Rules and methods of memory development. How to develop memory and attention as an adult

  • 11.10.2019

These are the questions everyone asks sooner or later. And this is understandable, because every day huge flows of information pass through us, and therefore it is not at all surprising that we constantly forget something: either the telephone number of the clinic, or the shopping list, or the bus number, or the birthday of a loved one.

The development of memory is extremely important not only in Everyday life but also in professional activities. After all, we must remember what we need to do, with whom to meet, and for most professions, memory is a very valuable tool. Those who have it above average have an advantage.

Developing memory is not so difficult, and even quite real. In one of the previous articles - How to develop memory, attention and speed reading, I offered multimedia manuals prepared by professional psychologists and containing practical exercises. This article will present the rules, the observance of which will ensure the brain best conditions work, as well as ways to develop memory.

Memory development. Rules:

The first rule of memory development: Ensure regular sufficient oxygenation of your blood. Blood must carry enough oxygen to ensure high activity and efficiency of the brain, and hence a good memory. How to do it? At least one day a week should be spent outdoors. Mental work should be interrupted for small "oxygen" pauses, open the window for 1-2 minutes. It is impossible to work mentally in an unventilated or smoky room. And of course, move more and play sports, physical activity improves overall blood circulation and the brain as well.

The second rule of memory development: Enough sleep. This ensures the normal functioning of the brain. During sleep, processes occur with the participation of the most important neurotransmitter (a substance with the help of which the nerve impulse is transmitted between neurons). Without proper sleep, memory is chemically unable to function. full power. In addition, the human brain is tuned to the biological rhythms of day and night, so you need to sleep at night - it is in the dark that the brain cells are completely restored. An adult should sleep 7-8 hours a day, a teenager - 9.

The third rule of memory development: Do not smoke! Of course, a smoker who trains memory has more abilities in this regard than non-smoker not coaching her. However, if we take people under all equal conditions, then it should be recognized that tobacco impairs memory. This has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. So the desire to develop memory is a good reason to quit smoking.

The fourth rule of memory development: Avoid alcohol! If you want to keep all the flexibility of your mind, you need to avoid alcohol. It is undeniable that drinking alcohol leads to a weakening of memory. The more alcohol consumed, the less fixation. Everyone knows that it is very difficult to restore in the head the events that took place in a state of intoxication. A simple dinner, “flavored” with wine, reduces the ability to memorize for several hours. All alcohol should be avoided, even wine and beer, if you need to study something, attend classes or participate in a conference.

The fifth rule of memory development: Eat right. Numerous experiments have made it possible to determine that chemical activity is accompanied by a loss phosphoric acid and calcium salts. It is necessary to compensate for these losses: cheese (special fermenting masses, Swiss, Dutch and chester), eggs, grain sprouts, almonds, nuts bring the necessary balance of phosphorus-calcium to the body.

During intense mental effort, it is necessary to eat food: rich in protein (meat, eggs, liver, fish), well digestible (grilled meat, steamed vegetables or water), avoiding fatty, flour, sweet. One should eat a little at a time, a full stomach weakens the mental faculties.

A healthy lifestyle, including nutrition for memory, giving up bad habits, healthy sleep and physical activity is the most natural rule for preserving memory for years to come.

Memory development. Ways:

If you want to remember something, focus on the process of remembering. Listen, think, draw parallels with your own life or with the knowledge already gained. The more your own thoughts and feelings "hook" for information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.

If you forgot something: a number from the report, the meaning of a word, the name of the singer, the phone number of your parents - before you immediately go to the right folder, dictionary, Internet or phone book, try to remember what you forgot yourself for several minutes.

If you need to remember something important, create some image in your mind about it, perhaps funny or amusing. It is much easier for the brain to remember something unusual. You can even draw the resulting image.

When memorizing numbers, it is most convenient to either memorize them by breaking them into small groups, or try to build some associations in your mind. For example, let's take the number 2467. 2+4=6, the six is ​​followed by the seven. this method of memorizing numbers turned out to be the most effective.

A good way to remember something better and faster is to try to explain to another person what you need to remember or understand yourself. The brain will remember information better if you pronounce it.

Free time (for example, if you are standing in line) devote to solving the simplest arithmetic problems in your mind.

Daily scrolling in the mind of all the events of the past day will help you develop your memory. Remember them down to the smallest details and the smallest details. In addition, you should evaluate your own actions committed that day, asking yourself the following questions: “What did I do today? What didn't he do right? What actions deserve condemnation and require rocking? What should be rejoicing?

