Role-playing game "Family". Synopsis of a game lesson in the middle group

  • 30.09.2019

Abstract directly educational activities v

preparatory group with disabilities.

Role-playing game:

"Family. We are waiting for guests. Score".

Position: educator

Place of work:

OGKUSO "Center for assistance to children left behind

without parental care, Cheremkhovo


Enrich children's play experience, expand the plot of the game, lead children to create their own game ideas.
1 To form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together; encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. 2 Learn to prepare the environment for the game, select substitute items and attributes. 3 Form positive relationships between children. 4 Correct coherent speech of children, visual and auditory attention. 5 To cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, a sense of pride in one's family.
Vocabulary work:
Please take it, thank you for shopping.
Preliminary work:
Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme “Family” by A.L. Barto "Younger Brother", E.A. Blaginina “Grandma” Playing out problem situations: “Mom is in a hurry to work and does not have time to finish household chores”, “The child does not want to go to bed on time” Construction of furniture, watching the video “Family on a walk”, didactic game “Who needs what for work? ",
Counter, cash desk, replicas of fruits and vegetables, children's dishes, oven, TV (watching the video film "My Family", recordings - sounds of cars on the road, ringing, children's song "My whole family is nearby"), ready dough, baby oven, doll, substitute toys.
"Cognition", "Music", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Game progress:

I Introduction
(children enter to quiet music): All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? Here we are smiling and making friends. Q: Guys, you hear the music, listen carefully to the song. The song sounds: “About the family” Educator: Who do you think this song is about? (about dad, mom, daughter, son, grandfather, grandmother) In a word, about whom? (about the family), And who are grandparents? (parents of dad or mom), Who can play mom, grandma, dad, grandfather, son in the game? What kind of work does mom, dad, son, daughter do at home? Do you want to play? What game do you think we will play? (children's answers)
The plot of the game:
Our grandparents will live in the village, and the house will be located here, and dad, mom and son live in this apartment (the teacher explains that there is such a tradition in every family - grandparents come for the weekend) Grandmother can call by phone and say that they will come for the weekend, that they want to visit them. Mom and dad are preparing for the arrival. (Mom bakes a pie, dad goes shopping to the store, and son helps mom around the house). Grandma and grandpa are also getting together, they take gifts (sweets, treats), grandfather prepares cars for the trip.
II Distribution of roles
- Educator: How do you think, where do we start the game? That's right, first we will distribute the roles, who will be dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, son, seller. And you yourself will be able to agree among themselves and choose a role for yourself. (a situation arises - two children choose one role and agree among themselves: Let me be a dad, and you are a grandfather, and in the evening you can still play, then you will be a dad, and I will be a grandfather, okay .) Educator: asks the children: Something is missing for the game, what? (there are no scales in the store), there is no telephone, what should I do? (children find substitute items for the game) And I still have glasses, a scarf, a cap, they do we need to play? (for the role of grandmother, a scarf and glasses, a cap and a beard for the role of grandfather) The most important condition of the game: what words do we say when we communicate with each other - in the family, in the store, when we meet guests? (“please”, “thank you”, “please”, etc.)
III Game progress:
A phone call rings: Grandmother- Hello daughter, how are you doing, what are you doing? We are going to come to visit you, we miss you.
Mom: Hello mom, everything is fine with us, come, we will be waiting for you. Getting ready to meet grandma and grandpa. Mom says that there is not enough food in the house and asks to go to the store. And he asks his son to help put things in order. Dad goes shopping. Dialogue between the buyer and the seller: P: Please, hang me 3 apples, (the seller puts it in a bag and weighs it on the scales) Can you tell me which sweets to buy? Seller: Buy these sweets, delicious with apple filling. Dad: How much are they? Seller: 5 rubles we will be glad to see you, come to us again. At this moment, another buyer (educator) comes in and talks rudely with the seller, and the first buyer: “Why are you rude, behave indecently, apologize to the seller, you can’t behave like that. the buyer apologizes and buys the purchases After going to the store, he returns home and helps around the house: Washes fruit, set the table together Dad: Where are our napkins? grandparents will arrive.Grandparents on the road are in dialogue with each other (phonogram of the noise of cars on the road), they arrive (phonogram of the car signal) and approach the apartment. (phonogram of the doorbell Hello greet each other: “Hello, our relatives, how we miss you. (help to undress) Son, invite grandparents" They invite you to go in, wash your hands: "Wash your hands and go to the kitchen, wash your hands, sit down at the table" Mom takes a pie from the oven, cuts it, pours tea. “Help yourself, take fruits, sweets, try the pie. Mom says: “Son, I’m so tired, please pour tea, take care of grandparents. Grandmother asks her grandson about studies, about friends. They praise what an assistant, how he grew up, etc. Mom: Tell us how you got to us, didn’t get tired on the road? Grandmother, grandfather: We arrived well, there are few cars on the road. Mom: Did you like the pie? Please warm up the son, the tea is cold. (The pie is very tasty, they praise mom) Dad offers watch a film about your family, which was filmed several years ago, where the son is very small.
Grandma has glasses, she can't see well. (Watching a movie, there is a dialogue-discussion between family members) Grandfather: It will get dark soon, it's time for us to go home, they say goodbye.
III Analysis. Outcome.
Teacher: Did you like the game? (children's answers) What do you think our family was like? (friendly, caring) Zhenya, who did you like in the game? How did you play? Why? (each child) Why? (mother was a caring, good housewife, father helped mother, grandmother, grandfather were friendly, kind, the seller was polite, the son was an assistant, obedient, kind). Would you like to play this game again? Educator: Wishes to the children. At the end, the children offer to treat the guests present. (The child turns to the teacher: We have many guests, and it is customary to treat guests, let's treat them? They take a tray with a candy bowl and offer guests: Help yourself, please. Conducted on 04/25/2014.

