal organ, people with a wonderful sound from birth begin to wheeze, wheeze and reach the loss of ability to speak. When the clamp is fixed in the legs, the actor walks as if paralyzed; when the clamps are in the hands, the hands stiffen, turn into sticks and rise like barriers. The same clamps, with all their consequences, occur in the spine, in the neck, in the shoulders. They are in In each case, they disfigure the artist in their own way and prevent him from playing, but worst of all, when the clamp is established in the face and distorts it, paralyzes it or forces it to change facial expressions. "The clamp may appear during breathing, disturb the correctness of this process and cause shortness of breath." The ability to relieve tension relieves many of the problems in communication. For a teacher, this is also a paramount ability.

Technique and culture of speech.One of the most important skills in the technique of speech is the correctness of breathing. First of all, the teacher needs to master phonation breathing. Breathing is the physiological basis of speech-voice sounding. It is one of the most important elements of art. Beauty, strength, lightness of voice, melodiousness of speech depend on it. Skillful use of breathing enriches the voice, has a beneficial effect on health, inept use can deprive speech of brightness, strength, and cause vocal diseases.

The quality of speech, inalienable for people of "speech professions", which is the profession of a teacher, is good diction. Good diction means clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words and phrases, impeccable pronunciation of each vowel and consonant. The purity of diction helps the speaker accurately and expressively convey his thoughts to the audience. Indistinctness of diction, the presence of any defect distracts students from the content. The key to success is a clear articulation, for the development of which there is gymnastics of the lips and tongue. Work on diction and breathing is, in essence, the beginning of speech production of the voice. “Getting a voice” means developing, enriching natural data, making them suitable for professional sound. A teacher must strengthen and develop his voice all his life. Without a “voice”, he will be forced to change his profession.

The pronunciation norms of the modern Russian language are established by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy. The word "orthoepy" is Greek in origin and means "correct speech". Orthoepic norms, that is, the norms of literary pronunciation, developed historically along with the formation and development of the Russian language. In the "Orthoepy" section, we touch on modern norms of literary pronunciation, which are mandatory for cultured people.

The culture of speech is the degree of compliance of speech with the norms of the literary language. The teacher's speech culture is a component of the general human culture and pedagogical skills. The teacher must comply with the following requirements for speech: correctness and accuracy, logicality and brevity, liveliness and expressiveness.

The second and third groups of skills of pedagogical technique are disclosed in detail in chapters 4, 5 - "Technology of pedagogical interaction" and "Skill and technology of pedagogical communication".

The teachings of K.S. Stanislavsky provide invaluable assistance to the teacher in managing their own creative well-being in the process of interacting with children. The most useful are following tips a great actor: psychological adjustment to the upcoming communication with students (communicative inspiration), self-management in the process of communication, for example, overcoming unpleasant sensations, uncreative mood, using the method of physical actions to create a certain emotional state, setting exciting creative tasks.

K.S. Stanislavsky developed a system of practical methods of acting psychotechnics, successfully used in the formation of the teacher's pedagogical skills.

Grekhnev V.S. Culture of pedagogical communication. - M., I 1987.

Izard K. Human emotions. - M., 1980,

Kazansky O.A. Games in themselves. - M., 1994.

Caponi V., Novak T. Himself a psychologist. - SPb., 1994.

Caponi V., Novak T. Himself an adult, a child and a parent. - SPb., 1995.

Knebel M.I. Poetry of pedagogy. - M., 1976.

Labunskaya V.A. non-verbal behavior. - Rostov-on-Don, 1986.

Levi V.L. The art of being yourself. - M., 1977.

Maslova N.F. Workbook social educator. Eagle, 1994.

Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence / Ed. A.I. Zyazyun.-M., 1989.

Stanislavsky K.S. The work of an actor on himself. cit.: In 8 volumes - M, 1954. Vol. 2, 3.

Teacher about. pedagogical technique / Ed. L.I. Ruvinsky. - M., 1987.

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This module also occupies an important place in the formation of the teacher's pedagogical skills. Let's consider some components of pedagogical technique: 1. Appearance of the teacher. From the standpoint of pedagogical technique, the appearance of a teacher includes clothes, shoes, hair, and other attributes of appearance (jewelry, make-up, etc.). Thus, the coordination of the components of clothing and artifacts, which complement it, creates a kind of ensemble, which is called appearance.

