The most favorable mortgage. Where can I get a low interest mortgage?

  • 20.10.2019

When a young family or a single person is going to take out a mortgage, they, of course, start looking for the most profitable options. And the majority will begin to choose from those banks where the lowest interest on mortgages takes place. Indeed, the interest rate plays an important role when the borrower's funds are seriously limited (and they are considered limited by default).

The total amount of loans issued as the main criterion

However, in the banking statistics itself, the determining factor is not the amount of annual interest, but the volume of loans issued in monetary terms and the number of bank borrowers. In principle, this approach is not unreasonable. If a significant number of people seek to take out a mortgage loan in this particular financial institution, then perhaps given bank actually offers the most favorable conditions. Or he has the largest variety of lending conditions.

According to data for 2015, Sberbank became the absolute leader in the list of all banks in Russia. Only in the first half of last year, he issued a huge amount of 304 billion 302 million rubles to borrowers in the mortgage sector. According to this criterion (the volume of issued Money) you can make such a rating table.

Name of the bank

The total amount of money issued for mortgage lending in the first decade of 2015, billion rubles



Bank of Moscow



St. Petersburg

housing finance


The number of clients - the second criterion

But does this mean that for the desired, cheap and profitable mortgage, you should immediately run to Sberbank? Or then in which bank is it more profitable to take a mortgage? The fact is that the rate is far from the only criterion, and it is associated with other lending conditions. Moreover, the amount of money in itself does not say anything about the number of clients, or about their, so to speak, material status. It happens that a large amount is made up of many small mortgages (0.5-1 million rubles).

And it happens that the same amount is formed by a much smaller number of larger loans (more than 2 million rubles). Thus, if hypothetically two banks have approximately the same rating in terms of the amount of funds issued, then their clientele may be completely different. People go to one for whom a loan of 1 million rubles is the ceiling. They will not pull the purchase of a more expensive option. Those who can afford to take 2.5 million rubles from the bank go to the other. Only the first will be the majority, and the second - the minority. And the total output of the two banks will be the same.

Of course, there are no such pure segregations - any bank deals with the widest range of people. This example was given only to show how uninformative a single criterion is. Therefore, the second important criterion- is the number of bank clients in a particular segment of its activities. Sberbank has very high rates here as well.

Interest rate and terms of mortgage lending in Sberbank

The organization distributed the above-mentioned 304.302 billion rubles among 198,000 borrowers. The bank itself claims that such indicators once again proved its status as the "people's" bank of the Russian Federation. Indeed, the purchase and purchase of residential real estate in a mortgage according to statistical reports for a significant part of the population passes through this bank.

Worth Considering full list basic terms of mortgage loans in this institution. So:

  1. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles.
  2. The annual interest rate is from 11.4% to 13.5%.
  3. The term of the mortgage loan is from one to 30 years.
  4. - 20% of the cost of purchased housing.
  5. You can borrow real estate in the secondary market and housing under construction.

For those who are not in the know. The listed conditions of bank mortgage lending are either minimal or parametric (for example, terms). And they are not related to each other. In this case, although 11.4% is the minimum rate, for a minimum loan (300 thousand rubles), the rate will be higher. If you look at the key criterion, the interest rate, then in Sberbank this is the middle peasant. There are many banks where the rate is higher. But there are many who offer a really low rate. In Sberbank, buying an apartment on credit at an annual rate of 11.5% is a rarity.

In 75% of all mortgages, this beneficiary offers 12.5% ​​or 13%. Moreover, in practice, Sberbank has long been an unofficial branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He works closely with all government programs, and this allows you to reduce the rate. When housing is built with state participation, it is a guarantee for the bank that the developer will complete the declared project. Not without reason, when the developer is a state organization, interest rates are very small.

And when the developer is a private enterprise, the situation becomes exactly the opposite - a financial institution greatly raises annual interest on such housing under construction. In order to cover losses in case of possible bankruptcy of the developer. Most likely, Sberbank owes its first place in the rating of loans to government programs. Because there are conditions that may not suit many customers. First of all, a relatively high down payment.

Rates at some other banks

Rosselkhozbank is generally a fully state-owned financial institution. In the presented rating list, he took a place in the middle. Why did Sberbank bypass it so much, although Rosselkhozbank also implies the purchase of a mortgage and secondary housing and housing on a turnkey basis? The point here is not only the scale of the enterprise (Sberbank has the most a large number of branches in Russia), but also at a higher interest rate.

With the best offer - a rate of 13.5%, but at the same time it applies only to short-term loans (up to 5 years) and with a large down payment (over 50%). Although this bank has offers where the down payment is only 15%, but, of course, the rate there will be high (15-17%).

