Subsidy rate per year. Rules for obtaining a subsidy when applying for a mortgage loan

  • 02.07.2020

The state mortgage subsidy program in 2016 is still being applied, since it is in demand by many people who want to purchase their own housing in a mortgage on preferential terms. The effectiveness of this measure was confirmed, so the government decided to continue its application.

There is a need for the program not only because it is beneficial for home buyers, but also for sellers, namely developers, since during the crisis in the country the demand for residential real estate was significantly reduced. As a result, the state mortgage subsidy program has been extended until the end of 2016.

What are the conditions for state-supported mortgage loans?

Since the beginning of this program, budget expenditures have been increased by 300 billion rubles. A preferential mortgage with state support is issued on the following conditions:

  • housing can be bought exclusively in the primary market;
  • the down payment for the mortgage cannot be less than 20%;
  • credit can be granted for a maximum of 30 years;
  • sum mortgage loan cannot be more than 8 million rubles if it is issued in Moscow, Moscow Region or St. Petersburg, and in other regions the maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles;
  • the credit rate cannot be more than 12%.

Many banks that do not apply mortgage subsidies in 2016 have themselves reduced their mortgage rates to around 13.5%. However, this still did not become the reason for the arrival of new customers to banks, since compared to the rate of 12%, this proposal is considered irrelevant. Since the state support program was not canceled, there was no demand for low bank loans.

It is noted that state subsidies provide an increase in demand for new buildings, as well as for banking products. It was from the beginning of the program that it was noted that the number of loans issued was significantly increased.

Some regions continue to introduce various measures that are aimed at improving people's lives, so it is assumed that part of the loan can be repaid by the state at the birth of a child in the family.

Who issues loans with government subsidies

Various organizations are engaged in issuing such mortgage loans, which include:

  1. banks;
  2. housing mortgage lending agencies;
  3. various cooperatives that are housing construction.

With so many different institutions that can offer government-backed mortgages, people will be able to buy property directly from developers, so it will have a low cost. An optimal price is set for each square meter, and developers have also responded positively to this opportunity, since a fairly quick sale of apartments is ensured.

Thus, until the end of 2016, the state-supported mortgage was extended, which is considered right decision. The response is found among both buyers and sellers. As a result, the number of residential properties sold is increasing. Getting a mortgage at 12% is very easy, as it is important that only numerous conditions are met and there are cash for the down payment.

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A year ago, the program “State Support for Housing (Mortgage) Lending” was launched, developed by the Ministry of Finance as part of supporting the construction industry, the banking sector and citizens of the Russian Federation.

The main argument in favor of extending the mortgage rate subsidy program was the results of the state support program.

The program gave the results expected from it, it became the counterbalance that opposed the fall of the market. During the year of work, since March 2015, 270,590 loan agreements were concluded for a total amount of 484,735 million rubles, more than 13 million square meters of housing were purchased. The leaders in providing loans under the program of state subsidies for mortgage rates are Sberbank, VTB24, Russian Agricultural Bank.

Recall, in connection with which the Government of the Russian Federation was forced to approve this program. December 2014, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, due to rising inflation and the weakening of the ruble, changes the key rate by 6 points at once, raising it to 17%. This resulted in a predictable response from banks in this situation, which raised rates on all lending programs.

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Most noticeably, this was reflected in secured loans, mortgage rates reached 20% per annum. Some banks even temporarily suspended lending for certain products, including the Military Mortgage program. Nobody wanted to get into a debt hole, as a result, everything stopped: the real estate market, the banking sector, manufacturers, builders, everyone realized that they could not continue to function in such conditions. Panic began, both among citizens and among other market participants, no one saw a way out of this situation.

At the direction of the Government of the Russian Federation, in March 2015, a program of state subsidies for mortgages was introduced, aimed at leveling the situation and saving the market (during the year, all participants in this program called it “a lifeline”). The program provided for the provision of subsidies by the state to banks, in the form of the difference in interest between the bank's rate and the rate under the preferential lending program, which could not exceed 12% per annum. The preferential rate was fixed in a loan agreement concluded for the purchase of an apartment at the construction stage or in finished house, but purchased from the developer.