In ancient times, when elements of clothing only arose, they mainly satisfied the utilitarian needs of a person. With the development of society, and especially in our time, clothing reflects the aesthetic ideals not only of society as a whole, but also of individuals. Considering a person from the standpoint of the dialectical regularity of the unity of content and form, we can say that clothing, appearance in general is a means of expressing its content through form. Such a manifestation of the unity of content and form concerns all people, and teachers in the first place.

The teacher's clothes, other components of his appearance are those attributes that are designed to harmoniously complement his professional activities. All this should be subordinated to the solution of certain pedagogical problems. Appearance should be "put at the service" of pedagogical activity. At the same time, we are not talking about the introduction of a kind of uniform for teachers. But you should not resort to stylistic perversions, do not bring certain components of the appearance to ugliness. After all, already with his appearance, the teacher influences the moods and feelings of the pupils, contributes to the formation of components of their moral and aesthetic culture. The teacher goes to school to work, so his costume, in addition to aesthetic expressiveness, should be comfortable for performing the necessary pedagogical operations: writing on the board, working with demonstration or laboratory equipment, bending over, walking between the rows of desks, and the like.

The combination of fashion style, aesthetic expressiveness, convenience - these are the leading criteria for the teacher's clothes and shoes.

AC Makarenko repeatedly drew attention to the place and role of the teacher's appearance in education. “I must be aesthetically expressive,” said Anton Semenovich, “because I never went out with uncleaned boots or without a belt. I must also have some kind of shine, to the best of my ability and ability, of course. I must also be so joyful, as a collective. I never allowed myself to have a sad face. Even when I was in trouble, when I was sick, I should be able not to show it in front of the children."

In another place, Anton Semenovich remarks: "We need a small monograph on such a topic as the influence of the teacher's clothes on the character of the students, the influence of the teacher's facial expressions on the education of the character of the student."

We have to state with regret that some teachers appear in front of pupils, enter the "pedagogical stage", not caring about their appearance. This is either negligence, the need for clothing, appearance in general, or with the aim of showing the "last cry of fashion", which negatively affects pupils: wrinkled clothes, uncleaned shoes, dirty shirt, torn off button, unshaven face, bright make-up, excessive jewelry, etc. For each teacher, the defining credo should be the words of the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov: “Everything should be beautiful in a person: and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts."

The clothes of a particular teacher should correspond to his moral and ethical views, be seasoned, beautiful, simple, expressive and neat. Color, texture, additions (buttons, buckles, etc.) should also emphasize beauty, simplicity, elegance and modesty. All this has a positive effect on the mood of students, disciplines them, contributes to the formation of a sense of proportion, and does not distract attention from training sessions.

The teacher should also take care that the shoes are comfortable, moderately elegant and neat. Since he has to conduct lessons in the classroom mostly while standing, the requirements for the convenience of shoes in terms of hygiene cannot remain only good wishes. Boots on high heels, unusual models and colors, with additional decorations, with a creak, distract the attention of students from educational work and even annoy. Therefore, a sense of proportion is also necessary here.

For a male teacher, the issue of clothing is solved much more simply: two or three suits in moderate tones of classic cut, light-colored shirts, several ties, and the like. You just need to worry that suits and shirts are clean, ironed, and ties are in harmony with their color. A male teacher should always be neatly trimmed, combed, shaved. Wearing a beard and mustache is determined by a sense of proportion, features of the structure of the face, etc.

It is somewhat more difficult for female teachers. But here, too, a sense of proportion, simplicity, and a clever selection of successful ensembles from various elements of clothing should have been in the foreground. The teacher should refrain from the desire to change costumes and dresses very often, to create some new ensembles in clothes every day. First, it may raise suspicion of her lack of modesty. Secondly, such actions of the teacher can lead to the focus of students not on the content of the educational material, but on the "study" of her clothes.

Sometimes the teacher, especially in countryside, you have to work in somewhat complicated living conditions: on foot from afar to get to school, to walk in unfavorable weather along a dirt road. Therefore, you have to wear warm clothes, from footwear, give preference to old boots, boots or felt boots. In such cases, the teacher must keep clothes and shoes in a specially designated place at school in order to change clothes and shoes.