Read books - it's good! When reading, the brain concentrates, involuntarily remembers the details.

Learn poetry. At school, torture is not just out of harm. The method is reliable and time-tested. But it is better to learn what you like. For example, the lyrics of your favorite song. It is best to remember the material that we already partially know. New materials must go through a process of awareness.

Remember - to memorize without understanding, without seeing the images before your eyes, without retelling the text in your own words, is unprofitable. Farther random access memory cramming won't work. In the same way, it is unprofitable to teach “for tomorrow” or “before the exam”, etc. If you put the arrow on “forever” when memorizing, you will win.

Repetition is the mother of learning. You better not say. Only it is better to repeat not five times in a row immediately after reading, but once within five days. And better at night.

Suppose someone tells you his name. Try to connect this name with what is already familiar and be sure to add something from yourself: “Ksenia. Like Ksenia Sobchak, only a brunette, married and does not lead Dom-2. And the nose is similar. Believe me, this new friend Xenia will be remembered for a long time.

Do something with your hands. Women: weave baubles, cross-stitch. Men: hammer in a nail, change plumbing without resorting to the help of a professional - all these actions activate the brain and memory.

Psychologists have proven that learning foreign languages ​​is the best remedy for the prevention of senile insanity, and therefore - for improving memory.

Our emotional state is also connected with the development of memory. Happiness leads to improved memory and contributes to a fuller and deeper perception of information. For every new joy in life, your memory will thank you.

Don't be lazy. A lazy person, both in thoughts and in actions, does not have a good memory.

Think about what prospects a good memory opens up for us, what you can achieve thanks to it. This will encourage you to develop it.

Neurobics will help maintain and develop your memory.

Here are 14 simple and effective ways to improve your memory to improve your own academic and/or professional performance.

Use a mnemonic

Just as a computer uses binary code to store data and retrieve it in a user-friendly way, so human brain writes information in a specific order and later presents it in a specific form. Mnemonics uses exactly this technique. It helps to store information in a specific code, and then easily remember it. It may sound crazy, but it's actually very simple.

Mnemonics involves the use of simple associations to remember information. For example, familiar images, words, smells, and other things that can be associated with new information. Use your imagination to master this memory enhancement technique.

Learn something new

Memory is like a car: if you don't use it, you lose it.

To improve your memory and keep your brain productive, learn new things as often as possible. There is no recipe for longevity, but all centenarians are characterized by common feature(Besides healthy eating): they constantly use their mind. Learn a new dance new language, new game.... At the same time, you will also make new friends, and sociability is also very important, but more on that later.

get enough sleep

The process of saving information occurs when you sleep. The brain then switches from a receiving state to a storing state: during the REM sleep phase, all the events of the day are classified and associated with other memories and knowledge already accumulated.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley studied the process of memory decline in adults and found that it is associated with bad dream. And another study showed that getting enough sleep helps children improve academic performance. Combining these results, we get the main conclusion: to improve memory, you need to get enough sleep, no matter how old you are. Every adult needs eight hours of sleep, perhaps a little more or less, this is individual.

The best way to remember the right information is to focus on it just before you go to bed.

Focus on exercise

Research carried out Dr David Jacobs at the University of Minnesota concluded that people who regularly exercise cardio in their youth have better memory by middle age, namely after 45 years. This statement did not become a sensation, since it is already known all over the world that swimming, running and other activities help people avoid memory deterioration in long term. After all, exercise increases the heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain.

Keep track of your nutrition

The term "brain food" is quite common. There are foods that improve brain function and prevent memory deterioration. A new study conducted at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland has found that green tea is one of those superfoods. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, ocean fish and olive oil, have also proven to be effective memory enhancers. Other foods to include in your diet include eggs, tomatoes, red wine (use with caution), capers, blueberries, and turmeric.

Previous, less well-known studies have shown that vanilla, rosemary, and sage can also boost memory.

Chewing gum is another proven way to boost your memory, as it increases your heart rate and releases certain flavors. Both trigger memories.

Practice meditation and proper breathing

Meditation is actively promoted today as a panacea for various misfortunes. It can really bring you real benefit and pleasure.

First, meditation can speed up the heart rate, thereby increasing blood flow to the brain and enriching it with oxygen. Secondly, this practice will help you relax and focus, which has a surprisingly beneficial effect on mental abilities and general well-being.

