webalta start page. The Webalta search engine, which the entire Runet hates - how to remove Webalta from a computer

  • 02.07.2020

Experienced computer users know that when installing programs, you need to carefully look at the windows that open, and not click " Further » on the machine. If you neglect this rule, then you can get, in addition to the program that you need, a lot of unnecessary add-ons that will not be so easy to remove later.

One of these intrusive additions is the Webalta search engine, whose creators are so eager to get promoted and catch up with Yandex that they are not shy about funds. The main page of the Webalta search engine, without your consent, can register as the start page of your browser, along with its own toolbar, which you also hardly need. There is hope for antiviruses, some of them block these unwanted changes, but still there is no 100% guarantee that this will happen. Meanwhile, removing Webalta is not so easy, for this it is not enough just to change the start page. The Webalta start page is registered not in one browser, but in all at once, and reinstalling browsers, that is, completely demolishing them and installing them again, does not help either.

It may seem that Webalta can only be fought with a complete rearrangement of the system. But do not rush to demolish Windows. After all, there is a more humane way to remove the Webalta search engine.

To begin with, the Webalta search engine penetrates deep into the system, so the first thing we do is clean the registry. In any version of Windows, you can enter the registry in the same way.

Remove Webalta from the registry

  1. Start Run .
  2. In the line that appears, enter regedit. This command will open the registry editor. Our task is to delete all records left by Webalta.
  3. Top menu Edit Find . A search box will open, enter Webalta and click Find next . Select the line with the found entry, which contains the word Webalta and delete it with the key Delete . Continue searching with the button F3 until all records are deleted (there may be more than 100).
  4. We restart the computer.

You can try to remove the Webalta toolbar. In fact, while the toolbar exists and works in the browser, it is useless to change the start page - the next time the browser is loaded, the Webalta toolbar will again set home.webalta.ru as the start page.

Removing the Webalta toolbar

  1. Let's go to:
    For Windows XP: Start Control Panel Installing or removing programs .
    For Windows 7: Start Control Panel Programs Uninstalling a program .
  2. In the list that opens, find webalta toolbar, press Delete , a window will open, on the second page of which you must check the box Remove toolbars from browsers .
  3. You can try to remove the toolbar from the menu Start All programs , there should be an icon Uninstall. You need to run the uninstaller twice - this is important! The toolbar is removed the first time, and the start pages are removed the second time.
  4. After deleting, restart the computer.

But after a reboot, you may see that not all traces of Webalta have been removed. It often happens that after these actions, the question of how to remove Webalta from the start page remains. If your start page is still home.webalta.ru and not the one you need, you need to check the properties of browser shortcuts. Right click on your browser shortcut, then Properties - tab Label - line An object , then find the addresses of Webalta sites and remove these mentions, then click Save . This must be done in all installed browsers.

To permanently remove Webalta from your computer, you need to remove it separately from each installed browser.

How to remove Webalta from Chrome

  1. Close Google Chrome.
  2. Go to the Chrome user settings folder:
    For Windows XP: Start Run %appdata%\..\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default or %appdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\DefaultEnter .
    For Windows 7: Start Run %appdata%\..\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\DefaultEnter .
  3. notepad ) file Preferences , find all the lines that mention Webalta and delete them. Save the file, launch Google Chrome again.
  4. Set the desired start page in Chrome: New inset - enter chrome://chrome/settings/- set up initial group .

How to remove Webalta from Opera

  1. Close Opera.
  2. We clean the registry as described above.
  3. Find the Opera configuration files: Start Run %WINDIR%Enter ctrl+f - enter operaprefsEnter . The files you need have names that start with operaprefs and extensions .ini.
  4. Open by anyone text editor(For example notepad) files that you found and using the search, we find all mentions of Webalta and delete them.
  5. Launch Opera and set the desired start page: Opera Settings General settings Main Home .

How to remove Webalta from Mozilla Firefox

  1. Close Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Go to your Firefox profile folder:
    For Windows XP: Start Run %appdata%\..\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ or Enter , go to the folder xxxxx.default
    For Windows 7: Start Run %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Enter , go to the folder xxxxx.default, where x is any numbers or letters.
  3. Open with any text editor (eg. notepad) files sessionstore.js, user.js and prefs.js(v latest versions Mozilla Firefox File user.js may not be), we find mentions of Webalta and replace it with the address of the site that you want to make the start page. We save the changes.
  4. Launch Mozilla Firefox and set the desired start page: Firefox Settings Main start page .

