What to say to the offender. What not to do

  • 24.09.2019

First classmates cling to them, then colleagues. What to do if you are called names? No need to panic or ignore the offender. You need to be able to take care of yourself. How to do it? Read all the details below.

understand the reason

If a person clings to you or starts insulting you, you need to enter into the position of this individual. Before deciding what to do if you are being called names, try to find out why the offender is doing it. The most common reasons:

  • The feeling is painful to realize that he is wrong, and when he runs out of arguments, he breaks down to scream. In a fit of outburst of emotions, you can say various nasty things.
  • Inflated ego. A person with high self-esteem likes to bully others. Such individuals do not offend those who can answer them. They choose weak personalities who can be pressured by authority or intimidated by force.
  • Desire to vent anger. All people need emotional release. Someone splashes out emotions while playing sports, someone is engaged in creativity, and someone offends others. What do you do if you are called stupid? Think about whether the person really thinks so, or whether they had a hard day and decided to choose you as an object for emotional release.

There is no point in being offended by the obvious

Are you often called names? Think about what offensive words sound with enviable frequency. Perhaps they tell you that you are short, tall, or bespectacled. Is it really true? What to do if you are called names in a similar style? Don't be offended by the truth. Yes, you may be superior to the rest, but this is your advantage over them, not a disadvantage. If you are short, then consider this feature of your appearance as yours. unique feature. Do you wear glasses? There is nothing shameful here. A person should not be upset by the truth. Make peace with your appearance and try to love it. You cannot do anything about your physical handicaps. You have to learn to accept them. Each person is unique, and red hair, freckles, big lips or nose should not interfere with your life at all. Take them for granted - and then the insults will stop hurting you.

Control your emotions

Often a person is provoked by peers for the reason that he does not know how to respond to criticism or insults. What to do if you are called names? You need to answer, but the reaction should not be explosive. Some people like to be called names for the reason that they shrink from any sideways glance and begin to tremble or run away from the room. And some individuals try to deal with insults in a different way. They begin to scream wildly and insult the offender in response. Others may be amused by your form of responding to name-calling, and they will be similarly amused at your expense. Don't respond to insults. Know how to control yourself. Do not let others replace excitement or some kind of mental change during a conversation in raised tones. If you stop reacting violently to name-calling, the offender will be bored, and he will soon leave you behind.

Use a sense of humor

What can defuse the situation and cheer everyone up? That's right, humor. You must develop the ability to quickly find the right words, preferably sarcastic. An answer in this spirit will amuse not only you and your offender, but also everyone who watched the skirmish. As a result, the winner is always the one who knows how to stand up for himself better, and not the one who utters offensive words. If you understand that the person insulted you not by accident, but intentionally, humor will be doubly appropriate. You can bring down the arrogance of the interlocutor.

Answer examples

How to respond to an insult with humor and sarcasm? Use template answers. For example: "Say, I always yawn when I'm interested." The phrase is quite original. Such an expression must be accompanied by a feigned yawn. Your composure and ability to save face will amaze the offender, and he will no longer pester you.

Another answer: “Are you getting into my life because yours didn’t work out?” Such a response to offensive words will completely whitewash you. There is no slop here. But still, you need to understand who should say such a phrase, and who should not.

And another option for responding to an insult could be: “Thank you for your interest in me.” By speaking in this way, you do not provoke further conversation in any way, so you can safely leave the offender with your head held high.

Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself

Teenagers take abuse very hard. What to do if you are called names at school? A teenager must understand that it is not always his fault that he has become the object of ridicule. Therefore, one of the good ways is to laugh at yourself. This works well if they call you names not on a regular basis, but from time to time when you find yourself in the same awkward situation. For example, you can say a word incorrectly or eat a chocolate bar in such a way that after eating you will not look too clean. Learn to laugh at your missteps along with everyone. But still, you should not step on the same rake all the time. Having run into unpleasant name-calling twice, try to correct your mistake so as not to listen to offensive words all the time.

Don't make yourself a victim

Who is made to laugh at? Over persons who do not know how to restrain their emotions, and over people suffering from low self-esteem. What to do if a boy calls you names? Do not let others mock and insult you. Strong personalities that no one will touch. So get rid of the false shyness that your mother or grandmother imposed on you. Modesty and courtesy must be dosed. IN modern life these qualities only complicate life, not make it better.

