What are the most ancient methods of treatment. money magic

  • 29.06.2020

Scientists have managed to prove that it is possible to travel in time ... So, according to the research of the Israeli scientist Amos Ori, time travel is scientifically substantiated. And at present, world science already has the necessary theoretical knowledge to be able to assert that in theory it is possible to create a time machine.

The mathematical calculations of the Israeli scientist were published in one of the specialized publications. Ori concludes that the creation of a time machine requires the presence of gigantic gravitational forces. The scientist based his research on the conclusions made back in 1947 by his colleague, Kurt Gödel, the essence of which is that ...

The theory of relativity does not deny the existence of certain models of space and time.

According to Ori's calculations, the ability to travel into the past arises if the curved space-time structure is shaped into a funnel or ring. At the same time, each new coil of this structure will carry the person further into the past. In addition, according to the scientist, the gravitational forces necessary for the implementation of such temporary travel are probably located near the so-called black holes, the first mention of which dates back to the 18th century.

One of the scientists (Pierre Simon Laplace) put forward a theory about the existence of cosmic bodies that are invisible to the human eye, but have such high gravity that not a single light beam is reflected from them. The beam needs to overcome the speed of light in order to be reflected from such a cosmic body, but it is known that it is impossible to overcome it.

The boundaries of black holes are called event horizons. Each object that reaches it gets inside, and it is not visible from the outside what is happening inside the hole. Probably, the laws of physics cease to operate in it, temporal and spatial coordinates change places.

Thus, the spatial journey becomes a journey through time.

Despite this highly detailed and significant study, there is no evidence that time travel is real. However, no one has been able to prove that this is just a fiction. At the same time, throughout the history of mankind, a huge number of facts have been accumulated that indicate that time travel is still real. So, in the ancient chronicles of the era of the pharaohs, the Middle Ages, and then the French Revolution and world wars, the appearance of strange machines, people and mechanisms was recorded.

In order not to be unfounded, here are a few examples:


In May 1828, a teenager was caught in Nuremberg. Despite a thorough investigation and 49 volumes of the case, as well as portraits sent all over Europe, it turned out to be impossible to find out his identity, just like the places where the boy came from. He was given the name Kaspar Hauser, and he had incredible abilities and habits: the boy saw perfectly in the dark, but did not know what fire, milk was. He died from an assassin’s bullet, and his personality remained a mystery. However, there were suggestions that before coming to Germany, the boy lived in a completely different world.


In 1897, a very unusual incident occurred on the streets of the Siberian town of Tobolsk. At the end of August, a man of strange appearance and no less strange behavior was detained there. The man's surname is Krapivin. When he was taken to the police station and began to be interrogated, everyone was surprised by the information that the man shared: according to him, he was born in 1965 in Angarsk, and worked as a PC operator.

The man could not explain his appearance in the city in any way, however, according to him, shortly before that, he felt a strong headache after which he lost consciousness. Waking up, Krapivin saw an unfamiliar town. For inspection strange person a doctor was called to the police station and diagnosed with "silent insanity". After that, Krapivin was placed in a local lunatic asylum.


The tourists asked for directions, but instead of helping, the men looked at them strangely and pointed in an indefinite direction. After some time, the women again met strange people. This time it was a young woman with a girl, also dressed in old-fashioned clothes. The women this time did not suspect anything unusual until they came across another group of people dressed in ancient clothes.

These people spoke in an unfamiliar dialect of French. Soon the women realized that their own appearance caused amazement and bewilderment of those present. However, one of the men pointed them in the right direction. When the tourists reached their destination, they were amazed not by the house itself, but by the sight of the lady who sat next to it and made sketches in the album. She was very beautiful, in a powdered wig, a long dress, which was worn by aristocrats of the 18th century.

And only then did the Englishwomen finally realize that they were in the past. Soon the landscape changed, the vision disappeared, and the women swore to each other not to tell anyone about their journey. However, later, in 1911, they jointly wrote a book about the experience.


In 1924, in Iraq, the pilots of the British Royal air force were forced to make an emergency landing. Their footprints were clearly visible in the sand, but they soon broke off. The pilots were never found, although in the area where the incident occurred, there were no quicksands, no sandstorms, no abandoned wells ...


In 1930, a country doctor named Edward Moon was returning home after visiting his patient, Lord Edward Carson, who lived in Kent. The Lord was very ill, so the doctor visited him every day and knew the area well. One day, Moon, walking outside the estate of his patient, noticed that the area looked a little different than before. Instead of a road, there was a muddy path that led through deserted meadows.

