Intelligence cards as a way of personality development. Mind maps are a useful tool for structuring information

  • 11.10.2019

Mind maps. What mind maps look like. What it is. Areas of application of mind maps. How to make a mind map. The rules for drawing up mind maps.

What are mind maps?

This amazing and fascinating tool has recently come into vogue and mass use. The inventor of mind maps is Tony Buzan, a renowned figure in the psychology of learning and intelligence development.

What are they like?

Mind map is a special type of recording materials in the form radiant structure, that is, a structure emanating from the center to the edges, gradually branching into smaller parts. Mind maps can replace traditional text, tables, graphs and diagrams.

Why is recording in the form of a mind map more convenient and useful?

It's all about the peculiarities of our thinking. Our thinking is NOT organized like text, linearly. It has just such a structure: branching, each concept in our head is connected with other concepts, these other concepts are connected with the third, and so on ad infinitum.

This organization of the material is called multidimensional, radiant. It is this structure that most organically reflects our real thinking.

In the same way, neurons in our brain are connected at the physical level: each neuron entangles a network of dendrites of other neurons, from one neuron along the chains of connections we can go to another neuron.
On the contrary, one has to wonder how a person can work and think linearly? After all, our brain is absolutely not designed for this.

Mind maps- most adequately reflects our real multidimensional radiant thinking... That is why it is more convenient to use compared to regular text. Mind maps allow you to better display the structure of the material, semantic and hierarchical connections, to show what kind of relationships exist between the constituent parts.

Thanks to their structure, mind maps allow you to unleash your intellectual potential. And this is achieved due to the correct organization and due to the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Indeed, in such a branching structure, both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work.

A short video on how the mind map relates to our thinking

Mind maps have one more wonderful effect... Due to its extensibility and adaptability for radiant thinking, the creation of mind maps contributes to the development of flow of associations, thoughts, ideas.

As a rule, those who switch to the use of mind maps begin to notice how many ideas are formed in the course of their depiction, often there is not even enough meta for all the ideas initially.

That is why in our information age, the use of intelligence cards in various areas of life is becoming so relevant.

Short video: the benefits of mind maps

How can mind maps be used?

They can be used almost everywhere, in different areas of life. Namely:

  • Mind maps in operation

    • create a common vision of the project
    • create work plans
    • plan events, budget
    • prepare a speech plan, presentation
    • make decisions
    • brainstorm
    • generate ideas
    • create motivation
    • write goals
    • prepare a negotiation plan
    • streamline thoughts and ideas
  • Mind maps in educational activities

    • write down by books and by ear
    • create plans for writing articles, books, abstracts, diplomas
    • pass exams
    • structure any material, which allows you to understand the essence, thought of the author, sort out difficult material on the shelves
    • remember the meaning of the material. Mind maps are remembered many times easier than any text material
    • write a series of interrelated hypotheses
  • Mind cards in everyday life

    • use in structuring household tasks, household affairs
    • describe the advantages and disadvantages of planned purchases and acquisitions
    • create your personal family tree
    • describe the structure of a holiday or other event
    • plan your vacation

Mind map from T. Buzan's book "Super Thinking"

Creation: how to create a mind map?

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how to make a mind map correctly. Indeed, often precisely because of mistakes in its compilation and a lack of understanding of the principles of its construction, we only make a rough sketch. But it turns out that the inaccuracies made affect the perception of this intelligence of the card so much that it seems to us inoperative, meaningless.

Therefore, we will consider the basic rules. Algorithm for how to make a mind map:

1. Take an unlined sheet of paper, arrange it landscape, that is, horizontally. It is this arrangement that is most comfortable for depicting the radiant structure when compiling mind maps.
2. Take several colored pencils, markers, at least three to four colors. The use of colors allows information to be divided into blocks or ranked by importance. All this facilitates the perception of information, improves the quality of memorization by preserving the visual picture and active connection of the right hemisphere.
3. Write large and voluminous right in the center of the main theme. It is advisable to use large letters, as well as to depict schematically or drawing the main idea of ​​the card. Pictures and graphics even more connect the resources of the right hemisphere, which contributes to the rapid memorization of the compiled mind map
4. From the center do multiple branches, each of them denote keyword... The branches located around the central theme will be the largest, then as they branch, the branches will decrease. This division will visually indicate the hierarchy and relationships in the mind map.
5. Continue branching large ideas into smaller ones as needed. Each concept has associative links with other concepts. Include the process of associative thinking. Then your card will start to grow rapidly.