A few words about Tinkoff

It is curious that there are a huge number of banks in the country that are not included in the official rating list, but at the same time have amazingly low interest rates. For example, Tinkoff Bank, where customers can take out a mortgage loan at 10.5% per annum. For Russia, this is indeed a very low rate. At the same time, according to other criteria, Tinkoff is no worse than Sberbank:

  • minimum loan - 300 thousand rubles;
  • the minimum down payment is 20%;
  • loan terms - from 1 year to 30 years;
  • cooperation of the bank with many government programs.

What's the matter? Why, then, did Tinkoff not even break through to the last line of the above table in terms of the volume of loans in the mortgage program for 2015. It is impossible to give a definite answer here. A bank is a complex financial structure. Its ups and downs are determined by a whole range of factors both in the domestic and international markets. Yes, even elementary competent advertising and PR play an important role, which makes the purchase of credit housing more tempting.

Are low interest rates good for you?

However, in this article, this is what should be said. Tinkoff may even rise in the rating list, since in the initial analysis its conditions are really quite good. However, borrowers should be aware that low interest rates are often “free cheese in a mousetrap” (and even then not completely free). For example, an additional condition may be a very large down payment (up to 75% of the value of residential property). It is clear that the Russians who are able to deposit such an amount of money at a time are a minority.

Accordingly, despite the democratic rate, such mortgage lending itself cannot be called democratic. In other cases, low annual interest may mean some kind of commission (for issuing the loan itself, for example), compulsory property insurance at the expense of the borrower, the impossibility early repayment debt and so on. Only one advice can be given here. If the client is faced with such profitable interest, he needs to sit down and very carefully re-read every word written in the contract.

Including those written in small print (especially small print!). And it is advisable to underline with a pencil those places where at least some questions arise, so that later, in order, they will be sorted out with a bank employee. Now you can make your own bank rating, but not by the volume of loans issued, but by the size of the proposed interest rates. It is worth taking a couple of dozen well-known banks for comparison.

Rating table of interest rates of different banks

Name of the bank

Minimum mortgage rate

(in %)

Bank Rosgosstrah

Bank Soviet


Raiffeisen Bank

Bank "Revival




Russian capital

JSCB Investtorgbank


Bank Zenith



Absolut Bank

Bank of Moscow

Bank opening

Moscow Industrial Bank



Bank Intercommerce


Change of conditions for the last period in some banks

But even this table does not fully reflect the real state of affairs. The problem is that in recent months, some private banks have begun to introduce government programs into their activities. For example, Raiffeisen Bank has recently launched a special offer in the field of mortgage lending. It has to do with government support. As part of this offer, the bank's regular rate of 15.25% drops to 11.15%. Bank Vozrozhdenie did exactly the same thing, adding another one backed by a government program to its range of mortgage offers.

It implies the purchase of an exclusively apartment in a new building, but not with the usual 13.75%, but with 11.25%. Gazprombank has also created special projects for those borrowers who need either apartments in new buildings or townhouses. For these clients, GPB is ready to reduce the rate from 12.5% ​​to 11% per annum.

Promsvyazbank offers low annual rates exclusively for new buildings. And the Moscow Industrial Bank agrees to 11% when turnkey apartments are taken on a mortgage. At the same time, FOR ALL more or less low rates (i.e., from 10.5% to 12%), the following approximate conditions can be indicated:

  1. The minimum mortgage amount is determined in the region of 1.3–1.4 million rubles;
  2. The minimum monthly payment is 27-28 thousand rubles. That is, not a single bank will, say, take a mortgage of 500 thousand rubles at 11% per annum.

Factors that determine the interest rate

So, let's sum up. Before asking the question “Which bank has the lowest annual interest rate?”, You should remember what factors affect its size.

  1. The amount of the mortgage loan. Usually, with its growth, the rate gradually decreases, but for minimal loans, rates cannot be large either. According to statistics, the highest rates are set for mortgage loans: from 1.7 million rubles to 2 million rubles.
  2. The amount of the initial payment. There is an unambiguous, inversely proportional relationship: the higher the contribution, the lower the rate. And vice versa.
  3. The time for which the loan is taken. For long periods (over 15 years) rates should be moderate. For very short periods (less than 5 years) they are also low. The highest stakes are placed on the most common options - from 5 to 10 years.
  4. Property type. The highest rates take place when housing that has not yet been built is taken into the mortgage, and the developer - private company. The participation of the state is always at least a little, but reduces the rate.
  5. Presence/absence of a creditor bank card. If a person already has a plastic card of the organization where he is going to take a mortgage, this will greatly facilitate the whole process. After all, this is an additional guarantee. The institution will simply automatically deduct funds from the client's salary card. The level of trust is higher here, and the stakes are lower.
  6. Small annual mortgage interest can mean a number of other obligations that the borrower will have to take on - real estate appraisal, its insurance, commissions, etc.