How to remove Webalta from Internet Explorer

  1. Close Internet Explorer.
  2. We clean the registry according to the instructions above.
  3. Launch Internet Explorer and set the desired start page: Service » — « Internet Options » — « Are common » — « Homepage «.

How to remove webalta if after installing any program the utility appeared in the browser?

What is Webalta and what is it for?

Webalta search is a full-fledged virus program, which is presented simultaneously in several modifications: as a toolbar for all browsers installed on the computer, as a search engine and a browser start page.

The search engine was created as an analogue to the services of Yandex and Google, the project was launched in 2005. However, the site http/webalta.ru did not receive the expected popularity among users, and the developers decided to make the system viral content - a program that, without the consent of the user, is installed into the operating system along with any other utility.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to remove a virus program, since it is installed immediately in the form of several modifications. Let's take a closer look at all the ways to remove an unwanted application from your personal computer or laptop running different versions of windows OS.

Uninstall from a computer running Windows 7

Webalta is recognized by most anti-virus programs as Trojan.StartPage.Win32.14997 - this type of Trojan infects the computer through software installation packages and by unpacking archives. However, removing the virus through a special program will not solve the problem. The start page and toolbar will still be present in the browser.

Advice! Before proceeding with the uninstallation, make sure that all browsers of the operating system are closed. Otherwise, the deletion may be performed incorrectly and some elements of the service will remain in the system.

Most easy way– delete from the computer all files containing the name of the service in their names. To do this, go to the “This PC” window and enter the word “webalta” (without quotes) in the search field. Wait until the system finds all items that match this request and delete each found file and shortcut. After that, restart your computer and check if the search engine elements are still in the browser.

If the service has not been removed, follow the instructions below:

  • Open the Run window. It can be called through the Start menu or using the Win + R key combination;
  • Now you need to call the registry window. To do this, enter the regedit command in the text field of the window;

  • Wait for the Registry Editor to turn on. In the window that opens, click on the Edit menu item (top toolbar) and then click on the Find item, as shown in the figure below:

  • In the search box, enter the word webalta and check the box to view sections, parameter names, and parameter values. Thus, the search will be performed on the entire register of the computer;

Remember! Some components of the search engine may be skipped and not removed, to refresh the search results, periodically press the keyF3.

Don't forget to remove all program shortcuts from your desktop and Start menu. It is also necessary to clean the shortcuts of all browsers of the operating system.

Clearing the browser shortcut

To clear all browser shortcuts from webalta components, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Right-click on the browser shortcut and open the properties item;
  2. Delete the start.webalta.ru line in the object field and update the shortcut properties;
  3. The value of the field should change. Now press the Apply Changes key.

After completing the above steps, be sure to check the operating system for viruses with a special program or several utilities at once. The malware may not be removed and reinstall Webalta on your computer.

If your anti-virus software detects adware.webalta on your personal computer, quarantine it immediately. This method allows you to permanently remove the service page from the browser.

How to Erase Windows XP Control

Repeat all the steps that were described in the process of removing the service from the Windows 7 operating system. You should also add a few more steps that must be performed due to the features of the operating system.

Go to the “My Computer” window and use the search field to find the user.js file and delete it. Also look for the file prefs.js. It may not be in the system, but if you find it, open the file using the standard notepad utility and go to line 50-60 of the document. In the area of ​​these lines there will be text browser.startup.homepage or _http//webalta.ru. Remove both options and save the file. Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Also try searching for the file operaprefs_fixed.ini. Delete all files found by this request.

Following all the instructions above, you will remove the virus from the directories of the operating system, however, the search engine may remain in browsers, so you need to clear all Webalta components from each browser installed on your computer.

Removing a virus from a browser

For IE (Internet Explorer) follow these instructions:

  • Turn on the main Start menu and go to the Run window or the Win + R combination;
  • Enter the regedit command in the window that opens

  • Open the registry search, as described in the instructions above;
  • Enter webalta.ru in the search bar and delete all elements. Repeat the action several times.

For Opera, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the main system directory called C:\Windows\System32;
  2. In this package, find the operaprefs_default.ini file and open the files with notepad;
  3. The file contains harmful code that prevents Webalta from being removed from the browser. If you find the line Home URL=http://webalta.ru, change the address to the search engine you need and save the changes. Only after that launch the browser;

Advice! If you opened a browser and nothing has changed, clean up the registry.