Story - role-playing game


Target: Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children.

Game material: Doll - baby, attributes for equipping the house, doll clothes, dishes, furniture, items - substitutes.

Preparing for the game. Activity games: “The baby woke up”, “As if mom is not at home”, “Let's cook dinner for the baby”, “Feeding the baby”, “Dolls are going for a walk”. Observations of the work of a nanny, a teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme "Family". Design class: building furniture.

Playing roles: Mom, dad, baby, sister, brother, driver, grandma, grandpa.

Game progress: the teacher can start the game by reading artwork N. Zabila "Yasochka's garden", at the same time a new Yasochka doll is introduced into the group. After reading the story, the teacher invites the children to play the way Yasya helps to prepare toys for the game.

Then the teacher can invite the children to dream up how they would play if they were left at home alone.

In the following days, the teacher, together with the children, can equip a house on the site in which Yasochka will live. To do this, you need to clean the house: wash the floor, hang curtains on the windows. After that, the teacher can talk in the presence of children with the parents of a recently ill child about what he was ill with, how mom and dad took care of him, how they treated him. You can also play a game - a lesson with the doll "Yasochka caught a cold").

Then the teacher invites the children to play the "family" on their own, watching the game from the side.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can introduce a new direction, invite the children to play, as if Yasha had a birthday. Before that, you can remember what the children did when someone in the group celebrated a birthday (the children secretly prepared gifts: they drew, sculpted, brought a postcard, small toys from home. At the holiday, they congratulated the birthday man, played round dance games, danced, read poetry). After that, the teacher invites the children to make bagels, cookies, sweets - a treat in the modeling lesson, and in the evening celebrate Yasochka's birthday.

In the following days, many children can already develop in independent games with dolls various options birthday celebrations, saturating the game own experience acquired in the family.

In order to enrich the knowledge of children about the work of adults, the educator, having previously agreed with the parents, can instruct the children to help their mother at home in cooking, cleaning the room, doing laundry, and then tell about it in kindergarten.

