What does a maple leaf tattoo mean? Why maple leaf? Maple products bring love to our home

  • 20.09.2019

» welcomes all its readers! The maple leaf is a famous symbol of Canada. Looks like five-pointed star, is linked together kindred spirits. It is not for nothing that maple has recently been considered a symbol of peace and love, absorbing the energy potential of all mankind and distributing the acquired energy to everyone who comes into contact with it. Maple is a tree that helps insecure people gain self-confidence, gives peace of mind and internal forces. Also maple - symbol of the beginning of good luck, any undertakings, projects, ideas, career also associated with maple. You will be amazed at how amazing this tree is in its properties.

Maple has a very gentle, soft energy, so the maple alley is a real bioenergy corridor. Walking along such an alley is extremely useful. accept the excess energy of a person, pacify anger, rage and make us self-possessed and balanced. Being an energetically neutral tree, maple is suitable for relieving stress and treating all kinds of diseases.

The maple leaf looks like a spread palm, and the five ends of the leaf symbolize the five senses. Using a maple leaf as an amulet, you can help your five senses open up and perceive the beauty of the world around you in a more multifaceted way. Slavs decorated houses with maple branches in Christian rituals. The maple leaf was often depicted on Easter eggs.

Elena: not only the beginning of good luck, but also a symbol of balance. For restless people, contact with maple will bring balance, endurance, relaxation, calmness, self-confidence. It can take a person's grievances, tearfulness, emotional outbursts, impatience, anxiety. To scare away evil forces and protection of human habitation from an unkind look, branches, leaves and maple seeds have long been used. Jambs were made from this tree entrance doors, steps and railings of stairs, built bridges over rivers. If you, friends, are taking on some new business, be sure to take maple as your assistant. They, like good friends, will caress you with their invisible hands, wrap you in a positive solar biofield.

Albert: Maple leaves are used in wishful rituals. It is necessary to find in the fall a clean, without damage, without yellow spots and green veins, a bright red maple leaf, wash it and dry it a little. Then, for example, about a loved one, some situation, mentally imagine that you are waiting for a meeting with this, and kiss the tips of the sheet. Place the sheet under the sofa or bed mattress. The magical effect of maple lasts throughout the year.

The fact that maple is a symbol of the beginning, we learned from the book Yulia Ulybina "Trees are healers" which we recommend to find and read.

Albert and Elena

In the material we will reveal the meaning, history and maple tattoo meaning, let's talk about the options for this pattern in a tattoo. For those who, before going to the tattoo parlor, try to view as much as possible different options for an idea of ​​a tattoo, after reading the material, we suggest visiting the following sections of our catalog:

  • Maple tattoo photo
  • Maple tattoo sketches

Maple tattoo meaning - information and photos of ready-made maple tattoos

The meaning, history and meaning of a maple tattoo

Before choosing any image for a tattoo, it is worth learning as much as possible about the meaning of the pattern that will adorn your body. This article will help you find out some of the meanings of the maple tattoo. Why not all? Because it is human nature to fantasize, and it is impossible to predict the desire of everyone.

Maple tattoo symbolism

The maple leaf looks very beautiful in the form of a tattoo. Both men and women can choose it as a drawing. And where the drawing will be on the body, everyone decides for himself. The meaning of a maple tattoo is interpreted almost the same, regardless of who decorates their body with a curly leaf, or the place on the body where the tattoo will be located. Even small details will give the image its uniqueness and uniqueness.

Maple leaves are a symbol of perseverance and powerful strength. After all, the tree itself does not bend from the wind and confidently endures frost and bad weather. Men with such a tattoo also convey the strong qualities of this mighty, unbending, majestic tree. For women, the meaning of a sheet with carved edges, as it were, absorbed all the features of a beloved and dear, but so far from her man.

Photo examples:

When the drawing on the body is made in the form of falling maple leaves, then the person shows his sadness and feelings of sadness from imminent separation.

Maple tattoo meaning

Although it is worth noting that in different countries oh, the meaning of a maple tattoo can be interpreted in different ways.

