How to store garlic at home in the apartment. How to store garlic in a jar How best to store garlic at home

  • 17.06.2019

In the article we discuss garlic - the benefits of a vegetable for the body and harm, talk about the beneficial properties and use of spices in traditional medicine. You will learn how garlic affects the body, why it should be taken by women and men, and whether it is possible to use the spice in childhood, during pregnancy.

Garlic is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Onion of the family Amaryllis subfamily Onion, popular vegetable crop many peoples around the world. The onion of the vegetable is eaten, divided into several cloves. The product has a sharp burning sweetish taste, a sharp characteristic aroma.

Appearance (photo) of garlic

Chemical composition and calorie content

The properties of the plant, the effect on the body are due to its rich composition, which includes:

  • proteins;
  • Sahara;
  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamin C;
  • allicin;
  • phytoncides;
  • pyruvic acid;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • ferulic acid;
  • oleanolic acid;
  • coumaric acid;
  • phytic acid;
  • salicin;
  • sitosterol;
  • geraniol;
  • kaempferol;
  • lanilol;
  • diallyl disulfide;
  • quercetin;
  • phloroglucinol;
  • routine;
  • allylcysteine;
  • saponins.

The calorie content of 100 g of garlic is 143 kcal, the calorie content of 1 vegetable clove is 5-6 kcal.

Medicinal properties

Folk medicine calls beneficial features body product:

  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • antimalarial;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • secretory;
  • anticancer;
  • immunomodulatory.

What is the use of spice for the human body? Garlic is a powerful natural antiseptic and antibiotic that activates the body's defenses.. Antiseptic and antibacterial properties are provided by the high content of allicin in the product. Allicin is a colorless oily liquid essential oil, which retains its activity in the blood, gastric juice. The drug acts on bacteria even after digestion of food, therefore it is widely used in traditional medicine.

Being a natural antibiotic, the vegetable kills viruses and bacteria, eliminates inflammation in the internal organs, and strengthens the immune system. The action of the spice on the human body does not end with the fight against colds, SARS and influenza, the remedy can be trusted with others infectious diseases but after consulting a doctor.

The medicinal product and its properties are effective for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system due to the valuable acids in the composition. Garlic is often used in medical practice to treat internal organs. The drug reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, it contributes to the breakdown of atherosclerotic plaques. Culture lowers blood pressure. Its regular consumption in food is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, stroke, heart attack. Thanks to the cleansing effect of the product, all organs and tissues are healed, which is confirmed by the statistics of medical practice.

Speaking about the benefits of this vegetable for a person, healers recommend not to forget about its secretory effect and influence on the hormonal background. The root crop stimulates the production of hormones, normalizes the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system. The vegetable lowers blood sugar, so it is recommended for type 2 diabetes.

Allicin in the root vegetable can fight cancerous tumors. Allicin is a powerful antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals in the blood, which can damage the DNA of cells and provoke the development of oncology in any internal organ.

Benefits for women

We have already talked about the benefits of garlic. For the body of women, the valuable qualities of the drug are to normalize the hormonal background, stop inflammatory processes in infectious diseases female organs urinary system due to the activation of protective forces. The product in alternative medicine is used as an aphrodisiac and a remedy for infertility.

Possessing anti-cancer properties, garlic will prevent or help the fair sex to cure malignant tumors of the mammary glands and uterus. But since the effect of garlic on the body depends on the individuality of each case, it is better for young ladies to consult a doctor before using the vegetable. Turning to traditional healers, connect traditional medicine, use medical practice.

Benefits for men

Is it good for men to consume culture? Garlic will save men from impotence. With a burning spice, the representatives of the stronger sex increase the general and local blood flow, eliminate problems with potency and increase erection. It is also used to treat prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. The stronger sex is recommended to use the root crop for the prevention, treatment of cancer, and general healing of the body.

Application in traditional medicine

Garlic is a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic.