However, it is not enough for a teacher to be aware of the general requirements for his appearance. It is important to constantly work on a certain system to develop the appropriate skills and abilities.

The teacher is going to class. After 2-3 minutes, a call, after which he will join the complex educational process. This is a kind of exit to the stage for the performance of responsible pedagogical actions. This is where a habit is needed: look at yourself in front of a mirror, take care of the “little things” - hair, tie, handkerchief, etc. The latter should also be clean, properly composed (and not crumpled), located in the left outer pocket. If there is no pocket - in a bag, folder. Why in the left pocket? First, it helps form a habit. When it is necessary to use a handkerchief, time is not wasted looking for it, and the attention of the students is not turned away. Secondly, the teacher usually writes on the blackboard with his right hand. If, at the end of the work, you need to wipe your fingers from the chalk, then it is more convenient and habitual to get a handkerchief with your left hand.

To form the skills and abilities of monitoring their appearance, it is advisable for a young teacher to adhere to the following requirements and rules:

1. Depending on the school schedule, draw up an approximate daily routine, fix it on a piece of paper and place it in a conspicuous place. Set aside time for self-care, including clothes, additions to it. Every day, mark with a pencil how many minutes are spent on a particular procedure. If one of the days there was not enough time for this, put "0" on the sheet. This kind of self-control will help you develop the habit of looking after your appearance. In addition, it will save you from the constant fussy gathering for work, the fear of being late. After a while, the sheet with a reminder of the care of clothes can be removed.

2. Periodically look through special books and magazines to get acquainted with the trends of fashion development, take care of restoring your wardrobe.

3. Coming from home, be sure to examine yourself in front of a mirror.

4. You are wearing a new suit or dress. It is worth checking how comfortable it will be for you to work in him (her) in the classroom. Sit down in front of the mirror, raise your right hand (write with chalk on the blackboard), then both hands (hang tables), go back to the right, left, sit on a chair.

5. When getting to work (on foot, by bus, by tram, trolley bus, metro), make sure not to get your clothes dirty; do not wrinkle it, do not be left without buttons, and the like.

6. You came to school. In the cloakroom or teacher's room, examine yourself in front of the mirror, change your name if necessary, fix your hair, and the like. Assess yourself in terms of class members and your colleagues. Say to yourself: "I'm ready (ready) to go."

7. Before each next lesson, look at yourself in the mirror again. At the same time, every now and then say to yourself: "And again the exit. I'm ready (ready)."

8. Analyze from the standpoint of pedagogical requirements the clothes, the appearance of different people: your colleagues, comrades, random passers-by on the street, film actors, artists at performances, at concerts, television announcers. This will help develop your analysis and introspection skills.

9. Watch how your friends, colleagues, students react to your appearance, draw the appropriate conclusions.

In addition to communicating with students in the classroom, generally within the school, the teacher has to participate with them in sports competitions, hiking trips, socially useful work, etc. In each case, he must select clothes in accordance with the professional functions performed at that moment. Simplicity, modesty, the adequacy of a certain activity, and here should be taken as a basis by the teacher.

2. Ownership of your body. Body control is an external manifestation of pedagogical technique. The teacher must master the professional skills to use his body (posture, the ability to walk, stand, sit) as a manifestation of pedagogical skill.

An insufficient level of formation of this skill in a teacher often negatively affects the organization of pupils. Here is just one example of teacher behavior in this context.

Pupils of the 10th grade, after the bell for the geography lesson, took their places at their desks. Are waiting. Two minutes have passed. Doors open. The figure of the teacher appears: first the head, then the torso; both hands are occupied (notebooks, books, under the arm - a geographical map) S.T. trying to close the door behind him; books fall out of the hands, and behind them the map. The teacher tries to catch the books, but they are scattered on the floor. The students break out into laughter. Two students jumped up and tried to help. Finally, everything was collected, somehow laid out on the table. S.T., in spite of the students, formally and hastily says "Good afternoon." The jacket is unbuttoned, the tie has moved to the side. Finally, the teacher mastered himself. I sat down on a chair, but it was wobbly. I got up, tried the chair for stability with my hand and replaced it with another one. (It's good that there was a spare chair in the classroom). The students looked at the actions of the teacher with indifference. Finally they asked: "Sergey Trofimovich, and hang the card on the board?" "No, no, don't," S.T. replied, "We'll hang him later." It's been five minutes of class.

