How to make music speakers at home. Creating columns in Microsoft Word text editor

  • 17.06.2019

You can work with columns not only in Excel, but also in Word. Columns are one of the most convenient ways to clearly structure data, organize it and categorize it. In addition, columns are a popular method of organizing data, which is simply a sin not to use. So, below we will talk about how to work with columns in a Word text editor.

How to work with columns in Word 2003?

In one of the most archaic versions of the Word text editor, you can break the text into columns by resorting to an elementary, incredibly accessible method.

Perhaps it will not be a secret to anyone that in the Word any text can be divided into one, two, three or any other number of columns. Make it easy. Go to the top menu "Format" and select the sub-item "Columns".

A form of the same name appears, where we can choose the number of resulting columns in the text we need, their relative position, width and spacing between them. Also in this form it is worth specifying to which part of the document we want to apply the columns.

As a result of the manipulations, the text is divided, and you get the result you expected.

As you can see, you can deal with this technique literally in no time, without even making any effort. Let's see how things are in other versions of Word.

How to work with columns in Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013?

You can split text into columns in more modern versions of a text editor without deviating from the principle described earlier. The only difference is that now the function we need is hidden in another category of the ribbon. In all other respects, we can completely repeat the above procedure. We go to the “Page Layout” section on the ribbon, then select the “Columns” item and set the number of columns into which we would like to break the text. To set additional parameters (such as the width of the columns and the spacing between them), select the "Other columns" sub-item.

Well, everything is simple. We will also learn these simple approaches.

In Word 2010 and Word 2013 software products, you can divide text into columns in exactly the same way, even all sections of the ribbon and menu items have the same name. So let's not spread our thoughts along the tree, but rather let's see how things are with the most current version of the Word word processor today.

How to work with columns in Word 2016?

V latest version Word menu items have received slightly different names, which can be a little confusing and confusing at first. In all other respects, if you have previously worked in Word, then it will take indecently little time to analyze the functionality, which brings only positive emotions. Now the ribbon subsection we need is named "Layout". One can only guess what prompted the developers to bring new names to the categories and menu sections. We just have to get the desired effect from the results of their work. So, go to the "Columns" function and repeat all the same steps: specify the number of columns, set their width and the gap between them, and also indicate to which part of the document the changes will be applied. All basic operations are performed on the "Columns" form, called by selecting the "Other columns" menu item.

To understand the principle of operation of this function, it will take at most half a minute. Using our instructions, you can save your time even more and speed up this process.

Study the design of the speaker system. While the underlying technology hasn't changed much since 1924, audio technicians have been improving the design, electronics, and sound of loudspeakers over the years. However, all loudspeakers are made up of a few basic components:

Purchase a speaker assembly kit. Of course, it is possible to purchase all the components separately, but it is very difficult to build a good speaker system if you have not studied the principles of sound and electricity for years. However, for the beginner DIY speaker enthusiast, another option is to purchase a pre-engineered speaker assembly kit with drivers, crossovers and enclosures. When looking for a good speaker kit, consider the following:

Solder the separation filter parts according to the diagram provided. You will need a soldering iron, hot glue, and a diagram to make sure the crossover is working properly. All kits for self assembly speaker systems include illustrations with a diagram of the connection of all components, and if you are creating a system from scratch, then examples can be easily found by searching the Internet. This will prevent your speaker system from short circuiting or burning out.

  • Before proceeding, make sure you fully understand how to read electronic circuits.
  • Once the pieces are soldered, secure them with a hot glue gun or cable ties to a small panel.
  • Finish the assembly by connecting the crossover wires to the speakers using the speaker cable.
  • Cut, paint and assemble the body according to your design. If no cabinet was included, you'll need to purchase some wood and cut it out to fit your speakers. Most of the buildings have rectangular shape, but for the best sound, talented carpenters can play around with different forms, from polygons to spheres. Although every case is different, there are a few basic principles for their construction:

  • Install speakers and crossovers. If you followed the drawings correctly, the speakers should fit snugly into the holes you cut in the front of the case. Attach the crossover board so that the cable to the speakers is not taut.

    • Typically, the speakers are screwed to a plastic molding on the outside of the case.
    • Use wood glue or other adhesive to securely attach the crossover filter to the housing.
  • From this tutorial you will learn how to use columns in text documents, how to align text in columns and change the spacing between them, how to add breaks between columns.

    Why Use Columns

    Most often, the column element is used in newspapers, magazines, brochures and flyers. For print, in particular, the column format looks more attractive and professional.

