How to plant an avocado in a pot. Rules and secrets of growing avocados from the stone at home

  • 13.06.2019

The stone in the avocado is large and gives almost half the weight. If you plant it, you can get a whole tree with delicious fruits at home. It is unpretentious and does not require special care, so any novice gardener can grow an avocado from a stone. If you carry out proper care and care for the avocado, then the plant will probably bear the first fruits in 3-4 years.

Growing avocados in an apartment

At the initial stage, it is necessary to select planting material. To do this, a ripened fruit is selected in a store or fruit kiosk, from which it will then be necessary to take the seed. If it is overripe or does not have time to ripen, then such a bone will be difficult to germinate. It is pulled out, this should be done carefully so as not to damage the future seed. The bone is placed with a blunt end in the water, make sure that the water covers it only halfway.

You can use this method to germinate it at home: stick toothpicks into the holes for half a centimeter and hang it over a container of water. Holes are made carefully so as not to injure the seed once again. You can simply put the bone on the bottom of the container and add a little water. Water is added daily. Planting material is removed in a warm place and within three months the first shoots will appear on it. The first signal for germination will be the appearance of cracks between the cotyledons. As soon as the stone bursts, it is planted in the ground, lowering it into the ground with half the blunt end down.

It should be planted in a pot at the bottom, which is laid out a drainage layer, and soil for flowers or ordinary earth is poured on top. garden plot. Avocado is not capricious in relation to the soil, so it doesn’t matter what soil it is planted in. It is not necessary to pour the seed during this period of time, but you need to watch that the soil does not dry out. After releasing the first sprouts, the plant begins to grow rapidly, reaching one centimeter per day.

Conditions for growing homemade avocados

Avocado is an exotic plant accustomed to a humid climate, warmth and light, so it is important not only to know how to grow an avocado from a seed at home, but also how to provide it with a decent existence.

In an apartment, the plant requires high humidity, therefore, regular spraying is necessary so that its environment is comfortable. If the air in the room where you decide to plant an avocado is extremely dry, then its foliage begins to dry out. Where there is a pot of avocados a large number of light, but without the direct burning sun. Growing it indoors, also near a window under such rays, will lead to reddening of the leaves.

It is important to ensure that the temperature in the apartment is at least 12 degrees Celsius. The plant that you decided to plant three months ago, with proper care, reaches 50 centimeters in height, and this is not surprising, because the tree is actively growing and gaining strength. The plant is overgrown with huge leaves, reaching thirty-five centimeters in length, and stretches upwards. You can not let him reach the ceiling, in connection with this, pinch the top to form the crown of the plant.

Transplanting it goes annually into a larger pot. There are times when it sheds leaves at home. This behavior is not typical, but you should not despair, and the grower should continue to care for the plant, because it will grow back and be green.

Remember that in an apartment, the height of an avocado reaches the ceiling, and in its natural environment it can be up to 20 meters, so you need to pinch the top in time.

If an avocado isn't fruiting...

Planting a seed is half the battle, but waiting for the fruits becomes the cherished goal of many gardeners. Often, the fruiting of a plant is delayed for several years, until its height reaches two meters. To obtain fruits, you need to graft an avocado or immediately buy an already grafted seedling.

There are frequent cases when it is both grafted and has reached the desired growth, but simply does not want to bear fruit. Then it remains to wait another year or just shrug and be content with only beautiful leaves and floriculture results. At home, avocados may often not bloom or bear fruit. You can try to strengthen the pinching, but this is not a guarantee of success. The lack of fruits is often caused by the lack of cross-pollination, which is rarely possible at home.

Despite the difficulties in obtaining fruits, the toxicity of some varieties for pets and careful selection planting material- the plant will delight its owner with exotic species and large beautiful leaves. It is very pleasant to look at the result of your labors, especially if it has become an exotic southern plant called avocado. And to get fruits, it is easier to plant an orange or a lemon in the ground, if you want to get exactly the fruits.