Knowing all these subtleties will help to accept correct solution. For after reading this material, it should become clear that among the many profitable low rates, one must also be able to choose. It is often better to stop at the offer where the rate is slightly higher. But all the conditions in general are much more profitable. The information offered here is aimed at helping a wide range of people to understand the intricacies of Russian mortgage lending and make the purchase of residential real estate a less complicated and nerve-consuming process.

An indisputable fact: real estate prices in the Russian capital are showing a steady upward trend. Nevertheless, the needs of Muscovites and citizens who want to become one in their own housing are also growing naturally. Therefore, it is quite natural that mortgages in Moscow are gaining popularity day by day. A logical response to the growing demand in the field of mortgage lending was the variety of relevant loan programs from Moscow banks. In order to study them all and choose the best option for all the parameters presented, it takes a colossal amount of time, during which housing prices in Moscow will rise even higher. We can avoid these difficulties, save your time and, as a result, your money!

Profitable mortgage for a large amount - a reality!

If you are interested in a mortgage on an apartment, then a huge number of mortgage loans from Moscow banks are at your service. All of them differ from each other in a number of the following ways: the amount of the loan, the duration of the period for which the loan is issued, the size of the down payment, the amount of the overpayment at the mortgage rate, requirements for the borrower, and the like.

Of course, every potential borrower wants to find such a mortgage loan that offers the most favorable conditions for each of these parameters. In other words, the ideal mortgage in Moscow is a loan for a large amount with a minimum interest rate, issued without a down payment and without draconian requirements for the number of documents on the status of the borrower. Of course, such ideal mortgage loans do not exist (they are simply not profitable for banks), however, choosing the optimal combination of all requirements and finding the best mortgage offer for yourself is quite within the power of everyone using the site.

How does the service work?

So, the site is a large database of loans that combines all the available offers for mortgage loans in Moscow. A convenient navigation system, coupled with an intuitive interface, will allow everyone to easily select the right offer from the entire mass of banks according to the specified parameters. Thus, you yourself determine those mortgage offers that do not suit you for any reason (high rate, big size down payment, the requirement to collect a hefty package of documents before obtaining a loan), and study only those that you really might want to use. In addition to the actual mortgage offers, on our project you will find important information about the history of each of the lending banks, their reputation, the features of their loan programs, which will help you make the right decision without significant time costs.

Why choosing a mortgage from the site is so convenient?

Choosing a suitable mortgage offer for a room or apartment with the help of our service gives you the opportunity to minimize current costs when applying for a mortgage. In addition, thanks to the site, you will benefit from paying mortgage loan- choosing the most reasonable mortgage rates. Finally, with the help of our project, you will save time, which, as you know, can be successfully converted into money: if you have chosen several suitable offers for yourself, just fill out an online application for each! No extra trips to credit institutions - your presence will be required only in one bank, where you will already sign all the necessary documents for the purchase of your new home!

Mortgage - behind this foreign, but painfully familiar and familiar word lies the only opportunity to purchase housing for most young families in Russia.

Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, mortgage lending remains in demand, and therefore the question is especially relevant: where to find the most favorable conditions, which bank to contact?

If such a nomination existed, the choice of a bank for mortgage lending would be greatly simplified. But awards in this area are not awarded, and therefore you have to analyze, compare, calculate. The only assistant in choosing is the rating of Rusipoteka (an analytical center specializing in mortgage loans).

TOP 10 best mortgage banks in Russia looks like this:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Deltacredit;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Zhilfinans;
  • Renaissance;
  • Absolute.

It is important to note that the rating is based on the volume of loans issued to clients by various financial institutions. And the absolute leader in this list is Sberbank of Russia. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the first quarter of the past year, this organization issued loans totaling more than 304 billion rubles. It is noteworthy that VTB24 Bank is in second place, its lending volumes in the mortgage segment amounted to 72 billion rubles. But popularity and profitability are different concepts. Therefore, another question arises: is Sberbank really - best bank to get a mortgage?

Conditions of mortgage lending, concepts and definitions

Before proceeding to the description of the conditions, it is necessary to understand the terms. So, how is a mortgage different from mortgage lending? You may be surprised, but these are different concepts, the first of which denotes a form of collateral in which the borrower pledges real estate, but reserves the right to own and use it, and the lender has the right to sell the borrower's real estate in case of default on credit obligations.

