What is the difference between Astrakhan watermelon and others. Growing Astrakhan watermelon in the open field: the secrets of a huge harvest

  • 13.05.2019

Surprisingly, it is with watermelons that many fears and speculations are associated with buyers. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" tried to dispel most of the myths.

Myth one: Astrakhan and Volgograd watermelons are very different

If earlier selection was done a lot and productively, now this area is going through difficult times. So farmers in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions plant the same early varieties- hybrids purchased in Europe. They can differ only in the conditions in which they grew. This year, the weather for neighbors in Astrakhan, which we have, was very unfavorable for watermelons. First cold, then hot over 50, now it's raining. So the harvest of melons (as well as vegetables) is poor and an order of magnitude lower than last year. Less sun also affected the quality of the product - the taste is not so rich and bright.

Myth two: early varieties are dangerous to health

This is not true.

Early varieties are all hybrids. They are grown under drip irrigation. Their maturation rate is faster than that of pure varieties. But this does not affect the safety of products. Moreover, the majority of melon growers receive certificates of conformity for their products. Samples are handed over to the laboratory for research on several parameters, including nitrates, - told KP-Volgograd melon grower Yevgeny Morozov from the Bykovsky district. - So the certificate gives a guarantee. Also, with a check, they can come from Rospotrebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor.

Myth three: watermelons are easy to get poisoned

No more than other products. The danger is not even the pulp. The fact is that many do not wash the watermelon before cutting it. And this is a must. Watermelons are treated with pesticides every week. Therefore, a dangerous composition may be in your plate. So wash the "minke whale" thoroughly before serving.

Myth four: Bykovsky watermelons are the sweetest

Unfortunately, Bykovsky watermelons have not been in nature for a long time, farmer Evgeny Morozov upsets us. - There are, of course, watermelons grown on Bykovo land. But even the famous "Chill" is no longer "Chill". Indeed, in order to maintain the purity of the variety, selection work is needed. And it hasn't been given much attention in the last couple of decades.

Myth five: the price depends on the crop

The price depends on the resellers. When the harvest is poor, it is they who raise the price.

In mid-July, I gave watermelons for 4 rubles per kilogram, now I rent for six, - says farmer Stanislav Khan. In stores and markets, they are three to five times more expensive. So this year we will not beat off even the cost price. Although the demand for products is good, I have a queue of customers. But they still won't raise the price.

- a variety grown throughout Russia, the main advantages of which are unpretentious care and high yields. You can also note the long shelf life of the fruit and its good resistance to transportation even over long distances.

All this makes the southern delicacy one of the most beloved among the population of our country. At proper cultivation and care, Astrakhan watermelon will not only be an excellent decoration for any table, but will also quench your thirst and saturate the body with useful substances.

Most farmers and gardeners prefer to grow this variety. This is due to the fact that Astrakhan watermelon is resistant to the development of pathologies inherent in melons, its fruits have excellent taste and are stored for more than 2 months, without losing their merits.

The ripe fruit has a round or slightly oblong shape, its peel is smooth and even. The color of the surface is dark green with light stripes that have spike-like edges. According to experts, the more obvious the difference between dark and light stripes, the brighter the taste of the fruit will be.

The flesh of a ripe watermelon is bright red. It is very sweet, juicy and aromatic. Seeds are usually dark brown or black in color. The main difference between the Astrakhan variety is the presence of a thick crust.

Astrakhan watermelon is considered medium-early in terms of ripening - the time from seed germination to full maturity is about 80 days. The size of a ripe berry ranges from 8 to 10 kg. He is very thermophilic, he needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. Favorable conditions during cultivation will provide the fruits with juiciness, sweet taste, pleasant color and aroma.

During the period of drought, voids may appear inside the watermelon, which in no way affect the quality of this melon crop. In this case, when squeezing, a slight crackle will be heard, indicating the maturity of the watermelon.

Thanks to the adaptation of varieties to different climatic conditions, as well as the breeding of hybrids, became possible cultivation Astrakhan watermelon in any regions of Russia.

Growing a striped berry is carried out in two main ways:

  • reckless;
  • seedlings.

The first landing option is typical for the southern regions, the second is practiced by farmers in the middle zone and the Moscow region.

With the seedless method, the seeds are sown in open ground, after soaking them in potassium permanganate. Dry seeds immediately begin to sow in the soil. Sprouted ones must be placed in a pocket made of cloth or gauze and poured with warm water. Every day the water should be changed until small sprouts appear. Then you can start sowing.

The seedling method consists in the preliminary germination of seeds. To do this, spread the seeds treated with potassium permanganate on a damp cloth or toilet paper and place them in a tray. In this state, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 25 to 30 ° C.

After the appearance of sprouts, you need to take suitable containers (for example, disposable cups), fill them with humus, sand and turf, or ready-made peat soil. The sowing depth should not exceed 4 cm. Then the seeds are covered with a film and placed in a well-lit and warm place. After the first leaves appear, you can plant seedlings in the ground.

The soil for planting the Astrakhan variety of watermelons should be light and loose. It must be prepared in the fall. This will require humus and other fertilizers suitable for feeding the crop (potassium-phosphorus mixtures, nitrogen, etc.).

If a pumpkin, melon, cabbage or cucumber has previously grown on the site, there is a risk that the harvest will not be as rich as expected, and the fruits may change their taste. It is advisable to plant watermelons in the soil on which peas, potatoes, corn and beans were grown.

The depth of the hole for planting seedlings should be no more than 6-8 cm. Watermelons are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. In order for the fruits to be large and to be fully formed, these rules must be observed.

You can buy Astrakhan watermelon seeds at any store in your city, as well as order via the Internet. Due to the great demand for the Astrakhan variety among the inhabitants of our country, seeds are available to anyone who wants to plant this large, sweet berry on their site.

You can buy seeds in advance - in winter or early spring. Under appropriate conditions, they are stored for a long time. It is important to prevent moisture from getting on the bags with seeds, and also to avoid their strong overheating.