For further development games in the "family" the teacher finds out which of the children has younger brothers or sisters. Children can read A. Barto's book "The Younger Brother" and look at the illustrations in it. On the same day, the teacher brings a new baby doll and everything necessary to take care of it to the group and invites the children to imagine that each of them has a little brother or sister, to tell how they would help their mother to take care of him.

The teacher can also organize a game in the "family" for a walk.

The game can be offered to a group of three children. Distribute the roles: "mom", "dad" and "sister". The focus of the game is the baby doll "Alyosha" and new kitchen utensils. Girls can be offered to clean the playhouse, rearrange the furniture, choose a comfortable place for Alyosha's cradle, make a bed, swaddle the baby, put him to bed. “Papa” can be sent to the “bazaar”, bring grass - “onion”. After that, the teacher can include other children in the game at their request and offer them the roles of "Yasochka", "dad's friend - driver", who can take the whole family to the forest to rest, etc.

The educator should provide children with independence in the development of the plot, but also carefully monitor the game and skillfully use the role relationships of children to strengthen real positive relationships between them.

The teacher can finish the game with an offer to go (the whole family has lunch in a group).

The plot of the game in the "family" the teacher, together with the children, can constantly develop, intertwining with games in " Kindergarten”, to “chauffeurs”, “moms and dads”, “grandparents”. Participants in the “family” game can take their children to the “kindergarten”, take part in (“matinees”, “birthday parties”, repair toys; “moms and dads” with children as passengers go on a bus for a country walk in the forest , or a “chauffeur” to take a mother with a sick little son to the “hospital” in an ambulance, where he is received, treated, cared for, etc.


Target: Enrichment of social and play experience between children; development of gaming skills on the plot "Family".

- Enrich the social and gaming experience of children according to the plot "Family" according to situations - we take the child to kindergarten, help the elders, take care of each other, go to the theater.
- Encourage independent distribution of roles (cognitive LE).
- Develop game skills according to the plot (cognitive UD).
- Learn to choose a convenient place for the game and organize the game environment, select the necessary game material and attributes.
- Develop role-playing speech (communicative actions).
- Encourage the development of simple plots with 2-3 situations (regulatory actions).
- Build positive relationships. (personal universal learning activities).

Preliminary work.
To acquaint with the rules of visiting the theater, the professions of a cashier, a cloakroom attendant, a car mechanic. Stories about situations in the family when loved ones take care of each other (from the personal experience of children).

Activate words in speech: cash desk, wardrobe, car repair shop, car mechanic

Conversations based on personal experience children about household chores of family members.

Reading thin. lit-ry: "Winged, hairy" and oil "arr. I. Karnaukhova; A. Gaidar, "Chuk and Gek" (chapters), V. Dragunsky, "Childhood Friend", T. Aleksandrova, "Kuzka the Little Brownie" (chapters); P. Bazhov, "Silver Hoof"; V. Kataev, "Flower-seven-flower"; E. Blaginina, "Let's sit in silence"; G. Vieru, "Mother's Day", trans. with mold. I. Akima; E. Uspensky "Defeat".
Video excursion to the auto repair shop, theatrical wardrobe.

Did. games: “Who needs what for work?”, “Find the right words”, “Chain of polite words”.

Working with parents:
Acquisition of attributes for the game.

Game corner "Family", "Auto repair shop", theater - wardrobe, cash desk, auditorium, doll, toy phone, substitute toys.
Relationship with other occupations and activities.
The development of speech, familiarization with the environment, fiction.

Game structure:
1. Introductory conversation with children on the topic "Family"
2. The distribution of the roles of the game "Family".
3. Joint game with the teacher
4. Summing up the game.

