How to keep autumn leaves bright and beautiful for a long time. Methods for preserving flowers: in glycerin, gelatin and salt

  • 14.06.2019

beauty autumn leaves can be enjoyed not only in autumn. Some drying methods may result in leaf loss or discolouration. However, there are numerous ways that help keep the color and shape for a long time. After reading this article, you will learn how to dry autumn leaves so that they delight you in the cold season, when the trees on the street are bare and unsightly.



    Choose bright leaves. Collect freshly fallen, bright and rather soft leaves. The leaves may be slightly dry, but not to the point where they break or curl on the sides. Choose whole leaves. Avoid torn or slightly damaged leaves.

    Cover the leaves with adhesive on both sides. For decoupage, a white adhesive is used, which becomes invisible when dried. You can buy an adhesive in a store that sells goods for creativity and needlework. Use a sponge brush to apply adhesive. Lay the leaves out to dry on a sheet of newspaper.

    • In most cases, decoupage should be done the same day the leaves were picked. If you delay this activity, the leaves will dry out, turn brown and brittle.
    • If the leaves are very damp, or if you have picked them directly from the tree without waiting for them to fall, they should be dried for a few days. To do this, put the leaves inside a large book.
  1. Wait until the adhesive is completely dry. It should not stick to your fingers. On the leaves, it should also become completely transparent.

    Repeat on the other side. Flip the leaves over and apply glue to them. When the second side is dry, the leaves are ready to use. This method allows you to keep the color and shape of the leaves for a long period of time.

    Use of paraffin wax

    1. Take fresh leaves. Collect freshly fallen bright leaves. Coating with paraffin wax will give the leaves a beautiful shine. Dry each sheet by wiping it with a paper towel before moving on to the next step.

      Melt the paraffin wax in a disposable bowl. 450 g of paraffin wax should be melted in a disposable dish, heating it over low heat.

      • To melt paraffin wax faster, cut it into large pieces and spread them evenly across the bottom of a disposable dish.
      • If you don't have a disposable container to melt paraffin wax, grab a cake pan that you don't plan on using for cooking anymore. Wax can ruin the mold, so don't use the utensils you're cooking in.
    2. Remove the melted wax from the stove. Be very careful as the melted wax is very hot. Place it carefully on your desktop. Be careful not to overturn the wax container. This is especially important to consider if you have pets or children in your home.

      Dip each leaf into the melted wax. Hold the leaf by the handle and dip it in the wax a few times. Make sure that both sides of the sheet are completely covered with wax. Do not bring your fingers close to hot wax, so as not to burn yourself. Repeat the above steps for the rest of the leaves.

      Lay the leaves out to dry. Lay each waxed sheet on waxed paper and leave in this position until the wax hardens. Let the leaves dry for several hours in a draught-free room. After the leaves have dried, they should special efforts take off the paper. Thanks to this method, the shape and color of the leaves are preserved for a very long time.

      • To be on the safe side, line your worktop with newspaper before laying down some wax paper. Thanks to this, the wax will not fall on the worktable. If the wax gets on the table, it will be very difficult to remove.

    Use of glycerin

    1. Choose fresh leaves or a small twig with leaves. If you want to dry a whole twig of autumn leaves, this method is the way to go. Choose a twig with leaves that are firmly attached to it.

      • This method may slightly change the color of the leaves. Yellows will become more saturated, reds and oranges will become more vibrant.
      • If possible, look for already fallen branches instead of plucking them from trees. Remember that such actions can harm the tree.
      • Do not take branches with diseased or frost-bitten leaves. This method will not bring the desired result if the leaves have been caught by frost.
    2. Cut off the end of each branch. Beat the end of each branch with a hammer so that the fresh tree is visible. This should be done so that the branch absorbs glycerin better. Otherwise, it will not reach the leaves.

      • If you want to dry only the leaves, without the twig, you can skip this step.
    3. Dilute the glycerin solution. It can be purchased at the store. To prepare the solution, mix in large capacity 530 ml liquid vegetable glycerin with 2 liters of water.

      • Glycerin is a natural substance derived from plants. This leaf storage process is environmentally friendly.
      • If you want to dry the leafy twigs, add four to five drops of dishwashing liquid. This makes it easier for the glycerin to penetrate the wood. For best results, use dishwashing liquid that is colorless and odorless. Alternatively, a liquid surfactant, available from a hardware store, can be used.
    4. Place the twigs with leaves in the solution for three to five days. The twigs and leaves will need to soak up the glycerin for three to five days. Place the container with the solution and twigs in a dark place.