Before planting dry seeds, they must be soaked in a solution of manganese. To do this, pour warm water and add potassium permanganate to it so that a fairly bright color is obtained. Seeds can be wrapped in gauze and placed in a ready-made solution for 30-40 minutes. Then they are planted in the ground.

Seed germination does not require special efforts. We place them in a cloth or gauze moistened with water and put them in a specially prepared container. We change the water once a day or as the fabric dries. At this stage, it is important to observe the thermal regime: 30 ° C during the day and not lower than 20 ° C at night. As soon as the first shoots appear, you can start planting.

Today you can buy seedlings of the Astrakhan variety of watermelons on the market or in specialized stores. The main thing is to correctly calculate the timing of seed germination and the time of planting seedlings in open ground. The ideal time for planting is the end of May, when the earth has warmed up enough with the sun's rays and there are no frosts at night. Harvesting takes place in August and September.

An incision is made with a sharp long knife, and the striped crust diverges effortlessly. The fruit breaks in half with a cheerful crunch. And now you can see the rows of glossy dark brown seeds nesting in sugary, fragrant, juicy pulp the color of a summer sunset. His Majesty Watermelon. An unsurpassed miracle of nature, all berries are berries. Its unconditional popularity is evidenced by the variety of varieties - there are already more than a thousand of them in the world, and breeding work continues. How to find the most delicious variety of watermelon among them? To choose. Try. Enjoy.

This is a real "celebrity", known to the whole world. The brand by which gourd lovers from different countries know Russia.

This is a real "celebrity", known to the whole world

Most gardeners prefer to grow it, since it is this variety that has excellent agrotechnical characteristics:

  • resistance to pathologies and pests of melons;
  • high and stable yield;
  • no specific features in care;
  • average ripening period - 80 days;
  • long shelf life - about two months;
  • excellent, rich watermelon taste.

This watermelon is easy to recognize. Oblong shape, smooth crust, deep dark green color, interspersed with bright light stripes with an uneven, as if "terry" edge. And inside - a fragrant miracle - up to eight kilograms of reddening pulp, melting in your mouth and leaving a 100% watermelon aftertaste.

Oblong shape, smooth crust, deep dark green color, interspersed with bright light stripes with an uneven, as if "double" edge

By the way. Professional gardeners and those who have extensive experience in eating watermelons argue that the more pronounced the contrast of dark and light stripes, the brighter and richer the taste characteristics of the watermelon.

Professional gardeners say: the more pronounced the contrast of dark and light stripes, the brighter and richer the taste characteristics of the watermelon.

Watermelon of the Astrakhan variety ripens under natural growing conditions in August. It is in this month that you should buy it in order to fully enjoy the taste and be nourished with vitamins.


One of the oldest varieties, selected in the sixties of the last century, loved and in demand until now. In appearance, the fruit is unsightly. Dark monochromatic crust without stripes. The average weight is 3 kilograms. How did he gain almost a century of popularity?

One of the oldest varieties, selected in the sixties of the last century

With its excellent qualities, namely:

  • thin skin;
  • precocity;
  • undemanding to conditions;
  • a small number of seeds;
  • high yield;
  • sweet taste of pulp.

By the way. The core of this variety of watermelon is compared with sugar, honey, and even they say that the pulp seems to be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The core of this variety of watermelon is compared to sugar

Unlike other early maturing varieties, it contains a record amount of sugars. This explains the amazing taste of the pulp of the fruit, which is also distinguished by its delicate texture.

Unlike other early ripening varieties, it contains a record amount of sugars.

"Spark" has only one drawback, it is not stored for a long time. And transported over long distances is not very good. However, it can be grown suburban area even the middle lane. And he will have time to ripen before the October frosts and acquire the legendary sweetness.

The discovery of this amazing specimen is appropriated by both the Americans and the French. Because of its consumer qualities, it is included in the breeding state register of the Russian Federation. It is popular not only in Europe, but also in Russia. The name translates as "Raspberry Sugar" (not in taste, but in color). Its flesh is, indeed, intensely raspberry. And the taste is rich and sweet.

The discovery of this amazing specimen is appropriated by both the Americans and the French.

The variety has many advantages, including:

  • early maturation;
  • juicy crispy pulp with a high content of sucrose;
  • excellent keeping quality and transportability;
  • average weight, about 12 kilograms;
  • high yield;
  • low susceptibility to disease.

The variety has many advantages

In appearance, in color, shape and size, the fruit is similar to the Astrakhan variety, but the taste is twice as sweet, and the pulp is distinguished by a special “crunchiness”. The crust is a little more light green and shiny than that of the Astrakhan "brother".

In appearance, in color, shape and size, the fruit is similar to the Astrakhan variety.

It can lie for a long time, more than 2.5 months. The season of mass ripeness begins in late August - early September.

This giant was originally bred in America, then selected in Ukraine. It stands out from numerous varieties with its remarkable "appearance".

This giant was originally bred in America

  1. First, the fruit has an elongated elliptical shape.
  2. Secondly, its crust is almost monophonic light green-whitish, covered with small “cracks” like an antique amphora.
  3. Thirdly, the weight of the fetus can reach 18 kilograms.
  4. And, fourthly, to match the look and taste - bright, sweet, constant, juicy.

The weight of the fruit can reach 18 kilograms, and it looks like a giant zucchini

By the way. "Charleston Gray" never deceives the expectations of customers. It looks like a huge zucchini. Inside - rich red, full of juice. Increased juiciness is noted by all lovers of this variety. And the light color of its crust does not heat up in the heat.

The variety is well transported and stored for a long time.

The variety is well transported and stored for a long time. It is extremely fruitful, and the fruits begin to be harvested at the end of July. True, "Charleston Gray" is rarely seen on the shelves. It belongs to the delicacy varieties and is disassembled almost instantly.

About this fruit, you can safely say "small, but daring." Although, he is not such a “baby”, the weight of one ripe berry can reach four kilograms. But on average, watermelons grow about 2.5 kilograms, and are very popular not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning.