Mortgage lending is a long-term loan (up to 30 years), in which it is possible to purchase real estate, which will be the subject of public pledge. This means that when buying an apartment or house on a mortgage, the authorities registering the purchase and sale transaction make a record of the existence of an encumbrance. In case of non-payment of the loan to the bank, it has the right to announce the debt by selling the collateral object.

Having dotted all the “i” and given the definition of concepts, we can easily formulate the main condition for obtaining a mortgage. The purchased apartment, house and even a summer residence will be at the disposal of the borrower, he can live in them, carry out repairs, but he does not have the right to sell or exchange real estate until he covers the loan debt to the bank. Only after the loan is repaid, the borrower enters into absolute ownership rights and can dispose of the apartment or house at his own discretion.

Returning to the question of Sberbank, we list the main conditions for providing mortgages to its customers:

  • loan amount - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate - from 11.4 to 13.5% per annum in rubles;
  • down payment - from 20% of the cost of housing;
  • loan term - from 1 year to 30 years;
  • the possibility of acquiring secondary and under construction housing.

Interest rates vary depending on the type of mortgage program. Thus, the lowest rates apply under the state-supported lending program and when buying secondary housing. The highest - for the construction of a residential building. The size of the rates is also affected by whether the borrower participates in the bank's salary project.

Persons receiving a salary on a Sberbank card do not even need to submit income statements. All you need to apply is your passport. Also operate convenient conditions loan repayment: the money will be debited from the client's account automatically, you just need to replenish the balance of the plastic card. There are no additional commissions for issuing a loan, but the cost of the services of an appraiser, insurance of the property and notarization of documents will be added to the loan amount without fail.

Mortgages in Russian banks

Mortgage loans are issued by many Russian banks, including a wholly state-owned institution, Rosselkhozbank. What percentage and conditions is he willing to offer? The bank has the following conditions:

  • loan amount - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • loan term - up to 30 years;
  • initial payment - from 15%.

Rosselkhozbank allows you to purchase a mortgage not only primary and secondary housing, cottages or cottages, but also apartments. The financial institution also provides loans for housing construction. Interest rates vary depending on the term of the loan and the size of the down payment. The lowest interest rates (only 13.5% per annum in rubles) apply when obtaining a loan for a period of up to 5 years when paying more than 50% of the value of the property.

Bank Vozrozhdenie offers mortgage loans ranging from 300,000 to 5 million rubles to its clients. The down payment must be at least 20% of the cost of the apartment (at least 30% of the cost of non-residential premises). The loan term is from 1 year to 30 years, and the interest rate is from 13.75%. And although the rating of the Rusipoteka agency was based on indicators of the volume of loans issued, it becomes obvious that the bank with the most favorable mortgage lending terms is in first place. This is also confirmed by the number of loans issued: in the first half of 2015 alone, there were almost 198 thousand of them. Such a number of borrowers who have chosen a mortgage from Sberbank cannot be wrong!

"Cheap" mortgage: myth or reality?

As you have noticed, on average, a mortgage is issued at 13.5 - 14% per annum. That is, slightly higher than the key rate of the Central Bank - 11%. But there are banks that make offers to customers that are extremely difficult to refuse. For example, Tinkoff, which does not appear in the ratings of mortgage banks at all, issues mortgage loans at 10.5%!

The conditions are:

  • loan amount - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • down payment - from 20%;
  • loan term - up to 30 years.

Both the property itself and the penalty act as collateral for the loan. In order to confirm income, you can submit a 2-NDFL or 3-NDFL certificate, as well as a certificate drawn up in the form of a bank. The interest rate may increase in the following cases:

  • in case of refusal to apply for insurance - by 2%;
  • when submitting a certificate in the form of a bank - by 0.5%.

But even in this case, the rate will not exceed 12.5%, which is more profitable than most similar offers. It is noteworthy that Tinkoff offers mortgages with state support. There are other financial and credit organizations for which a cheap mortgage is not just words:

  • MIA - 13%;
  • SNGB - 13.25%;
  • Centrcom - 12%;
  • Opening - from 11.05%;
  • Bank of Moscow - from 11.15%.

Some of the organizations listed do not require proof of income. However, do not rush into the credit pool with your head. Excessively favorable and convenient conditions should alert. You will probably find a lot of conditions written in small print in the loan agreement. For example, a commission may be charged for issuing a loan, and there is often no possibility of early repayment. Sometimes low interest rates apply if the amount of the down payment is over 50 - 85%.

You should carefully read all the conditions, calculate all possible expenses and take into account unforeseen expenses (services of an appraiser, notary, insurance company). A mortgage is a long-term financial burden that should be taken on with extreme caution. In choosing a bank the best way a mortgage calculator will help. It can be located directly on the bank's website, but you can also find it on the Internet.