      Remove the twigs and leaves from the solution. The color of the leaves will become brighter. In addition, they will become more elastic. You can use the whole twig or individual leaves to make various fakes.

    Using the microwave

      Place fresh leaves between two paper towels. This is good way dry leaves for fakes. However, be prepared for the fact that the color of the leaves may become duller. Place fresh leaves on a two-layer paper towel. Cover them with a single-layer towel on top.

      • Use freshly fallen leaves that still bend well. Do not take leaves with curled ends, torn or stained.
      • For best results, leave a small space between the leaves so they don't stick together.
    1. Dry the leaves in microwave oven. Place the leaves in the microwave and heat them for 30 seconds. Then continue heating for 5 seconds.

      • Autumn leaves usually need to be heated for 30 to 180 seconds before they become completely dry.
      • Be very careful when you put the leaves in the microwave. If you leave them in the microwave for a long time, they may catch fire.
      • If the leaves look burnt, chances are you overcooked them in the microwave. If the leaves are curling around the edges, they probably haven't been in the microwave long enough.
    2. Leave the leaves overnight. Place the leaves in a dark, draft-free place and leave them for at least a night and a maximum of 2 days. If you notice that the leaves begin to fade, they urgently need to be processed.

      Treat the leaves with acrylic spray. Leaves need to be processed on both sides. Wait for the leaves to dry. After that, they can be used to make fakes.

    Use of the book

      Place the leaves between two sheets of paper. Unfortunately, using this method, you will not be able to preserve the color of the leaves. Place the leaves between two sheets of thick printing paper.

      • Use thick paper for printing, not thin tracing paper. Otherwise, the leaves may leave stains.
      • Lay out the leaves in one layer. Do not stack leaves on top of each other, otherwise they may stick together.
      • Choose leaves that are in good condition. They should be freshly fallen and damp. The cuttings should not be dry or twisted.
    1. Place a heavy book on paper. To avoid stains on the book and work surface, place paper towels or toilet paper between a sheet of paper and a book. They absorb moisture from the leaves.

      You can also dry the leaves right in the book, but in this case, you should use only an old book, which will not be a pity, as stains may remain. Place the leaves between the pages of the book. For best results, place each sheet at least 20 pages apart.

      • Use the telephone directory if you have one.
      • Place a heavy object on top of the book. This will keep the leaves flat and dry. You can use other books, bricks, or any other heavy object.
    2. Check the condition of the leaves after a week. They must be dry. If they are still not dry, continue drying for a few days.

    Use of wax paper

      Choose fresh leaves. Use moist, bright and freshly fallen leaves. After the procedure, the leaves will become shiny.

    1. Dry the leaves. Place dry leaves between two paper towels. Arrange the leaves in a single layer so that there is free space between them. iron paper towels from each side. Iron each side for 3-5 minutes.

      • Drying the leaves ahead of time will help them retain their color and quality after covering the leaves with wax paper.
      • Do not use the steam function on the iron when drying leaves. The steam will return moisture to the leaves. Use the dry ironing function.
      • Feel the leaves after ironing them for 3 to 5 minutes. If the sheet is still not dry enough, iron it for a few more minutes on each side.

Golden autumn is in full swing, the beauty in the parks is indescribable. As a family, we love to walk along the autumn forest, rustling leaves, raising whole "pillars" with their feet, making fireworks from them, and on the way home, collect the most beautiful ones and put them in a vase at home ... Oh, but at home in warmth, all this beauty is so short-lived. A couple of days pass and the leaves dry, wither and begin to curl up, but I really wanted to keep the bright colors of autumn and admire them in winter!

And here are the resources! Welcome to the cut to find out all the "magic", as well as for fun ideas of what leaves can do!

Save the leaves

The simplest and most well-known way to preserve leaves is through drying under pressure. But this method is suitable if you want to make a herbarium. Just storing it in a vase or somehow decorating a room with dried leaves is not very good, because the leaves become too brittle. Therefore, if we want to decorate the room with the help of leaves, then it is better to choose a different method of “preservation”.

In order to “prolong the life” of fallen leaves, it is best to collect still “wet” (recently fallen), undamaged leaves.