Olga Pavlova

The method of mind maps ”, was created by the American scientist and businessman Tony Buzan. In English it is called "mind maps". Literally the word "mind" means "mind" and the word "maps" means "maps." As a result, "mind maps" are obtained. But most often in translations, the term "mind maps" is used.

To the world preschool technologies, intelligence - the cards came thanks to the candidate pedagogical sciences V. M. Akimenko, who suggested using this method for the development of coherent speech in children.

Intellectual card Is a unique and simple memorization method

information, with the help of which both creative and

the speech abilities of children and thinking is activated.

The mind mapping method helps to awaken the child's ability to

the image of the world around them, help to structure the information that the child has to learn, break it down into specific figurative units.

Useful properties of mind maps

KD Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly."

Visibility. The whole problem with its many sides and faces

turns out to be right in front of you, you can take a look at it.

Attractiveness. A good mind map has its own aesthetic,

it is not only interesting to consider it, but also pleasant. Tony Buzan

Memorability. Thanks to the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the use

the images and colors of the mind map are easy to remember.

In pedagogical practice, mind maps can be used as follows

Consolidation and generalization of the material. Creation of generalized intelligence

maps can be the final work on the topics studied. This work is carried out both individually and frontally.

The development of coherent speech. Drawing up stories on the mind map.

While completing this task, the children independently and consistently

express their thoughts, become more active in conversation,

the ability to answer questions is formed in a widespread, vocabulary

becomes precise and varied. this work performed in group

classes on the development of coherent speech.

General requirements for drawing up any intelligence - maps.

Only colored pencils, markers, etc. are used to create maps.

The sheet is positioned horizontally.

The main idea is outlined in the center of the page. For its image, you can use drawings, pictures.

For everybody key point conducted diverging from the center

branches (in any direction). Each main branch has a different color.

Only one keyword is written above each line - branch.

Write legibly in block letters.

Each thought is outlined, you can use pictures, pictures, associations about each word.

During the modeling process, symbols and illustrations are added.

Visibility is presented in the form of objects, objects, drawings, etc.

The sequence of work when drawing up a mind map to consolidate and summarize the material of the studied topic:

Option 1:

1. The topic of the lesson is indicated (fruits, pets, flowers, etc.)

2. Children name words-nouns and depict what relates to

3. Signature words are selected for each noun.

Option 2:

For each noun, words-signs and words are selected


Children, according to the compiled mind map, for any option, make


We began to draw up intelligence - cards in the older group. At first, these were small in content maps, reflecting one theme, having in their structure only classification in some areas.

All the necessary pictures were found in used workbooks, cut out, classified, pasted, and "twigs" were drawn.

In the end senior group, the guys built quite complex intellect - maps, such as: "Continents", "Planet Earth", "Green Kingdom".

Thanks to this work, there is a development of children's associations, replenishment and activation vocabulary, the formation of the meaning of the word, the development of fantasy. A child, working with intellectual cards, proceeds in his development from simple logical operations: comparison, juxtaposition of objects, location in space, quantitative determination of common and integral parts to the ability to analyze, differentiate, and make a classification of objects. Of course, I plan to continue working with children in this direction. Thank you for your attention!

Dear colleagues. Today I will need assistants to conduct the seminar. I ask 8 people to go up on stage. Of course, I would like to have teachers among them in English.

There are sheets of paper in front of you. Now I will name the word, and you, please, depict the first thing that comes to mind. And you, dear participants in the hall, mentally imagine the image, and then compare the result.

So the word "water". Picture what comes to mind first.

Let's see the result. Please turn your sheets to the assembly hall. Participants in the audience, raise your hand, those who have imagined a similar image.

SLIDE with images.

Yes, most of us think in a standard way, in templates. It's more familiar to us, more convenient, there is a ready-made answer to everything. Our children will come to this, if you and I do not help them. In the meantime, they think like this:


Socrates said: “

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think ”.So we will try today to apply this truth to ourselves. Let us force ourselves to think differently, take the first step towards new thinking, try to look at familiar things from the other side. This will help us today "The method of mind maps", created by the American scientist and businessman Tony Buzan. In English it is called "mind maps".

Literally the word "mind" means "mind" and the word "maps" means "maps." As a result, "mind maps" are obtained. In the translations of T. Buzan's books, the term "mind maps" is most often used, although by the way the maps are constructed they reflect the process of associative thinking, so it would be more appropriate to call them association maps.
The mind mapping method is a practical application of the theory of radiant thinking. From the word

Radiant - emitting light, rays (radiant).

