How to destroy purslane in the garden. Purslane garden

  • 15.06.2019

Purslane is another wonderful plant. This plant is an excellent healthy nutrient. The photo below shows this plant. On the territory of Transcaucasia and Central Asia, it is a culinary component of most elegant recipes. On the territory of our country, many gardeners want to grow purslane, and various dishes are made from this plant.


Purslane is an annual plant that belongs to the Purslane family. Like its closest relatives, this weed is a short plant that reaches a height of approximately 20 centimeters, the stem is fleshy. However, if in the purslane during the flowering period the leaves are somewhat similar to needles, elongated in shape, then the garden purslane has leaves very wide, spade-like and small. In food, just the stems and leaves are consumed. The photo below shows this plant, which often grows in the backyard.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

This plant begins to bloom with yellow, small, rather inconspicuous flowers. This period lasts from June to September. When this "malicious" weed plant appears in the garden, there is no need to rush to remove it from the beds, most likely, you can find good use, for example, in cooking. If you do not like to use it for food, then you need to fight this weed.

Fight against purslane

Purslane is mainly uninvited guest on the beds in the garden. It begins to grow in the garden area around July and grows in impressive areas. If you do not want to grow this weed in your summer cottage, then you can use numerous methods to combat this weed. Plucking purslane from garden beds is the most laborious and not very successful way. You can use a simpler method, however, this is no less effective. For example, it is necessary to cover the area “affected” by purslane with mulch. To do this, you can use any type of organic product: from hay to freshly cut grass. This layer, which is protective, is able to pacify the "raging" weeds and drive away harmful insects. If use this method constantly, the fertility of the soil increases several times, and chemical agents for weed control, if useful, then in small quantities.

This weed can be found in almost every garden. Some may even befriend him and craft delicious food with the addition of purslane. Most make salads from it, vegetables can be stewed and fried. There are even recipes for various ailments where this plant is used. But if you do not like culinary experiments, you can put a lot of effort into clearing your garden of such weeds. Purslane is a fairly tenacious plant that adapts well and can start up the root system even after numerous weeds.

Natural Ways to Fight

To deal with constantly growing weeds or prevent their appearance, you need to "recognize the enemy by sight." Immediately you need to tune in that it will not be easy to fight. The fact is that purslane seedlings begin to ripen several times throughout the season and each time there are approximately 38,000 of them. It is easy to guess that they need to be accumulated in the ground quite big number. And they can grow at a temperature of approximately 24 degrees after watering the plant. Most summer residents, without realizing it, can propagate the plant during the growing season. If you've made up your mind mechanically destroy the planting, then it is necessary to pull it out only with the root system.

Natural Ways

Consider natural ways to deal with garden purslane.

First way

When you simply cut it with a hoe to the category of soil, then new shoots form from the basal buds. Thus, the first way to destroy garden purslane is to weed the beds all the time and not allow weeds to bloom. It is important to consider that many seeds are formed on each plant, and they can maintain their own germination capacity up to 30 years.

Second way

The second natural way to control weed garden purslane is to mulch the soil. It is necessary to fill the area with a layer of about a few centimeters of mulch. It can be straw, hay or other material. As soon as the conditions are very favorable, the spores of the harmful fungus will rise to the top. Mulch will be able to stop them, and they will affect weeds, which will allow you to abandon any chemical preparation.

Third way

Another simple option with which you can get rid of the garden purslane weed is deep digging. Seedlings can only sprout from the surface of the soil or from a depth of approximately 1.3 centimeters. After a thorough weeding personal plot the soil must be dug up and cultivated. If the seedling is located at a shallow depth, it does not have the strength to germinate even under favorable conditions. It is because of this that it is necessary to carefully dig up the territory of the garden every spring and autumn.

Ways to deal with purslane with garden chemicals

And now let's look at how you can deal with garden purslane with the help of chemicals. If you have not been able to get rid of weeds by the natural method, you must use products chemical industry. Today, more and more summer residents avoid the use of chemicals, however, in some cases this is the only way to deal with this pest.

Chemical methods

After the garden crops have been harvested, all weeds must be weeded quite thoroughly and the garden area completely cleared. Even the leaves should not remain. Then the area must be treated with herbicides. The collected weeds also need to be piled up and the purslane weeds should be sprayed with a preparation called "Tornado" or "Napalm". A similar method of controlling purslane weed is a radical and reliable method. However, the obvious disadvantage is the further ecological state of the soil.