Method 1 - soak in glycerin

To do this, we need a baking sheet (or a deep tray), a board (which will completely fit into a tray or baking sheet, in fact, glycerin itself (a lot)
Glycerin is the best remedy to maintain plasticity.

We make a solution - 2 parts of water and 1 part of glycerin. The solution needs so much so that our leaves can be drowned in it. The solution is poured into a tray or baking sheet, leaves are placed in one layer, and covered with a board on top so that the leaves are completely recessed. We leave it like that for 2-3 days, and then we check. If the leaves have become plastic, you can dry them, and if they are still a little brittle and “dry” to the touch, then it is better to leave them for another couple of days.

Ready-made such leaves are perfect for decorating a room - wreaths, garlands or just a bouquet.

Also, small branches can be preserved in a solution of glycerin.

How it's done:

1. Cut off small twigs with leaves and immediately immerse the stems in a container with warm water. Let them sit there for about 2 hours, away from direct sunlight.
2. Make a solution of 1 part glycerin with 2 parts water (you can add a few drops of dishwashing liquid) and bring it to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer it for 5-10 minutes over low heat.
3. Allow the solution to cool completely.
4. Remove the branches from the water container, and break their ends with a hammer in order to large surface could absorb the solution.
5. Put the branches in a solution with glycerin. Keep away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat until small dew drops appear on the leaves. This means that the leaves have absorbed all they can.
6. Remove the twigs and wipe the leaves.
7. Hang the branches upside down to dry.

Method 2 - wax paper

You will need wax paper (for baking), 2 towels, iron

We cut off a piece of wax paper and lay our leaves on it in one layer so that there is space between them. Top with the same sheet of the same waxed paper. It turned out such a "sandwich". Now it breaks up with a towel (kitchen, not thick) on top and gently iron it so as not to dislodge the leaves. NO STEAM! It is also better to put a thin towel on the surface on which we iron, so as not to stain anything with wax. Pieces of waxed paper should stick together completely. After cooling, we cut out our leaves, leaving small edges so that the paper remains “sealed”. Leaves are intact!

Method 3 - wax procedures


We take paraffin wax (we took ordinary candles) and melt it over low heat. ATTENTION - we melt in the container, which is not a pity, it is not possible to wash off completely solidified wax (we have had a special bowl for these procedures for a couple of years already).
Where the leaves will then dry, we lay wax paper (again, it is better to lay it under kitchen towel) (or you can hang the leaves on a rope to dry).

We take the leaf by the handle and gently immerse it several times in melted wax.

And now a few fun ideas what can be done with leaves

funny herbarium


A figured hole punch is always useful


Shall we play?




We draw with prints


Thus, you can make postcards as a gift.


And if you take craft paper (brown) and decorate it with a lot of prints, then the issue of gift wrapping will be solved!

Can you print on fabric?



With pencils

Add to bookmarks:

Autumn leaves are the highlight of the season. Colorful leaves can be even more attractive than flowers. Be that as it may, in order to decorate the house with autumn foliage, you first have to compress or preserve them. Luckily, it's extremely easy and there are 4 basic ways to preserve and preserve the colors of autumn leaves.

Selecting Leaves to Save

Whichever method you choose, your leaves will show their best qualities if you follow the following guidelines when choosing them:

1. Choose leaves that are relatively flat and not curled.
2. Look for leaves that don't have spots or bumps.
3. Don't be afraid to use the leaves on different stages color changes.
4. Leaves with a low moisture content are best dried under pressure. More elastic leaves, like magnolia or rhododendron, are good candidates for glycerin or silica gel.
Choosing leaves to save is a fun activity for kids. And since they are closer to the ground, they often best review for selection.

Weight pressing is the easiest method to preserve autumn leaves.

Pressing autumn leaves under weight is the easiest way to preserve, but these leaves will not last as long as canned leaves. To dry the leaves with a press:

1. Choose relatively flat and thin leaves, with low moisture content.
2. Lay the leaves between sheets of newspaper or wax paper.
Then pick up a few of your heaviest books and move on to step two...

Weighting the leaves

To keep the leaves from curling, you need to apply considerable weight.

1. Put paper with leaves inside a thick book. You can also add some books or a rock on top to add weight.
2. Keep the book in a dry place and check back in about a week. Make sure the leaves are dry and not rotted. You will probably need to weight the leaves inside the book for another 1-2 weeks before they are completely dry and ready to use.

Tip: If you have denser leaves, soak them in a diluted fabric softening solution before drying. Or try covering the surface with a thin layer of Vaseline.