While the doctor was trying to understand what had happened, he met a strange man who was walking a little ahead. He was dressed somewhat old-fashioned and carried an ancient musket. The man also noticed the doctor and stopped, obviously in amazement. When Moon turned around to look at the estate, the mysterious wanderer disappeared and the entire landscape returned to normal.


During the battles for the liberation of Estonia, which were fought throughout 1944, not far from the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion commanded by Troshin came across a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in historical uniforms in the forest. When the cavalry saw the tanks, they fled. As a result of the persecution, one of the strange people was detained.

He spoke exclusively in French, so he was mistaken for a soldier of the allied army. The cavalryman was taken to the headquarters, but everything he told shocked both the translator and the officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army, and that the remnants of it were trying to get out of the encirclement after the retreat from Moscow. The soldier also said that he was born in 1772. The next day, the mysterious cavalryman was taken away by employees of the special department ...


Another similar story is connected with the Kola Peninsula. For many centuries there was a legend that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea was located there. In the 1920s, an expedition was sent there, supported by Dzerzhinsky himself. The group headed by Kondiaina and Barchenko went to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero in 1922. All materials on the return of the expedition were classified, and Barchenko was later repressed and shot.


No one knows the details of the expedition, however, local residents say that during the search a strange hole was discovered underground, but incomprehensible fear and horror prevented scientists from penetrating there. Local residents also do not risk using these caves, because one may not return from them. And besides, there is a legend that near them they have repeatedly seen either a caveman or a snowman.

This story, perhaps, would have remained classified if, as a result of intrigues, it had not got into Western publications. One pilot of the NATO troops told reporters about a strange story that happened to him. It all happened in May 1999. The plane took off from the NATO base in Holland, carrying out the task of monitoring the actions of the parties in conflict with the Yugoslav war. When the plane was flying over Germany, the pilot suddenly saw a group of fighters that were moving straight at him. But they were all strange.

Flying closer, the pilot saw that it was the German Messerschmites. The pilot did not know what to do, because his plane was not equipped with weapons. However, he soon saw that the German fighter had come under the sight of the Soviet fighter. The vision lasted for a few seconds, then everything disappeared. There is other evidence of past penetrations that have taken place in the air.


So, in 1976 Soviet pilot V. Orlov told that he personally saw how land military operations were conducted under the wing of the MiG-25 aircraft he piloted. According to the descriptions of the pilot, he was an eyewitness to the battle that took place in 1863 near Gettysburg. In 1985, one of the NATO pilots, taking off from a NATO base located in Africa, saw a very strange picture: below, instead of a desert, he saw savannahs with a lot of trees and dinosaurs grazing on the lawns. Soon the vision disappeared.


In 1986, the Soviet pilot A. Ustimov, in the course of a mission, discovered that he was over Ancient Egypt. According to him, he saw one pyramid, which was completely built, as well as the foundations of others, around which many people were swarming. In the late 80s of the last century, captain of the second rank, military sailor Ivan Zalygin got into a very interesting and mysterious story. It all started with the fact that his diesel submarine got into a severe lightning storm.

The captain decided to surface, but as soon as the ship took the surface position, the watchman reported that an unidentified floating craft was right on the course. It turned out to be a rescue boat in which Soviet sailors found a military man in the form of a Japanese sailor during the Second World War. During a search of this man, documents were found that were issued back in 1940. As soon as the incident was reported, the captain received an order to proceed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence representatives were already waiting for the Japanese sailor. Members of the team took a non-disclosure agreement for the fact of the find for a period of ten years.


The mysterious story happened in 1952 in New York. In November, an unidentified man was hit on Broadway. His body was taken to the morgue. The police were surprised that the young man was dressed in ancient clothes, and in the pocket of his trousers were found the same old watch and a knife made at the beginning of the century.

However, the surprise of the police knew no bounds when they saw a certificate issued about 8 decades ago, as well as business cards indicating the profession (traveling salesman). After checking the address, it was possible to establish that the street indicated in the documents has not existed for about half a century. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to find out that the deceased was the father of one of the long-livers of New York, who disappeared for about 70 years during an ordinary walk. To prove her words, the woman showed a photo: it had the date - 1884, and the photo itself showed a man who died under the wheels of a car in the same strange suit.


