Transformation of gender roles in the Russian family. Transformation of the gender order in the modern world and its impact on the socialization of young people Family as a comfort zone

  • 11.05.2021

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Alieva Karina Ragibovna

Transformation of the gender order in the modern world and its impact on the socialization of youth


gender youth pedagogical value

The article considers the consequences of changing the gender order in the modern world. The author revealed the lack of purposeful pedagogical activity in the formation of value orientations and attitudes of young people and proposed a solution to the problem - the introduction of a gender component into the number of components of the pedagogical process.

Sociocultural transformations in the life of society and man in recent centuries have led to a renewal of views on the world, moral ideals, and value orientations. The view on the problem of the social nature of women and men, their interaction with each other has changed. Modern men and women demonstrate new models of behavior and relationships, master new activities for themselves, which is accompanied by “their psychological self-change and a change in their collective self-awareness, including ideas about how their relationship should develop.

Consideration of the issue of "transformation of the gender order in the modern world and its impact on the socialization of young people" requires clarification of the concepts of "sex" and "gender". "For a long time, the gender of an individual seemed to be unitary and unambiguous." However, in the twentieth century, it became clear that sex is a complex multi-level organization, the elements of which are formed at different stages of individual development. From the point of view of modern biological knowledge, the category of sex is assessed at various levels, hence the division of the category of sex into a number of fractional concepts: genetic, gonadal, somatic, passport, etc. Doctor of Psychology, Professor Vorontsov D.V. casts doubt on the validity of a rigid division of people into two sexes, arguing that only at the level of the gonadal sex, or rather, at the level of the genital subsystem, can we talk about a clear division into two opposite forms of sexual organization. After the birth of a child, the biological factors of sexual differentiation are supplemented by social ones. “Since the biological and social characteristics of a person are closely related, we can never say with absolute certainty that the differences found in male and female behavior are unequivocally biological in origin. ."

Robert Stoller. in 1968, he proposed to conceptually divide human sexuality into two aspects: biological, for which he proposed to assign the term "sex", and sociocultural, for which he proposed to assign the term "gender" (from English gender, from Latin gens-genus). That is, "gender" is what happened to sex in the process of socialization.

“Today, the ideals of masculinity (masculinity) / femininity (femininity) are much more complete than before, taking into account the diversity of individual variations. ." “Women involved in social production and politics are forced to develop the “male” qualities necessary for competitive struggle (persistence, energy, willpower), and men, who can no longer rely mainly on power and strength, develop traditional “female” qualities - the ability to compromise, empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another.

According to I.S. Kona, the gender revolution is irreversible, in order to return the patriarchal order, even if it were politically possible, it is necessary: ​​a) to radically change the division of labor by removing women from social production, science and education; b) force the family to live on one man's salary; c) completely change women's self-consciousness, encouraging women to abandon their social claims and accept the traditional status of the weaker sex. The economy will not be able to withstand the first (women make up more than half of the workforce), the family budget will not be able to endure the second, and even talking about the third is ridiculous.

The changes taking place in society require an adequate response from the education system. One of the functions of education is the transmission and dissemination of culture in society, it lies in the fact that through the institution of education, scientific knowledge, moral values, norms and rules of behavior, etc. are transmitted from generation to generation. The content and methods of education of the Soviet period are characterized by requirements set by society, which were carried out "from above" and according to strictly defined standards and were a set of standard methods and forms of pedagogical activity (political information, moral and aesthetic education, public assignment, encouragement, punishment) "Modern system education continues to produce patriarchal attitudes. Today, holistic education, including sex-role, characteristic of the traditional school and traditional society, has disintegrated, and the new society has not yet acquired its cultural and educational ideal. Education ceases to answer the question of how to live? The socialization of modern youth is formed spontaneously, which is a consequence of the lack of purposeful pedagogical activity.

We see the solution to this problem in the introduction of the gender component into the number of components of the pedagogical process, which will ensure targeted pedagogical activity, which consists in the formation of attitudes, value orientations among the younger generation, in facilitating the accumulation of social experience, the fulfillment of gender roles, and awareness of oneself as a representative of a certain gender with positions of spiritual and moral education.

The gender approach in education is based on the following principles:

1. rejection of gender-differentiated educational influences;

2.neutralization and mitigation of socially determined differences between females and males;

3. recognition of the interchangeability of female and male social roles.

4. providing each child with freedom of choice, the inclusion of his individual interests and preferences;

5. Creation of conditions for the preservation of the unique individuality of each.

Thus, it is logical to argue that this gender-responsive development and parenting model provides for the expansion of options for both girls/women and boys/men, as well as a move away from an understanding of femininity and masculinity that does not allow them to express their full potential. all their human qualities. In other words, the gender approach is consonant with the values ​​and ideas of humanism, tolerance for diversity and the world practice of non-violent pedagogy, and is also quite adequate to the social changes that have taken place in the lives of modern women and men.