Removing the service from this browser is quite difficult. Follow the instructions below:

  • Launch your browser and find the Help menu. Open it;
  • Now enable the troubleshooting information field and navigate to the browser's main directory. In this folder, find the user.js and/or prefs.js files;

  • As a rule, in these files, the virus changes the text to become the main page in the browser. Open each of the found files with notepad and find the lines that mention the name webalta. Document search is performed using the key combination CTRL+F. Then enter the word or phrase you want to search for in the text box.

After completing the above steps, clean the registry as described in the previous instructions in the article.

Google Chrome

  • To get started, go to your browser settings and remove Webalta from the browser start page field.

  • Clear registry data.
  • Now clear the browser shortcut. This method is described above in the article. After that, do not open the browser, but open the "run" window and enter the command chrome.exe in the text field. it allows you to open the browser in safe mode and with administrator rights.
  • Delete browser cache and cookies using the settings window. Now close the browser window and be sure to clean the registry. Don't launch your browser. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If after some time the service reappears in the browser, scan the computer with an antivirus, move the files to quarantine and delete the Webalt files again.

In order not to catch the Webalta virus again, install all programs only from the official websites of the developers. Do not download pirated games and self-extracting archives.

Thematic videos:

Increasingly, users can hear the question of how to remove Webalta. And there are still a lot of complaints about the ill-fated application. But what kind of animal it is, no one can clearly say. Wikipedia says that the companies are credited with being associated with cybercrime, which is mostly malware that, like an octopus with its tentacles, takes control of your browser without your permission. But you should always put everything on the shelves, because there is a possibility that you can make a mistake. In general, you need to figure out where this Webalta got to your computer from and what it actually is.

Webalta - an enemy legionnaire or a search engine?

The company was founded on August 25, 2005, but it began to acquire active actions and a certain share of its “popularity” over the past few years. In general, there are a lot of ways to “catch” Webalta, it’s enough just not to remove some small checkbox when installing any programs, updates or utilities, and when you start your favorite browser, you can prepare for a surprise. Webalta, like a faithful dog, will be waiting for you in the browser, and it doesn't matter if you gave your consent or not.

But you should not immediately fall into despair, since Webalta is not considered a virus. It's just that the company has to compete with such powerful whales of the information business as, for example, Yandex, which leads to the use of extreme measures, to some extent even quite aggressive and not entirely ethical. Yes, in war all means are good, but the average user has to suffer, not to mention the image of the search engine itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question of how to remove the Webalta search engine is one of the most popular. The irony is that in the Webalta search engine itself, this is perhaps the leading question that the “lucky” owners of this “gift” are concerned about.

And you were warned

Some anti-virus programs recognize the Webalta toolbar as suspicious software and try to prevent the installation in the bud, but if you were not stopped when you clicked the "OK" button during any installation, then you will have to tinker. It will take a lot of time, but later you will be able to use your favorite search engine again. Of course, this effect will last until you run into the all-encompassing Webalta again.

Fighting the Webalta toolbar

The first method that tells how to remove Webalta - Windows 7 may offer to remove the toolbar. To do this, you need a little patience and sleight of hand. First, we step into the "Start" menu, select "Control Panel", then "Programs" and get into the "Uninstall programs" tab. After carefully reviewing the list of opened applications, among them you need to find Webalta toolbar and, having previously highlighted this name, click "Delete". But that's not all, because in the Webalta removal window that opens, you need to check "Remove toolbars from browsers" and watch how your operating system performs the exorcism ceremony under yours, of course. jubilation.

It should be noted that the removal of the "Vebalty" toolbar is mandatory and necessary condition for any method in the instructions on how to remove Webalta. All this is because if you do not carry out this operation, then the first time you reload and start the browser, it will be updated and become the start page, no matter how you try to delete it in other ways. Therefore, the fight should begin with the toolbar.

Method two - knight's move

There is a good saying: "you, yes, with your own weapons," so here. There is another way how to remove Webalta.ru. Since this is a program, it also has its own uninstaller, its own Uninstaller. But he hides cunningly, so here you really need to sweat, but not too much. As a rule, it can be found in the Start menu, among previously installed programs. Or go the path of little resistance, to do this, simply open the search for all files and write the word "Webalta". After you get the results, you need to find the install/uninstall program.

After you find the enemy Uninstaller, then run it twice. This is necessary to remove both the toolbar and the start page (you will only have this option on the second launch). Next, after completing all these manipulations, restart the computer and make sure that the operations were successful. Remember that this point is necessary even if you have already removed the toolbar yourself, because a search engine like Webalta does not give up so easily.