In 1954, after popular unrest in Japan, a man was detained during passport control. All his documents were in order, except that they were issued by the non-existent state of Tuared. The man himself claimed that his country is located on the African continent between French Sudan and Mauritania. Moreover, he was amazed when he saw that Algiers was in the place of his Tuared. True, the Tuareg tribe really lived there, but it never had sovereignty.


In 1980, a young man disappeared in Paris after his car was covered in a bright, glowing foggy ball. A week later, he appeared at the same place where he disappeared, but at the same time he thought that he was absent for only a few minutes. In 1985, on the first day of the new school year, second-grader Vlad Geineman played "war" with his friends at recess. To knock the "enemy" off the trail, he dived into the nearest doorway. However, when a few seconds later the boy jumped out of there, he did not recognize the school yard - it was completely empty.

The boy rushed to the school, but he was stopped by his stepfather, who had been looking for him for a long time to take him home. As it turned out, more than an hour and a half had passed since he decided to hide. But Vlad himself did not remember what happened to him during this time. An equally strange story happened to the Englishman Peter Williams. According to him, he got into some strange place during a thunderstorm. After a lightning strike, he lost consciousness, and when he came to, he found that he was lost.

After walking along a narrow road, he managed to stop the car and ask for help. The man was taken to the hospital. After some time, the young man's health improved, and he could already go for a walk. But since his clothes were completely ruined, the roommate lent him his. When Peter went out into the garden, he realized that he was in the place where he was overtaken by a thunderstorm. Williams wanted to thank the medical staff and a kind neighbor.

He managed to find a hospital, but no one recognized him there, and all the clinic staff looked much older. There were no records of Peter's admission in the registration book, as well as a roommate. When the man remembered the trousers, he was told that they were an outdated model that had been out of production for over 20 years!


In 1991, one railway worker saw that a train was coming from the side of the old branch, where not even the rails were left: a steam locomotive and three wagons. He was very strange looking, and clearly not Russian-made. The train passed the worker and left in the direction in which Sevastopol was located. Information about this incident was even published in one of the publications in 1992. It contained data that back in 1911 a pleasure train left Rome, in which a large number of passengers.

He got into a thick fog, and then drove into the tunnel. He was not seen again. The tunnel itself was filled with stones. Perhaps they would have forgotten about this if the train had not appeared in the Poltava region. Many scientists then put forward the version that this train somehow managed to pass through time. Some of them attribute this ability to the fact that almost at the same time, when the train set off, a powerful earthquake occurred in Italy, as a result of which big cracks not only on the surface of the earth, but also in the chronological field.


In 1994, a ten-month-old girl was discovered by a Norwegian fishing boat in the Atlantic's northern waters. She was very cold, but she was alive. The girl was tied to a life buoy, on which there was an inscription - "Titanic". It is worth noting that the baby was found exactly where the famous ship sank in 1912. Of course, it was simply impossible to believe in the reality of what was happening, but when they raised the documents, they really found a 10-month-old child on the Titanic passenger list.


There are other pieces of evidence related to this ship. So, some sailors claimed that they saw the ghost of the sinking Titanic. According to some scientists, the ship fell into the so-called time trap, in which people can disappear without a trace, and then appear in a completely unexpected place. The list of disappearances can be continued for a very, very long time.


It makes no sense to mention all of them, because most of them are similar to each other. Almost always, time travel is irreversible, but sometimes it turns out that people who have disappeared for a while then return safely. Unfortunately, many of them end up in madhouses, because no one wants to believe in their stories, and they themselves do not really understand whether what happened to them is true.

Scientists have been trying to solve the problem of temporary movements for several centuries. It may well happen that soon this problem will become an objective reality, and not the plot of science fiction books and films.

Hundreds of thousands of people disappear without a trace every year on our planet. Of course, the main reasons for this are crime, bloody military conflicts and accidents. The rather fantastic idea that some missing people could simply be lost in time does not occur to anyone ...