It is worth noting that the result of the first month of the program was very modest, not all banks applied for participation and potential borrowers who had not yet abandoned the crazy rates did not dare to issue loans.

In March-April 2015, 4,147 loan agreements were concluded under the state support program for a total amount of 21,668 million rubles. For two months, there was a buildup, the media, the Internet were connected, and starting from May, loans began to be popular.

May 2015, there is a sharp increase in the popularity of the concessional lending program (an increase of 548.47%), 26,892 loan agreements were concluded. The peak month in terms of the volume of loans issued was February 2016.

Against the backdrop of the expiration of the subsidy program (March 2016) and the lack of consensus, there was a stir between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction on the expediency of extending this program for 2016. Everyone who had not yet had time to get a preferential loan hastily turned to banks. The result of this excitement was the provision in February 2016 of loans in the amount of 79,639 million rubles, 42,951 loan agreements were concluded.

Banks, who predicted at the beginning of 2015, the collapse of mortgages several times, after several months of the program, have already talked about encouraging facts. Yes, the reduction in lending was obvious, but it did not hit the loan portfolio as much as expected. According to statistics, every fourth loan issued by a bank was under the program of state subsidies for the mortgage rate.

The construction sector, which became “limp” at the beginning of 2015, based on the results of the state support program for 11 months, addressed in writing, at the beginning of 2016, to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to extend the concessional lending program in order to prevent the collapse of the multi-apartment residential building construction industry.

In this appeal, the developers reasonably described all the positive aspects of the program, such as the development of related sectors of the economy, the growth of import substitution building materials, an increase in the number of jobs, the solution of the "housing" issue of more than one thousand Russian families.

An increase in the number of "long-term construction", an increase in the number of deceived equity holders, an increase in the unemployment rate, a general drop in sales - such a forecast was prescribed by developers in case of refusal to extend the soft lending program.

In the aggregate of all factors, the Government of the Russian Federation made a decision, after which many breathed a sigh of relief, to extend the program of preferential mortgage lending for the purchase of an apartment at the construction stage.

State mortgage support has been extended until January 1, 2017, with adjustments. In particular, the margin of banks was reduced to 2.5 percentage points, i.е. banks will "earn" less on this program. But it is worth noting that the decline in profitability did not become a “brake” for banks, and more than 1.2 trillion rubles were submitted for participation in the state subsidy program. rubles, despite the fact that the total limit of the program is 1 trillion. rubles.

Banks have already made adjustments to their lending programs, including those under the Military Mortgage program. The rates of some banks (Svyaz-Bank, Otkritie Bank) have already undergone changes, the increase in rates is not significant, but it is present.

Despite the change in conditions, it is predicted that by January 1, 2017, at least 500 billion rubles will be additionally subsidized. mortgage loans, and injection into the construction sector through mortgage loans of at least 900 billion rubles. Based on average cost values square meter under the state subsidy program (56.55 thousand rubles), this will finance about 16 million square meters of housing, which will undoubtedly be a "lifeline" for the construction sector of the economy.

NIS members are among the most active users of the program of state subsidies for mortgage rates, the acquisition of apartments in ownership under the Military Mortgage program. The number of military personnel wishing to purchase apartments at the construction stage or in a finished house from the developer is growing every year, and 2016 will not be an exception.

Today, developers, when contacted by military personnel, voice the cost per square meter based on the general situation on the real estate market, and often overestimating it, in the hope that not every military personnel will be engaged in a thorough selection of objects, due to constant employment , business trips, simply the impossibility of being in the region of acquisition of housing.

"Military Pereezd", realizing the social importance of housing for military personnel, is always ready to provide assistance, both at the stage of choosing and buying new housing, and if necessary, selling it.

If you have any questions regarding the work, the functioning of the NIS system, the purchase and sale of real estate, obtaining a discount from the developer, our employees are always ready to help both the NIS participant and his relatives.