The central idea of ​​this theory is best represented in the words of its author: “Every bit of information entering the brain - every sensation, memory or thought - can be represented as a central spherical object, from which tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of rays radiate. ray represents an association, and each association, in turn, has an almost infinite set of connections with other associations.And this is what we call memory, that is, a database or archive. As a result of the use of this multichannel information processing and storage system the brain at any given time contains "information maps", the complexity of which would be the envy of the best cartographers of all time, if they were able to see these maps. "

Here are images of a brain neuron and a mind map.

Tony Buzan drew a parallel between the organization of thinking through mind maps and the structure of the human brain: firstly, the neuron itself looks like a mini-mind map, and secondly, thoughts at the physical level are displayed as trees of “biochomic” impulses.

Mind maps "represent an external" photograph "of the complex relationship of our thoughts at a particular moment in time. It reflects connections (semantic, associative, causal and others) between concepts, parts that make up the problem or subject area that we are considering.

The purposes of creating maps can be very different: memorizing complex material, transferring information, clarifying a question for yourself. They can be used in a wide variety of situations: in professional activities, in training, for individual planning, etc.

There are also certain rules for creating mind maps, developed by Tony Buzan, which are detailed in his book “

How to Mind Map ”. I'll introduce you to the basic rules today.

The rules for creating mind maps:

  • Only colored pencils, markers, etc. are used to create maps.
  • The main idea, problem, or word is centered.
  • To depict the central idea, you can use drawings, pictures. Each main branch has a different color.
  • The main branches are connected to the central idea, and the branches of the second, third, etc. orders are connected to the main branches.
  • The branches should be curved, not straight (like the branches of a tree).
  • Only one keyword is written above each line - branch.
  • For better memorization and assimilation, it is advisable to use drawings, pictures, associations about each word.
  • Overgrown branches can be enclosed in outlines so that they do not mix with adjacent branches.

Today we will try to create mind maps according to the Tony Buzan system. I invite my assistants to the blackboard (divide the teachers who went up the stage into 2 groups, place the water symbol in the center of the blackboard, sign with the word “

water ”, Draw in advance the branches extending from the word with colored markers).

Please write down all the words that occur in your brain associated with the word "water", do not forget that instead of the word you can use pictures or symbols.

Our cards are ready, they are completely different, each group has its own associations with the word "water".

An example of a mind map created by teachers:


You can ask me a question: "How can you use mind maps in the classroom?" I have not set a specific goal for you now. But if you had completed an assignment on a specific topic, it would have become clear that you have a plan - a diagram of your story. For example, make a mind map on the topic: "The water cycle in nature" or "The role of water in life on earth." But even with those intelligence cards that you have created, you can work. Assignment for English teachers: “Write a story on the topic“ Water ”.

Thanks for the great essays.

Why do I consider it possible to use mind maps in English lessons? The mind map can be described as an associative network of images and words. But it is the word that is the main unit of any language. The main thing, in my opinion, when studying a foreign language, English in particular, is the presence of a good vocabulary, that is, knowledge and command of a large number of words on various topics.

The student himself recalls or finds a word, which activates the processes of memory and thinking.

By imagining each word as a picture, he uses a complex set of skills that are common to both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The use of pictures and images makes it easier to translate, understand and memorize the meaning of a word.

Any thing that seems unusual, colorful or funny is much easier to remember and quickly pops up in the mind than things that are banal and boring (different colors and patterns are used for this). This is where the miraculous power of mental cards is based.

Thus, imagination, creative and critical thinking, and all types of memory: visual, auditory, mechanical, are involved in the creation of mental maps, which allows you to memorize words.

I use mind maps in my lessons to:

1) work with lexical material:

  • introduction of new vocabulary
  • consolidation of new vocabulary
  • control of vocabulary.

2) work with grammatical material.

You can make mental maps based on the studied grammatical material in order to assimilate and memorize it. (The simplest mind maps for grammatical material can be found in the textbook

Happy English. ru )

3) work with text material.

Drawing up plans for retelling texts in the form of mental maps, etc.

4) teaching oral monologue using verbal supports.

The mental map acts as a verbal support for the statement. It is effective to use cards in preparation for the exam, since less time is spent on memorizing and repeating information, and its reproduction becomes more meaningful.