If you do not have physical strength, try to crush the offender with your intellect. In this case, you need to read more in order to not only appear to be a smart person, but actually be one.

Learn to accept yourself the way you are. You should not take unreasonable criticism and gross insults to heart.

Don't be afraid to ask a question

What to do if your friends call you names? Try to put pressure on pity. Of course, this is the last way that you should resort to, but still it can be effective in relation to people who love and respect you. When you ask him why he did it? A man's conscience should wake up, and he will apologize for his trick. Even if a sense of pride did not allow your friend to immediately apologize, he will simply understand that it is difficult for you to tolerate jokes addressed to him, and he will change the style of communication with you. On the other hand, it would be useful to think about whether such friends are needed ...

What to do if your parents call you names? Check out the same trick. Ask your mom if she really thinks what she says. Not many people know how to control their emotions and for this reason they can offend a loved one in the heat of anger. Cooling the ardor of parents, the child is more likely to be heard than if he insulted adults in response.

What not to do

Man is a complex individual. Not every person is able to argue his particular act. Something is done unconsciously and subconsciously. But not always the result of such actions will be positive. Sometimes a person may be dissatisfied with their behavior. Tips on how to respond to insults were given above, and now we will analyze what not to do.

  • Apply force. Fighting has never led to anything good. cultured man must be able to defend himself with words, not fists. It is foolish to waste your energy on beating up your classmates or friends. And if such a way of behavior in children can still be called acceptable, then for an adult such behavior is an indicator of low development and inadequacy.
  • Seek support from elders. Children and adolescents must learn to find a way out of difficult life situations on their own. There is no point in hiding behind your mother's skirt. Classmates and friends will not be able to respect someone who does not try to solve the problem on their own, but runs to complain to an adult about being treated unfairly.
  • Cry. You don't have to show your weakness in public. Tears are a manifestation of emotional release, but still learn to hold them back until you are alone. If you cry every time you are insulted, then offensive words addressed to you will constantly fly.
  • Scream. You can't respond to a shout with a shout. Know how to restrain your emotions and keep your cool. Do not show the offender rage, because most often a person wants to achieve this. Your calmness can infuriate the offender, and as a result, he will lose his temper, not you. Remember, victory always goes to the one who managed to save face in battle.

This is one of the first desires that arise after an insult. But a retaliatory attack is appropriate only if it:

  • witty;
  • takes place in the circle of relatives or friends;
  • defuse the situation rather than exacerbate the conflict.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a wit worse than Oscar Wilde, answering an insult with an insult is not best way out. So you sink to the level of a boorish opponent and make it clear that his words hurt you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Make a joke

The difference between a witty insult and a joking response is that in the latter case, you are making fun of the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: the insult loses its toxicity, tension, and the audience (if any) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-self-deprecating position. This will confuse your opponent and mask the sarcasm.

Example 1: A colleague says you've prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: You are probably right. Next time, I won't ask my five-year-old son for help."

Example 2: A stranger calls you names.

Answer: “Thank you, this is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my shortcomings. Something to think about over lunch."

3. Accept

In some cases, it is really worth analyzing words that seem offensive to you. Especially if they come from people close and respected by you. In this case, take their remarks not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

It would be useful to think about the motives of people, to find out what exactly made them use harsh language. Perhaps this is a violent reaction to your far from angelic behavior.

4. Respond to intent, not words

Any insult always has a hidden purpose. Make the secret clear: designate it.

For example, in response to rude words, say: “Wow! Something really serious happened between us, since you decided to hurt me.

So, on the one hand, you can unsettle your opponent, and on the other hand, find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Keep calm

If the insult does not come from loved one, and from a colleague, acquaintance or even stranger, never show that the words hurt you. Most likely, behind them lies insecurity, dissatisfaction with their own lives and a desire to simply recoup you. Don't let the trick work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to bend your line: ask what exactly caused such a reaction in a person, not paying attention to his words.

6. Ignore

Often the best answer is its absence. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send boors to . Well, "in offline mode" you can always skip the insult past your ears or leave. You have every right to do so.

An example from ancient Roman history... Once upon a time public baths someone hit the politician Cato. When the offender came to apologize, Cato replied: "I don't remember the blow."

This phrase can be interpreted as follows: "You are so insignificant that not only do I not care about your apology, but I did not even notice the insult itself."