Game progress

1. Conversation: Today we will play the game "Family". No wonder people say: "The whole family is together and the soul is in place."
- What do you think a family is? Who is in the family?
What are the duties of a father?
What are the duties of a mother?
- What does their child do?
- Tell us how you take care of your loved ones, how do you help them?

2. Distribution of roles.
Guys, who is the head of the family?
- Let's try to determine what a dad should be?
- Who in our group is endowed with such qualities, who can be a dad?
- Dad, in our family, of course, there will still be a mother, who will you choose for the role of mother?
-Guys, who are grandparents?
- And who in our game can be grandparents?
- Grandmother, I suggest you choose your grandchildren. There are three of them in our family - the eldest grandson - a schoolboy, a girl attending a kindergarten, and the youngest daughter - stays at home with her mother.
- Guys, who is the leader in our group?
- What do you think, do we need a teacher in our game? Why?
- Let Margarita be the teacher.
- There are three wonderful male roles in our game - car mechanic, controller gas equipment and driver. I propose to play these roles between our boys.
- In our game we will visit the theater, I would like to ask Ksyusha to be a cloakroom attendant, and Olya to be a cashier. These are quite responsible roles, and I am sure that the girls will cope with them.
And the artists, of course, are already ready, right?
- Guys, before we start playing, I want to know what is the most important thing in the game? Why are we playing?
- I wish all of us to play interestingly today. Take your seats!

3. "Home"
In the morning, dad takes his youngest daughter to kindergarten. Asks the eldest son not to disturb the resting mother.
- Son, don't disturb your mother. Katya did not sleep well at night, her mother did not get enough sleep.
I'll take Vasilisa to kindergarten, and you can rest while school is on vacation.
- I'll read it. Goodbye, dad.
The teacher meets the children.
Dad helps to undress, says goodbye.
The teacher invites the child to play a board game, explains its rules, the importance for the child.
- Hello, Artyom Sergeevich.

- Hello, Margarita Alexandrovna.
- Hello, Vasilisa, change into a sports uniform. Artyom Sergeevich, tomorrow we have a reading competition in our group. We invite you and Daria Valerievna.
Thank you, we'll try to come. Goodbye. Daughter, until the evening.

Mom sleeps after a sleepless night spent with a small child - Katya.
There is a call to the intercom, Matvey picks up the phone.
- Hello, I would like to check your gas stove.
- I can't open the door for you. Mom is sleeping, and there are no more adults in the apartment.
- Okay, I'll come by later. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
The phone rings, the eldest son picks up the phone:
- Hello, grandma. Mom cannot answer the phone, Katya did not sleep at night, and she and her mother are now resting. I will meet you myself.
He comes out to meet his grandmother, helps to carry her bags.
Matthew (taking her bag):
- Hello, grandma.
- Hello, granddaughter.
They go into the house.
- I'll help you undress, put on your slippers, please, we have cool floors.
Grandmother kissing her grandson
- You are my caregiver!
- I want to bake you pies. Will you help me?
- Of course, mom will be happy.
She and her grandson are engaged in a common business, during which they talk about the school.
- How did you finish the quarter?
- What do you do on vacation?
- I read, play, walk with the guys.
The cry of a child is heard, the grandmother and grandson run to the crib to prevent their mother from waking up.
A mother comes out with a child by the hand:
“Mommy, it’s good that you came. Why didn't dad come?
- Something busy in the workshop, do not tear. He says hello to you all, asked you to kiss the children.
Feed, daughter, Katenka and we will eat together until the pies are cold.
- Now, Mom, I'll warm the bottle of milk.
The intercom rings.
Mom picks up the phone
- I'm listening to you.
- Hello, I would like to check your gas stove.
- Hello, please go up to the fourth floor.
Mom leads the controller to the kitchen. He examines the gas stove.
"Auto repair shop"
The car mechanic accepts the car from the customer for repair:
- Yesterday I was careless on the road, violated the rules of the road and had an accident. Fortunately, no one was hurt, the bumper of the car was a little wrinkled. Could you fix this?
We will try our best to help you. Would you like us to check the condition of the engine after the impact?
- And how much will this service cost in your workshop?
- 5,000 rubles, and we guarantee the excellent quality of our workshop.
- Okay, I'll be very grateful to you. When can I pick up my car.
On Wednesday, if I can get it earlier, I'll call you. Please leave your phone.
- Please, my business card. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Unexpected moment:
The driver appears (Galina Vladimirovna):
- Help me, please, my car has stalled not far from your workshop.
Children solve this problematic situation.
Unexpected moment:
The doorbell rings, Natalya Mikhailovna is on the threshold:
- Hello neighbors, sorry to bother you. I come to you for help - my daughter is ill. I need to run to the pharmacy, but I can't leave her alone. What should I do?
After the situation is resolved:
- And now for the table. What beautiful pies you have! Mom, call dad, invite him for tea too.
Grandma calls grandpa
- Father, grandchildren miss you, come - we are all waiting for you.
And on the way, take Vasilisa from the kindergarten.


