The term of use of maternity capital. When and for what you can use maternity capital

  • 20.10.2019

There are not so many options where to spend the maternity capital received on hand. Their schemes are extremely clear, and it will not be possible to go beyond. As you know, cashing a certificate by any means is impossible, and the punishment under the law applies to all parties involved.

What exactly can you do with your certificate according to the law?

  1. Where to spend maternity capital - all the possibilities
  2. Cashing out maternity capital
  3. Sale of maternity capital
  4. Loan and loan repayment by maternity capital

Every mother (dad) who has received a certificate in her hands faces this issue. Given that there are not many options for using capital, the choice should be approached thoroughly.

What documents are needed to receive maternity capital?

So where should the funds go?

Maternity capital for improving housing conditions

Among the population, this is the most popular option. According to the law, capital funds can be spent on:

Buying a home (house) or building it.

The first installment when applying for a loan (loan).

Payment of debt (interest) on a loan (loan).

Payment for your participation in shared construction.

Payment of the first installment in case of participation in housing cooperatives.

Payment for the reconstruction / construction of an individual housing construction facility without / with the involvement of construction contractors.

Payment (compensation) of the costs incurred by the certificate holder as a result of the construction / reconstruction of the IZHS facility.

Note: the object of sale (construction, reconstruction) must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Maternal capital for education - opportunities for mothers and children

Capital funds can be used to pay for the education of children. Moreover, you can pay for the education of the child whose appearance was the reason for issuing the certificate, and your other children. That is, to "divide" the means of capital between them. The certificate can be sent, in this case, to:

Payment for the services of educational state and municipal institutions.

Payment for the services of non-state educational institutions with appropriate accreditation and licenses.

Payment for accommodation in your child's hostel.

Note: the educational institution must be located in the Russian Federation, and the age of the child must not exceed 25 years.

Payment for kindergarten with maternity capital - conditions and requirements

This opportunity has been available since 2011. It involves the payment of services for the maintenance of the baby in kindergarten and other institutions of preschool education. Restriction: you can use this option only after the baby is three years old. How does this happen in practice?

2 months after the application is submitted to the FIU, the funds are transferred to the account of the organization.

Payment for services is carried out by the PFR on a regular basis, according to the payment schedule under the agreement with the institution.

In case of changes in the payment schedule or in the amount of payments, an application with the appropriate clarifications should be submitted to the FIU. If the changes in the amount of payments have become lower, then the surplus of transferred funds is returned back to the capital account.

The preschool institution, as in the previous versions, must be located in Russia.

Maternity capital for a mother's pension - tips and tricks

For such an investment, it is enough to apply to the FIU with an application. It is worth remembering that the owner of the certificate has the right to withdraw his funds after the accumulation of interest and dispose of them at his own discretion, choosing one of the well-known directions. There are two conditions for doing this:

A statement from the owner of the certificate about his refusal.

Submission of the application before the day when the pension will be assigned.

How to cash out maternity capital - legal opportunities

The amount of capital in 2013 is a very decent amount - 408 thousand rubles. But not every family needs to expand/improve their living conditions, and their pensions and education of their children are still very far away. Moreover, the child may not want to enter the university. Or do it for free. And an increase of 2-3 thousand rubles to the pension does not play a role. That is why the issue of cashing out capital is discussed with interest in every family: after all, material assistance is needed today and now, and not sometime there, later. So, is it possible to cash out a certificate?

It is IMPOSSIBLE to receive cash on the certificate.

Despite the presence of semi-legal loopholes for using the certificate (for example, a fictitious purchase of housing from relatives or other schemes), it should be remembered that when making a fraudulent transaction, the owner of the certificate is subject to criminal liability.

Is it possible to sell maternity capital - sale of maternity capital

There are many announcements/offers for buying and selling certificates today. It is enough to enter such a request in a search engine. But all of them, as a rule, all come down to the same previous, above-described topic of fictitious real estate transactions. Therefore, you need to understand and remember that there are only two legal ways to cash out maternity capital:
Loan under maternal capital.

Loan under maternity capital - what can I get a loan for?

According to the current federal program, maternity capital can also be used to purchase the necessary housing on credit. Not everyone can improve their modest living conditions, and the certificate allows this problem to be solved by increasing the amount for buying a house (apartment). Benefits of a home equity loan:

The amount of the first installment, which is usually paid from personal funds, will be equal to only a tenth of the property price.

Loan term - up to 30 years.

Guarantors are not required in this case.


The use of a certificate for obtaining a consumer loan is not provided for by law. That is, it is prohibited.

The possibility of obtaining a mortgage under maternity capital is not provided in every bank.

Repayment of a loan with maternity capital - what kind of loan can be repaid?

According to the law, it is possible to spend funds on repayment using a credit (loan) certificate, but:

Credit (loan) must be only mortgage.

It is necessary to provide a notarized commitment that the applicant undertakes to allocate a share to the child after the loan is repaid.

Note: You can use maternity capital for these needs even before the baby is three years old.

Maternity capital funds are significant material assistance for Russian families with children. This is not surprising, because the amount of the certificate at the beginning of 2018 is 453,026 rubles. Families in which a second child has been born or adopted since 2007 are eligible to receive this type of support.

Maternal capital is allowed to be spent for strictly defined purposes, and the spending of money is under the careful control of the state. Other directions and options for disposing of the certificate are illegal. How can you manage maternity capital, how to successfully invest it? Where to apply and what is the correct order of registration?

For what purposes can ISC funds be directed?

You can spend maternity capital for the following purposes:

It is not allowed to spend the amount of the family certificate in other ways. They can be used in parts for different tasks permitted by law, or only for one of them. The owner can apply for the disposal of this money an unlimited number of times within the prescribed amount.

Regardless of how the family plans to use maternity capital, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. He will preliminarily study the submitted documents and make a decision regarding the targeted spending of funds.

Acquisition of residential real estate (houses, apartments, rooms)

This is the most popular direction among Russians for disposing of maternity capital funds. The acquisition of residential real estate with the help of maternity capital involves two options:

  • paying the cost of housing in whole or in part using existing savings;
  • purchase of real estate with a mortgage loan.

In order to obtain the consent of the FIU for the acquisition of real estate, it is necessary to comply with the rules of the transaction, by which the state regulates the actions of the certificate holder:

  • residence is located on the premises Russian Federation;
  • the contract of sale (mortgage) does not contradict the current legislation;
  • the subject of the transaction is the whole property or a share in the ownership of it;
  • the amount of money is transferred by bank transfer, cash receipt in hand is not allowed;
  • minor family members and both parents are allocated a share in the purchased apartment or house, while its size can be independently determined by the certificate holder.

In the application for the transfer of money, it is necessary to state the characteristics of the property, indicate where it is located and what is its value. It is allowed to spend mother's capital on:

It should be remembered that there are some restrictions on the transaction of purchase and sale of housing. For example, you cannot purchase a share in the ownership of a room or one-room apartment. The object of the contract can only be a separate room.

Requirements for the acquired or built residential buildings with the help of state support:

  • the building must be capital and suitable for living in it, it must be listed in the documents as a residential building;
  • the category and purpose of the land plot on which construction is carried out must allow registration of a residential building and subsequent registration in it;
  • construction can be carried out on their own or with the involvement of a contractor.

You can claim compensation for the already erected structure of an individual residential building, which is registered and registered as the property of the family. This applies only to facilities built since 2007.

At a cost equal to the amount of maternity capital

Buying a home with the involvement of mother capital occurs in exactly the same way as a regular sale and purchase transaction. The seller at the conclusion of the contract must be notified of the planned attraction of family capital to pay for housing. The acquired property must necessarily comply with the requirements of the FIU.