Mortgages with state support in 2016 were extended until the end of the year. The program has been postponed due to its successful implementation in major cities Russia. Preferential mortgages have had a beneficial effect on the development of the real estate market and housing lending.

In 2015, 70-75% of apartments were purchased on the primary real estate market using state-subsidized mortgages. By March 1, 2016, at the expense of targeted funds for individual housing complexes, this value reached 90% of the total fund. According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, at the end of January 2016, more than 227 thousand mortgage loans were provided in the amount of 405.7 billion rubles. Most often, the federal program was used to purchase two- and three-room apartments with an area of ​​60 - 85 m².

The decision to extend the program was signed on March 1, 2016. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev, said that in the conditions of macroeconomic instability and falling real incomes of Russians, maintaining mortgages with state support is a necessary measure.

The main objectives of its extension are:

  • assistance in solving housing problems for citizens;
  • support for the construction industry;
  • an obstacle to the fall of the real estate market;
  • stimulating banks to expand the range of mortgage products.

The new edition of the program includes minor changes. In particular, the amount of loan capital issued was increased from 700 billion rubles to 1 trillion. rubles. All banks that sell mortgages with state support had their limit revised at the end of March. The new rule did not bypass the players who became participants in the mortgage subsidy program in 2016.

The changes also affected the subsidization of part of the rate. If earlier the participating banks were compensated for 3.5% of the rate, the new version of the program provides for only 2.5%. For lenders, a 1% reduction in subsidies results in a loss of part of marginal income. In this regard, almost all participants changed terms lending in part interest rate by setting the maximum annual percentage - 12%.

What remains unchanged?

In addition to the amount of subsidizing the rate and the volume of issuance, the other conditions of preferential mortgage lending for 2016 were not changed. In particular, only middle-income households that need to solve a housing problem or improve their living conditions can apply for preferential mortgages.

The maximum interest rate on a targeted real estate loan is 12%. There is a restriction on the maximum loan amount - 8 million rubles in federal cities and 2 million rubles - for other subjects of the Russian Federation. In all participating banks, the first installment is at least 20% of the property value. The exception is TransKapitalBank, where the minimum lump sum payment is set at 15%. If the borrower provides other liquid housing as collateral, then some lenders are willing to consider the possibility of obtaining a mortgage without a down payment.

Difficulties for Borrowers

Despite preferential lending terms, state-supported mortgages are available to only 1% of Russians. The main difficulties in obtaining it are related to the rather high additional costs that borrowers must bear. They concern not only the insurance of the property, but also the personal life and health insurance of the applicant.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Mortgage" the property must be insured. However, for many participants in the program, life and health insurance of the borrower is also mandatory. At the same time, they offer to issue insurance services in a small number of insurance companies that are their partners. Often their rates are higher than the average market. In general, insurance services will cost the loan holder 1-3% of the market value of the property.

Under the program, you can buy housing only in the primary market. The proposal to purchase real estate on the secondary market was not accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation, since its legal purity is often in doubt. The possibility of preferential purchase of housing applies only to apartments that meet the mandatory minimum of 18 m² per family member. If the borrower wants to purchase more spacious housing, then he must pay the difference at his own expense.

In which banks can I get a preferential mortgage?

Both commercial banks and credit institutions with state participation participate in the program. It should be noted that all major players from the TOP-10 in terms of mortgage portfolio provide mortgages with state support. FROM complete list participants can be found on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The lending conditions established under the Mortgage Interest Rate Subsidy Program are the same for all participants. However, some players may grant certain privileges to their clients.

In particular, in 2015, large banks issued targeted loans at 11-11.5%.

Latest news in 2016 indicate that the decrease in the annual percentage can be forgotten for now. Due to a 1% reduction in compensation of part of the interest rate, many banks have set a maximum loan fee of 12%.