We said that they are being treated with the product, and now we will give recipes whose effectiveness has been confirmed by medical practice. All instructions and dosages are given in standard form, before using home remedies, be sure to consult your doctor if recovery is possible with this remedy. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment, taking into account your gender, age, weight, the presence of chronic diseases, a history of diseases, taking medications, and other nuances.

Infusion to strengthen immunity

To strengthen the immune system, it is enough to consume 1 clove of garlic every day, adding it to food. The vegetable is rich in ascorbic acid, which helps the immune system. However, during periods of epidemics, “defense” can be strengthened by helping the body's defenses, prepare an infusion with a natural antiseptic, engage in healing, and activate the immune system.


  1. Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
  2. Lemon - 1 pc.
  3. Cold boiled water - 600 ml.

How to cook: Peel the garlic cloves and grind in a blender along with the lemon, peeling it. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and fill with water. Insist 1 day, strain.

How to use: Drink 50 ml liquid every day. The duration of treatment with garlic potion is 3 months.

Result: Eliminates inflammation, improves immunity, protects against influenza infection.

Cold and Flu Blend

For the treatment of colds and flu, you can enhance the effect of garlic as part of a mixture with honey. Both antiseptics contain many useful substances, they stimulate the immune system.


  1. Garlic - 1 clove.
  2. Honey - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook: Mince garlic and mix with honey.

How to use: Take a mixture of natural antibiotics at night. In this case, garlic at night will have an effect depending on the presence or absence of contraindications.

Result: Has an antipyretic effect, kills bacteria in flu and colds.

In order to get rid of worms, you can take pure garlic juice. To do this, the vegetable must be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder and squeezed out some juice with gauze. Natural antiseptics contain substances that helminths do not tolerate.

Treatment with garlic juice from helminths is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • 1-5 days - 10 drops 3 times a day;
  • 6-10 days - 20 drops 3 times a day.

10 minutes after each dose, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of honey, after another 10 minutes you can start eating. The duration of the course of therapy is 2-3 months.

Tincture for cleansing blood vessels

Alcohol tincture is taken to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.


  1. Chopped garlic - 100 g.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Put the garlic in a glass jar or bottle, fill with vodka. Insist in a dark cool place for 4 weeks, shake occasionally. Strain the finished product.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day before meals. Continue therapy for 1 month.

Result: Reduces blood cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, promotes the breakdown of atherosclerotic plaques, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Garlic oil for joints

Garlic improves blood circulation and is often used externally to restore joint mobility and eliminate pain. Garlic oil is used to treat joints.


  1. Garlic - 350 g.
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 l.

How to cook: Scroll the garlic through a meat grinder and pour vegetable oil in a glass container. Infuse oil for 2 weeks. Strain the finished oil.

How to use: Lubricate damaged areas with oil at night, fix with a bandage on top and warm with a scarf. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Result: Improves blood circulation in the joints and their mobility, eliminates pain.

garlic wine

People with heart pathologies are recommended to be treated with garlic wine. A natural medicine strengthens a weakened body, restores health after a heart attack, and is useful for atherosclerosis and diabetes. The elixir is also useful for people with a weak immune system.


  1. Garlic - 100 g.
  2. Cahors - 1 bottle.

How to cook: Put the peeled root slices into the bottle. Fill with wine. Infuse for 20 days, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Result: Strengthens the heart and blood vessels, lowers blood glucose levels.

rejuvenating drink

In ancient times they knew about amazing properties this liquid. If you strive for healing and rejuvenation of the body, you will need garlic peel to prepare the medicine. This raw material is rich in valuable substances that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and the body as a whole, and help the immune system. Young ladies will appreciate his action.


  1. Husk - 1 handful.
  2. Water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Bring water to a boil and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Pour boiling water over the husk and leave for 6 hours.

How to use: Drink 4 cups of liquid per day.

Result: Heals, improves appearance skin.

For weight loss

To lose weight, prepare tea with a vegetable and ginger root. There are a lot of vitamins in the natural medicine, it improves metabolism, promotes digestion of food, weight loss and recovery. For young ladies the recipe will go to the benefit.