Most meditation techniques involve deep breathing, which also improves memory and relieves stress. In just a few minutes a day, you will improve your own health, gain a positive attitude and feel more energetic. Plus, it's free.

Enjoy nature

Walk on fresh air improves memory. This theory was confirmed by researchers from the University of Michigan when they tested two groups of people who were asked to memorize a list of certain elements. At the same time, one group was invited to take a walk in the garden, and the other - to walk around the city. The first group had a better memory by 20%. But the researchers did not let up, they checked the subjects again. This time, people were shown photographs of natural landscapes and cityscapes. The results are back!

The next time you forget something, open up green forest pictures on your computer and your memory will come back to you.


Computer games are probably great, but they are unlikely to improve your cognitive functions. But logical and strategic games will positively affect memory and attentiveness. The most suitable game is chess, sudoku and the like. The gray cells of your brain will thank you.

Use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

The concept of NLP is relatively new, but it is very powerful. The main idea is that the limits of human capabilities are invented by the person himself, so they can be destroyed by self-hypnosis.

By by and large it works like a placebo. Meditation is great as a prelude to NLP, and when combined with diet, aromatherapy, and exercise, you can effectively improve your memory and mental abilities.

Use aromatherapy

Perfumes are not only a pleasant aroma, but also a way to resurrect memories. Aromatherapy is one of the most available means memory improvement. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of rosemary and mint.

Experiments conducted on mice have confirmed that rosemary improves alertness and helps prevent age-related memory loss. Peppermint has similar properties, so the next time you prepare for an exam, stock up on mint chewing gum.

Get acupressure or acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries with great results in almost every area, so it's no wonder it's effective for improving memory as well.

Every part of your body is pierced by nerve and energy channels. You can activate certain points with a very thin needle or by pressing your fingers.

To stimulate memory and remember something important, gently press your fingertips on your temples for a few seconds. Thus, you relieve stress and remember, for example, where you put the keys.

Visualize Memories

A study conducted at the University of Helsinki confirmed that people have powerful visual memory. Matching certain images with new information helps you remember that information when you see the same picture again. That's why it's so easy to shed a tear when looking at old photos.

Stop multitasking

Multitasking is one of the biggest misconceptions in the history of the human race in terms of productivity. Even though all companies are looking for this skill in future employees, it actually significantly reduces the quantity and quality of things that can be done in a given time frame.

To improve your memory and become more productive, stop doing many things at once and start focusing on one thing. Do the most important tasks first, then take a short break. Leave the easiest tasks for last. Meetings are best scheduled in the morning.


Communication is good for the brain and for general mood. Don't underestimate the power of a good conversation, even if you're not very interested in it. Simply chatting about recent events can improve memory by stimulating multiple areas of the brain at the same time.

The process of speaking keeps the contact points between neurons, synapses, in an active state, which is necessary for good memory.

An excellent memory is the most valuable tool for a person’s life at any age, but in most cases, people begin to appreciate this tool only when there is a sharp understanding of how important a good memory is and how much forgetfulness and absent-mindedness spoil life. With age, any training becomes more difficult.

So, in order to easily be able to remember any information, children need interest, teenagers - high level motivation, for adults - regular training. And at the same time, constant training of this mental process entails the maintenance of brain activity, which means full life adult human throughout.

Types of memory

Psychologists classify memory into the following types:

  1. visual type. If this type predominates, a person will remember the information received better if he has the opportunity to see the event with his own eyes or read the information in any source.
  2. auditory type. With the predominance of the auditory type, it is enough for a person to hear once, and he will already be able to reproduce the heard information even after some time. So, for people with a more developed auditory type of memory, for better memorization of texts, it is recommended to pronounce them aloud.
  3. Motor (motor, tactile) type involves the ability of a person to "automatically" remember all frequently performed actions. For example, when driving a car with a manual transmission with confidence, this particular type of memory works, just like in the case of writing skills. In the case of the predominance of the motor type, the individual needs associations with the motor type. physical activity. So, for example, having an excellent command of the “blind” typing method, it is quite difficult for a person with a motor type of memory to reproduce on paper the entire sequence of the arrangement of letters on the keyboard, until he begins to remember where which letter is located with the help of hand movements.
  4. mixed type. In this case, there is no single priority way of memorization, but two types are actively used or (which happens much less often) memorization abilities are distributed evenly across all types of memory.

