About the correct maintenance of domestic pigeons. Feeding devices

  • 23.09.2019

There is an opinion that high summer temperatures, as well as frost, cause the death of infectious pathogens isolated by sick pigeons. This opinion is erroneous, since disinfectants must be used ...
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    When breeding pigeons, the aviary plays a big role. It contains pigeons freely, which prevents their loss during breeding. Every pigeon breeder experiences great bitterness if the pigeons do not return to the dovecote ...
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  • Pigeon breeding should first of all begin with right choice type of poultry: meat, sports or decorative - for aesthetic pleasure. For a successful process, the fact of choosing a breed and establishing a reproductive process is very important. It is necessary to create optimal living and reproductive conditions for your pets. You will learn more about how to breed pigeons later from the material in this article.

    Important! The most expensive pigeons are in the spring, and the maximum decrease in their value occurs in the fall.

    Birds, like other pets, suffer from lice. To check for their presence, inspect the pigeon under the tail and beak area. In a healthy bird, these places are even with a uniform color.

    If your choice fell on a sporting breed of pigeons, in practice, check the quality of flight and demeanor in the sky. Birds are always bought in pairs. Be sure to purchase pigeons with an already formed "family". With the chosen partner, the reproduction is significantly increased, and this is important for meat or decorative breeds that will be sold.

    Did you know? The first state pigeon post appeared in Egypt in 1146.

    Choice of poultry premises

    Breeding and keeping pigeons at home should take place in special wooden enclosures or iron cages. Such dwellings should be placed inside the premises reserved for the dovecote. They can serve as a separate building like a garage or a barn, or an open area, simply fenced with a large mesh. Allow each bird to be in an individual cell. It is also necessary to provide for a quarantine room for weak and sick pigeons, as they can be pecked by their own relatives.

    Important! Two or three times a year, the dovecote must be thoroughly cleaned and fully sanitized. Be sure to do it in early spring and in late autumn, when the chicks had not yet been born.

    If a harsh winter is predicted, the dovecote should be well insulated. Otherwise, pigeons will begin to lose weight and become sick more often. These birds feel comfortable in an atmosphere of light twilight. Make sure that the light in the dovecote does not come in excess.

    Did you know? In XIIn the 13th century, the cost of a carrier pigeon was equal to the price of a purebred Arabian horse.

    pigeon breeding

    The pigeons you plan to breed at home start breeding in early spring. Especially for this, it is necessary to prepare a separate dovecote aviary. This room should be well cleaned, washed and dried, and then special frames made of branches or wooden boxes with small sides should be installed. Fill them in the corners with plaster and small sawdust. There, the hatching of bird offspring will take place.

    Reproduction of feathered pets occurs in the following ways:

    • random mating;
    • related mating - inbreeding;
    • mating unrelated or similar pigeons;
    • in a linear way.
    The first method of reproduction is dominant in nature, but in order to obtain the offspring you need, which will be strong, beautiful and healthy, you should refer to the following methods.

    Did you know? Pigeons can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h, and sports breeds can overtake even a swift. Recorded pigeon record1.58 km per minute.

    Inbreeding- This is a form of crossing related pigeons. It can be both mating of parents with offspring, and brothers with sisters. Cousinship also applies to this method. With this form of crossing, the quality of pedigree increases, and all positive traits birds. Inbreeding can be practiced for a long time, mating several generations of pigeons.

    The method of mating pigeons that are similar in appearance is most often used. The principle is that two healthy parent individuals will pass on all their positive, or even better, qualities to the next generation, or at least part of it. The level of homozygosity in comparison with inbreeding is significantly lower, but with good heredity of the required qualities, such reproduction can give very good results. The mating of unrelated pigeons is the antipode of inbreeding. Using this breeding method, pigeon breeders believe that foreign genetic material will transfer qualities that are not inherent in this breed, as well as improve the original ones. This method should be used very carefully, because with the advent of new genes, negative qualities can also develop, which will adversely affect this genus.

