Interpretation of fortune-telling for a guy on dash paper. Fascinating fortune-telling with numbers on paper for a loved one

  • 16.10.2019

Divination on paper

Divination on paper "LURDNISTEKHB"

This is one of the most famous and popular divination options on paper. Its name is an abbreviation for all options relationship predictions. The reliability of this method is considered quite high, because it does not depend on predetermined factors and is completely based on your personal intuition. This fortune-telling for love can help you sort out relationships when several people are looking after you at once. Traditionally, three guys are considered, we will write down three names and each
assign a number from
zero to two. So let's get started:

Take clear sheet paper, write the word LURDNISTEKHB vertically, as in the picture. Then put a few (usually 10-15) vertical lines next to each letter. No need to count them, put them at random, as your intuition tells you. When you're done, start crossing out three sticks in succession on each line. It is important how many uncrossed sticks will remain as a result. We write the number, how many of them are left, respectively, again from zero to two. Thus, we can match the guy's number to you, interpreting each letter written on paper.

Fortune telling on a sheet of paper "LI"

Another divination on paper with own name. What does it mean? These are two answers to the question posed, which are possible as a result of fortune-telling. "L" is false and "I" is true. It's simple, right? By by and large, this is a variation on the theme, online option which is also available on our website. But in this case, you rely not on the computer, but on chance and perform the prediction yourself.

Take a piece of paper and write your question. This may be a question about the guy’s attitude towards you, about whether there is love between you, or is it just fleeting feelings. The question can be written in detail, so even better for fortune telling.

Then count the number of letters in each word and write them in a row. Start adding nearby numbers and write down the result again on a piece of paper, just below. And so on, until only one number remains. If it is odd, then the answer is False, even if it is True.

Divination on burnt paper

This is a classic version of divination on paper, known for more than one hundred years. Previously, this was the most popular Christmas divination, but in general, it can be done at any time.

It is somewhat more complicated than the previously given options. This divination is performed at night, after sunset. Prepare a new candle, a large saucer and a sheet of clean paper. Write your desire or question on it. Crumple the paper, put it on a saucer and set it on fire from several sides. Pay special attention to ensure that there are no flammable objects nearby. To be sure, you should put a bucket of water next to it.

Wait for the paper to burn completely and place the saucer of burnt paper so that the light from the candle casts a shadow of the ash on the wall. The main difficulty of this type of divination is to correctly interpret the symbols that are guessed in the shadow of the burnt paper on the wall. Bizarre outlines are rarely unequivocally similar to something. It all depends on your perception and personal intuition. The interpretation of this prediction is similar to or on wax. You can safely use the one given on the Fortune Tellers in the appropriate section.

"Heart" - fortune telling on a piece of paper

Another popular type of divination for love. Take a sheet of clean paper in a box. Draw a heart on it. Draw as you please. Then, start tracing four squares inside the drawn heart. Only whole, unused cells are taken into account. It is important not how many squares turned out, but how many unused cells are left. Count them and make an interpretation according to the table below:

  • - not a single cell: this is true love;
  • - one cell: treats you with respect;
  • - two cells: friendly relations;
  • - three cells: shows sympathy;
  • - four cells: angry and jealous;
  • - five cells: you are a guest from his dreams;
  • - six cells: indifference.

Fortune telling "Graph of love"

For this divination on paper, you do not need candles and other paraphernalia. Everything can be done using only checkered paper and a pair of pens of different colors.

Write on the sheet the names and surnames of yourself and the person whose attitude you are not indifferent to. Now successively begin to cross out the repeating letters for yourself and for him. After that, we build a graph of love. Start from one point at the bottom of the sheet. Each uncrossed out letter is a dash to the right horizontally, a strikethrough letter is up diagonally. Draw the second graph in a different color. Now you can see how your relationship will develop. If the graphs diverge, these are disagreements, they go in parallel
- indifference.
But if they merge, then happiness awaits you with your loved one.

There are a huge number of different fortune-telling, but for some reason we prefer the simplest ones, those that do not require special skills and do not cause mystical horror. Fortune telling on paper with a pen is suitable for everyone who wants to diversify their leisure time and get ahead of time by finding out about some of the events that are yet to come.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is suitable for any age, they can be considered as interesting option organization of evening leisure “between us girls”, and with the involvement of younger sisters and daughters! Such a magical succession of generations will make the relationship with a teenage daughter more trusting and will give a new impetus to the development of good relations in a difficult transitional age.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen can also be a great way to create a magical atmosphere for Christmas parties or just a “bachelorette party” for any occasion! So, for fortune-telling, we only need sheets of paper, a pen, a candle, matches and an ashtray (you can also take an ordinary saucer).