Also, when making calculations, pay attention to the type of payments: differentiated or annuity. With the second type, monthly payments will always be the same, and with the first, they will decrease as the funds are returned to the bank. For many, this option is preferable, because over time, paying off a mortgage becomes easier.

Mortgage has long been the only type of lending in Russia that shows stable growth. It is rather difficult to call this fact surprising, because new families appear who need a place to live, or they have children, and the expansion of living space becomes an acute issue. Taking into account the fact that an apartment is quite expensive, and it will take more than a year to save up for it, a mortgage becomes the only way out for most Russians in the matter of having a suitable living space of their own. Therefore, we decided to identify the 10 most advantageous offers banks for this type of lending aimed at purchasing apartments in new buildings and in the secondary market, which operate in 2016.

There were several basic rules for compiling both ratings. First, only options for loans in foreign currency were considered - rubles. Secondly, popular mortgage loans with state support and with the possibility of using maternity capital for decoration. Thirdly, the minimum interest rate was determined taking into account all possible categories of borrowers and additional conditions. That is, for ordinary citizens, and for payroll clients, taking into account the registration of comprehensive insurance, etc.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage on an apartment in a new building

It should be noted right away that this rating did not include lending programs that were developed by banks together with developer partners. This is due to the fact that in this case it is not possible to provide objective information on interest rates in Russia as a whole. Although for specialized programs with certain developers, they are much lower.

TOP-10 banks with the lowest mortgage interest rate on apartments in a new building
A place
Bank's name
Loan term (years) Interest rate from (%)
1 TransCapitalBank (TKB) 1-25 20% 8 000 000 10,9
2 Raiffeisenbank 1-25 20% 8 000 000 11,0
3 Promsvyazbank 1-25 20% 8 000 000 11,0
4 Absolut Bank 1-30 20% 8 000 000 11,2
5 Bank opening" 5-30 20% 8 000 000 11,2
6 Bank Uralsib 3-30 20% 8 000 000 11,25
7 UniCredit Bank 1-30 20% 8 000 000 11,25
8 Bank "Revival 1-30 20% 8 000 000 11,6
9 VTB Bank of Moscow 1-30 20% 8 000 000 11,65
10 Sberbank 1-30 20% 8 000 000 11,9

The leader of the rating is TanksCapitalBank (TKB) with a proposal to issue a mortgage for a new apartment at an interest rate of 10.9% per annum. Although it is impossible to say that Raiffeisenbank and Promsvyazbank, which are also in the TOP-3, provide loans at a much higher price. Their difference with TCB is only 0.1% per annum. And all other conditions are almost identical.

Here we did not consider Tinkoff Bank. Although he offers to issue a mortgage at an interest rate of 10.9% per annum, he lends with the help of partner banks, most of which are already in our rating.

In which bank is it better to take a mortgage for secondary housing

No less popular among Russians is buying an apartment on credit in the secondary market. For example, in TKB, 50% of the entire mortgage portfolio is occupied by this type of loan. There are a lot of reasons for this trend, but the main one is a greater range of real estate choices. Moreover, in some cases, in the secondary market you can buy an apartment immediately with quality repair and immediately move into it.

TOP 10 banks with the lowest interest rate on mortgages for secondary housing
A place
Bank's name
Loan term (years) Minimum down payment Maximum loan amount (rub.) Interest rate from (%)
1 TransCapitalBank (TKB) 1-25 20% 8 000 000 10,9
2 Raiffeisenbank 1-25 15% 26 000 000 11,0
3 Binbank 5-25 15% No limit 11,75
4 Absolut Bank 1-25 15% 50 000 000 12,0
5 Sberbank 1-30 20% No limit 12,0
6 Promsvyazbank 3-25 20% 30 000 000 12,5
7 30 000 000 12,8

As in the previous ranking, TKB is the leader. The second place was left by Raiffeisenbank. Moreover, in both credit institutions, the minimum interest rate on a mortgage for the purchase of an apartment in the secondary market does not differ from the conditions for new buildings. It is 10.9% and 11.0% per annum, respectively. Binbank closes the top three with an annual rate of 11.75%.

A clear difference between the terms of lending for the purchase of secondary housing from new buildings is the maximum amount of credit. In almost all banks, it is much higher, and on average it is 30-50 million rubles, and in some cases it is completely limited only by the value of the collateral.


Based on both ratings, it can be noted that a mortgage on an apartment in a new building is not always financially more profitable than on the purchase of secondary housing. Of course, if you do not consider the proposals created by banks together with developers. Therefore, before contacting a credit institution, it is always necessary to study in detail as many offers as possible in order to choose the most profitable one. After all, mortgages are often issued for 15-20 years, and with such a period, even a difference of 0.5% per annum plays a significant role.