Aliens from the past

In the 50s of the last century, an amazing case became known to the press. A man in 19th-century clothing suddenly found himself in the thick of cars on a busy New York street and was crushed by one of the cars. The driver swore that the deceased suddenly appeared in front of his car, as if he had fallen from the sky, there was simply no way to slow down.
Trying to identify the deceased, the police searched his pockets, they found an identity document issued 80 years ago ... It turned out that the man was a traveling salesman and lived on a street that was demolished 50 years ago. This story interested the police so much that they were not too lazy to dig into the archive and find lists of residents of the area indicated in the document for the end of the 19th century, in which they discovered the mysterious salesman.
Further searches led to unexpected meeting. An elderly woman with the same last name as the deceased told the detectives that 70 years ago, under very mysterious circumstances, her father disappeared. He went outside to breathe before going to bed and seemed to have evaporated, all attempts to find him led to nothing. Digging through the box of photographs, the woman found a photograph of her father. The police simply gasped when, in a photograph dated April 1884, they saw exactly that unfortunate salesman who had fallen under the wheels of a car ...
An even stranger incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman. She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed. When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
In 1966, three brothers were walking down a street in Glasgow early on New Year's morning. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.
In the 90s of the last century, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told the world an amazing story about the boy Yun Li Chen. In 1987, scientists were approached by doctors from a psychiatric hospital in Hong Kong, the police brought to them a very strange boy who claimed to have come from the past. The doctors did not find any brain damage in him and came to the conclusion that he was quite healthy, but the boy's unusual stories baffled them and made them doubt his mental health.
Scientists became interested in the doctors' story and visited the boy. First of all, they were struck by his clothing, cut from a fabric that was obviously hand-crafted, it resembled exhibits from museums found in ancient burials. Yun Li Chen was fluent in one of the ancient Chinese dialects, and he told historians such details about the distant past that he simply brought them into a state of real shock.
They decided to check the boy's story with the help of temple books. In some of them, several centuries old, the historian Ying Shao unexpectedly discovered the names of places and even the names of people reported by a strange boy. The astonished scientist decided to seriously investigate this amazing case, but he was in for a bitter disappointment - Yun suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated from a closed chamber, which was under vigilant control.
Frustrated, Shao again turned to the ancient chronicles and suddenly found a mention of Yun Li Chen in them! It was reported that Chen disappeared for more than ten years, but then returned not at all matured and began to say that he had been in the distant future, where he saw iron birds flying, carts moving without horses and houses resting on the clouds. Of course, no one believed the boy, he was considered crazy, and three weeks after his return he died unexpectedly.
“Year after year, with surprising regularity, unusual manipulations with time are repeated. We have a certain number of reports of missing people who seem to have been swallowed up by time, and not by any other force, ”John Kiel, a well-known foreign researcher of anomalous phenomena, expressed his opinion about the mysterious disappearances of people in one of the conversations.
Time trap for...submarine
It is possible that not only people, but also other living beings fall into the "traps" of time. This can explain the mysterious appearances of Bigfoot in the most unexpected corners of our planet, as well as quite numerous sightings of prehistoric animals like Nessie.
Time plays a bad joke not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects. American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines. The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.
However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds! Information about it unique case was published in 1993 in the American weekly The News.
Researchers of anomalous phenomena have tried to collect statistical data regarding cases of time travel. They found that between 1976 and 2001, there were 274 such cases, and planes often became victims of "holes" in time. The most trivial case, the most frequently repeated, is when an aircraft suddenly disappears for a moment from the radar screen, and then it turns out that the clocks of the pilots, and indeed of all passengers, are a few minutes behind.
However, more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes. In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992. This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”
The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land. The pilot did not answer, but during landing, everyone heard his surprised exclamation: “Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...
The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot breathing heavily, finally saying, "Something is wrong here." When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed, "Oh God!" They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, when he saw airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Do not approach! We're leaving here!"
The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft. He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case. As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

Chrononauts reluctantly

Time travelers are often referred to as chrononauts. However, there is no evidence of the invention of the time machine in the near or distant future yet. Many modern scientists generally deny the possibility of time travel, believing that it is irreversible.
True, not everyone thinks so, for example, a number of physicists put forward a hypothesis that there are zones of so-called time faults on the Earth, in such anomalous places the past and the future sometimes close together, while there is a transfer of information and energy, in which they can be captured and material bodies - people, animals, planes ...
There is also a hypothesis that with temporary violations of the structure of space and time, special tunnels are formed in them, connecting different eras.
Some researchers believe that unwitting time travelers only momentarily fall into the past or future and then are transported back to their own time. However, there is reason to believe that this is not always the case. The most deplorable option is quite possible - to get stuck in someone else's time forever.
In this case, travelers from the past to the future will most likely face the unenviable fate of a psychiatric patient… Imagine that a policeman thinks of a strangely dressed man claiming to be in Napoleon’s army…
Those who get from the future into the past, with a certain self-control and resourcefulness, can more or less get settled. Perhaps it was just such an unwitting time traveler who built the famous Baghdad battery, which gave current 4000 years ago ...
Some of the researchers of anomalous phenomena seriously suggest that Leonardo da Vinci was a chrononaut involuntarily ... He arrived in the 15th century from the future and was stuck in it forever. They consider the numerous diverse inventions of Leonardo to be proof of such a hypothesis, which were significantly ahead of their time.

