Interest on mortgage loans. Where are the lowest mortgage rates?

  • 20.10.2019

The issue of acquiring apartments makes Russians look for the best banks for mortgages, offering the most favorable conditions. The ever-decreasing interest rate for the use of borrowed funds encourages citizens to buy apartments, since such a favorable period may end, and the value of real estate will creep up again. In order to decide which is the most profitable mortgage loan to prefer without being refused, one must carefully compare the conditions of all financial and credit structures offering such products.

What is a mortgage

For citizens of Russia, this concept is strongly associated with the purchase of housing on credit. Most of the mortgage lending programs for the population do provide for the purchase of real estate in the primary or secondary market, but the concept itself is much broader. A citizen can apply for a targeted or non-targeted loan, and provide a banking organization with real estate as security. The borrower can use the amount received for the purposes stipulated by the agreement. This action is considered a mortgage loan.

The peculiarities of the mortgage include the fact that the loan is issued for a long period, which can reach 30-50 years in some banking programs, the client receives large amounts in his hands, which can be used to pay for the purchased housing. Real estate, according to the mortgage contract concluded with the bank, remains the property of the owner - the financial institution - until the borrower repays the debt in full. If the debtor is insolvent, the creditor takes the collateral, providing coverage for losses.

Due to the acute need for their own housing for most of the country's population, the state has developed a procedure to support low-income citizens. Her distinctive feature are the lowest rate among the available proposals, as well as a budget subsidy for the payment of the loan. Depending on the personal category of the beneficiary, the money is provided in cash or in the form of a certificate giving the authority to pay part of the debt. To take a mortgage loan on preferential terms, you must confirm the right to preferences.

Minimum interest rate

The value of the mortgage rate can change regularly, demonstrating a decrease and increase within one year, depending on the financial circumstances of the credit structures - all banks offer a variety of money-lending programs, with different overpayments on the loan. The mortgage rate is formed according to complex non-linear financial laws. The following factors can be distinguished, according to which the mortgage lending rate is determined:

  • The profit of a financial institution, or margin, which is included in the final price of each loan.
  • The value of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This criterion is considered the main factor that banks are guided by when they offer to take loans to legal and individuals. During 2018, the Central Bank has been steadily reducing the key rate, giving credit institutions the opportunity to make low payments on housing loans. This was done in order to make mortgage affordable to the general population in need of their own housing.
  • The degree of risk. The banking structure assesses the probability of losing money, takes into account the provision by a potential borrower of information about the income received, the presence or absence of a down payment, a guarantee, real estate insurance, the health of the borrower and other scoring criteria (assessing the reliability and solvency of the client). All this information is included in the mortgage rate.
  • Buying an apartment from a specific developer. If housing is purchased from an accredited partner that is a member of the state assistance program for the poor, then the mortgage rate may decrease.
  • The rate of inflationary growth for the current year. Inflation is estimated according to official statistics for the country and included in the rate in order to offset monetary losses in the issuance of a loan for the purchase of housing.
  • The situation in the housing market of the country. When demand exceeded supply, as was the case before 2014, the mortgage rate increased as citizens viewed the purchase of real estate as a way to invest free financial resources, but did not purchase housing for personal use. Crisis of 2014-2015 led to a sharp drop in demand for apartments, developers were forced to reduce the price of real estate. Mortgage rates became low, hitting historic lows by the end of 2017.

The state, represented by the President of the country, offers banks to reduce the mortgage lending rate for 2018. Profitable mortgages at 6% per annum will become available to those people who could not afford to think about their apartment. This project proposed as a replacement for mortgages with state subsidies, implemented in 2015-2017. You can count on a low interest rate on home loans under the following circumstances:

  1. Participation in the program of state support for mortgage lending. Preferential categories of citizens - the poor, young families with and without children, military personnel, teachers, civil servants applying for housing - can enjoy the lowest rate and other preferences that are compensated by the budget if they prove their right to a benefit.
  2. Credit history. Bank managers are more loyal to clients who have proven conscientiousness and reliability in repaying loan debts and who do not have a bad debt repayment history. Such citizens will be approved of a loan application faster, they are offered low interest.
  3. Having official income. If the applicant prepares information in the 2-NDFL form on a high “white” income, at which you can safely pay off the loan debt, then the chances of receiving money at a low rate increase dramatically - the bank is calm about its investments.
  4. Is the borrower a bank customer? Many financial institutions soften the size requirements interest rate, if the client has a special debit "salary" or retirement account, where regular income is received. Some organizations offer customers to transfer money to an account in this bank in order to enjoy the prerogative of low interest.
  5. How to apply for a loan. Many financial companies incentivize customers by offering online loan application, making the interest rate lower for this method of submitting an application for consideration. An online application helps to avoid queues in branches, unloads service personnel.