What is good about this version of fortune-telling on paper is that the whole company can “guess” it in turn. Take a sheet of paper, write your cherished desire on it and, without showing anyone, crumple the sheet and set it on fire on a candle lit in advance (to create a magical atmosphere, you need to put out the ordinary light and light candles).

Ask everyone to keep complete silence - while the paper is burning, look at the wall where the shadow should fall. By the way the shape of the shadow changes, you will be able to judge the changes in your destiny! Extinguish the fire as soon as the flame reaches your fingers, and look again at the final version, using all your strength. own fantasy, of course.

A similar method can be called New Year's - shortly before midnight, write your wish, and as soon as the clock starts to strike midnight, light a piece of paper and watch how it burns. If it burns strongly and quickly and burns out before the end of the clock, then nothing will prevent the fulfillment of your desires, but if the piece of paper is extinguished, it’s obviously not fate ...

"Divination for love"

In order to predict the development of relations with a loved one, you need to write your first and last name and his first and last name. In the names you need to cross out the paired letters, then do the same with the surnames. Now build a kind of graph for each name: if the letter is not crossed out, you need to draw a horizontal line to the right, and if it is crossed out, then the line up diagonally. Each graph needs its own color, and you need to start drawing them from the bottom point. Ready? Now try to analyze the charts.

Divination to fulfill a wish

In order to get an answer to your question, you must first ask it! For example, it will sound like this: “Does the one I love confess to me in love?” Count the letters of each written word and add them 10+2+3+1+5+3+4+1+5 = 34, now add 3+4=7 and see the answer according to the predictions:

  1. If it turned out the number 1 - "You already understand everything."
  2. If it turned out the number 2 - "Of course, yes."
  3. If it turned out the number 3 - "Alas, no."
  4. If it turned out the number 4 - "Of course."
  5. If you get the number 5 - "Everything is possible."
  6. If you get the number 6 - "We'll have to work hard."
  7. If it turned out the number 7 - "Hope and happiness will come."
  8. If the number 8 turned out - "Soon everything will turn out."
  9. If you get the number 9 - "You will be disappointed."

All of us in childhood loved to play the simple game of tic-tac-toe, but we did not know that the familiar playing field could also mean changes in life! In order to find out if a wish will come true, you just need to make it a cross or a zero, and start on a "hunch", entering a kind of trance, filling the field with crosses and zeros. Then see if it is possible to draw a line from the signs you have planned, if yes, then the wish will come true!

And finally, very the old fashioned way guessing with the help of sticks drawn on paper. So you can find out if the wish will come true. Guess the secret, concentrate and start putting vertical sticks on the paper, stopping only when you feel the internal “stop” signal. Start to cross out the adjacent sticks so that they form the letters H, if at the end of fortune-telling all the letters are paired, that is, H, then the wish will come true, if there is one line without a pair, then no.

Thus, you can interrogate fate in an interesting and varied way all evening, getting answers through the simplest objects!

We have already talked about interesting ways of predictions in the love sphere, but it turns out that not only they remind us of our school years. Do you remember, for example, divination on paper with a pen for the future? If yes, it's time to plunge into the past, if not - it's time to learn about another rather old technique. Whether such predictive practices are taken seriously is up to you, of course, but such fortune-telling can be recommended to your teenage children to take them to house party or a school holiday.

Simple divination for the day

You can learn about the events of the coming day using the simplest divination on paper for the future. All you need is to write your full name in the line, the date and month of interest (in letters) and the time of day, for example, morning, evening, day. We write letters for a reason, according to a special method: we write each repeating letter in a column - this way there will be only different letters in a horizontal line.

Let's give an example: "Ivanova Anna Viktorovna the tenth of April evening" - the letters written out correctly will look like this:




Now in each column we will cross out the same letters in pairs, and the rest will simply be counted. In the example, we highlighted in bold those letters that should be crossed out.