About this fruit, you can safely say "small, but daring"

By the way. Perfectly round, dark green, with barely outlined evenly drawn black stripes or having no pattern on the surface of the crust, "Sugar Baby" is very beautiful in the context, and does not lose its attractiveness in canned form.

Perfectly round, dark green, with barely outlined evenly drawn black stripes or without any pattern on the surface of the crust

It is so unpretentious that it grows and matures even in the northern regions. There are legends about the keeping quality of the variety - from the end of July it can be stored fresh until late autumn. The list of advantages also includes:

All such round and fine "Sugar Baby" is loved by many. Of the medium-sized varieties, it practically has no equal in popularity and popular love.

The benefits of watermelons are undeniable. No one will argue about taste either. This berry has long taken a leading place among the entire fruit and berry variety. And millions of people around the world are waiting for the end of summer, not because they love autumn, but only because the watermelon season is coming.

On August 3, the season of watermelons officially started in Moscow. This year it will be possible to buy them at 264 gourds and 12 venues of the Moscow Jam. Gifts of nature,” said Alexei Nemeryuk, head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services. You can find out the addresses of retail outlets on the Moscow open data portal data.mos.ru. Mikhail Vorobyov, a well-known biologist and agronomist, told Reedus about how to choose the right juicy treat.

Variety selection is not an assistant

Unfortunately, by appearance to distinguish a good watermelon today is almost impossible. Previously, the number of varieties was limited, and they all looked alike - striped with alternating dark and light stripes. And if this combination was contrasting enough, the watermelon was ripe. Now some striped watermelons have a weakly pronounced contrast as a varietal trait, and this does not at all indicate their poor quality. In addition, watermelons already exist with a completely yellow or green rind.

By the way, the traditional love of Muscovites for Astrakhan watermelons grew out of the variety of the same name, which was sold in the capital in the old days - very juicy, sweet, fragrant. But now, in Astrakhan itself, the Astrakhan variety can only be found in small private farms. It is distinguished by a thick rind, striped coloring and large light brown bones. Unfortunately, this variety could not compete with modern hybrids, which are more productive and less whimsical. Astrakhansky is being replaced by foreign varieties, dark green and elongated, more like a melon in shape.

Today, three categories of varieties can be distinguished. Ordinary - green peel, red flesh, the presence of seeds. Yellow-fruited - an interspecific hybrid obtained recently. They have yellow flesh. Such watermelons are considered more fragrant and sweet, respectively, and their price is higher. Such varieties are sold, as a rule, in expensive stores, and not in street stalls. Elite varieties of watermelons can also be found there - pitted, also hybrid. They taste ordinary, but the lack of pits puts them above the competition.

All varieties presented in the mass segment, in principle, are similar to each other. It is often impossible to find out which variety is offered to customers at a particular point. Blindly trusting the word of sellers, as you know, is not worth it in such matters. But even if we assume that the information is true, it is unlikely to clarify anything for most consumers. And they will not rush to study biological tomes, studying the characteristics of various varieties. Moreover, even good grade can be ruined bad technology cultivation, improper storage and transportation. So trying to focus on this indicator in order to choose a tastier watermelon does not make much sense.

hit and listen

folk method definitions according to the “girl-boy” principle (if the place of attachment of a flower to a watermelon is large, it is a girl, if it is small, it is a boy) causes only a smile among experts. Watermelons, like all cucurbits, do have two types of flowers - male and female. But the fruits are formed only on the females, and the males serve only for pollination, and they are called barren, because they do not set any fruits. “In my opinion, this is more a saying for sellers who are trying to lure buyers with an interesting way of choosing,” the expert suggests.

One of the most reliable methods for determining the ripeness of a watermelon is sound orientation. To do this, the watermelon needs to be slapped. The sound should not be too sonorous, like a drum (this indicates that the watermelon has already overripe, and there are many voids), but not too deaf, like a slap on meat. If a "slapped" watermelon doesn't give any reverberation, it means the flesh is too firm and it's not ripe yet. The best option is when the watermelon at hand vibrates a little, resonates, but not too loudly. Of course, some practice is required to successfully apply this method.

Insidious nitrates

Despite the fact that the “Astrakhan” variety cannot be found in Moscow these days with fire, Astrakhan remains one of the main suppliers of watermelons to the capital's market. But real ripe Astrakhan watermelons will appear in Moscow no earlier than August 10th.

At the beginning of the month, on the shelves you can meet their counterparts from more southern regions - Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Israel, even Turkey, despite the formal ban. In general, if a watermelon is grown in a lot of heat and light, it will taste better. And, of course, the further south the region is, the better quality watermelons come from there, if, of course, they are grown correctly. But, again, it is very difficult to determine where the watermelon came from.

Looking closely at the first watermelons, you should remember about nitrates. Unfortunately, the likelihood of their increased content in this berry is quite real. From this point of view, early watermelons are especially dangerous. In order to sell quickly, they are artificially “inflated” to normal sizes in such a purely mechanical way, although in fact they have not yet matured.

Watermelon contains almost 90% water, and nitrogen fertilizers, which contain nitrates, help “pump” this water. With an increased introduction of nitrates, the fruits begin to grow intensively to the detriment of their quality, but the main thing is that this excess of nitrates remains in them. Therefore, nitrate watermelons are red and juicy, but tasteless and have little flavor. “If they sell you some very large watermelon, absolutely incredible sizes, most likely it was grown with a high content of nitrates,” the expert warns.

But not all nitrate watermelons are that great. And to distinguish them from high-quality counterparts in appearance, alas, is impossible. However, inside such berries have characteristics. A normal regular watermelon should have either red or light pink veins. If the color is yellowish - it's bad. Distinguishes nitrate watermelon and a characteristic slightly sour taste, reminiscent of the taste of raw potatoes. The peel of a standard watermelon has a green zone on the cut, then a white one. If the green zone almost completely covers the white and immediately turns into red flesh, this also indicates that there are too many nitrates in the watermelon.