  1. Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  2. Ginger (root) - 1 pc.
  3. Water - 2 liters.

How to cook: Peel the ginger root cloves and pieces. Place them in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Insist 2 hours.

How to use: Drink liquid instead of tea 3 times a day.

Result: There is an acceleration of metabolism, extra pounds go away.

From thrush

Alternative medicine uses garlic not only internally, but externally. The drug is used in the treatment of thrush, using the root crop for tampons and douching. The natural antibiotic contains phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on fungi and inhibit pathogenic microflora.

To make a tampon, you need to wrap the peeled slice in gauze and tie it with a thread. The gauze must be sterile. Place a tampon in your vagina for 12 hours. Sometimes on the net there are offers from ladies to introduce a garlic clove without gauze, but this method of therapy is dangerous to health.

Be careful with the douching procedure. You can burn the mucous with garlic juice. In addition, the procedure washes away the beneficial microflora, and thrush may intensify.


  1. Garlic tincture on alcohol - 20 drops.
  2. Boiled water - 1 l.

How to cook: Add drops of tincture to boiled water at room temperature.

How to use: Perform vaginal douching 1 time per day for 3 days.

Result: Itching disappears, the volume of curdled discharge decreases.

Learn more about garlic in this video:

In cosmetology

Despite the fact that the vegetable has a pungent aroma, cosmetology includes it in products to improve the condition of the skin and hair, eliminate acne and warts. A natural remedy is used independently and as part of therapeutic masks.

Acne is treated with garlic tincture. She rubs problem areas 3-4 times a day. warts traditional healers it is recommended to lubricate with root slices cut along.

Hand bath

Baths relax the skin and strengthen the nail plates. If your hands are tired after hard work, relax them with a garlic bath.


  1. Garlic - 1 onion (1 part).
  2. Alcohol - 5 parts.
  3. Peeling 5-6 potatoes.

How to cook: Make an alcohol tincture by filling the peeled vegetable slices with alcohol. Leave the mixture for 3 days. Before the bath, prepare a decoction of potato peelings. When cooking, the water should rise 1 cm above the level of the raw material. Cool the broth and add a few drops of tincture.

How to use: Immerse your hands in the bath. Remove after 15 minutes, but do not rinse. Dry your hands with a towel.

Result: Softens the skin, strengthens the nail plate.

For hair

To strengthen your hair, prepare an oil extract. Elixir prevents seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss.


  1. Garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.
  2. Oil (olive, peach, sesame, etc.) - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Peel and chop the vegetable. Place in a bowl and cover with oil. Insist for a week.

How to use: Elixir for the night, lubricate the hair and cover them with polyethylene or a shower cap. Wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. Repeat the mask 1-4 times a week.

Result: There are positive changes in the appearance of the hair, they stop falling out.

Mask for the face

The natural antibiotic often appears in face mask recipes. It stops the development of infectious processes, heals wounds, improves skin elasticity and rejuvenates it thanks to coumaric acid. The use of garlic masks has features. For example, they should not be applied to the area near the eyes. Due to the sharp aroma of cosmetics, the mask is best done in the evening.


  1. Clay powder.
  2. Garlic porridge.
  3. Carrot juice.

How to cook: Take 1 tbsp. each ingredient. Stir until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Result: Soothes the skin, relieves inflammation.

Garlic for children

Garlic is not only possible for children, but it should also be given, of course, if the baby does not have allergies or strict contraindications. The vegetable will protect the child from flu and colds, strengthen the immune system, and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Garlic can be carefully introduced into the diet as early as 8-9 months. In its pure form, it is not worth giving a child because of the burning taste, but you can chop it and add it to soup or a second course. Babies should be given 1/10 of a whole clove 2-3 times a week.

Children from 2 years of age garlic can be given up to 5 times a week, ½ clove per day. After reaching the age of 5, you can eat up to 3 cloves of garlic per day every day.