The state of the problem of gender socialization of young people in mass practice allows us to state the fact that, despite the declared priorities of an individual approach to personality development, based on its capabilities and needs, the traditional gender-role approach is still being implemented in the education system, which does not fully meet the changed social conditions for the functioning of modern a society in which women and men have gone far beyond stereotypical roles and functions, demonstrate both traditionally “female” and “male” qualities that are actually universal.


1. Tsygankova G.P. Psychology of gender education in a higher college: study guide for students and curators of study groups-Mn.: MGVRK, 2009.-76s.

2. Vorontsov D.V. Introduction to gender psychology.

3 . A Glossary of Feminist Theory. Ed. by Sonya Andermahr, Terry Lovell and Carol Wolkowitz London: Arnold; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. P. 102.

4. Skutneva S.V. Gender dimension of life self-determination of youth. Monograph. 22.Con.

5. I.S. The crisis of asexual pedagogy. Gender studies in education: both problems and prospects: Sat. scientific Art. following the results of the International scientific-practical conf. Volgograd, April 15-18, 2009 - Volgograd: Publishing House of the VGPU "Change", 2009.-342 p. ISBN 978-5-9935-0086-7

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Time - changes a person Time - changes the feeling Time - changes the situation Time - changes dreams and thoughts ... But ... The only thing that it cannot change is the past moments, memories and the past ...

A person has a wonderful gift - the mind with its inquisitive flight, both to the distant past and to the future, the world of dreams and fantasies, creative solutions to practical and theoretical problems. Consciousness is one of the traditional eternal philosophical mysteries. Its constant reproduction in the history of culture, philosophy and science testifies not only to the existence of theoretical and methodological difficulties in its solution, but also to the enduring practical interest in the essence of this phenomenon, the mechanism of its development and functioning. For many centuries, heated debates around the essence of consciousness and the possibilities of its cognition have not ceased.
Many have thought more than once about whether it is possible to change consciousness?! Can consciousness ever develop in a completely different direction?! And what can you expect from him?! I will try to understand this so difficult and unpredictable case.
The consciousness of modern man is a product of the entire world history, the result of centuries of development of the practical and cognitive activity of countless generations of people. Consciousness is, first of all, the awareness of the nearest sensually perceived environment and the awareness of a limited connection with other persons and things that are outside the individual who is beginning to become aware of himself; at the same time it is the awareness of nature.

This is how the world has long been arranged, that everything in it is distributed: to each his own. Women are the guardians of the hearth, they should always be timid, reverent, vulnerable and somewhat submissive, while men, on the contrary, are strong, courageous, strong-willed. And such stereotypes have existed for many centuries. But if you look at reality now, you can see something completely different.

More recently, I observed the following situation: a rather elderly woman was escorted, as I understood, on a long journey, her children: a young guy of 22-23 years old and a girl who looked about 20 years old. The woman stood in tears, clutching a small purse to her chest, her eyes were swollen from tears, it was clear how hard it was to leave her, how hard it was to leave her children, family for a long time, but, not knowing where and why she was leaving, it was possible from what she saw picture to understand everything. So, what is the meaning of this whole story, standing there, on the platform, the guy and the girl reacted completely differently to the departure of their mother. The girl stood silently, a small smile was only slightly visible on her face, she did not even think about crying or something like that, so that I would not say about the guy. I even felt a little sorry for him, because his eyes were just as swollen: he cried, and repeated the same phrase several times: “Mom, maybe you won’t stay there for a long time, maybe everything will work out, and we won’t have to, not see you for so long." The girl just shook her head and said without any anxiety in her voice: “Everything will be fine. We'll handle it mom." After a couple of minutes, they escorted her to the car, and after the same couple of minutes, the train started moving ....

Analyzing this situation, everyone will find their own explanation for what is happening. Someone will say: “Yes, it’s just such a“ sissy ”who can’t do anything, and now he doesn’t know how to live without a mother,” while someone, on the contrary, will be sure that the girl is just glad that her mother has left, to appear great opportunity for action. As far as I'm concerned, it's not that simple.

Some people have learned to forget something unnecessary and switch to something else. Therefore, it explains why it is so easy for one person to leave one job, from one team to another, and be just as active and sociable there, or forget a person who does not reciprocate feelings, or becomes uninteresting. Others, on the contrary: parting with a loved one for them is tantamount to death, and the transition to a new team is just like hard labor. Someone knows how to adapt to the so-called "new life", while someone is afraid and cannot at all.

The above situation, in my opinion, is not what many would say: "Weakling, not a man." But there is no weakling, this is not such a person! Just the stereotype that men never cry does its job, but time and reality change everything! This situation is just one of the fragments of a change in a person’s life, in this case a young person, because he can change jobs and be “his own” there, but in terms of something dear, close, which will always be missed, it’s already very difficult .