    The method of linear breeding of pigeons is good because it is possible to accurately determine all the consequences of crossing and inheritance of qualities. The method of linear mating differs from inbreeding by the more distant relationship of the two parental individuals. When the dove is fertilized, she looks for material for building a nest. Your task as a pigeon breeder is to provide her with various twigs, fluff, feathers and woolen threads. The offspring are incubated by both parents, alternating so that everyone can eat and rest. The average incubation period for eggs is one month.

    Important! Pigeons should not be disturbed by checking eggs when they are in the nest. Do this when they are not in the cage.

    In a year, a dove can lay eggs three times in an amount of no more than two at a time.

    The maintenance and breeding of pigeons includes not only the nuances of equipping a room for birds and their offspring, but also their feeding. At the moment, the choice of specialized feed and mixtures for feathered pets is very large and varied. It is best to introduce fortified feeding in winter period. The basis of the diet of pigeons should contain barley, fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots and potatoes. It is necessary to give small amounts of chalk, sand, eggshells, mixing with food. On average, the daily norm of food for an adult is 50 grams. If you grow a meat breed, be sure to include peas, eggs and fats of natural origin in the diet of pigeons. Such pigeons need to be fattened for at least 10 days from the moment they are one month old. In winter, the amount of food should be increased. This is necessary to keep the birds from freezing. Water should always be changed on time to keep it fresh. It is advisable to do this daily.

    Since breeding pigeons at home means taking full responsibility for their state of health, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen their immunity. Give them herbal decoctions based on chamomile, string and thyme.

    Did you know? During the Second World War, pigeons delivered more than 15,000 messages.

    In winter, pigeons should feel as comfortable as possible, so they should be well protected from the cold. The dovecote needs to be insulated. Although birds emit enough heat, it is not enough to endure constant exposure to frost. Cells are best insulated with foam, drywall, mineral wool or OSB sheets. The floor can be covered with large sawdust, sand, straw, hay or branches. This will not only insulate the floor of the dovecote, but will also greatly simplify the cleaning process.

    Did you know? A dove named the Blue Prince was auctioned off for 150,000 euros.

    In summer, pigeons, like other birds, need more freedom, so their maintenance and breeding should be transferred to separate fenced areas of the yard. Be sure to make an arrival window so that the birds can land there after their walks. The summer period is the easiest in pigeon breeding. From dawn to five o'clock in the evening, the birds walk, and then return home and go to bed with sunset. The most important thing in the summer maintenance of pigeons is to change in time drinking water and clean the cages from droppings.

    The dove is considered the bird of the world, which for many years has served man not only as a true friend. In ancient times, there was not even a post office, and it was this wonderful bird that acted as a postman. A trained pigeon could deliver a letter to the addressee and return home to its owner.

    Pigeons have always been valued and loved. Many simply dream of having a winged angel even in an apartment. But before you do this, you need to learn more about all the nuances of keeping this peaceful bird, and then make a specific decision whether you need it or not? It's not entertainment after all. This is the responsibility for a beloved being!

    Interesting fact, but pigeons are long-lived and can breed for 10 years. They live almost up to 20 years, which is quite a long time by bird standards. To breed these birds at home, you need to make a suitable dovecote. The future pigeon dwelling must first be thoroughly washed and processed. antiseptics, especially if other animals were previously kept in this room. After a good cleaning and drying, you can run the birds. Then it is necessary to build special branch structures and boxes that would visually remind the pigeons of their nests.

    These poultry breed in different ways:

    • Random. This natural method has quite low interest obtaining healthy and high-quality offspring, since there is a related mating of individuals.
    • Linear. In this case, only purebred breeds are bred.
    • Mating is simply superficially similar or unrelated individuals.