As you can see, we have 9 letters left - according to this number, we look at the prediction. If there are 10 or more letters, we reduce the number to a single numerological method by adding the numbers that make up the number (13 = 1 + 3 = 4, 17 = 1 + 7 = 8, 10 = 1 + 0 = 1)


  • 0 - future events not yet formed
  • 1 - joy
  • 2 - minor annoyances
  • 3 - trip, road
  • 4 - receiving important news
  • 5 - the plan will succeed
  • 6 - meeting with an interesting person
  • 7 - sadness
  • 8 - communication with a loved one
  • 9 - disappointment, failure

It turned out that on the evening of April 10 Ivanova Anna Viktorovna would experience some kind of disappointment.

Numerological divination for the future

Numerological divination on paper with a pen for the future is somewhat reminiscent of the previous method, only now we will operate with numbers instead of letters. To find out what a particular day will bring with it, you need to write down the full date of your birth in the line, and then the date of the day of interest, then add all the numbers together and bring them to a single digit.

Let's take a look at an example. Let's say you were born on September 13, 1984, and you want to know about May 22, 2018. We write down the dates side by side: 09/13/1984 05/22/2018.

Now add up all the components: 1 + 3 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 +8 = 55. Bring the number to a single digit: 55 = 5 + 5 = 10. We again got a two-digit number, so we carry out the addition again: 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1. The desired number is one.

Meaning of the numbers:

  • 1 - good luck in all matters
  • 2 - disappointment due to some event
  • 3 - a serious conversation or a trip somewhere
  • 4 - receiving news
  • 5 - unexpected meeting
  • 6 - the collapse of plans
  • 7 - all planned things will be done
  • 8 - beware of ill-wishers
  • 9 - wonderful day, pleasant surprises

Simple divination for the future on sticks

We have already talked about Now we will use this technique again, but not for love sphere, but to predict the main event of the date of interest.

  1. We take a piece of paper and a pen, think about the date you are interested in and start drawing ordinary sticks in a line. When to stop - tell your intuition. After you have told yourself “stop”, go to the second row - draw six lines in the same way
  2. Now in the first row we cross out the sticks two at a time
  3. Repeat procedure for rows 2-6
  4. We count the number of remaining uncrossed out sticks. If necessary, bring to a single digit, as we did above

Let's see what happened:

  • 0 - a calm day without special events
  • 1 - something not very pleasant awaits you
  • 2 - chores because of a loved one or friend / girlfriend
  • 3 - pleasant surprise
  • 4 - you have to take risks or break the rules
  • 5 - new circumstances, a business that you have not done before, or an unfamiliar place
  • 6 - trip, walk or travel
  • 7 - meeting with a person who will have an important impact on your destiny
  • 8 - news, news
  • 9 - day, the main theme of which will be love experiences

Predicting future events on paper

This fascinating divination on paper with a pen for the future will allow you to find out how the situation that worries you will be resolved. The procedure is as follows:

  1. We write down on paper the question that worries you, for example, “Will I be able to move to another city?”, “Will I go to college this year?”, “Will I marry Sergei?”
  2. We count the number of letters in this question. If the number is two-digit - we bring it to one-digit addition - this will be the first number
  3. Then we write our full name(without surname and patronymic) - for example, Marina, Alexey, Anna, Vyacheslav. We look at how many letters it contains - this is the second number
  4. The third number is derived from the full date of your birth, brought to a single digit (as we did in the fortune-telling above). Example - 02/10/1990 - 1 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 +9 + 0 \u003d 22. We bring it to a single digit: 22 \u003d 2 + 2 \u003d 4 - the desired number: four
  5. The fourth number that we need is the day of your name day. It can be found on the Internet or any name day calendar. So, for example, imagine that we were guessing for the girl Marina. This name has two name days - July 30 and March 13, so we will add both numbers: 3 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 3 = 17. Bring it to a single digit and get the number eight: 17 = 1 + 7 = 8.
  6. Now it remains only to add up all four numbers that we found, bring it to a single digit if necessary, and see its value.

What does the resulting number mean?