The human mind is so arranged that it allows us to forget something, so as not to oppress ourselves with this in the future and not interfere with life, and sometimes it makes us remember everything that is dear to our soul. But does the human mind do everything, is it human consciousness?! I think no. A person himself can control and manage himself, he himself can create comfortable conditions for himself. For this, he has everything: will, memory, emotions, aspiration, desire for something, a goal.

And here's another question, why now women and men have reversed their roles?! Maybe the reason for all these changes is time?! Maybe it decides to change the course of things?!

If you answer all these questions, then the answer comes the same - yes, the whole reason is in time. It is time that fails our consciousness, it is it that changes us. The history of the Russian state is quite large, and there were many wars, battles, battles. And then, in these difficult times, it didn’t matter who you were: a woman, a man, a mother or father, everyone fought .... What now?! Many men have a feminine lifestyle, feminine traits, while women, on the contrary, have masculine qualities. And everyone is already used to it, as if it should be so. No one reacts to the fact that a man behaves like a woman, while a woman, on the contrary, is glad to prove herself in hard and still male work. It is very difficult to get used to the variability of our world, the change of people, and still many are afraid of all these changes, they are trying with all their might to return what is painfully familiar and familiar.

Thus, the result of all this reasoning is as follows.

Consciousness is the highest form of reflection of the real world, peculiar only to man. It is associated with articulate speech, logical generalizations, abstract concepts. Consciousness is a function of the most complex material, physiological system - the human brain.
Consciousness has the ability to influence the reality surrounding it. It is active.
We can try as much as we want to study all the phenomena of human life, but not everything will be subject to us. I believe that everything in our world happens the other way around. And the above examples are proof of this. Each person has the opportunity to change something in himself, to help others change, but for some reason everyone does not even want to think about what is right. For many, what they do is right, which helps them find peace of mind and pleasure. To look for answers to all questions, you need to look, first of all, in yourself. We are changing, the world is changing. And no matter how much people study the uniqueness of each person, his consciousness, all this will be very unstable, independent and unpredictable. How can we know what will happen in the future, what will happen to us, what will change in the next moment?! No wonder there is a well-known quote: "Time will tell." In my opinion, it is time that gives hope for something, it is time that changes people. Everything that is happening now, everything has been done by time.

But there is one "but". We are all different, we all believe in something of our own, we are waiting for something long forgotten, we remember old traditions, customs, habits, and believe me, if you remember all this very strongly, then no time can take these memories away from us. .

Recently, those scientists who adhere to the theory of the social construction of reality (and the social construction of gender as its variant) come to the conclusion that many of the existing gender-role stereotypes are of a social, not innate nature, and are created in the process of the historical development of society, as well as have a very stable design, which is confirmed by the ever-growing variability of modern standards.

A very topical question arises as to how acceptable the use of sex-role stereotypes that came from the past is at the present time; how new roles and stereotypes are formed and what is the direction of their development at the present stage and in the future. Here is the point of view of the psychologist and ethnographer I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt: “It is very fashionable to deny the existence of innate differences between a man and a woman, this corresponds to a person’s desire to free himself from all restrictions, to get rid of his biological heritage. But freedom is not achieved by ignoring the truth...”.

Practice shows that the content of gender stereotypes and attitudes towards them can and should change due to rapidly changing living conditions. The American psychotherapist James O'Neill used the metaphor of a journey to describe the phases of a person's awareness of gender roles and the problems associated with them. Each phase is associated with a fairly typified content and attitude towards it.

PHASE 1. Acceptance of traditional gender roles. The personality accepts the stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, approves a strict delimitation of behavior by gender roles, approves strength, control, power, limitation of emotionality as the norms of behavior for men and warmth, expressiveness, caring, passivity as norms of behavior for women; poorly understands how rigid gender roles limit the possibilities of the individual.

PHASE 2. Ambiguous attitude towards gender roles. The person experiences dissatisfaction with stereotypical ideas about gender roles, as a result of contact with new points of view, begins to doubt the need for restrictions imposed by gender roles; begins to realize that gender roles and sexism are personal abuse; is afraid of the meaning of changes in ideas about gender roles or behavior; fluctuates between a sense of security in the stereotype of gender roles and anxieties about their change; feels confusion and lack of clarity regarding the relationship of sexism to gender roles.

PHASE 3. Anger. The individual experiences and expresses negative emotions towards prevailing social norms, institutions and individuals that support sexism and stereotypical gender socialization; experiencing limited output of negative emotions and isolation; expresses negative emotions in a way that generates conflicts, anxiety, depression; limits the circle of friends only to those who can hear or receive anger.

PHASE 4. Activity. The person changes his own gender-role behavior to be less restrictive and conflicting, uses anger against sexism in a positive way, becomes a participant / participant in public, political, educational actions, develops personal, political and other action plans in order to reveal the limiting role of gender stereotypes and sexism.