Garlic for pregnant women

You can eat garlic during pregnancy. But the restrictions apply to this vegetable - expectant mother It is recommended to eat no more than 1-2 cloves of garlic per week. So, the vegetable will not cause allergies and other unpleasant consequences in the child.

In a dosed amount, garlic is useful for a woman - it protects a pregnant woman from a cold, which is dangerous in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, strengthens the immune system, improves blood composition and prevents the formation of blood clots.

When garlic is consumed by the mother, the fetus receives a sufficient amount folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the nervous and hematopoietic systems, helps in development. Garlic contributes to normal breathing and mineral metabolism.

Contraindications and harm

The harm of garlic to the human body is a violation of the microflora with excessive use of the vegetable, an increase in the acidity of gastric juice and irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Under the influence of a vegetable, the gastrointestinal tract can fail.

Contraindications to garlic treatment are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease.

Now you know about medicinal properties garlic and contraindications to its use. Before using garlic for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.

What to remember

  1. Garlic is a strong antiseptic and is used to treat diseases.
  2. When using garlic, the health effects depend on adherence to dosages and the absence of contraindications.
  3. Before using garlic for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

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Although it is not an essential vegetable, nevertheless, garlic is extremely popular in our “homestead farms”. Everyone grows these sharp and fragrant cloves. But growing is half the battle. I would also like to keep the harvest, at least until spring, and even better until summer, and do it in an apartment, saving space in the cellar for other vegetables.

How to store garlic so that it does not dry out, does not germinate, does not become moldy?

First of all, the heads must be removed from the garden in time, dried well and, if possible, prepared for storage.

Winter garlic (the one that was planted in autumn) ripens in late July - early August, and spring garlic (planted in spring) - towards the end of August.

Digging garlic is best with a pitchfork on a dry and sunny day. The heads, cleared from the ground, along with the stems, are laid out in the garden to dry. It takes five days to dry the garlic. If five dry and sunny days in a row is not about your local weather, then you can dry garlic under a canopy, in a gazebo, on a terrace, even in a greenhouse. The main thing is not to forget to ventilate the room well.

After drying the garlic with scissors or secateurs, cut the roots so that about 3 millimeters remain, then cut off the stem, leaving up to 10 centimeters.

Preparation of garlic for long-term storage

If garlic is properly prepared for storage, you can practically not worry about its future fate. Whatever storage method you choose, processed garlic will last much longer without loss than unprocessed.

First of all, the roots of each head are singeed on a stove or on a fire to prevent the bulbs from sprouting. In order to prevent mold and other diseases, garlic can be processed as follows: heat half a liter of vegetable oil on the stove for two hours, add 10 drops of iodine. Then dip the garlic in oil and dry it in the sun.

These preparatory procedures are desirable, but still not required. Let's say if you're not sure if the garlic is dried enough. Or it happened that you dug it in wet weather. Or overexposed in the garden. In these cases, additional protection for the bulbs will not hurt. But when you have done everything “according to the textbook” - harvested it on time and dried it well - you can immediately proceed to choosing a place and method of storage.

How to store garlic: proven methods

Spring garlic is best stored in a warm place (+16-+20°C), and winter garlic in a cool room (+1-+3°C). But in practice, how and where to store garlic, gardeners choose based on the volume of the harvest.

Garlic is still not the main product, but a seasoning - you don’t need a lot of it. Usually, the garlic crop of an average summer resident is such that it can be safely stored in an apartment without embarrassing the owners. If you are a garlic fanatic and collect more than one box, you will have to connect a cellar or an insulated balcony.

So, for those who grow a lot of garlic and collect decent yields, it is recommended to store it in wicker baskets, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes in a cool room at a temperature of + 3 ° C to -5 ° C and a humidity of 50-80%.

It’s a completely different matter if you don’t have enough garlic to take it to the cellar. For such a case, experienced gardeners have come up with several options for storing garlic directly in the apartment.