    The owner of the dovecote needs Provide your pets with everything they need:

    In fact, breeding pigeons at home is quite easy. The main responsibility of the owner at the same time to keep their birds in clean and comfortable conditions and not to forget about a balanced and complete feeding.

    Pigeons incubate eggs for three weeks, replacing each other, and letting their partner rest. During this period, they should not be disturbed. Usually the laying is two eggs and it is done several times a year. The pigeons hatch on their own, after which their parents constantly look after them. From the owner during this period, only passive observation of the general condition and development of the baby is required. And, of course, taking urgent action if necessary.

    Right choice

    The choice of pigeons must be approached with special responsibility. The individual must be of high quality and meet all the standards of the purchased breed. Before buying pigeons, familiarize yourself with the breed and find out its advantages and disadvantages. For this, there are thematic sites and special literature. When purchasing a feathered one, you need to decide on the choice of the appropriate breed based on your preferences, and then carefully examine it.

    If you decide to buy pigeons in the bird market, then inspect them in detail. A healthy pigeon looks fit, slender and sluggish. Feathers of a healthy individual look accordingly. They are not plucked and shiny, and the eyes are not watery and clear.

    How to breed and keep pigeons

    Need to create comfortable conditions not only for the simple existence of pigeons, but also for the implementation of their reproductive function. Some owners of pigeons try to make a hobby out of their breeding, as well as to get aesthetic pleasure. Others, on the contrary, consciously start them for personal gain and, accordingly, additional income.

    In order not to incur losses instead of profit, you need to take the choice of pigeons very seriously. It is necessary to select a high-quality individual that will correspond to the declared breed. But, most importantly, she must be healthy. Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to study in detail the features of the breed you have chosen and understand not only its qualities, but also in every nuance of its content.

    Care and maintenance of pigeons at home

    How to breed pigeons at home? This question is asked by many novice poultry farmers. When breeding these poultry, brood productivity should be taken into account. From one dove per year, you can get up to 6 chicks, which grow very quickly and after 2 months reach their maximum weight and are ready for sale.

    The pigeon of the meat breed reaches 1 kilogram, and the exhibition pigeon - as much as 2 kg! Although, don't be fooled. The live weight of the carcass will be 2 times less, and you also need to be able to gut. That is why manufacturers themselves determine prices - separately for a carcass or per kilogram.

    To get quality offspring of birds It is advisable to buy and leave in a pair. To distinguish a male pigeon from a female, you just need to watch. If a bird cooes and stomps, it is a male, and if it fluffs its feathers effectively and curtsies with its head, it is, of course, a female. Brawlers are probably same-sex individuals.

    The age of a dove is determined by its wax and paws. When the bird is 5 months old, its wax becomes whitish, and this is a sign of puberty. Over time, the wax increases. This allows you to determine its age category up to 4 years, then it will be difficult.

    Ideally, one should construct an appropriate dovecote room, which is desirable to cover with a "chain-link". The main task in this case is to prevent predators such as hungry cats, so that your pets feel protected from external threats.

    To solve this problem (the penetration of predators), you need to raise the dovecote a few meters above the ground so that the pigeons have time to react to the threat.

    But it should be noted that despite their friendliness, males often fight with each other, and almost to death, in order to drive out an opponent. To avoid these conflicts, especially between females, it is necessary to ensure them free and personal space.

    For a comfortable existence of your pets, you need to do regular cleaning and sprinkle the bottom of their home with sand or newspapers. It is desirable to make perches along the walls of the dovecote.

    The owner of these birds needs to feed them 2 times a day and on a schedule. The best option would be two meals a day, which are respectively made in the morning and in the evening. cereal crops very well suited for the regular diet of pigeons. This includes:

    It is also necessary to regularly include various vitamins in the diet. You can buy them at any pet store and very inexpensively. As a top dressing, you need to give red clay, chalk, sand, and even crushed red brick will do. To improve the digestive process, small pebbles are also needed.