Which bank is best to take a mortgage in 2018

Favorable conditions for receiving Money for the purchase of housing make citizens look for an answer to the question of which banking structures offer the lowest mortgage rates in 2018. While advertising their loan products, banks emphasize low interest rates, but the best mortgage offers take into account many criteria. These include:

  • The presence or absence of a down payment on the loan, its size.
  • The amount of the interest rate and the presence of additional payments - valuation, property insurance, payment of commissions.
  • Deadline for disbursement of funds.
  • The method of repayment of the loan body and interest - annuity payments provide for the payment of equal amounts monthly, differentiated (repayment is not equal parts) - the fact that most of the mortgage, along with interest, must be returned at the initial stages of payment, the smaller - by the end of the contract.

Bank reliability

For mortgage lenders, the reliability of a bank with which a long-term loan contract is concluded at low interest rates will be a big advantage. If the banking structure is unable to settle with debtors, then the borrower may have problems with determining the owner of the mortgaged housing. When choosing a bank candidate, it is necessary to take into account both the low rate and the degree of reliability of the financial corporation, guided by the following list of universal criteria:

  • Financial indicators for the current date - the value of assets, the presence of annual profits, the number of deposits, the size of the loan portfolio.
  • Availability of credit programs.
  • Credit ratings assigned by international agencies.
  • The lack of information in the media about financial problems, dishonest behavior of managers.

According to these indicators, Sberbank occupies the first place in terms of reliability among Russian banks, with assets of more than 22,900 billion rubles and a loan portfolio of 15 billion rubles. Positive growth and increased profits ensure close cooperation with the government on subsidized mortgage lending. Second place is occupied by VTB-24, with assets worth more than 9 billion rubles and a loan portfolio of 5,200 billion rubles. Reliability is provided by state support, since most of the shares of the credit company belong to the state.

Interest rates

When choosing which organization has the cheapest mortgage, one must take into account the size of the real interest rate. Stocks that offer low interest rates on loans are often untrue. The borrower counts on low interest rates when applying to a credit institution, and company employees claim that a reduced rate is not due upon presentation of a passport and a second document. When signing the contract, the document may indicate interest even higher than previously agreed.

The borrower must study what formula the banking structure will use to calculate payments - some organizations do not allow them to choose between annuity and differentiated contributions, they offer only one way to repay the debt. It is more profitable for Russians to pay off the debt in equal installments, since such a burden has the least effect on the family budget.

Mortgage agreements provide for mandatory insurance of mortgaged real estate with its preliminary assessment, which makes the loan more expensive. In addition, many financial institutions offer the borrower to insure health and life without signing an agreement without the client having a policy. When choosing a lending program, you need to immediately find out what hidden commissions and payments are included in the low rate, and whether there are bonuses.

An initial fee

A major obstacle in the way of citizens wishing to apply for a loan for an apartment at low interest rates is the initial payment, which is offered to be deposited into the account before the issuance of funds for a mortgage loan. The amount of the first payment varies within 10-50% of the appraised value of the acquired property. Depending on the amount of the initial contribution, the loan rate may increase or decrease. Not all Russians with children who need apartments have accumulated finances for a large down payment.

The state helps to solve the problem by offering certain categories of citizens to make an initial payment for them. Money is issued in cash or by a certificate that can be used to pay the fee. To apply for a privilege, you need to be registered with the municipality as needing affordable housing, provide information about a low number square meters for each household, other documents provided for by banking rules and legislation.

Amount and term of the mortgage loan

The amount of credit depends on the specific price of the apartment that the borrower wants to purchase. If he belongs to the preferential category of citizens who are offered a low mortgage rate, then the borrower has little choice - he can buy housing from accredited partner developers of a banking company. If a citizen wants to get money by mortgaging existing real estate, then the amount of the loan will depend on the real estate appraisal. It will not be possible to get 100% of the cost of housing, banks offer 60-75% of the price of the apartment.

The amount of money received is influenced by the initial contribution made. The loan amount can vary from 300 thousand rubles to 40 million rubles to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The amount of finance received is directly related to the terms of the loan - the larger the loan, the longer it will take to repay. It should be borne in mind that the longer the duration of the loan repayment, the higher the total overpayment on the loan will become, but the monthly payment decreases. A mortgage loan is offered for 3-50 years, depending on the specific banking product.

Interest Formula

On the official website of each banking institution there is an automatic calculator with which it is proposed to quickly calculate monthly loan payments. The user sets the main parameters - the amount of the loan, the desired repayment period, the option of paying the debt - annuity or differentiated, and the system calculates the overpayment on the loan, indicating at the same time the debt repayment schedule.