In Celtic culture, for example, the maple leaf was a symbol of adversity and was also a source of inspiration for winning battles.

At Slavic peoples the maple tree was revered as sacred. The legends tell how people who experienced separation from a loved one and loved one turned into this beautiful tree, the leaves of which absorbed all their longing and anxiety.

Among the Poles, the application of such a pattern indicates a loss loved one who left the earthly world, and whom they will never see again. By this they show their pain from an irreparable loss.

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag has not gone unnoticed. Many military people wear a tattoo of this leaf. Thus, they express their patriotism and love for their country and people, they want a peaceful and peaceful life.

But not everything is so sad. In Asian countries, for example, the meaning of a maple tattoo carries emotional experiences, and for couples in love, this is an indication of faith in each other. A young man and a girl decorate their bodies with identical tattoos, thereby confirming the eternity of their feelings. His images are often applied to various pieces of furniture to emphasize how strong the family lives in this house, where love reigns, where they remain faithful and treat all family members with great respect.

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As a rule, the image of a maple carries sadness along with strength.

But, despite all the power of maple, it is characterized by experiences and sensuality. It will help overcome sadness, and its elegant green crown will increase joy and cheer you up.

Prepared by: karinacorneilla (Dybkalyuk Karina Sergeevna)

Prison tattoos and their meaning. Do you know what a prison tattoo means?

The fashion for decorating your body with tattoos today has spread to all sectors of society, while earlier it was an advantage for people in the criminal world or the world of prisoners. This article will reveal the topic "Prison tattoos and their meaning."

A bit of history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their foundations. So, in Russia, this is actually the second government, which, of course, is an anti-system, an opponent of the current managers of the country. It will be interesting that this alignment of things exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, it dates back to the 18th century, when the criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to be different and have their own designations, the thieves and the criminal world came up with their own language, which they borrowed partly from small merchants - ofenes, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, of course, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of tattoos

studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: regular drawings that allow you to distinguish a person higher levels prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can apply tattoos on the zone. Such an honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is porters. These are drawings that were made by prisoners on their own from various improvised means, by self-taught and non-specialized craftsmen. And the third type of tattoo: impudent ones, which were stuffed as a certain shameful sign to the prisoner solely under duress. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy, who are convicted according to certain laws or did not follow the principles of the prison world.


So, we consider the topic "prison tattoos and their meaning" further. First of all, I would like to say that the prisoners could fill themselves with inscriptions of any type. But basically these are not full phrases, but their shortened version, understandable only to the underworld, which was deciphered by capital letters. As an example, on the body of those who have served time you can see the words “HORN”, which stands for the first letters of what is written: the state doomed them to slaves forever, “CALL” - know the thieves, they will teach very cool, “CAT” - the native inhabitant of the prison or “BREAD - I will keep love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of them may disappear due to their irrelevance (for example, inscriptions about Soviet power), new ones appear from time to time.


Prisoners may use their entire body. So, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which seems very important to many prisoners, is the stars on their knees, they are also commonly called "stars of lawlessness." Their variations are different, but the meaning is always the same: "I will never kneel before anyone." This is a freedom-loving tattoo, to which the convicts say that they are rebellious and independent, no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to fill this picture, such an honor must be earned by “correct behavior” from the point of view of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. If a person has such a tattoo, but he gave a slack, they can simply cut it off with skin from the knees of a delinquent criminal. Also, the prisoners were very fond of putting various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still consider themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a police officer's epaulette, pierced with a dagger, meant "the urine of the cops", but did not define the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