Of course, nothing terrible will happen from one piece of such a watermelon. But if you eat too much of it, you can earn some indigestion.

Let him swim

Another important detail - watermelon should not be taken "for growth." Unlike melon, it will not ripen. Yes, after lying warm for a while, green watermelon can become sweeter and juicier, but it will not reach all the qualities that a ripe berry should have.

Like any fruit, watermelon is best stored in a cool place. If it is not possible to put it in the refrigerator, at least it is worth finding a place for it away from sunlight. In nature, it is usually immersed in water. By the way, this is another way to determine the quality of a watermelon - a mature one floats, an unripe one sinks. But no one will offer tubs with water for such experiments in the store, and even create at home suitable conditions not always possible.

Before cutting, the watermelon should be thoroughly washed, ideally even with soap. Cut watermelon can only be stored in the refrigerator for one, maximum two days, closed cling film to cut off oxygen.

Watermelons from Astrakhan are a legendary product. This brand has a long history dating back to the 7th-8th centuries. The taste of these watermelons was always so good that in 1660 Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich even issued an imperial decree to deliver striped beauties to the royal table in Moscow. However, the Astrakhan variety and the watermelon grown in the Astrakhan region are not identical concepts. Even striping does not serve as its defining feature, since it is also characteristic of other varieties: the seedless "red king", famous for its large carolina cross size, etc.

Variety Description

The famous Astrakhan watermelon as a separate variety was bred in 1977 through the efforts of the leading breeder of the All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Vegetable and Melon Growing K.E. Dyutin. This is a classic spherical or slightly oblong watermelon. The pulp of ripe fruits is bright red, juicy, fragrant, coarse-grained with a characteristic rather sweet taste. During dry periods, voids may appear in the fruits, which do not have any effect on taste.

The peel is smooth with a pattern in the form of alternating dark and light green spiked stripes. Watermelon of this variety must be thick-skinned. The average fruit weight is about 8-10 kg. According to the ripening period, it belongs to the middle-early - from the moment of seed germination, it ripens for 70 - 85 days. Differs in resistance to the majority of diseases, characteristic for gourds, it is convenient and unpretentious in cultivation. It is characterized by high yield, excellent transportability and keeping fruits - they can be stored for up to two and a half months.

What is the harm and benefit

Ripe watermelon is a unique dietary product that has virtually no contraindications for regular use. In fact, 80% of its fruits consist of water, and the rest contains vegetable fiber, fructose, not a large number of glucose and sucrose, as well as trace elements. Watermelon is characterized by a pronounced diuretic effect, so its pulp is very useful for those suffering from diseases of the joints, heart and blood vessels. Fructose is absorbed in the human body without the cost of insulin, which means that even patients with an insulin-dependent form of diabetes can consume a sweet-tasting fruit.

Striped juicy fruits are just a storehouse of such a trace element as magnesium. With its chronic deficiency, blood pressure rises. It also promotes the binding of oxalates, which prevents the formation of kidney stones, and plays an important role in the processes of bile secretion and deactivation of cholesterol. In addition, magnesium is involved in the normalization of intestinal motility, helps relieve muscle spasms and reduces nervous excitability.

In 100 grams of watermelon pulp, the content of this trace element, which is extremely important for human health, is as much as 224 milligrams. Only almonds can boast of its greater concentration. To satisfy the body's daily need for magnesium, it is enough to eat only 150 grams of a ripe and tasty fruit.

This representative of gourds and potassium is rich. True, its content is lower than in dried apricots, persimmons and bananas, beloved by adherents of many diets. Although if we also consider calorie content, then when eating watermelon, the body will receive three times fewer calories compared to a banana.

However, it should be noted that watermelon is not useful for everyone and not always. It should not be eaten by those suffering from diarrhea and indigestion. It is also contraindicated for those who are prone to edema. Diabetics should also be careful with this delicacy, given its high glycemic index.

In addition, the harm from watermelon may be due to the use of certain chemicals in the cultivation. Most often they are nitrates. Their use contributes to the rapid growth and big weight fruits. But at the same time, such substances are stored in the pulp and enter the human body with it, causing either acute poisoning or chronic intoxication due to gradual accumulation.

Video "Watermelons in the middle lane"

Growing features

If, until recently, the combination of the words “growing” and “watermelon” suggested a hot southern climate, today, work on the adaptation and acclimatization of its varieties and the emergence of new hybrids make it possible to grow striped fruits even in Western Siberia, however, only in greenhouses.

In the southern regions of Russia, the Astrakhan variety is grown by planting seeds in open ground. But in the regions of the middle lane and in the Moscow region, the seedling method is used. At the same time, 4-5 weeks before planting on the site, the seeds are kept for a day in a solution of manganese and zinc to protect future sprouts from diseases. Then they are wrapped in cotton cloth or thin paper and placed in water, where they are set aside at a temperature of about +28 ° C until sprouts appear.

After that, they are planted in separate containers filled with peat. When the plants acquire 3 - 4 leaves, you can start planting seedlings. At the same time, a week before planting, the frequency of watering and temperature are gradually reduced. The main requirements for their cultivation in the regions of the middle lane are air warmed up to +21 - 29 ° C, a sunny place and the absence of weeds.

It should be noted that watermelons are quite sensitive to predecessors and do not like to grow after pumpkin, melon, cucumber or cabbage. But for planting after peas, potatoes, beans or corn, they are pretty good. Seedlings are planted in light-textured soil in holes up to 8 cm deep at a distance of about a meter. As representatives of melons, watermelons do not tolerate acidic soils.

Since they require a large amount of heat, the soil between plants should be covered with a 4-5 cm layer of mulch, which increases the temperature of the soil by almost 10 ° C and does not allow it to dry out. Also, during the period of active growth, plants should be fed with potassium-phosphorus mixtures and nitrogen.