After the weeding period has passed, it is imperative to remove everything from the territory suburban area. Even if your site is dug up, this weed plant can grow again on loose soil. Nutrients will be stored in its stems for a very long period of time. With their help, the landing can calmly wait for life-giving moisture and recover again. So last and at the same time main advice about how you can deal with garden purslane, is to remove even excavated vegetation from the territory. You can use any of the above methods to control this weed. Thus, you can clear the area from garden purslane.

Garden purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to weeds. People are thinking about how to bring garden purslane because of its properties to braid and fill plantings vegetable crops, taking away a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Purslane is nevertheless edible, has tender, fleshy leaves with sourness and is similar in taste to.

Plant features

A feature of purslane, like many other weeds, is its viability and undemanding to growing conditions. Weed grows on any soil, including sandy and rocky areas.

Wild purslane can be found on all continents. The weed plant is thermophilic and moisture-loving, it is distinguished by creeping reddish shoots, reaching a length of 10-40 cm. It blooms in small yellow flowers from June to September.

After flowering, garden purslane forms a fruit - a multi-seeded box. It cracks and spreads up to 1 million small, brown-black seeds.

Seeds fall off in September-October and are able to stay in the soil for up to 30 years without losing their germination.

Seeds germinate from the surface of the soil, or from a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. Particularly active growth occurs at temperatures above + 25 ° C and up to extremely high, as well as after watering or rain. In one season, garden purslane can reproduce up to 3-4 seed generations. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of it in one year.

How to remove purslane garden

For weed control, mechanical and chemical methods. The use of drugs is not always appropriate on the site. Chemicals adversely affect the composition of the soil and cultivated plants.

To improve the quality of the soil and to get rid of weeds, observe and sow the area with continuous sowing crops, such as barley, oats or peas.

In places where purslane grows, onions, carrots and parsley are planted. They are able to suppress the germination of weeds after one weeding.

One of the methods on how to bring out garden purslane sprouts and how to deal with them is mulching, weeding and digging.


Areas where weed growth has been observed are covered with a dense layer, 5-10 cm high. Mowed grass, hay or compost can be used as mulch. A layer of mulch is covered with corrugated cardboard or a dark garden film. In the absence of light and due to the compaction of materials, even the hatched seeds will not be able to develop.

Mulching is not only a way to remove garden purslane, but also an additional tool to improve the quality of the soil layer.

Purslane actively grows in well-lit areas, so by shading not only the seeds, but also the places of its growth, you can gradually remove the weed from the garden.


Weeding is carried out manually after loosening and with the obligatory uprooting of the plant. Purslane weed is well removed from the ground, and unselected plant residues quickly resume their growth. Portulac dissected into parts takes root by releasing aerial roots. Therefore, uprooted plants are not left in the aisles and on the surface of the soil.

A supply of moisture accumulates in the roots of the purslane, which allows it to remain viable for a long time. To prevent re-rooting, all plant residues are burned or carried away outside the site. AT compost pits only dried weeds can be used. Dry, torn from the soil, purslane under the sun, spreading it on a film so that it does not touch the ground.

Purslane is weeded without waiting for its flowering, because freshly ripened seeds are able to immediately begin new growth.

Purslane tends to actively germinate after watering. This ability is used to provoke germination - another method of removing garden purslane from the site. The place where the weed grows is intensively watered a few weeks before planting vegetable or flower crops and then the shoots that have appeared are carefully weeded out.


In order to remove the purslane from the garden, the places where it appears are deeply dug up. The seeds of the plant germinate only close to the surface. Therefore, after digging, they will be in the lower soil layer, from where they will not be able to germinate. Deep digging is recommended to be done well in advance of planting vegetables - in autumn or in early spring so that the work of beneficial soil bacteria has time to resume in the soil layers.

Compliance with crop rotation and a combination of methods for getting rid of a weed plant will lead to a decrease, and then the complete disappearance of purslane from the garden.