If the loan calculator is suspicious, you can independently calculate the interest paid using the formulas for each type of contribution. For annuities, the monthly mortgage payment formula looks like this:

A \u003d C x p /, where

C - the amount of the mortgage;

p - interest on it;

s is the number of debt repayment periods.

Differentiated payments assume that the principal loan is repaid in equal shares, and the interest payment varies from the maximum for the first installment to the minimum for the latter. The formula for calculating the first payment is as follows:

A₁ = C x (n + 1/s), where

C - the amount of the loan;

P - rate on it;

s is the number of debt payment periods.

Mortgage programs of many banking institutions offer annuity payments when paying off debts as the most suitable for mortgages. A differentiated payment can become attractive for a small loan, when the amount of the first, largest installment does not fall into an unreasonable burden on the family budget. For a large loan, which is a loan for an apartment, annuity payments are suitable, with the same amount paid monthly - the low amount of payments will not burden the borrower.

Where is the lowest mortgage interest in 2018

Many banking institutions have sharply reduced housing lending rates by several points at once, following the steady decline in the key indicator of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Clients are offered profitable contracts for mortgage lending at low interest rates, valid at the beginning of 2018. You can see where the lowest mortgage rate is and evaluate current offers in the table below:

Name of banking institution

Housing lending rate, %

How much did the rate decrease in 2018, %





Raiffeisen bank

Bank Russian Capital

UniCredit Bank

DeltaCredit Bank

Which bank has the best mortgage in 2018

Many potential borrowers cannot decide which bank to take loans from, since different products are offered, and interest rates constantly fluctuate both downward and upward. You can take advantage of the current trend of low mortgage loan rates and take advantage of a loan by comparing current offers for 2018 from the following table:

Name of the program and banking institution

Interest rate, %

Housing loan amount (minimum and maximum, rubles)

Loan finance term, years

Requirements for the borrower

Mortgage "Targeted (for state employees and reliable clients" Rosselkhozbank

300 000-20 000 000

Age: 21-65 years old, income statement 2-personal income tax, total experience - a year, at the last place of work - 6 months, permanent residence permit, housing insurance

Mortgage “Bailed by an existing apartment” from AvtogradBank

300 000-5 000 000

Age: 18-65 years old, compulsory insurance of housing and health of the client, employment at the last place of work - 6 months, certificate of earnings 2-NDFL, PFR or in the form of a bank

“Acquisition of real estate” by TransKapitalbank

300 000 – 10 000 000

Age 21-75 years, initial contribution 5-90% of the price of housing, the number of months of total experience - 12, at the last place of work - 3, information about wages in the form 2-NDFL, 3-NDFL, attracting co-borrowers if the client is 65 years old , registration of insurance policies for the apartment, life, health of the client

"Dream bet" from AK Bars Bank

Age requirement: 18-70 years old, initial payment - 10% of the price of housing, at least three months of official employment, with proof of income in the form of a bank

Mortgage "Construction of a house" from the bank DeltaCredit

Age requirement: 20-65 years, permanent employment 2 years, life insurance, property insurance, bank statement of earnings

Loan "Housing (for young families") Rosselkhozbank

100 000-20 000 000


"Ready Housing (Young Family)" Sberbank

"More meters - less rate" VTB-24

600 000-60 000 000

Age: 21-70 years old, good credit history, total work experience - a year, in last place - 1 month, solvency according to the forms 2-NDFL, 3-NDFL, the presence of a mobile and stationary work phone

"Apartment Standard AHML" from Bank Zenith

9.25-9.75 (+0.7% if the borrower insures health and life; +0.5% if there is no information about income; -0.25% if there are 3 or more children)

300 000 – 20 000 000

Loan “Classic (ready-made housing)” from Rossiyskiy Kapital bank

Age limit: 21-65 years, work experience - 2 years, at the current place - 3 months, down payment - from 15%, information on earnings for 2-personal income tax, 3-personal income tax


When choosing a bank to apply for a housing loan, people try to focus on the lowest mortgage interest in order to save the maximum amount, and not overpay hundreds of thousands.

What determines the mortgage interest rate?

Russian banks have a huge list of mortgage lending programs on different conditions for many categories of people. Now, during an unstable exchange rate, it is better to take mortgage loans in rubles, so that later you do not owe the bank 3-4 times more than the original amount.

For many, the main question is at what percentage they give a loan to buy an apartment or house. The lowest interest can boast more than 10 banks, but it is also important to choose which bank will have the most loyal conditions for obtaining a mortgage.

Data for 2016.