Such behavior of the teacher has nothing to do with the manifestations of pedagogical skill, it is evidence that he does not own the technique of controlling his body. The teacher's body should work to optimize the educational process.

If the theater, according to L.S. Stanislavsky, begins with a hanger, then the lesson should begin with the teacher entering the classroom. In accordance with the requirements of pedagogical culture, the teacher, before entering the classroom, has to stop for a minute in front of the door, straighten his shoulders (in the words of K. S. Stanislavsky, "Shoulders on the stake!"), Straighten the whole body, giving it an air of confidence ; briefcase, folder or other materials must be kept in right hand open the door with your left hand; having crossed the threshold of the classroom, close the door with your left hand, holding it behind your back, and, turning to face the students, walk confidently to the workplace (table); stop at the table and focus on the students, thereby psychologically organizing them and mobilizing them for activity (students have to stand up to meet as a sign of greeting). It is appropriate for the teacher to demonstrate the pleasure of meeting with pupils with a facial expression, a smile. He politely greet the students, offer to sit down in their seats.

During the lesson, the teacher must constantly control his body, depending on the type of work. While explaining new educational material, the teacher needs to be "in the circle of attention" (desktop, blackboard, demonstration table) in order to be able to keep the attention of schoolchildren. Do not forget that attention, according to K.D. Ushinsky, are a kind of psychological gate through which knowledge enters memory. Therefore, it is impossible to walk around the classroom: the attention of students takes the form of a pendulum, dissipates, reduces the effectiveness of mental labor.

While students are performing independent learning tasks, the teacher can sit at his desk, walk between desks and control the educational work of students, help individual students individually (bending over the student's workplace), without distracting other students from work. When students are involved in frontal work - some of them work at their desks, and some at the blackboard - the teacher chooses a place in the class so that all students are in the circle of his attention.

During the lesson, depending on the types of educational work, the teacher can use a chair. But even here it is necessary to observe certain elements of pedagogical technique. It should be borne in mind that pupils are subject to a variety of antics in relations with each other and with teachers. Here are some examples of such situations.

A young biology teacher entered the classroom for a lesson. She walked over to the table, opened a class magazine and confidently sat down on a chair. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion below her. The teacher abruptly jumped up from her chair and ran out of the classroom without looking back. Laughter erupted in the class. One boy went up to a chair, picked up the remains of the "explosive" from it and said: "Yes, here Nina Stepanovna crushed only a small ball, so it bang." By the end of the lesson, the teacher had not returned to class. After the lessons in the class, there was an analysis of the incident with the participation of the class teacher and the principal of the school. Two boys admitted that in this way they decided to joke with Nina Stepanovna.

There are also innocent cases.

The 2nd grade teacher came to the first lesson after the day off. Greeted the students. She asked me to open notebooks from the tongue, write down the date that was written on the board. We started working on the vocabulary dictation. Continuing to dictate individual words, T.G. decided to sit on a chair. Suddenly, the chair under her broke and the teacher was under the table in an uncomfortable position. The children watched in fright as T. got out from under the table. The teacher reassured the students. We continued to work on the vocabulary dictation. After the lesson T.G. told her colleagues about the incident that happened to her. They laughed sincerely. A colleague, a 4th grade teacher, reassured T.G. Last Saturday in the premises of the 2nd grade, meetings of the parents of the 4th grade students were held. It was then that one mother, who did not fit at the desk, sat down on that chair and decently broke it. So they left him at the teacher's table.

So, before sitting on a chair, it is necessary to check its reliability with inconspicuous movements so as not to get into such a mess (the leg of the chair may be broken, the seats may be contaminated with chalk or paint or flooded with water, etc.); move the chair away from the table at the right distance in order to sit freely at the table, as well as rise, sit down again, without moving the chair from place to place. Sitting on a chair, it is worth adhering to the correct posture (a sample for students!) Take the seat of the chair completely (evidence of self-confidence).

Giving students an explanation of the content and methods of doing homework, the teacher should be "in the circle of attention", control the activities of all students.

When moving between the rows of desks or tables in order to provide students with assistance, to monitor their performance of independent tasks, one must do it calmly, not distract students' attention with the sound of heels or other irritants.