From the era of Queen Victoria to the present day, the concept of time travel has fascinated the minds of fantasy lovers. What is it like to travel through the fourth dimension? The most interesting thing is that time travel does not require a time machine or something like a "wormhole".

You must have noticed that we are constantly moving in time. We move through it. At a basic level, time is the rate at which the universe is changing, and whether we like it or not, we are subject to constant change. We get older, the planets move around the sun, things are destroyed.

We measure the passage of time in seconds, minutes, hours and years, but this does not mean at all that time flows with constant speed. Like water in a river time is running differently in different places. In short, time is relative.

But what causes temporary fluctuations on the way from the cradle to the grave? It all comes down to the relationship between time and space. A person is able to perceive in three dimensions - length, width and depth. Time also complements this party as the most important fourth dimension. Time does not exist without space, space does not exist without time. And this couple is connected in a space-time continuum. Any event that occurs in the universe must involve space and time.

In this article, we will look at the most real and everyday possibilities. travel through time in our universe, as well as less accessible, but no less possible paths through the fourth dimension.

The train is a real time machine.

If you want to live a couple of years a little faster than anyone else, you need to master space-time. Global positioning satellites do this every day, three billionths of a second ahead of the natural course of time. In orbit, time passes faster because the satellites are far from the mass of the Earth. And on the surface, the mass of the planet drags time with it and slows it down on a relatively small scale.

This effect is called gravitational time dilation. According to general theory Einstein's relativity, gravity bends spacetime, and astronomers use this consequence when they study light passing near massive objects (we wrote about gravitational lensing here and here).

But what does this have to do with time? Remember - any event that occurs in the universe involves both space and time. Gravity not only pulls together space, but also time.

Being in the flow of time, you will hardly notice a change in its course. But rather massive objects - like supermassive black hole alpha Sagittarius, located in the center of our galaxy - will seriously bend the fabric of time. The mass of its singularity point is 4 million suns. This mass slows down time by half. Five years orbiting a black hole (without falling into it) is ten years on Earth.

The speed of movement also plays an important role in the speed of our time. The closer you get to the maximum speed of movement - the speed of light - the slower time passes. The clocks on a fast moving train will be one billionth of a second late at the end of the journey. If the train reaches a speed of 99.999% of the speed of light, in one year in a train car, you can be transported two hundred and twenty-three years into the future.

In fact, hypothetical journeys into the future in the future are built on this idea, sorry for the tautology. But what about the past? Is it possible to turn back time?

Time travel to the past

The stars are relics of the past.

We found that travel to the future happens all the time. Scientists have proven this experimentally, and this idea is at the heart of Einstein's theory of relativity. It is quite possible to move into the future, the only question is “how fast”? As for traveling into the past, the answer to this question is to look into the night sky.

Galaxy Milky Way about 100,000 years wide, which means that the light from distant stars needs to travel thousands and thousands of years before it reaches the Earth. Catch this light, and in fact, you just look into the past. When astronomers measure cosmic microwave radiation, they look into space as it was 10 billion years ago. But is this all?

There is nothing in Einstein's theory of relativity that would rule out the possibility of traveling to the past, but the very possibility of a button that could take you back to yesterday violates the law of causality or cause and effect. When something happens in the universe, the event creates a new endless chain of events. The cause is always born before the effect. Just imagine a world where the victim would die before a bullet hits her in the head. This is a violation of reality, but despite this, many scientists do not exclude the possibility of traveling into the past.

For example, it is believed that going faster than the speed of light can send people back into the past. If time slows down as an object gets closer to the speed of light, could breaking that barrier turn back time? Of course, when approaching the speed of light, the relativistic mass of the object also increases, that is, it approaches infinity. It seems impossible to accelerate an infinite mass. Theoretically, warp speed, that is, the deformation of speed as such, can deceive the universal law, but even this will require an enormous expenditure of energy.

What if time travel to the future and past depends less on our basic knowledge of the cosmos than on existing cosmic phenomena? Let's take a look at a black hole.

Black holes and Kerr rings

What is on the other side of a black hole?

Loop around a black hole long enough and gravitational time dilation will send you into the future. But what if you landed right in the mouth of this space monster? About what will happen when diving into a black hole, we have already wrote, but did not mention such an exotic variety of black holes as Kerr ring. Or the Kerr black hole.