In addition, there are short-term and long-term types of memory.

short term type arises as a result of a reaction to ongoing events and can be stored in the head for no longer than 3 months. At this stage, the analysis of the received data takes place, and at the level of the work of brain neurons, a decision is made on whether or not to “transfer” this information to a long-term type. Due to this property, the human brain is not overwhelmed with irrelevant information.

long term type ensures the safety of information for a long time, often throughout life. All available information in long-term memory can be reproduced an unlimited number of times. This type of memory allows you to recall the necessary information at the right time and apply the available information in life.

For each person, the predominant type of memory depends, first of all, on individual characteristics. This parameter is considered innate and does not change throughout life. And knowing exactly which of the types of memory is most developed, one can not only memorize the information received with great success and use it in professional or everyday activities, but also develop the ability to memorize and train memory in more “weak” places.

Memory training techniques

There are a huge number of methods and ways to train memory. The essence of any of the methods lies in the possibility of transferring the information received into long-term memory, for further use this information if necessary. Almost all exercises are designed to train the type of memory that is least developed in a particular person. The most common memory training techniques can be classified as follows.

  • Interrelationship between attention and impression. Here it is meant that in the best way the information that is of interest to a person and what he is most focused on is remembered. Thus, in order to learn how to better remember any information, it is important to master the way of concentrating on it and learning how to get emotional feedback. For example, in order to remember all the tedious rules of the road, you need to clearly define for yourself the benefits of the knowledge gained, and to color the emotional background, you can add an element of a game or excitement. Let's say, the faster and more accurately the rules are learned, the faster it will be possible to pass the exam in the traffic police, get driver's license and finally, get behind the wheel of a car.
  • Association method. Associations allow you to construct an imaginary connection between information already in long-term memory and information that needs to be remembered. Using this method allows you to memorize more data in less time. So, in order to successfully memorize new material, it is necessary to find appropriate vivid associations that can help reproduce the learned material. The main rule of this method is that the association should be unusual, understandable, easy to remember and reproduce.
  • Structuring Method. A great way to focus on memory. It consists in dividing information into thematic blocks based on logic and associative thinking. The basic rule of the structuring method is the need to create a convenient and logical structure of the information being studied. Here allocate the following ways structuring:

  1. Roman room method (Cicero's chain). The essence of the method lies in the mental arrangement of memorized objects in a well-known room in a strictly fixed order. For the subsequent reproduction of information, it is necessary to remember the room and “what lies where”.
  2. Way mental maps Biezin (link diagram, mind map, mind mapping) - the use of flowcharts to depict the structure of the memorized material.
  • repetition method- the most simple and familiar method of training. In order for information to remain in the memory of an adult for a long time, it is necessary from time to time to return to the once learned material. And the fresher the information studied, the more often repetitions are necessary for the best memorization. In the future, it is simply necessary to periodically “refresh” once learned information. This simple technique allows not only to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the head, but also to develop the memory function.
  • mnemonics or using a combination of the methods listed above to remember certain types of information. Under certain types of information, in this case, we mean the combination of information into conditional groups, for example, “names and faces”, “numbers and numbers”, “foreign words”, etc. The main tools of mnemonics are the use of free associations and conditional coding.

So, for example, to learn new foreign words, you can use the method of associations or consonance with Russian words and, of course, the repetition method.

It is noticed that clearing the mind, improves both memory and cognitive abilities in general. Use the fastest system for this purpose -.

Memory training in everyday life

  1. The recommendation to read daily and extract new information from this lesson was, is and will be relevant at all times.
  2. Retelling the books you read is not only a way to motivate those around you to read, but also a great exercise to train your auditory memory type.
  3. One of the best "household" methods to develop the ability to memorize is the study of a foreign language, new foreign words, proverbs, and established expressions.
  4. The same can be said about the daily learning of new poems and songs.
  5. Very effective for daily memory training is the exercise of remembering telephone numbers, numbers of passing cars, etc.
  6. The same applies to remembering the exact dates of the birthdays of relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.
  7. Going to the store, the list of necessary purchases can be kept in mind, of course, keeping a pre-prepared cheat sheet “in the sleeve”.
  8. Returning from the store, it is useful to remember all the purchases made and their cost.
  9. Going to bed, it is useful to remember and “scroll” in your head in the smallest detail the events of the past day, right down to what products today's menu consisted of during the day.