    One pigeon per day will require about 55 g of feed and constant access to fresh and clean water, balanced and high quality food, no drafts and fresh water- these are the main components for your successful "pigeon" business.

    Breeding pigeons in winter: how to care for pigeons

    To achieve high meat productivity, and as a result of an effective business, you need to buy exclusively meat breeds of pigeons, which breed well and quickly gain weight. This meat is quite expensive and is famous for its high taste. Strassers and kings are well suited for this. Some breeds, such as puffers or Uzbeks, are well suited for organizing weddings or other celebrations. Such species can participate in exhibitions and receive various certificates and titles.

    And also domestic pigeons can take part in fights or sports competitions. Therefore, the breeding of meat and thoroughbred pigeons can become a very promising and profitable occupation. But keeping these birds only for business and for the sake of business is probably blasphemy. Contain and love - this is really a worthy option.

    How to keep domestic pigeons in an apartment: caring for pigeons

    In order for the pigeon to get used to its owner’s housing and hands, and also not to become obese, you need to let it fly around the apartment a little. Remember to change your bedding at least 2 times a week. When you are sure that the dove will come back to you anyway you can let it out on the street.

    If you have an upper floor and even a loggia, then this the best way for walking poultry. And remember! Housing for a pigeon should be spacious, bright and dry. Permanent availability fresh air for a bird is a very important factor.

    Feeding pigeons at home

    Remember! Salt is poison for pigeons. Salty food can kill your bird. Black bread is also strongly discouraged. It causes bloating in your pet's abdomen. With symptoms such as lethargy, liquid droppings, poor appetite, contact your veterinarian immediately so as not to trigger a possible illness.

    And most importantly - love and tender care.

    Even a novice poultry breeder can start breeding pigeons. To do this, you just need to follow sanitary norms, temperature regime and certain knowledge that can be gleaned from many special sources on the maintenance of these pets.

    This is not only exciting, but also quite profitable.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Pigeons are unpretentious birds, but when breeding them for meat, some features should still be taken into account. First of all, they depend on the goals of breeding and breed.

    From this article you will learn how to keep pigeons at home, including in an apartment or on a balcony. We will consider the conditions that need to be provided for birds for normal development and maintaining productivity.

    If you are interested in how to keep pigeons at home, you need to not only study thematic literature, but also familiarize yourself with the main features of birds.

    First of all, you need to provide the birds with a room and cages where they can rest. In addition, you need to study the feeding ration and prepare products that will help maintain the health and productivity of birds.

    Arrangement of the premises

    For breeding to be successful, you need to decide on the breed and purpose of keeping.

    When building a dovecote, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of different breeds and the number of birds. For example, sports breeds will need a lot of additional equipment, racing breeds need adaptations for comfortable take-off and good landing, and meat breeds need more territory for walking. A drawing for the construction of a dovecote is shown in Figure 1.

    The building should be located in clean place with natural light and clean air, preferably on sandy ground. It is not recommended to build a room near electrical lines and multi-storey buildings. For a longer daylight hours, the windows of the dovecote should face south.

    The walls are made of wood and brick. Wooden plaster or whitewash. It is important to make walls without cracks. The windows are medium in size.

    Figure 1. Drawing for the construction of a dovecote with your own hands

    Every dovecote must have ventilation. by the most in a simple way air purification device will serve supply and exhaust ventilation made up of two closing holes, one under the ceiling and the other below.

    The room should not be damp, as it develops pathogens. Bath dampness is considered especially dangerous. To prevent its occurrence, you need to properly install the floor, which is raised above ground level. It is made of wood so that less heat leaves the room.

    For your pigeons to recognize their home, it must stand out in color and shape. The author of the video will tell you more about the internal arrangement of the dovecote.


    Before you buy pigeons, you should equip them with housing. Each enclosure or cage should have drinkers, feeders, a container for mineral feed, baths, perches and special nests (Figure 2).

