Wedding predictions for guests: funny and fun ideas. Scenario for the new year

  • 20.10.2019

Gypsy - Fortuneteller

During the feast, a gypsy appears in the hall, accompanied by an accordionist (guitarist). First, she sings to the motive of a gypsy:

I am a funny fortune teller
I don't ask for a lot of money
I know the whole truth about you
I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

I ran away from the camp
My father is chasing me
Out of me out of naughty
Wants to make jelly!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

If I were a bride
Such a groom
Right on this very spot
With him I would have tasted sin!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

Let me guess people
Let me lay out the cards
Give me a coin
I will tell the whole truth!

The gypsy tries for money, or maybe just “guesses” the guests by the hand. It would be best if the predictions were somehow connected with real events in the guest's life, with his work, hobbies, etc. But they can also be general, for example, like this:
Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
Wai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!
And you - I know for sure what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you will be dancing a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will be washing your trousers!
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer, in the evening you will run after girls!
Oh, my dear, they will put their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue, and on top of something long and thin ... it's hard to see ... oh, a herring!
You will sing so that the neighbor will cry. The rest are asleep!
You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!
They will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
Friends will be around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Can you tell me what to call them? - Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
The boundless gave you, the unknown gave. You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!
Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.
Waiting for you, young, different diseases, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty!
Get ready for the big fight! Did you eat red caviar? Pink salmon will come to take revenge!
A big loss awaits you. You will lose your tie. You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.
Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you stand on the scales
A funny comedy will be shown to you on TV, funny, erotic. It's called Today's Wedding.
To be you, beauty, tomorrow morning an asterisk, a berry, a pussy, a fish, but if you give beer, you will become a wife again.
Do you like to watch horror movies in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!
Oh, flowers, beauty, love! .. They will give tomorrow. So much so that you will sneeze until the evening!

Gypsy 1: Happy New Year, chavelles!

Gypsy 2: Happy New Year, ravels!

Gypsy 2: (to youth) Ah, you are young, blue-eyed, why are you looking around? I see you're in love? You will get married in the new year. Of course, if the girl does not refuse.

Gypsy 2: (to girl) And you, dove, have to wait another 2 years. Lavane-nane and life nane. Gold your pen!

Gypsy 1: We'll tell you everything, we'll show you everything (who gives the coin).

Gypsy 2: Thank you dear (to viewer) if you want to know which month in the new year will be lucky for you, drive a coin. The coin is copper, the gypsy is harmful. He doesn’t say everything at once, he doesn’t reveal secrets, be patient a little.

Gypsy 1: In a year of days, as in a herd of horses. Now a black day, then a white day, and only one happy (to viewer) show money. The money is round, the gypsy is swarthy, you add more, I'll tell you everything.

Gypsy 2: They gave a penny, you will learn for a ruble. And, come on, falconers who were born in December, January, February, stand up. Wow, how many of you! Look at each other, remember. And sing along to the winter song (song about winter).

Gypsy 1: And who is the birthday cake baked in March, April, May? Stand up, smile at each other, wave and sing a spring song (song about spring).

Gypsy 2: And to whom is the loaf sung in June, July, August? Please, a summer song sounds for you (singing a summer song)

Gypsy 1: My diamonds, diamonds, only autumn trees remained. Who is being pulled by the ears in September, October, November? (song about autumn) Thanks, have a seat.

Gypsy 2: And now everything is in a row: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Gypsy 1: Whose camp will be the most cheerful and friendly, he will win. Well, well, my pearl, yacht, victory for .... (announces)

Gypsy 2: Not surprisingly, they are more fun, there are more of them, stand up, we will admire you again.

Gypsy 1: Tell me, precious ones, which of you is the most precious? Who has more gold and silver on their fingers, on their ears, and on their navels? (We are looking for the most precious and it comes out).

Gypsy 2: A colored skirt is for a gypsy, what a beard is for Santa Claus, and, well, chavelles are ravellas, who has more flowers in their clothes? Here you, beloved, have both green and blue, so don’t count, don’t go astray, go on stage.

Gypsy 1: Tighten those who made everyone happy with their appearance, the year is big, the road is long. On the road, they wonder who has the longest hair? The road fell out on the stage to go.

Gypsy 2: Well, my diamonds, the wolf's legs are fed, and the gypsy's cards. Whoever pulls out which card, he performs this or that number.