Storage of garlic in pigtails, bunches

Most ancient way storage of garlic involves weaving braids from dried heads together with the stem and hanging them in a dark, dry and cool place (for example, in a vestibule, pantry or closet). It requires certain skills, time and labor, but it saves space in home storage, because garlic scythes are hung from the ceiling.

Another way that does not require a lot of space. Nets are filled with heads of garlic, which are then again hung higher. For this case, nets in which pomelo is sold are perfect.

It is worth noting that both in the net and in braids, garlic should be inspected and discarded from time to time: spoiled garlic does not save from drying and germination.

But garlic stored in salt is quite capable of surviving the winter without loss. Someone puts garlic in wooden box in holes, sprinkling each layer with dry table salt. Someone stuffs sterilized jars with garlic, filling voids with salt. The main thing is that both the bottom and the top of the container have an impressive layer of salt (about 2-3 centimeters high).

Many store garlic in plain white flour. The fact is that flour absorbs excess moisture very well. A layer of flour is poured onto the bottom of a pot, jar or any other dish with a lid. Then the garlic heads are rolled in flour, tightly placed in a container, sprinkled with flour again on top and close the lid. Garlic retains its freshness until summer.

Happy owners of a country bath can use ashes to store garlic. In normal cardboard box it is necessary to pour the ash with a layer of 2 centimeters and lay the heads of garlic tightly on top. The next layer will again be ash, then garlic, and so on. Most upper layer must be from the ashes. A box completed in this way can be safely stored right in the kitchen.

Storing garlic in onion skins

If you have huge harvests onions and there is a lot of onion peel left, why not use it to store garlic? Onion peel can be sprinkled with garlic in a bag, basket or box and removed somewhere higher, on the mezzanine.

Storing garlic in cling film

Cling film tightly wrap each head of garlic in two layers. The film protects the bulbs well from drying out.

Paraffin candles must be melted in a water bath, alternately dipped in melted paraffin heads of garlic and allowed to drain. Paraffin forms on the surface protective film. It will prevent the evaporation of moisture and will not allow pathogens to reach the garlic.

Storing garlic in sterile jars

You can put the garlic heads in ordinary glass jars without falling asleep. They say that even without all sorts of “fillers”, garlic in a jar winters perfectly, does not dry out and does not germinate. But to be safe, the jars should be sterilized and dried.

Storing garlic in a cloth bag

Garlic is well stored in an ordinary linen bag made of natural material, especially if you pre-hold the heads for a minute in a very concentrated saline solution, and then dry them. This treatment minimizes the risk of mold and other diseases.


Perhaps everyone knows that garlic is useful and necessary for canning, pickling, and cooking so many dishes. Therefore, naturally, almost every housewife tends to stock up on them for the winter. One way to store garlic is to use a refrigerator for this.

To store any vegetable, it is necessary to create certain conditions and garlic is no exception in this regard. However, this culture is of two main types, and in accordance with belonging to one of them, you should choose how to store it. If such selectivity is not adhered to, then garlic, placed in unsuitable conditions for it, will not mature for the expected period and will not only lose its presentation and aroma, but may also become less useful, healing, and even completely deteriorate. Therefore, you should know that this vegetable plant is spring and winter. From the name it is obvious: the first is planted in the spring, and the second - in the fall, with the approach of winter.

In addition to the planting time, winter garlic differs from spring garlic in higher yields and in that it is stored worse.

If the garlic own site, then there should be no doubt whether it is spring or winter. The owner already knows what and when he planted, collected, and also how it should look. If garlic is purchased, then you should know how externally one species differs from another. In spring, non-shooting, stemless varieties predominate, and the cloves are arranged in several rows around the center of the bulb and usually in a spiral. Winter garlic must have a stem (arrow). The teeth around it are arranged in 1 row, and they are usually larger than those of the spring, but they are much smaller. If a clove is cut across the winter garlic, then in its core one can clearly distinguish the rudiment of the future arrow-stem.