The text of the agreement should indicate that part or the full cost of housing will be paid from family capital, specify the details for the transfer and its terms. It will take about 2 months for the money to be transferred to the seller's account. This time is given to consider the application to the FIU and transfer funds from the budget. The transaction is considered completed after the seller receives the full cost of the residential premises.

This method of using maternity capital funds can be applied only after the child reaches 3 years of age. Before this period, it will not be possible to carry out a transaction under any circumstances.

Mortgage or credit

Before the child reaches the age of 3, you can use the funds from maternity capital to make a down payment on a mortgage or to pay off an existing housing loan - they will be distributed to pay the principal and interest on the loan. If you have debts or penalties, then the funds of the certificate will not be used to pay them off.

The amount of mother capital allows you to make a down payment on a mortgage (10-30%) and get a loan. This state support measure is of great importance for young Russian families who want to have their own housing.

There are a number of banks that offer special preferential lending terms for family certificate holders. At the same time, borrowers must necessarily draw up a notarial obligation to allocate shares in the acquired real estate to family members (parents and children). This requirement must be met within six months after the full repayment of the mortgage and the removal of the encumbrance from the property.

Children's education

The second demanded direction of spending the mother's capital is the education of children. The family can compensate for their expenses for their education at any stage - from preschool to higher professional (kindergarten, school, college, college, university, additional courses and sections).

At the same time, you can pay for the education of not only the baby, after the birth of which the family received a subsidy, but also other children. The state has special requirements for spending family capital on education:

Before concluding a study contract, you must obtain the consent of the educational institution to defer payment for the 3-month period required for the transfer of money. A family can use public funds to:

  • accommodation in a hostel provided educational organization during study;
  • payment utilities in dorm;
  • various additional circles, advanced training courses and sections.

If the family intends to use the mother's capital to pay for the child's stay in kindergarten, it should be noted that it is impossible to pay for additional educational services with these funds. You can only pay for babysitting and childcare services. You can use the certificate for educational purposes only after the child reaches 3 years of age, thanks to which the family has become eligible for it. The exception is preschool education, for which funds can be directed immediately after receiving the document.

Mother's pension

The family certificate can also be used to increase the mother's funded pension. She can deposit funds into her account in a state or non-state pension fund. This can be done in advance or immediately upon retirement.

There are several options for receiving a pension, which is formed with the help of maternity capital:

  • urgent payment (the term of payment is determined by the woman herself, but it cannot exceed 10 years);
  • one-time payment of the entire amount (in cases stipulated by law);
  • lifelong pension.

If, after the funds are credited, the mother changes her mind and decides to send the money to other tasks, then she can withdraw them from the FIU. If the holder of the mother's capital passes away without having time to use her increased pension, the funds will not be lost, but will be inherited by her spouse or children.

Considering that most often the owner of the certificate does not expect a pension for a very long time, this spending of the subsidy is the least popular among citizens. It is used by only 1 out of 100 recipients of mother capital. In addition, at the time of retirement, this amount may depreciate significantly, so parents prefer to use it for actual purposes.

Rehabilitation of a disabled child

Maternity capital can be spent on rehabilitation and adaptation to life in the society of a disabled child, as well as on the purchase of technical means for these purposes (installation of ramps, purchase of a wheelchair, etc.). Parents should collect receipts for these purchases and submit them to the FIU.

After considering the application, the FIU will transfer monetary compensation for the purchased medical goods and services. Additionally, it is necessary to attach special acts from the state body of social protection of the population.

It is not necessary to wait until the child reaches the age of three for such an expenditure of maternal capital. Any child in a family who has received a certificate for maternity capital can be helped in rehabilitation and integration into society, and the list of allowed goods and services is constantly being finalized by government agencies.

Procedure for using MSC funds

The first thing the family has to do is to decide on the targeted spending of maternity capital. Having learned in detail what maternity capital can be spent on, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the consequences of the decision, because after using the certificate it is impossible to return the funds.

When the decision is made, you need to collect documents. What is their list, the FIU specialist will tell you. It is better to do this in advance, and at the same time clarify the details of the planned use of the certificate.

Having provided all the papers to the FIU, you will need to fill out an application. If it does not meet with objections, the money from the state budget will be transferred to the account of a creditor bank, a real estate seller or an educational institution, depending on what type of use was chosen.

Where to apply?

To apply for the transfer of maternity capital, you must appear at the Pension Fund at the place of residence (permanent or temporary registration). The appeal must come only from the certificate holder or his authorized representative. Sometimes it is allowed to accept an application from a guardian or the minor citizen himself, who is recognized as capable.

Sample power of attorney for the disposal of mother capital:

In addition to the traditional application to the FIU, the family can use other ways:

  • through the MFC;
  • through the "Mail of Russia";
  • through the portal of public services.

No matter how the application is submitted, the procedure for its consideration will be the same. The advantage of a personal visit to the Pension Fund is the possibility of obtaining advice from a qualified specialist.

What documents do you need to provide?

For each direction of funds, different documentation is collected. The main documents that will be required:

  • original certificate;
  • passport of the recipient of the subsidy;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • SNILS (insurance pension certificate);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services;
  • a contract for the sale of a residential property;
  • a notarial obligation to allocate shares to all family members in the purchased premises.

When submitting an application, copies and originals of documents are provided. Once verified, the originals will be returned.

To provide complete set papers, in order to avoid refusal, you should first consult with a representative of the Pension Fund and clarify everything important points. To transfer funds, you need to fill out an application:

This is a standard form. Usually it is filled in by a representative of the FIU and issued for signature and verification to the one who applied for the transfer.

Deadline for resolving the issue of disposal of funds

Consideration of the application and the package of documents attached to it does not exceed 1 month. If during this period, before receiving a positive decision and transferring money, the applicant changes his mind and decides to withdraw the application, he must contact the same branch of the FIU and write a corresponding application.

If a positive decision is made on the application, the FIU employees will report this within 5 days. 10 working days are given for the transfer of money itself, but the applicant is not informed about the receipt of money to the corresponding account of the applicant. It is best to keep in constant contact with the educational institution, the seller of the housing or the bank that issued the mortgage, to make sure that the transfer of money went as planned and the obligations under the contract were fulfilled.

Responsibility for violation of the conditions for the use of MSCs established by law

Now you can find many advertisements in which it is proposed to cash out maternity capital. Doing this is not worth it. Receipt of MSC funds in cash is prohibited, they are transferred only by bank transfer, from account to account.

Schemes for the misuse of a family certificate fall under the article on fraud, such actions are criminally punishable. At the same time, the owners of mother capital, who made an illegal transaction, become accomplices in the crime.

The most humane decision of the court in this case provides for a full refund of the funds spent and exemption from criminal liability. If the fact of a fraudulent transaction is recognized, its participants will be punished in the form of:

  • a fine;
  • correctional or forced labor;
  • arrest;
  • restrictions or imprisonment.

The national program "Maternity Capital" was created with the aim of increasing the birth rate in the country and consisted of financial support for families who decided to have two or more children.

A decade has passed since V.V. Putin approved this law project, which came into force almost immediately. Today, residents of the Russian Federation take mother capital for granted.

True, many still have questions about this state program. The most popular of them: what can maternity capital be spent on? In our article, we will try to give detailed answers and tell the reader about what awaits him in the coming years.

What is the essence of the program

Matkapital is a significant financial support for all families, especially for those who are raising not one child, but two or more. Many modern parents, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, dream of having at least two children. And here the State offers not a small amount. Why not? But not everything is so simple. Maternity capital is received as a certificate that cannot be cashed, but can be used for certain purposes.

This program has been in effect since January 1, 2007. Initially, it was supposed to expire in December 2016, but the President of the Russian Federation decided to extend it. So far, only two years. An option is now being considered to extend it until 2025.