    You can create one, two or three columns of the same size. Then, when typing, you will automatically advance to the next column when the previous one ends, unless you manually insert a column ending. You can set column widths and use familiar formatting, which is also used in regular text documents.

    Online course "Word from simple to complex" Learn to work in the main text editor at high level. Whether you are a beginner or already working with Word, with our course you will become a real document guru!

    Adding columns

    • Select the text you want to convert to columns.
    • On the ribbon menu, select the tab "Layout", section "Page settings".
    • Click on the button "Columns".
    • From the drop-down list, select the desired number of columns (for example, three).

    Please note that if you do not first select a specific area of ​​text that you want to convert to columns, then all text following the cursor will be converted to columns.

    Column Formatting

    When creating columns, by default they have an alignment similar to that of the text. And often it's left-aligned. For speakers it's not the best way, so it's best to format to fit the width.

    • We select our columns.
    • Select the tab from the ribbon menu "Home", section "Paragraph".
    • Click on the "Align to Width" icon (a similar action can be achieved by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J).

    The text is evenly spaced within the columns. And the distances between the columns became more visible. These values ​​can be changed.

    • Place the cursor in any area within the columns you want to format.
    • From the ribbon menu, select a tab "Layout", area "Page settings".
    • Click on the button "Columns" and then select the item "Other Columns". The Columns dialog box opens.
    • Enter values ​​for column widths and spacing. For example, specify 0.2 as the gap to make the distances smaller.
    • Click OK and review the changes. Revisit the path and change the values ​​if necessary.

    If you want to set columns of different widths, then this is done in the same "Columns" dialog box. To set an individual width for each column, first you need to uncheck the checkbox "Columns of the same width". After that, the width and spacing values ​​for each of the columns will become available for editing.


    Upload to Microsoft Word the document whose text is to be reformatted into columns, and position the input cursor on the desired page. If the columns should contain the entire content of the document, leave the cursor on the first page. It is necessary to select some section of text only when splitting a limited fragment into columns, and if this option is to be applied to entire pages, this is not necessary.

    Go to the "Page Layout" tab and expand the "Columns" drop-down list in the "Page Setup" group of commands. It includes four options for splitting into columns - from one to three columns of the same width and two options for asymmetrical two-column text. Select one of them or use the "More Columns" item to access the custom partition construction settings.

    In the custom splitting settings window, set the desired number of columns in the "Number of columns" field. By default, the width of the columns and spaces between them will be set automatically, but you can change this setting and set the size of each of them yourself. To do this, first uncheck the "columns of equal width" box. After that, editing the values ​​in the "width" and "gap" boxes for each column will become available - the corresponding table is placed above this checkbox. If you want to place a vertical bar between columns, check the box "Delimiter".

    In the "Apply" drop-down list, select the scope of the specified columning settings. You can set them for the selection, for the sections affected by the current selection, for the current page, the entire document, or from the current page to the end of the document. Depending on whether the text was selected before opening this dialog, some of the listed options may not appear in the list. When all desired splitting settings are set, click the OK button.


    • how to make two columns in word

    A cheat sheet is a universal assistant for those who do not have enough time to fully master the material or want to play it safe. Exists various options cribs, but the most popular for their simplicity are still paper, printed on a computer.

    You will need

    • -Computer
    • -Internet
    • -Laser printer


    When preparing cheat sheets, first type all the information into one text document. Expand each question as fully as possible, if you do not disclose it in the preparation of the cheat sheet, you may forget elementary things due to nervous tension on the exam.

    Create a table in a Word document that roughly repeats the proportions. Select all the text from which you are going to cheat sheets, pre-numbering the ticket numbers in it, and set the fourth font to Times New Roman. Names and numbers of tickets should preferably be in bold type.

    Useful advice

    Use only a laser printer - this way the print quality will be maximum

    A few days before the exam, and, of course, too lazy to study. The problem of millions of schoolchildren and students, which cannot be eradicated. In this case, if there is no desire or opportunity to teach desired material, then you should be creative about how to print cribs on the desired topic.

    You will need

    • Microsoft Office Word any version


    Selecting the right material.
    Indeed, it will be bad if you "spur" the entire textbook. This would be extremely difficult to use. Therefore, from any educational material it is required to highlight only the most basic, exactly what is required, and without unnecessary "water". Then the printed cheat sheet will be convenient to use, and it will take up little space. Therefore, the chances of a successful write-off will increase.

    Application of abbreviations.
    If in educational material the same thing is often used, that is, it makes sense to shorten it. It would seem that this is not so critical, but if there are 20-30 such words, then this will significantly reduce the space occupied by the cheat sheet, and you will have to print less. For example, if the phrase "trigonometric function" is often found in a cheat sheet on a higher one, then you won't want to see it many times in a cheat sheet, so it can quite reasonably be reduced to "TF".