The technology for growing watermelons involves weeding, loosening the soil and moderate watering. The remains of vegetation after weeding is immediately removed from the site. Being drought-resistant plants, watermelons are at the same time quite responsive to irrigation. During the period of growth of the main stem and leaves, they need enhanced watering. After the start of fruiting, it is cut back to speed up the ripening of the fruit.

The main pests that can harm watermelon plantings are spider mite, aphids and wireworms. For the prevention and control of them, the most common means is spraying with an infusion of garlic or ash. Such processing should stop one month before the start of harvest. Plants heavily infested with pests must be removed from the site and burned.

What you need to know

Astrakhan watermelon begins to ripen no earlier than August and its collection reaches a peak closer to September. Everything that appears on the shelves before that time, although grown in the Astrakhan region, can be early-ripening Dutch watermelons, and often with the use of chemistry. Therefore, before buying the fruit should be carefully examined. If a small, slightly rotten area with a dot in the center is found, this is a sure sign that saltpeter was injected with a syringe to accelerate growth.

In order to distinguish a ripe good watermelon from a bad one, you should focus on a number of characteristic features. The surface of the fruit should not have a matte coating and, when sunlight is reflected, a glare should be clearly visible on it. A yellow spot on a watermelon or the so-called "piglet" is the place where the fruit touches the ground during growth. If it is small, then he independently ripened in comfortable conditions. A large patch is a sign of a lack of sunlight and heat, such a fruit will be watery and not sweet enough to taste.

The stalk or "tail" of a good watermelon is dried and yellowish. If it is completely dried up, then the fruit has been stored plucked for quite a long period. If the tail is completely removed, then the seller is hiding something and it is better not to take this copy. Also, a ripe watermelon buzzes when patted, and crackles when squeezed with hands.

Video "Growing varieties of watermelon"

There are a huge variety of watermelon varieties, and being able to properly grow a particular variety is not an easy task. This video will help you understand all the nuances.

Astrakhan watermelon- a variety grown throughout Russia, the main advantages of which are unpretentious care and high yields. You can also note the long shelf life of the fruit and its good resistance to transportation even over long distances.

All this makes the southern delicacy one of the most beloved among the population of our country. With proper cultivation and care, Astrakhan watermelon will not only be an excellent decoration for any table, but will also quench your thirst and saturate the body with useful substances.

Most farmers and gardeners prefer to grow this variety. This is due to the fact that Astrakhan watermelon is resistant to the development of pathologies inherent in melons, its fruits have excellent taste and are stored for more than 2 months, without losing their merits.

The ripe fruit has a round or slightly oblong shape, its peel is smooth and even. The color of the surface is dark green with light stripes that have spike-like edges. According to experts, the more obvious the difference between dark and light stripes, the brighter the taste of the fruit will be.

The flesh of a ripe watermelon is bright red. It is very sweet, juicy and aromatic. Seeds are usually dark brown or black in color. The main difference of the Astrakhan variety is the presence of a thick crust.

Astrakhan watermelon is considered medium-early in terms of ripening - the time from seed germination to full maturity is about 80 days. The size of a ripe berry ranges from 8 to 10 kg. He is very thermophilic, he needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. Favorable conditions during cultivation will provide the fruits with juiciness, sweet taste, pleasant color and aroma.

During the period of drought, voids may appear inside the watermelon, which in no way affect the quality of this melon crop. In this case, when squeezing, a slight crackle will be heard, indicating the maturity of the watermelon.

Growing Astrakhan watermelon

Thanks to the adaptation of varieties to different climatic conditions, as well as the breeding of hybrids, it became possible to grow Astrakhan watermelon in any region of Russia.

Growing a striped berry is carried out in two main ways:

  • reckless;
  • seedlings.

The first landing option is typical for the southern regions, the second is practiced by farmers in the middle zone and the Moscow region.

With the seedless method, the seeds are sown in open ground, after soaking them in potassium permanganate. Dry seeds immediately begin to sow in the soil. Sprouted ones must be placed in a pocket made of cloth or gauze and poured with warm water. Every day the water should be changed until small sprouts appear. Then you can start sowing.

The seedling method consists in the preliminary germination of seeds. To do this, spread the seeds treated with potassium permanganate on a damp cloth or toilet paper and place them in a tray. In this state, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 25 to 30 ° C.

After the appearance of sprouts, you need to take suitable containers (for example, disposable cups), fill them with humus, sand and turf, or ready-made peat soil. The sowing depth should not exceed 4 cm. Then the seeds are covered with a film and placed in a well-lit and warm place. After the first leaves appear, you can plant seedlings in the ground.

The soil for planting the Astrakhan variety of watermelons should be light and loose. It must be prepared in the fall. This will require humus and other fertilizers suitable for feeding the crop (potassium-phosphorus mixtures, nitrogen, etc.).

If a pumpkin, melon, cabbage or cucumber has previously grown on the site, there is a risk that the harvest will not be as rich as expected, and the fruits may change their taste. It is advisable to plant watermelons in the soil on which peas, potatoes, corn and beans were grown.

The depth of the hole for planting seedlings should be no more than 6-8 cm. Watermelons are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. In order for the fruits to be large and to be fully formed, these rules must be observed.

Astrakhan watermelon seeds

You can buy Astrakhan watermelon seeds at any store in your city, as well as order via the Internet. Due to the great demand for the Astrakhan variety among the inhabitants of our country, seeds are available to anyone who wants to plant this large, sweet berry on their site.

You can buy seeds in advance - in winter or early spring. Under appropriate conditions, they are stored for a long time. It is important to prevent moisture from getting on the bags with seeds, and also to avoid their strong overheating.

Before planting dry seeds, they must be soaked in a solution of manganese. To do this, pour warm water and add potassium permanganate to it so that a fairly bright color is obtained. Seeds can be wrapped in gauze and placed in a ready-made solution for 30-40 minutes. Then they are planted in the ground.

Germination of seeds does not require much effort. We place them in a cloth or gauze moistened with water and put them in a specially prepared container. We change the water once a day or as the fabric dries. At this stage, it is important to observe the thermal regime: 30 ° C during the day and not lower than 20 ° C at night. As soon as the first shoots appear, you can start planting.