The size of the interest rate is influenced by several factors, but people will find out about this after they have “bought” at the minimum interest. By the value of this condition according to mortgage loans affects:

  1. Minimum mortgage payment from personal funds.
  2. Loan terms.
  3. The size wages borrower.
  4. Participation in preferential programs (mortgages for the military, the use of maternity capital, the state program, etc.).
  5. Acquisition of primary or secondary housing, apartment or private house.
  6. Banks may offer to choose housing from a catalog of collateral, it is cheaper in amount and a loan is issued with the smallest percentage.

A specific rating of mortgage rates cannot be compiled, since small interest rates after paperwork can skyrocket, and an unfavorable rate at another bank can drop by a couple of points if certain conditions are met.

Below will be presented banking organizations and conditions for mortgages with a minimum interest rate. Having considered these options, a person will be able to compare offers and decide which bank is the most convenient and profitable for taking a mortgage to buy a second home or a primary one.

Interesting Facts:

Programs from Sberbank

Today, Sberbank occupies a leading position in the list of the most reliable and profitable banks for lending to the population. A mortgage loan is famous for its low interest rates, but the conditions for obtaining it make it difficult for people with a minimal accumulated cash reserve to get it.

You can get a mortgage at a low rate on the following conditions:

  • The loan will be issued with an initial payment of at least 50% of the value of the acquired property.
  • You can get from 300 thousand rubles to 8 million rubles, and for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg and these regions, this threshold can increase to 15 million rubles.
  • You can take out a loan for a period of 10 years.

The lowest interest rate here is really low, but it all depends on the category of people who want to get a loan:

Mortgage apartment from Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank offers its customers home buying loan programs with the lowest interest rates. These are the programs “Mortgage lending” and “Mortgage with state support”.

The conditions of these programs are presented in the table.

The interest rate on a mortgage may increase by 7% if comprehensive insurance is waived, and then one can only dream of a low rate.

Favorable offer from Transcapitalbank

Loans in this bank for the purchase of housing in the secondary market have the lowest interest rates, in addition, it is possible to take out a mortgage with a low down payment or without it at all.

Interest starts from 7%, and a loan can be issued in the amount of up to 20 million rubles. The lending period of this bank is also quite good - a maximum of 20 years.

It is difficult to find a bank with lower interest rates and more loyal conditions, the only negative is the limited distribution of bank branches throughout Russia.

Promsvyazbank and mortgage "Secondary market"

Compared to the previous program, the secondary housing when taking a mortgage in this bank will cost about twice as much, since the rate is 12%. The credit program allows in Moscow, St. Petersburg and these regions to take a mortgage in the amount of up to 30 million rubles, and in other regions up to 20 million rubles.

A prerequisite for obtaining a loan with a minimum interest rate is the signing of an agreement on consent to personal insurance, otherwise the interest will increase by 6%.

Offers from Sviaz-Bank

This bank can offer a relatively small percentage on a mortgage, but the conditions under which it will be are not always profitable, since:

  • It is necessary to make an initial payment of at least 50% of the cost of housing.
  • You need to repay the loan for a maximum of 10 years, and a minimum of 3 years.
  • A person must be a payroll client of this bank.
  • It is necessary to conclude a comprehensive insurance contract.
  • Mortgage applies only to the purchase of an apartment.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, then the interest rises sharply to 18%, and this is no longer so tempting.

"Apartment on the secondary market" - an offer from MTS Bank

MTS Bank offers payroll customers and employees of AFK Sistema to take out a secondary mortgage at 13.5% per annum.

The conditions will be:

  • The amount of the initial payment is not less than 50%.
  • Loan term from 3 to 10 years.
  • Amount - 300 thousand - 15 million rubles.

But such an interest rate is not fixed and it can increase under certain conditions:

Favorable offer from Raiffeisenbank

New buildings are an excellent option for families who decide to take out a mortgage and use maternity capital funds to partially repay it. Raiffeisenbank has good offers for these families:

  • The mortgage amount reaches 26,000,000 rubles.
  • The loan can be repaid for up to 25 years.
  • The interest rate starts from 11.5% per annum.

There are small margins here depending on the fulfillment of the requirements of the bank, but in this organization they are really very small. Thus, the interest rate will be increased by:

  • 0.4% if the family decides to purchase secondary housing.
  • 0.5% if a person refuses to take out comprehensive insurance and is under 45 years old.
  • 3.2% if a person refuses to take out comprehensive insurance and is over 45 years old.

"Acquisition of finished housing" from Interprogressbank

The borrower can take out a mortgage in the amount of up to 20 million rubles, and the interest will vary from 8.75 to 9.25%, but you need to make an initial payment of at least 20% of the cost of housing. The lending period in this bank is quite large - 30 years.