Design Ideas:
. Scatter the pressed leaves on shelves or tablecloths.
. Make flower arrangements by filling a basket with your pressed leaves.
. Pressed leaves can be used for table decoration. Make an arrangement of leaves on a table or tablecloth and cover with a transparent cloth or cellophane on top.

Saving leaves in wax paper is a great activity for kids

Perhaps this is one of the few activities when children are happy to pick up an iron.

1. Choose thin, low moisture leaves that have not yet begun to curl.
2. Make a "sandwich": Place the leaves between two sheets of wax paper.
3. Cover your ironing area with a piece of old cloth so that you do not stain it with wax.
4. Place your sandwich on top of the old fabric.
5. Cover your sandwich with another piece of old cloth.
6. Heat the iron to maximum, BUT do not use steam.
7. Slowly move the iron back and forth over the fabric. Don't press too hard at the beginning or you may move the leaves. Once the paper starts to seal, use the full weight of the iron and hold it for 4-5 seconds on each spot.
8. Raise the rag to check if the wax paper has melted and sealed. The leaves will show up much better as the wax grows.
9. Let the sandwich cool, then cut out individual leaves. Leave a small edge around the leaves to keep the waxed paper sealed.
Such leaves can persist for several months.

Design Ideas:
. The waxed leaves are good for children to play with and can be assembled into collages to hang.
. Pin individual moldings to curtains or glue to lampshades for an autumnal feel.

Drying leaves in the microwave

Microwaves - excellent fast way save whatever. You can use the microwave alone, or you can speed up the process with silica gel, as discussed below.
1. Select leaves that are still fresh and moist. DO NOT use dried fallen leaves.
2. Make a sandwich by placing individual casts or flat sprigs with leaves between two paper towels.
3. Put the sandwich on a tray and place in the oven.
4. Turn on the microwave for 30 seconds and then check the leaves. The thicker or more moisture content the leaves, the longer it will take you.
5. If the leaves are still wet, continue to dry at 30 second intervals and check until the leaves are dry.

Warning: Leaves can catch fire, just like any other item that has been left in the microwave for long time. So keep watching. DO NOT wait for the leaves to crumble or curl. They can retain heat and continue to dry for a few seconds out of the microwave if you don't want them to dry out.

Application of Silica Gel to Preserve Autumn Leaves

Silica gel is a white, salt-like powder that you can find in small bags in shoes. Silica gel perfectly absorbs moisture and significantly speeds up the drying process. You can buy a pack of silica gel at any craft store, or you can collect and save the little packs you see everywhere.

1. Choose leaves that are still damp and pliable. Silica gel allows you to dry thicker leaves too.
2. Sprinkle silica gel about 2-3 cm into the bottom of the microwave dish.
3. Lay the leaves on top of the silica gel layer, leaving space between them and up to the edge of the dish.
4. Cover the leaves completely with another layer of silica gel.
5. Place the uncovered dish in the microwave and turn it on at medium power for about 2 minutes. It is very difficult to determine the specific time for drying, as it depends on the size of the dish, the number of leaves, the amount of silica gel and the power of your oven. It is better to periodically check the condition of the leaves at short intervals.
In my experience, 3-4 sheets on an 8 x 8 dish with 3-4 cups of silica gel takes about 2 minutes on medium power.
6. Let cool and remove the leaves.

Tip: The leaves will last longer if they are coated with an additional layer of acrylic resin.

Ideas for Use: These leaves are the same as the press-dried ones and can be strung or arranged for fall arrangements.

Using Glycerin to Preserve Leaves

Preserving the leaves with glycerin is the best way to keep them supple and they can stay that way for years. You can save individual leaves or even whole small twigs this way.

The most difficult part of the process is buying glycerin. Now glycerin is very hard to find. Sometimes it is found in stores on the shelves next to hand lotion. You will have to search. You can also ask in pharmacies.

To save individual leaves

1. On a flat tray, make a solution of one part glycerin and two parts water.
2. Place your leaves in the solution.
3. Cover your leaves with another dish so that they are completely in the solution, as shown below.

Leaves in glycerin solution

Setting a smaller dish on top of the leaves will help them soak well in the solution. And it also means that you can use less solution.

Start checking in 2-3 days. The leaves should become soft and plastic. If the leaves are still dry to the touch, leave them in the solution for another 2-3 days.

When they are saturated, remove them from the solution and wipe off the stains.