Tattoos on arms and shoulders

It is also worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos on the arms. So, the first of them is an epaulette, which is placed on the shoulders. They were worn by people who, according to the laws of thieves, distinguished themselves well, this is a sign for certain services to the community. It is very difficult to deserve such a tattoo, but it raised the prisoner to a certain level in the criminal hierarchy. Importance also had subclavian stars, which were deciphered ambiguously: they could mean both a thief in law and a “denier”, a person who opposes prison orders. Pickpockets applied drawings in the form of beetles to the hands. You could also write the word "BEETLE", which meant "I wish you successful thefts." Next, it is worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos "spider", "cat with a key", "bat". The spider also denoted a person from the world of thieves (sometimes a drug addict). If the spider crawls up its web, this means that the person will continue to steal, but if it goes down, “tied up with theft.” Burglar thieves drew cats with keys on their hands. Well, another symbol of the thief was Lenin, or rather his profile, which could be drawn on the shoulder or on the chest. Everything comes from the decoding of the word: "VOR" - the Leader of the October Revolution. Night thieves drew bats on their bodies.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special drawings that can be used to determine the status of a person who was in prison. So, the most important drawings on the fingers are rings. There are a huge number of them here, but some of them may seem very similar to an unknowing person, in fact they distinguish people from completely different criminal castes. Drawings on the index finger right hand distinguish the train thief who commits thefts on the road, special drawings can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses. So, for example, a black triangle indicates that a person is particularly cruel. Thieves in law, special criminals, repeat offenders put drawings on their middle fingers. Respected in a criminal environment, people, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, this can also distinguish a specialist in a certain field or an expert. A rhombus in a square on the ring finger distinguishes a criminal of the lower stratum, who is considered low for certain actions, can be forced into sodomy, that is, “lowered”. If a person is corrected, the rhombus can be shaded, which will indicate that the person was punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on middle finger are forcibly inflicted on those persons who are commonly called "bastards", that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement. For such a tattoo, you can suffer severe punishment not only in the zone, but already in the wild. In special schools, guys can tattoo themselves in the form of a diamond, in the upper corner of which there is a dot, and at the bottom - a cross. This means authority among adolescents, one of the highest in the adolescent hierarchy. This is far from full list tattoos on the fingers, there are a huge number of them for each member in the criminal environment and the environment of prisoners.


Considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners apply drawings with religious meaning. So what do they mean? mother of God, applied mainly to the back or chest, can mean a talisman against some kind of evil, or the fact that a person has taken the path of a criminal too early, even at a young age. Of great importance is the stuffed church on the body of the criminal. So, the number of domes means the number of walkers per zone or the number of years spent in prison. Criminal authorities applied crucifixes of various sizes to their bodies, this distinguished a prisoner of the highest criminal hierarchy, and it is a great honor to deserve such a tattoo. Prisoners could also stuff bells for themselves. This meant that the person served his entire term in the zone, that is, “from bell to bell.” They could also draw monks who write. It meant a scribbler thief who could scribble any letter with no problem, or it meant a person who skillfully worked with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. So, the dots stuffed on the prisoner's body are of great importance. What could they mean? The five-point tattoo is very popular, four points along the edges indicate the prison walls, and the fifth, in the center, the prisoner himself. They stuffed it mainly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that the person had visited the zone. Just three full dots can mean a person who enjoys leading a life of crime and perceives himself as a bandit. If the person who filled such a tattoo is religious, it can mean the Holy Trinity.

A tear

Considering further the meanings of prison tattoos, one cannot fail to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this drawing is mainly of European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: a person received a term for violating the law, that is, he simply ended up in places of detention. Second: the tear symbolizes the killer. If it is not painted over, this may mean an attempted murder or that a friend of a prisoner has died and retribution will follow.

About love

The prison meaning of the rose tattoo will seem interesting to many. So, this is the ruined youth of the seated one. And since it is a flower of love, it is not difficult to guess what else a rose can mean. So, if it is drawn next to a dagger, it means blood for treason. Furry thieves, that is, those who are imprisoned for rape, can simply fill their hearts. The one who swore to avenge the outrageous love will draw on himself a heart pierced by one or two daggers.

Animals and birds

The prison meaning of the wolf tattoo is very interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's breath, a cop's cover. Distinguishes people who hate the servants of order and are ready to deal with them at any time. If a prisoner stuffs a tiger on his body, this means that he is embittered at everyone, especially at the authorities. It can also distinguish a person who is very cruel and evil. The painted cat is a symbol of thieves. If he also has a bow with him, this means that the person sold himself to the cops, for which he can be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the world of prisoners. The profile of a bull denotes a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. Also, this picture distinguishes a cruel person who quickly becomes enraged. What does a scorpion tattoo mean? The meaning of prison has several various options. So, it can simply denote the sign of the zodiac, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can identify a former commando. If the claws of a scorpion are open, then the person was a participant in hostilities (which is welcome in the zone). The scorpion is also stuffed by those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn at gunpoint, this means a person who participated in the hostilities in Chechnya.