How and where can I get a mortgage on an apartment? What documents are needed to draw up a mortgage agreement? Who can help you get a mortgage with bad credit?

Hello dear readers! Denis Kuderin is in touch.

We continue the series of articles on mortgage lending. The topic of this post is how to get a mortgage. The article will be of interest to anyone who wants to get a mortgage loan in the very near future or intends to do so in the long term.

And now - about everything in detail and in order!

1. What you need to know before taking out a mortgage

For the vast majority of citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, mortgage lending is the only chance to buy a home right now, and not after years of savings and savings.

Statistics show that about half of all real estate in Russia is purchased on credit.

The essence of mortgage loans

Briefly about what is a mortgage. IN modern world a mortgage is a type of loan in which housing is bought by the borrower on credit and remains secured by the bank.

The client is considered the owner of the apartment or house, but does not have access to these objects full rights. If, for some reason, the borrower stops paying the bills before the full repayment of the loan, the bank begins to apply penalties.

The credit company has the right to seize housing in its favor if the recipient of the loan violates the terms of the mortgage agreement.

In addition to delays and delays in payment, there are other ways to violate the contract:

  • transfer of the apartment to third parties;
  • damage to property, non-compliance with the rules of operation;
  • unauthorized change specifications object;
  • violation of insurance conditions.

More details about mortgage loans in the review article of our website "" and "".

Before taking such a loan, you need to decide on the purpose, amount and terms. Almost all large banks in Russia and neighboring countries give loans for real estate secured by the acquired property. Mortgage lending is a popular practice throughout the civilized world.

The downside is that Russia has the highest interest rates on mortgage loans. At the moment, the average rate in banks is 12-13% per annum.

Since mortgages are issued for long periods (5-30 years, or even all 50), borrowers should be prepared for the fact that in the coming decades they will have to regularly (monthly) deduct a certain percentage of their income to a banking institution.

It is important to psychologically realize the inevitability of paying interest and logically justify for yourself the need for such a step. It is good if the decision to take a loan is made jointly by all family members, and family budget calculated in advance for many years of payments.

Another reasonable and logical step is to immediately calculate for yourself the amount of the overpayment on the loan. It's about the difference between the real cost of housing and the price you have to pay for it in the end.

With existing interest rates in banking institutions, the amount of overpayment is very significant.


The family takes out a loan for 20 years, buying an apartment for 3,000,000 rubles. The interest rate is 13%. The family does not use any benefits and state subsidies (for example, it does not have rights to them or simply does not know that there are any). The monthly amount of payments will be about 35,000 rubles. And the final payments will approach 8 million rubles.

The overpayment is 5 million rubles. Whether this is a lot in 20 years or a little is up to you to judge personally. Many borrowers such amounts enter into a stupor. But do not forget about the general economic situation in the Russian Federation and the level of inflation.

Bank rates are predatory, but financial institutions don't want to lose their dividends either. For a potential borrower, the main task is to find out whether the level of his income meets the requirements of the bank.

The amount of loan payments should not exceed 30-45% of the total income of the client and his co-borrowers. That is, for regular payments of 35 thousand, family income should approach 100,000 rubles. monthly.

Conditions for issuing a mortgage

At what age can you take out a mortgage? Who can apply for a loan? Who is entitled to state benefits on mortgage loans?

These questions are of interest to all borrowers. I will try to answer them as detailed and detailed as possible.

First, let's talk about age. Most banks allow you to take out a mortgage from the age of 21. As for the upper age limit, it is determined by each bank individually. It is calculated simply - the current age of the borrower + the term of the loan.

Usually this indicator is equal to the retirement age + 3-5 years. The undoubted leader in terms of the age limit is Sberbank. In this institution, the upper limit for borrowers is 75 years.

The solvency of a potential borrower is of decisive importance in the execution of loan agreements.

Be sure to take into account:

  • the client's current income level;
  • work experience at the current place;
  • profession and position;
  • the income level of co-borrowers.

Both the maximum loan amount and the terms of debt repayment depend on these indicators. The ideal clients for banks are civil servants with a fixed income. An unspoken, but almost obligatory condition is the presence of a university diploma.

But the presence own business, oddly enough, automatically puts you in the category of high-risk clients. However, the logic of bank managers is understandable - even the most reliable business in modern economic conditions can become unprofitable at any time.

2. How to get a mortgage - procedure

Like any important event, the registration of a mortgage loan is carried out in stages. It is necessary to know in advance what the algorithm of actions is and how to most effectively take each step.

Experts advise starting with the choice of housing - having decided on the object of purchase, you will be aware of how much you need and what terms you should expect.