The provision of benefits for the purchase of housing in new buildings may be terminated if the Central Bank of the Russian Federation lowers the interest rate to 8.5%. At the same time, the policy of the regulator cannot affect the terms of previously concluded agreements. Taking into account the fact that high financial risks remain in the country, it is rash to talk about easing the monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The bank became one of the first participants in the federal program and was able to overtake others in terms of issuance. It accounts for more than 79% of all issued loans with state subsidies. A credit institution provides money for the purchase of finished or under construction housing in new buildings.

Sberbank's requirements for borrowers

Applicants must meet the following requirements in order to receive a credit on preferential terms:

  • age restrictions: the minimum age threshold is 21 years old;
  • work experience: at least six months at the last place of employment and at least 1 year of total experience for the last 5 years;
  • the possibility of attracting up to 3 co-borrowers (the second spouse of the borrower automatically becomes a co-borrower, regardless of his solvency).

Required documents for Sberbank

To obtain a preferential mortgage, the borrower must provide:

  1. Identity documents (passport, marriage registration certificate, military ID);
  2. Documents confirming the solvency of a private person (certificate in the form 2-NDFL, a copy of a work book, an extract from a deposit account, etc.; a debit card is sufficient for participants in salary projects);
  3. Documents for the acquired residential property (provided within 60 days from the date of approval of the loan application).

Life and health insurance when applying for a preferential mortgage at Sberbank is a prerequisite. A credit institution provides an opportunity to repay part of mortgage obligations at the expense of maternity capital. In the event of financial difficulties, it is possible to restructure the loan.

Mortgage conditions with state support in VTB 24

VTB 24 ranks second in terms of issuance of preferential mortgages. The terms of lending in terms of requirements for the borrower are similar to those in Sberbank. The credit institution does not prohibit the use maternal capital to pay off part of the mortgage debt or provide a down payment.

Loan term with state support after March 1 reduced to 30 years. At the time of repayment of the debt, the holder of the mortgage must be no more than 60 years old. The loan is provided to citizens who have a permanent or temporary residence permit in the region where the lender is present, from the age of 21.

Unlike Sberbank, VTB 24 simplifies the requirements for the borrower's length of service. To obtain a soft loan for housing, it is enough to work in the last place for 3 months, and the total length of service must be 1 year.

Obtaining a mortgage under the state subsidy program at VTB 24 consists of several stages:

  • Stage 1 - submitting an application on the bank's website or directly at the lender's office;
  • Stage 2 - consideration of the application by the credit committee;
  • Stage 3 - submission of original documents to the bank (if an online application for a loan was submitted);
  • Stage 4 - search for a suitable property in the primary market;
  • Stage 5 - providing documents for the acquired object to the lender, agreeing on the transaction and signing the loan agreement.

Mortgage with state support in Gazprombank

The issuance of preferential mortgages in Gazprombank in 2015 amounted to more than 44% of the total mortgage lending. Interest rates on the loan product under the state program remain among the lowest in the domestic market. The bank offers a targeted loan at 11.35% per annum, provided that the borrower provides 50% or more of its own funds, and the debt repayment period does not exceed 7 years. When issuing loans, the state is taken into account credit history applicant.

Requirements for borrowers in Gazprombank

To obtain a mortgage at Gazprombank, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age:
  • for women - from 20 to 50 years;
  • for men - from 20 to 55 years;
  1. Work experience: continuous - 6 months, total experience - from 1 year;
  2. Presence of registration in the region where the creditor is present.

The extension in 2016 of the mortgage subsidy program allows citizens with an average income to acquire their own housing. This best deal mortgage lending market.

Subsidizing mortgages by the state in 2016 will continue. The government came to this decision after evaluating the effectiveness of this measure.

Against the background of permanent economic instability and the failure of the mortgage lending market, the government decided to extend the mortgage subsidy program until January 1, 2017- On February 29, Decree 150 was signed, which regulates exactly this date for the end of state support.

In connection with the extension, budget expenditures increased by 300 billion rubles and amounted to 1 trillion rubles.

The main provisions of support for the mortgage sector under this program have not changed:

  • citizens are offered to purchase housing exclusively in the primary market;
  • the first installment cannot be less than 20% of the cost of housing;
  • maximum term granting a loan - 30 years;
  • maximum loan amount: 8 million rubles (Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg), 3 million rubles (other Russian regions);
  • the maximum credit rate is 12%.