(tasks are glued on the cards)

New Year is a special holiday, which is not customary to be sad. If you take care of an interesting holiday program in advance for the company with which you plan to spend New Year's Eve, then, for sure, many of you will remember this beginning of the year. One of the most popular and exciting entertainment on the night of December 31 to January 1 is fortune telling. However, we emphasize that we are talking about entertainment, and it should not be taken too seriously. All predictions should be comic and amuse the company gathered at the table. If you pay attention to some of the ideas below, then, for sure, this will make your holiday truly bright and special. Having fun on New Year's Eve is not at all difficult if you take the time to prepare it in advance and approach compiling fortune-telling with humor and imagination. Remember that all predictions on this holiday should cheer up and set guests in an optimistic mood, so pay special attention to writing them! Let each member of your company feel the atmosphere of good magic in the New Year and try to believe that a miracle still exists and will soon break into his life!

Comic New Year's divination

Let's take a closer look at a few simple, but at the same time quite interesting fortune-telling!

Divination for love

For this fortune-telling, you need to prepare pictures of the same size (about the size of a fortune-telling card). The pictures should show famous and successful personalities. Now the picture needs to be cut into two parts figuratively. Hang one half of the picture on the Christmas tree, put the other half on the table with the “pattern” down. Of course, we are not talking about one picture, but several at once. Now invite everyone to tell fortunes about his prospects, which will be waiting in the new year. The fortuneteller must choose one of the fragments on the table, and find the missing part on the tree - it is important that the first fragment does not make it clear which famous person is being referred to. As a result, in the next 12 months, the life of a fortuneteller will be similar to the one that was prepared for the celebrity from the picture in the past year. Write down in advance on a separate sheet the achievements of certain stars.

Offer guests a fairly simple and fascinating fortune-telling. They need to ask a question, writing it down on paper. For example, the question is written like this: “Will my salary be raised in the new year?”. Now you should carry out a simple mathematical operation - count the letters in each of the words and add them together. In the variant shown in the example, it will look like this: 8+2+3+1+5+4+5=28. Since the number turned out to be two-digit, you should add its digits together (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). Now we look at how this or that result is interpreted:
1 - You don't need to know the answer to this question.
2 - Everything will turn out the way you want.
3 - Dream less, act more!
4 - The Universe will help you!
5 - You can't be sure of anything.
6 - Something can interfere with the desire to be fulfilled, be vigilant!
7 - Keep hope.
8 - Do not doubt anything, and luck will smile at you.
9 - Try to influence the situation.

Comic predictions

Perhaps the easiest way is to write comic predictions on small pieces of paper in advance. Put them in a bag or a regular hat, and invite each guest to get their prediction. Possible variants of such prophecies:
    Joyfully look ahead - a bag of money is waiting for you! Forget about crying - good luck awaits you! It will be a hot year - and with it a tour to the island! Only joy ahead and bathing in love! Well, catch luck by the tail - the keys to the cottage are waiting for you! There will be a lot of impressions with a jar of sweet jam! Do not be depressed, do not be upset - a lot of happiness is on the way! It's time to smile - wealth is running towards you!

Gypsy comic fortune-telling for the New Year

Gypsies have long been known for their well-aimed divination, so why don't you take advantage of their secrets on New Year's Eve?

Despite the fact that this fortune-telling is considered comic, it often easily sets the fortune-telling company in an optimistic mood. So, first you need to stock up on a deck of simple playing cards. Let the child sit on the deck, and you tell the guests that this way the cards will predict more accurately. Then mention, for example, the following: “Whoever gets more hearts will be successful in business all next year.” After that, distribute cards to all participants in fortune-telling, as for a game - now they must look at them and say whether luck smiled at them or not. The trick is that you buy several decks in advance and make one of them - one in which all 36 cards will consist of only the suit of hearts. Surely, this result will make everyone present smile.

Fortune telling "Magic bag"

When the celebration moves towards its end, then offer the guests another interesting comic fortune-telling that will indicate to them what year awaits them ahead. For this entertainment, you will need some kind of fabric bag or an opaque cellophane bag, in which you should put various items of approximately the same price category (souvenirs, sweets). Now the guests need to get an item for themselves - it will not only remain for them as a gift, but will also act as a kind of prediction. Write in advance on a piece of paper what this or that object will mean, and what prospects it promises to its new owner. For example: a bar of dark chocolate - “In the new year, everything will be “in chocolate” for you”, milk chocolate- “In the coming months everything will be sweet, sweet”, a dog keychain - “Friendship will play a big role in your life”, a flashlight - “Soon you will make an incredible discovery”, and so on.