- Hello, Maxim Vitalievich. Vasilisa, grandfather came for you.
- Margarita Alexandrovna, can I go home?
- Goodbye, Vasilisa.
- Margarita Alexandrovna, can my grandfather come to the reading competition tomorrow?
- Of course, invite both grandfather and grandmother.
- Grandpa, will you come?
"Come, now let me help you get dressed."
- Thank you, grandfather. I'm already big, sit down for a minute, I'll dress myself.
Grandfather and granddaughter come home.
Dad comes home from work.
Everyone drinks tea and pies.
- How well we spent this evening together today. It's time for us to go home.
- Take your time, I'll take you, it's getting dark early now, we'll worry about you.
You have your own business, we won't disturb you.
A son:
- What are you, granny, you never interfere with us, stay at least not for a long time.
- Since your evening is free, I suggest that your mom and dad go to the concert. They spend so little time together. In the meantime, we will play with our grandchildren.
Mom and dad go to the concert.
"In the theatre"
The spectator buys tickets at the box office, then mom, dad, Polina take tickets for him.
- Hello, do you have tickets for today's concert?
- Yes, which row would you like to sit in?
- Are there seats in the center on the second row?
- Yes, how many tickets do you need?
Gives money, receives tickets.
-Happy viewing.
Spectators pass into the hall.
Mom and dad go to the wardrobe.
Dad helps mom take off her clothes, gives her:
- Take, please, our clothes.
Wardrobe attendant:
- Number, please. Do you want to buy the program of today's concert?
- Yes, please, and two binoculars. How much from us?
- One hundred rubles. Have a good evening.
They take programs, binoculars and go into the hall, sit on the seats corresponding to the tickets.
Unexpected situation:
Two spectators have tickets for one seat. How to be?
After the children discuss the situation, the administrator appears. (Eva K.)
Host (Dasha B.):
- Timur Majidov is speaking. The song "Solar circle". Meet.
- The poem "Homeless Dog" performed by Kirill Vasilashchuk.
- The musical duet will perform the mammoth's song. Meet Diana Antonova and Emil Elchiyants.
The audience applauds.

4. - Children, did you like the game?
- What did you like, Dasha? Artem?
- Have you been in such situations in your life?
- Would you like to play this game again?

Plot - role-playing game "Family"

Program educational tasks:


  1. To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members.
  2. Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot.
  3. Encourage children to play creatively in the game of family life.


  1. Develop interest in the game.
  2. Develop dialogic speech.


  1. To cultivate love and respect for family members and their work.

preliminary work: Conversations: “My family”, “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom? ". Reading fiction: "Mom", "Brother", "Work" by D. Gabet from the series "My Family". Didactic games: "How to meet guests", "What are these dishes for", "Let's set the table for tea (lunch)".