  • 1 - Someone will help you resolve the issue
  • 2 - The situation will be decided in your favor in the next couple of days, two weeks or two months
  • 3 - Beware of ill-wishers, they can ruin your plans
  • 4 - Ask someone for help - this is the only way to turn things around in your favor
  • 5 - Alas, the plan will not happen, disappointment awaits you
  • 6 - Count on yourself and the support of the Higher Forces
  • 7 - Beware of a woman or a person who often lies to you
  • 8 - Success provided you play by the rules and don't cheat
  • 9 - Success for resolving love issues

Divination by drawings on paper

Finally, here is another fascinating divination on paper with a pen for the future. Even teenagers will like it - you can offer it as entertainment at a party. To make a prediction, you need to take 10 small pieces of paper and on each of them schematically depict the following figures: Man, Woman, House, Flower, River, Fence, Birds, Tree, Cat, Door. Next, the leaves are folded so that the pictures are not visible and folded into a box or hat. The fortuneteller needs to pull out one of the sheets and determine the events of the near future from the drawing.

We have collected the meaning of the pictures for you in a table.

Image Meaning
The male Safety, security, some person will bring the fulfillment of a cherished desire closer
Female An ill-wisher lurks next to you; to fulfill your plan, do not tell anyone about your desires. Also, a female figure can talk about too high expectations.
House Support of relatives and friends, pleasant news about the family
Tree Financial difficulties, the desire will not come true
Cat A dark streak in life, something needs to be sacrificed
Birds You will have a lucky chance - do not miss it
Flower An event that will radically change your life, or receiving a large sum of money
River A trip, a journey, meeting someone you haven't seen for a long time
Fence Favorable prospects, successful problem solving, do not refuse the help of friends
Door Opening up new opportunities, be active to achieve what you want

Guessing the future is always interesting. If you used any method from our article, share in the comments if the prediction came true.

Perhaps one of the most common types of divination among girls and women is divination on paper with a pen. This method of divination can be used anytime and anywhere, as long as you have a piece of paper and a pen at hand.

Thanks to fortune-telling on paper, you can find out the answers to your questions, find out your near future, and even calculate a good day. Many do not take such fortune-telling seriously, believing that they are too simple and primitive, and therefore not accurate. However, it is worth noting that all fortune-telling on paper is based on, ancient science, which allows you to learn a lot based on numbers useful information about the future of man and his character. So how do you predict the future?

With the help of divination on paper with a pen, you can very easily calculate a good day. For example, if you have scheduled for a specific date significant event, then you can easily check what awaits you on this day.

To do this, take a piece of paper in a box and a pen. Write your full name and the date you are interested in. You can even specify a specific time of day. All this should be written in one line. If you come across a letter that you have already written down, then you need to put it under the first letter in a column. After all this, it is necessary to cross out two identical letters in each column. Then it remains only to count the number of remaining letters. If there are more than ten of them left, for example, 14, then it is necessary to bring this number by adding its constituent digits to a single digit. For example, 14=1+4=5.

The resulting number is interpreted as follows:

If not a single letter is left, then on the scheduled day you should not expect anything special. This is an uncertain day, from which you can expect both good luck and trouble.

If there is 1 letter left- then on this day everything will happen as you want it. The day promises to be successful.

If there are 2 letters left- this is not the most favorable day for what you have in mind. You should not wait for luck, you have to come to terms with what will happen.

If there are 3 letters left- the road is waiting for you.

If there are 4 letters left On this day you will learn something new. News can be both good and bad.

If 5 letters fell out- fortune-telling predicts the help of a person of interest to you. It is also likely that a person you like will pay attention to you.

If 6 letters fell out, then you will meet someone you have not seen for a long time, or with a person who occupies all your thoughts.

If 7 letters fell out This day will be filled with sadness and sadness. Everything that is planned on this day will not come true.

If 8 letters fell out is a sign of love, dates and reciprocity.

If 9 letters fell out- expect the betrayal of a loved one.

The following fortune-telling will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you. In order to spend this divination for love, you need to take a pen and a piece of paper in a box. Tune in to a person you like and quickly draw a heart on a piece of paper by hand. You need to draw with your left hand. After that, start inside this figure to outline the cells along the contour, but only whole ones. After that, you need to start crossing out four marked cells, either in a square or in a row. How many unpainted cells remain will determine the attitude of the hidden person towards you.

If not a single cell remains then your love is mutual.

If there is only one cell left, then the mysterious person has only respect for you.

If there are 2 cells left This person sees you as a friend.

If there are 3 cells left, then the person feels sympathy for you.

If there are 4 cells left, then this person is jealous of you.

If 5 cells- this person often thinks from you, and even sees in a dream.