PHASE 5. Integrating gender roles. The person experiences a new, less restrictive and less stereotyped awareness of himself and the world and satisfaction from this; consistently integrates his anger against sexism into effective work; understands the path of awareness of sexism and gender roles that other people take; experiences greater freedom regarding gender roles in personal and professional relationships - continues to actively work to educate others about the violent nature of gender roles and sexism.

Despite the fact that gender roles and stereotypes, as shown, can change, at present, two models of gender identity remain typical, revealed through binary models of the following qualities: weak - strong, sensitive - reserved, home-oriented - out-of-home oriented , subordinate - dominant, non-aggressive - aggressive, etc.

Thus, it seems obvious that the modality of the personality, socialized, brought up in the spirit of patriarchal values, is formed due to the assimilation of traditional patterns of masculinity and femininity and the mechanism of socialization debugged for centuries.

Recently, new approaches to the problems of gender socialization have appeared, which explain the peculiarity of the development of gender roles and beliefs in modern Russia. For example, a very interesting and original work by Y. Aleshina and A. Volovich convincingly shows the non-standard and even atypical nature of Russian gender structures. In their opinion, due to the wide spread in Russia of traditional patriarchal ideas about the greater importance of men, boys experience greater social pressure than girls: others demand that they conform to their gender role, without showing how they should behave, which is exacerbated by the fact that the majority of adults who have any important influence on boys - educators, doctors, teachers - are most often women.

As a result, under normal conditions, boys have very few opportunities to develop traditionally masculine qualities. In addition, in comparison with other countries, in Russia, boys hardly go in for sports, do not go to clubs, cannot find an interesting job for themselves (this is greatly facilitated by the crisis in the system of education, healthcare, physical education and sports) and therefore, in most cases, they cannot show these qualities (Yu.E. Aleshina).

Thus, the acquisition of masculinity (in a positive sense) is very difficult in Russia, according to the authors, due to the lack of adult male behavior models, clear role models, and the necessary conditions for this with a constant requirement to behave "like a man." As a result, boys either become passive so as not to take part in women's activities, or allow themselves to be drawn into "hyper-masculine" informal groups with exaggeratedly crude ideas about masculinity and a skeptical attitude towards femininity.

Y. Aleshina and A. Volovich acknowledge that girls also face problems in acquiring gender roles, but argue that their difficulties are not so serious due to relatively good socialization conditions and a large number of samples. At the same time, a quick clarification of the insignificance of women's roles (double workload at work and at home, difficulties in obtaining a prestigious job, etc. - more details in Chapter 5) and the realization of this injustice is an additional incentive to encourage high activity and a desire to prevail in oneself. .

This theory adequately shows that manifestations of socialization and social conditions (cultural, political and social crisis) in Russia lead to the fact that boys and girls develop sexual behavior traits that contradict the main traditional standards of gender roles: girls learn to be more active, and boys become passive or, conversely, come into conflict with society.

So, traditionally, men and women are considered completely different: it is customary to talk about male and female norms and rules of behavior, occupations and duties, features of psychology, and, finally, about female and male logic. Sex stereotypes are part of the dominant social consciousness.

As shown above, psychologists began to study gender differences at the end of the 19th century, but until the end of the 1970s. for the most part, they were engaged in demonstrating the differences between the sexes and substantiating this different attitude towards a man and a woman. However, the understanding that not all features of the psyche of men and women are biologically determined, as well as the use of new tools for studying social sex - gender, led to the doubt that such differences are really fundamental.

One such tool is meta-analysis, a statistical technique that combines information obtained from several studies to obtain an overall estimate of the magnitude of differences between groups, that is, an analysis of the results of other analyses. After J. Hall conducted a meta-analysis of gender differences in non-verbal decoding, this technique quickly became a powerful tool for studying gender differences.

Meta-analysis tells us if there is a difference between groups on a particular variable and provides an estimate of how big that difference is. Before the advent of meta-analysis, scientists used the "voting" method to test the reliability of supposed gender differences, which consisted in collecting as many research papers on a specific topic as possible, counting how many of them found gender differences and how many did not. Thus, Maccoby and Jacklyn's famous book on gender differences is nothing less than a descriptive overview of the subject.

However, a significant disadvantage of the "voting" method is that individual research papers may have low statistical power, that is, the ability to detect differences between groups. Groups are significantly different if the differences between groups are greater than within the group. Thus, if women differ from each other in this variable as much as they differ from men, then we cannot assume that the difference has statistical significance for different sexes. In addition, a small sample size reduces the power of the statistical test, while when using a meta-analysis that combines data from a large number of studies, this figure increases significantly.

To conduct a meta-analysis, it is necessary to have the results of all studies on this topic. The difference value is calculated for each study by subtracting the mean of one group from the mean of the other, after which the resulting difference is divided by the within-group standard deviation. You can also resort to comparing the values ​​of the difference in different periods of time, change age and social groups, the context of the study, in order to see the dynamics of differences.