Maternity capital is issued not only for the second child, but also for the third, fourth and subsequent children born no earlier than 2007.

Over the 10 years of its existence, maternity capital has been repeatedly indexed. During this time, the amount under the certificate has almost doubled.

Today it is 453,026 rubles. It has remained this way since 2015, since its growth has been suspended since 2016, and so far statesmen not in a hurry to restore it. This is recorded in Law No. 415-FZ “On the Federal Budget” dated December 19, 2016.

A certificate for mother capital can only be obtained if the couple has a second child. It does not belong to the born. The whole family can use it. Therefore, when deciding what to spend maternity capital on, you have the right to do what will be more profitable for your unit of society.

Who can apply for a certificate

Based on the name of the capital, it is clear that his mother receives two or more children. If for some reason she cannot do this, then the following persons have the right to draw up the document:

  • father, if the mother is incapacitated, deprived of parental rights or died;
  • a child under the age of majority;
  • a teenager undergoing full-time training;
  • young people under the age of 23, due to the deprivation of their parents of support from the state.

On the basis of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, you are entitled to a certificate not only after the birth of a second child, but also after his adoption.

This program is national, therefore, only citizens of the Russian Federation or persons with dual citizenship who have moved to a permanent place of residence in another country can apply for mother capital.

How to get a certificate

To obtain maternity capital, you should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or any MFC. This can be done in person or through a legal representative.

The procedure for issuing a certificate is simple and does not take much time. If all the documents are in order, then in a month you will legally be able to think about what you can buy with maternity capital.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1180n dated 10/18/2011, in order to obtain a certificate, the following package of documents must be submitted:

  • statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate of each child;
  • if the children are adopted, then the court decision on their adoption.

The requirement of employees of the Pension Fund to present other documents (extracts from the house book, etc.) is illegal.

If the father will draw up the capital, then in addition to the above papers, he needs to have official confirmation that the mother of the children cannot deal with this procedure.

This may be:

  • death certificate;
  • a court decision declaring her missing;
  • court decision to terminate her parental rights.

If the child himself claims the mother capital, then to the standard package, you will need to add one of the exact same documents, but for both parents.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have permanent registration can put down the address of their actual residence in the application.

One month after the submission of documents, the applicant will be notified by registered mail about the decision taken by the state body. If it is positive, then he can only visit the Pension Fund again and pick up the certificate.

Maternity capital: what can be used

Initially, using a certificate, you could:

  • buy housing;
  • pay for the education of the child;
  • start the formation of the mother's funded pension.

Later, the Government of the Russian Federation allowed at the expense of maternity capital to repay part of the previously taken mortgage loan.

In addition, the national assistance program for families with two or more children has been modified as follows:

  • 2011. It became possible to transfer money to the bank account of its owner. Thus, the family could independently build a house.
  • 2015 Now, in order to make a down payment on a mortgage with the help of mother capital, you do not need to wait until the child is 3 years old.
  • 2016 capital can be used for technical rehabilitation disabled children.

During the economic crisis (2009-2010), once a year, a family could apply for cash in the amount of 12,000 rubles from maternity capital. The same situation was repeated in 2015, only the payment increased to 20 thousand rubles.

The possibility of buying a car for the family at the expense of mother's capital was repeatedly discussed. Officials wanted to transfer money to the deposit account of one of the parents so that the family could receive interest every month. The payment of education to parents was also considered.

Unfortunately, the purchase of the car, as well as the next two proposals, were not approved.

Today, with the help of capital, you can:

  • Optimize living conditions, provided that a house or apartment is located on the territory of our country. So that citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad can also use mother capital.
  • Pay for your child's education.
  • Start building a mother's funded pension.
  • To carry out social adaptation of children with disabilities.

To make it easier for you to decide on the option of using state support, we will consider each of them in more detail.

How to use the Home Improvement Certificate

If earlier it was necessary to wait for the third anniversary of the second child in order to use the mother's capital to purchase real estate, then starting from 2015, the need for this has disappeared. The government passed this law to make people more willing to improve their living conditions. And rightly so - this is the most popular way to implement a certificate.

What can maternity capital be spent on when choosing this direction of the program? Today, Russian families have the following options available:

  • acquisition of residential premises: apartments or houses;
  • matkapital - as a down payment on a mortgage;
  • repayment of a previously taken mortgage loan;
  • investing in shared construction of a residential building;
  • repair of a private residential building or increase in its area;
  • construction of a private house in which it is possible to live all year round;
  • receiving compensation for the cost of building a house, if it was carried out at its own expense (if payment documents are available).

When purchasing a house on a land plot, you will need to draw up two sales contracts: for land - separately, for construction - separately. The funds received from the state can only compensate for the cost of housing.

If your family decided to solve their housing problems at the expense of the national program, get ready to submit the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • relevant statement;
  • certificate;
  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • sale and purchase agreement for a house or apartment;
  • permission to build (repair) a residential building;
  • a notarized commitment that the owners of the purchased (built) housing are all family members;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • an extract from the bank, which contains information about the main mortgage debt and interest accrued on it.

How can I use my child education certificate?

Initially, this direction for the use of mother capital may seem absolutely unprofitable. Of course, education in universities is now paid in almost all. And expensive. But is it worth saving money for this until the child graduates from school? Moreover, their indexing has long been stopped ..

With money received from the state, you can pay:

  • stay of the child in kindergarten;
  • getting an education at any university, regardless of whether the first child is studying or subsequent ones (only age matters - not older than 25 years);
  • accommodation in a student hostel.

If the child was expelled from an educational institution, you have the right to write an application to the Pension Fund, which will return the amount not spent on education back to the account. The remaining funds on it can be realized in any other way offered by the program.

If you want the state to help pay for all or part of your child's education, please contact the Pension Fund with the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • certificate
  • the applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • an agreement on the education of a child on a commercial basis;
  • a copy of the certificate of accreditation of the educational institution;
  • a tenancy agreement, if the purpose is to pay for the hostel.

How to use the certificate for the funded part of the mother's pension

As statistics show, of all the options, this one is one of the most unpopular among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. The number of capital certificate holders who choose it does not even reach 1%.

If the family does not experience housing problems and is sure that they can easily pay for the education of their children with their own funds, then why not take care of the mother's future pension?

Moreover, if she changes her mind, the legislation will not prohibit the withdrawal of finances from the accumulation account of the Pension Fund. It doesn't matter if it's state or not. After that, she will be able to use them at will, if it does not contradict the terms of the program.

If the mother did not live to see the pension, the savings formed thanks to the mother capital will be able to receive the heirs of the first stage: the husband and children.

Certificate for social adaptation of children with disabilities

Maternity capital will come in handy if the family has a disabled child. After all, large sums of money are spent on his treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. Unfortunately, in this case, it is not only difficult, but impossible, to compensate for the costs.

This is because matcapital can be used:

  • for very specific technical devices for rehabilitation, and within the framework of a program drawn up individually for a disabled child;
  • on devices and manipulations that are not included in the list b
  • free.

It is impossible to use funds received from the state under the national program as payment for treatment - in the Russian Federation it is free. But quotas, for example, for operations are not enough to provide even half of the population with them. And some types of surgical intervention in Russia are not carried out at all.

In addition, the certificate can only be used as compensation for the cost of already acquired rehabilitation means. Very often they are so expensive that families simply do not have money for them.

Today it is difficult to say whether such a necessary program of assistance to compatriots will continue. And what can be purchased with maternity capital. But let's hope that this bill is not curtailed and will be improved in the near future.

Having received from the state the right to maternity capital, many Russian families think about how to effectively and competently manage funds. After all, you can use it once in a lifetime and the list of what to send money to is limited.