Sooner or later, each of us decides to plant a tree. And the point is not only that this is one of the three things that a man is obliged to do, but also that it is simply pleasant to watch how a sprout appears from a bone, how it grows and after a certain time becomes beautiful tree. If you are not an experienced gardener and have not even held any garden accessories in your own hands, then we advise you to start your experiments with avocados. If you don’t know how to properly grow an avocado from a seed and are worried that such an experiment will not give the desired result, then just read this article, because we will tell you how to settle a beautiful exotic plant in your home.

Avocado belongs to the laurel family, in natural conditions it reaches eighteen meters in length. At home, the tree will be significantly smaller in length, and it will not bear fruit, but despite this it looks very beautiful. In addition, this exotic fruit is completely unpretentious, and therefore a miracle will definitely happen.

To do this, you just need to purchase the fruit you like in the store and you can safely get to work.

The only trick is that you should definitely take only a ripe fruit, since nothing can grow from an unripe fruit.

Sprouting avocado seeds at home in water

To plant an avocado seed at home, you need to go preparatory stage, that is, to sprout a bone. To do this, select the bone of a mature intact fetus and remove it. Be careful not to break the pit when cutting the flesh. Do not cut deeper than 1 cm.

The stone is covered with a brown peel, which can be removed, but it is better to leave it all the same, it will fall off on its own over time. Gently rinse the stone under warm running water to remove any remaining pulp.

There are 2 options for seed germination. You can simply put the bone in the bottom of a plastic cup with a little water so that half is above the water. But more often still recommend the method using toothpicks. Insert 4 toothpicks into the bone no deeper than 5 mm and place on the surface of a glass of water. Only half of the bone should be under water, the blunt part should be in the water, and the sharp part should be above the water. Place the glass in a well-lit area and be prepared to wait. Water must be added and periodically changed, as it becomes contaminated with dust and microorganisms.

Most likely you will have to wait a long time, from 3 weeks to 2 months. First, the brown peel will crack, and then a crack will appear on the bone itself, a spine will appear, and then a sprout in the upper part.

After the appearance of the sprout, the stone can be planted in the ground, very carefully so as not to damage the root. The pot should immediately be of medium size. Soil can be purchased at any gardening store. Don't forget drainage. Avocado does not tolerate both drought and excessive moisture and stagnant water. You need to plant with the blunt side down, so that the top of the seed with the sprout is not sprinkled with earth. If the entire bone is covered, the sprout will begin to rot and you will not wait for the tree. While the tree is small, it needs to be watered daily, but in small portions. It will give you a sign that you are overwatering: the leaves will turn brown.

Germination of avocado seeds at home in the ground

The avocado seed is also germinated in the ground. This will require a soil mixture of earth, humus, sand and peat. We take all components in equal parts and add 14 parts of lime. So that the water does not stagnate, we make small holes in the bottom of the plastic container. The container will need a small one - only about 10 cm in depth and the same in diameter. At the bottom we make drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene. Now let's start planting the bone.

Only half of it is immersed in the ground with a blunt tip down. The soil must always be moist, and then after a certain time, avocado sprouts will appear.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

Transplanting an avocado seed into the ground

Avocados do not like too heavy, sour and clay soils, so simple land from a garden plot will not work. The soil mixture will have to be prepared as follows: It is necessary to take garden soil, peat, coarse sand, humus and a pinch of lime in equal proportions. Mix all components thoroughly. Everything, the soil mixture is ready. The same soil must be used in case of planting the seed directly into the ground.

Since the earth from the garden can be filled with harmful microbes, it is better to try to disinfect the prepared mixture by spilling it with boiling water the day before planting the seed or germinated seed.

For planting, it is better to take a simple plastic pot, no more than 15 cm high. It is better not to use a clay container in this case, since the walls of such a pot can let in moisture, which is vital for avocados. The bottom of the selected pot should be well water-permeable, and should also be equipped with drainage system, which can be made using special granules or the usual expanded clay.

A seedling with a sprout does not need to be completely buried in the ground. It is only necessary to dig it a third. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Features of caring for an avocado tree

After the seedling has gone into growth, there will no longer be any special problems with growing avocados, all the most difficult is left behind. When creating a tree good conditions it will grow and develop rapidly, decorating the room with a lush crown.