Last round

Having completed all the previous manipulations, you were already ready to issue a victory cry, but Webalta decided to take revenge and still remained the browser's start page? Do not rush to run for holy water and a priest. After all, an insidious search engine can catch on at straws and hide in browser launch shortcuts. A new controversial task is brewing on how to remove Webalta from the browser. Here you need to right-click on the shortcut, select its properties in the context menu, in the window that opens, go to the "Label" tab and check the "Object" line - if there are things like home.webalta.ru or webalta at the end of the input field .ru, then you need to remove this part and save the shortcut. This procedure must be repeated for all labels. If you are using Windows 7 and have pinned shortcuts to the taskbar, then you must first remove them and re-pin them again. This way you will clear all labels. Now you need to restart your browsers and check the result. If Webalta is in place, then you need to come to grips with the browser settings, since this remains the final step in the fight against it.

Reviving Google Chrome

Removing Webalta from Chrome is not an easy task, but it can be solved. This method is good when all of the above has failed. At the same time, it can also be used as a first step, but the guarantee that everything will be successful without first removing the toolbar is very low, and, perhaps, no one wants to do double work.

The first step is to close Chrome. Next, go to the Google Chrome settings folder. Then look for a file called Preferences and open it (this can be done using Notepad). Now you need to carefully review, and it is better to search using the Ctrl + F keys for all lines with the word Webalta, and then delete them once and for all. After making sure that there is no more Webalta in the file, resave it and start the Google Chrome browser again. The matter remains small - you need to set the home page at your discretion. To do this, use the browser settings panel and set your own "initial group".

First Opera’tive Aid

So, you are lucky to overcome an annoying search engine named Webalta in Google Chrome. How to remove it from Opera, you probably already guess. The procedure is very similar, but there are some pitfalls that you need to be prepared for. As with Chrome, the Opera browser must be closed. Next, launch the registry editor: the "Start" menu, after "Run", then regedit and confirm by pressing Enter. Now you need to do another search for Webalta strings in the registry (top menu, then "Edit" and "Find", mark all three search positions). After you find the first line mentioning Webalta, delete it by pressing the F3 key. Continue this activity until the entire "Vebalta" is expelled from the registry.

Opera requires a little more attention than Chrome, and therefore the guide on how to uninstall Webalta does not stop at one registry. You will also have to look in the Opera configuration files on the disk of the operating system itself (again "Start" and "Run", the command% WINDIR% and Enter, then enter operaprefs in the upper right field and again Enter). Now you need to view the received data yourself. Here you need to look for files with a name starting with operaprefs, while their extension should be *.ini.

If you managed to see such a file, then open it through Notepad and follow the same procedure as with Google Chrome - delete all mentions of Webalta and save the edited files. After this hard monotonous work, open your Opera and install your favorite search engine, because you deserve it, proving in practice that you are in charge of this computer, because you decide what to set as your home page and what not.

Summing up

If all these actions did not help (and they should help), then most likely you missed something somewhere, ask users who have already learned from bitter experience, who may be able to tell you something new. But in any case, the procedure consists of three key points:

  • Removing the toolbar "Vebalta" ("Control Panel" or Uninstaller).
  • Engage in checking shortcuts and browser properties for the presence of the “Webalta syndrome” in them.
  • Go through the "hidden" settings of browsers and set home pages.

Lesson, of course, not the most pleasant, but instructive. Please note that when installing any software Read carefully what exactly is offered to you. Haste is important only, as they say, when catching fleas.

Q How to easily remove Webalta from Windows 7 and Windows XP

There was a problemWebalta. After some installations of programs or downloading from the Internet (the story is silent about this), the obsessive Webalta search engine appeared, which first replaced the home (start) page in all my browsers (IE, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome) and then, after reassigning the start page, it stupidly started together with it (that is, two tabs opened at once - the start page and Webalta.)

Information from Yandex and Google somehow did not help much. Either they advised me to delete files that I didn’t have at all, or to edit files that I didn’t have. Since I deleted everything that was connected with Webalta from the computer and from the registry, but when opening browsers, the not very beloved Webalta started as a spell, I decided to experiment. I even wondered where she was hiding. It is not on the computer (neither in system files, nor in the properties of shortcuts, nor in the registry). However, such a reptile starts.