5) In preparation for the exam in part C.

6) presentation of the results of project activities.

You can depict the entire process of creating a project in the form of a mental map, or only the results of the project, new ideas, etc. And then, during the presentation of the project, everything that is shown on the map is explained.

V modern world with a large flow of information, the use of mind maps in teaching schoolchildren can give huge positive results, since children learn to choose, structure and memorize key information, as well as reproduce it in the future. Mind maps help develop creative and critical thinking, memory and attention of schoolchildren, as well as make learning and learning processes more interesting, entertaining and fruitful.

In my opinion, creating mind maps will be an effective and fun teaching method in any lesson.

For instance:

  • topics in history lessons contain a lot of material: various historical facts, dates, information about historical figures, which is difficult for students to assimilate and memorize. But with mind maps you can remember and classify a large number of information. For example, on the topic “Great Patriotic War”You can draw a map where the branches of the first order will be the main battles, Stalin, the Blockade of Leningrad, Hitler, etc .;
  • in literature lessons, you can make maps about writers, which may include their main works, associations to them, lines from poems, idioms, biographies of writers, etc .;
  • in biology lessons, you can make maps on topics: "Birds", "Plants", "Animals", "Systems of the human body", etc.

Students can

, both to draw up the mind map themselves, and with the help of a teacher. It is better for the teacher to draw up his own mind map in advance, so as not to forget certain important points when studying a topic. The map can be drawn up both manually and using computer programs, of which there are a large number and among them you can find a free version.

Today I will show you how easy it is to create a mind map using the program

iMindMap ... The result is colorful maps, and you can easily save them for lessons or insert into a presentation on a new topic.

An example of drawing up a mind map on a topic

My friend ”Using the program
iMindMap .



You can read more about Radiant Thinking, the Mind Mapping Method and how to use them in Tony Buzan's Books.

Create yourself and with your children !!!

The development of modern mind diagrams belongs to the British writer and psychologist Tony Buzan and dates back to the late 80s of the last century. However, this is only an approval of the method. It is known that even in antiquity there were attempts to schematically depict information.

Mind map is an example of an easy and effective technique in the educational process, which requires a minimum of effort and time, but gives the most positive result.



Do you remember how we were asked to study information at school? Books with sheets of solid text, logical lists and step-by-step algorithms of actions were supposed to help us acquire new knowledge, but did not cause much enthusiasm. Difficult subjects had to be memorized. Long sheets of text did not want to fit in my head. All letters, words and paragraphs merged together, and there was nothing to catch the eye.

Although a linear recording of information in the form of solid text with logical markup is great for writing literature and compiling all kinds of lists, it is not the most best tool for visual structuring of information and the development of creative thinking. And this is where mental maps will help us and our children.

Mind MapsIs a wonderful tool for visualizing almost any information. The principle of building a map is similar to the form of our thinking and is based on associative connections between objects and the principle of natural hierarchy.

Here are 5 interesting options using mind maps that are suitable for children:

1. Simplify learning

Show your child how, using mental maps, you can turn a chapter from a textbook into an interesting and, most importantly, understandable and logical drawing or diagram. With your child, highlight the main thing from the section of the textbook and transfer the information to a logically connected mental map. Thus, all information will become not only visual and understandable, but it will also be easy to remember.

2. Set goals and plan for the week

Mind maps can be a powerful tool for teaching your child the habit of setting goals and planning their time. Instead of a to-do list and a list of chores, a child can form their plans into a fun mind map.

As a rule, children learn to work with mind maps very easily, and the very creation of mind maps becomes an exciting game for them.

3. Plan and manage projects

The ability to break down a complex project into simple and understandable components is a very valuable skill for every person. Invite your child to plan an event in his life, such as a walk or a birthday, using a mental map. Let him, with your help, write down the event into its component parts - who will participate, what games will be, what will be included in the menu, and so on. Over time, he will learn to independently plan and more complex and responsible projects.

4. Working with memories

After a trip to the sea, a fun party, a birthday, or a visit to your beloved grandmother, sit down with your child and record your memories on paper using a mind map. This can be a collage of photographs, drawings, newspaper clippings, travel cards, and natural materials. It might just be a map of associations and memories. Creatively capturing memories helps children deal with their emotions and values.

This activity is perfect for children as a simple introduction to mind maps.

5. For the little ones

A preschooler does not need to know the whole essence and philosophy of creating mental maps. Introducing mind mapping to your 4-year-old, starting with complex phenomena, is not a good idea.