In the summer of 2015, banks lowered interest rates, offering 13.5% on mortgage loans without state support. But this measure, apparently, did not live up to expectations - there were no queues of those wishing to borrow money at 13.5%, and the mortgage market total decreased by 2% last year. The excitement could arise if the state decided to “freeze” its support, but as the mortgage subsidy program has been extended, many citizens seeking to improve their living conditions will want to take out a loan on its favorable terms.

True, many would like to take a loan on favorable terms, but the amount issued is not enough to purchase housing. The government is actively discussing the issue of increasing the limit on the maximum loan amount. Another most common reason that does not allow you to use a banking product is the lack of the required down payment.

In one of recent interviews for RIA Novosti, the country's chief financier, Anton Siluanov, expressed confidence that the cost of mortgage products in 2017 would decrease even without third-party support. At the same time, he highly appreciated the effectiveness of state subsidies, recalling that such a measure made it possible to issue a record number of loans last year and build a record number of facilities with a total area of ​​85 million square meters.

The government is also considering other options to support mortgage borrowers. Thus, the possibility of "forgiving" part of the debt at the birth of a child is being discussed. It is assumed that the birth of each subsequent child will automatically reduce the debt at the expense of public funds.

The participants of the program who can issue soft loans at the moment are:

  • financial credit institutions (banks);
  • agency for housing mortgage lending;
  • housing cooperatives.

The recent inclusion of housing cooperatives in this list now allows people to buy apartments directly from construction organizations, which offer better rates per "square". At the moment, the share of developers in the market of long-term targeted lending is 10%, and providing the opportunity to issue loans directly will increase the number of players in the market to 50%.

Steps to subsidize mortgages in 2016, extending the terms and expanding the list of those who can provide loans, have a positive effect on end consumers, who may not abandon plans to solve the housing problem, and on the construction industry, which will manage to survive the crisis "without bloodshed" . According to the rating agency Fitch, the preferential mortgage program will reduce the economic risks of developers, especially those who specialize in the construction of mass housing.

On February 29, the Government announced the extension of the program of state support for mortgage lending. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The program has been extended until January 1, 2017.

The state allocated 1 trillion rubles to subsidize the mortgage rate, and the rate will be subsidized to the level of the key rate of the Central Bank by only 2.5%. It is worth noting that the total amount of subsidies for this year was increased, but the level of subsidies decreased by 1%. But in any case, the preservation of state-subsidized mortgages is good news for the market, since it was this support that turned out to be life-saving for the industry last year.

Natalya Saakyants, commercial director of the Rose Group, notes that the news about the extension of the mortgage subsidy program was perceived by all real estate market players as a positive step on the part of the state, which is interested in the development of the construction industry: “At the beginning of last year, there was a strong drop in demand for housing, and the introduction of subsidized mortgage loans helped to keep the market from a catastrophic downturn. It cannot be said that preferential mortgages will be able to bring the market out of the crisis already in 2016, however, it will support demand, which in the future may create conditions for the recovery of the industry. As for the new conditions of the program, from the point of view of developers, they remained as acceptable as before. The decision to increase the volume of mortgage loans to 1 trillion rubles is not entirely clear yet. Perhaps this step will encourage other banks to take part in the program. However, for banks, the new conditions are more stringent, as the amount of funds reimbursed by the state will be reduced. In this context, we already see that banks have raised lending rates and, most likely, they will be kept at the level of 12%.”