The main advantage of meta-analysis is that data from multiple studies in one time period can be statistically compared with the results of a large number of studies over another time period. Such analytical studies usually show that the fact that gender differences are found in a particular area is very dependent on the gender norms that prevail at a given time in a given place.

The most traditional and revealing are meta-analytical studies of mathematical abilities, aggression, altruism, conformity, and expressiveness. The results obtained using the meta-analysis suggest that the average sex differences in these indicators are currently very small, and those that could be called statistically significant 10-20 years ago tend to rapidly decrease.

However, conventional stereotypes continue to insist that gender-role differences between men and women are based on fundamental differences between the sexes, and not on features of socialization, which is very similar to the fundamental attribution error, which shows how little we take into account the situational factor and the requirements of social roles. In addition, the tendency to exaggerate the differences between the sexes hides from us numerous similarities that are often simply ignored in the traditional cognitive schema.

Scientists are gradually coming to the conclusion that gender differences are created in a complex process of interaction between nature and society. Culture can moderate or reinforce biological differences, and since culture is constantly changing, it is logical to expect that the magnitude of gender differences will also change. Of course, the question of the relationship between the influence of nature and society on gender differences remains open, but the following facts cannot be ignored: firstly, most of the sex differences found to date are relatively small; secondly, studies in different countries experimentally prove the existence of different cultural expectations for men and women; thirdly, we see that these cultural expectations change over time, and the corresponding gender differences are smoothed out, for example, differences in mathematical abilities and forms of expression of aggression; Fourth, meta-analyses in the field of gender differences show with reassuring consistency that the fact that a difference is found in any area definitely depends on a huge number of factors, such as the methods of description and measurement, the conditions of the experiment and the social context of the experiment, sex and gender. the affiliation of the experimenter and the features of his cognitive schemes.

So, we must remember that, even if gender differences can be found, they are not large enough to consider men and women "diametrically opposed", and even more so they do not give us the right to treat members of different sexes as differently as we often do.

Summing up the chapter, the following conclusions can be drawn:

· Firstly, at present gender is considered as one of the basic dimensions of the social structure of society, along with class, age and other characteristics that organize the social system;

· secondly, despite the plurality of approaches to understanding gender, most scientists agree that it is a social role that determines the opportunities for women and men within the cultural space of a given society;

Thirdly, there was a transformation of the status of gender from a variable in analysis to an analytical category, which opened up new opportunities for the study of society and culture, since when using a gender approach, the opposition of male and female loses biological features, and the emphasis is shifted from criticism of male chauvinism to disclosure internal mechanisms of interaction between the sexes in a cultural context;

· fourthly, gender asymmetry is one of the main factors in the formation of traditional culture, and at the same time, the diversity of modern social conditions leads to a wide variability of gender constructs; and meta-analysis clearly demonstrates to us the rapid reduction of gender differences, therefore, social gender is constructed mainly by social practice;

· and finally, fifthly, the influence of the gender aspects of socialization, in addition to justifying, explanatory, regulatory, translational and other functions, is also manifested in the establishment of strict standards for a person's life path, thereby limiting the development of the individual.


The history of the transformation of the family is connected with the social, economic and political processes of the modernization of societies. Modernization processes have not only changed family and social life, but also had a significant impact on intra-family relations, gender roles and behavior, on the structure and size of the family. Transformations in families are taking place under the influence of female emancipation processes and revised ideas about the gender roles of the wife and husband in the family.

The family is one of the oldest forms of community of people, which arose much earlier than religion, the state, the army, education, the market, back in the days of primitive society. The concept of "family" is very multifaceted, and many theorists and practitioners define it in different ways. According to A.I. Antonov, “a family is a community of people based on a single family-wide activity, connected by bonds of matrimony - parenthood - kinship , and thereby carrying out the reproduction of the population and the continuity of family generations, as well as the socialization of children and the maintenance of the existence of family members. Gender issues in the family occupies one of the leading places in the subject field of research in the humanities and philosophical sciences.

Modern social science distinguishes between the concepts of "sex" (sex) and "gender". The term "gender" was introduced into scientific circulation by the American psychologist Robert Stoller in the late 1960s. The term is a scientific category that reflects the characteristics of the interaction of men and women as socially organized groups, in contrast to the biological determinants of socialization. The word "sex" should be used to describe morphological and physiological features. It is a complex of somatic, reproductive, sociocultural and behavioral characteristics that determine the personal, sociocultural and legal status of a man and a woman. Traditionally, it was used to refer to those anatomical and physiological features of people, on the basis of which human beings are defined as male or female.

Today, the family is faced with a number of problems, the solution of which requires the mobilization of internal resources and psychological adaptation. This is the need to improve the level of material well-being of the family, solve housing problems, ensure the competitiveness of working spouses in the labor market, create conditions for children for quality education, etc. One of the trends in the development of a modern family is the separation of marriage and parenthood. This trend is manifested in an increase in the number of couples who consciously do not want to have children, and such couples justify their choice with various reasons: career orientation, dislike for children, and even saving the planet from overpopulation. The success of solving these and other problems largely depends on what gender roles spouses are oriented towards.