A potential borrower has 2 ways to get a mortgage:

  1. Act independently.
  2. Engage professional realtors or loan brokers.

In this section, we will consider the first option; we will talk about the second method a little later.

Step 1. Choosing a home

So which property to choose?

Today, almost any residential property can be purchased with a mortgage:

  • an apartment in a new building;
  • an apartment on the secondary market;
  • private house;
  • cottage or cottage.

Some banks issue funds for housing construction or pay for participation in shared construction.

For the borrower, the main thing is to soberly correlate own desires and opportunities. Otherwise, you can hate the apartment or house of your dreams in a couple of years after the start of mortgage payments.

My acquaintance realtor with many years of experience in the agency told me that the target setting of the buyer is of great importance when choosing a property.

It is one thing if a person with a more or less constant income acquires housing for himself, because he wants to "change the scenery" or buy an apartment that is more prestigious in terms of location and layout.

Such clients are able to easily part with new apartment if the amounts of payments at a certain moment seem excessive to them.

And it’s a completely different story when a family takes out a loan, for which a mortgage is the only way to acquire own apartment. Such a buyer is more reliable and tries to pay off the debt, even despite the decline in income and other adverse factors.

When choosing an apartment, you should remember that the bank imposes certain requirements on real estate objects. A mortgage will not be able to buy emergency housing, a dilapidated house or an apartment located on the territory of another state.

Step 2. Choosing a bank and mortgage program

The bank is chosen depending on the goals and capabilities of the borrower. Keep in mind that if you like a financial company, this does not mean that they will like you.

In other words, the issue of lending requires reciprocity. Success is possible only when an understanding is reached between the recipient of the loan and the bank.

Nowadays it is difficult to save on interest, but you can try to choose the most comfortable and “humane” payment terms for yourself.

If you are eligible for benefits from the state, be sure to take advantage of them, even if the registration process takes a long time.

A slight decrease in the interest rate for privileged categories of citizens will lead to savings of tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles over the years of loan repayment.

Points to pay attention to when choosing banks and mortgage programs:

  1. The amount of the first installment.
  2. Maximum loan amount.
  3. The number of insurances at the time of registration of the contract.
  4. The reputation and credibility of the organization.
  5. Reviews of real users - mortgage recipients.
  6. Conditions for early repayment.
  7. The maximum delay time after which the bank imposes fines and sanctions.

If your income is not quite official (you receive a "black" salary or work for yourself), it is better to choose credit companies that issue loans on softer and more loyal terms, as they say - "without certificates and guarantors".

Please note that interest on such mortgage programs will be higher.

Step 3. Collecting documents and submitting an application

Proper paperwork is half the battle.

The list of documents in most banks is standard:

  • questionnaire (application for a loan);
  • passport of the borrower (plus copies of documents of guarantors and co-borrowers);
  • a document confirming the level of income for the last six months (certificate 2-NDFL);
  • a certified copy of the work book;
  • if the borrower is a private entrepreneur, you need licenses for such activities and a certificate of registration of the enterprise;
  • documents for the acquired property.

If you are a "beneficiary" - the procedure becomes more complicated. We need documents confirming the benefits, and permission from government organizations to use budget funds.

So the owners of maternity capital need to get consent to use the funds secured by the certificate in Pension Fund. For getting military mortgage permission is needed from Rosvoenipoteka, an organization representing the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Step 4. Drawing up a loan agreement

The most crucial moment of the transaction. Before signing a mortgage agreement, I recommend reading it point by point from the first page to the last. Pay special attention to notes and paragraphs printed in small print.

It is best to look at the contract at home, in a calm environment, or show it to a professional lawyer.

The agreement gives the borrower the right to transfer the borrowed money to the seller (or developer) and acquire ownership of the property. Remember that the property remains pledged to the bank for the entire term of the loan.

The recipient of the loan does not have the right to sell, donate, change collateral without the permission of the bank.

Step 5. Insurance of the transaction and registration of housing in the property

According to the Russian law "On Mortgage", real estate purchased on a loan is subject to compulsory insurance.

Banks are rarely limited to only apartment insurance. Usually they offer clients to insure their life, health, solvency, risk of loan default along the way.

The borrower has the right to refuse such insurances (especially all of them are paid), but in response the bank may raise the interest rate.

The last stage of the transaction is the execution of a purchase / sale agreement in Rosreestr. Along with the mortgage agreements and the sale of the object, another document is drawn up - a mortgage. This paper remains in the bank and is a confirmation of the pledge.

Be sure to watch a helpful video about applying for a mortgage:

The vast majority of mortgage loan recipients are people without a legal education. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a mortgage program, to save your nerves and time resources, the most important "credit" issues should be studied in advance.