About the properties of garden purslane - video

Question from subscribers: How to get rid of garden purslane? This weed is found in almost every garden. Some even manage to "make friends" with him and cook simple meals. And not just for poultry or livestock. Many make salads out of it, stew and fry with vegetables. There are even recipes for various ailments using this plant. If you are not a supporter of culinary experiments, you will have to put in a lot of effort to get rid of this. uninvited guest . Purslane plant is very tenacious, adapts well and is able to take root even after weeding. What does garden purslane look like? Weed belongs to annual plants of the Purslane family. It can be seen with the naked eye that the representatives of this are distinguished by very, very fleshy leaves. Brown stems with a slight reddish bloom can reach up to forty centimeters in height. It cannot be said that purslane flowers are distinguished by grace and beauty. They are located in the axils of the leaves or branching of the stems. Butterlak flowering begins in June and lasts almost all summer. The purslane fruit is very small, reaching five to eight millimeters in length. Despite the fact that the chicken leg lives mainly along roads, in fields and along the banks of water bodies, very often this plant appears in household plots. Ways to deal with garden purslane 1. Regular weeding One of the most time-consuming, but also the most harmless ways to deal with purslane is constant weeding. Experienced gardeners know that it is necessary to get rid of unwanted vegetation in the garden exclusively by hand. At the same time, you need to pluck the plant from the root, and then dump it in a dry place so that the weed does not have the opportunity to take root again. Do not use a chopper, cultivator or any other garden tool for weeding. The fact is that they all come down to the fact that the weed is divided into parts still in the soil. And this cannot be allowed in any way, because even the smallest shoot of the stem, accidentally forgotten in the ground, can take root very soon. Thus, such weeding will not only exterminate, but rather increase the number of weeds in the garden. 2. Chemicals There is an opinion that the fight against purslane with chemicals is a very thankless task. However, if this is done at the initial stage, when the weed has not yet had time to take root on the site, then we can hope for a complete disposal of purslane. Herbicides can help the gardener in this difficult task. For this purpose, drugs such as Tornado or Roundup are suitable. Herbicides are bred according to the instructions. Some gardeners advise adding nitrogen fertilizer to the resulting solution (at the rate of two tablespoons per ten liters of water). Herbicides should be applied in the spring. Very often, “Stomp” is used for carrots and onions, and “Zenkor” for potatoes. Many growers process plantings in the fall, after harvest. To do this, the beds on which the purslane was seen are treated with a herbicide such as " Hurricane" or analogues (dosage in accordance with the instructions). 3. Mulching As with other similar weeds, soil mulching is a great way to say goodbye to purslane for good. Hay can be used as mulch, as well as dry sawdust and other traditional materials. This option of weed control is a win-win. After all, mulching will also benefit cultural plantings. 4. Deep Digging This method works well in combination with other weed control methods. Purslane seeds germinate only at a depth of one and a half to two centimeters. If the seed falls to a greater depth, then the likelihood that the weed will germinate is actually reduced to zero. 5. Emergency watering Many experienced gardeners start watering the spot in the garden where the purslane has been spotted one to two weeks before the first shoots appear. To do this, dig up the bed and start actively watering it. In about a week, the first shoots of purslane will appear. After they become massive, all weeds should be removed without residue. Purslane is not only a medicinal plant, but also a garden weed, and difficult to remove. The gardener will have to be patient and carefully follow all the instructions. Only in this way will the gardener be able to say goodbye to purslane forever!


To defeat the enemy or prevent his appearance, recognize the "enemy" in person. The seeds of this plant ripen 2-3 times a year, so it's easy to guess how much they accumulate in the soil. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 25 ° C, and an intensive process is observed after rain or watering. Be patient, because you have a difficult one ahead of you.

If you decide to get rid of mechanically, pull out the weed along with the root. In the case when the weed is cut with a hoe, its root system remains in the soil, new shoots are formed from it later. Try to regularly weed the beds and do not let the weed bloom.

Cover the area affected by purslane with mulch: it can be hay, straw or other organic material (fill in a layer of 3-4 cm). This protective layer will pacify the raging plant, and also drive away harmful insects. If you regularly carry out mulching, the fertility of the soil of your personal plot will increase several times, and there will be no need to use chemicals.

Spraying with herbicides will help get rid of garden purslane. Use this method in the fall, when the crop is already harvested. To control the weed, use a mixture of "Roundal" with another herbicide ("Pyramin" or "Lazurite" or "Octigen"). Dissolve in the sprayer tank first "Lazurit", and after "Roundal" (observe the norms specified in the instructions). Spray the area. Remember: if it started to rain within 10 hours after spraying, the effectiveness of this procedure is too low. Herbicides act gradually, this weed will die within 7-10 days.


Follow the safety rules when spraying the area with herbicides.

Helpful advice

Garden purslane seeds remain viable for 30 years.

Advice 2: How to get rid of purslane (fat woman) in the garden

Purslane - useful plant. However, if it gets into the garden, it can fill the entire space and prevent the growth of cultivated plants. Other names for purslane: buterlak, chicken leg, fat woman, pine. Even one seed of this weed can produce huge offspring and clog the entire area.

Its peculiarity is that it grows well even on the poorest soils, and on nutritious, lovingly prepared for crops, it multiplies many times faster. Therefore, as soon as the first sprout of the fat woman appears, remove it immediately and watch for new sprouts.