Today you can buy seedlings of the Astrakhan variety of watermelons on the market or in specialized stores. The main thing is to correctly calculate the timing of seed germination and the time of planting seedlings in open ground. The ideal time for planting is the end of May, when the earth has warmed up enough with the sun's rays and there are no frosts at night. Harvesting takes place in August and September.

Reviews about Astrakhan watermelon

Due to the resistance to the development of diseases inherent in gourds, Astrakhan watermelon has become one of the most beloved varieties in all regions of Russia. Farmers and gardeners note its unpretentiousness in cultivation, long shelf life and good transportability. This variety does not require special care and additional fertilizers and expensive fertilizers. Seeds are inexpensive and sold in any city. Properly grown ripe fruits are in good demand in the market, so many summer residents plant watermelons for sale.

Reviews of the Astrakhan watermelon indicate that most consumers prefer this particular variety. The main advantage is its juicy, fragrant, sweet and tender flesh. In the hot season, watermelon juice perfectly quenches thirst and is a dietary product. It is consumed fresh and pickled. There are many recipes using this product.

In addition to excellent taste, buyers also note beneficial properties for the body. In their opinion, Astrakhan watermelon helps to lower blood pressure, and also helps to get rid of edema. Some claim that watermelons can boost your mood and improve your overall health.

Planting, care and collection are not particularly difficult. This is within the power of even a novice summer resident. Do-it-yourself Astrakhan watermelon will not only be a wonderful table decoration, but also a source of vitamins and useful trace elements. This surprisingly large striped berry will appeal to all family members.

The famous Astrakhan watermelon was bred as a separate variety in 1977. It has a classic spherical or slightly oblong shape, bright red fragrant, very juicy and sweet, coarse-grained flesh. Smooth thick skin striped. The average fruit weight is 8-10 kilograms. In the article we will talk about the watermelon of the Astrakhan variety, when it ripens, we will give feedback and recommendations on planting, care, and cultivation.

Astrakhan watermelon is one of the largest varieties of this plant, which has a special taste, color and size.

Description of the Astrakhan variety watermelon

The main characteristics of the variety are presented in the table:

Options Description
Ripening period mid-late
Time from germination to technical maturity 70-85 days
Taste a great
Marketable condition excellent
Disease resistance Immunity to anthracnose, fusarium, most diseases characteristic of melons
Month of sowing May
Seeding scheme 90x50
Density 1 m between rows, 50 cm between plants
Seeding depth 4 cm
Cleaning Aug. Sept
Advantages Excellent keeping quality, good transportability, unpretentiousness in cultivation and care
yield The variety is high yielding. Total yield 120 t/ha

Features of growing watermelon variety Astrakhan

In the southern regions of Russia, this variety is grown with seeds in open field. In the regions of the middle zone and the Moscow region, the seedling method is used mainly. 4-5 weeks before planting, the seeds are kept in a solution of manganese and zinc for a day to protect future sprouts from diseases. Then they need to be wrapped in thin paper or cotton cloth and placed in water. There, at a temperature of +28 degrees, they will be left until the sprouts hatch.

Then they are planted in separate containers filled with peat. When the plants have 3-4 leaves, seedlings can be planted in open ground. At the same time, a week before planting, the temperature and frequency of watering are gradually reduced. Basic requirements for growing watermelons in the Moscow region and middle lane- air warmed up to + 21-29 degrees, no weeds and a sunny place. Read also the article: → "Features of growing watermelons in the Moscow region."

Astrakhan watermelon became famous precisely because of its dimensions, unlike most varieties, its fruits are very large.

Watermelons are very sensitive to predecessors. They do not grow well in the place where they used to grow pumpkin, melon, cucumbers, cabbage. And it's good - where potatoes, beans, peas, corn grew. The soil for seedlings should be light in texture. Seedlings are placed in holes at a distance of a meter, to a depth of 8 cm. Watermelons, like all other gourds, do not like acidic soils.

Since watermelons need a lot of heat, the soil between the plants is covered with a 4-5 cm layer of mulch - this increases the temperature of the earth by almost 10 degrees and prevents it from drying out. During active growth, plants are fed with nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus mixtures. Read also the article: → "Mineral and organic fertilizers for watermelons: fertilizing scheme."

The technology of growing the Astrakhan variety of watermelon provides for weeding, loosening, and moderate watering. Plant residues after weeding should be immediately removed from the site. Watermelons are drought tolerant but very well irrigated. When the main stem and leaves grow, the plants need to be watered heavily.

Tip #1 When fruiting begins, watering is reduced - so the fruits will ripen faster.

According to the type of Astrakhan watermelon, breeders bred the Rapid variety, which ripens in 58-60 days, and the Photon F1 hybrid, which ripens in 65 days. Both of these types of watermelons are high-yielding, very tasty. They have a keeping quality of 2-3 weeks, but are well transported. Fusarium resistant.

How to care for Astrakhan watermelon

Watermelon seedlings are planted in late May - early June. The plot for watermelons should be well warmed up, protected from the wind, illuminated by the sun. It is advisable to arrange beds for watermelons in the south or southeast side. Good predecessors of watermelons are alfalfa, sweet clover, sainfoin, winter wheat, onions, annual legumes. Artificial pollination is very effective. It should be done in the morning, at a temperature not higher than + 18-20 degrees.

Tip #2 To accelerate the growth of lashes, they are pinched in such a way that there are no more than 3-5 leaves above the watermelons. Deformed and weak shoots are completely removed.

There should be no more than five ovaries on one plant. The first top dressing is applied to watering grooves located at a distance of 0.25 meters from the plants after the length of the lashes reaches 35-40 cm. During this period of plant development, liquid chicken manure diluted in a ratio of 1:20 or a solution based on mullein (1:10). The second dressing is applied before the stage of active budding. The third - after the formation of the ovaries. Each top dressing is supplemented with abundant watering. Read also the article: → "Rules for the care of watermelons in the open field and in the greenhouse."