Maternity capital is a federal-level program that has been operating in the country since the beginning of 2007 and is in great demand. Families with two or more children can use it. Moreover, the second child, according to the rules, should be born between 2007 and 2018.

You can receive maternity capital at any time after the birth of your second child.

To get help, you should go to the Pension Fund office in your region and provide the following list of documents:

  • a completed application from the parents;
  • birth certificates of each child;
  • applicant's passport;
  • adoption certificate.

You can apply in different ways:

  • personally approaching the branch of the Fund;
  • through a proxy;
  • send by mail.

Officials of the Pension Fund consider the application for an average of a month. During this time, he checks whether all the data is true, and makes a positive or negative decision. The right to own mother's capital is confirmed by a nominal state-issued certificate, which is invalid without presenting the owner's passport.

Over the entire time that the program has been operating, more than 7.5 million families have already taken advantage of it. Initially paid 250 thousand rubles. As a result of annual indexation, this amount has now almost doubled - up to 453 thousand. At the same time, starting from 2016, the amount of payments is no longer indexed. Therefore, despite inflation, the amount will remain at the current level until the end of the program.

Basic rules for the use of maternity capital (MK):

  • One family can exercise the right to a state subsidy provided for by the federal program only once.
  • You can apply for help at any time convenient for parents. Whether you do this immediately after the birth of the child or later, there is no difference.
  • The allowance is issued to the parents, and not to the child personally.
  • Granted funds can be used for different purposes. For example, part to spend on the reconstruction of housing, the other set aside for education.
  • Capital is not taxed.

Let's take a large family as an example. The first baby appeared in it in 2002, the second - in 2008, the third child was born in 2014. Parents learned about the program in 2015 and decided to use it. Turning to the Fund for help, they specify that they will receive it for the second child. However, when submitting documents, they bring birth certificates for all children, including the youngest. An important nuance. In this case, you can use the allocated funds immediately, since the child is already three years old.

At the same time, keep in mind that you will not receive maternity capital in cash. The Fund transfers funds exclusively by bank transfer to the accounts of banking institutions, construction organizations, property owners from whom you purchase a house or apartment.

According to the law, funds can only be spent after your second child is 3 years old. Such a measure is aimed at ensuring that dysfunctional families do not use her for selfish purposes, and the money really goes to improving her material well-being, raising the level of education. It is also believed that during this time, family members will be able to finally decide what is most beneficial for them to use the allocated funds.

Is it possible to use maternity capital up to 3 years

In the first years after the adoption of the program, there were no exceptions to the rules - the family received the right to dispose of money only after the child's 3rd birthday. However, the realities of life have made their adjustments, since money is often needed much earlier. First of all, we are talking about young families whose living conditions leave much to be desired. Many of them either rent or live in a cramped apartment with their parents.

Thus, today there are several situations where funds can be used ahead of schedule. In particular, the state allows sending state subsidies to:

  • to pay off an existing housing loan;
  • to pay for a loan issued for the construction of housing or its reconstruction;
  • to make a down payment on a mortgage.

If we talk about a loan, then you can repay with the help of the allowance both its main part and interest. But fines for late payments cannot be paid with this money.

How to use maternity capital in 2017

Once you have received a certificate, it is important to use it effectively, because you will not have such an opportunity again. The state provides for the following options for the use of funds:

  • improvement of existing living conditions;
  • repayment of loans and payments on loans;
  • payment for education;
  • retirement savings.

It is not for nothing that the improvement of housing conditions is in the first place, since with the birth of a second child this issue becomes especially acute. Each family approaches the decision differently. Some people buy a ready-made apartment, others build a house from scratch on their own or with the help of construction organizations, and others reconstruct existing housing. Let's look at each of these types next.

We use MK to buy an apartment or house

Buying an apartment and moving in immediately to live in it is the least troublesome and labor-intensive option. However, keep in mind that not every housing will be able to be purchased, since in this case the state imposes strict requirements on the object of purchase:

  • the property must be located in the Russian Federation;
  • it must be a fully livable space.

Buying an apartment without a mortgage is a responsible decision, and therefore the Fund's employees personally check the condition of the acquired property. And if they come to the conclusion that the children in the house will be uncomfortable, the deal may not go through. Therefore, buildings in disrepair, which require overhaul, it makes no sense to consider initially. But the geographical location of the building does not play a role. You can buy a house on the allowance both in the city and in the village.

You can only buy a fully livable room with maternity capital

The Fund can even approve the option of buying a room in a communal apartment. Often, officials agree to purchase a second apartment if one is already owned by the family. The main condition for this is that housing is issued for all children. In addition, such an apartment should be located in a city area with equivalent conditions. For example, the first is located in the center, so you should not look after the second apartment on the outskirts.

After all the necessary documents are submitted, the decision to finance the purchase is made by the Fund for about 2 months. Therefore, this moment should be taken into account immediately so that there are no disagreements with the real estate seller. If the owner of the apartment does not agree to wait so long, you can apply for a loan and then pay the funds to the bank from the state allowance.

Maternity capital for building a house

If the purchase of real estate for various reasons is not suitable, as an option - to build a house from scratch. Previously, it was a prerequisite to involve professional builders in the process. But then the state realized that it was more profitable for many to build a house on their own, and in 2010 they went forward.

True, in this case, maternity capital for construction is issued in parts - it is important to take this into account in order to correctly allocate the budget. First, parents receive half of the amount with which they must rebuild the frame of the future house in six months. If this condition is met, the remaining 50% is received after 6 months.

Construction with the involvement of a contractor, although it will cost more, will save time and nerves. In addition, you will be confident in the quality of the built housing. On average, the process of erecting a small frame or aerated concrete house will take two to five months. Alternatively, you can entrust such important stages of construction as laying the foundation and erecting walls to professionals, and do the rest of the work yourself.

The state can return the money spent on construction retroactively. The main thing is to document all expenses for the purchase of materials and wages for workers. To do this, be sure to keep all receipts, checks, invoices. An important nuance is that you are compensated for the funds, construction works should be carried out after the beginning of 2007.

Before you start building, you should solve all problematic issues with the land on which you will build a house. It must be designed in accordance with all the rules and belong to you. At the same time, keep in mind that it will not work to spend maternity capital on acquiring land - the program does not provide for such an opportunity. Money for land will have to be found elsewhere. Alternatively, the land can be rented or issued with the right to inherit.

The list of papers that you will need when applying to the PF in this case is extensive:

  • birth certificates of your children and passports of adults;
  • marriage certificate;
  • permission from the relevant organizations for construction;
  • the right to own land;
  • details of the bank where the money will be transferred;
  • an obligation that at the end of construction the house will be issued to all members.

After your application is approved, the money will be transferred either to the bank account of the construction company or to your personal one.

How to use maternity capital to buy a home on credit

In addition to directly buying or building a house, the allowance can be used to pay off a mortgage or take a loan against it. It is worth considering that this does not include consumer loans and not all banks are ready to work with maternity capital. Basically, large financial organizations, such as Sberbank, VTB 24, and the Bank of Moscow, go towards families with two or more children. Some of them also offer more favorable conditions for buying housing in new buildings or for the construction of turnkey houses. Standard requirements for borrowers:

  • have an impeccable credit history;
  • confirm the presence of a permanent income with relevant certificates;
  • stable work. In particular, the length of service in the current position is from 6 months to 3 years (depending on the requirements of the financial institution).

Let's take an example. 10 years ago, the family took an apartment on a mortgage loan and pays n-th amount every month. A few months ago, their second child was born and there is a chance to use a certificate for receiving maternity capital. With the allocated funds, they have the right to repay the loan at least partially and reduce interest rates.