Lighting. An adult plant does not need too much light, you can grow avocados in rooms facing north, east or west. From 12.00 to 16.00 be sure to shade from direct sunlight. In winter, it is desirable to provide additional lighting.

Air temperature. The plant is thermophilic, it will feel good in the range from +14 °C to +21 °C. Critically low - +10 °C.

Watering and air humidity. Water the plant should be frequent, but avoid dampness in the pot. Upper layer soil should always be slightly moistened. Air humidity is required at least 65%, to create a suitable microclimate, frequent spraying and decorative water containers placed near the avocado are suitable.

Application of fertilizers. After the avocado seed has been planted in the substrate, the seedling does not need additional nutrition. As it grows, after 4–6 months, fertilizers can be applied to the soil. The procedure is carried out once a month, you can use any complex fertilizers intended for indoor floriculture.

Crown formation. To grow a beautiful tree with a lush crown, it is imperative to pinch. The first pinching of the main stem is recommended after the appearance of the 8th leaf. Next, form a crown from the side branches. As soon as the 5th–7th leaf appears on the young shoot, it should be pinched off. Optimal Height avocado at home - about one and a half meters.

Transfer. Young specimens should be transplanted annually in the spring, choosing spacious containers. Upon reaching the age of 3-4 years, the tree can be planted in a tub and not disturbed for 3 years.

How to grow avocados from seed.

Many of us prefer avocados. This fruit has an unusual oily taste, so it can be added to both salty salads and fruit salads. But what can he do with the bone, which makes up half the mass of the entire fetus? In this article, we will tell you what to do with the bone, and how to grow an avocado tree with it.

When is it better to germinate and plant an avocado seed in the ground: timing.

For these purposes, you need to purchase a ripe fruit. Unripe fruits will not work, as you will not be able to grow a culture from such a bone. It should be understood that the thickness of the peel is quite decent, so you need to germinate it initially in order to plant it in the soil later.

Drop off times may vary. When it is convenient for you, because at home almost all the time the same temperature conditions. As for the germination of the stone, usually the sprout can be seen after 3 weeks or 3 months. Yes indeed, the sprout sprouts for a long time.

Sprouting and planting an avocado pit

Which side to plant an avocado seed?

It is worth noting that it is not enough just to immerse the stone in the ground and water it. Because the peel is strong enough and is poorly destroyed. Therefore, the ideal option is to drill small holes in the bark, stick toothpicks into them, and dip the avocado seed with the blunt side down. You can just put a bone on the bottom of the glass and wait for it to hatch.

Avocados need to be planted in the soil with the blunt side down, this is where the sprout is located, which will most quickly come out and break through the shell of the stone.

How to germinate an avocado seed in a pot of earth: a description

You can germinate an avocado seed not only with a glass of water, but also with the use of soil.


  • To do this, you need to take a soil that passes water well. It is best to use peat or sod.
  • Next, you need to moisten the soil well and bury the bone, but not completely. It is necessary that the third part of the bone peeks out on the surface.
  • And it wasn't covered by the ground. You need to water the soil every 3-5 days. The germination process can take up to three months, so be patient and don't rush to discard the pit.

In what water should you put the avocado seed, which end?

There are three ways to germinate a plant.


  • To do this, place the stone in a glass by a third, blunt side down, and wait for germination. Or in a hanging state, with the help of pricking on a toothpick. You need to stick the toothpicks shallowly into the crust and use these supports to set on a glass of water.
  • The blunt side needs to be in the water. This way you can observe the appearance of roots. First, the top now the bones will begin to peel off, and then you will see the first roots.
  • For sprouting, it is best to use clean water. In no case should it be boiled. The ideal option will be filtered water or melted water. It contains a minimum of bacteria. Therefore, such water will not rot and bloom.
  • You don't have to change the water very often. It is necessary to lower the avocado into the water with the blunt end of the stone.

Avocado seed: how many days does it take to germinate?

Regarding the germination period, you need to be patient. Because in some online publications they write that the period is 4 weeks. But in practice, the bone can germinate even after 3 months. It all depends on the density of the stone crust, as well as on the strength of the sprout and germination conditions.

Why the avocado seed does not germinate: reasons, what to do?