    Note: Feeders made of glass, plastic or porcelain are considered more convenient. They can be retractable, but not wide.

    Among the drinkers, the best can be called pneumatic, they are more hygienic and rational. The water in them remains clean, fresh and cool, since the birds cannot swim in it, but use only the water that has arrived. When choosing a drinker, it is better to choose zinc dishes.

    Each individual should have its own place to sit and nest. To do this, you need to make special perches and places for nests. During sleep, pigeons stay on perches, grabbing them with their fingers. And if the perch is set incorrectly, it can cause the bones of the birds to be twisted. The pole should be of such thickness that the birds can hold with normal tension. In addition, the perch should not be round, smooth and thin. It is best placed horizontally and not very high from the floor.

    The best nest will be a wooden liner made from a single piece of wood. Alabaster, gypsum and wire nests are also used. If the height of the dovecote allows, then nests can be placed in three tiers along the walls, perches can be attached above them and blocked with boards from below so as not to dirty other birds.

    For each pair you need to put a steam box. It can be easily turned into a socket by dividing it with a partition and installing an insert nest. Such boxes are placed in several tiers along the walls. They are divided by a partition into two compartments and a nest is inserted into each. This is done so that the female can lay eggs with the chicks of the previous hatch in the box.

    Figure 2. Drawing and photo of nests

    Baths are also on the list. necessary equipment for content. In hot weather or during molting, pigeons definitely need water for bathing. It is necessary for health, helps to fight insects and keep birds tidy. The size of the bath tank depends on the number of individuals.

    The choice of bedding is equally important. You can use coarse sand, oak bark, peat. The bedding should be spread evenly over the entire floor. Before use, the sand is sieved through a metal grate. Before harvesting, the sand is sprayed with a solution of creolin.

    Additional equipment in the dovecote: a sieve, a dustpan, a broom, an iron scraper, a basket or bucket for collecting litter, a broom, a watering can and a thermometer.

    Principles of disinfection

    Note: Regardless of whether there are sick birds, prevention is carried out once a month. If an infection has appeared, then forced disinfection is carried out once a week.

    Planned disinfection of the dovecote is carried out as follows:

    • Before scheduled disinfection the underlay must be completely removed. Then prepare a soap solution and wash perches, nests and walls. A blowtorch is used as a disinfectant.
    • With forced disinfection after wet cleaning and disinfection, all inventory, walls and equipment must be treated with a solution from a specific infection.
    • During the procedure birds should be temporarily removed from the loft.
    • Upon completion of disinfection the room needs to be ventilated. Wash the drinkers and feeders thoroughly with clean water.

    To date, there are methods of disinfection in the presence of birds using gaseous disinfectants. In this case, food, air, plumage of birds, drinking water are disinfected.

    Most pigeon lovers dream of equipping a dovecote on the balcony. Carrying out timely care for the birds, they can quite comfortably accommodate there (Figure 3).

    Features of keeping these birds on the balcony will be described below.

    What you need to know about keeping pigeons on the balcony

    Note: The main disadvantage of keeping pigeons in this way is the noise they create, which the neighbors will begin to complain about.

    Figure 3. Features of the content on the balcony

    Windows are made small and preferably on the south side. The balcony should be insulated so that in winter there is no dampness and drafts. Be sure to connect the wiring to extend daylight hours in winter. The air temperature in cold weather should not fall below -7 degrees.

    The dovecote must be constantly ventilated, as well as a convenient entrance and exit for the birds. So that pigeons can easily find their home, it needs to be painted in a bright color.

    Content Rules

    When placing pigeons on a balcony, the following rules should be considered:

    • the balcony should be spacious;
    • the pigeon house should look like ordinary aviaries;
    • you need to take care of the safety of birds;
    • if you have a sunny side, then the balcony should be shaded;
    • so that the pigeons do not freeze in winter, the walls, ceiling and floors must be insulated with plywood from the inside;
    • to protect against bird damage inside, you need to stretch the net on the windows;
    • boxes and nests should be roomy so that two birds can fit;
    • it is also necessary to attach shelves and perches, as well as perches.