Listening to the monologue stories of students, the teacher should take a comfortable place in the class in order to keep the student who tells, and the whole class team, in the circle of his attention. In addition, outside the teacher, even the posture of the head (assertive nods), supplemented by certain gestures, has an interest in what the student is talking about, although this does not carry new information for the teacher. But here you need to play a little. The teacher must always play his part in a complex pedagogical action.

In the system of formation of skills to control one's body, certain rules should be followed. In particular:

1. Consider the features of your body, its advantages and disadvantages. Strive to correct the latter.

2. Behave naturally, but your naturalness should serve the pedagogical cause.

3. Walk into the classroom confidently, boldly, with a firm step.

4. All movements must be flexible, economical.

5. When explaining new educational material, be in the "circle of attention" (within the desktop, blackboard), do not walk around the classroom, do not become like a "pendulum that says."

6. When students perform independent learning tasks, walk between desks, smoothly shifting from foot to foot, monitor the work of students, help them if necessary.

7. When individual students are working at the blackboard, choose a place where you can see all the students and supervise the work of those who are doing the task on the blackboard.

8. Explaining educational material using the board, make neat notes on it, wiping off the excess.

9. Use a pointer correctly when showing notes on the board or visual aids (tables). Stand to the left of the board, holding the pointer in your right hand.

10. Visual aids arrange so that they do not interfere with the work on the board.

11. Assigning homework, be in the "circle of attention"

12. At the end of the lesson, return to the "circle of attention", report the end of the work. At the same time, students should rise from their workplaces, expressing gratitude to the teacher. The teacher must confidently leave the classroom, and only after that the students can leave the classroom.

13. Outside the classroom (in the corridors, assembly hall, dining room, etc.), the teacher must also monitor his body: be fit, confident, balanced gait.

In direct connection with the technique of owning one's body, there is another necessary condition for the success of professional activity. This is the psycho-physiological well-being of the teacher, which has two sides - external (physical) and internal (mental). Both of them are essential. Regarding the actors, the famous Russian director K.S. Stanislavsky wrote: "... for creative well-being and for the actual feeling, not only mental, but also bodily properties, abilities, states of the artist, necessary for creativity, are imbued with them. All the creative data of the artist, his physical apparatus of embodiment: voice, facial expressions, diction, speech, plasticity, expressive movements, gait, etc. They must be bright, colorful, extremely sensitive, sensitive, charming, have to slavishly obey the dictates of the inner feeling.Such a physical submission to the spiritual life of the artist creates bodily creative well-being, which is in full accordance with the inner creative well-being".

The activity of the teacher - physical and mental - largely depends on physical freedom, the state of the muscles. In the process of professional activity, muscle clamps often become an obstacle. The physical (or muscular) freedom of the teacher depends on the correct distribution of muscle energy.

Muscular freedom is such a state of the body in which for a certain position or movement, as much muscle effort is expended as this position or movement requires. The ability to expediently distribute muscle energy is the main condition for the manifestation of the plasticity of the human body. This is the law of human psychophysical activity. A person who is engaged in public activity (and the teacher, by his professional nature, is called to the pedagogical podium in front of the public of people), cannot always subordinate his physical behavior to this main law. Often it is fettered by a "muscular shell", "muscle clamps". They inhibit the mental activity of a person. You have to learn how to remove "muscle clamps", free yourself from under the "muscle shell", be able to assess your condition, mobilize your physical capabilities. In the field of sports activities of general consumption, the following terms were received: "mental readiness", "mobilization readiness", "pre-launch fever", "combat state", etc.

K.S. Stanislavsky described the interdependence between the physical state of a person and his mental activity in the following way: “Do you want to see how physical tension paralyzes our activity, activity, how muscle tension fetters a person’s mental life? Let's do an experiment: there is a piano on the stage; try to pick it up.

The students with great physical exertion alternately lifted the corner of the heavy piano. Multiply quickly while holding the piano, 37 x 91... Not able to? Well then, remember all the shops on our street... And it's not able... Try to feel the taste of hodgepodge with kidneys...

To answer my questions, you had to lower the heavy piano, relax your muscles, and only then plunge into the memory. Lee shows it that muscle tension interferes inner work? As long as there is physical tension, there can be no question of the correct, elegant feeling and normal mental life. Therefore, before you start creating, you need to put your muscles in order so that they do not hamper freedom of action.