In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr proposed the first realistic theory of a rotating black hole. The concept includes neutron stars - massive collapsing stars the size of St. Petersburg, for example, but with the mass of the Earth's Sun. We have included neutron holes in the list of the most mysterious objects in the Universe, calling them magnetars. Kerr theorized that if a dying star collapsed into a spinning ring of neutron stars, their centrifugal force would prevent them from becoming a singularity. And since a black hole would not have a singularity point, Kerr figured it would be perfectly possible to get in without fear of being torn apart by gravity at the center.

If Kerr black holes exist, we could pass through them and exit into a white hole. It's like the exhaust pipe of a black hole. Instead of sucking in everything that is possible, the white hole will, on the contrary, throw out everything that is possible. Perhaps even in another time or another universe.

Kerr black holes remain a theory, but if they do exist, they are portals of sorts, offering a one-way trip to the future or past. And although an extremely advanced civilization could develop in this way and travel through time, no one knows when the “wild” Kerr black hole will disappear.

Wormholes (wormholes)

Curvature of space-time.

Theoretical Kerr rings are not the only possible shortcuts to the past or future. Sci-fi films, from Star Trek to Donnie Darko, often deal with the theoretical Einstein-Rosen bridge. These bridges are better known to you as wormholes.

Einstein's general theory of relativity allows the existence of wormholes, since the theory of the great physicist is based on the curvature of space-time under the influence of mass. To understand this curvature, imagine the fabric of space-time as a white sheet and fold it in half. The area of ​​the sheet will remain the same, it will not deform itself, but the distance between the two points of contact will obviously be less than when the sheet was lying on a flat surface.

In this simplified example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane, and not four-dimensional, which it actually is (recall the fourth dimension - time). Hypothetical wormholes work similarly.

Let's move to space. Mass concentration in two different parts The universe could create a kind of tunnel in space-time. In theory, this tunnel would connect two different segments of the space-time continuum with each other. Of course, it is quite possible that some physical or quantum properties prevent such wormholes from arising on their own. Well, or they are born and immediately die, being unstable.

According to Stephen Hawking, the ten most interesting facts from whose life we ​​recently presented to you, wormholes can exist in quantum foam - the smallest medium in the universe. Tiny tunnels are constantly being born and broken, linking separate places and times for short moments.

Wormholes may be too small and short-lived to move a person, but what if one day we will be able to find them, hold them, stabilize and increase them? Provided, as Hawking points out, that you are prepared for feedback. If we wanted to artificially stabilize the space-time tunnel, the radiation from our actions could destroy it, just as the backlash of a sound could damage a speaker.

We're trying to squeeze through black holes and wormholes, but is there another way to travel through time using a theoretical cosmic phenomenon? With these thoughts, we turn to physicist J. Richard Gott, who outlined the idea of ​​a cosmic string in 1991. As the name suggests, these are hypothetical objects that may have formed early in the development of the universe.

These strings permeate the entire universe, being thinner than an atom and being under strong pressure. Naturally, it follows from this that they give gravitational pull to everything that passes near them, which means that objects attached to the cosmic string can travel through time at incredible speed. Pulling two cosmic strings closer together, or placing one of them near a black hole, creates what's called a closed time-like curve.

Using the gravity produced by two cosmic strings (or a string and a black hole), spaceship could theoretically send itself into the past. To do this, one would need to make a loop around the cosmic strings.

By the way, quantum strings are very hotly debated right now. Gott stated that to travel back in time, one must make a loop around a string containing half the mass-energy of an entire galaxy. In other words, half of the atoms in the galaxy would have to be used as fuel for your time machine. Well, as everyone is well aware, it is impossible to go back in time before the machine itself was created.

In addition, there are time paradoxes.

The paradoxes of time travel

He killed his grandfather - he killed himself.

As we have already said, the idea of ​​traveling into the past is slightly clouded by the second part of the law of causality. Cause precedes effect, at least in our universe, which means it can spoil even the most well-thought-out plans for time travel.

To begin with, imagine that if you travel 200 years into the past, you will appear long before you were born. Think about it for a second. For some time the effect (you) will exist before the cause (your birth).

To better understand what we are dealing with, consider the well-known grandfather paradox. You are an assassin who travels through time, your target is your own grandfather. You sneak through a nearby wormhole and approach a living 18-year-old version of your father's father. You raise your gun, but what happens when you pull the trigger?