Gender role - differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and obligations depending on their gender. They are normative, express certain social expectations and manifest themselves in behavior. Gender roles can be seen as external manifestations of patterns of behavior and attitudes that allow other people to judge whether an individual is male or female. The construction of gender roles is determined by society, therefore, each cultural and historical community in its own way defines those specific functions and roles that a man and a woman are called upon to perform.

For a long time there has been a stereotypical idea that the main role of a woman is to be a mother, wife and housewife. She must obey her husband in everything, be honest and share hopes, worries, joys and sorrows with him. However, today society has reached a new level of relations, and a woman from a “downtrodden, disenfranchised woman”, who has neither the right to vote nor the right to desire, has turned into an equal member of society, standing on the same level as a man. Today there are three types of women: for the first, the family is the most important value; for others - a career, the third type of women try to combine both.

Women who prioritize family marry wealthy men who can provide for her and their future children. In this case, the woman "plays her traditional roles", refusing self-realization and the opportunity to achieve something on her own. Women who decide to devote their whole lives to a career, creating material wealth and comfort for themselves, subsequently regret their choice. The third type is in the most advantageous situation. A woman realizes herself, becomes financially independent and at the same time creates and maintains a family, raises children. Gradually, the representatives of the "weaker sex" take on some of the "male" functions. The traditional duties of a man included material support for the family. The father gave the family a name and thereby assumed full responsibility for the family. Today, the role of a strong man who can solve any problem and behind whom, like behind a “stone wall”, which most women dream of, is “trying on” less and less males. Some men, on the contrary, are waiting for help from their spouses, while others believe that a woman should earn on a par with them and do not agree to support a family all their lives. Women's emancipation led to the fact that a woman began to identify herself with a man, adopting character traits that were previously considered exclusively masculine: aggressiveness, ambition, assertiveness, risk taking and the desire for power.

In the monograph “Sociological Essays on Gender Relations”, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Yu.M. Bubnov, the results of a survey of residents of the Mogilev region are analyzed. To the question of which sex should dominate in family life, the most contradictory, antagonistically directed against each other answers of men and women were received. 11.6% of women and 15.2% of men indicated the possibility of distributing the function of the head of the house, regardless of gender, based on the personal merits of a person. In the current conditions, this is perhaps the only correct answer. Family gynecocracy, in which the supreme power in the family should belong to a woman, was preferred by 12.9% of men and 14.9% of women. Here their opinions almost coincided. But women and men support family patriarchy with varying degrees of enthusiasm: among women, only one in ten (10.2%), and among men, almost one in four (22.8%). If we compare the shares of supporters of family matriarchy and patriarchy among men and women, then the fact that men often defend their right to leadership is immediately evident, while women, although not much, still more often claim their rights to a leadership role. The majority of the respondents (59.4% of women and 46.2% of men) spoke in favor of gender equality in family life.

The author writes that the sphere of household work is gradually turning into one of the most conflicting in the family. Initially, the researcher singled out those types of household chores that are recognized by most men and women as unambiguously “male”: a) minor apartment repairs b) major apartment repairs c) sports activities with children. In these three positions, both men and women, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but still recognize the clearly greater contribution of the so-called "strong" sex. Every third (35.3%) woman agrees with those 59.6% of men who declare their dominant role in these cases. However, another third of women (34%) consider their role equal to that of men, and every fourth of the survey participants (24.1%) is confident in their own priority in the production of minor apartment repairs.

Both men and women generally agree that most of the worries in connection with a major apartment renovation are taken on by a man. But even these important works are shared equally with their husbands by 40.6% of women. And 12.9% of women took these worries on themselves completely. However, only 0.4% of husbands agree with them. The author emphasizes that these women are married, therefore, to a hammer and a screwdriver, they are pushed not by the absence of a husband, but by the devaluation of the social norm, according to which, from time immemorial, a man should have been involved in these matters. The socio-normative anomie in the sphere of domestic work first of all struck men, who, against the backdrop of the emancipation of women from male power, considered them free from their worries, including household chores. As for the sports education of children, it cannot be said that here the priority of men is indisputable. Education in sports is recognized as a purely male occupation by only 28.3% of men and only 15.2% of women. Every tenth (11.6%) married woman considers her role in the sports education of children to be the main one, and 3.6% of men agree with them in this.

The list of household chores, in which women lead in terms of labor costs, is much longer. On the shoulders of the so-called "weaker" sex, according to the majority of both women and men, remain: cleaning the apartment, washing floors and dishes, washing clothes and cooking, walking with children and checking their schoolwork, buying food and household items, as well as caring for cats and other pets.