In order to use the capital to repay the mortgage, you must provide the Fund with the following documents:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • a certificate from the bank, which indicates the balance of the debt and accrued interest;
  • a document confirming the right to property.

An important condition when buying or building a home is that the property must be registered for all family members without exception. This applies to both husband and wife, and every child, including adopted ones. The agreement on the allocation of shares to family members must be properly executed within 6 months after the acquisition of housing.

Many certificate holders are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to purchase a garden house in SNT with maternity capital. The law does not provide for this possibility. However, in some cases, parents manage to obtain the consent of officials and spend money on the dacha, having fulfilled a number of requirements. To do this, the building must receive the status of a habitable house with full conditions. The dacha must have a personal address, you can register and live in it all year round without damage to health. It is necessary to bring all communications to the house, such as electricity, sewerage, water supply. In winter, the room must be heated.

Is it possible to use MK for home renovation?

The bill provides for an exceptionally radical improvement in living conditions. Change wooden windows on plastic, insulate the floor, make stretch ceiling or redevelopment and even change plumbing does not apply to this case. Therefore, it will not work to spend money on home repairs. This will be considered misappropriation of funds and the transfer of money to the account will not be approved.

Another thing is the reconstruction of existing housing. Here you can already talk with officials about the allocation of benefits. In particular, this includes:

  • increase in ceiling height;
  • expansion of the area, including the construction of an additional floor in a private house;
  • transformation into an attic attic space.

In other words, this is a cardinal transformation of the technical parameters of the premises, and for the majority of such works, permissions from the relevant authorities must be obtained. In addition, the house must first be registered for all family members without exception, otherwise the officials will refuse to allocate an allowance for reconstruction.

You can pay with maternity capital as higher education, and classes in circles or living in a hostel

A good education can be the key to a successful future for children, and therefore the state has not without reason provided for its financing in the bill as a separate item. According to the requirements, you can use the child's education allowance from the age of 3 to 25 years. And it's not just higher education. You can pay with allocated funds:

  • study in highly specialized schools - art, music;
  • all kinds of circles;
  • hostel accommodation.

This also includes kindergarten fees. And there is no difference, we are talking about a public or private institution. It is also not regulated on the education of which child to spend money - it can be either the second, or the first or third. The bad news is that you won’t be able to use maternity capital to finance your studies at one of the European or American universities.

Mother's pension contribution

Although experts call this option far-sighted, it is considered the least popular among certificate holders. Over the years, only a few have used it. There are several reasons. Many certificate holders need money today to solve pressing problems. Others fear losing part of their funds as a result of rising inflation. However, if the allowance is transferred to the management of non-state pension funds, which invest the received funds profitably, there is a chance, on the contrary, to increase capital by an order of magnitude.

What can be bought with maternity capital

You can only purchase an apartment directly on the allowance, as discussed above. For a long time, the possibility of using the allocated funds for the purchase of a domestically produced car was vigorously discussed at the state level. However, no law has yet been passed to allow this. The main arguments "against" that sound:

  • Shortly after buying a car, you can sell it to get money in your hands and then use it for other purposes.
  • Having a car will not improve the well-being of the family, unlike housing or education.

However, there is also good news. Since the beginning of 2016, the state allowance has been allowed to be used for adaptation in society and social rehabilitation of disabled children. In particular, you can buy the necessary technical equipment with maternity capital, such as special motorized beds, treadmills with speech output, exercise equipment to activate movement, and bicycles for patients with cerebral palsy.

In addition, there is the so-called regional maternity capital, which is issued at the regional or municipal level and is administered by local authorities. Its size is much smaller than the federal one and also varies depending on the region. On average, amounts start from 30 thousand and sometimes reach 300,000 rubles.

At the same time, there are much more opportunities to use regional funds. For example, with the help of such programs, it is possible to purchase a car six months after the birth of a child (for example, the Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad regions), buy furniture or household appliances, a computer.

It is often possible to redirect the allowance for the treatment of a child in specialized medical institutions using high-tech methods. For example, in the Komi Republic, a family is entitled to annual payments of 25,000 rubles for sanatorium treatment. For many parents, this is very important, since federal officials allow the money to be used exclusively for the rehabilitation of children with special needs. In addition, in some regions, funds are allocated not only for the second, but also for the third child. A big disadvantage is that such programs do not operate in all areas.

So, in Kaliningrad, parents have the right to receive 100 thousand rubles to improve the material well-being of the family. In the Ivanovo region, this amount is 50 thousand and you can spend it without restrictions. In Mordovia, after the birth of the third and fourth child, 123,000 and 148,000 rubles will be given out, respectively, to expand living space or finance studies.

To obtain a certificate for regional maternity capital, you need to contact the local branch of the social protection authorities. This can be done not only by parents, but also by authorized persons. There are no time limits or deadlines for processing documents. And their consideration on average takes from 3 to 4 weeks.

According to statistics, families spend their mother's capital:

  • to improve housing conditions - 70-80%;
  • for the education of children - 15-25%;
  • for pension accumulation - 3-5%.

Also, according to statistics, 48% of Russians who have a certificate have spent their maternity capital in full. 2% - partially. At the same time, 50% of certificate holders did not take advantage of the opportunity and did not apply to the Pension Fund at all.

Many are frightened by the difficulty of obtaining funds, others have no problems with housing, and others are not attracted by the opportunity to direct funds for retirement savings or education. However, do not forget that according to the adopted bill, the program will be valid until the end of 2018. Whether it will be extended further is unknown. Therefore, while such an opportunity still exists, it is worth using it.

One-time payment of maternity capital

Initially, the draft law did not even talk about issuing money to certificate holders in cash. This approach was later revised. In 2009 and 2010, it was possible to officially cash out 12 thousand rubles. Starting from the summer of 2015 and until the spring of 2016, everyone who wished was paid a lump sum of 20 thousand rubles. To do this, it was necessary to go to the Pension Fund branch and write a corresponding application. Then the payments stopped, but the height of the crisis forced officials to resume them again. Until November 2016, 25 thousand rubles were already issued in cash. At the same time, it is not necessary to report to officials on what the funds received are spent.

Maternity capital and fraud

Where there is money, there are always those who want to profit from it in any way. During the existence of the program, numerous schemes have been developed that allow the use of capital for personal needs. Often, people who are not eligible for it have tried to get a certificate. Known facts and illegal cashing out. For example, parents are offered to help withdraw money into their hands for a certain percentage. However, having received their share, the scammers simply disappear.

Attempts were made to purchase property from relatives or acquaintances and, upon receipt of money in the account, divide it among themselves. Often, officials are involved in scams, who decide on the issuance of MK. A large field of activity for fraud opened up in the interaction of certificate holders with microfinance organizations. Therefore, since 2015, operations with them have been banned.

In order not to lose money and effectively manage the allowance, experts give the following advice on the use of maternity capital:

  • Do not interact with dubious financial institutions about which there is no complete information in official sources.
  • Do not conduct any transactions bypassing the Pension Fund.
  • Do not trust dubious offers to cash out funds for a percentage.

How to get father's allowance

It is not for nothing that maternal capital has such a name, because it is given out mainly to mothers. However, there are situations when the father can also apply for public funding. There are several options:

  • The mother of the child has lost the right to mother capital, in which case he passes to the father automatically and regardless of whether he has Russian citizenship.
  • The child's mother died.
  • The man adopted a second child after January 2017 and at the same time he is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In order to receive capital, the father of the child must contact the local branch of the Pension Fund and, in addition to the documents listed at the beginning of the article, also provide, depending on the situation, a court decision to deprive the mother of parental rights or a death certificate.

The father can spend the received capital on all the cases listed above, such as improving housing conditions, educating children. The only exception is the funded pension. This option is only available to women.