"Collateral real estate" from VTB

VTB 24 Bank has a special catalog of housing, which became its property as collateral when the previous borrower was unable to repay the loan. A new client of the bank can choose the product he likes and apply for a mortgage at 10% per annum or 13% if he refuses the insurance service. Other credit terms:

  • The amount of the down payment must be more than 20%.
  • Loan size - 600 thousand - 6 million rubles.
  • The maximum loan period is 30 years.

These are quite favorable conditions, especially considering what the interest rate will be even without insurance, because for other banks it can increase to 17-20%.

Unicredit Bank and the Mortgage Calling Program

If the borrower pays 40% or more of the cost of the mortgage product and takes out extensive insurance, the bank will provide a mortgage at 11.5% per annum. If the amount contributed by the borrower is less than the specified percentage (but not less than 15%), then the rate will rise by 0.25%, and the refusal of insurance will raise it by another 3.5 points.

Mortgage Calculator

There are a lot of banks in Russia and it will take a lot of time to learn about all the offers. But on each official website there is a loan calculator in the mortgage section. In it you can find out all the parameters of interest and then compare the programs.

When a young family or a single person is going to take out a mortgage, they, of course, start looking for the most profitable options. And the majority will begin to choose from those banks where the lowest interest on mortgages takes place. Indeed, the interest rate plays an important role when the borrower's funds are seriously limited (and they are considered limited by default).

The total amount of loans issued as the main criterion

However, in the banking statistics itself, the determining factor is not the amount of annual interest, but the volume of loans issued in monetary terms and the number of bank borrowers. In principle, this approach is not unreasonable. If a significant number of people seek to take out a mortgage loan in this particular financial institution, then perhaps given bank actually offers the most favorable conditions. Or he has the largest variety of lending conditions.

According to data for 2015, Sberbank became the absolute leader in the list of all banks in Russia. Only in the first half of last year, he issued a huge amount of 304 billion 302 million rubles to borrowers in the mortgage sector. According to this criterion (the amount of funds issued), such a rating table can be compiled.

Name of the bank

The total amount of money issued for mortgage lending in the first decade of 2015, billion rubles



Bank of Moscow



Saint Petersburg

housing finance


The number of clients - the second criterion

But does this mean that for the desired, cheap and profitable mortgage, you should immediately run to Sberbank? Or then in which bank is it more profitable to take a mortgage? The fact is that the rate is far from the only criterion, and it is associated with other lending conditions. Moreover, the amount of money in itself does not say anything about the number of clients, or about their, so to speak, material status. It happens that a large amount is made up of many small mortgages (0.5-1 million rubles).

And it happens that the same amount is formed by a much smaller number of larger loans (more than 2 million rubles). Thus, if hypothetically two banks have approximately the same rating in terms of the amount of funds issued, then their clientele may be completely different. People go to one for whom a loan of 1 million rubles is the ceiling. They will not pull the purchase of a more expensive option. Those who can afford to take 2.5 million rubles from the bank go to the other. Only the first will be the majority, and the second - the minority. And the total output of the two banks will be the same.

Of course, there are no such pure segregations - any bank deals with the widest range of people. This example was given only to show how uninformative a single criterion is. Therefore, the second important criterion- is the number of bank clients in a particular segment of its activities. Sberbank has very high rates here as well.

Interest rate and terms of mortgage lending in Sberbank

The organization distributed the above-mentioned 304.302 billion rubles among 198,000 borrowers. The bank itself claims that such indicators once again proved its status as the "people's" bank of the Russian Federation. Indeed, the purchase and purchase of residential real estate in a mortgage according to statistical reports for a significant part of the population passes through this bank.

It is worth considering a complete list of the main conditions for mortgage loans in this institution. So:

  1. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles.
  2. The annual interest rate is from 11.4% to 13.5%.
  3. The term of the mortgage loan is from one to 30 years.
  4. - 20% of the cost of purchased housing.
  5. You can borrow real estate in the secondary market and housing under construction.

For those who are not in the know. The listed conditions of bank mortgage lending are either minimal or parametric (for example, terms). And they are not related to each other. In this case, although 11.4% is the minimum rate, for a minimum loan (300 thousand rubles), the rate will be higher. If you look at the key criterion, the interest rate, then in Sberbank this is the middle peasant. There are many banks where the rate is higher. But there are many who offer a really low rate. In Sberbank, buying an apartment on credit at an annual rate of 11.5% is a rarity.

In 75% of all mortgages, this beneficiary offers 12.5% ​​or 13%. Moreover, in practice, Sberbank has long been an unofficial branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He works closely with all government programs, and this allows you to reduce the rate. When housing is built with state participation, it is a guarantee for the bank that the developer will complete the declared project. Not without reason, when the developer is a state organization, interest rates are very low.