In the photo you can roughly imagine what Astrakhan watermelon is in size.

How to grow a watermelon in the suburbs

To extend the life of watermelons, in the Moscow region it is better to grow them through seedlings. The best results are obtained when planting watermelon seedlings at the age of 25-30 days. If you plan to plant seedlings under temporary shelters, then this should be done in the second half of May. If you want to immediately plant seedlings in open ground, which is very risky in the Moscow region, especially if the spring is cold, then this should be done in early June.

Shoots of watermelons hatch 5-6 days after sowing, and it takes the same amount of time for a sprout to appear from a seed, we conclude: in order to observe optimal timing, a time run of 35 days is required. This means that seed preparation should begin in early April, if temporary shelters are provided for seedlings. If you plan to grow a crop only in open ground, then postpone the processing and sowing of seeds until April 25. At the same time, one should not forget that the Moscow region cannot boast of a warm climate.

But the problem is not hopeless. If you follow some recommendations, you can achieve good results.

  1. In the spring, you need to warm up the bed. In order for the snow to melt faster and the earth begin to thaw, scatter the ashes over the area in March. And in April, water the beds very warm water and cover with foil. By May, the soil should warm up so that the plants can develop normally in it.
  2. The seedless method may even be preferable, as experienced gardeners have noticed that watermelon seedlings are much more sensitive to lack of light than to heat. At home, it quickly stretches, and the seeds sown in open ground on May 2 germinate together and rapidly, and the plants from them then develop better and faster than from seedlings.
  3. Cover the bed with foil. This will quickly warm up the soil. The roots of watermelons require a temperature of about +30 degrees. And by the time the really hot days come, the bed will be completely covered with leaves that will absorb excess solar energy, so overheating will not happen. In addition, covering the bed with a film is a method of weed control. And, in the end, it will keep the soil moist.
  4. Remove cover from bushes as soon as possible. For plants, not only heat, nutrition, water are important, but also the direct rays of the sun and air. Most likely, only in May and the first week of June will need shelter with a film. The foliage of watermelons is tough and strong, so it is unlikely to be damaged by a short-term cold snap. The main thing is to keep the roots warm.

What you need to know when choosing Astrakhan watermelon

Astrakhan watermelon begins to ripen in August, and the harvest reaches its peak closer to September. Those watermelons that appear on the shelves earlier are, most likely, precocious dutch hybrids grown often with the use of chemistry. When examining such watermelons, you can find a slightly rotten area with a dot - this is a symptom of the fact that saltpeter was injected with a syringe to accelerate growth.

On the surface of a real Astrakhan watermelon there should not be a matte coating, and a glare should be visible on it when sunlight is reflected. The yellow spot on the fruit is the place where the watermelon touches the ground. If it is small, then the watermelon ripened in good conditions on one's own. A large spot indicates a lack of sunlight and heat.

A similar watermelon is watery and not sweet enough. The “tail” of a good watermelon is yellowish and dried. If it has dried up completely, then the watermelon is already long time kept torn. If there is no "tail" at all, then it is better not to buy such a watermelon. When patted, a ripe watermelon buzzes and crackles when squeezed with hands.

This is how the first ovaries of the Astrakhan watermelon look in close-up.

Diseases and pests of the Astrakhan watermelon

Among the diseases that affect watermelons, most often it is bacteriosis and powdery mildew. With the latter disease, stems and leaves suffer: they turn yellow and die. If the disease progresses, the fetuses suffer. With bacteriosis, brown spots appear on the leaves, which eventually spread to watermelons. In the fight against these diseases, mullein infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 or fungicides will help: Bordeaux mixture, Skor, Fundazol, Decis.

Mistakes when growing watermelons

Growing watermelons is a complex process. Even if all conditions are met, there is no guarantee that watermelons will grow large and tasty. It would seem that gardeners choose the most sunny areas for planting watermelons, water them very carefully, weed them. And as a result, small and sour fruits are obtained. Why?

  1. Watermelons grow small if they are grown on black earth soil. It is rich in nitrogen, which nourishes mainly the leaves. And there are not enough minerals for the growth of fruits.
  2. Experienced gardeners recommend planting watermelons not with seeds, but with seedlings. In this case, the likelihood of getting larger fruits increases. Care must be taken to ensure that the watermelons are located freely and do not interfere with each other's growth.
  3. As the fruits ripen, they must be turned over. Otherwise, moisture from the rains will accumulate under them, and they will begin to rot. In addition, ants will eat them. Anthills that appear near watermelons must be destroyed immediately.
  4. Make sure that the garden is well fenced - birds may appear on the site that can peck watermelons.

Unfortunately, not every climate is ideal for growing and propagating this plant.

Answers to questions about growing watermelons

Question number 1. Can different varieties of watermelons be planted together?

Question number 2. How to properly plant watermelon seedlings in the Moscow region?

In this region, it is better to plant seedlings in a greenhouse. Not earlier than mid-April. Care for seedlings in the same way as for cucumber or pumpkin. If your seedlings will continue to grow in the greenhouse, then it is better to tie up the lashes vertically. The ovaries, in the process of how they will gain weight, will also need to be tied up, having previously packed them into a supporting mesh.

Question number 3. How to plant a watermelon on a pumpkin?

Cucumbers and melons are usually grafted onto pumpkins. It makes no sense to graft a watermelon that already has a good, disease-resistant root system. However, I would like to talk about one method of vaccination - rapprochement. It is necessary to cut the stem of the watermelon and pumpkin in half and tie them tightly, wrapping them with polyethylene. When they grow together, you should cut the stem of the watermelon from below, and the stem of the pumpkin from above.

Question number 4. Why did I only have one watermelon from a bush?