Merry Christmas divination

You will need to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance - stock up on leaflets with predictions twisted into a tube. Each tube, for a festive mood, should be tied with a ribbon. On all the pieces of paper, write funny prophecies for the coming year. Prediction examples:
    All sorrows are behind, happiness awaits you ahead! You will smile soon - a ticket to the sea is waiting for you! Great luck awaits you - at the foot of the mountain there is a cottage! Delicious dinners are waiting for you and only victories in love! Fate will decide wisely - send you on vacation abroad! Wait for a ticket to the islands - neither to the cinema, nor to the ballet! Do not get away from fate - you have long been in love with you!
Place leaflets with predictions on a beautiful dish, and invite guests to take one of them for themselves. After that, each of the fortunetellers can read the prediction aloud.

New Year's Eve is a time when work colleagues, best friends, relatives, and loved ones get together. New Year is impossible to imagine without fun, congratulations and, of course, gifts. Many expect something special from him. Comic predictions for the New Year 2019 can be a real surprise for those who decide to celebrate this event in your circle.

  • for family;
  • for colleagues at work;
  • for kids;
  • for your closest friends.

In fact, there are a huge number of such forecasts. They can be with jokes, in prose, in poetry, short quatrains, according to the signs of the Zodiac, etc. They can be presented after competitions as a gift, after dance competitions in the form of surprises, said during a toast, etc. Short funny predictions for all guests can make New Year's Eve unforgettable.

The New Year is the most suitable time to lift the veil of mystery and find out. New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and therefore each of us will be happy to know what will happen very soon.

Preparing for the New Year, you need to prepare predictions for all participants in advance New Year's Eve. They can be presented in different form. For example, in the form beautiful postcards, which must be pulled from a colorful bag, a mysterious chest or a hat. Prophecies can be glued with adhesive tape with reverse side New Year's toys so that they are not visible. At the right time, you can invite guests to choose their favorite toy and read the predictions aloud. You can put a fateful forecast in cookies or sweets that the hostess prepares for the New Year's Eve.

It is better to have a little more options than guests. Indeed, for the one who will be the last in the choice of predictions, it is very important to have a choice.

And yet, it must be taken into account that all the prophecies were of a positive nature, did not offend those present and did not hurt them to the quick. In this regard, it is better to choose funny predictions with jokes. Each of us hopes only for the best in the coming year. Therefore, predictions should be kind and optimistic. Let us give examples of forecasts for various situations that are possible for .

Predictions for colleagues

Forget that the holiday is coming
You need to move forward in your career
While colleagues drink "totally" just,
Hint your boss about career growth!

The coming year prophesies to you
Glory, money and success!
A sea of ​​crazy emotions
And recognition from everyone!

Today you are among friends
Shout again: "pour-pour"
So that tomorrow you will not be ashamed,
Today you have to be solid!

funny predictions
For the whole honest company,
But personally, personally, you
And the whole year will pass jokingly!

Working next year
It will bring you success!
And a lot of money in addition,
To buy you a cottage in the suburbs!

Forecasts in verse

You will have a lot of money
You will have a successful journey!
There won't be any care
But the main thing is to start working!

The stars are prophesying for you today
Be kinder to your friends!
Otherwise they are all together
They will put you in your place!

All wishes at this hour
Today is just for you.
Sleep more, rest
Don't waste your time in the bottle!

This is a prediction
Talk about your upbringing!
How to laugh at others
Try to understand yourself!

V personal life it will be quiet
If you piss off famously!
And if you are obedient,
Fall in love with you all and together!

Short prophecies for the signs of the zodiac


Oh what a stubborn sheep

We'll tell you straight to your face!

Gotta give up more

So that the whole year does not fall!


Strength of character you do not hold

Well, start digging a summer house,

To stock up on low-fat food for you,

So that you become thin at the end of the year!


Your character is loving

You have plenty of adventure

It carries to the fifth point,

Oh, no matter how hard it is!


Cancer, crawl forward

Stop hiding behind everyone

And not you for a whole year

Will bypass success!

a lion

Lions should be wary

Drink a lot so you don't have to fight.

You all year at all parties,

Less likely to be on different booze!