There are several reasons why an avocado pit won't germinate:

  • First of all, this is an incorrectly chosen fruit. If you chose a green avocado, then nothing will work, because the seed is unripe.
  • Failure to comply with the landing rules. Perhaps the soil in which you lowered the stone is dry or not sufficiently supplied with minerals. Perhaps it just does not pass water well and the bone dries up.

An avocado seed has sprouted: what to do next, how to plant a sprouted avocado seed in the ground, save the seed during transplantation or remove it?

The germinated bone is transplanted into a pot after the length of the roots is 3 cm. It is also possible that a sprout will hatch.


  • For transplanting, a plastic pot is selected with a large number of holes for draining water. The earth is abundantly watered and the stone is immersed in the soil by 1/3. No need to completely bury the bone, it will soon become some kind of decoration.
  • After planting the seed, you need to put the pot in a warm place and water it often. Usually, watering is carried out in a pan, that is, a container that is placed under the pot and the soil absorbs water through the hole in the pot. The plants themselves will take as much moisture as it needs.
  • In no case should you break off or remove the bone. In this way, you can damage the roots and sprout. The whole thing will go down the drain, the bone serves as a kind of decoration. Don't worry that she looks unsightly now.
  • After a while, from bursting and rough, it will become smooth and beautiful, pink. Its size will increase, it will serve as a kind of decoration for the avocado tree.

Avocado tree from the stone: care

Caring for the plant is quite simple. It does not need to be additionally illuminated. It is enough just to put it on the windowsill on the south side, where there is a lot of sun.


  • Needs to be watered frequently. Avocado is transplanted when it grows to a level of 15 cm. Many recommend that after the plant reaches this height, cut it off. Leave only 8 cm of the stem.
  • This will stimulate the growth of the plant and make it more lush, and will also stimulate the growth of additional side shoots. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to spray avocado leaves and water with mineral fertilizers.
  • For planting, it is best to use mixed loose soil or you can cook it yourself. By mixing one part peat, one part river sand, and one part garden soil.

Avocado from the stone: will there be flowering?

Avocado grown from a stone at home blooms and bears fruit quite rarely. Because plants such as oranges, tangerines and persimmons must be grafted. In almost 95-99%, you will not get any flowers or fruits if you do not graft the plant. You can initially buy an already grafted plant.

Will an avocado from the pit bear fruit?

Usually, an avocado tree is grown not for the purpose of obtaining fruits, but in order to admire ornamental plant. After all, this is a rather unusual culture that looks interesting and unusual.

What does an avocado tree look like at home: photo

The appearance of the tree directly depends on how you care for it. Therefore, if you give your tree little time, then most likely it will wither and will not grow. At a constant good care you can get a healthy, strong tree that will decorate your windowsill. Below are photos that show what a home grown avocado tree looks like.

You should not expect a tree to grow 2 m tall, as happens in nature. Because the conditions at home are different from those on open ground. If you have a desire to have exotic plant, you can grow an avocado tree from a seed.

VIDEO: Avocado from the stone

Growing an avocado from a seed is a great idea for a home hobby. It's interesting evergreen has a pleasant aroma and oily fruits. Those who want to decorate their apartment with this tree will be interested to know that growing an avocado at home from a stone is a very simple process, as it might seem at first glance.


Selected ripe fruit no visible rot or damage.

It is cut into two halves and the bone is taken out, which must be thoroughly rinsed with cool water.

This is done in order to remove all the pulp, which can cause the seed to rot.

Bone germination

There are two ways to grow an avocado from a seed at home:

  • With water

To do this, take 3 toothpicks, which pierce the core from three sides. They will hold the bone so that it does not fall into the water completely. The seed is lowered into the container in such a way that a little more than half of the seed should be in the water. It is better to use a transparent container in which it will be much more convenient to observe the growth of the roots. It is necessary to change such water at least once every 5-6 days.

The first roots appear in about a month and a half, the upper part of the seed cracks at this time. After some time, the sprout of the future stem will hatch.

Particular attention should be paid to the roots, they should not dry out.