    To make the birds comfortable, you can arrange plants inside and hang containers of water. In addition, all elements of the home dovecote must be arranged harmoniously so that the owner can easily maintain the cleanliness of the room. When settling pigeons in a room, you need to remember that one pigeon needs at least one square meter of area.

    From the video you will learn how to properly equip a balcony for keeping pigeons.

    If you are interested in how to keep a pigeon in an apartment, we recommend that you read the tips in the sections below.

    Content Features

    To keep pigeons in an apartment, you need to properly equip the place of residence. The most important thing is a spacious and bright cage with clean air. A great option would be if your apartment is on the top floor with an attic. For ease of cleaning, it is better to make bedding in a cage out of paper. Also in the cage there should be a feeder, a drinking bowl, a wooden perch and a bath (Figure 5).

    Note: You need to change the bedding twice a week. In order for the pigeon to get used to its owner and its home, you need to gradually let it fly around the apartment.

    For the health of pigeons, not only good conditions for life, but proper nutrition. Therefore, it is very important to provide birds with complete food. The feed should contain all the nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Do not forget about water, it is the key to good digestion and muscle mass. Proteins are needed for the formation and development of bird organs, the growth of plumage and the formation of eggs. In addition to the main food, they provide vitamins.

    Figure 4. Features of keeping in a city apartment

    Vitamins are especially needed during molting and growth, as well as when hatching or feeding chicks.

    The basis for the feed is a grain mixture, small pebbles and mineral feed. As additional feed give greens, vegetables, boiled cereals. But in no case should pigeons be given salty foods and black bread.

    Content Rules

    If you decide to keep pigeons in an apartment, then you need to follow the rules for optimal maintenance and feeding.

    The key features of keeping a pigeon are:

    • housing should be bright and spacious;
    • complete nutrition;
    • it is impossible for there to be drafts in the room;
    • do not give birds food that contains excrement;
    • you need to constantly change the water;
    • the cage should be washed once a week with detergent;
    • the litter is changed twice a week or as it gets dirty;
    • do not use cotton wool or rags as bedding;
    • for bathing, pigeons need to provide a container with water.

    Figure 5. Drawing and photo of cages for keeping pigeons at home

    Once a day, the bird must be released to fly around the apartment. At the same time, safety measures must be observed. Remove animals from the premises, curtain windows and mirrors so that the bird does not break.

    But it should be borne in mind that in winter the variety of food is limited, so wet mash and cereals are introduced into the diet of birds.


    Secondly, on cold days, you should increase the consumption of corn and reduce the protein content, and hand-feeding is best. It is also recommended to give the birds plenty of warm water.

    Daylight hours should be 14 hours. Ventilation is arranged in the lower part of the dovecote, and front door hung with polyethylene and a warm blanket. In addition, it is necessary to further deepen the nests for the period of cold weather. The air temperature should not fall below -10 degrees.

    Once a month, they clean and disinfect, and regularly purify water and food. You also need to make sure that rodents do not appear in the dovecote.

    Content Features

    In winter, you need to carefully monitor the health of birds. During molting, pigeons are susceptible infectious diseases. Due to a weakened body, they cannot cope with diseases. During molting, feeding plays an important role. V winter time the basis for the feed are wheat grains. Also be sure to give grains with a high fat content. To keep pigeons active, they should be given crushed corn. Do not forget about additional mineral supplements and green salads with the addition of grated carrots. At sub-zero temperatures, pigeons are given warm water.

    Note: In winter, pigeons need large amounts of food, especially for doves, which hatch eggs at this time. But do not overfeed the birds, as this reduces activity.

    It is also important to monitor the temperature in the dovecote. If the air temperature drops below -10 degrees, then small chicks may freeze.