Stop sleeping, don't oversleep

Happiness you are very friends,

Well, wipe the dirt from your face,

It's time for you to become a prince!


Enough "in the hole" to hang out

To be today, then not to be!

It's time for you to decide

And start living actively!


You may run away

All friends, keep in mind!

Refrain from biting

V next year know how!


You are driven only by fire,

You are in a fever and do not touch,

But blazing do not burn,

More often you extinguish passions!


Capricorn in the Year of the Dog

Lucky in the lottery

He is a soul mate

Will take you to the Canaries.


New Year's Eve is great!

Payback will come later...

After all, it is dangerous for Aquarius to drink,

In the morning it will be a madhouse in my head.


Swim the fish you are on a smooth stream

And the little things should not be given importance!

Then luck will quietly float nearby,

You are only moving forward!

Short funny predictions

  • I do not want to be bored in vain. There will be new friends.
  • Let not worry. A new job is waiting for you.
  • There are many different impressions. On wonderful journeys.
  • Let success be with you. You learn best.
  • Surrounded you to comfort. And incomes will rise.
  • I wish you good luck. An addition is waiting for you in the family.
  • To your health toast. You will have career growth.
  • Luck will not leave you. There will be a new cottage for you.
  • I want to keep the style. You will have a car.
  • Good luck, happiness, peace to you. You will have your own apartment.

Wishes for family and relatives

You have friends who know the sea, and everyone will come to visit soon.

Very soon from friends
Wait for good news!

You will be very lucky soon
Fate will surprise you!

To make money a river, to have caviar for breakfast,
So that the career is strictly up, and in all matters - success!

To be loved and appreciated, so that you unearth a treasure in the forest,
To drink - and not get sick, to eat - and not get fat.

And you have a lot of household chores, household chores waiting for you.
But in the family and in your personal life, everything will turn out fine for you!

A good family atmosphere awaits you
And a dizzying personal career.

Let success accompany! You learn best!

I wish you to live pleasantly and freely!
And so that your wallet is filled with money tightly!

Live, let you not be sad
Cabbage crunches in the wallet,
From the wheelbarrow the key lies in the pocket,
The TV remote is waiting on the couch.

Predictions for children

If you will help your mother
Wash the dishes, clean everything,
Your wish will come true
For exemplary obedience!

You have a surprise friend
A fun prize awaits you!
You just have to earn
And be good all year long!

There will be a feast for you my friend
Well, prepare your mouth,
Lots of delicious ice cream
Candies, cakes, pastries!

If you don't eat porridge
You won't grow my friend
All year you will be weak
Like a pea pod!

My friend, if you want to grow up
And save your health
Drink more milk
And do not shed tears over him!

The scenario for the New Year is one of best congratulations native team. To give the hall a winter festive atmosphere, you can use: garlands (the easiest option is to cut Christmas trees from colored cardboard, the color is not necessarily only green, the more colorful, the more beautiful, then use a hole punch to make holes at the bottom and top of the Christmas tree, through which to thread a satin braid) . Boutonnieres made of spruce twigs look interesting (any small container (plastic cup, flower pot, 0.250 gr. glass jar, which are covered with foil or corrugated paper on the outside) is filled with plasticine, into which several small spruce branches are stuck and decorated to taste). Near the entrance, hang a horse's tail (an old chignon or just tie it into a bundle of knitting threads) on top of the inscription: "Lucky tail, stroke three times." From polymer clay for modeling, you can make horseshoes, attach them to a pin.

In order for the whole team to take part in the sacrament of preparing the script for the New Year, everyone is given homework: to make a mask with an elastic band with their own hands - a carnival mask for the eyes, nose, ears, beard, etc. Then, script writers tie number tags to all works of art (so that the tag can be quickly removed).

Everyone who enters the festive hall is given a horseshoe for good luck and is given the opportunity to stroke the happy horse's tail.

The holiday starts...

We thought for a long time how we would start our celebration. And they came up with! With gifts! So that there are no offenses, everyone, relying on the favor of the stars, will choose a gift for himself.

The assistant takes out a hat with pieces of paper, goes around the hall and gives everyone present, including the presenter and himself, the opportunity to choose one leaf. It's just a number written on a piece of paper. Then the Assistant takes out the bag with homemade masks and, in accordance with the elongated numbers, issues a mask, removing the tag.