The Englishman Dominic O'Brien has an incredible ability. Winner of the 1994 World Memory Championship, he is able to learn more than 300 foreign words in an hour, and after a few days, speak a new language. At the same time, O'Brien is forbidden to appear in all the casinos of the world, a uniquely developed memory helps to read the cards remaining in the deck and hit a huge cash jackpot.

The methods and techniques presented in this article are designed mainly for an adult who is personally interested in improving the quality of his memory. If it is necessary to develop memory in children, psychologists and teachers recommend conducting classes in the form of games. Fortunately, today there is enough information about the development of any children's abilities, including the improvement of memory.

But regardless of age, fresh air, high-quality full sleep and the use of food products conducive to improving work are equally useful for strengthening memory for absolutely everyone. mental processes associated with the flawless operation of this hitherto little-studied area of ​​the human brain.

How Clearing the Mind Affects Memory and Cognition

  • negative emotions(fears, anxieties, resentments, jealousy, anger, etc.)
  • complexes (eg: I am fat, I have crooked legs/teeth, etc.)
  • limiting beliefs (“I can’t do it”, “it’s not done that way”, etc.)
  • negative attitudes (many people have entire meta-programs for self-destruction that provoke bad habits, destructive behavior, etc.)
  • and much more

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is known that emotions absorb a huge amount of bioenergy. So what is the connection between clearing the mind and improving memory and cognition?

Firstly: a person in a depressed or spoiled mood has worse memorization abilities (as well as cognitive ones in general); second: limiting beliefs and beliefs limit cognitive abilities; thirdly: mental garbage, eating up your energy reserves, again, limits the ability to think and remember, because the more energy you have, the easier it is to remember and the better thinking is in general.

For accelerated cleansing of the mind, use the system -. The system is good in that it uses the resources of the subconscious and, in fact, shifts the main part of the work to it. And you, basically, just have to read ready-made instructions for the subconscious. Certainly an interesting thing.

Sometimes I stand on the stairs
I'm trying to guess:
I was about to get up
Or maybe go down?

At the refrigerator door
I can't understand:
I put something inside
Or wanted to take?

And at dusk, holding a cap,
I horrified myself:
I don't know if I'm going to sleep
Did she just wake up?

This is an excerpt from the book Still Here by Ram Dass. A sweet old woman writes about her sclerosis. Yours is probably not so critical. Yes, the son constantly forgets the diary, the daughter does not have time with household chores, the husband never knew the exact date of your birthday, and the wife brings juice to her husband instead of the child. We can forget everything down to our native name, but developing the capabilities of our memory is not so difficult, and even quite real. But first, MirSovetov offers to figure out how memory works and on the basis of what our brain remembers this or that information.

How is our memory

We all collected puzzles and mosaics in childhood, but few imagine that our brain has known this system for a very long time. Previously, scientists believed that specific areas of the brain store a certain type of memory, but an experiment was subsequently carried out. Rats were removed in turn different parts of the brain and checked: is it possible for them to learn, what do they remember, and which organs work worse for them. It turned out that not a single part of the brain is entirely responsible for any particular type of memory, but if you collect pieces of memories from the entire brain, they can be put together into one big picture, like a mosaic. This picture is what we call memory. This conclusion was shocking to scientists time, but he allows us to omit the possibility of developing the entire memory in only one way and at the same time offers a solution method.

Types of memory

There are three types of memory:
  1. visual
  2. auditory
  3. motor
Visual memory stores the information that we received through observations, that is, we remembered what we saw. Auditory memory is responsible for all sound sensations ever experienced by our body. With these two, everything seems to be clear, but with the motor it will be more difficult.
The third kind of memory is special. This is a kind of way to learn from our mistakes: when our body does something, it automatically remembers this process. This is how we learned to walk, eat, this is how we write letters without getting hung up on the process itself. Well, now let's go directly to the ways of developing memory.

Develop memory by training attention

We remember only what we notice, and we notice only when we are attentive. Therefore, you need to train your attention. You can also do this in a playful way, for example, try to play with your interlocutor during a walk: who will mark houses with green roofs more. For the development of memory, pictures from the series “find ten differences” are also useful. In these cases, your brain concentrates on the little things and gets used to active work in non-standard situations. Then at work, at school or at the institute, you will begin to quickly grasp all the most important things and memorize them without difficulty.