  • With soil

First you need to prepare the soil: mix expanded clay with peat, water it. The stone with a blunt end is placed in the ground, the sharp end remains above the soil.

Create a mini greenhouse by covering the pot plastic wrap or glass.

Mangoes are placed on a light, warm windowsill. If everything was done without errors, the first shoots will appear in a month and a half.

A dangerous toxin (persin) is found in the leaves and seeds of avocados, so this plant is not recommended for those who have Small child or a cat.

Rules for growing avocados at home

  1. maintenance high humidity air.

This culture comes from the tropics, where it is warm and humid. This means that an avocado seed tree at home needs regular spraying. This will create a favorable microclimate for successful cultivation. You can use special humidifiers or install on a pallet with expanded clay, which is periodically filled with water. If the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, the air is too dry.

  1. Creating a sufficient level of illumination

The tree prefers bright places, but it must be protected from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get burned.

  1. Optimum temperature

The temperature during cultivation should be at least 15 ° C.

  1. Timely watering

It is necessary when the soil dries well, using settled or melt water room temperature. Too frequent watering provokes the development of diseases, the appearance of rot, insufficient - drying out and the gradual death of the roots.

  1. Fertilizer use

You can feed avocados with any complex mineral fertilizer once every two to three weeks. In this case, the plant will grow and develop rapidly.

V winter period when kept in a cold room (10-12 ° C), the plant sheds leaves that grow back in spring. For the summer period, it can be taken out into the street (placed in partial shade). Avocados can be grown permanently in open ground if the air temperature does not fall below + 10 ° C.

How to form a beautiful tree?

Before you grow an avocado from a seed at home, you must definitely decide what size tree it is possible to place in an apartment. After all, it grows very quickly: during the first 3 months, the avocado grows up to 50-60 cm in height.

Then the growth goes a little slower. To get a beautiful crown, the top must be pinched, stimulating the development of lateral branches. But you should not be zealous with pruning either: too strong or too frequent slows down the growth of the tree.

You can weave an interesting composition from several trunks. Several sprouts are planted in one container at once, as they grow, they are twisted together. This looks very unusual.

Once a year, it is advisable to transplant the tree into a pot of a slightly larger diameter, replacing the main part of the soil. Most auspicious time for transplanting - the beginning of spring.

Three years after planting, small yellow-green flowers appear on the plant. For cross-pollination, you need to have several copies.

Possible problems

  1. Pest infestation

The most trouble is delivered by and. To prevent their occurrence, you should regularly humidify the air and carefully inspect the plants. In case of infection, manual collection of insects, washing the tree with a solution of laundry soap helps. If the above methods do not work, apply an insecticide (for example, Aktar).

  • Dry leaf tips

Reason: too dry air.

  • Leaves dry and fall

Reason: excessive watering, too low air or water temperature for irrigation, the plant is standing in a draft.

  • First the leaves dry, soon the whole tree disappears

Reason: lack of water, especially during the dry summer period.

  • Leaves become too pale, lose color, young shoots stretch

Reason: too dark place, lack of light.

  1. In conditions of too humid air and low temperatures, the plant is affected. For protection, spraying with an appropriate fungicide (for example, Topaz) is carried out.

Those who decide to plant an avocado from a stone at home should take into account that this tree will definitely bear fruit only if it is vaccinated. If you follow all the requirements correctly, then growing such an exotic tree will not cause any particular difficulties.

TV show about growing avocados at home

The topic of growing avocados is often devoted to stories on television, watch the video:

A large 10 or 20 meter tree, and growing it on a stone window sill will allow you to get a miniature copy of this exotic giant. Here we will look at the rules for planting avocados, tell you how to propagate it, how to care for it so that the tree looks no worse than in the photo in gardening magazines.

Planting an avocado

The avocado fruit is also called the “alligator pear”, and the tree itself is called Perseus. In order for a plant planted at home to bear fruit, conditions are simply ideal. Most of the time they never show up. Geographically, there are 3 types of Perseus:

  • mexican;
  • Guatemalan;
  • antillean.