If 6 cells or more- the mysterious person is completely indifferent to you.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper will help you quickly and easily get answers to your questions and. The main thing is that you don’t need to guess so often, otherwise all predictions may not come true. Liked the article? Then be sure to put

18.09.2013 13:30

Each of us has a desire to control our own destiny. To get your life back on track...

Divination on paper is one of the most popular, both among young modern girls and among experienced women. After all, such fortune-telling with paper and a pen does not require special preparation, and their answers are no less accurate and truthful than those of complex card fortune-telling.

Divination for compatibility by name and surname

Using this method of divination on paper, you can find out if you and your boyfriend have a chance to be together in the future, and whether you should start dating him at all. For this simple but truthful fortune-telling, you will only need a piece of paper, a pencil or a pen, as well as knowledge of your last name, first name, patronymic and the person you are going to guess.

First, write your last name, first name, patronymic in a line, and write each letter repeated in it under the same one. After completing these steps with your last name, take up his full name and write down the same letters under the one that already was.

Everyone wants to know if they are compatible with their soul mate

At the end of this, count how many letters you got in each column. If the number came out odd, then under this column put the number 1, if even - 0. Count the sum of 2 digits that are next to each other, write it down.

After that, consider the sum of 3 (from the amount received earlier) of nearby digits. Then add together again the two numbers that are next to each other. Repeat this operation until the sum is unambiguous.

Having received as a result a number from 1 to 9, you can judge how compatible you and your lover are on a ten-point scale.

Fortune telling “Love Graph”

Another simple divination for which you only need a pen and paper. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out if you have a joint future with the person you are interested in. This fascinating divination on paper is at the same time suitable for both girls and all women who want to know their future. I must say that young people can also tell fortunes with the help of this fortune-telling.

Write on a piece of paper your first and last name, and his first and last name. In last names and first names, cross out the repeated letters first in your first names, and then in last names. Now you need to make a graph for these lovers, you will get two lines that should start from the same point and be drawn in different colors for convenience.

Each non-crossed out letter allows you to draw a line to the right horizontally, and a strikethrough letter allows you to draw a line diagonally upwards. And now, with the help of the resulting drawing, you can predict how successful your relationship will be and whether your couple has prospects for the future.

If the lines on your love chart diverge in different directions, then your future together is unlikely. In the event that the lines on the chart run parallel and far apart, then you can only be friends. Well, if both lines have merged into one and go together, then you have a reason to rejoice - this particular person will become your husband.

Divination for the day

Finding out what awaits you today or tomorrow is easy. To do this, you will only need a pen and a notebook sheet. Write on a piece of paper your full surname, first name, patronymic, the number you want to tell fortunes, and the time of day.

For instance:

Petrova Irina Pavlovna tenth evening

All this needs to be written in one line, but if there is a letter that was earlier, write it below under the first letter in a column.

After you have got columns of letters, cross out pairs of the same in each of them, and you can predict what awaits you by those that have not been crossed out. In the event that the remaining letters are more than 10, it is necessary to add the numbers to a single digit. Next, see the interpretation of the result of fortune-telling:

  • 0 - If not a single letter is left, then your future is not yet decided.
  • 1 - One letter in the remainder prophesies joy.
  • 2 - Minor troubles and sorrows.
  • 3 - At this time you will be on the road.
  • 4 - At the time you are guessing, you will learn important news.
  • 5 - Everything that you have in mind will succeed.
  • 6 - There is a meeting with an interesting person.
  • 7 - You will be sad.
  • 8 – auspicious time for love.
  • 9 - Failure and disappointment.

To find out whether your wish will come true or not, you just need to write it down on paper and do a simple mathematical operation.

Divination by numbers will help you find out if your expectations are destined to come true.

For example, you want to know if a guy will ask you out on a date. So write down: “Will I be invited<имя парня>on a date?". Now you have to count the letters in each word and add them together. Suppose the guy's name is Maxim, then you should get the following:

9 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 8 = 31

Since the number is two-digit, we add together its numbers 3 + 1 = 4. After that, we look at the interpretation of fortune-telling below.

  • 1 - Why do you ask? The answer is already known to you.
  • 2 - Yes, everything will be as you want.
  • 3 - No, and do not hope.
  • 4 - Everything will work out.
  • 5 - There is no certainty, but everything can be.
  • 6 - There is something or someone who interferes with the fulfillment of your desires.
  • 7 - You can only hope.
  • 8 - Be confident in yourself and everything will work out.
  • 9 - Do not even hope.