A few valuable expert tips will definitely help you with this.

Tip 1. Take a loan in the currency in which you earn

The golden rule for any loans, not just mortgages. If you receive a salary in rubles, then the loan should be taken exclusively in rubles.

The logic of the rule is very clear - to service a loan in US dollars, you will have to buy currency from your ruble assets. If the exchange rate suddenly rises, your payments in rubles will automatically increase.


The crisis of 14-15 knocked down many foreign currency borrowers who took out mortgages in dollars, attracted by a low interest rate. After a sharp jump in the dollar exchange rate, such clients began to pay about 2 times more than before the crisis - while their salaries remained at the same level.

Tip 2. Carefully study the terms of lending

This has already been mentioned above, but it will not be superfluous to repeat it again: read the contract carefully and pay attention to all the terms of the transaction.

This is especially true of additional costs - for insurance, maintenance and other items that many borrowers do not seem important.

For example, some banks force their customers to insure life only in certain companies (partners of a credit institution).

As a result, the borrower pays every year from 0.5 to 2% (!) of the loan amount only for insurance, which translates into huge amounts for the entire loan period.

Tip 3. Do not overestimate your strength (improve housing conditions gradually)

The generally accepted rule is that monthly payments should not exceed 30-40% of family income. 50% is a critical threshold, which is necessarily followed by a deterioration in the standard of living.

However, in the Russian Federation, the “forty percent” rule practically does not work. Citizens, including family ones, take on their shoulders debt burdens of 60-70%, hoping for a “maybe” and expecting salary increases.

In such a situation, the very thoughts of proper rest and entertainment become inappropriate, and any critical situation (one of the family members, God forbid, falls ill or the money is needed for other needs) leads to fines, sanctions, communication with collectors, deterioration of credit history .

Output: never overestimate your own strengths. Improve your living conditions gradually. Take a small (relatively, of course) loan to start with the purchase two-room apartment even in the secondary market.

Perhaps, when this debt is paid off, the situation in the financial market will change, and interest rates will become lower. Then you will think about a new building with an improved layout and living space of 100 m 2.

Tip 4. Create a "financial airbag"

Always keep a certain amount of payments in your deposit account. Ideally, it should be equal to 3-6 monthly loan payments.

Having accumulated a sufficient amount of funds, do not rush to make early payments. Firstly, you will lose bank interest, and secondly, credit companies do not welcome off-schedule repayments and often impose restrictions on such initiatives.

Let this money be your insurance for the future.

Tip 5. Choose the right time to take out a loan

A familiar realtor, whom I wrote about above, says that the main thing in real estate transactions is the timeliness of transactions.

You need to buy apartments just when the demand for them drops to the limit. Provided, of course, that housing is not needed right now and you can wait a year or two.

The golden rule of investing is to buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying. You should not take out loans and buy housing during the period of maximum recovery in the real estate market.

4. How to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit - Professional Help from Loan Brokers

Can I get a loan with a bad credit history?

Many at one time, "burned out" with consumer loans, when banks in a period of economic stability borrowed money from everyone right and left. As a result, appropriate marks were made in the credit histories of potential borrowers.

What to do in a situation where banks do not want to cooperate with you due to delays and violations in the years of payment of past loans?

First of all, there is no need to panic. If you were denied in 2-3 banks, this does not mean that the others will be denied as well. During the period of client “lack of fish”, many credit institutions, especially regional ones, soften their conditions and may turn a blind eye to some problems with past payments.

Another option is to contact loan brokers, who have their own approaches to bank managers. There are companies and specific specialists who help people get profitable real estate loans in every city.

Services of mortgage brokers, of course, are paid. However, if such an employee finds a profitable loan option for you, you will save much more.

In Moscow, credit issues are dealt with by such firms as Credit Laboratory, Bureau of Credit Decisions, and Freedom.

For experienced brokers and realtors problematic credit history- not a sentence, but an occasion to show their professional skills.

5. TOP-5 Russian banks with profitable mortgage programs

There are dozens and hundreds of banking mortgage programs currently operating. Even in one credit company, several mortgage projects are sometimes offered at once.

The table shows the most popular programs in the Russian Federation with attractive interest rates:

6. Conclusion

Time to take stock. Getting a mortgage is not so difficult if you have a stable income and official work. It is much more difficult to repay a bank debt for decades.

Before taking on credit obligations, it is necessary to calculate and weigh all the consequences of such a decision.

Perhaps at the moment the financial burden will be unbearable for your family and it is worth waiting a few years until more favorable circumstances occur.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2018 - requirements for borrowers and mortgage calculations + professional help in obtaining mortgage loans