Tatyana Guseva, Head of the Mortgage Center at MIEL-Novostroyki , recalls that the market has been waiting for this decision since the end of 2016, but for a long time there was no official confirmation and conditions for granting subsidies and loans. Now the situation has cleared up. The expert notes that the reduction of subsidies by 1% led to an increase in interest rates in banks under the programs "Mortgage with state support": "Today, rates have increased by 0.6 - 1%. Now the rates under this program start at 11.5% at Raiffeisenbank with an initial payment of 50% and a loan term of up to 5 years. With standard parameters: an initial payment of 20%, a loan term of up to 30 years, the rates will be as follows: from 11.75% in VTB 24 and the Bank of Moscow, taking into account preferences for customers "MIEL-New buildings" , from 11.9% in Rosselkhozbank, from 12% in Sberbank, Bank Vozrozhdenie and other banks. Despite the increase in rates, the conditions for buyers are more than attractive. It is worth remembering that in 2014, rates averaged 13% and the mortgage market was actively developing, while the share of mortgage transactions in the overall structure was growing steadily. From clients, we do not note a negative reaction to the increase. Initially, the state support rate was 12%. For almost a year in a number of banks, the rate was reduced by 0.5-1% and now, in fact, has returned to its previous level, to the level of the start of the program. The extension of the program will continue to support the construction market and revive the mortgage lending market. In a competitive environment, banks will be forced to become more active and coordinate new interesting special programs with developers.”

Artyom Kotlovsky, Head of Lending and Partnership Programs at Pioneer Group, adds: “The program of state mortgage support worked effectively in 2015, and there are simply no alternatives to it today. Taking into account the fact that the construction sector is a powerful locomotive of the economy, the government decided to extend the program. I am sure that in general and definitely this will have a positive impact on the market and demand will indeed be supported. Despite the fact that the market average interest rate under the program "Mortgage with state support" increased by 0.5 - 0.7%, today it remains at a comfortable level of 12%. So I don't think this slight increase will negatively impact demand. In addition, some banks offer even more attractive conditions.

For example, gas industry workers can apply for a mortgage loan from Gazprombank with a rate of 11.35%. There are more attractive conditions for our clients, who can get a mortgage loan from VTB24 bank at 11.75% per annum. Accordingly, a 0.25% discount applies to buyers of apartments in Pioneer Group of Companies. At the same time, I do not think that a possible increase in partner banks participating in the state mortgage support program will create conditions for increasing its availability. The fact is that our business is focused on major Russian and foreign players: Sberbank of Russia, Bank VTB24, TatfondBank, Deltacredit and Unicredit. I believe that these banks really supported mortgages in the primary market and our clients in 2015, and the emergence of new ones will not change the situation much.” Despite the fact that the market average interest rate under the program "Mortgage with state support" increased by 0.5 - 0.7%, today it remains at a comfortable level of 12%.

Rustam Arslanov, Director of the Sales Department at Granel Group of Companies, also predicts that the existing rates of lending in the segment of new buildings will continue throughout the year, although he does not exclude that in the near future there will be a temporary decrease in the number of mortgage loans due to large volumes of mortgage sales in February : "IN standard form the program sets an interest rate of 12%, however, joint programs developed with the participation of developers offer more favorable lending conditions. So, especially for buyers of apartments in the facilities of the Granel Group of Companies, VTB 24 Bank offers a reduced rate of 11.75%. At the same time, one should not forget that not only high mortgage rates, but also a reduction in the income level of the population contribute to the decrease in purchasing power in the real estate segment. In our opinion, lowering the rate to the level of 7% corresponds to today's economic realities, such a measure could triple the number of potential borrowers.” But don't expect a rate cut.

Irina Tumanova, Deputy Head of the Mortgage Lending Department of the KASKAD Family, recalls that in 2015 the rate was reduced due to bank funding. For example, the largest banks reduced it to 11.4%. Now this is unlikely to happen again. The expert is convinced: “Under the current conditions, banks will not go for additional funding, as the conditions for state compensation have changed. At the moment, proposals from developers to subsidize the down payment are more relevant. For example, we have recently launched a campaign for a funded down payment for the purchase of an apartment in the amount of 50,000 rubles, and similarly for townhouses - 100,000 rubles. In general, this rate is quite relevant and competitive. However, additional tools are needed. It is not known whether banks will be able to actively express themselves here, so far it looks like it is largely on the shoulders of developers.”

In any case, the beginning of March was encouraging for the entire real estate market.