7. Use the law

You can hold the offender accountable, or at least threaten him with it. Punishment for insult is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but slander is already in the scope of criminal law. In case of insults from the boss, you can contact the personnel department.

The main thing - remember: no one has the right to encroach on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you must respond to people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

How to answer in an original, beautiful, funny way?

Nobody wants to be boring, and you also want to answer comments and questions in an original way, with enthusiasm, somehow beautiful or cool, funny. The best way is to relax and just be yourself, catch the wave. To do this, you can chat and laugh with friends, watch some funny video, in general, cheer yourself up. But if you are in thought, here you will find tips and ready-made recipes that can be answered in a given situation. What is the best way to respond to a comment? What to say?

Starting a Conversation: Answers

What to say to "Hi"?

This is the most common way to start a conversation - a person writes "Hi" and waits for a response. If you know who it is, you can answer Hello, Misha(or whatever his name is). This will save you from possible question“Why don’t you answer,” and you can continue the conversation normally.

If a person writes "Hi, let's get to know each other?" Try to understand who it is. Go to his/her page. Do you want to get to know this person? Answer Hey! Yes, sure. You can add: Tell about yourself in short. To look friendly, you can "smile". Add a smiley face to the answer, like this - :) If you do not want to meet, write Hello, I'm not looking for new acquaintances, sorry. By the way, perhaps the guy writes “let's get acquainted” just to raise self-esteem. He wants to please himself, to be interested in him. In fact, maybe he doesn’t need to get acquainted and he is even afraid of girls in reality. Try to find out.

It all depends on your desire to be friends. If a person just wants to add you as a friend, there is little sense in such friendship (maybe he is competing with friends who has more friends). Let's just subscribe to the page. But if this person is interesting to you (look at his or her page), why not - make friends, chat, you have nothing to lose. You can answer in jest: Come on if you're not afraid.

How to answer the question "How are you"?

They say that a bore is a person who, to the question “How are you?” starts to actually tell how he's doing. Therefore, it is not surprising that you want to answer somehow interesting, intricate and not boring. And most likely, the interlocutor does not need a detailed report on how you are doing, he just wants to communicate with you. can you just answer Yes, it's ok, how about you?

"What are you doing?" - what to say?

Likewise, this question is asked to start a conversation. Answer briefly, for example: I'm lying on the couch, bored and then ask your question: And you?“Of course, if you don’t mind chatting now.

"Why are not you sleeping?" - what to say?

Answer got enough sleep or, if you want more playfully, So this is not a dream? I thought I was sleeping. And to give a certain hint, you can write Not with anyone. Well, you can honestly answer: I'm just surfing the Internet, I don't want to sleep yet.

"What's new?" - how to answer?

A man wants to show that he is interested in you (even though he may not actually be). If you want to, tell him what's new Let's say in the last week. Maybe something made you special impression(film, TV show, words or deed of a friend, acquaintance). Mentally put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and think about whether he will be interested in what you are going to tell. If yes, then tell me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" - how to answer?

Similarly, a man wants to show his interest in you. Do not be boring and do not describe household details, but look at the hint above, in response to the question "What's new?"

We start the conversation first

What to text a guy? What to write to a girl?

Go to his or her page. Look at the photos, study what the person is interested in. Perhaps you have some common interests. Here you can easily find a reason for a question that he will be interested in answering, and you - to listen to the answer.

A good way to start a conversation is to simply write Hello. A person will look at your page and respond if he likes you.

You can leave a comment on any photo, this can also be the beginning of a conversation. But if you're dating a girl, keep in mind that they're usually fed up with compliments.

If you already know each other and communicate for a while, you can directly write what you want meet, go somewhere(on a date). Being honest in expressing feelings is the best way. But also do not be boring, as if your whole life is now fixated on this person. It's good if you're into something that you can talk about.

Responses to compliments

How to respond to "beautiful"?

“Beautiful” or “very beautiful” - these are the guys who most often write in the comments to the photo. It is unlikely that a girl will post pictures where she looks ugly, so it is clear that you are beautiful in all your pictures! And writing “beautiful” as a compliment is the first thing that comes to a guy’s mind if he wants to draw attention to himself, somehow stand out among others, and maybe win you over. Let it be stupid, but if you are pleased, you can answer something to hint that you are not against further communication. For example, Glad you liked it, thanks mom and dad. You can just put a heart(click "Like" on the guy's comments). If compliments from this guy do not interest you, do not answer anything.