    In fact, text formatting cribs.
    This should be taken quite seriously. Formatting takes several steps:
    1) Font selection;
    2) Selecting the font size;
    3) Selecting the number of columns on one sheet;
    4) Highlighting important points. The font should be clear, legible even at a small size. Therefore fonts are recommended: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial. Optimal for printing cribs is a 4- font. However, in order for the quality to be high, the print quality must also be excellent! Laser printers are best suited for these purposes.
    The number of columns is a responsible step. If there are a lot of columns, then, cutting them into pieces, you get a lot of small leaves, which will be very difficult to operate. The best options are: 3 columns for portrait page orientation, 6-7 columns for landscape orientation.
    To separate one piece of information from another, you can use: numbering, bold or italics. Or easier, cutting cribs and separate one information from another. But then again, there may be a risk of getting confused in a pile of papers.

    Probably, any computer user who is now reading this article went to school. Studying is sometimes difficult and without the help of cheat sheets it can be very difficult. It is safe to say that almost all students used them.

    You will need

    • Computer or laptop, Internet access, printer.


    Usually, cribs were used by some students not because they do not know the material of the subject, but for the purpose of safety net. Probably every student knows that a handwritten cheat sheet is much better than on. Ask? Because a person, when, mentally pronounces the material being recorded on. Thus, the written cheat sheet leaves part of the knowledge in the head, which cannot be said about its analogue in the electronic version.

    The easiest way to prepare fully and thoroughly is to collect all the material for the course of study of this discipline. All notes can be entered here, not every subject is presented by the teacher directly from the textbook, all scanned laboratory work, most likely, they will come in handy. After collecting information on the subject, you need to format it.

    Information is formatted as follows: those that may come across to you are removed (except for graphs and charts), the text is aligned along one edge, preferably left. Don't forget to size yourself cribs, the optimal version of which was calculated a long time ago: the width is up to 5-6 centimeters, the length is not limited, the cheat sheet can be long, but it should fold into.

    In any text editor, create a new text document. In a new document, create a table with 5 or 6 centimeter columns. Enter several texts into the table cells and print the resulting cribs on drafts. If this cheat sheet suits you, print the rest of the material, otherwise change the width of the columns and experiment until you get the final result.

    Once all have been printed, cut them open and use a marker or thick-tipped pen to highlight the ticket or topic titles and subheadings. This action will save you a significant amount of time on the exam.

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    Even if the student is well prepared, when passing the exam, he can be very worried. Then all the efforts invested in preparation can go to waste. That is why it is better to print and take a cheat sheet with you.

    You will need

    • pen;
    • paper;
    • computer;
    • a printer;
    • scissors.


    Once the desired material is ready, proceed to reprint it into a file. To do this, you will need the simplest text editor. A standard notepad will suffice. Type the necessary text in the smallest, but readable font and arrange it in such a way that when cutting printed sheets, the size of the cheat sheet is smaller than the palm of your hand. You can also use special programs for preparing cheat sheets, they will immediately format the text in the most convenient way for printing cheat sheets.

    Prepared in in electronic format cheat sheets are needed on the printer. It is better to use a laser printer, as its print quality is higher, and even the smallest will be clearly visible. Before you start printing, think about where you will clean up and how you will write off. If these are page-turning accordions hidden in the palm of your hand, then print the text on both. If you're going to put cheat sheets under for an answer, don't put text on reverse side- turning the cheat sheet over, you risk attracting the attention of the teacher.


    When passing the exam, once again you should not attract attention to yourself using a cheat sheet. It is worth looking into it only in those cases when it is really necessary. Be careful when using spurs. Before you take out the cheat sheet, look around and make sure no one is looking at you. If a teacher notices you, it can end in failure - you are guaranteed a retake.

    Useful advice

    Do the spurs yourself to remember at least part of the material.

    When making spurs, it is better to write out all the answers with your own hand on a piece of paper. Thanks to such actions, the information will be securely stored in your head.

    The exam is already tomorrow, and there is absolutely not enough time to learn everything. This is the most common problem among schoolchildren and students. But don't panic, pick up necessary material and make cheat sheets for it.

    You will need

    • computer,
    • scanner,
    • a printer.


    To prepare for the exam completely and thoroughly, collect all the material for the course of the discipline to be taken. This includes all notes, laboratory work, graphs and diagrams. Scan the most necessary information. It is not worth it thoughtlessly and scanning everything, preparation is also a serious job.