But not only strong muscle spasm interferes with correct operation. Even meager tensions in one place, you will not immediately find in yourself, can paralyze creativity.

As researcher V.Ts. Abrahamyan, when it comes to muscle freedom, they mean, first of all, the appropriate distribution of muscle tension, which creates optimal conditions for turning the entire motor apparatus into action in accordance with the main law of plasticity. It is known that when a teacher conducts 3-4 lessons in a row, he experiences significant physical fatigue, because during the lessons he was under the pressure of the "muscle shell". The lack of muscular freedom of the teacher can be expressed, firstly, in the presence of tension where it should not be; secondly, in the excessive tension of those muscles, the participation of which is to a certain extent necessary for a particular physical action. It should also be taken into account that when a teacher spends a lot of physical energy in the process of pedagogical activity, then his mental capabilities do not have optimal conditions for their implementation.

The process of release from excessive muscle tension should occur in the following sequence:

Stage 1 - a conscious volitional effort aimed at releasing muscles from excess tension;

2nd stage - a conscious volitional effort aimed at mastering a given object of attention;

3rd stage - the transformation of involuntary attention to arbitrary, to capture and the emergence of a sense of inner freedom;

4th stage - a feeling of a certain freedom (spontaneous disappearance of the remnants of muscle lack of freedom in external and internal organs).

Thus, questions of mastery of the teacher's body are an important factor formation of professional skills. One can only regret that in the process of training teachers-educators in pedagogical educational institutions little attention is paid to the issues of pedagogical technique, as one of the conditions for the formation of pedagogical skills. Every teacher who seeks to rise to the level of manifestation of pedagogical skill needs to independently work on issues of pedagogical technique, in particular, mastery of his body.

Let us give an example of special exercises aimed at freeing the body from muscle clamps, giving it a sense of physical freedom.

Exercise 1. Stand up straight, raise your arms forward, clench your fingers into a fist, at the same time straining the muscles of the hand, forearm, shoulder (3-4 seconds). Do not forget to mentally repeat: "I want to be strong, strong, my muscles are very tense." Now relax: hands fall down, carrying out pendulum movements.

Exercise 2. Focused on relaxation (from Latin Relaxatio - relief, relaxation) - a general state of rest, relaxation before bedtime, after hard work. "Out" and "mask" of relaxation: sit in a resting position, position yourself comfortably and freely, without stiffening in the initial position, feeling at ease (cause the impression of a pleasant rest after a long walk). Leaning on the back of the chair, spread your legs slightly and bend at the knees. This posture allows you to relax.

To relax the muscles of the face, perform a "mask" of relaxation. Lightly lower the eyelids, lightly attach the tongue to the roots of the upper teeth from the inside (pronouncing the sound "T"). Give yourself commands:

Relax your forehead, eyebrows - right, left;

Gently lower the eyelids - right, left;

Relax your cheeks - right, left;

The jaws are relaxed, the lower one is freely lowered down;

Relax your lips - upper, lower;

Relax the muscles of the neck - the head is thrown back;

Relax your shoulders - shoulders drop;

Relax your hands - right, left;

Relax your stomach - it's soft;

Relax your legs - right, left.

Breathe freely, calmly, slowly, evenly. You are resting. Slowly repeat the circle of commands, checking if you have forgotten the "clips" somewhere.

At the moment of relaxation, imagine (reproduce) a picture of relaxation (you are relaxing on the beach).

After resting for 2-3 minutes, exit the state of relaxation: stretch, sit straight. Vigorously give the command "interlace your fingers in front of you! Turn your hands palms up. With a full inhalation of air, raise your hands with interlaced fingers above your head. With a sharp exhalation, lower your hands!"

Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise 3. To form the correct posture. Sit back and relax your back and shoulder muscles. Then, as if lifting your body (shoulders, chest), fold it back and down, "put it on the spine", like a coat on a hanger. The back became strong, straight, and the arms, neck, shoulders - free, light. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 4. In pursuance of intentional actions:

4.1. Sit:

To rest;

To follow the work of students at the blackboard;

To listen to music;

To see an interesting magazine;

4.2. Walk:

To comfort myself;

To rest;

To wait for the students to leave the classroom;

4.3. Stand:

To discipline students;

To see outside the window as the snow falls.