Other drawings

The masks stuffed on the body of the prisoner indicate the mood of the person himself before the release and during its passage (joy and sadness). Pirates are stuffed by people who are in jail for robbery. A joker or cards are drawn on the body by gambling people who have fallen into the zone for the same reason. A knife in the neck will tell others that a person cut someone, while a swastika or Nazi symbols are stuffed by those who do not agree with the modern government.

What does the wedge-leaf tattoo on the arm mean?

Julia Gerashchenko

Maple leaf - means autumn (China, Japan). Lovers emblem.
Maple leaf (MAPLE) (applied to the brush). Meanings: a) a young, novice criminal; b) abbreviations - "I swear by the cops E.. With a knife", "I swear to love him (her) forever".
Found this on two different sites.

Aleksey Kazanskiy

7. Maple leaf (MAPLE) (applied to the brush). Meanings: a) a young, novice criminal; b) abbreviations - "I swear by the cops E.. With a knife", "I swear to love him (her) forever".

Z. Y.
Judging by the answers above - it sucks in the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work ...

A modern person from childhood gets used to everything with which the development of civilization is associated. Knowledge of a computer, the ability to use the Internet, the ability to drive a car, stress tolerance skills, the ability to adapt to changes in the environment - all this is necessary for a full existence in a big city. However, despite the benefits of civilization, we must not forget that we are part of wildlife, which people began to use for their own needs, not caring about its conservation. After all, we will not be able to live if we cut down all the forests and pollute all fresh water with waste. More and more young people who are not indifferent to the living world of our planet are choosing plant motifs as a plot for a tattoo.

Leaf tattoo meanings

Our ancestors endowed the surrounding nature with divine properties, knew how to use herbs and leaves to treat diseases, and used plants in magical practices. Among some peoples, the symbolism of trees turned out to be so stable that it has survived to our time. So, the symbol of Russians is birch and mountain ash, Ukrainians - viburnum, Japanese - sakura.

Did you know? Trees and leaves are national symbols of more than 50% of the countries of the world, about 25% of world states have chosen flowers as a symbol, and about 20% - animals and birds.

A leaf tattoo, the meaning of which should be chosen based on the traditional symbolism of a particular plant, is chosen by people who love and appreciate nature. The following images are the most popular in the world of tattoos:

  1. Oak Leaf- a symbol of endurance, good health and longevity.
  2. birch leaf- a symbol of spiritual purity, femininity, trust.
  3. willow leaves, willow branch - a sign of sadness, separation, unhappy love.
  4. bay leaves- a symbol of victory and glory. In ancient Rome, laurel wreaths were worn by the winners in competitions.
  5. fern leaves mean loneliness, asceticism and humility.
  6. Maple Leaf symbolizes mutual love, loyalty and trust.
  7. ash leaves are a sign of courage and physical strength.
  8. hemp leaf speaks of the tattoo wearer's interest in Rastafarianism.

Leaf tattoos are universal, they are done by both men and women, but there is a certain distinction in the choice of plots. So, girls prefer to put on the body images associated with the symbol of femininity and beauty, men - with a symbol of strength and power.

Who suits the tattoo leaves

Tattoo leaves, photos of which can be seen below, are chosen by people who believe that nature has its own mind and soul. Tattoos with drawings of leaves and trees can hardly be found on the body of a person for whom material wealth, money and career success are of the greatest importance. Leaf tattoo is well suited for those who:

  • likes to spend time in nature, go hiking, live in the field;
  • is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, perhaps even practicing vegetarianism;
  • believes in medicinal properties plants;
  • believes that plants can transmit their energy to us;
  • interested in environmental issues;
  • believes that nature is the most brilliant artist, and all her creations are beautiful;
  • practices meditative drawing, loves handmade products;
  • loves photography of landscapes, is interested in macro photography;
  • feels comfortable in nature, can listen to birds singing for hours or watch the sunset;
  • appreciates sincerity and honesty in people.