    After collecting the information, format it. Formatting is done according to the following scheme: delete all unnecessary pictures, align the text on one edge, preferably on the left. Determine for yourself the size of the crib, but the best option is a width of 4-5 centimeters. The length of the cheat sheet is not limited, because later you fold it into an accordion for maximum convenience.

    In a text editor, create new document. In it, select a table with a column width of 4 or 5 centimeters. Enter several texts in the cells with the fourth font size and print the resulting version on draft sheets. If the finished cheat sheet suits you, then print all the remaining material. If not, then change the width of the columns and experiment until you get a suitable result.

    Now on the Internet you can download many programs that allow you to quickly and easily create cheat sheets. It will be enough for you to take a picture or scan all the necessary material, then save it in a separate folder and add the files to the program. It will automatically remove the background and pictures, leaving only the text. Set the number of cheat sheets that will be located on an A4 sheet and boldly print.

    After printing the cheat sheets, unform them. Highlight ticket names or subheadings with a colored marker. Thus, you will save the time needed to find the necessary information during the exam.

    Currently, the most convenient text editor with the ability to create tables is MS Word from the Microsoft Office package. With its help, you can create a table of absolutely any size with a certain number of rows and columns.

    I want to submit my project, so to speak home audio system. At the beginning of my knowledge of acoustics, there was generally zero, I didn’t even know how to assemble ordinary class A amplifiers, let alone amplifiers for a subwoofer. Interest arose after an even more “green” radio electronics engineer came to me and offered to make a subwoofer. I didn’t want to seem like a layman and climbed into Googledia to find something there on this topic, but either I googled badly, or it’s real useful information I didn’t, in general I didn’t dig up anything sensible, I climbed to smoke forums, scooped up information there and got down to business. First of all, we need a low-frequency speaker, I immediately warn you, our subwoofer is low-budget and not very powerful, I found only 35gdn-1m-4 in my store, it looks like this:

    Also known under the secret Soviet code name 25gdn-1-4. Why two identical speakers are called differently, I don’t know, you need to ask the scoops, because I don’t know what was going on in their heads when they came up with it. Its characteristics are as follows:

    • Main resonance frequency: 80 (100) Hz;
    • Frequency band: 63-5000Hz;
    • Frequency response flatness: 14 dB;
    • Intrinsic Sensitivity Level: 83 dB/m W;
    • Dimensions (in plan): 125x125 mm;
    • Height: 75.5mm;
    • Equivalent volume: 11 dm;
    • Full quality factor: 0.55;
    • Weight: 1.3 kg.
    He has a passport power of 25 watts, but the scoops generally had their own concept of power, because he yells at all 60. Now let's deal with the box for him. There were many ideas and proposals about which I knew nothing at all, well, for example, who knew what close box is it just a speaker in a sealed box?

    1. closed box(ZYa, closed box). The simplest case in design and manufacture. Widely used acoustic design. It is a sealed box. The radiation from the back of the speaker cone is closed in the housing and, in fact, is not used. All energy is then converted into heat. Often, in order to combat this, padding is used in SL various materials synthetic winterizer, wool, mineral wool etc. A significant disadvantage is the extremely low efficiency, since only one side of the speaker emits sound. Powerful loudspeakers are required to obtain high sound pressure in this enclosure. The main advantage this design is an best quality sound. The bass of the subwoofer in a closed cabinet is soft, clear and fast. EBP 40-60

    2. The main principles of the operation of the phase inverter housing- to make the radiation of the rear part of the diffuser work to the benefit. To do this, the internal volume of the body is connected to the atmosphere using pipes or slots. A port (pipe or slot), contrary to popular belief, does not create a "draft" or "blowing".

    The principle of operation is somewhat different. The port contains a certain amount of air. Together with the air contained in the box, as well as the movable speaker system, this creates an oscillatory system, the oscillations of which coincide in phase with the oscillations of the cone. In other words, we make the radiation from the back of the diffuser work for our benefit, adding up with the radiation from the front.