Relationship talk

"Have a boyfriend?" What to say?

If you have a boyfriend, say yes, there is. But if you don't want to come clean because you want to hook up with this guy too, say no. Or, for example, Do you want to become one? For fun, you can still answer And you have?

What to say to an ex?

Your ex is texting you. What to answer him? You're not sure. On the one hand, you want to send him away, on the other hand, to return pleasant moments (even if you don’t admit it to yourself). What to do? If he wants to get you back, and you basically admit such a possibility, offer to meet and talk. Don't reveal your feelings. If you do not want to see him, write that you are not ready to talk yet. And if you're already dating someone else and you definitely don't want your ex, tell him you're happy and let him live his life. Be a queen!

"I love you". What to write in response?

If a guy is suspiciously easy to confess his feelings, then keep in mind that his words may not be true. But if you love him and are confident in him, then answer I also(love you). Otherwise, just say that you nice.


How to answer "May I ask a question?"

This means that a person wants to ask you a question, but not some nonsense, but a more serious one. Maybe related to your personal life. Or maybe this person wants to find out how you feel about him. Anyway, you can answer: Yes, sure!- this will show that trust has already appeared between you, and you are not averse to seeing the question.

If the question turns out to be such that you do not want to answer it, write: May I not answer this question? Please don't be offended.

How to answer the question "Why?"

Let's say a guy offers to meet, but you don't want to. He asks: "Why?" - that is, he wants to understand the reason and at the same time still hopes that you will change your mind. Most likely, he is offended. "Why?" - how to answer this question? The best thing tell the truth. For example, you don't want to date him because you don't like him. Then write like this: "I don't like you." This will be enough.

And how to answer "Because?"

By asking "Why", you can get the answer "Because". Apparently, a person wants to say something in the spirit of “Is it really incomprehensible ?!”. If you don't understand, ask politely: Explain please. Don't be rude.

"What are you?" What to answer, what am I?

What can you say about yourself? What am I? Imagine that your good friends. How would they describe you? What are you - serious, funny, beautiful, cool, cool? So answer. Write Literally in two or three words to interest the guy, but at the same time not to scare him if you have an interest in him. After all, girls love to intrigue men.

"I thought you wouldn't answer"

With these words, the man, as it were, expresses: he thought about you and was worried that you would no longer want to communicate with him. But since you did answer, he is very happy and looks forward to further communication and development of relations.

Why does a person not write, answer?

He may not have read your message. Or read, but did not answer, because he forgot or he was distracted. Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't mean anything. Later try to write again, give a signal. If you communicated in VK, but the communication was interrupted, you can still send SMS.

How to respond to rudeness?

It is best to ignore the boor, that is, do not pay attention to him and do not answer anything. And for complete peace of mind - block this person, if possible. More about it here:

How to respond to an offensive, negative comment?

You can answer like this: Look, something is happening in your life, and I know that it has nothing to do with me. This is not written in a good mood. Something makes you project your problems onto me. I'm sorry whatever happened to you. But I know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me. Have a good day!


What to say to "Come on"?

"Come on" is a vulgar way of saying "bye" or "goodbye"; it means something like "give a paw", that is, a hand to shake it goodbye. can you just answer Bye or, if you want to hurt a person, tell him that “come on” is vulgar, that only a gopota says that.

How to say goodbye

Sometimes you want to say goodbye in some beautiful or original way, but this can make a strange impression. Better just write For now, let's talk later or Look, I'm going to be a little busy right now, let me text you later. Or you can write Until communication.

Add a comment. Here? Yes, easily!

You can add, submit, leave a comment down here to practice. Or show others how beautiful and original you can write! Spam and insults are removed, don't worry.

Be in touch with those who are dear to you

Do It start page, connect your favorite sites and be always in touch! You will always know if you have new messages, friend requests, new guests on the page and much more:

We also have statuses for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki — a generator of random statuses. Choose what topic you need a status on, click the button and get it!

From time to time, everyone encounters rudeness. It can happen on the street, in the office. Often, we hear insults in public transport and communicating online. In order not to become a victim of a boor, and not to be led to his provocation, you need to properly fight back and worthy answers. This article is dedicated to just that. After reviewing the information offered in it, you will learn how to respond to an insult.