As the results of the survey show, apartment cleaning very rarely lies exclusively with men. These unique facts were witnessed by only 4% of men and 1.3% of women. On the other hand, the fact that apartment cleaning is part of a woman's responsibilities was confirmed by almost two-thirds (60.1%) of men and three-quarters (75.6%) of women. It is worth noting that one third of men (34.1%) and one in five (21.1%) women share this responsibility equally. Based on the fact that the survey participants were married citizens, it can be concluded that husbands seem to overestimate their role in household chores. And, perhaps, wives underestimate the degree of participation of their men in putting things in order in the house.

The processes of transformation inbutmodern society covers all the spheres of its life activities. In its turn, it has led to radical changes of the historically formed patriarchal type of family; destruction of the traditional system of allocation of gender roles in the family. In general, today the are talking about the emancipation of women and an egalitarian type of family.

Bakka Julia Igorevna

Kivaiko Margarita

5th year student, Department of Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Social Sciences, NVGU, RF, Nizhnevartovsk

Gutova Svetlana Georgievna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor, NVGU, Russian Federation, Nizhnevartovsk

Interest in the study of gender transformations, as well as their consequences in modern society, has not weakened for several decades. Indeed, the relevance of this issue is obvious, since scientists record an accelerating process of changes, combinations and replacement of the characteristics of the behavior of men and women. Gender role occupies an important place in the life of every individual, as it is a defining element in interpersonal relationships and affects a person's idea of ​​himself. Gender largely determines the behavior, thoughts and feelings of a person throughout life. Gender also teaches a person to act in a certain way.

The purpose of the work is to describe the possible problems that arise in the process of gender transformations in the modern youth environment. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify those new trends in society that are directly related to the change in the gender consciousness of young people, to characterize the specifics of gender identification and the influence of stereotypes on the behavior of young people related to the fulfillment of gender roles. The study of gender transformations in the youth environment plays an important role, since the gender of each individual is the main indicator of the specifics of his behavior and also the direction of the main activity, since communication, cognition, assimilation of basic values, norms are formed, first of all, from gender identification.

In the modern world, various transformations of gender consciousness are taking place, depending on the biological characteristics, ethnicity or sexual education of a person. An important factor in the transformation is post-industrialization, which increased the range of human activity and changed the nature of work: if before it needed physical abilities based on male strength, now it has become more intellectual and creative. Social change is driving women into leadership positions. Society strives for equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of people's lives: social, political, economic, etc.

Gender transformation is the result of a series of social transformations in society. First of all, I would like to draw attention to the processes associated with the reassessment of cultural values, including the specifics of modern youth culture. It is significant that changes in the gender behavior of young people are directly related to the fact that young people today are the most active group involved in the media space. This is done through internet communications such as networks, blogs, etc. It is here that young people can feel most free from established gender stereotypes in society. This position allows the younger generation to be personally active in various areas, they gradually "form the conviction that success in life can only be achieved by successfully overcoming the difficulties of real life, as well as thanks to an active social position and the desire for personal development" .

The cultural space in which modern youth is realized is multilayered, it has several dimensions, and therefore the role that young people play is not always clear and unambiguous from the point of view of the older generation. So, for example, the role of a bride, girlfriend or friend can be perceived conditionally and not affect the essential foundations in their relationship, which often causes disapproval from parents. In contrast to the Soviet era, a frequent change not only of the place of work, but even of the profession cannot characterize a young man or girl as frivolous and unreliable workers; on the contrary, such mobility has a lot of positive aspects for many employers, since, in their opinion, it contributes to rapid adaptation to pace of market development.

As one of the problems arising from gender transformations, we can consider the impact of mass culture and globalization processes, which blur traditional views on gender roles. Many ideas, products of mass culture developed in the show industry are perceived by young people as an integral part of their lives, often setting standards in relation to each other and to the world around them.

An important component of the socialization of young people takes place precisely in the space of gender relations. In the process of growing up, young people search for a suitable gender role, they are more inclined to innovate and experiment, have more opportunities to participate in any risky events, change hobbies, try themselves in different roles, try on different images. At the same time, society still retains ideas about strict gender rules, since most children are brought up in families, and these families set ideas about male and female normality, about the correct relations between them accepted in this society [See: 8].

Despite the fact that Russian society is currently undergoing a number of significant cultural, social, and political transformations, it is still quite stable in the gender issue and is trying to preserve some elements of traditional relations as basic. Therefore, as before, any social role is correlated with basic identification by gender. The transformation of identity, its development reflect the formation and change of a person's views on his position in society throughout his life. At the same time, considering the issue of the transformation of gender identity, it is impossible not to touch upon a more general problem that points to the development of the individual. In modern society, all processes are accelerating, therefore, in order to maintain psychological health, a person is also forced to constantly change, adapt in order to maintain a balance between identity and personal development tasks. However, it is in the gender aspect that socialization does not prepare a person for possible changes and transformations [See: 4].