Combination of different types of memory for the same purpose

One day, a teacher of Russian language and literature complained about her students who didn’t study poetry at all. She was advised to make the students do push-ups and repeat the text aloud. She refused, saying that they would do both badly, but in vain! Students would memorize the verses along with the movements and effort of the muscles, and even after many years, doing push-ups, they would remember these verses, maybe not entirely, but from the most trained place.
Also, many children are forced by their parents to learn the multiplication table, rewriting and pronouncing it to themselves. Then the motor (we write and memorize), visual (we remember where we rewrite from) and auditory (we memorize by ear) memory work.

We remember in parts

The third method is that all the information is "sorted out". That is: the text must be compiled into a summary, words should be divided into groups, formulas should be memorized along with examples. It is also important to deal with emerging issues at the same time, because when we get what we need ourselves, we learn it better. Therefore, just as the ear goes best after fishing, so the line is learned faster if it had an unfamiliar expression, peeped in the dictionary.

Repetition is an exercise for developing memory

This option is suitable for people with developed visual memory, and poor auditory. Suppose that at the moment when you were walking in the park, a friend told you a phone number, but you have no way to write it down. In this case, while your friend is dictating, mentally imagine your handset and dial the number on it as dictated. Then pretend that he was busy and try again, saying the number out loud to a friend. If everything is correct, repeat again and even after a couple of hours you will remember everything. The practice of such an exercise each time will have a positive effect on the development of your memory.

Develop your memory by discovering new things

A student who is actively studying and attending lectures has a good memory, but often does not even suspect it. When information is remembered effortlessly and directly at the subconscious level, it is stored longer. When the same student thinks he knows nothing before the exam, but receives calls from classmates and answers them difficult questions, it turns out that it remains to refresh the material a little and you can go to hand it over. Why is this happening? The answer is simple. Just during lectures, we write down notes, delve into the material, but do not think at all about how to remember it. Developing in your profession, learning new information about your hobbies, listening to the news, you do not think that it is simply necessary to remember, but by remembering, you improve your memory, therefore, you develop!

Self-organization and development of memory

You will often hear the phrase: “she is not absent-minded, she is disorganized!” And really, how can our brain remember something if it simply does not understand what and when to remember. A little higher we already talked about the systematization of the material, but in this section we will focus on you. Get a diary (and it’s not true that it is for those who forget everything), create your own personal schedule, get ready for work in the evening, do everything on time, think about your relatives and friends who have not been called for a long time. Your life will improve and your memory will work like new.

Come up with your own way of developing memory

Take a closer look at yourself, determine what is more difficult for you to remember, and what can help you personally save precious data. Not everyone likes crosses on their hands and knots on strings. how to help yourself develop a bad memory? Try making small cheat sheets for yourself, stick the sheets in the most prominent places in the apartment, attach them to the boards above the desktop in the office. The most important thing for the development of memory is that they should not contain the full text, because then you just read and remember. Make associative notes or drawings. Your brain will analyze the record, find the information in memory and remember it again, but automatically. Next time you will remember faster and will not forget.

Each of the methods is effective, but not all are for you personally. Try and practice, and MirSovetov is always happy to help!

Memory is a process that takes place in the brain and directly depends on the general state nervous system. It has been proven that with age, a person's memory deteriorates, attention is scattered, the speed of information perception decreases. In order for thinking and memory to remain in good shape, they must be developed and trained.

With excessive mental stress and stressful situations the brain loses the ability to capture large amounts of information, to divide information into important and not very important. After a busy day, small worries settle in thoughts, and really important things and events are suddenly forgotten.

For correct operation brain, and hence good memory, are necessary:

  • Dream. Calm, regular and long lasting.
  • Change of activity. It is better to arrange the work during the day in such a way that you do not have to stay too long on one thing, as this leads to a decrease in attention and concentration. Change work with numbers by reading documentation, and telephone conversations by correspondence.
  • Physical exercise. Sport is useful for every person, and if daily activities involve mental stress, then physical activity is especially necessary. Swimming, running, gymnastics, sports games, strength exercises are suitable.
  • Balanced diet. For those wishing to improve attention and memory, nutritionists are advised to consume more often: nuts and seeds, bran, blueberries and blackcurrant, seafood and fish, olive and vegetable oils.
  • Walks in the open air. Saturation of cells, tissues and organs with oxygen is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the human body. With a lack of oxygen, thought processes slow down, concentration, attention and performance decrease.
  • Complete rest. Accumulated stress, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue will not go away in one day, so do not neglect your annual vacation. It is better to go to the sea, to the mountains, to nature in order to restore strength.
  • Medications. In some cases, the attending physician prescribes drugs to improve memory.