Leaf tattoo options

In the paragraph on the meanings of leaf tattoos, it is said that the meaning of these tattoos is associated with the symbolism of specific images. However, when choosing a sketch, you should pay attention to one more detail - to color scheme drawing:

  1. Green leaves associated with love of life, energy, action. For example, a green oak leaf indicates that the tattoo wearer strives for an active life, does not like to sit still, makes efforts to maintain his health and spiritual stamina.
  2. yellow or brown leaves can symbolize wilting, sadness, sadness. So, yellow leaf maple can mean unhappy love, forced separation, parting. There are also tattoos on which a heart-shaped hole is drawn in a dried leaf.
  3. red leaves most often indicate a person's love for romance, for autumn period when nature takes on fiery colors. Tattoos made in red-yellow or red-green tones have a similar meaning.
  4. Tattoo leaves, the sketches of which are made in black color, are neutral in nature. Such tattoos do not necessarily symbolize something negative, most often they say that it is the meaning of the picture that is important for a person, and not its appearance.

Advice. You can choose a tattoo sketch with leaves on your own or from ready-made sketches that the master can offer. However, in any case, you should pay attention to different variations of the same image. For example, a maple leaf can be supplemented with ornaments, background, additional details inscribed in the leaf pattern.

Extraordinarily beautiful tree thanks to the most diverse forms and the autumn color of the foliage, from orange to crimson red and purple. Up to 150 representatives of the glued family are known. Of these, the most common is the Norway maple (Acer platanoides), which grows in Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans, and the famous sugar maple (Acer saccharut), which has become national symbol Canada.

IN mythological representations Western and Eastern Slavs a man was turned into a maple (sycamore) under a spell. This belief points to the persistence of totemic features in ideas about the maple. For this reason, a maple tree-man is not used for firewood, they do not make a coffin out of it ("it is a sin to rot in the ground of a living person"), etc. In a funeral tale, they often turn to the deceased, calling him "my sycamore", "my son , you are my little lark.

Maple branches were used by the Slavs in calendar rituals. On Trinity, on the day God's Body and on other holidays, houses and gates were decorated with maple branches. In Belarus, Saturday before the Trinity was called "maple". It seemed that the souls of the dead were hiding in the branches of the maple. According to Serbian beliefs, a maple will turn green if an innocently convicted person embraces its trunk, but if an unfortunate person or offended person the tree will dry up.

In ancient times, there was a strong belief in England that a baby dragged through its branches would have a long and happy life. The belief persisted until the 19th century, when a group of protesting mothers were recorded learning about the impending felling of one of the maples in West Grinstead Park. Women urged not to touch the tree, as this could shorten the life of children born in the village. Two or three settlements of the natives of the village considered this tree a "giver of longevity."

Maple various kinds It has symbolic meaning in Canada and China. Since the 19th century The sugar maple leaf (acer saccharut) has become the national symbol of Canada. Sugar maple, also known as the source of the famous maple syrup, is common in the southern regions of the current provinces of Ontario and Quebec. It is not found in the rest of the country, with the exception of the small Prince Edward Island. However, this tree has become a national symbol throughout the country, probably not least due to the red color of the leaves. In autumn, this region seems to be engulfed in flames - this impression is created by the red, purple and crimson colors in which the crown of these trees is painted. Three red maple leaves are depicted at the base of the shield of the State Emblem of Canada, one leaf is held by a lion as a helmet decoration. The flag also depicts one red leaf, three maple leaves are present in the coats of arms of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

In China, the name of the maple - feng sounds the same as the concept of "assign a high rank." The image of a monkey with a tied package on a maple tree is called "feng-hui", which in free translation means: let the recipient of this picture receive the rank of a prominent official.

In Japan, maple has become a truly iconic tree for its vibrant fall foliage. During this period of time, hundreds of thousands of Japanese rush to parks and gardens to see the bright red foliage of the small momiji maple. Red leaves already falling on the snow create a magical picture of late autumn.