It is not necessary to answer insulting phrases with silence and fists. It is better, while remaining calm, to make a politely reciprocal “compliment”.

life situations are different. And if you do not learn how to properly respond to them, you can waste your nerves. And, worse, even become the culprit of a provocative conflict. Therefore, below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to behave if you have been insulted. And also, how to correctly respond to the offender.

Insulting a person can lead to a dead end. In such situations, it is difficult to figure out how to react. To save your nerves, it is useful to know the following recommendations:

Controlling emotions and learning to fight back

Initially, try to surround yourself with positive people. Associate with sincere and cheerful people. That way you can definitely avoid insults. However, if such a situation arose, be able to competently protect yourself and adequately respond. The advice of a psychologist will come to the rescue.

It is worth thinking about your self-esteem. By increasing its level, it will be possible to quickly and easily give an answer to an insult to a boor. In addition, a person with a strong spirit and self-confidence is much less likely to be rude.

Responses to provocation

If you had to communicate with negative person You shouldn't show him your feelings. Express your point of view with confidence and firmness. Speak relaxed. Often, provocative and touchy phrases are spoken weak people. Their “strength” is your weakness. Remain calm and don't get defensive.

In situations where, when talking with the offender, you feel that patience is coming to an end, sneeze. As strange as it may sound, this method works. It is considered relevant when insults from the lips of a boor “flow” in an endless stream. After waiting for the right moment, sneeze loudly. This will create a long pause. You can use it by turning the situation in your direction. So, for example, after a sneeze, offer the offender the following answer: "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit".

This method will help in situations where a skirmish occurs in a society of people you know, employees. It consists in redirecting negativity and aggression to the rude person himself. It is enough for you to agree with the offender and praise him for spending his precious time criticizing you. Learn how to respond appropriately in situations like this. Correctly form a phrase to hide causticity.

This way to beautifully respond to rudeness is used by netizens. Basically, administrators and moderators of virtual communities. The rules written by the management of sites and forums are ignored by some. This usually happens when any disputes arise against the background of the participant's stay in the community. For example, if he is denied access for a violation, in response a person may turn to rudeness. The easiest argument is to “ban” a character. If you need to point out his mistakes, proving your case, describe them dryly and without emotion. Reading such a text (list), a person will cool down.

Ignore the interlocutor. This method of dealing with rudeness and insults is the most common.

It allows you to give a worthy offender answer. Using this technique, you can respond beautifully and safely get rid of the rude. Although silence is not always effective. It is necessary to look at the situation. It may be necessary to “turn on” complete indifference in response to the interlocutor’s attempts to win attention and piss you off. Treat it like it's empty space.

How to avoid conflicts when communicating online?

Regarding communication in the network, in general, you can adhere to the previously given options for responses. But there are features on how to respond to an insult on the network.

Original options that allow you to repulse the enemy

Often occur non-standard situations when only witty responses to insults can lead the offender into a stupor. For such cases, here is a list of what the answer might be:

  • “I don’t know what you eat, but it works. Your intelligence is slowly but surely going to zero.
  • "To impress me, you will finally have to say something smart"
  • “Your teeth reminded me of the stars: they are the same yellow and are so far from each other ...”
  • "Just because you look terrible doesn't give you the right to act the same."
  • “Are you really like this or is this your image?”
  • “Were you the same as a child or prettier?”
  • "You're so clever! Does your skull hurt by any chance?”

These and other witty answers will help to beautifully and tactfully remove the enemy from the "battlefield".

And if a skirmish took place in front of colleagues, your reputation is guaranteed not to suffer. Unlike the person who threw an insult at your account.

No one can give an exact answer on how to correctly respond to an insult. Life situations are different. Therefore, first analyze what happened in order to give the offender a fitting rebuff.

So, how does communication (communication) take place in general - a diagram
Every person has three 'I's in their head (three Ego states: "R"- parental or stereotypical; "IN"- adult or rational; "D"- childish or emotional), and when two people communicate, in fact 6 people communicate (one RAD and another RAD).

At one point in time, a person can only be in one “I”, and perceive and transmit information only from it. See the communication scheme, using the example of a buyer and a seller (where, just like that, you can often find rudeness, rudeness, and even insults).

The diagram shows parallel (direct), conflict-free transactions (communication units - one asked, the other answered, while both, at the moment of question-answer, are in the same Ego-states).
Here, a priori, insults, rudeness and rudeness are excluded.