At the watermelons female flowers appear en masse on lateral shoots. Therefore, as soon as three to five true leaves appear, the central shoot must be pinched. In the middle lane and in the Moscow region, it is generally desirable to leave no more than three fruits on the whip so that they have time to ripen. To this end, after setting the fruit, it is necessary to pinch the side shoots, and cut the rest so that they do not waste food. Watering watermelons is necessary only before fruit set. Then reduce watering to a minimum or eliminate it altogether if it is very hot.

Astrakhan watermelons are a legendary variety that is grown throughout Russia. It is valued for its unpretentiousness, high yield and excellent taste characteristics. In addition, the berries of the variety are very long-lived and can be transported over long distances, which was appreciated by many farmers.

Variety Description

The variety of Astrakhan watermelons was bred in 1977 by K.E. Dyutin. These watermelons have an even spherical shape. When ripe, their flesh is bright red, it has excellent taste characteristics. In dry years, watermelons of this variety are prone to the formation of voids, which in no way affect their taste.

The peel of the Astrakhan watermelon is smooth, with a characteristic pattern of alternating dark and light green stripes with uneven edges. Distinctive feature of this variety is obligatory thick-bore.

The average weight of these berries can be about 8 kg. According to the ripening period, Astrakhan watermelon belongs to the group of medium-early, from the moment the sprouts appear to the onset of maturity, it takes from 70 to 85 days.

This variety also has increased resistance to most diseases characteristic of gourds, and its fruits after harvest can be stored for up to 2 months without losing their qualities.

Seeding technology

Until recently, it was believed that good harvest watermelons can only be obtained in the southern regions of our country, but this belief is fundamentally wrong. With the advent of new varieties and hybrids, the geography of cultivation of watermelons has expanded significantly.

There are two main ways to grow watermelons: seedling and seedless. The first is used in the middle lane with late spring and return frosts, and the second in the south.

Astrakhan watermelon: cultivation (video)

seedless way

With this method, watermelon seeds are sown directly into the ground. Before sowing, they must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate in a rich pink color. They are kept in it for about half an hour, and then washed.

You can sow in the ground with dry or germinated seeds. In the first case, sowing begins immediately after seed treatment. In the second, the treated seeds are placed in a bag of thin fabric and poured with warm water. Water must be changed daily until sprouts appear. After that, you can start sowing.

seedling method

With the seedling method of growing, the seeds are also pre-etched in a solution of potassium permanganate. To improve germination, germination stimulants, for example, Epin, can also be added to it. Next, the seeds must be germinated. To do this, they are laid out on a tray, on the bottom of which several layers are placed. toilet paper or cloth and moistened with warm water. A container with soaked seeds is placed in a place with a temperature of about 28-30°C. In this case, be sure to ensure that they do not dry out.

If all conditions are met, after 5-6 days the seeds will hatch, and it will be possible to start sowing. For sowing, you can use any plastic cups or cassettes. They are filled with a mixture of equal parts humus, sand and sod land or use ready-made peat soil intended for growing seedlings.

Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm. They can be sown one by one in a cup or cell, or 3. Further, to maintain moisture, it is recommended to cover the crops with a film, which must be removed immediately as soon as shoots begin to appear.

After sowing, the planting containers are placed in the warmest and brightest place, where they contain until 3-4 true leaves appear. Care for them at this stage is timely watering.

The most important thing when growing seedlings of watermelons is to maintain the correct temperature regime. It is not more than 25° in daytime and not below 16 ° at night. If you do not adhere to the required temperatures, the seedlings will stretch very quickly.

At the time of planting seedlings in the ground, its age should be about a month. Knowing this, it is not difficult to calculate the approximate sowing dates, in the middle lane it will be the first half of April, since the earth will warm up sufficiently only by mid-May. Also, a week before planting, seedlings must be hardened off. To do this, they take it out to the balcony or veranda for a day.

Landing in the ground

Light and loose soils are best suited for planting watermelons. Also, this culture does not like to grow after cucumbers or pumpkins, but it treats peas and beans well. It is advisable to prepare areas for planting watermelons in the fall. To do this, humus is introduced under digging in the fall.

Further, holes are made in the ground at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Watermelons love space and if planted too tightly, it will not work to grow large fruits. Each hole contains 2 or 3 plants. Planting watermelon seedlings is carried out together with a clod of earth from a container, the roots of young plants are very sensitive, so you need to be very careful. Bushes of watermelons are buried in the soil to the level of cotyledon leaves.

Care rules

Caring for watermelons consists in regular watering, loosening, weeding. This culture is very responsive to watering and top dressing. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all top dressing is carried out at the beginning of the growing season. The first time they are carried out after the young plants began to produce whips. To do this, you can use mullein infusion and superphosphate. The second - during the formation of ovaries, while using a group of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Watering watermelons should not be frequent, but plentiful. These plants have a very long tap root, which extracts moisture very well even from great depths. By the time the fruits ripen, watering is stopped to speed up their filling.

Pests and diseases

Of the diseases, the culture of watermelon is most often affected by powdery mildew and bacteriosis. With powdery mildew, leaves and stems suffer, which first turn yellow and then die. With a strong progression of the disease, even the fruits themselves suffer. To combat powdery mildew, mullein infusion is used, which is diluted in a ratio of 1: 3 or special fungicidal preparations.

With bacteriosis, brown spots appear on the leaves of watermelons, which, when further development diseases spread to the fetus. To combat this disease, Bordeaux liquid or copper-based fungicidal preparations are used.


The peak of Astrakhan watermelon ripening falls on August and September. They are harvested as they mature. The fruit from each bush will have to be removed at several times. For collection, it is best to use a pruner or knife, which carefully cuts off the stem of the plant. If it is simply torn off, then there is a very high probability of damage to the fruits, after which they will quickly rot.

A sign of the ripeness of watermelons is the dried stalk and antennae. The crust of such berries looks even and shiny, and the side on which the watermelon lay on the ground acquires yellow. It is best to harvest fruits in dry and clear weather.

How to plant a watermelon (video)

Growing watermelons of the Astrakhan variety is not particularly difficult, even a novice gardener can handle it. And grown with your own hands, these striped berries will become a real delicacy for all family members.

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