Preservation of small branches in a solution of glycerin:

1. Cut off small branches with leaves and immediately immerse the stems in a container of warm water. Let them sit there for about 2 hours, away from direct sunlight.
2. Make a solution of 1 part glycerin with 2 parts water and bring it to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer it for 5-10 minutes over low heat.
3. Allow the solution to cool completely.
4. Remove the sprigs from the water container, and break their ends with a hammer so that a large surface can absorb the solution.
5. Put the branches in a solution with glycerin. Keep away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat until small dew drops appear on the leaves. This means that the leaves have absorbed all they can.
6. Remove the twigs and wipe the leaves.
7. Hang the branches upside down to dry.

Design Ideas: Glycerine leaves can be used in all kinds of creativity. They are especially well suited for wreaths and garlands, as well as table decorations, napkin rings and large dishes.

Preservation of pressed and canned leaves

No method will allow you to use leaves forever. Even leaves sealed in wax paper will eventually dry out and crumble. If you want to extend the existence of your masterpieces for a little longer, use a variety of floral preservatives.

And of course, on next year there will be other leaves, and every year your skill and creativity will only develop.

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This year, my daughter and I very thoroughly, like squirrels, stocked up on autumn leaves, and all kinds of nuts, acorns, and cones. The older the child becomes, the more interesting it is to make crafts from all this material - the daughter does more and more herself, and often we just do something nearby, mother - her own, child - her own. It's very nice to spend time like this. I already mentioned on FB that we made stamps from autumn leaves and apples - so addicted to it! And this fall for the first time made "wax" leaves - preserved leaves in stearin and wax. I had never tried this before and just dried the leaves - on outdoors, in sand, or impregnated with glycerin. I love floristry and I'm good at it. Now we have mastered a new technique from which we are both delighted. It is not complicated at all and gives a very effective result. Now not all the leaves have flown around yet, and you can also try to make wax autumn leaves that retain their shape and color for a long time.

I don’t traditionally take pictures of a detailed master class, but I can describe everything in words. Let there be just a lot of photos of the result.

So we need:

1. Fresh autumn leaves (ideally - maple leaves with petioles);
2. Natural wax or stearin candles(I have the most common white IKEA candles, it is possible to use transparent candles or special kits for making candles. The final result depends on the type of wax - everything can be found out by experience.);
3. Baking paper or foil; (we will put leaves to dry on it);
4. A saucepan and a container for a water bath - better wide, so that your largest leaves can easily enter there;
5. A wooden board or dish, a tray, a baking sheet, where ready-made leaves will be temporarily stored and dried;
6. Stove, kitchen, free time and positive mood.

The process itself is:

1. Melt the wax or stearin in a water bath. (Amount - so that you can freely dip the leaf, about 1.5 -2 cm from the bottom of the container.) As soon as the wax has melted, reduce the heat to a minimum to maintain heat.

2. We spread baking paper or foil near the stove - the leaves will dry on it so that they do not stick to the surface. The distance from the plate to the foil should be minimal, ideally cover the edge of the plate with foil, otherwise it will then be necessary to scrape off drops of wax or paraffin for a long and dreary time.

3. We take the leaf by the petiole with our hands and quickly dip it into stearin (wax). Make sure that it is all - all dipped, but do not boil it in water for a long time - 6-10 seconds will be enough. Take it out and let the droplets of wax run right over the pan. To do this, first hold it for 6 seconds down with the tips, then, if it is dense, turn it a little to completely cut off all the drops and so that no accumulated wax remains on the tips. Then quickly place the sheet on the foil or baking paper face up. The sheet dries quickly - in about half a minute. After it, you can immediately transfer it to the same baking sheet or dish, where the leaves will finally dry out or wait in line for use in crafts. But after a minute - two leaves can already be used in the work. Foil or baking paper must be periodically cleaned of drops of wax, or put a new one so that the drops do not stick to the leaves. When you put the sheet to dry - a small droplet may remain on the tip and go beyond its aisles - after drying, this droplet can be easily removed manually with a knife or fingers, but in such a way as not to damage the entire coating of the sheet.

If a child participates in the process, then he must be at least 4.5-5 years old, and then he can dip the leaves into the wax himself, but only with a long petiole and after a thorough explanation by his mother how hot the wax is. As soon as the child is tired, let him become a spectator. But in general, this activity, although interesting, bewitching, but not for kids. My daughter made 6 leaves and then helped to sort the finished leaves.