    Figure 6. Features of winter maintenance

    Light day in the dovecote should last at least 14 hours. The arrangement of the nest also has its own characteristics: it should be placed under the ceiling, and the nest boxes should be deeper. Ventilation is installed from below, along the floor, and the front door is curtained with a warm blanket and plastic wrap.

    It is very important to clean the dovecote every day. Once a month they do a general cleaning and disinfection, in parallel to purify water and food. If there are wet places, then they can be sprinkled with lime.

    Therefore, pigeon breeding is carried out by those who are truly passionate about this bird and in love with it. This is real addiction. Only the one that develops you and makes you better. It gives you the opportunity to spend your free time with enthusiasm, relaxing and watching graceful birds. Participate in pigeon shows and sports competitions, meet like-minded people, and there are a lot of them. They unite in communities and create entire clubs.

    Classification of pigeon communities

    Communities are classified according to which pigeons they breed. Communities create:

    • Sports pigeon lovers. They breed sport or carrier pigeons. Birds are trained for flight range and orientation on the ground. They can fly at a speed of 100 km/h. And return home, covering a distance of thousands of kilometers. Figure flying competitions are held.
    • Lovers of decorative pigeons. They are interested in plumage color and body shape. They are engaged in crossbreeding and selection work.
    • Fans of flying (racing) breeds. Their task is to preserve and develop flying qualities in pigeons. So that they do not disappear in pursuit of beautiful plumage or as a result of random crossing.
    • Farm or meat pigeon breeding. Breeding pigeons for the most part is an occupation for the soul, but as an industry Agriculture is not yet very developed in our country. Although meat pigeon breeding is already gaining popularity. In Europe, there have long been farms and industrial enterprises for the production of pigeon meat. And the menu of restaurants with Michelin Stars includes dishes from it. But it's still exotic.

    Where to begin

    Before breeding,

    • you need to decide on the purpose of the event;
    • and in accordance with this, choose the breed of birds;
    • prepare comfortable conditions for its existence;
    • think over the organization of ensuring the reproductive function of birds.

    Meat breeds of pigeons

    If you want to start breeding pigeons in order to get dietary meat for your table, you need to purchase birds that breed quickly, grow and gain big weight. The meat of such pigeons is highly valued. The following breeds are suitable for such breeding:

    • kings;
    • strassers;
    • Roman.

    Decorative rocks

    You can also do business on such pigeons. They are rented or sold for weddings and various celebrations. They are purchased for circuses and for decorating landscapes. The price for them is great. The following breeds are in demand:

    • Uzbek,
    • puffers,
    • Jacobins.

    Sports breeds

    Pigeons of the following breeds are prepared for sports competitions:

    • fighting,
    • hryvnia,
    • Uzbek.

    Selection rules

    When buying pigeons, you need to be guided by the following rules.

    Regardless of which breed you choose, you must follow three basic rules for their maintenance.

    • Properly equip the dovecote.
    • Fully feed.
    • Apply different types care depending on the time of year.

    By following these three “Ps” you will be able to fully develop and improve the breed characteristics of your pets.

    At first, it is not necessary to equip a complex special dovecote. In the summer, a fenced-in space is suitable as its summer. There you need to place boxes-nests. In the cold season, you can use the garage or barn.

    In the dovecote, each bird should have its own place. Reserve a compartment for keeping weakened or sick birds. The optimal dimensions of boxes for birds are 40x20 centimeters. At what 40 centimeters is the height.

    The dovecote should not be brightly lit. Keep it dark. Before the cold weather, it must be insulated. Then the bird will be less sick.


    The dove is a picky bird. The best option for feeding her is to use ready-made complex feeds. They contain all the additives and vitamins necessary for the full development of birds. Moreover, their ratio is optimal for this type of bird. You can also cook your own food. It can be cheaper, but not always nutritionally balanced. They are being fed

    • boiled vegetables;
    • corn, barley, wheat;
    • compound feed;
    • fruits;
    • mineral additives - chalk, sand, crushed shells.