Exercises for the development of visual memory

In addition to ways to improve memory, various methods of its development are used. By doing simple exercises every day, you can learn to memorize faster and better.

  • A simple and accessible method for the development of visual memory was first voiced by the Russian marine painter Aivazovsky. An object, a landscape, a group of people is examined for several seconds (no more than 10). Then what he saw is reproduced from memory with his eyes closed. The object is presented in the smallest detail, as if "looms" before the eyes. You can mentally ask yourself clarifying questions about the object, the exact location of parts and objects, colors and materials, movements. Without opening your eyes, you need to try to keep a detailed visual image and at the same time pronounce the description. At first, you can open your eyes for a couple of seconds and again try to restore what you saw with your eyes closed.

Such simple exercises additionally train the ability to memorize details, from which, as a result, a clear picture is formed in memory. Visualization helps to distract from your own thoughts, improve attention, stimulates normal brain activity.

To visually remember a complex object or image, try to give its parts at the time of visualization bright color. If, remembering a woman's face, imagine bright lipstick on her lips, the brain will receive an additional stimulating impulse, the image will be remembered better.

Initially, bright and colorful items can be remembered in parts: for example, pay attention first to a small picture on a bright product packaging, then to the font of the name, and at the end, note the background color or design detail. By these details, the item can be found from many similar ones.

Develop memory for sound

To develop auditory memory, they develop the habit of listening to the surrounding sounds, isolating individual sounds, and performing exercises for auditory attention. You can listen with your eyes closed and try to remember in detail a few sounds, distant and close. After a while, they need to be reproduced in detail in thoughts, imagine how they sound louder or quieter, separately and together.

It is also useful to learn poems aloud. On the first day, the first line is learned, on the second day, the second is added to it. Moreover, you should first learn a new line separately, and then repeat the learned passage completely. Develops auditory memory by singing songs or playing music to yourself.

How to develop additional types of memory

It is worth paying attention to the smells, try to remember them along with the visual image. Tactile sensations also allow you to remember better, touch is used to activate tactile memory.

Memory works effectively if you use several of its subspecies at once. An important wedding date can be said out loud in the form of an emotional sentence - “I put on a ring on the second of May!” Auditory memory captures vivid expressions better. Then write the same phrase 3-4 times, in letters different size. Visual memory will automatically fix the differences in texts that are identical in content. It is better to add a picture to the text that will be remembered. better than words - wedding ring with date inside. The selection of an association will help to consolidate the result: the second number is two people, May - spring - love - wedding.

Assessment and training with tests

Even the owners of a strong memory will not interfere with periodic training.

Tests are used for self-examination and assessment of attention and memory. Testing is fun and useful activity that adults and children love. Regular testing to improve results effective method memory training.

Tests may include:

  • Lists of memorization words to listen to or read and then write down in the same order with numbering. A similar test is done with numbers.
  • Lists of words for which associations are quickly sketched in the form of symbols or pictures. Then the original list is restored according to the figures. Another version of the test suggests writing associations in one word.
  • Cards with symbols or images arranged in a certain order. In a short period of time, the order is remembered, then the cards are placed.
  • Tables with numbers from 1 to 25 arranged in cells in a chaotic manner (Schulte tables). It is required to find the numbers in ascending order as quickly as possible.
  • Texts in which there are expressions that reflect the main idea. After reading the text, excerpts are read without basic expressions that must be remembered in the course of reading.

Games and daily activities for memory

  • Some board games develop attention and memory. For example, adult versions of the popular children's game "Memo", consisting of cards with paired images. The cards are laid out face down and opened in pairs. The goal of the game is to remember the location of paired pictures and collect as many pairs as possible. In "Memo" for adults, the pictures are very similar to each other, the game requires high concentration and attention.
  • No less popular is the game "Erudite", in which words are made up of a set of letters. The choice of words develops not only memory, but also thinking.
  • You can practice memorization constantly throughout the day. It is useful to refuse a shopping list, while you can make it, but not take it with you to the store. Over time, it is not difficult to learn the phone numbers of relatives and friends, dates of birth.
  • A great memory training is learning a foreign language. To memorize words and expressions, they are hung on pieces of paper in places that are at eye level.

Exercises for the development of memory require regular performance for some time. Formed useful habits will increase concentration and efficiency, allow you to constantly develop your own thinking and learn new things about the world around you.