How many times in a lifetime can you get a mother's certificate?

By law, a certificate for maternity capital is issued only once.

How soon after the birth of a child do I need to go to the Pension Fund to issue a certificate?

The period when you can apply to the Pension Fund with an application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital after the birth of a second (third and subsequent) child is not limited. It is not necessary to rush to do this immediately after leaving the hospital with the child. An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds can be submitted at any time after two years and six months from the date of birth of the child, with the exception of the case when MSC funds are used to pay off housing loans.

Is it possible to spend maternity capital funds on the education of the first (eldest), and not the second child?
- Maternity capital is provided not to a specific child, but to parents as additional measures of state support for families with children. Therefore, how to spend these funds is up to the whole family. And as the same law interprets, the funds or part of the maternity capital funds can be directed to education both by a native child and adopted, including the first, second, third and subsequent children.

Is maternity capital required if the second child is adopted?

Yes, when determining the right to receive maternity capital, adopted children are equated to relatives. That is, according to Article 3 of Federal Law No. 256, women who gave birth or adopted a second child starting from January 1, 2007, women who gave birth to or adopted a third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007 have the right to additional state support measures if they have not previously exercised the right to receive a certificate.

If twins or triplets are born in a family, does the MSC size double or triple?

The recipient of maternity capital is not a child, but an adult, usually a mother. And from the point of view of obtaining maternal (family) capital, it does not matter which of the twins or triplets will be declared the “second” child. A family can equally spend maternity capital funds, for example, on the education of each of them. At the same time, the amount of maternity capital does not double or triple.

Can maternity capital funds be used for several purposes at once? For example, part of it should be directed to the education of the child, and part - to the formation of the mother's funded pension?

Yes, according to the law, maternity capital funds can be distributed simultaneously in several directions.

Is it possible to “cash out” a maternity capital certificate, that is, to get “real money” for it somewhere?

No, you cannot receive cash on the certificate. You can use the funds of maternity (family) capital for three specific purposes: to improve housing conditions (acquisition, construction of residential premises, payment of a down payment, repayment of the principal debt when obtaining a loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing); for the education of children in any educational institution on the territory of the Russian Federation that have the right to provide paid educational services; for the formation of the funded part of the labor pension of the mother, who is the owner of the certificate.

Who is eligible for additional government support measures?

Persons eligible for additional measures of state support:

a woman with Russian citizenship who has given birth (adopted) a second or subsequent children since January 1, 2007;
a man with Russian citizenship, who is the sole adopter of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption has entered into force since January 1, 2007;
the father (adoptive parent) of the child, regardless of the citizenship of the Russian Federation, in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a woman who has given birth (adopted) children, due, for example, to death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to the child, in connection with the birth (adoption) of which arose the right to additional measures of state support, the commission of an intentional crime against a child (children) and other reasons established federal law December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ;
a minor child (children in equal shares) or a full-time student who has not reached the age of 23, upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father (adoptive parent) or the woman who is the only parent (adoptive parent) in cases established by the Federal Law .

Our mother sold her house and land plot in the village of Troitskoye. We want to add maternity capital to those cash and buy an apartment for cash in Elista. Is such an option possible?

You can buy an apartment using maternity capital funds when the child reaches the age of three, in connection with whose birth you received a state certificate for maternity (family) capital. In accordance with the current legislation, maternity capital funds are directed by non-cash transfer to a legal or to an individual who sells the apartment.

However, a clause must be introduced in the contract of sale, which will stipulate the order in which the funds for the purchase of an apartment, including maternity capital funds, will be transferred. That is, the transfer dates must be indicated Money and their exact amount, which they will help you calculate in the territorial Office of the PFR. In addition, the bank details and the seller's account must be indicated in the contract.

We are going to take out a loan to buy an apartment. Can maternity capital funds be used to pay the down payment on this loan?

Yes, you can. You can send maternity capital funds to pay the down payment on a housing loan or loan immediately after the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child.

Is it possible to purchase building materials with maternity capital funds?

The use of maternity capital funds for the purchase of building materials is not provided. However, with the help of maternity family capital, you can pay for the services of a contractor with which you have a construction contract.

To do this, the territorial body of the PFR must provide:

a copy of the building permit;
a copy of the building contract;
a written obligation of the person (persons) for whom the construction permit has been issued, certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (notarized), within 6 months after the commissioning of the facility, to register the residential premises in the common ownership of all family members;
original or duplicate of the certificate;
the passport.

Have you heard that the funds of the parent capital can be spent on the purchase of a domestic car? When will this opportunity be available?

To date, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006. “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, it is possible to dispose of the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital only in 3 directions:

To improve living conditions.
For the education of the child (children).
Formation of a funded pension for women.

For the purchase of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities, through reimbursement of the costs of acquiring such goods and services.
The direction of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital for the purchase of a car is not provided for by law.

Can maternity capital funds be used for a child's operation?

So far, this possibility is not provided by law. At the moment, maternity capital funds can be used in 4 areas: for education, the purchase of housing, the purchase of goods and services for the social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society, and also put on account of a future pension.

Is it possible to change the direction of the disposal of maternity capital funds after writing the application? For example, the application states that the funds are used to improve living conditions, but it is more important to pay for the child's education at the institute.

Yes, this can be done by canceling the first application and submitting a new application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. However, such application must be made within the same period as the application for disposal.

An ultrasound showed that I was expecting twins. These are my firstborns. Am I eligible for maternity capital?

Yes, you have. After the birth of children, it is necessary to apply to the Pension Fund for a state certificate for maternity family capital (MSK). But keep in mind that you can use the right to receive it only once.

She gave birth to a child a year ago, but did not apply to the Pension Fund to issue a certificate for the ISS? Will my money "burn out"?

The period when you can apply to the Pension Fund with an application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital after the birth of a second (third and subsequent) child is not limited. An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds can be submitted at any time after two years and six months from the date of birth of the child, with the exception of the case when MSC funds are used to pay off housing loans.

Our large family would do well to have a car, since using public transport is very expensive. Is it possible to borrow a car for a family using maternity capital?

Unfortunately, the law does not provide for such a possibility.

What is meant by home improvement? Is it possible to use maternity capital for water supply and gas?

Housing improvement refers only to the acquisition or construction of housing. In this regard, despite the fact that gasification of the house and the installation of water supply, of course, improve the living conditions of the family, the federal law does not allow the use of maternity capital funds for these purposes.

Do I need to pay tax on maternity capital?

No. Maternity capital is exempt from personal income tax.

I am mother of two children. She received a certificate for maternity (family) capital in 2008. Will the application of federal law No. 256 continue to apply to legal relations arising in connection with the birth of a child after December 31, 2016? What is the time frame for me to dispose of the funds of the MSC according to the certificate issued to me in 2008?

In accordance with the federal law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ, the right to additional measures of state support in the form of MSC arises in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child (children) in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2021.

At the same time, the term for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the MSC is not limited by the current legislation.

In what cases can they refuse to issue a certificate for maternity capital?

Main reasons for failures:

1. The child or woman does not have the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

2. The woman who applied for the certificate:
- is deprived of parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of state support arose;
- has committed an intentional crime related to crimes against the person in relation to her child (children);
- in her respect there is a cancellation of the adoption of a child, in connection with the adoption of which the right to additional measures of state support arose.

3. The applicant provided false information about the order or date of birth of the children. The decision to refuse to issue a certificate can be appealed to a higher authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in court.

I am the owner of the maternity capital certificate. This year, the eldest son entered the institute, but did not go to the budget department. Can our family pay for his education with maternity capital? And what if in the future he wants to change the university?