If formation, development, self-development in the process of education and upbringing is constantly discussed, conditions are created for certain changes, then, in everyday consciousness, everything connected with sex in one way or another often looks like it is unchanged and predetermined by our biological nature. The transformation of the gender system depends on several factors at once: the level of culture and democratization in society; preserving the traditions and values ​​of the older generation; the spread of religious views and their degree of influence on society; economic well-being of society; development of the rights and freedoms of the individual; changes in the information and communication sphere of society; development of the social sphere; family planning policies, etc. [See: 2].

Assimilation of the gender role can be considered as one of the most important stages of youth socialization. Understanding and accepting the "correct" identity in modern culture is no longer presented as previously simple and obvious. If in a traditional society this did not require any special efforts, today it is necessary to seriously work on oneself, one's image, role, image, and constantly overcome obstacles to gaining freedom. The modern space where gender is formed is a very complex and sometimes even contradictory phenomenon, which young people associate with an increase in conflict situations and problems. But there are also a number of advantages of this segment of life, since young people today are less dependent on adult control, they are more dynamic, open and free [See: 8].

There is a direct correspondence between the social roles that are assigned to a person at an early stage of life and his gender identity. According to A.A. Chekalina, it includes awareness of one's body, one's belonging to a certain gender. This, in turn, is associated with awareness of oneself, one's personality, knowledge of gender stereotypes and roles, as well as with the idea of ​​sexual behavior of one's gender and awareness of one's compliance with gender representations, stereotypes, roles.

The main factors determining the gender socialization of a person are: family, media, literature, language. Gender stereotypes, which are culturally and socially conditioned ideas about the properties and norms of behavior of men and women, have a significant impact on the process of formation of gender-role identity. Stereotypes of gender roles are generally accepted views in a given society on behavior befitting a man and a woman. Certain social expectations are reflected in the stereotypes of male and female role behavior. Gender roles are often oriented towards stereotypes that are persistent. However, today gender stereotypes, especially among young people, are noticeably changing, but this does not happen in the same way in different cultural strata of society. For example, the stereotype of femininity and masculinity, which has developed in the last century, remains relevant to this day.

Thus, gender stereotypes are generalized representations of how men and women actually behave. This concept does not coincide with the concept of gender role, which includes a set of expected patterns of behavior. The appearance of gender stereotypes is due to the fact that the model of gender relations has historically been built in such a way that gender differences were located above the individual, qualitative differences in the personality of a man and a woman.

Young people often express their adherence to gender stereotypes depending on the social environment or the psychological climate that develops in a small social group. This indicates the use of a compliance and identification mechanism. At the same time, people who conform to the norms for their gender are especially committed to behavior within the framework of gender-role standards, i.e., they are more often focused on the approval mechanism. Gender identity is aimed at reproducing the corresponding socially conditioned roles, therefore, initially, its acquisition depends not so much on our choice as on certain biological and social factors, but subsequently it is the person who changes the role and behavior patterns.

Further transformation of the gender roles of modern youth occurs due to the institutions of socialization, among which the media is especially significant. As for the family, its role is gradually relegated to the background, since the older generation, as well as the youth, are included in the transformation process, although they often do not even realize it. It is noticeable how the boundaries between generations are blurred, for example, when information ceases to be clearly divided depending on age boundaries. Even needs and interests are gradually converging.

The difference in the behavior and upbringing of young people is determined not so much by their biological characteristics as by social and cultural factors, which contributes to the correction of negative gender stereotypes. Since stereotypes are constructed by society itself, they are constantly changing, while transforming public consciousness. Modern youth is especially amenable to such changes, but it must be taken into account that today it is extremely heterogeneous and therefore the fulfillment of social roles can vary greatly within different social groups. “The structural differentiation of the youth environment makes the cultural socialization of youth an extremely difficult process, methodologically and ideologically subtle, requiring new effective approaches, technologies for the interaction of power structures, institutions of civil society and youth” . Since gender is a social construct, it is aimed at the growth of self-awareness and the formation of certain personality traits, and therefore the state through the education system should pay special attention to this issue.

Summing up, it is necessary to point out that the gender transformation in the youth environment is happening at an accelerated pace, but not evenly, which is primarily associated with stratification transformations in society. Perhaps the process of gender renewal may continue for another century, until a new generation grows up, for which the traditions that form the basis of gender roles will not finally turn into myths. But a powerful catalyst may appear that will accelerate the process of assimilation of new values ​​and roles in society, for example, science.

Changing the gender system is changing gender roles in society. The transition from one stereotype of behavior to another, from rigid to more flexible. This will affect, first of all, the social structure of society, the family, the moral and ethical sphere of culture, the demographic structure of society, the economic and political sphere. In this area, there are still many questions that scientists have to solve. For example, can such gender changes be called a crisis? What gives humanity the freedom to assume a gender role? Perhaps society still has a long way to go to be ready to use new ways of education and socialization. At this stage, first of all, it is necessary to understand what factors can lead to the stabilization of the gender system and what can be done to smooth the transition to a new system of gender relations.


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