Think. You are not yet born. Even your father hasn't been born yet. If you kill your grandfather, he will not have a son. This son will never give birth to you, and you will not be able to travel back in time on a bloody task. And your absence will not pull the trigger, thereby denying the entire chain of events. We call this a loop of incompatible causes.

On the other hand, one can consider the idea of ​​a serial causal loop. Although it makes you think, it theoretically eliminates time paradoxes. According to physicist Paul Davis, such a loop looks like this: a mathematics professor goes into the future and steals the most complex mathematical theorem. After that, he gives it to the most brilliant student. After that, the promising student grows and learns in order to one day become a man whose professor once stole a theorem.

In addition, there is another model of time travel that involves skewed probability when approaching the possibility of a paradoxical event. What does this mean? Let's get back into the shoes of your girl's killer. This time travel model could virtually kill your grandfather. You can pull the trigger, but the gun won't fire. The bird will chirp at the right moment, or something else will happen: the quantum fluctuation will not allow the paradoxical situation to take place.

And finally, the most interesting. The future or past that you are going to may simply exist in a parallel universe. Think of it as a paradox of separation. You can destroy anything you want, but it will not affect your home world in any way. You will kill your grandfather, but you will not disappear - perhaps the other "you" in parallel world, well, or the scenario will go according to the paradox schemes we have already considered. However, it is quite possible that time travel will be disposable and you will never be able to return home.

Completely confused? Welcome to the world of time travel.

This paradox is the subject of many popular science articles, books and films. But time travel is possible in our minds.

Usually, a time machine is understood as a transfer of consciousness to the past or future in such a way that your current consciousness can experience emotional sensations and thoughts related to the moment that you experienced in the past or will experience in the future. There is no point in discussing the possibility of changing the past or the future, since any possible changes that you can make in the past or future make it impossible for you to travel to the past or the future from the present.

There are many popular science articles, books, and films devoted to this paradox, the best of which, in my humble opinion, are the works of Stephen Hawking.

However, I am not talking about that now - not about the physical replacement of reality, which, as physicists know, is possible only on a miniature scale and in extraordinary conditions. I'm talking about real, feasible time travel. About the opportunity to feel in the present a significant part of what you feel in the past or feel in the future. What do I need to do:

1. Understand that time travel is possible in our minds.

2. Time travel actually always takes place simultaneously in the past and the future in the present.

3. To experience real time travel, you need to be healthy. This means that your current consciousness is not identified at this moment with the actor and the events taking place around - and your body automatically does what it should (according to our scientific physiological knowledge) do - that is, it repeats best experience life, exploring its new manifestations.

Ready? Go!:

4. You can actually feel the thoughts and emotions that you felt, for example, in the recent past. This is easy to do in an experiment - for this you need any video device - for example, a computer with a webcam or a phone with a video camera.

5. Let's take a normal day, for example, a day off. It is quite obvious that, for example, when I write this post, my clock is 16 hours 45 minutes. In exactly 15 minutes, I will be in the future, which will be 17 hours. I can now, at 4:45 pm, record a video - a greeting from the “me” from my past to the “me” in my future. At the same time, by recording this video, I can really honestly address myself in the future - and, for example, feel how the future, more experienced and wise “I” will feel, already participating in the “your local time machine” experiment, having received this message , at this moment you can feel what you will feel in the future, viewing this message to yourself - and you will feel it exactly in the present in which you will record this video.

6. Thus, at the time of recording the video that I have just mentioned, for your thinking is very a short time(the time you are communicating with yourself) a tunnel will form, connecting in the moment of the present, your past and your future - all of you "three" participating in this experiment - the present, past and future will have the same experiences ... And very, by the way, say original. It is very interesting to get to know yourself this way.

7. And finally, the most important thing. For this to work, it is necessary that between all the “three” participants in the experiment - the “me-present”, “me-past” and “me-future” - there are honest relations - if you agreed on the experiment, you need to perform it - and in the designated time, the “me-real” should set your time machine into action when the future comes and the “me-real” will live the “me-future” – it is at this time that the “me-real” must necessarily watch the video greeting.

This is how a time loop will turn out - with the help of the "me-present" you will experience two interesting moments of your life in your present - in the first - you will be able to go in the present from the past to the future, and in the second - you will complete the experiment and feel your past from the future present . Experiment - no big deal - just a very interesting thought experiment that opens the door to the true nature of thinking and its meaning for your life. As soon as you learn how to travel short psychic distances, the doors to real travel will open before you - and miracles will become a reality.