    Thus, the efficiency of the system, in fact, doubles. Setting up a bass-reflex housing, both by selecting the volume, and by using the area and length of the port. The downside of this design is the lower sound quality compared to the SL. The bass is more smeared and booming. To increase the sound quality, many tricks are used in the design, such as the use of a port without turns, a port design in the form of a prism, rounded ends of the port, and so on. EBP > 50

    3. Passive radiator(passive radiator, passive radiator). The principle of operation of this design is the same as that of a phase inverter. The difference is that instead of the volume of air in the phase inverter port, a passive radiator is used, which is a speaker without a magnet and a voice coil. The advantage of this design is a better sound, since the passive radiator does not introduce distortion, unlike a phase inverter. from EBP > 50

    4. Bandpass(bandpass, bandpass) 4 orders - Body divided into two parts internal partition. One part is a closed volume of air like in a closed box. The second part communicates with the atmosphere through the port. Due to the concentration of radiation in a narrow frequency band, it has a higher efficiency than a phase inverter, with a higher sound quality. EBP 40-60

    As you have already noticed, the complexity in the manufacture of the case is growing according to the principle: further more. Since a carpenter from me, frankly, a bad one, I chose the simplest option - a closed box, for which I received a lyuley from my father, who said that, they say, phase inverters rule and sent for it.

    A phase inverter is, in principle, the best option for this speaker, as I later realized because of the resonant structures and other incomprehensible riff-raff, I didn’t go into details, and I don’t advise you either, because the forest is impenetrable there, and I can get lost in three pines anyway. Then there was a problem with the dimensions of the case, I went back to Google and again I didn’t find anything, then I read somewhere that the larger the case, the better, and climbed into the workshop to make a miracle out of plywood. Why plywood and not chipboard? Chipboard, after all, is sawn better. I was really too lazy to stomp 200 meters behind her, and, to be honest, I squeezed the money. The dimensions of the box are as follows:

    Drawn in Paint, the dimensions are taken from heaven, but it turned out to be about 40-50 liters, which is generally the salt for this speaker. The phase inverter is sewage pipe glued on mounting glue and reinforced with two boards. Its diameter is 5 cm and its length is 15 cm.

    As soon as the box was put together, not literally put together, it is better to fasten it through the aluminum corners, otherwise there will be many cracks and the bass will be bad. Then we buy a sealant, not a silicone one, we don’t smear a bath, but an ordinary mounting one, white color. And in places of joints and cracks we seal everything. On the sealant, they usually write how much it dries, but who knows how it gets. Next, we take the back wall of the box and fit the dimensions of the terminal block that you buy, by the way it looks like this:

    We cut a hole, insert the terminal block, fix it with self-tapping screws, seal it. After everything is dry, you need to insert the speaker and fix it on the screws, then seal it in the same way, and wait until it dries. Then we connect the terminal block and the speaker with wires, preferably with solder. So that later it was not torn off. In the front wall below the speaker, we cut a hole along the phase inverter (pipe). We insert, fasten with glue, and two planks across them are also glued:

    Again, we seal everything and everything so that it does not blow through. We are waiting for it to dry. Having finished torturing the plywood, I propose to close the back cover with a pair, another with self-tapping screws, and go through the joints with plenty of sealant, because remember: cracks = garbage, not a subwoofer. Finally, we can proceed to the amplifier. I propose to assemble on tda2051, he gives good power, and for state employees it has a unipolar switching on of the circuit in order to use a conventional power supply. Here is the circuit itself, do not pay attention to what is written on the tda2050 circuit at all, the circuits for switching on amplifiers like tda20xx are all the same and differ only in output power. It's just that tda2051 yells more powerfully.

    I just want to warn you right away, put the microcircuit on the radiator, and the larger it is, the better and safer, the legs of the microcircuits - amplifiers are kept on an honest Chinese word and it is not recommended to pull them, they will fall off - do not insert back, but it costs 150r plus you will have to follow it also go, you buy them at once 2 pieces, so, just in case a fireman. Electrolytes use 36 volts, also for safety. Replace C1 with 100 nF, 2.2 microfarads seemed a bit too much to me. There is nothing to force the entrance, for nutrition I advise you to put electrolytes of a larger capacity and bigger in size, and then from the block there can be a background.

    In general, the P-filter would be very good here in order to reduce all the hums. The case for the amplifier was taken from an old CD drive, which bears the proud name of Pioneer. Holes are cut at the back for the audio input, power supply and two wires leading to the terminal block.

    By the way, for aesthetics, you can upholster the subwoofer with a drape, as I actually did. Drap additionally muffles the sound, which increases the quality factor. The whole thing is powered by a power supply from a charger for a screwdriver and has a voltage of 21.7 volts, of course it’s not so hot, give it free rein they will eat 35 and won’t choke, it will work even better, but don’t get carried away, remember that amplifier chips are capricious guys , and they can make broads, well, or just burn out.

    I don’t advise you to paint the speaker with bologna paint, I personally started eating a rubber suspension, which became thinner and ate it, I had to change the suspension, thanks to the narrow-eyed brothers for the paint, which included at least half of the periodic table. I wish you success in the assembly, your S9018.