Let's wear masks, ladies and gentlemen!

Everyone wears a mask, including the host.

While Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are still rushing along the snow-covered roads to our celebration, and while you are in the proper state for a group photo, we will continue the holiday from him.

Collective photo.

We made a little mistake here and did not have time to prepare holiday fir trees on the special order of Santa Claus. In addition, it completely flew out of my head that he asked me to make toys. So we even benefit from his delay. To quickly cope, I will ask you to leave (call 9 people).

Three teams are formed.

Home preparation for the competition. Take two sheets of whatman paper, think over its fastening (on buttons to wallpaper, on a thread to the same wallpaper or cabinet, make it from wood like an easel), cut out spruce twigs, toys from colored cardboard, and attach double-sided tape to their back side, also its attach to small pieces of Christmas tree fluffy rain.

For the toys that will be made at the competition, you will need felt-tip pens, peanut shells (glue a thread loop on the super glue on the back of the shell), paint some shells in various colors, leave a few pieces unpainted, prepare cotton wool for the mustache and beard, wire hands and horns, etc.

Two teams will make Christmas trees, one team will make Christmas decorations.

Two players in each Christmas tree team are blindfolded with a thick fabric, twigs are given to one player, and Christmas tree decorations on adhesive tape to the second. On command, the player with needles sticks them to the paper, then the player with toys decorates the resulting Christmas tree. The third player (not blindfolded) is left to cut a Christmas tree out of paper. At this time, the third team gives a festive look to peanut blanks - decorates with felt-tip pens, glues noses, mustaches and ears, giving peanuts, for example, the appearance of animals - horses, etc.

It’s nice, you won’t say anything, but here’s the bad luck, there’s only one prize, you have to play it.
So, (puzzles)
Who happens besides the ulcer and the teetotaler
sober at the New Year's Eve banquet?

Standing in the corner, though not punished,
And the President is shown on him in the New Year
(TV set)

Why is there a knock on the door?
What could happen?
(call broke).

Leader looking at his watch
Something is too late grandfather. Stop! I think I hear footsteps.

The door opens, a Gypsy enters (a man in a wig, in a flowery skirt - on old skirt sew patches of various colors, with a bag in hand).

I'm guessing, I'm guessing, I'm guessing
I wish for NG, I don’t take it expensive.

And this, what else is a New Year's scarecrow? Not included in the script.

Happiness, miserable, comes without planning.

And why did you call me miserable?

So I see, you don’t have money with you, I don’t see valuable things either, which means I’m miserable, I won’t be able to see a good hand. And the people, judging by the eyes and the diamonds in their ears and the hard-earned coin in their pockets, yearn for my parting word.
Come on, splurge people! Who wants to know the twist of fate!

Fortune-teller's approximate predictions (number of victims to taste, you can embrace everyone, you can at the request of the gypsy, you can at the request of the audience). You can also immediately use predictions in different styles.

1 style
Bring home today, darling, two bags of happiness, one will contain Olivier, the other sausage cutting.
Yakhontovy you are mine, do not be stingy, gild the pen, with a 100% guarantee I will say what will happen tomorrow. Tuesday! (if the celebration is on Monday).
On January 1, your husband will call you a berry, and a sun, and a sweetheart, and a scarlet flower, and as soon as you bring a hangover, you will become a wife again.
A horror movie is waiting for you in the morning. If you don't want to see, then don't look in the mirror.

2 style
Gives those present in the hall to pull out one little thing at random from their bag.
Candle - for a romantic evening.
Lighter - for a bright adventure.
Tram ticket - for a trip to the Maldives.
Candy - to drop 5 kg.

3 style
Just before going on stage, a gypsy puts soap on the back of her hand, on her wrist (it’s better to take the toilet that you use now, but not wet, but slightly dried up, too dry won’t work either), for example, a dollar sign, the letter K.
During the celebration, the gypsy asks the one who is guessing to burn 5-6 matches (the longer the inscription, the more matches are needed).
And he says:
Burn, burn bright
Don't hide the truth
Show us.
Burnt matches are put into an ashtray and kneaded with some object, even with a writing pen. Then the one who is guessing thoroughly rubs the place where the inscription was applied with ashes - it appears (in order to correctly calculate the layer of soap and the thickness of the letters, it is better to practice in advance, after applying the pattern with soap, the remnants of the soap simply blow away - do not shake off with your other hand, otherwise you will smear inscription).