As a result of processing, the leaves become very beautiful: they retain their shape and color. It is impossible to make them absolutely even, since nothing can be put on top when drying. So the natural curve will be preserved. But such a juicy shade cannot be achieved by simple drying. From white stearin, the leaves glisten slightly, as if frosted or candied, and yellow maple leaves becomes brighter, richer. It is not so easy to work with white stearin - when it hardens, it can show flaws in the work - accumulations of white on the hollows of the leaves. It is necessary to very carefully drive the stearin from the sheet - training to make precise movements. For stearin, you need to choose even leaves without dents. Good in stearin and variegated leaves with white spots. Stearin can be chipped from the leaves - if children's fingers pick it up. But he doesn't get off on his own. The leaves are quite fragile - like glass or frozen, but durable. It's a pity the photos do not convey those delightful sensations that arise when you hold this "wax" sheet in your hand and rustle it! After paraffin, we tried natural wax. With it, the leaves do not become hard, but remain soft and acquire an almost matte appearance. Of course, you should not bend them - the coating will lose beautiful view. All red leaves are very good under wax - for example, Maiden grapes. But yellow maple leaves are not as spectacular as in stearin, and are slightly curled. In general: depending on what you dip the leaves into, you get a very different result. Since you don’t know what exactly will turn out, you feel like a little sorceress.

We put some of the finished leaves in a beautiful dish to decorate the dining room, and to touch them and admire them. And the other part made decorations on the windows: they tied the leaves with a thin black thread and attached them above the window frame. These leaves have not lost theirs for two weeks now. appearance. Our garlands are good both in cloudy weather and in sunny. In the sun, of course, they shine incomparably - like a stained-glass window. And they slightly rustle from the breath of the breeze ... But in general, anything can be made from such "wax" leaves - a bouquet, a voluminous application, an autumn tree, a mobile, a garland - it all depends on our imagination. The technology itself is great. My daughter and I are very pleased and will continue to experiment with it next year.

material prepared for work.

Water bath. Irgi leaves are drying nearby. Only I can dip such tiny leaves in wax - it is dangerous for a child to do this. Nearby lies a knife with which I remove droplets of wax from the foil.

This photo and one below: - leaves in stearin.

This photo and one below: leaves in natural pure wax.

We liked the paraffin treatment more - because they made more of these leaves.

Leaves in stearin. The most spectacular and beautiful. Although many also like wax, similar to the touch of soft thin skin.
Those in stearin are like candied, or in hoarfrost. They are hard and brittle to the touch.

I made a wreath on the wall from the leaves treated with stearin. These are the leaves of the irgi.

For contrast, this is how maple leaves dry at home without any treatment. My daughter was impressed.
True, we really like this bouquet: it is stylish and beautiful. In general, every dried Maple Leaf, twisted becomes like a sculpture.

This is our composition on the window. Here you can see exactly how the leaves were tied - with a black thread for the petiole.

Our composition is made from leaves treated with stearin. It is good both in cloudy weather and in sunny weather.

It's on another window - in the nursery.

The shadows from the leaves on the window are especially good with the curtain drawn. And they sometimes "walk" around the room, depending on the time of day.

The child is delighted with our "eternal", magical leaves.

It's time for autumn preparations. This is not about canning tomatoes or cucumbers. Those who have children of preschool and younger age in the family will understand what we are talking about. Ahead of the school year and the time of regular crafts.

We will prepare autumn leaves.

There are many ways: you can press the leaves (remember school herbariums?), save with wax paper, laminate, use silica gel, and even dry in the microwave.

In our opinion, the best way to preserve the leaves is with glycerin. Not the fastest, but the leaves remain soft to the touch, are stored for several years, and are suitable for crafts and for decorating rooms.

You will need:

  • Glycerin (sold in any pharmacy, it is cheap)
  • Containers or trays
  • Autumn leaves
  • Absorbent paper (napkins will do).

1. Choose beautiful leaves. It is better that they are free of spots, bulges and not twisted. Put them in a plastic container.

2. Mix 1 part glycerin and 2 parts water by volume.

3. Pour the mixture over the leaves. To prevent the leaves from floating up, you can press them down with something, for example, put a smaller container on top.

4. Leave for 2-3 days. After that, check. If the leaves are still dry to the touch, leave for a couple more days. The leaves should feel soft and elastic to the touch.