Toddlers love to participate in the process, and they want the process to be dynamic and fun.

Michael Tipper recommends starting a child's acquaintance by choosing the most simple concepts familiar to the child and organize the items into main categories.

For example, choose a farm and help your child figure out what is on the farm - sheds, animals, people, cars. This good way study the seasons, describe different characteristics objects and so on. This will help the child begin to see the connections between objects and phenomena, as well as turn all this into a logical intellectual system.

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings to you, you friends! Scheduling time, studying, solving complex problems, making decisions - all of this is not easy. So smart people auxiliary techniques are being developed to systematize these processes. One such tool is the mind map. About what it is for, how to draw up an intelligence map correctly, read on.

The concept of a card was introduced by the famous British psychologist, lecturer, author of numerous works on improving memory and enhancing thinking capabilities, Tony Buzan. His works are known all over the world and are very popular. The finished product is a sheet of paper on which information is applied, taking into account the rules for drawing up mind maps.

Interestingly, the scientist himself first applied this technique to work with poorly performing students. For active learning methods, the mind map is still one of the main tools today. It motivates, stimulates logical, spatial thinking, develops imagination, creativity.

Its main function is effective visualization, systematization of even the most complex multi-level data, decomposition into simple, understandable components. This, in turn, makes it possible to use in the analysis all the creative, mental potential of a person, avoiding confusion and loss of important aspects.

The goals of building mind maps:

  • Planning... For example, if you need to understand what tasks and in what sequence should be solved to achieve the goal. Or when you need to prepare for a wedding and organize an event, not forgetting about a bunch of small nuances.
  • Memorization different things. In particular, business lists for the day, shopping lists, or the principle of preparing a gourmet yet incredibly complex meal.
  • Education... Using the technique, you can very easily, in detail, clearly, but at the same time simply display, for example, some data on history or biology. Sequence of events Caribbean crisis or how the digestive system works. Also, using the technique, you can make a summary of the results of reading a book or lecture. You can draw up a work plan for a coursework, diploma project.
  • Brainstorm... If you need to develop a design project, find a way out of difficult situation... What ideas does anyone have? What points to consider? What to check with the customer? Mind mapping technology will help you not to forget about anything.
  • Making decisions... You have a tricky problem. Before making a final decision on a problem that torments you, write down all the pros and cons on paper, analyze them.
  • Presentation... It will be much easier to provide the investor with basic information on the project, using a regular Whatman paper and a couple of markers.

Universal mind map technology

The bottom line is that in the center of the sheet of paper is placed first key element corresponding to the theme of the map. If this is a vacation plan, then you can draw an island in the ocean with palm trees. If opening a textile store, then a roll of fabric. Examples of mind maps can be found online.

Further clockwise, starting from the upper right corner, information is applied, designed to systematize all data on the topic under consideration. This is a basic rule that will allow even a stranger to quickly understand how to read a card. If you need to find a solution to a problem, then clockwise the following questions should be arranged in a strict sequence:

  • When?
  • Why?

So you will make your presentation not only colorful, interesting, but really understandable, informative, and therefore useful.

Mind map software

Do you prefer to work with gadgets? Especially for you, numerous applications have been developed that allow you to do this type of visualization on smartphones, tablets, PCs.

Utilities can be either paid or partially free of charge, suggesting that only a limited set of functions will be available to you without payment. There are also completely free programs, but they usually involve working online, which not everyone will be comfortable with.

I will list some popular applications:

  • iMind Map (developed by Tony Buzan himself).
  • FreeMind.
  • Сoggle
  • The Personal Brain.
  • MindManager
  • XMind

My experience

I got acquainted with the technique of mindcards in 2004. And since then I have been actively using it.

Types of tasks with which mincards help:

  • Reflections
    • New ideas with all accompanying thoughts.
    • Searching of decisions

  • Development of the structure of trainings, seminars, documents.

  • Summaries of books, articles, seminars.

For today, in my folder with mincards there are about 500 files.

I use it, I am glad and I advise you.

I will tell you even more information on effective methods of competent planning on my site. We will also work them out in practice. You can sign up right now.

And if you still have questions, I invite you for an individual consultation. Details.

If you have any questions, tell us about them in the comments to the article. I will certainly answer everyone! There is still a lot of new and interesting ahead. Subscribe so you don't miss anything. All the best! Yours Yuri Okunev.