And when the developer is a private enterprise, the situation becomes exactly the opposite - a financial institution greatly raises annual interest on such housing under construction. In order to cover losses in case of possible bankruptcy of the developer. Most likely, Sberbank owes its first place in the rating of loans to government programs. Because there are conditions that may not suit many customers. First of all, a relatively high down payment.

Rates at some other banks

Rosselkhozbank is generally a fully state-owned financial institution. In the presented rating list, he took a place in the middle. Why did Sberbank bypass it so much, although Rosselkhozbank also implies the purchase of a mortgage and secondary housing and housing on a turnkey basis? The point here is not only the scale of the enterprise (Sberbank has the largest number of branches in Russia), but also the higher interest rate.

With the most advantageous offer- a rate of 13.5%, but it applies only to short-term loans (up to 5 years) and with a large down payment (over 50%). Although this bank has offers where the down payment is only 15%, but, of course, the rate there will be high (15-17%).

A few words about Tinkoff

It is curious that there are a huge number of banks in the country that are not included in the official rating list, but at the same time have amazingly low interest rates. For example, Tinkoff Bank, where customers can take out a mortgage loan at 10.5% per annum. For Russia, this is indeed a very low rate. At the same time, according to other criteria, Tinkoff is no worse than Sberbank:

  • minimum loan - 300 thousand rubles;
  • the minimum down payment is 20%;
  • loan terms - from 1 year to 30 years;
  • cooperation of the bank with many government programs.

What's the matter? Why, then, did Tinkoff not even break through to the last line of the above table in terms of the volume of loans in the mortgage program for 2015. It is impossible to give a definite answer here. A bank is a complex financial structure. Its ups and downs are determined by a whole range of factors both in the domestic and international markets. Yes, even elementary competent advertising and PR play an important role, which makes the purchase of credit housing more tempting.

Are low interest rates good for you?

However, in this article, this is what should be said. Tinkoff may even rise in the rating list, since in the initial analysis its conditions are really quite good. However, borrowers should be aware that low interest rates are often “free cheese in a mousetrap” (and even then not completely free). For example, an additional condition may be a very large down payment (up to 75% of the value of residential property). It is clear that the Russians who are able to deposit such an amount of money at a time are a minority.

Accordingly, despite the democratic rate, such mortgage lending itself cannot be called democratic. In other cases, low annual interest may mean some kind of commission (for issuing the loan itself, for example), compulsory property insurance at the expense of the borrower, the impossibility early repayment debt and so on. Only one advice can be given here. If the client is faced with such profitable interest, he needs to sit down and very carefully re-read every word written in the contract.

Including those written in small print (especially small print!). And it is advisable to underline with a pencil those places where at least some questions arise, so that later, in order, they will be sorted out with a bank employee. Now you can make your own bank rating, but not by the volume of loans issued, but by the size of the proposed interest rates. It is worth taking a couple of dozen well-known banks for comparison.

Rating table of interest rates of different banks

Name of the bank

Minimum mortgage rate

(v %)

Rosgosstrah Bank

Bank Soviet


Raiffeisen Bank

Bank "Revival




Russian capital

JSCB Investtorgbank


Bank Zenith



Absolut Bank

Bank of Moscow

Bank opening

Moscow Industrial Bank



Bank Intercommerce


Change of conditions for the last period in some banks

But even this table does not fully reflect the real state of affairs. The problem is that in recent months, some private banks have begun to introduce government programs into their activities. For example, Raiffeisen Bank has recently launched a special offer in the field of mortgage lending. It has to do with government support. As part of this offer, the bank's regular rate of 15.25% drops to 11.15%. Bank Vozrozhdenie did exactly the same thing, adding another one backed by a government program to its range of mortgage offers.

It implies the purchase of an exclusively apartment in a new building, but not with the usual 13.75%, but with 11.25%. Gazprombank has also created special projects for those borrowers who need either apartments in new buildings or townhouses. For these clients, GPB is ready to reduce the rate from 12.5% ​​to 11% per annum.

Promsvyazbank offers low annual rates exclusively for new buildings. And the Moscow Industrial Bank agrees to 11% when turnkey apartments are taken on a mortgage. At the same time, FOR ALL more or less low rates (i.e., from 10.5% to 12%), the following approximate conditions can be indicated:

  1. The minimum mortgage amount is determined in the region of 1.3–1.4 million rubles;
  2. The minimum monthly payment is 27-28 thousand rubles. That is, not a single bank will, say, take a mortgage of 500 thousand rubles at 11% per annum.

Factors that determine the interest rate

So, let's sum up. Before asking the question “Which bank has the lowest annual interest rate?”, You should remember what factors affect its size.