Materials and equipment:Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, a dressing table with a mirror, a towel, a hairdryer, a dressing gown for a hairdresser, empty bottles of shampoo, cream; set "Hairdresser", albums with hairstyles, magazines, hairpins, bows. Cash desk, grocery sets, an apron for the seller, checks, bags, wallets, money, price tags, scales, packages, substitute items.

Game progress:

Educator: Today we will play the family game. No wonder people say: "The whole family is together and the soul is in place." What do you think a family is? Who is in the family? What are the duties of a father? What are the responsibilities of a mother? What are the responsibilities of a grandmother? What can grandpa do? What is their child doing? Children, let's imagine that someone in the family has a birthday? How are we going to celebrate it?

Educator: Oh, knock on the door. Yes, this is Masha doll. Guys, look how smart Masha is today, her birthday is today. And why is she sad? Guys, she doesn't have a mom and dad. And she so wants to celebrate her birthday in the family. Let's take her into our family.

And our family will prepare a holiday for her. Mom will invite guests for Masha, she goes to the hairdresser, she will make herself a festive hairstyle, grandmother will bake tasty pie, dad goes to the store for treats. And the older brother and sister will help the grandmother around the house, wash the dishes and set the table together. Will grandpa help grandma around the house, and if he gets tired? can relax and read the newspaper.

Educator: Where do you think we will start the game? That's right, first we will distribute who will be the dad, who will be the mother, grandmother, grandfather and brother and sister, who will be the hairdresser, who will be the seller in the store, and who will come to congratulate the Masha doll.

Educator: Guys let's choose mom? What can mom wear? Look, we have beads, glasses, a scarf handbag ... Let's put beads on mom, give her a beautiful handbag.

What can dad wear? See what else we have here? I agree, we can offer dad to wear a tie. Who among us wants to be a grandmother, what will we choose for our grandmother? It’s true, she’s old with us, we’ll put on her glasses, a scarf and an apron. Guys who wants to be a grandfather. What can we dress our grandfather in? See what else we have left? It’s true, we’ll offer grandfather glasses, a warm vest, he’s old with us, he’s always cold, because his back hurts. Look, we have another newspaper, let's offer it to read to grandfather. Who will be brother and sister?

Educator: Guys, who will be our seller? Look, we have a uniform for the seller - an apron, so that the seller does not get dirty when he sells the goods. We also need to choose a hairdresser who will do hair for Masha, mom, and maybe the guests will also want to do their hair.

Educator: And the rest of the guys will come to visit our doll Masha. Guys, do not forget to visit on your birthday, you need to come with gifts. What can you give Masha? Guys, what can we do with our own hands? Well done, of course, we can make postcards for the doll. And in the store we can buy some sweets, such as sweets or chocolates.

Educator: Let's go to our play area. The family in which the holiday lives in this house. Today is a day off. What does mom do in the morning? What do dad and other family members do?

The seller is preparing to open his store, and the hairdresser is waiting for the arrival of visitors. And the guests go to the creative workshop and prepare gifts for the birthday girl - postcards.

The family sits at the table and has breakfast. After breakfast, mom and Mashenka are going to the hairdresser, dad is going to the grocery store. festive table. What do you think, children, what will mom advise dad to buy in the store for the holiday? Mom, dad and Mashenka went about their business, and grandmother and older brother and sister put things in order in the house.

Grandmother washes clothes, prepares a festive dinner, bakes pies, and older children set the table. Here we guys have a store, here our dad came to shop

We are given the goods and a check.

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual ... (seller).

Educator: And here we have a hairdresser

This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has a mysterious power:

Whoever touches, he will become beautiful.

Mom and daughter Masha came to the hairdresser.

Educator: Mom, do you like the hairstyle that the hairdresser did? Maybe one of the guests wants to do their hair? How beautiful everyone has become, let's hurry to the birthday, the gifts are ready.

Educator: What a wonderful birthday we had. Children, did you enjoy playing?