VERY FIRST: set the permission to see system files and folders "Control Panel" - "Folder Options" - "View" - put a tick (or dot) on "Show hidden files, folders and drives"

So I describe the steps for Windows 7:

1. Close browsers;
6. All Webalta will disappear.

So I describe the steps for Windows XP:

1. Close browsers;
2. Press "Start" - "Find" - enter the word Webalta. Delete everything that you found with this word;
3 . Press "Start" - "Start" - enter the word regedit - "Edit" - "Find" - delete all values ​​where the word Webalta is present; Press F3 again to search and delete again. And so on until everything related to Webalta is deleted; Usually 2-3 times is enough.
4. Finding a file user.js located in the directory: C => Documents and Setting => Username => Application Data => Mozilla => Firefox => Profiles => xxxxxxxx.default, where xxxxxxxx is any alphanumeric value.

5. Having opened the “user.js” file with a simple notepad, we delete the “_http// webalta .ru” entries in two lines, and write here the address of our home page or “about: blank”.
6 . For every fireman, check the "prefs.js" file located in the same folder. In the area of ​​​​the 55th line, find the entry user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "_http//webalta.ru"); Remove Webalta;
7. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32 file named operaprefs_fixed.ini and delete it.
8 . Completely remove browser shortcuts from the desktop and from the quick launch bar;
9 . Go to the folders with browsers on drive C - "Program Files (or Program Files (x86)) and right-click on the browser icons (they are colored and it says that they are applications) send them to the desktop (creating a shortcut);
10. All Webalta will disappear.

Some items for Windows XP may be skipped by you (if you did not find such files that are indicated in these recommendations, then go to the next step, that is, it's okay - modifications operating systems everyone is different, so I give all the available and possible solutions to the problem).

Hello, dear readers, today we will talk about the search engine Vebalt, which gets only miserable crumbs from a hearty table called Runet. It has a few tenths of a percent, although in terms of daily visitors, the figure will translate into hundreds of thousands of uniques.

But the system receives the bulk of users in a completely barbaric way - by replacing the search string and home page set by a person with its own, making itself the main default in the browser. And sometimes it can be extremely difficult to remove the webalta search engine from Opera or Mazila. At least you won't get off with a simple replacement of the home page.

In fact, the actions of the webalta search engine resemble the actions of viruses, at least in that in order to completely remove references to it, you have to clean the registry, delete all infected files or correct their code. Sometimes it may seem to a beginner that it is impossible to cope with such a task, but I assure you that this is not so. Below is a detailed description of how to proceed to get rid of this infection. Be that as it may, but it is precisely for such actions of the search engine that everyone hates him.

And for all its shortcomings, its search quality is simply terrible, which leads to a huge number of user failures, which significantly exceeds those from other search engines Yandex, Google, Mile ru,. What can this say to the SEO optimizer, and a lot, and most importantly, that the ranking of the Webalt search engine is not carried out properly. As a result, pages with extremely low relevance to the entered query get into the search results.

History of creation and its fall

Oddly enough, at the dawn of its development, and that was exactly 10 years ago, the webbat search engine was quite ambitious project, developing on pure enthusiasm, without the introduction of investments and investments of even minimal amounts. We set ourselves more than Napoleonic plans - to compete with the whales of search, which, as you understand, in 2005, had already firmly staked out a place in this area.

What was the probability of a positive outcome? That's right, extremely low, which actually happened - there was no place for this utopia, as a result, the project was sold. But the buyers turned out to be no less ambitious people and invested a lot of money, attracting large groups developers to create unique original services, hoping to wedge between well-known players, to start the Runet, and then it may turn out to take a swing at his majesty. In general, everything is as usual, nothing new, the market is very attractive, everyone wants to tear off a piece for themselves. Considering that some players succeed, we can take as an example, which managed to launch its own search engine, Vebalt's search engine also dreamed of its greatness, but screwed it up.

What can we say about younger companies, even if the old people are not able to fight for a place under the sun, they completely disappeared from the radar, and Rambler, bowing low to Yandex, completely passed under its wing. What to talk about when a Western monster does not own its own search platform, but uses . About five years ago, the founder of this "infection" reported that they could get a fairly good investment package, but apparently not fate, he went into other hands to develop another promising project - the Nigma intellectual search engine. The latter, by the way, does not behave as selfishly, although it has the same miserable traffic.