Depending on the type of this vegetable, one of the following main ways of storing it should be chosen, differing in the level of humidity and temperature:

  • for spring - humidity 50–70% and 16–20 o C;
  • for winter - humidity 70-80% and 2-4 o C.

It should be noted right away that spring garlic can be stored in conditions suitable for winter, but vice versa - no. However, at the same time, it will lose its freshness, aroma and will be stored for a shorter time. Winter in the heat quickly begins to germinate, and is also susceptible to easy damage by various diseases and drying. While creating necessary conditions storage of spring garlic can last all winter until spring without a significant loss of its aroma, taste and vitamin component. Winter in its own storage environment will lie much less than its spring counterpart in its own. It is possible to increase this period, however, with a noticeable loss of aroma and taste of garlic, by freezing.

For storage, especially for the winter, only healthy garlic is suitable, which does not show signs of damage and disease. Ripe, but not overripe, strong bulbs should be selected, which have strong, tight-fitting scales. Such root crops are guaranteed to lie their shelf life.

Based on the foregoing, only long-term storage in the refrigerator should be. It is possible for a short time both it and spring. These are the cases when extra teeth remain, cleaned for consumption or use in cooking or preparations for the winter. Such garlic should be put in a separate container or plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator. You should also deal with spoiled teeth, which should first be cleaned of husks and cut off their withered and rotten places. If unripe bulbs were bought or dug out, they should also be placed in the refrigerator, but with whole, unpeeled heads.

In all the above cases, garlic can be stored in the refrigerator without loss of aroma and taste for 6-7 days, and it will not go bad. If he has to lie down longer, then he will gradually begin to rot and may even become moldy in places. Such areas will need to be trimmed periodically.

Ripe winter garlic before long-term storage in the refrigerator must be sorted out, leaving only healthy bulbs, and dry well. Then it can be:

  • arrange in small cardboard boxes or paper bags;
  • treat the bulbs with vegetable oil and place in a bag made of silk or other natural fabric, but soaked in a cool saline solution and then dried;
  • pour into a glass jar with a tight lid or a plastic bag, where the vegetable will need to be sprinkled with flour, onion peel or coarse salt.

After that, the container with garlic is placed in the refrigerator. During the entire period of storage of the vegetable, it must be periodically checked and, if necessary, bulbs that begin to deteriorate from it should be removed, as well as the filler should be changed. These methods allow 3-4 months in the refrigerator.

Cleaned teeth can be preserved in vinegar or wine. Such garlic can be stored in the refrigerator for about 4 months or even longer. Suitable for canning:

  • white distilled vinegar or white wine vinegar;
  • dry white or red wine.

Peeled teeth should be poured into a glass jar, and then poured with vinegar or wine. Then the container is closed with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator. You can add salt to the jars (for 1 glass of liquid 1 tablespoon) and red pepper, dried herbs, such as rosemary, oregano, or bay leaves. This will give the canned garlic a special piquant flavor. After filling the seasonings, the jar must be shaken so that everything is mixed. If, during storage of garlic in a container, any signs of mold formation appear on the surface of the marinade, then all its contents will have to be poured out.

Freezing is considered not the most suitable way to preserve garlic. At the same time, it somewhat loses its aroma and taste, and after defrosting it becomes mushy and spreads. However, for winter garlic, there is no other alternative to harvest it for the winter and store it until the next harvest. Freezing can also be used for spoiled spring bulbs - they also do not stay warm for a long time. This harvesting method allows you to store garlic for 6-7 months.

Considering the form in which garlic comes after thawing, it is not recommended to freeze it with whole heads, since it will then be very difficult to clean the teeth and then use them for culinary purposes. They must be freed from the husk before freezing. It will turn out even better if after that you make a garlic mass from the cloves, which will need to be frozen. Below are some options for storing garlic in the freezer.