At home, the first species is predominantly grown - Mexican Perseus. There are many varieties that, as you can see in the photo, differ different form fruits. Since the tree belongs to the laurel family, then the soil for it will need the appropriate one: loose, moisture-intensive, drained, with a neutral reaction.

young plant

The soil mixture for planting can be prepared at home from pre-calcined sand, coconut fiber, garden soil, humus, a small amount of ash or lime. Next, you should take a container with holes for drainage, lay expanded clay on the bottom, pour the soil mixture on top. Then a recess is made in the ground, a germinated bone is placed there so that the sharp part remains above the ground, watered using settled water.

After 10-14 days, the tree should grow to 11 cm. Now it needs a large feeding area, so a second transplant is carried out. After 3 months, the avocado will look like in the photo, while it will grow to 0.5 m. At an early age, Perseus is transplanted every year, and later - after 3 years.

Tip: To make home perseus bush well, regularly pinch the tops of the shoots.

Avocado reproduction

Exotic lovers propagate avocados in two ways: by pitting and by budding. To obtain seeds, use ripe fruits. They are soft to the touch and buttery in taste. Do not use dried seeds, they germinate poorly. For germination, you can choose one of two ways: in water or in the ground. Selecting the first method, perform the following steps:

In the ground germinate as follows:

  • soak the bone in water with a temperature of 50 degrees C;
  • remove the shell, which should soften during this time;
  • cut the bone by 10 mm from the sharp end, having previously disinfected the knife, then treat the cut with any fungicide;
  • planted in the soil, covered with a transparent cap, moistened, periodically ventilated.

Planting an avocado seed in the ground

For summer budding, a sleeping eye is used, and for spring, an eye from seedlings with a stem with a diameter of 7 to 10 mm at the age of 2 years is used.

Attention! The avocado pit and peel contain a toxin, allergic, so it's better to work with this fruit with gloves.

Avocado seedling care: fertilizer and top dressing

In winter, it is desirable for avocados to maintain a temperature of 13 to 18 degrees C and water moderately, in summer - from 24 to 30 with abundant watering. If during the cold period the air in the room is dry, then for normal well-being, the plant needs spraying with warm water.

The shadow of Perseus tolerates well, although it belongs to light-loving plants, but does not like direct sunlight. As the days get shorter, it's best to backlight. Avocado grows quickly, therefore, in order not to get an elongated ugly tree, you should apply pinching, pruning and form a bush from a seedling. The stem is pinched, stepping back from the ground by at least 150 mm, while leaving 3 to 4 shoots. When the trunk grows to 20 cm, pinch the tops of the branches over the 5th leaf.

It is very important that the plant receives enough light.

When you set a goal to see fruits on your pet, but none of the conditions can be violated proper care, but this is not enough - pollination is necessary. Although an avocado can self-pollinate, it is best to help it by cross-pollinating with a brush. This operation is carried out in the morning every 10 days for a month, and then fertilizer is applied. In addition, when a tree blooms, it needs to be provided with good lighting for 15 hours. If, in response to your efforts, the plant begins to bear fruit, new shoots formed at the ends of the branches should be broken out. This will help increase the yield.

Avocados are fed 2 times a month from March to October. For this, slurry or mineral fertilizers containing trace elements are used. An adult Perseus needs nitrogen, it is introduced before the onset of spring and in June.

Diseases and pests, their control

An avocado growing in a room is in wait for pests such as spider mite, shields. Remove insects by hand picking, wash the leaves with soapy water, and if all efforts are unsuccessful, then insecticides are used. If the branches are badly damaged, it is better to remove them.

Falling and drying of the leaves provokes excessive watering, drafts, low temperatures

Sometimes there is drying of the edges of the leaves, loss of color, spots of various colors. All this is the result of mistakes made in the maintenance of the plant, most likely, insufficient moisture levels and poor lighting.

A frequent visitor to the exotic is powdery mildew. As soon as the first signs appear, the tree should be treated with topaz or another fungicide.

Advice. When the leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow on a tree, you should spray it with iron chelate and apply additional fertilizer containing zinc and iron.

Try growing an avocado on your windowsill. Suddenly, your beautiful emerald green plant will delight you not only with its appearance, but with delicious fruits.

We grow avocados at home: video

How to grow avocados at home: photo