Used materials:

  1. Christina Hole, Encyclopedia of Signs and Superstitions;
  2. Encyclopedia of superstitions;
  3. Hans Biedermann, Encyclopedia of Symbols.

The maple leaf looks like an open hand. The botanical name "Acer" (Latin for "sharp") was given to the plant by the ancient Roman scientist Pliny. According to some researchers, maples grew along the banks of the river of sorrow, Acheron, through which the souls of the dead Greeks crossed on their last journey. In most cultures around the world, maple is considered a symbol of autumn. In Japan, this tree symbolizes eternity, learning, life wisdom. Therefore, it is often planted in their gardens by older people with great life experience. The Germans associate it with the beauty of life. Before the funeral, the Poles laid their dead on unpainted, it was believed that this would scare the devil away.

The Serbs believed that the maple would help restore justice: the tree would turn green from the embrace of an innocently convicted person. In folklore, maple is often called sycamore. It was believed that a person who was "sworn" turns into this tree. Therefore, just in case, they did not use maple wood for kindling the stove, making utensils and coffins, and when baking bread in the oven, they did not put maple leaves under the loaf.

But in the old days, the legendary harp was made from maple, and in our time - bassoons, guitars and drums. The Slavs believed that musical instruments from sycamore they sing and cry, complaining about fate. On Trinity and other holidays, it was customary to decorate houses with maple branches so that the souls of dead relatives could fly to the living, hiding among the branches. Some folklorists are convinced that it was sycamore that was the sacred tree among the Slavs, since references to maple are found in all regions, and the use of the names of other trees has a pronounced localization.

In there was an interesting tradition - "threading through maple". A newborn child was "threaded" between the branches of a maple tree so that his life would be long. Those who believe in the special energy of plants are convinced that maple is able to "caress" a person, carry peace of mind. The tree takes on human emotions, sometimes without our desire. Therefore, under the crown of a maple, it is good to relieve stress and it is bad to declare love. The maple alley has a particularly strong energy; it is not for nothing that they are often planted near hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.

A red maple leaf will bring love to your home, bewitch the chosen one. Sycamore branches and its seeds protect against dark forces: even a stake for punching the heart of a vampire in legends could not be aspen, but maple. A maple bridge was built across the running water of the river so as not to let a witch or sorcerer through.

Symbol of Canada

However, there is a country for which the maple leaf is not a folklore, but an official state symbol. It flaunts on flags and coats of arms, coins and logos of leading companies. And, of course, the team of Canada's national sport - hockey - is dressed in a uniform decorated with a maple leaf. Why? A story is usually told that European settlers who arrived in North America saw a maple flaming red, and it became for them a symbol of a new life on a foreign mainland. However, maples grow almost all over Europe, and our "forests dressed in crimson and gold" also turn red and yellow in autumn.

Some see the maple leaf outline of Canada on a map. The most plausible is still the following version. The symbol of Canada was not maple in general, but a specific type of maple - sugar maple, Acer saccharum, which grows only in the East of Canada and is of great importance in the national economy of the country.

The Slavs in the old days also extracted maple sap, it’s just that the type of growing maples we have is different, because the Russians didn’t use maple syrup, but they cooked very tasty kvass based on maple sap. But back to the Canadians. Even the Indians extracted sap from trees and obtained sugar from it. Following them, white settlers began to engage in such fishing. From one tree, 50-100 liters of juice were obtained, from which up to 5 kilograms of sugar came out.

From maple sugar they made sweets, added it to ice cream, caramel and creams. To this day, Canadians eat pancakes, ham, and even pickles with maple syrup. In addition, today it has become a popular souvenir for tourists.

On the Canadian flag, the maple leaf symbolizes the unity of the country and he settled there not so long ago - in 1965.

Gardeners and furniture makers respect this tree. Leaves, branches, bark, flowers, maple sap are widely used in medicine. maples are popular with both school teachers and professional florists. Skillful bouquets of roses, collages, appliqués preserve the gentle energy of maple and will decorate any interior.