Whole, even or with cut out spoiled places, the teeth are laid out in plastic bags, tied loosely and placed in the freezer. Place in the bags is left due to the fact that the garlic expands when frozen. You can also use small plastic containers with airtight lids or wrap the cloves in foil, or cling film. Another option is to cut the teeth into small plates, and then arrange them in bags or containers. Finely chopped parsley, dill, any other herbs, and even chopped carrots can be added to chopped garlic. All this will need to be mixed with plates of teeth, and the resulting mixture should be distributed into packages, which, again, should not be tightly packed.

To freeze the garlic mass, the cloves are first crushed through a meat grinder or in a blender. Moreover, it is not necessary to achieve mashed potatoes, small pieces of garlic should remain. Again, you can grind along with different greens and even carrots. Then you can add quite a bit to the resulting mass olive oil. Then the garlic mixture is spread with a teaspoon in portions on a tray covered with baking paper, or in molds for making ice and placed in the freezer. The resulting briquettes will be approximately like 2 cloves. When the garlic mixture freezes, it is transferred to bags and stored in the freezer. Used in cooking or added to ready-made dishes.

In September, there is still a lot of work in the garden, but it's time to think about winter Do you know how to store garlic? How to extend its shelf life so that it does not shrink, rot and germinate. What is the best way to store garlic? You will learn about all this from my publication “How to store garlic” and the results of my garlic storage experiment.

If you have a vegetable store, it is best to store garlic there, at an air temperature of -1 to -3 degrees and a humidity of 85-90%. Garlic is well stored in storage along with potatoes. But, if there is no such storage, then garlic can be stored in a city apartment.

Garlic can be stored at room temperature, subject to the following rules:

  • if it is removed in optimal timing(heads of garlic ripened, but not cracked),
  • if it is well dried in the shade,
  • if only healthy heads without damage are selected for storage.

To extend the shelf life of garlic, you can use the following tricks:

  • if you remove the roots from the bottom of the garlic and burn it with the fire of a candle or gas, then such garlic will not germinate longer;
  • garlic retains its elasticity longer and will not dry out if it is dipped in paraffin melted from a paraffin candle before storage;
  • garlic is well stored in flour, salt, ceramic pot, glass jar.

The choice of storage method depends on the weather conditions in which the garlic grew. Last fall, I did a simple experiment - I studied 4 ways to store garlic. I wanted to know how best to store winter garlic that grew in a damp summer.

You can see the results of my experiment in this video.

After conducting such an experiment, I can say with confidence that if the summer was damp, then it is best to store garlic in salt. absorbs moisture better, garlic sprouts less, remains juicy and elastic for 6 months (my experiment lasted from September to March).

I really like it when garlic is stored in braids in the kitchen, but, unfortunately, I never learned how to weave them. Previously, this is exactly how my grandmother Anna Nikolaevna kept garlic.

By spring, the garlic stored in the apartment begins to sprout, and in order not to be left without garlic, I make dried garlic in the fall. I cut the garlic into plastics and into the dryer at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Then I grind it through a coffee grinder, put the powder into small jars and store it in the room.

How to store garlic in the garden

If you want garlic to be stored longer, remaining fresh, juicy and healthy, then you can put it in a plastic bag and bury it in the garden to a depth of 30-40 centimeters (it is better to do this before the ground freezes).

How to store garlic in the refrigerator

If the summer is dry, then I store the garlic in the refrigerator in a glass jar, placing it on the refrigerator door. So, winter garlic is usually stored until spring.

Sometimes I store peeled and chopped garlic in a jar and vegetable oil. Be sure to cover the jar with a lid with holes so that the garlic does not rot there. Such garlic is well stored, and the oil is saturated with a pleasant garlic flavor. This oil is an excellent dressing for vegetable salads.

If I want to keep the garlic as long as possible, then I use this method of storing it: I peel the garlic from the husk, chop it in a blender or meat grinder and freeze it in the freezer, use ice containers or just in small plastic bags, laying the garlic mass no more than 1 centimeter. Frozen garlic does not lose its taste and benefits.

Today I told you, my readers, about some ways to store garlic, and you learned how to store garlic at home. I hope you know other ways to store garlic, which you can share in the comments for my readers.