In this example, the buyer is asking an "Adult", a rational question, subconsciously referring to the "Adult Self" of the seller. And the latter, perhaps because of his irritability or bad mood, crosses the transaction, responding, as it were, “from top to bottom”, from his “Parental Self” to the “Childish, emotional “I” of the buyer, which can provoke emotionality (affect) in the latter, for example, first resentment, and then anger.

If the buyer responds to rudeness and insult with rudeness, then there will be a conflict, because. transactions will specifically intersect (see the figure below).

Similar pre-conflict and conflict situations, where rudeness and rudeness reign, and sometimes even insults, can be observed in the relationship between husband and wife, and in any other interpersonal relationship, where transactions intersect, leading to quarrels and conflicts, and then to a break in relations and sometimes to psychological disorders.

Here, the wife, to the “adult” question of her husband, answers either from the “Parental Self” (with a “collision”), or from the “Childish Self” (with resentment, as if she was “run over”), which crosses the transaction, provoking angry, possibly abusive ("Parental") response of the husband and conflict in the family.

What to do, how to properly respond to rudeness, rudeness and insults?

As you already understood, if you respond to rudeness and rudeness with insults, then nothing good will come of it - problems have never been solved in conflicts, neither in everyday life, nor in business, nor in politics (you always need a dialogue at the level of “Adults, rational selves).

To begin with, you don’t have to delve into the essence of why they are rude and rude to you (these are their psychological problems), the main thing here is to realize why you want to respond to rudeness with rudeness and even insults, or, be offended and then take revenge (whatever to whom - the offender himself, someone close, or a beloved dog), the main thing is to work out a negative emotion).

And for this you need to learn to be clearly aware of yourself, your inner "I", when and in what "Ego-state" you are (Ego-state). For example (all about the same seller), you were aware of yourself in a rational (adult) I-state, because you really wanted to know (clarify) the cost of the goods before buying.

But instead of the same “Adult” answer, you were rude and even indirectly insulted. What to do, how to respond to rudeness?

After all, for a second you switched to the “Childish, emotional I” and for a moment felt, let's say, resentment or injustice ... (this must be realized). And then it automatically worked for you psychological protection, and you switched again, but already in the "Parental Self", already felt "righteous anger" and you wanted to be rude in response - this is a mistake.

If you can be aware of your switching in ego states, then you can always respond to any rudeness, rudeness or insult smartly and beautifully, just using the so-called psychological sambo (judo, aikido - whatever you like).

Your task, having realized yourself in the “childish, emotional I” at the time of the psychological attack (rudeness, rudeness, insults addressed to you), is not to switch, at least immediately, to the “Parental I”, but to complete the situation in the emotional ego state , since the message, the insulting transaction (see the figure above) is directed exactly down to your “childish self”, where, in fact, you felt resentment, guilt or injustice.

From this, childish ego-state, you need to end the situation - if you are offended, briefly pretend that you are offended; if they blame - temporarily feel guilty (show it), etc.

And without letting the opponent say more than a word, continue the conversation from any, better than the “adult”, ego state.

Remember, when you are in the "rational self" (no emotions), your intellect is working on full power, which means you can easily pick up any necessary, smart and beautiful words to correctly respond to insult, rudeness and rudeness in any situation.

Your "adult", rational and conscious goal (in the example of the seller) is to buy a product, and not to make a fuss with it, ruining your mood for the whole day. Therefore, realizing the feeling of injustice in the “childish self”, during rudeness and rudeness, and realizing that in fact you are accused of not being able to see prices (in not knowing them) - the mistake of the seller’s thinking - you need to answer from that ego state ( children's), to which the vector of the accusation “what is oblique, you don’t see the price tag” is directed - like, “yes, sorry, I didn’t take my glasses.” (why would you need to prove to some upset person that you are not oblique ... you yourself know this ...).

Similarly, you can act in any pre-conflict situations, responding beautifully and intelligently to rudeness, rudeness and any insults. This way you keep your good mood, do the job, maintain and improve relations, and do not accumulate negativity in your head, which then needs to be worked out on your own internal organs(if you are an introvert) or on other people (if you are an extrovert)…

Help of a psychoanalyst

Read journal of psychological assistance: useful articles and recommendations of psychologists