  1. The amount of the mortgage loan. Usually, with its growth, the rate gradually decreases, but for minimal loans, rates cannot be large either. According to statistics, the highest rates are set for mortgage loans: from 1.7 million rubles to 2 million rubles.
  2. The amount of the initial payment. There is an unambiguous, inversely proportional relationship: the higher the contribution, the lower the rate. And vice versa.
  3. The time for which the loan is taken. For long periods (over 15 years) rates should be moderate. For very short periods (less than 5 years) they are also low. The highest stakes are placed on the most common options - from 5 to 10 years.
  4. Property type. The highest rates take place when housing that has not yet been built is taken into the mortgage, and the developer is a private company. The participation of the state is always at least a little, but reduces the rate.
  5. Presence/absence of a creditor bank card. If a person already has a plastic card of the organization where he is going to take a mortgage, this will greatly facilitate the whole process. After all, this is an additional guarantee. The institution will simply automatically deduct funds from the client's salary card. The level of trust is higher here, and the stakes are lower.
  6. Small annual mortgage interest can mean a number of other obligations that the borrower will have to take on - real estate appraisal, its insurance, commissions, etc.

Knowing all these subtleties will help to accept the right decision. For after reading this material, it should become clear that among the many profitable low rates, one must also be able to choose. It is often better to stop at the offer where the rate is slightly higher. But all the conditions in general are much more profitable. The information offered here is aimed at helping a wide range of people to understand the intricacies of Russian mortgage lending and make the purchase of residential real estate a less complicated and nerve-consuming process.

Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a tangible amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide on such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules and choose your bank carefully, you can move to own apartment without significant problems.

How to get a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

The decision to buy an apartment on a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many people. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

How to get a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. In fact, there are several important rules, the observance of which will help make the purchase of an apartment a joyful event and will not allow the mortgage to spoil the life of the borrower.

  1. Before applying for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is desirable that monthly payments do not exceed one third family budget. If you do not follow this rule, pulling a mortgage can be very difficult.
  2. It is best to improve housing conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, it will be possible to pay off the mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a bigger apartment in the future, you can get a loan under more favorable terms.
  3. It is not enough just to take a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make monthly payments on time. Maximum savings in the family budget will help create an airbag. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help pay the mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the "stash" is created, you can start partially early redemption. This will help you save on interest payments.

The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when matched Better conditions on a mortgage loan. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. In this case, you should carefully study the forecasts of specialists.

The best banks for mortgage loans

There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Even before making a decision, you should carefully read the offers of various credit organizations. To understand where it is better to take a mortgage loan. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the interest rate, but also other conditions:

  • Availability of additional commissions, insurances and payments.
  • Terms of early repayment (including partial).
  • The amount of the down payment. Let's say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to buy an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can get a consumer loan for any purpose. The money you receive can be used to make a down payment on a mortgage.

A large number of offers on the market often leads to the fact that potential borrowers can get confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it will be useful to use when choosing the TOP-5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists.

Profitable mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff.Mortgage service

Offers to consider the proposals of several banks for loans for the purchase of an apartment. At the same time, the frightening thought of the need to run around the offices of various credit organizations can be abandoned. An online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to shift all the problems of sending documents to the bank to a personal manager.

After filling out the questionnaire on the Tinkoff Bank website, your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. Once approved, all you have to do is choose best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Given the large amount and term of the loan, this is quite a tangible savings.

At the moment, the minimum rate on a mortgage loan for an apartment in a new building starts at only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. It is very important that not only employees of companies, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan through the service.

Mortgage loan with bad credit history in BZHF bank

In the Housing Finance Bank, anyone can apply for a mortgage loan. Moreover, according to the bank, even borrowers with a bad credit history in the past can get a loan. The main thing is that at the time of application there are no current overdue payments on loans in other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to poor credit history in the past. BZHF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of submitted mortgage applications. This is a very high rate!

In addition, a mortgage loan in the BZF has the following advantages:

  • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN driver's license).
  • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without references on the day of application.
  • Official confirmation of income, reduces the interest rate and increases the credit limit.
  • Registration of the transaction and the apartment takes no more than 3 days.
  • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
  • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

Favorable conditions for a mortgage from Otkritie Bank

When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan, you should not disregard Otkritie Bank. Mortgage lending conditions are quite loyal here. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower:

  1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
  2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
  3. Refinancing of mortgage loans of other banks.
  4. military mortgage.
  5. Real estate under maternity capital.
  6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. You can count on a minimum percentage of 8.9% when buying an apartment in a new building or military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and maximum term- 30 years.