Before the webalta ru search engine was sold, there was talk that the largest data center of that time was created specifically for its needs, later, again according to conversations, it was transferred to the organization of a bulletproof one. For two years the search engine worked with big problems, from 2008 to 2010 the search was carried out only partially. And since the middle of 2010, the reputation of this system has waned, as the viral saga began. She, of course, makes it possible to attract a certain number of visitors, but at a high price - she is cursed by everyone who encounters her.

The project has turned into an ordinary virus that penetrates the system without the knowledge of the computer owner, changing browser settings.

Whether the system stops at this or transmits information to unauthorized persons, I don’t know, but since it behaves like a virus, then it’s clearly not worth waiting for benefits from it.

How to remove Webalta search engine

Usually, a computer infection occurs in parallel with the installation of some software that you downloaded from an unreliable site. Since the toolbar from Vebalta can sometimes turn out to be not the worst thing that you will pick up, it is better to download from trusted sources.

Of course, all search engines, without exception, sin with this tactic - they install their add-ons when installing related programs. But their main difference is civility, they ask the user if he wants this or that search engine to become the main one and install a couple of add-ons. Another thing is that most people do not read what exactly they want to install on their computer, but all the time they press the “Next” button, but this is their own business.

And the main difference, roughly speaking, of the “white” methods that other search engines impose, from the “black” method of the www.webalta.ru search engine, is that the desire to change browser settings, restoring an already beloved search engine, will lead to nothing, since after rebooting the system in the settings will be again, guess who. Actually, this annoys (to put it mildly) everyone who has encountered this problem.

Let's take a look at how to remove the webalt search engine from your computer step by step:

Removing the Webalta toolbar

The first step to remove the Webalta search engine is to remove its toolbar. There is nothing complicated in this, click Start - then Control Panel - and in the window that opens, select Add / Remove Programs.

In the list that opens, among the many installed programs on your computer, you should find Webalta Toolbar. Mark it and click "Delete". This infection may not disappear the first time, therefore, after rebooting the OS, we go here again and look at the list. If the worst expectations are confirmed, then we send it for deletion again, and do not forget to check the box "Remove the toolbar from browsers".

Cleaning the registry

When the software part is finished, you can safely proceed to clean up the registry.

To do this, launch the registry editor - in the Start menu, select "Run" and enter the command regedit. In the editor that opens, for a quick search in the registry, go to the "Edit" - "Find" item (or just press Ctrl + F). Enter the word webalta in the line, press Enter and get the first key in which the toolbar was registered and did not clean up after itself when deleting.

You will need to delete this key - after pointing the arrow at it, press the right mouse button and select "Delete" in the drop-down menu. To find and delete the next key, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

It is possible that the word webalta will be present in the name of an entire branch, in which case it will be necessary to delete the entire branch in order to permanently get rid of the webalta search engine.

The most unpleasant thing is that there can be dozens and hundreds of such keys, which will significantly slow down the treatment process, but there is no escape from this. But be extremely careful, because the slightest mistake and the entire operating system can be covered.

Cleaning up files

If you think that the registry is the only habitat, then you are deeply mistaken, the web search engine has settled in a variety of files. Everyone chooses for himself what is more convenient for him to use, someone prefers Total Commander, someone FAR, and the rest are completely content with searching through My Computer. It doesn't matter, the main thing is to find all the files with the hated word webalta.

Of course, files that have this word in the name can be safely sent to the trash, but in order to no longer wonder how to remove the webalta search engine, you should also take care of the files in which traces of webbata were found. Most likely they will be the configuration files of browsers, but this is not important, the important thing is that we will have to delete lines of text with a word we know.

Replacing browser shortcuts

All steps before this, to remove the webalt search engine, may not bring any benefit if the virus has added some extraneous values ​​​​in the browser shortcuts. Because of this, any changes that you are trying to make in the settings of your favorite browser may be reset. And at the next call, this one will pop up again instead of the desired search engine.

So, the first way is to remove shortcuts from browsers, and then re-create them. If you don’t know how to create a small instruction: go to the folder where the browser is installed, find the icon responsible for launching the program and right-click on it, go to Send -> Desktop (create shortcut).

In the second method, you should go to the shortcut properties of any browser. In the menu that opens, click on the "Shortcut" tab and study the "Object" line. It should contain only an entry in quotation marks (""), which indicates the path to the place where the program was installed. If to the right of the quotes you see the added address home page Webalta (http://home.webalta.ru/), then it should be removed so that there is nothing more to the right of the quotes. Save your changes and enjoy your browser.