Maternity capital is issued not to a specific child, but to a family. Thus, it can be used to pay for the education of an older child in higher or secondary educational institution; schoolchild - in a private school or pay for the maintenance of a preschooler in a kindergarten. Families have different needs. But one condition is invariable - the educational institution must be located on the territory of Russia and have state accreditation for the provision of educational services. It is important that capital can pay for both the education itself and the costs of paying for the child's accommodation in a hostel. The law allows you to do this, limiting only the age - at the date of commencement of training, it should not exceed 25 years.

What documents will be required for this?

a written statement on the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity capital;
certificate for maternity capital or its duplicate;
identity documents, place of residence (stay) of the owner of the certificate;
birth certificates of children;
a copy of the contract for the provision of paid educational services certified by the educational institution, which specifies the procedure for paying for tuition at the educational institution;
If the capital funds will be used to pay for accommodation in a hostel, then you will need:

a tenancy agreement for housing in a dormitory (indicating the amount and terms for paying the fee);
a certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact that the child lives in a hostel.
What to do if suddenly the child wants to change the institution? Maternity capital funds (or part of them) are transferred in non-cash form to the account of the university. The contract with the educational institution specifies the payment schedule - payment is made once a semester or once a year. If the educational institution changes, the owner of the certificate will again conclude an agreement with the new university and transfer funds to the account of the new institution.

It should be remembered that you can dispose of the funds when the child who brought maternity capital to the family turns 3 years old. Also, MSC funds can be fully directed to the education of one child, or divided into parts (for different children), or partly to pay for studies, and partly directed to improving living conditions or the mother's pension.

I heard on TV that maternity capital will be canceled soon. I didn't even get to use it. My second child was born in 2009...

The information that appeared in a number of federal media that it is necessary to manage to use maternity capital before 2016 is not true.

To obtain the right to maternity capital, it is really necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born before December 31, 2021. However, the very receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

Thus, families entitled to maternity capital should not rush to dispose of it, especially considering that the amount of maternity capital is indexed annually. If in 2007 its size was 250 thousand rubles, then in 2018 it was already almost 453 thousand rubles.

Recall that it is possible to dispose of the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital no earlier than three years after the birth (adoption) of the second, third and subsequent children.

An exception is the use of maternity (family) capital funds to pay the down payment on a housing loan or loan or repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or loans, including mortgages, for the purchase (construction) of housing. In this case, maternity capital funds can be used without waiting for the second child to reach the age of three, and regardless of the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.

The funds of maternity (family) capital can be disposed of in full or in parts in the following areas:

Improvement of living conditions:
Funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital may be directed to the acquisition (construction) of residential premises. Including:

acquisition of a dwelling or an individual residential building;
construction of a residential building with the involvement construction organization;
construction or reconstruction of an individual dwelling without the involvement of a contractor;
compensation of expenses for the construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction object;
payment of a down payment upon receipt of a loan or loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing;
repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans or loans, including mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing;
payment for participation in shared construction;
payment of an entrance fee as a member of housing, housing construction, housing savings cooperatives.
Condition: the acquired residential premises must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Child's education:
Funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital can be directed to the education of a child (children) in any educational institution on the territory of the Russian Federation that has state accreditation, as well as to the maintenance of a child (children) in a kindergarten (any educational institution that implements the main general education program of preschool education or basic educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education). Funds can be used to educate any of the children in the family when the need for education arises. At the same time, the age of the child at the date of commencement of education should not exceed 25 years.

Formation of a funded pension for women:
Funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital can be directed to the formation of a woman's funded pension by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund. It is also possible to send funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital for a funded pension to a non-state pension fund (private management company).

- It seems to me that PFR employees are somewhat meticulous about accepting documents for the use of maternity (family) capital.

Representatives of the territorial bodies of the PFR make a decision on the application for the disposal of MSC funds only in accordance with the norms of federal law No. 256-ФЗ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”.

If specialists see some deviation in the list of documents, or, say, a discrepancy between the dates of signing the sale and purchase agreement and the date of registration of the mortgage loan, or the loan is inappropriate, this gives the employee of the PFR Department the right to refuse the order.

It must be understood that the specialist accepting the documents takes responsibility for a positive or negative decision. If all documents are submitted, then this package is checked at least twice by specialists in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and in some cases also here, in the regional Branch. If the application is satisfied, it is about the use of federal budget funds. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly study all documents, and decision territorial body of the PFR should always be based on the current federal legislation.

The funds under the certificate can be used upon reaching the age of 3 by a child whose birth gave the family the right to maternity capital. Without waiting for the child's third birthday, you can use funds to pay off debt on a loan for the purchase or construction of housing. We add that with the help of a certificate, a family can buy an apartment or an individual residential building, exchange existing housing for a large area; build an individual residential building with the involvement of a construction organization or on their own; improve living conditions by participating in shared construction, participation in housing cooperative; send them to repay housing loans, including mortgages (to pay the down payment and the principal debt and interest for using the loan).

However, it must be remembered that housing purchased using maternity capital must necessarily be registered in the common ownership of parents and children with the determination of shares by agreement.

I wanted to ask: if we bought a house using funds from maternity capital, is it possible to sell the house?

If you have drawn up a notarial obligation to register housing in common ownership for all family members, then you must fulfill it. Further actions to dispose of this property are possible only with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

Why did mothers stop receiving lump sum payments of 12,000 rubles?

The Government of the Russian Federation in 2009 and 2010 made a decision on a lump sum payment in the amount of 12,000 rubles from maternity (family) capital. This measure was called anti-crisis and was of a temporary nature. In subsequent years, the decision on a lump-sum payment by the government of the country was not made. It was the Pension Fund that did not pay 12,000 rubles to the owners of the state certificate for maternity (family) capital. Note that these funds remain in the total amount of MSCs. Its size is indexed annually.

How can you use maternity capital to build a house?

Indeed, the legislation provides for the possibility of spending maternity (family) capital on the construction of a residential building.

After the child, in connection with whose birth the right to maternity capital is granted, is 3 years old, you can direct maternity capital to build a house on your own or with the involvement of a construction organization.

Maternity capital funds will be transferred within 2 months from the date of application for maternity capital to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Among the documents that you attach to the application, there must be a copy of the document for the land plot, issued to you and your spouse, on which the construction is being carried out; a copy of the building permit.

WITH complete list documents can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, where Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 N 862 “On the Rules for the allocation of funds (part of funds) of maternity (family) capital to improve housing conditions” is posted (clause 10 (1)).

Can I send documents and an application for a certificate by mail? The question arose due to the fact that at the moment I live in another city, but I would not like to waste time. If sending documents by mail is possible, write, should they be notarized?

Yes, you can apply for a state certificate for maternity (family) capital at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence at any time after the right to additional state support measures arises.

The specified application and documents can be sent to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by mail.

If the said application and documents are sent by mail, the original documents will not be sent.

Copies of documents sent with an application to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by mail must be certified in the prescribed manner.

The specified application and documents are sent by mail in a way that allows confirming the fact and date of sending.

The date of receipt of the said application and documents is the date of their registration with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Thus, you can apply for a certificate either at the place of actual residence or by mail with the submission of an application and notarized copies of the documents specified in clause 5 of the Rules for applying for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital and the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital (its duplicate) (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated October 18, 2011 No. 1180n)

Tell me, will I be able to pay a mortgage in Elista, at the place of permanent registration, with a certificate received in another region? The mortgage was issued in 2008. Shouldn't we have to wait for the child to reach the age of three?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2008 No. 779n “On approval of the Rules for filing an application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital”, an application for disposal of all necessary documents is submitted by persons who have received a state certificate for maternity (family) capital (hereinafter referred to as the certificate), personally or through a representative, to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence.