A mortgage loan is profitable with state support from VTB Bank

  • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
  • The initial payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
  • The possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

In addition, this bank has a program “Mortgage loan with state support”. The program provides for preferential lending to families who have had a second or third child since 01/01/2018. For a certain period, a preferential rate of 6% is established with an initial payment of 20%. Do you agree that it is beneficial?

There is also an interesting program "More meters - lower rate" when buying an apartment from 65 sq. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

The country's largest bank, Sberbank, is also very active in the mortgage lending market. The bank willingly lends both to developers themselves and to borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage loan. Moreover, even pensioners can apply for a mortgage loan, but on the condition that the repayment of the loan is provided for up to 75 years of the borrower.

As in other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternity capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction of suburban real estate (a private house, garden plot etc).

Experts say that interest in mortgage lending in 2019 will not decrease. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude to such loans, a mortgage will bring only the joy of moving to a new home. In this case, you should not take a loan in the first available bank. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

P/S Before you take out a mortgage, be sure to check out “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”

Buying your own home for many people is a dream that, unfortunately, is not so easy to fulfill. The issue of mortgage becomes especially painful for young families and military personnel - after all, you really want to start a life together in your apartment or house, but, as a rule, salaries in our country do not allow you to purchase your own housing right away. In such cases, people are increasingly using mortgages, as the only way real estate purchases: apartments in new buildings from the developer, land plots, townhouses and country houses or housing in the secondary real estate market. But additional opportunities are opening up, borrowers can insure themselves when using a mortgage - the sale of apartments from a developer in many residential complexes in Moscow, Moscow Region and St. Petersburg often begins with accreditation in large Russian banks.

What is a mortgage?

Mortgage is a long-term loan for the purchase of housing secured by real estate. Mortgage is the most convenient among all forms of purchasing a home, as it can significantly alleviate the financial burden of the buyer. Like any other financial transaction, housing lending has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be studied before signing an agreement with a bank.

Mortgage allows you to become the owner of a home in a fairly short time, while the loan is issued for a long period, which facilitates its repayment. If we compare mortgages and rental housing, then even with equal monthly payments, a mortgage is definitely more profitable because you have to pay for your own housing, and not for someone else's. In addition, the mortgage makes it possible for the borrower and his family members to obtain a residence permit in the housing acquired in this way.

Despite a large number of advantages, a mortgage also has some disadvantages. This will be especially acute if you want to buy an apartment on a mortgage in Moscow or a room in St. Petersburg. So, over a long period of time, a significant part of the income will have to be given to repay the loan. And in case of loss of such an opportunity, housing will have to be sold to pay off the debt to the bank. But in any case, banks always try to look for compromise solutions in critical situations and choose a way out of them that would suit each side.

Where to get a mortgage? Which banks issue housing loans?

When applying for a mortgage, many factors and nuances are taken into account, which allows each consumer to choose the most profitable lending option. In addition, each of the many banks currently existing in the financial market offers several mortgage lending programs. As a result, consumers have a huge selection of offers that can satisfy any requirements and conditions of borrowers, so questions such as "where to get a mortgage" or "which banks give mortgages" are not worth it today.

In order not to get confused in such a wealth of banking offers and choose the most profitable option, we suggest using our mortgage calculator and calculating interest rates on mortgage loans in the largest banks in Russia. In just a few clicks you will see offers with the lowest mortgage interest rates in just a few seconds. This will help you avoid visiting bank offices on your own, studying the mass of documentation on mortgage programs and preliminary calculations for each of them.

Lowest Mortgage Interest!

With our calculator you can easy and quick to calculate a mortgage loan by simply entering your details in the appropriate form fields. So, to calculate a mortgage, you will need to select a region, indicate the type of housing (an apartment in the secondary market, an apartment in a new building, suburban real estate), select a currency (Russian rubles, US dollars or euros), the value of real estate, select the amount and term of the loan. For more accurate calculations, you can provide additional lending conditions - choose the form of income confirmation, loan collateral (any, loaned object, surety, other real estate), choose the type of interest rate (any, fixed, floating), citizenship and residence.

After all the fields are filled in, you need to click on the "Calculate" button and within a few seconds the system will provide you with a list of mortgage loan offers that meet all your conditions. From this list, you can select several offers and compare them using the "Compare" button, this will help you choose the most profitable program. In addition, each of the proposed options can be studied in detail by clicking the "Go" link. After you decide on a loan program, you can fill out an online application, and bank representatives will contact you to clarify the details at a convenient time for you.

Mortgage broker whose services do not have to be paid

Services of our service are not paid additionally, You will cooperate with the bank on the selected loan program on the same terms that would be when applying for a mortgage at the bank's office. As for the banks that we offer for cooperation, these are the most reliable institutions that provide only high-quality services on transparent terms.

In which cities is the mortgage calculator relevant?