The dollar sign is either a bonus or a fine, but life is closely connected with money.

The letter K is for an admirer named either Cyril or Kozel, but in any case you can instruct him.

4 style.
How do you find treasure
You will become rich
Don't yawn for a long time
Grab your shovel
To bathe in wealth
It will take a couple of years to dig.

I see a cottage in the Canary Islands
You have a long line of luck
I speak without the slightest deceit
So that I do not have full pockets of money

Oh, I guess I'm telling a fortune
I'm telling the whole truth
You will be a big boss
Gain 60 kilos!

And now some more predictions. I ask the audience to name any parts of the body, and you miserable, write down (Assistant also helps to record).

After the hall has named body parts, the gypsy calls one by one to the center of the hall. Takes out soap bubbles (purchased or homemade).

Everything, my dear ones, is simple. If you catch the ball with the part that you named, your wish will come true this year. And you won't catch it, only in a year.

After catching the balls, the gypsy rings mobile phone.

So ... So ... I rush, I guess, I tell fortunes, I will tell the whole truth.

And leaves.
Not even a couple of seconds pass, as Santa Claus flies through the door with his snowy granddaughter.
Santa Claus has a sun cap instead of a hat.

Father Frost:
We barely made it, there was still a day left on the tour.

Snow Maiden:
But what is a holiday in the Maldives compared to your celebration!

Father Frost:
I see Christmas trees, and there are toys on my order.

Snow Maiden:
Cheerful eyes and welcoming smiles are also present.

Yes, we maintained a festive atmosphere without you as best we could.

Father Frost:
Only my cold heart senses that the people demand a competition.

Snow Maiden:
Allow me, with my female instinct, I will choose especially thirsty players.
The Snow Maiden calls 4 people - men, who are divided into 2 teams.

Father Frost:
There, in the Maldives, there were such merry entertainers, we liked one contest. The Snow Maiden and I adapted it a bit for our cool winters. So, let's begin. We trust you to fulfill a responsible mission - to find out who is the best runner, as well as deliver tangerines to the festive table.

The Snow Maiden gives each team a pair of felt boots, Chinese sticks, a car-truck on the control panel (in case the 2nd competition is used).

The chairs mark the start and finish. The finish is located closer to the festive table, where a chair is placed on which there is an empty dish. At the start, there is also a chair with a bowl full of tangerines. Between the start and finish, paper Christmas trees (or any objects that act as skittles) are staggered at a fairly decent distance from each other.

Competition 1.
2 people are invited to the competition for each team.
The task of the players. The competition starts at the finish line. One player puts felt boots on his hands, the second player takes him by the legs and in this form in a straight line (past the Christmas trees, just near them, or if, of course, you don’t feel sorry for your colleagues, you can make them go around each Christmas tree) they reach the start . Then both players come back, jumping on one leg, between the Christmas trees, trying not to knock them down. The winning team is awarded medals: "The best workhorse of the New Year."

Competition 2.
2 people in each team are again called to the competition.
This competition will involve a radio-controlled truck. One player takes tangerines from the bowl and throws them into the truck (teams' cars must be at the same distance from the chairs, no more than 1 meter). Then, using the remote control, without going beyond the start line, the player delivers the truck, bypassing each Christmas tree to the finish line. At the finish line, the 2nd player, using Chinese chopsticks, shifts the tangerines to holiday dish. After all the tangerines are on the dish, the team delivers it to festive table. The winning team (the first to deliver tangerines to the table) are awarded medals: "The best supplier of the orange symbol of the New Year."

Father Frost:
It's time for wishes.

Snow Maiden:
And so that everything comes true, you will help us.

On whatman paper or old wallpaper, write the words that will repeat the hall (for each word, a separate sheet of paper). You can simply hold the paper in your hand, at one end the Snow Maiden (Assistant), and at the other as the Leader, or attach gel balls to the edges of the paper, which are released after reading the word.

Father Frost:
New Year's Eve?


Father Frost:

Do not forget!

Father Frost:


Father Frost:
Resentment and sorrow?


Father Frost:


Father Frost:
Yes mom?


Father Frost:

Come true!

Father Frost:
And now comes the exciting moment.

Snow Maiden:
We have prepared a present for everyone.

Presentation of gifts.

P.s. Toys made from peanut shells and spruce can be raffled at the auction for toast, New Year's ditty, etc.