According to Part 6, Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital can be used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or loans for the purchase (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans provided to citizens under a loan agreement (loan agreement) concluded with an organization, including a credit organization, regardless of the period that has elapsed from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children. To do this, you must submit the following package of documents:
- a copy of the loan agreement (loan agreement);
- certificate of the creditor (lender) on the size of the balance of the principal debt and the balance of the debt on payment of interest for the use of the credit (loan).
- certificate of state registration of ownership of a dwelling acquired or built using credit (borrowed) funds - in the case of the acquisition of a dwelling, as well as in the case of commissioning of a housing construction facility;
- if the residential premises are not registered in the common ownership of the person who received the certificate, his spouse, children (including the first, second, third child and subsequent children) or the state registration of ownership of the residential premises has not been carried out - certified in established by law of the Russian Federation, under the procedure for a written obligation of the person (persons) in whose ownership the residential premises are registered, acquired using the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital, or who is a party to the transaction or obligations to purchase or build residential premises, to register the specified residential premises in a common property of the person who received the certificate, his spouse, children (including the first, second, third child and subsequent children) with the determination of the size of the shares by agreement within 6 months:
after the removal of the encumbrance from the dwelling - in the case of the acquisition or construction of a dwelling using a mortgage loan (loan);
after the transfer by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of maternity (family) capital (in the absence of an encumbrance and when a housing construction facility is put into operation) - in other cases.

I disposed of part of the maternity capital. When I handed over the documents, they took the original certificate from me. Tell me, should I be given something in return with the amount of the balance?

No, the original will not be returned to you. Informing persons who have received a certificate about the amount of maternity (family) capital or the amount of its remaining part (in the case of disposing of part of the maternity (family) capital) occurs by personal contact with the territorial body of the PFR for a certificate of the size of the MSC.

I wanted to know: I disposed of the first part of the maternity capital for the construction of a house, can I repay the second part of the loan that I took to build a house (this is a consumer loan, but the loan is written for building a house)?

Yes, you can, if the purpose of the agreement is indicated in the loan agreement - the acquisition or construction of residential premises at the address.

I want to buy a house, I suppose to pay part of it in cash, and the rest with maternity capital. Question: where to start? How soon can I make a trade? What documents to collect?

You will be able to use the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital to pay for the purchased housing when the child, in connection with whose birth you received a certificate, reaches the age of three years. To do this, in accordance with the Rules for the allocation of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital to improve housing conditions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. No. 862 You need to submit the following documents:
a) a copy of the contract for the sale of residential premises that has passed state registration in the prescribed manner;
b) a copy of the certificate of state registration of ownership of the residential premises of the person who received the certificate, and (or) his spouse, who purchases the residential premises using maternity (family) capital (except for the case when the contract for the sale of residential premises by installments payment stipulates that the ownership of the acquired residential premises passes to the buyer after full payment of the contract price);
c) in the event that the residential premises are not registered in the common ownership of the person who received the certificate, his spouse, children (including the first, second, third child and subsequent children) or the state registration of ownership of the residential premises is not carried out - certified in the established legislation Russian Federation, under the procedure for a written obligation of a person (persons) who is a buyer under a contract for the sale of residential premises (a contract for the sale of residential premises with an installment plan) using funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital, to register the residential premises in the common ownership of a person who received the certificate, his spouse, children (including the first, second, third child and subsequent children) with the determination of the size of the shares by agreement within 6 months after the transfer of maternity (family) capital by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the person expropriating the residential premises .
d) a certificate from the person expropriating the residential premises under a contract for the sale of residential premises with installment payment, concluded with the person who received the certificate, or with the spouse of the person who received the certificate, on the amount of the remaining unpaid amount under the agreement - if the acquisition of residential premises is carried out under a contract for the sale of residential premises with an installment payment (bank certificate).
As for the timing, then, as a rule, subject to all the above conditions and making a decision on the correctness of the submission of documents, this takes two months.

Tell me, is it possible to apply for in any district (regardless of the place of registration)? Is it possible at a temporary place of residence?

Yes, you can apply for a certificate for maternity (family) capital and an application for the disposal of MSC funds at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence.

How long is the Maternity Capital program valid for? Are there any changes in terms and directions in the implementation of capital at the moment?

The state support program for families with children has been in effect since January 1, 2007 and applies to legal relations arising in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child (children) in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2021. Thus, the second and (or) subsequent children must be born from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2016.
In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children", maternity capital funds can be used in three ways:
- improvement of living conditions (acquisition or construction of residential premises);
- receiving education by the child (children);
- formation of a funded pension for women;

For the purchase of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities, by compensating the costs of acquiring such goods and services.
An application for disposal can be submitted at any time after three years have elapsed from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children (except for the case of using funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans and loans for the purchase or construction of housing).

Is it possible to use part of the maternity capital for the construction of the foundation (the child is under 3 years old)? And is the rest indexed?

An application for disposal may be submitted at any time after three years have elapsed from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of state support has arisen (except for the case of using funds (part of the funds) of the maternal ( family) capital to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans and borrowings for the purchase or construction of housing).
Thus, before the child reaches the age of 3 years, you can repay the loan for housing construction or purchase of housing. The amount (including the remaining amount) of maternity (family) capital is indexed annually.

We started building before the birth of our second child, and we plan to finish it when he is already three years old. Can we use maternity capital for construction?

The law allows you to use maternity capital, including to compensate for the costs of already built housing. It will be possible to receive such compensation when the second child turns 3 years old. And when construction began - before the birth of the second child or after - it does not matter. Another condition is significant here - the ownership of a residential facility must be formalized no earlier than January 1, 2007.

Now my sister, a Russian citizen, lives in Ukraine. Her first child has Ukrainian citizenship, the second - Russian. Does she have the right to maternity (family) capital?

If a child born after January 1, 2007 (in our case, the second one) and the mother have Russian citizenship, then such a family has the right to apply for maternity (family) capital. Recall that it is possible to dispose of its funds only on the territory of Russia - these are measures of state support for Russian families.

In addition, we inform you that citizens of the Russian Federation who have left the country for permanent residence and do not have a place of residence and stay in Russia confirmed by registration, submit an application directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or through an authorized representative to the territorial Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kalmykia on place of his residence (stay) or actual residence.

I received a certificate for maternity capital in Stavropol, but I would like to buy an apartment in Elista. Is it possible?

Yes, measures of state support for families with children in the form of maternity (family) capital are valid throughout the country. You have the right to apply to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kalmykia with an application for the disposal of materiel funds, having a certificate issued in another region in your hands.

Last year, I did not fully use maternity capital funds to buy housing, about 15 thousand rubles remained. Can I receive this balance as a lump sum payment?

A lump sum balance of less than 12,000 rubles could be received in 2010, when special anti-crisis measures of the Government of the Russian Federation were in effect. To date, this possibility is not legally provided. The balance of available funds of maternity (family) capital will be indexed annually. It can also be used to improve housing conditions, to educate the child (keeping him in an educational institution) or to retire the mother.

Can I pay for kindergarten with maternity capital?

Yes, since 2012, it is possible to pay for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten at the expense of maternity (family) capital. To do this, it is required to submit to the Pension Fund at the place of residence an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the person who received the certificate. The contract must include the institution's obligations to maintain the child in an educational institution, the calculation of the amount of payment for the child's maintenance in an educational institution, the payment term (s), as well as details for transferring funds by the Pension Fund of Russia.

At the same time, using maternity capital, you can pay for the maintenance of the baby in a private kindergarten. It can also be educational services for early development for preschoolers, circles, sports clubs, foreign language courses and more. additional education. The main condition is that the selected institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and have state accreditation.