    If the bird is raised for meat, then fats must be added to its diet. About sixty grams of food is required per day for one bird. In winter, the amount of food is slightly increased.

    Only clean and fresh water is used for drinking. It is updated daily. For preventive purposes, decoctions of herbs are added to the water - thyme, chamomile, succession.

    Meat pigeons are kept up to forty days of age. Ten days before slaughter, they are fattened. The feed used must always be fresh, clean, free of litter.

    The main thing is to provide them with a comfortable existence in winter. And for this you need to insulate the dovecote. Used as a heater mineral wool, polyfoam, gypsum boards.

    During this period, they are easy to keep. They leave at dawn and return before sunset. The territory where they are kept must be fenced, equipped with arrival windows so that the bird can land after flights. After sunset, the pigeons go to bed. Cells are cleared of litter. The water changes daily.

    The formation of a pigeon family

    In birds, mating usually occurs in early spring. By this time it is necessary to prepare the dovecote. Wash it, clean it, disinfect it. Put wooden boxes and shade them. Fill with sawdust, and pour plaster in the corners.

    Birds breed:

    • natural way- birds form pairs randomly (by natural attraction),
    • artificially - this method is used in breeding, when they want to maintain or improve the quality of the breed.

    With artificial mating, it is difficult to form a stable pair of pigeons. And without this, you will not get the desired offspring. Therefore, when forming pairs, one should be guided by the following principles.

    • The female and male must be of the same breed. It may be different in that case. If you are going to experiment.
    • Their exterior should correspond to breed standards as much as possible.
    • Both should be healthy and energetic.
    • A couple is selected in advance, before the start of the mating period. Birds will quickly get used to each other and form a pair.
    • The female should be of normal weight. An obese one often carries unfertilized eggs, and an exhausted one does not have the strength to sit and feed the chicks.

    After selecting a pair, they are planted in neighboring cages for a couple of days so that the birds get used to each other. After that, they are placed in a pairing box for one night. Whether a pair has formed or not can be determined by returning them to the flock. If the birds keep close, huddle together, look after one another, then the couple has taken place.

    Nest preparation

    The essence of preparation is to provide the dove with the most comfortable, close to natural conditions for oviposition. Branch skeletons correspond to this. This solution is suitable for wild pigeons.

    For home use, boxes or baskets that can be placed on their side are suitable. If several pairs are being prepared for laying eggs, then the boxes must be marked in order to know which offspring is in which box. On the floor in the dovecote, it is necessary to pour material suitable for arranging a nest (twigs, dry grass, leaves).

    The male will carry scattered material in his beak, and the female will form a nest from twigs and leaves. The female incubates the eggs, but the male takes care, replaces her and gives her a rest.

    How to care for pigeons

    After the birth of little pigeons, the question arises of how to care for them. The answer is very simple - no way. The pigeon couple will take care of them. Pigeons begin to feed at the age of one month. They are given millet or other finely crushed grain.

    Sanitary measures

    Pigeons, like seagulls, are scavenger birds. They spread many types of infections. Therefore, they can become a source of infection with the notorious bird flu. In addition to this danger, you may have conflicts with the sanitary and epidemiological station. To prevent conflicts, visit the sanitary control authorities yourself. And find out there what needs to be legalized for the legal maintenance of pigeons in the courtyard.

    You will need to get:

    • Permission - its cost is 20,000 rubles;
    • Veterinary opinion - 200 rubles per bird;
    • Quality certificate - 5,000 rubles.

    The last document is needed only if you breed meat pigeons.

    As you can see, you can talk about pigeons endlessly. This topic is truly inexhaustible. You can study their features for a long time, admire the color and proud posture, watch their curly flights and admire the ability to travel long distances, always coming back. This topic can only be started, but not finished.