Happy time travel!

Just imagine how many useful things could be done if we could travel through time! Kill Hitler, change dollars, convince yourself not to drink last night, convince Hitler to drink last night! But our heroes were busy with completely different things.

Father Pelligrino Ernetti

Father Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk, lived almost all his life in a monastery on the island of San Giorgio. He was a practicing exorcist and chair of the prepolyphony department at the local conservatory. But, apparently, when he was not busy with exorcism and early music, he still had free time, because Ernetti's father invented the chronovisor - a device that allows you to travel back in time to see historical events with my own eyes.

According to the confession of the priest, he wanted to visit the Trieste opera, which made a splash in Rome in 169 BC. There are testimonies of people who were present at the launch of the chronovisor. Pellegrino Ernetti's friend - the priest Francois Brun even wrote the book "Chronoprojection apparatus - new mystery Vatican, which tells how he listened to Napoleon's speeches and saw the crucifixion of Christ. To date, there is no information about the chronovisor, and everything that is offered on Avito is a miserable fake.

Billy Meyer

Swiss Billy Meier's first contact with aliens, according to his testimony, occurred when he was five years old. An alien from the Pleiades constellation named Sfat, who replaced Billy's father, got in touch with the boy. (And who among us from time to time did not suspect that his dad was also from another Galaxy!)

Then, when Sphat died, Billy was contacted by the Pleiadian Ascetic, with whom he kept in touch for 11 years. In 1975, when Billy reached puberty, Sfat's granddaughter, Semjase, came to him. Don’t ask what she taught Billy, we don’t know ourselves, he didn’t spread about it, but he presented the public with many photographs of his alien friends and their spaceships.

Aliens came to him both from the past and from the future, as well as from parallel dimensions, warning of the coming world cataclysms. Concerned about the well-being of earthlings, Billy reported on the upcoming Third World War, which was supposed to begin in November 2006, then in 2008, and finally in 2010. But, apparently, Billy's friends are not very experienced in earthly history, because we are writing these lines to you from 2016.

Charlotte Ann Mauberly and Eleanor Jourdain

Two schoolteachers of exemplary reputation went on an excursion to Versailles in 1901 and, getting lost in the gardens, ended up in 1792, right at the height of the French Revolution. They claimed to have seen Marie Antoinette in her last days before her arrest. The queen was sitting in front of the Petit Trianon and drawing, when an armed mob moved to Paris.

Returning to the present, Charlotte and Eleanor wrote a book about what happened to them and called it "The Adventure". The book, of course, was immediately criticized, and the teachers were accused of fraud. As evidence of the deception, critics used a modern map of Versailles. Charlotte and Eleanor described how they crossed a bridge before going back in time that didn't exist in their time.

However, a map of Versailles of the 18th century was later discovered, on which the bridge described in the "Adventure" really was. However, as it turned out later, neither Charlotte nor Eleanor were experts in the history of France, and before writing a book, they studied the issue with the meticulousness of a teacher.

John Titor

Internet forum hero of the early 2000s who claimed to be from the year 2036. John's final destination was 1975, and his destination was an IBM 5100 computer needed in the future to destroy a computer virus meant to destroy the world. It is even strange that the name of John Connor was never mentioned.

When asked how he ended up in 2000, John replied that he dropped by to see his family, as the Third World War, as a result of which America will be subjected to nuclear bombing by Russia. And for sure the bombing was what we needed, since the Americans in 2036 were in need of computers from the 70s.

Bob White

In 2003, a lot of people received an email asking them to help build a large warp module with a generator and an induction motor (or something like that). To those who responded to the letter, the author willingly and in detail told his theory about time travel and how to create a device for their implementation. The author of the letter scheduled a meeting for his followers in a small town in Massachusetts on July 9, 2003, to which he did not turn up safely. We hope he was able to return to his planet. Or in a psychiatric hospital.

Victor Goddard

Marshal of the British Air Force Sir Victor Goddard simply attracted the paranormal. In 1935, while flying his biplane with an open cockpit, he got into turbulence, during which he observed a strange picture when he flew over an abandoned airfield: the landscape seemed to have changed under him, on the airfield, where no one should have been, there were planes , and mechanics in clothes scurried between them of blue color. This surprised Goddard, as at that time all mechanics wore brown uniforms. Of course, none of his colleagues believed him, and the story was forgotten until, four years later, the Air Force actually changed the color of the uniform from brown to the same shade of blue that Goddard had seen.