It would be useful to look behind the fence: if there is a purslane there, then in this place it must be destroyed. After all, it reproduces both by seeds (thousands of small seeds from one plant), and by processes of roots and stems - it simply crawls from behind the fence into the garden. And it forms such a useless carpet that does not give life to other plants.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) without chemistry

Weeding and once again weeding - here The best way. However, you need to remove the smallest pieces of the plant, because a new weed can grow from them. It is important to monitor new shoots of purslane every 7 days and remove them until the seeds are ripe. It is better to put the plants on a litter in the sun so that they dry completely. If the lashes come into contact with the ground, new shoots will come from them.

Important: do not use a chopper, flat cutter, secateurs and other similar devices to weed weeds. They divide the purslane into parts, from which new weeds will grow, and there will be even more of them. Only careful selection of pieces and roots will give the desired effect.

You can also apply mulching straw, sawdust, etc. Mulch is laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm, no less. If the fat woman has grown a lot, cover it with boards, cardboard or a piece of roofing material so that it does not receive light and moisture.

Will also help digging with a pitchfork : in this case, you can select the stems and roots, and the seeds will fall into the depth and will not be able to germinate, because they sprout at a depth of no more than 2 cm.

There is a way like emergency watering . The bed is dug up, watered a lot every day, and the seedlings of purslane are monitored. In about a week, pink sprouts will appear - this is purslane. They are removed, and the weed will not appear here again.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) with the help of chemistry

If the clogging of the site with purslane has reached catastrophic proportions, herbicides of continuous action will help. They are used in the fall, when the crop is already harvested. Experienced fighters with purslane advise a double dose: the combination of Roundup with Lapis Lazuli, Pyramin or Octigen. Make the solution strictly according to the instructions.

Spraying is best done in clear weather. If there was no rain for 10 hours, one treatment is enough. If it was, spraying will have to be repeated.

After two weeks, the entire purslane will dry. This method of destroying a fat woman can be used if it grows along a fence or on paths.

The main thing when using herbicides is to cover cultivated plants so that they do not suffer.


  • Purslane weed: how to fight in the garden

This weed is found in almost every garden. Some even manage to "make friends" with him and cook simple meals. And not just for poultry or livestock. Many make salads out of it, stew and fry with vegetables. There are even recipes for various ailments using this plant.

If you are not a supporter of culinary experiments, you will have to put in a lot of effort to get rid of this uninvited guest. Purslane plant is very tenacious, adapts well and is able to take root even after weeding.

Garden purslane: natural control measures

To start a fight against an annoying weed or prevent its appearance, you should "know the enemy by sight." You should immediately stock up on patience, because the struggle is not easy. The fact is that purslane seeds ripen two or three times per season and each time there are about 40 thousand of them. It is not difficult to guess that they accumulate in the soil very a large number of. And they begin to germinate at a temperature of 25 ° C after watering or rain.

Many gardeners, without knowing it, contribute to the vegetative propagation of purslane weed. If you mechanically decide to destroy the plant, you only need to uproot it. When you simply cut it with a hoe to the level of the soil, then new shoots will begin to form from the root bud. This is the first tip on how to destroy garden purslane. It is important to constantly weed the beds and prevent the weed from blooming. Remember that each inflorescence contains a huge number of seeds and they remain viable for up to thirty years.

The second "natural" way to deal with garden purslane is based on. We fill the area with a layer of 3-4 cm of mulch. It can be straw, hay or other organic material. As soon as the conditions are favorable enough, the spores of harmful fungi will begin to rise to the top. Mulch will stop them and they will act on the weed, which will make it possible to abandon chemicals.

Another simple option on how to get rid of garden purslane is to deep dig. Seeds can only sprout from the surface of the soil or a depth of 1.5 cm. After thorough weeding, the site is dug up and the soil is cultivated. If the seeds are at a great depth, they do not have enough strength to germinate even under favorable conditions. That is why every spring and autumn you should carefully dig up the site.

How to get rid of garden purslane with chemicals?

If you could not eliminate the purslane weed in a natural way, you will have to resort to chemical industry products. Today, more and more property owners are trying to avoid the use of chemicals, but sometimes this the only way fight.

After harvesting, everything should be very carefully weeded and completely removed from the site. Even the leaves should not remain. The area is then treated with herbicides. The collected weeds are also piled up and sprayed preparations "Tornado" or "Napalm". This method of dealing with purslane is the most radical and reliable. But the obvious disadvantage is the further ecological state of the earth.

After weeding, be sure to remove everything from the site. Even when dug up, this weed is able to sprout again on loose soil. Enough in its stems long time nutrients remain. With their help, the plant can calmly wait for life-giving moisture and recover again. So the last and main advice on how to deal with garden purslane is to remove even dug up plants from the site.